
FoE: Vagabonds

by StapleCactus

Chapter 5: Do I even need to say anything on this cancellation?

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Author's Notes:

There's really nothing to say with this one. N64Fan and I decided to try our hand at FoE, and it was a flop. It tanked hard, and we couldn't really think of a way to salvage it. Between our two different writing styles and two protagonists, it was a basket of Discord. I can barely remember what we were doing here. Something about a foal rekindling the morality and (pony-ity? Humanity, basically.) of the characters, then fighting the big bad that was the foal's backstory or some such. I don't know, and I don't think anyone really cared either. It's so cliche, I don't need to say anything about an ending, since you could probably guess it perfectly. There's plenty of other FoE stories that are much better. Sorry about the negativity on this one, just can't think of anything...

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