All toys, regardless of origin, wish to be loved, for the reason for their existence is to provide joy to people. This is the tale of an abandoned Cheerilee and the events that gave her what she believed she'd forever lost..
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Nobody thinks too much about those toys included in the kiddie meals from fast food resturaunts, just promotional cheap freebies to appeal to the kids. The kids will enjoy the little toy for about a day before ultimately forgetting about them - after all, they are usually just simple playthings built around one gimmick. The journey of these figures generally end with them being forlorn and forgotten, lost in the cracks of life. But these toys wish to be recognized as toys just as much as the bigger, more robust offerings in stores, that dream being rarely ever fulfilled.

Such was the case for one poor Cheerilee, a Happy Meal figure who felt she had lost everything. Her comb accessory long gone, abandoned by her owner in a public place, and every day could bring further physical erosion. Nobody pays much attention to her, the fuschia plastic thing left floating forlorn in the pool, and she's certain it is only a matter of time before she meets her end in the trash. After all, she's worthless, she's served her purpose long ago.

But all she needs is to be shown a little love from somebody who still cares. And it can come from the most unexpected and unusual of sources.

Slice of Life

4,965 words: Estimated 20 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Inspired by True Events [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 21st, 2018
Published May 21st, 2018


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