
The Sun's Perfection

by MetallicPie

Chapter 1: The Sun's Perfection

The Sun's Perfection

Another continuation? Yep! You can go read the previous ones if you want. There is a link for one of them in the description.

Anyways, enjoy this one! :twilightsmile:

The Sun's Perfection

I'd raise the sun at the balcony. In a few days, The Summer Sun Celebration was going to happen. I honestly hate The Summer Sun Celebration. It's pointless to me. All what it's about is when I defeated Nightmare Moon also known as my sister. My sister's real name is Luna. I wish this celebration wasn't created, unless there could be a change to it. All that I think at the moment is wishing that it was never created.

I exited the balcony, now waiting for a servant to come into my bedroom to say that my breakfast is ready. It would usually take a few minutes for that to happen. After a few minutes passed, a servant entered my bedroom.

"Princess, your breakfast is ready," the servant said to me.

"Thank you, dear servant," I replied.

The servant exited my room. No bowing. No bowing at all. I loved it. Finally, for the first time in years, no bowing. I was scared to tell my subjects that I didn't want them bowing to me all the time but now I finally told them.


I walked down the hallway, heading to Twilight's dorm. Twilight was a student of mine. She was staying with me in my castle with her own dorm. She helped me on one night feel better when I was balling my eyes out about my exiled sister. Her name is Luna. She is imprisoned in the moon. I miss her so much. I really want her to return home soon.

I entered Twilight's dorm. I then headed over to her bed and started shaking her so I could wake her up.

"Twilight," I said softly.

She groaned and turned towards me, opening her eyes.

"Good morning, princess..." Twilight sleepily.

I gave her a smile.

"Ready to go have breakfast with me?" I asked.

"Of course!" she'd reply happily.

I'd giggle.

"Alright, meet me in the kitchen when you are ready," I told her.

"Okay, princess!" she replied cheerfully.

I then exited her dorm.


After a few minutes, Twilight entered the kitchen, her mane was fully brushed. She had a smile on her face like always. She'd come and sit next to me. One of the servants would then come and bring us our breakfast.

"Here you go," the servant said to me.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem, your majesty," the servant replied and then walked away.

I ate my breakfast. After I was done, I went to do my morning duties. Everypony was preparing for The Summer Sun Celebration. After I've finished my morning duties, I'd teach Twilight some spells. I wanted her to be prepared for what was coming to her. She'd be the one to free my sister along with other five ponies.

A few hours later, it was dinnertime. I entered the kitchen and sat down. Twilight came and sat next to me. One of the servants would then come and bring us our dinner.

"Here you go," the servant said to me.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem, your majesty," the servant replied and then walked away.

I ate my dinner. After I was done, I was ready for bed. I took Twilight to her dorm first and tucked her in. I then exited her dorm and headed to my room. When I entered, I laid flat on my bed. I looked out my window, seeing the frightening image of my sister. I turned away quickly, now facing the wall. It was better than looking at the moon.

Just then, a single tear escaped my eye.

I miss you, Luna...

I'd raise the sun at the balcony once again. I didn't feel like going back into my bedroom. I thought it was time to get some fresh air. I'd spread out my wings and then I started to fly. I landed near a fountain. I sat down and looked at it. I sighed. Just then, a heard a voice from behind me.


I turned around quickly. The voice turned out to be the voice of my old friend. Her name was Daisy Petal. She is a unicorn. We haven't seen eachother in a while. I honestly didn't expect to see her again.

"Daisy Petal?" I said in a shocked voice.

"Yes, it's me. Its been a while, huh?" Daisy Petal said, giving me a smile.

"Yes... it has..." I replied, shaking like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Daisy Petal asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes... it's just... it's been so long..." I explained.

Daisy Petal giggled.

I then giggled along with her.

The giggling lasted for a few minutes. After a few minutes, we stopped. Just then, Daisy Petal mentioned something.

"I heard you were upset a few nights ago..."

My eyes widened. How did she hear about that?

"Y-You did? How?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"One of the guards told me," Daisy Petal explained.

"Oh..." I said, turning away from her.

"I heard that a student of yours comforted you..."

"Yes... her name is Twilight Sparkle..."

I could feel myself about to cry. I didn't want to cry.

"Celestia?" Daisy Petal said, trying to get my attention.

My eyes started to tear up.

No! Not again!

The tears were now out. They were flowing freely down my cheeks. Daisy Petal walked over and saw my face. She had a look of concern.


I broke down sobbing. I lowered my head. Daisy Petal nuzzled my cheeks. The pain hurts so much. I just want my sister back. I want the pain to go away.


After a few minutes, I calmed down. I lifted up my head. My eyes were bloodshot and my face was stained with dried tears. More tears rolled down my cheeks. Daisy Petal gave me a caring smile. She used a hoof to wipe away my tears. I sniffled and then I smiled.

"Feeling better?" Daisy Petal asked.

"Yes, a lot better," I said.

Just then, I saw her looking towards the castle.

"Want to go inside and spend some time together and have some tea?" she asked me.

"Sure," I replied.

Both of us then headed inside.


The Summer Sun Celebration was starting. Ponies were cheering. I took a deep breath.

You can do this, Celestia...

I walked out. Ponies were looking at me with excited faces.

"Ponies of Equestria! I shall raise the sun!" I announced, trying to sound happy.

Ponies were cheering louder. My horn lit up and my wings were spread out. I soared up and then I raised the sun. I looked down at the ponies that were watching, smiling at them. They did one final cheer and started clapping their hooves.

Deep inside, I was hurting.


I rose the moon at the balcony. I then went back to my bedroom. I laid flat on the bed. One more tear escaped my eye.

I had one wish.

I wish ponies would stop thinking that I was perfect.

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