
My Little Pony Godzilla: Dawn of Monsters

by lazejovanov

Chapter 1: First Meeting (edited)

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First Meeting (edited)

The Princess of Friendship: Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Spike, and her student, Starlight Glimmer, as well as the Princess of the Sun: Princess Celestia and her younger sister, the Princess of the Moon: Princess Luna, and most of the ponies of Ponyville, were gathered together and standing before a gigantic reptilian creature that was laying unconscious on the ground, on its belly, not too far away from Ponyville.

Most (if not, all) had the same expressions of awe, astonishment, and amazement at the creature's sheer size.

The creature in particular looked very similar to a dragon, with the exception of lacking wings. Its enormous body was covered in charcoal gray scales, and the ponies could also see that its elongated snout had a mouth filled with sharp teeth, which were joined by equally sharp claws on both its hands and feet. It also possessed large, jagged silver spines that were protruding from its back, and finally, it had a long and powerful-looking tail that rested on the ground. The creature was also extremely large — in fact, it was even bigger than a fully-grown Ursa Major! A fact that made most ponies more than a little uneasy, Twilight included.

"Twilight, darling, what do you suppose he is?" A nervous Rarity asked as she turned to The Princess of Friendship, being the first to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Well..." Twilight began while looking at and studying the giant creature. "He might be a dragon. But I'm not 100% sure. He could be something completely new. Something that we've never seen before." She stated, her voice had a little bit of curiosity mixed into it.

"I just hope he'll be friendly." Starlight Glimmer said with a hint of fear in her tone to match the already-nervous look on her face.

"Yeah..." Twilight nodded while still keeping her eyes on the unconscious creature. "I hope so too."

None of them knew it, but they were gazing at the legendary King of Monsters: Godzilla!


It was a peaceful and beautiful day in the land of Equestria, and everypony in Ponyville were in the process of making a grand party for the arrival of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Recently, Twilight had gotten a letter from them that they were planning on visiting Ponyville today, and of course, she wanted everything to be perfect when the Princesses arrive, even though she herself was now a Princess.

"I can't believe the Princesses are coming to visit us!" An excited Starlight Glimmer happily exclaimed while preparing several differently-colored balloons and wrapping them up using her magic.

"I know, right!?" Twilight Sparkle squealed, not bothering to hide her excitement. "It's been a while since we got a visit from them here in Ponyville!"

At this point, Twilight's dragon assistant came running to them before stopping in front of them.

"All the preparations are ready, Twilight!" Spike declared. "All we need now are the Princesses to arrive!"

"Good job, Spike!" Twilight congratulated her friend with an approving smile, very proud of Spike's hard work.

"I just hope nothing goes wrong today." Starlight muttered. Her tone suddenly turned into that of slight worry, and a little anxiety as a bonus.

This did not go unheard by Twilight. In response to her worry, she wrapped her left hoof around Starlight's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Come on, Starlight. What could possibly go wrong?" Twilight asked confidently.

"Yeah, I guess I just get a little worried at times." Starlight giggled and blushed a little.

"Look! Here they come!" Spike exclaimed and pointed a claw at the sky. Sure enough, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna could be seen in the sky, riding in their chariot which was pulled by four Royal Pegasus Guards as they flew down to Ponyville.

A big and confident grin formed on Twilight's face. She was 100% sure that nothing will go wrong today... or at least that was what she thought — and hoped.

"Hey, what's that ?!" Pinkie Pie suddenly exclaimed as she stood up from the crowd and pointed a hoof towards the east side of Ponyville, in the sky.

After doing so, the ponies' attention quickly turned from the approaching Princesses and to the east side of Ponyville. Just as Pinkie had predicted, something did indeed happen.

Something appeared (or rather, opened) in the sky — something large. It was a swirling black circle of incredible size! Little did the-now-surprised-and-baffled inhabitants of Ponyville knew, this was in fact a portal — a gateway to another world!

An extremely large portal had suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the sky, not too far from Ponyville. Everypony's attention was now fixed solely on the mysterious portal, even Princess Celestia and Luna were caught off guard by this unexpected phenomenon. But the portal itself would soon become the least of their worry, because something emerged (or rather, fell) from it — something big...

And that 'something' was none other than Godzilla himself!

The unconscious body of the Monster King plummeted towards the ground like a bag filled with bricks, before producing a powerful shockwave that reached and went past Ponyville once his enormous body slammed against the ground with incredible force, crushing several trees that happened to be beneath him! After that was over and done with, the portal that brought him here closed and disappeared.

Every single pony was now left completely speechless and in a state of utter shock by this sudden and very unusual 'surprise'.

"Why can't we have one normal day around here?" Rainbow Dash sighed as she folded her front hooves in annoyance.

Soon enough, the Royal Guards that were carrying Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed on the ground where Twilight and her friends were waiting.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! It's good to see you!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed happily as she ran up to the two rulers to greet them properly.

"It is good to see you as well, dear Princess Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia smiled. But it wasn't long before her gentle smile disappeared, and replaced by a very serious and concerned look. She and her sister turned their attention to where the Monster King fell before continuing to speak... "But I believe the party may have to wait for now."

"Yeah, this wasn't part of the surprise." Twilight muttered to herself as she also looked over to where the kaiju landed.

End of flashback

Almost five minutes had passed since Godzilla's sudden and unexpected arrival to Equestria. The ponies were still standing/floating in front of the unconscious Monster King's face with a significant distance between them. They would not dare get any closer to him, in fear of him waking up. The ponies had already begun talking and whispering between themselves about the kaiju.

"What is it?"

"Look at those spikes on his back."

"Look at those teeth and claws."

Some were wondering what he was, others were questioning where he came from, but most were asking the most common question: What will he do once he regains consciousness?

"Would you look at the size of it." Sweetie Drops—under the false name of 'Bon Bon' —muttered in shock and astonishment at Godzilla's unbelievable size. Seeing as how the monsters she used to deal with when she was an agent of the monster-hunting agency in Canterlot would be completely dwarfed by him.

"Yeah, it's a real monster." Lyra replied, just as astonished of the Monster King as her friend.

"Great googly-moogly, his HUGE!" Pinkie exclaimed loudly. "Like really huge! Like really, really, really, REALLY huge!" She then gasped and turned to Spike, who was standing between herself and Rarity, looking at the kaiju. "Spike, he could be your big brother!"

This immediately caused the baby dragon to turn and look at her with a baffled and somewhat annoyed expression.

"How am I in any way related to him?! ...Besides being a dragon." Spike then thought for a moment before continuing. "In fact, I'm not sure if he even is a dragon."

"Have ya seen anythin' like this, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked while looking at the kaiju, only to get no response. "Fluttershy?" Because Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Noticing this, Applejack turned and began looking around, before she eventually spotted her pegasus friend, hiding behind the fountain within Ponyville, far away from Godzilla and even the crowd.

Fluttershy peeked her head ever so slightly. "Please tell me when he gets up and leaves, thank you." She said before quickly hiding behind the fountain again. Fluttershy always had a fear of adult dragons, and even though she could overcome her fears in desperate times, for the most part, she was very much afraid of them. And now, with a dragon-looking creature—far bigger than any dragon—present near Ponyville, it should not be a surprise to anyone of the shy pegasus' current behavior.

Twilight Sparkle in particular had mixed feelings about the kaiju: On one side, she felt curious and in need to learn about this creature; where did it come from? What was it? But on the other half, she also felt that she should be extremely careful and wary of him. There was no telling what a creature of this size could do.

"I have seen many creatures in Equestria, but nothing like this." Princess Celestia stated calmly, although one could easily sense the astonishment and concern behind her seemingly composed tone.

"What do you mean, Princess? It's obviously a dragon." Rainbow Dash stated, hovering next to Applejack.

"It may look like a dragon, but something feels... different about him." Princess Celestia said with an uncertain tone while looking at the unconscious Monster King. "He appears to be far larger than any dragon I have ever seen." Being over one-thousand years old herself, Celestia had seen many strange and large creatures in her life, but she had never before seen a creature quite as big as the one before her.

"Well, I certainly hope he doesn't have an appetite for gems." Rarity commented. "I don't want any creature eating my new gem-styled dresses!" She exclaimed out loud. The seamstress then realized something and looked down to see Spike, who was standing next to her this entire time, looking up at her. "Oh, not you Spikey-wikey. We both know you would never do such a thing." She smiled and gently rubbed the little dragon on the head with her hoof.

"Agreed." Princess Luna stated with a more serious tone "But I believe the better question would be: Is this creature a threat?" It was a question that many asked since the Monster King's arrival.

"A creature of this size would no doubt pose a serious threat to Ponyville, if he chooses to." Princess Celestia stated as she narrowed her eyes at the unconscious kaiju. While it was her and Luna's duty to protect their subjects from any and all threats, she was still a very benevolent leader, and would not go judging others merely by their appearances and looks.

"Well, that's reassuring." Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath as she folded her hooves. This caused Applejack to give her a quick bump to the side of her abdomen, followed by an annoyed stern look. The farm pony clearly wanted her pegasus friend to have a bit more respect in the presence of the Princesses.

But things only got more concerning when Twilight suddenly began to slowly and cautiously approach the unconscious Godzilla's snout, seemingly out of pure curiosity.

"Twilight, what are you doing? Get back!" Starlight exclaimed with a fearful tone, concerned for the safety of her teacher/friend.

"I'm just curious." Twilight assured her while keeping her eyes on the unconscious kaiju as she continued approaching him before finally coming to a halt. She was now standing only three meters away from the snout of the kaiju. "I've never seen a creature this big up close." She whispered to herself.

As Twilight was studying him, a small smile formed on her lips at the sight of such a creature. This may very well be the greatest discovery in the history of Equestria!

But, as she was studying him up close, the ponies' worst fears suddenly came true! In an instant, Godzilla's eyes shot open, revealing his golden-yellow eyes and catching everypony completely by surprise!

The equines around the now-awakened Godzilla gasped in fear and surprise at the kaiju's unexpected awakening! To them, this has now become a literal living nightmare! The saurian's eyes instinctively turned to the pony that was closest to him: Twilight Sparkle!

The Princess of Friendship gasped in surprise as her ears flattened against her head — she was gazing at her own reflection in Godzilla's golden eyes as if they were mirrors.

"Come on, Twilight! Let's go!" Starlight Glimmer called out, snapping Twilight out of her daze. Once the Princess was free from her daze and shook her head, she began to slowly back away from the awakened Monster King as he began moving his body.

"Everypony, please back away from the creature!" Princess Celestia ordered. Even if their Princess never ordered them to, the ponies would've still moved away from such an incredibly large creature that has just awoken.

With some effort, the Monster King placed the palms of his hands against the ground, and pushed himself against it to aid him in getting up on his own two feet. The equines looked on in astonishment as the creature before them slowly rose up on its two legs and stood to its full, ginormous height! Showing everypony just how big it truly was!

Godzilla easily towered over the ponies that were below him—who were tiny to him in terms of size—and the trees that were around him. He even towered over Twilight's castle, with the castle itself only reaching the end of Godzilla's legs!

The ponies could only look up at the kaiju with faces that were filled with astonishment, shock, and awe. Their mouths were literally hanging open and some had their ears flattened against their heads, no doubt out of fear. Even the two alicorn rulers of Equestria couldn't help but feel intimidated and somewhat helpless just at the mere sight of the giant beast.

Godzilla looked down and noticed the large crowd of ponies standing/floating many meters away from his feet, staring and gazing up at him with shocked and astonished looks. Normally, Godzilla would not be interested in ponies, but something caught his attention about these ones. As far as he knew, ponies were more earth tones, like brown, gray, white or black in color. But these were different, they came in a more wide range of colors, some that Godzilla didn't even know existed. But what was even more unusual to him about these ponies was how they appeared: some had a single, pointed horn on their heads, while others had bird-like wings, and some had neither.

The Monster King looked more closely and noticed three ponies in particular that were standing slightly closer to him than the other ponies, with two of them being noticeably taller. Unlike the other ponies, these three had both a horn on their heads and wings. Godzilla surmised that these three may be the leaders of this race. While at it, he also noticed a small purple dragon standing between two of the ponies that somewhat reminded him of some of the dragon enemies he's dealt with in the past—especially a certain dragon that possessed three heads and breathed lightning. Judging from his size and appearance, the saurian could guess that this one was still very young.

The Monster King now turned his attention and looked overhead, where he noticed a small village not too far from where he's currently standing. It was filled with houses that remind him of the rural villages spread throughout Japan. Godzilla presumed that this must be where humans would be living, but he did not spot a single human being in sight. Along with the village, Godzilla also noticed the large castle (that appeared to be made of crystals) residing on the opposite side of this small town. The castle, of course, was nowhere near as tall as him.

Thanks to his enormous height, the saurian could also see things that were a great distance away from himself. Turning his head to his right, the Monster King looked up at a mountain in the far distance, where he noticed yet another castle residing on the side of the tall mountain.

As Godzilla was busy looking around his new surroundings, Applejack quietly approached the Princess of Friendship.

"Twi, should we do something—anything?" Applejack asked fearfully, clearly unnerved and uneasy by the titan's presence.

"No. We have to wait and see what move he'll make first." Twilight Sparkle stated while gazing up at the kaiju. "If he's not hostile then there's no need to attack him." Being the Princess of Friendship, Twilight hated to use unnecessary force and violence.

"But what if he decides to attack us?" Applejack pressured, still unsure about the kaiju's motives.

"Don't worry! If he attacks us, we'll take him down." Rainbow Dash stated with a cocky tone while hovering proudly and puffing up her chest. Though deep down, she was actually just as worried and terrified as any of her friends.

"Yeah, right." Applejack muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

After scanning his surroundings for some time, Godzilla turned his attention back at the ponies. Judging by their current looks, they appeared to be ready to flee and scream in terror the moment he gets ready to attack. The horns of the two Princesses were already lightened with blue and yellow auras, and were ready to unleash their powerful magic on him should he choose to attack their subjects.

It lasted only two minutes, but it felt like an eternity for the ponies as they were hesitant to do anything.

Finally, it was Godzilla who decided to make the first move. Lifting his head up, the Monster King opened his jaws, and unleashed his mighty, ear-shattering roar!


Everypony's ears instantly flattened against their heads due to the intense and very loud roar that escaped Godzilla's jaws. The Monster King's powerful roar even made Luna's and Celestia's Royal Canterlot Voices seem like a joke!

Eventually, the saurian ceased his roar and turned back to the ponies.

"It is your choice now." Princess Luna thought, ready to go on the offensive should Godzilla decide to attack them.

After a few more moments of observation, the King of the Monsters eventually made his decision, but it was one that few expected — with a soft growl, he slowly turned around and proceeded to leave the ponies and their home town entirely without so much as looking back. As he turned his back on them, the ponies watched in awe and amazement as Godzilla's gigantic tail swung over them! The ponies who were standing on the ground could also feel the powerful vibrations through the ground from each heavy step Godzilla took, which gradually began to decrease as the Monster King moved further and further away from them.

Once Godzilla was well over two-thousand feet away from Ponyville, the ponies sighed in relief, knowing for sure that they were now safe.

"Whew." Applejack breathed a sigh of relief as she wiped some sweat off of her face. "I'm glad that's over and done with, right, Twi?"

"Yeah." Twilight also sighed of relief, and gained a smile on her face as she watched Godzilla still heading towards his chosen destination, wherever that may be. "I'm glad things didn't turn out bad."

"It would seem that the danger had passed... for now." Princess Luna stated with a more serious tone, watching the Monster King depart from Ponyville.

"So~ does this mean we can continue the party?" Pinkie Pie asked eagerly, completely overlooking the encounter they just had with the giant monster and making the other ponies sigh in annoyance.


Later that same day, the news of Godzilla's appearance near Ponyville was quick to spread like wildfire through the small town. The residents have gathered back to Ponyville and began talking about the encounter they had. Nowhere was this discussion more serious than in the Castle of Friendship. There, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have also joined in, and began discussing about what they had encountered yesterday.

"I'm not sure if he was a dragon." Spike stated. While Spike himself was a dragon and had several experiences with other dragons, he had never seen a 'dragon' of this size and scale before.

"Your right, Spike. He was awfully big, even for a dragon." Applejack agreed.

"Indeed. That creature was too big to be a dragon. Heck! He was even bigger than an Ursa Major!" Twilight exclaimed, her expression and tone were a mix of both interest and concern.

"I'm not sure what he was, either. I'm familiar with a lot of creatures, but he was unlike anything I've ever seen before." Fluttershy spoke meekly. Even though she was an expert all kinds of animals and many other creatures in Equestria, Godzilla was a creature unlike any she had seen before. And considering his dragon-like appearance and unbelievable size, the shy pegasus would much rather avoid another encounter with him.

"He may very well be a creature from another world, like the one Sunset Shimmer currently calls home." Princess Luna suggested.

"That might be the case. He did, after all, drop from some kind of portal that appeared out of nowhere in the sky." Twilight pointed out now that Luna brought that up.

"Which raises many questions: Why here? Where does that portal lead to? And what brought him here?" Princess Celestia added, her tone filling with concern and worry. For all she knew, that portal may very well lead to a world filled with gigantic creatures (and she had no idea how right she was).

"Those are all good questions that need answering." Twilight agreed. She placed a hoof on her chin as she began pondering. "We also don't know what he plans to do here."

"Well, he didn't seem that bad. Maybe he's just lost?" Fluttershy timidly spoke up, trying to be optimistic about this.

"Ooooooor~, maybe he's just hiding and planning something! Maybe he's waiting for us to drop our guard so he can come back in the middle of the night and pick us off one by one!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed hysterically, over-exaggerating the current situation.

Every other pony in the room gave her either an annoyed sigh or a confused frown.

Then came Starlight's turn to speak...

"But this creature might not be the only one. There could be more portals opening somewhere else in Equestria even as we speak, that might bring other creatures that are like or similar to him." She suggested.

An interesting and very frightening possibility. One which was enough to put even more stress on the others.

"That is an excellent point, Starlight." The Princess of the Night complemented. "There is no guarantee that this creature is the only one that came to Equestria." Princess Luna said in agreement. "We must be prepared for whatever comes our way!"

"Agreed." Princess Celestia said as she also gained a more serious look on her face. "And perhaps if another creature, similar to the one we encountered today, comes, it may be hostile." Her voice was now filled with more dread and concern.

"So what?" Rainbow Dash asked casually. Seemingly unconcerned, she rested against her throne without a care in the world. "We've been through a lot in the past and won!" She stated with a casual smirk.

"You don't know that, Rainbow." Twilight said, turning to the rainbow-maned pegasus. "This creature might be more powerful than he seems." She stated, trying to get her pegasus friend to take the situation more seriously. At the same time, Twilight also couldn't help but wonder what Godzilla was doing this very moment.

The Monster King was currently roaming this new and seemingly alien world.

Walking through the Everfree Forest, Godzilla crushed tree after tree with each step he took. Occasionally lifting and swinging his long tail around before slamming it against the ground. As he wandered the Everfree Forest, the Monster King couldn't help but lift his head up and sniff the air—it smelled just like his home. He did not find human structures or settlements anywhere besides the ones in Ponyville when he first arrived. But even then, he did not find a single human anywhere.

Ever since he arrived here, Godzilla saw no humans whatsoever. But he was glad with the apparent lack of humans in this place, as they would (more often than not) either scream and run away from him in terror, or foolishly stay to fight him, thus losing their lives in the process.

As Godzilla continued to roam the forest, all of its native predators (such as Timberwolves and Hydras) steered clear of him, not wanting to mess with a creature that was many times their size.

After roaming far and wide for quite some time, the saurian eventually came across a welcoming sight. A very large lake was present in front of his path.

This filled the King of Monsters with satisfaction, as he was getting a bit tired from roaming this place for the last one hour. Slowly approaching it, Godzilla dipped his legs, and then his lower half into the lake. Being semi-aquatic in nature, he had an uncanny ability to breath both on land and underwater indefinitely. This lake was also large and deep enough for his entire body to be submerged—and that was exactly what Godzilla did. He submerged his entire body — head, dorsal fins, tail,everything — under the water and completely disappeared beneath the surface of the peaceful lake.

The next day, Princess Luna lowered the Moon so her elder sister can rise the Sun to start a new day.

In the Castle of Friendship, Twilight's friends entered the throne room to find an exhausted Twilight sitting on her throne and reading a book with dozens of other books placed on the Friendship Map. Twilight herself did not sleep very much because she was busy almost the entire night; reading and searching all of her books for any detail or clue on Godzilla, or the portal that brought him here.

"So did ya find anythin', Twilight? About our 'guest'?" Applejack asked as she sat on her throne.

"Nothing!" The Princess exclaimed in frustration. "I didn't find anything about him whatsoever! I've read every single one of my books and there's nothing!" She exclaimed frantically. The Princess of Friendship had indeed read all the books in her collection nonstop, not missing a single page, and yet, she found no traces relating to Godzilla in the slightest.

"Maybe what Fluttershy said was true, maybe he is just lost." Spike suggested, hoping to ease his friend in some way.

"That may be true, Spike." Twilight said, partly agreeing with the young dragon as she turned to him. "But like Starlight said before: We can't ignore the possibility that there are more who came, and we especially can't ignore the possibility of these creatures being threats to Equestria."

"Oh! Oh! I got it!" Pinkie Pie once again popped in, waving a hoof like a student would in class. "What if he was sent here from a dying world, so that one day he'll become a hero of our world?!"

"Yeah... sure." Rainbow Dash snickered, trying to keep her laughter in at Pinkie Pie's exaggerated theory.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, not at Pinkie's ridiculous theory, but at the fact that she was getting nowhere. She could only hope that this creature would not do any harm to others or Equestria itself. However, she also knew that she should never judge a book by its cover, as was the case when she and her friends first met Thorax, a changeling that was unlike the others and actually helped in changing the other changelings into becoming a better race.

All of the sudden, everyone in the room heard a knocking on one of the doors, which quickly got their attention. They weren't expecting any guests or visitors. The right door then opened and revealed...

"Ember!" Spike exclaimed happily before jumping off his throne and running up to greet his only dragon friend who had just entered the room and properly welcomed her with a hug, much to Ember's embarrassment as she blushed slightly.

"Hey, Spike." Ember greeted him with a warm and friendly smile, and gently patted him on the head.

"What brings you here, Ember?" Twilight asked while also getting off her throne and walking up to the current Dragon Lord, followed by her friends.

At this point, however, Ember's friendly expression quickly turned one of seriousness.

"I need your help, Twilight." She answered, the tone in her voice turning more serious by the second.

Along with this, the sudden change in her mood overall caused the ponies and Spike to look at her in confusion. What did the Dragon Lord need help for? Is it a friendship problem or something similar?

"For what, Ember?" A confused Spike asked, hoping to help her in some way.

"The Dragon Lands are under attack." She finally answered disdainfully, clenching her fists in anger to match the equal amount of ire that suddenly appeared in her tone. It sounded as if she had just lost a war.

The looks of confusion on everyone's faces immediately turned into that of shock and surprise at what Ember had just said. It seemed hard to believe — what or who in Equestria would have a reason to attack the Dragon Lands? And for that matter, what creature could have the strength and power to attack a land filled with dragons?

"By what, Ember?" A-now-very-concerned Spike asked worriedly.

"Well..." Ember began as she looked away from her friends and continued... "I'm not sure how to put this..."

Dragon Lands

The mighty former Dragon Lord, Torch, was pinned against the rocky ground by a four-clawed foot placed on his chest. The foot in particular belonged to another dragon... but it was a dragon unlike anything seen in Equestria.

For starters, he was HUGE; more than twice the size of the former Dragon Lord himself! He also had only two legs (one of which was on Torch's chest), along with very large wings and golden scales that shined and covered his entire body. But what was even more unusual about this dragon was the fact that he possessed not one, but two very long tails, and even stranger still, he also possessed three heads that sat atop three long necks. This dragon was none other than the feared King of Terror: King Ghidorah!

The three-headed kaiju had already defeated most of the dragons in the Dragon Lands as they lied beaten and motionless on the rocky ground, and now the only one in the Dragon Lands left to stand against his awesome power was the previous Dragon Lord... at least sixty minutes ago!

Seeing that victory was already practically his, King Ghidorah lifted his three heads into the sky and let loose a victorious roar from all three of them!

But Torch still had some fight left in him. Weakly turning to the unsuspecting kaiju, he growled"Don't... think you've won just yet, monster!" With that, he unleashed hot streams of flames from his mouth, aiming directly at King Ghidorah's central head! But unfortunately for Torch, his surprise attack was in vain, as King Ghidorah's head simply shrugged off his assault without showing even the tiniest sign of damage. He did, however, succeed in annoying the three-headed menace, which King Ghidorah responded by removing the foot that was placed on Torch's chest, and using it to deliver a powerful kick that send the weakened dragon rolling across the rocky ground like a football!

Once his opponent had stopped rolling and laid there, a good distance away from himself, King Ghidorah raised his heads and opened his three mouths. Golden light began to shine within the throat of each mouth, ready to fire their primary weapon at the opponent!

But it was quickly interrupted when Ghidorah suddenly felt being struck by an unknown force on one of his tails from behind. While the attack itself did not harm him at all, it was enough to cause him to cease his prepared attack.

The giant three-headed beast slowly turned around to see who was foolish enough to attack him like that. All three of his heads were quickly met with the ones who did it — who were also standing about three-hundred meters away from himself. Looking down, Ghidorah saw Ember (who he had met before) glaring up at him, along with another smaller dragon with purple scales and several new creatures that he's never seen before, doing the same thing — though they still had a difficult time hiding their fear.

"Twilight, do ya think it was wise to hit em' like that?" Applejack questioned her friend with worry now that King Ghidorah had his attention fixed on them.

"I had no choice, Applejack." Twilight said, turning her attention back to the three-headed beast and narrowing her eyes at him.


It was a usual day in the Dragon Lands; with Princess Ember succeeding her father as Dragon Lord, everything seemed to go well and okay. Most of the dragons were doing their daily activities of whatever they wanted, such as: Lavaboarding, racing, shooting rocks with fireballs and other similar activities. But of course, Ember had ordered the dragons to make peace with the ponies and not to harm them in any way, much to the disappointment and displeasure of most dragons.

Ember herself was sitting on a rocky edge, relaxing and enjoying the view. After all, as Dragon Lord, what could possibly go wrong?

Everything seemed to be going well... until something in the sky suddenly passed over the area where Ember and some of the other dragons were residing with unusual speed.

A massive shadow suddenly appeared out of nowhere and passed over the Dragon Lands with surprising speed, immediately catching the attention of not only Ember but also most of the other dragons. The dragons quickly looked up and began scanning the sky for whatever had passed them. Being highly territorial and naturally aggressive creatures, the dragons would not tolerate the presence of intruders in their lands. But they would also be unable to harm said intruder(s) without Ember's permission.

Although, they had no need to look too hard... as the owner of the shadow soon returned, and every dragon in the area could see him clearly! The intruder finally revealed himself just as he began descending on the ground, to a small clear area.

Once his four-clawed feet touched the rocky ground, every dragon in the area, both large and small, was paying attention solely to the intruder. Normally, the dragons would have reacted with aggression and hostility towards the intruder, but in this case, they were actually rather surprised, and even fascinated and amazed to what they see.

The intruder himself payed a very close resemblance to themselves, but also had many differences that easily distinguished him from any other dragon. For starters, he was incredibly big, even by dragon standards. So big in fact, that he easily towered over every single dragon that was present in the Dragon Lands! No dragon could even come close to his unbelievable size! It was like comparing mice to a leopard. This dragon also had only two legs and incredibly large wings. But the most bizarre thing about him—one of the main reasons why the dragons were looking at him in interest and fascination—was the fact that he possessed two very long tails that were tipped with feather-like projections, and like a hydra, he also possessed multiple heads—three heads, to be exact—that sat atop three long, snake-like necks! All three heads looked exactly the same in terms of size and appearance; all three of them had long, pointed horns running down their sides. This dragon's scales also seemed as if they were made of gold as they shined brightly in the sun—something which caught the interest of quite a few dragons. But little did the dragons know, they were gazing at the deadly King Ghidorah! A monster that had stripped many planets of their life!

King Ghidorah stood upright, with his wings spread wide. Each of King Ghidorah's heads turned and began scanning different directions in the area: The right head turned its attention to the east side, the left head began scanning the west side, and the central head focused on the north side. But no matter where each head turned and looked, they always ended up meeting dragons of different sizes and colors.

The dragons were very impressed by his massive size, but also very confused and baffled by his unusual appearance. To them, he seemed like a hybrid between a dragon and a hydra.

Ember, who was gazing at King Ghidorah in surprise and confusion from the edge of her cliff, decided to take action. Spreading her wings, the Dragon Lord took off and proceeded to fly towards the King of Terror, who was still standing and looking around his surroundings.

When she eventually came closer to him, Ember flew upwards to his eye level so he would notice her.

Once the Dragon Lord came closer, only the central head turned and started paying attention to her presence, while the other two heads were still busy looking around. Once Ember reached what she considered a good position, she stopped and hovered in mid-air, several meters away from the snout of the central head as it stared right at her.

Despite being Dragon Lord, Ember felt more than a little intimidated by Ghidorah's presence. She had to admit... he looked very terrifying up close, even by dragon standards.

But the young dragon pushed that aside, cleared her throat, and gave King Ghidorah's head the most assertive look she could.

"I am Ember! Daughter of Torch, Winner of the Gauntlet of Fire and Lord of all Dragons!" She exclaimed loudly and assertively, trying to show this dragon who she was. "And I ask: Who or what are you?"

King Ghidorah's head understood Ember's words and language perfectly well... and he didn't like it!

Who was this insignificant creature to dare speak to him, the King of Terror, like that? She may call herself 'Lord of all Dragons', but that title meant nothing to him! The central head narrowed its eyes, deciding that now would be the time to make his power and intent very clear to Ember and every dragon around him.

Without so much as a warning, Ghidorah's head suddenly lunged forward like a cobra trying to strike its prey, jaws wide open!

Ember's eyes widened in shock as the head lunged towards her! But despite being taken completely by surprise by the sudden and unexpected attack, the young dragon was able to clear her head and react in the nick of time! Flapping her wings, Ember darted backwards with incredible speed! By the time the jaws of the central head snapped shut, Ember was already a safe distance away! Should Ember have been a second too slow or had she hesitated, she would not have been so lucky.

King Ghidorah, however, was not finished—far from it, in fact. As soon as Ember was out of its biting reach, the central head opened its mouth and shot a golden, lightning-like Gravity Beam, which raced straight for the shocked and surprised Ember! But once again, the current Dragon Lord was able to use her speed and mobility to fly out of the beam's path and evade King Ghidorah's primary weapon just as it shot passed her without touching her.

The Dragon Lord was not the only one with a look of shock by this unexpected ability; every dragon around King Ghidorah now gazed at the monster with even more surprise and shock as to what he had just done. As if having three heads and two tails wasn't weird enough, he can also breath lightning?

"What the?! He can breath lightning? What in Equestria is he?" Ember thought in astonishment, briefly ignoring the fact that this dragon had just attacked and attempted to kill her.

With the central head having made its move, Ghidorah's other two heads quickly began to follow its lead! Without any hesitation, all three heads opened their mouths, and began firing their golden Gravity Beams at different directions in the area! The Gravity Beams went wildly and struck everything around their owner, causing small explosions wherever they made contact! They mainly struck the spots that were close to where some of the dragons were standing, laying, or resting—creating shockwaves that flung the dragons like ragdolls!

The Dragon Lord herself was left both shocked and speechless by King Ghidorah's sudden and unexpected actions as she watched the horror before her unfold. She couldn't understand why this dragon-like creature came out of nowhere and almost immediately—without any apparent reason—began to attack her land and her subjects. But there was no time to think about that, and Ember knew that this creature (dragon or not) was a threat to her subjects and her kingdom!

"So that's how you wanna do this, 'Three-Heads'?" Ember mockingly yelled out, before pointing a claw at the three-headed monster and exclaiming... "Take him down!"

Ember did not need to order her subjects twice (or possibly at all for, that matter); all the dragons in the area (regardless of size) growled and spread their wings, before taking off and flying towards the King of Terror! Like a swarm of bees, the subjects of Ember quickly surrounded the three-headed monster in order to attack him from every direction at once, despite the clear size difference! Most of the dragons started their assault with their own primary weapons—hot streams of fire shot from their mouths! They unleashed their flames at the extraterrestrial kaiju, and struck him in almost every area: Legs, chest, wings, back, heads, and even the tails!

Against most native creatures of Equestria, the battle would have been already over... but not against this otherworldly beast!

It wasn't long before their attacks prove to be ineffective as the dragons' flames did little more than slightly annoy and irritate the King of Terror. In retaliation, King Ghidorah swung his two powerful tails like two giant, faceless serpents and smacked several unlucky dragons out of the air with them! The three heads then turned to the other group of dragons that were hovering and flying above him, before proceeding to fire back with their more powerful Gravity Beams!

Luckily though, the dragons were able to avoid the deadly powerful beams... but just barely.

A good distance away from where King Ghidorah was rampaging, Ember could only gaze at the battle (if one could even call it that) with widened eyes that were filled with both shock and even fear. She couldn't comprehend this—her race was suppose to be one of the most powerful and feared in all of Equestria! And yet, here they were, completely outmatched by this three-headed dragon-like creature! The dragons couldn't even leave a scratch or a mark on him, and what's worse, King Ghidorah had absolutely no trouble taking them down and defeating them!

It wasn't even a fair fight—not for the dragons, at least—it was a completely one-sided rampage in Ghidorah's favor! The extraterrestrial beast let loose a small, sadistic cackle, very much enjoying the destruction he was causing, just as he had done to many other countless worlds.

But all this commotion suddenly attract the attention of another, unexpected dragon — and this dragon was the former Dragon Lord and the father of the current Dragon Lord!

The mighty Torch came flying towards the area, before stopping and descending down, landing on a nearby cliff, not too far away from the area that King Ghidorah was attacking.

His presence immediately caused the dragons to stop, and even made Ghidorah momentarily halt his rampage and regard the large dragon as all three heads turned to look at him. Torch was incredibly large, even for a dragon—however... he was not even close to Ghidorah's superior size! In fact, at best, he was only slightly taller than King Ghidorah's upper legs.

"What is all this racket?!" Torch demanded angrily as he looked around, before noticing King Ghidorah, at which point his eyes also widened in surprise. Both at the fact that this dragon was actually bigger than him and the fact that he had an unusual body design.

At that moment, Ember quickly flew up to her father's face and hovered in front of him.

"Dad! This dragon — or whatever he is — is attacking our Kingdom and nothing we're doing against him is working!" She quickly explained.

"What?!" Torch exclaimed in surprise before turning to the King of Terror and glaring at him with visible anger in his eyes. "You dare attack my daughter's kingdom?!" He roared loudly and menacingly, the rage in his voice was just as clear as the anger in his eyes!

Though as threatening as Torch was, King Ghidorah wasn't intimidated the least bit. In fact, he was now actually rather pleased as he always enjoyed a good challenge.

Turning to him, Ghidorah suddenly unleashed his Gravity Beams from all three mouths at once, directly at Torch! Seeing this, Ember quickly flew out of the way! The former Dragon Lord also had surprisingly fast reflexes of his own, which he demonstrated by suddenly spreading his wings and darting upwards like a rocket to evade the powerful attack that instantly blew the cliff he previously stood on to pieces!

"So you wish to battle me, huh?" Torch asked, hovering in mid-air via flapping his wings. "You may be bigger, but that does not mean that I shall lose!"

King Ghidorah—more than eager to prove him wrong—flapped his own enormous wings and took to the sky as well!

Once both combatants were in the air, Torch made his first move by unleashing streams of fire from his mouth, striking Ghidorah directly in the chest! But as with all the other dragons so far, this did not harm Monster Zero the least bit. Ghidorah then retaliated by firing his Gravity Beams at Torch!

Although surprised by his fire having no effect on the opponent, Torch managed to react quickly enough to dodge all three beams by flying out of their paths. However, as he was distracted with the Gravity Beams themselves, Torch failed to notice King Ghidorah racing for him from below like a great white shark ambushing a seal... until he was too late!

King Ghidorah's middle and right heads lunged forward and bit down on Torch's left arm and left wing with their strong jaws, causing the latter to roar out in pain! Working together, the two heads forcefully lifted and then threw the mighty dragon down at the ground with incredible force! Upon impact, Torch's massive body made a loud 'BOOM' the moment he made contact with the ground!

The former Dragon Lord grunted in pain; for all of his years of combat, he had never faced such a powerful foe. This three-headed creature, without question, was more powerful than anything Torch had ever faced (or seen) before.

"Dad!" Ember cried out in worry as she landed the ground close to her father's face to see if he was alright.

"Ugh. He is stronger than I thought," Torch muttered while slowly getting up. "I'll hold him off long enough for-" He was suddenly cut off mid-sentence by his daughter.

"Wait! I've got an idea: I'll get help!" A desperate Ember stated with a reluctant smile.

"Help? From ponies?!" Torch asked, disliking the idea already. "Ember, we're dragons, we don't help. Especially from ponies!"

"That was when you were in charge. And besides, they might have some way to stop this thing!" Ember exclaimed back. "And also, what option do we have left? Flee like cowards?"

This now made Torch very mad (if not, furious); the one thing he hated most was seeing dragons fleeing from battle.

"Alright, fine! Go get help! But I don't expect them to do any better." Torch muttered in annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, dad, they are tougher than they look." Ember stated with a confident smile.

Just then, Monster Zero landed behind Torch (eight-hundred feet away from him), and roared at him with all three heads!

"Go, Ember!" Torch exclaimed before getting up and turning around to face the King of Terror once again.

"You go, dad." Ember quietly cheered him on with a small smile before spreading her wings and taking off.

"Alright, let us do this again." Torch stated before opening his mouth and breathing fire at King Ghidorah!

End of Flashback

"Is he a dragon or a hydra?" Rainbow Dash asked. Just like the dragons before, the pegasus was very baffled by King Ghidorah's odd appearance.

"A Dragonydra or Hydragon, maybe?" Pinkie guessed, making up hybrid names as she went along. "Hmmm, 'Hydragon' sounds like an awesome name!"

"I think we should figure that out later." Starlight Glimmer said as she looked up at King Ghidorah with a serious look on her face.

King Ghidorah's middle head raised an eyebrow, while his right head narrowed its eyes and growled. He did not know what these new creatures were—and he most certainly did not care, it just meant more 'fun' for him! Ghidorah's left head suddenly moved closer, and fired its Gravity Beam at the seven ponies and two dragons!

As if on instinct, Twilight and Starlight were quick on the draw to use their combined magic to teleport their friends and themselves before the Gravity Beam could reach them. By the time the electrical beam struck the ground—which exploded on contact—the ponies and dragons were already gone, much to Ghidorah's surprise and confusion.

In a flash of purple/blue lights, the seven ponies and the two dragons appeared behind a large rock where King Ghidorah (presumably) could not see them. The ponies and Spike were caught completely off guard by this sudden and unexpected attack.

"That beast tried to destroy us!" Rarity angrily yelled out.

"I'm not sure if he's a dragon or a hydra, anymore!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I mean, what creature breaths lightning like that?!"

"An electric Hydragon!" Pinkie exclaimed, causing the cyan pegasus to roll her eyes and sigh.

"The better question is: How do we stop him?" Twilight asked, changing the topic to its original goal.

"We tried everything against him, but nothing worked." Ember explained. "He's practically immune to our fire!"

Twilight looked down as she began to think the situation through in her mind. She was not sure how to deal with this: Judging from Ember's explanation, this creature would surely resist her's and Starlight's magical attacks, even if they combine their powers. She predicted that a direct attack on the three-headed beast would be futile—and possible even fatal.

"I suppose we could lure him away from the Dragon Lands and-" Her sentence was cut-short when she and everyone else began hearing, and feeling, powerful and loud vibrations through the ground.

Cautiously, Fluttershy slowly peeked her head to see what's going on—at which point, her eyes immediately widened in shock and her pupils shrunk.

"He's coming here!" She exclaimed.

Quickly and without hesitation, the seven ponies and the two dragons jumped out of the rock they were hiding behind just as a Gravity Beam came down and destroyed it instantly!

The heroines looked up to see the towering King Ghidorah glaring down at them and opening his three mouths, ready to strike them down with his electrical beams.

If only he could, though...

Before his primary weapon was allowed to be unleashed, a bright neon-blue beam shot out of nowhere with blinding speed, and struck King Ghidorah in the back, causing the surprised three-headed dragon to topple down on the rocky ground, on his belly!

Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Ember, and Spike looked at the fallen beast in silent surprise, before turning to see where the beam was shot from. And to their even greater surprise, standing a significant distance away from them was none other than Godzilla!

Taking a deep breath, the Monster King let loose a very loud and powerful roar!


It was a clear challenge to the three-headed dragon, who got up, turned around, and glared at his arch-nemesis with all six eyes. Ghidorah opened his mouths and let loose his own roar! And his roar was a clear sign that he accepted Godzilla's challenge.

"No way! He's back!" Rainbow exclaimed in surprise. Her exclaim, however, did not go unheard by Ember.

"Wait, you know him?" Ember asked in surprise and confusion before turning to Twilight for some kind of explanation.

"Well... sort of. We'll explain later." The princess assured her before turning back to the brawl that was about to begin!

The two kaiju sized each-other up, but it was obvious to everyone watching that King Ghidorah had a significant height advantage over Godzilla. Although the Monster King was still far bigger than Torch.

Godzilla, not deterred or intimidated by Ghidorah's height, made his first move: His dorsal fins and the inside of his mouth began to light up and glow with a bright blue color, right before a radioactive Heat Ray of the same color shot out of his mouth and raced for Ghidorah! The King of Terror, unwilling to go down so easily, quickly ducked his heads down and covered the front of his body with his large wings to shield himself from Godzilla's incoming Atomic Breath! The blue radioactive beam smashed into King Ghidorah's 'shield' dead-on! However, the King of Terror successfully blocked Godzilla's primary weapon when it struck him, doing little damage as a result.

The seven ponies and two dragons were left with their mouths hanging open to match the already shocked expressions on their faces.

"Was that fire he just shot out of his mouth?" Spike asked, both amazed and confused by Godzilla's attack.

"If it is, it's unlike any fire I've seen." Ember stated in equal astonishment.

King Ghidorah was quick to retaliate; flapping his massive wings, he took to the air! He then began flying straight for Godzilla with surprising speed, instantly closing the large distance between them. Once he was close enough, the extraterrestrial kaiju knocked Godzilla down on his back with a strong kick to the head, with Godzilla's dorsal spines piercing and sinking into the rocky ground as if it were made of butter.

Godzilla quickly tried to get up on his feet, but King Ghidorah came plummeting down and stomping on the saurian's chest with his full weight, earning a roar of pain from the Monster King! The three-headed kaiju cackled sadistically before flapping his wings and flying upwards in an attempt to repeat the attack.

But Godzilla's having none of that...

As soon as Monster Zero was in the air and reached a considerable altitude, Godzilla quickly fired his radioactive Heat Ray and struck Ghidorah directly in the chest, not only catching the three-headed dragon off guard, but the sudden impact of the attack also caused him to get blasted out of the sky! Ghidorah fell back on the rocky ground, away from Godzilla!

Getting up on his feet, Godzilla shook off the boulders that were stuck on his dorsal spines and roared at his fallen three-headed foe. Charging up his body again, the saurian opened his mouth and fired his primary weapon at the downed monster, causing all three heads to screech in agony! But despite the pain he was feeling and the intense power the beam possessed, King Ghidorah still managed to get up on his feet, even while still being blasted. After Godzilla ceased his attack, the three-headed kaiju returned the favor by unleashing his Gravity Beams from all three heads; striking the saurian mostly in the chest, face, and lower half of his body.

The Monster King howled in pain, but he had felt worse in the past.

Monster Zero ceased his attack and suddenly came charging at Godzilla on foot! Once he was close enough, Ghidorah's heads lashed out: The right head bit down on Godzilla's left shoulder, while the left head bit onto his right arm, and the central head chomped on the saurian's neck! With all three heads having a firm hold on the Monster King with their jaws, each head began to release a strong electric shock through its bite — which was visible as Godzilla's entire body became surrounded by yellow-colored electricity, making him roar out in pain even more!

"What the hay kind of monster is he?" Applejack asked in astonishment. Never before had the farm pony seen such an ability from such a creature.

"I don't know, but it sure is... shocking!" Pinkie Pie said before bursting into laughter at her own joke. She quickly stopped when she realized that she was literally the only one laughing, and everyone else was either giving her an annoyed look or paying attention at the battle. "What?"

Godzilla, however, was far from being defeated; his dorsal fins began to lighten up again as he gathered more nuclear energy. But instead of emerging from his jaws in the form of an Atomic Breath, the saurian did something else—the stored nuclear energy surged outwards from every inch of his body in a powerful Nuclear Pulse! The sheer power of Godzilla's pulse was enough to force Ghidorah's heads to releasing their hold on him, and also causing the three-headed dragon to get blown backwards and topple to the ground!

All those who just witnessed this simply gazed in shock, awe, and amazement.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly, very much entertained by the battle between the two titans.

"He just blew that three-headed meanie away! AWESOME!" Pinkie exclaimed even louder.

"I'm now pretty sure that he's not a dragon." Ember stated calmly, but still astonished and shocked after witnessing Godzilla's new ability.

"Whatever he is, he's still awesome in my book!" Rainbow Dash declared, still very impressed with the Monster King.

While the others had to admit that Godzilla's abilities were indeed pretty spectacular to watch, they couldn't help but feel a little worried about what he could do with them should he turn on the ponies and other races of Equestria.

Godzilla approached the fallen King Ghidorah, before he bent down and grabbed both of the extraterrestrial kaiju's tails with his hands. Then, using his immense strength, Godzilla lifted the much heavier monster off the rocky ground before slamming him down against it as hard as he could! He proceeded to do this again, and again, and again! Before using his strength to throw the three-headed beast a good distance away from himself, causing him to crash on his back!

The King of Terror tried to get up. But just as he was doing so, Godzilla began charging up his body again. However, this time his dorsal plates not only lightened up like before, but they also became surrounded by visible blue-colored electricity...and that was when Godzilla fired his Spiral Heat Ray—a stronger variation of his Atomic Breath—from his mouth!

While this beam appeared mostly the same as his regular Atomic Breath, in that it was blue in color, it was also wrapped in a purplish spiral of energy.

The three-headed dragon had little time to react as the powerful radioactive beam smashed into his unprotected chest! The force of the beam was so incredibly powerful that it actually caused Ghidorah to get pushed back even further away from Godzilla, despite his effort to resist it!

After the attack finally ceased, King Ghidorah fell down on his back and quickly got up—with a noticeable difference: The chest area where Godzilla's Spiral Heat Ray struck was visibly burned as smoke rose from his wound with some of the scales even falling off his body.

The seven ponies and two dragons could only gaze in amazement and disbelief at the display of Godzilla's awesome power!

"Wow..." Was all Spike could mutter.

"Cool!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily while clapping her hooves in joy as if she was watching a circus.

"I know, right?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, awed at Godzilla's Spiral Heat Ray.

"He's more powerful then I imagined..." Twilight Sparkle said with an amazed look on her face. She was honestly not expecting the saurian to posses such immense and destructive power.

"He... actually managed to hurt him." Ember said in amazement. After all she and her fellow dragons went through to even try and damage King Ghidorah, Godzilla was able to do it with a single shot of his new attack.

"I don't think that's fire he shoots from his mouth." Starlight hypothesized. From the moment she noticed Godzilla's dorsal spines spark with blue-colored electricity, she knew she had to carefully study and observe what Godzilla will do next—and she was right to do so.

"Yeah, it's something else... something more powerful." Twilight agreed, but then quickly turned to look at Spike and Ember, who were both giving her stern looks. "No offense..." She nervously giggled.

King Ghidorah resisted the urge to roar in pain, but he was beginning to think that this was not a battle worth it anymore — and was soon given another good reason to abandon the battle: Godzilla fired his regular Atomic Breath at full power, this time aiming for and striking Monster Zero's right wing. The moment the saurian's Heat Ray made contact with King Ghidorah's wing, it pierced through and made a large hole in his wing, and finally allowing King Ghidorah to cry out in pain!

Godzilla roared again, challenging Ghidorah to either leave now or face defeat.

Seeing no other option left, Monster Zero, despite still having a gaping hole, flapped his wings and took to the sky, where he flew higher and higher until he passed the clouds and eventually left the atmosphere entirely.

With his enemy defeated and retreating, Godzilla lifted his head and allowed himself to have a roar of triumph.


"Ugh. I wish he would stop that." Rarity muttered in annoyance as she covered her ears with her hooves.

"He did it! He did it!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed loudly as she bounced up and down happily.

"Um, Pinkie, I think it might be a little too soon for a celebration." Spike said with nervousness, and he had a reason to be...

Godzilla now turned his attention down at the ponies and dragons that were standing a significant distance away from him. Upon examining them, he quickly recognized the seven ponies and the small purple dragon, but he did not remember seeing the slightly taller blue one with wings.

In any case, Godzilla guessed that they would pose no threat to him, and he honestly doubted they would, especially after witnessing his very recent victory against the King of Terror. With a soft growl, the saurian turned and proceeded to walk away from them and the Dragon Lands without causing any trouble. But not before he turned his head slightly to his right to look at Twilight Sparkle in her beautiful purple eyes from the corner of his eye.

He stood and stared at the Princess of Friendship for a few seconds before turning back to his chosen direction and proceeding to leave the Dragon Lands entirely.

"Well, this day is definitely one that I won't forget." Ember commented as she folded her arms, watching Godzilla depart from her kingdom.

"I don't think any of us are gonna forget this." Starlight also commented.


Later that same day, The Princess of Friendship and her friends returned from the Dragon Lands after explaining to Ember how Godzilla came from the mysterious portal the previous day. Miraculously, none of the dragons that fought King Ghidorah were killed, they were either knocked unconscious or seriously injured.


The Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike went back to the Castle of Friendship and sat on their respective thrones.

"So, does anypony have any opinions on today's event?" Twilight was the first to speak.

"Yeah, we saw an awesome fight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly as she flew upwards to express her excitement on the outside.

"And how!?" Pinkie added.

"More to the point, what was that three-headed creature?" Twilight asked. "It was completely different from any known creature in Equestria." Then a possibility came to her mind. "You think it might have come from a portal like the one the first creature came from?"

Before any of her friends could reply or answer...

"Perhaps we can answer that question..."

The ponies and Spike immediately froze upon hearing two mysterious female voices seemingly out of nowhere. They stood silent for a good five seconds before Rainbow Dash decided to break the silence...

"Tell me I'm not the only one who just heard that."

"Nope. Ah don't think so, partner." Applejack said.

"We apologize if we startled you."

The two voices spoke up again, the ponies and Spike now began looking around the room but found no sign of anyone around but themselves.

"Um, no, no. It's alright." Starlight Glimmer assured them while still looking around. "Where are you?"

"Are you ghosts?" Pinkie asked before suddenly gasping in shock. "Is the castle haunted?" She gasped again. "Are we possessed?!"

The voices could be heard chuckling in amusement.

"We assure you, we are not ghosts and your castle is not haunted, nor are you possessed. We are not in your world, we are currently speaking to you through telepathy."

Everypony's eyes widened in shock and surprise upon hearing this sudden and very unexpected information. Twilight's expression of shock soon turned around when a huge grin on her face formed.

"You're communicating with us from another world via telepathy!" She exclaimed excitedly, and rather loudly. "This is amazing! There's no known spell that can do this! Communicating through different worlds without the need of sending letters!? It's..."

She soon came to a halt when she noticed several of her friends giving her sighs and somewhat annoyed looks.

"Sorry..." Twilight chuckled nervously as she blushed and her ears flattened.

"Anyway, can you tell us anything about the creatures that appeared in our world?" Starlight asked, going back to the original topic.

"Indeed we can, but let us first introduce ourselves. We are the Elias. Keepers of balance and peace in our world." The ones now called 'The Elias' introduced themselves very politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Twilight replied politely with a smile, even if she couldn't see them. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike."

"Likewise, Miss Sparkle. As you already are aware, there have been incidences of strange and very large creatures appearing in your world. These creatures are from the same world we reside in."

"That explains it." Rainbow Dash commented.

"The creature that you first encountered is called 'Godzilla'."

"Ya' mean that dragon-looking creature with those spikes on his back?" Applejack asked.

"Indeed. The other creature, the one that possesses three heads, is called 'King Ghidorah'. Despite his name, he is not truly a king, that is merely his name."

"But what are they doing here? How did they come to our world in the first place?" Starlight Glimmer now began asking the more important questions.

"There has been... an 'incident' in our world. The main inhabitants of our world have developed a device that creates portals, and it just so happens that the portals lead to you're world. We fear that more of the creatures from our world may end up appearing in you're world as time goes on."

This made the ponies and Spike cringe. After witnessing the display of power from Godzilla and King Ghidorah's battle, they couldn't help but worry about the possibility of more of these gigantic creatures coming to and roaming Equestria.

"Are they going to attack or cause any kind of harm?" Twilight asked tentatively. Her voice was now changing to more concern and worry than anything else.

"Most of these creatures will not attack so long as you do not attack them first. However, there are exceptions to this, such as King Ghidorah, who seeks to destroy anything and any creature he encounters."

The ponies and Spike gasped, their faces were filled with shock and horror upon hearing this.

"But why? Why would he do such a thing?" The young princes asked, hoping there was some kind of explanation for his behavior.

"King Ghidorah destroys creatures purely for his entertainment and amusement. He takes joy in destroying and harming others. "

Everypony's faces turned to disgust at the idea of a creature destroying and harming others for pleasure. After hearing this, King Ghidorah sounded no better than Chrysalis, Tirek, or the Storm King — if anything, Ghidorah sounded even worse than them!

"Are there any more that are like him?" A-now-very concerned and worried Starlight asked with a fearful and uneasy tone.

"A few more, yes. We may not be able to help you much, but we shall explain to you the origin of Godzilla and the creatures that are similar to him."

"Wait a moment, please!" Twilight said before using her magic to bring a book and a quill to the table. There was no way she could miss an opportunity like this. "Okay, please continue."

And with that, the Elias began to explain Godzilla's origin and backstory.

Elsewhere, further away from Ponyville, to where the village that Starlight had previously resided in (and enslaved) was having a wonderful time of it's own, with the resident ponies doing their usual daily activities.

But today was going to be a day that these ponies won't soon forget...


As the equines were doing their usual activities in the small village, a portal, similar to the one that was in Ponyville, appeared in the sky not too far away from the small town itself. A pegasus pony known by the name of 'Night Glider' was the first to spot it, due to hovering over the town which gave her a batter view.

"Everpony, look over there!" She called out and pointed a hoof at the direction of the portal.

Soon enough, everypony's attention was focused on the mysterious portal. And just like the one that Godzilla came from, something fell from this portal as well. The portal disappeared shortly after the creature fell from it. After the portal had disappeared, the curious ponies of the village slowly, and cautiously, made their way out of the village to see what came from the portal.

But once they had reached and spotted the mysterious creature that fell from the portal, none of them expected the sheer amount of shock, awe, and surprise they would be having when their eyes finally met the unconscious creature that was laying motionlessly on the ground.

It was a quadrupedal vicious-looking creature that was extremely large and very long. Its skin was a brown color and its back had a hard shell of some kind, covered with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of pointed spikes sticking out like a hedgehog's that also covered the upper part of its long tail. Its head was shaped very much like a crocodile's, it had several inwardly curved horns at the top of its head and a single horn that resided on its snout. Its mouth had sharp teeth, with two on its upper jaw longer than the rest. This creature was none other than Anguirus: The Ferocious Dinosaur!

The ponies had a good distance put between themselves and the unconscious Anguirus, and they had a good reason to be as well: A creature of this size could easily swallow dozens of ponies in one bite!

"Wow, he's huge!" Party Favor managed to say while gazing at the unconscious creature. His friends could not agree with him more.

However, it wasn't long before the ponies' fears became even greater; Anguirus' enormous tail suddenly lifted itself in the air before slamming down on the ground with incredible force, making a small shockwave that all the ponies felt!

"I have a bad feeling about this." Double Diamond fearfully whispered to himself.

And he was right, too — Anguirus' eyes shot open faster than anypony could react! The sudden awakening caused the ponies to gasp in surprise and, of course, fear!

Sugar Belle was the first to slowly back away from the awakened kaiju, the other ponies followed her soon after. Anguirus slowly got up on his four feet, before shaking his head slightly to fully regain his consciousness. As he stood, the ponies of the village could only gaze up in amazement and awe at his incredible size.

After regaining his consciousness, the mutant dinosaur quickly spotted the ponies that were near him (who were tiny in comparison to himself) and turned his attention at them.

Some of the residents of Starlight's village gulped in fear as they were hesitant to do anything at this point, knowing full well that if this creature decided to, it would easily crush or devour most of them at any given moment—or even destroy their entire town! But the mutant ankylosaur calmly stared at them, there was no aggression or hostility in his eyes, only slight curiosity.

After looking at the ponies for at least a minute or two, Anguirus turned his attention farther east, and with a soft growl, he turned and proceeded to go to his chosen direction.

The ponies of Starlight's village continued to watch in amazement as Anguirus departed from their village, feeling the ground beneath them shake with each step the dinosaur took.

"We better inform Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer about this." Double Diamond declared.

Next Chapter: First Bonding (edited) Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 23 Minutes
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