
The Alleys of Ponyville: Short Stories from the Noireverse

by PonyJosiah13

Chapter 16: Sparring

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With a grunt, Daring sprawled facedown across the matted floor of the basement gym, her nose filling with the scent of sweat and rubber. She turned to look up at Phillip, who was pinning her down with an arm bar.

“I win,” he grinned down at her.

“That’s what...you...think!” Daring replied, trying to squirm out of his grasp. She pushed towards him, tried to get her hind legs underneath her, attempted to roll out of the lock. But every move she made, he anticipated and cut off, keeping her pinned down to the floor.

“You’re not getting out of this,” he told her, not loosening his hold in the slightest.

Daring scowled up at him, then grinned as an idea suddenly struck her. Phillip’s face fell into a worried expression in response. “What are you thinking?” he said slowly.

He found out a moment later when Daring extended her wing and started rapidly stroking her primary feather up and down his exposed side. Phillip’s eyes widened and he began squirming, attempting to cover up his vulnerable side while maintaining his lock. “S-s-stop that!” he cried, fighting down a wide smile. “That’s cheating!”

“We didn’t agree on rules,” Daring sang, pressing her attack.

Phillip pulled away from her assault and his grip on her arm loosened. Instantly, Daring sprang up and tackled Phillip to the ground. Her hooves dug into his armpits while both her wings continued to assault his sides, probing for weak spots. Phillip squirmed and flailed helplessly beneath her, his laughter and snorts filling the room; every time he tried to cover up one of his more ticklish areas, Daring quickly switched to another one, keeping him trapped beneath her.

“Nooooo!” he howled, trying and failing to push her off. “S-stop!”

“Say uncle!” Daring taunted, leaning in close.

Too late, she noticed that Phillip had managed to get his hind hooves underneath him. He suddenly bucked his hips upwards, pushing her off him and onto the mat beside him. He quickly rolled over on top of her and began to tickle her back, attacking her belly. Wriggling and sputtering with laughter, Daring counterattacked with her wings. The two wrestled across the mats, rolling over and over as they fought for the dominant position, laughing and giggling.

Daring managed to get Phillip in her guard, batting her hooves away from her belly as she did so, and pushed him away. She tried to roll away as fast as she could, but Phillip pounced on her, trapping her in side control. He shot her an evil grin, then took in a deep breath, planted his lips over her belly button and blew a loud raspberry.

Daring squealed with laughter, kicking her legs wildly. Her training forgotten, she tried to push his head away, but he continued blowing raspberries on her belly, rendering her helpless, unable to focus beyond her own laughter.

“Okay, okay! Uncle!” she cried, slapping the mat to signal submission.

Phillip relented and sat back up, looking down at her. Both of them were breathing heavily and covered in sweat, their damp manes hanging down over their faces, eyes shining with remnants of laughter. Daring crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Phillip.

“You are ridiculous,” Phillip chuckled.

“And you’re too serious,” Daring replied, booping him on the nose. “You know, laughing’s good for your health. I’m just trying to look out for you, old-timer.”

Phillip just rolled his eyes.

Author's Note

I dunno. I just wanted to have a scene of Phil and Daring having a tickle fight.

Next Chapter: Birth Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 19 Minutes
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