
My Little Pony Godzilla: Dawn of Monsters

by lazejovanov

Chapter 7: The Ending of the End

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The Ending of the End

Five months had passed since the defeat of Orga, and more than a year since the kaiju first started appearing in Equestria. In between those months, a significant amount has happened in the land; Despite the Tree of Harmony being destroyed by Orga, the spirit of the Tree lived on, and thanks to the Young Six and Godzilla Junior's friendship and selflessness with it and themselves, a grand crystal treehouse in the middle of the Castle of the Two Sisters' courtyard was created. Several days later, Spike discovered that Garble (an old adversary of his) was the older brother of Smolder, who revealed that he secretly had a love for poetry. With Fluttershy's help, Spike aided Garble in expressing his insecurities and hobby to other dragons, as well as help the dragon eggs hatch by willingly making the other dragons laughingly-breath fire at the eggs.

Finally, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna held their last Summer Sun Celebration before they would step down from their thrones and hand things over to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The holiday itself went without a problem, and everybody (including Godzilla) enjoyed it very much.

Two days after the Summer Sun Celebration, a gliding dragon-like reptile identified as 'Varan' appeared near Fillydelphia where he proceeded to attack the city. Luckily, Anguirus was also near the area, and after a brief fight with the gliding kaiju, Anguirus forced Varan to retreat. And on that same day, a giant spider known as 'Kumonga' was sighed in the jungles of where Ahuizotl's temple was located. Most of the jungle soon became covered in silk due to Kumonga building its nest there. Ironically, this helped Ahuizotl with guarding the relics, making it nearly impossible for anyone to steal a relic without being ensnared in web.

Three days after Kumonga and Varan's arrival, a reptilian kaiju that vaguely resembled Godzilla (which led to some ponies mistaking it for the real Monster King) appeared in Manehattan. Thankfully, it was successfully repelled by the Titan Spell (courtesy of Twilight) without any collateral damage. This new kaiju was later identified as a completely different creature, and was nicknamed 'Zilla' by Pinkie Pie. The day after that, a giant lobster called 'Ebirah' and a giant cuttlefish known as 'Gezora' both appeared near and tried to attack Seaquestria. But fortunately, Titanosaurus was in the area at the time, and managed to drive off both kaiju after a brief scuffle with them. Ebirah and Gezora have not been seen since, but Manda has been sighted in the Celestial Sea that same day.

On that very same day, a rather bizarre-looking kaiju arrived in Yakyakistan. The monster itself greatly resembled a giant walrus, but with minor differences compared to actual walruses. This strange creature was later identified as 'Maguma', and he was actually first sighted near the Ghastly Gorge. Maguma made his way to Yakyakistan because he was attracted to the cold weather. While uneasy at first, the yaks eventually got used to Maguma's presence, and allowed the titan to stay so long as he won't cause any trouble.

But even with that, Godzilla and his allies did their job in keeping the other kaiju under control, and the kaiju as a whole have adjusted to living in Equestria rather quickly. New resources and foods continued growing from the kaiju's radiation, helping and benefiting ponies and other creatures all over Equestria in the process. Both the inhabitants of Equestria and the kaiju were beginning to wonder if it was necessary for the kaiju to leave Equestria, considering all the good that they've done for them. But Twilight and her friends knew, one way or another, the kaiju had to be returned to their home — because even though they helped this world a lot, they still had to protect their own world from future threats.

It has been well over a year, but it didn't feel that way for Godzilla — he still wanted to stay in Equestria. Before coming to this world, Godzilla was a very vigilant creature with no higher goal in life other than to survive and keep his planet safe, and while he cared for his adoptive son and allies very deeply, he wasn't used to opening himself up to others or seeing the goodness in other living creatures. But his time in Equestria with Twilight and her friends has taught the Monster King a lot; he felt happier overall and became eager to meet other creatures, something he never thought he would be able to feel. Yes, Equestria and its inhabitants truly changed Godzilla's outlook on life for the better, and for that very same reason, he was hesitant to leave this beautiful world that has shown and taught him so much. But he knew it as well as Twilight did, that this was the best for both of their worlds.

Legion of Doom

Unbeknownst to the titans and most of the other creatures in Equestria, the Legion of Doom have secretly been preparing for their upcoming assault on the land. Biding their time in the shadows, preparing and waiting for the perfect opportunity to make their move. While it was difficult, Nulucus has been teaching and training Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek to work as a team — a task while troublesome, was extremely important for defeating their hated enemies. He did so by putting them in extreme challenges where only by working together could they achieve their goals, and also making them get in touch with their... 'personal stuff'.

However, his training has paid off; Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis began feeling more comfortable working together after some time, and began discovering the advantages and benefits of working as a team. Along with that, them sharing how they nearly took over Equestria in each of their attempts also helped in strengthening their alliance, and how much joy they took in tormenting Twilight Sparkle and her friends in each of their confrontations.

It took some time, but Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow eventually formed into a fierce team of villains, relying on each other's strengths and combined might to overwhelm any enemy. But going up against the ponies and kaiju as they were now still wasn't enough... and they knew it.

For that reason, Nulucus instructed Chrysalis and Cozy Glow to go out and spread distrust among the three pony tribes in order to weaken their friendship, and if their friendship is weakened, their power goes down as well. Chrysalis and Cozy took extreme pleasure in this task, turning unicorns against Earth ponies, Pegasi against unicorns, Earth ponies against Pegasi, and so on and so forth.

In the meantime, Nulucus explained the power of his crystal; the crystal which he possesses was originally from a distant planet called 'Te-Ui', and whoever wields it, gives that individual immense power and unique abilities — including teleportation, mind-control, flight, force-fields, and many other abilities that are yet to be shown. Nulucus warned the three villains however, that if they try to steal the crystal from him, they will regret it. Fortunately, the villains were smart enough not to betray him, especially since he is able to read their minds, thus making any attempts at betrayal impossible.


In their lair, Nulucus, Cozy Glow and Tirek were patiently sitting on their respective chairs and waiting, until Chrysalis arrives from her mission of spreading more disharmony and distrust among the ponies.

"Ah, Chrysalis!" Tirek called out with a smile. "Another successful field trip, I presume?"

"Spreading distrust among the unicorns and Earth ponies is almost too easy." Chrysalis proudly said as she sat on her chair. "We could take down Twilight and her friends a hundred times, but as long as they have the 'love' of Equestria behind them, they'd crawl back to defeat us! Not anymore." She said with a sinister smile.

"Indeed." Nulucus inquired. "Without friendship, they have no power, thus making them vulnerable when we attack."

"I did my part freaking out the Pegasi." Cozy Glow said with pride of her own.

"Remember, spreading distrust among the ponies is only the first step in our plan." Nulucus reminded them. "And now that that's taken care of, it is time for step two." Nulucus said with a sinister chuckle.

Everfree Forest

"Discord! Discord!" Fluttershy desperately yelled and called out for her draconequus friend to appear as she walked around in the Everfree Forest all alone. "Discord, where are you?" She called out again, starting to become impatient with Discord's lack of response.

But sure enough, after checking a nearby bush, the mischievous draconequus finally revealed himself by teleporting right behind the yellow pegasus in a flash of light. "Here I am!" Discord exclaimed loudly, startling Fluttershy in the process.

"Don't ever do that!" The yellow Pegasi growled with an uncharacteristic-angry tone as she furiously got in his face, much to Discord's own surprise, not expecting his favorite pony friend to react in such a way. Realizing what she just did, Fluttershy immediately calmed down and looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry Discord, it's just that..."

"It's okay Fluttershy, I know." Discord reassured her, gently petting her on the head with his lion paw. "Twilight's taking over and Godzilla is going home. Honestly, even I can't help but overreact sometimes." He chuckled slightly. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Canterlot?"

This question made Fluttershy chuckle a little. "I wanted to get a little fresh air before Twilight's ceremony. But the reason I called you here is because I wanted to show you something special." She said with a warm smile.

"Oh, really?" He asked excitedly, getting closer to see what Fluttershy had for him. Perhaps it was a present of some kind. "What is it?" He asked eagerly. Fluttershy gently lifted her left wing and took out a very small blue crystal in her mouth. Discord, while not exactly what he expected or hoped for, was still very surprised by the strange crystal. "What is that? It looks kind of like-"

But before the draconequus could finish his sentence, the blue crystal suddenly shot a sapphire-colored beam that struck him directly in the chest with frightening speed! The Lord of Chaos had no time to react or use his magic, because the beam quickly began draining the chaotic magic from his body! Discord struggles to break free from the magical hold, but it was a futile attempt to resist. Finally, the beam vanished, and Discord fell to the ground, powerless.

"So, did you like the present?" Fluttershy asked with as a sadistic smirk formed on her face. In a flash of green light, in the place of the yellow pegasus now stood Queen Chrysalis!

"Chrysalis!?" Discord exclaimed in shock and surprise at the sight of one of his old enemies. "You're back?"

"Yes, and I have back-up, too." Chrysalis' smirk turned to a grin, with good reason. From the woods behind her came Cozy Glow, Tirek and Nulucus, all having sadistic smirks and smiles on their faces as they approached the now-powerless draconequus laying on the ground.

"Did you miss us?" Tirek mockingly asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Golly Discord, you look drained." Cozy Glow said with a wide grin of malice.

"Sorry for the deception, Mr. Lord of Chaos," Nulucus said rather softly but with a still mocking tone. "But we don't wanna have any reality-benders ruining our plans, now do we?"

Thinking fast, Discord snapped his fingers to use his magic, and hopefully send all of them back in Tartarus, but to his surprise it had no effect. The Lord of Chaos repeatedly continued snapping his fingers over and over again, but still nothing happened. Realizing just how powerless he truly was now, the draconequus wisely got up, turned tail, and began running away from the villains as fast as he possibly could!

"Should we follow him?" Cozy asked, watching Discord fleeing from them.

"There is no need, without magic, he is no longer a threat." Nulucus said calmly, pulling his own crystal. "Now then, it is time to give you three an upgrade." With that, he turned and pointed his crystal at the three villains. Without warning, the crystal unleashed another sapphire-colored beam, striking all three villains at once. But unlike in Discord's case, where it completely drained his magic, this time the crystal did the exact opposite: It gave the three villains more power, transforming their bodies in the process!

Cozy Glow's wings became larger while also gaining a unicorn horn on her head, transforming the villainous filly into an alicorn and giving her immense magical powers! Tirek grew larger and more muscular, his horns becoming longer and curved, powering the centaur up to his third form and increasing his power significantly! Chrysalis gained a greenish armor along with a green-colored tiara, the tip of her twisted horn became green, her hole-filled wings became larger and wider, and her eyes gained a darker green color.

After the process was complete, the three villains looked at themselves in complete awe and surprise.

"Wow! What a rush!" Tirek said, awed by his increased power.

"Indeed." Chrysalis agreed, looking at herself with a grin. "I feel more powerful than I ever have before!"

"With this power, we'll take over Equestria for sure!" Cozy Glow added with an equally-malicious grin, hovering beside her fellow villains.

"Try not to get too carried away with your power." Nulucus snapped them out. "I still exceed you three in power, and I can easily take it away if I choose."

"Yeah, yeah, we got it." Cozy casually waved her hoof and brushed off his threat.

"So what's step three?" Tirek quickly asked, eager to get a shot at the six ponies who imprisoned and humiliated him.

If Nulucus had a mouth like the three of them, he would have had a malicious grin that rivaled their own. "Step three is the best step of all: Have fun exacting your revenge on the ponies!"

Hearing this, the three villains were quick to gain evil smiles and smirks on their faces. At last, after several months of patience, plotting and training together to defeat their hated enemies, it was finally time to make their presence known to the unwary land!

Equestria was in a world of trouble.

Canterlot; Throne room

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, the final preparations were underway for Twilight Sparkle to assume the role of ruler of Equestria in Celestia and Luna's places. And Twilight herself being surprisingly calm about this certainly helped a lot. Of course, before the coronation would begin, Twilight and her friends contacted Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra and whatever kaiju friends they could find, to witness Twilight Sparkle's uprising to power. Godzilla and his friends, of course, were more than eager to see their new-found friend's ceremony and rising to become ruler of this land that they temporarily-called home.

I the throne room, Celestia and Luna's thrones were in the process of being removed and replaced with Twilight's larger one."Doesn't she look so adorably regal up there?" Celestia asked her sister with an tearful smile, overjoyed to see her favorite student succeeding and taking her position as ruler of Equestria. Nothing could have prepared her and Luna for this.

"Our little Twilight, all grown up." Luna said, wiping away some tears of joy. "Should we tell her that we've cleared out our royal suites so she and Spike can move in?"

"Oh, maybe wait until after the coronation." Celestia said before she and Luna began leaving the throne room. "Twilight doesn't need anything else to worry about today."

"So, you freakin' out yet?" Spike asked while measuring Twilight's height as she was sitting on her new throne calmly.

"About what?" The Princess of Friendship asked casually.

"Oh, I don't know. It's not every day the Princesses that have ruled Equestria for hundreds of moons retire and pass all their responsibilities on to you and your friends." Spike said, sounding a bit teasing.

"Oh, that. Actually, I'm feeling pretty good." Twilight answered with a relaxed smile. "We've all faced so much and come out okay. I know we're up to the challenge of keeping Equestria safe and happy. There's nothing we can't handle together. And I'm especially happy that Godzilla and his friends are gonna be joining us on this coronation. Oh! I almost forgot..." Remembering something, Twilight used her magic to levitate and give Spike a small box. When the young dragon opened it, he found a medal — but not just any medal, it was a medal of being a royal advisor!

"Royal advisor? What's that?" The young drake asked curiously.

Smiling, Twilight levitated and placed the medal around Spike's neck. "A new position I created for you. You've been at my side for every step of this journey. Knowing I had you to count on gave me the strength I needed to grow and succeed. I wouldn't be here without you."

Hearing this, Spike tearfully smiles and hugs his adopted sister, overjoyed for what he accomplished alongside his friends, and was now rewarded with one of the highest positions in royalty. "Thanks, Twilight. You know I'll always be your right-hoof dragon." He said, wiping some tears.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Because now that my crown's been fitted, we have some royal errands to run!" With that, Twilight and Spike fly off to meet-up with their friends.


Outside in the city, however, things were a little strange: The streets were largely abandoned, and the ponies were unusually reclusive and hostile to one another for seemingly unknown reasons. Rarity and Fluttershy were currently collecting supplies for Twilight's coronation. They stopped at a nearby market and looked around, only to find it completely empty of food.

"You're sure this is where Pinkie told us to get the blackberries for her special coronation dessert?" Rarity asked her friend in confusion.

"Maybe they keep their produce in the back?" Fluttershy guessed, taking a closer look.

"Nope!" A fruit seller Earth pony suddenly popped up. "This is all we got. But I got a special on these taters" He said, offering them a rotten tater with a foul odor. Both Rarity and Fluttershy looked at the tater in disgust before Fluttershy kindly pulled her friend away and excused themselves.

"Um, no, thank you. We'll keep looking." Fluttershy said politely before she and Rarity moved away. After leaving the market, they were greeted by Twilight and Spike as the two flew down to join them.

"Ooh! Twilight, darling!" Rarity said in joy at seeing her friends who joined them. "You're just in time. Only one more pre-coronation stop. We're picking up the final touch for your apres-hors d'oevres gown..."

"Is that before or after the royal marshmallow-eating-contest gown?" Twilight asked.

"What?! I haven't made one of those! You must tell me when they add these sorts of things!" Rarity exclaimed in shock, and quickly started writing that down too... only to be stopped by Twilight.

"It's okay, Rarity. I was just joking." The alicorn laughed in amusement, making Rarity sigh in relief.

"Joking? Day of her coronation?" Spike asked teasingly while hovering near Twilight, both surprised and impressed(mostly the latter) by her drastic change in personality. "You've come a long way, Twilight." He said, making the Princess of Friendship blush.

The four friends eventually made their way to a nearby thread shop. But upon trying to open the locked door, Rarity was surprised to discover that it was apparently closed. "Well, that's odd. They look open." Rarity commented before knocking on the door.

After knocking, the door opened very slightly, and Lemon Hearts peeked out. "What do you want?" She asked with a rather hostile tone, much to the surprise of the four friends.

"Oh. Well, this being a thread shop, I thought I might buy some?" Rarity asked kindly.

"Put the bits in the mail slot." She said. After doing so, Rarity received a golden-colored thread from the same mail slot.

"What was that about?" Twilight asked, becoming more confused by the unusual hostility of the pony.

"You know designers. Don't like being interrupted when they're on a creative roll." Rarity said, picking up the thread with her magic before placing it in her bag. "With thread that exquisite, can you blame them?"

They then noticed Rainbow Dash moving all the clouds to make the day bright and sunny for Twilight's coronation. "Weather for the coronation is sunny skies!" Rainbow declared before flying down. "It was weird, though. Not many Pegasi wanted to help me clear the clouds. They were kinda on edge." She said, also noticing the unusual hostility from her fellow ponies — and just as she said that, a passing unicorn stallion(with a nervous expression) quickly went in his house and slammed the door shut.

"They're not the only ones." Spike mused.

"It's the first shift in royal power in over a millenium. Of course everypony is a little jumpy. Change does that." Rarity said, trying to ease the tension.

This this made Twilight start feeling a little uneasy. Fluttershy noticed this and was quick to comfort her friend. "But I'm sure it's not because they're worried about you."

"How could they be? How many times have you saved their flanks by now?" Rainbow Dash added confidently.

"You're right." Twilight said with a smile. "I'll just have to let everypony know that even with Celestia and Luna gone, we'll make sure things stay the same."


In the castle courtyard, Applejack was setting up baskets of apples, but a nearby unicorn Royal Guard was constantly watching her with suspicion, as if she was secretly Chrysalis in disguise, which made the Earth pony increasingly confused and uneasy.

"Twilight!" Applejack happily exclaimed at the sight of her approaching approaching her. "There you are! You mind tellin' your friend here that I don't need an official guard wherever I go? Especially if he ain't gonna help carry apples?" She asked, noticing the Royal Guard still watching at her suspiciously.

"I appreciate you taking such good care of my friends, but we're fine now." Twilight said to the Royal Guard, who nods and leaves, but was still suspiciously looking at Applejack with narrowed eyes as he did that.

"It was the strangest thing." Applejack said. "He kept callin' me 'Earth pony', like I didn't have a name. And watchin' me like he thought I'd steal the silver!"

Shortly after she explained this, the nearby door to the kitchen bursted open with a mass of cupcakes and other desserts pouring from it. From the mass of desserts, Pinkie Pie emerged, covered in desserts herself. "Do not go in that kitchen!" She exclaimed.

"You look like you were in a sugar war." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"For some reason, the bakers are super grouchy with each other." Pinkie Pie explained while making her way to her friends. "That unicorn chef started throwing dessert at Mrs. Cake! I tried to help, but I got caught in the crossfire! Tasty, tasty crossfire." She said before eating one of the cupcakes that was attached to her front hoof.

"You sure this is just pre-coronation nerves?" Twilight asked Rarity, getting increasingly worried about this unusual hostility and aggression among ponies. The last thing she needed was for everypony to reject her as ruler of Equestria right in the middle of the day of her coronation.

A grunt suddenly caught their attention, prompting the Mane Six and Spike to turn around and see Discord sweating and covered in dirt, and rubbing his right reptile foot in pain. "My aching metatarsals! You know, you forget how convenient snap-travel is." Discord commented while rubbing his foot.

"Wait. Did you just walk here? On foot?" A surprised Spike asked, scratching his head as he and the Mane Six approached him in confusion.

"Yes. But that's not important right now." Discord said, finally stopping with his 'foot massage'. "I have some news that you all should here, and they're anything but good ones."

This immediately made the ponies and Spike feel more than a little unnerved, especially now that the day where Twilight Sparkle's coronation was about to begin. "What happened?" Fluttershy softly asked.

The Lord of Chaos calmly and casually stood up, cleared his throat, and..."Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek are all free and on the loose!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, loudly and hysterically. As expected, the Mane Six and Spike gasped in shock and horror upon hearing this. Talk about dumb luck; three of the most dangerous and vile villains that Equestria has ever witnessed being free and on the loose on Twilight Sparkle's Coronation Day!


Inside the throne room, where Celestia and Luna were alerted and are now standing by Twilight's side while she sat on her throne, Discord explained how Chrysalis lured him in the Everfree Forest by disguising herself as Fluttershy, before stealing all his chaotic magic with a strange blue crystal that he has never seen or heard of, before. After rendering him powerless, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Nulucus emerged from the woods, forcing him to flee to Canterlot on foot to warn them all.

"That's impossible!" Luna said in disbelief. "How could Tirek and Cozy Glow have escaped Tartarus?"

"That's the part that I'm wondering too." Discord said. "But there was some kind of creature present with them. I don't know who he was, or even what he was, but I'm almost certain that he might have had a hand in releasing them from Tartarus."

Even more fear and worry began fueling the already-uneasy tension that has formed from hearing these bad news.

"Can you describe what this creature you saw looks like?" Twilight asked.

"Well," Discord began, trying his best to describe Nulucus from what he saw. "He looked kind of like Tirek, except the lower half of his body was that of a crab, and he also had the head of a spider."

"That doesn't sound like any known creature that we know of." Celestia said, putting a hoof on her chin while trying to understand this.

"I know, right?" Discord said. "And before I escaped, he said this:" The Lord of Chaos snapped his fingers to create a hologram of what Nulucus said to him, only to realize that will do nothing since he was still currently magicless. "Ugh! Just listen to my voice and use your imagination: 'Sorry for the deception, Mr. Lord of Chaos, but we don't wanna have any reality-benders ruining our plans, now do we?' "

While they didn't know what the voice of this creature sounded like, from what they just heard from Discord's imitation of him, it definitely didn't sound on the side of good. If anything, it sounded like this being had more sinister plans for Equestria.

"That's pretty disturbing." Applejack shivered.

"Did you learn anything else?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't exactly have all the time to listen when I was running for my life and trying to warn you all." Discord scolded, folding his arms.

"Fair enough." Spike muttered.

Thinking fast, Celestia turned to her friends. "Twilight, Luna, we need to make a plan. Maybe it's not too late to stop this disaster from happening!" She said, hoping that they still have some time on their side, at the very least.

"I need some time to think first." Twilight said, placing a hoof on her head due to a headache from taking all of this in. Out of all the things she could expect, Twilight never expected something quite like this to happen right on her coronation day.

"Alright, but-" Discord was cut-off when he noticed something happening outside. "Rainbow Dash, you did clear the skies today, right?"

"...Yeah, why?" The blue Pegasi asked in confusion.

"Well, the weather outside tells me otherwise." Discord said, pointing at the nearby windows on the West side of the room. Much to everyone surprise, the sky outside darkened as dark-gray clouds began forming and blocking the Sun's light from reaching the land, almost turning day into night. Even worse, loud thunder and yellow-colored lightning strikes are accompanied with powerful winds, making the weather even worse.

"That's not possible!" Rainbow Dash said, approaching the windows and accompanied by her friends.

"Indeed," Celestia agreed, as she, along with Luna, also approached the windows. "No storm should be able to form that quickly."

Opening on of the windows with her magic, Twilight took a nearby telescope to look more closely at the raging thunderstorm outside. However, the moment she looked through the telescope, she noticed the silhouette of a winged entity within the storm itself, flapping its wings and seemingly flying towards them. She couldn't tell what this was due to the flying entity being obscured by the dark clouds. Unfortunately, a quick flash of lightning briefly revealed the identity of the flying creature... and was none other than the Golden Demise: King Ghidorah! And he was flying straight toward Canterlot with murderous intent in the eyes of each head!

Twilight's ears flattened against her head, coupled with a look of pure horror from what she just saw through the telescope.

"Twilight, what did you see?" A worried Spike asked, noticing the terrified expression on Twilight's face.

"It's Ghidorah!" Twilight Sparkle shouted in horror. "Ghidorah is heading toward Canterlot right now!"

Upon hearing this, her friends and the former Princesses also gained the same horrified looks on their faces. As if having to deal with three escaped villains wasn't bad enough, now they also had to worry about one of the most powerful and deadliest kaiju attacking them. But a loud screech followed by strong gusts of wind from above soon changed that; looking up, the heroes spot Rodan flying over and passing Canterlot castle, and heading straight to intercept the incoming King Ghidorah!

"Perfect!" Twilight now exclaimed with a smile. "Rodan will hold off Ghidorah while we deal with the three villains." She turned to her dragon companion. "Spike, send a letter to Star Swirl! Tell him we need the Pillars to guard the border of Canterlot!" The young dragon nodded and quickly began writing. "If the villains are coming for a fight, we'll have one waiting for them! With Chrysalis on the loose, she'll go after Starlight! Warn Cadance and Shining Armor! They're our final line of defense if we fail!" Twilight went back and sat on her throne. "The ultimate battle for the fate of Equestria is coming!"


Outside, Rodan was flying straight toward King Ghidorah fearlessly and relentlessly. In truth, King Ghidorah was 900 meters away from Canterlot, but due to Rodan's much faster speed, the mutant pterosaur was able to reach the three-headed dragon in a matter of seconds before Ghidorah could come any closer to Canterlot. Noticing Rodan, one of his old adversaries, the three heads let out blood-chilling shrieks louder than the thunder of the storm itself! Rodan was quick to return the aggressive threat with a fearless screech of his own, reading his sharp talons as he got closer. With the final three seconds finally passing, the Samurai of the Skies clashed with Monster Zero!

In another part of Equestria, the Monster King's son, Godzilla Junior, was locked in a battle of his own. The Monster Princes sensed a negative disturbance not too long ago, and went to investigate in a deserted area of Equestria, near a large lake filled with crystal-clear water. Unfortunately, the source of the negative disturbance he was sensing soon emerged from the lake itself, and it was the Aggregate Form of Destoroyah!


Like his adoptive father, Godzilla Junior was not one to back away from a fight! Being roughly the same sizes, Godzilla Junior and Aggregate Destoroyah charged with one another before clashing! Destoroyah made the first move by stabbing Godzilla Junior with his spear-like appendages and firing his Micro-Oxygen Ray. Shrieking in pain, the young titan was quick to counter with a few blasts of his Atomic Breath, doing considerable damage to the mutant crustacean! As Destoroyah backed away in pain, Junior used this to his advantage and quickly smacked Destoroyah's legs with his tail, knocking the crustacean monster down!

But just as it seemed victory was on his side, Godzilla Junior was suddenly struck from behind by another pinkish beam, causing him to roar out in pain and fall to the ground. When he got up and looked to the sky, Junior spotted the Flying Form of Destoroyah flying toward him! Before the Monster Prince had a chance to defend himself, the Flying Destoroyah, with incredible speed, flew low to the ground... close enough to slash Junior across the back with his Horn Katana before flying back up again!

Godzilla Junior roars in rage at the other half of Destoroyah before being tackled by the Aggregate form once more! Pinning Junior against the ground, Aggregate Destoroyah attempted to stab Junior with its inner jaw, only for Junior to blast it directly in the face point-blank with his Heat Ray! The Flying Destoroyah attempted to assist its other half again, but a pair of energy beams shot out of nowhere and blasted it out of the sky! When the Flying Destoryah crashed to the ground, Junior looked up to see Mothra flying to his aid!

Now, with Mothra joining Godzilla Junior, the one-on-one battle has turned into a two-against-two showdown!

Canterlot; Throne Room

The thunderstorm has nearly consumed all of Equestria, but hope was not yet lost. With Rodan keeping King Ghidorah occupied outside, Princess Twilight Sparkle gathered several unicorn Royal Guards before her, along with her friends. She was determined to save Equestria in this final showdown that may very well decide the fate of both worlds!

"We've faced enemies of Equestria before. And we've always succeeded, no matter the odds." Twilight declared. "That wouldn't be possible without all of you."

"You're welcome!" Discord said proudly, making some of the Guards roll their eyes and some of the Mane Six to chuckle in amusement.

"So I ask for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet." Twilight continued her speech as she began hovering in front of them. "All of Equestria is at stake, and I can't do this alone. But I'm not afraid. Because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power, nopony can ever bring us down!"

However, just as she finished her speech, the entrance doors slammed open, revealing Cozy Glow having dispatched a number of Royal Guards outside with her new magic. "Oh, come on!" Cozy groaned, dropping the defeated Royal Guards to the ground. "Where'd you get that? A daily affirmations calendar? Yeesh."

To say that Twilight Sparkle was surprise at the sight of the transformed villain pony would be an understatement. "Cozy Glow?! You're—!"

"About to wipe the floor with you!" Without even giving the Princess time to react, Cozy immediately shot a red-colored beam of magic from her horn, blasting Twilight against her throne and knocking her nearly unconscious to the ground! The Mane Six, the former Princesses, Spike, Discord and the Royal Guards all gasped in horror at the sight of their Princess being harmed like that. "Wow! It's true! Alicorns really do have more fun!" With a twisted grin, Cozy proceeds to blast the rest of them with her magic.

In the dark stormy sky, Rodan continued his areal battle with King Ghidorah; slashing the three-headed monster with his talons, pecking at him with his beak and even slashing with the clawed-hands on his wings in mid-air, while also steering clear of Ghidorah's biting heads and Gravity Beams! But while he may have the speed and agility advantage, Rodan did little damage to the golden titan due to Monster Zero's overall superiority in power and durability!


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Canterlot, Star Swirl the Bearded and his fellow Pillars were watching the epic battle between the flying titans above, awed and amazed by their sheer power — Flash Magnus and Somnambula wished they could fly up there to help Rodan, but knew they would only get in the way. Suddenly, a noise from behind caught their attention, leading them to witness an unknown figure jumping from one tall rock formation to another like a jumping spider, destroying each rock formation upon leaving it. Taking his telescope, Star Swirl realized that said figure was none other than Tirek, who was looking back at him and grinning maliciously at the Pillars.

With another mighty leap, the evil centaur left the last rock formation (destroying it in the process), and landed right behind the Pillars! Tirek turned and began approaching the Pillars, eager to consume their magic. But unwilling to be defeated so easily, Star Swirl shot a beam of magic at the centaur, but to no avail — even Tirek himself seemed surprised by the lack of damage from that attack. Mistmane and Mage Meadowbrook were quick to join Star Swirl, with the former shooting her own magic and the latter throwing rocks at him, but none of it mattered as Tirek was completely unfazed by their assault and laughed at their futile effort to stop him.

Flash Magnus flew in to catch the centaur off guard, but he was easily caught by Tirek and thrown at his fellow Pillars, knocking them down like bowling pins. Somnambula also tried to attack, but she too was casually swatted aside like a house fly. Tirek turned to the fallen Pillars and proceeded to absorb all of their magic by sucking it up, which he found delightful.

"Magic seasoned with age. Delicious." The centaur licked his lips.

"No!" Rockhoof yelled in horror at the sight before he raced to attack Tirek. Unfortunately, his shovel shattered to pieces the moment it made contact with Tirek's leg when Rockoff attempted to strike him.

The centaur gleefully lifted Rockhoof with his telekinetic powers and absorbed the Earth pony's magic as well, reverting and shrinking the warrior to his weaker-self in the process before dropping him. "Oh, run along. The big stallions are playing." The centaur mockingly said.

Noticing that Somnambula still had her magic, Rockhoof weakly called out. "Somnambula...! Warn... the princesses...!" The Earth pony said before passing out.

Seeing that they are no match for the empowered villain, Somnambula nodded and flew off to warn everyone in Canterlot at what was happening, as fast as she could. Unfortunately though, she didn't get far as Tirek jumped over and landed right in front of her, knocking her to the ground before picking her up and devouring her magic as well. Tirek then uncaringly tossed the de-powered Somnambula away like an empty juice box.

"Ahhhh. The perfect dessert to a legendary meal." He said gleefully.


A screech from above caught the centaur's attention.

While Rodan did his best to fight off Monster Zero, ultimately he proved to be no match for the three-headed titan. When the pterosaur flew closer to attack King Ghidorah again, the right and left heads lashed out with frightening speed like two vipers striking their prey, and grabbed onto Rodan's wings with their jaws; the left head bit the right wing and the right head bit the left wing, respectively. Like wolves working together to bring down large prey, the two side heads restrained Rodan's wings and held him in place, allowing the middle head to unleash its Gravity Beam on the helpless titan point-blank, blasting Rodan out of the skies and seriously injuring him!

"Ha! That's gotta hurt." Tirek chuckled at the sight of Rodan falling and crashing to the ground. "Nulucus was right, these monsters are excellent weapons to conquer Equestria!" With that, the centaur resumed heading to Canterlot.

School of Friendship

Starlight, Trixie, and the Young Six were currently evacuating the School of Friendship students to the crystal catacombs underground as quickly as they could. Loud thunder continued roaring outside, followed by flashes of lightning, but Starlight Glimmer tried to ignore that at the moment and keep her students calm.

"Stay with your buddy! No running! Just follow Counselor Trixie!" Starlight called out, looking at Trixie carefully taking and leading the students down the catacombs. It was not long before they all heard the taunting voice of Chrysalis among the sounds of thunder outside.

"Starlight, star bright~. Where's the pony I want to fight?!" Chrysalis was tauntingly singing outside the school, attempting to draw out her primary target.

"I have to go. You got this?" Starlight hopefully asked her friend, knowing that there was no more time to waste.

"Nopony does a great and powerful escape like Trixie." The magician unicorn said in the third-person with a confident smile. Starlight happily hugged her before teleporting outside to confront Chrysalis.


The former villain appeared atop one of the rooftops of the School of Friendship, behind Chrysalis. The former changeling Queen quickly spotted her and smirked with delight before landing in front of Starlight, eager to get her revenge after what happened the last time they met.

"Ah. Just the headmare I want to see." Chrysalis grinned.

"You didn't make an appointment!" Starlight said before suddenly leaping forward and tackling Chrysalis, teleporting them both in a flash of blue light when they were thrown off the roof.

Arctic North

In another flash of blue light, Starlight and Chrysalis appeared in the frozen wasteland, somewhere at the edge of Equestria's borders. This remote location was out of the thunderstorm's reach, but was no more safe — for thunder and lightning were replaced by howling winds and temperatures that were below freezing. And in Starlight's case, there was one more threat other than the hostile weather.

"What is this place?" Chrysalis demanded, looking around in surprise.

"Somewhere you can't hurt anypony!" Starlight declared, preparing for battle.

"Wrong." Chrysalis said as her horn started glowing green. "I can hurt you!" The changeling quickly unleashed a green-colored beam of magic, only for Starlight to teleport out of the way. Appearing behind the villain, Chrysalis noticed her and attempted to strike again, only for the unicorn to evade her blast once more. Starlight continued appearing and disappearing from one spot to another, evading Chrysalis' blasts each time. "Stay still so I can blast you!" The annoyed changeling yelled out.

"Oh, yeah, real motivating!" Starlight sarcastically and tauntingly said, appearing atop a snow-covered rock formation.

With reflexes the unicorn barely anticipated, Chrysalis quickly unleashed another blast at her, this time nearly hitting her. Starlight fell down, bruised but not seriously harmed. Looking up, she noticed a much larger and taller rock formation covered with thick layers of snow — and that gave her an idea. Teleporting near the top of said rock formation, Starlight scanned the area for her opponent... just as Chrysalis appeared right in front of her, hissing and ready to attack! Starlight blasted Chrysalis away with a blue beam of magic, but the changeling was quick to recover.

"You'll pay for that!" Chrysalis declared.

"Put it on my tab!" Starlight said with a smirk before disappearing and teleporting behind Chrysalis. Using her magic to self-levitate, Starlight unleashed a powerful blast of magic from her horn, but not at Chrysalis — the beam went past the changeling and struck the giant rock formation that Starlight was previously standing on. The resulting blast caused an avalanche, giving Chrysalis barely enough time to react.

"No!" Chrysalis tried to fly as fast as she could to escape said avalanche, but the giant wave of snow was too fast, and buried her under what could possibly be several tons of snow! Starlight safely teleported away before the avalanche could claim her too, and re-appeared on the ground. While Starlight Glimmer may not be quite as powerful as some of the other allies of the Mane Six, like Discord or Godzilla, she certainly made up for it in intelligence and pragmatism.

Starlight calmly turned and prepared to leave, but the battle wasn't over just yet; just as Starlight began walking away, a faint green light could be seen illuminating from within the mass of snow... right before Chrysalis exploded out of the mass in a powerful greenish explosion! The resulting shockwave caught Starlight off guard and sent her flying, knocking her out in the process.

The evil changeling quickly took this opportunity to unleash her green slime-like substance that she uses to cocoon her prey. Wrapping up Starlight like how a spider wraps a moth in silk after catching it, Chrysalis brought the now-cocooned unicorn to her face.

"Now I'll have all eternity to take my revenge on you!" She said eagerly before flying off with her prisoner.


Monster Zero flew down and landed to the ground, eager to finish off the crippled Rodan who was laying on the ground, barely conscious and almost motionless. But before he had a chance to do so, a loud 'thud' stopped the extraterrestrial dragon in his tracks; looking farther North, King Ghidorah saw his old rival approaching him. Having sensed the overwhelming negative energy, there was no way Godzilla could ignore this, especially with both Equestrian villains and enemy titans present at once.

Looking closely, Godzilla noticed the wounds and injuries he inflicted on King Ghidorah about a year ago have all completely healed and disappeared. The three heads glared at the Monster King hatefully, aware of what he did to them that same year despite currently being under the control of Nulucus — the head in the middle let out a challenging roar at Godzilla, the head on the right glared and sneered at him, while the head on the left glared calmly and hatefully.

Godzilla took a deep breath, and unleashed his mighty roar at his old foe!


With an equally-threatening shriek from Monster Zero, the two titans began charging at one another roarinly before colliding! The force of their clash created a brief shockwave that reached all the way to Canterlot! Godzilla quickly made his move by grabbing the head on the right, clamping its jaws shut with his hands, and proceeding to to deliver a bite of his own at its neck! As he was doing that, the middle head coiled around and sank its teeth in Godzilla's left shoulder while the Monster King was simultaneously biting the right head!

With a loud roar, Godzilla forcefully slammed the right head against the ground, before grabbing the middle head by the throat and yanking it off his shoulder. The left head took the opportunity to lunge forward and bite Godzilla's right shoulder, causing immense pain to the saurian. Fighting through the pain, Godzilla grabbed the left head with his right clawed hand while holding off the middle head with his left one, but the right head took this opportunity to recover.

The right head lunged and bit Godzilla's left hip, forcing him to release the middle head, who in turn shot a quick Gravity Beam at the saurian's face! With a roar of surprise, Godzilla released the left head and toppled to the ground. King Ghidorah took a few steps back to put some distance between himself and Godzilla, with the right head tauntingly roaring at the fallen saurian.

The Monster King was quick to rise again, and continue this battle!


Inside the throne room of Canterlot, Cozy Glow's new-found alicorn powers were proving to be greater than anypony could have anticipated. The Royal Guard unicorns were relentlessly firing beams of magic from their horns at the hovering Cozy, but none of them even fazed her due to the bubble-like shield Cozy placed around herself. The villainous pony even took the opportunity to mockingly pout at them. Angered by her taunts and inability to faze her, the Royal Guards began charging at Cozy furiously, only for the vile filly to create a portal right in front of their path, which lead to the outside moat. Not being able to react in time, all the Royal Guards fell through the portal right before it closed, leaving them locked outside the castle. The evil pony laughed giddily, already becoming drunk with her new powers.

"Stand down, Cozy Glow!" Celestia demanded with a stomp from her hoof.

"Gee, I guess I could." Cozy said with a fake innocent look. "But... I'm having too much fun!" She exclaimed before firing another powerful beam of magic at Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Thankfully, the Princess of Friendship was easily able to block the attack with a shield.

After the assault, Celestia turned to Luna. "Ready, sister?" To which Luna nodded, before they both took to the air. Glaring at Cozy Glow (who was still unfazed), the two former Princesses unleashed their respective beams of magic at her. However, just before the beams could reach her, Cozy casually levitated a rather small blueish crystal (the very same one that absorbed Discord's powers earlier) with her magic and placed it in front of herself.

The instant the two beams made contact with the crystal, it began to rapidly absorb and drain their magic, to the point that neither Luna nor Celestia could actually stop firing their beams... at least, not until they were completely drained of their magic and dropped to the ground like flies.

"NO!" A horrified and grief-stricken Twilight Sparkle quickly raced down to check if they aren't too badly hurt.

"That's the problem with you magic-types. You're so reliant on all your special power, you forget to use your brains!" Cozy Glow continued to taunt and boast about her intelligence and ability to manipulate others.

Having had enough of her ego and smart-mouth, the Princess of Friendship angrily turned to the evil filly. "Keep telling yourself that! Now!" Out of nowhere, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Spike jumped from behind Twilight's throne to began their own assault on the young villain!


Outside in the raging storm, Godzilla was locked in a battle against his own foe. With a surprise attack, Ghidorah's right head blasted Godzilla directly in the face with a Gravity Beam, earning a groan of pain from the mutant saurian! Having had enough, Godzilla's dorsal spines began flashing and lighting up with the famous neon-blue light, followed by the Monster King opening his jaws and unleashing his Atomic Breath at Monster Zero! Unfortunately, just when the beam was about to strike him, due to their very long necks, the middle and left heads quickly move out of the way, allowing the blue beam to harmlessly pass between them before all three heads counterattacked by unleashing their Gravity Beams at once!

Godzilla didn't have any time to react as all three beams struck him squarely in the chest, causing him to stagger back and fall to the ground. Energy was still streaming from his mouth as he fell, it went sideways, incinerating nearby trees in less than a second before the blue beam ceased. With his enemy temporary knocked down, Monster Zero spread his wings, lifted his heads, and let out the most frighting and bone-chilling death song any creature could hear!

But this wasn't a taunt or a victory roar... it was an alarm — a signal.

Godzilla Junior unleashed several blasts of his Heat Ray at Aggregate Destroyah, managing to successfully push it back. But the crustacean countered by unleashing several of its own blasts of Micro-Oxygen, earning a roar of pain from the Monster Prince. Above them, Mothra was battling the Flying Destoroyah; firing pinkish beams from her antenna and countering Destoroyah's Micro-Oxygen Ray with relative ease. But that soon changed when all four monsters suddenly heard the shriek from afar.

While Junior and Mothra were confused (if not intimidated), the two Destoroyahs realized that the time was getting near. Without warning, the Flying Destoryah abandoned its fight with Mothra and flew down — but not to attack Junior. The Flying Destoroyah was flying straight toward the Aggregate one, and upon reaching it, a bright orange light appeared and consumed both Destoroyahs.

After the light faded and disappeared, in the place of the two monsters now stood the demonic Perfect Form of Destoroyah! The evil titan turned his attention to Godzilla Junior and Mothra, but instead of attacking Destoroyah did something unexpected — spreading its four dragon-like wings, Destoroyah took to the sky and started flying East. Junior and Mothra were left very confused by this, but Mothra was unwilling to the let the evil monster escape.

Giving Junior a series of chirps, Mothra turned and quickly began to fly after Destoroyah.

Back inside the throne room, now that Cozy Glow has drained the former Princesses of their magic and overpowered the Royal Guards, it was up to the Mane Six and Spike to defeat her! Rainbow Dash did the first move by quickly going in and flying repeated circles around Cozy with such speed that it left the villainous filly spinning like a fidget spinner, disorientating her. When Cozy stopped spinning, she was (literally) met face-to-face with Pinkie Pie's Party Bazooka.

"Surprise attack!" Pinkie (who was levitated by Rarity) shouted, blasting Cozy in the face with confetti and smoke, disorientating her even more. Not giving the evil pony a chance to recover, Fluttershy appeared behind her with a swarm of geese.

"Fly, my pretties!" Fluttershy said, and in response, the geese charged at the surprised Cozy, briefly knocking her around. Spike took this opportunity to fly up and breathe a wave of green fire at her, which Cozy managed to dodge. The villainous pony turned to attack Spike, only to get attacked herself and distracted by Pinkie Pie with her Party Bazooka, shortly followed by the attacking swarm of geese! Angered, Cozy tried to blast the geese but was nearly blasted herself by one of Spike's fire-balls, forcing her to put some distance between them. She tried again to blast Spike, but the swarm of geese made sure that didn't happen, distracting her one last time, and allowing for Applejack to throw her lasso and catch the evil pony in mid-air, pulling her to the ground shortly after!

Grounded, Cozy Glow angrily glared at the Mane Six and Spike who have surrounded her, giving her nasty glares of their own. Twilight spread her wings and lightened her horn, ready to take the blue crystal and apprehend her — but just as she was about to do so, a bright glow from behind caught Cozy Glow's attention, followed by a malicious smile forming on her face, as she knew what's coming. Cozy spread her wings and took off, just in time before the large circular-shaped windows behind Twilight's throne shattered, sending a shockwave that sent the Mane Six, Spike and the former Princesses flying backwards!

Much to their horror, Chrysalis and Tirek entered the throne room through the now-destroyed window. Tirek even took the time to knock over Twilight's throne, revealing the powerless Discord hiding behind it, who Cozy levitated and threw near the others. Twilight was quick to create a purple-colored shield around all of them as a last means to protect them all.


Outside, Godzilla threw King Ghidorah around like a rag-doll, despite the space dragon's greater size and weight. But as Godzilla was approaching the fallen monster, ready to finish him, he was suddenly struck from behind by a pinkish-beam, earning a roar of surprise and pain from him. Turning around, Godzilla was shocked to see Destoroyah flying in and landing on the ground near him — at that very same moment, King Ghidorah got up and turned to Godzilla.

The King of Monsters looked uneasy about this; while he had faced and defeated many foes in the past, he has never faced two of his most powerful and dangerous enemies at once — but either way, Godzilla will not yield! He will fight to his last breath if he has to!

With a roar of rage, Destoroyah started charging at Godzilla on foot, attempting to impale him with his horn! But the Monster King didn't earn his reputation for his power alone — he also had brains in addition to brawn. Quickly moving out of his path, Godzilla grabbed Destoroyah by the back of his neck and threw him at King Ghidorah, knocking them both down! Spines lighting up, Godzilla fired his Heat Ray at them, but both Destoroyah and Ghidorah quickly recovered in time and counterattacked with their respective Micro-Oxygen Ray and Gravity Beams, easily blocking the Atomic Breath when they clashed! As powerful as Godzilla's main weapon was, the combined energy beams from both monsters proved too much for even him, and it quickly became evident when their respective beams started pushing back his own blue one... before they both blasted Godzilla in the face and chest, knocking the Monster King backwards onto the ground!

Just as it seemed that Monster Zero and Destoroyah would finally have their victory, a loud chirp was heard by all three titans. Looking up, the two villainous kaiju noticed Mothra flying towards them to assist Godzilla, who was quick to recover and resume his battle now that he too had an ally to back him up! Mothra thrusts her abdomen forward, launch a hail of poisonous stingers straight at Destoroyah's face, making him roar in pain and irritation. King Ghidorah's heads angrily turned to the Queen of the Monsters, ready to blast her, but he was instead blasted himself by Godzilla's Heat Ray!

Destoroyah, meanwhile, flapped his wings and flew straight toward Mothra, who began releasing golden powder-like scales from her wings in an effort to deter him.


Inside the throne room, the three villains have nearly defeated Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who were all under Twilight's protective barrier. But this did not deter them the least bit, and they proceeded to boast and taunt the heroes.

"You think your pathetic shield can stop us?" Chrysalis asked mockingly, landing on the top of Twilight's shield. "The Pillars have been defeated. Your school is abandoned. Face it, Twilight. You've lost!"

The Princess of Friendship glared at the three villains without any fear. "You can attack us and we may fall. But Equestria will still stand, united in friendship. And we have Godzilla and his allies who won't stop until they and we defeat you, no matter how many ponies you take down!" She said with determination and hope, while her friends were quick to back her up.

The three villains momentarily looked confused at the determined speech she gave... before they all bursted into laughter as if Twilight said something stupid or retarded. "Didn't you all notice something was wrong in Equestria?" Tirek asked coyly. "We've been busy."

"A whisper here, a rumor there..." Chrysalis added.

"Destroy some crops, cause some damage..." Tirek continued.

"Turn pony against pony..." Cozy Glow also added, floating around the shield.

"Until your whole kingdom is on edge, waiting for just one tiny thing to push them over the brink!" Chrysalis said gleefully while floating next to Tirek.

"And about your pets..." The centaur chuckled lightly before pointing at the nearby windows with his thumb. "Why don't you take a look outside?"



With a slash from his Horn Katana, Destoroyah sent Mothra crashing on the ground, followed by the evil monster stomping down on the Guardian kaiju! Godzilla, meanwhile, was trying his best to at least knock King Ghidorah away so he can save Mothra, but the three-headed titan wrapped his two prehensile tails around him, while two of the three heads were simultaneously biting him.

The middle head was biting at Godzilla's neck while the left head biting his left arm, and they were soon joined by Destoroyah, who bit Godzilla's right shoulder. With all his might, the saurian tried to break free from their hold, but the two monsters' combined strength proved too much for even the Monster King alone to overcome. Finally, the two heads that were biting onto Godzilla began releasing strong electric shocks through their bites, visibly lighting Godzilla's body up with golden-colored electricity — and at that very same moment, Destoroyah began releasing lethal doses of micro-oxygen into Godzilla's body via his own bite!


Godzilla shrieked in pain and agony! For all of his years of battle, this had to be the worst possible pain that the King of Monsters has ever experienced over the course of his long life! His consciousness began to waver, his vision became blurry, his muscles started weakening, until finally... the mighty King of the Monsters fell on his knees and collapsed to the ground!


"NO!" A horrified Twilight Sparkle shouted at the top of her lungs as she and her friends looked in horror at the sight of Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan being defeated and seriously crippled by the two evil monsters.

"Look's like the big lizard's finally met his match." Chrysalis said mockingly, looking at the sight of the defeated Godzilla in delight and amusement.

"Since you had that big lizard and those other overgrown pests, we figured it's only fair for us to have some giant monsters of our own." Cozy Glow said with an equally-delighted look.

"There's no backup friends or rainbow magic to save you now!" Tirek added.

"Golly, I think it's time for some redecorating!" Cozy said with a sadistic grin, to which Tirek and Chrysalis grinned back.

Turning around to face the spot where Twilight's throne used to be, the three villains all fired their combined energy blasts, which merged into one extremely powerful orange-colored beam that completely obliterated a sizable portion of the castle in an instant! The Mane Six, Spike, Discord, Celestia and Luna watched in horror at the terrifying display of the villains' new-found combined power.

"You know what's stronger than friendship, Twilight?" Chrysalis asked before suddenly lunging at Twilight's face. "Fear!" Almost instantly, the frightened alicorn's purple shield briefly turned green before shattering like glass!

" 'Cause when you have to protect yourself, you don't have time for anypony else." Tirek said, levitating Twilight with his magic and bringing her to them, before grabbing the Princess of Friendship by her wings and lifting her in front of his face as Cozy Glow and Chrysalis came to his side.

"Too bad you never taught that in school." Cozy mockingly added. For as vile as the three villains were, they were right about one thing: Fear is a frighteningly powerful tool for dividing others. Because when faced with a crisis, they have no time for being friendly or charitable, only for self-preservation.

With sadistic grins, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek began charging up their attacks, preparing to finish off Twilight Sparkle, their most hated enemy, once and for all. But out of nowhere, a large boulder came flying and smashing into the three villains, dropping Twilight in the process. The Princess of Friendship looked back in surprise to see that the pony who saved her was Rarity, who smiled at her, to which Twilight smiled back.

But the moment was short-lived, the three villains quickly recovered and fired their combined energy blast at the heroes! Thinking fast, Twilight quickly levitated a large piece of the broken castle wall and used it as a shield, managing to block the combined energy beam!

"Go, Twilight! Get help!" Rarity exclaimed, moving in to help hold off the attack for as long as she could.

"We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!" Applejack yelled, joining Rarity.

"No! I can't leave you here!" Twilight protested, unwilling to let her friends stay behind while she escaped.

"It's our only chance!" Fluttershy reasoned, joining them as well.

"You'll come up with something to save the day!" Rainbow Dash pointed out before flying in to help the others.

"You always do!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, also joining her friends' effort to hold off the attack, quickly accompanied by Celestia and Luna.

"We believe in you!" Spike said confidently.

"Fly, you foal!" Discord grabbed the Princess and yelled in her face before pushing her back and running in to help the others.

A tearful Twilight looked on as all of her friends piled in, trying with their very best effort to hold off the blast. She then looked through the destroyed part of the castle to see Godzilla laying on the ground motionlessly along with Rodan and Mothra. With tears pouring from her eyes, the grief-stricken Twilight's horn lightened up with magic before she disappeared in a flash of purple light, just as the combined energy blast of the villains finally overwhelmed the heroes!

4 Hours Later; Canterlot

It was the darkest hour in Equestria, as not only were the protectors of this world defeated, but so were the titan cavalry in what may very well be, single-handedly, the worst disaster that Equestria has ever seen the likes of. Most of the Mane Six, the Pillars, the former Princesses, and Discord have all been defeated and captured, and even Godzilla and some of his powerful allies have been subsequently defeated by King Ghidorah and Destoroyah, who were currently under the control of the villains.

Outside, Ghidorah and Destoroyah piled the three defeated titans in one spot, with the unconscious Rodan laying atop of the unconscious Godzilla, and Mothra on Godzilla's tail. If it wasn't for Nulucus' mind-control on them, Monster Zero and Destoroyah would have killed the three titans and started fighting one another to the death.


Meanwhile, the three villains have imprisoned Twilight's friends, Discord, the former Princesses, and the Pillars in the catacombs under Canterlot Castle, and using the magic-canceling shards of Chrysalis' old throne to keep their magic subdued. Twilight's friends, Celestia, Luna, and the Pillars were currently trapped in prison cells, but in the place of bars, their exits were blocked by the green slime-like substance that Chrysalis often used to cocoon her victims. Starlight Glimmer was imprisoned in a bird-like cage, hanging from the ceiling, and Discord was wrapped in chains, near the cell of Twilight's friends, though his legs and arms were still free.

"And now for your complete destruction! Won't that be fun?" Cozy Glow asked Twilight's imprisoned friends with a sick twisted smile not unlike that of a psychopath.

"Patience, Cozy." Chrysalis said, approaching her. "Destruction is so... permanent. We need to show the rest of Equestria that we've broken their heroes first. Besides, we should have fun with our guests."

"No! We should hunt down Twilight Sparkle. As long as she's out there, she's dangerous." Tirek said with concern, knowing full well that she is their prime threat.

"Is that big, strong minotaur that scared of one little pony?" Chrysalis asked with a tone that's a mix of teasing and mockery. "Relax. It's not like her friends are going anywhere."

"Still, knowing Twilight Sparkle's escaped is not something worth ignoring." A new voice suddenly called out, turning everyone's attention to the East side of the cavern, where a drider-like creature approached the villains. Just from looking at it, Twilight's friends could instantly tell that this was the being responsible for freeing the villains, judging by Discord's description of him.

"Ahh~... Nulucus, so glad you could join us." Chrysalis said with a grin.

"So you're the one behind all this?!" An outraged Applejack demanded while pointing her hoof at the drider-like alien, who casually walked over to their cell.

"Guilty as charged, as you often say." Nulucus said, mockingly raising his hand. "But you don't need to worry about me being a threat to Equestria, that honor solely belongs to them." He pointed at Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek. "I just came here to take Godzilla and your other big friends." This placed looks of shock and surprise upon everyone in the cavern except the villains. "It's the reason why I came to your world and freed some of your adversaries in the first place. Oh, and I'm also the one who brought some of those other monsters here: including King Ghidorah and Orga."

"You're the one who brought those monsters to Equestria?!" Rainbow Dash asked, angered just like the rest at this shocking revelation.

"Some, but not all." Nulucus corrected her. "I only brought King Ghidorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Orga. I found Destoroyah here by surprise." He admitted before using his powers telekinetically levitate the small blue crystal that was in Cozy Glow's possession and bring it back to him.

"Hey!" Cozy exclaimed angrily. "No fair!"

"I told you Cozy Glow, you can only have a small portion of my crystal before I take it back." Nulucus reminded her before fusing the small crystal with his larger one, making Cozy huff in disappointment.

"Who are you, anyway?" Spike asked.

"My name is Nulucus, and I'm from the M Space Hunter Nebula." Nulucus introduced himself to the ponies. "I'm what you call an alien. Me and my people have constantly invaded Godzilla's home world, using other extraterrestrial monsters similar to Ghidorah to do it. Like, for example, Gigan." Twilight's friends gasped in surprise; the Elias told them all about the scythe-handed cyborg titan that Godzilla and his allies have faced many times before, and eventually defeated. "And when we realized that Godzilla and many other monsters are being transported here, I was tasked to come here and harvest them."

"What do you want with Godzilla and his friends, buster?" Pinkie Pie fiercely asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Nulucus casually answered. "Just use their power to make them our slaves and then use them to conquer his own home world."

Hearing this earned Nulucus the hated looks and wrathful glares of not just Twilight's friends, but all the other heroes that were imprisoned in the catacomb. Hearing that he wished to force Godzilla and his friends to attack and invade their birth-world was something that they truly detested; it would be the same as someone placing Twilight Sparkle and her friends under mind-control and forcing them to take over Equestria.

"You beastly beast!" Rarity angrily shrieked.

"Oh, and one more thing." Cozy Glow called out. "There's a really big asteroid called Gorath that's heading for Equestria right now. And when it collides, well... no more Equestria!"

Once again, the catacombs were filled with horrified gasps of shock and disbelief. As if having to do deal with three of their worst villains and giant rampaging monsters wasn't enough, now they had an asteroid heading for Equestria?! While they would question what benefit this asteroid will do for the villains once it collided, they were too shocked and horrified to think thoroughly about it.

"But none of this would be possible without the Crystal of Te-Ui." Nulucus said, lifting the bluish crystal in his hand. "This crystal gives me immense power, and it also steals the powers from other creatures. Isn't that right, Discord?" Nulucus mockingly asked, turning to the draconequus, who glared at him hatefully. "And don't bother calling for help from the Elias, because I'm using my telepathy to block them from reaching you!" Even more gasps and hated glares filled the catacombs, all of them directed mainly at Nulucus.

"So~, Nulucus..." Cozy Glow called out again, turning his attention to her. "What are the chances that you're gonna give me Discord's and the Princess alicorn's powers?" She asked with an 'innocent' look.

"What do you mean give you their powers?" Chrysalis suddenly got in Cozy's face, followed by Tirek.

"Um, hello? I'm the best one out of all of us!" Cozy said with pride.

"What are you talking about?!" Tirek yelled.

"The best at what?!" Chrysalis asked threateningly.

"Enough!" Nulucus yelled, stopping their bickering before approaching them. "Even if I wanted to give you their powers, none of you could gain it. This crystal does not take one's powers and give it to another. It only takes the power, and gives it back to the original user if willed to. Nothing more than that." This placed looks of disappointment on the three villains' faces.

While the villains were conversing with one another, Discord took the opportunity to approach the cell of his friends. "Listen, I have a crazy plan that might just get us all out of here." He whispered to them quietly.

"Discord, please don't try anything that might make things worse." Spike begged, uneasy of Discord's chaotic ways.

"At this point, I'm willing to go with even Discord's crazy ideas." Rainbow Dash said, knowing that they were in a race against time, with Gorath fast approaching Equestria.

"Trust me, this is gonna work... I hope." Discord said, gulping in uneasiness himself. Picking up a crystal fragment, Discord called out to Nulucus. "Hey, Crabby!" Turning his and the other villain's attention to him, preparing their attacks if he tried anything foolish. "If you're so smart, why have you failed so many times to take over Godzilla's world before? Is it because you and your kind are a bunch of crabs with shells for brains?" Discord tauntingly asked. Nulucus glared at the Lord of Chaos with his six eyes while a vein started forming on his head, no doubt offended and angered.

"At least he's not the one who's powerless and wrapped in chains, is he?" Tirek said, folding his arms.

"Oh? Do you have something better up in your head, you muscle-bound cretin?" Discord asked casually, looking at the crystal fragment in his eagle claw.

"This 'cretin' could destroy you before you blink, so choose your next words carefully." Tirek warned, threateningly punching the palm of his hand.

"You're right. 'Cretin' is too polite." Discord said, before casually walking over to the villains while tossing his crystal fragment around. "How about 'pathetic centaur who uses magic to compensate for the fact that deep down he's afraid he'll never be enough to please dear old dad," He got in Tirek's face before saying... "King Vorak'?"

Fueled by rage and anger over what he just said, Tirek furiously fired a beam of magic from between his horns at Discord, who quickly shielded himself with the crystal fragment! Upon contact, the beam pushed Discord back before being reflected into several smaller beams of the same magic. The small beams bounced around the crystal cavern like crazy (with several nearly hitting the four villains) before they all ceased.

"Hahahaha! You missed!" Cozy laughed at Discord, quickly deducing his plan to insult one of them and anger them enough to make them attack him with their magic, and then reflect said magic in hopes of freeing one of his friends. But apparently he failed.

"Did he, though?!"

Everyone heard the familiar voice of Starlight Glimmer and looked up to see that one of Tirek's reflected beams had hit and destroyed the shard that was holding her captive. Having regained her magic, Starlight easily freed herself by cutting the bird cage in half.

"Get her!" Chrysalis yelled, followed by the four villains unleashing their energy beams at Starlight — with Nulucus firing beams of blue energy from his hands. As with her battle against Chrysalis before, Starlight used her 'I'm-here-I'm-there-I'm-everywhere' tactic to rapidly teleport from one spot to another, easily dodging the blasts of the villains. While doing so, Starlight was also carefully leading the villains away from Twilight's friends.

Once the villains were far enough, still looking for her, Starlight teleported to the cell of Twilight's friends.

"Get Twilight!" Applejack said.

"No way! She's always needed you guys!" Starlight said before levitating off the ground and releasing a wave of magic that instantly disintegrated the green substance on all the cages and cells, freeing all the imprisoned heroes! But shortly after she did so, a blue beam from Nulucus zapped Starlight from behind while the three other villains began approaching her! Fortunately, Celestia and Luna landed to confront them, with Celestia landing above Starlight to protect her — and both were ready for another fight!

Nulucus chuckled at this. "Oh my dear former Princesses, do you truly intend to fight us like that?" He asked tauntingly, amused that Celestia and Luna were magicless and still wanted to battle them.

"We do." Celestia growled with determination before turning to Twilight's friends. "Find Twilight! We may not have our magic, but we aren't completely helpless! We'll hold them off as long as we can!" With that, she, Luna and Starlight charged at Nulucus, Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis!

Twilight's friends backed away in surprise, with Discord watching in horror. "That was epic, Discord!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Never should have doubted you!" Spike said with a smile of his own.

"Just save Equestria. And keep Fluttershy safe!" Discord yelled before they quickly made their escape while he joined the fight by throwing crystal shards at the villains as his means of attack.

Destroying a brick wall with her rear hooves, Applejack and her friends managed to escape. But upon escaping from the catacombs under Canterlot Castle and arriving in the city, Twilight's friends were 'greeted' by a lone unicorn stallion carrying a full bag on his back.

"Why are you out in the open?! Hide!" He yelled, shivering in fright and looking around hysterically.

"Where is everypony?" Rarity asked, noticing that there were no civilian ponies outside, and Canterlot as a whole was almost like a ghost town.

"The unicorns have been gathering in Celestia's School of Magic ever since the attack. That's where I was headed when I saw you." He explained.

"What about the Earth ponies and Pegasi?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's everypony for themselves." He said casually.

"That ain't right." Applejack said, unwilling to accept this.

"Well, you can all stand out here and debate. I'm goin' where I'm safe." He said before running off to Celestia's School of Magic.

"Chrysalis was telling the truth. They really have turned ponies against each other." Spike said in horror, prompting Fluttershy to hide behind Pinkie Pie, knowing full well that with the ponies divided, the Magic of Friendship was significantly weakened.

"Everypony's scared, that's all." Applejack said, trying to spread at least some positive energy under all this stress. "We just need to get to Ponyville and find Twilight pronto. She'll know how to set things right." With that, they began racing to Ponyville.


Slowly but surely, Rodan opened his eyes and stirred, he looked around before noticing that he was been laying atop Godzilla this whole time while the latter was unconscious. Looking to his left, he also noticed Mothra motionlessly laying atop Godzilla's tail. Turning his head, Rodan saw the two dreaded monsters, Destoroyah and King Ghidorah, standing not too far from them, apparently guarding them, and they did not appear to be aware that he was awake. The Samurai of the Skies was confused by this; why would their most hated enemies knock them unconscious without killing them? Did they still need them for some reason? Whatever the case may be, Rodan knew that they now still had a chance to defeat them — the pterosaur's body began glowing with a faint orange-red light as he started to transfer some of his life energy to Godzilla. While this energy transfer was a slow process, it should go without a hitch as long as their enemies don't notice.


In Ponyville, the Earth ponies have gathered together from other towns and are in a state of extreme panic. With the fear and distrust the villains have spread over them, coupled with the villainous titans rampaging and the raging thunderstorm, their panicked states were understandable. Mayor Mare was doing her very best to keep everypony calm, but to no avail.

"Please, stay calm! I know it seems bad, but there's no need to panic!" Mayor Mare yelled out from the top of her tower.

"Give us one good reason not to!" An Earth pony mare by the name of Winter Lotus yelled back — she had a pink coat and a blue mane and tail. The other Earth ponies were quick to join her in their panicked states.

"Because Ponyville's own heroes of Equestria are here to save us!" Mayor Mare sighed in relief and pointed turn to the approaching Mane Six (barring Twilight) and Spike. As soon as they got here, Applejack approached Big Mac, who was hugging Sugar Belle closely, Applebloom and Granny Smith.

"Where'd all these ponies come from?" Applejack asked her family.

"Earth ponies been pourin' in lookin' for somewhere safe." Granny Smith informed.

"We don't have unicorn magic to protect us or a city in the sky to hide in like those cowardly Pegasi!" Winter Lotus angrily shouted at the heroins and Spike.

"Cowardly?!" An extremely offended Rainbow Dash growled at her. A rumble from above caught their attention, and much to the shock of Rainbow Dash and the other heroes, they see that the Pegasi were blocking out Cloudsdale with a wall of clouds.

"They're blocking Cloudsdale! Said they didn't want any 'grounded' ponies up in their business!" Winter Lotus huffed angrily.

"Listen up, buddy—!" Rainbow Dash was about to give her a piece of her mind when Fluttershy got between them to ease the tension.

"Don't!" Fluttershy pleaded. "That's exactly what Chrysalis and the others want. More fighting." She pointed out before turning to the other ponies. "We know you're scared. We're here to help."

"You better fix this!" A random Earth pony mare shouted, prompting the other Earth ponies to continue their protests, forcing Fluttershy to back away and join her friends.

"We should probably not tell them about Gorath." Spike whispered to his friends.

"Probably a good idea. There's no tellin' how bad things could get with that." Applejack agreed. Their friends were all very quick to agree on the same note; informing them about the massive asteroid that was on a collision course with Equestria will be the 'tiny thing to push them over the brink', as Chrysalis put it.

"Look! Up in the sky!" Pinkie suddenly shouted and points at the sky, prompting not just her friends, but also every Earth pony in Ponyville to turn their attention to the darkened sky! Much to their surprise, the ponies witnessed a flying moth-like creature (vaguely resembling Mothra) fly pass them, apparently heading for Canterlot. They didn't get a good look at it due to the creature flying at a very high altitude, but they did make out the butterfly or moth-like shape which reminded some of Mothra.

"Battra." Fluttershy quietly muttered, realizing him as one of the kaiju that the Elias told them about. Battra was the dark counterpart to Mothra, and at one point, became an enemy of hers before he reformed.

"We have no time for this!" Applejack said, snapping her friends out of their gazes. "We have to find Twilight! Where else could she be?"

Spike had been one of Twilight's closest companions and has been with her longer than anyone else... and it was at this moment that the young dragon finally realized where his adopted sister was almost guaranteed to be. "I know where Twilight is!" He exclaimed with a snap of his claws.


Battra, having just passed Ponyville, was on his way to Canterlot, but he was not going there to confront Destoroyah and Ghidorah — he was heading there because that was the spot where he anticipated the Gorath asteroid would hit! With Mothra and Rodan (the two flying kaiju on the side of good) out of commission, and Discord, Celestia and Luna powerless, Battra was the only one at the moment who can stop Gorath from colliding, and there was no time to waste!

Destoroyah and King Ghidorah were still looking around and 'guarding' the three unconscious titans, until they both spotted Battra flying over them, seemingly coming to fight them. But much to their surprise, instead of flying down and attacking them like they expected, Mothra's dark counterpart instead flew upwards into the cloud-filled dark sky! Confused at first, the eyes of the two evil titans soon widened upon realizing the true reason behind Battra's unwillingness to challenge them — he was going to intercept Gorath!

Quickly spreading their wings, Ghidorah and Destoroyah took off and began flying upwards with incredible speed to catch Battra before he could leave the stratosphere! But luck didn't seem to be on their side, because as soon as the two monsters were only 900 meters off the ground, a blue beam of energy shot out of nowhere and blasted both of them out of the sky at once! Battra, unaware that he was just saved, continued flying higher and higher until even his silhouette faded into the dark clouds.

Crashing back to the ground, Destoroyah and King Ghidorah were quick to get up, and discover that the one that blasted them out of the sky was none other than the Monster King himself! They looked at Godzilla, completely healed and rejuvenated, now standing before them while Mothra and Rodan were still laying on the ground — but Rodan was very much conscious as he looked at Godzilla with pride in his eyes, because his life energy-transfer was a success, and just in the nick of time! Godzilla's energy and power were not only restored, but also boosted significantly thanks to Rodan's helping hand (or wing, in this case). The two evil titans let out their respective shrieks and roars at Godzilla, shocked and dumbfounded at the Monster King's unexpected recovery, but that won't stop them from trying to beat Godzilla within an inch of his life again. However, what made this upcoming battle different from the previous one, was that Godzilla seemed more than confident to take them on alone, where as before he was uncertain.


Godzilla unleashed his iconic roar, followed by an Atomic Breath he fired from his mouth, which he aimed directly at Destoroyah! The mutant superorganism didn't have the time to dodge as he was knocked back(& down) by the blue beam that smashed into his chest, temporarily taking him out of the fight! With one less foe to worry about, the saurian turned his attention to the three-headed dragon.

King Ghidorah, unwilling to be defeated so quickly and easily, let out his bell-like shrieks before flapping his wings and taking to the sky! Once a safe distance from the Monster King in the air, Monster Zero began firing his Gravity Beams from all three heads down at Godzilla, but the beams themselves did far less damage when they made contact with the mutant reptile — where as before Godzilla would roar out in pain, now he didn't even flinch when the golden electrical beams struck with seemingly no effect! Seeing this, Ghidorah ceased his Gravity Beams and began flying down toward Godzilla with immense speed, hoping to knock him out with his body weight.

Godzilla stood his ground as King Ghidorah came toward him like a raging hawk, ready to deliver a powerful kick to his head. But the moment Ghidorah came and tried to kick Godzilla, the Monster King quickly caught both of his legs with his clawed hands and even managed to maintain his balance, absorbing the kinetic energy from Ghidorah's kick with little effort! The three heads looked with equal amount of shock and disbelief, which quickly turned into fear when Godzilla's dorsal spines began glowing with a fiery-red color while being surrounded by red-colored electricity. Knowing what's coming next, the three heads frantically began shooting their Gravity Beams at Godzilla in a desperate attempt to escape, but the Monster King won't budge; he continued holding Ghidorah's legs with a firm grip to prevent him from escaping, ignoring the onslaught of Gravity Beams. Finally, Godzilla opened his mouth... and unleashed his Uranium Atomic Heat Ray (a crimson-colored beam similar to the Nuclear Fusion Heat Ray, but far more powerful) at the three-headed monster point-blank!

The thee heads screeched and shrieked in agonizing pain as the ultra-powerful heat beam struck him squarely in the chest with devastating ferocity and power! The agonizing cries of Ghidroah lasted less than 8 seconds before the three-headed dragon exploded in a spectacular explosion, briefly forming a fire-ball! After the explosion died down and disappeared, there was nothing left of Monster Zero — nothing but a few debris.

King Ghidorah, possibly Godzilla's deadliest and most hated enemy, had just been destroyed once and for all!

But the defeat of King Ghidorah wasn't without cost; Godzilla began feeling exhausted and depleted, because he just used-up all the extra power that Rodan gave him in that final attack to obliterate the Triple-Domed Terror for good, and he cannot preform the same attack on Destoroyah. But at least that also meant that he now had one less threat to worry about.

Meanwhile, Battra had just passed the stratosphere of Equestria, and he continued flying higher and higher to reach his approaching target. By the time he reached the mesosphere, he could finally see the approaching Gorath asteroid with his crimson eyes; it was over 200 meters in diameter and only a kilometer away from himself — but that distance quickly started shrinking as the two start getting closer to one another with every passing second. In an attempt to (at the very least) slow down Gorath, Battra fired Prism Beams from his eyes at the approaching asteroid, but it did little in slowing it down, let alone damaging it. But the Divine Moth would not relent, he continued firing his beams even as the distance between himself and Gorath continued shortening. This may not be his birth-world, but just like Godzilla and most of the other titans, Battra became fond of Equestria, and he will protect it with his life if he has to, from all manner of threats, be they other kaiju or celestial objects!

In a matter of a few minutes, the 1 kilometer distance between Battra (who was still firing his Prism Beams) and Gorath was now only a 600 meter distance, and still shrinking. Battra mentally smiled to himself, remembering Tempest Shadow and all the other ponies that have shown him kindness, even if he does not make it out alive, he will always be remembered by them... and he will always remember them.

The 600 meter distance between Battra and Gorath was soon reduced to only 40 meters.

30 meters...

20 meters...

10 meters...


Back near Canterlot, Destoroyah stared at Godzilla with a mix of anger, shock and even fear! He could barely comprehend the awesome power that the King of Monsters just displayed and used to instantly annihilate his three-headed ally. But what he didn't know, was that Godzilla can't preform that same feat again, now that he had exhausted all of it to destroy Ghidorah — but that didn't mean that he was helpless or defenseless in any way. The two monsters stared each other down like two gunmen pointing guns at one another, both hesitant to make even the slightest move.

But neither needed to do anything...

Without any kind of warning, both titans were caught off-guard by a powerful explosion in the sky! An explosion so unbelievably powerful that its shockwave reached all the way to the ground and made the dark clouds momentarily disperse, allowing almost every creature on the ground to witness a huge ball of light in the sky that nearly reached the stratosphere, moments before it died down and disappeared, which allowed the dark clouds to reform. Intentionally shocked at first, Godzilla quickly deduced and realized the cause behind this sudden event:

Battra had succeeded in stopping Gorath... But at the cost of his own life.

Crystal Empire

After an hour or two, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike arrived at the Crystal Empire, one of the few places in Equestria that was currently out of the reach of the raging thunderstorm, though that didn't make things any less worrisome. Opening the front doors, Twilight's friends were greeted by Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart sitting on their thrones before them.

"Oh, thank Celestia you're all alright." Cadance said in relief. "She's upstairs. It's... not good."


Entering one of the palace rooms, they found their friend looking at various notes and books, desperately trying to find a way to reverse this disaster, but with no success of such a thing..

"You're here?!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in surprise upon seeing her friends here, and they all quickly joined in and have a group-hug. "I was so worried! Where are the Princesses?"

"They put up a crazy fight so we could escape and find you!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. "Mission accomplished! Now let's save Equestria! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!" At the same time, party confetti and a banner with Twilight's face drawn on it appeared without any explanation.

However, Twilight herself did not look as pleased nor as happy as any of her friends — quite the opposite, she seemed even more scared. "They made a terrible mistake. You all did." She said with a despair-filled voice. "From the second I got away, I've been searching every book, scroll, and spell for a way to rescue you and Godzilla, and stop Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy, Ghidorah and Destoroyah, but I haven't found anything. I've also been trying to contact the Elias several times by now, but they aren't responding at all, which means something must have happened to them as well. I failed." Twilight turned her back and sat down, having lost all of her confidence and courage she had not too long ago.

"You'll come up with something." Spike ran up to her, hoping to put some confidence in his adopted sister. "We can't save Equestria without you."

"You all escaped without my help. You didn't need me then. So why would anypony need me now?" Twilight asked as she walked past her friends, still unable to recover from her trauma of having apparently already lost both the battle and the war.

"We know things look bad," Rainbow Dash said. "But we've been in tough spots before, and we always—"

"Look around! Nothing we've ever done has mattered!" Twilight suddenly exclaimed. "Orga destroyed the Tree of Harmony! Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow returned and more powerful than ever! The School of Friendship is shut down! Everypony in Equestria is so blinded by fear, they can't remember what friendship is! Godzilla and his friends are defeated and none of us have the necessary power to fight Ghidorah or Destoroyah! Nothing we do makes any difference!" She exclaimed before resting her head against the desk, unable to cope with what has just happened.

"Should we uhhh... tell her about Gorath?" Spike asked the others worriedly.

But before any of them could answer or respond, and invisible force suddenly smashed the nearby windows open, startling the seven friends inside. None of them knew it, but the invisible force that did this was the shockwave from Battra's collision course with Gorath. Looking through the window, however, Twilight and her friends were greeted by an unwelcoming sight: The clouds in the sky turned blue and the temperature began decreasing significantly, moments before three horse-like spirits appear in the sky and began circling.

"Oh boy..." Spike gulped.


In addition to the lightning-filled thunderstorm that has nearly consumed the entire land, the rest of Equestria was now also under the siege by snow and freezing temperatures brought by the Windegos, ancient spirit creatures that spread cold and snow due to mistrust between ponies. The villains' plan to break the ponies' friendship was the cause for the return of the these creatures.

"The Windigos!" A random Earth pony mare exclaimed.

"That's just a Hearth's Warming Eve story." Winter Lotus scoffed.

"Creatures made of wind that spread cold and misery across the land to punish ponies?! Seems pretty real to me!" She exclaimed again. "Let the Pegasi deal with this! There's nothing we can do except hide!"

The Earth ponies quickly began scattering in fear and find places to hide from the cold... all but Sandbar, who looked around himself with a determined look on his face.


In the cloud-made city, things weren't looking any better either, as Pegasi made a futile attempt to try to control the clouds and raging winds with no hope of success.

"That's enchanted wind! We can't control it!" A Pegasi mare by the name of Cotton Sky shouted. "And we can't rely on those snooty unicorns for any help! Build up the cloudbank! We'll try to block it!"

"What about everypony down below?" A teenage Pegasi stallion named Hyper Sonic asked.

"They're on their own." Cotton Sky responded. "We all are."

After she flew off, Hyper began contemplating.

Celestia's School of Magic

Looking at the Windegos through his telescope, Chancellor Neighsay nodded to a unicorn stallion behind him.

"Fortify the shields around the School of Magic! We need to protect ourselves! It's all we can do." The unicorn ordered.

As the other unicorns began scattering, a lone unicorn filly looked unsure about this.

Crystal Empire

"We have to do something!" Rainbow Dash yelled, looking at the three Windegos with concern.

"I've already done enough." Twilight said solemnly before walking away and resting her head on a nearby table.

Having had enough of this, Applejack walked over to her friend. "You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that don't mean you quit tryin'!" She exclaimed.

"What if I make things worse?!" Twilight shot back. "Ever since we and Godzilla defeated Orga together, I've been gaining confidence. Then I find out it's all a lie. Equestria's been falling apart around us, and I didn't even notice until it was too late! What kind of Princess does that make me? I'm scared." She quietly muttered as tears started pouring from her eyes. "And worst of all, I failed Godzilla! He did everything to help and save us, and I did nothing for him..."

With sympathetic look, Fluttershy walked up to Twilight and gently lifted her chin "I probably know more about being scared than anypony. But thanks to all of you, I've learned I'm always less scared when I'm with my friends." She said with a soft smile.

"If we're facing impossible odds, we're facing them together!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with an equally-bright smile.

"It's what we always do, darling." Rarity added.

"But we're on our own, and we have no idea what to do!" Twilight pointed out.

Pinkie Pie suddenly slides beside Twilight with a cheerful smile "That's true pretty much every time something terrible is about to happen."

"We don't have the Elements of Harmony anymore. How can you all be so calm about this?" Twilight Sparkle, being the type who listens more to her brain than her heart, asked in surprise and confusion.

"Because," Spike flew close to her. "Even if you don't believe you can do this, we do. We believe in you. In us." He said, pointing at her friends who were all smiling at her with confidence and faith. "Also, if Godzilla was in your place right now, he wouldn't be laying around and thinking about how he thinks he failed, he would be out there fighting to his last breath to save us!"

"The truth is, all our lives wouldn't be the same if we hadn't met." Applejack said with a sincere tone and a gentle smile. "We're better off because of our friendship with you. So when you say you haven't made a difference, that's just not true. You've made a big difference to us. And like Spike said, Godzilla ain't gonna just give up if he failed, he's gonna keep on fightin' down to his last scale!"

Seeing their complete trust in her and confidence for her to keep on fighting on, despite of the overwhelming odds, Twilight couldn't help but smile as tears of joy poured from her eyes, prompting her to take a tissue and wipe them. "Thank you. Sometimes even the Princess of Friendship needs a reminder that there's more to the Magic of Friendship than rainbow lasers." Her face then turned to a mix of self-hate and self-disappointment, self-hate for Spike pointing out the very obvious — if Godzilla was in her place, he most certainly will not be in a state of depression, he would be out there fighting for everyone with his life, regardless of the situation! This made her feel somewhat hateful of herself for giving up so easily. ''And Godzilla... is the one who helped me change; he's the one to helped me gain confidence in ruling Equestria and being a better Princess overall. And I'm definitely not gonna give up on him, either!" She said firmly before she and her friends have another group-hug, restoring her confidence even more. "Hang on, big guy, even if it's the last thing we do, my friends and I are gonna help you win this. That's a promise." The Princess of Friendship quietly whispered with determination.

At that moment, Shining Armor and Cadance, holding Flurry Heart, opened the door behind them. "That sounds like the pony I used to foal-sit for. Count us in." Princess Cadance said with confidence and happiness.

"No." Twilight said softly as she walked up to them. "You need to stay here and protect Flurry Heart. If we don't... If things don't work out, she's Equestria's last hope." With that, the Princess of Friendship returned to her friends. "Okay. Three of our worst villains are freed by a new villain, have taken over, are powered-up by this new villain, and have two evil monsters under their control. Everypony in Equestria is so scared and divided that the Windigos are circling. And it's up to us and Godzilla to fix it all."

"Before we go, there's some more information you need to know, first." Spike said.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked.

However, before the young dragon or any of her friends could respond or explain what they've learned, they suddenly heard the unmistakable voices of the Elias. "Twilight!"

The Princess of Friendship and her friends jolted in surprise upon hearing their shouts. "Elias? Is that you?" Twilight quickly asked, her tone was a mix of surprise and relief upon finally reestablishing contact with their other-worldly friends.

"Please listen! We do not have much time because Nulucus is preventing us from reaching you all! You no longer have to worry about Gorath, as Battra has stopped it from colliding with Equestria, and Godzilla has already defeated King Ghidorah. However, there is a new threat fast approaching your world! You must go now and stop it!"

"Wait, what? What's approaching Equestria!" Twilight asked in surprise, unable to fully gather everything due to the Elias' (understandable) hysteria.

"It is-" Before the Elias could finish, they were suddenly cut-off.

"Hello? Elias?" Twilight asked again frantically, but there was no response.

"Nulucus..." Rainbow Dash growled, knowing that he no-doubt had already blocked the Elias from reaching them.

"Who?" The Princess of Friendship turned to look at her friends in surprise, more than eager to hear what they've learned.

"What's going on?" Cadance also asked in surprise.

"Nulucus is the name of that new villain that freed Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow, and empowered them." Spike began explaining. "And there's a lot more that we learned when we were in that prison."


Back at Canterlot, the increasingly-cold weather created by the Windegos was beginning to unintentionally aid Godzilla, because extreme temperatures were one of Destoroyah's major weaknesses (particularly cold temperatures). The mutant crustacean could already feel the cold taking its toll on him, with his wings and claws beginning to rapidly freeze — apparently, Nulucus and the other villains didn't think this completely through. With his dorsal spines lighting up, Godzilla fired a Heat Ray at Destoryah, striking and destroying one of his now-frozen wings (which shattered like glass due to the extreme cold), the mutant crustacean let out a high-pitched screech of pain as Godzilla's dorsal plates lightened up— and again, Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath at the mutant crustacean, this time destroying part of the evil monster's crest! The Monster King's spines glowed once more, this time with visible electricity surrounding them, before unleashing his Spiral Heat Ray and striking the critically-weakened Destoroyah squarely in the chest! The evil titan shrieked in pain as the blue spiral beam completely pierced through his partially-frozen body, causing cracks to form all over his body in the process. The cracks continued to expand as Destoroyah shrieked in agony... before he spontaneously exploded into pieces, akin to a statue being blown up!

Godzilla silently looked as the frozen pieces of Destoroyah began raining like debris, prompting the Monster King to take a deep breath and sigh of relief. Ironically, if it wasn't for the Windegos making the environment increasingly colder, Godzilla would have had a much tougher and more difficult time defeating Destoroyah. Indeed, the Monster King was very lucky at the moment. But unfortunately, he's luck wouldn't last very long.

Not soon after, Godzilla began sensing the presence of yet another monster approaching... this time from above. Turning his attention to the dark skies, the saurian noticed a mysterious creature emerge from the darkened clouds and slowly began descending to the ground, seemingly unaffected by the cold weather.


"Every prisoner is safely in their cells." Tirek said, joining Nulucus, Cozy and Chrysalis who were in the now-destroyed throne room of Canterlot, looking up at the sky. "Now we can hunt down the rest of the— " The centaur was cut-off upon seeing the three ancient spirits circling in the sky like frenzied sharks. "Windigos?"

"I'm not hunting anypony d-d-d-down in this weather!" Cozy Glow, having a blanked wrapped around herself, said while shivering. "Can't we magically get rid of them and w-w-w-warm things up?"

"We won't need to, look up there!" Nulucus said and pointed further up in the sky, where his fellow villains also saw the unknown creature slowly descending from the dark clouds. "It appears our trump card has finally arrived."

"Say Nulucus, why didn't you read Discord's mind and figure out his plan earlier? 'Would have helped us a lot." Tirek asked his ally, knowing that his mind-reading ability would have prevented their six prisoners from escaping.

"Because I have to telepathically block the Elias from reaching Twilight and the others, and I can't do both things at once." Nulucus explained.

"Tch. That overgrown iguana is back!" Chrysalis growled and pointed down, prompting the other villains to also notice that Godzilla was now standing and back at his full strength, and has already defeated two of their most powerful living weapons, something that both angered them but also frightened them at the same time.

Though unlike his fellow villains, Nulucus didn't seem concerned about this. "It doesn't matter," He folded his arms in confidence. "Our trump card will deal with him, and we will deal with the Windegos."

"But we probably should deal with Twilight and her friends before anything else." Cozy Glow said.

"Thought it was too cold for you to hunt anypony down." Tirek recalled with a hint of sarcasm.

"We don't need to. They're right there!" Cozy suddenly pointed in the distance where the others also spotted Twilight and her friends approaching.

Twilight's friends have already explained to the Princess of Friendship everything that they've learned. They explained that Nulucus was an alien from a place called the M Space Hunter Nebula, and that he and his kind have constantly invaded Godzilla's birth-world with various space monsters, the most frequent being Gigan, and attempt to harvest Godzilla and his allies for their own use. This, naturally, caused the Princess of Friendship to develop a deep hatred for the alien and his plans. Twilight's friends also explained about the asteroid Gorath that was previously on a collision course with Equestria (something that greatly worried her), but thankfully they can ease a bit knowing that Battra had prevented at least that disaster from happening. But they knew they weren't out of the woods, yet — not by a long shot.

"You think they know we're here?" Spike asked Twilight worriedly.

Shortly after the young dragon asked that, a blue-colored portal opened right in front of them, followed by Nulucus, Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow coming out of said portal. They all had malicious grins and smirks on their faces as they approached the seven heroes, with Chrysalis licking her lips and Tirek punching the palm of his hand.

"I'd say they have an idea." Applejack responded.

Twilight noticed the bluish crystal levitating beside the four villains. "That crystal has Discord, Celestia, and Luna's magic inside. We have to somehow get it out of their reach." She said.

"Ah, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Nulucus said in a calm, yet mocking tone as he and his fellow villains stood in front of the Mane Seven. "It's nice to finally meet you face-to-face."

"Nulucus." Twilight growled, her eyes quickly narrowed at the sight of him. "I know you're behind all this, what you're planning to do with Godzilla and his friends. And I won't allow it!" She angrily stomped her hoof on the ground.

"Oh? I see you're little friends have told you everything already." Nulucus responded with a taunting tone. "Then you must also know that resistance is futile. Especially now that our trump card has arrived." The alien said, pointing to the area where Godzilla was currently standing.

Turning their attention from the villains to where Nulucus was pointing, Twilight and her friends were shocked and surprised to see yet another monster appear — slowly descending from the sky before silently landing on the ground in front of the Monster King.


Upon touching on the ground, Godzilla (and everyone else) finally got a good look at the mysterious new kaiju that descended from the sky. This new monster was bipedal and roughly the same size as Godzilla himself (if not, a little taller), but unlike the saurian, it was very humanoid in shape, with a very human-like torso, arms and legs. Its head, however, resembled the skull of a dragon — in fact, its whole body was covered in a white bone-like exoskeleton that that gave it a somewhat skeleton-like appearance. Another peculiar thing about this titan was the fact that it also had two smaller half-skulls on its shoulders, and a long whip-like tail with a forked end. Much like King Ghidorah, this new kaiju hailed from another world... and it was called Monster X, named after the planet it originated from!

Godzilla stared down Monster X with a calm look, but he could practically feel the negative energy that was oozing out of the space monster's body. Monster X's negative aura was on par with that of King Ghidorah and Destoroyah — he had nothing on his mind besides a strong desire to cause pain and destruction. Godzilla clenched his fists and took a deep breath while glaring at the skeleton-like monster, preparing himself for his next fight. In response, Monster X let out a deep growl as smoke came out of his mouth, and his hands clenched into fists, also preparing himself for this battle.


Much like Godzilla, Twilight and her friends could also feel the same malicious aura radiating from Monster X — it felt like being pierced through the chest with a long spear. For all of their years of fighting evildoers, the Mane Seven have never seen a creature with such malicious intent.

"That's a new one." Spike muttered in surprise and fear.

"Meet Monster X!" Nulucus exclaimed with pride. "Our trump card!"

"Trump card?" Applejack asked, staring at the humanoid titan in surprise just like her friends.

"Monster X was inside the asteroid that we told you about." Tirek inquired with a smirk, shocking the heroes while Cozy Glow continued.

"Gorath itself was just a vessel for X to arrive here." Cozy explains with a sly grin, completely shocking the heroes even more. To think that the asteroid they worried so much about was merely a means to transport the real threat to Equestria, not only meant that the villains had succeeded, but it also meant that Battra's sacrifice was in vain.

"And now that he's arrived, you're all done for!" Chrysalis exclaimed gleefully.

Pushing aside her shock and other negative feelings, Twilight gained a determined and fearless look on her face alongside her friends. "You can't beat us if we never give up!" She declared. "As long as I have my friends by my side, I'll put my faith in friendship—"

"Ugh, can we get on with this please?" Cozy Glow interrupted her and groaned in annoyance, not wanting to hear any of Twilight's heroic speeches. The villainous filly quickly flew upwards and unleashed a massive blast of magical energy at the heroes! But luckily, Twilight teleported herself and her friends out of harm's way in the nick of time, resulting in Cozy's blast hitting the ground and making a crater in the process.


At the same time Cozy fired her attack, Monster X and Godzilla started their own battle! Without hesitation, both titans began rushing towards one another before leaping high in the air! The two monsters delivered slashes to one another before landing on the ground simultaneously in an epic display of power! Shortly after recovering, Monster X jumped in the air and delivered a spinning backhanded fist that connected to the side of Godzilla's head. The Monster King reeled back a little, and more so when Monster X's forked tail slammed against his head, making the saurian roar in pain and anger! When Monster X landed, he quickly grabbed Godzilla's claws with his own hands, and bent his wrists in a painful angle while simultaneously lifting the saurian up from the ground, resulting in excruciating pain to the latter! Monster X let out a sadistic roar, clearly enjoying the sight of Godzilla in pain.

But the Monster King was quick to break free from the hold and landed down to the ground! Godzilla pushed his foe away and quickly turned around to deliver a blow with his long tail, which Monster X ducked down and dodged... only to be caught off-guard when Godzilla unleashed his Atomic Breath right in his face! The radiation beam pushed the space monster back a good distance and made him fall on one knee! However, the alien titan was quick to recover thanks to his durable exoskeleton, and returned the favor by unleashing yellowish Gravitational Beams from all four of his eyes — an attack known as 'Destroyed Thunder'. The Destroyed Thunder beams raced towards Godzilla and struck him hard, enough for the saurian to roar out in pain and take a few steps back.

This was new for Godzilla, Monster X's Gravitational Beams felt stronger than King Ghidorah's Gravity Beams and even Destoroyah's Micro-Oxygen Ray. A fact that greatly disturbed him.


Twilight and her friends re-appeared behind some thick bushes after evading Cozy Glow's attack. "We need to get that crystal and get Discord and the Princesses their magic back, so they can help Godzilla defeat Monster X." Twilight said, turning to her friends. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, you're with me."

"Sweet!" The blue pegasus exclaimed with pride. "I'll grab that crystal in ten second—!"

"No." Twilight quickly cut her off. "We're the distraction." She corrected her friend before pointing at Applejack, Spike, Fluttershy and Rarity, much to their surprise. "They're gonna get the crystal."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Chrysalis tauntingly called out while blasting a tree to smithereens, as she and the other villains were looking for their enemies.

"There!" Cozy Glow pointed at the nearby bushes where Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash came out charging towards them!

The four villains responded by charging at them as well, with Cozy Glow and Nulucus firing their blue and red energy beams at them, which the three ponies effortlessly dodged! Rainbow went for Cozy, easily dodging her blasts before using her superior speed spin the evil filly around dizzily, much like she did before. Tirek attempted to attack Rainbow Dash, but was stopped by Twilight who teleported in front of him with a threatening look on her face — remembering him for destroying her previous library home — to which the centaur simply smirked before cracking his neck and using his magic to levitate several large chunks of earth from the ground and throw them at his opponent! Instead of destroying them with her magic, the Princess of Friendship jumped across the hurled boulders and blasted Tirek squarely in the face with a point-blank blast, knocking the huge centaur to the ground (and even knocking one of his teeth out), but she herself was soon blasted to the ground by a blue energy blast from Nulucus as he appeared before her. Twilight quickly recovered and clenched her teeth in anger before unleashing a pink energy blast from her horn directly a Nulucus, who dodged it by leaping out of the way.

As this was happening, Chrysalis was left guarding the floating crystal by herself, and it was then that Pinkie Pie, dressed in a carnival barker outfit, appeared before her.

"Step right up, evil fillies and gentlevillains! Try your luck!" She exclaimed as a wheel game with the Mane Six's faces appeared between them with no explanation. Chrysalis angrily tried to blast her, but Pinkie latched onto the game wheel itself and rolled away. Chrysalis shot another blast at her, and seemingly vaporized her, only for Pinkie (still in the carnival barker outfit) to appear behind a nearby bush with no explanation. The evil changeling attempted to blast her again, but Pinkie re-appeared beneath a relatively small rock, mocking the former Queen. Getting more infuriated by the second, Chrysalis continued blasting wherever Pinkie Pie would (inexplicably) appear, missing her each and every time. "Close, but no cherrychimichanga!" Pinkie mocked before avoiding another blast from Chrysalis. She then suddenly appeared beside the changeling with a doll version of herself in her hoof "Thanks for playing!" she said cheerfully, prompting Chrysalis to vaporize the doll in Pinkie's hoof out of pure annoyance and anger, causing the pink pony to flee as Chrysalis gave chase, leaving the blue crystal unguarded.

Nulucus fired a blue beam of energy from his hands at Twilight Sparkle, which the Princess of Friendship countered with a pink one from her horn! The two energy beams clashed with one another in a beam struggle — but said beam struggle was quickly decided when Twilight's pink beam immediately overwhelmed Nulucus', blasting the surprised crustacean alien away!

Having temporally defeated him, Tirek approached her. "You know, I've heard that there's a fifth Princess now. Her name is Flurry Heart, right? After we destroy you, I think I'm gonna pay a visit to the Crystal Empire. I wonder how her magic will taste like." The centaur said while sadistically licking his lips.

Hearing these words, Twilight gained an absolutely furious look on her face. "Don't you dare touch her!" She yelled before firing another powerful energy blast at him!


Godzilla was grappling with Monster X and pushing him back! After some moments, the alien titan was pushed down hard to the ground by the King of Monsters, who proceeded to punch Monster X in the face repeatedly, until the humanoid kaiju blocked both of his arms with his own, prompting Godzilla to open his mouth. Seeing the blue light illuminating from inside the saurian's mouth, Monster X was quick to react by grabbing Godzilla's throat with his left hand and forcefully lifting his head upwards, just in time for the Heat Ray to escape his jaws! The blue beam of radiation shot upwards into the sky, almost blasting the three Windegos that were circling, causing the three spirits to momentarily disperse.

After Godzilla ceased his attack, Monster X kicked Godzilla off of him. Quickly getting up, Monster X delivered another kick to Godzilla, this time much harder, that actually pushes the saurian against the ground a good distance away from the space kaiju. Monster X's four crimson eyes began glowing a yellowish color before he fired his Destroyed Thunder beams at Godzilla — but just before the beams could reach him, the saurian became surrounded in golden glitter-like scales that actually deflected the space monster's Gravitational Beams in different directions when they came in contact with it, much to the shock and surprise of both titans. Looking up, Monster X saw the owner of these scales, and it was none other than Mothra hovering in the sky, who begins flying straight towards him with accelerating speed like a hawk ready to catch its prey!

Monster X attempted to fire his Destroyed Thunder at her, but Mothra was already one step ahead of him — the Divine Moth quickly spew sticky silk from her mandibles and hit Monster X directly in the face with it, blinding him. The humanoid monster began thrashing around blindly, desperately trying to claw the silk off of his face before he fired his Gravitational Beams from his eyes, incinerating it but only to be met with a tail strike directly to the face from Godzilla! The powerful blow sent Monster X flying and then crashing to the ground, while Godzilla turned to Mothra and gave her a soft growl, thanking her for the assistance.

Growling angrily, Monster X slowly got up and glared at Godzilla, before firing his Destroyed Thunder beams at him! The saurian stumbled back and groaned in pain, followed by Monster X delivering two hard punches to the Monster King's head and a strike from his whip-like tail to the neck! Mothra already started to take action and began circling, flying in to attack the space monster from behind... unfortunately for her, however, this time Monster X was ready — quickly turning around and firing his Gravitational Beams, Mothra didn't have time to counterattack as she was struck by the full force of the Destroyed Thunder almost point-blank, blasting her out of the air and onto the ground instantly!


Back to the battle between the ponies and their foes, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were using themselves as a distraction in order to lure the four villains away from the power-absorbing crystal, while Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity would try to take it.

"Do they have to be so annoying?!" Cozy Glow asked Nulucus while angrily trying to blast Rainbow Dash. The former changeling Queen also heard this and began thinking for a moment; why would their enemies present themselves and blindly attack them like that? Unless...

"Not annoying!" Chrysalis suddenly said, quickly deducing their plan and pointing behind them, spotting Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack in the process of trying to steal the blue crystal. "Distracting!"

Blasting at them with their magic, Applejack, Spike, Rarity and Fluttershy made a run for it and the villains began chasing after them. Chrysalis, chasing Spike and Rarity, managed to strike the young dragon with her green-colored magic, prompting Rarity to stop and create a gem-shaped shield to protect both herself and Spike. She managed to momentarily hold the attack before it shattered into pieces, and Chrysalis was ready to attack again. But just as the tyrant changeling fired another beam of magic, Spike stepped in and unleashed his fire-breath, locking himself in a struggle with Chrysalis' green beam — and fortunately for him, he was quickly joined by Rarity who fired her blue magic beam. Working together, Spike's fire-breath and Rarity's blue beam pushed back and overwhelmed Chrysalis' beam, if for a moment. But the tyrant Queen fired another blast, this time much more powerful, and sent Spike and Rarity flying.

Tirek and Nulucus were chasing after Applejack while firing orange and blue energy beams at her. The farm pony managed to get her lasso around the floating crystal and attempted to take it, but Tirek caught up and snapped Applejack's lasso before Nulucus blasted her away. Fluttershy took the opportunity to quickly race in and grab the crystal, but Cozy Glow easily caught up to her.

"Now, now, professor. We all know you're not the fast one." Cozy taunted before blasting Fluttershy away with her magic, though Rainbow Dash managed to catch her friend before she could hit the ground.

"Enough!" Nulucus yelled angrily as his fellow villains gathered in front of the Mane Six, before Chrysalis levitated Spike in front of them, holding him telekinetically by his wings and threatening to rip them off. "Or the dragon's wings get plucked!"

The six ponies gasped in horror at the sight of Chrysalis sadistically pulling the young dragon's wings. "Please! Don't hurt him!" Twilight pleaded, unable to stand the site of Spike — her adopted little brother — suffering in pain like that, while her friends (particularly Applejack and Rainbow Dash) looked in anger & disgust at the villains' dirty fighting tactics and willingness to do something this horrible.

"Don't worry about me!" Spike yelled in pain. "Just save—AHHHH!" The pain of Chrysalis forcefully pulling his wings cut him off.

Knowing full well that they will tear off Spike's wings if they don't comply, Twilight was forced to stand down and surrender, followed by her friends. With that, Chrysalis tossed Spike over to them, but Twilight gently caught him with her magic and hugged him closely, still traumatized off seeing him in pain like that.

"How ironic." Nulucus mocked. "It seems that the Magic of Friendship is also your biggest weakness."


Having defeated and badly wounded Mothra, Monster X turned to Godzilla to finish their battle once and for all... and Godzilla couldn't agree more. The saurian's dorsal spines began glowing a blue color and joined by blue-colored electricity that surrounded them, Monster X's four eyes widened in shock... right before the Monster King unleashed his Spiral Heat Ray and struck Monster X directly in the chest! The extremely powerful beam pushed the space monster over 900 feet away, and after it ceased Monster X fell on both knees, severely crippled from the attack and his durable exoskeleton at its limits. Godzilla huffed, while he really wanted to, he didn't have time to finish off his foe due to his friends being in danger.

But just as the Monster King was ready to go and blast the four villains for hurting his friends, he suddenly stopped when he heard Monster X making an unusual noise. Turning back, Godzilla noticed Monster X shaking while something begins growing from his back — and much to his surprise, two dragon-like wings suddenly bursted from his back. Godzilla's eyes widen, he realized that Monster X was undergoing a transformation!

Monster X's white exoskeleton disappeared and his skin took on a bright golden color, while the half-skull shoulders separated from the main head, which it itself stared transforming. Much like the rest of the body, the main head developed a golden-yellow color and started becoming more dragon-like, losing its skeletal appearance in the process. The two half-skulls also started transforming, developing into fully-functional heads and becoming more dragon-like in the process, much like the main head. Smooth golden skin began overlapping and replacing the grey-black one of the entire body, while the human-like arms and legs started becoming less humanoid and more dragon-like. The single forked tail splitted into two separate ones, and the middle head's neck started to grow long and elongated, while the head itself sprouted horns and became exactly like that of a dragon, followed by the two side heads which also gained elongated necks and became completely dragon-like. The once humanoid kaiju now resembled a dragon, but with three heads and two tails!

Monster X had just transformed into Keizer Ghidorah!

Godzilla immediately noticed the uncanny resemblance to his now-destroyed-nemesis, King Ghidorah. But while it's true that this new kaiju shared the nearly-same appearance to his counterpart, he also had several noticeable difference to distinguish him. For starters, Keizer Ghidorah was quadrupedal, having four muscular legs for walking, whereas King Ghidorah only had two. The next difference was in the body, Keizer Ghidorah had smaller wings than King Ghidorah, and lacked defined scales, instead having smooth gold skin with teal streaks and spikes erupting from multiple spots on his body. Another difference was in the heads themselves: Unlike his counterpart, Keizer Ghidorah's middle neck was noticeably longer than the necks of his side heads, and it was also positioned in front of his two side necks whereas King Ghidorah's middle neck was positioned behind the other necks. And the final difference between the two space dragons was the fact that Keizer Ghidorah's three heads had a different arrangement of horns and spikes while King Ghidorah's heads all looked alike. In terms of size, Keizer Ghidorah was roughly the same size as King Ghidorah, if a little shorter, but still far larger than Godzilla himself. The three-headed demon beast let out a creepy, high-pitched shriek, welcoming Godzilla to attack first.

Godzilla roared fearlessly at his transformed foe — transformed or not, the Monster King will never back down from a fight! And while he could rush in to save his friends, Keizer Ghidorah would surely interfere, which meant that the saurian would need to temporarily take him down, to provide the necessary time to save his friends. Charging up his body, Godzilla fired his Spiral Heat Ray in hopes of at least immobilizing Keizer Ghidorah for a temporary amount of time so he can save Twilight and her friends! However, just as the blue beam with a purplish spiral was about to strike the space dragon, the three heads of Keizer Ghidorah all fired their Antigravity Beams from their mouths — a stronger variant of Monster X's Destroyed Thunder, and they even had a similar name, 'Destroyed Keizer'.

The saurian's Spiral Heat Ray clashed with the space dragon's Destroyed Keizer in an epic display of power and light! But after a few struggles of back-and-forth, Keizer Ghidorah's Antigravity Beams gradually began overwhelming Godzilla's Spiral Heat Ray before pushing it back and blasting the surprised Godzilla directly in the face, knocking the Monster King backwards and sending him tumbling to the ground! Keizer Ghidorah just blocked and overwhelmed the same powerful beam that severely crippled King Ghidorah in one hit and forced him to retreat, and did so with seemingly little effort! But Godzilla didn't have time to comprehend this, Keizer Ghidorah fired his Antigravity Beams once more, striking the saurian and ensnaring him in a gravitational field. Living up to their name of Anti-gravity beams, they sent the saurian skidding across the ground several time in a telekinetic fashion before stopping. Keizer Ghidorah's three heads then rise upwards and fired their Destroyed Keizer beams into the sky... where they arced down and latched once again onto Godzilla! The mighty titan roared in surprise as he started levitating into the air, helplessly surrounded and trapped by golden gravitational energy. Keizer Ghidorah levitated Godzilla up high before releasing his gravitational hold, causing the saurian to fall down and pile-drive into the ground!

The three-headed demon beast once again utilized his gravity-controlling energy attack, grabbing Godzilla with his Destroyed Keizer beams and proceeding to roll him roughly through the ground and dirt before releasing him from the energy hold. Ruthlessly and sadistically, the three-headed dragon continued his assault, opening fire on the now-seriously-crippled Godzilla with his golden Antigravity Beams and levitating him off the ground, like a cat mercilessly toying with a mouse. Once high enough, Keizer Ghidorah released his hold on him, and the saurian slammed back to the ground like a rag doll... in front of Keizer Ghidorah's feet. The three-headed space dragon let out a high-pitched roar from all three heads, before rearing up on his hind legs and stomping down on the weakened Godzilla with his front two legs, crushing the saurian beneath his superior weight!


The Mane Seven watched in horror as Godzilla was getting mercilessly pummeled by Keizer Ghidorah. This wasn't a fair fight anymore, it was a one-sided torture in Keizer Ghidorah's favor! None of them ever thought they would see the day where their powerful friend, Godzilla, was outmatched so badly by an single enemy with such tremendous power! They knew he felt just as powerless and helpless as they were right now, both at the mercy of their respective enemies.

"Seems Keizer Ghidorah is just about done over there." Nulucus mused, while his fellow villains simply enjoyed the sight of the big lizard being tortured. "Keizer Ghidorah is the same species as King Ghidorah, except he is far more powerful, as you can already tell."

"Since he's about to finish Godzilla, I think it's time for us to do the same with our enemies, wouldn't you say?" Tirek asked, gaining sadistic smirks from Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Nulucus (somewhat barring the latter since he had insect-like mandibles in the place of a mouth).

"Indeed..." Chrysalis couldn't agree more. The four villains turned to the Main Seven, and with malicious smiles prepared their most powerful energy attacks to end their respective enemies once and for all!

"No matter what, we face it together!" Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, said firmly as she and her friends gathered and huddled together on the spot for their fate. If this was truly going to be their end, no matter how they die, they die together!

"Godzilla... I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." A regretful and tearful Twilight Sparkle quietly said in her mind, even though she will die with her friends, she will also die without keeping her promise to Godzilla.

With that, the four villains fired their separate energy attacks that quickly merged into one extremely powerful orange-colored energy beam ready to end the heroes on the spot! The seven friends closed their eyes together, wait for the deaths, and...

Nothing happened.

"What happened? Can I open my eyes?" Spike asked cautiously, not sensing or feeling any difference.

"Ya sure can!" Applejack answered, but with a happy and joy-filled tone. Opening their eyes, the Mane Seven found themselves surrounded by a white-colored force-field that was shielding them even from the combined energy attack of the four villains. "Way to go, Twilight!" The farm pony exclaimed.

"What the?!" Nulucus exclaimed in shock and disbelief, unable to understand what was happening. The same went for the other three villains, as they too ceased their attacks and looked dumbfounded.

"It's not me!" Twilight said.

Much to the astonishment and surprise of both the heroes and villains, they see something coming from over a nearby tall hill. And that 'something' was the cavalry of the united Equestria, with no shortage of allies: Not just ponies, but also dragons, hippogriffs, changelings, kirins, griffons, and yaks have all arrived to assist and help the Mane Seven to end this battle once and for all! Even some of the reformed villains like Tempest Shadow, Trixie and Neighsay have arrived to help! Literally every creature and race from every land in Equestria had arrived!


Even Keizer Ghidorah, who was stomping on Godzilla, stopped his assault and his three heads turned to look at the arrival of the cavalry, much to their surprise. But with the demon beast distracted, a pair of purple-colored energy blasts suddenly shot from the sky, striking the three heads and causing them to shriek in pain and surprise! Turning to look to whoever was bold enough to attack him, Keizer Ghidorah was met with the unexpected re-arrival... of Battra!

Despite taking the asteroid Gorath head-on to save Equestria, creating a powerful explosion in the process, Battra had somehow survived the powerful collision with the 200-meter asteroid! However, he was severely crippled and injured from said impact, but still had the strength necessary to fly back to Equestria and help his allies. Flying downwards with impressive speed, Battra continued firing Prism Beams from his eyes at Keizer Ghidorah, forcing the three-headed monster to stagger back a little and screech in pain and surprise!


The various creatures started charging down from the hill while pegasus ponies, hippogriffs, dragons and griffons flew in from above! The flyers started by flying low to the ground, creating smoke around the four villains to obscure their vision, while changelings changed into versions of the Mane Seven as decoys.

"Don't let them escape!" Nulucus yelled.

"Which one?!" Cozy yelled back while standing atop Tirek's head, unable to find the real Mane Seven.

The ground beneath the villains suddenly began shaking, caused by stomping yaks with the intent to lose their balance. Tirek tried swatting at anything that flew near him regardless if it was the real-deal or not, Nulucus was frantically blasting anything that flew near him but missed every time, and Cozy was having the worst time as she was easily blown around by the fast flyers.

With the villains distracted, the bubble-like shield containing the Mane Seven levitated off the ground and landed atop the hill where the cavalry was standing. All the unicorns were using their combined magic to create an even bigger shield to protect them all, albeit with some effort.

"The changelings won't fool them forever." Thorax said to Twilight with a concerned tone. "And I don't know how long the unicorns' shield will hold."

The Princess of Friendship looked through the shield at the raging battle below in confusion. "I don't understand. How are you all here?" Shecouldn't help but ask. Considering that the four villains had spread disharmony and mistrust among the three pony tribes, it would be a miracle for them to have somehow gotten over it, let alone have all the other non-pony races join them.

"That's kinda our fault." Gallous said, turning her attention to the Young Six standing in the corner, who all had smug grins and smirks on their faces.

"You know those long lectures about friendship you gave at school?" Smolder asked.



In Ponyville, the citizens were running and screaming in fear, knowing there was no hope for them. But Sandbar did not give in to the despair, standing atop a wooden crate, he began giving his speech that Twilight taught him.

"We all know the story of Hearth's Warming Eve! We can defeat the Windigos together!" He said out loud, stopping some of the ponies in their tacks.

"You really think if we all sing a couple songs, everything will be fine?" A female Earth pony by the name of Berryshine asked in disbelief.

"It's not just singing that saved the founders of Equestria! It's what it represented!" Sandbar said back with a smile.


Celestia's School of Magic

In Celestia's School of Magic, a unicorn filly by the name of Dazzle also began reminding the unicorns of how the three pony tribes previously were at odds with one another, before coming together. "Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi becoming friends! We learned at Twilight's school that friendship is the most powerful magic there is!"



In Cloudsdale, Hyper Sonic gave an inspiring speech to the other Pegasi ponies. "Focusing on our differences keeps us divided! Villains and creatures like the Windigos use that division against us!"



In Yakyakistan, Yona was also giving a speech to her fellow yaks about the friendship that they made with the ponies, and how it made them stronger. "Yaks strong. Ponies strong. But yaks and ponies stronger together! Yaks must be loyal to pony friends!"


Dragon Lands

Even in the Dragon Lands, Smolder was determined to unite dragons with ponies for the first time. "I know helping other creatures by being kind and generous sounds lame. But I've seen how powerful it can be! Plus, Godzilla and his friends also helped us a lot, and we owe them for that!"


Griffon Stone

"Playing together! Singing together! Even laughing together! That's what real heroes look like!" Gallus said to his fellow griffons in Griffon Stone.



"Were we really happy by ourselves at the bottom of the ocean? Be honest! It's the ponies that showed us a better way!" Silverstream, transformed into a seapony, said to her people, reminding them that it was the ponies who defeated the Storm King and allowed them to return to Mount Aris as hippogriffs.


Changeling Hive

"They've taught us how powerful love and the Magic of Friendship truly is! We can't let them stand alone! We're their friends! They need us!" Ocellus said to her reformed changelings, knowing that it was the ponies who helped them change and have easier lives. "And Godzilla and Mothra also need us!"

End of Flashback

"How 'bout that? It's just like you said the day we opened that school." Applejack said with a smile.

"The more creatures who know about friendship, the safer we'll be." Spike said happily.

"We told you you had it all figured out!" Pinkie Pie smiled cheerfully.

The Princess of Friendship didn't know what to say, but smile with joy and pride, knowing now that her School of Friendship was easily her most successful idea. Unfortunately, said happiness was interrupted by several changelings and Pegasi ponies hitting the surface of the shield like bugs on a windshield. Furthermore, the unicorns lost their strength and the shield itself soon collapsed, just as the four villains were finished defeating their allies.

Tirek smashed his fist against the ground, creating a powerful shockwave that sent all the creatures around them flying. Grinning sadistically, the four villains began racing towards the heroes but were stopped by a stray blast from Twilight to the ground, halting them in their tracks.

"Enough!" Twilight yelled angrily as she hovered above the four villains while her body began glowing with a purple color. "Because of you, I almost lost my way! But everycreature here and Godzilla has reminded me of the true power of friendship! There will always be darkness in the world, but there will also always be those who find the light! The Pillars knew this!" As she was saying this, all the prisoners from the dungeons, including Celestia, Luna, Starlight, Discord and the Pillars were teleported out of their cells and in the middle of the united creatures (with Rockhoof returning to his muscular self). "That's why they created the Elements of Harmony! The Elements showed me and my friends how strong our friendship could be! Together we worked to bring harmony to Equestria! But there will always be more to do! Which is why we teach others about the Magic of Friendship! Others who will continue our mission after we are gone! Now I truly understand! The Elements were just symbols! The real magic has always been right here! And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be! Together!"

Twilight's friends, the Pillars and the Young Six all began levitating high in the air alongside Twilight herself, representing the past, present, and future. Not soon after, a Rainbow of Light shot forth from the Pillars, as did one from the Young Six, and another from Twilight's friends — together, the three Rainbows of Light conversed on the Princess of Friendship, empowering her even more! With her tremendous power, Twilight unleashed a powerful Rainbow of Light Spiral Beam into the darkened skies, dispelling the Windegos into the ether and dispersing all the darkened clouds in an instant, allowing Equestria to be touched by the Sun's beautiful rays once more!

"This is bad, isn't it?" A nervous Cozy Glow asked her fellow villains, who were all just as nervous and terrified as herself, knowing they don't stand any kind of chance now.

"I hate these ponies." Was all Nulucus could mutter.

Immediately after dispersing the stormy weather, the Rainbow of Light beam turned on the four villains and arched downwards with incredible speed! The Rainbow Beam slammed to the ground and enveloped the four villains, quickly reducing them to their former, powerless-selves, and it also completely shattered Nulucus' crystal to pieces, allowing all the stolen magic inside to return to their rightful owners. After the Rainbow Beam disappeared, the four villains got up, looked at their powerless selves before turning to their enemies as they all gently landed down before them. Tirek and Cozy backed away in fear while Chrysalis and Nulucus angrily glared at them, refusing to admit defeat.

"You think friendship will save you?!" A completely-enraged Chrysalis cried out. "We will always return!"

"And even though you defeated us..." Nulucus pointed back to where the titans were still fighting. "Keizer Ghidorah will finish what we started!"


Battra was hovering in front of the space dragon, repeatedly blasting him with his Prism Beams. And while he did do some damage, Keizer Ghidorah was quick to retaliate when his two side heads both fired their Antigravity Beams at Battra, blasting him clear of the sky! With the nuisance out of the way, Keizer Ghidorah turned his attention back at the extremely-weakened Godzilla, who now slowly stood up on his legs, but he was barely standing. Seeing an opportunity, the three-headed dragon charged at Godzilla before his three heads lashed out and bit the saurian in different areas; the middle head chomped onto Godzilla's neck, while the right head bit his thigh, and the left head bit onto his right arm. Godzilla was held high in the air by the three heads, his shrieks of pain filled the land as he was helpless held by the three-headed dragon.

Weakly, Godzilla grabbed the middle neck with his left hand in an attempt to break free, but due to the pummeling he received earlier he didn't have the strength to even scratch the evil titan. The situation for him became even more dire when Keizer Ghidorah's heads began siphoning Godzilla's life energy directly from his body like leeches sucking blood. The three necks started glowing with a cyan color, visibly showing Godzilla's energy slowly being drained. The Monster King's eyes began closing as his consciousness started fading, while the arm that was holding the middle neck went limp. In his mind, if this is how he will perish, Godzilla only wished he could see Twilight and all of his friends before he died.


"Godzilla! NO!"Twilight Sparkle cries out in horror, as she, her friends, and all of the united creatures of Equestria watched in horror at the sight of the Monster King's life being literally drained from his body! Rarity and Fluttershy covered their mouths with her hooves in horror while Rainbow Dash and Applejack clenched their teeth in anger at the evil monster.

"Godzilla's losing! Somehow we have to give him more power!" Spike yelled, watching the ghastly sight in horror and concern much like the rest of his friends.


Out of nowhere, a familiar cry was suddenly heard, prompting everyone to turn their attention farther East... where they (much to their shock) spotted Godzilla Junior approaching, and he wasn't alone. Much to everyone's astonishment, Godzilla Junior was joined by all of the Earth titans, including Anguirus, Zilla, Gorosaurus, Baragon, Maguma, Kamoebas, Titanosaurus, King Caesar, and even Kumonga, Kamacuras, Ebirah and Manda have joined them! Much like how all the creatures of Equestria united and assembled to defeat the four villains earlier, shortly after Mothra left to chase after Destoroyah, Godzilla Junior had been going around calling all other Earth-born titans that were in Equestria to help his father and friends, and they complied — even the ones that were sometimes in odds with his father, like Manda and Ebirah, responded and joined him.

"Okay, now that's unexpected." Smolder muttered.

The titans gathered near the tall hill where the united creatures of Equestria were standing, and much to everyone's greater surprise, their bodies started glowing with a white light similar to the ones Twilight and her friends glowed right before they defeated their villains. The realization hit Twilight like a strong brick hitting her in the head.

"No way!" She exclaimed as a bright smile formed on her face, combined with with a bit of pride and joy. "All the creatures from Godzilla's world are utilizing the Magic of Friendship just like we did!" It seemed too good to be true, but, well... it was true! After spending so much time in Equestria and among ponies, the Earth kaiju have learned more than a little about friendship and how powerful it truly was. And like Spike said before, the more others understand how powerful friendship was, the stronger they will become! Turning back to Godzilla, Twilight looked with a determined look on her face "I made you a promise, Godzilla. And I'm not going back on my word!" She said before turning to her friends. "Let's help Godzilla!"

"Right!" They responded in unison, and with that, the Mane Seven, The Pillars and the Young Six all started glowing and channeling their inner magic once more, this time combined with the already-glowing titans. And just like before, the Pillars, the Young Six and the Mane Six released their Rainbows of Light and conversed them on Twilight Sparkle, who levitated in the air while her eyes began glowing with a bright white light.

With a swing from her head, the Princess of Friendship fired an extremely powerful Rainbow Beam from her horn — more powerful than the one that was used to defeat and de-power the four villains due to also being empowered by all the titans — at the Godzilla and Keizer Ghidorah!


At first it seemed like the Rainbow Beam was going to strike Keizer Ghidorah like it did with the four villains, but surprisingly the Rainbow of Light instead circled around and struck Godzilla directly in his dorsal plates. The Mane Seven, the Young Six, The Pillars and all the Earth kaiju were using the Magic of Friendship within them to rejuvenate and empower the Monster King more than ever before! Godzilla's consciousness slowly began coming back to him, coupled with the feeling of his strength not only returning but also increasing significantly, far more so than when Rodan empowered him with his life energy! Opening his eyes, Godzilla realized this feeling... the same feeling he felt from Twilight and her friends when he first me them — and he instantly deduced that this is their doing!

Once the process was complete, Godzilla's dorsal spines briefly glowed with the same bright white light as Twilight's eyes. Now fully re-energized and even more powerful, the saurian wastes no time grabbing the middle and left heads, and unleashing a Nuclear Pulse from his body that instantly released him from the hold of the three heads!


"Oh yeah! Time for Godzilla to kick some giant monster butt!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly. The others also watched, knowing that being empowered with the Magic of Friendship, the King of Monsters most certainly held the advantage now!


As soon as Godzilla landed on the ground, he immediately started fighting back! Biting onto the right head with his powerful jaws while keeping the left head at bay with his claws, Godzilla proceeded to shake the right head violently with his jaws — but the middle head was still free and quickly retaliated by firing an Antigravity Beam from its mouth, striking Godzilla and forcing him to release the right head from his maw! The middle head charged up, ready to strike again... but Godzilla beat him to it by quickly firing his Atomic Breath from his mouth at point-blank range! Upon impact, the blue beam completely destroyed and blew up the middle head to pieces, shocking the other two heads!

A little-known fact about Keizer Ghidorah was that he was actually less durable than his Monster X-form — the transformation into Keizer Ghidorah was more or less a trade-off, exchanging Monster X's agility and durability for Keizer Ghidorah's superior strength and offensive firepower, but since Godzilla (now empowered with the Magic of Friendship) was far above Keizer Ghidorah in terms of power, the demon beast was at a severe disadvantage. With the middle head (the leader) missing, the remaining two heads struggled to fight back against the empowered King of Monsters! The left head hastily attempted to blast Godzilla with its Antigravity Beam, but the saurian quickly grabbed it by the throat and forcefully turned its aim at the right head.

The Antigravity Beam shot out of its mouth and struck the right head, destroying it in an instant! The last remaining head shrieked in horror, knowing that there was truly no hope for it now. Grabbing the final head and neck, Godzilla tossed the much larger and heavier monster over his shoulder in a judo-like move with little effort! The space dragon flew through the air from the toss before crashing on the ground, but Godzilla wasn't finished with it yet! The saurian approached the fallen monster, grabbed his foe's two tails, and lifted the much heavier monster off the ground before forcefully slamming him against it, much like he did with King Ghidorah before.

Finally, using all of his might, the Monster King swung and flung his enemy several thousand feet in the air! Just as Keizer Ghidorah was about to fall back down, Godzilla's dorsal spines lightened up with a bright crimson-red color... followed by the saurian opening his mouth and unleashing his Burning G Spark Heat Ray — the strongest variation of Heat Ray that he developed thanks to the Magic of Friendship coursing through his body! When the crimson-red beam connected with Keizer Ghidorah in the sky, it pushed him even further up in the atmosphere, eventually reaching the stratosphere... before the Burning G Spark Heat Ray finally pierced through Ghidorah's body, resulting in the space monster exploding in a ball of flames that was visible all the way from the ground, putting a definitive end to the villain's schemes for good!


With the final threat defeated, all the creatures in Equestria started cheering and applauding Godzilla! Twilight and her friends smiled warmly as the King of Monsters turned his attention to them with a happy look on his face, very thankful for their assistance as well as the assistance from all of his fellow kaiju. If it wasn't for the Magic of Friendship, he would not have lived through this, and for that he will always embrace this feeling — the feeling of love and kindness.

"Way to go, big guy." Twilight said with a warm smile, relieved and happy that she was able to keep her promise.

But as this was going on, Nulucus, Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow quietly attempted to sneak away from the distracted crowd... only to be stopped by Celestia and Luna as they appeared right in front of them, with very angry looks on their faces.

"There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!" Celestia growled at the four villains alongside her sister.

"Hmph. Spare me your petty threats, Celestia." Nulucus said without any fear. However, Discord suddenly appeared beside the two sisters, and whispered something in the ears of both Celestia and Luna, which somewhat softened their looks.

"That does seem fitting." Luna acknowledged Discord's unknown suggestion.

"Can I help? Please?" Discord asked eagerly with puppy-dog eyes, to which the two sisters agreed.

Together, Celestia, Luna and Discord fired their respective energy beams at the four villains. Upon being hit by the combined spell, the villains started turning into stone, much to their horror. Cozy Glow looked completely distressed before fully-petrifying, Tirek cowered in fear, Chrysalis made one last effort to attack before she was completely turned to stone, and Nulucus simply stood there without resisting, glaring hatefully at the heroes before he too was petrified.

"Together forever." Discord said, casually approaching the now-petrified Legion of Doom. Knowing that the four villains despised one another just as much, he made the right choice by turning them all into stone together. "I can't think of anything that they would want less." He said, flicking at the petrified Nulucus' face.

"When I sent you to Ponyville, I had high hopes."Celestia approached Twilight and gently folded her wing over her shoulder. "When you became Princess of Friendship, I knew I made the right choice. But nothing could prepare me for how proud I am right now. Equestria is definitely in the right hooves. You are ready." With that, she, Luna and even Discord bowed their heads to Twilight, making the young Princess blush and smile. But something else soon caught Twilight's and everyone else's attention.


Much to their surprise, Godzilla Junior, Anguirus, and all the other kaiju present suddenly began approaching Godzilla, including Rodan (who has just recovered), Mothra and Battra — all joined in and started advancing towards the saurian. There was a moment of uncertainty in the air, as Twilight and everyone else eagerly watched at what was about to happen. The silence was broken when Anguirus slowly approached Godzilla... and bowed his head to him. As soon as the ankylosaur did that, all the other titans did the same; Baragon, Zilla, Gorosaurus, Kamoebas, Kumonga, Maguma, Ebirah, Varan, Kamacuras, Rodan, Manda, King Caesar, Mothra, Battra, Titanosaurus, all of them started bowing their heads in respect to the mighty creature!

Taken back by this, Godzilla looked at the other kaiju in astonishment, unable to take in what was happening right now due to never having experienced being in this kind of position before. He turned to look at the Princess of Friendship in the distance, who simply smiled and nodded for him to accept their submission. Turning back to the bowing titans, Godzilla lifted his head and let out a loud roar of victory as Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and all of Equestria watched and smiled in awe and respect at Godzilla's rightfully-earned title of... King of the Monsters!


Author's Note

Finally! This is easily the longest Chapter I've written. I hope you were all satisfied with this Chapter full of action and drama! Also, the real reason why I replaced Grogar with my OC character Nulucus was because I saw the leaks showing that Discord was Grogar before the final episodes came out, which forced me to re-write the entire Chapter! If I made my story the same way as the episodes, the events in said episodes would never have happened because the Elias would have read Discord's mind and inform everyone about it.

Anyways, the definitive final Chapter of my story will be next. So stay tuned for the conclusion of "My Little Pony Godzilla: Dawn of Monsters"!

Next Chapter: All Good Things Must Come to an End Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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