
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 39: Final Battle

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Poor Twilight was on the ground, unconscious from almost being strangled to death by Majora. Spike was with her and he was trying to get her to wake up.

"Twilight! Come on, wake up!" He begged.

Thorax got really mad and transformed himself into a very large dragon with wings and fire in his eyes. "That's it!" he bellowed. "No creature hurts my friends like that and gets away with it!" he began pounding his chest like a large gorilla and he swipped and clawed at any flying enemy that came in contact with him. "That was for hurting Twilight!" he shouted after clawing five wizzrobes all at once. Right after he broke many kargarok necks, he added; "That is for putting us in danger," then he moved on to three iron knuckles, and he bellowed: "And this, this is for causing so much suffering!"

"Whoo! Go Thorax!" said Ember.

The baby dragon continued shouting Twilight's name, but sue was still out cold from losing so much oxygen and almost dying from so much suffocation. Link himself was still unconscious and Mathayus was trying to get him to wake up as well. "No one does that to our friends!" Said Rainbow Dash in a fit of rage. She, Fluttershy, and the other elements of harmony charged Majora in rage.

Despite looking quite mad and infuriated, Majora picked up Applejack while she was charging at Majora, and she was struggling to break free. "Grrr! Put me down, you bucker!" She grunted

"Very well." Then, Majora threw her at Rarity, making them both collide and suffer mild concussions on their heads. They did not stop there, no, Applejack and Rarity were then punched by a moblin in the face with both his fists and crashed into Granny Smith's apple stall.

"Time to go party cannon!" Pinkie said, bringing out her secret weapon. The pink pony filled her cannon with more than just confetti. She actually filled it with three bowling balls to make it hurt on Majora when they hit him. "Majora!" She shouted.

The beast looked at her with one eyebrow raised above her scary eyes. "Eat bowling balls!" She fired all three of them, but, once they hit the magical monster, he didn't even flinch.

To him, it felt like three pebbles hat his against his skin. He laughed and he said: "is that all you got, you filthy insect?" In a flick of his left finger, he threw a magical ball of purples dark magic against Pinkie Pie, and it shocked her like a thousand tasers, making her tumble on the ground.

Fluttershy gasped to see this and she got really angry now. "How dare you!! How dare you hurt my own friends like that!?"

Chuckling, Majora replied in a calm voice: "simple, I just attack them, simple as that. And, if you want to join them, I would be more than happy to-"

Majora was then cut off by a punch in the right eye by the yellow pegasus (of course, it was closed when she punched it.) It stung quite alot, as if a knife was trying to pierce it and make it bleed.

"You do not hurt my friends!!" Fluttereny screamed at the top of her lungs. The next thing she did was kick him in the nose, making or bleed.

"What a pony." Discord muttered to himself. He promptly stepped up next to her and tried shrinking him with his magic so he could squash him like a bug.

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you." Tbe Master of Chaos declared. Right before he could stomp and squish him, Majora took him by surprise as he grew back to normal size and pinned Discord down with his left foot.

"I'm getting really tired of toy as well, Discord." Majora said. "Prepare to die!!"

Fluttershy gasped and she rushed over to her friend's aid by biting Majora's right ear hard like a bear trap.

Majora screamed in pain and he immediately let go of Discord.

The yellow pegasus went up to him and she Asked: "are you okay?"

"Gah. Just fine."

"You will suffer beyond sufferingz little maggot!" Majora shouted in rage.

Rainbow Dash swooped down and punched him on the right side of his body many times. "Leave them alone, you monster!!"

It looked like a futile effort, because Majora wasn't flinching. Then, he swiped at her with his right paw, and her claws slashed at her like a pair of swords slashing. The cuts were deep enough to cause some bleeding on her chest and she was incapacitated because of that, and some blood was pouring out of her wounds where she was sliced at on her chest, and it looked severe. Colin saw this, and when Lyra and Bon Bon were distracting Majora with their teamwork, the boy rushed over to the cyan pegasus, and pulled out a red potion. "Here Rainbow, drink this." said Colin. "This should help."

with one last bit of strength left in her, Rainbow Dash drank a few sips of the healing potions, and she no longer felt any pain, but some blood was still pouring out of her chest where she was clawed. Still, despite the blood slowly oozing out, Rainbow Dash no longer felt any pain.

Just then, Link slowly got back up on his feet, staggering and regaining his balance after that hard swipe that his foe had given him. A couple of lizalfos charged at him, intending to kill him while he was weak in this state. Despite him feeling a little sore, Link was able to swipe at them with a magic beam from the Double Helix sword, killing the five charging lizard monsters with one swing of magic from the blade.

The battle was getting more and more ugly, some more lives were being taken on the army of good, many bulblins, Darknuts, and some buffalo and antelope were falling one by one. Still, there were only some small numbers that were falling, and Majora was getting weaker from the fighting against Link.

He probably knew that he might not be able to kill Link like this. Majora decided to destroy the mask, and if that mask was shattered in any way, it would be useless and Link would not stand a chance against him.

Despite this, Link managed to slice through more enemies like iron knuckles, bokoblins, moblins, and other enemies that were fighting alongside Majora in this great battle. Link had no mercy killing his own enemies in the fight, he knew that these monsters had only one person in this world: to cause as much mayhem and hell as possible wherever they go.

"I'm getting really tired of playing games with you, Majora." Link remarked, sounding more serious than ever.

"Right back at you, stupid boy!" Majora yelled back. He walked over and was more than ready to kill Link for real this time. After three calm steps, he suddenly tripped on his front right foot, and almost fell sideways. "You might have caused so much pain and damage on me," he panted. "But, I am still alive and still standing."

"So am I." Link pulled out a bottle of golden chu jelly potion, and took about five sips of it before putting it back in his magic pouch. he suddenly felt stronger than before, and he no longer felt any pain. Before, he didn't feel like he needed it at first, but, seeing that he is struggling with Majora in his true form a little bit, he did the right thing drinking a few sips of it.

He yelled and ran at Majora in full zeal. Readying his sword again, he began landing more powerful slashes and swings at his opponent with all his might.

Running out of options, Majora had an idea that he would call his last resort in defeating his enemy. Before Link could delivery the finishing bloe on him once and for all, Majora stopped him by holding something that made Link froze to the core.

It was Zelda again, and she was already awake, showing her brainwashed, evil grin. "I'm back." She said.

"P-princess?" Link said in disbelief

"If you want to kill lord Majora, you will have to kill me, too." Said Zelda with her evil grin.

“Zelda,” Link swallowed, and his throat felt dry as sand. “You know I can never do that.” He felt like dropping his sword in defeat, knowing that Majora was serious about using her as a human shield. “Please, stand aside.”

“Never. I will never let you hurt my new master.”

Colin stepped up and he said: “Princess, please. I know you are better than this. You need to fight the evil inside you. You are stronger than what Majora has done to you.”

“Come now, Colin.” Said Majora. “You cannot hope to bring Zelda back to her weak self. She is mine now, forever.”

“No. I know she is suffering inside herself,” the boy said.

“Get away from here, Colin,” Said Link flatly. “It’s too dangerous for you to be here right now,”

"No, I want to help you." Colin urged him.

"But, look, many of my friends are down: Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie."

"I can still fight. Please Link. You need me to help you."

"And us." Imari stepped up.

"Along with me and my subjects." said king Zuma after. "You are not alone."

"Don't forget about me and Bon Bon." said Lyra

"We're here for you." Bon Bon added. Both she and her friend looked quite bold in this situation.

Mathayus said the same, and Goende of the Zebrican buffalo added: "You can do it, Link. You have us on your side."

"Yaks know you can kill him!" Rutherford added.

"At least try and fight." said Sandbar.

Majora made a scoff sound, and he said. "Well, this is heartwarming. But, I doubt that it will do you any good, little hero." suddenly, on the left side of his body, he felt something big and heavy hit his torso; something big and powerful. Not only that, but a powerful, meaningful lion's roar was heard after that. A gigantic green glow was seen, and a gigantic green lion was seen, pinning majora on the ground with his gigantic, mighty claws.

Yes, it was Zaire himself, the Zebrican god. "It is over, Majora."

"Zaire." said all the animals and creatures from Zebrica in unison. They then bowed to their benevolent god in unison.

"Surrender, and your demise will be swift."

"Pfft. You think I am afraid of other gods?" said Majora. "No! I will never surrender to weak creatures such as yourself!" while Zelda was distracted, Link had no choice, but to slice at her with her double helix sword. Tears of guilt streamed down his face after giving her that slice in such manner. He was being as quick and swift as he was with the blade.

At first, Zelda could hardly believe what just happened and she fell on her belly. "I'm sorry Zelda." Link tearfully said to her. "Please forgive me."

"Colin went up to check up on her and see if see if she is alright, then the hero rushed towards Majora, and their fight continued. The others rushed in to help, but they were all stopped by Zaire.

"No! said the lion god. "this is Link's fight. He can handle this foul deity."

"Zelda," Colin said. "Are you okay?"

It took a little while, but Zelda managed to regain consciousness, and her eyes looked normal, and she no longer had four sharp teeth in her mouth. "Colin?" she recognized. "What happened?"

"Is that you, Zelda?" Colin said, knowing that she might have returned back to normal. Maybe that slice in Link's double helix sword have cleared the evil and darkness that Majora had corrupted her with.

"Yes. It is me. What just happened to me?" the black bodysuit that she was given was still on her, but, there was no longer any darkness or evil lingering in her.

"You were turned evil by Majora, but, I think Link saved you."

Zelda gasped, and she realized that Colin was right, and she was feeling so guilty right now. "I... I didn't kill anyone while evil, did I?"

"No. Well, you did hurt and injure some people." Colin said. "But, it's okay, You're back to normal now."

Tears of guilt were streaming down Zelda's cheeks from her eyes. "I can't believe this. Where's Link?"

"Fighting Majora, princess." Epona said. "And it looks like he's winning. Just look at him fight with that weird sword." Princess Zelda and some others looked on to watch the fight while the battle in the field near town was continuing. Link did three powerful slices at Majora, and it looked like Majora was struck with the final blow upon him, and he collapsed on the ground.

It looked like the match was over, and while Majora looked down, Link was ready to end this chaos once and for all. Princess Celestia and Luna came, and went to help out just in case Link needed some extra help, too.

"We meet again, Majora." said Celestia

"Oh great, the princess' of this land. That's all I need right now." Majora grunted, coughing a few times. "You all think it's over? Huh?"

"We don't think." said Twilight, who regained consciousness, along with the other friends who were knocked down by Majora in the fight. "We know that it's over. Now, it's time for us to end this."

Link took off his Fierce Deity mask, returning to his normal self, and pulled out the Master Sword and Shield. "Okay Majora, now we end this." he said. He readied the legendary blade in his left hand, and

Running completely out of options now, Majora looked like this was the end for him, however, he had another crafty idea. He pointed his finger at Celestia and then Luna, and they began to transform into something evil and dark in their hearts. In purple aura, Luna was taller and had a black coat of fur instead of a blue one, and her mane and tail flowed like a magical night sky

Celestia had pale orange skin and she had demon eyes and her man and tail flowed like crimson fire. "Oh no." said Big Mac. "This... this can't be."

"Nightmare Moon." Rainbow Dash recognized.

"And what happened to Celestia?"

"Call me, Daybreaker, my subjects, and together, we will rule with iron hooves!"

"And I have returned as Nightmare Moon!"

Now there was an even bigger problem to deal with. "Oh boy, this is gonna be ugly." Gilda remarked with a gulp. To the ponies, they were all shocked. Sure, they have seen an evil side of Luna before, but, an evil side of Celestia? That was something different that they thought would never happen before.

Link was getting really angry, and he was getting really tired of Majora cheating like this. Just then, the Master Sword was glowing again, and it turned to it's golden and green color again from when he defeated Ganondorf for good. The Triforce of Courage was glowing on his left hand once again, and he knew that Farore was granting him her power once more. He hoped that this would work, and he charged at the brainwashed Celestia and Luna with a war cry, and he was about to slice them, but was stopped by the elements of harmony, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Big Mac.

"Wait!" said Twilight. "You could kill them!"

"I have to do this, Twilight! It happened with Cadence before and we managed to turn her back to normal, and this won't be any different."

"But, but," Twilight was trying to think of a way to make Link think otherwise.

"Trust me! They'll be fine!" very reluctantly, the ponies stood aside.

Before Link could take care of them, Big Mac said: "I hope you know what you're doing, partner."

"I do."

"Ha! Do you really think you can stand against me? the princess of the sun, Link?" Daybreaker taunted.

"Only one way to find out, your majesty." Then Link charged and slashed at Celestia with a few swings. she put a magical barrier around herself, but after five slices, the shield broke from the tremendous power, and Link sliced at her three times with the enhanced Master Sword, and she was down.

Nightmare Moon got angry and fired a bunch of beams of magic from her horn. "How dare you do that to my sister!?" she shouted. The Hero of Hyrule was calmly walking up to her, and he deflected every blast of magic with his shield, and sometimes his sword, and when he reached her, Nightmare Moon tried blasting him with an energy wave.

Despite it being so powerful, Link had his trusted shield, and covered himself with it. After his opponent was done, Link ran and sliced at her three times like he did with her sister, and she fell unconscious.

Now that these two were taken care of, Link turned his angry attention to Majora, and walked up to him. "Now, there is no holding back for me. Now there is nothing to help you, Majora." He readied his sword, and with a powerful thrust, Link lunged the Master Sword against Majora's forehead, going through his skull.

the monster looked shocked and in pain, and he knew that this was the end for him. "This- this can't be." he muttered. "Me? beaten? I am the god of evil!"

"Not anymore." said Link. "Go to hell where you belong."

Majora slowly began fading into mist, and he said: "I hate you, Link. I hate you all. Know this; you have not seen the last of me! I promise you all that I will return to kill you all!! I will never die, you hear me?!! I am IMORTAAAAAAL!!" He shouted as he vanished completely.

Like that, Majora was finally gone at last. His presence was no longer felt by anyone around where he once sat on the ground.

At last, the heroes have all won and everything was back to normal. All of the evil, and vile creatures that Majora had conjured up have disappeared into purple mist.

After they had all disappeared, the sound of cheering and shouting in triumph were heard among Ponyville. Princess Celestia and Luna got back on their feet, feeling a little woozy from where Link sliced at them with the Master Sword.

"Celestia! Luna!" Shining Armor and the other heroes rushed up go them both. "Are you alright, your majesties? Are you hurt?"

Celestia made a small grunt when she said: "I'm a little sore. What happened?"

"Majora turned you and Luna evil like they did with Zelda." Spike pointed.

Luna made a gasp. "That's right. He turned me into Nightmare Moon, did he?"

"Yep, you were both really scary." Said the pink earth pony.

"Pinkie!!" her closest friends s olded at her.

"No, it's alright." Celestia remarked

"But, I saved you both, like I saved Zelda." Link smiled boldly. He looked at the princess and she was feeling guilty.

"Link, I'm so sorry." Zelda cross her arms and clenched her hands around her elbows in guilt. She looked at Colin next and bent down. "Colin, sweetie, I'm sorry if I frightened you when Majora corrupted me." Then she gave the boy a hug. "If you wish bot to forgive me after everything you did, I understand."

Link walked up to her and put his hand on her right shoulder. "Zelda, it wasn't your fault. Majora manipulated all of us. He's the one to blame."

"Yeah, we know you would never hurt anyone on purpose."

"But, I did. I was such a monster, like Ganondorf."

Link opened his arms and after Zelda broke her hug with Colin, she did the same with Link next. "Don't say that. You are nothing like Ganondorf." Link reassured as he was hugging the princess and comforting her. "I know there was a little bit of light inside of you that was struggling to break free."

"I know but... but...."

"It's okay, Zelda. I forgive you."

"And so do I." Colin added.

"Link," said Celestia. "You have done a very great service to Equestria once again, along with Hyrule."

"We all thank you, and your friends for your accomplishment." Luna added. Another shout of cheering was heard amongst the town and Link knew that he had done another great service for this world and Hyrule.

Yep, he was surely a hero.

"And, of course, we give thanks to all of the ponies and creatures that helped Link and his friends in the fight: Imari, Zecora, Adewale, Goende, Novo, Ember, Thorax, and others." Celestia continued. "You have all made a great contribution to us."

The eland, Zebrican buffalo, griffins, and other creatures that were on the side of good all smiled and were really grateful to hear those words.

"We have Won!" Said Adewale. "I knew we would win in the fight!" Then he and Zecora hugged one another as siblings. Feeling very triumphant. "I hope our accomplishment was as great as Celestis says it is."

"Trust me, Adewale." Said Luna. "You have done a very good job in the fight."

"Thank you for your kind words, princess." Said Zecora.

Just then, a creature appeared from the ground and it was Kit the Keaton again. "Ho ho ho, well done, heroes!" He said. "At last, Majora will never plague any world again." Then he began dancing with joy and happiness.

"Hello, Celestia and Luna." Said a warm, humble voice. It was Zaire himself and he was walking up to them in a calm manner. "It is so good to see you again."

He towered the princess' a little, but he was only a few inches taller in this form.

"Hello, Zaire." Celestia replied warmly. "It has been so long."

"Yes. I am so glad you were able to help us, our old friend."

"I am glad to he of service to you, my kin, and your subjects." Said the green lion spirit. "And, I give my praise to Link, and his friends. Of course, we are all heroes."

"This calls for a celebration." Mathayus suggested.

"Yeah, I agree! We really did it!" Said Fluttershy

"Time for another 'Equestria is Saved' Party!" Shouted Pinkie Pie

Next Chapter: Yet Another Great Party Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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