
Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School

by Wildcard25

Chapter 18: Robot Friend

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The Young Six and Metalhead had made their way into the Everfree forest, “You're gonna love the Castle of the Two Sisters, Metalhead.” Ocellus told the robot.

“Yeah. When Chancellor Neighsay tried to close the school and our guardians tried to take us home we all ran away and hid there where we wouldn't be driven apart.” Gallus explained.

Yona looked at Metalhead curiously before speaking up, “You think he understand what we saying?”

“Why wouldn't he?” Sandbar asked.

“No matter how much we talk to robot pony he don't respond.”

Smolder started realizing it, “Yeah. You'd think Sensei Donnie would've made him capable of speaking.”

“Come on, you guys,” Sandbar said, “So what if Metalhead can't speak. He's still ok to me.” Sandbar said as he walked along side Metalhead.

They soon stopped outside the sisters former castle, “Well, this is it.” Silverstream said.

“Seems like yesterday we all ran away to here.” Ocellus recalled.

“Let's hope this time we don't run into anymore puckwudgies.” Smolder said.

“You and me both.” Gallus agreed, as they went inside the castle.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest, the ground shook and out came the transport module. Exiting the vehicle was Night Terror and the Foot Soldiers he brought with.

“I should really use this to drill into all of Equestria's banks,” he told himself, before turning to the Foot Soldiers, “Alright, you mooks. Their location is not far from here. So fall out.” Night Terror led the Foot Soldiers through the forest with him and each one armed with a blaster.

Back with the others, they were giving Metalhead a tour of the castle, “And this here was the original throne room of the two sisters.” Ocellus showed the robot.

“You know, we should really look into making this place our own personal hangout,” Smolder suggested, “I mean think about it. A place for us to just go and hang out.”

“And get some personal ninja training done.” Sandbar added.

“Maybe, but it's dangerous to be out there,” Ocellus reminded them, “This is the Everfree Forest after all.”

“Ocellus, we're training to be ninjas, and with the moves we're learning whatever lives out here won't stand a chance against us.” Gallus boasted.

Suddenly taking them by surprise laser blasts opened fire on them and they all took cover, “What's going on?” Silverstream asked in fright.

Sandbar peeked out to see the Foot Soldiers, “It's Shredder's Foot Soldiers.”

“Them again?” Smolder asked, “We can handle them.”

“But the minute we go out, they'll open fire.” Ocellus warned them.

“We need to draw their fire.” Sandbar said, as all eyes fell on Metalhead.

“Think you can cause a diversion?” Ocellus asked the robot, as Metalhead gave her a thumb's up.

As the Foot stood waiting, Metalhead came out and they opened fire. Metalhead himself ran around and started blasting back destroying a couple of the Foot Soldiers.

“Alright, Metalhead!” Smolder cheered.

“Smash 'em hard!” Yona cheered.

Metalhead clobbered the rest of the Foot Soldiers and stood victorious, until something came out of the shadows of a hall and slammed him into the wall.

“Metalhead!” the students cried.

They looked and saw Night Terror approach, “Well, what do we have here? A pony, a yak, a griffon, a dragon, a hippogriff, and a changeling.”

“Who're you?” Smolder asked.

“I am Night Terror, leader of the Purple Nightmare's.” he showed them his tattoo.

“And what're you doing here?” Sandbar asked.

“My employers requested that I bring you to them. And I honor my employers requests.”

“We're not going anywhere with you.” Gallus said, as the students engaged Night Terror.

Unfortunately for them, Night Terror wasn't so easy to fight unlike the Foot Soldiers. With every move they made Night Terror shook it off and blasted them with his blaster.

“This guy's like a brick wall.” Gallus told his friends.

“Yona break wall!” Yona called, as he rammed at Night Terror who only skidded back, before the big pony swatted Yona aside.

“Yona!” the group ran to the yak, only for Night Terror to toss a cube device at them and the students ended up inside a cube prison with the bars powered by energy.

“Six creatures all wrapped and ready to go,” Night Terror chuckled, before pulling out a comlink, “Master Krang, I have the six creatures and their robot. Send a module asap.” he ended his call.

Night Terror looked over at Metalhead who was struggling to get back up, “I don't know what my employers have planned for you, rust bucket. But you can be sure it's not going to be pretty for you. But I hope before you get dismantled or something you'll get to watch what they'll do to these six. That way you can see how much you failed them.” he laughed mockingly.

“Metalhead, get up!” Sandbar called.

“We need you!” Ocellus cried.

“Get up!” Gallus ordered.

As Metalhead got up he started replaying the memories of all the students were telling him as well as how they were feeling when speaking with each other and being happy. Metalhead's eyes glowed, as he got up and ran at Night Terror and started striking at him.

Night Terror was surprised at the robot's sudden change in power, as he was forced to keep blocking the strikes. Finally Metalhead grabbed the blaster and broke it in half, “You broke my blaster!” Night Terror growled, as he tried fighting to robot with his hooves, but Metalhead dodged, before grabbing him by the back hoof and threw him into the wall.

Night Terror looked up at the robot who opened his mouth and coming out from it was, “Nopony hurts my friends!”

The students gasped, “He can talk?!”

“What is this?” Night Terror asked in shock.

“You thought I was just some robot. Some walking scrap heap. But my A.I has always been adapting and evolving ever since I was rebuilt. And now I can say what I've always been keeping to myself. So now I can finally say this,” he readied his blasters with one aimed at the cage, “Booyakasha!” he blasted the cage shorting it out so the students could escape.

“Thanks, Metalhead.” Silverstream hugged him.

“My pleasure.” he answered.

“Now let's send this guy packing together.” Gallus said, as the whole group teamed up against Night Terror. Learning from their recent moves, they fought together from all sides making Night Terror unable to see what was coming next.

This left him wide open as Metalhead launched his fist right in his direction. The students gained distance from Night Terror who saw the fist coming right at him, “Aw, crud!” the flying fist nailed him right in the face sending him flying backwards making him fly right out of the castle.

After Metalhead reclaimed his fist, the group went outside to see Night Terror get up while rubbing his swollen cheek. Suddenly coming up from the ground was the module Krang sent for him. He looked over at the group who stood victoriously while giving him smug looks.

Night Terror frowned, “We're not finished here.” he jumped into the module and closed the lid before it went in reverse back to the Technodrome.

“Funny. It looks like we are.” Gallus joked, and the group laughed.

“Thanks for the help, Metalhead.” Ocellus thanked him.

“Yeah. You saved us.” Silverstream added.

“We are friends. Helping each other is what we do.” Metalhead replied, as the students hugged him all around.

At the Technodrome, Night Terror was currently washing the floors with his bare hooves next to a bucket of soapy water, “I can't believe I'm stuck with cleaning the floor!”

Shredder and Krang approach, as the ninja answered, “You failed to deliver the students and their robot to us. So this is your punishment.”

“Be glad we're being merciful. Because we had so many other punishments lined up for you.” Krang added.

The two started walking until Night Terror called, “Hey, I just cleaned that...” but the two villains slipped on the soapy wet spot and slid down the hall out of the control room screaming. Night Terror watched and chuckled to himself seeing them suffer like him.

Back at the school, the ninjas and the ponies were gathered, until the students and Metalhead returned, “Hey, everypony.” Sandbar greeted them.

“Hey, guys!” Mikey called.

Donnie took notice to Metalhead's damages, “Metalhead, what happened?”

Metalhead answered, “I suffered several damages while engaging an enemy sent to attack me and my friends here.”

The group gasped, as Raph spoke, “The walking tin can speaks?”

“Yes, and much better than you do, Raphael.”

Leo turned to the students, “You guys better start from the beginning.”

And so the students and Metalhead explained what had happened with them, as Donnie was repairing the damages done to Metalhead, “And that's everything.” Ocellus finished.

“Dudes, Night Terror is working with Shredder and Krang?” Casey asked in shock.

“How'd he get involved with those jokers?” Keno wondered.

“I'm not sure,” Twilight replied, “But if what you two said about him is true from your Map Mission, he is certainly somepony not to take lightly.”

“I simply cannot believe there is a street gang out there dedicated to Nightmare Moon.” Rarity said in disbelief.

“Well if Kavaxas has a cult, then you can imagine a lot of other nasty creatures from legend has it's own set of followers.” Fugitoid noted.

“Well, if Shredder and Krang are adding another ally then we need to do the same,” Donnie said, before speaking to his robot, “Metalhead, how about staying with us for the rest of our time here?”

“You mean it?” he asked.

“That's right. We still need you to help whip our students into shape should more stuff like this happens. What do you say?”

Metalhead looked at the students and answered, “If it means seeing my friends some more. I'll gladly stick around.”

“Yes!” the students cheered. The six students gathered around Metalhead embracing him, as the others watched.

“I can't believe Metalhead finally developed a true sense of emotion.” Sunset said.

“Could you have predicted this could've happened, Donnie?” Leo asked.

“Honestly, I'm just as surprised. Metalhead has truly evolved past his original purpose.” Donnie smiled feeling proud of himself and his creation.

Next Chapter: The Star and the Generals Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 25 Minutes
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