
My Little Pony Godzilla: Dawn of Monsters

by lazejovanov

Chapter 4: New Friend, New Threat

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New Friend, New Threat

It has been well over a week since the defeat of the Monster King's extraterrestrial double. Most of the ponies and other races in Equestria have already accepted the kaiju as friends. Anguirus, being mostly herbivores, lived off of all kinds of plants that grew in Equestria, while Godzilla had a very unique way of feeding; his body was able to convert air and water into a radioactive isotope which provided him with all the energy he needed.

Twilight Sparkle informed Queen Novo, and the rest of her kingdom, that Titanosaurus was not dangerous so long as they do not provoke or attack him, and she also explained about the kaiju coming into their world. While relieved that the aquatic dinosaur was not dangerous, Novo and most of the other hippogriffs/seaponies still felt understandably uneasy about this.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had also informed their sisters and the others about another kaiju they encountered, which Twilight quickly identified as Baragon (thanks to the information the Elias had provided them) judging by their description of the creature.

The kaiju explored the land of Equestria at their pleasure. After being accepted by the ponies and most other races, Godzilla and Anguirus had become far more active in Equestria, and would frequently visit different locations in the land. The flying bird-like creature had also been reported flying over the Crystal Empire many times over the last few days and flying around the cloud cities such as Las Pegasus and Cloudsdale. Anguirus had been coming to Appleloosa, Rockville and Dodge Junction more and more often.

Titanosaurus preferred to stay mostly in the waters of Mount Aris and Seaquestria, and rarely came on land. He was far less active than most of the others.

Out of all the kaiju, Godzilla had been the most active, visiting places such as Yakyakistan, the Changeling Kingdom, The Crystal Empire and the Dragon Lands. The yaks allowed Godzilla and the other kaiju to visit their kingdom after hearing how he had saved their pony friends from Destoroyah and SpaceGodzilla. The changelings also welcomed them to visit their hive after he had (in a way) saved them from Destoroyah. The Dragon Lands were also free for Godzilla to visit due to the respect Ember had for him, as Godzilla had saved not only her life, but also the lives of her friends and her entire kingdom from King Ghidorah.

Amazingly, none of the kaiju had done any kind of damage to the kingdoms they had visited. Mothra (like Titanosaurus) was also far less active then her fellow kaiju. Baragon's trail went cold, but Twilight and her friends surmised that he went somewhere underground, as he was subterranean in Nature.

The kaiju's arrival in Equestria had also made some changes and given some influences to the ponies and other inhabitants; Twilight had written an entire book regarding Godzilla and most of the other kaiju that were currently both in Equestria and Godzilla's world, which she titled 'The World of Giants'. Rarity was also given some inspirations such as making dresses that were the same color and style as Mothra's beautiful wings, and dresses that glow blue in dark rooms, much like how Godzilla's spines do before he fires his primary weapon.

A change had also happened in the Castle of Friendship, during Twilight Sparkle and her friends' journey beyond Equestria (before the kaiju began arriving), the Cutie Map has expanded to include the various locations they visited, including Klugetown, the pirate ship, and Mount Aris. Realizing that there were so many creatures beyond Equestria who knew nothing about friendship, Twilight decided to open a friendship school. But in order for that to happen, Twilight must gain the approval of the Equestria Education Association (E.E.A) the leading authority on all school-related matters.

The E.E.A were already aware of kaiju coming to their world and asked Twilight if her school could help in dealing with the 'problem'. Twilight assured them that Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra, Titanosaurus and the other current kaiju are no threats to Equestria so long as they are not provoked or attacked, and that the Elias are working on returning them home. The E.E.A reluctantly granted provisional approval.

Some time later, the School of Friendship was officially opened near Twilight's castle. To realize her goal of teaching friendship to others, Twilight appointed her friends as teachers and Starlight Glimmer as a guidance. Twilight revealed to her friends that she had invited not just ponies to be school students but also dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings and hippogriffs.

The first few days did not exactly go as Twilight had hoped due to the different races judging each other about their differences. However, six students in particular had shown promise: Smolder the dragon, Yona the yak, Silverstream the hippogriff, Sandbar the earth pony, Ocellus the changeling and Gallus the griffon. Despite being off to a harsh start, they eventually warmed up with one another. One day, they decided to skip class and sneak out of the school to have a little fun.

On their way back, Chancellor Neighsay came to check on Twilight's progress, and Ocellus, transformed into a giant insect-like form, accidentally destroyed part of the school by smashing herself against it. Neighsay was shocked to learn that Twilight had non-ponies among her students, calling the other races "dangerous" and believing they would use Twilight's lessons against Equestria. Thorax, Ember, Prince Rutherford and Grampa Grufftake took extreme offense to Neighsay's insinuations and pulled the students they represent out of the school.

Neighsay went on to say that the kaiju have already been a "problem enough" as it was and the other races would simply make things worse. Twilight angrily defended both the kaiju and the non-pony races, and reminded him that Godzilla had recently saved Equestria and all of the races from the real monsters (King Ghidorah, Destoroyah and SpaceGodzilla). Neighsay dismissed this as "creatures defending their territory" and "not caring about others", and because Twilight failed to meet the E.E.A.'s high-reaching standards, Chancellor Neighsay shut down the School of Friendship and placed a magical lock on its doors.

Following the closure and discrediting of her School of Friendship, Twilight fell into a depression and refused to get out of bed. After upsetting most of her friends and making enemies out of Equestria's allies, she felt like a failure as the Princess of Friendship. Her friends tried to cheer her up, but Twilight needed some time to be alone and to think.

Starlight then came and told Twilight what she had done wrong: she gave up too easily. As the Princess of Friendship, she should stand up for what she believes in, regardless of what anyone says. With her confidence and courage restored, Twilight met up with her friends and declared that she is reopening the School of Friendship. While Twilight went to deal with the school's discrediting, her friends went to get their students back.

Unfortunately, Twilight's friends were shocked to discover that the students, unwilling to be without one-another, had ran away and left behind notes. With their students missing, the leaders of the other races in Equestria gathered in Canterlot Castle. Believing someone helped them accomplished this, the leaders all began accusing each other of hiding the students. Princess Celestia told Twilight to find the students quickly before a war breaks out between all the races.

Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, Sandbar and Silverstream hid from their leaders at the Castle of the Two Sisters while Sandbar returned with the supplies he picked up in Ponyville. The six friends began eating cupcakes together and have a pillow fight. However, the presence of the six students attracted the unwanted attention of a gigantic mantis that also came from Godzilla's world, and went by the name 'Kamacuras'.

The students were completely shocked and caught off guard by the kaiju's arrival. Kamacuras was also very hungry and saw the six students as food. Knowing that there was no way they could fight off or defeat the giant insect, the Young Six tried to escape from it and the giant mantis gave chase. Kamacuras eventually cornered them against a wall and was ready to attack. But before it could harm any of them... Mothra suddenly arrived in time to save them!

The Young Six watched in amazement as Mothra got into a short but vicious fight with the Kamacuras. After defeating it, the Kamacuras flew away in search of easier prey.

The Mane Six arrived to witness their students rescued by Mothra.

Impressed by Mothra's heroic actions and amazing abilities, the students wished to stay with her, not wanting to return home. But Twilight assured them that was not the case and asked them to return to school. The students agreed under the assurance that their lessons won't be as boring as last time, and that they also wish to learn more about the kaiju after witnessing Mothra in action.

The Mane Six and their students returned to the school in time for the arrival of Princess Celestia and the race leaders. The students decided to stay at the school, much to the surprise of their leaders, and Twilight used her magic to break Chancellor Neighsay's seal on the doors. When Neighsay arrived to investigate the broken seal, Twilight and her friends ordered him to step aside so they can resume classes. Neighsay angrily refused to allow the school to be reopened, insisting that its closing was for the greater good.

Twilight pointed out to him that he was no different than the humans of Godzilla's world, in that he treats the other races as dangerous creatures, just like how the humans treat Godzilla as a monster without feelings. She declared that even though the School of Friendship was not E.E.A.-accredited, it was an independent institution with its own set of rules that do not need the E.E.A.'s approval.

Neighsay insisted that changing the rules for such a diverse group of students will not work, but Celestia reminded him that the same thing was once thought about earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. With the belief that Twilight's school could one day destroy Equestria, Neighsay left in a rage.

With the School of Friendship now reopened Ember, Rutherford, and the other leaders allowed the students to remain at the school. Celestia and the other leaders left while Twilight and her friends went inside the school to begin their lessons.

School of Friendship

Several days had passed since the School of Friendship had reopened.

Today was a rather cloudy day, neither the Sun nor the blue sky were present to shine their beautiful light on Ponyville. The Young Six students were currently in a class room where they were being thought by Rainbow Dash on how to control the clouds in the sky for better weather control. However, the students, at the moment, were not enjoying themselves all that much.

"I know Twilight said that our lessons won't be boring anymore, but I'm starting to get there." Gallus whispered quietly to Smolder, who was sitting next to him.

"I know, right?" Smolder whispered back. "They also said they were gonna talk about the giant creatures that came from another world."

"Maybe we just have to be a little patient." Ocellus said quietly with a reassuring smile. "They'll talk about them, hopefully."

"I can't wait to hear about them, especially that one called Gojira!" Silverstream squealed happily with a wide grin, but also very quietly while also trying to suppress her excitement.

"Actually, it's 'Godzilla'." Sandbar corrected her.

"I heard he has something called a 'Heat Ray'." The hippogriff stated, getting even more excited by the second. "I really wanna see it!"

"That's cool and all, but he can't fly like us dragons." Smolder stated with a bit of pride and with a smug grin on her face.

"Don't forget Smolder, he did save the Dragon Lands from that three-headed dragon-like creature called King Ghidorah." Sandbar pointed out.

This reminder caused Smolder to frown at him a little, but said nothing else. Although, deep down, she was very grateful for Godzilla's heroic actions, and the same can also be said for the other students; if Godzilla or any of his allies did not arrive to save them, this school, and even themselves, would not have been here.

"Speaking of Ghidorah, do all dragons in Godzilla's world have three heads and breath lightning?" Smolder asked, now with more interest.

"Well," Sandbar began, tapping his hoof on his chin. "I think Twilight mentioned that there's another dragon with three heads in Godzilla's world. I think he was called 'Desghidorah'. Though I don't know if he breaths lightning or not."

"Yona like Spiky Armadillo!" Yona suddenly exclaimed happily, referring to Anguirus. Unfortunately, she was not as quiet as her friends which resulted in Rainbow Dash hearing her.

"Alright, what's going on here?" Rainbow Dash asked sternly as she turned around.

"Sorry, Teach. No offense, but we were kind of hoping... you could tell us something about Mothra and the other giant creatures that came into our world?" Gallus asked with a nervous grin, the other five students doing the exact same thing.

Instead of a stern look and telling them to focus on what she was teaching them, like they expected, Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise.

"Well why didn't you say so?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with both surprise and excitement. "Sit back and listen closely!"

Immediately, the six students were at their fullest attention and interest as they grinned eagerly with excitement when Rainbow cleared her throat...

"It all started about two weeks ago." Rainbow Dash began. "When we were preparing a grand party for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's arrival to Ponyville. All of the sudden, a portal appeared out of nowhere, and from that portal came Godzilla!"



Manehattan, a metropolitan city that was one of the most populated places in Equestria. It was also the home of Apple Bloom's cousin, Babs Seed, Applejack's Aunt and Uncle Orange, party planner Cheese Sandwich and famous pop singer, Coloratura. Today, however, was a rather stormy day in Manehattan, with thunder that was louder than most of the noises the city made, and rain to make things even worse. It was especially uncomfortable and unpleasant for the ponies that were walking outside.

But the storm itself would soon become the least of their problem...


Coco Pommel, a close friend of Rarity, was now the manager of her own boutique in Manehattan. The earth pony was currently looking outside her window, at the stormy weather that was raging outside, with a disappointed look on her face.

"Ah..." She sighed as she continued looking through the window in disappointment, which had a clear view on the giant railroad bridge that connected Manehattan to the Equestrian mainland. "I wish this rain would stop." She said to herself.

As she continued looking on, the bored Coco turned her attention up at the clouds... but after doing so, however, her boredom almost immediately vanished, to be replaced with shock and surprise. She suddenly noticed something in the sky... something moving within the clouds... something that now began descending from the clouds above. The earth pony couldn't believe her eyes, she quickly rubbed them with her hooves to make sure it wasn't some kind of trick her eyes were playing on her - and sure enough, it was still there. Fortunately, she was not alone; the ponies that were looking through their windows from the nearby buildings and the ponies that were walking on the streets with umbrellas also noticed it, but could not believe it.

It was a gigantic glowing tentacle that emerged from the stormy clouds, and it wasn't alone - several more tentacles also emerged from the clouds to join it! The tentacles were now hovering directly above the bridge that connected Manehattan to the Equestrian mainland. Judging from their size alone, it appeared that whatever these tentacles were attached to, was very large.

Miss Pommel simply could not believe what she was seeing, then a realization came into her head...

"Is this a creature from the world where the others came from?" She asked herself, still unsure about it's motivations.

But she had every right to be afraid of the mysterious, tentacled creature.

The tentacles suddenly began reaching down, before several of them, at least four, wrapped themselves tightly around the saddles of the bridge. It was still unclear what these appendages were attached to, but whatever it was - it was strong! With a firm grip on the bridge, the creature began to pull!

The ponies continued to look on, now more confused, as to what this creatures was attempting to do. Their question, unfortunately, become answered when the unthinkable happened before their very eyes!

With one last, mighty pull, the monster tore the entire enormous bridge free from it's moorings, and lifted it in the air triumphantly! Pieces of debris rained in the raging water below after the bridge was removed!

It was now that the tentacles unwrapped themselves and released their grip from the torn bridge, sending it splashing in the water below! The bridge that connected Manehattan to the rest of Equestria, that was made over the course of several years and had been here for many more years, was now sinking below the water. Thankfully though, there were no ponies on the bridge when it was torn off.

Now that it's 'work' was done, the tentacles slowly retracted back, up into the stormy clouds, where they disappeared and left everypony that witnessed this event both shocked and horrified.

"Oh my Celestia..." Coco muttered as she covered her mouth with her hooves in complete and utter horror, continuing to silently stare to where the bridge used to reside.


School of Friendship

"And that's how Godzilla beat SpaceGodzilla and sent him packing!" Rainbow Dash finished the story.

Rainbow Dash had just finished explaining to the Young Six about the events that started with the arrival of Godzilla and all the way to the battle between his extraterrestrial double in the Crystal Empire. The six students were completely amazed & fascinated about the kaiju, and the incredible feats and powers they possessed. They hoped to meet some of the kaiju again, preferably those who don't wish to destroy or devour them.

"Yona like giants! Giants awesome!" Yona exclaimed loudly and happily while clapping her hooves in joy.

"I gotta say, Godzilla and those others are pretty awesome." Smolder stated with a satisfied smile, folding her arms.

"Pretty awesome? More like super awesome!" Silverstream exclaimed excitedly, spreading her wings and rising her claws in the air in excitement.

"If Godzilla or any of his friends didn't come, I don't think any of us would have been safe." Sandbar stated with slight relief. "Those monsters sound like more dangerous threats than even the Storm King."

"Maybe, but I personally think that Godzilla's the coolest." Gallus stated with a smug smile.

"I really like Mothra." Ocellus said with her own gentle smile. "She's so gentle and kind, like our king, Thorax!"

"Now, how about I tell you some of the battles Godzilla had in his world?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes!" All six students exclaimed at once loudly.


Elsewhere, Twilight was in her office, writing down letters and enjoying her time. And what was there to worry about? With the School of Friendship reopened, all the different races in Equestria will be able to learn about friendship, not to mention having already befriended some of the kaiju. As the Princess of Friendship continued her work in peace... Spike, with a letter in his right claw, suddenly slammed open the door, catching Twilight by surprise and startling her to the point where she nearly fall off her chair.

"Spike!" She scolded, regaining her composure. "Don't ever do that!"

"Sorry, Twilight." He grinned sheepishly. "Anyway, I have news about a recent incident that happened in Manehattan very shortly!" He stated.

This immediately removed Twilight's annoyed expression, and got her attention and concern to their fullest. She hoped that it wasn't another kaiju attack, because that was one of the last things she needed right now after opening the School of Friendship.

"What is it?" She asked both worriedly and hysterically. "Is it a creature from Godzilla's world?"

"I'm not exactly sure." Spike admitted. "But you're not gonna like it." He stated uncomfortably.


Rainbow Dash was now telling the Young Six about one of the battles that had occurred in Godzilla's world sometime in the past, to which she was informed by the Elias.

"This Dagahra sounds kind of like a dragon." Smolder stated judging from Rainbow Dash's story and description of said kaiju.

"Except for the fact that he can breath underwater, shoot beams out of his mouth and wings, and create some kind of starfish creatures called Barem." Rainbow Dash added.

"So Dagahra can create and control these 'Barems'?" Gallus asked, a little skeptical.

"Yeah. Barems can shoot acid and suck the energy from your body." Rainbow Dash explained with mischievous smile, enjoying the sight of some of the students turning pale upon hearing this.

"I wanna hold one!" Silverstream grinned excitedly, which caused her fellow students and friends to look at her in confusion.

"Silverstream, you do realize that they are dangerous, right?" Sandbar asked, unsure if the hippogriff was joking or not.

"Oh, right." She giggled upon the realization as she scratched the back of her head with slight embarrassment.

"So how did Godzilla defeat him?" Ocellus asked curiously.

"Dagahra attacked Godzilla with his army of Barem! The Barems completely covered Godzilla and started sucking his energy! But Big G wasn't going down without a fight. He used that Nuclear Pulse of his to free himself and injure Dagahra! When Dagahra was down, Godzilla blasted him with his Atomic Breath again, and again, and again! Until Dagahra was destroyed!" Rainbow Dash finally finished with a proud smile.

The six students were left in a state of awe, astonishment and amazement by this epic tale, with huge grins on their faces and widened starry eyes. Godzilla sounded like a creature that none should mess with! But they were also impressed and amazed by the other kaijus' unique and destructive abilities, and origins of how they came to be. It was almost like something they would find in a comic book.

All of the sudden, Twilight slammed open the door, ironically startling both the students and Rainbow Dash the same way Spike startled her earlier.

"Rainbow, there's an emergency in Manehattan and we need you!" The Princess of Friendship exclaimed with a very worried and desperate voice to match the equally-worried look on her face.

"On it, Twilight!" Rainbow said firmly and without a second thought, quickly zipped past Twilight and exited the room with blinding speed.

The six students turned to look at one-another before turning to Twilight.

"Sooo... does this mean that class is dismissed and we can go home?" Smolder asked eagerly and hopefully. The rest of the students looked at Twilight eagerly, hoping the answer is 'yes'.

"Sorry..." Twilight said with a light chuckle. "You're next class just so happens to be in the Library. So you better get started." She said before exiting the class room, to which the students sighed and groaned.


In no time, the Mane Six, along with Starlight Glimmer and Spike, were on an a purple-colored airship that was ready to take off to Manehattan. Spike had already explained the details about the bridge in Manehattan being destroyed.

"What kind of a monster would do such a thing?!" A furious Rarity exclaimed. Ever since hearing about the news about the destruction of the bridge, the unicorn was consumed with anger, which she directed towards the unknown perpetrator, knowing she would now have a much longer time getting to her favorite boutiques in Manehattan.

"Easy, Rarity. We'll find out when we get there." Rainbow said calmly, trying to calm her unicorn friend down. Though she did so more out of the refusal of hearing Rarity's complains about fashion, which she obviously could care less for.

"I just hope nopony was hurt, or worse..." Twilight muttered to herself dreadfully.

Finally, the airship slowly took off and began to sail to their destination.


School of Friendship

Back in the School of Friendship, the Young Six weren't exactly having a good time of their own, either. They were busy reading books about spells, creatures, history and so on. While they do respect friendship and their teachers, they were still having a bit of a boring time. This continued until Gallus has finally had enough.

"What do you say we take a little break and go outside?" Gallus turned to his friends who turned to look at him."Besides, none of our teachers are here to stop us, anyway." He added a mischievous smile before getting off his chair and proceeding to head for the exit door.

"Yeah, I little break won't hurt." Smolder agreed. Like Gallus, she closed the book she was reading and got off her chair before following the griffon to the exit.

"Yak agree. Yak going with friends." Yona also closed her book and got off. Silverstream and Ocellus quickly followed them afterwards.

"Come on, Sandbar! It'll be fun!" Silverstream called out, only for the other students in the Library to quickly shush her and remind the hippogriff of where she was. "Oops, sorry." She grinned nervously.

Sandbar sighed. "I guess I better make sure they don't get into any trouble." He muttered before closing his book.


The Young Six came outside on the cloudy day, where they sat on the stairs of the entrance of the front doors of the School of Friendship.

"It's good to get a little fresh air." Gallus said with a smile as he breaths in.

"I can't believe that I'm sitting on stairs! Stairs!" Silverstream squealed happily while looking down to where she is sitting at. "I didn't know you can also sit on them!"

"Does everything about stairs amaze you?" Smolder rolled her eyes and gave a light chuckle.

"Hopefully we get back inside before our teachers get back." Sandbar muttered quietly to himself with a slight worry. But then a more concerning thought came into the earth pony's head. "Say, do you think that our teachers left because of an attack from a creature from Godzilla's world?"

This question caused the other students to turn and look at him with surprise. Truth be told, they never actually thought about why their teachers would leave in such a hurry.

"That might be the case." Ocellus said uncertainly while putting a hoof on her chin, pondering.

"If it is, I hope it's a cool-looking creature with awesome powers, like Dagahra!" Smolder stated with an excited grin.

"And hopefully one that doesn't want to destroy us." Sandbar added with a hint of anxiety.

"Yona not scared! Yona smash if monster attack friends!" Yona yelled loudly and proudly.

"Besides," Gallus added with a confident smile. "That incident happened in Manehattan, and we're a long way from there. It's not like it's gonna come here and attack us next." He stated confidently. But little did the griffon knew, he was about to be proven very wrong, very soon.

Out of the bloom, something caught the young hippogriff's attention up in the cloudy sky.

"Hey, look at that!" Sliverstream suddenly exclaimed, pointing a claw up at the cloudy sky.

The other five students quickly turned to where she was pointing at, and sure enough, noticed something as well - something none of them had ever seen before. Slowly descending from the clouds were three very large and very long, white-glowing tentacles that silently moved through the air. And they weren't alone; three more tentacles soon descended and joined them. There were now six gigantic tentacles slithering and hovering directly above the School of Friendship.

"Please tell me that I'm not the only one seeing this." Sandbar said in disbelief, not taking his widened eyes off the moving tendrils in the sky.

"Nope, you're not alone." Smolder confirmed in equal shock, also gazing up at the mysterious appendages.

The creature that owned these appendages now began to make itself known as it slowly emerged from the clouds, allowing not only the six students, but also most of Ponyville to see it with their own, shock-filled eyes. This was mainly due to it's size, which was enormous. The six students were now completely baffled to what they were seeing. The creature did not have any wings, and yet, it was floating like a balloon. In fact, this creature did not have fur, feathers, fins, legs, scales, claws, horns, hooves or even a face for that matter. The creature closely resembled a gigantic jellyfish than anything else. A white, translucent bell with an opening on the underside where the six long, slim tentacles were attached to. But unlike a real jellyfish, this creature also possessed two more tentacles on it's bell. This mysterious creature was none other than the Space Monster: Dogora!

"So, anyone have any idea on what that thing is?" Gallus was the first to break the uncomfortable silence with a question.

"It's like a jellyfish! Except, you know - it's big and flying!" Silverstream squealed in amazement and curiosity, gazing up at the space monster, completely oblivious to the serious danger they were in.

"I think it might be a creature from Mothra's world." Ocellus guessed, but still unsure.

"If it is, it's definitely the weirdest one that I've seen." Smolder commented.

"And I think it's getting really close." Sandbar pointed out. Indeed the earth pony was correct, the space creature was beginning to descend down on the School of Friendship. It was much bigger than the school itself and it's tentacles seemed to be reaching out.

"You're in terrible danger!"

The six students froze, completely caught off guard and startled by the sudden two female voices that they all just heard.

"Who said that?" Gallus asked in surprise and confusion, turning to his friends for some kind of explanation.

"Not Yona." Yona shrugged.

"Please forgive us, we are the Elias and we are from Godzilla's world. We are communicating to you through our telepathic abilities. The creature you are witnessing is called 'Dogora' and it is incredibly dangerous!"

Looks of surprise, amazement, shock, and a bit of fear for some, filled the six student's faces, both at the sudden call from the Elias and Dogora's supposed threat level. But Gallus simply rolled his eyes and chuckled nervously.

"Dogora, huh? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Gallus stated confidently, seemingly unafraid. And it didn't take long for that to quickly change, when Dogora suddenly lashed out one of its long tentacles, wrapped it around one of the school's roofs before pulling and tearing it off. "Of course I could be wrong. Run!" He exclaimed.

Without thinking twice and without hesitation, the Young Six quickly turned and began racing back inside the school as fast as possible! Once they were all in, they slammed the doors shut!


"I don't think that's gonna hold it." Smolder said with worry and uncertainty.

This was quickly proven true: the ceiling above them suddenly began to crack before breaking apart! But instead of falling down on them, the pieces of the ceiling went upwards, as if an invisible force was pulling them up. This only increased as the entire ceiling above them broke into to many pieces - allowing the Young Six to see the sky above through the opening - which were then quickly sucked up.

The six students become even more shocked when they saw where those broken pieces went. They went up in the sky, before entering Dogora's underside opening! Dogora had a primary diet of carbon, which was almost everywhere, and the opening on its underside, which acted like a mouth, was used like a vacuum to suck up it's meals. And unfortunately, the Young Six may become it's next course.

"I hope our teachers or Mothra, or Godzilla get here soon." Ocellus said with dread while looking up at the hungry space monster.



Meanwhile, the Mane Six, Starlight and Spike had finally arrived in Manehattan. They were currently in Coco Pommel's home, as she had finished explaining on what had happened earlier.

"So these tentacles destroyed the bridge?" Twilight asked, recalling what Coco had witnessed.

"Yes, it was awful!" Coco said with dread, covering her mouth with her hooves. Rarity pats her on the back and gave her a warm smile to ease her.

"Did you see what was the creature of these tentacles?" Starlight now asked.

"No," She answered. "It was above the clouds, so I couldn't see it."

There was no doubt to the Mane Six, this definitely sounded like the work of a creature from Godzilla's home-world. And their suspicions were quickly confirmed when they hear the Elias's voices.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

"Elias!" Twilight exclaimed with joy, very happy to hear her other-worldly friends again. "I'm so glad to hear from you! See, there's been an-"

She was suddenly cut off, when the Elias started talking about the more important news.

"We know Twilight. The creature that attacked is called, Dogora. But we have some urgent news! Dogora has just arrived in your School of Friendship and it is attacking!"

These very words caused not only Twilight to feel like her heart had just stopped, but also her friend's. This very negative feeling was overwhelming, as they could feel an enormous amount of fear consuming their bodies from within, which was visible from the outside by the horrified looks that suddenly formed on their faces. Everything Twilight had worked for, her school and the lives of her students... placed in danger.

"Um, Princess Twilight, who are you talking to?" A confused Coco Pommel asked gently.

"We have to get back!" Twilight suddenly yelled out, startling Coco as a result. With no time to waste, Twilight and her friends quickly raced outside in the stormy weather as fast as they possibly could to reach the airship and return to Ponyville before it was too late!


School of Friendship

Back in the School of Friendship, things were not looking any better. Dogora was floating above the School of Friendship, and literally devouring it! Most of the upper half of the School of Friendship - roof, towers, flags - was already missing and the space monster was still continuing to vacuum up more and more, to satisfy it's hunger for carbon! Even the waters around the school were getting sucked into Dogora's 'mouth'.

The six students can only look in horror, and watch helplessly as the space kaiju continued to feed!

Smolder turned to Ocellus. "Ocellus, can you turn into something big enough to fight this thing?" She asked eagerly.

The changeling turned to Smolder and gave her a dreadful look." Smolder," Ocellus said. "We changelings have a limit to how big of a form we can turn into..." She paused to look up at the jellyfish-like monster floating above them before turning back to her dragon friend and continuing. "And this, is way beyond our limit."

This statement caused Smolder to gulp in fear.

"Elias, if you can hear us, now would be a good time to tell us how to stop this thing." Sandbar begged.

Fortunately, the Elias were quick to respond to his call.

"You must find bees or wasps."

"Bees? Wasps? How is that gonna stop it?" Gallus asked in confusion.

"Dogora is vulnerable to the venom of bees and wasps. If exposed, it's body will solidify like stone."

The six students now looked in surprise after hearing this - for such a large and dangerous creature, it certainly had a very strange and bizarre weakness. But before they could reply or do anything else, however, Sandbar, Yona, and the other students who were standing, suddenly began levitating off the ground and heading upwards - towards Dogora's 'mouth'!

"Sandbar! Yona!" Silverstream exclaimed before taking flight and racing up! She grabbed Sandbar by the tail and tried to pull him down. Smolder quickly opened her wings and tried flying down while Gallus and Ocellus grabbed Yona by her front hooves and tried to pull her down as well.

But despite their noble efforts, all six students began getting pulled and sucked upwards, towards Dogora's waiting 'mouth'. Even with their best effort to resist it and fly down, the space kaiju's vacuum was proving too strong as it continued pulling the struggling students higher and higher to devour them!

"This really sucks!" Gallus exclaimed while struggling to pull Yona down alongside Ocellus, as well as themselves.

"Your making jokes at a time like this?!" Sandbar asked while Silverstream was struggling to pull him down.

"Heh, one last joke in case we don't make it." Gallus couldn't help but chuckle, despite the grave situation he and everyone else was in.


But just as all hope seemed lost for the Young Six... a bright, neon-blue beam shot out of nowhere and pierced through Dogora's bell, like a bullet piercing a water balloon!


Without warning, the powerful force that was pulling the Young Six up ceased, causing them to stop their struggling, and in Gallus, Ocellus and Silverstream's case, to hold on to their friends to prevent them from falling down, considering how high off the ground they were.

"Any idea to what just happened?" Smolder asked in confusion after flying down and landing on the ground, followed by Gallus and Ocellus, who gently placed Yona down, and Silverstream, who put Sandbar down.

Her question was quickly answered in the form of a loud roar!


The Young Six were completely caught off guard by this, and also a little startled.

"Oh great, not another one." Gallus groaned in discomfort, believing it is a another kaiju arriving to attack them. Although, he was only half right.

Sandbar, on the other hand, quickly identified the roar. "I know that roar anywhere, it's Godzilla!" He exclaimed happily with grin. Out of all the Young Six, the earth pony was the only one that had actually seen Godzilla in person, and what he was capable of.

His friends turned and gave him looks of surprise and some skepticism.

"Are you sure, Sandbar?" A not-so-sure Ocellus asked.

Sandbar nodded. "Positive." He confirmed with a smile.


Although the space kaiju could not roar, the pain it felt was shown when it's vacuuming ceased. The hole in it's bell almost immediately closed and healed. While it did not have eyes, Dogora could definitely sense the presence of another creature nearby.


The Young Six quickly emerged from the half-missing school and raced outside, to be met with an astonishing sight. Standing further away from the School of Friendship (and Twilight's castle) was what seemed to be... Godzilla. But in reality, that was not the case, this creature appeared as something of a smaller version of Godzilla, being only half the Monster King's height and having reduced dorsal spines. The six students did not know it yet, but they were gazing at the Son of the King of the Monsters: Godzilla Junior!

"That's Godzilla?" Ocellus asked in absolute astonishment with widened eyes.

"He's huge!" Silverstream squealed with excitement.

"He's bigger than I thought." Gallus muttered with shock and disbelief at the kaiju's size.

"Giant, big!" Yona exclaimed happily.

"Are you positive he's not a dragon?" Smolder asked skeptically, turning to Sandbar.

But the earth pony had a rather confused look on his face. "I don't think that's Godzilla. He seems...small." This statement caused he's friends to look at him with widened eyes, as if he was crazy or something.

"Small? Small?!" Gallus exclaimed loudly. Pointing at Godzilla Junior, he continued. "Do you not see the size of him? He's bigger than an Ursa Major!"

"That's pretty big, even by dragon standards." Smolder stated.

"Pony friend blind?" Yona asked in confusion.

Silverstream ponders for a moment before saying..."Either Godzilla's gone on a strict diet, or..."

"Or what, genius?" Gallus asked sarcastically, folding he's claws.

"...Or, maybe Godzilla found the Fountain of Youth!" Silverstream finished with a playful smile.

Gallus and Smolder shook their heads in disbelief while Yona, Ocellus and Sandbar looked at her in confusion. The voices of the Elias were suddenly heard again.

"Actually, that is Godzilla's son: Junior."

The eyes of the Young Six widen once again in both surprise and astonishment as they turn to the Monster King's adoptive son.

"Well, at least that's a better explanation than the 'Fountain-of-Youth' one." Gallus muttered, but nevertheless, was still surprised.

The Monster Prince roared again, his smaller dorsal spines lighten up, as did the inside of his mouth, before letting loose an Atomic Breath at the space monster! Piercing it like before - and just like before, Dogora's wounds instantly healed. The six youths simply gazed in amazement at this display of the young kaiju's power.

"That...was...awesome!" Silverstream exclaimed loudly as she raised both claws in the air in excitement. "What was that he just shot?!" Silverstream asked excitedly.

"That... was the Heat Ray." Sandbar answered with a small smile.

Indeed, the young students were very much amazed and impressed by this, and indeed, the Heat Ray looked spectacular to watch.

"That's the Heat Ray?! So cool!" Silverstream exclaimed happily, while clapping her claws in joy.

"It's... kind of different from fire." Smolder said, unsure what to think of it.

"It's not fire, it's a beam composed of some kind of energy that doesn't exist in our world." Sandbar explained.

"Yak like light beam!" Yona exclaimed happily while bouncing up-and-down, similar to how Pinkie does.

Even though it did not have a brain, Dogora was very certain that this new comer was a threat - and a serious one at that. Just like a real jellyfish, the space monster used a form of 'jet propulsion' to leave the School of Friendship, and fly over to Godzilla Junior's location as it swam through the air like it was water.

In just a few seconds, Dogora was now hovering directly above the young kaiju, completely dwarfing Junior in size.

Now it was Dogora's turn.

Many of it's tentacles shot like harpoons at the young kaiju, but instead of spearing, they wrapped themselves around the young one. Two wrapped his arms, two more wrapped some of his dorsal spines and one wrapped itself around Junior's neck. The young monster shrieked in pain... for a good reason; the tentacles also had a corrosive touch. This was evident by the smoke that began to appear from where Dogora's tentacles were in contact with Junior's body. It was kind of like how his father had to deal with Hedorah's corrosive body in the past.

The Young Six cringed as they watched the horror unfold, not expecting Dogora to have such a deadly ability.

Like it did with the bridge in Manehattan earlier, Dogora now used it's tentacles to lift the struggling kaiju off the ground like a fisherman would reel in a catch. But unlike a fisherman, the space monster instead used it's tentacles to slam the young kaiju against the ground with incredible force, making a small shock wave as a result!

"We have to help him!" Ocellus exclaimed worriedly.

"Yeah, but how?" Gallus exclaimed back.

Sandbar looked at him in confusion."Don't you remember the 'bee-and-wasp-venom' thing?" He asked.

Hearing this, Gallus face-palmed with his right claw upon the realization. "Oh, right." He chuckled to himself.

"Yona help friends save other friend from jellyfish monster!" Yona stated firmly.

"We're gonna need a lot of bees and wasps for this." Smolder stated as she looked at the sheer size of the space monster.

"I can transform myself into a bee or wasp and communicate with them to help us." Ocellus explained with a smile. "It helps that I learned from Professor Fluttershy on how to communicate with them better."

"Me and Gallus will distract that monster and buy you guys some time." Smolder stated with a proud grin.

"I wanna join you guys, too!" Silverstream exclaimed firmly with a confident grin of her own.

"Please be careful you guys." Ocellus said worriedly.

"Then it's settled: me, Ocellus and Yona will got get the bees and wasps, while you guys help Junior." Sandbar said.

With a plan now established, the six friends nod to one another before splitting up to do their jobs. Smolder, Gallus and Silverstream flew toward the battlefield while their friends raced towards the forest in order to find the nests of bees and wasps.


In no time, Ocellus, Yona and Sandbar went deep in the forest where they desperately searchd for a bee or wasp nest. Luckily for them, though, they quickly found one... on a very tall tree.

"Yona got this!" Yona stated with a confident grin. She then reared on her hind legs before slamming down charging at the tree with surprising speed! She smashed it with her horns, with extreme force! The tree shook from the force, and in response to her attack, the bees from the hive emerged, and they were far from happy as they turned and glared down at Yona. "Uh oh..." The yak gulped in fear as the angry bees suddenly came charging down at the her with aimed stingers. But stopped when Ocellus suddenly flew in between them and Yona. The changeling quickly changed herself into a bluish bee form.

In her bee form, Ocellus flew up to them and began communicating with the bees in their language, which was a form of buzzes.

Sandbar and Yona watched in anticipation. "You think she can do this?" Sandbar asked with hope. After a minute and a half, his answer was revealed when Ocellus changed back to her true form and turned to them with a happy smile on her face.

"They said they will help us and they also said that they know where there are more hives."

"That's great! Now we just need to hurry, I don't know how much the others can keep Dogora occupied." Sandbar stated.

With that, the three friends quickly ran off to find more bees or wasps.


Dogora still had Godzilla Junior firmly in it's grip while it's deadly skin was eating away at Junior's hide. The young kaiju could not preform the Nuclear Pulse like his adoptive father due to his young age and inexperience. He was also unable to shoot any stronger variations of his Heat Ray. In desperation, the young kaiju's dorsal spines lightened up and he fired his Atomic Breath at the space monster's body! The radioactive beam pierced Dogora's body once again, making a hole in the process.

While the space kaiju didn't have a face to express it's feelings on the outside, anyone could easily tell that it was not happy. The hole instantly closed and Dogora shot yet another tentacle at it's young opponent, wrapping up and closing Junior's jaws shut in order to prevent him from using his primary weapon again.

The young kaiju struggled but could not break free, as the tentacles were far stronger than they appeared. However, he did get an unexpected help from a dragon, a hippogriff and a griffon. Smolder, Gallus and Silverstream were now flying very close to the space monster, and were extremely small in comparison to Dogora's bell alone.

"Hey you big dumb jellyfish monster! Take this!" Smolder mockingly yelled out before taking a deep breath and shooting hot streams of fire at Dogora's body. While her fire was nowhere near as powerful as Godzilla Junior's Heat Ray, it was enough to annoy the space monster and cause it to turn it's attention to them.

Angrily, Dogora lashed out with the two tentacles that were located on it's bell, at the three students. In response, the students (knowing full-well what would happen if they even touch them) quickly turned and flew in different directions in hopes of confusing the attacking appendages. The two tentacles turned and began chasing Smolder and Silverstream, while Gallus flew down.

He flew down to the ground and grabbed a nearby wooden cart before flying back up with it. He then flew near Dogora and threw the cart the the space monster as a means to distract it. But the cart simply bounced off Dogora's jelly-like skin, which dissolved part of it, before falling down and smashing on the ground to pieces.

"Well that could have gone better." Gallus muttered to himself.

Godzilla Junior struggled to open his mouth and deliver another blow to the space monster, but the tentacle's grip on his jaw proved too strong, and it didn't help that his arms were also tied up, all while the corrosive skin was in constant contact with his body.

Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream were doing their best to help Junior, but that was very difficult with the fact that Dogora was extremely resistant to any of their attempts to harm it, and they couldn't touch it due to the creature's corrosive body.

"Nothing we're doing against it works, and we're barely even getting it's attention!" Smolder exclaimed in frustration. She finally escaped the reach of the two attacking tentacles that were chasing her and, along with Silverstream, now hovered near Gallus to catch her breath .

"We have to somehow get that tentacle off of Junior's mouth so he can fire his Heat Ray at that thing." Gallus stated.

Little did he know, Junior already had a solution to this problem. Charging up his body and gathering more nuclear energy then ever before, his dorsal plates began glowing brighter and brighter, while also giving off an immense heat, far hotter than that of any dragon's fire. The heat was so incredibly hot that it caused the tentacles that were wrapped around his dorsal spines to literally melt and fall to the ground. Immense heat also began to gather inside Godzilla Junior's closed mouth. The tentacle that was wrapped around his jaw also began melting because of the immense heat escaping Junior's lips.

With the tentacle weakened enough, Godzilla Junior was finally able to force his jaws open, splitting the tentacle that was wrapped around them in half, and fire his Atomic Breath at maximum power!

The three students gasped in awe and amazement as Godzilla Junior's Heat Ray shot up and pierced Dogora's body completely! Not only did the Heat Ray go through Dogora's body like it was nothing, but it also pierced the clouds above, making a hole there as well! After Junior finished his attack, the space monster was left with a very large, gaping hole in it's bell, and the three students could easily see right through it.

"So... awesome!" Silverstream could barely keep her excitement in check.

Smolder and Gallus couldn't help but give Godzilla Junior approving smiles, showing their respect for the young kaiju. But the same could not be said for Dogora - more enraged than ever, the space monster decided to dispose of it's main opponent the best way possible. It's large, gaping hole quickly closed and healed before it moved it's underside opening directly above Junior. The Monster Prince suddenly found himself getting pulled up by an unknown force, and directly towards the 'mouth'.

"Is it going to eat him?" A worried Silverstream asked.

"Nah! There's no way that monster could eat him." Gallus stated coolly.

A statement that would soon to be proven wrong. Struggle as he might, Junior began floating higher and higher... until he was within Dogora's 'mouth'! The three students could only watch in horror as the Monster Prince was completely swallowed by Dogora!

Inside what could be described as Dogora's belly, Junior cried out in pain as the acidic body began causing even more damage then before. In desperation, the young kaiju fired his Atomic Breath!

The three students witnessed the blue beam emerge from Dogora's body. But it did not do any serious damage as the wound instantly closed shortly after the beam stopped firing.

"Let go of him!" Silverstream angrily demanded and even started racing for the space monster, only to be stopped by Gallus, who grabbed one of her back hooves and held her.

"We can't fight that thing, Silverstream!" Gallus exclaimed, trying to keep his hippogriff friend from doing something reckless or dangerous.

"We can't just let it eat Junior like that!" Silverstream argued back, while glaring up at the space monster who still had Junior inside.

"You don't have to."

A male voice called from below.

Looking down, the three students were greeted with a welcoming sight. Their three friends had just returned, and they weren't alone: hovering behind them was a massive swarm of both bees and wasps (mostly bees)! There was possibly over a trillion of them!

Smolder, Gallus and Silverstream simply gaped in shock and awe at their friends accomplishment.

"How did you find so many bees and wasps so fast?" A shocked Smolder asked.

"Let's just say that Professor Fluttershy's 'Learning of Bugs' class payed off." Sandbar answered with a slightly smug smile.

"Heh, never thought that school would one day save Equestria." Gallus chuckled.

But their attention was quickly turned to Dogora when the Young Six heard Junior's painful cries from within the space monster's bell.

"Junior's inside?!" Ocellus exclaimed, shocked and horrified at the mere thought.

"We need to save him, and fast!" Silverstream exclaimed.

Ocellus nodded. "On it!" She turned to the bees and wasps, and changed into her bee-form. Ocellus then proceeded to 'talk' with them a little before turning and pointing up at Dogora in the sky. In response, both the bees and wasps nodded, and immediately began flying up and racing towards the unsuspecting space monster!

Dogora was too busy devouring it's 'meal' to notice the gigantic swarm, that was nearly as large as itself, heading straight for it. It only began detecting them when all the bees and wasps have swarmed and already surrounded the giant space monster. Without any hesitation, the insects quickly went on the offensive - stinging Dogora in every single inch of it's body, not even it's tentacles are spared! Their stingers easily pierced the jellyfish-like kaiju's soft body, and allowed massive amounts of venom to enter it's body!

Dogora cannot roar like most other kaiju, but it's painful experience was very visible on the outside as it started thrashing it's body around and swinging it's tentacles wildly, desperately trying to fend off the attacking insects! Only after a few more seconds did the venom start taking it's toll on the space kaiju. Dogora's soft, translucent, jelly-like flesh began to harden like rock and solidify. The beast's struggle slowly began to cease as it's soft tissue began turning into a hard, rock-like substance.

After several more minutes of futile thrashing and struggling, the floating jellyfish-like monster was now a statue of it's former self. Though it didn't stay that way for long - the now-solidified Dogora quickly fell from the sky and smashed on the ground, shattering into a million tiny pieces upon impact!

The Young Six silently stared at the solidified remains of the space monster with expressions of astonishment and disbelief. They couldn't believe their eyes, they just couldn't - they had just accomplished something that seemed unlikely for their age.

"I can't believe it... we saved Equestria!" Silverstream exclaimed loudly with joy. Her friends couldn't help but cheer with her in joy

"Wait 'till our teachers hear about this!" Smolder said with a proud smirk.

However, their moment of victory was interrupted when the severed tentacles of Dogora - those that were melted and torn off by Junior before Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona arrived with the wasps and bees - unexpectedly started levitating on their own, and began heading upwards in the sky. The Young Six noticed this and quickly stopped their cheering to look at the ascending pieces of Dogora in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me!?" Gallus exclaimed in disbelief.

One of the things that made Dogora such a dangerous creature was it's ability to asexually multiply - even the smallest piece that is separated from the original's body was enough to grow and become a new Dogora, with the same size and abilities as the original!

Unfortunately for these severed parts, though, that will not come to pass. A powerful, blue-colored, radioactive Heat Ray suddenly shot from the ground and struck all of them dead on! What life remained in these severed parts was quickly erased as the intense heat and power of the Atomic Breath destroyed every single cell in them, reducing them into nothing!

After the attack was finished, the shocked and astounded Young Six turned to the source, which was none other than Godzilla Junior rising up from the solidified remains of Dogora. He was badly hurt from the space monster's acidic body but his thick scales were able to withstand the assault and his healing factor helped in repairing his wounds. With the threat of Dogora vanquished, the Monster Prince let out his own triumphant roar!


"Well, I guess we couldn't really do it all by ourselves, huh?" Sandbar asked with a smirk.

Godzilla Junior now turned his attention down at the Young Six with curiosity in his eyes. The six students couldn't help but gaze back into Junior's brilliant golden eyes. This was cut-off when both the students and Junior heard the unmistakable voices of their teachers.


They turned to see Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and the rest of their friends running up to them.

"Oh, thank Celestia you're alright!" Twilight halted and breathed a sigh of relief just as her friends did. They then noticed Godzilla Junior standing in the distance, along with a very large swarm of bees and wasps hovering in the air, and the solidified pieces of Dogora on the ground. "What happened here?" Twilight couldn't help but ask.

"We just saved Equestria!" Gallus answered with a cocky grin. The Mane Six, Starlight and Spike's eyes widen in surprise.

"And we had some help form him." Sandbar added, pointing a hoof up at Godzilla Junior.

"Is that Godzilla?" Spike asked in confusion.

Everyone suddenly began feeling massive vibrations though the ground, signaling the arrival of another kaiju. This new kaiju could now be seen approaching from the north side. For those who didn't know him simply gaped in shock and astonishment when he arrived, but for those that did know him...

"Godzilla!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed happily, waving a hoof at him.

The King of the Monsters had arrived to the scene! And he was twice the size of Godzilla Junior, and with much larger dorsal spines on his back. The Young Six were at a loss for words.

"T-That's G-Godzilla?!" Gallus could barely say. "He's ginormous!"

"He's ridiculously big!" Smolder exclaimed, seeing as how he completely dwarfed any dragon in size.

"Yak think giant too big!" Yona stated, as she had never before seen a creature with a size of such perorations.

"He's super big!" Silverstream exclaimed. Unlike her friends, though, she was more excited than shocked.

"Oh, my..." Was all Ocellus could say with a meek tone.

Sandbar, on the other hand, was not surprised as he had seen Godzilla before and had gotten used to his size. "Told ya he was bigger." He said with a light smirk.

Godzilla Junior walked up to his adoptive father and greeted him with a series of grunts and soft growls. Godzilla responded with the same thing. After some time of 'talking', Godzilla turned to the Mane and Young six, and gave them a very soft growl.

"What did he say?" A confused Applejack asked. Her answer was quickly given when the Elias' voices were heard.

"Godzilla wishes for his son to come to your School of Friendship."

Upon hearing this, both the Mane and Young six were now visibly surprised abd stunned. But the faces of the Young Six were quickly turned into that of joy and excitement.

"Can you please do that, Twilight?" Silverstream suddenly asked, getting in Twilight's face with an eager grin.

"Yeah, it'll be awesome!" Smolder exclaimed, doing the same thing as Silverstream.

"Yona want to be with giant friend!" Yona then joined them.

"Come on Tech! One more student wouldn't hurt." Gallus was next.

Twilight simply sighed and gave them a warm smile. "Consider it done." She declared. The Young Six began cheering happily at hearing this, and they weren't alone. Like his adoptive father, Godzilla Junior had also taken a liking to the inhabitants of Equestria, and he especially liked these six particular students, that helped him in his time of need.

"Now the only problem is how are we gonna get him in the school? He seems a little big, don't ya' think?" Applejack asked, unsure how this will work out.

Pinkie suddenly popped next to her. "Don't worry AJ! When there's a will, there's way!" She stated with a cheerful smile.

At this point, however, the Young Six turned and looked at one-another nervously before turning back to Twilight.

"Umm...Twilight?" Sandbar called out nervously, causing the Princess to turn to them.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked with a smile.

"You see, something kind of... happened to the school." Sandbar began, unsure how to explain the damage Dogora had done to the School of Friendship.


Far away, in another location of Equestria, roamed the former foe of Twilight Sparkle: Tempest Shadow, who's real name was actually Fizzlepop Berrytwist.

When she was a young filly, Tempest was attacked by an Ursa Minor which resulted in the loss of her horn and a scar on her right eye. Because of this, her magic became unstable, causing the ponies of her village shun her.

She began to believe that friendship had betrayed her. When a fully grown mare, Tempest encountered the Storm King, who claimed he would restore her horn if she helped him in capturing the four Princesses of Equestria and use their magic to conquer the world.

Tempest was successful in her duty, but was later betrayed by the Storm King, who revealed that he had no intention of restoring her horn and that he was using her. Enraged, Tempest engaged the Storm King in a small duel which resulted in her nearly being swept away by the storm. But she was saved by Princess Twilight Sparkle. This, along with the Storm King's betrayal, caused Tempest to realize just how important friendship truly was.

In the final battle with the Storm King, Tempest allowed herself to be turned into obsidian stone in order to defeat the Storm King once and for all. She, along with the three Princesses, was later restored to normal. Twilight offered her to stay in Ponyville but Tempest declined her offer and went on to spread the word of the Storm King's defeat, and to also learn more about friendship and love.

Tempest still kept the same uniform from the Storm King, though.


These last few weeks, Tempest had been wondering Equestria, spreading the word of the Storm King's defeat to anyone she encountered. Along the way, she had already learned many important lessons about friendship, but was unsure if she should interact with any of the ponies or creatures. Tempest felt deep remorse for all of the past actions she had done to the ponies and other races of Equestria, and was unsure on how she should interact with them.

At the moment, Tempest was currently walking through a forest, a part of Equestria that few ponies visit. But today... Tempest will have an encounter with a creature like no other.

As Tempest was walking across a clear pathway through the forest... her journey suddenly came to an unexpected halt when she stopped, and her eyes widened in shock as they were met with a truly unusual, and frightening, sight. Laying on the ground, right in front of her, was a gigantic creature. The unicorn was at a loss for words, she had never before seen a creature quite like this.

The creature was extremely big, far larger than the Ursa that broke her horn. But what was even stranger still, was that this creature seemed to resemble a gigantic dark butterfly or moth than anything else. The color of it's gigantic wings, which rested on the ground, was a mix of black, red and yellow. The same colors ran across it's rough-edged back and it's abdomen had a large pincer at the end. It's entire body was a dark-black color with six legs residing underneath it, the legs themselves had sharp claws useful for grabbing and holding. To add, it also had a menacing face with mandibles that resembled a sideways mouth with sharp teeth, and a pair of very small tusks between it's mandibles. Finally, the creature had three small, yellow horns on it's head and black eyes that seemed empty. This creature was the dark counterpart of Mothra and his name... was Battra!

Out of curiosity, Tempest cautiously approached the divine moth's face, studying the creature as she did so. The unicorn was wise to keep her guard up, remembering the last time she had an encounter with a giant creature. But still, her curiosity about this unknown and mysterious creature was also quite strong. But this, however, soon changed - like a light bulb, Battra's seemingly empty eyes suddenly lightened up and glowed with a fierce crimson color, signaling that he had awoken! This immediately caused Tempest to aim her broken horn at him in defense. Getting up on his six legs and spreading his gigantic wings, Battra opened his mandibles and let out a roar that sounded very similar to Rodan's!

After finishing his roar, Battra began scanning his surroundings. He looked around for a moment, before turning to the ground and spotting the unicorn with a broken horn - that's sparking with unstable magic - standing before him.

"What are you..." Tempest couldn't help but ask while maintaining her defensive posture.

Next Chapter: Monster in Filly's Clothing (short chapter) Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 44 Minutes
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