
What If Vegeta Went To The G4 My Little Pony Dimension 1 Week Before The Events Of The Show

by Willight Robinbine



Watch this video before continuing in each chapter.

(In DBS Narrator Voice)

What If Vegeta Went To The G4 My Little Pony Dimension 1 Week Before The Events Of The Show!

It's Age 774 just right after the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. You guys know what happened with Vegeta in the original timeline, but this time it's different and Vegeta told them this.

"You guys go on ahead without me." Vegeta said. "I will stay behind to be with Bulma."

They looked at Vegeta, they really needed him for this but Vegeta declines it.

"Alright Geets." Goku said before following the Kais to where they will train for to defeat Buu in the original timeline.

Don't worry Kararot, I'm already way stronger than you thanks to Whis's training. Vegeta thought. "Come on Bulma, lets go home. I don't need to follow those guys anyway and what's this about a portal anyway."

*Sometime Later

Age 774, July 23rd 4:35PM*

It's been a couple of hours since Vegeta and Bulma left the Arena and now at Capsule Corp where Bulma showed Vegeta the portal to different dimensions. It's the first ever portal Bulma ever built of its kind.

"What the hell woman? What is this?" Vegeta asked/demanded to Bulma.

Bulma pointed at the portal with her left hand. "Well after our son Trunks from the future left, I got to thinking, what if I build something that can transport someone to another dimension and this is what I built. It's a portal to other dimensions. I already set the coordinates to the portal so anyone can go to that dimension."

Vegeta's right eyebrow raised. "And what the hell is this dimension that you set this portal go to?"

"You wouldn't even know it because you been in space while I was in labor with Trunks. Us women/girls like girl stuff like dolls and ponies." Bulma said. "But I'm a scientist/inventor. I really don't have time for that sort of thing, but on some occasions I do." She even went further with this. "Well, this dimension is from a tv show for little girls so this portal is set to go to that dimension. It was a little tricky to find that dimension, but I found it nonetheless and you're gonna be the 1st one to test the portal. Next to the portal..." She pointed to the right of the portal. "...is everything you'll need like capsules with the house, it does include a training room that goes up to 10,000 times Earth's gravity, so you can train to your heart's content. This backpack also includes some food from the cooks here, some drinks, and extra clothes including battle armor that is very light and flexible, also some senzu beans so you can heal after each training session."

"Ok... and how does this concerns me?"

"Well... I did some searching online and it said that there are bad guys from the past in that dimension."

"Are these bad guys strong?"

"I don't know, you have to find that out yourself."

Vegeta shrugs and cross his arms like he always does. "Alright. Is it turned on?"

"It's currently on right now. Now you get ready for the trip there, I'll go get something to eat, be back."

Bulma went out of the door to go get something to eat, leaving Vegeta alone. He looked at the portal. Well what this dimension is, I really hope it has very strong enemies. He thought as he went over where Bulma put the backpack with everything in it and put it on. I hope Trunks will be alright without me.

He took a deep breath as he starts to go through the portal and all of a sudden... it starts to catch on fire. He felt something and become unconscious as he went through it.

After that, the portal blew up, destroying it.

Vegeta has no idea that his wife Bulma set that portal to a week before the 1,000th year of the Summer Sun Celebration in Equestria at the Castle of the Two Sisters inside it. His wife loves the show My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and he doesn't know it at all. You can say that Bulma is a pegasister.

Arc 1: Vegeta In Equestria Season 1

In the next 14 chapters are the 1st arc of this story called Vegeta In Equestria Season 1. This arc will show Vegeta in Equestria for the 1st season of FIM, some episodes from season 1 were skipped for reasons like Vegeta been doing training while that episode was running and not interacting with the characters at all.

So enjoy the 1st arc of this story!

Chapter 1 Season 1 Premiere: Vegeta In Equestria! The Long Waited Arrival!

Watch this video before continuing in each chapter.

(In DBS Narrator Voice)
Vegeta In Equestria!

The Long Waited Arrival!

Vegeta woke up with a pounding headache in his head. He put his hand on his forehead, rubbing it. "Owww, what the hell happened. Tch, no matter." He then looks around to his surroundings. He doesn't recognized anything on where he currently was. What did that damn device from that woman did to me? He thought, but couldn't get any answers from that question.

He growled. "Grrrr..." He made both of his hands into fists. "...WHERE THE HELL AM I AND WHY IS EVERYTHING SOO DAMN COLORFUL!?" He transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, his eyes turned blue, his spikey hair turned blue as well. His aura that was all around him was blue in color. "WHY DID I GO THROUGH THAT DEVICE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! TO HERE!!!!" The ground was shaking from his growing power.

"That enough Vegeta!" A voice was heard, it sounded very powerful and male like. Vegeta looks around, trying to find where this voice is coming from. Then something was coming out from the shadows. "I thought you should got your fucking damn ego of yours in check. But silly me, I was wrong."

This being was something Vegeta never saw before. He got in his fighting stance. "Who the hell are you?!" He demanded.

This being gave out a chuckle that was familiar to Whis. "I think its time that I finally introduce myself Vegeta."

This being's wings spread out in full glory. This being's presence was strong, really strong. "My name is Willight Alan Robinbine. I'm an male herm anthro alicorn that is from universe 23. I'm also a god of destruction and angel of that universe as well. I'm also the one who is writing this story you're in as well." This being now named Willight said.

Vegeta didn't care of what Willight said. "And why should this matter to me at all?"

Willight smirked. He put both of his arms in the air, radiating power and ki, destruction god ki to be exact. "I think it really should fucking damn matter Vegeta, because this story's universe is about to be erased from existence."

Before Vegeta did anything to Willight, he shouted. "Universal Hakai!"

The power from this radiates all across this story's universe, including a certain changeling named Kosmic Trail that was born from Universe 7, but was turned into a changeling king that has a huge hive in another country on Equus, that also has god ki, felt this power coming from the castle of the two sisters. He turns to you. "Well, see you in the next story. Goku, I'll be waiting for you to spar with you as well." As he said that, his whole body was covered in this light. He was about to be erased. "Thank you Willight for giving me one more chance to be in the next story with Goku." He closed his eyes while smiling and accepted his fate.

And as quick this light came, everything in this story's universe was being erased in a blink of an eye. Just like that, everything is gone, only Willight himself is left.

Willight turns to you, the reader, with both of his arms to his sides while floating in the air using ki. His mane and tail also flowing in the air. "I'm sorry that you saw what I did, but I just couldn't continue with this story anymore. But, the replacement for this story will be much better than this one. It'll involve Goku instead of Vegeta. Also, the story will involve Sunny Sunscout from Gen 5 just 1 month after her lighthouse home was rebuilt to be coming to Gen 4 along with Goku from that same portal to the castle of the two sisters just 1 week before the 1,000th year of the summer sun celebration. This Goku that will be in the story will be his Abridged counterpart because of the muffins from the muffin button. Also Goku did met Celestia while training with Whis back on Lord Beerus's planet in Universe 7. The universe that Whis brought Celestia to train with was from was Universe 28. Omniverse 1, Multiverse 3, Universe 28 is the one for the story. So I really hope I'll see you in that new story. Catch you laterāœŒ!"

And with that, everything faded to black. Thanks for reading What If Vegeta Went To The G4 My Little Pony Dimension 1 Week Before The Events Of The Show guys!

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