
Star Eater: Big brother

by Midnight Crow

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: First dive

Chapter 1: First dive

David and Isabelle crossed their arms as Celestia stood before them spouting off a long monologue about ‘evil’ and ‘justice shall prevail’, but the two simply shared a look saying the same thing. ‘Is he for real?’ Rolling his shoulders earing a few pops of his bone, David dashed faster then Celestia could react and decked her right in the muzzle effectively knocking her unconscious with a bloody nose. “Good work Mister D. Now let’s get back before Chrysalis starts worrying again.” The man nodded as he held his arm down letting his sister climb up his larger form, with heavy steps the two entered a forest just as the locals started screaming in terror.

A few minutes after entering the familiar woods the two stopped and looked around before settling down on a fallen tree. Isabelle smiled as she kicked her legs back and forth watching David flex his hands, each time he shifted his hand a new element showed up ranging from bone chilling ice to the very space around his hand be warped by fast moving wind. “I see you managed to get the hang of those plasmids. How about using them?” The man chuckled as his helmet’s porthole turned from green to a sickly yellow, he stood and walked a few feet away. He began looking for a nice target and came up to a large bolder the size of his helmet, with a nod he held out his palm picking up the rock with telekinesis and pointed to it with a free hand almost as if saying ‘To easy.’ Isabelle clapped as David dropped the rock and made his way back, his porthole returning to green as he sat across his sister on the dirt.

“It’s good to see you didn’t get hurt Xi, Isabelle. We were worried about you both since you just vanished from the hive.” Chrysalis emerged from a bush with the prowess of a natural predator, her black glossy exoskeleton shined with the light that fell between the thick canopy of trees, her most unique feature was the eye patch she wore over her left eye. David visibly flinched as he rubbed his hands together without realizing it.

“Hey Buggy, sorry about just leaving without saying anything.” Isabelle got up from the log and sat down on her brothers lap pulling his arms to act as a over sized blanket.”Mr.D wanted to get some practice in with his abilities but ran into some equestrians. From there everything just went to shit.” David let out a groan of agreement as he pointed behind him towards ponyville. “Oh that’s right, we also ended up knocking Celestia out cold.” Chrysalis stood there for a moment before pinching the bridge of her muzzle holding up her other hand.

“So not even a full month of being here and you already made yourselves public enemy number one?” Both David and Isabelle nodded until the former let out a long groan.

“Ouch, your right about that. When you say it out loud it kinda sounds horrible but we have a good reason for punching her!” She finished with a bit too much enthusiasm then Chrysalis would have liked.

“What pray tell, was this good reason?” Knowing the two better then she did she simply let out a sigh and prepared herself for some grand tale of combat and cake, not sure how the stories ended with cake but Chrysalis knew not to ask.

“She did a monologue.” Isabelle stated dryly as Chrysalis blinked a few times.

“That’s it? No deceleration of war or a full brawl destroying towns?” The two siblings shook their heads as Isabelle continued.

“We just walked into town looking for a place that sells sweets and boom! Six ponies showed up with shiny jewelry, here ya go, and blasted Mr.D all over the place.” During her explanation Isabelle throw one of the elements of harmony to the changeling queen causing her to do a great fish impression. “So he gets pissed and finally fights back by taking that thing away from the supposed leader and knocked em all out with a few punches. Not even a full five minutes later Celestia herself shows up and started her rant wasting a solid half hour of our lives.” As she finished David handed her a energy bar which she happily took. Chrysalis looked in her hands and blinked owlishly at the lavender gemstone then the two with a look one could only describe as ‘really was that necessary’.

“I’m getting to old for this shit.” The two siblings chuckled as Chrysalis simply tossed back the head ornament and pointed to it. “Destroy that or keep it close, there’s no telling how far the equestrians will go to get that thing back.” She turned to leave but David let out a groan catching her attention.

“He asked when is a good time to return?” Isabelle translated.

“I care little when you get back, just don’t drag this mess to our home please.” Before another word was said Chrysalis vanished in a fit of green flames leaving both a big daddy and his little sister sitting in the everfree a bit miffed at her non-caring tone. Looking at each other silently Isabelle simply shrugged and finished off her energy bar and held the trash up, David snapped his fingers and the plastic quickly burnt away into ash.

“Thanks.” A happy moan was her reply as the man simply nodded. The two sat like this for a bit longer until the sound of light snoring grabbed his attention, looking around he found nothing but trees and bushes but he found his answer when Isabelle pulled his arm more around her. David tilted his head and made a quiet groan as he picked up his sister and walked off further into the forest towards their home.

• • • • • • • • •

Celestia’s PoV

I awoke with a start as I looked around at my surroundings, the first thing to register was the white walls and food cart by my bed. With a raise brow I went to get up but fell back down as a massive migraine hit me worse then Nightmare moon did all those years ago, as I lay here I noticed it was dark outside signaling it was night time or at least early morning. How long was I unconscious? I shook my head and looked around once more for something to call the nurse in, a few seconds of searching turned up useless as the nurse pager wasn’t nearby.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” My voice made me grimace at how dry and scratchy it was. I could really use some water right now before I wear my voice out more then it is, hopefully somepony heard me. A few minutes pass until a knock broke the silence, I look to the door and find a nurse pushing in a small cart with different types of medical salves.

“Hello your highness, I’m nurse Ice. I’m in charge of taking care of you until your sister returns from Cantralot.” Miss Ice bowed slightly causing her blue mane to cover her face a bit, I complied and layed back in the bed flexing my fingers a bit.

“May I ask what happed? You came in with a broken noes and severe magic backlash, the only thing we have going on is the town screaming about a metal monster and a little filly with it.” I hung my head in shame as memories of the altercation came to the forefront of my mine, the speed of that colossus golem wasn’t anything to laugh at nor his strength.

“Nurse Ice, please send a urgent letter to my sister urging her to hurry. I’m worried I won’t be able to stop it on my own.”

Author's Note

I tried to space out the beginning of each new paragraph but it still came out the way it did.
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Star Eater: Big brother

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