
An My Little Pony and Star Wars Story: Clone Wars

by Dawn Darkness

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A New Recruit to the Separatists

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Lifting her head up, the female declared, "I am Sith."

Dooku laughed in good nature. "A bold play, but you are no Sith yet." He levitated himself into the air as he landed down in front of the female Force-user. He continued. "If you'll become a Sith, you fight like the Sith. This can't be intimidated, however." He turned around. "You lack the combat of them. Sith have no fear. And I sense much fear in you."

"You are a foolish old man," the female sneered coldly, activating her lightsabers, "who knows nothing of the Dark Side."

An laugh was the response with just one word, "Indeed." Then, as the female charged at him, Dooku quickly whirled around and used his Force lightning to electrifying the female.

Waking up, the female arose from her bed as she slowly stood up on her legs. She walked forward for a bit, before glancing at her two lightsabers. She walked a few feet to them, before hearing an red lightsaber being activated from behind her.

She, as Dooku from behind charged at her, jumped into the air as she summoned her lightsabers with the Force. She landed safely on the ground, ready to duel against Dooku.

Dooku cut her bed in half just as the female jumped away in the nick of time. The Sith Lord followed her, as the two struck each other with their lightsabers before landing on the ground safely.

"Truly," Dooku gave little struggle, "if you were Sith, then this contest would not be over." The female pushed him away from her, before charging at him herself as she tried striking him down with her two lightsabers of blue and green colours.

Dooku also struck a few strikes at her, causing her to step backwards as the two fought against each other. Seeing the pillar behind Dooku, the female used the Force to break it in half. The Sith Lord, however, cut it in half with his red lightsaber.

Quickly looking behind him as the female had charged at him, Dooku threw one of the parts of the pillar at her. She managed to stop it with her lightsabers, but Dooku used the Force to throw it away again before throwing the female's lighsabers in the air and destroyed them with his own. He Force-pushed the female back as she landed on the ground on her back.

As she tried to get up, Dooku held his lightsaber close to her chin.

"It's not easy to defeat a Sith." He noted to her.

"So finish it." The female replied.

"We have other plans." Dooku answered, looking up to the stair. "Have you been watching, Master?"

"I have indeed Lord Tyranus," the hologram figure's spider-like legs walked down from the stair. "The child's skills with a lightsaber is most impressive. You have found an promising desirable apprentice. She shall serve us well."

"I am honoured." The female bowed respectfully to the figure.

"May I present you the true Lord of the Sith," Dooku presented. "Darth Sidious."

"What is your bidding?" The female asked.

"A Jedi named Sky Light, you will find him for us and...eliminate him." Sidious ordered.

"Jedi?" The female snarked. "They are for their fear of the dark. Corrupt, arrogant. They must be punished. The Jedi shall fall!"

"Consider this...a gift." Dooku opened an box, which contained two new lightsabers to the female Force-user. She took one, activating its red saber.

Later, the female took her ship as she flew into space rather fast.

"She will be no more than a match for the young Prince." Dooku noted to his master.

"It matters not." Sidious replied. "She is merely an instrument to bring forth the eradication of the Jedi."

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Obi-Wan vs Durge Estimated time remaining: 55 Minutes
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