

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 14: Final Word: Redemptor Radicitus.

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"...For centuries, ponies, griffons, elementals, and all other creatures have warred. War brought for nothing but the desire for power... That desire made me what I am today. I am a twisted monster amalgamated from two halves that were never meant to meet. Yet I stand here before you, your queen and ruler. My sister ruled you out of fear and would have ruled all the universe the same if she had been given the right to. Though... A darker thought now looms upon me... A whispering from the winds. The spirits talk to me and tell me of other worlds. Worlds that are thriving... Thriving from peace and goodwill. These are traits we must all seek out... These are worlds we must know more of. So I, as your ruler, have decided upon these mares to be my vassals and look into this world beyond our own...

"I knew mares like you once... Giving, gentle, truthful, trustworthy, enlightened, hopeful. The world was filled with your kind. A very... beautiful world. But that world is a memory now. It was not the world I grew in. I was born in greed. Hate was what raised me. Fire was my cradle and blood was my baptism. Yet I overcame that... I overcame the disharmonious track others had set before me. But to do it... My hooves now run red with the blood of my own. That is a pain I would never wish upon another... My sister was a horrid monster... But her intentions were correct; not just, but correct. Unity is what sends the darkness back into the hole from which it crawled. That is why I am here... To unite our worlds. To unite all worlds. Know this now... Equinox is upon you.

"Hold yourselves with the pride of Caballussia. The pride of a world blooming from the darkness with the aid of the light. Go upon this world and bring the fortune of their world upon us. I do not mean the trinkets of greed... I mean the fortune of knowledge... Of hope... Of chance. Bring these to me. Yet too, I know this world from the visions the spirits tell me. There will be others of the same shape and forms as your own... So I will grant you a shard of my own power so that you may alter yourself as you may need. Retain who you are, but make yourself known as no pony of their world. Be my eyes, my hooves, and above all... Be my will..."

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