
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 20: Warning the King/Veeneesa

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Back in Agbaje, Link, Colin, Twilight, and the posse of heroes ran through the streets and roads to go find King Zuma and tell him the grave news of what just happened.

"I hope that the king will believe our true story." Said Adewale. "I have a feeling that he will rebuff this as a rehearsed story."

"Come on. I'm the princess of friendship, he has to listen to reason." Said Twilight while running. "He will at least listen to you if he won't listen to us."

"Yes. I suppose."

Rainbow was the next one to talk, and she said: "And Zaire would help us along the way to stop Majora."

"I hope we can trust him." Thorax remarked.

"Never doubt the great Zaire, the great green lion." Said Zecora.

"He is an embodiment of all that is good and heroic." Adewale added. "He absolutely will help us in need of distress."

"We believe you, Adewale." said Fluttershy. "And at least you can help us with persuading him to help us out."

"Yet another good point."

Zecora saw Shadya, her old friend, and ran up to her while panting to catch her breath. "Shadya, please, is the king still inside his palace?"

"Of course." Replied Shadya in confusion. "He is planning to send out soldiers to help out with the fight against this Majora."

"How do you know?" Asked Pinkie Pie

"I have heard the captain of the guards giving out the orders of preparing for an upcoming battle."

"Hmm. Well, we need to inform King Zuma that Majora just came." Said Pip.

"What?" Said Shadya with her eyes wide. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes. We have all seen it with our own eyes." Said Okove. "The king has to know, Shadya."

"We were there, and he just appeared out of nowhere." Link added. "Zaire of the malachite stone helped us against him in the first battle, but-"

"Zaire?" Asked Shadya. "The green lion? Zaire was really there?"

"Yes. He shooed Majora away from the malachite stone, but he is still at large."

Looking quite speechless, Shadya was lost for right words on what to say about this situation. "I... I believe you." She said at last.

It was just then, the king was getting out of his home and setting foot outside the castle walls. Link saw him and walked up to the zebra king of this city. "Your majesty." Link said. "Please, wait."

"Ah. You're all back." Said Zuma boldly. "What did you find out about the Malachite Stone?"

"You might or might not believe us." Said Rainbow Dash with a nervous chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Asked the king with his left eyebrow raised in confusion.

Clearing her throat, Zecora began to explain her and her friends recent "encounter" with Majora himself, and how he tried to take the Malachite stone for his own privelage. The news sounded very grave, even for the king of Agbaje to hear, along with the two guards accompanying him.

Adewale would help her out by helping Zuma understand this situation more. What made him and the guards more surprised was hearing Zaire and how he came to life and saved him and his friends from an attack from Majora.

"The... the lion spirit?" Said Zuma.

Link nodded his head a yes to him. "Yes. Of you don't believe me, take it from them at least."

Zuma was certainly quite speechless about hearing more of this news. "Zaire told us to go ton Veeneesa." Spike said.

"The buffalo village?" Asked the guard on the right of the king. "What for?"

"He says that is where Majora will attack next." Twilight answered. "We just wanted to let you know about what we had encountered and how big the threat Majora was."

"Well, I do believe you, princess. I thank you all for telling me of this grave news of what you had all experienced moments before. If that demon tries to attack my very city, I will make sure I hit him with everything i throw at him, and all my soldiers on duty." Zuma declared. "Captain Mbube," he looked at the soldier on the left.

"Yes, my king?"

"Ready for soldiers for any attack from that monster and any monsters he will conjure out of his dark magic."

"Yes sir. Right away." Then he went to inform the other soldiers and guards around Agbaje.

"Be careful, your highness." Said Link. "I might have mentioned this before, but do not underestimate Majora. He can turn ponies and creatures, and make them think that darkness is the only solution."

"Yes. We have seen him turn princess Cadence into an evil ice princess." Said Rarity. "And she almost turned the Crystal Empire into a frozen wasteland!"

"It was lucky we were there to stop her from doing so." Applejack added.

"I see. Do not worry about me, or the subjects of this city. If we die, then at least we will die fighting."

"Ooh. I like your style." Said Rainbow Dash. "You got a lot of guts, I'll give you credit for that one."

"Thank you, Rainbow." said the king. "We zebras can be proud and brave warriors in combat, even in times of dire distress."

"Do you know where Veeneesa is from here?" Asked Fluttershy

"Yes. I have been there countless times since my reign. It is not very far from Agbaje, and I believe Adewale will guide you down the path."

"Good." Said Mathayus. "And prepare yourselves, Majora had probably conjured monsters across Zebrica."

"We will, brave knight."

"We best hurry if we want to go over to Veneesa." Said Adewale.

"Be warned. Their chief: Goende, can be mildly blunt and stubborn." Zuma remarked. "But, he and the other Cape buffalo will listen to you once they see it for themselves."

"Good. That's all we need to know." Said Discord. "Let's hope they don't go mad bull on us." Then he conjured himself a matador suit for himself, along with the hat and the red Cape like bullfighters would have in a Coliseum. "Just in case they do charge at us, I am going to use these out."

The sound of flamenco music was heard and a guitar heard in the background as discord did the dance.

"Okay, okay, Discord." Said Lyra. "That's enough."


Then they all rushes down through the city and followed Adewale to Veneesa. Along the dirt roads, there were a few enemies that popped up like guays le kangaroos, emitting their terrible cawing and squawking.

"Uh-oh. Incoming flying enemies." Said Link. He pulled out his great fairy sword and swung it horizontally many times, and magical beams of energy waves came out of the blade.

Those beams hit many birds, causing them to fall dead as they landed on the ground.

One kargarok swooped down on Link, fast as an arrow, but the hero was faster and decapitated the enemy bird with the magical sword.

"Nice kill." Said Mathayus.

"Those are some creepy-looking birds." Starlight said.

"It's all Majora's doing. He conjures these monsters and uses then under his will." Colin remarked, piercing a guay in the stomach with his sword.

"There are probably more enemies out here now that Majora has arrived." Said Lyra

"No matter." Said Bon Bon. "We can take them all on if we must."

Everyone continued fighting their way past some enemies and peacefully getting past some aggressive animals like lions. Leopards, hyenas, jackals, baboons, and others.

Fluttershy talked with some of those animals about if they saw any enemies around these parts and they all said yes to her. Not only that, but they pointed to Veneesa in the right direction.

A couple of Cape buffalo were seen running from the fields and one of them saw the group. "Hey, you! Stop!" Then the other guards took notice and halted them.

"What are you all doing here?" Said another buffalo.

"Going to Veneesa." Said Pip. "It might be in trouble and we want to stop any evil from reaching the city."

"Well, if you are heading to our city, do proceed with caution. Monsters are invading it. Come on, we'll show you." Said the third bull.

"Did Zuma send you?" Asked the first one.

"More or less." Said Link.

"Good. Follow us." They all followed the buffalo and led them to the city with a bunch of kargaroks hovering the skies over the city.

"Come on guys, we gotta put an end to this evil!" Said Link.

Next Chapter: Taking Care of Goende Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
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