
Adventurer to Mother

by Zubric

Chapter 2: Mama Daring

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It was a rather calm evening when the Friendship Express pulled into the station in Ponyville, ponies going about their business like normal. Daring stepped off the train waving goodbye to Icy, before she stepped out onto the street. She wondered if she'd see that nice mare again, then paused to take in the sights as she lightly nudged Rainbow Dash. "Wake up, Rainbow, we're here."

"Five more minutes, Mama," Rainbow mumbled, rolling onto her side.

Daring made sure the foal didn't fall off, finding the sight a little adorable. "Rainbow Dash, you have to tell me where Twilight's place is. I’ve never been to Ponyville before."

Just as Daring turned her head to look more, a wall of pink greeted her instead. Pinkie beamed. "Oh, I thought my ‘Pinkie Sense’ was telling me that somepony new was in town. And here you are," She smiled. "Welcome to Ponyville, Yearling!' She gave a wink before gasping upon seeing the tiny Rainbow Dash! "Oh my gosh! What happened to her?! She’s so small now!"

Rainbow, upon hearing Pinkie’s voice, opened her eyes very slowly.. “Was going on?"

Pinkie got up to Rainbow’s face, gasping again. "Why are you so small, Dashie? You're soooo cute." She can't help giggle a bit before going back to being serious. Well as serious as Pinkie could manage.

"I no cute, Pinkie!" Rainbow yelled, crossing her hooves with a pout.

"Are too." Pinkie retorted, grinning ear to ear.

Daring glanced at Pinkie. "Pinkie, I'll explain later. Right now I just need to see Twilight." She watched Pinkie scoop up Rainbow Dash, sniffing her bottom to check it.

"Hey! Stop that! I’m dry!" Rainbow squealed as she tried to get back to Daring.

Pinke gave the diaper a pat. "Sorry, Rainbow, I was just checking. Never can be too sure with foals." She chuckled, before putting the foal back.

"Right, uh lead the way, please." Daring instructed, gesturing Pinkie to move.

Pinkie happily obliged, bouncing along down the dirt street with Daring following close behind.

Rainbow meanwhile, hugged onto Daring. "Hi, Mama, where are we?"

Daring blinked. "Ponyville, remember? Are you feeling okay?" She asked, a little worried about Rainbow’s behavior. But she said nothing more, she just kept following Pinkie, soon seeing the Golden Oaks Library just down the street.

"Me feeling fine, just sweeping is all." Rainbow answered. rubbing her eyes.

Pinkie giggled at how her friend was acting. "Oh, that’s cute. You’re so adorable, Dashie." Nudging open the door, the three ponies entered the library with Daring spotting Twilight. Not surprisingly, the princess had her nose in a book.

Pinkie bounced over to her friend, nudging her. "Twilight, we’ve got a problem! A really big problem!"

"What is it, Pinkie? Has your party cannon gone missing again?" Twilight asked as she turned around to see Pinkie, A. K. Yearling, and a cute, sky blue coated foal with a rainbow mane that was held in Daring’s hooves.

Daring moved closer. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, your friend got cursed while on an adventure with me," She explained, taking her time to tell her about the temple and their little adventure inside it. "The pacifier is in my bag, I'm almost scared to take it out in case it effects somepony else."

Rainbow's ears flicked up at the mention of the pacifier. "Me want paci, Mama!" Rainbow yelled

Twilight gasped. "Rainbow Dash! It really is you! Oh dear, this is a problem,” Then she stuttered. “But… I’m sure we can fix this. Can I see the pacifier?" She asked, before calling for Spike.

Daring blushed a tad as she retrieved it, making sure it didn't come anywhere close to her muzzle. It didn't seem to be glowing anymore. Then again, she wasn't a unicorn so detecting magic wasn’t possible.

Immediately, Dash tried to grab it and insert it into her mouth with her hooves. "Give it, Mama!" Rainbow yelled as she appeared to be on the edge of crying.

Daring tugged on it while Dash held onto it and bit down once it was in her mouth. "Rainbow, Twilight needs to see that." Daring groaned. Twilight had observed the whole thing with concern.

"Did Dashie just call Daring, mommy?!" Pinkie gasped with her mouth agape.

Hearing what Pinkie had said, Dash let go and started to blush. "Me didn't! You hearing things!" Rainbow protested.

Twilight looked back at the small foal. "It's okay if you did, Rainbow, no one will make fun of you."

"Me no say that! You just hear things!" Rainbow protested again.

Pinkie danced from hoof to hoof once more. "Oh no, I'm sure I heard you call Daring mama several times. It's actually kind of adorable."

Twilight. meanwhile, took the pacifier with her magic, focusing a spell upon it. Her face scrunched after a moment. "I've never seen magic quite like this. I'm sorry, Rainbow, but it's going to take some time for me figure out a cure for your condition."

"B-but, me no wanna stay foaw!" Rainbow tantrumed and started to cry

Pinkie rushed, over trying to use silly faces to help her friend calm down. It always worked on the Cake Twins. "It's okay, Rainbow, I'm sure Twilight can fix you in no time. She’s good with magic."

Twilight gave a nervous grin. "I'm sure I can figure even this out, it’s just gonna take some time,” Then she added. “But I can see that whatever has caused the regression has also made Rainbow bound to Daring."

Spike looked over. "You mean, like baby animals do with their mothers? Or like you said I did to you when I first hatched?”

Rainbow just kept on crying, too upset to pay much attention. Had she really developed a bond with Daring? Did she actually think that Daring was her mother?

Daring held her close to her chest. "Uh..shh shh it's okay." She tried watching as Pinkie darted to a random corner of another room, fishing around for something before pulling out a clean pacifier.

"Wait, where did you get that?" Spike asked as Pinkie rushed back over, popping the binky into the awaiting mouth.

"I always have pacifiers stashed all over Ponyville in case of pacifier emergencies,” Pinkie explained and tried to sooth her foalified friend. “There you go. Shh, it's okay, Dashie."

The foal started to suckle on the pacifier, calming down as she did. “Thanks, Pinkie. I wasn't sure what to do."

"No problem, I deal with Pound and Pumpkin all the time. I’ve got plenty of experience." She patted Rainbow's head, before looking back at Twilight who was making notes as she worked.

"I would say Pinkie could foalsit Rainbow Dash, but it would seem Rainbow is more comfortable with you, Daring, wherever that is,” Twilight suggested. Then, staring back at her parchment she added. "The good news is, no one else is going to be drawn to this artifact. Sadly, that’s all I’ve got so far."

Rainbow looked at Twilight. "Then, me have that paci?" She asked, sniffling

Twilight shook her head. "I need it to study the magic within Rainbow. I'm sure the other one will do fine."

Daring let out another sigh. "Guess that means I have to go shopping for supplies now."

"Twiwight, you gonna fix me, wight?" Rainbow asked, through her pink pacifier

Twilight sighed. "I'll do all I can to fix this, Rainbow, I promise. It's just going to take some time." The bookworm mare began to pull books off her shelves.

Pinkie beamed at Rainbow. "Hey, think of it this way! You get to relive being a foal! Isn’t that great?!"

"But me no wanna be a foal, Pinkie! I wanna be a adult and be cool, not cute!" Rainbow complained, pouting a bit.

"Oh, you'll be cute no matter what, Rainbow. Foals are always cute," Pinkie said as she continued to beam. "Don't worry, Daring, I can help you shop for supplies. Maybe we'll find something nice for Dash to wear."

"Wear? Isn't diapee enough?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure, but you should see some of the pictures I've taken with the Cake Twins during dress up time. Pound looked so cute in his little sailor suit." Pinkie awed slightly, watching her friend snuggle into Daring’s coat more.

"Me no wanna," Rainbow protested, shaking her head before staring at Twilight. "Twily, you tink that me need wear diapees?

Daring rolled her eyes. "Rainbow, you know you need them. I mean, remember the train station? You didn’t even know you had to go until you’d already soaked yourself." She pointed out. Rainbow blushed.

"I won’t give up till I fix this, Rainbow. In the meantime, just try to have fun." Twilight remarked, flipping through pages of various books.

Rainbow frowned. “You twy to have fun when you a foal!" Her eyes narrowed, clearly not amused.

Pinkie ignored how cranky her friend was being, and smiled while patting the foal’s head once more. "We got your back, Dashie. Twilight can fix anything,” Then she turned to Daring. “So, ready to go shopping?"

Daring looked at her saddle bag. "I suppose so. Never cared for foals before but I guess now I’ll learn."

"Wets just get this ovew with." Rainbow sighed, cuddling into Daring’s coat.

Daring paused for a moment taking in the feeling of Rainbow cuddling her. It felt oddly heartwarming. Making sure her disguise was set in place, she followed Pinkie out of the library, letting her lead the way to the foal store.

Along the way, the group attracted a few stares mostly from those that saw the rainbow maned foal on the author’s back.

Rainbow giggled everytime a pony cooed or dawed at her. She wasn’t sure why she loved the attention she was getting from everypony, but it felt good.

Pinkie hummed as she lead Daring on. "Don't worry, whatever Rainbow doesn’t end up using I can use on the Cake Twins. Did you know the Cakes are considering potty training them soon?"

"Hey! How come they start potty training, but me stuck in diapees?" Rainbow asked with the most adorable of pouts.

Daring laughed lightly. "You clearly need them. I'm not going to be looking forward to the messy ones though." She gagged.

“Trust me, you’ll get used to them. The first one’s always the hardest.” Pinkie giggled, then happily opened the door for them as they entered the store. The light scent of talcum hit their noses, along with all the pastel colours.

Rainbow found herself entranced by the foalish store, laughing as she peered around, "This place is wike a coloring book!" As soon as she said that she covered her mouth. “Why am I saying such foalish things?! Gotta stay focused!” She thought.

A blue maned earth pony mare soon greeted them, waving as they entered. "Hello there. How can I help you?”

Pinkie bounced over. "Hey, my friend over here needs some supplies for her new foal."

Daring adjusted her glasses, hearing her shrunken friend coo and gasp while looking around. "Nothing too fancy." She insisted.

The mare gasped upon recognizing the author before her. "Oh, you're A.K Yearling! My son loves your series, he’s read all of your books ten times already!"

Rainbow giggled. "Me hew biggest fan!"

"I didn't know you had a foal." The shopkeeper mentioned, leading them down the aisles.

"I didn’t, I'm just foal sitting for a friend." Daring blurted out, her cheeks reddening a bit once more. That warm feeling returned to her as she stopped by the various foal foods.

Pinkie looked at them all. "Every foal loves Mashed Peas," She remarked, adding a few jars to the cart. "Little ones don’t have a strong enough stomach for solid food yet."

Upon seeing the jar of Mashed Peas, Rainbow gagged. "Yick! I rather have mama milk." Daring’s cheeks heated up again as she tried to hide it, she rather hoped she wouldn’t have to do that. It would be awkward and uncomfortable. Hopefully she could just bottle feed Rainbow.

The mare smiled. "Oh, there are other flavours for you to try, little one. Maybe some Cream of Carrot, or Sweet Corn?" She asked, watching Pinkie select a variety.

"Wah bout that one?!" Rainbow asked, pointing at a jar of cotton candy flavored foal food

"Only if you're on your best behaviour," Daring joked as she set the single jar into the cart. "Can't have you eating too many sweets.” She could vaguely remember when her mom used to tell her that. It kind of made her nostalgic.

"B-but why not?" Rainbow asked, "I notta real foaw. I eat sweets aww the time!"

"You'll get a tummy ache if you eat too much. You know that, Dashie." Pinkie scolded as she picked up a bottle or two and powdered formula as well. The mare leading them can't help aww once again.

"No I won't! Me goin' be fine!" Rainbow whined.

The two kept on shopping as Dash pouted while trying to act adult, but it was really hard. Pinkie stopped by all the onesies and dresses and oohed. "Oh look, Yearling, they have Daring Do merchandise!" She held out a cute onesie coloured just like Daring vest. It even came with a small pith helmet for the foal.

Rainbow’s eyes locked onto the garment almost immediately, making grabby hooves at it

Daring watching this unfold and chuckled. "Sure, we can get that," She nodded before picking Dash up off her back and patting the diaper to check it. "Ugh! You're soggy already?"

Pinkie giggled, patting Daring’s back. "Yeah, foals do that a lot. You’ll have to get used to checking them often, especially for number one."

Rainbow blushed, feeling even smaller. "Me didn't pee!"

Daring and Pinkie made their way to the bathroom, rolling their eyes. "Relax, Rainbow, I'll have you dry in no time. Then you can dress up." Daring mothered.

With Pinki’s help the changing process didn't take too long, Rainbow only being a tad fussy during the whole thing.

Once done, Daring unbuttoned the diaper hatch on the onesie and slid it over the foal’s head. Rainbow smiled once she was wearing the onesie, "I Dawing Do! I goin' on adventure!" She yelled with a giggle, bouncing some more.

Pinkie dawed again. "Oh, Rainbow, you look super cute now." She looked over to Daring, seeing a faint smile on the adventurer.

Daring put the small pith helmet on Rainbow before taking her back out, setting her in a light pink stroller she'd picked out.

"Wouldn't a foal carrier or saddle bag be easier?” Pinkie asked.

"Wha that?" Rainbow asked while she was buckled into the stroller.

Pinkie brought over the aforementioned saddle bag, showing it to Daring. "See? It has cute little cubbies for foals legs to slide into to, so their mommy or daddy can carry them around," She explained to Rainbow. "It's probably easier since Yearling has to go up to your house anyway."

"That seems silly," Rainbow remarked and turned to Daring. "Just carry me on you back."

"I wouldn't want you to fall now would I?" Daring asked as they pick up some more diapers, along with a spare pacifier and a few toys. Once wheeled up to the counter, Daring paid for her items while humming lightly. "Thanks, Pinkie, you've been so helpful. I’d have been lost without you."

"Oh It's no problem at all. I love caring for little ones," Pinkie teased while giving Rainbow a light pinch on the cheek. "You might want to feed her once you get to her house though, she must be starving after all she’s been through."

Rainbow's tummy growled just as Pinkie had said that. "Me could eat someting." She said with a blush.

Borrowing a water bottle from the store mare, Pinkie took the powder formula and mixed it with milk, showing Daring how it was done on the counter. "You give it a good shake and usually you should warm it up first. But she should be fine," Pinkie said, snapping the amber nipple onto the bottle before setting it into Rainbow's hooves. "There you go, Dashie."

Rainbow looked at the bottle for a second, unclear of what to do with it. Daring moved the bottle up, setting the nipple into Rainbow’s mouth. "You need to suckle." She said softly while she held it up for her.

Rainbow lightly suckled on the bottle, feeling the formula enter her mouth. “This is actually good!” Rainbow thought as she kept suckling faster. Daring held the bottle the entire time while the foal drank. "Good, keep it up."

Pinkie bounced some while watching. "Oh, don't forget that she might need to be burped afterwards. Foals get gas."

Rainbow continue to drink the bottle until it was gone. "Tat good, Mama!"

Daring put the bottle tin the diaper bag before wheeling the stroller out. Pinkie helped by carrying the extra supplies.

They made their way down the street to where Rainbow’s house was. Daring sighed. "I have no idea how I'll write this into the book at all. It wasn't even that epic of a trip. All that just for a cursed pacifier."

Pinkie kept bouncing as she lead the way. "I don't know, they might like to read it."

"Daring Do is about adventures and danger, not...motherhood." Daring protested with a slight shudder.

"Well, me no want you to make it book, it embarrassing fow ponies to know I foaw." Rainbow complained while covering her face.

Daring looked around. "I'd change the names," Then she blushed. "I suppose I could always tell the publisher that it’s a children's book," She muttered while staring upwards at a large cloud mansion. "Wow, that's your place?!”

"Yeah, I buiwd it mysewf." Rainbow beamed.

"Ah, I see. It’s quite impressive," She commented before taking some time to ferry up the supplies. Once done, she looked at Pinkie Pie. "I can handle this from here, Pinkie."

"Okie dokie lokie! Take car!." With that, Pinkie bounced off leaving Daring alone with Rainbow.

Taking the foal into her hooves, Yearling flew up to the cloud house, soon entering the front door. She sets the little foal on the floor. "Impressive." She whispered.

Rainbow touched the cloud floor and giggled. "This as soft as diapees." She blushed upon saying that, but couldn’t help but feel happy about it. “Ugh, what’s wrong with me? She thought.

Daring shifted her hooves on the cottony like cloud surface, watching as Rainbow bounced around. Soon, she heard a whiring sound before noticing a tortoise flying by in a little copter hat. "Oh, who's this?"

"Tank!" Rainbow yelled, putting her hooves up. Tank blinked, confused at the stranger and the small foal. He hovered lower to take a closer look, seeing the awe in the little ones eye. "Tank, it me, Wainbow Dash!" Rainbow said as she hugged her tortoise.

Her pet nuzzled her back, blinking. "Oh, what a nice pet you have." Daring commented, letting the two hug.

After the happy reunion Rainbow waddled over, staring up at Daring. "Mama, me wanna pway." She said, bouncing up and down with glee.

Daring stuttered. "Uh sure." Moving the foal to the living room area, she glanced at the comfy couch and Wonderbolts merchandise. She sat down and opened the bag, offering a ball to Rainbow. She guessed the floor was special since stuff didn't just fall through.

Rainbow’s eyes sparkle as she began to play with the ball, rolling it around while laughing. Emotions came so much easier to her now, it seemed.

Daring took a breather, sitting on the couch. As she watched Dash play with the toys she felt strangely happy. Was this what being a mother was like? While she looked out the window at the streets below she had the passing thought of where Rainbow was going to sleep. Would she be okay sleeping in the bed with her? She wasn't sure. it wasn't like she could have her in a doggie bed.

"Tank, is you wondering why me foaw?" Rainbow asked as she continued to play with the ball. Tank licked her cheek slowly, apparently just happy to see her. Rainbow giggled, and hugged Tank's neck

Daring checked out one of the books on the shelf, leaving the little foal to dig into the bag and pull out a few other plushies and blocks. She found that Pinkie had gotten her a Spitfire plushie as well.

Rainbow grabbed the plushie and hugged it. "They make Wonderbowt pwushies?! Me wuv this!"

Daring couldn’t help but laugh a bit, watching the adorable site. "Yeah, you’d be surprised what merchandise they make of me." She smiled, seeing how happy Rainbow seemed. She wasn't sure how much of that was the inner foal compared to just Rainbow herself.

"They probably make Dawing Do diapees." Rainbow teased, holding her chest as she laughed.

"I think I saw that once," Daring nodded, then decided to scoop Rainbow into her lap. Remembering something her mom did, she bounced Dash up and down lightly with her forelegs. Soon getting uncontrollable giggles out of the foal. She grinned at the reaction and kept it up, lightly watching Rainbow’s wings buzz as she laughed. Getting another idea, the adventurer laid on her back, holding the foal up in the air. "Come on, little Rainbow."

Rainbow didn't seem to care who she was acting like as her wings buzzed about, making her feel like she was flying while not actually going anywhere. She remembered back to zipping about her parents’ house, breaking a lamp in the process. Of course, her parents had just cooed at her and hadn't really punished her aside from a brief time out.

"Mama! I fwying!" Rainbow yelled.

Daring tilted the foal left and right as she played, listening to the carefree giggles as Rainbow flew. "Coming in for a landing!" Daring lowered her hooves, soon hugging Rainbow and patting her back. "Gotcha!"

Rainbow smiled and hugged Daring. "Me wuv you, mama."

"Uh, y-yeah." Daring blushed once more setting Dash down by her toys.

Soon, Daring heard a knock at Rainbow’s front door and blinked, having not expected guests. "Who could that be?" Quickly moving to the door she opened it, seeing that is was Fluttershy. "Oh, hello." She tried to greet politely.

"Hi, Yearling, I heard what happened to Rainbow and wanted to see if there was anything I could help you with," Fluttershy spoke in her kind, calm tone. "But if you don't need help, I'll understand."

"I feel a little out of my league. So yeah, I could probably use help," Daring replied, watching the shy pegasus. "I would love advice on caring for foals. You must know some things from caring for baby animals. Don't foals need some place to sleep?" She uncertainly asked, letting Rainbow’s friend inside.

Fluttershy was soon hugged by Rainbow as the foal rushed over to hug her leg. Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy, smiling. “Hi, Fwuttershy, wah you doin' hewe?"

"I'm just here to help Daring with a few things. And of course, play with you, sweetie," Fluttershy said, tickling the filly at her legs. Fluttershy looked around for a moment, checking out the kitchen. "Um, did you get a high chair yet?" She asked Daring.

"No, that didn't come to mind, actually.” Daring admitted.

"Oh and she'll need somewhere to sleep too. Foals are too small to sleep in big filly beds." Fluttershy explained.

Daring nodded. "I see, but the foal store is closing soon." She stared down at Rainbow, patting her head.

Fluttershy shuffled her hooves. "Well, you could borrow the bassinet I have at my house. And I think I have a spare high chair. I mean, if you want."

Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy with a questioning look. "Why you have those tings?"

Fluttershy's cheeks blushed a little. "I uh, may have tried being a mother with Angel Bunny at one point." She muttered.

Rainbow giggled. “You babied angel?! That funny!"

Fluttershy squeaked, turning to Daring. "Um, do you want them?'

Daring nodded after a moment. "I guess I do need them. Never really considered them," She picked up Rainbow once more. "We can use a cloud to transport the items."

"Okay, we better hurry,” Fluttershy instructed. “You don't want foals to be up past their bedtime."

"Wah?! Me no have bed time!" Rainbow yelled, looking up at Fluttershy.

"Um, I just know foals shouldn't stay up late, they need their sleep," Fluttershy sheepishly answered. "You don't want to be cranky, do you?" She mothered.

"Me not goin' be cranky!" Rainbow pouted, clearly not liking the idea of bed time.

Daring rolled her eyes as she flew outside, with Fluttershy putting Rainbow upon a tuft of cloud, before pushing it along towards Fluttershy cottage.

Daring narrowed her eyes. "Rainbow, you will go to bed when told." She tired to act motherly.

"But me used stay up aww night, and me was fine!" Rainbow stubbornly protested.

Fluttershy shook her head being reminded of some of her more troublesome animals. "Rainbow, you aren't an adult right now. You need as much sleep as you can get." She cooed

"But why?" Rainbow groaned, clearly not seeing the need.

"Just because. You shouldn’t talk back to grown-ups, it’s not polite." Fluttershy replied while steadily flying alongside Daring (whose Yearling costume was fluttering in the wind).

"That no good reason." Dash complained.

"Well if you don't get the proper sleep you’ll be cranky all day,” Fluttershy told her regressed friend. “We wouldn’t want that now would we?"

"No, we wouldn't." Rainbow sighed, frowning a bit

"Good." Fluttershy ruffled Rainbow’s mane a bit.

It didn't take long for the pegasi to reach the cottage, Daring lowering the cloud to the ground. "Okay let's get those things for Rainbow," Daring took Rainbow inside the cottage setting her upon the couch. “Don’t wander off." She instructed.

"Otay, Mama, me be good filly." Rainbow replied while pouting a little.

As the two adults went off to get the items, Angel hopped his way over jumping up to the couch to give Rainbow a confused look

"H-hi Angel. It me, Wainbow." The foal nervously said to the bunny.

Angel tilted his head in confusion, reaching up to poke at the filly's chest, not believing his eyes.

Even the light poke by Angel made Rainbow start to giggle. "That tickled!" Angel poked again mischievously and slowly poked around her tummy some more. He found it amusing. Rainbow continued to giggle, she was actually liking the tickling feeling. Angel smirked, and after a few more pokes bounced over to her tummy and managed to blow a raspberry into it.

Fluttershy (who had just wheeled out the bassinet from the basement) couldn’t help but giggle at how cute the sight was.

Rainbow squirmed during the raspberries, trying to push the bunny away. "S-stop! That t-too much!"

Fluttershy snickered too as she picked Rainbow up, saving her from her tickling fate. "Oh, was Angel having fun with you? How sweet," She nuzzled her friend before moving her to the bassinet. "Here, you can lay in this "

Rainbow lay in the bassinet for a few minute. "This ting so soft. I wike it!" The bassinet was set up by the cloud, next to the folded up high chair.

"Oh, that’s good." Daring commented. Fluttershy followed, wanting to check on her friend some more.

"Mama, me sweepy." Rainbow said with a cute yawn.

"That’s okay, Rainbow. You go to sleep and well be back home in no time/" Daring said, letting the words come out naturally. She never thought she’d be this good.

"But me wanna hewp you!" Rainbow said, yawning more as her eyelids were growing heavy.

Daring keep pushing the cloud as Fluttershy hover over the bassinet. "It's okay, Rainbow, you are a small foal." She dotted.

It wasn't long until they arrived back at Rainbow’s house. Fluttershy and Daring carefully carrying the bassinet up to Rainbow bedroom, making sure not to jostle the foal inside. Rainbow had fallen asleep in the bassinet on the way to the cloud house, and had started to suckle on her hoof

Once the bassinet was settled into a corner, Daring got out the pacifier and careful inserted it. Fluttershy awed quickly. "Oh, you seem to be doing well so far, Daring." She watched the chest of her foalified friend rise and fall.

Daring rubbed her neck sheepishly. "Y-yeah, I guess I am. Never thought I’d be so good with foals, but it’s all coming naturally to me/"

Out of nowhere the words, "G'night, mama." came from the bassinet

Fluttershy let out a small giggle as Daring facehoofed with a groan, hoping this could be fixed sooner rather than later.

Fluttershy smiled at Daring, "Hey, you should be happy. You get to be a mommy."

“I am happy, but I didn't want to be a mother. I'm not ready for this.” Daring complained, looking down into the bassinet.

“Well, I'll help you all I can, Daring. Rainbow shouldn't be that hard to take care of. She wasn't a very needy mare, and I doubt she’ll be anymore needy than normal as a foal.” Fluttershy replied, sitting down in a rocking chair

“That's the thing, Fluttershy, she wasn't needy as a mare. But she's not a mare right now, she's a foal. And foals need lots of care.” Daring grumbled.

“I'm used to that. You can manage taking care of her for a few weeks, and I’ll be here to help. It won't be that hard.” Fluttershy insisted.

“Let's hope so.” Daring said, while looking at the rainbow maned filly. She couldn’t help but smile.

Author's Notes:

Yeah I know, Yearling's costume doesn't have wing holes but how else was she suppose to get into Rainbow's house?

Feedback appreciated

Next Chapter: CMC Foalsitters Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 6 Minutes
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