

by CategoricalGrant

Chapter 35: Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

After a few hours of prep work, you are convinced you are ready.

You turn the corner and head down a long, shadowy corridor formed between two crystal bookshelves. You walk confidently but slowly, with purpose.

Twilight Sparkle picks her head up after carefully reshelving a book. She carefully readjusts her pair of cute glasses, her tail swishing back and forth under her mid-length skirt in tender excitement at your approach.

“Miss Circulation, how are you this fine evening?” you ask before she can greet you.

Twilight curtsies carefully. “Lord Literacy, thank you for gracing me with your presence.” You notice Twilight biting her lip, unable to control her smile at the silly situation. “I am very well; how is your lordship?”

“Oh, fine,” you muse, absentmindedly drawing a hoof over the bindings of a row of books as you continue to draw closer to her. “You have done such an excellent job managing the personal library here at my estate. You must tell me how you do it.”

“Oh, i-it’s nothing, really. I have developed my own organizational system, but I wouldn’t wish to bother you with it, sir.”

“As you wish,” you say, drawing to a stop inches away from Twilight. You place a hoof under her chin and apply light upward pressure, causing her to look upward into your eyes. “My my, you aren’t just competent, but so pretty as well. Remind me again how I was able to hire someone so...qualified to be my personal librarian?”

Twilight bites her lip again in suppression of what appears to be a snort, but her face begins to blush a light red. “When I heard that the most handsome and mysterious landowner in late modern Equestria wanted to interview me for a position, I came straight away!”

“Indeed, and I am quite happy you did. Now, be honest with me Miss Circulation...do you ever get lonely working in this library by yourself?”

Twilight sighs and paws at the ground. “I can be lonely...But, only sometimes sir! I chose to work alongside these books, and they can be great company.”

You take two steps forward toward Twilight, and she takes a shaky one backward. “That is too bad to hear.” Swinging your body around toward the center of the pathway, you step forward again, casing Twilight to butt against the bookshelf on the left of the aisle. “Would you like some company?”

You can feel your own heart rate increase as Twilight’s breath washes over your muzzle. “C-company? What do you mean, sir?”

You lean forward, placing a reassuring hoof on Twilight’s withers. “I feel I have been such a poor boss, leaving you alone, here.” Placing your other hoof on her barrel, you push Twilight upwards such that she is standing on her back hooves alone with her back pressed gently but tightly against the bookshelf.

Twilight lets out a little gasp of surprise. “S-sir...I am nothing but a peasant!”

“Oh, you are so much more to me…” you purr into her ear, using your forehooves to pin hers against the rows of reference books. “I know how perfect you are. I want to spend my time with you.” Pulling your head back, you stare intensely into Twilight’s overwhelmed gaze.

“K-kiss me,” she chokes, her breathing heavy and rapid.

“Miss Circulation, I do not appreciate such audacity,” you scold, pulling your muzzle away as she leans forward. “Remember your place.”

Please kiss me,” she begs. The blush across her face lies as thick as paint.

“A mere pleasantry won’t make things any better,” you tsk down at her.

Twilight lets out another little gasp stomps one of her back hooves in frustration. “Kiss me now! The practice scene is over!”

You are hit with a wave of sudden understanding, and your heart leaps upward in your chest. “Oh.”

Twilight manages to worm a forehoof out from under one of yours and wrap it around your neck just as you press forward to kiss her. Your lips make contact with each other’s; Twilight’s are warm and inviting, and almost immediately you both part lips in order to lock the kiss more tightly.

Twilight’s breathes slow and she presses her barrel against yours as you both part and re-lock your lips multiple times. Carefully, you wrap a hoof around her back, just above her tail, and hug her close to you.

As you continue to smooch, you notice too late that you are leaning over slightly. Attempting to steady yourself with a free hoof, you end up falling over while still holding onto Twilight, causing an entire row of heavy, long books to fall on you both. After another few moments of kissing, Twilight breaks the kiss with a wet smack and looks up at you with a broad smile. You can only smile back as her warm, pleasant exhalations pass over your muzzle.

“That was a good practice scene,” you note matter of factly.

“I, for one, think we need more practice. For research, of course,” she whispers with a grin, blushing and humming softly as she pulls you into a slower, sweeter kiss.


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