
Fluttershy's Iron Will

by Sparkle Cola


Doctor's Orders

Ponyville Animal Hospital - 11:30 AM

When Amethyst Star signed on to work as the charge nurse for Fluttershy’s new animal hospital, she didn’t know that her patience would be tried to such extremes. Sure, when the occasional cantankerous capybara or agitated armadillo made a fuss, her budding skills as an animal caretaker were put to the test. However, situations such as these paled in comparison to having to deal with her nemesis.

Her main responsibilities at the animal hospital included scheduling, managing patient records, and generally trying to maintain order and security. The key word being try. Maintaining order when dealing with one certain Avatar of Chaos, now walking into the lobby for the second time this morning, left her feeling drained and exhausted. Not that she would let that show.

It required a steady hoof and a mind like a steel trap—and she had learned from the best. If she had any strategies at all for how to deal with this draconequus, she owed it to her mentor, Fluttershy. That mare possessed such stalwart resolve and inner passion that she buoyed Amethyst up with a heady sense of confidence. Even when Amethyst knew things were about to get chaotic, she had the Element of Kindness in her corner. And somehow she knew that it would all be okay.

“Aaugh!” the draconequus groaned, clutching his right arm as he limped through the front entrance.

As Amethyst took in the sight, she noted Discord happened to open the door with the same arm that was in the sling. Once clear of the door, he struggled up to the reception almost as if his legs didn't work right.

“You must help me, Ms. Star, I beg of you! I have to see Fluttershy! I have been wounded and maimed!”

Blinking twice, Amethyst schooled her face into a carefully neutral and bored expression while giving the draconequus a flat look. “Maimed and wounded mean practically the same thing, Discord.”

Looking offended, Discord held out his sling-bound appendage six inches away from Amethyst’s nose, pointing to it with his other hand. “The same thing? They’re nothing alike at all!”

With a snap of his talons, a massive dictionary appeared directly over Amethyst’s desk in the air. Not being able to do anything else but spring backwards with a gasp, she watched helplessly as the dictionary landed with a crash across her desk. With Luna as her witness, Amethyst could have sworn she heard her desk shrieking in agony, cracking and shuddering under the strain. No tome could be as big as what Discord just conjured up, which likely weighed about as much as Harry the Bear.

With another snap, the dictionary sprang open and Discord pointed to a definition highlighted in bright pink marker. “If a pony were to be wounded, my dear overly-zealous nurse,” Discord asserted, “they would be coming to you with something like a slash or a cut. Such an injury would likely bleed all over as you mammals are wont to do. Euch.” Discord shivered.

Snapping his fingers again, Discord caused the dictionary pages to flutter backwards in a flurry of motion, blowing Amethyst’s mane wildly as they flew. The pages stopped flipping back when they reached the section marked “M,” displaying another passage, only this time the section was highlighted in plaid. “But, if a pony were to be maimed, they would have little to no function in said appendage, or possibly have lost it entirely.” Discord folded his arms in satisfaction, as if that had completely settled the matter for a poor, ignorant little pony.

“Discord?” Amethyst tilted her head up to gaze at the Lord of Chaos sweetly.


“I don’t think it is your limb that has me worried about having lost its function entirely. The more important problem might be concerning what you’ve got between your ears.”

“Bah!” Discord scoffed. “You know very well that dear Fluttershy is joyously filling her life's calling, caring for the weak and helpless!” Discord waved his arms emphatically, causing the sling to slip from his elbow and flap uselessly at his side. “I’m weak and helpless! I’m just helping her fulfill her calling!”

Amethyst could only raise an eyebrow in response. She imagined if her look were any flatter, somepony would’ve sworn that she had ironed her face. She lifted a hoof and began to massage her temple. “Discord, if anything is weak and helpless here, it’s my reception desk. You just dropped a book the size of a small library on it.”

As if to further emphasize her point, Amethyst's desk suddenly gave way with a groan, settling to the floor of the reception area with the sounds of tearing and splintering wood. Discord smiled sheepishly and snapped his fingers, making the tome disappear. "Oops?"

“And besides: even if you had a wound, with the way you are waving both arms about, it could hardly be maimed now, could it?”

The silence between them stretched uncomfortably long as Discord looked blankly at Amethyst for a few moments. Then, without further preamble, the arm in question promptly fell off.
“Aaaugh! Help me, I have been maimed! You must bring out Fluttershy!”

Sighing in exasperation, Amethyst brought her hoof to her face. She could distinctly remember Princess Twilight making a similar noise when she had to deal with this chaotic menace. Amethyst had been planning on asking Fluttershy for a raise in a few months, but now she was strongly considering moving up that timetable.

To tonight.

After giving Discord a glare that said stay right there, she stood up and trotted over to the public restroom, leaving the perplexed draconequus behind her. Not half a minute later, Amethyst exited the restroom, this time carrying a pitcher in her telekinetic field.

Discord pursed his lips as he regarded her offering. “And what, pray tell, is this?”

Amethyst brought forward a paper cup from behind her mane and began to fill it with water from the pitcher. “This? Oh, it’s only a glass of water. I may not be able to serve it to you in a crystal cruet, but this is a hospital after all. What ya gonna do?”

Amethyst smiled mischievously. “Isn’t that the remedy you demanded from a couple of princesses several years ago? Back when you were under the influence of the Blue Flu?”
Scowling, Discord floated up into the air. “This is an animal hospital, isn’t it? And I, your friendly neighborhood draconequus, represent at least four different animals; just look at my limbs! I have four times the amount of reasons why I need care!”

With a glint in her eye, Amethyst Star smirked. “I only count three.”

Discord glared as he pressed his lips together, slowly lowering himself back down to the floor. She returned his gaze without flinching until he finally relented, stooping down to retrieved the discarded appendage before using it as an impromptu back scratcher. “Fine. When does Fluttershy take her fifteen-minute break?”

A gentle voice called out from the treatment area of the hospital behind a set of large swinging doors. “I can take my break right now, Discord, if that’s what you would prefer.”

Amethyst’s shoulders sagged with relief as she turned around and sat behind what was left of her desk, growling under her breath. She felt like she just got hit with a major blast from the Elements of Harassment.

Amethyst wanted to start picking up some of the scattered paperwork, but she couldn't help but watch as Fluttershy emerged from the doorway to the treatment rooms. Amethyst noted that Fluttershy didn't even look tired, even though she had seen a full schedule of patients during the morning shift. Even the tightly wound bun of her pink mane atop her head looked pristine. She made a mental note to ask Fluttershy about her secret to the indestructible hair bun. Completing the ensemble was a stethoscope around her long neck and a white doctor’s lab coat, her long tail flowing out from the back of it with countless wildflowers braided through the entirety.

“Why, my dearest Fluttershy,” Discord clasped his mismatched claws together. “It’s so nice to see— ”

Fluttershy held up a hoof as she gazed back, her expression unreadable. “I’m sorry Discord, but I need to speak with my charge nurse for a minute in private.”


“—In private, Discord. Then I can take my break.”

The two looked at each other for a suspended moment, neither one moving. Both looked tentative, and Amethyst sensed a pressure, not unlike how heavy the atmosphere tended to get before a scheduled rain storm.

Then without further ado, the moment passed, and Discord leapt into the air, bodily diving into the sling that had been wrapped around his right arm moments before. Not a second later, he popped out of one of the sports magazines in the waiting room, garbed in the green and black hoofball uniform of the Manehattan Maulers, helmet included. Popping out of the magazine to join him were two IV poles with drip lines, an oxygen tank with tubing running to his nose via a nasal cannula, and a large heart monitor chiming with alarm signals. Bandages covered all of his extremities and a good deal of his torso, but the numbers of his uniform seemed to have been colored in over top. Oddly, his number was 3.1415, with the numbers shriveling and trailing off in an indeterminate manner.

Amethyst’s eyes widened as she took in the sight. She wasn’t even sure that Fluttershy had that much bandaging in stock. Fluttershy for her part only brought a hoof to her face.

Grinning, Discord reclined back in his chair, somehow looking both woeful and yet smug at the same time. “I, and my poor broken body, will be waiting for your TLC…”

Four minutes later…

Discord bowed as he gallantly cleared a branch out of the way while Fluttershy proceeded further down the trail. The gesture was altogether unnecessary given her stature compared to the height of the branch, but she wasn't going to mention such a thing when Discord was doing his best to demonstrate chivalry.

“You do have a lovely animal resort, Fluttershy.” Discord mused. “I don’t doubt your little furry friends appreciate it. What insurance do they carry? Ponyna? Equestriagroup? They certainly don’t pay you in bits, do they?”

Fluttershy shook her head, rolling her eyes at his antics. “They give what they can, Discord. Often, they pay it forward, helping other creatures in even greater need, and they are happy to help me as well. The whole system works rather well towards furthering my efforts.”

“Hmm.” Discord trailed off, unsure of what else to offer.

Fluttershy looked back up at her one-time lover and smiled, trying to put him at ease. “Thank you again for the funding you provided when we founded this resort.”

Fluttershy looked ahead again so she could pick her way down the natural stone staircase as the trail descended to let out by the shore of a small lake nestled in the depression. The far end of the lake was bordered by a line of trees completing the picturesque setting. Fluttershy climbed onto a park bench facing the water and made room for Discord to follow suit. Several ducks paddled up nearby, albeit with some caution due to the proximity of the large draconequus.

“Yes, well…” Discord waved his paw dismissively. “I’m sure that dragon never noticed the ersatz coins I used to replace what makes the base of her treasure trove. It’s not like she counts it.”

Fluttershy blinked her eyes twice, her face a mask of careful neutrality. “You… you replaced her… um, I’m not sure that was such a good idea—”

“—oh, she’s fine. Besides, I picked the least chaotic dragon I could think of. You should have seen how organized her stacks were!” Discord’s brows furrowed for a moment as he pulled on his goatee. “Come to think of it, that factoid might make Norberta the most likely dragon to run an inventory…”

Not for the first time, Fluttershy brought her hoof to her face.

Discord waved his paw dismissively again. “Not a problem. I’ll take care of it. Besides…” Discord plopped his elbows on top of his thighs and rested his muzzle in his claws. “I’m sure your speaking tour across Equestria with Mr. Iron Wail has been super productive.”

Hoo boy. Fluttershy could tell it was going to be one of those conversations.

“I’ve seen all of the posters and the garish t-shirts, and I have to say they’re just…”

Fluttershy’s features flattened out as she gave Discord an unamused glare, and he was quick to pick up on it. “I mean... the shirts are elegant!” Discord grimaced as if he was biting into something sour. “I’m just amazed, what with your height difference and all, that you two could even fit on the side of a collectable mug. One would almost need a stein... What is it you see in him, again?”

Fluttershy sighed, as she cocked her head to the side. “We aren’t dating, Discord. He is only a business associate.”

Discord folded one arm across his chest while drumming the fingers of his other hand across his cheekbone, murmuring almost inaudibly. “Business associate… right.”

The pause drew out for a few seconds, and then it drew out some more, until the silence began to feel awkward. Fluttershy heaved another breath, because there didn’t seem to be enough air around them at present.

It just ached, in a way. Breaking things off with Discord made complete sense at the time, because he had simply pushed her too far when he ignored any sense of boundaries. But then there were so many qualities about him that she loved. And she still thought she loved him. Maybe. But when he allowed too much of his chaotic side to hold sway, sometimes it just became too much—he became too much. But if he was too much, why did she miss him so terribly?

“—Perhaps if you—”
“—Maybe if I—”

Fluttershy gave a wan smile. “I’m sorry, go ahead.”

Discord waved his claws back, his bushy eyebrows rocketing upwards. “No no, you were speaking first. Please. I want to hear what you have to say.”

They continued to stare at each other for a moment before breaking into laughter. How in Celestia’s name had they become so awkward?

“I was only going to talk about boundaries, but never mind that.” Fluttershy demurred. “What I was trying to say is that I am not dating my business associate. Just like you and I aren’t dating, so it wouldn’t be a problem either way.”

“Wouldn’t be…” Discord muttered, pulling his claw downwards over his face. “Well, there is one potential problem that I see—”

“—and that is?”

Discord hesitated with his mouth left open, before finally waving a paw as if shooing an irritating fly. “Nothing…” He clenched his jaw and glared daggers at the dirt below.

Fluttershy sat up straighter, trying to peer into Discord’s striking yellow eyes. She placed a comforting hoof on his forearm. “Discord, I can assure you that Iron Will has been a very thoughtful and effective business associate. With his past, he knows the ins and outs of motivational speaking, and he has been outstanding in his managing my tour around Equestria. He might no longer have an interested audience, but his connections have been instrumental.”

“...So you do like him?”

Fluttershy huffed. “Discord, that’s not what I said at all… Besides. I like most ponies… people. Iron Will is polite, understanding, empathetic, and he has also filled in nicely as security and my bodyguard.”

“Yes… I’m sure he is guarding your body,” Discord muttered.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing…” Discord lapsed into silence, before calling on some visual magic to rearrange a virtual grid titled: The Periodic Table of the Elements. The table only displayed the symbols for K, La, H, Ge, M, and L. Fluttershy would have been confused, if not for the cutie marks associated with each symbol. After another moment Discord flicked the grid with a digit, causing all of the symbols to flicker before switching to displaying only the letter K. “Those flowers in your tail really do add a nice touch, by the way.”

“Well, thank you.”

Discord indicated the flowing strands with a wave. “I mean, it must have taken forever to weave them in!” Discord paused while he pulled at his goatee again. “You should have come to me—I could’ve finished it in less than a minute, tops.”

Not sure where he was going with this, Fluttershy smiled sweetly. “Thank you for offering. But really, it’s just one of the ways my little friends try to pay me back. And they did it just about as fast.” She winked at a sparrow that had perched on her shoulder. He nodded his head in acknowledgement before taking off again.

Discord watched the bird go, his face unreadable. The silence began to grow uncomfortable again. Once again, Fluttershy heaved a sigh. It pained her to see Discord like this, and she still valued him as a friend. Maybe someday they could be more, but she wasn’t sure how.

“What is it, Disky? Bit for your thoughts?”

Discord’s frame seemed to stiffen a little. “I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Hurt? I don’t understand.”

“I don’t trust Iron Wail. If you need a bodyguard, if you want security…” Discord turned to her, his eyes focused and intense. “Who could do that better than moi?”

“Discord. We’ve talked about this.” Fluttershy’s heart felt like it was beginning to lurch in a sideways, squishy movement.

“It’s just that you are around that minotaur on your speaking tour and there’s no place for me. You, and Iron Will? Iron Will… with you. ” Discord made a fist, but fire and smoke still snaked out from between his fingers. “There’s just… Promise me that you’ll tell him no.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“When he asks, just say no!”

“Asks what? Discord, we are business associates!”

“Don’t give me that. He thinks of you as more than that!” Discord pointed a claw at her. “And when he asks, use your slogan!”


“Your slogan… on your blasted tour! The Gentle No™. When he asks, you give him the Gentle No!”

Fluttershy closed her eyes. “So it’s my blasted tour, then?”

Discord recoiled at Fluttershy’s even tone. “What?”

“My successful tour around Equestria that has helped so many ponies… is blasted, is it?” Fluttershy took a shuddering breath. “There is nothing between Iron Will and I. And there is no commitment between us either, except to be friends.”

“I, uh…”

“And if I so happened to decide I wanted to give Iron Will a chance, you would support me… as a friend, correct?”

Now Discord recoiled as if he had been slapped, wincing from the blow. The stunned silence between them was deafening, and it pained Fluttershy’s heart to see it.

“As I have said before, Iron Will has been nothing short of professional, and in a large measure its been him that was responsible for much of my success."

Discord frowned as he held up both claws in a placating manner. “I-I only meant to say—"

“You have always meant the world to me, Discord. We shared an incomparable love. But there is one difference between you and Iron Will that I must say: Iron Will respects my boundaries.”

Fluttershy took to the air, flapping her wings as she hovered to meet Discord eye to eye. This had been a point of contention between them repeatedly, and it had led to her breaking off their relationship. She understood he was the avatar of chaos, and she relished his spontaneity, but if he could not abide by just a few inalienable boundaries, then their break would have to be permanent.

As much as it hurt them both.

“If I haven’t miscounted, this is the third time this week you have tried to get past poor Amethyst while I was still treating my patients. It’s the second time this week with a pretended injury!”

Discord’s arm promptly fell off again.

Ignoring this, Fluttershy went on. “Do you know how much stress you are causing my charge nurse? She asked me for a raise!”

“Well, at least I was considerate enough to not try to get past her while you were treating a patient. If you’d notice, I always wait until you are charting.”

Fluttershy felt her eyebrows furrow again as what he said sank in, her glare becoming a more substantive force. “And how do you know exactly when I am doing my charting?

“Well I… umm.”


The draconequus flinched.

“Have you been spying on me while I work?”

“I… well, it wasn’t spying per se…”

Fluttershy dropped back to the earth. Too agitated to flap her wings in a symmetrical manner, she paced back and forth in front of him instead. He knew exactly how she felt about his spying abilities. Sometimes not even her patience was enough.

“Discord, you know that my break time is at 3:30 PM. You also know my lunch hour is at noon. But here you go, dropping your limbs all over the waiting room and giving Amethyst a coronary! What if a little colt bringing in their puppy saw that?”

Discord huffed. “Well, I wouldn’t disarm myself around foals anyway. There’s no telling what they’d do, the annoying little brutes… Kidding, Flutters! Kidding! You know the little ones are great doers of my work.”

Fluttershy brought him back on topic. “And your attempts to pull me away from my work at 11:30?”

“Well, honestly!” Discord planted his hands on his hips. “How do you expect the Avatar of Chaos to adhere to a specific schedule? It’s just so constraining and confining, and… eeaugh!”

Unimpressed, Fluttershy turned around and walked up the trail a few paces before turning around to regard him again.

“Well then, if you aren’t able to keep to just a single commitment, just a single, particular part of my schedule that I have specifically designated…”

Sensing a verdict coming, Discord panicked for a minute.

“Fluttershy,” he asserted. “You know that this is what I am. It’s what you love! Remember when I began to fade while trying to throw you a proper and orderly tea party?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. It was the same old argument. He still struggled to sense when he was crossing the line. He struggled to strike a balance between exploring his powers and living with her, just given a few conditions. It was time to put her hoof down, and clarify things now that she was seeing all the more clearly.

Her response was even, but sad. “I’m not asking you to go against your nature. I’ve never asked for that. But I am asking you to respect boundaries. You can be yourself, but not at the expense of my privacy or my sovereignty. There are certain limits that I have set about myself, and there are certain rhythms to my life. And until you better understand how to respect those…”

Fluttershy was fighting hard now not to burst into tears.

“I have the sovereignty to say no to you as well…” Fluttershy felt as if her heart were spasming in her chest.

“I… You wouldn’t! Not when—”

“—Discord. I want to listen very closely to my response. It is very simple: No.”

Again, Discord recoiled as if he had been struck.

“Please keep your distance until I am ready to speak with you again. Preferably after you have learned how to better respect my boundaries. And if I ever do ask Iron Will on a date—”

“—A date?” Discord stiffened as if his tail had been victimized by Tirek using Garble as a hammer.

“And if that were to happen, you are not to interfere. If you can’t abide by that then it is over between us. Do I make myself clear?”

Discord shrank down, looking glumly at his feet. “You have my word, swearing upon all that is chaos.” After another moment, Discord vanished with a puff of smoke, evaporating into the ether.

Waiting for a moment, Fluttershy reviewed the last few minutes of conversation in her head, tears flooding her eyes as the trail to the stone staircase blurred. It was a painful discussion, but Discord had to understand that a relationship still required balance. If he could understand that, then maybe they had a chance.

As for Iron Will, he had been a perfect gentleman thus far. Maybe she should ask him on a simple, straightforward date. Not as a punishment to Discord, but for her to examine all of her options. After all, it would be nice to get to know the real Iron Will. Not his talk circuit persona. Not his tour manager identity. The real Iron Will, the one who as a loving single parent takes great interest and pride in seeing to the needs of his teenaged daughter. Fluttershy shook her head ruefully.

This was certainly going to be interesting.

Author's Note

10/02/18 I smoothed out the story a bit and helped Flutters stay within character. Took Dr. Blankflank's critique to heart. Thanks, Doc!

So, I've been sitting on this story idea for a while... Was hoping this particular dynamic had not been explored before. If it has, just let me know. Also, let me know which direction you think this story should go. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and thanks, Darth Pegasus for your input! :pinkiehappy:

Matters of the Heart, With a Side of Cheese

Discord clenched his teeth together as he sat, stewing in his pocket dimension. His chair of choice, a polka-dotted rocking ensemble capable of playing the polka the same tempo as the occupant’s swinging, sang as he pitched back and forth. Ignoring the oompas and the spritely beat, Discord examined his thoughts and feelings.

What was he feeling? Anger, to be sure. Anger and rage were emotions that he was well acquainted with. In the old days he had wrought great destruction with them.

But did finding a violent outlet for his anger ever help anything? He had leveled mountains before, uprooted whole forests and furrowed valleys… but in the end, all those actions did was leave him feeling hollow. Those acts never really helped. Sure, uncapping a volcano took the edge off of his anger for a bit, but what did that replace it with?


Is that what he was feeling? Perhaps a little. He had grown to enjoy purpose-driven days and goal oriented tasks. It made a nice contrast to his chaotic norm, and it seemed to please Fluttershy so. Was it a sensation of being empty? That wasn’t quite it either.


That might certainly be it. He had been alone for so many millennia, he was certainly no stranger to the feeling. But this boiling feeling within didn’t match up with that either. And he had already been feeling lonely, ever since Flutters broke it off in the first place. What was it then?

He felt powerless.

Him, the avatar of chaos itself, a being full of such amazing power that a whole realm of magic was his domain. He felt powerless to act, to know what to do in order to recover Fluttershy as his special someone. Meanwhile, she was entertaining thoughts of going on a date with a meat-headed minotaur. He felt hogtied. She forbade him from interfering, and at this rate, if pure random chance just happened to cause something to go wrong… she would probably blame him, even if he was completely innocent! She threatened to break things off permanently if things didn’t go just so!

Discord clutched at his chest with a claw. Why was there a pain in his chest, of all places? Absentmindedly, he reached inside, pulling out his heart to examine it. It looked okay: wouldn’t win any beauty contests, but that was fine. He wouldn’t do such a thing in front of Fluttershy, of course, but he didn’t have any audience right now.

The beating thing just sat there, resting in his open palm. He watched as the blood coursed through coronary arteries and thirteen chambers, unsure of what color to be so the viscous substance just shimmered randomly.

Should he crush it?

Should he squeeze and grind and destroy, leaving no heart left? Would that be preferable? Life was so much simpler when he didn’t need to feel these more complicated emotions, they just took too much work, and risked so much! Things were simpler when the only things he dealt with were pleasure or pain.

So much simpler.

He began to squeeze, his claws beginning to pierce the fleshy muscle. But was this what he wanted?

Grunting in fury, Discord threw his heart across the room. It bounced off of his checkerboard wallpaper before ricocheting off of a barstool, dancing off an upside down kitchen sink, and finally coming to a rest plopping into fishbowl. The barracuda inside the bowl began to caress it.

But would his emptiness improve?

He yelled in frustration. He wouldn’t feel empty if he unleashed his fury! Why did he let himself fall for that mare in the first place? Now look where he was! Rocking in an upside-down rocking chair, clutching at his head with his chest splayed wide open! All while his heart was being wooed by a fish in a fishbowl! His eyes darted over to the thing. Somehow, the barracuda with the ridiculous underbite was now kissing it.

He rolled his eyes. Is this what the ineffable Discord would amount to? He stood up from his chair, folding it up like origami before sticking it in his pocket. He glared balefully at his love organ as he floated over to the bowl. What was he going to do about it?

Picking up his heart, Discord blinked for a moment before slapping the fish back into the bowl. His heart was worth a lot more than the affections of a fish. Shoving it back inside his chest, he started game planning how he could possibly reclaim Fluttershy’s heart, and outshining whatever Iron Will could possibly do.

What did he know about Fluttershy?

Absolutely everything. They had shared all of their innermost desires, and he knew what her likes and dislikes were. He knew how his spontaneity would make her heart flutter, and he knew what it was that had finally pushed her away. Some of her final words were still ringing in his ears:

“I’m not asking you to go against your nature. I’ve never asked for that. But I am asking you to respect boundaries. You can be yourself, but not at the expense of my privacy or my sovereignty. There are certain limits that I have set about myself, and there are certain rhythms to my life. And until you better understand how to respect those…”

But how could he go about respecting her sovereignty when his very power and capabilities rendered that somewhat moot. He cared so deeply for her, he felt an unbearable need to check up on her from time to time. Was that so wrong? He just wanted to make sure she was happy! He wanted to ensure that she was safe! He wanted to grant her every need even before she asked for it, was that so bad?

Was that asking too much? Apparently so! He couldn’t before understand why she would get so upset—why she would be frustrated when he gave her things she didn’t even have a chance to ask for. Shouldn’t a mare feel flattered that her lover was able to read her so well that he could anticipate her every whim?

But that was it, wasn’t it? He read her—only a little too well. She was losing her sense of self because of his actions. She wanted her freedom. She wanted to make mistakes. She wanted to feel natural desires and longing, and saw a problem with instant gratification. It did make sense, when she described what her needs were.

Discord’s claws drummed against his face, which he changed into a snare drum so they could drum properly. How could he still be himself, but not overstep Fluttershy’s boundaries? From their history together, he knew that she had become more sensitized to those occurrences, and less tolerant of him making the same old mistakes. But it was his very Discordiness that made that an inevitability. He wanted no other pony or creature. He only wanted Fluttershy, and he wanted it to work.


It was such a fickle and complicated thing. It was so gooey and messy, and torrential, and tumultuous and… and… chaotic. He sighed.

Love was glorious.

And he just had to make it work. But how? Suddenly, Discord sat bolt-upright and snapped his fingers, giving off a small corona of pure chaotic energy that caused everything in his house to waver for a few seconds. Every item of furniture flipped to a new wall, and his barricuda went belly up, floating with its silver belly showing for a second. Discord blinked for a few seconds, studying the fish until the fish blinked back, starting to swim around again. It remained inverted.

He would talk to the best expert on the planet. There were many psychologists, consultants, and marriage counselors in the nation of Equestria, but only one pony would suffice. Just one would have the answers he craved, and she was the current ruler of the newly-returned Crystal Empire. It was time for a little trip.

* * *

The train sped along the tracks as Fluttershy turned another page of her fashion magazine. She didn’t follow the fluctuations of trends like Rarity, but the information was at least interesting, and did appeal to one of her hobbies. She would just prefer to be the mare that made the fashion dresses, not the mare being photographed wearing them.

She leaned back on her bunk, sighing contentedly as she flicked a strand of her pink mane to the side. She didn’t want to admit that she had become spoiled by travelling with a tour manager like Iron Will, but he really spared no expenses when it came to her accommodations: whether it was her deluxe suite on the train, or her deluxe suite at a five-star hotel, she was always well cared for. Making a small fortune as a speaking celebrity did have its perks.

Fluttershy’s reading was interrupted by a knocking on her cabin door. A glance to the translucent glass of the panel confirmed who her visitor was. Iron Will’s obvious silhouette was given away by the shadows cast by the pair of the massive horns sprouting from either side of his head. Her cabin wasn’t considered private by any means, but Fluttershy smiled at his unassuming gesture.

“Come in!”

The door slid open, squealing on rusty rollers. Iron Will smiled weakly before ducking his head, turning to the side slightly to fit his massive shoulders and horns through the door. Fluttershy sat up, curling her tail around her hooves before gesturing for him to take a seat on the berth opposite hers.

Iron Will sized up the berth, measuring the space with his eyes before crossing to sit. It was always amusing to watch him struggle to get comfortable on pony-sized furniture. It wasn’t that his legs were too long. He was all torso, which led to some interesting predicaments. After a few seconds passed, he looked away, clearing his throat. It wasn’t like him to show anxiety like this, as this was usually the time he rumbled in to give her a pep-talk before arrival. All the same, Fluttershy hadn’t really been much herself either, this morning.

Iron Will pulled on his neck tie to straighten it. “Um. How has your trip been so far, Ms. Fluttershy? Accommodations been to your liking?”

“Oh, um… yes, Will.” Fluttershy replied. “Everything has been fine. How about you?”

“Me? That’s not important. Iron Will’s just gotta make sure that the star of the show is taken care of. So… well, if there’s anything you need, you just give a holler.” Silence dawned in the cabin again, while Iron Will drummed his fingers for a moment before preparing to stand..

“There is one thing.” Fluttershy smiled slightly as she watched him settle back into his seat.

“Oh. Uh, what do ya need?”

“I think I need some company, Will. You always talk business all the time. Why don’t we converse about something else?”

Iron Will’s brows furrowed a bit. “Ms. Fluttershy… I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. We should probably just stick to the script where I get you all motivated to knock those ponies’ socks off.”

Cocking her head to the side, Fluttershy frowned a little. “What’s wrong, Will? Why are you always so hesitant to talk about yourself?”

“Uh…” The minotaur chuckled nervously. “That’s uh, really the last thing we should be talking about.” He stood up. “Iron Will will see you in a bit, Ms. Fluttershy. Just gotta check on the goats again—they tend to get a little rowdy on our longer trips. You want another cup of Joe?”

He reached for the door handle, but Fluttershy decided it was time to get a little assertive. “Mr. Will?”


“Sit down.” There was no arguing with that tone of voice, she knew. It was usually quite effective when she chose to use it. Sure enough, the minotaur flinched before his hand slipped slowly off the handle. After fumbling with his tie for a moment, he sat, glancing at her uncomfortably.

Fluttershy did not let her gaze relent, even for a moment. “Now.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly. “We are going to have a little discussion. You know, a two-way conversation where each participant gives and receives in equal measure?”

“Um, right.” Iron Will settled himself back into the birth, patting his legs absently with his hands. “What did you want to talk about, again?”

“You have always been so professional and courteous with me, and you have been a wonderful manager. But these trips are rather lonely without anyone else to talk to. Your goat entourage always seem to keep their distance too.”

“Oh, you don’t want to get to know them too closely anyway, Ms. Fluttershy. Bunch of adolescent hooligans.”

Fluttershy blinked patiently, electing not to respond to his diversion.

“Sorry Ms. Fluttershy. You were saying?”

“First of all…” Giving a small smile, Flutershy closed her eyes and tilted her nose up a tad. Just like Rarity had taught her. “Enough with this Ms. Fluttershy business. My friends call me Fluttershy, or sometimes Flutters or just ‘Shy. All of those names are acceptable to those I would like to call friends.” Fluttershy dropped her head a little, a curtain of her pink mane toppling forward to curtain off her right eye. “May I call you friend?”

Iron Will clutched at his heart for a moment as if he was physically pained. It looked like he was trying to muster the will to break eye contact but just couldn’t. Fluttershy felt a little bit bad and decided she wouldn’t push him much more. It would be terrible if her tour manager developed a heart attack.

“Uh… I uh...” Iron Will swallowed. “The thing is… I mean, what you have to understand about Iron Will is— “

Deciding to give his heart a break, Flutteshy looked down, her mouth slipping into a subtle pout. Somewhere along the way in her relationship with Discord, she had come to realize such actions could be highly effective. Rarity was an excellent mentor. She waited patiently, looking at the floor while the mighty minotaur withered before her feminine might.

“Friend. Yes… Iron Will would love to be your friend, Ms.Fluttersh—oh! Ms... ‘Shy.”

Without skipping a beat, Fluttershy continued as if there was never any such thing as a pout. “Thank you. Now, secondly, talking about yourself in the third person seems to keep a barrier between us. It makes it a little bit harder to approach you on an emotional level. Do you think you could not do that so much?”

Iron Will frowned for a moment before his face softened. “Iron Will can try. Uh… I’ll try?”

Fluttershy gave an affirming nod. “That’s much better. Thank you for that.” Fluttershy swept a bit of her mane back behind her ear so she could see him better. “There’s one last thing: As my friend, I know next to nothing about you, Will.” At this, Fluttershy slid off of her seat and crossed over, hopping up to sit next to him. She gave him credit for not wanting to flatten himself back against the wall.

“You’ve been a wonderful manager, Will. Always so selfless. Always fighting for my success. What changed?’”

Now Iron Will was gazing steadfastly at the door. “What do you mean, ‘Ms. Fluttershy?”

“Hm?” Fluttershy gave him a little glare.

“Oh! Right…” Iron will scratched behind a horn for a second. “Um, is ‘Shy okay?” After a curt nod he continued. “What do you mean—what changed?”

“Just that it’s interesting. Aside from that time when you brought your Assertiveness Seminar to Ponyville, and that other time you launched your Princess Cruise with Twilight’s Family…” Here, Iron Will sat bolt upright. His forehead was starting to bead up with sweat. Fluttershy stifled a giggle.

“Will, despite your history, and the hijinks of your past, you’ve never once tried to take advantage of me. In the five months that I’ve known you, ever since you helped me launch my Gentle No campaign, you’ve never tried to bamboozle me in any way. What made you change so much?”

“Well, reasons… It’s not a happy story, Flutters.” He paused, but only silence pervaded the room. “You really want to know?”

Fluttershy turned to place a hoof on his wrist. “You’ve changed for the better. I want to know why.”

“Well…” Iron Will looked down as he gathered his thoughts. “After my Princess Cruise idea when belly up… or I guess you could say minotaur-down, heh heh.” Fluttershy waited quietly. She knew he was on the verge of opening up, she just had to remain patient.

“I lost my wife.”

Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with both hooves. “Oh! I’m so, so sorry, Will! I had no idea such a terrible… You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“No…” Iron Will rubbed at an eye for a moment. “That’s okay. I can talk about it now. My sweet Lunilda had become very ill. I was desperate for money, but it was my fault we were so destitute in the first place. It wasn’t long after my cruise idea that she passed on.”

Fluttershy pressed a hoof against his muscular shoulder, patting him consolingly. “How… Um, how are you doing?”

“Oh, Iron Will can get buy.” The minotaur gave a dry chuckle. “But my daughter needs looking after.” He lifted a meaty hand to placate the increasingly distressed pegasus. “It’s not as bad as all that. Naiia is staying with her uncle and aunt right now while I get our situation on better footing. I just… realized I needed more of a sure thing than the get rich-quick schemes I guess I’ve become known for.”

“But the little dear! Won’t Naiia miss her daddy?”

Iron Will shrugged half-heartedly. “I see her every two weeks. Besides, she’s not so little anymore. Naiia’s sixteen going on twenty-nine, and she’s kind of upset with her bull-headed papa. Heh.” The minotaur tried to laugh at his own pun but it sounded closer to a dry cough. “She kind of blames me for losing her mother. It’s… hard not to blame myself, but I am gonna do right by her. I swear it.”

Fluttershy felt her heart melting from such a story, but even so, she wiped a tear from her eye and gave him an appreciative nod. He looked so resolute, so dedicated… It was an admirable quality, both to want to care for his daughter, but to also be patient with her anger and maintain his love all the same. Fluttershy appreciated that he was pushing forward to make more honorable and harmonious decisions in his life. If he continued in such a manner, he would certainly make a good catch for somepony. She just wasn’t sure if that pony should be her or not.

Discord, bless his soul, was a lot to put up with. Their love together had burned bright, but she had also been burned by being too close to a being of such power. At times he pushed things too far, becoming a little too omniscient and controlling for her tastes. Even so, she still loved him. Her heart was confused as she puzzled through what it was she really wanted. Would Iron Will be worth a chance if his heart proved true? She still wasn’t sure.

“Will… I would like to extend an invitation to you, if you are willing, but please don’t respond until I’ve said my piece. Would that be okay?”

“You can say your piece any time, ‘Shy.” Iron Will affirmed. “You don’t need my invitation.”

“Alright then. Will, you have been by my side for these few months, always going the extra mile to see to my comfort, to make sure I am safe and well. You have been so supportive of my efforts, but I was wondering if it is more than just your pay that motivates you.”

“I… well, that is—”

“I’m not finished.” Iron Will’s eyes widened for a moment, before he sat back and made a motion like he was buttoning his lips together. Fluttershy giggled for a moment. “You have been courteous and dependable. You’ve changed. But I would like to see a little more. We have only just had a professional relationship. I want to see if you would be willing to accompany me out to dinner… to see if there might be a chance for anything more?”

For a noisy train, trundling down the tracks at a steady clip, it was amazing how quiet it felt in the room for a few seconds. Iron Will sat like a statue, his spine as straight as any plumb line as he stared at the wall in front of him. Fluttershy’s eyebrows slowly elevated as she waited for him to make some kind of response.

“Gosh, I…” The minotaur swallowed, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. “I don’t know what to say, ‘Shy. I’m not sure I’m good enough for you, not by two horns-and-a-half.”

The car jostled a bit, momentarily pitching the occupants to the side before righting itself again as if nothing happened. Iron Will looked like he hadn’t even noticed. “You’ve always been so kind, ‘Shy. And you’re a drop-dead beautiful pony. Uhmm. Heh.” Iron Will gave another weak laugh before looking up at his boss. “It’s a little irregular to be asked on a date by one’s boss, but uh… Count me in. I’ve never been a regular guy anyway.”

“Wonderful!” Fluttershy grinned, tapping her hooves together in a polite clap of excitement. “It’s a date, then. No promises, no obligations. Let’s just see where this goes!”

“But—” Iron Will held up a finger. “What about Discord? Wouldn’t he, uh… might he not do something that—”

“Discord and I are not committed to each other, Will. And he promised me he would not look into my affairs uninvited.” Iron Will gave her a dubious look, still hesitating over what the Lord of Chaos might pull if he got into a jealous fit. “I promise.” Fluttershy held a hoof over her heart. “He knows he is not to interfere. I am a free mare.”

Iron Will pulled on his tie for a minute, his cord-like tail slapping the bed behind him with a plap. “Okay then. I… I know of a fancy little Bitalian Bistro on the East side of Fillydelphia. Would that be acceptable?”

“That would be great. How about we depart from the Hotel at 7:30?” Iron Will nodded dumbly. “It’s a date, then!”

* * *

Discord stepped out of his pocket dimension, setting foot a little ways outside of the Crystal Empire’s city limits. He sneezed, not sure if the sudden blast of cold air had surprised his sinuses, or somepony had been talking about him. Clearly it would have been faster to depart his dimension right next to candy-butt’s throne, but he had learned at least some propriety in the years after his so-called reformation. With the possible exception of Pinkie Pie, most ponies didn’t enjoy his hijinks and surprises.

But that was okay.

He was willing to give a little to acquiesce to their demands, as long as he retained the right to mess with Celestia to his heart’s content. Ol’ Tia seemed to adapt so rapidly, but he knew in his core that she died a little on the inside, the zanier he got. Unless her facade wasn’t a facade at all… Did she secretly enjoy it?

Discord stroked his beard a little. Maybe that wily alicorn was using some ridiculous reverse psychology on him, making him think as if his mischief was a relaxing break from the norm, like she was looking forward to the distraction? But secretly hating it?

Unless… Unless she was employing double reverse psychology. Discord’s eyes took on a thousand-yard stare as his inner mind processed the reverse, and double reverse, and twice-flipped inverted reverse psychology with a one and a half gainer fakie with a chicken salad… Shaking his head to clear it, Discord noticed that his wandering thoughts had tripped up a group of local tachyons as they were trying to board a quantum bus.

“Sorry, fellas.” Discord gave a sheepish grin, patting the tachyons on the head while he straightened out the warping of the time-space continuum. “That was on me. Off you go, now.” They nodded their thanks and clambered above before zipping off to FTL land.

Discord looked around to see if any pony would’ve been entertained by that cheap little gag. Frowning, he noticed that the nearest creature was a griffon, and the thing was a good kilometer away, likely hunting for lunch. Discord sighed.“Ah, that gag would’ve gone over his head anyway…”

Getting back on task, Discord set off towards Cadence’s pinnacle-like castle. The Crystal Heart’s weather control magic was an impressive display of power, and with every step he noticed the air temperature warming by degrees. Smirking, he realized that with every step, land prices probably steadily climbed as well..

Discord studied the castle as he approached. Typical pony architecture, what with it’s lavenders and golds, and pinks. Maybe he should liven it up? Discord momentarily weighed the pros and cons of emblazoning his face across the massive facade of the castle. Would Cadence be offended at the gesture? Hmm. Best to talk to Cadence before he gave her any other stresses to consider. Then perhaps he could leave her with a parting gift and emblazon something else on the facade, the last thing of him that Cadence would see…

...His butt.

Discord’s ears twitched as he heard a gasp from his right. Some crystal pony mother was herding her filly back into her little house, murmuring something about there being enough chaos around here. His lips pursed as he thought back to the last time he had been to the famed Crystal City. Probably five years ago? Special date with Fluttershy? The ponies couldn’t still be upset about his cheesecake stunt, could they? No matter. He quickened his pace. He was here to see one pony, facade or no facade, and he was going to be all ears for what she had to say on the matter.

* * *

“But I’m Discord! ‘Lord of Chaos?’”

“I don’t care if you’re lord of the tutus. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s court does not start for another thirty-three minutes. And there are exactly fifteen Citizens of the Crystal City that have official business with her, so you can just wait in the back of the line like anypony else!” The moustache of the huffy Marshal of the Crystal Court puffed as the crystal pony blustered. Discord wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed with the self-important pony, or simply count the veins on the pretentious pony’s face.

“Fine, fine…” Discord muttered. “I can see I've been outflanked.” He pointed to an especially prodigious backside, smiling innocently as he overheard the mare’s offended snort.

The Marshal was still glaring at him, not rising to the bait. Discord’s eyes narrowed a bit, meeting him stare for stare until he finally turned on his heel and prowled to the back of the line. No need to escalate things here, he still needed to talk to her.

He rolled his eyes as he thought about it: Pitiful.

Him? The mighty Discord? Lord of Chaos, lingering at the back of some line? Standing at the back of a pedestrian, single file queue like a sap?

This would not stand. Everyone else was welcome to, but not him.

Discord stroked his chin in thought for a moment. What this corridor needed was a few less guards and no petitioners… and what would be a more chaotic way to do that than with stinky cheese?

Constructing the necessary magic from the ether, he prepared the scene in his mind before he snapped his fingers. With a subtle flash, the suits of armor protecting the guard ponies that were stationed on either side of the corridor changed. Instead of the luster of silvery lavender or dusty bronze, now the armor took on the flat, brownish-orange tinge of the rind of limburger. With a second flash rodents flowed into the room like a tide, scurrying along the ceiling due to a localized inverted gravity spell. For the coup de grace, however, he equipped the little starving pests with insectoid wings and elongated chompers.

The effect was immediate. Eyes as large as saucers, the officers reacted to the invasion, twisting to face their swarming foe and struggling to bring their hopelessly oversized weapons to bear. Hardly being flexible, the limburger crumbled and broke off of their bodies in sheets, leaving them semi-unarmored and releasing a pungent aroma that the cheese was legendary for. For good measure, the weapons broke apart as well, falling into heaping, steaming chunks of cheese. Using their wings to their advantage, the hungry rodents were taking flight, descending upon the horrified occupants of the room.

A series of shouts, shrieks, and squeaks saturated the air as ponies ran in terror, guards and supplicants alike. Discord merely checked his watch as the pandemonium played out, the mass of disaster screaming for the exits. How many more minutes did he have to wait?

Looking up and down the corridors, Discord took stock of the situation. With nopony else in sight, just a mass of discarded limburger, he decided to go ahead and knock on the throne room doors. After a moment, they swung outward on heavy hinges.

“Er… yes?”

“Sunburst, my good stallion!” Discord crowed, reaching in and yanking the pony toward him before wrapping his taloned arm around his withers. “Still rocking the goatee I see—excellent! How goes the crystalling?”

“I’m no longer doing that and—what the hay? Discord?”

The medium orange unicorn’s hooves shuffled and scraped along the tile floor until he pushed himself away, straightening his glasses. “What in Tartarus are you doing here? You can’t be doing this right now, Cadence is about to hold court!” Sunburst took as step forward to make his point, but his forehoof fell through something squishy and crumbly. His nose wrinkled in distaste. “What is that smell?”

That was the face he was making when Discord snapped a picture of him. “Say cheese!” Discord grinned. “Of course, you might also want to yell ‘custodial!’ or some other such thing. I have important affairs to discuss with Princess Candy-butt, and it would really be better if it was taken care of before court. This is something only she can help me with.

Sunburst looked around in horror. “I… this is highly irregular, Discord! What is this mess? Are you behind this?”

Folding his arms, Discord decided to play along. “Well I would hardly be in front of it. That would make me look suspicious!”


Discord cut him off. “Now look, my good sir. These are matters of the heart, and I must speak to your princess before she—”


The draconequus’ face brightened, spinning around to address the new feminine voice that had boomed out across the throne room. He clasped his hands together. “And there’s the pretty pink princess, now! A penny for your thoughts? I think I’d like to weigh them!”

“I’m not sure what a penny is, but I saw the carnage you left in my corridors! What is it with you and cheese?”

Discord pursed his lips. “Wait, am I becoming too predictable? Not good, but that’s besides the point.” He spread his arms out wide. “I am here to seek your counsel in matters of love! I promise to be out of your ever-so-colorful mane if you can just hear me out: I’ll be gone before court even starts!”

Sunburst piped up from behind him. “Love? Hah!” Discord chose to ignore that.

Princess Cadence studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. “Very well. I’ll meet with you if—”

In a flash Discord had materialized next to her, embracing her in a hug with a few additional limbs thrown in for good measure. Not losing even a beat, Cadence lit her horn and formed a body-fitted energy shield before she expanded it away, pushing Discord off of her.

“Ahem. I’ll only meet with you on one condition. That you leave my corridors out there sparkling clean, and that you send word that my court will still be able to begin on time.” Discord lifted his hand to snap, but Cadence raised a hoof to stop. “No foul leftover odors, either.”

“Oh, Fine.” Discord grumbled. “You know me too well, Cadence. No odors, everything cleaned.” He snapped his fingers, simultaneously eradicating the cheese, nudging Sunburst out of the doors, and then slamming them shut in his face.

Cadence gave him a flat look. “Was that really necessary?”

“Sunburst can take care of the announcements.” Discord folded his arms.

Cadence stared at him for a few more seconds before heaving a sigh. “Fine. What is it you wanted to discuss?”

“It’s about Fluttershy.”

“Oh?” Cadence lifted an eyebrow. “Has she placed barriers on your relationship with her? Made threats if you cross them?”

Discord’s jaw clenched before he sat down, cross legged on the stairs before the throne. “I still love her, Cadence! I’m sure your horned horny-horn powers can ascertain that. I just want to know what to do to make this work. I’ll never interfere with her right to choose. Just… How do I make it so she will choose me?”

“You can’t make her do anything, Discord.”

“I know, I know…” Discord moaned as Cadence turned, striding past him up the stairs before taking a seat on her raised dais.

“Have you lost her trust? Can she feel like an individual?”

“I…” Discord scratched behind an ear before looking back at the Princess of Love from his seat. “You’re good at this, aren’t you?”

Cadence smirked. “I haven’t done anything yet. Now…” Cadence’s horn glimmered for a few seconds, her eyes closed in concentration before she opened them again. “I know you love her. I think she still loves you. Tell me about what is harming the relationship. I’ll see if there is anything I can offer that can help. Some counselling, as it were. Would that be okay?”

Discord stood up, a hopeful glint in his eye. “That would be great.”

Author's Note

Hey, all. :twilightsmile:

So, some readers might be concerned about Fluttershy's character in this fic. Just to be clear, she is aged up about five years or so since the Storm King's invasive force. She is a complex character, as demonstrated by later seasons of mlp. But currently she is not dating Discord at all. She broke off the relationship. Finally, just because she is inviting someone on a date doesn't mean she's promising the rest of her life to them. At this point she is feeling some interest and is examining her options.

Just, ya know... In case you Fluttercord lovers out there are getting all up in arms about this. :flutterrage:

But if you really, really want to know, I'll give you a spoiler down below for what will happen in chapter three.

You Fluttercord fans won't be disappointed about it...:yay:

The Key

“So, let me get this straight.” Cadence sighed, squeezing her eyes shut as she pressed a hoof to the bridge of her nose. “You can check in on her anywhere, anytime, without warning, and feel like it is completely within reason because she enjoys a little chaos from time to time?”

Discord pursed his lips together, rolling his eyes that he needed to rehearse the matter again. “Well, she does! We had a wonderful thing!”

“And you don’t understand why the arrangement left her unsatisfied?”

Discord folded his arms and blew a raspberry, before leaning back to float at an oblique angle towards the ceiling. Cadence ignored the fact that his raspberry caused the tapestries of her throne room to vibrate as well. “She was completely satisfied! I just think that perhaps I’m a tad bit too much of a good thing!”

He continued in his trajectory, maintaining the same pose until his snout came to rest against the dome ceiling, thirty meters in the air. He must’ve had his eyes closed, because the contact surprised him, causing him to startle before sitting up and looking around, blinking in momentary confusion.

Cadence shook her head, watching as he leaned back and started a lazy backstroke, attempting to lap the inner surface of the throne room dome for some ridiculous reason. For a draconequus interested in considering relationship advice, Discord seemed to be putting up a lot of interference.

He’s being… what’s the word… obstinate. Reminds me of trying to sweet-talk Flurry Heart into taking a bath back when she was a foal.

She put on a saccharine-sweet smile. “Dis-coooorrd…”

Pausing in his swimming, Discord sat up, unimpressed at Cadence’s tone. “Don’t patronize me, Mi Amore, I’m not a child.”

“Says the draconequus pantomiming a swim meet in my throne room?”

He snapped his fingers, disappearing in a flash only to reappear as a moving feature on the throne room’s newest tapestry. The tapestry featured Spike’s heroics when he used his firebreath to melt a frozen cloud before it could smash into the spectators below, saving the Equestrian Games from disaster. Taking advantage of the scene depicted, Discord brought out marshmallows and started roasting one at the end of a stick over Spike’s fire breath.

“Cadence, so far you haven’t told me anything that I haven’t already heard from Fluttershy. You have anything better?

“Perhaps if you’d stop behaving like a petulant two year old.”

Discord merely popped a flaming marshmallow in his mouth before mounting a second on the end of his skewer. He turned away from her, his hunched posture and sullen expression causing Cadence to giggle. “Okay. Three year old.”

“If you’re not going to tell me anything useful, I’ll take my leave.”

This time it was Cadence’s turn to roll her eyes. “Are you here to actually ask me for advice? Or are you just here trying to justify yourself?”

“Who’s justifying?” Discord fumed, standing up and opening his arms wide. “I’ve only ever treated Fluttershy with absolute love! I’ve done more for her than any other pony with the possible exception of her mother!” Discord thumbed his chest with both hands. “I’m not the one being unreasonable!” Discord looked down, realizing that he was now sitting on top of Spike’s fire. His own tail was now smoldering. “I...I am justifying, aren’t I?”

Cadence’s expression softened into a gentle smile. “Maybe a little?”

Deflating like a balloon, Discord sank to the bottom of the tapestry before leaking out of it, pouring himself back into the courtroom. Landing with a thump, he bounced, floating back up into the air and massaging a foot. “How do you ponies tolerate walking on a floor made of crystal? Don’t you get stress fractures or anything? Split hooves?”

Hearing nothing, Discord looked back up only to find his own disgruntled expression looking back at him from a full length mirror. Cadence had magicked one up while he was nursing his plantar fasciitis or whatever, and was standing behind it, peering out at him from the side as she propped it up with her magic. It was time to begin this session for real. Of the many clients she had dealt with over the years in her side profession, she knew that many needed to vent, or go on a tirade, as it were, before they were ready to listen. As far as tirades went, Discord’s wasn’t the most explosive she had seen, but it had certainly been the most unusual. “I know what you are doing,” she drawled.

“Moi?” Discord scoffed. Nobody ever knows what I am doing, not even Princess Cakety-flanks.” Discord struck a pose. “I’ll have you know that I am swift as the coursing river. I’ve got all the force of a great typhoon. The strength of a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!”

Cadence's eyebrow slowly raised. “I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.”

“What’s with the mirror?”

“Well…this is an object lesson.” Discord started muttering, but Cadence went on, cutting across him. “Now bear with me. I’m sure you’ve looked at your reflection countless times…”

“Well yeah—how could I not, what with my good looks?”

“But how closely do you really look yourself in the eye?”

“It’s my best feature!”

She sighed. “I mean deeply enough that you can see a glimmer of your soul?” Discord didn’t interrupt, so she went on. “To get an honest picture of what you are on the inside. You know, smear yourself across the wall and really study the contents?”

Discord stroked his chin. “That sounds a little dark for you.”

Cadence ignored him, choosing instead to look into the mirror. She waited until he looked back, meeting her gaze through the reflection. “It can be a hard thing, to look at yourself.”

Discord stared at her before finally breaking into a laugh. “Really, Cadie? I’ve heard this line of psychology before, but with my lifespan and experience, I think you’re a little out of your depth.” Discord’s voice had shifted, and was steadily growing colder. “You don’t think I already know who I am? Already know what I am?”

Cadence frowned, turning the mirror away for a moment. “Now, hold on. I think you’re forgetting something. Something that happened recently? Something that has already changed you? And isn’t a being of pure chaos capable of change?”

“Something changed me?” Now the draconequus sounded legitimately angry. “I changed myself. I am the agent of change. Are you going to educate me on what chaos is?”

“Of course not! But I think—”

“I am unknowable, Princess.” Discord’s voice had now become very dark indeed. He was floating off of the ground, and his form had doubled in size and was increasing. He snapped his fingers, and with a flash of light the mirror Cadence was holding duplicated, and then duplicated again. In a couple of seconds there were easily a hundred or more, each levitating and floating around them until they were encircled on all sides by mirrors, all connecting edge to edge until one smooth, reflective surface surrounded them.

“Let me show you what chaos looks like.” In an instant the Lord of Chaos had vanished, but Cadence’s eyes were immediately drawn to the mirrors that had come alive with a variety of images. Tears came to her eyes as she surveyed massive battlefields, littered with the dead and dying, blood and broken weapons laying about, causes, crusades, and lives lying in ruin. On other mirrors were displayed sieges and invading forces, hordes of ruthless mercenaries flying in and cutting down opposition. Death and destruction surrounded them. Wanton violence that ravaged not only soldiers but also the infirm and the helpless, even children. Cadence wiped the tears from her face, her mascara staining her light pink fur.

Discord’s voice sounded again, his voice surrounding her in a wave of malice. “Take a good look, Cadence. This is me. This is my past. I am the Avatar of Chaos. Capable of destruction on a colossal scale.”

The scenes of bloodshed, famine, and other manifestations of suffering gradually faded to black, leaving behind them only a featureless void. “This is what I am, Cadence. Unknowable. Unchangeable. For I am change, and not always for the better.”

Cadence squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep breath before pulling herself together. Discord was obviously hurting, but if he went on hurting like this it was possible that disastrous things could result. He apparently had some rather big demons and skeletons in his closet, but even so, that fact gave her some hope. Even with all this history, he wouldn’t be putting on such a big show if he didn’t actually feel guilty for it.

She lifted a hoof, and channeled her full heritage of earth pony strength into the limb, slamming it down hard enough to crack the crystal floor. Tapping her magic, she released her own version of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“And she loves you anyway!”

The room was filled with deafening silence. For a moment, she wondered if Sunburst was outside listening in, but so what if he was. She needed to break through Discord’s defenses, so she chose to wait. After another few moments, Discord finally popped up, appearing in one of the mirrors and leaning out of the plane of glass. “Well, I have my doubts.”

Cadence heaved a sigh of relief. As difficult a creature as Discord was, his facade finally seemed to be cracking. She slowly walked up to him, maintaining eye contact the whole way. Drawing near, she lowered her head slightly, bringing her horn exactly across his line of sight. “The horn doesn’t lie.”

Discord blinked before filling the entire frame of the mirror with his body. “Well, it's mistaken then. All of this…” he spread his arms out wide, all of the scenes of destruction previously displayed rippling across the mirrors, “is the truth. All of it happened. How much of this do you suppose Fluttershy knows about?” Discord dropped his head, the entire scene evaporating in smoke. “How much do you think I’ve kept from her? How much do I actually merit her love?”

Finally. Now we are getting somewhere. “She knows who you are,” Cadence replied gently. “And she knows more than any of us how you’ve changed. Perhaps you didn’t merit her love before. That doesn’t change what she feels now.”

Cadence slowly turned, walking back towards the center of the room. “Love is my specialty, Mr. Lord of Chaos… Would you like to hear my verdict?”

Cadence waited until she heard the sounds of him climbing out of the mirror, cocking an ear back for better clarity. She heard him mutter the word ‘verdict’ under his breath, but his footsteps drew nearer. Finally, he came alongside her. She only just barely hid her surprise when she noticed he was inexplicably wearing an orange jumpsuit.

He held his hands out, fists upturned and closedclose together. “I throw myself upon the mercy of the love court. Read me the next sentence.”

“...The next sentence?” Cadence shook her head. “If you can contain yourself for a hot minute, you might be interested in what I have to say.”

Discord brought his hands up to his face, pantomiming the act of zipping his mouth shut while his ears grew.

“Thank you. Now, you’ve just spent a moment sharing some darker things about your past. Seems to me you’re giving your best effort to explain why you are unlovable. And yet Fluttershy does love you. Why do you think that is?”

Hearing no reply, Cadence continued. “If you are a being that claims responsibility for so much of that…'' She pointed a hoof at the now empty mirror, before conjuring up an image of Fluttershy peering up demurely from under her bangs. “How have you earned this?”

Discord gazed at the image in silence for a few seconds before looking away, annoyed. “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

Cadence stepped closer, leaning upwards to whisper in the draconequus’ ear. “It’s because you chose her.” She pointed a hoof back at the mirrors. “You chose her over that.”

Discord raised a bushy eyebrow. “I don’t follow. I chose love over chaos? Hardly.”

“No.” Cadence smiled. “You chose her over yourself.” Discord looked off to the side again, his eyes gaining a distant look. “When you allowed yourself to become ‘reformed,’ as Auntie Celestia calls it, you made a singular choice. You demonstrated in this choice that you valued Fluttershy’s desires over your own. And her friendship. You chose her, in every sense of the word.”

Discord started stroking his goatee in thought. “But that isn’t how love works. If a person or pony always sacrifices… gives up everything they want in order to please the other, that leads to resentment.”

Cadence smirked. “Are you advising me on the ways of love?”

Discord frowned slightly. “Not exactly. I’m just saying that— “

“No, no... your point is valid.” Cadence nodded her head sagely. “But it is incomplete. Of course it is true that love is never a one-way street. It isn’t healthy or balanced if all one partner does is give while the other one takes. The best love exists in balanced relationships. If one overpowers the other... well, that isn’t love.”

“Are you saying that I’m overpowering Flutters? I wouldn’t do something like that!”

Cadence’s mouth tightened, thinking for a moment. “Let’s come back to that. The other point I wanted to make is that love will always be flawed if each partner doesn’t love themselves first.”

Discord’s brows furrowed. “How does that work? Love themselves? Isn’t that showing selfishness?”

Smiling, Cadence shook her head gently. “Loving yourself isn’t selfish. It is actually quite healthy. Unfortunately, too many ponies struggle with their self-image. Or they don’t accept who they are. Or forgive themselves of past mistakes...” Cadence sighed. “Unfortunately, too many ponies, in their heart of hearts, hold themselves in derision.”

“R-really? I thought all you ponies were far more content than that. All sunshine and rainbows.”

Cadence gave a sad chuckle “The images you displayed on the mirror shows we are not. Just because you see a smile doesn’t mean that pony can’t be a wreck inside.”

Discord made no reply, only continuing to stroke his goatee in thought.

“As for you my dear,” Cadence went on, “this is something you struggle with.”

Discord drew back, furrowing his brows as if the alicorn was suggesting how to make a Breezie souffle. Cadence went on, her voice even quieter. “Discord, for anyone to improve the quality of their love, they need to first love themselves. Once they do, the only other ingredient needed is their desire to seek the other’s interests before their own. When each side of a relationship does that… well…” She gave a wistful smile. “That’s what my element is truly about.”

“So, I need to love myself? I don’t think that—”

“It starts with acceptance,” Cadence cut across him. “You may learn better how to do this with Fluttershy by your side. She can help you heal. But let’s return to the earlier point.”

Discord waved a hand for her to continue.

“The reason Fluttershy broke things off---and this was likely the reason your relationship has been on and off for several years now—is that Fluttershy doesn’t feel chosen anymore.”

“But why? I love her more than ever!”

“I know, dear. I sensed that much with my horn.” Cadence smiled sadly. “And I’m sure that on a conscious level, you still choose her. The problem here is a difference in power, by several orders of magnitude. That, and the difference in your lifespans probably doesn’t help, either. If I could use an astronomy analogy, Fluttershy is a rather cute little moon… that just so happens to be orbiting a supermassive quasar.”

Discord stared at the floor glumly.

“You’re powerful, Discord. And each time your power reaches too far, impinging on the soul of your mate, she feels overshadowed. She feels trapped. And she stops feeling chosen.”

“Well, maybe I don’t want to be so powerful anymore.”

Cadence studied him for a long moment, before giving a heavy sigh. “Let’s come back to that point as well. First… How would you like to undergo a little thought experiment? This is something I do with couples in relationship counseling sessions. Fluttershy isn’t here to do it with you, but I can work around that.” Suddenly her face broke into a wide grin. “How would you like to swap brains?”

Discord stood up and backed away. “Somehow, that isn’t what I thought would come out of your mouth. Mi Amore Cadenza: Princess of Love by day and body snatcher by night...”

“There is a spell I have developed—a spell that in a large part is how I made my ascension to alicorn status—that I call my empathy spell. I use it to help couples see from the viewpoint of the other; experience things in the way that their partner experiences.” Her grin became shark-like. “It has a way of really changing a pony’s paradigm.

Discord pursed his lips. “You’re not really selling me on this, here.”

“For many couples, the experience is far too personal, so I try to help them in other ways. But for couples who are willing to try everything to save their relationship? Well…”

“I’ll agree, if…” Discord held up a claw. “And this is a very big if… Only if I can swap with Flutters. I’ll accept no substitutes.”

“But she isn’t—”

Discord’s claw turned over, showing that he had cocked his fingers in preparation to snap them. “That can be easily remedied.”

Cadence looked from his hand back to his eyes, a strange intensity there. She cocked her head with a sigh. “This is an example of what I was talking about. Fluttershy most likely feels trapped. How is she supposed to feel any balance in your relationship if you can snap your fingers on a whim and call her to your presence without warning? Even from way over here in the Crystal Empire?”

Discord’s hand slowly lowered as his expression softened. “I…” His voice was subdued. “I don’t usually take such liberties, but when the occasion calls for it…” He sat up a little straighter, his expression hardening. “When the occasion calls for it, I am the best assurance of safety she has: I can be there in a heartbeat! With me Fluttershy has never been safer. Are you suggesting I give up my ability to reach out, to snatch her from danger? I’m not willing to give that up.”

By now Discord was nearly growling. Cadence winced. It was heartwarming in a way, but in another, it was disturbing. She measured her tone carefully. “All I ask is that you see things from her perspective. You love her enough to do that, don’t you?”

Discord pointed at her. “I see what you are doing… that was low, Cadie”

“I know, I know…” Cadence’s head slunk towards her shoulders, but she peered up at the draconequus through her multi-colored locks. “But will you?”

The moment drew out, the silence becoming heavier and heavier until Discord finally relented. “Fine! Fine…” he grumbled. “What do I have to do?”

“Just allow me to do the spell. Only a minute of real time will pass, but in your mind, you will experience the equivalent of a significant past event, or maybe a day, with Fluttershy. I obviously don’t have her mind available here, but I can substitute my own. It goes without saying that my sessions are completely confidential, but in order to do this, you must give me access to one particular memory.”

Discord narrowed his gaze, thinking for a moment. “And you can just step in like that? I doubt it is equivalent. I may be a—what did you say? A supermassive quasar? Well, as an alicorn, you are probably way more massive than a cute little moon.”


Discord chuckled.

Cadence sighed, realizing that he got her there. “I have a way around that too. I will revert my state of mind into how I saw the world previous to my ascension. My lifespan and outlook were very different back then. It’ll be enough.”

“If you say so.” Discord said dubiously. “Is this something that Flutters is supposed to do as well? Or is this just to change my own way of thinking?”

“If you approve of this process, we can of course bring it up to Fluttershy later. I’m sure she would agree if you’ve already tried the therapy.”

“Very well.” Discord leaned back, crossing his arms. “I’m game. Light me up.”

Cadence clapped her hooves together. “Excellent! I just need a memory.”

“Easy. As for memories, I’m still trying to come to terms with our most recent conversation.”

Cadence frowned. “Actually, I need a time when you both were enjoying yourselves. But also a day in which you used your powers in ways she didn’t expect. Or maybe a time she acted reluctant to acquiesce to some grand idea you had.”

Discord stroked his beard. “Have you been looking in on us?”

“No!” Cadence shook her head rapidly. “I would never!”

“Okay, fine. I have one: three years ago, I wanted to blink us to Saddle Arabia on Hearthswarming… But she had some other commitments I wasn’t privy to.”

“Wonderful! We’ll start there.” Cadence smiled. “Now. Close your eyes…”

* * *

Fillydelphia, 8:07 PM same day

The perky pegasus mare gave a small bow before folding up their menus. In a blink she had turned tail and pranced back into the kitchens, her salmon-orange tail waving behind her. Iron Will watched her go before jerking his head forward again, meeting Fluttershy’s eyes with an apologetic gaze. Unfortunately, his right horn grazed the edge of the candelabrum hanging over their table, sending it into a wild arc with a clang.

“I’m uh, sorry, Shy.” Iron Will cringed, reaching up and steadying the light fixture as more and more eyes were drawn to their table. “I wasn’t meaning to stare at the server’s flank. I was just thinking about what I might order for dessert.” Iron Will began to open his napkin before he suddenly realized what he had said, clapping a hand over his eyes. “I mean! Oh, Mother of Minos, that’s not what I meant!”

Fluttershy shook her head slightly, hiding a small smile behind her hoof. “That’s okay Will. You’re just nervous. Normally you aren’t like this at all. What’s wrong?”

“Well, I’m sorry, alright?” The minotaur groaned. “It’s just that it’s a little weird, having been your tour manager for so long… and having admired you all this while. It’s just a little intimidating.”

“Me intimidating?” Fluttershy blinked. “That’s a first. Why do you think that—”

“Just forget it,” Iron Will grumbled. “Let’s uh… talk about something else.”

“Very well.” Fluttershy nodded primly. She looked down at the table, thinking for a moment of something that they could converse about. Thus far the date had been a series of awkward events and twists, and Will had yet to settle down and find his groove again. At this point it was getting just a little bit painful. She wondered if he had been hiding a crush on her the whole time he had managed her speaking tour, and that issue was attempting to sort itself out now. She was beginning to regret proposing this date at all. What types of conversation would be harmless?

Finding nothing, Fluttershy gazed out the window, reading the glimmering advertisement posted at the Fillydelphia Convention Center’s billboard. Her eyes widened somewhat as she saw the name lit up in neon lights. “Oh, that’s right! Guess who’ll be competing against us during our self help seminar tomorrow?”

Sitting up, Iron Will’s brows furrowed. “Competition, eh? Who would have the horns enough to challenge Fluttershy’s tour in its prime?” He struck a pose, flexing his arms and his pectorals. “They’re going to find that they’ll have a very bad time!”

Fluttershy smirked at Will’s rhyming, He was such a silly minotaur. However, he suddenly seemed to have regained his mojo.

“I think—this time anyway—that the other event had been planned out first. One of my best friends, Twilight Sparkle, is speaking tomorrow.” She pointed a hoof out the window. “It’s friendship day, and it was Fillydelphia’s turn to host the event.”

“Oh. Well then… I hope she is successful with the main event.” Fluttershy nodded her agreement before the minotaur stuck another pose, pointing at an unsuspecting corner of the room. “But only because she is your friend. Meanwhile, I hope you have twice the success her little two-bit show has.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “It’s an official, Canterlot-endorsed event.”

“Well, I mean… hey, look! Our food has arrived!”

Sure enough, the pegasus mare had returned, balancing their plates across her outstretched wings. She turned with a grin, sliding Fluttershy’s plate off of her pinions with the dexterity of many years’ experience.

“Okay, you two! Here’s the heirloom tomato caprese salad with the balsamic vinaigrette for the mare… And for the bull: Fetuccine with tomatoes and crispy capers.” Once that was done, she shimmied her shoulders to slide a small wicker basket from off her back. “And here’s more baguettes for the table. Do you need any more wine?”

Sending an inquisitive glance Will’s way, Fluttershy paused before he gave a slight shake of his head. “We are both fine, thank you.”

“Absolutely!” The server beamed. “Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll check in from time to time.” With that, she bounded off to the next table.

Fluttershy decided to pick up where the earlier conversation left off. “I am sure we can both have full and successful venues without emptying out the entire city.” She giggled before stabbing a bit of her salad, holding her fork aloft in her primaries. Iron Will likewise dug in.

The evening went on from there. If the conversation wasn’t brimming with intrigue and excitement, at least it was full of mild interest and polite conversation. As they leisurely picked at the remainder of their entrees, a mild rumble of thunder sounded in the background, drawing Fluttershy’s eyes to the window. Odd. I didn’t see any lightning, or hear anything in the weather report about a storm.

Fluttershy came to two conclusions as she reviewed the evening. First, Iron Will really was well suited as her tour manager. Not only did he listen well and value her opinion, but he really knew the ins and outs of the industry. Her second conclusion, tangentially related to the first but ever so more important to realize, was that he would be well suited to stay as her tour manager.

Just her tour manager.

She had wanted to see if the potential was there, but there just didn’t seem to be any real spark; so he would not become her special somepony. Or… what was the word? Her bullfriend? Special somebully?

Whether or not Will’s feelings for her were based on admiration or actual romantic interest, it was now her responsibility to let him down gently and carry on their connection as it was. They still had a professional relationship to maintain. They would remain friends, nothing more.

More thunder rumbled from outside, distracting Fluttershy from her thoughts as she glanced out the window again. Still no flash of lightning. Weird.

Well, no time like the present.

“Um, Will?”

The minotaur adjusted his collar, her tone of voice getting his undivided attention. “Yeah, boss?”

“I enjoyed myself this evening, and I’m glad we were able to share this experience together.”

Will gave her a quizzical look. “I sense a ‘but’ in there.”

Fluttershy gave a resigned sigh. “I’m sorry, Will. I would like our friendship to continue as strong as it ever was. But to be more? Romantically? Well…”

Fluttershy was cut off by a flash from the window, drawing the attention of all of the patrons inside.


She played with her mane absently while she rewound the last minute in her head. There had been yet another rumble of thunder, but the timing had been backward. The thunder had preceded the lightning.

...Now that she thought of it, her natural-born weather-sense instincts had been entirely quiet all evening. Normally, she would get a tell-tale tingle down her spine that would herald a lightning strike. Thus far, her senses had been completely quiescent..

“Something strange is happening outside.” Fluttershy whispered.

Iron Will sat up. “You want me to investigate?”

Fluttershy held up a hoof. “Oh, that won’t be necessary Will. I’m sure that—”

“Be right back.” The minotaur grunted as he stood up suddenly. Reaching behind him, he pulled out his billfold and placed it on the table. “Here. That's in case they bring us the check before I return.” Without another word, he spun around and strode for the door, rounding tables and dodging server ponies..

Rubbing at a hoof nervously, Fluttershy studied his face as he made for the door. She wasn’t sure if he was more concerned about whatever events were outside, or frustrated by the already played out events of the evening. She had a suspicion it was the latter. Debating about whether or not she should follow, she eventually sat back and watched as his form passed beneath the street lamps while he scouted the area. After a couple of minutes, something drew his attention to the Convention Center, so he jogged across the street to the main entrance.

The server returned with the check, but Fluttershy hardly said two words in response. Sensing something amiss, the server only made a small comment about the ‘weird weather outside’ before promising to come back with some tea.

After a few more minutes she returned, leaving Fluttershy to keep watch while she sipped on some chamomile. The door to the convention center had opened, and to her surprise, a second minotaur was standing there conversing with Iron Will. She couldn’t make out many details, but the other minotaur did stand a little taller and was wearing several belts full of tools. Didn’t Twilight’s security team have a minotaur in their ranks? After another minute, the conversation ended and Iron Will returned to the restaurant, finally sitting back down across from her. His expression was grave.

“Fluttershy? We need to go.”

* * *

There it was again.

Whoever it was at her hotel room door, they weren’t ready to give up so easily. This time, the knocking didn’t wait for a response, but merely continued. Fluttershy brushed a lock of her pink mane out of her face and sat up, blinking at the alarm clock.

Who could that be at seven in the morning? Is there a fire?

Shrugging before letting out a tremendous yawn, Fluttershy moved the covers aside to make room as she stretched both wings out to their full length. The knocking was still ongoing. Fluttershy cupped a hoof to the side of her mouth. “Just a minute!”

Hm. You could do better than that, Fluttershy. That wouldn’t even awaken Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow.

Clearing her throat a few times, Fluttershy sat up a little taller and tried again. “Ahem. Just a minute!”

That didn’t work either.

With a flap of her wings, Fluttershy lifted out of bed to glide gently down in front of the door. For all of the nervous anticipation of her date, it had ended on a rather quiet and anticlimactic note. When he returned to their table, Iron Will had informed her about the strange monster attack that had just occurred at the Convention Center. Apparently, the thunder she thought she heard was actually the sound of the monster when it roared. The flash of light that made Will get up and investigate was given off by a magical stun spell deployed by Fizzlepop Berrytwist, Twilight’s head of security. Once Will had come back from his invesigation, he insisted that she return to her hotel room for her own safety.

Fluttershy hated to end the date on such a down note, but it did create the opportunity to bring the evening to a close without too much awkwardness. Iron Will had suggested that she take shelter for the night, and it was rather convenient to agree.

As for the incessant knocking, that hadn’t paused yet, maybe this was Will checking in on her? Not likely. He would never knock in such an irritating manner. The rhythm of the knocking didn’t even follow a pattern. It just kept changing before any pattern could be recognized—the chaos of it was rather jarring… Wait.

Fluttershy undid the latch and pushed open the door.

“Discord?!” She glared at the draconequus floating in the hall, who for some reason it would be good to take on an appearance similar to the crystal ponies of the Crystal Empire up north. All the organs of his body were see-through, with the exception of his heart. That organ was easily visible, and it oddly had a crack going down the middle of it. Fluttershy figured she knew the topic of this visit already.

At the same time, she wasn’t sure if it was right to glare at him. Discord had held up his end of the bargain, after all. He had not interfered with her date—at least as much as she could tell.

“Of course!” He grinned. “Whom were you expecting… the white rabbit?”

Fluttershy frowned at his Chesire cat-like grin. Discord obviously had something up his sleeve, and if she knew anything about her ex, it was that if he wanted to share something, there would be no deterring him. Stepping to the side in resignation, she waved him in. “Welcome to my stateroom. Make yourself at home. Tea? Coffee? Roomservice and a five-star meal?” She was going for sincerity, but a little sarcasm snuck into her voice on the last quip.

“Why thank you!” Discord Ignored her tone, humming in pleasure, as he sauntered in taking in the decor or her suite. “Ugh. Who does the interior design around here? Where’s the vibe? The beat? Where’s the plaid wallpaper with the clashing color schemes?”

More than acquainted with his antics, Fluttershy only returned his queries with a flat look. “Um, I’m sorry, but did you step out of your little dimensional portal too early?”


“Discord. Why are you here?” Fluttershy hovered upwards, patiently folding her forelegs while she awaited his response.

“Why, to see you of course!” He spread his arms out wide, showing off his crystalline body. “I came all the way from the Crystal Empire!”

Fluttershy turned her glare up a touch, adjusting her primaries to glide her hover forward until only about three hooves distance separated them. “At seven in the morning after my date?”

“It couldn’t wait!”


“Okay, okay! I’m sorry.” He held up both hands as if warding off a blow. “I suppose it is a little over-the-top to drop in this early after your hot date with… Your minnow-taur. But I needed to see you.” Discord dropped his head, clasping his hands in front of him. He actually looked abashed.

Fluttershy considered him. It must be something significant, given his current demeanor. He was even using one of the hotel room chairs—to actually sit for once. His hands remained folded in his lap as he looked up slightly. “Can we talk for a minute?”

Fluttershy blinked. There seemed to be a deep essence to how he used that word. What did he want to talk about? This had to be him doing his best to piece their relationship back together. She was willing to talk, but he knew exactly where she stood on this whole thing. She longed for their relationship to be successful—she just wasn’t sure if it could be. “I can see that you feel this was urgent, Discord, but even so: to knock on my door at seven in the morning?”

Discord winced a little bit, but after a few seconds he stood, giving a resigned sigh. “Of course you are right. It was rude of me to barge in like that. I seem to always have a problem with timing.” He walked to the door. “I’ll wait until you're ready. If now isn’t a good time, I can come back later.”

Fluttershy was taken aback at how easily he had changed his mind. This wasn’t like him at all.


Discord paused, his hand resting on the door as it stood ajar.

“We can have a chat, Discord. But could you do me the favor of waiting until I’ve freshened up?” Discord turned with a hopeful smile, making Fluttershy feel warmer inside. “Why don’t you order us some room service? We can converse over some hot food.”

Discord’s smile grew. “Marvelous! How do you want your eggs?”

* * *

“So then you swapped places?” Fluttershy giggled behind her teacup. “With Cadence?”

Discord let out a chuckle of his own. “Well, more or less. Somehow she created a false personality based on who she had been before she ascended, and then she somehow found a way to confine my vast intellect into that tiny little constricting cranium of hers!”

Smiling at his antics, Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Yes. Your vast and vaunted intellect. I’m sure Cadence was no match for it.”

Discord coughed. “Yes. Anyway…”

“But you almost sound excited about it.”

Discord threw his hands over his head. “Because it was exciting! Imagine, casting me, yours truly, into a construct of the mind of a mortal pony! It was truly chaotic! Captivating!” He reached forward and took a large sip of his tea.


“And I couldn’t get out. Meanwhile, Cadence had stepped into my spacious head and was calling the shots for an hour. She is a terrifying mare!”

Fluttershy tried not to snort. “Oh, yes. Love is a most frightening conundrum.”

“Right?” Discord set his tea down again, pointing emphatically in a direction Flutteshy could only guess was to the northwest. “Little Miss Love had the time of her life! First she whisked us away to a proper tea party. Ugh. Then we were off to a calligraphy class!” At this, Discord paused to shudder. “I had to practice making straight lines! And then we appeared in a factory where I was trained in the art of making metric rulers. Metric rulers! To measure things!” By now he was gesticulating wildly with both arms. “I wasn’t even allowed to cause variance to even a single millimeter! It was infuriating!”

Fluttershy tried to hold it back but she couldn’t. Now she was openly laughing, so much so that she spilled her tea. She hadn’t laughed this hard in a while. She always laughed more with Discord. She had very much missed this.

“Oh, that must have been terrible” she cooed.

“Yes it was! Yet… It was rather chaotic in its own way.”

“And Cadence did this as sort of a relationship test? Or a therapy?”

“Whichever. But at the end of it all, she gave me some advice.”


“Very, very good advice, Fluttershy.” Discord leaned forward, his face becoming serious. “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.”

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. In all the years she had known Discord, she wasn’t sure she had ever seen him as earnest as this.

“What happened?”

“Cadence changed my paradigm.” Discord leaned closer, reaching across her remaining breakfast to hold both her hooves in his hands. “And I’m sorry.”

Discord paused, waiting for Fluttershy to react, but Fluttershy.exe was trying to reboot itself after updates.

“I’ve been such a rapscallion.”


“A rapscallion. And a rascal. And a turd-muffin too.” Discord dropped his voice into a low murmur, lowering his head in shame. “Forgive me? I’ve injected a little too much discord in your life, my dear. I… I never knew the harm I was doing.”

“Harm?” Flutteshy shook her head in disbelief. “What harm? I knew that you loved me.”

“And I know that you knew that I loved you. I still do. But I took liberties. I misused my power. Wasn’t that what our last conversation was about?”

“Well. Yes.” Fluttershy looked away for a moment. She recalled the anguish of that day, and realized that her heart had been aching from those wounds ever since. But it had been for the best. It was a decision not made lightly, nor in haste. At least that is what she kept telling herself. “If you’ll recall, that wasn’t the first time I brought that up. Only last time we spoke, I had finally had enough.”

Discord sat back, his expression growing resolute. “Well, no more. I want you back.” With that, Discord held something forward, cradling it in his palms as if it were his own soul. “And I’d do anything to have you by my side.”

It was a key. Simple in design, devoid of color, except for a muted off-white. And yet there was something about it that resonated power.

Fluttershy gave a little gasp. What had he done? And was it reversible? She didn’t want him harming himself or doing something else foolish to prove a point. “Discky… what did you do?” She held out her hooves reverently to take it.

“I have lived for a long time, my dear. But in all those millennia, I had never loved.” Fluttershy gave a little start, looking back up to his moistening eyes. “I. Love. You. I think I started to fall the moment that you denied my power in the middle of Canterlot gardens. I was intrigued. And… a little annoyed. I had to cheat and actually push your mind harder than the others in order to get what I wanted.”

Fluttershy gave a little huff and folded her forelegs again. “Way to ruin the moment. Go back to the part where you said you loved me. Eep!” Fluttershy covered her muzzle with both hooves, her eyes wide as her bangs fell across to hide one side. Did she really say that? Is that what she really meant to say?


Perhaps it was. Discord was smiling at her expectantly. “Okay, Discord. I may still have feelings for you too. But about our earlier conversation?”

Discord smiled proudly. “All taken care of.”

“But how?”

“I realized how my power was hurting you. And I saw how from my perspective, I was having a hard time understanding that fact. So I leveled the playing field some. I won’t stop being Discord—we saw how that worked out before—but this here…” He pointed a claw at what she held in her hand. “This is the key.”

Fluttershy gave him a blank look. “Yes? It is a key…”

No no no! Discord waved his claws. “Not a key. The key.”

“This key is the key?”


“I’m confused.”

Discord pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let me explain. It took some doing, but I was actually able to splinter off a sizable portion of my powers and separate them from me. Cadence guided me in how to use my love to compress them, store them, and to package them, travel sized for your convenience.

“And this key… I now give to you. As I do my heart.” He reached out again, enclosing her hooves around the smooth and slightly warm surface of it. He gestured down at it with his snout. “For safekeeping. No longer shall I be able to yank you from whatever you’re doing, or be able to spy on you without your knowing. It will limit me in my ability to pull you out of danger, but… I think you’d rather have your sovereignty.”

Fluttershy held the key up, her eyes wide. She was stunned. Overwhelmed. She was more than a little terrified. “But Discky! You can’t do that for me! What will happen? And how will it affect you? You can’t do that to yourself!”

“Already have, Fluttershy. Already have—and I want you to have it.” Discord gently let go of her hooves, hovering his hands above them as if leaving a blessing before finally leaning back. “I am not harmed in any way, my dear. I’m just… not as OP as you remember.”

“But can you reverse it?”


“What?” Fluttershy gasped, tears coming to her eyes. “But Discord!"

“Listen.” Discord reached forward again, looking deeply into her eyes as he held her shoulders. “I cannot break it. Only you can. This is deep magic, Flutters. But I want you to remember this: You break that key, you break my heart.”

“But you can’t just give me that condition!”

Discord grinned. “Look at it this way. Holding onto that key will make me a bit more tolerable to have around. You do want me around, don’t you?”

Fluttershy’s mouth dropped open. “I… You… But that’s—” After another moment, Fluttershy pushed off from the table, jostling the hotel’s serving platters. Turning on a hoof, she started to pace back and forth, glaring holes into the floor. After another few turns, she turned and gave him a rather severe look. She held up the key, shaking it a few times for emphasis. “I am really uncomfortable with this!”

Discord sat meekly, inclining his head to wait. Fluttershy went back to pacing. After another minute she stopped again. “If you love me, then you’ll respect my right to think about this? I mean... really think about it—It feels like you are giving me no choice here!”

“I’m sorry, Flutters. I don’t want you to feel like you have no choice. If you choose to only remain friends, then I will abide by that decision. I hope you give me a last chance, but even if you don’t, I still want you to keep the key.”

Fluttershy looked down at the key in her hooves, her mouth slightly open. After a few moments she sat back on her haunches, still lost in thought.

“There’s no rush. I don’t need an answer right now, Fluttershy—I would never rush you in a matter such as this.”

“I… that’s good, that’s…”

A flash of magic broke into their conversation as a wisp of smoke swirled before materialising into a scroll. Fluttershy flinched from the intrusion, but Discord only raised a claw to pluck it lazily from the air.

“It’s for you.” He held the scroll out. “Princess your new pen pal?”

“Not really.” Fluttershy got back on her hooves and took the scroll from him, glancing at the Celestial Seal. “Huh. I wonder what Princess Celestia wants?” Without further ado, she broke it open and began to read. The message didn’t contain good news.

“Oh, dear.”

“Celestia revoke your touring license?”

“No.” Fluttershy stuck her tongue out and threw a bagel at him. He merely caught it and started to cover it in mustard. “However, I need to head back to Canterlot. Right away!”

“Canterlot?” Intrigued, Discord floated off of his chair, reclining in the air as he carefully adhered the bagel to the ceiling. “What about your speaking tour? And your muscular minnow-manager?”

The pegasus shook her head. “This is too important. Iron Will can handle the cancellation. There’s a pony that has some sort of magical curse, and neither princess can fix her. It sounds terrible. They’d like us to try to help her with the Elements of Harmony.”

“Ah.” Discord tried to hide the distaste in his voice. “Yes, the crystalline constructs that create collections of concrete criminals.”

“The what?”

“Amulets of Doom. Anyway, need help packing your bags? Better yet, shall we step into my dimension and save some time?”

Fluttershy cocked her head. “Can you still do that?”

The draconequus landed his hands on his hips. “Well, of course I can—oh wait.” His posture slouched as he reached up to scratch behind a horn. “Well, I can. But to bring you—that might prove difficult.” Discord started to mutter under his breath, slowly becoming more and more animated as he had a drawn out argument with himself.

“So… train tickets?”

Discord glared at her as if insulted. “Must we be so mundane? Rolling boxes on wheels? Ugh!”

“You could sit with me in my 1st class cabin.” Fluttershy nudged his morose form with a hoof.

Discord let out a long breath. “You’ll let me redecorate a little?”

“Of course!”

“...Fine. I’ll get the tickets. You can inform last night’s date that you are coming with me.”

“That little message will sweeten the deal, huh?”

“You bet your sweet flank it does.”


Author's Note

And there you have it. I needed to give these two characters their own little introduction before they stroll into my main fic, The Amulet of Shades. I will turn to that next, and get chapter 14 out as soon as I can. Fluttershy's friends are going to be a little confused when they see her, because last they heard, she broke it off... Andy why is she wearing that key around her lovely neck?

I'll also give a shout out to Nailah (go on over there and give that mare some headpats) and a new friend of mine, Tater for Life, who gave me some very good input on the character of these... ehrm, characters, and his views on the assertiveness levels of our favorite feminine pegasus.

As for this story, I admit chapter two is not as strong as one and three, but if you enjoyed the quality, I think you will certainly enjoy The Amulet of Shades. I caution you to not peek at the end of chapter 13, though. Give it a read and build up to it... Anyhoo, that's all I have. Hope you Fluttercord lovers out there enjoy. I'll further develop their relationship as Amulet moves forward.

Love y'all!
-S.C. :twilightsmile:

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