
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 18: Megafos And Aerolfos Team

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Through the savanna of Zebrica, Link was going through a series of tall grass as he was looking for the Malachite stone in the direction where the king of Agbaje told him and his friends about. Whatever this stone was, it was very important to Agbaje and the whole area of Zebrica, along with the animals and inhabitants that live on it's beautiful soil. If King Zuma was correct, the stone is of great importance, and nothing bad can ever happen to it.

Everyone was being cautious in the grass, for they were warn of the dangers lurking within. There were a few types of animals that they encountered that were pretty nasty like some siafu ants, venomous snakes, and a few honey badgers, who had a very nasty attitude.

Fluttershy would have to step up and try to calm any dangerous animals down, and Link would transform into a wolf to talk with the animals too. "Please, calm down. We mean no threat to you." Link said to a honey badger. "We're just looking for the Malachite Stone. Do you know anything of it?"

"Pfft. For what purpose, buddy?" asked the honey badger in a Brooklyn accent. "What kind of purpose would you want with that shiny stone?"

"For the purpose we have chosen." said Link. "Now, there's no need to make this any more nasty."

The honey badger was silent, but he finally complied and he said. "Of course I know of it, buddy boy. What you are looking for is way over there." he pointed his right claw north. "But beware, lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals, and spitting cobras are out here."

"That's okay." said Fluttershy. "I can communicate with animals fairly well. I'm sure we can find a way to look for that stone."

"Heh. good luck with that, toots." the honey badger muttered rudely with his arms crossed. He suddenly felt his face being pushed by the yellow pegasus.

"Excuse me!" she then gave her the stare. "I have done nothing but ask you a question. Now, you better not have that attitude with me, or we're gonna have a serious problem! You understand me, mister?!"

Surprised and frightened, the honey badger looked very scared by Fluttershy's anger. "Y-yes." he replied in a quiet voice. "I understand you."

"Say it like you mean it!" Fluttershy said to him sternly.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I promise I won't call ya that again!"

Fluttershy turned from a serious and stern demeanor back to her cute and innocent demeanor when she said: "Thank you so much." and she smiled gratefully.

"That's one way to take care of a mean honey badger." said Link with an amused look. "Well, come on guys, the sooner we find the Malachite stone, the better chance we can help Zebrica from Majora's magic." He led the way, in his Hylian form to the direction where the honey badger pointed to him and the others.

Meanwhile, the honey badger looked on with his arms crossed, and muttered: "Losers." under his breath. He just crawled away to look for some honey to eat and enjoy himself.

“How will we know what the stone looks like?” Asked Rainbow Dash

“Well, I certainly know what malachite is.” Twilight remarked. “We’ll see it when we find it.”

“And I am a pure expert on gems.” Rarity added. Just then, something latched out at her, like a snake or a cobra. She jumped back with a yelp and landed on Mathayus’ arms, being held like a baby. “What In Celestia was that!?”

“Uh-oh. Spitting cobra.” Spike warned while pointing his finger at the reptile. “Cover your eyes!”

Fluttershy was calm and she said: “Don’t worry, I know how to talk to him.”

“So do I.” Link added. He transformed into a wolf again, and Colin did the same thing. The three approached the spitting cobra, and tried to talk to him. “Please. Calm down, stranger.” Link tried to reason with him. “Do you know where we can find the malachite stone?”

The cobra stopped his hissing and closed his mouth. “Oh. Why didn’t you ssssay sssso?” He Said. “You will find that beautiful sssstone over at the Ssssongo jungle, right over there.” He pointed his tail to where the jungle was located from where he was.

“Ah. Good.” Colin Said. “Thanks.”

“Yessss, yessss, a pleassssure.” The cobra replied. “Pray you do not get eaten by any leopardssss.”

“We’ll he just fine. I’ve killed scarier monsters than leopards, and they are just regular animals.” Link remarked.

“Can we Please go?” Asked Rarity. Still shaking from being spooked by the spitting cobra. “I don’t want to deal with this snake again.”

“Come now Rarity. There is nothing to worry about.” Thorax added. “So where do we go to look for the malachite stone, Link?”

“He said we should look at the Songo jungle first.” The hylian replied before turning back. “For our sake, I hope that it is there. Who knows how many more of those shards there are left.”

“I’m sure we’ll find them all before something evil happens.” Lyra remarked.

“It is a rather good thing you are here to talk to the animals, Fluttershy.” Said Zecora. “Otherwise, we could die.”

“You can say that again.” Said The yellow Pegasus in agreement.

All of a sudden, something stopped down on all of them, and they ducked, covering the back of their heads. Looking back up, there was an aerolfos flapping his wings, ready to strike again. Thorax used his powers and turned himself into an aerolfos as well.

“I’ll handle This, you guys.” He boldly stated. He charged at the aerial enemy and swung his sword at him. The real aerolfos was confused, but he attacked either way, and the sound of clashing steel was heard in the sky.

Thorax was putting up a good fight, and dodged many attacks from his enemy’s sword. He was suddenly knocked out, but he regained his stance once he was no longer dizzy, and flew off to the the aerolfos again.

“Go get him, a Thorax!” Spike cheered him on. “Show him what you’re made of!”

“No problem, Spike!” Thorax callled. “I’ll be just fine.” He continued slashing his sword at his opponent, Only to be blocked by his shield, but Thorax was smart. And swatted the shield away with his magic.

In desperation, the aerolfos swung his sword in more heavy swings like he was wielding a claymore or a two-handed sword. He almost decapitated Thorax, and the changeling king head-butted him to make him dazed.

Turning back into his changeling form, he zapped at the aerolfos with his magic, and controlled his sword, using it against his enemy. Before he knew it, the aerolfos felt his chest pierced by his blade by Thorax and his magic. He gave out a mountain lion roar, and fell dead to the ground before disappearing.

“Wow. That was so cool, Thorax!” Spike congratulated him.

“Thanks. I am a changeling after all, and I can study my enemies’ moves if needed. But, what if Majora came before us after all?”

“No, no.” Said Bon Bon. “He couldn’t have beaten us all here to Zebrica.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right.” Thorax. “But, we’ve got a job to do. We’re getting closer to finding the mask shards. Although, I get the feeling that the mask has evil magic in it.”

“No doubt.” Discord agreed. “But Link has a pure heart, and he is able to control the evil inside the mask without any problems at all.”

What Discord Said made Link look a little puzzled by all of these thoughts. Can he truly handle the evil in the Fierce Deity’s mask, like his ancestor did all those years ago? Or would he slowly succumb to ten darkness.

All of a sudden, something appeared from the grass, and it revealed to be a red and purple lizalfos that looked like the monster Link had faced before: bulky, chest plate, and having two handaxes as weapons.

The Megafos roared and said: “There is no way you will sssstop massster Majora!” Then he charged at Link and pulled out his great fairy sword and shield. “You’re mine!!”

“Watch out, guys!” Link said to his cronies.

He swung his sword at the monster, only for him to block his moves with his two weapons. He unleashed a fury of blows at Link, but thanks to the Hylian shield, Link reflected every strike and hit him in the face with it.

With no hesitation, Link jumped over the megafos while he was dazed, and sliced at him through his skull, making the monster fall on his belly with a loud thud. Before he could get back up, he felt Link stab him with the great fairy sword with his ending blow move.

“Grr! You will never sssstop Majora!” Said The Megafos before dying, and turning to dust.

“Why don’t we ask for more directions?” Asked Mathayus.

“A good idea.” Fluttershy remarked.

Next Chapter: The Malachite Stone Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 16 Minutes
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