
Broken Barriers: Grey Hearts

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Dreams and Loves

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Night came and Zeke did… well, everything Eclipsa asked. From cleaning to cooking to feeding, washing, and changing the infants. Finally night time came and it was a strange thing. Some wives of Ben's were there staying the night to get to know the rest, and everyone was mostly sleeping on top of one another in a way that was comfortable. Eclipsa though was between her husband Blitz and Zeke, Zeke being asleep already and she had them in her arms. Zeke fell asleep very fast, almost by will it seemed. Sleeping at least they looked peacefully, granted Eclipsa was resting Zeke head on her breast as she was used to her husband's doing that, Zeke did not have any perverted geim of bliss her husband's got when they slept this way with her. Zeke was just, plainly asleep.

Eclipsa sighed, petting Zeke's hair. “I want to help you so much…” She whispers softly, her eyes shining in the night. “You don't sleep peacefully… Even I, will all my worrying and pain, have learned that. You are quite literally surrounded by those who love you… Please, if there is anything above a admin that actually cares, please let these plans work… not for me, but for Zeke… He deserves the respite we have right now.”

Eclipsa began to sleep, preparing for a dive to Zeke's dreams. Whatever they were. Once the dive began Eclipsa ended up atop Twilight towns train station tower. At the corner sat Zeke, bit it was just them and the tower. Total void surrounded them.

Eclipsa slithered over and sat next to Zeke. “Twilight Town's clock tower… so many memories on this tower. Yet not a single one had me here.” Eclipsa spoke after a moment.

Zeke was silent, just gazing into the void around them. To Eclipsa's surprise she heard the bells ring, their loud yet gentle tone echoing on the emptiness around them. So Eclipsa sat, listening to the chimes before gently resting her head on Zeke's shoulder.

“After a while it all faded.” Zeke spoke. “Now it's just this.”

“Yeah… But you are not alone you know?” Eclipsa said, willing dream versions of their family, making sure that Hearts Care and Celestia were in the group. “Every single one of us are something to fight for, to die for, but most importantly, to Live for.”

“I know. This isn't why my dreams started fading. It's them.” Zeke said, the dark void creeping up the tower and doesn't from the top slowly.

“Why then? Please Zeke… I have always hated seeing others suffer, especially since I know how suffering feels. Why is this like this?” Eclipsa said, her hands clenched tightly.

“Well, where else would I go when asleep?” Zeke said the void now at their feet. It swallowed them, then a flash of light sent it away, and Eclipsa found herself in a city of floating connecting cities atop The clearest water, each large city connected to one another. “Welcome to Skala, the afterlife of hearts.”

“What am I doing here, unless… you never truly dream anymore, do you?” Eclipsa guessed.

“I never have really. Dreams were few and far between for me. But since becoming Kingdom Hearts my dreams always fade away, and I end up here.” Zeke lead Eclipsa around, this world/city was so bizarre, all the dead who have yet to be reborn, or do not want to be reborn, walked around as if it was any other day, food of all kinds was available, nothing was charged, it was a paradise, every building was something for everyone. Finally they went to the castle, this is where the other twenty Zeke is tied to were, as well as some other figures of importance.

“Wow… it's almost too good to be legal.” Eclipsa chuckled as they neared the entrance to the castle.

Upon entering she saw Alucard, playing Poker with Meliodas and Raven... from Teen Titans. Eclipsa was keeping her cool as she slithered over to them, Following Zeke.

“Hey Crimson Fucker, what's up?” Eclipsa said as she leaned over to look at Alucard's hand.

He placed his cards face down. “Nice try.” He said. “Sup? You know me and Meliodas already.”

“Yo!” Meliodas said with a wave.

“And this emo chick here is Raven. Half human half demon hellspawn of an ancient ritual and a night of demonic rape.”

“Shut up…” Raven grunted.

“Meh, not even on top ten worst daddy issues I've heard, but hey, could be worse. Could be such a insane little monkey that even the authors have given up controlling you.” Eclipsa chuckled. “I'm Eclipsa.”

“Nice to meet you.” Raven said. “As you can see til we get a turn in the body we all just sort of kill time here. We are still working on an exact schedule for this.”

“Could be worse. I mean, at least you all can switch out with Zeke sometimes until you do get your own body. I'd understand and help you do whatever it is. Oh and Alucard, Saris and Miss Hellsing both share a room in my place when you want to visit.” Eclipsa informed the Ozzy Osbourne looking motherfucker.

“Ha! Knew they were bi. Anyway thanks for the info” Alucard said with a wave. Zeke then lead me to a large web in the corner ceiling.

Here a man in a black and red Spiderman suit webbed down. His suit had a hoodie as part of it. “Hi.” They said, offering a hand. “Miles Morals. Aka, Spiderman.”

“Heh, hey. Name's Eclipsa, but I bet all of you know that in some form or another.” The Naga said to the SpiderMan, shaking his hand.

“Yeah. We all share a body, and therefore memories. We like to think of it as we're all split personalities now.” Miles said.

Sitting on a table was Trixie, literally on the table sharpening… is that a giant tooth? Eclipsa pondered.

“Hey Trix, what's up?” Eclipsa asked, making sure to stay within distance of Zeke so they don't have to end up teleported again

“Tending to Dragon's tooth.” She said. “It's a weapons I picked up on a world where it was just Zeke and I. We made it a Keyblade and, well, it's one of my favorites.”

“Heh, I'm glad you found something to care for. Though, as much as I like my X blade and Zeke… I personally miss my chats with the twin keyblades of light and dark.” Eclipsa admits.

“Yeah… so, what brings you here?”

“Well, I was trying to dive into Zeke's dreams, and ended up here after his dream faded.” The Naga explained.

“Ah. Yeah. So, looking for ways to make Zeke happy?”

“Yeah… Lyra and I have a few plans to try… I just hope any of them work…” Eclipsa said, sounding much more down as her eyes for a split second lost their usual mirth.

“Well, I don’t know if what you try will work, all I know is that when Zeke and I shared a body… I felt him… he was… happy. Truly happy. Not to be back in the world, have a body… because he wasn’t, well, him. He prefered himself look like me than himself. Granted he hated how sensitive my tits are, even I hate that most times, and womans clothes… not for either of us.”

“Should I tell you their physical body is now futa? And girl, you must have been shopping at the wrong places because female clothes are So much more comfier than men's, let me tell you.” Eclipsa chuckled.

“When your testicals are the size of oranges and your stiffy is as long as your own arm, it’s not exactly the best option.” She countered. “So, Zeke being like me now… if he changed species then you know he really hates himself… always did wonder how they would look as a pony though.”

“They haven't changed species yet… but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Though… they seemed to get inspired when I told them to do what Zeke wants, not Zeke Ventral.”

“Well to be honest when it came to activities to do, he always did what his wives wanted, or what I did. He never knew what he wanted.”

“One moment, don't want him hearing the whole plan…” Eclipsa says before snapping, a bubble of sound nullification around the two. “There. Now, that plays into the plan…” She says before explaining all that Lyra and Eclipsa planned earlier.

“Ah…” Trixie said. “But how are you going to get them into actively seeking what they want? Also how are you going to keep tricking him down your throat? Zeke will catch on quick. To your belly therapy attempts.”

“First time I will make a 'Mistake and swallow a fork whole and ask him if he would retrieve it. Then, another time I will have one of the kid help me and ask him, saying they're being too stubborn to leave. I will find ways, I always do. Push comes to shove… I swallow him playfully and hold him in, even as he fights.”

“Hm. I guess that can work but how long when it comes to that do you plan on holding him in there? I mean, don’t get me wrong he needs to learn to handle relaxing times, but he’s as stubborn as you. It could take DAYS if not longer before he even calms down.”

“And I have a dieing pregnant mare I've been holding on to for nearly two months. I… I just want to see a genuine smile on his face again… the only time I saw that was after we drawed in our fight.” Eclipsa said, sitting next to Trixie and sounding more depressed.

“I see… in that case, there is one thing I know you and Zeke both can do that can get him a smile at least.”

“That is?”

“Well, you’re living Kingdom Hearts game practically. Find those old games and maybe if it’s out there this third one you’ve all been waiting forever for and just play them all. Watch some movies, game, hell give him a lap dance, surprisingly the best at those is Fluttershy, something that makes him feel like he isn’t himself.”

“I can try. I mean, it wouldn't hurt.” Eclipsa said “Besides, it'd be interesting learning to lap dance as a Naga. I could always change to human if I need to though.”

“Huh… how would that even work? Where would you even learn?” Leaving Trixie to her thoughts, Eclipsa spotted a face she saw once in town… Starlight. Mane still a mess and fur unkempt, just sitting in a corner doing nothing really. It was… saddening.

“I'll figure it out, ask my family maybe, but Trix, could we continue this later?” Eclipsa asked.

“Sure.” She said as Eclipsa headed over to Starlight.

The Naga grunted as she sat next to the pink and purple mare. “What has you so down?”

“We...remember. Know what all our fused reflections did when we became...this.” She said.

“So? We all have done some messed up stuff.”

“Many of mine… all made the same mistakes, some succeeding in a goal I once believed in, others taking it way too far, others finding redemption, others… small few, lucky to have never had the thought pass their mind. It’s just so…. Upsetting that so many of… me, all made and did the same horrible things.”

“And yet, even with all that, you should count that as lucky. Think of it like this.” Eclipsa began “So many beings out there, they never have a consistency. Hell, the other me's are all enslaved and produced by what is basically a cosmic dictatorship. Yet, I seem to recall the you from my world. You were hurting, alone, suffering. Then, one day, you found a bag of bits in the porch with a note. Do you remember what it said?”

“Not fully.” She said. “Something about hope or happiness I think?”

“Close… I remember that note clearly, mostly because of the smile it put on your face. 'Don't blame yourself. Happiness comes to those who hold hope. I know what it feels like to lose everything, to be left in the dark, thinking on what I could have done, or should have. Those don't matter, not really. So hold your head high. Those you've lost, even if you've done wrong by them, they wouldn't want you to give up on everything. Please, take these bits. Build yourself back up. And learn to be happy again.’” Eclipsa said with a soft smile, not even looking towards Starlight.

“Right.” She said, laying down now. “I was going to use them to move to someplace isolated… I don’t think I should be around others.”

With a sigh Eclipsa wrapped her tail around Starlight and brought her into a hug. “None of that…”

“Look.” Starlight said, breaking Eclipsa’s hug. “I know you’re trying and all, but even if I wanted help I… don’t want any right now. Maybe sometime later but for now… I’d rather be alone.” She said, back to Eclipsa as she sat back down.

“And that is exactly why I can't leave.” Eclipsa said, sitting down but respecting space. “You and Zeke, two peas in a pod. You can't get over the fact that you made one consistent mistake, and Zeke refuses to accept that he can relax, even if it is caused by PTSD.”

“I know my mistakes. I made a whole town of ponies give up their cutie marks. When the heartless came… No one could escape. They were all too slow, too weak… all the same… because I made them that way. I only escaped because of my hypocrisy. I kept mine, just painted over it so I could use the spell that removed them… Two Hundred adults, fifty foals, ten pregnant mothers… and nine newborn died that day because of my ideals…”

“Wrong. They died because of me.” Eclipsa said. “Want to know something? Their deaths… the deaths of all who died because of the heartless on my world… they are my fault. I handed my children, friends and family keyblades, attracting the heartless. Then, all because I couldn't handle the regret of losing time after time, I trained, and trained, and trained. I trained until I forgot the very reason why I fight. I, the strongest warrior in my Equestria, I, Wielder of the twin keyblades Oblivion and Oathkeeper, The one who harmonized Light and dark without training, the one who promised to defend my home till my last breath, the one who constantly held back beings that threatened the multiverse at large, left. I came back home and I couldn't recognize it. Old friends were dead. My mentor had resigned. My kids grew up without me. I missed the birth of my children. I let everyone die because of my mistake. I let everyone down. I let you down. So don't you dare take all the blame for that… when I am just as guilty…” Eclipsa ranted, not even knowing when tears started to stream down her eyes. “I thought I was over that… apparently not…”

“...Even if you were there, they still would have died. Our town was not on any maps, and only way to know it’s location was to stumble upon it. Even if you were there… nopony would have been able to find us anyway…”

“You don't know that...I might not have been able to save everyone but if I could have saved one life, just one, maybe I wouldn't feel as guilty. But no, every single last life those days are on my head. Not yours, not Celestia's, not anyone's but me.”

“Spare me the explanations. may someday I'll want help… but not now...not any day soon.”

“Just because you don't want help doesn't mean you don't need it. So suck it up buttercup, I'm here until I wake up.” Eclipsa said, her eyes flashing.

“Leave me alone…” Starlight said, her horn lighting up as she vanished in a flash of purple.

“God's, she and Zeke are so alike…” Eclipsa sighed, staying seated on the floor.

Eventually Eclipsa got up, looking around and found Core and Unum, the two having a meal at a table for two. “Oh, Hey Eclipsa.” Core said.

“Well, if it isn't my favorite master and wedding crasher.” Eclipsa said with a smirk. “Looking lovely as ever Unum.”

“Eclipsa.” Unum said.

“So, what brings you here?” Core asked, taking a bite of grilled duck.

“Eh… I was going to try and help Zeke with his PTSD by going into his dreams… and it kinda faded until we both ended up here.” Eclipsa explained.

“Yeah. That happens.” Core said, placing his fork down. “It's a side effect of having the whole afterlife of hearts within your body.”

“He still has so much to learn about this place too.” Unum added, drinking her water.

“He'll learn. He always does…. Eventually.” Eclipsa giggled. “Hope I’m not interrupting your meal too much.”

“It's more of a date.” Unum said. “Been apart cause, well, death, we felt the need of dating again to rekindle our flame. So far so good.”

“Yeah. Not like you can have a repeat of singing, joining together during a event, and eventual drunken sex like last time.” Eclipsa chuckled, the fond memory of a time that felt like an eternity ago.

“Well this time around the sex isn't drunken.” Unum said.

“Hehe...yeah…” Core said with heavy blush.

“We will talk later about the details.” Eclipsa winked at Unum. “I'm happy you two are back together. It… it sucked getting you two together after I knew what was to come “

“Eh. Otherwise Zeke wouldn't have existed.” Unum said.

“Wait what?” Core asked.

“Yup. Hi great great, infinite greats grandpa.” Eclipsa said with a giggle.

“... What?!?!?!!?!?”

“I'll let you know when that realization has settled.” Unum said, Patting her husband's head as he seemed frozen.

Eclipsa giggled. “We so broke him. Hope you got the warranty.”

“Heh. Later.”

Looking around more I came across someone just resting against a wall. Large red spiked glasses on his head. “Hey there.” They said.

“Hey. I'm Eclipsa, just going around and meeting or checking in with the others with Zeke. Who are you if I may ask?” The Naga said, slithering over to him.

“Simon. What do you do?”

“What do I do?” Eclipsa cocked her head. “Depends, what do you mean by that?”

“Job. Am a digger, have been my whole life.”

“Oh.. well I'm loads of things. A father and mother, A warrior and Guardian, A teacher, a goddess, the creator, guardian, and admin of grey, Tamer of Insanity, the list goes on. I am simply Eclipsa.” The Naga said with a smile.

“Sad. You stretch yourself so thin being so many things, but at least you sum it all up by stating it's just you.” They said with a smile. “You know Zeke does want help right?”

“I know mentally… it just feels like he doesn't at times...then he agrees to what the therapist suggested, diving right into what is hopefully recovery. I just don't know at times.” Eclipsa sighed, leaning on a pillar.

“Neither does he. Right now he's trying to figure out who he is, not who others have formed him into. So his mind is flipping between a blank canvas and the one he's stared at his whole life, trying to make one and see if anything from the old can can even fit. If it was me I'd give him a nice hard punch to the jaw, but that's just me. You need to heal him how you do.”

“I have a few plans in motion, besides, Zeke is now my husband. That'd be domestic abuse.” Eclipsa said with a mirthful smile.

“Heh. Well your choices.”

Keeping along I came across...Leon...Scott… Kennedy… “Uh, hi?” He waved.

“Hi.” Eclipsa waved. “So, how's this whole thing treating you?”

“Well not having the ability to get drunk kinda sucks but other than that it's mostly just boring.” Leon complained.

“I can imagine.” Eclipsa said, pondering what to ask next.

“I'm not in the mood to talk really. Move along.” Leon said.

A bit hurt but deciding not to argue, Eclipsa left Leon alone as she looked for the others. This castle was large and she wondered who else was here.

Turning a corner she spotted, sitting in a window sill with a chessboard between them, a young Eraqus… and Xehanort.

Eclipsa leaned on the doorframe as she watched the two now boys play the strange game. It looked like chess, but the pieces made no sense, as well as their movements. ‘And does that one have my divine sign? The winged snake wrapped around a multi-toned sword?’

“You know you have only ever won against me once Eraqus.” Xehanort said with a laugh.

“Yes but I've picked up some more tricks since we last played.” Was Eraqus's reply.

The piece with my symbol on it suddenly vanished in a flash, appearing next to a peice that was one of many, a hand, and knocked it over.

“Heh. So you have.” Xehanort chuckled. He then looked over to me. “Ah, Eclipsa. What brings you here?”

“Originally to try and help Zeke more, but after that backfired I decided to meet and greet everyone else.” Eclipsa said with a smile.

“Ah. Tell me, do you play Battlefield?”

“The FPS with destructible buildings and is soo much better than COD its not even funny?” Eclipsa asked.

Xehanort chuckled. “No, Battlefield is much like chess. Eraqus and I played this often. Each match is said to predict the outcome of future battles.”

“In that case, no I have not… heh, if that piece is supposed to be me, it is a wonder either of you can control it. The only thing you can count on with me in a fight is that I have zero self preservation when it comes to those I care about.”

“We don't.” Eraqus said, moving a piece. “The pieces move us, to where they are destined to be in the for told battle.”

“Huh… If I may ask, what battle is represented here?” the naga said, looking over the board.

“Don't know.” Xehanort said. “It has yet to happen, so we don't know who will be fighting who, or for what reason. All we know is that the white pieces belong to those who fight for justice, and the dark pieces are those who fight for selfish claims.”

“Fair enough.” Eclipsa said, looking again at the pieces. “Though… pieces si essent in loco, tum ad extremum ... Sentio vero praecepta sunt quae facta, semper erit rumpitur, sic cum aliis griseo boost extremum spiritum eius, transiens coronam de regina et alii.”

“Hm?” The two asked.

“Don’t ask. Even I don’t know what I am saying when I go on those tangents.” Eclipsa said with a chuckle.”

“You know, there is one person who might be able to help you In helping Zeke.” Xehanort said.



“Who is Peccator?”

“Oh, right. You know him as The Master of Masters.”

“Oh him?” I said with a tired sigh. “Guess I needed to chat with great times infinity great grand uncle anyways….”

Making her way around Eclipsa managed to find him. He was in a room filled with floating orbs, each shifting images every so often.

“So great times infinity grandpa, what you up to?” Eclipsa said from directly behind him.

“Uncle.” He said, messing with an orb. “And you are here why?”

“A couple reasons. Meeting everyone, saying hello… but mainly trying to help Zeke.” Eclipsa admitted with a sigh.

“And what exactly do you want to help him with?” Peccator asked.

“I… Sigh, I want him to be able to enjoy this moment of peace, no matter how long or short it is. I want him to smile for something besides our fight, and not have to fake even a fraction of it. I want him to know that it is okay to accept peace, and over all… I want to lessen his suffering. He doesn't talk about it much, but everytime I look at him I can tell. Even kingdom hearts can’t fool my heart.” The naga said.

Peccator laughed. “Good luck with that. Last chick to tell that to Zeke and made him believe it died in front of of him. He can't even remember it.”

At this Eclipsa had to physically cool herself, her tail stopping mere centimeters from his neck in a nanosecond. “I will help Zeke. He and I are now paired for life, in more than one way. He is family. And I protect my family, even from themselves.” She smirked. “Something I believe you failed and didn't even care to do.”

“Didn't you hear me? The last girl Zeke loved and heard that from died in front of him, and he can't even remember it because those Nexus fucks altered your world's timeline. Heck that girl might not even exist anymore for all we know.” Peccator sighed. “Look, you want to help Zeke, find that chick. Don't ask me how, I don't know. All I do know is that she was Zeke's first love in that timeline before Nexus altered it by giving your ancestors the Psychopath blood. Bro God filled me in before he died, and some of Zeke's memories from said timeline are fragmented in here.” He took out a cracked orb from the deal he sat at, tossing it to Eclipsa. “Here. That's all I could scavenge.”

“I… thanks… and sorry. Even after learning discipline, I still act without thinking… a boon and curse I guess.” She chuckled

“Eh. Good luck finding her though. Like I said, she might not even exist anymore.”

“If I can even find a memory… there are perks to being a admin.” Eclipsa smiled, her eyes glowing grey for a moment.

She could feel there was... something. Where or what she could not tell… she would need help.

“Thanks Uncle Peccator…. You know, you should meet your family sometime. Who knows… you might like them.”

“Eh. The only family I did have I sent to die in a war I started. Even my own son…”

“Oh and Luxu is alright. He is dating one of Ben’s Sweetie Belle's if you ever want to see him.”

“Doubt he wants to see me.”

“That may be… but you two need to see each other. You need to show your regret, and he needs to let go of some of his baggage that he has been carrying around with him since those days.” Eclipsa said in her motherly tone.

“hehehe. That's the thing. I regret nothing.”

“And why is that?” Eclipsa said, not even a hint of judgement in her voice.

“Because as of me joining this little mashup, My worst nightmare has been realized, what I tried to prevent still transpired, so now that I know all that effort and sacrifice was in vain, I just don't care anymore.”

“And what was it you wanted to prevent prevent?”

“Zeke becoming a human X-blade. If I destroyed the X-blade back in the first war… it it just fucking appeared… none of this would have happened.”

“Yeah… but frankly, think on this. If you destroyed X, yes Zeke would have stayed mortal and human. Yes, many of the universe’s suffering would have ended…. But then something else would have taken its place. And then another, and another. There is always something. So, why bother worrying about what is to come? About what has happened? Just enjoy the now… its much better than living your life filled with regret, anger, sadness, or just numb. Just… ponder on visiting Luxu, alright?” Eclipsa said, patting him on the shoulder before turning around.

“Heh. Doesn't matter.” He said, placing a finger on his right eye. “I forged the Gazing Eye and the No Name Keyblades. A Keyblade to see the future, and one to travel too it. I see all the outcomes. Fact is, I don't have a happy ending in all of this. I've seen it all already, now, Just have to wait til it happens.”

“And maybe, it is that attitude that is the cause of it… we all have the power to change fate. Some just have more than others… and Uncle, tell me this. You have seen all possibilities right? Then tell me this.” She said before disrupting all the fate around her with a flash of her eyes. “Have you ever predicted what I do?”

“Yes. A lot of kids… seriously, damn… you might have or develop a problem later on…”

“Okay besides the kids…. Cause like seriously, at this point everyone knows thats gonna be a thing with how much I like sex.” Eclipsa groans, her hand to her forehead.

“You become a literal living sleeping bag… so glad I can't feel what Zeke does out there when I'm in here.”

“It’s actually pretty relaxing and comfortable if you don't have PTSD like Zeke.” Eclipsa shrugged.

“And let's not forget the soon to come incest but that's another big bag of shit.”

“Meh, Genetic rewriting gets rid of the taboo for me.”

“But the awkwardness remains.” Peccator said with a wave of his arm. “And FYI, I'm not talking about you and Zeke.”

“So me and Ben? Or is there another yet to come?”

“Well you've only known this guy and his wife since you were a foal…”

“........ dont tell me my brother is now my mother and husband……” Eclipsa said.

“ding ding! We have a winner, your prize? Nine to sixty three incest babies by your own sibling. And four by Cadence.”

“....that last one kinky, but over all…. God damn my relationship with Shining gets more and more complicated by the chapter.”

“Just wait til you wake up. Hehehe. It will get even worse.” Peccator said, spinning back to his orb. “Speaking of. Three, two, one…”

Eclipsa woke up…. Mouth to mouth with Zeke's Twilight…. Error, 404, Eclipsa.EXE not found…. She would have been panicking and freaking out…. But she was too tired to give a damn right at that moment. “Gods I swear the authors take enjoyment in my complicated incest relationships…” Eclipsa sighed quietly, trying to not wake anyone.

She saw Zeke was folding clothes, awake and dressed. They looked over, seeing Eclipsa was awake. “Morning. You have a visitor.”

“I can see that, ass.” Eclipsa said playfully “Why if I may ask?”

“Twilight? She rolled there when I got up. But I am referring to an actual visitor. Your Brother and Cadence are here.”

Eclipsa sighs, remembering what went on clearly. “Damn, and here I was not wanting to wake up my twin sister… wife…. God why did I ask to be reborn…”

Shaking Twilight, she woke up, looking at Eclipsa then wrapping her arms around her waist. “Hey there~” She cooed hotly.

“Someone woke up frisky.” Zeke said chuckling.

“I had dreams.” Twilight said simply, squeezing her grip around Eclipsa's waist, their breasts squeezing into one another's. Eclipsa's were clearly bigger, almost giving the illusion they were swallowing Twilight's by comparison. “You know how I get when I have those kinds of dreams Zeke.”

“Yeah, I know, it's why you have seven kids by me alone…” Zeke replied with a chuckle. “Still don't know why half Keyblade kids only take two months to mature than birth? Must be the magic or... something.”

“....Twilight, I know we are married now, but frankly my Twilight was my twin sister turned mother. Give me a little more time, okay?” Eclipsa explains despite the blush on her face.

“Oh I know...but your Twilight didn’t have fingers.” She said, tracing up one digit from the base of Eclipsa’s with/tail up her back to her neck, the whole thing gave Eclipsa a shiver.

“Shining and Cadence are waiting for me??’ Eclipsa said, grasping at straws to get out of this for now.

“Yeah. Been for the past hour.” Zeke said, still folding clothes.

“Exactly. So please can this wait?” Eclipsa begged.

“Fine.” Twilight said, letting Eclipsa go, but as she was getting off the bed gave her a playful smack on the area where her butt would be, though that area did hae smaller, softer scales for flexibility reasons, making it felt the same as getting a slap on the rear. “I am looking forward to what you can do with that tail though.”

Eclipsa froze, sighed before sending a tiny dew drop worth of gray at Twilight, making it to have a single goal, sexually tease the hell out of Twilight while still giving her access to gray. “Enjoy.”

“I actually feel sorry for Rune over there.” Zeke said, motioning over to his sleeping perverted wife as they and Eclipsa left the room. Heading downstairs they saw Shining Armor and Cadence sitting in the kitchen…. Both feeding a tiny, baby Alicorn… “Well… guess we know why they visited.”

“Shining, Cadence, is that?” Eclipsa asked quietly, slithering over.

“You’re an Auntie little bro...sis… Still confused.” Shining said as Cadence giggled.

“Her name is Flurry Heart.” Cadence said. “And we feel the need to have you help...supervise her.”

“She is adorable…. But what do you mean by supervise?” Eclipsa asks.

Shining and Cadence looked at one another, Cadence using one of her wings to tickle the infants nose, at first laughing, Flurry then began to sneeze. Once she did, her horn lit up, a blast of the purest magic Eclipsa has ever felt then blew a hole in the side of her kitchen the size of the Mystery Machine. The blast also went through the neighbors house behind Eclipsa’s and some miles into town.

“Yup… That makes sense…” Zeke said.

With a snap Eclipsa teleported the blast over to them, suspended in time magic and started to repair the homes. “I’ve fought many things, used many things. Hell I created my own power from scratch. This however? What in all the realms have you been feeding her?! Pure, undiluted mana, class Zetta, from a untrained infant?!”

“...Some of my own milk, recently mashed peas and a piece of cotton candy once?” Cadence said.

“One second… Scan.” Eclipsa said, activating the ability.

Flurry Heart.

Level: 1

“You broke my ability…. It physically can't tell how much magic she has…..”

“Let me try.” Zeke said, placing a finger over the infant's chest, a bright glow coming from her as he analyzed her. When he removed his hand the glow faded, leaving the infant giggling. “Well this might be the reason. Her heart is old, I mean OLD. Old hearts often lead to carrying certain aspects from prior incarations over to the next. Possibly a heart of many rebirths as a mage or something kin to them?”

“That is the only thing that makes sense, unless one of her old incarnations was the guardian of Mana.”

Zeke placed a hand over Flurry’s chest again, the glow reappeared, but he took less time than before. “Does Merlin count?”

“..... Looks like I found my future element of magic…” Eclipsa muttered, remembering the quest the tree of harmony gave her. “So, besides death lazers, anything else?”

“She can carry us when flying.” Shining said.

“Her screams broke the Crystals in the crystal Empire.” Cadence added.

“She can teleport with pinpoint accuracy and without any delay between them.”

“Her shield spells give Shinings a run for his munny and then some.”

“.... oh she and I are going to get along just fine, wouldn't you say shining?” Eclipsa chuckled, making Shining shiver from the memories.

“A little too well…” Shining Groaned.

“In any case it’s why we are here.” Cadence said. “Flurry Heart threw a temper tantrum and nearly broke the Crystal Heart. We figured you and Aunti Luna could either have some means to place a limiter on her, or manage to teach her controle?”

“I might have a way to help her learn control… though, just a warning, whether or not it works it will make her even more powerful.” Eclipsa told them while scratching the little balls of death’s ears with a smile.

“Well it’s either this or risk her accidentally harming the kingdom, herself, or others.”

“Heh… might give me practice for when my own are born soon.” Eclipsa chuckled before breathing and relaxing, going still and serine…. Something that honestly creeped out Shining, him having seen Eclipsa most of his/her life be a aggressive, fun loving adrenaline junky.

Gently, Her hands reached down and began to caress and swirl over Flurry, faintly glowing trails of gray being left in their wake as Eclipsa began to sing gently.

”Someone tell me
Someone show me
Someone let me know
Who I'm supposed to be
If you know me
You can take me
To the deep blue sky
Over the big blue sea

------------I know | If you've seen
---Where I'll be | In the future
------Oh please | Tell me
---I can dream | What you see there
----------I'm lost | Within
----And behind | All the madness
But I've found | I can shine
---------My light | In the darkness

Into the hour of night
Where my pain gets left behind
I won't give up the fight
I'll just say that I don't mind
What would you do to me
If I set the universe free
Come sit next to me
Behold your galaxy

------------I know | If you've seen
---Where I'll be | In the future
------Oh please | Tell me
---I can dream | What you see there
----------I'm lost | Within
----And behind | All the madness
But I've found | I can shine
---------My light | In the darkness

------------I know | If you've seen
---Where I'll be | In the future
------Oh please | Tell me
---I can dream | What you see there
----------I'm lost | Within
----And behind | All the madness
But I've found | I can shine
---------My light | In the darkness”

Zeke stretched. “Not to interrupt the good moment… but you are also an hour late for Work Eclipsa…” Zeke pointed out.

“....Shiza.” Eclipsa cussed in german. “Cheer is soo going to have my scales for this…” She said, expediting the process. “There. Her magic is boosted by gray, making her on par with some mid tier gods, however because all gray bows to me, I have made sure that hers will convert all excess mana into gray until she is of age to where I can train her to use it properly. Once that happens, I doubt even some admins will be able to handle her raw magic.”

“Cool…” Shining said, Eclipsa rapidly raiding the fridge, then wrapping her tail around Zeke and rushing out, carrying them like that while rushing to the school.

When they arrived the Students were outside, training under someone Eclipsa did not Expect. Ban, one of Meliodas’s friends and allies in arms.

“Ban? Was I already fired?” Eclipsa said

“No, I just covered for your ass.” He said, watching the kids practice swing motions. “Figured if this land is mostly sunshine and rainbows I best pass the time teaching the youth how to be as violent as possible.”

“Heh… sadly, while it is mostly Sunshine and rainbows, when those clouds come… they never truly leave.” Eclipsa sighed, setting down Zeke.

“Eh, either way you two are here now. I‘m gonna head into this Everfree forest place and see if anything there can keep up in a fight.” Ban said, walking off into the forest.

“Well that was unexpected.” Zeke said as Eclipsa let them go. “So what is your lesson plan for today?”

Eclipsa pulled out her notes. “I had two, which do you think, tapping into their souls to unlock the path to their potential, or live sparing?”

“Actually I think a demonstration of non-Keyblade based attacks and such should be best. I know a lot from training when I was younger and I’d like to...pass them on.”

“Hmm, I guess producing a weapon from your own soul can wait till next week.” Eclipsa said, writing it down. “Ready when you are.”

“Alright. Anyone here have a training sword I can use?” Zeke asked.

Eclipsa was about to hand him one before handing him a different one. “Almost gave you one of Cutting Winds…”

“Hm.” Zeke nodded, feeling the dull wood. “This will do.” They then moved over to a large tree nearby. “Now then, pay attention closely.” Zeke said, grabbing the short training sword in both hands and readying to swing. Eclipsa felt no energy at all from Zeke, who let it all drop to nonexistent levels, as to not aid the demonstration.

Zeke rushed, fast, no aid from his powers in his speed as he swung at the tree. Nothing seemed to happen, until the trunk splintered, still standing as the training sword broke. “Alright, who saw it?” Zeke asked.

Eclipsa chuckled as three of them raised their hands besides herself. “Of course you three would notice it.”

“Alright, what did you see then Eclipsa?”

“Simple. One strike became three as the exact moment of impact.”

“Yes. Can anyone guess how?”

“What about you Eclipsa?” Eclipsa the naga asked the Dragon/pony hybrid

“Uh… you really have three?” She said.

“No. There was, and is one blade, then there was three. Who can tell me how I made one blade slash three times at once?” Zeke asked again.

“What about you Esmerelda?” Eclipsa said, pointing to the earth pony covered in sunscreen.

“Um… you were fast?” She offered.

“To be blunt. Yes. This attack was made and perfected by one of my ancestors who needed to ensure their for was dead, and my family always did things overkill, so, they developed a sword technique that right before impact you rapidly shift the wrist, or blade...neck, ugh, biology. Anyway, but doing so, they were able to make a single blade slice three areas of their does at once, ensuring if one slash was blocked, the other two, or at least one, would be fatal. To accomplish this, they trained themselves to maneuver their joints and speed to actually be fast enough to bypass anyone without a well trained eye.”

“Or not biologically gifted.’ Eclipsa nodded, having heard of the technique from Josh once.

“The trick is in speed, reaction time, and timing in how you shift your weapon to hit the three targets. While one point of impact looks like it hit the same as the others, in fact, one hits first, then the second, and lastly the third, and as they are cutting in, shift the blade. This is why the tree splintered rather than was left with slices, why the training sword broke. Now imagine this with a real sword on a real person. Pretty messy huh?”

“Here, do it with this one.” Eclipsa said, handing him Cutting Wind’s “Trust me…”

“Alright.” Zeke said, taking the modified training sword and performing the attack again, this time the tree shattered into three chunks, and the sword remained whole. “Hm. Good quality.”

“That would be my son’s… our son’s work… though he is banned from doing it at school.”

“If he grew up with my parents he'd already have his own workshop making swords way worse than this.” Zeke laughed.

“And yet he isnt.” Eclipsa said with a smile. “So he can do what he wants… Anyways, kids, do you understand?”

There was some nods, and the main thing that was needed here was speed, so they trained their endurance and stamina to utilize the technique.

Zeke sighed, humming a tune.

“Sooo… Enjoying yourself?” The naga asked, making sure the kids were getting the theory right.

“I guess.” Zeke said simply.

“Not much of a answer there.” Eclipsa said summoning some chairs for the two.

Zeke took a seat. “I guess my mind is mostly wandering.”

“Well, if you ever want to talk my butler, you can.” Eclipsa giggled, nudging the futa keyblade.

“I dunno. Last night I woke it remembering this tune of… a song I think. Don't know the words though.”

“Well, go ahead and hum it. There is a chance I may recognize it.” Eclipsa said, keeping a eye on the kids

“Alright.” Zeke hummed the tune. Eclipsa felt it was... familiar, though not sure why in the slightest. She knew she heard it also...but not where or when, and no lyrics came to mind.

“It… I know it as well… but I’m just as stuck as you… but now that I heard it, I cant seem to get it out of my head.” Eclipsa said softly.

“I feel like someone sang it to me once… I just can't remember who. Maybe it was from a TV show?”

“I don’t know… hell I don’t even know what I am feeling, just that I am.”

“Hmm.” The two pondered it for a while, wondering why this song felt so close to them.

The class went on mostly with just basic speed exercise, some students Improved and some were sore from the training. When the day was over Eclipsa took Zeke to someplace that might be fun. An arcade. “I haven't seen one of these in years.” Zeke said, looking over all the titles.

“I may or may not have come over often to destress.” Eclipsa said, glancing at a 9999999 score with the initials ECS before it faded back to the game preview.

“Heh. Wonder if it's here…?” Zeke said, Looking around the arcade, finding a large shooter set up for up to five people. The title read ‘Dust’ in large dirt colored words. “Oh hell yes.”

“Oh, haven't gotten around to playing this one yet.” Eclipsa said, looking it over.

“It’s an Arena shooter. You go through each level of wasteland raiders to gather supplies for your settlement, the more players the harder it gets, and if you all make it to the final arena you get the max score and tipple your tokens back.” Zeke said, picking up the large plastic wired gun shaped controller.

“Hey, we should call another three over, just to have the full squad.” Eclipsa suggested.

“Nah, I’m pretty good at it, but if you wanna play too then grab a gun.”

Eclipsa’s eyes flashed, her face having her old grin. “This party is getting crazy!” Suddenly they turned as the sound of a jukebox being smashed by a white haired foal who was eating pizza. “Weird.”

After inserting the tokens needed the game started, the screen was split into two, Zeke’s character on the right, Eclipsa’s on the left. The characters moved on their own, Zeke and Eclipsa aimed and shot. The first Arena was a rundown super market, the heads of thirty all generic looking raiders were at the top, and under it an HP bar for the two. “Careful, one player, these guys just have handguns, two, they have rifles.” Zeke said, aiming around in a slow circle for the first raider to show their head.

Eclipsa breathed in before breathing out, cutting out all sounds save for that of the game and zeke, her body relaxed and in a position one would expect a disciplined sniper to take before with a flick and a snap that impressed everyone that the controller didn't break, cracked a headshot to the first enemy raider.

Immediately, six raiders appeared, Zeke taking out four as Eclipsa took out the last two. “Careful, you only regain ammo when you pass a fallen raider, so try not to miss.”

“Right.” Eclipsa replied, using every bit of training she received from josh to react to even the slightest pixel movement.

Nine more popped up, immediately the duo reacted, each shot fired was at the head, earning double points, and extra ammo. “Say, when did you get good at aiming?” Zeke said with a smirk.

“Left for dead world with Josh, as well as actually providing a strategy to him, though I needed to learn to provide overwatch while he commanded a group of NPC’s in a military simulator.” Eclipsa replied, never once stopping the barrage.

“Oh, my Christmas when I was nine.” Zeke jokes, shooting several more, the reward chest in sight, guarded by a large, fat raider with two assaults rifles. “”Trick with this guy is aim for his eyes, he'll miss over half the time.”

“Right. So, there a story behind that Christmas?” Eclipsa asked as she focused her bursts to the right eye while Zeke went for the left.

“Let’s just say there is a reason the US retired fort knocks as their gold vault.”

“Oh that. Yeah had to recreate the robber to get back oblivion and oathkeeper.” Eclipsa said casually. “Long story short: I was a idiot.”

In no time the stage boss was dead, the loot collected and the next stage was loading. “Before it begins we can get some upgrades with our points. I typically take the rifles. You?”

“Either sniper or pistol, depending on what they got.” Eclipsa replied, looking at the list.

“On this stage two players give them shotguns and pistols.”

“Got it.” Eclipsa said, opting for the sniper due to her mood.

With the rifles the two were clearing the arena quickly, at some point the jukebox began playing a solo action guitar song in sync with the game. “Heh, okay who did that?” Zeke chuckled at the irony of the events.

Eclipsa spared a glance to see the same white haired kid it the already broken jukebox, causing it to somehow work again. “Huh.” she said, turning back in time to snipe a enemy about to shoot.

The boss of this stage was the same as the last, but with attack dogs and two harder raider allies. Still, while Eclipsa fell with the dogs, Zeke took out the two harder raiders then went for the boss, Eclipsa joining in once the dogs were dead.

As the next stage loaded Zeke stretched. “Heh, if only the real thing left no recoil.”

Eclipsa paused… that phrase for, some reason gave her a slight headache… as if she heard that before too.

“Today is weird, even for me.” Eclipsa muttered to herself before upgrading the sniper, for some reason the sniper calling to her more and more she played.

As she and Zeke played time flew by. Soon the duo had maxed out snipers and we're on the final stage. All raiders were armored, with Miniguns, attack dogs, and less ammo. “Oh I love this boss.”

Eclipsa winced, her head giving a throb for some reason as she raised her rifle. “A-any tricks?” Eclipsa asked, not even noticing her slight stutter.

“None that I've found.” Zeke said. “It's almost here. Watch for the barrels.” Before Eclipsa could answer, a giant mutated and armored raider appeared on screen, one arm infused with a Minigun and the other grabbing barrels stacked along a high platform. “Heh. This is gonna suck.” Zeke said, a genuine smile on his face.

‘Heh. This is gonna suck.’ The line rang out in Eclipsa’s head as white noise filled her ears. “Don’t give up just yet lover boy.” Eclipsa said, unable to stop herself.

Zeke laughed, looking over at Eclipsa, then froze. He saw the blurred silhouette of another. Frozen, he dropped the controller, right at a barrel hit his character, the game over screen appeared on his side. But what Eclipsa saw was tears flowing from Zeke's eyes. He didn't even realize it.

Eclipsa too dropped her controler, clutching her head as chaos rang out in her head. “What is happening….”

Zeke, snapping out of their stupor, quickly helped Eclipsa get back up. “Maybe… maybe that's enough games for today.” He said, feeling the tears on his cheek. “What… I… I never cry?”

“Zeke… remember that picnic under the full moon…” Eclipsa mumbled, not even realizing everything coming out her mouth. “I don't know what is going on.” The Naga turned into her human form feeling the need for it at that moment as she continued to hold her head.

“”The one where we-” Zeke cut themselves off, clutching their head now. “What the? But… We never met until after all this god and multiverse crap…… This doesn’t make sense…”

“Our first time you were so shy…. No no we never even have had sex, let alone you be shy about it…” Eclipsa said leaning on Zeke as tears ran down her eyes.

“Your dad about killed me… What the hell...am I remembering?” Zeke said, tripping over themselves.

“Woah!” They looked up, seeing Cript standing over them. “Shit, now I know why the Radist took a detour… The hell happened to you two?”

“Dad?” Eclipsa asked before crying out, her air flickering to a different shade and style for a moment before returning. “Why do we have these memories… what is happening….” Eclipsa whimpered, clutching onto Zeke like a lifeline.

“Hm.” Cript said, looking at them both. “I think I know, but we need to make a small pitstop first.” Cript said, snapping their fingers as the three of them were inside what looked like an office building, Cubicles for as far as anyone could see. “That SoB should be around here somewhere.”

“Zeke, slow down the car, we lost them…” Eclipsa mumbled, still holding on to him.

“N-no, can’t let them see me…” Zeke grunted.

“Ah, there you are.” Cript said, pulling out of a Cubical a small cube of sorts. “This should clear up this whole mess.” He placed it in front of the two, the cube spun itself around a few times before opening, a display screen showed some images. “Hmm…” Cript said, reading this over, sighing. “That’s what I thought… Shit…”

“What is it?” Eclipsa asked as her eyes even flickered into a blue before back to red.

“Well, these memories aren’t someone else's, they are yours.” Cript said. “Apparently in your reality, back when you were all mortals, Nexus was testing Zeke out, but labeled him a failure, rather than dispose of him, they altered time… bold move for them. Anyway, this is why Zeke’s family has inborn Psychopath blood, they gave it to his early ancestor.”

“The witch...and the potion… she was Nexus?” Zeke asked.

“Yup. This changed history, but to be sure they made sure the reason he strayed from their initial testing, Marcy, was never born… Didn’t stop her heart and soul from taking another vessel through.” Cript said, looking over to Eclipsa. “It makes sense, you adapted to female life way too quickly, and the idea of marrying Zeke you embraced without question. Becoming Admins must have allowed you some of the memories to return to you, even though they don’t exist in the current flow of time.”

‘Marcy, get out, run, something is wrong! The world… ash… up into the sky… something…. NEXUS’ “It's true…” Eclipsa said, turning to look towards zeke, tears in her eyes. ‘Marcy!’ ‘Zeke, no no no.. zeke…’ “Nexus deleted the timeline… but it wasn't quick and painless….”

“I...Gah!” Zeke hit the ground, forcing themselves up as Memories returned. “I remember… It happened… twice… The first time… I ran away to you… I was happy...for a whole year… but my family found me… my grandfather killed you… I changed into a Psychopath… I killed him then… Then It happened all over again, but my eyes were the Ventral red… I still found you, but that’s when they warned me personally… I ignored them… and they made you...fade…”

“It hurts… I used to wake up with phantom pains all over my body… But I just accepted it…. Zeke.” Eclipsa said, her form for a moment changing to that of how she used to be.

“Hehe… I remember how you found me out.” Zeke said, starting to chuckle as more memories flowed back. “You tried to scare me in the shower… Hehe… You took one look at what I was packing down there and hopped in… Heheh.” Zeke looked at her, she was five foot seven, long blond hair, deep blue eyes, and a glowing complexion. “You were a pervert then, and now.” They said, placing a hand on their cheek.

Eclipsa choked on her breath as both her memories finally settled “And you are still a dolt…” She said, placing her hand over his.

“Talk about destined to be.” Cript said, tossing the Cube back into the cubical it came from. “I mean...damn. This is me levels of unlikeliness.”

“Heh… well, at least I’m not as reluctant to tap that ass.” Eclipsa chuckled. “Though I am keeping the name Eclipsa… makes it easy for family and the readers.”

“Heh… You know, I’m remembering a lot of your fetishes… also your browser history, dear lord you had way too much porn.”

“Makes sense now of why I never bat a eye at fetishes … and why I’ve always been secretly jealous of Rune…” Eclipsa admitted before turning to Cript. “Dad… thanks. That was starting to hurt a lot.”

“Well yeah, remembering things that no longer exist would do that. Welp, back to Equestria with you two.” Cript said with a snap of their fingers. Eclipsa and Zeke was back outside the Arcade, Eclipsa in her Naga form and Zeke still both genders.

“...Heh, so… what now?” Zeke asked. “I feel like I owe you a lot for falling for me literally three times, and dying twice because of me…”

“Hmmm, well then… let’s collect~” The naga said before grabbing their thrice timed lover by the shirt and kissing them with passion.

Zeke didn’t resist, holding Eclipsa as tight as they could. Zeke and Eclipsa finally stopped, both panting. “Is it wrong to ask… how good are you with that tongue now that it’s as long as an arm?” They asked with a grin.

“Hehe, lets just say, I’d be surprised if you find the energy to return the favor with that nice stick you got down there~” Eclipsa giggled slurly

“Try me.” Zeke breathed into Eclipsa’s ear, making her shiver from her head to the end of her tail.

“Thats it, Twilight be damned.” Eclipsa said, snapping and teleporting them to their bedroom and immediately starting to strip Zeke down, moaning the entire way.

“Hmm...I wonder?” Zeke said, a grin on their face as they unhooked Eclipsa’s bra, giving a light yet firm scratch over where the hooks were on her back, making her Eclipsa pur. “Hehe. You still love that.”

“Only you could ever make this feel good~” Eclipsa said, nuzzling Zeke as she purred.

“Umm… Did we miss something?” Scotch asked, both Eclipsa’s husbands and Zeke’s wives were all in the room.

“Either way, don’t mind us.” Rune added.

Eclipsa giggled. “Lets just say that apparently nothing, not even a cosmic order that can fuck with time, could keep us apart.” Eclipsa purred out while using her tail to grab a collar and hand it to Zeke.

“So...we missed a lot?” Celestia asked.

“I think we should give them the room.” Star said, having to help the others drag Rune out of there.

“My eternal guardian….” Eclipsa smiled handing him the collar. “You always liked being the dom.”

“Hmm…” Zeke smiled, placing the Collar on Eclipsa, chuckling as it already had their name engraved on it. “Let me guess, Blitz?” Zeke chuckled.

“Scotch actually, Blitz was sex while floating in air.” Eclipsa chuckled.

“Zero G sex? Now I’m interested. Dash likes it on clouds, softer than silk.” Zeke said.

“hehe, so, what first… master~

Zeke shivered at hearing that. Smiling as he pat Eclipsa on the head. “Hmm. Well, what does a naughty girl like you deserve? Can you prove to me you can be a good girl?”

“Oh yes master!” Eclipsa said before leaning back and presenting her sex to her long time mate for the first time in this timeline.“Now now, that’s a little too eger. First I want you to put on a little show first. Hmm… How far can you slid your own tail in there?”

Eclipsa blushed before moving her tail end over her pussy, getting herself lubed up before with a blush and biting the bottom lip, started to slowly tail fu herself. “L-like this master?”

“Yes. Now then, slid it in, until you can’t slide any more in. I am very curious to as how… stretchy, you are like this.”

With a blush she continued to push in as more and more of her tail disappeared, a noticeable bulge starting to appear as the tail starts to get thicker and thicker, moans escaping the naga's mouth.

Zeke watched in genuine surprise as now, a little over half her tail was inside her own vagina, and her lips stretched wide enough to easily fit a small car tire. “Wow. Is there even a bottom in there?” Zeke asked with a grin.

“Naga’s can literally rebirth full grown people so…. Maybe?”

“Well I’m impressed.” Zeke said, starting the pull Eclipsa’s tail out of her, the sudden, and semi rapid movement nearly made the Naga cum then and there. “Now...If I remember correctly you always liked the feeling of a hand in there.” Zeke then with ease placed their whole right hand within Eclipsa’s nethers, the Naga covering her mouth in response, the circular massage Zeke was giving her insides gave her waves of pleasure, and memories of the timelines before.

Eclipsa moaned and panted, pleasuring herself never feeling the same as a lover... especially from her soulmate. “S-so good…”

“My my, so lose. Did your own tail do a number on you?”

“M-maybe? Oh!” She cried out.

Zeke removed a thumb, and rubbed it against her winker, using their free arm, wrapped it around her waist, and brought her in close. Being part female, Zeke was noticeably wet themselves, and just like when they shared a body with Trixie, blushed as their breasts pressed against one another. “Heh, they are a lot bigger than before. Weren’t you a C cup before?”

“Pregnancy as s-swallowed myself, now a DD… though I could always change it if you want master.” Eclipsa panted.

“Hm. I think this is kinda backwards.” Zeke chuckled. “I am the Keyblade here, but, whatever makes you happy.” Zeke said, removing their hand from Eclipsa’s depths and using the same hand to grope her breast.

Eclipsa moaned as milk leaked slightly on to Zeke's hand. “You are more than my keyblade, and always will be my good bad boy.” She said, using one of her old saying as Marcy.

“Heh. As long as you’re my small town canyon girl.” Zeke replied with his phrase from before. Zeke leaned in, giving a long wet kiss to Eclipsa before backing up, and taking a seat on the bed. “Now, it’s time we get to the main event, but just before, a little…taste” Zeke said, letting their eleven inch long member out.

“Ever packing heat love~”

“It’s not my gun this time~”

“Oh I think it is… you are still gonna shoot something out of it~”

“That depends, if you are good, I’ll let you choose~” Zeke teased as Eclipsa bent down to his member. “First, I’d like to see how your tongue can work it now~”

With a giggle and choosing to ignore the slight crack in the door as a camera lens could be seen out of the corner of Eclipsa's eyes, Eclipsa bent down, leaving soft kisses all the way up and down the long shaft before unrolling her tongue as it gave a long lick. The little lick turned into several before the entire snake tongue wrapped around the cock, massaging and licking it in a spiral.

“Woah...holy crap…” Zeke groaned, gritting their teeth as Eclipsa worked up and down his member. “Heh, it kinda feels like when Rune got the girls to all give me a blowjob at once.”

“And there's more tongue~” Eclipsa giggled before wrapping the cock entirely in tongue.

“Woah… Heh, thank god I’m good at holding it back. Feels a lot like Rune’s insides.”

(“Oh I am so taking notes…”) a voice was barely heard as eclipsa continued to tongue Zeke before using all remaining length to lick Zeke's pussy while still keeping the cock wrapped.

“Gagh!” Zeke said in shock, unconsciously thrusting upward, shoving all his member down Eclipsa’s throat.

Eclipsa was happy to no longer have a gag reflex. With a moan she immediately began to suck while her tongue continued to work the very sensitive pussy of her master and lover.

Zeke was biting their own finger. Their few experiences as a female before made one thing clear. The baby factory doors were their total weakness. While the sensitive tits were something to get used too, but the lips between the legs Zeke would never get used too. This new pleasure made holding back hard, and Zeke pulled Eclipsa off of themselves, panting. “Shit… Not used to that area getting attention…” Zeke painted.

“Oh, was it too much for now?” Eclipsa asked

“Well, to be fair the one time I was female and Unum knocked me up I...don’t actually remember that part. You’d have to ask her how that went.” Zeke said, wiping some sweat off their . “Alright. I think there’s just one question right now in all honesty…”

“Yes? I'm a open book… quite literally.”

“Heh… Are we ready for kids? I men, yes we already have kids, you’re pregnant as is but… if you and I have kids… they’d be born Admins, X-blades, balance/Grey infused powerhouses… We don’t even fully understand what we could do let alone that kind of power.”

“I'm not afraid… In every life, I always ignored the past, and found no point in worrying about the future. All I know is right now, right here, I love you. I always have, even if I didn't realize it in my third life.”

“I know...but what about Ben? Heck I got a...shower call from them the other day when Celestia was in there with me and… they’re like me now… and my god those clothes were...well, either his Rarity had a field day of they are embracing that cleavage...multi cleavage… It’s like a mini version of his mom Den…”


“Yes but besides the point… If we are going to have kids then… shouldn’t Ben be here for that too? You and I are doing this because we apparently are three times timeline lovers… We don’t have that kind of special connection with Ben… I want to make one like that before anything like us all birthing possibly the most powerful beings in creation second to, or even surpassing Cript.”

“Then let's spend more time with them… if I could learn to love, and you could learn… well I could always be willing to learn for Ben. But on the topic of kids…. I have waited three lifetimes for your kids, I'm not waiting another.”

“You won’t have to… I don’t want you too either. I remember your first failed pregnancy test. You were sad, them immediately jumped me again to try again… despite you still needed to finish your senior year in those timelines…”

“Hehe, yeah...Oh and Zeke? FYI? I can be impregnated by nine different males at the same time baby factory style, so the Excuse I'm pregnant already doesn't apply.”

“.... Ehehe..erm…” Zeke said, scratching the back of their head as Eclipsa remembered Zeke had a pregnancy fetish. She smiled, going to take full advantage of that here and now to get her way.

“Oh come on now, admit it, you want to knock me up, keep me having little Naga keychains. You can't wait to feel my bloating belly, my broadening hips, everything. So master~ claim your prize~” the Naga tempted, rubbing her sex against the 11 incher.

Despite grabbing her breasts in response, Zeke was clearly in a conflicting state of mind. Eclipsa grinned, sealing the deal by shifting her form ever so slightly. She moved all her unborn Currently developing children, and even Spoiled, up to her anthro half, the results gave her the appearance of a heavily pregnant female.

Zeke's face became a hot red, his members reaction was a now raging stiffer, that Eclipsa lowered sex over, and slid it in till she reached the end, their bodies tightly connected at their pelvis. Eclipsa took this moment to also change her eyes, her pupils now two pink hearts.

Zeke's higher brain functions seemed to sense, giving into his bodies desires and lusts. Slowly Zeke began moving, gaining enough room to thrust upwards. Once it was made, he slid out, his love moaning loudly before letting out a strong bliss filled cry of ecstasy, Zeke now rapidly thrusting upwards into his love, each thrust Eclipsa moaned, the two tightened their holds on one another, Zeke around her now enlarged upper belly area, their head partly buried under the nagas breasts, and Eclipsa tried to move more of Zeke's head into her breasts, trying to get them to drink from her.

At some point, unbeknownst to both, the room began to fill with their respective raw energies. Balance and Grey. Their energies began crossing, merging and flowing between the two, and a third, unseen energy joined in shortly after. Nothingness.

Eclipsa noticed Zeke's eyes changed, from Red to a bright pink. Zeke was also giving Eclipsa a look she was just giving him. A look that said one simple thing.

”Screw me!” Zeke yelled, voice filled with a sluttery tone the likes of which Eclipsa never heard from them before. And she liked it.

Rapidly reaching a hand to under where Eclipsa’s filled holes was. She yelped, feeling her skin grow out… and she wasn’t doing it. Realizing Zeke was altering her she realized she was given her own member, two inches longer than Zeke’s and a full inch thick. Before she could retort, Zeke slid off of her, and onto her newfound member.

Eclipsa gasped, the feeling both familiar and all the more pleasuring that ever as a solo male. Each thrust acted as a sliding motion on her own newfound member, Zeke didn’t fit it all, but took in three quarters as slowly Eclipsa started to thrust in tandem with Zeke's own, her hands roughly grabbing the X-blade's ass.

Zeke let out a loud moan, Eclipsa feeling a slight thing, like a jolt of sorts within her center. It made her scream, multiplying the pleasure in a way Eclipsa never experienced. She came, both female and male parts at once, the resulting pressure of cum from Eclipsa’s member made Zeke do the same. Both wombs filled as one. With a pant and lack of breath, the two looked at each other before going again, never breaking eye contact.

At some point the two fell asleep. Waking up Eclipsa had fixed her form to normal, Zeke now face pressed firmly and smiling between Eclipsa’s slightly cum covered cleavage, milk still leaking from them. The sheets were a mess, dried stickiness covered them both. Eclipsa smiled softly, proud, and too happy to put into words are seeing that smile again. Faint tears of joy welled up in her eyes as a single one fell down her cheek and landed on her lover.

Zeke began to stir from that, upon waking immediately gave Eclipsa a deep kiss, his breath and mouth still tasted like Eclipsa’s sex organs. “Morning… You played dirty with that pregnancy look.” Zeke waid with a smile.

“Heh, yeah well, something had to get you to crack.” Eclipsa said humorously before wondering why she can feel where her children are.

“Heh...agh.” Zeke moaned, letting go of Eclipsa and clutching their stomach. “It feels like someone pounded my stomach with a jackhammer.”

“Oh…. Oh boy… get to a toilet love, I have a feeling I know-”

It was too late, Zeke began hurling, though, it wasn’t vomit per say… rather, liquid Darkness… and Light. “Fuck…. Huh, that’s new. The twins had real vomit...”

Before Eclipsa could reply, The liquid darkness vomit morphed into Shadow Heartless, quickly scurrying out of the room.

“A heartless! Kill it!” Yelled Cutting Wood as an army of running hooves and feet hit the floor outside.

The light, however, morphed into something unexpected… a Starlight Keyblade Keychain.

“That was… oh god.” Eclipsa says before throwing up liquid Gray, it forming into a some floating ball of energy.

“Fuck...What happened?” Zeke asked, trying to move their legs to stand, only to see they were stuck together by long dried ‘fluids’. “What the… what exactly did we do last night? Honestly I kinda...blacked out after you made yourself a super preggo and… everything after that is largely a blur…”

“One moment.” Eclipsa says, dismissing the soon to be grey creature to the realm of Gray. “ Now, movie time because I only remember the beginning.” Eclipsa says, creating a projection of what happened last night for both to see.

Zeke’s jaw dropped as it got to the part where he gave Eclipsa a penis, then looked in horror as she began ramming it inside them until it formed a repeating bulge on each thrust. “Well… that explained why I feel like a jackhammer went to town on my insides…”

“Oh and it was strange… the air was so saturated with light, dark, Gray and nothingness… it felt pleasant but… I think more than us banding happened last night… seriously why do I hear Rune whispering from behind the SOUNDPROOF room!” Eclipsa say with a exasperated sigh and trying to summon Better half… for instead Kingdom key D appearing in her hand… “Uhm…. The hell?”

“Hey, that’s one of my regular ones.” Zeke said. “Get back here-” Zeke fell backwards, Lunatic appearing in their grasp. “The fuck?!”

“Uh…. Zeke….. is that Ben's castle in the distance?” Eclipsa said worried, looking out the window to see a great huge castle surrounded by thorns and nothingness.

Zeke, managing to pry their legs free from their sticky bindings and looking outside, seeing the giant palace towering high above the skyline. “I...think? I’ve never seen it but if the Nobody symbols are anything to go off of… I’d say yes…”

“What the fuck happened…”

“I’m gonna say… sex combined our realms… even with context… that is very, very strange to say.”

“But we never even banged Ben yet! That was next on the to bang list!”

“... Don't compare lists with Rune… please..”

Eclipsa giggled, the exasperation in Zeke's voice breaking the stress building around them before the two heard a knock on the door.

Suddenly the door was completely shot down by heavy guys fire. And walking into the room was a man and a woman… who Zeke thought were dead. “Yikes this room smells like sex!” Yelled the man.

“Mom...dad?!?!” Zeke yelled.

“Well, we kinda had a night long session and never got around to cleaning up.” Eclipsa said shamelessly

Groaning, Zeke quickly hid under the dirty bed sheets. “Eclipsa, this is my mom and dad… Marry and Barry Ventral…”

“Holy shit… your brother has some kinks but that is an unexpected product of his testes.” Marry said, pointing at Eclipsa.

“Oh this wasn't him.” Eclipsa says, shifting to their old human form of a brown haired deep red eyes boy. “This was Josh, and this is how you two could have a chance at remembering me.” She said before turning in to her oldest form of Marcy.

“Huh, looks a lot like Josh when we were kids.” Barry said.

“Awh. Your so cute as a girl! I always wanted a daughter… and now-” Marry said, ripping the sheets off of Zeke, who yelped, trying to cover themselves only to get a bear hug from their mom. “And now I've got one… sorta, eh, close enough. Zeke you smell like a cum dumpster.”

Zeke's face turned red with complete embarrassment.

“Oh we both ended up as a pair of those.” Eclipsa said, shifting back into Naga with a playful grin before snapping and cleaning all the cum stains, but purposely keeping the smell.

“Why are you two here…. How are you two here?!” Zeke asked, still naked and getting hugged by their mother.

“Oh, when that tank driving basted shit at the house we ended up with this old guy saying he was God, and that despite us having a vast, Vast criminal history, because we weren't part of the chaos that day he was giving us a free pass to other worlds and powers.” Barry said.

“We've been using our powers to travel the multiverse and steal. Got a nice stockpile set up.” Marry added, now grabbing Zeke by the boobs. “Wow Zeke, they're so firm! You get that from me.”

“Kill me now…” Zeke muttered.

“Not in your life my good bad boy.” Eclipsa chucked, slithering over and giving them a kiss. “Better?”

“No. Still naked. Still getting sized up by my own mom… and Rune is recording.” Zeke pointed to an air duct on the wall, a noticeable small red light faintly glowing through the graits.

“Both are from the feel of it… god damn it Zeke how do you ever stop feeling where everyone is?!” Eclipsa said, feeling the hearts of everyone within a ten Mile radius

“Heh. Wait till you hear their thoughts. I really had to tune it all out after hearing Rune's.” Zeke said, slipping out of his mother's grasp.

“God's this is weird even by our standards… So, Marry, Barry, or should I say mom and dad, want to head on down and taste some fine cooking, Naga style buffet?” Eclipsa offered.

“Oh we'd love too.” Marry said.

“I'd like to meet the fine ladies my son has been breeding with!” Barry added.

“...Eclipsa?” Zeke asked.

“Yes Zeke?” The Naga said, already getting out clothes for the two.

“Is your stomach sound proof?”

“Mostly, unless you shout loud enough to echo across realms.”

“Good.” Zeke said, tossing the clothing and forcing their way down Eclipsa's throat, Zeke's parents jaw dropped as soon just their child's feet were left out, and then down the throat they went.

“Is that...normal or?” Marry asked.

“For Naga like myself? Totally. For Zeke…” Eclipsa got a small happy smile, filled with pride. “Nope. Oh, and don't worry, Naga don't digest others, it's taboo. One of our stomachs literally is for healing. I have a few of my children and a healing pregnant mare in there already.”

“One of?” Barry questioned. “How many do you have?”

“Three. One for healing, one for storage, one to actually eat. Hell we Naga can swallow ourselves. It's how we molt, and how those with less than average breasts grow them.”Eclipsa said, practically skipping over to the door, her fanged smile never leaving her face.

“Was that the first time you've swallowed Zeke?” Marry asked, following.

“No, but last time the peaceful nature of it freaked him out till he forced me to up Chuck him.” She said, using her tail to fling a memory crystal to Rune, containing her pov from last night.

“Ah. Yeah Zeke has never taken moments of peace well.” Barry said. “We once had a solid week of no police noticing us, Zeke was paranoid as hell.”

“I know, heh one time I swear we had lost the cops after a confirmation with your grandfather and he just kept driving… you know I need to sort through my memories some time…” The Naga said thoughtfully.

“Hm. Well, how many other… nagas? How many others like you are here anyway?” Marry asked.

At that Eclipsa winced. “Right now there are More dire wolves than Naga, partly thanks to Ben and his adoption and birth rates, but Naga… maybe enough for a single planet or two, if you find us all. As for here, the only other Naga is my adopted sister who works at the hospital, and some of my children.”

“Huh… weird. So you don’t reproduce much? I thought snakes can have like up to six or eight eggs?” Barry questioned aloud.

“Well we give live birth, but we can produce a lot of kids… problem is only a few of us are fertile, let alone female.” Eclipsa said, making her way to the kitchen, giving a kiss to her Scootaloo's head as the Pegasus Naga ran past.

“Oh, bad gender ratio then?” Marry asked.

“Basically. Hell we've even adapted to hold nine different male's children because of it. I could be seen as a fertility goddess with the fact that I feel like the … oh the number has increased to fifteen now children, that at least five of them will be female.”

“Nine different fathers?! Damn...wonder how much child support one of you could collect from all those men?”

“If it wasn't for herding, probably enough to throw a wrench tire kingdom to bankruptcy.” Eclipsa giggled before snapping. “Stopza.” She said before starting to cook at a rapid pace, pouring out all her overwhelming happiness and pride into every dish as she prepared what others would call a feast…. And this family call breakfast. She wiped her brow as the spell ended, the table all set up.

“Well-WOAH!” Barry said, seeing the sudden buffet laid out. “I...shouldn’t ask. At this rate sanity is out the window huh?”

“Oh I used a high powered time spell boosted by my natural power of Gray, and cooked.” Eclipsa shrugged

“...We have so much to learn.” Marry added.

Meanwhile, inside Eclipsa’s healing Stomach Zeke was getting to know Spoiled, who now showed her pregnancy more so than before. “So you mainly just take naps?” Zeke asked.

“Mostly. Sometimes when the kids slid in here by mistake they bring a phone or something and I watch whatever they watch. Sometimes they leave me their game systems but they only last a few hours and without fingers I’m not very good.” Spoiled replied. “It’s always oily/slimy, but it’s not unwelcomed, kinda like putting on lotion and special oils.”

“I can see that.” Zeke said, looking at their slime/oil coated hand. Their member was already hard again, the wet, soft environment just touched them right everywhere. “I assume you also...enjoy yourself while here?”

“Depending on how she moved she does the work for me. Last night I had the most amazing chain orgasems I’ve ever experianced… It was also the only series of chain orgasems I’ve ever had.”

“Yeah, that would have been me and her going at it. We kidna found out some stuff happened involving other lives and timelines that we were soulmates torn apart.”

“Oh, well that makes sense. Heh, guess I was an unseen third party in all of that then huh?”

“Heh, as long as you aren’t angry about it.”

“If I survive this birth… I don’t think I’d mind it again~ I mean… My husband is gone, I’ve accepted it, had a lot of time to reflect and think about my life… I realized I am not what I wanted to be. I became stuck up and prissy to fit into with the ponies my husband dealt with, and it changed me and I didn’t even realize I was hurting my own daughter. So, If I survive this, this… mystery baby and I would like to…”

“You want to be a part of this family?”

“If you’ll have me?”

“I doubt Eclipsa will say no, and neither can I, for two reasons.”

“Oh thank you.” Spoiled said, wrapping hooved around Zeke in a hug, and getting a face full of their cleavage. “Oh… How do you live with them always swollen and so high up?”


Back with Eclipsa, the meal was going well. Marry and Barry kept telling more stories of Zeke from their childhood. “So when he was five, Zeke actually thought the washing machine was for baths… We didn’t find him to he was on the spin cycle. At that point he felt like he was on one of those large spinning rides at a carnival.” Marry laughed. “He threw up and yelled ‘again, again’.”

“That's adorable.” Eclipsa said between chuckles. By now the whole family minus most of Ben's family, some were here still, we're at the table, the Naga and dire wolf kids seemingly fly in a competition to see who could eat more of the amazing meal.

“So I take it last night Zeke's eyes changed to pink at some point.” Unum asked.

“Yeah… how did you guess?” Eclipsa asked.

“When he was a girl with me and I was male for it, how he had the twins, the second I slid inside them I saw their eyes change pink and they just changed into some kind of sex addicted slut… nearly broke my pelvis too.”

“Ah. He gets that from my side of the family.” Marry said. “The women in my side just can't help it. We get turned on and aroused and suddenly we're humping anything that can slide inside us. And I mean any and every hole too.”

“Every...hole…” Barry replied with a slight tone of horror. “I have a titanium pelvis after Zeke's older brother was conceived.”

Eclipsa chuckled. The door to Ben castle opened, and now the female/male dire wolf themselves walked in. Eclipsa could hear the whistles all around the table. “Hiss.” Eclipsa said in her form of a 'woof’.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Admin Culture Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours
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Broken Barriers: Grey Hearts

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