In a failing attempt to prove her sister wrong, Celestia is determined to make Luna understand that the sun is not made of custard. This would be easier if Luna wasn't already keen on the idea that the moon is made of cheese as well.
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Luna has just been defeated as Nightmare Moon, and is settling in nicely at the Canterlot Palace as a filly. Celestia, however, hasn't gotten used to all of the crazy things the young Luna can come up with when still in this adorable form. One day, she gets this wild idea that the moon is somehow made of cheese. At first, it seemed harmless enough to allow Luna to think this. Although, then she starts talking about how Celestia's sun is made of custard.

Celestia throws dignity out the window, and attempts to correct her much littler sister on this error. After all, how could the sun possibly be made of custard?


4,080 words: Estimated 17 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. The Moon Is Made Of Cheese [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 12th, 2018
  2. And The Sun Is Made Of Custard [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 12th, 2018
Published Sep 12th, 2018


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