
SoarinDash : My Love Changeling

by RainbowLary6

Chapter 1: Forbiden love

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(Soarin POV)

My life is different than that of any other pony, because I am a Changeling. Almost nobody knows my true Exete identity: Spitfire and my great love, Rainbow Dash. I have maintained a life as a pony since I remember, I did not fit very well with the other Changelings and I always found the ponies affectionate with each other, shared the friendship with each other, in the hive Changeling did not have it, so that I left and came to live here in Equestria, here I received the help of a great pony that nowadays is more like a sister to me, Spitfire. She always helped me when I needed her and was always there for me when I told her that I was a Changeling she was quite shocked but she did not stay away from me so much for the contrary. She continued to support me in whatever way, and I was really happy to have such a friend.

But what really makes me happier in this life is my girlfriend Rainbow Dash, in the beginning it was not love between us, but with the passage of time we both became very intimate and over time our friendship turned into love, and I can say that she was the best thing that came into my life, I remember the day I told her about me being a Changeling, it was soon after she told me that I was pregnant with my foal.

When I told her, she was quite shocked just like Spitfire, but even so she did not stop loving me even for a second, even though I was a Changeling, and I'm lucky to have someone like her in my life.

We do everything for nobody to suspect that I am a Changeling and that Dash is pregnant with a Changeling, because if they found out I would not even want to imagine what they could do.

We were both never going to the hospital to do ultrasound or something, because if we were they would find out that Dash is pregnant with a Changeling and her foal is also a Changeling, so we started keeping Dash's pregnancy a secret. Each time her stomach grew bigger, we had to do what we could to make sure that no one was suspicious of her belly, which was a difficult task, of course.

Today I was in the Ponyville grove with Dash relaxing under the grass and talking about foal stuff.

"I can not wait for this little one to get out of here," Dash said as he stared into her stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Yes, he or she will certainly have the beauty of the mother," I said and she blushed.

"Oh, stop it," she said with a smile.

"Well it's true," I said with a smile, then I leaned into Dash and kissed her lips very passionately, we continued to deepen until finally we broke the kiss.

"Well, now thinking about the future, what are we going to do with the foal when he's born? Are we going to hide him?" Rainbow asked me

"Probably Dashie, we can not risk anyone knowing that our baby is a Changeling, especially Queen Chyrisalis," I said as I placed a wing on Dash's back.

"I wish there was a third option ..... It will not be easy for our foal to grow only around parents and not society," Dash said.

"I also think Dashie, but this will be for the sake of our family," I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Yes ..." she said as she laid her head on my chest.

"You know I can not take this lie anymore ..." She said

"Me neither, but ..." I started.

"We could ask Twilight for help, she's one of my best friends and she's the princess of friendship, maybe she can solve that problem between the ponies and the changelings," she said.

"I do not know Rainbow, what if she does not understand us?" I asked unsure, Dash put his helmet on my shoulder and said,

"Trust me Soarin, she'll help us," Dash said.

I sighed and said,

"Alright ...." I said.

At the castle of twilight

(Rainbow Dash POV)

I was walking to the throne room with Soarin to ask for help from Twilight and the others. Me and Soarin were still a bit insecure about this, but I knew I could count on my friends.

"Ready?" I asked Soarin who was standing beside me in front of the throne room door, he calmly nodded and we both entered the room, all my friends and Spike were there, Pinkie Pie was the first to notice us.

"Hi Rainbow! Hi Soarin! Welcome!" She said

"Hello, Pinkie," I said.

"Did you bring your boyfriend Rainbow today? Any special reason for that?" Asked Rarity

"Well yes ..... Girls can I talk to you?" I asked

"Sure Rainbow, about what?" Said Twilight

"Well .... You know there's a rivalry between the changelings and the ponies, do not you?" I said

"Yes we do," Applejack said.

I bit my lip and continued:

"Girls ..... I need help .... It's been eleven months since I discovered it but .... I did not dare tell anyone because .... I thought no one would understand but I know that I can count on you, and that's why I came to ask for help .... "I said

"Rainbow, of course you can count on agent after all we are your friends, we will always support you in everything, now can you tell us what is happening to you?" said Twilight

"Girls ..... I need you guys not to panic but .... I'm pregnant ..... from a changeling ..." I said nervously

Their looks widened and they just looked at me and Soarin.

"So ..... You mean Soarin is a changeling?" Fluttershy said a little frightened.

I calmly nodded and said,

"Yes ... Please girls he is not dangerous, much to the contrary, he is the sweetest and kindest stallion I have ever met .... and that is why I came to ask for help from you" I said looking at Soarin.

They continued without speaking and just kept looking at me and Soarin, until Twilight finally started to say something

"Rainbow, I know you can think of that now but .... He's still a changeling, and you know changelings are bad and just want to feed on your love, I'm sorry but ... I unfortunately can not to help you, the only thing I can do is to take you away from Soarin, I'll send him back to the changeling realm and you'll never see each other again, and while your foal ... When he's born we'll send him to the changeling realm so he can stay with you Soarin "Twilight said in a serious tone

Tears began to form in my eyes with what I heard, I quickly began to hug Soarin and said,

"N-No .... Twilight you can not do this .... There must be another way ...." I said with tears in my eyes, Twilight simply closed his eyes and said,

"I'm sorry Rainbow ..... But that's the way it has to be," she said.

"So you mean .... That I can never see my foal?" I said and Twilight nodded

"N-No, no this can not be true .... Soarin .... What are we going to do?" I asked looking at him.

"I do not know my love ...." Soarin said with tears in his eyes.

"There's gotta be some way ...... I can not live without you. Soar ... And Twilight, I expected a lot more from you, I thought you were my friend!" I said

"Rainbow, I'm your friend but ...." Twilight said.

"No, you are not!" I yelled at her and ran out of the castle and Soarin followed me.

(POV of Twilight Sparkle)

I was just staring at the door where Rainbow Dash and Soarin left, I was quite annoyed to make that decision, but that was the law, I was feeling kind of bad about having to take away the boyfriend and the son of one of my best friends

In Rainbow's house .....

(Rainbow Dash POV)

I was lying in my bed with Soarin crying, I thought my friends were going to help me but by the way that was not how things happened, now I'm going to have to move away from the only pony I love and my unborn baby .

"Shhhh, calm Dashie will be all right" Soarin said trying to comfort me

"H-How do you know it's going to be all right ..... If I had not told my friends none of this would have happened .... now I'm going to have to move away from the pony I love and my baby not yet born ..... "I said with tears in my eyes

Soarin wiped away my tears and said,

"Well, I have an idea, maybe we can keep our family together"
Soarin said

"Really? What idea?" I said a little curious.

"Let's run away Dashie," he said.

To be continued...

Next Chapter: Surprises of life Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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