
Summoning Twilight

by Webdog177

Chapter 24: Epilogue: And What a Life It Is.

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And there we have it.

So how about it? Do you take my side now?

Sorry, I kinda knew this would be a lot to swallow when I first started this story. After all, you don’t believe in gods, other worlds, magic, or talking ponies any more than when you started reading. Heck, you probably prefer my business metaphor, don’t you? That’s totally fair. After all, these are just words on a page, and I’m a total stranger. You have no reason to trust me when I say I am a unicorn from another world, who became an alicorn princess, who then became a goddess with her soul bound to a semi-sentient magical artifact, who was finally saved by a human for no other reason than she thought I was too ‘cool’ to be stuck like that.

I wouldn’t believe me, either.

But let’s forget about me for a minute, and put the spotlight where it should be: My Little Sunset.

At some point, probably right at the beginning, you probably started to wonder why this story was about her instead of me; told from her perspective, focusing on her experiences, with mine just sort of taking a backseat. Well, my answer is going to be simple and pretty unsatisfactory: even though my past might be more checkered, more colorful, I think hers is more important. Not just because she’s important to me, because she is, but because she’s a way better person than I ever was.

Or... pony. You get the idea.

Oh, I’ve tried my damndest over the course of my long… long life to look on the bright side and not to waste the opportunity I was given; to be kind to others always, to protect those who needed protection. But for Sunset, it’s not even trying; she just naturally does the right thing, every time.

Some of you are probably sitting there saying, “Hey! She didn’t really do the right thing! She sent you after those guys for petty revenge! Interfered with their lives and went outside the laws of man and nature to do so.” And yeah, you’d be right. That was petty. But when you get right down to it, humans are petty most of the time, much as they don’t want to believe they are. Nobody practices altruism, and anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

I guess the real question you all are asking is… did she ever go too far, or was she merely balancing the scales? They wronged her first, after all. It’s a big question, and I can’t really answer that. You’ve heard her side, and you’ve heard Celestia’s, as well. I’m siding with Sunset’s, but don’t let that tell you what to think about everything; I’m slightly biased.

But yeah, that’s about it. I have a feeling you’ll want to know a few more details about how things played out in the future, right? About if Sunset and I ever got the Elements of Harmony together, and if we successfully fixed the mirror and freed our souls or not, even though that stuff isn’t really important to this story… and I’m afraid I can’t tell you. Not yet.

I know, I know; that’s kind of a dick punch. But I can only say that story isn’t really this story.

This story was about Sunset and I. Well, I guess it depends on how you look at it. Some of you might say it was really about me, and some might say “No! No, it was totally about Sunny!” Or maybe both? I don’t know.

But this story is over. It had a good ending — not great, but good. Sunset got the girl, became a better person, and picked up some party members along the way. Your typical hero’s journey, really. All wrapped up in a nice little bow with sprinkles on top. All we really need are the candles, and then we could live happily ever after.

That being said, our journey isn’t really done. There are still things to do, people to meet, and dastardly villains to vanquish. I kind of wish I was lying about that last part, but what’s a good story without some antagonists? A not very good one, that’s for sure. But, like I said, that’s another story.

Until then, you’ll have to make due with the warm fuzzies you get from Sunset getting the girl, and me being happier than I’ve been in a very, very long time.

Which is a very good thing, because there are just some things that turn even the most even-tempered, studious girl into a raging bitchmonster, and those things are still to come.

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To be continued in ‘Freeing Sunset’

Author's Notes:

A/N: Welp, that was a fun time. Hope you all were entertained, at the least. I'm sure most of you were skeptical at the start, basically wondering 'Okay... is this gonna be your typical female revenge fic with a side order of girl power?' And for the most part, that's how it indeed started. Though, if you stuck around for the first few chapters, you quickly realized that this wasn't what this story was ultimately about.

I mean, there was revenge and girl power... oodles of it at that... but again, not the point of the story. The story was really about friendship :moustache: and love :trollestia: and how it can help bring two people together, with heaps of nostalgia along the way. Hah. I mean, can't you just imagine Twilight and Sunset singing "Let's Get Down To Business" from Mulan when they get ready for the day?

Gasp! Ideeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ :raritywink:

Or something like that. There was a mirror or something in there somewhere, wasn't there? Hmmm....

Anyhoo, thanks a bunch for those of you who stuck with it from the beginning, or picked up Summoning Twilight along the way! Or even those of you who started it now that it's complete (you know who you are :derpyderp1:); I hope it was worth the wait. But let's be honest — Sunlight often is.

And one more shout out to my editor, TheTownCrier, as well as my good buddy Demous_Abyss for putting up with my insanity right from the get-go.

Until next time, stay classy, San Diego!

Next Chapter: What's This? A Marvel-esque Mid-Credits Scene?! Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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Summoning Twilight

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