
Talents of the Talented

by armid

Chapter 1: Start of something new

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Start of something new

Dear princess Twilight,

In the past few days I have learned some interesting things about my new friends, and I really want to tell you the story.

It's been a few days since Rainbow Dash and I stole Steely Armor’s blueprint and his. And it seemed that he wasn't mad at all. That was great but I still owed him an apology. Anyway, when I haven't been feeling incredibly guilty, I mean, we still didn't tell the other girls anything about it. We just wanted to forget it ever happened.

It was Monday and the first day of the week. So we had a band practice to do and our new song writer was going to be there to help us: Flaming Star.

We were trying to play one of his songs, but since his lyrics weren't something we could sing on a group. He decided to change it up a little bit. He called it : "A road to Brightness "

Before we try to play that, he gave us some tips about how to play our songs and makes them a little better than they were. He told us how to pass the tunes with each other and when to go loud (forte) and when to go quiet (piano) . He helped us a lot till now, but this song was the real challenge!

As we stepped into the music room we took our instruments and started to get synced. After a few minutes Flaming Star arrived and gave each of us some music sheets of his song.

"Alright!" he said, "let's get started"

We started to read it and try to play it one by one. First pinkie pie started playing and that gave us a feel for the beat. Afterwards Rainbow Dash and I started together and got familiar with the opening. Rarity and Fluttershy started as well and Applejack got to play last . That gave Twilight time to read the song a little bit. We all had lines to sing but she was the main singer after all.

Twilight wanted to start so we read through the lyrics . After fifteen minutes we ready to start the first run- through.

"123....123 let's go!" Raibow Dash shouted
And we started .

[Twilight ] :"we....we are driving on a road ."

[Fluttershy /Rarity /Twilight ]: "Wind...is blasting through our souls! "

[Me/Rainbow /Applejack ]:" clouds....filled the sky with shadows! "

[All] :" We are driving on a road...to Brightness. "

"Where the light grows and sun is shining."


That was as much as we could get in the first practice , and then it was the time for Flaming star to tell us our problems.

"OK, not bad actually, though pinkie, when you reach the chorus, you should play with more power. And also Rarity, remember that you should play the notes within the gaps to fill it there, OK?

We all agreed and that was the end of our practice. Flaming Star walked out but we stayed for a while to talk.

"So," Rainbow Dash said, "We are gonna work on this for now?"

"yes, is there a problem Rainbow?" I said.

"Nothing, just uh, I liked Fluttershy's lyrics more."

"you do?" Flutter shy was shocked.

"After my own!"

"Oh darling don't be arrogant! The lyrics are really good."

"I think the lyrics are beautiful too." Fluttershy added after Rarity.

"Come on Rainbow," I said, "we playing his songs doesn't mean we forget about our own!"

"She's right! we will still play our own songs!" Twilight joined me.

"If you say so, I guess it's fine then."

we all headed out afterwards, There is no doubt that Flaming Star is a fantastic musician. I mean he can play four different instruments, can write lyrics and songs, if only he sang he would have been a beast in music! I still think of him for being very good at math but I saw something more interesting about him.

I'm a member of the fencing club, and I don't want to brag but I've actually beaten every single person in the club and had stayed unbeaten. quite an achievement I should say but then again, I don't want to brag.

And then the new member arrived: Flaming Star!

To be honest, we are in the same classes most of the time and since he came, it's been a serious competition for the second-best student in math class. Don't ask who the best is. OK, it's a dead heat between your clone (our Twilight ) and Steely Armor. I thought I know him pretty well, but I never thought he knew fencing.

It was shocking for me to see him there but I hadn't seen anything to be afraid of. But that was before he started beating everyone one after another.

The school doesn't let us use sabers and do fencing with those. Instead they make us either foil or epée. But we break out the sabers anyway. let's face it, it is very fast and more fun to use.

Flaming star didn't seem to know about nothe breaking out the sabres but honestly we weren’t in the mood to follow the rules anyway.

His technique was more defensive that aggressive . He usually didn't attack and parry the attacks and riposte . And when he did attack they where light and fast or he would dodge an attack.

I have to say he dodged pretty well even though when you are playing with sabres, things move very fast and dodging is very hard. But he could dodge very easily and he always landed his swings pretty well.

I watched as he beat everybody without taking single hit! Everybody had tried to beat him and the only one left was me.

I got ready for the battle . I didn't have a sabre that day but I borrowed one from aone of the members.

He seemed determined.and I have to admit I was known for being unbeaten but not untouched!

The battle soon started.

Author's Note

Check out the other chapters too.

Special thanks to my editor Daniel Drazen.

Here is my email address [email protected]

Don't forget to like and leave your comments so I can read them and improve my story.

Next Chapter: A day at school Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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