
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

First published

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

It's been a long while since Ganondorf was defeated for the final time by Link, the Hero of Twilight. Now, something far more evil and sinister, or just as sinister as Ganondorf threatens the land of Equestria. A sinister Spirit named Majora has returned and only Link, Colin, and their friends can stop them. Twilight, and all her friends will be there for her, and the Elements of Harmony will help Link defeat Majora just as they had helped him defeat Ganondorf, and bring peace to both Hyrule and Equestria once more.

Old Reunion

In Hyrule, everything was as it should be. Peaceful, and happy among the many races who inhabited the land within. Link, the young hero, who has saved the world of Hyrule, and Equestria from Ganondorf and his horse of monsters, was out sparring with Colin, his little brother figure.

Killing Ganondorf for the final time was really a memory worth remembering in his life. It would be also something that young Colin would remember in his life as well, for he was brainwashed by the Now-fallen demon king.

It was at least a month since Link saves Hyrule and Equestria at the same time. Now Link was not a hero for just one world, but a hero for another one. More fans, more respect from a lot of creatures and people he loved, and more. While sparring, both he and Colin were having a really good sparring match with their swords.

Deep down however, Link and Colin both missed their new friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Lyra, Bon Bon, And other new faces that they met in Ponyville and Canterlotk even though they will see them all again.

“Come on, Colin!” Said Link. “I know you can do better than that!” And he landed a blow with his sword on Colin’s new shield: the shield the Hero Of Time had given to him as a present when he was a boy.

“Think fast, Link!” Said Colin confidentially. He swung his Ordon sword at Link’s shield with a loud clang heard. He swung it again, but Link, being nimble and quick, rolled to the side to evade the swing, and swung the sword close to Colin’s head. It looked like he was going to decapitate him, it he would never do was just giving a demonstration to Colin.

“Not bad, but don’t let your guard down. Now, I know you won’t, because you never let me down before.” Said Link. “Now come on, ket’s take a little break and get some pumpkin juice.”

“Good idea.” Said Colin. They went back into Ordon Village for some Pumpkin Juice from Rusl and Uli.

It was so good and delicious for they were feeling a little tired from all that sparring together. "How's that new shield working for you?" Asked Rusl

"It's doing great, dad! This shield is so powerful and indestructible to anything that can hit it."

"Wonderful." Said Uli, feeding the baby sister. "I just hope you boys are not playing that rough. The last thing I want is for one of you to suffer from bad cuts."

"Oh mom." Colin groaned mildly.

Link chuckled before saying "don't worry Uli. You know I would never hurt Colin on purpose. He's one of a kind with that sword."

"Yeah." Colin smiled. "Link, I wonder, you ever want your own sword besides this? I always thought that the Master Sword would be perfect as your weapon of choice."

"The sword may be held by any worthy hero of Hyrule like me, but it doesn't make it my weapon indefinitely. As a weapon to repel evil, it belongs to the sages and Hyrule itself. But don't worry, Zelda said she was going to make me a special sword that is just as powerful as the Master Sword."

"Well honestly, I don't think there is a sword as powerful as the Master sword." Said Rusl. "Only that sword was powerful enough to destroy Ganondorf for good."

"Especially the way it turned into a gold and green color when you were fighting him in Equestria." Colin reminded.

"I know. I honestly didn't expect the sword to change like that. Still, it was only for a short time."


"So Link, you said that the princess is going to make more talks with the Bulblins, and the Darknuts, right?" Asked Uli.

"Yep. They changed and are no longer the monsters we fear. Still, King Bulblin can be a little... unpredictable."

"True, especially the way he kidnapped our son and the other children." Said Rusl. "I thought I would have lost our boy forever."

"Dad." Colin groaned in embarrassment.

"I know. It's embarrassing." Uli chuckled. "But you are our son, and we love you."

"I love you too, guys." And he looked at his brother figure. "So Link, when do you think we will come back and visit Equestria again?"

Thinking in his lead, Link said "I honestly don't know. Princess Celestia and Luna said that we'll come back someday. We just need to wait. Probably something like a very terrible situation over there."

"Right. I just miss our new friends over there."

"Beloeve me, buddy, I miss them all just as much as you: Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, I miss all of them too. Still, we just need to be patient."

"I know."

Taking a sip of his juice m, Link them asked "Colin, when you saw Midna, was she humanoid?"

"Of course. I told you about her already like countless times, remember?"

"I know, I know. I just miss her." Link admitted.

"I know you miss your girlfriend."

Then Link choked on his juice and spat it out, coughing. "Girlfriend? Ack! That's stupid. She's not my girlfriend! She's.... a good friend to me is all. She helped me with so much through my adventures. I just miss her."

"She misses you too." Colin remarked. "And I was just kidding with you. You know that right?"

The Hero of Hyrule smirked and said "yeah I know. Come here, you." And he gently ruffled his friend's blond hair.

They both continued having a decent lunch that consisted of buffalo meat and ordon goat cheese on the side.

After they were both finished, Link saw a runaway goat from the ranch charging out on the path and Link promptly stopped it bu grabbing it's horns and throwing him on the ground like he would normally handle them when they are startled like this.

Link and Colin helped him back up and gently patted it's soft fur. The goat forgive him for pushing it down like that, and bloated with it's silly face.

Fado came running down the road to the ranch and tended to the goat. "Oh Muriel. Why must you be so fussy?"

"Muriel?" Link asked. "I thought I recognized this one. "You're such a first goat, aren't ya?"

The goat bloated happily again in reply. "Thanks fer taking care of my little problem old pal, Muriel is always an escape artist."

"No problem. Just because I'm a hero, doesn't mean I still can't help out at the ranch.

"Ho ho, thank Farore for that." Fado chuckled. "Yep, I'm sure as heck lucky to have you here." Then he went back to the ranch, escorting the mischievous Ordon goat back where she belongs.

"Say Colin, you wanna come with me to horseback riding lessons? It'll be fun."

"Sure. I always wanted to learn how to attack while on a horse."

A while back, Epona had a foal with Telma'a horse, and Link named Storm. He was called that because of his lightning speed, and it's white patches over his brown fur.

All of a sudden, Link remembered something and blurted "The key! Oh my god, I almost forgot about the key. The one Celestia gave us before we departed back here in Hyrule."

Colin suddenly remembered what Link meant, and he did remember seeing the princess giving Link a key before heading back home with him and Epona. "Oh yeah." He said. "We can use it to visit Equestria again. You still have it in your house, right?"

"Yep. We'll visit later. But first I wanna get on with this horseback riding lesson."

"That's okay." said Colin. "I would like to have some more exercise."

"Good. Come on. "We'll go to Hyrule Castle Town and fetch Storm for you. He'll be more than happy to see you again."

"I bet he will." Colin agreed with his surrogate brother. Link called out Epona with his whistle, and his noble steed came into the city, whinnying in excitement. If there was one thing Epona loved more than anything in the world, it would be Link riding on her wherever she would go. They both got on the saddle and rode off into the world of Hyrule outside of the village.

It was a mildly dangerous journey, considering the fact that there were a few Bokoblins and Lizalfos skulking around in the fields. Nothing they could handle, for they were good at killing any bad guys with their swords. They went through Kakariko village and then the infamous Eldin Bridge from their destination.

When they finally made it to the Castle Town, it was as busy as ever with all the shopping patrons in the marketplace, and many citizens walking about the streets. Both and Colin went into the stables and got Storm out of his pen from the person running it. The foal was very happy to see Colin and nuzzled his face against Colin's arm.

"Oh, it's good to see you too, Storm." the boy said while being licked all over his face from the foal. "Okay, come on, boy." Then they both went back outside the city, where Epona was. When the mare saw her own son, she was more than happy to see him, and happily embraced him like any other mother would do for their child. It was a really heartwarming sight to see for both Link and Colin, for nothing is more precious than a mother's love for her own child.

"Okay, hop on, Colin. We're gonna have a great time with this lesson." Link instructed. He got on Epona, and Colin got on Storm, for he was a perfect choice as his own noble steed. They both roamed around Hyrule on their horses, and Link was teaching Colin how to dodge many obstacles like fences and small stone walls near the bridge of Eldin.

"Concentrate, Colin." Link said. "Ready your horse when the time is right."

At a lone stone fence, Colin spurred Storm, and the foal made a small whinny. He was running at great speed, but when he was about to jump over the stone structure, he immediately stopped in his tracks, and threw Colin back.

Link panicked, and immediately got off of epona, and ran to his aid. He knelt down and gently picked up a groaning Colin. "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Ow. That hurt." said the boy, doing his head to ease the soreness of the impact. “I’m fine, but I think I bumped my head.” Link helped him back up on his feet, and he added “I don’t understand. Storm was doing fine, but then.. he just stopped and threw me off like that” the goal looked back and licked his face again. “What happened?”

“Storm’s still just a foal, like you are a kid. He just needs more practice, that’s all. As a matter of fact, why don’t we take a little break from this and head back to the village?”

“Good idea.”

They both hopped on their mounts again and rode back to Ordon Village. A couple of kargaroks gave them a little bit of trouble, but they were okay, and managed to kill the monstrous birds before they could hurt them.

Arriving back, Link and Colin were about to relax and spend time with their horses together. It was just then the postman came sprinting to the Hylian hero. “Ah, Mr Link, one of my regulars. I was told to give you this from the princess herself.’ And he handed him an envelope with the color of pink and the Royal family’s insignia on the center. “You certainly do know ow to have a way with the princess, don’t you?”

“I guess I do. Thanks, buddy.”

“Always a pleasure.” Said the postman before parting ways.

Link opened the letter and it read out:


Forgive me for intruding on whatever it is your are doing in your free time, but I have completed the sword for you, and I sense a disturbance. I had a vision of Equestria, the world you saved besides Hyrule, and a terrible, wicked omen that will approach the land. I just need you to go to Equestria and see if my words are true and if the land is in terrible danger. Please Link, I am counting on you. And one more thing, you might need the Master Sword once again


Princess Zelda

Link folded the letter back and looked at Colin. “Well, That doesn’t sound good. Zelda sensed danger to first time, and she was correct.”

“You think maybe she is correct about this one?” Colin asked.

“Only one way to find out. Maybe this could be a big threat to Hyrule too.” Link speculated. “But first thing’s first. First I need the trusted Master Sword on my back again.”

“Right. And we should tell my parents and friends about this before we go. The last thing I want is for them to be worried about me.”

“Don’t worry Colin.” Link chuckled. “We’ll tell them.

After Link acquired his trusted weapon, the villagers told them to be careful in trying to unravel this mystery.

“We’ll be back. Me and acolin have the key to come back here whenever we want to.”

“I know, Link.” Said Mayor Bo. “Just please come back to us alive.”

“Yes, mister mayor.” He looked at Colin, for he was taking the boy with him on the adventure. The door they would be going through is the Mayor’s door, and when Link unlocked it with the magic key, the portal to Equestria was opened.

“Link, do be careful.” Said Illia. She ran up to Link and gave him a big kiss on his lips to bid him good luck.”

“Thanks Illia. I’ll be back.” Said Link. “Come on, Colin.”

“Right behind you.” The two brought Epona and Storm with them through the portal, and they felt so happy to be back on Equestrian soil after all this time. Epona was back in her pony form again, and Storm was a little confused by what just happened.

“Did... we just come to a different world?” Asked Storm. He gasped in realization when he heard himself use actual speech for the first time. “I... I can talk?”

Epona chuckled and said “Yes sweetie, don’t worry, everything will be as right as rain,’

“Link? Colin? Epona?” Said a very familiar voice. The three recognized that sweet, soothing voice well, and they turned to see Fluttershy, Twilight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Spike, And the rest of their closest Equestrian friends.

“Fluttershy! Guys!” Link exclaimed with joy. They all ran up to him and embraced for a big hug to show how much they missed him so much. “It’s good to see you all again.”

“Oh Link. We missed you!” Fluttershy Said.

“Welcome back to Equestria.” Lyra remarked.

“And Colin, you haven’t changed a bit, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack. “You still got that nice shield on ya, and that sword to fight as much monsters as you can.”

“Oh ho yes.” Rarity agreed. “You look as adorable as ever.”

Colin flushed at what Rarity just said. “Thank you. I’m still a kid.”

“A cool, awesome kid.” Said Spike. There was something different about him, and Colin realized he had a new feature on his back.

Gasping, Colin Said and pointed “Spike, are those wings?”

“Yep. I just got them. Now I can fly!” Said the baby dragon.

“Wow, That is wonderful.” Said Epona. “Must be growing up already.”

“You can say that.”

“Fought any bad guys lately, Link?” Said Rainbow. “Ah, i’m Sure you have. I never forget how you swing your sword at opponents.”

“Of course. Evil never sleeps.”

“We missed you guys so much.” Said Fluttershy. Then she noticed Colin mildly grunting in pain. “Oh my, what’a Wrong, Colin?”

“Ah! Nothing. I was just having a horseback lesson with my new companion, Storm, who three me off in full gallop.”

“My goodness.” Said Twilight. “Are you injured? You need a cast for any of your body parts?”

“No, i’m Alright. Just a little sore.”

Storm went up to him, and had a guilty look on his face before sayin: “I’m so sorry, Colin. I was just scared and... I panicked and didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s alright, Storm.” Colin reassured, gently stroking his nose. “It’s what Link Said, you’re like me, a kid.”

“I’ll try and be more braver next time. I promise.” Said Storm.

“Well, why don’t you all sit with us? We have so much to discuss.”

“Great idea, Pip.” Link agreed. He, Colin, and the two ponified horses sat with them in a small picnic together. “Guys, i’m Sorry we didn’t come to sooner, I kinda forgot about the key for a second there.” He looked embarrassed and uncomfortable at first, and rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. We all forget things. Besides, it was only for a month.” Said Fluttershy. “What matters is that you’re here with us now.”

“Yeah, So now that you’re back, we can have some more fun!” Pinkie bounced with excitement.

“Maybe later, but first, I need to check out something that might happen here, and Princess Zelda told me to go check it out. She said there would be some trouble brewing here and I just wanted to investigate.”

“Well I can assure you that there’s nothing to worry about.” Said Twilight. “Everything’s been going great, especially for the new school of friendship we just opened.”

“School Of Friendship, huh?” Colin asked. “That sounds interesting.”

“Yeah, you should totally come and see it for yourself.” Said Lyra. “It’s amazing.”

“Well, did Zelda tell you what was happening?”

“No, and I didn’t ask her.” Link sighed. “But i’ll Figure something out. Maybe when me and Colin get back home to Hyrule, we can ask her what kind of trouble there is, or what’s to come. All she said would as she had a terrible vision.”

“Hmm, That sounds fishy.” Said Applejack.

“No, if it was fishy, we would all be underwater.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“But why don’t we make up for lost time?” Link suggested.

“Good idea.” Said Fluttershy.

Make Up for Lost Time

Sitting in the area where their friends were having their picnic, Link and Colin couldn't be any more happy to see all their close friends from Equestria, and e back in this world.

"So wait, let me get this straight." Said Rainbow Dash. "You were sent here by princess Zelda to investigate any potential threat?"

Link took a sip of his lemonade and replied "that's the reason, Rainbow. She had this vision that could be a potential threat to both our world and this one."

"It's not Ganondorf, is it?" Asked Fluttershy.

"No, no, of course not. I killed him for good. The Triforce of Power will never summon him back ever again. She just gave me a note to take a look at what is going on."

"Oh. Well I can assure you that nothing bad has happened in Equestria recently." Twilight remarked. "Everything is as it should be here in Equestria."

Link smiled. "Well. That's good." He said. "But maybe I should have a talk with Princess Celestia and Luna about this. After all, I'm sure they will be very happy to see me, Epona, and Colin again."

"I am bettin' she will, Sugarcube." Applejack agreed.

"Eeyup." Added Big Mac. "They certainly missed ya boys, too. And of course, you too, Epona.

"You want me to send a note to Celestia that you came back?"

"Please." Colin answered

Then the baby dragon began writing a letter to the royal sisters who ruled over this beautiful land.

"So Storm, what do you think of Equestria?" Asked Rarity

"Well... it looks really beautiful." Epona's son replied in return. "I honestly never seen a beautiful place like this, but not as beautiful as Hyrule.

"Of course." aaid Fluttershy. "Every place has it's own beauty. And Colin rides on you?"

"Uh-huh." And he took a small bite of his apple piece. "I'm still learning how to be brave when it comes to jumping over fences and blocks."

"You'll get better at it, baby." Epona reassured him. "It must takes a little more practice. Matter of fact, you remind me a lot of Colin before he grew a lot of backbone."

"I do?"

"Yeah. I was kinda... afraid of everything, but Link helped me and I became a new Colin after saving my friend, Beth, from King Bulblin."

It was just then Spike was finished with the letter, and sent it to the princess' with his green fire breath. "Done." He said boldly.

The little action scared Storm a little, and cowered behind his mother.

"Uh-oh. Sorry, Storm. Did that scare you?" Spike noticed. "It's okay, it's just me, Spike. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"Don't worry about it, Spike." Said Epona. "My boy just needs to warm up to you all."

"Yeah Spike. He just hasn't seen a baby dragon before." Fluttershy added

"I know that. So, it won't be long before Celestia replies back to us with a letter of her own."

"Perfect." Link remarked. "Speaking of which, Princess Zelda aaid she is making a new sword for me."

"What's wrong with the Master Sword?" Asked Rainbow Dadh with a confused look on her face.

"Nothing. But I told you guys that the Master Sword isn't really my sword. I mean, sure, it can be wielded by any worthy hero of Hyrule, but it doesn't make it their own weapon indefinitely."

"Oh yeah. You did say that." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Do you think it will turn green and gold like when you defeated Ganondorf and his horse of monsters?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"that, I cannot say when it will happen again. It's beyond me." Link said. He took the legendary blade out of it's scabbard, and looked at it. "I honestly don't know if that was just luck, or if a hidden power was asleep in it since the day it was created by the goddesses of Hyrule. But, I highly doubt there will be another enemy as powerful as Ganondorf."

"That's true. He caused us quite a lot of trouble here in Equestria. From turning Celestia and Luna into stone, trying to rule over the land, siding with Chrysalis-"

"Pinkie, we get the point." Said Bon Bon.

"And Dark Link." Twilight added

"I know. He was a nasty piece of work." Said Twilight. "At least they're gone for good."

"What about Chrysalis?" Asked Colin.

"Ah, I wouldn't worry about her. She lost all her followers and subjects when they turned good. I highly doubt that she will bother us any time soon." Link said. "We all remember that Chrysalis was just a means to an end for Ganondorf."

"I hope I give her a good beating the next time I see her." Said Rainbow begrudgingly, cracking the knuckles of her wings.

"Now now, Rainbow Dash." Said Rarity. "Link is absolutely right; Chrysalis is absolutely powerless, and there is absolutely no way she can try and take over Equestria ever again."

"And we pretty much defeated as much powerful enemies that threatened Equesteia dozens of times before." Said Applejack

Then Discord appeared out of thin air with his magic. "I beg your pardon."

"No offense, Discord." Saif Twilight.

"None taken. Ah, Link, Colin, and Epona. It's so good to see you again." Then he tackled all three of them with an unnecessary hug, squeezing the air out of all three of them.

"Ah! Nice to see you too, Discord." Said Link, grunting in pain by how hard he was squeezing his torso.

Then the master of chaos immediately let them all go.

"Tell me. What brings you all here back in Equestria?"

"Well, if you must know." Said Link. "Princess Zelda sent us on an investigation here, because she had a vision of a terrible, evil creature that was defeated a long time ago."

"What kind of creature was it again?"

"Like I have said before, Pip. I didn't ask."

"All the princess said was she had a vision, and asked us to go investigate. It was by bite that she told us about it."

"Oh. You still have the magic key Tia has given to you, right?"

"I always have it with my for safe keeping." Link boldly said, showing the key to his friends before putting it back in his pocket.


It was just then Spike puked out a letter from his mouth. "Ah, they responded." Said the baby dragon.

He opened it and it read out


It is so good to have you, Colin, and Epona back home in Equestria. Spike told us the story on your return, and I would be more than honored if you would come to my castle to meet us again. Luna says hello, and she missed you as well. Do come visit when you get the chance

Princess Celestia

Then Spike folded the scroll back to the way it was, and discarded it.

"Should we go and see her?" Asked Twilight. "Maybe she can tell us anything suspicious."

"Excellent idea." Said Colin. They were about to leave the field and call off the picnic when something appeared before them. Something was coming towards them, looking menacing and not friendly.

"What's that?" Pip asked.

"I... don't know." Link got a closer look, and saw two flying old warlocks flying towards them. They had long robes and light blue skin with ugly-looking faces. The pair of old men were hovering in midair, and had to staffs as their weapons, glowing a blue color at the end of it.

"Ah! That's the one!" Said one of them. "The infamous Hero of Hyrule." His voice sounded funny, like a girlish. Whiny voice that sounded a little crack. Like a crazy or insane voice.

"I see him, brother." Said the second wizard-like thing. His voice also sounded a little crazy.

"Who are you?" Link asked, getting his sword and shield out.

"You are just the one we were looking for. We were sent here to kill you."

"Mwahahahaha! Now, prepare to meet your demise!" Said the second one. Then they both twirled around in a circle, and threw ice beams from their staff at Link, both of them going "Hiya!" In unison.

Link was nimble enough to dodge out of the way just in time. "What the hell are you?"

"Wizzrobes!" Said the two brothers before laughing insanely and shotting Link with more ice beams.


"Stau back guys!" Link warned his friends. "Colin, help me!"

"I'm coming, Link!" Said the boy, pulling his own sword and shield out. The second wizard aimed at the young boy, but Colin deflected the ice beam just in time with the hero's shield. The crazy wizzrobe attacking Colin disappeared and reappeared from behind Colin. He swiped his staff to the left, but Colin ducked, thanks to his small size, and uppercut the warlock into a backflip, making him land on the ground.

"Yeah Colin!" said Sweetie Belle. "Cut him like a watermelon!"

Meanwhile, Link deflected a number of ice beams from the first Wizzrobe, and sliced at him horizontally at his torso, making the warlock emit a girlish, crazy scream. It didn't kill him however, and before Link could kill him off, it vanished, and thrusted his staff at Link, but Link side-jumped out of the way just in time, and did the back-slice at him

"Ohhhh, you!!" now the first one was getting mad at Link, and his face turned red. "You're in for a real fight, Mr. Hero!" then he used his magic to create three more versions of himself, like clones.

Link wasn't unnerved by this, for his courage has no bounds. Courage was his greatest weapon of all. The three clones, and the real wizzrobe teleported, and surrounded Link in a square-shaped pattern. They all blasted their ice powers at him, but Link jumped out of it just in time, and the blast ended up freezing the real one, while the clones evaporated from the blasts.

At first, it looked like the first Wizzrobe was iced out, but then it began to shake, and he broke free. Not wanting to see what would happen next, Link charged at him full of zeal, and sliced horizontally to the left with his Master Sword. "Too slow." said Link in a sing-song tone of voice.

The warlock had it's mouth wide open in disbelief. "It... it can't be!" he said. "Nobody outclasses wizzrobes before." and he fell on his belly, turned to black, and then to dust.

Meanwhile, Colin was fighting the second Wizzrobe off rather well, dodging many ice spears, and ice blasts from this crazy wizard. "Hold still and die, little boy!" he cackled.

"I don't think so, crazy old man!" Colin replied. Then he deflected another ice blast with his shield, and performed the helm splitter on top of the Wizzrobe's head. For a boy, it was a very impressive display, and looked back to see the second wizzrobe fall on his back, and disappear into black dust. They knew they had won yet another battle with the dark forces that stand against them, with or without the help from Ganondorf.

"That was close." said Spike. "Who were those guys?"

"Wizzrobes. I thought these guys were long gone, though." Link said. "They were around when my ancestor was around in Hyrule and Termina when he was alive. And I thought these guys were supposed to be very dangerous like in the scrolls, but this turned out to be rather easy." then he put his sword and shield away.

"Where did they come from?" asked Lyra

"That's what I'm wondering, Lyra. Maybe we should go to the princess' and tell them about this when we get to Canterlot. I'm sure they will be very intrigued to hear this."

"Do you think maybe something powerful and evil has come to Equestria once again?" asked Colin in wonderment.

"Don't worry. I do not think that we should exactly worry about this just yet. I mean, the least we can do is try to investigate this a little further." said Epona.

"Epona, that is a good idea. Exactly what I was thinking."

Then they all decided to head to Ponyville to book a train to Canterlot. After all, everyone in the town will be more than happy to see their newest heroes back in Equestria once more.

Meanwhile, in the bushes, an evil, dark purple spirit was lurking with demonic yellow eyes. "Hmmm, you may have gotten past my Wizzrobes, but do not get so lucky. I will destroy you like your ancestor destroyed me." The figure was shaped like a mysterious mask with no mouth on it, and it's eyes glowed of evil.

Ancient Enemy

On the train to Canterlot, Link was still puzzled by those two mysterious wizzrobes that suddenly appeared and attacked him and his friends. Well, at least he straight-up killed them both with Colin's help, or they would have all been turned into a bunch of ice sculptures and what not, for that little encounter was certainly a little random and mysterious. The hero looked out the window of the train and saw the many trees, bushes, and the beautiful blue sky shining on the earth.

"Are you alright, Link?" asked Fluttershy

Link looked back at Fluttershy, who was sitting next to him and Colin. "Yeah, i'm just fine." he replied. "I was just thinking where those wizzrobes came from in the first place. Who sent them to attack us?"

"Well why else are we going to see Princess Celestia and Luna, silly?" Said Pinkie Pie."

"He. I know, I know." Said Link. "I just hope that they might know the answers to this."

It wasn't very long, for they all arrived in the capital city of Equestria, and they all exited the train.

Many guards and patrons recognized Link and Colin who were all more than happy to see them both back in Equestria.

Even some of the snottiest ponies in Canterlot have taken a great liking to Link since he had save the princess' from Ganondorf and his dark magic.

In front of the castle, the two guards standing put in front of the main entrance, used their wings to block the path to prevent everyone from entering. "Halt!" Both of them said in unison.

"Who goes there?" Said the first guard.

"Don't any of you recognize Link? The guy who saved Equestria from an enemy from his world?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Of course we do." Said the other guard. "We're just simply doing our job here. Now, what business do you have with the princess?"

"Please. Let us in. We were all attacked by enemies that come from me world, and we're trying to figure out why they were here in the first place."

"You can trust him like I do." Twilight stepped in to help him out.

"Very well. It is rather puzzling indeed." Said the first guard. He and his friend lowered their wings to let them go through. "Come on in. I am certain that they will he more than happy to see you boys."

Both Link and Colin smiled hearing that. As they, along with the ponies and baby dragon set foot inside the castle, Link was happy to see the old windows and paintings again when he first set foot inside here.

"Here. Let me open the door." Said Twilight." As she used her magic to push the handle double doors, they all found the princess' sitting on their throne looking as regal as usual.

Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and their baby, Flurry heart was with them as well. Celestia immediately recognized Link and Colin when they were walking down the long rug.

"Link, Colin." Said Celestia in her warm, motherly voice. "It is so good to see you both again."

Both hylians, and ponies and baby dragon bowed on their knees to show respect to all the royals in this room.

"It has been a while since we last met." Said Luna.

"Forgive me for not coming her sooner, your highnesses." Said Link. "Inalmost forgotten about that magic key you have given us before we came back home to Hyrule."

Celestia made a small chuckle. "Don't worry. What matters is that you are back."


"So, what brings you all here to my castle?"

Link got back up, and he was a little reluctant to tell the princess' what just recently happened not too long ago. At last, the hero of Hyrule said: "your majesties, I have been brought here to investigate something evil or something mysterious."

The princess' all had confused looks on their faces, and Shining Armor, too. "What kind of evil could there possibly be?" Asked the husband of Cadence. "You and Colin already killed Ganondorf and saved Equestria from him and his dark magic."

"True, but princess Zelda asked me to to investigate here just in case."

"And two enemies from our world attacked us." Colin added.

"What kind of enemies?" Asked Cadence.

Then Twilight and her friends began explaining to the royals about the Wizzrobe attack that they have encountered , and how Link and Colkn easily defeated them without ease.

Honestly, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining didn't really know what to think of this. At last Luna spoke out by saying: "well, that is just unusual. We haven't had any enemies from your world attack our own again."

"And I think that if they did, it would be because: a powerful monster or evil creature from Hyrule has come to Equestria."

"We were wondering if you know anything about this, princess." Said Fluttershy. "Do you?"

"No." Said Celestia flatly. "Unfortunately, we do not. This just happened so suddenly."

"I see." Link remarked. "Probably just found a way into Equestria through some portal."

"Possibly." Said Cadence. "Perhaps you should tell Princess Zelda about your recent attack with those wizard things."

"That's just what I'll do." Said Link. "Thank you, your majesties."

All the royals smiled at the hero. "You are quite welcome, Link." Said Celestia. "In the meantime I am sure that you and your friends have so much to talk about after being gone for so long."

"I think we do." Colin agreed. All is a sudden, an eerie, purple mist appeared from the floor out of nowhere. "What the heck?" Colin noticed.

"What is this mist?" Asked Rarity.

"I don't know." Said Applejack. "But get ready to fight any varmint that might try and attack us again."

"Way ahead of you, AJ." Said Lyra. They all waited for something to happen, like something to jump out at them by surprise like those two Wizzrobes that Link and Colin just defeated.

Something was forming in front of the group, Like some evil and malicious spirit that is manifesting itself in darkness.

The figure formed into something really grotesque, like a really scary mask that had yellow and green eyes, some spikes covering the ends of it's face, and it had no mouth.

An evil laugh was heard from it, and it looked like a mask, a gigantic mask with horns. "At last, I finally found your the hero of Twilight." It said wickedly

"Who are you?" Link asked demandingly. "What do you want?"

"He he he, I am Majora." Said the mask. "The true king of darkness and evil. I have come for revenge."

"Anat did Link ever do to you?" Asked Colin.

"It's not about what he did, child." Majora corrected him. "It's what his ancestor has done to me."

Link was confused, but then he had a sudden realization on the last part this wicked spirit just said. "You mean..."

"Oh yes. The Hero of Time." Said Majora. "I was about to crush the land of Termina with my moon, and the whole world to he consumed by it, but then, your meddlesome ancestor, and a stupid fairy had to come and ruin all the fun for me."

"Serves you right for trying to kill millions of innocent lives." Link said

Majora just laughed some more. "Of course, I had some help with Skull Kid, until I discarded him as useless."

"Skull Kid?" Said Link. "You mean from the Lost Woods?"

"His ancestor." Majora corrected. "Now. I will have my revenge for all your ancestor has done to me all those years ago."

"Hello?" Said Spike. "The Hero of Time is dead. Don't you know that?!"

"Spike, don't." Twilight said. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I am perfectly aware of that, hatchling." Just then, Majora's mask grew arms and legs and a head. "Therefore, if I cannot get him, then I will get his descendant instead." He sounded very evil, and sinister in that tone of voice. "Now, You will understand the meaning of pain and suffering beyond words, Hero chosen by the gods!"

The floor began shaking like a small earthquake was erupting in the whole world of Equestria underneath. Majora than slowly moved his arms a little above his head, and out of purple mist, came a small horde of enemies ranging from Bokoblins to moblins to wizzrobes, and some other enemies that Link had never seen before in his life.

"Prepare to meet your demise, Link!" Majora said. Link charged at him in anger, but it was too late; the wicked spirit vanished in a magical ball of energy, and he was gone

There was only the enemies that laughed, roared, cackled, and made other monstrous noises that sounded annoying and scary. For the moblins, they sounded like a combination of large, squealing pigs and Bulblos oinking and grunting, mixed with demonic sounds like a demonic roar. The Bokoblins sounded the same as they always did: like a whining, cawing sound like a crow or raven going crazy for no apparent reason. Wizzrobes sounded like the two first ones Link and Colin fought and killed at the picnic not too long ago.

For the other enemies, Link and Colin didn't know what to exactly think of them. Large, spider-like monsters with skull-like shapes on their thorax, they were Skulltulas, the dreaded spider creatures that Link had encountered in Hyrule countless times before on his adventures. Dodongos were there too, along with a small horde of keese bats looking scary and creepy as ever.

They all charged at Link, Colin, Twilight, Fluttershy, Epona, and the other heroes. It became an all-out battle in the throne room of the two ruling figures of Equestria. Despite being outnumbered, everyone fought against these monsters and enemies with great bravery, and many of them began to disappear, obviously defeated in a matter of second. Celestia and Luna just zapped at some of the enemies with the magic from their long, sharp horns. They didn't stand a chance against he Allicorns, and Cadence was just as powerful while Shining Armor was fighting alongside Link with so much kicks from his hind-legs, and magic from his own horn.

Storm, being very afraid to see what was happening, hid behind Celestia's large throne for cover so he wouldn't get hurt in any way. On the other hand, his mother was fighting very bravely, and kicked at her enemies to and fro without any problem, and her son was happy to see his mother fight on like this, even though he doesn't have the proper courage like she does.

Flurry Heart was hiding with him while riding on his back so she wouldn't get hurt either, for she was a baby after all. For Pip, he was fighting will all his might, and thanks to his tiny size compared to other foals and ponies, it gave him the advantage of dodging any other attack than the others. Colin was jumping from one enemy to another, and deflected many arrows with his shield while in midair before landing on the floor, and locked blades with lizalfos, bokoblins, stalfos, and other enemies with swords, and or spears and axes.

Of course, Link would help him out, being like a big brotherly figure to him, he would help the boy when he felt in grave danger, lie he felt overpowered by the enemies before they would even have the chance to finish him off. Despite being a little overpowered with some enemies like moblins, and bokoblins because they were bigger than him, it didn't mean Colin was completely helpless against them.

Link was fighting every one of these monsters like he would normally do without any ease or trouble at all, considering the fact that he was the best swordsman in all of Hyrule.

Now that Spike had wings right on his back now, he had a little more chance of taking out some of the keese, bubbles, and wizzrobes (Who would turn into icy dust from Spike's green fire breath).

Twilight and her closest friends fought gallantly as well, and Lyra did a double cartwheel move to push away the enemies, and they both kicked a skulltula in it's ugly face. They moved on to fight an ugly moblin with a dual-kick to the face.

It took a little while, but all the villains were defeated and disappeared within ten long minutes, and the entire throne room was completely rid of all these monsters and villains that Majora had conjured from his grasp. Link and Colin panted, feeling a little tired from all of that hacking and slashing and blocking at many opponents that were trying to kill them both.

The Elements of Harmony, Lyra, and Bon Bon were just as tired as the heroes of Hyrule. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence didn't seem exactly exhausted, since they were all powerful Alicorns, and Shining Armor fought alongside Link, and he had been in this kind of training while serving in Celestia's royal guards for years.

When it was all over, with all the enemies gone, Storm, Pip, and Flurry Heart came out from behind the throne. "is everypony okay?" asked Twilight

They all replied a yes to her in many ways, and Link put his sword and shield away, along with Colin. It was a scary battle they had all endured, but it was over for now, but Majora was still on the lose, and he wanted revenge for all that Link's ancestor had done to him all those years ago in Termina.

The Hero chosen by the Gods, sighed in relief knowing that yet another battle has won between good and evil. "Your majesties, I'm very sorry if I brought that monster in your castle. It's not my fault, I swear." He said to the three rulers.

"Oh, there is no need for you to apologize, Link." Said Celestia warmly. "We all know it wasn't your fault."

"That monster is obviously more clever than we all imagined." Luna added. She had her thinking face on. And began wondering about any way to stop this chaotic spirit from causing some havoc.

“Man,” Link said. He realized that Princess Zelda was right about her vision and what was going on recently with the two wizzrobes attacking him in Equestria. It was a far more serious matter than he he thought it would be. “I gotta tell Princess Zelda about this.”

“Yes, she certainly needs to know what just happened.” Said Rarity.”ow! I think one of those moblin vermin broke one of my hoof nails,”

“Yeah, like that is the biggest problem we have.” Said Applejack.

“What if we can’t stop that monster?” Asked Fluttershy in great worriment. “Could his be the end of Equestria?”

“It’s not the end of the world.” Link replied. “We’ll stop him, Fluttershy. I just need to find some way to take him out with the Master Sword. He’s trying to be reincarnated on the mortal plain.”

“Well, I think that telling Princess Zelda is your top priority at the moment.” Said Twilight. “If Majora came from your universe, this should Concern her and Hyrule as well.”

“Got it. I just hope that Majora didn’t cause mayhem and destruction in my home when me as Colin left.”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” Colin said

“I was thinking the same way.”

“Do tell Zelda, Link.” Said Princess Luna

“And do be careful when you return home.” Celestia added.

“You might be our only hope against Majora to save Equestria and Hyrule both at once again.” Said Cadence. “He seems more powerful and malicious than Ganondorf.”

Link and Colin bowed their heads to them, knowing what they had to do. “Come on, Colin. We gotta tell Zelda before something happens.”

“Right behind, you Link!” Colin remarked. “We gotta go, Epona, Storm.”

Both the two ponies went behind them, and Link opened the throne room doors with the magic key into the lock. They all set foot back into their homeland, and saw that everything was just the same as it is.

Epona and Storm were back into their regular horse selves who were not capable of speech like when they were in Equestria. Since there was nothing affected by Majora and his wicked sorcery. Link got on Epona, and Colin got on Storm, and they rode off through Ordon village, and into the fields once more.

While riding off, Link was thinking if he should require the help of Mathayus and the Darknuts, along with the assistance of King Bulblin and his army to fight off against Majora and his forces of darkness, for this could be a more dangerous threat than Ganondorf ever was.

Majora might have the power to conjure a horde of enemies that are powerful than the Dark Lord ever did when he tried to take over Hyrule. For all he and Colin knew, they had no time to lose if they were going to win in an all-out war against this dark mask that threatened the very lands of their world, and the land of Equestria.

Some Karkaroks were giving them trouble in the fields as always, but they were just playthings compared to other monsters and enemies like bokoblins and poes. A few stray guay birds caught sight of them, and tried pestering them, but Link and Colin were able to shoo away the crow-like enemies.

When they both made it to Hyrule Castle, everything was the same as it was, but it something might be wrong in the air. Link didn't know why he was thinking of it, but he had a feeling that something was array, or something is about to go array.

Just then, a soldier came rushing up to them in a great hurry, panting heavily. "Link, thank the goddesses you're here." said he.

"What is it, sergeant?" asked the hero.

"The Castle... is being under attack by moblins and bokoblins that appeared out of nowhere! The princess is fighting with all her might, but so many of them just keep coming. I don't know how much more we can all keep this up. And, a scary mask-like monster just appeared out of nowhere! You have to help us!"

Link and Colin gasped, and realized who he was talking about. "Majora!" they said in unison.

"Come on, Colin!" said Link. "We gotta help Zelda!" and they came rushing through the castle courtyard together, and the front door was already broken down. Around them were many guards fighting off many hordes of monsters, and some of them being defeated and overpowered by those brutes.

"Link, look out!" Colin warned. Just then, a different type of warrior that looked similar to a darknut, but with a different, more broad and muscular type of armor with snakes and evil spirits on the clad, and instead of a sword and shield with them, they had a double-handed, double-bladed ax that looked very sharp and very deadly.

It was charging at Link and Colin with fierce zeal, and when he swung his mighty ax with one hand, he gave out a loud "Tuurg!" sound from his mouth. Link and Colin evaded the mighty swing from the ax, and the weapon crashed on the floor with a metallic "clang!" heard, going through the floorboard. While the knight-like brute was trying to pull his ax out, it gave Link a perfect opportunity to decapitate it, and the brute fell dead, vanishing along with his ax.

"What was that?" Colin asked

"I don't know, but it wasn't a darknut. Come on, we gotta get to the throne room!" Then they both continued trying to get through the castle halls and fighting any bad guys that were trying to stop them. When they made it to the throne room, they noticed things were getting a lot worse, for they saw the Princess fighting off a horde of bokoblins with her rapier and showing off her athletic fighting style against them.

"Princess!" said Colin. "We're here!"

Zelda looked over to them, and smiled in relief. "Oh, thank the gods you two have arrived here."

"What happened?"

"Majora has returned, and he is planning to take over Hyrule." hen Zelda finished off a Lizalfos with one stab to the chest with her own sword. "I don't know how, but he's returned."

"Don't worry, princess. We're here now." said Link. It became an all-out fight between the Hyrulean forces and the monsters sent out from Majora. They had no idea why he would come to the castle in the first place, but they had to take care of all these goons first.

Link and Colin performed a dual-spin attack at their opponents and it easily took a large wave of them out. The last opponent was a Dinalfos, who took down five guards with one swipe of it's tail, but Link easily defeated it, and performed the ending blow, ending all this chaos erupting.

"I don't think we have any more enemies left." said Colin. He stumbled on his knees, obviously feeling tired from all of that fighting. First the fight in Celestia and Luna's throne room, and now a fight in Zelda's throne room as well. The poor boy panted of exhaustion, and gently felt Zelda pick him up, cradling him in her arms like a baby.

"Are you okay, Colin?" asked Zelda.

"Yeah. I'm just a little- ah! Tired from all that fighting."

"I don't think we can rest now, Colin." said Link. "There's still a matter of Majora. Can you tell me what happened, princess?"

"I was still thinking about my recent vision, and why it was happening like this, but then; Majora suddenly appeared, and asked for my throne and the right to rule over Hyrule. I refused, and then he became angry and unleashed a horde of those monsters we had just killed."

Link then said "That's kinda why were here. In Equestria, Majora appeared in front of Celestia and Luna, and he wanted world domination. He kinda did the same thing at the castle in Canterlot, but it wasn't as bad as what we just saw now."

Princess Zelda was certainly looking troubled and puzzled by all that is happening. She had her thinking face, and said "I think my worst fear has been realized. Link. I wanted to give you the sword I was making for you early. An early birthday present. I was going to give it to you then, but I think since Majora is causing so much evil and destruction, I think you deserve to have it now."

“Really?” Link had a surprised look on his face. “Wow. I don’t know what to say, Zelda.” And a small smile appeared on his face in a gratitude that he never felt in a long time. A couple of guards came with the captain holding a green and purple sword with him. It looked rather beautiful, and the scabbard has a green and purple color to it, along with a line of black roses on it.

"This is the Great Fairy Sword. It belonged to the Hero of Time during his adventure on Termina." Zelda said. "It is a beautiful blade, and it is just as powerful as the Master Sword."

Link got the Great Fairy Sword! This blade was used by the Hero of Time, and it is a perfect fit for his hand, with Rose's that look like they can kill on the scabbard.

Link wielded it, and it felt rather light, and swung it a couple of times. This weapon was rather comparable to the Master Sword in size, except it has a different hilt guard to it.

"Wow. That's cool." Said Colin.

"Yeah. I know." Then he put it in his magic pouch for safe keeping.

"You ever thought of wielding two swords instead of one?" Zelda asked curiously.

"Not really. That could be useful."

"Ha! You think that pathetic excuse for a sword can stop me?" Echoed Majora's voice in a cruel laughter. The dark spirit suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and swiped Link with a whip-like tentacles knocking him unconscious. Colin tried to fight, but he was swatted away like in insect, thrown at the left wall of the throne room.

Majora then set his sights on Zelda and made a cruel smile. "Now to take care of you, princess." He said. The princess lunged at him, but Majora swatted her rapier away, and grabbed her with a magical aura, screaming in terror. Link got back up, and he gasped seeing Zelda about to be taken prisoner again. He charged with a battle-cry, and readied the Master Sword to slice Majora in half. Despite his effort, the dark spirit pushed him away with a force of magic, making Link tumble backwards.

With one last scream, Zelda vanished along with Majora, and they were both gone.

“No. I failed.” Said Link, falling on his knees in shame and guilt. “He felt like all was lost if Princess Zelda was captured like that.

Colin himself could hardly believe what just happened to poor Zelda. He was wondering if all hope was lost as well.

Link suddenly had a thought. “No.” He muttered. “No, it’s not over. I saved her once, I can do it again.”

“How?” Colin asked

“We’re going back to Equestria. Twilight and the others can help us get her back.”

“We should get Mathayus to help us, too.”


“I’ll take charge of a Hyrule Castle until you bring the princess back where she belongs.” Said General Otto. “Be careful out here, Link. This enemy could be far worse than Ganondorf. Do come back safely with the princess.”

“We’ll bring her back, General.” Said Link. “I promise, come on, Colin. We gotta get our friend and save both worlds once again,”


Prophecy for Power

Link and Colin were at the land of the darknuts oookijg for their other new friend: Mathayus for help in bringing Zelda back. The land was called L’nok, and it was a rather interesting type of country that they didn’t expect it to be like. Link saw some male darknuts that looked like jackals were having a little sparring match with their sword, and snarling at one another fiercely. It looked like they were trying to kill one another, but Link saw that it was only sparring since the winner helped his opponent back up, knowing they were just good friends.

For the female darknuts, they all had different types of canine heads, ranging from foxes to coyotes, to wolves, to Rottweilers, and other types of dangerous dog breeds. What they would be seen doing was picking some leeks and herbs from gardens with a basket over their arm, for the female looked a little slender.

Despite that. It didn’t mean that the female darknuts know nothing about combat or swordplay. Colin saw two female darknuts sparring in a very agile type of fashion, side-jumping athletically, and even doing backflips once in a while.

The pups all had adorable faces with red eyes on them, and had interesting type of clothes that looked rather gradeful with jewelry and some rings on their fingers. When many of Here intriguing creatures of this race looked at Link and Colin, they would give him applause, knowing exactly who they were. Yes, the darknut race praised Link and Colin as heroes for persuading Zelda gain their trust and make up for being puppets to Ganondorf.

“Wow. I have seen L’nok on the map beyond Hyrule,” Said Colin in fascination. “But, I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

“You can say that again.” Link agreed with him. “But still, they are a warrior race, and we should b cautious.”

“Oh come on. They helped us in the fight against Chrysalis and Ganondorf in Equestria. And, Mathayus is our friend.”

“I know. He will want to hear about this, whether he believes me or not.” In front of them was a golden palace in the shape of a canine with his mouth open. “I hope that’s where Mathayus lives.”

“Looks like it.”

Two Darknut captains were guarding the entrance with long spears and round shields while wearing crimson red armor. “Halt.” Said The first Guard.

“State your business, Champion of the gods.”

“Please, let us pass.” Link begged them both. “Princess Zelda has been kidnapped by an evil more powerful than Ganondorf. I need Mathayus’ help.”

“What kind of creature would be more powerful than the demon king?” Said the first Guard with doubt.

“Link.” Said a familiar voice. It was Mathayus himself with no armor, and he looked muscular and strong with those muscles he had. “Colin, welcome to me and my people’s humble home.”

“Mathayus. Princess Zelda has been captured.”

“Captured?” Said The Darknut Chief. He then had a trouble look on his face before asking: “how could this happen?”

“An evil spirit called Majora abducted her, and wants to take over a Hyrule and Equestria. And it gets worse: he wants revenge on me for my ancestor killing him.”

“Majora?” Said Mathayus. “Hmm, come. We have so much to talk about.”

The two guards let Link and his friend pass and they began walking down the corridor to Mathayus’ private quarters. Link began explaining to the Darknut about all the recent events that just happened from the wizzrobes attack him and their friends, all the way to what just happened at Hyrule castle.

At first, Mathayus didn’t know what to say, but he ultimately remarked: “this is more serious than I imagined it would be.”

“Brother, What is it?” It was the second-in-command, Cedric looking concerned. “Oh, Link, Colin, I did not know you were here.” He recognized the two boys.

“Cedric, we need the help of you, Mathayus, and your brave people.” Said Colin

“Brother, I am afraid our muscle and aid to Hyrule and Equestria are needed once again.”

Then Mathayus told Cedric the whole story. His brother was just as confused as he was, and rather mortified. “That’s terrible news.” Said Cedric. “What can we do to help?”

“Yes Link. How?”Asked Mathayus.

“I don’t really know what to do yet, but I need to stop Majora somehow. Mathayus, I need your help again.’ Said Link. “We beg you, you helped me save Hyrule and Equestria, and you can help us out again.”

“Of course. I will help you for the sake of my people and L’nok itself.” Mathayus then pulled out his sword and raised it at the sky. “My Sword is your sword.” Then he slowly knelt his blade down to Link and Colin.

Cedric did the same thing. “So do I.” He added.

Setting foot back into the world of Equestria, Link, Colin, Epona, Mathayus, and Storm met back in Ponyville with their comrades. Twilight and her friedns looked rather worried about this, but they were happy to see Mathayus once more. They were all waiting at Twilight’s castle for anything that happened.

“Hello, my old friends.” Said Mathayus.

“Mathayus!” Rainbow recognized him. “You’re back in Equestria.”

“Yes, And I am here to help out with this problem brewing.”

“So Link, did you and Colin found anything suspicious?” Asked Twilight

The hero sighed, and ultimately said “Sadly, Yes.” He bowed his head in shame. “Majora captured princess Zelda, and it’s my fault.”

“Whaaat?” The ponies and Spike Said in unison.

“Captured?” Asked Spike. “Did Majora attack the castle?”

“Oh yes. He conjured a horde Of monsters to wreak havoc. It was a battlefield when I set foot back in there. I tried taking on Majora, but he was too strong for me, and he took Zelda away.”

Fluttershy put a comforting hoof on his left arm. “It wasn’t your fault, Link.” Said the yellow Pegasus sympathetically. “There wasn’t anything you could have done then.”

“She’s right.” Said Lyra. “Majora’s obviously more powerful than anything I have ever seen before.”

“We’ll have to come up with a plan to bring Zelda back.” Twilight instructed. “I don’t know how we can do it, but we need to act now if we are going to stop Majora from taking over both worlds. He might be even more powerful than Ganondorf.”

“Not to mention a real loose cannon.” Said Rainbow Dash. “That monster sounded completely crazy!”

“And all those monsters he created out of thin air.” Applejack reminded. “Some of them varmint looked more mighty powerful than Ganondorf had on his side.”

“We got the Master Sword, remember?” Said Pip. “It is the blade of evil’s bane. Besides, it can at least turn golden like last time.”

“Yes, but the question is: when is it going to happen again?” Asked Colin. “You can’t rush a powerful sword with more enegery in it than it would bargain for, Pip.”

“But, I know we can beat him. It just requires precision and the element of teamwork.” The Darknut Chief remarked. “At least if we die by this demonic spirit, we will die trying to save the worlds from Majora and his influence.”

“Precisely. The last thing I would want is ournhime to be sucked into eternal darkness and oblivion from this ruffian mask.” Rarity Said. “What if we require something more powerful than the Master Sword?”

“Thst’s what i’m Afraid of.”

“But we need it don’t we?”

“Of course, Fluttershy.” Then the hero pulled out his blade again, gleaming under the sun. “As long as we have the sword at least, we will have hope on the darkest of times.” Link began looking at his reflection, and had a determined look on his face, then looked at his left hand with the glowing Triforce shining on it. “And with the Triforce Of Courage on my side, anything can be possible.”

“And you got that new sword with you, Link.” Colin pointed

“A new sword?” Said Pinkie Pie “Can we see it?”

“Of course.” Then Link pulled out the Great Fairy Sword to show to his friends once more. “Before we came to Mathayus for help, the captain gave me the Great Fairy Sword That my ancestor once held in his hands." then he pulled out the other sacred blade from his magic pouch, and showed it to everyone. Everyone was rather fascinated to see how this beautiful blade looked, and how dangerous this looked as well.

"My, it looks simply divine." said Rarity.

"Is it as powerful as the Master Sword?" asked Fluttershy

"That's what I've been told, yes."

"Wow, it looks so deadly." said Rainbow Dash.

"I think we might need that sword to help us out."

"A truly beautiful work of art." said Mathayus. "I wished that my people would have created something as extraordinary as that blade." Then Link put it back in his magic pouch.

"For what I know, this could be worse than Ganondorf and his power. A lot worse."

"Well, we can't give up." said Spike. "The fate of Equestria and Hyrule lies within us once again."

"Exactly." said Pip. "We need to act now if we are going to save princess Zelda, and our homes. But, where do we even go from here?"

"right. I don't know." said Bon Bon.

"Me neither." Link admitted. "We just need to think of a plan first, and figure out a way to stop Majora and put an end to his chaos, and I don't mean the Discord type of chaos, either."

"Discord would never do that." said Fluttershy. "I mean, he doesn't do that anymore, thanks to me."

"We know." said Twilight. "Maybe we just need to look for clues, or something like that."

Just then, some kind of animal, a fox-like creature appeared to them out of nowhere, like he came from underground. However, unlike other foxes, it had three tails on it's rump instead of one, and he was a color of yellow, with his ears in black tips, along with his tails, and a black nose on his adorable face. He was bigger than other foxes everypony and Link has seen before. "Hello." he sang before scratching his right ear with his hind-leg.

"Whoa!" Link said. "What are you?"

"I am Kit the Keaton." said the creature with a cheerful expression on his face

"He... he can talk?" said Spike

"That I can, little boy." the fox-like replied. Things just seemed to be getting weirder every moment for Link and Colin, first an evil mask, or an evil spirit that was once a mask plans to take over the universe, and now a creature like a Keaton appears out of nowhere that could be a possible ally? Link wondered to himself "What's next?" in his mind.

Ancient Mask

A Keaton? That is certainly something Link had never heard of before in his life. This creature seemed very mysterious, and yet so peculiar and interesting. Fluttershy, in particular, immediately took a liking to this Kit animal, and she wanted to hug him and get a closer look at his adorable face. "Oh, hello little guy." said Fluttershy. "Can I hold you?"

"Fluttershy," Applejack said, a little weirded out.

"Ho ho ho, of course you can hold me, Fluttershy." said the Keaton with a smile on his face. Then the yellow pegaus promptly picked up the creature, who turned out to be heavier than she expected it to be. "You are so adorable."

Kit went "Ho ho ho, I get that a lot."

"How did you know my name?" asked the yellow pegasus.

The Keaton made a yawn showing his sharp, dagger-like teeth. "We Keaton are a very intelligent race, and we know how to come around." then he looked at the hero of time. "I've had my eye on you for quite some time now, Link."

The young Hero was taken aback by how Kit the Keaton knew his name as well. "Are you for us, or for our enemies?" he asked suspiciously.

"I'm... on the side of good." said Kit. "I am a master of riddles and knowledge, and I know of your ancestor, the Hero of time himself. I for one, have met the hero, even though he was a child. Despite that trait, he had a golden heart and he was a noble type of child. I even played a few trivia games with him, for I am a master of trivia and riddles."

"You knew the Hero of Time?" asked Colin.

"Oh yes. He saved both Hyrule, and Termina before. And you, Link, you have his looks, or at least, you look very similar. Not to mention that you wielded the very instrument that led to Ganon's demise, and he proved to be a very wonderful person." then he made a sigh. "It's sad, really. I honestly wish that I can see him once again, and talk to him some more."

"What exactly are you Keaton?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I could tell you all about my race, but it would take a rather long time. In short, we are a sacred race that has a big significance on Hylians and the other inhabitants of your world, Link."

"Can you help us?" asked Colin.

"Fluttershy, can you please put me down?"

"Sure." as the yellow pegasus put Kit down, the Keaton stretched his legs, and licked his left paw. "So, can you help us all out? We need to save our homes from being a crater of evil created by Majora."

"I can certainly show you some of the ropes in stopping that wicked spirit from wrecking havoc on the mortal plain once again." said Kit. "But, I am certain you can figure out the rest for yourselves. Now, there is a mask that the Hero of time used to defeat Majora and his minions. That mask will give you the power to defeat Majora, and it will surely put an end to this chaos. The mask is called the Fierce Deity mask, and it contains a dark power that will give you everything you need to defeat Majora."

"Dark-powered mask?" asked Applejack. "That can't be good. Dark magic can't be a darn good thing."

"No. Luna suffered from dark magic, and that's how she became Nightmare Moon in the first place." said Twilight. "I don't know if we can trust dark magic on our side."

Kit didn't say anything at first, but he said at last a few moments later: "Look, I am not forcing you to do this. I just wanted you all to know about the secret."

"Even if I can control that mask," said Link. "Would I ascend into darkness because of that mask?"

"That would be up to you, young one." said Kit. "But, fair warning to you: Your ancestor used the power of the mask too crush Majora into piles of ashes until nothing remained of it. Believe my words about it being the most powerful weapon in existence."

Link was thinking deep in his head, and he ultimately said: "The Master Sword has never failed me before. I can kill him with it. This is the Blade of Evil's Bane." He began looking at his reflection through the gleaming blade of the Master Sword once again, and imagined himself as the Hero of Time without his eye-patch, during when he defeated Ganondorf. Perhaps, he can defeat Majora with this sword, just like he did with the evil Gerudo warlock.

"Well, I think Link can beat Majora, and save our homes." Said Lyra boldly. "He beat Ganondorf, he can beat this evil spirit, too."

Kit then sniffed Link's left knee with his nose, feeling rather ticklish against his leggings. "To look for the mask, it would be something you would have to figure out for yourself. I know you can do it. You, and your friends will bring peace and balance to both worlds."

"Will we find it?" Asked Colin

"I am certain you will. But, if you ever want to talk to me again, I am no stranger." Then he conjured a maso that looked exactly like his face. "Here you go, Colin. This is a perfect size for you. Just wear it, and wait for me to appear."

Then he gave it to him with his magic. Colin wore it on him, and it was a perfect fit for him as Kit said.

"Thank you, Kit." Said Colin. He put the mask back in his own pouch, and decided to wear it another day.

"Now. I must take my leave. Farewell, my friends. Good luck with the search!" Then he suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone was confused at what just happened. Was this Keaton real? Or a figment of Link's imagination? No, his friends saw him as well.

"Did that really just happened?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"I know, right?" Said Bon Bon. "And can this mask help us?"

"Well, I suppose the least can do is find it." Said Link

"Perhaps that little Keaton is right. Maybe we do need the Fierce Deity's nask to defeat Majora from disarray everlasting." Mathayus added.

"Although, I'm a little curious." Said Spike. "What kind of creature was that guy?"

“Keatons.” Said Mathayus. “They are a rather.... slightly mischievous race that one can recon with. Still, they are not like bokoblins, or moblins. Rather mysterious race, them Keatons.”

“You can say That again.” Rainbow agreed with him. “It was just weird.”

All of a sudden, Kit reappeared our of nowhere with his magic. “My apologies. But I forgot to tell you that, if you are going to look for the mask, you need to look at these areas: The southern Badlands, the northern snowy mountains, th Whitetail Forest, the Griffon’s home, The Zebrica Savanna, and Seaquestria.”

“All those places?” Asked Link with a raised eyebrow.

“Yep. And it is best to be on your guard. Majora might have let lose some powerful bad guys to roam around in Equestria, causing havoc beyond words. Anyway, good luck on your search.” Then he disappeared once more.

“Well, at least we know the places to look for the mask.” Said Lyra.

“But can we trust him?” Asked Pip

“Well, Yes.” Said Link. “He knew my ancestor, and I am certain he is telling the truth. So, anyway, we are going to the Badlands, first. But, first thing’s first, we should tell Celestia and Luna about what just happened before we start our quest.

“Right!” They all said. They all went on the train to Canterlot, and when they reached their destination, they found the princess’ waiting for them all to exit the train. Link and his friedns promptly set foot back in Canterlot, and they were greeted. “Link, do you bring news of a Hyrule?” Asked Celestia

The Hero chosen by the Gods sighed sadly, and he admitted “Princess Zelda has been captured by Majora.”

“Captured?” Asked Luna with shock. Celestia also shared the same feeling of horror as her younger sister did. “How did this happen?”

“He caught Hyrule Castle off guard after he attacked your castle, your majesties.” Link answered. “I could have stopped him, but he just took her away from us.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Link.” Celestia reassured. “Majora caught us all by surprise. What will we do to stop him?”

“Well, we were told to obtain the Fierce Deity Mask That my ancestor used to defeat him before. We’re about to go out and find it.” Said Link.

“It’s supposed to be a powerful mask that has evil, vile, and dark powers we need to defeat Majora.” Said Mathayus.

“Dark powers?” Asked Celestia. “I do not think that it would be the kind of solution you need for this problem.”

“That’s what I think, but... what other choice to I have?” Asked Link. “I cant kill for trying.

“True. So true.” Said Pinkie Pie. “We at least for to try and look for that mean and scary mask.”

“Well, I just thought you should know. I highly doubt that Majors is finished with his mayhem and chaos.”

“Don’t worry, Link.” Said Luna. “We will be fine.”

“Yes, we will manage defenses for any future attacks by that wicked spirit.” Celestia added. “For now, you just need to go on your quest to retrieve this mask, whatever that may be.”

“I won’t fail you, your majesties.” Said Link. “I’ll be careful, and save Equestria once more.”

Both sisters smiled warmly at his confidence and courage. Boy, they were lucky to have a hero of pure heart like Link was, and they had great faith in him to stop Majora from causing more hellish destruction.

“Good luck, Link.” Said The pricness’ in unison.

Link then went on the train with his friends to the southern badlands, and looked out the windows as the train moved. Even though he might get the mask by going to any of these places the mystical Keaton told him about, he was still worried about the princess.

Who knows what cruel and inhumane treatment Majora is giving her right now? Link didn’t even want to think about it, for it made him sick to his stomach. Despite worrying, he knew it wouldn’t help him get anyway. And there was nothing he can do to bring Zelda back right now. Once again, he might be Hyrule and Equestria’s only hope.

“Link,” Said Colin. “Are you Okay?”

“Yes.” He Said flatly. “I’m worried about princess Zelda. I don’t want anything to happen to her because of me.”

“Oh, there was nothing you could have done to stop Majora from taking her away.” Said Epona. “Majora was too fast and too quick to be stopped.”

“She’s right.” Said Spike. “He tricked all of us, and he caught us all off guard. It p’s like Celestia has said back there.”

“That’s right, Spike.” Twilight remarked. “We were lucky to have killed all those monsters that he conjured out of thin air in Celestia’s castle.”

“Well, He won’t catch us off guard this time.” Said Link boldly.

“Damn right he won’t.” Said Rainbow Dash, pounding her hooves together. She was ready for fight any bad guys she and the others might encounter on their quest. “When we see any more of those bad guys. I’ll... froth them up Good!”

"Same here, Rainbow Dash." said Discord. He conjured himself in a samurai armor with nunchuks in his hands, flailing them around like he was a master of the martial arts. "Any Moblin, Diamond Dog, Bokoblin, or Lizalfos tries to sneak up on me, they will face the fury of my Kung Fu!" he made a few kung-fu kicks going: "Hiya! How about some of this up your face?"

Fluttershy giggled and muttered: "Oh Discord." knowing that he looked a little silly in that kind of armor and at least he was trying to be good support to his cronies. Through the wasteland, the sun was slowly starting to get to them all, and it didn't take long for the sweat to come out of their bodies.

The Desert was certainly at a harsh temperature, like at a range from ninety to one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Seeing skulls of cows, buffalo, or even from ponies on the ground was not uncommon to see in a place like this. "Applejack, isn't the town of Appleloosa in this part of Equestria?"

"No, that's north of the Macintosh mountain side." said the Cowgirl pony. "Look, you see those mountains over there?" she pointed north with her right hoof. "Appleloosa is right beyond them mountains."

"Oh. i see."

"I don't think we'll find any settlements in this part of Equestria." said Rainbow Dash. "These are called the Badlands for a reason, you know."

"Figures." Link then saw something in the distance, and used his hawkeye mask to see what it was. It was a small group of Dinolfos and Megafos riding on bugbears. Not only that, but there were a few Wizzrobes with fire staffs instead of ice ones. "Uh-oh. Incoming enemies at twelve o'clock."

They all readied themselves for another fight. As soon as those monsters and warlocks got close to them, the wizzrobes shot out fireballs from their staffs while shouting "Hiya!" in unison. They all dodged those magical orbs of fire, and they saw the two balls explode as they hit the ground.

Link slashed at many Lizalfos and slammed his sword onto their shields with a loud "Clang!" heard with every hit on their shields, and Link would eventually slash at them in many ways, killing them instantly. Of course, he and Colin would use the hidden skills on them to make it more easy.

These two boys still fought gallantly as a team together, and fought side-by-side. "You still glad to be back in Equestria, Colin?" Link asked his surrogate brother with a smirk.

"Of course. It's good to be back." then he slashed a vertical slice at an incoming Lizalfos, killing him instantly with the sound of a leopard or mountain lion roaring before it vanished into black and purple dust.

Link suddenly had a thought, and decided to pull out his Great Fairy Sword, and then swung his new blade at an incoming bugbear. A magical, powerful beam of magic came out of the blade, and it sliced the bugbear in half, falling dead on the ground.

"Goodness!" said Fluttershy. "Did that sword release a magical beam?"

The hero himself was also amazed what he had unleashed. "It did." then he slashed the sword at another incoming bugbear, but with the whole blade this time, and it killed the monster in one hit in a vertical slice while performing the helm splitter. Link was more than impressed to see how powerful this new sword was.

"Whoa, that is so awesome!" said Rainbow Dash. "that sword is the bomb!"

"A stylish and functional type of weapon." said Rarity. "I like it."

"You ever thought of wielding two swords, Link?" asked Applejack

"I think I might try that." then Link put his Hylian shield away, and pulled out the Master Sword once again. He tried swinging both his swords at random directions, and he was doing rather well. He performed a series of slices and slashes at his enemies who were fighting him head-on.

Firing magic beams from the Great Fairy Sword again, other Lizalfos were instantly killed by those beams from the magical and powerful blade. Link felt like a new type of warrior wielding two weapons instead of one.

While still fighting off their opponents, his friends were watching on by how impressively Link was fighting, and they caught a look of him doing an aerial spin attack with both his blades.

Mathayus was holding a Lizalfos in the neck with his left hand, and instantly snapped it, killing it instantly, and he did the same with other enemies he faced during the fight. Of course, the mighty darknut decapitated some enemies with his mighty sword as well without ease.

"Oh, this is not looking good!" said one of the Wizzrobes.

"You're right!" said another wizzrobe. "We better skedaddle out of here!"

Before the wizard creatures could leave, one of them was killed with a slice of Link's Great Fairy sword, and the second one tried shooting countless balls of fire at him while hovering backwards. The hero continued trying to pursue the remaining wizzrobe, dodging many attacks and fireballs from the warlock, and finally knocked him out with his left fist.

Knocked on the ground, the Wizzrobe stumbled backwards. "Ow! My face!" he cackled. He slowly tried to get up, but he was stopped by Link's right foot, who prevented him from escaping.

"Alright, you." said Link in a threatening voice. "Where is Zelda? Where did Majora take her?!"

"I'm not talking, little hero!" the wizzrobe spat out to him. "Both your worlds will die screaming under Majora's name!"

"Not if we can help it, you creep!" said Lyra. "We'll stop him somehow."

"Oh ho, he is more powerful than you can all possibly imagine you meddling worms!"

"Pfft, yeah right." said Spike. "If Link defeated Ganondorf, he can defeat Majora just as easily."

"That's where you're wrong, baby crocodile! Majora is far more powerful than a mere Gerudo king of thieves. No, he is more powerful than you all think he is."

"Well, is there a mask that I can look for here!?" Link asked demandingly

"There... there is a shard of a mask you can find in this part of Equestria." said the Wizzrobe. "And... there is a commotion in Appleoosa right now. If i were you, I would look for the mask and go to Appleoosa and save the whole city from further chaos.

"You're lying about where the mask is." said Link. "I can see it in your eyes that you're lying!"

"Okay, okay! Here!" then he gave Link a mask shard that resembled a some parts of a man's right cheek with a pointy ear, like any other Hylian would have. Link grabbed it, and theorized it was part of the Fierce Deity's mask he is looking for.

"There are other pieces of the mask you are looking for, but you have to find them first." said the Wizzrobe. "Link remembered the Keaton's advice back in Ponyville, and he immediately let the Wizzrobe go, causing him to scurry away in fear.

"You're letting him get away." said Twilight

"Don't worry. He won't get far."

"Are you sure?" Asked Colin.


"Well, we got what we have came for here. We got to get to Appleoosa right now."

"That we do, Colin." said Applejack. "I don't want my Cousin Braeburn to get hurt by whatever's going on. He probably wouldn't handle what is going on right now."

"Discord, can you get us to the town in a faster way?" Fluttershy asked the master of chaos?"

"No problemo." With one snap of a finger, they teleported to the city of Appleoosa and the town was being terrorized by monsters such as Bokoblins, moblins, lizalfos, and other types of dangerous creatures. This looked more serious than they thought. All of Appleoosa was falling into disarray.

Problem in Appleoosa

Things were certainly going in fiasco for the whole town of Appaloosa, for many mares, foals, and even stallions were being chased by some random monsters, even the town’s sheriffs don’t stand a chance against the moblins or bokoblins or lizalfos that is trying to pillage and destroy everything in sight.

A yellow earth stallion with a cowboy hat ran up to Applejack in a frantic manner, covered in soot. “Applejack! Applejack!” He exclaimed begging on her knees. “Thank Celestia you’re here! We’re all under attack by all those creatures, you gotta help us!” It was Braeburn, one of Applejack’s cousins.

“Slow down there, Braeburn.” Said Applejack. “We’ll take care of this, you just get to a safe place.” Braeburn nodded and went to find a safe shelter. A helmasaur was charging at Sheriff Silver Star, who was hilariously screaming in a frantic yell.

“They don’t make good sheriffs like him anymore.” Said Big Mac. “Come on, y’all! We got a town to save!”

Link and Colin unsheathed their sword and shield, and an all-out battle broke out once more. Not only were bokoblins, moblins and lizalfos pillaging Appaloosa, But some things were moving underground like prairie dogs.

“What the heck is that?” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Moldorms!” Said Link. “These guys are sneaky, just keep an eye on the ground and wait for it to jump at you before you attack.”

“Works for me!” Said Bon Bon boldly. He ponies and Spike did what the hero told them to do, and they were careful with these moldorm monsters trying to pounce on the, from the ground.

Colin side-stepped out of the way to the right when one of those insectoid creatures tried to pounce him, and he sliced it on half with his sword with green blood pouring from the corpse. Another Moldorm was coming at Colin from behind, but the boy swiped it away with his shield, knocking it to the ground.

The Moldorm was flopping around like a fish out of water, gasping for breath and oxygen, but it was zapped by Rarity. “Ugh! Icky insect!” She Said with disgust.

Little did she know that a leever sprung from the ground and it was spinning towards her with it’s sharp thorns like a moving cactus. Applejack saw the creatures sneaking up on her, and she kicked it dead into a wall.

“Golly, I hate those things!” Said Applejack.

Red bubbles were seen floating towards the heroes, flapping their bat-like wings with that ghastly glow in their eyeholes.

“Oh wonderful. Those creatures make me uneasy.” Said Fluttershy.

“You and me both.” Said Link. “But still. Keep your guard up, Fluttershy. Don’t hold back.”

“Right.” Then Fluttershy began knocking a few bubbles while charging in mid-air, stunning the bubbles for a short time. Whenever they were trying to hop away, they were immediately squished by Big Mac and Discord, killing them in an instant.

"My gosh, I hate those things!" Rainbow said about the bubbles. She was punching and kicking at these floating skulls with her hooves nonstop, and she wasn't even getting tired. "Well, at least they make good practice dummies!" Rainbow added. She knocked out an incoming changeling who was trying to sneak behind her with a swipe with her right hoof.

Twilight was blasting magic away at her enemies, causing them to fly into walls, barrels, crates, windows, and other objects. Her real challenge, however, were wizzrobes, for they had the ability to use magic like she did. Twilight would use magic from her horn to push back magical beams that came from these warlock-like enemies. Whenever a wizzrobe would try and force more magic, Twilight would try so hard to push back the ice or fire beams with her own.

Starlight Glimmer, Lyra, and Rarity stepped up to help her to make it a lot more easier to fight off these creeps. It was a big success, four combined ponies with horns of magic all at once, this fight against wizzrobes was a lot easier to fight off against. It was certainly a way to fight fire with fire.

"Need a little hand, Twilight?" said Lyra boldly with a very brave look on her face.

"Thanks Lyra. And thank you, Rarity, Starlight."

"No problem." Lyra replied. "Nothing we can't handle. As long as Link is on our side, that's our biggest relief."

An iron knuckle appeared and it looked mighty dangerous with his double-bladed axe. Mathayus charged at him full of zeal, and he used his shield to block off many swipes and attacks from this knight-like opponent.

Both of them were fighting very ferociously, and the heavy sounds of clashing steel were heard. Despite his hulking size, the iron knuckle was fast and he knocked Mathayus’ shield from his right hand, but the Darknut was faster, and he sliced the enemy’s torso in a horizontal Slash.

It took a while with a loud grunt of defeat heard from this brute, he fell flat on his front side with a loud boom before turning to dust.

Overtime, the only enemies remaining were a couple of bokoblins that were stupid enough to charge at the group of heroes while cackling insanely.

Spike hovered and dodged a vertical swipe from one of their sharp, rusty machetes and knocked a bokoblin with a headbash against the left side of it’s torso.

And now, after that wave of bokoblins were defeated and dealt some too quiet and there weren’t any enemies to be seen left. Everyone in Appleoosa slowly came out of their hiding places and wanted to know if it was perfectly safe, and if the heroes.p really triumphed over this little battle.

Turns out, it looked true that it was perfectly safe to come out, but then, a large, red and black reptilian monster appeared from a building, causing the walls to crumble as the building completely demolished.

“Wow! Look at the size of that guy!” Said Discord.

Indeed, this lizard monster looked gigantic, even bigger than the largest Megafos with a muscular structure, and he didn’t wear any type of armor, except for knee pads and shoulder pads. It had a terrifying face with glowing yellow eyes, and had two hand-axes as weapons with a large tail sticking from behind him with the tip looking like a sharp mace.

It let out a few grunts and threw it!s head back with a guttural roar. Another feature it had was a pair or small, ram-like horns behind his head.

The beast charged with the sound of heavy footsteps heard. He was about to hit Applejack and Big Mac, but they dodged just in time, and Applejack kicked it in the torso multiple times, but it had little effect, as if her kicks can’t hurt him.

After Big Mac kicked it in the face, the gigantic lizard monster hissed, and sliced at Applejack with her screaming in pain as blood was running down her wounds.

“AJ!!” Said Big Mac. He growled in anger, and shouted: “You stinkin’ lizard bastard! You’re gonna pay for that!”

He kicked him in his face multiple times, making him stagger and fall on his back. Despite his powerful punches and kicks, the lizard monster got back up, and grabbed Big Mac by his throat and threw him against a large window with the sound of glass shattering.

Link was really mad now, and he charged at the brute full of zeal, and avoided many strikes from him. This creature was fast, despite it being a little bigger than an iron knuckle. The hero of Hyrule was quick and nimble, and sliced at his legs.

The creature roared in pain, but he quickly recovered ang got back up. This monster was tougher than Link and his friends thought he would be like, and he was putting up quite a fight.

“No one hurts my friends like that and gets away with it!” Link shouted. At last, he rolled to the left and sliced at the creature’s back, knocking him out with a loud thud that it made the ground shake slightly.

It was the perfect oppurtunity for Link to do the ending blow on him, and before the sword could pierce through his big, muscular chest, this lizalfos-like enemy rolled to the right, and kicked Link in the face, knocking him out cold, and the Master Sword flying out of his left hand.

Colin was about to go to his aid and kill that beast himself, but then, Mathayus ran up to it and got into a fierce grudge match with this creature. They were flailing with one another and locking their weapons with the loud sounds of metal clanging.

The Darknut Chief then knocked the reptilian monster’s axes off of his hands and sliced him from his left shoulder to his right hip, killing the monster instantly with his mouth open, and disappearing into black dust of purple smoke.

Link recovered and got his sword and shield back.

“Link!” Colin and Fluttershy Said in unison. “Link, are you okay?” Said Colin

“Look at you,” Said Fluttershy. “You look hurt.”

“It’s fine. Ah!” Then he pulled out one of his bottles with a fairy inside of it. He opened it. And the fairy swirled around Link and gave him his energy and strength back. “That’s better.” Then he looked at Applejack, who was gravely injured and grunting in pain with a few tears running down her face. She was in great pain, and more blood was pouring from her wound.

“Applejack!” Said Rarity. “Do hold on! We will give you some support.”

“Don’t you have any potions on youhag can heal her?” Asked Bon Bon.

“Let me look.” Looking inside his magic pouch, Oiki found a red potion in another one of his bottles and opened it before kneeling to Applejack to take a sip of it.

Running over to Big Mac next, he saw the red stallion looking quite hurt himself, gruntingsdm struggling to get back up. “Link, help me.” He grunted with his teeth gritting.

“Don’t worry, Big Mac. This should help you. Take a sip of this.” The red stallion reached his mouth to the potion and he suddenly felt better.

Despite the potion helping Applejack getting her strength back, there was still some blood coming out of her wound, and there was still pain. “Applejack!” Said Braeburn. “You’re bleeding. Come on, let me get ya to a medic. You’ll be right as rain soon.”

The yellow earth pony gently got his cousin back up. “Ow, Careful, cousin. That still hurts on the side.”

“Sorry, AJ. Can you walk?”

“Yeah. I just need to be patched up, that’s all.”

“Is everypony okay?” Asked Twilight. The other citizens of Appleoosa nodded their heads and cheered for these heroes to save their wonderful town for rom all these monstrosities. Despite this victory, this war was far from over.

Snowy Situation

Applejack was treated for her wounds, and so was Big Macintosh. The bleeding had stopped and a few bandages were wrapped around the orange earth pony. The red potion that healed her pain did work, but this was to prevent any more bleeding, for blood loss would leave to eventual death if not treated properly.

"Ah! That stings." Applejack grunted. "Easy oh my left side there."

"Just calm down, AJ." Said Braeburn. "Relax and let the doctor take a look at you." Big Mac also had some wounds taken care of, such as a few cuts around his chest from the broken glass after breaking a window. "What about you, Mac? How you pulling."

The red stallion let out a small grunt and replied: "I suffered worse kind of hurt than this. Good thing we were all there to help y'all."

"Oh yes." Said Cherry Jubilee. "It was a mighty good time y'all came here to save us from those monsters."

"What were those things anyway?" Asked Sheriff Silverstar in confusion. "Does anypony know anything of this?"

"I do." Said Link. "It's... complicated for you to understand, sheriff. To shorten things: an evil mask from my home is causing havoc in Equetria, and he is sending monsters to do the dirty work for him."

"He's right." Said Twilight. "Take it from me, sheriff."

"If princess Twilight says it, it must be true." Said a stallion. "At least our town is safe.... mostly."

"My house is destroyed by those monsters." Said another stallion. "they completely demolished it into rubble and garbage."

"My house was set on fire by those lizard things." A mare added.

"I know. I'm sorry if I brought this upon you guys." Link admitted.

"Don't say that Link." Said Applejack. "It's not your fault."

"Yeah. We all didn't see this coming."

"We would never blame a hero of Equesteia and Hyrule." Said Cherry Jubilee. "Oh yes. We heard about you, Link."

"Like how you saved the princess from that evil warlock monster." Said silverstar. "What's his name again?"



"Word gets around fast in Equestria." Said Spike.

"Wouldn't surprise us." Colin remarked. Then he looked at the mask shark Link had on him. He was wondering if this mask was truly the answer to stop Majora and bring peace go both worlds, or if there was another way to stop this evil mask from causing ever ending chaos and havoc in both worlds, like the new Great Fairy Sword. "So, Kit said that we need to go to the northern snowy mountains, right?"

Link nodded his head a yes to him. "That's what the Keaton told us to go next." and he looked at the mask shard once more. "I don't know how much more shards there are of the Fierce Deity's Mask, but They could not kill for trying to find shards of that ancient mask Link's ancestor used before.

Perhaps, this mask would be the last hope against this monstrous mask running amok. If Link and his friends can't stop Majora, then who can? Still, they didn't want to wait and stand there and see what he will do next to the world they are in. They all had two worlds to save, with or without Link's help and his Master Sword at his side.

Colin then remembered the Keaton mask given by his truly, and pulled it out to get a good look at it. This mask looked rather adorable and a little funny, but Kit gave this to Colin for a very good reason.

"Are you about to call him back, Colin?" Said Mathayus. He was standing behind the boy, towering over him with his height.

Everyone looked at the boy, hearing what the darknet king just asked him. "Well... I am thinking about it. Maybe he can help us again by telling where the mask shard is hiding in the snowy mountains."

"Don't worry, Colin." Said Link. "We'll find a way to get that second mask shard."

Colin looked at the Keaton mask again, and he was thinking about this again. "Maybe you're right, Link." He said at last.

"Applejack, Big Mac, I think it would be best if you both stayed here and try to recover from your wounds as long as possible." Said Mathayus. "Do not worry, we will manage without you."

"Hell nah!" Said Applejack. "I drank a red potion and what that lizard monster inflicted on me was just a few scratches."

"And I am a tough as nails stallion." Added Big Mac. "I suffered worse injuries than this."

Link was thinking about this, then Fluttershy said: "Please, Link. Let them come with us. We can't continue on without our friends."

"We're in this together." Said Pinkie

"Okay. Okay. Just try and be more careful, you guys. Who knows what kind of monsters Majora will unleash in the future."

"Don't worry, Sugarcube." Applejack smiled boldly

"Nothing can stop these apples from rotting away." Big Mac added. They slowly got out of the beds, and went back to their friends.

"Hmm, when we go up in the north, we can see if it's in the Crystal Empire or Yakyakistan." Said Twilight.

Pinkie Pie bounced with joy, and she said: "Prince Rutherford can help us out! I know he will!"

"And I'm sure that princess Cadence and Shining Armor know about what is going on right now." Rainbow added.

"Well, should we get some warm clothing for us" said Spike. "It can get really cold up there. Majora might have made the cold up there more freezing."

"Great idea, Spike." Said Twilight.

"Ooh. I can conjure fur coats for all of us to were when we go up there." Disford volunteered himself. "It's not that hard to poof up into thin air."

Everyone thought it was a good idea, and Rarity said: "that would certainly save us all the trouble from purchasing so many coats."

"Don't we have winter get up back home?" Asked Bon Bon.

"Yes." Lyra answered her. "But, it's like what spike said, Majora could have mare the northern lands colder than before"

"the more the merrier." Said Starlight. "It would heba good idea to bring more clothes for us."

"What about Link and Colin?" Asked Fluttershy. "There aren't any coats for them to wear when we go up there."

"Not a problem, sweetie." Said Rarity. "I can create a coat for these boys like no time at all. All we need to do is go to Carousel boutique and craft them coats."

"Do not forget about me, Rarity." Mathayus reminded her. "We darknuts are not adapted to the polar temperatures like Yaks would be."

"Sinple as that." Rarity sang. "It will he fast, I know that we all have a mission to do."

"What about us?" Asked Braeburn. "What if those monsters come back and attack our town again?"

"Don't worry. You all know chief Thunder Hooves and his posse of buffalo." Applejack reminded. "Y'all just need to hold them off together as long as you both can."

"And we all know that there is a sheriff in town." Silver Star said boldly. "And that sheriff is me."

Link knew that these ponies were tough, along with their town. "Despite the burning houses," he said. "Can you pull through with this?"

"Don't you worry about a thing baby doll." Said Cherry. "We'll get this town back to the way it was in no time at all."

Every one of the heroes hopped back on the train, and it went back to Ponyville. Link's right foot was tapping, anxious about any more enemies that might come and try to destroy him, and his friends.

Looking out the window once more, he hoped that the city of Appaloosa can take care of themselves without him or his friends, or hold down the fort until this is all over.

Another thing on Lincoln's mind was if this mask can help him and his cronies with this plan, or backfire and turn him to the dark side.

Pip was sitting next to him, and he asked: you seem tense, Link, are you alright?"

"Just fine, Pip." Said Link. "I was thinking what to expect in the northern part of Equestria. I've been to Snowpeak and I think this would be the same as Showpeak back home in Hyrule, but since Majora is back, he might make Northern Equestria colder than before."

"You could be right, Link." Said Mathayus. "It could be colder than Snowpeak."

It took a little while, but the train made a full stop to Ponyville, and everyone hurried to Carousel boutique.

Rarity used her magic to work as fast as she could on working with the heavy coats when they go far north. She never worked on clothes this fast before, but she did it for her own friends.

It took a little bit more about an hour to get them all done, for Starlight, Twilight, and Lyra helped her with the designing to make it faster.

At last, when it was finished, Link had some pants that looked like the same color as his pale-yellow leggings, it they were a little more thick. He had a green jacket with some fur underneath, and some fur around his neck. The only thing that Rarity didn't make for him was a hat, for she knew it was his trademark look.

Colin had a coat and leggings similar to his brother figure, but it was a lighter green tunic than Link's.

For Mathayus, he had a very thick type of jacket made of yak fur.

At least, these three were ready to go for the trip up north, then the ponies and Spike went to their respective homes to get their winter clothing, and made it back to the train.

Epona and Storm then had a realization that they didn't have any winter clothes either, but Discord conjured them some cozy clothes for them to be warm in.

The engines were rolling again, and they were off to the northern lands. Everyone saw the castle that was the landmark of Canterlot on the right side of that mountain.

Two hours passed, and as the train went pass Canterlot, looking out the windows again, they noticed the ground being covered in light snow, and the sky was covered in snow clouds. Sunlight was becoming more and more faint with every mile the train was taking them.

"Something looks wrong." Said Twilight. "It's springtime, and it's not supposed to be snowing right now."

"If it was pegasus ponies doing this, you would all know." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, I know. I didn't say anything about you."

"This is definitely the work of that wicked mask written all over it." The darknut chief remarked solemnly.

"Yeah, this is an area where Cloudsdale would be, and it's still April." Said Applejack.

"I hope princess Cadence and my brother are okay." Twiligth remarked. They all noticed more snow was covering the ground with continuous snowfall, knowing they might be getting close to finding this mask shard.

It was getting worse, a lot worse. The snow was getting heavier and bigger, like a blizzard was hitting the northern part of Equestria.

Fluttershy herself was feeling a little nervous about this, but she knew Link, Colin, and the rest of her close friends will give her comfort and support if needed.

"Oh. Right, I almost forgot something." Link remembered. "We can use my lantern to see through the blizzards and try to keep us all warm."

"Good idea." Said Lyra. "We might need it to make a fire if we need to."

"We can try." Said Colin. "But, look at this blizzard."

"I gave you a lantern too, remember Colin?" Link reminded.

"Ohhh, right."

The train finally stopped at the Crystal Empire, and a large blizzard blew over everyone's faces as soon as they got off the train.

Boy of boy, this wind was almost as sharp as needles or pins. Despite the winds blowing, they all knew they couldn't back down or wait for this blizzard to blow through, everyone had a job to do. The blowing winds were so thick, the others couldn't quite make out to see the Crystal tower from where they were

"Good grief." said Spike. "It's colder than I thought it would be. We'll all freeze to death if we stay out here for too long."

"Don't worry, Spike." said Fluttershy. "We'll be fine."

"We just need to look for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor." Twilight reminded. They all followed her down the main road in the Crystal Empire. Link and Colin had their lanterns out to see through this thick wind blowing in the air. What made it spooky was that there were no crystal ponies in sight. It looked like they either took shelter inside the houses and the castle, or they have been completely wiped out of existence by some powerful force.

Twilight and her closest friends hoped that everypony was alright. It was a rather long walk, but they all made it to the castle. Once inside, they saw many crystal ponies in sleeping bags and blankets wrapped around them. Clearly, everyone was shivering and freezing inside with candles in front and around them.

Everypony looked like they were freezing to death, even inside the castle. "Sweet Celestia." Twilight muttered in disbelief.

"Twili!" Said a Male voice. It was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence coming downstairs with Flurry Heart, their baby daughter.

"Bbbff!" Twilight exclaimed in joy. She ran up to her big brother and hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you again."

"Same, but I don't think now is the time for proper greetings yet." Said Shining. "We got a big problem happening right now."

"We were coming back home here from Canterlot after the attack in the castle, but then we saw the whole city engulfed in this horrible blizzard." Said Cadence. "Does anypony know what is exactly going on here?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, then Discord said: "I know exactly what is going on, princess." He took a deep breath, as he was going to explain the whole story, but then he ultimately added: "Link will tell you all."

"Thanks a lot." Link said sarcastically. He looked at the three royals of the Crystal Empire, and cleared his throat before exlpaining: "you guys all know about Majora, right?"

"Yes." Said Cadence and Shining Armor in unison.

"Well Marjora is the one behind this blizzard."

"I was afraid of that." Shining muttered. "He's more powerful than I thought."

"What about princess Zelda?" Asked Cadence

Link’s face turned into a rather sad expression, and he sighed before replying: “captured. Majora captured her during an attack on Hyrule castle.”

Shining and Cadence both gave a surprised look on their face. “We’re sorry to hear that.” Said the princess of love. “How can we put a stop to this horrible blizzard?”

“I honestly don’t know.” Link replied. “But one thing certain: I need to kill Majora and this chaos finally stops.”

“Of course that is the central goal of this journey.” Said Rarity. “But, as there a type of monster we need to defeat to clear all of this up?”

“That I am uncertain.” Said Shining Armor. “Well, I did see a creature pass through the city that had a body of a horse, but had a human upper body with a round thing around his head. It had flaming red eyes that blaze.

“Hmm... that seems familiar.” Link thought in his head. “I think we should look at that. And, to kill Majora, I need to collect shards that were part of an ancient, powerful mask that my ancestor used to defeat him called the Fierce Deity’s Mask. We’ve been told that there is a shard in this part of Equestria.”

“Well, trend carefully.” Said Cadence. “I honestly don’t know how long this blizzard will keep up, or how much longer we can sustain this.”

“Don’t worry, princess.” Said Mathayus. “We will look for the source of this blizzard, I promise you that.”

“You can count on us, Cadence!” Said Rainbow Dash.

The royal family smiled. “Thank you all.” Said Shining. “I know you guys won’t fail. You and your friends never have, Twili.”

“And good luck in finding those shards, Link.” Cadence Said.

“We won’t be long.” Said Colin. “We’ll be back soon,”

“Are there any more Crystal ponies outside?” Asked Bon Bon.

“Most of the, made it safely inside the castle when the blizzard hit the whole city. Some of them are taking shelter in their houses for the time being until this storm blows over.”

“How long has this been going on?” Asked Applejack

“Five hours.” Cadence answered. “This has been going on for a long time, and I wish this would all stop. If we don’t do something about it, we will all freeze to death.”

“You ever tried making fires?” Pinkie suggested.

“I wish it was that simple, Pinkie.” Said Shining. “But, it’s not. We don’t have any firewood.”

“Here, let me help you with that.” Discord stepped up. He snapped his right fingers and conjured a dozen campfires inside the castle for the ponies inside of it to keep warm. “Voila, a bunch of roaring fires to keep everypony warm and toasty.”

“Wow. Thanks, Discord.” Said Shining. He then used his magic to light up the fire with his horn and they were all lit, with the sound of flames crackling all around them randomly.

“Come on, guys.” Said Link. “We need to look for that shard.”

“Right!” Everyone behind him said. Princess acadence and Shining Armor bid them all good luck once more, and they went back outside to face the blizzard once again. Colin decided to pull up his Keaton mask and waited for Kit to turn up and greet him once more. He looked to his left, then his right, and saw the fox-like animal in front of him.

“I believe you called me here, Colin?” Said Kit.

“Uh-huh. Things are getting worse in Equestria. Do you know where specifically we look for the mask shard?”

“Is it in a city or a cave?” Asked Pipsqueak. “It has to be around this part of Equestria somewhere.”

Kit was unresponsive at first. But he ultimately said: “It is in an icy cave with the snowflake structure on top of it. You will find the shard there, and then another one near Yakyakistan.”

“Wait... the ice tower!” Twilight thought. “I heard about that structure. It’s not far from here, only ten miles from here.”

“And Rutherford can help us find the other one!” Pinkie bounced in joy.

“Do not be afraid to call me back here for assistance again if you feel like it.” Kit sang. “I bid you all good luck on your search. Ta-ta!” Then the Keaton disappeared again.

“Come on, guys.” Said Link. “Twilight, why don’t you lead the way to the Ice Tower.”

“Of course.”

Going out in the town, the snowflakes didn’t stop falling, and it was piling up the ground up to Link’s knees a little. It was only a matter of time before the snow would probably get as high as a whole house.

Link and Colin brought out their lanterns again. Twilight and the unicorns used the magic from their horns to see through this thick blizzard and snow. “Man, I can't see a thing in this storm.” Said Link.

Everyone went about three hundred yards when they see a glowing blue light hovering. As those lights came closer, they revealed to be ice keese coming to stop them from pushing forward.

“Uh-oh, Ice keese, guys!” Link warned. He, Colin, and Mathayus pulled out their weapons and another fight ensued. “Don’t let them touch tou, you’ll turn into an icicle if they do!”

Taking care of these bat-like monsters was rather easy, for they were really just pests, but a little more dangerous because of the ability to freeze others who they touch. Some of them were scared away with Fluttershy’s stare, and immediately flew away in terror.

“Done And Done.” Said Fluttershy. “Always works.”

As they all went further into this blizzard, they saw white glowing figures on the ground, and they looked like wolves with slightly monstrous faces. “Ah great white wolfos.” Colin muttered.

Yet another fight commenced in a battle between good and evil. Several more wolfos appeared from the snowy ground, and began running around in circles in front of the heroes.

One Wolfos charged at Pip, but he was kicked away by Lyra with a loud yelp, but he was circling around again. Link, Colin, and Mathayus slashed at them with their swords, usually killing them in one hit, and a small howl would emit from a wolfos that was sliced.

Storm hid behind his mother in fear so he wouldn’t have to get hurt. “Come on, sweetheart.” Said Epona. “This is easy.”

“Well, I would rather not. Those wolves look really scary.” And he continued hiding behind his mother.

“At least they’re not timber wolves.” Said Spike. “These wolves know how to stay down.”

“Spike, I couldn’t agree more with you.” Said Lyra. “At least they don’t regenerate into a bigger wolf after they all die.”

Link and Colin decided to turn into their wolf forms and try to negotiate with the wolfos, but to no avail. The two decided to attack these wolf-like monsters like any other wolf would do to enemies, it was like an eye for an eye.

Like the bats before, Fluttershy used her stare to make the whole pack see reason. “Listen to me you mean Wolfos,” She said sternly. “You know better not to try and bully and scare us like that! Now, all of you go away and never try and hurt us again! Understood!”

The wolfos were all scared and ran off while helping in terror.

“There.” Fluttershy went back to her kind personal again after taking care of this little problem.

“Way to go, Fluttershy. You know how to get animals to listen to you.” Said Pip.

“Do you know if we’re going the right way?” Asked Mathayus

“Yes, Just follow me.” Twilight reminded. “I Said I know the way, I promise.”

“I believe you, Twilight.” Said Pip. “Continue onward.” And they all followed her through this blizzard once more.

Freeing Freezards

This blizzard was certainly not helping Link, Colin, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight or their friends out in finding the mask shard in this frozen tundra. "Is it me," said Applejack. "Or is it getting mighty colder out here than it was before?"

"I absolutely agree." Said Pinkie Pie. "Even with these on, I still feel the coldness!"

"My ears feel like they might fall off my head for being frozen solid." Spike remarked.

"I can keep you warm, Spike." Fluttershy offered. She wrapped her wing around his small body.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. That helps a little bit."

Fluttershy smiled warmly. "You're welcome. Happy to help a friend." Then she looked at Pip, mildly shivering from the blistering winds. "Are you cold, Pipsqueak?"

With his teeth chattering uncontrollably, the colt replied: "y-y-yes. I'm very c-c-c-c-cold."

"Come here, sweetie." Said the yellow pegasus with a sympathetic look on her face.

Meanwhile, Epona was keeping Storm warm in any way possible. The poor foal was still scared and cold, but he knew they would have to stop and make a fire sometime.

"How much farther till we find the mark shard?" Asked Starlight.

"I don't know." Link admitted with a sigh. "This could take longer than I thought it would be." He looked at one of his bottles of lantern oil, and the second to last one was almost empty. "I need to make these bottles last. Colin, how much oil do you have in your bottle?"

"Ummmm, only half of it left. It's not my fault, I swear."

"No of course not. I didn't say it was. There's gotta be a cave somewhere nearby we can take shelter in for a little while."

"But what about Cadence, Flurry Heart, and Shining Armor?" Asked Rarity.

"We're not staying for the night." Said Mathayus. "It's only for a little while to try and keep us warm."

"He's right. Spike. Do you think you have enough fire in your tummy to light a fire?"

"I think so. But what about firewood?"

"Not a problem." Said Lyra. She used her magic to conjure a small bunch of firewood."

"Wow. That's impressive, Lyra." Said Fluttershy. "How did you do that?"

"I used to go camping with my family when I was a filly."

"Perfect." Said Twiligiht. After walking around ten miles, they came across a gigantic ice monster with multiple red eyes on it's head that never blinked, and it looked completely terrifying.

"Hold it!" Said Link. "That's a Freezard. These guys are nasty pieces of work." Then he pulled out his silver ball and chain. "This is one of the many things this is for."

"Will that actually kill it?"

"No, but it should be us some time to blind it. You see, i will hit that freezard in the eyes, blind him, and then Spike can breath his fire all over it so it can melt."

"Ahh. That's good thinking, Link." Said Spike. "I'll ready my fire breath."

Link quietly went over to the icicle monster to the right side, and the Freezard made a low, menacing growl. With a mighty throw, Link swung his ball and chain and waited until it was fast enough before hitting the monster's eyes.

The gigantic creature roared in agony as his red eyes on the right side of his face were completely smashed into tiny pieces if red ice.

"Spike, now!" Said Mathayus.

"Right!" Then the baby dragon heroically sprung into action, and was hovering in midair. Before the freezard could blast his ice breath at him, Spike unleashed a a large field of fire at the freezard, and the monster melted into little, miniature versions of it, like clones.

"Whoa! What just happened?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"It melted into five mini-freezards now." Colin said. "Now it will be easier to kill them."

"In that case," Spike had an idea. He then flew in the air and sprayed his fire breath at the five remaining freezards into nothingness until they disappeared.

The others cheered for Spike in his act if bravery.

"Good job, Spike. Are you hurt?"

"Twi. I'm fine. All they needed was to be burnt out.... literally."

"Can we go in that cave?" Asked Bon Bon

Link slowly went inside the hole and he peeked around, and it was a rather nice space, unaffected by the blizzard.

"Hmm, this looks like a good spot to catch our breath." Said Link. "This cave looks as big as a small house."

"Then this is where we will build a fire." Said Big Mac.

They all went in the the small cave, and Lyra put the firewood down on the ground. "Alright, Spike, do your stuff."

"Right." The baby dragon took a breath, and blew fire on the wood. Just like that, the woods were crackling a fire on them. "There. That should do the trick."

"They all gathered around the fire, trying to keep themselves warm as possible. This fire was lighting up the cave along with the lanterns Link and Colin had on them.

"So, about that mask shard, what would be the first place we can look?" Asked Twilight.

"Hmmm... good question." Said Mathayus. "It could be buried in the snow outside for all we know."

"Or in a cave like this." Said Epona. "It won't be easy looking for that little shard of dark magic."

"True." Said Rarity. "But we need to look for it if we are going to purge evil from Equestria once again."

"She's right. We have no choice."

The fire may have been a little small, but everyone was close around it to keep warm through this harsh weather. The northern part of Equestria was already like iron.

While sitting together, their was a faint howling heard outside, making it more eerie than before.

Link recognized what that meant. He remembered going through the lower plains of Snowpeak, and how he encountered those wolfos with res eyes charging at him.

Could it be a wolfos? Or just a wolf nothing more? It may sound scary, but taking on one or a few wolfos was as easy as killing bokoblins, keese, or bubbles.

"Did y'all hear that?" Said Applejack.

"We all heard it." Said Starlight Glimmer. "The sounds of wolves definitely doesn't sound good at all."

"P'shaw, I can take on a whole pack of wolves with one hoof behind my back!" Rainbow boasted. "Just bring it on! Let me at 'em!"

"Down, Rainbow." Said Discord. "Let us not be so rash. They are only wolves."

"Maybe regular wolves are just animals, yes." Said Mathayus. "But wolfos are mindless, vile monsters with endless bloodlust in their system. It would not surprise me if Majora sent them out in this world to stop us from continuing."

"My stare can still work on them." Said Fluttershy. "The least I can do is reason with the wolfos to leave us all alone."

"Ha! Good luck!" Said Discord. "I don't think this is the perfect time for such pleasantries."

It went on for a long ten minutes for them to sit by the fire, and they were becoming less cold thanks to the warmth of the flames.

While sitting, Link was thinking of how this was all his fault for Majora coming back to life. It was because of his ancestor, and if Majora couldn't kill the Hero of Time, then he would get his descendant instead.

Colin looked at Storm, who was feeling quite scared of these loud winds outside. Epona was trying her very best to soothe him with her warm, maternal guidance to him, telling him everything will be okay.

Colin couldn't help but go over to his side since he was one of the closest things Storm has ever had besides his mother. "We'll be okay, little buddy." Colin said to him. "We'll get out of this."

"You think so?"

"I know so. As soon as we can get that mask shard, we'll get out of here."

"Just have faith in us, Storm." Discord added, trying to comfort the foal in his own way. "You can be just as strong and brave as your mother. All you have to do is believe in yourself."

"I know. I know." Storm said. "I'm trying to be as brave as I can, but... I can't." Then he pouted in shame and humiliation.

"You'll be fine, sweetie." Epona comforted him with a gentle nuzzle on his small head.

"Are there anymore of those freezards or whatever you call them out there?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"I have no doubt there are, Pinkie." Link replied. "Those guys you need to be careful with. If it touches any of you, you will be turned into an ice sculpture."

"that would have been helpful earlier." Said Rainbow.

Another howling was heard outside of the cave, and the others had a bad feeling about this.

Link took out his Master Sword and Hylian Shield again slowly. "I'm gonna go check it out and see if there are any more enemies. Fluttershy, can you come with me in case it is a pack of wolfos?"

Flutterehy nodded her head a yes, and followed after him to see the commotion outside. It was quite outside with the howling winds blowing against them both.

They both waited for something to happen, or enemies to pop up at them and attack.

All of a sudden, a pair of five bright lights popped up from the snow piles, and they were coming towards the two.

"A-ha! Wolfos!" Link recognized the moving figures immediately. "Careful, Fluttershy."


While Link was fighting the Wolfos in front of him, he turned into a wolf to make it easier to walk on these deep snow dunes.

He sank his teeth into the throat of his enemies charging at him, and he jumped hitting another wolfos in the chest, causing the savage beast to fall backwards with a loud Yelp that sounded like a dog's.

The method repeated on with several other wolfos and the dead wolf monsters disappeared.

For Fluttershy, she simply gave the wolfos trying to hurt and eat her the stare of hers. "I demand you to leave us alone now, or else you will suffer the consequences!"

Her own enemies were scared, and ran away howling and yelping in fright like a flock of crazy turkeys. The yellow pegasus smiled and said: "That's better."

"Well, I think That's taken care of. I don't think we have any enemies left." Said Link looking at his surroundings. He was panting and licked his right paw. "I think we can go back in now."

"Are you alright, Link?" Asked Fluttershy. "Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm fine." Then he wagged his body of the continuously falling snow like any a wolf would do if he was wet in the rain.

"Good. I just don't want then to hurt your cute little face, as a wolf I mean."

Link couldn't help but flush at being called cute like that while a wolf. They both went back inside the cave and rested by the fire again.

Colin decided to turn into a wolf too since they have fur, and he cuddled next to Link for extra warmth by the fire.

A True Formidable Foe

After trying to get as much warmth as they can, the blizzard was starting to stop and the skies were becoming a little more clear. The fire in the wood gave in, leaving the piles of lumber completely charred like a pair of burnt matches.

Everyone was preparing themselves to continue in this journey. On the way, there was a trail up a small mountain with some pine trees

Link thought that there might be a clue up there on the mountain, and decided to follow the small trail of pine trees. "Umm, Link, are you sure we should go up there?" Asked Fluttershy with uncertainty.

"Thay'a no ordinary mountain." said Twilight. "That's Spear Mountain. It can be very dangerous, even for the bravest crystal ponies or strongest yaks to climb on."

"Princess Cadence herself has had trouble in this mountain." Lyra added.

"Come on, we have to search in at least as many places as possible." Said Link. "Besides, the Crystal Empire might be doomed if we don't start searching as many places as we can. These line of trees might give us some sort of clue on where the other mask shard is."

"Maybe you're right." Said Applejack. "I vote we go up there to check it out."

"I, for one," said Rarity. "That we investigate on top of that piece of snowy rock."

"Well, I think you're right, Link." Said Big Mac. "Every effort counts in saving the Crystal Empire, Cadence, and Shining from this unbearable weather of white snow."

"I guess we should go up there." Said Twilight. "It can't be as worse as the time we faced Tirek or Ganondorf."

Everyone made words of agreement with the princess of friendship. "I could not agree with you more, Twilight." Said Discord. "They were nasty pieces of work that rivaled my own power."

Then it was settled: everyone decided to go up the mountain to look for anything important. It might be a rather long climb, but they had no choice. Perhaps Link was right about finding something important on that mountain.

Through the line of large, tall pine trees in a pattern, it didn't look so bad to walk the path, minus the scattered ice keese.

They were only bat-like monsters in small size, and they were no match for Link, or his friends.

Spike would even use his ice breath on the ice keese to melt them into drops of water, and it worked out great.

"Boy, it's a very good thing I have wings with me." Spike boasted. "Whoa! Whoaaah!" He began to falter a little in his hovering.

"Still need a teeny, tiny bit more practice, Spike." Said Rainbow Dash.

"I know." The baby dragon admitted in slight shame.

"I didn't say it was bad though." Tbe chan pegasus added. "I thought you handled yourself very awesomely." Shebgave hin a sisterly pat on the back to show some support, making him smile in confidence.

Rainbow Dash was certainly a confidence booster for her own friends if need be.

A couple more ice keese were heard chirping, ambushing the heroes from inside the trees

"Ugh! These things are starting to get really annoying." Bon Bon muttered in annoyance before kicking one keese into the icy wall, disappearing into purple dust. "Keese are way too easy."

"As long as you don't let them touch you," said Lyra. "Then I absolutely agree with you." Then she zapped a few keese away with her magic.

Not only keese, but a couple of wolfos popped up put of nowhere, and Link turned into a wolf again, and Colin followed after.

For his brother figure, it was very easy, but Colin was struggling a little. He was trying to bite on a neck of a wolfos woth his teeth as hard as he could, but he was a little small, and the bigger wolfos easily overpowered him. The wolfos the boy was attached to fling his head, causing Colin to fly in the sky.

Fluttershy immediately saw him and gasped before grabbing him with her hooves. "Colin, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just fine." Indeed, Colin wasn't hurt by those wolf-like brutes one bit, and he felt Fluttershy gently put him down.

Looking rather angry, Fluttershy looked at the wolfos that three Colin in full run, and she gave him her stare, growling and gritting her teeth.

Immediately, the wolfos yelped and ran away in fear like the ones before when everyone was taking shelter in that small cave.

As everyone was going higher on the mountain, there was a small mist covering the near-peak. The fog was getting a little thick enough for Link and Colin to pull out their lanterns again.

Another Freezard was seen, breathing heavily, possibly trying to guard the way up the mountain, and preventing anyone from passing through by freezing them to death.

"Here, I got this." Said Spike. He was about to go up to that behemoth and melt him into nothingness like he did with the other once, but he was stopped by Link.

"Wait." Said the hero of Hyrule. "Let my do this to it first." He pulled out his bow and a bomb arrow out, ready to explode on impact that touches anything.

Link was holding his bow steadily, and he immediately released the bomb arrow, going faster than a hawk catching it'a prey in the air.

With a loud boom, an explosion hit the freezard in the face, making him roar in a loud scream.

"Okay Spike, now!" Link gave the order.

"Right!" Then Spike began hovering and blew fire at the freezard while he was too busy yelling in pain. He did not stop until the gigantic ice monster was shrunken into mini-freezards, then the rest took care of the little creatures.

Most of them were taken care of with kicks to the red eye, their most vulnerable part of their body.

All of them were immediately taken care of, for there was only six of the mini-freezards to kill.

Everyone's legs were getting little tired, and decided to catch a little breather before they could reach whatever was on the peak of the mountain.

"I hope that Yakyakistan is okay." Pinkie wondered. "I'm worried about Prince Rutherford and the other yaks living there."

"We'll have to worry about them later, Pinkie." Said Epona. "The mask is more important."

"We'll look at Yakyakistan when we find the mask shard around here." Said Twilight.

Everyone was just avoitbdone with the breather, and when they finally reached the top, they didn't really find anything, except a smell pedestal containing a glowing shard on it.

Link looked at it closely, and it looked like one of the shards for the Fierce Deity Mask. "Guys," he said. "I think I found another piece."

"Let's just grab it and get out of here." Said Discord. The hero walked over to retrieve the shard, but then, there was the sound of heavy hooves clopping on the snowy ground.

Link immediately puked out his sword and shield, ready for a fight. Colin stepped up and pulled out his own sword and shield to help his godbrother in this upcoming fight.

The sound of heavy hooves continued, and a demonic, monstrous voice said: "you have done well coming this far, little man."

Mathayus suddenly had a feeling that he has heard that kind of voice before.

"Who's there?" Link said. "Show yourself!"

"A foe you wished that you have never met before in your life." The raspy voice continued. "Not a lot of people were able to defeat me, or my race, but I want to see if you are truly a hero of Hyrule.

The sound of hooves clopping grew louder and louder every second. Then a gigantic figure approached them. It was something kn the shape of a centaur, or a similar creature. The upper torso looked man-like, while the lower body resembled a large and muscular horse.

Boy, this monster looked very powerful, and formidable. It had a white fur color all over it's body, and it had flaming yellow eyes that blazed. His head looked like a lion with two fangs sticking out like a vampire. He had a thick black mane around his face, going a little past his shoulders.

It was a creature Link, Colin, Epona, or their friends have ever seen. "Once again," the voice said. "I deeply commend you for your courage coming up here." He began pacing to and fro slowly while looking at the heroes. "Brave, but rather foolish."

"Who are you?" Asked Link.

"I am Varnok of the Lynel race."

"Varnok?!" Said Mathayus in surprise. He barred his canine teeth, and began growling like a wolf would do with his ears down. "It would not surprise me that you would work for Majora." He got his sword and shield out as well, and walked towards the gigantic beast in a battle pose.

"Mathayus. Nice to see you, my old friend." He said with a small smile on his face. "What's the matter? Not happy see me?"

"You know this guy?" Asked Colin

"Unfortunately." Said the Darknut chief.

"Lynel?" Link thought he heard that name before, and said: "I thought the Hylians killed them hundreds of years ago when they were trying to take over Hyrule for themselves."

"We were almost successful, until the King of Hyrule those years ago driven us away back to Leonidas." Said Varnok.

"You planned to make the Hylians your personal slaves and force them into hard labor."

"That we were, until the king ruined our plans like I have said before. And, I am not working for Majora for his wishes, but for my own."

"I know what your kind are." Said Colin. "I've heard about you guys before, bloodthirsty, cruel barbarians that pillage from one city to another, and leave them in flames when you're done."

"That kind of talk hurts, little one." Said the Lynel. "We are a warrior race like the darknuts are."

"But you do not care about any rules of honor, you only care about winning, and you would do anything to achieve your goals, even if it means cheating or doing something unthinkable."

"We are free spirits, Mathayus." The Lynel said. "We only do what we must.... to win." Then he pulled put his own sword and shield

This Lynel looked very dangerous and formidable, but Link and his friends must fight him if they have to.

"Just please give us the shard if you don't mind." Said Fluttershy sheepishly.

Varnok gave a small chuckle, and he remarked: "you think I will just give this little shard of the mask the Hero of Time used? Well, I am not going to be a reasonable type of person and just give it to you." He pointed his sword at the group, and said: "if you want this, you will have to go through me."

The others readied themselves for fighting whole Pip and Storm hid behind a rock so they wouldn't get hurt from the upcoming fighting.

"If that's how it's going to be," Link said. "So be it."

Varnok made a smile of amusement and then made a loud roar that sounded like a demonic growl, and a lion's roaring at the same time.

Before everyone knew it, the gigantic brute charged at them in full speed like a runaway freight train.

Mathayus charged at the lynel with fury and the sound of heavy swords clashing was heard. These two were in an interesting grudge match, and didn't stop swinging their swords.

The fight between them was fierce as it definitely sounded like they were trying to kill one another.

Mathayus immediately got on top of the monster, but Varnok was smart, and he landed on his left side to try and throw him off.

It did cut the darknut a little off there but before the lynel could stab him from above with his sword, Mathayus was just as quick on his feet as Varnok. He rolled to the right side and swung his sword at the brute once again, only to be blocked by the lynel's shield.

Varnok himself felt a kick to the face, making him fall off-balance. Link was about to delivery the finishing blow on him from above, but the Lynel was faster than the hero thought, and kicked his Hylian shield out of his right hand with a loud "Clang!" Heard.

Link pulled out his Great Fairy Sword, and began fighting with two blades again. The Lynel was putting up a good fight with Link, and the hero was agile in his swinging.

He even got on the back of the monster, and it was like an angry bull trying to throw him off, except, this is worse than an angry bull.

Link was pulling on the creature's mane, holding on as long as he could. The fighting was getting more intense. For Link was slicing on Varnok's upper torso a dozen times, but he was eventually thrown off a few kicks.

Rainbow Dash was punching at the lynel's face countless times with her hooves in a rapid pace. Despite her punching so hard, the Lynel grabbed her small body with his big, beefy hand, and threw her into a pile of snow.

The unicorns and Twilight zapped at him with their magic a dozen times, making him growl in anger and frustration.

Despite the pain Varnok was enduring, he was able to swipe them all away like a bunch of flies with his sword.

Pinkie Pie poked her head from the snow waiting for the monster to dacapitate her, but she swiftly ducked before the sword could cut her head off.

It turned into a whack-a-mole type of game for her, making the lynel all the more frustrated.

"Graaahhh! Will you hold still?!"

"Nope." Said Pinkie with her innocent smile. It gave Spike enough time to try and blast the creature with his fire breath.

The flames weren't enough for the beast, and tried swatting him away with his sword and shield, but Spike was quick and flew out of the way just in time. However, Varnok had his own fire breath with classic yellow and red in the color of the flames.

“Whoa, that’s a tough enemy to fight.” Said Applejack. “He’s tougher than a Minotaur with his horns chipped off.”

Nonetheless, she kicked him in the chest while jumping, and it was where Varnok’s heart was, making him step back in pain. “Not bad, little pony, but you are not strong enough to defeat me.”

Storm was feeling very scared hiding behind the rock with Pip. He peeked over to see his mom fighting in action against this monster

The foal was impressed by how well and bravely Epona was taking on a creature six times larger than her without any fear at all.

"I wish I was as brave as my mommy." He muttered to himself.

"You can be as brave as your mum." Pip said. "Although, we cannot take on a gigantic lion monster like that, he's too strong. But, you can be as brave as her, and Link, and Colin."

"I know what you mean, Pipsqueak." Said storm. "But, I just can't be brave like them all. I'm too scared."

"It will be alright, Storm. It's just like what Colin said: you just need a little more practice."

"Yeah. I remember him telling me that." And both boys watched the fighting some more.

Colin sliced at Varnok' left hind-leg. Making him grunt in more pain, then turned around to slice at him. Luckily for him, the boy had his shield up and blocked the attack the monster gave him, but because of his large size, it knocked Colin to the right with a loud thud.

Fluttershy saw him fall, and she was horrified, worried that he was hurt. She gently helped him up on his feet, and asked him: "are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just fine. He only threw me off balance." Colin replied. "This guy is tough. I never fought a monster like him before."

"I know. He reminds me of Tirek a little.

The adorable pegasus rushed up and kicked Varnok in the chin with an uppercut, actually making him fall backwards a little. The ground shook like a small earthquake as he fell.

Discord was dressed in his warrior outfit with nunchucks in his hands, and made ninja sounds as he was attacking the beast.

"Hiya! Take that, foul beast!" Said Discord after whacking his torso with his weapon. Before he could hit him even more with a ninja kick, he was suddenly punched back by the lynel with one hit from his beefy hand.

Out cold, Discord was certainly out of it from the impact of the punch. Fluttershy was shocked seeing her own friend her hurt like this, and became really angry.

"How dare you hurt my spontaneous friend!" She shouted in fury. She rushed over and gave the monster a powerful line of kicks and punched with her hooves to the face.

"Gah! Why you!"

"Nopony hurts Discord like that! Nopony!" And the punches continued at the lynel.

Varnok was a little surprised by this little pony's hidden strength. Bon Bon helped her out by using her tail to trip him from behind, making Varnok tumble and fall again

"Come 'ere you!" Said Big Mac. He tried choking the monster with his hooves. Varnok was struggling to break free whe catching his breath.

Link went up to him, and pointed the Master Sword at him. "I am going to ask you one more time: are you going to hand us over the shard willingly, or not?"

Not helping but chuckle in amusement, Varnok said: "you all have a lot of guts taking on me, and I deeply commend you for that."

"Do you surrender?" Link asked demandingly.

"You will never stop Majora, and this world will die screaming!" Then he pushed Big Mac off, and everyone was closing in on him.

"Yoy have nowhere else to go, Varnok!" Said Mathayus. "Back down."

"No. A lynel never backs down from a fight!" Then he jumped off the mountain, looking like he was committing suicide. But they all saw a dot moving in a fast pace in the valley below.

"He got away!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"We'll deal with him another day." Said Twilight. "For now, we have what we're looking for."

Link promptly took the mask shard piece, and put it in his magic pouch. "That's another shard for the picking." He remarked

Colin put on the Keaton mask again, and Kit appeared once more. "Ho ho ho. You found another shard. You all amuse me." Said the kitsune.

"Kit, should we go to Yakyakistan for another shard? Asked Colin.

"Oh yes. The yaks are also suffering from this unusual winter. The winds are blowing everywhere across these northern lands."

"I thought they were suffering as bad as the Crystal Empire was." Said Fluttershy in worriment.

"Thank you, Kit."

"Not a problem, Link. But you need to hurry, the storm is getting worse every minute, and it will only be a matter of time before Majora freezes over these lands until every creature is frozen solid."

Fluttershy made q gasp of horror. "The poor foxes and wolves will be frozen soon. We need to hurry!"

"If only Sunburst were here. He'd know what to do." Said Starlight Glimmer.

"It we take more than his magic to ho us, Starlight." Said Twilight.

"Good luck, heroes." Said Kit before disappearing.

Everyone headed for Yakyakistan to see if everything was okay at that village. Out of everyone, Pinkie Pie was the one most worried about the yaks of that town, considering the fact that she is the ambassador for Yakyakistan for Equestria.

They can all hope that everyone was doing okay from this cold weather.

Yakety Yaks

The storm continued, but Link and all his friends made it to the city of Yakyakistan, just at the outskirts as a matter of fact, and the place looked unchanged by anything. Despite how it looked, Kit told them about the brewing about to happen in this yak city. Pinkie was still the last one, out of all her friends, concerned abut the cities well-being, as with the yaks who dwell upon it as well.

Apart from the winds rustling through the atmosphere, it was too quiet over the horizon, and it felt quite eerie for Link, Colin, Epona, and their friends.

There were no guards at the front doors that gain entrance to this fortified city, making it all the more suspicious. Pinkie Pie knocked on the large, wooden door a dozen times with her head and shouted: "Helloooo? Anypony home? Prince Rutherford, it's me: Pinkie Pie, open the door!"

No answer, and it made Pinkie more greatly concerned than before. "Pinkie, I don't think they can hear you." said Bon Bon

"How are we gonna get the door open?" asked Fluttershy

Mathayus stepped up and cracked his knuckles. "I have the key for that. Stand back." He then kicked the door open with his foot with a loud "Bam!" echoing across the mountain range.

"Nice." Rainbow remarked. "Come on, let's see what we can find." the group slowly stepped inside the city, and it almost looked like a ghost town. Just then, a bulking figure was coming towards them with large, wide, and sharp horns. "Oh. Prince Rutherford, it's just you." Rainbow recognized her.

The leader of the yaks didn't say anything, just gave out a small huff, like he was offended by something.

"Oh, Rutherford! It's so good to see you again!" Pinkie bounced with joy. She ran up to hug him, but before she could touch him, the prince swatted her away with a mighty arm, knocking her into the snow. The pink mare was absolutely shocked and hurt by what her friend just did to her.

Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and the others went to her aid to pick her back up on her feed. "Rutherford," said Twilight in shock and disbelief. "What was that all about?"

"Ponies not welcome in Yakyakistan!" said Rutherford. "Yakyakistan belong to Yaks and Yaks only. Trespassers will be squished and stomped on until they die. He threw himself back, standing on his hind-legs, and his eyes revealed to be an evil purple, like he was being brainwashed or controlled. Rutherford bellowed and charged at the group.

"Okay, has he lost his mind?!" said Rainbow Dash

"Why is he going berserk?" said Rarity in great confusion

"It's probably just me," said Link. "But, have you ever seen a yak with glowing purple eyes before?"

"That is peculiar." said Twilight with a realization coming to her head. She gasped, and said: "Majora probably put a spell on prince Rutherford against us."

"What?!" Pinkie exclaimed in shock and horror. "He's been possessed by Majora?!?!" she looked at her yak friend and felt a touch of heartbreak run through her system. "Not Prince Ruthorford."

"There has to be a way to snap him out of- Incoming!" Applejack exclaimed. She and the others dodged another fast and powerful charged from the brainwashed Prince of the yaks. "That was a close one. We don't wanna kill him!"

"But we don't wanna see everyone we care about die because of Majora." Colin pointed.

"There has to be a way to snap him out of this without killing him." said Big Mac.

"Stand back." said Mathayus. He stepped up in front of the yak prince, and put his sword and shield down. "I'll take care of him by myself."

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie begged the darknut. "Don't hurt him! Please don't kill him!!"

"We have to make him come to his senses, Pinkie." Said Link. "We got to strike him down."

"And I won't kill him." Mathayus said. He looked at Rutherford with a fierce look, growling in a low rubber as he readied his arms. He was planning to grab onto the horns to throw him like how Link would handle an aggressive Ordon goat."

Rutherford began charging again, and he was moving like a runaway freight train of fur, probably fifteen-hundred to teo-thousands pounds of bones and body.

Mathayus then grabbed hold of the horns of his opponent, and he was being pushed by the large yak.

"Yak doesn't want you here!"

"This is not you, Rutherford!" Fluttershy begged him.

“You’re being controlled by Majors’s dark magic!” Twilight added. “You have to fight it!”

Despite this, Rutherford didn’t listen to them, and he was grunting and trying to knock Mathayus down with his body. “Yaks kill intruders!” He exclaimed.

The pink mare felt like crying seeing her own yak friend and diplomacy partner turning evil like this. Link put a reassuring hand on her back. “It will be okay, Pinkie.” He Said. “Rutherford won’t kill him, and I think he knows that he is doing.”

Before Rutherford could act, he felt himself being grabbed by his horns, and he found himself fallen to the ground on his right side with a loud “Thump!” Like a meteor just came into earth from outer space.

Despite that, the chief got back up, and he was madder than before. Rutherford was steaming like a tea kettle on a stove turned that was working. Mathayus and the price charge at one another while letting out a loud battlecry from themselves. When they both clashed, the world stopped for a second, but Mathayus was on top of Rutherford, and punched him in the face a couple times.

“My goodness.” Said Lyra. “This is getting serious.”


Just then. other yaks appeared and they looked brainwashed as well. They had the same purple glowing color in their eyes as their prince has on his own face, and they looked just as threatening as their leader, too.

“Uh-oh. We got company!” Spike exclaimed.

An all-out fight happened between the other heroes and the corrupted yaks. “I’m sorry.” Pinkie Said after kick a yak in the face with her hooves. “Sorry!” She Said after knocking out another one out cold.

Poor Pinkie Pie was apologizing to every yak she had hit in the face after she did it. Never before has she felt so guilty in all her life.

Mathayus then picked up Rutherford and threw him on the ground. The prince was out cold, and he didn’t move. It looked like he was dead from the impact of the fall.

Just then, the other yaks eyes didn’t glow purple anymore, and looked around in confusion. “What just happened to Grundy?” A bull.

“Where is yak?” Said a cow.

“You were being controlled by Majoras evil magic and put under his spell.” Link exclaimed. “Is everyone alright?”

The other yaks all replied a yes to him, and looked at the prince. Every one of them gasped in horror, for it looked like that Mathayus had killed their glorious leader. “Rutherford!” Said Pinkie. She rushed up to him and knelt down. “Are you Okay?!”

The prince began to stir and shook his head in a rapid pace. “What just happened to Rutherford?” He Said. “What brings you to yak home, Pinkie Pie?”

“You were being brainwashed by an evil spirit.” Said Fluttershy. “Majora brainwashed all of you to do his bidding.”

“And, you almost killed us by charging at us.” Rainbow added.

“Yak not remember doing any of those things.” Said the prince. “Has he been dreaming?”

“Unfortunately, no.” Said Epona.

“It was real.” Said Storm.

Discord cleared his throat, and he remarked: “you had a glowing purple in your eyes. Are you sure you do not remember anything?”

“Well, Yak remembers this terrifying demonnthst come to our own village and offered us at his side to take over Equestria. Yaks refused and then he messed with yaks brains.”

“Yep, He was controlling you.”

“So sorry, friends. Yak never felt so ashamed in his life.”

“It’s not your fault,” Said Pipsqueak. “If anypony is to blame, it’s Majora himself.”

“Rutherford say we stomp on him good!” The other yaks agreed with their leader in an angry uproar. They really wanted to destroy Majora form what he just did to them all, and how he made them his puppets for a while.

Link calmed them all down by saying: “it’s not that simple. He is too strong. Only we can kill him. Besides, he will just brainwash you again if you try to fight him.”

Rutherford looked at Pinkie Pie, and she nodded a yes to him. “Very well, boy.” Said The Prince. “Just make sure he pays for what he has done to yaks!”

“We will.”

“Come on, guys.” Said Twilight. “We need to get back to the Crystal Empire.”

“What about the yaks?” Asked Starlight. “Majora might come back and cause havoc again.”

“Not to worry, pony.” Said a male. “We yak are strong as hammers, and yaks handle anything that can come in their way.”

“Alright. Just be careful.” Said Twilight. She, Link, Spike, and their friends went back to the Crystal Empire for anything that can help them, or if anything was okay in the city.

Icy Situation

This blizzard was only getting worse every minute, but Link found another shard of the Fierce Deity's Mask. Of course, this was far from over, they all had to get hack to the Crystal Empire, for it is in terrible danger at the moment.

Twilight was so worried about his brother, sister-in-law, and her adorable niece. She hoped that they were all OK, but didn't want to know what would happen to them.

The fields of snow were slowly piling up, as tall as Link's knees, but that didn't stop him and his cronies from continuing onward. No, it would take a lot more than heavy snowfall to stop them all in their tracks.

"I hope we ain't too late to save the Crystal Empire." Said Applejack.

"We all hope that." Said Rainbow Dash. "It will only be a matter of time before Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart turn into a family of dead, living statues."

"Don't say that!" Twilight scolded her. "That's not helping!"


"Man, this blizzard is only getting worse." Link panted while still running. "We need to hurry."

"What about that scary Varnok?" Asked Fluttershy. "What if he pops up and attacks us again?"

"No." Mathayus said. "He is much too noble for that. He knows he cannot win a fight against all of us. Varnok is rather afraid of you, Link. For a good reason."

"Good. Niw he knows not to mess with the Hero of Twilight like me."

"I'm already getting colder." Storm said

"I know, sweatie." Said Epona, running next to her son. "Just stay close to me and you'll be fine."

"Okay, mommy."

It was a rather long run, but they made it back to the Crystal Empire, and there were so many icicles hanging from the roofs of many buildings in town.

"This is bad." Said Pinkie Pie. "Look at the houses."

"You're right." Said Lyra. "This weather is getting worse. Look at those icicles."

"Keep moving." Said Link. He and his friends began running through the streets, then the young hero refilled his lantern with one last bottle of oil. Hopefully, this oil will be long enough to sustain through this blizzard horrible blizzard, and guide him and his friends to the castle in the center of the city.

Down the road, something popped up from the heavy snow, very thin and icicle-like monsters. They had horns on the side of their heads, and they had long, sharp spears made of ice being wielded by their hands. "Whoa! Who the heck are these guys?" said Rainbow Dash

"Chilfos. These guys are tricky, but I've dealt with many of them before. Normally I took care of them with my ball and chain I got at the Snowpeak mansion ruins."

"Get ready, guys." said Twilight. She and the others readied themselves for another fight. "I hope they haven't invaded the castle." Another fight broke out, and it was a little tricky. since they were made of ice, Spike easily destroyed some of them by using his fire breath to melt them into puddles.

Applejack easily kicked one of her opponents in the face, almost shattering the demon-like head. One of them threw their javelin at her while she was distracted trying to kick the one she taken down into little pieces of ice cubes, the sharp icy javelin was about to hit her from behind where Lyra came to her aid, and deflected it with her magic shield.

"You'll have to do much better than that!" Lyra shouted to it. The creature was trying to form another javelin in it's hands when Lyra ran up to it with lightning speed (Not as fast as Rainbow Dash of course, but still fast). When the weapon was just about complete, Lyra shot magic beams at it, only to make him stagger backward from each blast it had taken.

Of course, that wasn't the green unicorn's main intention. No, she was trying to keep it out of balance so she can wait for the perfect moment to kick it in the face endless times until it cracked into little tiny pieces.

"Nicely done, Lyra." said Twilight.


Then the unicorns and Twilight continued firing magical blasts at any chilfos that was trying to attack or kill them. Link fired a few bomb arrows at some of these enemies in a safe distance so he wouldn't blow himself up by mistake. So far, he killed at least five of the enemies, leaving only the lower halves of the bodies.

Colin, since he didn't have any bomb arrows on him, he blocked many attacks with his shield. These chilfos were trying to kill him the old-fashion way, which was swinging their javelins at him, or trying to pierce his small body with them. Despite looking a little overpowered, Colin was able to duck underneath a chilfos, and promptly decapitated all three in an aerial spin attack.

"Link! Give me some of your bombs!" Bon Bon demanded.

"I know know if that's a good idea Bon Bon." Link replied. "If you're not careful you can blow yourself up."

"Just please give it to me." Bon Bon begged.

"Okay." then Link promptly gave her three of his bombs, and the earth mare threw them at three of the chilfos, completely obliterating them all from the impact of the blasts. Lyra looked at how impressively her best friend handled these baddies. "Wow, you know how to throw those bombs." Link remarked in amusement.

Bon Bon flushed at his compliment. "Thank you. I took a few years of buckball in elementary school before."

"Oh yeah. I was in there too." Lyra remembered

"Except you used your horn most of the time."

"Come on, I'm a good thrower." said the green unicorn. She picked up a snowball with her magic, and it was the size of a bowling ball. She held it in both her hooves, and threw it at one of the chilfos with her left arm. The ball hit the center of it's head, knocking him down to the snowy ground. "See? Like I said. I'm a good thrower."

"I know, I was just messing with you, Lyra."

"Now is not a good time to mess around." said Mathayus. He punched a chilfos in the chest, easily breaking it with his immense strength. "We have a problem to deal with at the moment."

"Right!" Both Lyra and Bon Bon exclaimed in unison, then they continued fighting off these dastardly chilfos. It took about five minutes, but when it was done, they continued going to the Crystal castle, but on the way, there were more Chilfos sprouting from the ground like zombies. There was no stopping Twilight, Link, Rainbow Dash, or the others from rushing to the castle this time.

When they got inside, they saw that the fires were put out, and everyone inside of the building was frozen solid in ice cubes, even the children. Everyone gasped in horror about what just happened in here, and even the fires were turned frozen, and they were supposed to burn through the flames!

"Oh no." Twilight said. "What happened?" Then she thought of her brother, sister-in-law, and niece' well-being. "My family!" then she tried rushing up the steps to look for the three royals.

"Twilight, no!" Link rushed up to stop her. "No!!" Spike went after her as well, running next to Link, then her five closest friends followed posthaste as well. "Twilight, come back! You don't know what's in here!"

“Hmm, this should be interested,” Discord remarked with an interested loom on his face before rushing up ther himself.

The purple Allicorn didn't heed the Hylian's warning however, and starting looking for princess Cadence. Room after room, she couldn't find her anywhere. "Oh, where are you guys?' she muttered to herself, becoming more worried that ever. The next place she looked was the library, and saw even the librarian was turned into a pony Popsicle.

Searching high and low for princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart, she just found a bunch of more frozen ponies and fires. "Twilight, please slow down." said Link.

"No, I have to find my family!" Then she had a thought: "The throne room!" and she came on rushing through the corridors again, went upstairs, and found Shining Armor and Flurry Heart rushing downstairs. "Shining!"

"Twily!" he recognized her. He hugged her so tightly it felt like he was constructing her.

Flurry Heart hugged her face afterwards, but didn't let go of her. "What happened? Where's Cadence?"

“Is she alright?” Asked the Master Of chaos.

"She's in the throne room, but- but- she's not herself." Shining explained. "There's something wrong with my poor wife!"

"What do you mean?" said Spike

"You... have to go see for yourself." said Shining Armor. "Come on!" Then he ran back up the stairs with Flurry on her back, and Twilight followed after him with Spike on her back. Link and Colin followed posthaste up the long stairs, and Link opened the throne room doors to reveal Cadence sitting on her throne. The whole room was covered in ice and icicles were hanging from the tail ceiling.

The princess of love was silhouetted, but when she stepped up front, she looked completely different than what she normally looked like. Her skin was a very pale blue color, and her mane and tail looked like they weee made of ice. The mane was pulled backhow Zapp’s mane from the Power Ponies looked.

Another feature she had was a bodysuit of dark blue that was sleeveless at the front arms, and had glass slippers on her feet. Her eyes were glowing a bright light to go with her somewhat evil grin.

One thing for certain was: this was absolutely not the Cadence everyone knows and love. “Cadence?” Said Twilight in complete and utter disbelief. “Is... is that you?”

The princess of Love made a small giggle of wickedness, and replied: “of course I am, my dear Twilight.” And then, Mathayus, Colin, Mathayus, Epona, Storm, Lyra, Bon Bon, And Big Mac came to the room in complete worriment. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’ve... you’ve....” Twilight was trying to think of a good way to say that she has been turned evil.

“Changed?” Said Cadence with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s... a light way to put it.” Said Colin sheepishly.

“Well, Colin, I have indeed changed. I have become extremely powerful. More powerful than I can possibly imagined.” Then she began cackling evilly, and her laugh echoed in the room. Flurry Heart was scared and hugged her father tightly, feeling like crying over how scary her mommy had become.

“What happened to you, Cadence?” Asked Spike

All of a sudden, Majora appeared next to her. “I created something special in her. Something.... sinister.”

“Majora!” Link said, readying himself for another fight. "What did you do to her?"

"A rather funny story." Just then, Cadence bowed to him in respect, as if he was a king of some sort.

"My lord." she said.

"When you arrived in the Crystal Empire," Majora began


Cadence was helping as much subjects keep as warm as possible in the freezing temperatures inside. "I'm trying the best I can to help you, everypony." she said. "Shining, can you take Flurry Heart and help the ponies in the library. I have to figure out a way to protect the Crystal Heart from any danger."

She felt Shining Armor hug her tightly. "I can't leave you here alone. What if something bad happens to you?"

"Don't worry about me, honey." Cadence urged him. "The Crystal Heart is more important, and I suspect this is Majora's doing. If he gets his hands on the Crystal Heart, there's no telling how disastrous it will be. It will be like King Sombra all over again, but maybe worse. Now, take Flurry heart and go. I'll be okay."

Shining Armor was very reluctant to leave his love like this, and then Flurry clung to her mommy's neck, urging her that she doesn't want to leave her.

"It's okay Flurry. Mommy will be just fine."

The young baby was certainly feeling doubtful of this, and bowed her head in sadness. "We'll be back for you, my love." Shining said. "Come on Flurry, we've got ponies to help downstairs."

He rushed out of the Throne room while holding Flurry in his left arm. Cadence went to think of a solution for how to solve this blizzard problem, when Majora appeared in front of her.

"You?!" she shouted at him, recognizing the monster for what he was. "How dare you come to my castle like this!"

"Tut tut, Cadence." said Majora smoothly. "I do not want to fight. I want to give you an offer."

Cadence shot a few magic beams from her horn at him, but he easily deflected them with his hands. "You have no place here. Leave this place at once!"

Just then, Majora threw a s magical bulb of purple magic at her, but it seemed to have little effect. Just then, Cadence felt a very sharp pain in her head, like something was about to pop out of her skull. "Agghh! What's... Happening!?

"You are part of my... elite now." Majora chuckled. His eyes glow a purple along with his evil grin, and Cadence felt a change inside of her. A blue, unitard formed on her body, sleeveles on the front arms, and her skin turned pale blue, and her mane and tail turned white. Then her eyes turned purple, and she was chuckling and giggling evilly. "Now, bow before your master."

Then the newly brainwashed Cadence did as she was told. "Yes, my lord." she said. Then a couple of crystal guards came in, hearing the commotion from the transformation.

"Princess? What happened?" All of a sudden, they were suddenly blasted by Cadence with her ice blast, while she was laughing evilly.

"I feel powerful. I think I should... decorate the castle a little bit." she began laughing evilly even more when she used magic from her horn, which was now a glowing bright light, and turned the castle into a freezer. After it was all done, Majora suddenly disappeared.

Cadence, now turned evil, sat on her throne, lounging on her back like a mare lounging in a beach on a sunny day. It was just then Shining Armor and Cadence came back an hour later after her transformation.

"Cadence what...." she noticed her mutation. "... happened to you?"

"M-mommy?" Flurry said in confusion.

"Ah, Shining my darling." then she walked up to him. "You're back at last." then she turned her attention to her one and only daughter. "Flurry. My dear Flurry Heart. It's so good to see your cute little face again." She tried touching her, but the baby got scared and hid behind her father.

"Cadence... are you okay?" Shining asked. "You're... different."

"Different, am I?" she sounded offended to hear that, but then she had a change of demeanor with a cruel chuckle. "Do you like the new look? I think it suits me."

"This isn't like you." Shining said.

"Oh, it isn't? Because this is a new me!" then she laughed maniacally again, and Shining never felt so scared in his entire life like this. It was just then he and Flurry ran into Twilight from before.

End of Flashback

Discord said: “that would explain a lot. Maybe... I should go before I get turned into an icicle.” Then he vanished into thin air cowardly.

Twilight was absolutely shocked to find out what has happened, and felt like shedding tears of sadness that her former foal-sitter has been corrupted by Majora's dark magic like this. "You... you monster!"

"I will never forgive you for this!" said Shining Armor. He began charging at Majora with a shout of rage, but then he was frozen by Cadence with her magic.

Letting out a cruel giggle, Cadence said. "That's one way to create a hunk-cicle."

"Cadence," said Link. Listen to yourself. This is not you, it's the evil inside of you talking!"

"Yeah, you have a good and pure heart!" Spike added

"Not anymore, Spike!" Cadence remarked with her evil grin. "My heart is stone cold, or cold as as."

Link was ready to charge at her again, and he readied his weapon and shield. "She is too far gone." Said Mathayus. "We must attack."

"No!" Twilight said desperately. "That's my sister-in-law, my brother's wife, and Flurry's mother! She's... family." Nownshe qas crying tears of despair.

"Oh, Twilight." Said Link. "I know how you feel, but I don't think there is no other way. We have to do this."

"Well, good luck trying to kill her. Cadence, do be a dear and kill them all."

"Yes master." Cadence's evil smile shown sharp teeth that looked like a tiger or leopard's teeth, sharp canines in them. It reminded the Elements of Harmony of Nightmare Moon, for she had teeth like that, too.

"He speaks the truth, princess." Said Mathayus.

"If we defeat her," said Colin, "she'll turn back to normal."

"I hate to say it, Twilight," said Applejack. "But I think we do have to fight her." The purple Allicorn looked at her friends and they nodded a yes to her.

She really did not want to do this, for she might never forgive herself after this. Despite this, with one last tear drop down her face, she barked: "Let's get her!" Just like that, all the heroes attacked Cadence with all their might and strength. Cadence then conjured four large spikes of icicles from her horn, and threw them at Mathayus, Link, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash.

They all dodged by jumping out of the way just in time before the spikes could pierce them. Flurry and Pip ran for cover as the fight commenced. Link pulled out his gale boomerang, and threw it at the brainwashed princess, hitting her on the side of her head.

Not only that, but it also stunned her for a short time, making her dizzy.

When she was no longer dizzy, she growled, and she said. "Grr, nice try, Link, but it will take way more than a mere boomerang to stop me!"

"Then try this!" then Link fired his slingshot and hit her right eye.

"Argh! That hurt!" the brainwashed princess exclaimed in more fury.

Flurry Heart looked at her mother and couldn't help but fly up in front of her. She was face to face with her with a desperate look on her face. Tears were forming in her eyes, like she was going to cry very loudly like a baby would do if he or she was scared.

"Stand aside, daughter." said Cadence.

"M-mommy." Flurry babbled, trying to reason with her.

"Flurry no!" said Twilight.

Cadence made a small growl, and she was preparing to freeze her own daughter with her ice powers. Before the beam could touch her, Twilight suddenly flew and covered Flurry Heart from the blast, freezing her instead. Horrified, and gasping, everyone was stunned to see what happened to the princess. Link rushed to her where she was falling to, and caught her in midair just in time.

"Oh Din give us strength." Link muttered.

"I really hated to do that my niece, I love her, but she brought it upon herself. Maybe she'll learn her manners like this."

Now Link meant business, and so did everyone else that was fighting Cadence like this. "Alright. I have had enough of this." He dodged more ice beams and ice javelins from Cadence, running towards her. "This ends now!"

"Ah ah ah!" Cadence sang. "Nopony touches me!" then she tried freezing Link, but then Link deflected the blast with his shield, and sliced at Cadence with a horizontal slash with the Master Sword.

Suddenly, the ice spears that were being wielded by Cadence' magic fell to the ground, shattering into tiny pieces of ice. Cadence collapsed to the floor and she was slowly turned back to normal. The ice in the room melted into water, returning itself back to normal too.

Turns out that Link lifted the dark curse from the princess of Love, and downstairs, everyone that was frozen unthawed, and the blizzard outside stopped it's strong wind blowing. The skies were becoming clear again, and it would no longer be a threat to the Crystal Empire.

At last, Cadence was brought back to her original self, and Shining Armor ran up to her. "Cadence!" he shouted. "Are you okay?"

She didn't stir for a few seconds, but she slowly opened her eyes. "What- what happened?" she said. Her husband slowly got her back on her feet, and carried her to her throne.

Twilight was unfrozen, and Flurry flew up to her mother, hugging her in joy. "You were brainwashed by Majora and turned into an ice queen." said Rainbow Dash

It was all coming back to the Princess of Love now, she remembered how Majora was brainwashing her, and turned her into a tyrannical monster. She was so guilt-stricken about what she had done. Freezing all her subjects, trying to hurt her own family? She could never have felt more guilty than what she just did.

"What have I done?" she let tears of guilt stream down her face like a small waterfall of sadness. “Everypony down there frozen.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Cadence.” Said Twilight. “It’s all Majora’s Doing.”

Just then, Discord came back. “What happened? Is it over?”

“Yes, no thanks to you, Discord.” Spike replied sarcastically. “Cadence is back to normal and so is the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh. Good.” The Master Of Chaos smiled.

"Next time, you should always fight on the side of your friends, including me." Fluttershy sternly said.

"I know." Discord bowed his head in shame. "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter." said Link. "We took care of the problem here anyway."

"Indeed." said Mathayus. "Now everyone in here has returned to normal." They all went downstairs to check on the status of everyone. Everyone was cold, and sneezing with stuffy noses. Turns out the very cold temperature here has gotten the best of them.

"Oops. Too bad it didn't saved them from getting sick." said Starlight Glimmer.

"Oh." Cadence sighed. "This is all my fault." She felt even more guilty about letting this happen, even though it wasn't her doing. "I am so sorry everypony." she announced. "This is all my fault I got you sick. I almost destroyed your glorious, beautiful city."

Sunburst came up, and said. "It wasn't your fault, princess. What happened here exactly?"

Then the Princess of Love explained to everyone in the foyer what happened and how she was brainwashed by Majora. Everyone was surprised, but then Shining Armor helped her by explaining to everyone that it was all Majora's fault that she had turned into an evil ice princess.

"So you see, an evil mask spirit named Majora was the one causing the blizzard."

Now everyone understood what just happened. "We could never blame you, princess." said a soldier. "And of course, it is quite an honor to have you back, great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." then the Crystal ponies bowed down to him.

"Well, I didn't help out with the fight that much." Spike admitted.

"You put out many ice and try stunning Cadence from attacking us." Fluttershy pointed encouragingly.

"And you took down a bunch of freezards all by yourself." Twilight added with a wink.

"You make a great contribution, Spike." Link added, patting the baby dragon's left shoulder. "You are still a hero."

Spike smiled and said: "Yeah, you're right. I made those ice monsters suffer, didn't I?" His friends laughed at what he just said.

"You sure did, Spike." said Colin.

Whitetail Woods

Everyone in the Crystal Empire was so happy that things were back to the way they were before: no blizzards, no heavy snowstorms, clear blue skies, and everyone was happy, Well... almost everyone. Cadence was sitting along at the Crystal balcony, looking down at her subjects, still feeling very guilty over what she just did, even if it was only Majora brainwashing her to do it.

Crying softly, Cadence swayed her head sideways, and looked away from everypony down there. Never has she ever pulled something like this before. “Cadence, are you okay?” Asked Shining Armor, walking up to her with Flurry Heart on his back.

“No.” Cadence replied. “Everypony was put in danger, and I almost killed my entire family because of Majora.” Flurry Heart couldn’t help but hover in front of acadn de with a sympathetic look on her face, and gave her a kiss on the left cheek. “Oh, thank you, Flurry. That does help me a little.”

“Sweetheart,” The Prince Said. “It wasn’t your fault. We all know who was to blame for all of this.”

“But, I could have stopped him.” Cadence remarked. “Majora was right in front of me, and I could have taken him out.”

Shining Armor gently patted his wife’s back, and said: “There was biting you could have done. He was way too powerful for us all.”

“Yeah, But... I was like... Nightmare Moon or something.”

“Don’t say that.” Said Twilight. “That was a very different time.”

“Yeah, what matters is that everypony is safe and sound, so what if you went all evil and berserk?” Then she was bonked on the head by Applejack.

“Two words, Rainbow Dash:” Said Applejack. “Not helping.”


“What she means to say,” Said Fluttershy. “Majora doesn’t have any influence on you anymore. We all saved the Crystal Empire from being turned into a land of frozen statues. You’re okay now, and so is your family, and everypony else in the Crystal Empire, safe and sound.”

“I know. It just.... had a grip on me.” Cadence admitted.

“But we have loosen that grip.” Said Lyra.

“There’s no need to feel so guilty, princess.” Mathayus added. “What's Done is Done, and now, we will face Majora again, and make him pay dearly for what he has done.”

“Majora!” Flurry babbled angrilly In baby talk over and over again. She wanted to bite his neck until it was comoketely off of his neck.

“Heh, well Said, Flurry.” Said Link. “Don’t worry, Cadence. Everything will be okay. Don’t be so hard or beat yourself down.”

Cadence opened her eyes and she said at last: "I know. You're right, I should rejoice that you all saved the Crystal Empire from the dark magic clouding over it, but... but..."

Shining Armor hugged her tightly, yet gently. "Hey, it's okay, dear. It's over now, and everyone is safe."

"Mommy." Said Flurry Heart. The baby hugged the princess of Love on her face again, and she was slowly starting to feel better and less guilty.

"Oh. Thank you, family." She remarked in gratitude. "You're both right, it's done and over, and I should stop being so hard on myself."

"Like they said, princess," said Rarity. "Majora was too powerful for you."

Colin then pulled out the Keaton mask again, and wore it on his face once more. He waited for a few moments, and Kit appeared magically out of thin air.

"Ah, the Crystal Empire has been restored. "Well done, Link and friends." Kit congratulated then all.

"But there's still shards of the Fierce Deity's Mask that we need to collect." Said Big Mac. "So this adventure is mighty far from over."

"Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong." Said Twilight, but we go to the Whitetail Forest now. Right?"

"Right you are, princess Twilight. Ho ho ho, you all catch on pretty fasy." Said Kit. "Indeed, that is where you must go next, and find the next shard of the Fierce Deity's mask. Be careful however, for Majora has placed many evils in that part of Equestria."

"Like?" Asked Spike

"That, you will have to see for yourself, dragon boy. You all know where it is, right?"

"Of course. It's about fifty miles west from Ponyville." Said Lyra. "It shouldn't be that dangerous."

"I don't know. Just go there for yourself and see how it looks, but like I have said, I'm sure you will do alright."

"Good luck out there, Twili." Said Shining Armor. "Be careful and come back safely."

"Don't you worry, BBBFF, we'll be just fine." They all exited the castle with Cadence and her family watching on them proudly.

Going back on the train, it was at full-steam ahead for the Whittail Woods

"Uh, mom?" Storm said to Epona

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I... I want to be more brave like you."

"Oh Storm." Epona sighed. "I know you want to help, but you are still a little... uncertain. I know you have the potential inside of yourself. Can you try and he brave?"

"I try and I try," said her son. "But those monsters just look so..."

"Not very friendly?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Yeah, like that."

"Come on, Storm." Said Pip. "It's not that big a deal. Take a look at Colin, he was a lot like you, until he found his inner bravery inside of himself, the same thing can happen to you."

"I get what you mean, Pip." Said Storm. "But, I just... can't be brave. I'm... too much if a wuss."

"Oh don't say that." Said Fluttershy. "You are not a wuss."

"But I am."

"Come on, kid." Said Rainvow dash, giving him a gentle pat on the back. "You just need to try harder."

Storm was silent for a moment, thinking about these words of encouragement, and how to be more like his mother, and Link, and Colin. "I will try harder next time."

"I know you will, Storm. You're my son, and you will get there one day." Then she gave him a kiss on his right cheek.

As the train ventured on through the northland, less and less snow was visible and they were seeing the beautiful, green grass and trees again with fields of flowers and small hills.

While still riding, Link was thinking about if it would be a good idea if he should use that mask worn by his ancestor to defeat that wicked Majora. The Hero of Time wore it before, and he had no problem with it at all, maybe Link can control himself while wearing the mask, too.


"Yeah, Fluttershy?"

"About that mask, are you sure it's a good idea?" The yellow pegasus asked him in a worried voice. "I don't want you to pose yourself to that mask."

"Don't worry about me, Fluttershy. " said Link. "I won't let a mask filles woth dark magic control my mind. I promise."

Fluttershy smiled. "Okay. Good. I just hope the animals in the Whitetail Woods are okay."

"We'll see when we get there, Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie reassured her. "Maybe it won't look so bad once we get there."

However, as soon as they got off the train, there was a thick purple cloud covering over the whole area, it was like day had turned into night already. It was almost impossible to see in this thick, purple fog, but Twilight and the unicorns used their magic as flashlights, while Pinkie Pie used a hair from her tail to pull out a flashlight from her mane.

"How do you even carry that in your hair?" Asked Link

"She's Pinkie Pie." Said Rainbow Dash. "A pony like her can do anything."

"Right. Good thing Shining Armor gave me and Colin some more lantern oil." Then he pulled that tool out again, as did Colin.

"Here, I suppose some of you will need flashlights through here." Said Discord, who was more than generous enough to conjure some flashlights for Fluttershy and a few others in need to see through this darkness.

"I don't like this." Said Link. "Something is very wrong."

"You think?" Bon Bon agreed. "But, maybe the mask shard is here somewhere."

"That is the only good thing." Big Mac agreed with her. "We ain't got no time to lose."

"And stay close everyone." Said Mathayus. "It would be easy to get lost in this thick mist."

"Yeah, it's thicker than tomato soup." Said Spike. "Not the good kind of tomato soup, either."

"Come on, let's see what we can find." Said link. He led the way with Colin next to him, and his friends following after him in this spooky, eerie mist.

On the way to look for the mask, something appeared from underground, looking like a bunch of skeleton dogs

"Uh-oh. Stalhounds." Said Twilight. "Fluttershy, I think you can take care of them."

"No problem at all."

Fluttershy gave the undead hounds a stern look, then she gave them her menacing stare.

"How dare you try to ambush me and my friends? Go back underground or you will have to listen to me."

Obviously, the stalhounds were looking quite terrified of her stare, and hurriedly went back underground from wence they came out from.

"There's some good dogs." She said with a smile. And the group continued forward in this expedition.

Getting Through a Spooky Forest

This fog was getting thicker and spookier every time Link and all his friends were passing through the territory of the Whitetail Woods in central-western Equestria. Many more stalhounds were trying to stop them all from continuing or pushing forward in looking for any mask shards in this peculiar area, but the heroes kept on going in their search. Everyone had their lights or flashlights with them at all times through their search, and they came across a small army of bokoblins and moblins (Though there was more bokoblins than the other enemy.)

Loud, screeching noises where coming from the bokoblins as they were running towards them with those evilly ugly faces, while the moblins were charging at them with their spears and some of them were even carrying falchions on their side for lighter weaponry.

"Uh-oh. More trouble." said Colin. He readied his sword and shield for yet another fight. The boy rolled to the right to avoid a swing from a moblin only having his two beefy hands as his weapons, and he felt himself being sliced in half by Colin.

"Nice finishing move, Colin." Link complimented him.

"Thanks. I've been practicing that with a couple of practice dummies back home. "Watch out!"

Link turned and saw a bokoblin trying to stab him with his machete, but he rolled to the left, and collided his sword with the monster's, the sound of heavy steel heard as they collided.

Eventually, the Bokoblin was decapitated with Link's spin attack, and four more of them met the same fate in that spin attack.

Mathayus easily overpowered the bokoblins and moblins standing in his way, and threw series of sword strikes, punches, and kicks. As a matter of fact, he kicked a moblin in The face, causing all his teeth to fall out on impact.

Storm kept behind his mother, who was fighting off a small horde of stalhounds that wanted to eat him since he was small and vulnerable.

"Get away from my boy, you undead flesh-addicts!" Said Epona before she bucked the stalhound into Oblivion, not even it's own mother would recognize him.

After the stalhounds were taken care of, Storm was trying his best to he brave and fight back at his enemies. He gave a moblin a small kick to his butt, making him howl in pain.

Realizing what he just did, Storm realized that he mad a valiant, yet funny effort, and clapped his hooves in triumph.

His gloating was short-lived when the moblin turned around, growling in rage after being kicked in the hindquarters like that.

"Grr, you'll pay for that one, kid!" Said the monster, ready to hack him into pieces with his falchion.

The poor foal began running away in fear, yelping like a scared dog.

Just then, something pounced on the moblin’s face, and it was Fluttershy and Pip, tackling the large moblin so he wouldn’t try and kill Storm.

“Take that you ugly monster!” Pip taunted it.

“How dare you try and hurt this poor, defenseless foal?” Said Fluttershy. “Have you no shame!?” Then she began punching the moblin until he was out cold. She stopped for a. I hate, and said to the foal behind her: “Don’t worry, Storm, i’ll help you. Now, go find your mommy.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Said the foal In gratitude. He went back to Epona for more protection, and decided not to do something rash like that next time. Pinkie was using Twilight’s horn as a machine gun type of weapon blasting every stalhohnd in their way into bits, and knocking the other enemies out cold.

“We’ll never find a mask shard here.” Said Colin.

“Sure we will, buddy.” Link encouraged him. “If it wasn’t here, there wouldn’t be so much enemies here to fight.”

“That is so true.” Said Lyra. “Look at how many are trying to kill us.” Then, she lifted a large rock with her magic and threw it. At a moblin in the face, “ha ha! Bullseye!” She gloated.

“Don’t get overconfident.” Said Mathayus. “overconfidence can be your greatest enemy.”

“Try telling that to Rainbow Dash.” Big Mac joked.


It was a rather long fight, but everyone managed to kill off the remaining enemies, and pushed forward. Colin took a drink of his stamina potion, and felt his strength coming right back to him in an instant. “We gotta be getting close to it by now.” Link muttered

“But it is here, right?” Asked Bon Bon.

“It’s here.” Link replied while sniffing the air. “Thanks to my wolf powers, I can smell it.” The. He transformed into a wolf and Colin did the same. “Here, this should make things go easier for all of us.”

both of them Began snifffing the ground with their enhanced sense of smell, and they ultimately got the scent of the mask at the northeast part of the road. “Ah-Ha!’ Colin exclaimed. “It’s gotta be down here.”

They both ran to where the smell was taking them, and the other followed after. Just then, a lot more stalhohnds appears from the ground, and Link began fighting a couple of them the old-fashioned way, like a wolf vs another wolf for territory. This was more than territory, for Link was fighting these beasts for a good reason.

Colin himself latched on to a stalhound and broke it’s neckbone with his sharp teeth after biting hard enough to make it snap like a twig. “These guys never learn to give up, do they?” He muttered

“As long as it’s the head,” Said Link. “They will go down.”

“Got ya.”

Mathayus was the one who took care of the zombie dogs with his mighty sword and strength, breaking many bones with his strength, and the sound of bones rattling on the floor was heard every few seconds.

There were no more stalhounds left, and everyone was panting from all that fighting all around them.

Still, they weren't too tired to look for any mask shards in this tainted part of Equestria. All of a sudden, a bunch of green eyes appeared from the shadows. Everyone readied themselves for another fight, and out of the shadows, came a pack of timber wolves (the actual wooden kind, of course). However, they looked a little... different somehow, for they had purple spikes coming out of their back, and their teeth look sharper, and the same with their claws.

"Funny," said Rainbow Dash. "Do these timber wolves look.... weird to you?"

"Uh, yeah." Said Pinkie Pie. "They look more... more..."

"Powerful." Link answered. "They've been affected by Majora's magic."

"Uh-oh." Twilight muttered. "Majora probably made them more dangerous and formodable."

"Regular timber wolves are one thing," said Applejack. "But ones infected by dark, evil magic is where I draw the line!"

All the evil wooden wolves charged them, snarling and growling, ready to rip all the heroes to shreds. Despite their numbers and enhanced power, they were easily being defeated, but one pounced on Pip, slobbering with his mouth open as it was about to eat Pip as it's lunch. However, Rarity zapped it with her magic into piles of lumber, and she helped the colt up. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Pip nodded her head at her with his adorable smile. "Yeah. Thanks, Rarity."

"Of course. Ooh, look out!"

Pip ducked and Rarity blasted her magic at an incoming timer wolf who was about to pounce on them both. "Nice shooting."

"Thank you, Pip." the white unicorn said in flattery.

As the fighting continued, there was only one timber wolf left to kill off, and Fluttershy kicked it in it's mouth. She would have used the stare on these beasts, but they are not technically animals. This timber wolf was the largest and strongest out of the rest of the accursed pack of wooden so-called dogs.

Something was shining inside of the alpha male, or everyone thought was the alpha male, for it had to be a shard of the Fierce Deity's mask. "That must be it." said Link to himself. He turned back into a Hylian, and he rushed up, and dodged a few swipes from the beast's claws, and decapitated it on the spot.

Link was about to grab the mask shard from the remains of the alpha, but then all the wooden remainings of the monsters formed into one, gigantic wolf. He remembered fighting a monster similar to this when he first came to Equestria, and he threw a bomb into it's mouth while it was busy roaring.

After the beast swallowed the bomb whole, it had little effect, probably because of the enhanced powers and health given to the beast by Majora's magic. Link tried using two more bombs while the others were distracting it. Bomb after bomb, it had little effect, and every time that his head blew into pieces, it regenerated like it was actually flesh or skin.

"This was so much easier the first time I killed a gigantic timber wolf. Majora, you clever monster." Link remarked to himself. He suddenly had a thought, and maybe if bombs can't work, maybe a little fire can. "Spike!"


"I got an idea." he approached him while ducking behind some trees. "I'm gonna turn into a wolf, then grab the shard from that monster, and after I get out, you burn that thing into millions pieces of firewood."

"What? But, I don't know if I'm powerful enough to burn a whole gigantic timber wolf to the ground." the baby dragon doubted.

"Sure you can." said Lyra. "Timber wolves are very flammable."

"I know but... look at that guy. He's huge."

"But what about you taking care of the freezards back in the Crystal Empire?" asked Colin

"That was different. They were made of ice, and fire is there only weakness." Spike countered.

"Come on, Spike. You have wings now." Twilight pointed. "You can do it. I know you can." she gave him an encouraging smile, and Rarity stepped up.

"I know you will succeed, Spikey-Whikey." Rarity said. "I know you will."

It was thanks to his not-so-secret crush that Spike felt the confidence rising within himself, and a bold look appeared on his face. He readied his wings, and then he said to Link: "Go get him. I'm ready." he said

"Good. I'll hit him with everything I got." said Link. He readied, and went off into the speed of light on all fours as a wolf. He hopped on the timber wolf's left front knee and went inside the mouth of the monster, looking like he wanted to get eaten by it. After a minute, the monster felt something upsetting in it's stomach.

Just then, Link sprung out of the stomach with the mask shard in his mouth, and left a large hole in the creature's right side of it's torso.

"Spike, now!"

The baby dragon nodded his head, and sprung into action, flapping his wings. Readying his breath, he blew out a big storm of green fire at the timber wolf while was wounded on it's side, and burnt the monster to crispy firewood, for it was slowly getting down, trying it's best to try and fight back, but the fire was too much for it, and collapsed into tiny pieces of burning wood.

"I... I did it." Spike cheered for himself. "I defeated the gigantic timber wolf!" then he got on the ground and he was giving commends for his bravery and heroic act.

"I knew you could do it, Spike!" said Fluttershy.

"Yes. Come here, darling." said Rarity before giving him a kiss on the forehead, making him blush in flattery. His vision was blurry, and he suddenly collapsed, but he was saved by Twilight. Everyone was shocked by what they saw, but then Spike slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm okay." he said in a mildly faint voice. "I just used so much energy in me to create all that fire."

"Oh Spike." said Twilight. "We didn't mean to make you use so much energy."

"it's okay, Twilight. I'm pretty sure there was no other way."


"Here, ride on my back, sweetie." said Rarity.


"Of course. What are good friends for?" Rarity replied.

Colin put on the Keaton Mask, and Kit appeared out of nowhere again. "We got the other mask shard." said he. "We're getting closer to bringing that mask together

"Ho ho ho, that you are Colin. And now you must go off into the Griffon's home to look for that mask." In a more serious voice, he added: "For there is a great trouble brewing over there."

"Oh no. Gilda." said Rainbow Dash in realization

"And Gallus." said Twilight. "We've got to help them."

"Right." they all said.

"Good luck on your quest, my friends." said Kit. Then he vanished again.

Great Galloping Griffons!

The city of Griffonstone was looking quite better since the last time Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash visited there. The nests, and or houses were rebuilt to their former glory, thanks to Gilda and her methods of friendship, making both Rainbow and Pinkie glad that Gilda took their advice to rebuilding the city. Despite how good it looked, something was very wrong in the midst, if Kit the Keaton said so, then there is some trouble brewing in the griffon capital of the world. Looking around, Link and Colin were amazed by how these creatures looked, and how graceful they were.

Link heard of griffons in stories and books, but he never thought that he would see any of them in real life. These type of creatures certainly looked majestic in his eyes. There were so many types of griffons, such as owls mixed with lions instead of eagles, and some having lower bodies of a tiger instead of a lion.

While walking through the main road, they both came across the statue of the fallen king: Grover. Something was very wrong. The slightly ruined statue was shrouded in dark aura, similar to how the Whitetail Woods was before they killed the timber wolves to get that mask shard. They knew they were all on the right track to get this next shard of the Fierce Deity's mask.

"Hmm, it's not like a statue to be spewing aura all over around itself like a storm cloud." said Epona.

"Yeah. I think we must be getting close to the mask shard." said Pinkie. "I just hope mean-meanie monsters haven't tried and attack Griffonstone. The last thing I would want is this city to looked completely ransacked, and poorly kept again, and-"

"Pinkie!" Twilight stopped her. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

"Sheesh, always a chatterbox, aren't you Pinkie Pie?" said Discord.

"Ask anypony." said Fluttershy to herself. "Where's Gilda or Grandpa Gruff?"

Just then, something was sniffing Link's torso on the right, and it was a brown and white griffon that looked a little tomboyish. Turns out this griffon was curious about Link. Colin himself was being sniffed by something, like a curious pig or a dog smelling him. It was a rather small griffon with a white head and a grey fur coat to go with his lion body.

"What kind of monster are you?" asked the kid curiously while tilting his head to the left shoulder.

"Monster?" said Colin. "I'm not a monster. I'm a Hylian."

"Hey Rainbow Dash." said brown and white griffon. "How are things?"

"I was just about to ask you about the statue, Gilda." the cyan pegasus mare replied.

"But first, what are you two weirdos?" Gilda asked Link and Colin. "I totally recognize you, Discord." she pointed to the Master of Chaos."

Discord looked flushed. "Well, I'm flattered I have fame around these parts, even out of Equestria."

"My name is Link." said the hero

"I'm Colin." the boy added.

"Heh. Yeah, what kind of weird monsters are you?" Gilda asked them both

"Gilda!" Fluttershy scolded. "They are not monsters. They are good friends."

The griffon was taken aback, and she suddenly remembered her. Fluttershy realized her mistake and looked very sheepish. The poor yellow pegasus remembered how she first met Gilda, and did not go well. "Wait, I know you. You're that yellow pony that I...." Gilda's eyes then opened wide, realized the day she first met Fluttershy. "Ohh... Oh boy."

Fluttershy timidly looked at her. "H-hello Gilda."

"You know each other?" asked Discord

"Yeah I... I made her cry because of my bad attitude." Gilda admitted flatly. Discord gasped and had a fire in his eyes, ready to literally break her back with his strength, or gouge her eyes out for hurting his closest friends' feelings.

"It's okay, Discord." Fluttershy calmed him down. "I know you mean well, but Gilda has changed."

"Yeah. Flutter shutter right?" Gilda asked


"Right. Look, I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings when I first came to Ponyville." Gilda looked a little embarrassing and sheepish because she has hardly apologized to someone all her life before.

Just then, Fluttershy hugged her tightly, making the young Griffon a little embarrassed to be given a display of affection like that. “Thank you, Gilda.” She said to her. “I forgive you.”

Gilda was touched and she hugged her back. “Thanks. But, can we okease stop hugging now?

“I really hate to break up a heartwarming moment.” Said Mathayus, “But we need to find out the mist of that statue. And where we can find a mysterious shard for a mask.”

“Well. That’s what we’re wondering also, good sir.” Said an old and mildly raspy voice. It was a Grandpa Gruff walking up to them. They all recognized the crazy old hermit when the see him. He gave a small cough, sounding like he was dying of old age, but death won’t come to him yet. “This just happened this morning, and we all have no idea why it s going around the statue of our beloved king Grover himself.”

“Well, I think I do, mister...”

“Gruff, kid. Grandpa Gruff.”

“Good. I’m Link, and I come from another sir, same with my friend Colin here.”

“Hello.” The boy said.

“Well, aren’t you way far from home?” Said Gilda.

“That would explain a lot.” Said the child Griffon. “I’m Gabe.”

“And I’m Gilda.” The teenage Griffon added. “And yeah, we don’t know where this mist come from around the statue.”

“It’s a spirit from my world named: Majora,” Link theorized. ‘What I mean is... it’s a little complicated, but my ancestor defeated that monster many years ago, but he has come back as a spirit.”

“So you brought him here?!” Gabe accused.

“What? No! No!”

Many griffons were angrily accusing Link of causing that problem with the statue. It was like they were all going to hurt him for it, when they were stopped by Fluttershy and the others go orevent the griffons from doing so. “Hold it!” Said Rainbow Dash. “Link did not do it!”

Lyra was the next to speak, and she said: “Yeah! He is a hero in his home and Equestria!”

"Okay, okay, sorry." Said Gilda. "But it's not just the statue. Some evil, scary-looking creatures."

"Really scary-looking creatures." Gabe added.

"What kind of creatures?" Asked Twilight.

"Well, there were these blue goblin things that tried to freeze us and or burn us with their magic wands." Gruff explained. "And these other type of goblin creatures with pointy ears with dreadlocks and machetes."

"Wizzrobes and bokoblins." Link recognized. "Any other creatures?"

"Yeah, there were some large, hairless, scary birds with yellow eyes, and they looked like chicken-vultures." Gilda added.

"And they squak so loudly." Said a Male griffon that looked like an owl. "A whole flock of them came and tried to kill us all."

"Uh-oh. Kargaroks." Colin knew what they were alright, considering the fact that Link and him have encountered those monsters at Hyrule field before.

"Oh! And these weird, chameleon monsters have been terrorizing us before in town." Gruff explained some more.

"Ah! Dodongos!" Said Mathayus. "Thowe foul beasts are known to breath fire."

"Yeah, there's a few of them terrorizing my house right now." Said a mother griffon with a husband and three kids. "Can you please get rid of them for us?"

"No problem." Link volunteered himself. "Take us to your house and show me where they are."

"Of course. Come with me."

Then Link and his friends walked over to the mother griffon's home. Colin was with him, and the two Hylians cautiously walked inside the house.

As she said, there were three dodongos in there, two clung to the walls with their sticky feet, and one on the floor.

Nonetheless, Link pulled out his great fairy sword, and readied himself. "Stay back Colin. I got this."

With one hand holding the sword, and the other hand holding the shield, Link swung the magical blade at the first one with one slice.

The dodongo fell dead on it's belly, and vanished, then Link took care of the second two with magical beams from the blade.

Like the first one, they were both killed in one hit, and vanished.

"Thank you, Link." Said the mother.

"You're welcome."

A scream was heard and it was a griffon named Greta. "Guys! Those magical wizard things are back!" She shouted while panting.

Out of thin air, four wizzrobes appeared, two ice elemental and the other two fire elemental. All four of them were cackling in a crazy laugh like a pair of witches instead of wizards.

And it was just then Majora appeared out of thin air, too. "I deeply commend you and your friends for finding the precious shards of the Mask that I hate, but they were only the beginning."

"Majora! Leave these griffons alone!" Link demanded.

"And go away!" Fluttershy called in anger.

"Uhhhh.... no! But, if you are looking for some more fun, I will give it to you." Then he blasted a wave of dark magic at many griffons that were in his sight.

They all fell to the ground, looking like they were all dead, but they slowly got back up, affected by the magic. Almost all of them were turned into brainwashed minions with sharper claws, sharper beaks, and shining red eyes.

"Uh-oh." Pinkie sang. "This could be trouble.

Kargarok Swarm

Many griffons brainwashed by Majora's magic as well. First Cadence and now some of these majestic griffons have been turned, too. Gilda and Grandpa Gruff were especially frightened and shocked by this unfortunate event, and Gabe, the young griffon boy went to hide in a trunk in his house. It was about to get really ugly now, half of the griffons that weren't brainwashed would not want to fight any of their own friends or family that were corrupted by Majora's magic, as a matter of fact, many of them were so shocked and stunned by what just happened, they didn't know what to think of this horrible event.

Discord thought it was a little intriguing, and he said: "This just keeps getting better and better every time. What else can happen?"

Link, Colin, Twilight, Fluttershy, Mathayus and their friends stood tall, and ready for a fight. "Wait!" said Gilda, coming in between her old friends and the brainwashed griffons. "I can't let you hurt my own friends like this!"

"We won't kill them, young griffon." said Mathayus. "But we have to fight any brainwashed griffons to return them to normal." He readied his sword and shield for yet another fight, as did Link and Colin. "Now move aside, we have to end this."

"He's right, Gilda." said Rainbow Dash. "We have to take them down in a non-lethal way."

Gilda was very reluctant, and so was Grandpa Gruff. "But what about the buildings? everything we worked so hard to rebuild? The last thing we want is our glorious buildings to crumble into shambles again." he made a hoarse gasp "And my bits! Oh, my bits! What will become of my precious little darlings!?"

"Gruff, calm down." said Twilight. "They'll be fine, and so will the buildings. Besides, if you rebuilt Griffonstone to it's former glory once, you can rebuild it again."

"Fair enough." said Greta. "I hate to say it Gild, but they're right. We need to take them down."

"Good luck trying to hurt the ones you care about." Majora sang cruelly. "Oh, and one last thing." he snapped his fingers again, and a large flock of Karkaroks and Guays squawking and cawing in their harsh sounds, coming from the mountains to the left, all coming to destroy Link and his friends.

It looked like there were hundreds, or even thousands of these evil birds coming to cause havoc in the city of Griffonstone. All of them formed in a group, and swooped down at the city, all targeting Link and his cronies. Luckily, they all dodged just in time and the monstrous birds went back in the air.


Meanwhile, Gilda and the other free griffons were fighting off or wrestling some of the brainwashed griffons, trying to prevent them from harming the heroes. Grandpa Gruff was a little slow and fragile because of his old age, but he tried his best to fight, even though he felt his back aching once in a while.

Some of the other griffons were fighting off the kargaroks and guys instead, usually gaining the upper hand because they were slightly bigger than kargaroks, and smarter to go with it. Gilda herself was fighting ferociously against them, and she used her beach to rip out a kargarok’s throat out,

Link and Colin would sometimes use their shields to bash them away, mostly on the guays since they were small birds. The hero was more obliged to shoot his arrows at any guays or kargaroks, and it would usually do one arrow to kill the smaller ones, and for the bigger monstrous birds, it would have to be a headshot for them to die, or a hit from one of his bomb arrows.

The Master of Chaos was using his karate moves and chaotic tricks against these birds, turning some of them into fried chicken. "Ha! Bon appetite!" he sang. "Now I won't get hungry." then he continued fighting the other enemies.

Lyra was blasting her magic at her enemies away and she was fighting so well, and the same for Bon Bon who would use her Kung fu skills against them all.

Fluttershy used her stare on any guay or kargarok that tried to hurt or swooped down on her. That move would make them stop dead in their tracks, and hovered as they looked quite scared. “Now, you stop attacking us and the griffons right now, or you will all be sorry!” She berated them.

Some of them did as the yellow Pegasus ordered them to do, and cowardly flew away in terror. Fluttershy made her adorable smile again and thought of how useful her stare can be in enemies like this, especially if they were under the command of an evil spirit named Majora.

Little did she know that one if the brainwashed griffons was coming up from behind for a sneak attack. Before the Griffon could swipe at her with her claws, she was suddenly kicked on the right side of her body, and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Fluttershy looked to see what just happened, and Mathayus panted, cracking his knuckles in triumph. “Oh, thanks for saving me, Mathayus but, what happened exactly?”

“I just punched her side and knocked her out cold.” The darknut leader replied.

Rainbow Dash was fighting with a kargarok in the sky and she tried bumping into the bird with her body, but this one was smarter than the other ones, and it bumped her back as payback. Despite how powerful that blow was, Rainbow was quick, nimble, and regained her flying pattern in a few seconds. “Hah! You call that a bump?” She taunted.

The kargarok let out a loud, hoarse squawk at her in return, and tried jabbing wt her face with it’s large beak, but to little affect on her, despite how slightly painful it was being poked on her cheeks.

“Ow! That hurt!” Rainbow growled, and she tried riding on it to try and knock it to the ground, or make it tired and exhausted from carrying her. Before the bird knew it, Rainbow grasped it’s head with her hooves and twisted it’s neck with a loud crunch heard. Turns out that she had literally broke it’s neck, and it killed the kargarok instantly.

Rainbow watched in triumphed as she brighten another enemy to justice. While laughing and gloating at how she handed that monster, something was pecking all over the back of her head.

She looked back and saw three guays squeaking and being pests to her. “You’re In for it now, stupid birds!” She Said. She the. Kicked one kargarok, then took the second one out right hoof, and head-butted third one in the head, knocking it to the ground. “Nothing to it.”

Meanwhile, Applejack was stomping on many guays and kargarok that we’re trying to hurt her, and Big Mac was doing the same, and it was more successful when he stomped on them to death because of his tremendous strength.

“These are worse than vamori fruit bats.” Said Big Mac

“Yep.” Applejack agreed with her elder brother. “Way worse.”

A couple of brainwashed griffons were closing in on Epona and Link. “Give it up!” Said one of them.

“You don’t stand a chance against lord Majora.” Another one added.

“We’ll see about that.” Link remakee with his eyes narrowed. He knew he couldn’t kill these griffons, so he had to be careful with fighting them. One of them charged at Link, and he simoky bashed her head with his shield.

The second one charged at Epona, but she was fast, and stopped him by giving him an uppercut in the face. “Boy, this just keeps getting better and better.” She muttered. “More enemies to fight.”

No matter how many kargaroks and guays were taken down, fewer and fewer were coming to the fight and try to stop the heroes from continuing onwards in their quest. Spike blew as much fire at his enemies and tried using his claws to scratch at any swooping guays, making them fall like a crashing plane.

“They just keep coming!” Said Twilight. “Do you know how many there are?”

“I don’t know.” Said Rarity. “There is just so many of these brutes.” She saw an incoming Kargarok, let out a small yelp, and blasted it away with her magic. "At least we have magic!"

"Time for Party cannon power!" Pinkie sang. She pulled out her cannon and readied her confetti. Without hesitation, she fired at incoming enemies from the sky that tried to swoop down on her like harbingers, and it blasted them away, and came crashing to the ground like fighter jet planes. "Pony power!"

Spike was burning his opponents away with his fire breath while hovering in midair. For the guays, it only took a few seconds for them to go down dying, but for the kargaroks, it took longer, much longer that it took about ten more seconds, that he had to dodge out of the way from a few charge attacks from the large bird monsters. Still, Spike was fighting strong against them. Just then, he felt himself being grabbed by a brainwashed griffon from behind, and struggled to break himself free.

"Come on little boy!" he said. "There's no use resisting."

"Yeah? Watch this." then Spike bit his right arm, making the griffon yell in pain, and he instantly broke free.

Some griffons were having some grudge matches against kargaroks, that they would clung on one another and tried to tip each other's faces off before crashing to some buildings on the ground. The griffons were the ones victorious and beat the kargaroks.

Mathayus simply broke his enemies necks left and right that were trying to attack him. They all didn't know how much longer they would keep this up, but they had to continue fighting these monsters for the well-being of Equestria and Griffonstone.

A few buildings were destroyed and many brainwashed griffons were turning back to normal after being defeated in a non-lethal way.

It took a little while, but the last of the kargaroks and guays were defeated, and it seemed like the battle have won, and there were no more enemies left. Just before everyone could celebrate their supposed victory, a gigantic sword appeared out of red light. Link recognized that sword while venturing in the Arbiter's grounds in the Gerudo desert in searching for the Mirror of Twilight with Midna.

He recognized what was going on here. "It can't be." he muttered. Link thought he got rid of that evil spirit, but he suddenly came back?

"Whoa, what is that?" said Lyra

"Death sword." Link muttered.

The monster let out a few squawks and swung his mighty red and black sword four times at the others. The sword hit the ground with a mighty "clang!" every time it hit the rocky ground. Link knew how to take care of this beast before, and he transformed into a wolf, and used his vision. He leaped off the ground and landed on the monster's chest, biting it ferociously.

After he was done, Death Sword revealed itself, giving everyone a scare of how hideous and scary it looked. He let out a guttaral roar at them, and hovered in midair.

Link turned back into a Hylian again and pulled out his clawshots. "Stand back, guys!" he warned. he fired his left clawshot at Death Sword, stunning him, and pulled out his bow and arrow. He was using his bomb arrow this time instead of his regular arrows, and fired at Death Sword, knocking him down on the ground.

He and Colin were about to do the finishing blow on him together, but before their swords can touch him, the ghostly creature disappeared and swung his sword at both boys, knocking them both out. Mathayus rushed in to their aid, and swung his mighty sword at this villainous, monstrous spirit.

The sound of heavy clanging steel were heard, and Pip shouted: "be careful Mathayus! He seems dangerous!"

"Don't worry about me!" said the Darknut king. "I have dealt with far worse monsters than this one."

As he continued fighting Death Sword, Link and Colin regained consciousness and got back on their feet. There was no holding back for them now, and joined in on the fight against this vile being. Now it was three against one for this fight.

"Kick his undead butt!" Gilda cheered on for the three swordsman.

"Make him hurt!" Greta added.

Colin performed the back-slice on Death Sword, stunning him, and Link did the same after his good friend, and then Mathayus was about to pierce him in the chest, but the monster was fast, and crossed blades with the darknut chief again.

Link was oblidged to pull out his Great Fairy Sword on his right hand. Now he was fighting more ferociously at this undead foe, and lashed a series of slashes and slices to and fro at him at a great speed.

At last, having enough of this, Link pierced Death Sword from behind and when the monster fell on the ground, Link gave him the finishing blow by slashing the Great Fairy Sword it with a magical beam emitting from it.

Like that, the unholy Death Sword vanished, and there was nothing left, but it's long robes, slowly falling to the ground like a leaf falling from a tree during autumn. It didn't take long, but the sword exploded into a bunch of pieces of dark purple dust. Now the battle has won for the heroes. Everyone and the griffons rejoiced in the victory against this evil.

"You saved us all!" said Greta. "Griffonstone is safe!"

"We're sorry about the buildings, Gilda." said Applejack.

"It's fine. It's like Twilight said before: we rebuilt those buildings before, we can rebuild them again. Besides, there's only four buildings demolished right now."

Link then noticed a small piece of the mask shard from the robe of the remains of Death Sword, and picked it up. Another piece of the Fierce Deity's Mask for the finding. He put it in his magic pouch, and felt good about himself again. "Is everyone alright?" he asked the griffons.

Gabe came out of the house he hid in, and the other griffons replied to Link saying they were all okay.

"Thanks to you, young man, and your friends." Gruff said proudly. Of course, being as old as he is, he let out another hoarse cough.

"And what was that piece you collected out of that monster?" asked Greta.

"A shard of a mask that can help me defeat Majora once and for all." he pulled out his Great Fairy Sword again, and wondered if this can help him, too. "This can help me too."

All of a sudden, a peculiar laugh was heard and Kit the Keaton appeared once again. "Boy, that seemed like a rough battle for all of you. But I knew you could clear Griffonstone from this evil. Well done everybody."

"Who's the fox?" said Gilda

"That's Kit." Colin said. "And he's a Keaton."

"That I am."

"We got what we came for, and Griffonstone is safe again." Twilight said. "Now it just leads to Zebrica, right?"

"That is correct, princess."

"Perfect!" said Discord. "Then Zebrica is where we must all go." He clapped his hands in triumph

"I hope everyone is alright." said Fluttershy

"Don't worry about us, Fluttershy." said Gilda. "We're tough, we're strong. Take it from Rainbow Dash."

"I know. I believe you."

"Come on guys. Next stop, Zebrica." said Link.

Plains of Zebrica

Back in Ponyville, Link. Twilight, Applejack, and the others were looking for someone that would help them all out on their quest to Zebrica: which was her home. It was Zecora they were all seeking, for she came from Zebrica before she moved to Ponyville, and she would know it more than anyone else in town.

Through the Everfree forest, everything was the same in this dangerous part of Equestria: mysterious, creepy, and eerie to go with it.

The Elements of Harmony knew these woods very well since they have been to it countless times on more than one occasion. After what Majora was doing, it made everything in the Everfree not very scary.

Manticores, chupacabras, cockatrices, and kragadiles were one thing, and not very dangerous (as long as you know how to handle these monsters), but if Majora infested this area with this magic, it would take everything scary in the Everfree forest to a whole new level.

Everyone would be lucky if Majora didn't come here at all, fle this would be a perfect place to cause some more havoc, and if he changed any monsters by muting them under his command, then these monsters would cause havoc beyond imagining across Ponyville, and eventually the whole world as well.

Link remembered the way to Zecora's home, or at least, he was trying to remember the best he can, and she lived in a hut outside of Ponyville.

"This place looks a little more spooky than I remember." Link muttered to himself before cutting a few branches and vines in his way.

"I certainly hope we don't run into a bunch of scary creatures in here." Fluttershy remarked in a mildly shaky voice.

"Oh we'll be just fine." Said Big Mac. "Besides. Those kargaroks, goats, and that lion monster was way more scary than a cockatrice or any of those varmints found here."

"True." The yellow pegasus realized.

"We're almost there, everypony." Twilight said. She knew the way to Zecora's quite well in this place.

After about another five hundred yards, there found the hit looking normal as ever.

Twilight promptly knocked on the front door, and waited for an answer. "Hello?" Twilight said. "Anypony home?"

At last, after a few seconds, Zecora opened the door, and was more than happy to see Link, Colin, Mathayus, and Epona again.

"Ah hello my friends." She said warmly. "What brings you to my home?"

"It's good to see you again, Zecora." Link smiled. "We need to talk."

"Of course. Do come inside."

As everyone settled in the hut, Zecora was more than ready to hear what was going on right now.

"We have had a few... problems along the way." Said Starlight Glimmer. "You remember how Link came to Equestria in the first place?"

"How can I not?" Zecora said humbly. "It was good to first meet that peculiar lot."

"Well, we need your help again, Zecora." Said Starlight.

"Zecora," Link began talking now. "An evil, ancient foe from a long time ago, something even more powerful than Ganondorf."

Zecora felt a little disturbed when Link began explaining to her what happened to some parts of Equestria recently. "Yakyakistan, the Crystal Empire, and Griffonstone were infected by his evil, but we all stopped it." Said Twilight. "Now we need to go to Zebrica to look for a shard of the Fierce Deity's Mask."

"It's the very instrument that helped Link's ancestor, the Hero of Time, stop Majora from spreading evil and destroying Termina." Fluttershy added. "This mask can help us defeat Majora once and for all. At least, it is powerful enough."

Zecora was silent for a moment, but she ultimately stated: That does sound very troubling, and I do believe you about some serious trouble coming soon, but, using dark magic against dark magic?" she took a sip of her aloe vera juice. "But should I warn you about the last user of dark magic: Nightmare Moon?"

“We’re aware of that,” Said Bon Bon. “But That was a few years ago.”

“And Link is a hero with a heart pure enough to resist that mask’s dark energy that might corrupt his mind.” Lyra added. “Besides, He has the power to turn into a wolf at Will if needed.”

“Fair enough.” Zecora remarked. “I have certainly seen Link fight in both Hylian and wolf form alike. And yes, I have seen Link is a pure-hearted Warrior of a true hero. But, what of the Master Sword? Isn’t it also known as: the blade of evil’s bane?”

“Yes.” Link said. “But, you haven’t seen how powerful he is.”

“He took control of princess Cadence with her dark magic, and brainwashed her to be his trusted serfs this.” Colin added. “Majora is more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Not to mention that he unleashed a horde of monsters at the castle in Canterlot.”

Zecora looked a little more surprised. “First Ganondorf And now an evil spirit from a mask named: Majora?” She was thinking why stuff like this keeps happening across Equestria. “And you need my help to look for a mask shard in my homeland?”

“Please?” Pinkie begged with a puppy dog look on her face. “You know Zebrica better than everypony.”

“Guilt as charged. But... i fear that my humble zebra friends and family back home might think I have turned my back on them by moving to Ponyville.”

“Nonsense.” Said Twilight. “They’re your friends and family, and they love you.”

“I’m certain they do not love me anymore.” Said the female zebra. “Now, I believe that they have all disowned me and written me out of their last will and testaments.”

The others had a doubtful feeling in themselves, knowing that it was probably silly for one’s family to disown her because she wanted a new life. “Zecora, please. You need to help us.” Spike urged her. “Think of how great your contribution will be if you help us with finding the other shards.”

“Spike’s right.” Said Rarity. “We have to search at every possible place for a mask shard if we are going to truly stop this Majora monster.”

“And quick.” Applejack added. “The longer we wait, the stronger that varmint Majora becomes.”

Starlight was the next one to speak to her again. “Can you trust us, our friends? At least take our word for it.”

Silent again, Zecora was a little reluctant about this, but nonetheless, she specifically said: “Very well. For old times sake, I will help you on your quest to look for the shards of this mask.” The others cheered at her final decision, knowing that Zecora couldn’t possibly ignore the pleas from her own friends. “However, I doubt that I will be welcomed with open arms, and the last thing I want is to raise a panic or an alarm.”

“Oh, that’s ridiculous and crazy.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, And I have heard the zebras in Zebrica are the friendliest type of ponies in the world.” Fluttershy added. “And their animals are so amazing.”

“Guilty as charged once again. And it is a beautiful place of land.”

“So, we need to get to Zebrica right now.” Link said

“Yeah, you need to come with us and help out if we’re going to find this next shard of the mask.” Pip added. “You’ll make a great impact in Equestria and be a hero once again.”

Zecora smiled and she bent down. “Thank you, little Pip. I suppose it will be good to set foot in my humble home again, and this would be a new experience for you all.” She took out her adventure pouch and packed a few things in it like: a few drinks, and some smoke bombs in case it gets really ugly. “What kind of monsters should I be aware of.”

“Well it’s bokoblins, moblins, Keese, probably lizalfos And dinolfos.” Epona remarked. “But we have seen new enemies called Wizzrobes.”

“We’ll tell you on the way Zecora.” Said Link. He pulled out his Great Fairy Sword this time again. “And this can come in handle with the Master Sword.”

Everyone went to Ponyville to catch a train to Zebrica and they were all off.

Return of Thorax

It was a really good thing Zecora agreed to help Link, Fluttershy, Applejack, and all their friends in helping them finding the mask shards on their journey. Zecora knew so much about her home in Zebrica better than anypony else in Ponyville, and Kit specifically said that Zebrica is where they have to go next to find more shards of the Fierce Deity's Mask. They were heading to town to get on the train to Zecora's home, and they were about to get on, when someone stopped them from doing so. "Wait!" a voice called in a distance from the sky.

"I know that voice." Spike recognized.

They all looked in the direction to where the voice came from. A familiar face came from the sky, a gigantic insect-like horse came down from the sky. Link remembered that face from when after he defeated Ganondorf with all his new friends that time ago, and he was looking happy to see him. "Thorax!" said all the heroes, minus Discord who didn't really care.

Spike ran up to him and hugged him tightly, very happy to see his old friend. "It's so good to see you, Thorax. What are you doing here?"

"I heard about your mission to find some shards for an ancient mask. Celestia and Luna told me about what happened to their castle and Princess Cadence." Thorax answered. "I thought I would give you all a helping hand. And... I think it would be a good way to help our new relationship as friends between changelings and ponies."

Twilight smiled to hear that. "Of course. That would be a perfect way to strengthen our new relationship. And we can always use the extra help in our search."

"Good. How you doing Link, Colin, Epona?"

"Just fine Thorax. It's good to see you again. How are things in the Changeling Kingdom now that Chrysalis has been dethroned?"

"Oh, still kind of struggling at first, but I'm getting the hang of it. The kingdom of Changelings have never been so great in it's entire life."

"Well, I hate to interrupt a heartwarming reunion." said Big Mac. "But we've got an evil mask to take down. We can talk more on the train."

"He's right." said Rainbow Dash. "And here it comes now." As soon as it stopped, everyone got on the train and made themselves comfortable once again.

"All aboard the train to Zebrica! Have your tickets ready!" the conductor announced to the patrons. They all waited for about five long minutes, but then the doors closed and they were all off to Zebrica on the train. One thing that Zecora hoped that it was doing okay all the way in her homeland. Even though Ponyville is her home, she still cared deeply for Zebrica and her friends and family living over there.

"You alright, Zecora?" asked Link

"Just concerned about the well-being for my home when we go over there. But let us see Majora try and ruin my humble land of Zebrica." she was sounding a little angry. "Let's see him dare. But, enough of that. It has been a long while, and I wonder what my old family and friends will think of me. And you're right about saying we cannot just leave them all be."

“Who knows what will happen when we get there?” Said Twilight. “Maybe Majora didn’t beat us to Zebrica yet. I mean, we can only hope that the creatures over there are ok.”

“At least we have stopped him from taking over the Crystal Empire.” Colin noted. “And saved the griffons and yaks.”

“Right you are, sugarcube.” Said Applejack. “Majora clearly doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, or his varmint that are supportin’ em.”

“You might need my help, too.” Said Thorax. “The more, the merrier. Anyway, my hike she’s been running so amazingly, and we never have to worry about starving for love anymore.”

“And what about Chrysalis?” Asked Mathayus. “Aren’t you a little worried that she will have her revenge on you someday?”

“Yeah, That is one of my greatest worries. Chrysalis hates me more than ever now, and she swore she would do anything to get back her throne, even if it meant killing whoever she wants.” Said Thorax. “But if she does try and kill me and take back control, would you guys help me out?”

“Of course i’ll Help you.” Spike boldly stated. “If Chrysalis wants to kill you in revenge, she will have to go through me!”

“And me.” Fluttershy added.

“Me too!” Rainbow boldly

Thorax smiled and he was glad that he has some new friends on his side to help him out if needed. “Oh, thanks guys.” He stated. “And i’ll help you guys out in any way I can to get any shards for the mask.”

“Good.” Said Spike. “The more help, the better. And I hope we don’t see something really scary once we get to Zebrica.”

“Come on, Spike. We’ll be just fine.” Twilight reminded. “We’re saving Equestria from an evil that Will threaten our home and Hyrule if we don’t stop him.”

“Well, when we get to my home, we should proceed with caution anyway.” Said Zecora. “And be on your Guard because for some, they will not last one day. In my home is my original village: Agbaje. My village is so beautiful that there are some details I cannot really say.”

“At least we can hope it is alright.” Said Rarity. “Majora can easily spread his evil influence across Equestria.”

“But we have The Power to take him down.” Said Link. “.... almost the power to take him down.mthe sooner we find those shards, the sooner I can stop him from destroying everything.”

They all looked at the window and thought of how peaceful it looked outside. Too bad that on the inside, there was a great disturbance within the peace. Majora was still running amok in Equestria, causing some more despicable evil.”

At last, it took about a full hour, but the train stopped in the Zebrican town of Agbaje, which Zecora Said was her home. “Here we are.” She Said. “Pray That the mask shards cannot be very far.”

When they were all walking down the main road, some of the zebras recognized Zecora and they stared at her like she was a complete stranger. Despite that, she was looking for her family, and needed to find a way to end the dark threat across Zebrica that Majora will unleash unpredictably soon.

“Zecora?” Said a voice that made Zecora’s ears perked up in surprise. She looked to her right and there was another female zebra that sas a little more white in color. “Is that you?” A big smile grew on her face. She and Zecora hugged one another and they both had a good laugh as they held on.

“Shadya. I’ve missed you so much!” Zecora Said, letting a tear of joy escape down her face. “It is good to see you again.”

“And I can say the same thing for you, my old friend.” Said the other female zebra. “We all missed you since you moved to Ponyville.”

“I am very sorry about.” Zecora remarked with guilt. “I needed to move on with my life and start a new one for myself. Do any of my old fanily members stlll remember me?”

“Of course they do.” Said Shadya. “We all missed you since you left.”

“Oh, my friends, this is my best friend: Shadya. We were friends at birth, and always stood side by side whenever we needed one another.”

“Hello.” The other female zebra stated calmly. “It’s always a pleasure to meet someone from royalty, especially from princess Twilight herself. I give you all welcome.”

“Well, Shadya, as much as we would love to sightsee around Agbaje, we are in a serious situation.” Link Said. “Zecora is looking for her family and if they are all safe.”

“Of course they are all safe.” Said Shadya in confusion. “Why would they not be safe?”

“I’ll tell you when I go to my old house, and while walking, I will explain what this is All about.” Said Zecora. “In Equestria, There is a grave evil that lingers over it, and the evil can spread to across the planet too, if we do not destroy it. If we fail, the planet it doomed.”

“What sort of evil?” Asked her best friend.

They all began walking and the two zebras were discussing the situation that Majira is doing some t the moment to cause his chaos. Shadya didn’t know what to say about all of this, and looked like she didn’t even believe in Zecora in the first place.

Zecora was trying so hard to persuade her and make her see that she was telling the truth and not acting insane or crazy. “Believe what she says.” Link remarked. “I have seen what Majora is capable of, and he could cause great harm to Zebrica if he arrives here.”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I do believe you, Zecora. You are my best friend after all, and that’s what’s making me believe you.” Shadya remarked. “We should probably give this information to King Zuma as well.”

In front of them was a gigantic palace made of gold and a pair of statues that were brave zebra stallions that looked bold and heroic.

They were probably to show the glory of the city of Agbaje, probably a little over-exagerating it.

While walking, many zebras were staring at Link and Colin the most, considering the fact that they were walking on two legs instead of four.

Sure, it wasn't really polite to stare at someone, but the good folk of Agbaje were a very curious bunch.

For Mathayus, it was a little different, considering the fact that he was an actual monster.

"Hey, should we be concerned about what they think of us?" Link whispered to Zecora.

"You should not." Zecora remarked after r a brief chuckle. "They are very welcoming to visitors, even the most unusual lot."

"Oh. Good." Colin said in relief. "The last thing I want is for Majora to turn another village into darkness."

"He won't." Said Twilight. "Not as long as we're all still standing."

As they set foot in front of the palace they were halted by two guards. They held iklwa spears with them, and they looked rather stern.

"Halt." Said the first guard. "You are all about to set foot in-" before he can finished, his eyes widened and he was looking at the one peculiar zebra next to Shadya. "Zecora?" He recognized her. "My old friend!" He then embraced her for a hug.

"Ade!" Zecora recognized him back. "It is so wonderful to see you again." They both had good laughs like Zecors did with Shadya when they embraced.

"What brings you back home, Zecora?"

"We need to see Zuma, at once. If we do not stop a great evil from wreaking havoc on the world, then all will be lost."

"Well, Zuma will be quite pleased to see you. Do come on in." Then the guards stood aside, and escorted the heroes inside the palace.

The Elements of harmony were quite amazed to see what the interior looked like. Pictures of past kings and queens of Zebrica qete mounted on the walls, and spears and shields were decorated.

To Link's amazement, the shields were crafted in wood and had zebra insignias on them. Funny, they looked like the shields that these two guards are wielding on them right now.

Pieces of zebrican vases, drums, and weapons like very curvy swords, and some blades with very blunt edges at the tip.

"Wow. Quite some decorations here." Link admired. "I wonder how zebras fight ike this with those weapons."

"We zebras are quite the capable warriors." Said the zebra that was Zecora's friend. "Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself. I am Adewale and my friend here is Kinte."

"A pleasure." Said the other guard in a flat voice.

"So what about you all?" Asked Adewale.

Twilight was the first to introduce herself and then her friends did the same, then Link, Colin, Epona, Storm, Discord, and then Mathayus.

"We need to find a shard or two from an ancient mask is said to be right here in Zebrica." Said Pip.

"An ancient mask? said Adewale. "What kind of a mask would be here in our home?"

"It's something we best discuss with your king." said Colin.

"Of course." At last, they all stopped at the very end of the hallway, and they were in a large throne room. In front of them was a zebra stallion with the whitest and blackest stripes on his fur. He wore a golden crown, and had long, black dreadlocks coming down from his mane, along with a headdress from his crown.

He looked quit majestic in appearance, and a broad, pleasant face and a goatee to go with his features.

One guard was on his right side and another guard was at his left. Both of them had to he an elite type of guards, for they had leopard type of masks on their faces.

They all approached him, and then bowed down to him in respect since he was the king.

Zuma got out of his throne, and walked down the three steps that were in front of his throne. With a low, humble voice, he said: "welcome, visitors." Then she looked at the peculiar zebra that was with all bowing to respect. "Zecora," he noticed. "Welcome home." He walked up in front of her, and Zecora waited for another response from him. "Rise, and be welcomed back."

Zecora immediate got back on her feet, and she felt the zebra king hug her like Shadya and Adewale did to her. "It is so good to see you again, your highness." Said Zecora.

"And I can certainly day the same for you. My dear." He looked at her friends. Zuma then asked: "and who are your friends?"

Link was the first to arisen from where he was bowing, and he was the first to address to king Zuma. The Hylian hero cleared his throat, and began: "King Zuma, we have come to stop an ancient evil from my homeworld that is trying to take over this one. I know, it sounds completely crazy, but I am telling you the truth with all of this."

Zuma was a little confused by what alink was telling him about. “What kind of ancient of evil?” He Asked curiously.

Link then introduced himself to king Zuma, then the others did after him. One thing that made the king of zebras a little surprised to say any further was that Link, Colin, Epona, And her own son were from another different word from this one.

“What can be causing all of these troubling events?” The king asked.

“An evil spirit known as Majora. My ancestor defeated him a little long time ago, and he,saved a world called Termina,” Link replied.”

Explaining as much as he can to the the zebra king. Zuma looked more and more alerted as his conversation went on for a few long minutes. “Princess Celestia is I’m danger.” Link warned. “So is Luna.”

“Well, That is very troubling.” The zebra king admitted. “And Princess Twilight. It is quite an honor to meet you and your closest acquaintances together as one. I have wanted to meet you all for a long time, now.”

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to pass on the whole introduction.” Said Fluttershy. “Majora is getting stronger and we need to find those mask shards.”

“Hmm. Well, we have been hearing strange occurrences of some dark magic swirling around the Mystic Malachite stone a few miles north west from Agbaje.”

“Well, I think there is our nest stop.” Said Mathayus. “But, we’ll be back in case Majora comes to Agbaje and attacks you.”

Zuma smiled. “Thank you, young warrior.” He looked at Link and smiled. “I can sense the traits within you, Link. You have the traits of a a hero. Courage, bravery, kindness, a golden heart, and never willing to give up from anything at all.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Link replied in a flattered tone of voice.

“Be careful out there, and if you do see anything suspiciously report your findings to me immediately.”

Megafos And Aerolfos Team

Through the savanna of Zebrica, Link was going through a series of tall grass as he was looking for the Malachite stone in the direction where the king of Agbaje told him and his friends about. Whatever this stone was, it was very important to Agbaje and the whole area of Zebrica, along with the animals and inhabitants that live on it's beautiful soil. If King Zuma was correct, the stone is of great importance, and nothing bad can ever happen to it.

Everyone was being cautious in the grass, for they were warn of the dangers lurking within. There were a few types of animals that they encountered that were pretty nasty like some siafu ants, venomous snakes, and a few honey badgers, who had a very nasty attitude.

Fluttershy would have to step up and try to calm any dangerous animals down, and Link would transform into a wolf to talk with the animals too. "Please, calm down. We mean no threat to you." Link said to a honey badger. "We're just looking for the Malachite Stone. Do you know anything of it?"

"Pfft. For what purpose, buddy?" asked the honey badger in a Brooklyn accent. "What kind of purpose would you want with that shiny stone?"

"For the purpose we have chosen." said Link. "Now, there's no need to make this any more nasty."

The honey badger was silent, but he finally complied and he said. "Of course I know of it, buddy boy. What you are looking for is way over there." he pointed his right claw north. "But beware, lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals, and spitting cobras are out here."

"That's okay." said Fluttershy. "I can communicate with animals fairly well. I'm sure we can find a way to look for that stone."

"Heh. good luck with that, toots." the honey badger muttered rudely with his arms crossed. He suddenly felt his face being pushed by the yellow pegasus.

"Excuse me!" she then gave her the stare. "I have done nothing but ask you a question. Now, you better not have that attitude with me, or we're gonna have a serious problem! You understand me, mister?!"

Surprised and frightened, the honey badger looked very scared by Fluttershy's anger. "Y-yes." he replied in a quiet voice. "I understand you."

"Say it like you mean it!" Fluttershy said to him sternly.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I promise I won't call ya that again!"

Fluttershy turned from a serious and stern demeanor back to her cute and innocent demeanor when she said: "Thank you so much." and she smiled gratefully.

"That's one way to take care of a mean honey badger." said Link with an amused look. "Well, come on guys, the sooner we find the Malachite stone, the better chance we can help Zebrica from Majora's magic." He led the way, in his Hylian form to the direction where the honey badger pointed to him and the others.

Meanwhile, the honey badger looked on with his arms crossed, and muttered: "Losers." under his breath. He just crawled away to look for some honey to eat and enjoy himself.

“How will we know what the stone looks like?” Asked Rainbow Dash

“Well, I certainly know what malachite is.” Twilight remarked. “We’ll see it when we find it.”

“And I am a pure expert on gems.” Rarity added. Just then, something latched out at her, like a snake or a cobra. She jumped back with a yelp and landed on Mathayus’ arms, being held like a baby. “What In Celestia was that!?”

“Uh-oh. Spitting cobra.” Spike warned while pointing his finger at the reptile. “Cover your eyes!”

Fluttershy was calm and she said: “Don’t worry, I know how to talk to him.”

“So do I.” Link added. He transformed into a wolf again, and Colin did the same thing. The three approached the spitting cobra, and tried to talk to him. “Please. Calm down, stranger.” Link tried to reason with him. “Do you know where we can find the malachite stone?”

The cobra stopped his hissing and closed his mouth. “Oh. Why didn’t you ssssay sssso?” He Said. “You will find that beautiful sssstone over at the Ssssongo jungle, right over there.” He pointed his tail to where the jungle was located from where he was.

“Ah. Good.” Colin Said. “Thanks.”

“Yessss, yessss, a pleassssure.” The cobra replied. “Pray you do not get eaten by any leopardssss.”

“We’ll he just fine. I’ve killed scarier monsters than leopards, and they are just regular animals.” Link remarked.

“Can we Please go?” Asked Rarity. Still shaking from being spooked by the spitting cobra. “I don’t want to deal with this snake again.”

“Come now Rarity. There is nothing to worry about.” Thorax added. “So where do we go to look for the malachite stone, Link?”

“He said we should look at the Songo jungle first.” The hylian replied before turning back. “For our sake, I hope that it is there. Who knows how many more of those shards there are left.”

“I’m sure we’ll find them all before something evil happens.” Lyra remarked.

“It is a rather good thing you are here to talk to the animals, Fluttershy.” Said Zecora. “Otherwise, we could die.”

“You can say that again.” Said The yellow Pegasus in agreement.

All of a sudden, something stopped down on all of them, and they ducked, covering the back of their heads. Looking back up, there was an aerolfos flapping his wings, ready to strike again. Thorax used his powers and turned himself into an aerolfos as well.

“I’ll handle This, you guys.” He boldly stated. He charged at the aerial enemy and swung his sword at him. The real aerolfos was confused, but he attacked either way, and the sound of clashing steel was heard in the sky.

Thorax was putting up a good fight, and dodged many attacks from his enemy’s sword. He was suddenly knocked out, but he regained his stance once he was no longer dizzy, and flew off to the the aerolfos again.

“Go get him, a Thorax!” Spike cheered him on. “Show him what you’re made of!”

“No problem, Spike!” Thorax callled. “I’ll be just fine.” He continued slashing his sword at his opponent, Only to be blocked by his shield, but Thorax was smart. And swatted the shield away with his magic.

In desperation, the aerolfos swung his sword in more heavy swings like he was wielding a claymore or a two-handed sword. He almost decapitated Thorax, and the changeling king head-butted him to make him dazed.

Turning back into his changeling form, he zapped at the aerolfos with his magic, and controlled his sword, using it against his enemy. Before he knew it, the aerolfos felt his chest pierced by his blade by Thorax and his magic. He gave out a mountain lion roar, and fell dead to the ground before disappearing.

“Wow. That was so cool, Thorax!” Spike congratulated him.

“Thanks. I am a changeling after all, and I can study my enemies’ moves if needed. But, what if Majora came before us after all?”

“No, no.” Said Bon Bon. “He couldn’t have beaten us all here to Zebrica.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right.” Thorax. “But, we’ve got a job to do. We’re getting closer to finding the mask shards. Although, I get the feeling that the mask has evil magic in it.”

“No doubt.” Discord agreed. “But Link has a pure heart, and he is able to control the evil inside the mask without any problems at all.”

What Discord Said made Link look a little puzzled by all of these thoughts. Can he truly handle the evil in the Fierce Deity’s mask, like his ancestor did all those years ago? Or would he slowly succumb to ten darkness.

All of a sudden, something appeared from the grass, and it revealed to be a red and purple lizalfos that looked like the monster Link had faced before: bulky, chest plate, and having two handaxes as weapons.

The Megafos roared and said: “There is no way you will sssstop massster Majora!” Then he charged at Link and pulled out his great fairy sword and shield. “You’re mine!!”

“Watch out, guys!” Link said to his cronies.

He swung his sword at the monster, only for him to block his moves with his two weapons. He unleashed a fury of blows at Link, but thanks to the Hylian shield, Link reflected every strike and hit him in the face with it.

With no hesitation, Link jumped over the megafos while he was dazed, and sliced at him through his skull, making the monster fall on his belly with a loud thud. Before he could get back up, he felt Link stab him with the great fairy sword with his ending blow move.

“Grr! You will never sssstop Majora!” Said The Megafos before dying, and turning to dust.

“Why don’t we ask for more directions?” Asked Mathayus.

“A good idea.” Fluttershy remarked.

The Malachite Stone

Birds were still chirping in the savanna and near a large pond, a loon was heard making it's beautiful call while swimming. Despite how beautiful the atmosphere and the environment was, it was still in danger.

Wherever the malachite stone was, it had to be close by. The king of Agbaje specifically said it was a few miles north of where the city was.

It would have to be in this peculiar area. The stone had to be here somewhere, but where? "We should split up." Said Zecora. "But proceed with caution in the grass."

"Are you sure?" Asked Fluttershy.

"If anything goes wrong," Said Thorax. "We should give out a signal to regroup.

"No problem." Said Starlight. "We'll use our horns to launch flares in the sky in case something bad happens."

"Good idea, Starlight." Said Mathayus. " of that happens we will all regroup to this very spot."

Then everyone spread out to different directions in this Zebrican plain. Link and Colin were with Fluttershy, Spike and Twilight together and Rarity went with Applejack, Rainbow Dash went with Pinkie and Mathayus and Epona.

Lyra, Bon Bon, Big Mac, Pip and Storm went as a group together, and Zecora went along with her elder brother.

While looking around at his surroundings, it was Pip who heard a rather weird and peculiar sound, something like a low, musical chime or humming in a beautiful yet eerie sound.

The colt stood perfectly still, and tried to listen for the sound again. It suddenly emitted after five long seconds, and he followed to where it was coming from.

Cautiously, Pip was careful in the tall grass for any snakes, scorpions, siafu ants, aggressive lizards and other types of dangerous animals, like a leopard who would pounce on him from above him by tree.

Every time Pip heard the musical chime, he knew he was getting closer to finding what possibly could be the Malachite stone. The least he can do was trust his ears and follow the sound some more.

"Where is that coming from?" Pip thought out loud. All of a sudden, he tripped and it looked like some kind of root. Not only that, but he also saw a mint-green gem in front of him, and he knew exactly what it was.

This gem was glowing like a shining beacon, or a light in a shore's lighthouse on a foggy day. It was perfectly round, like a gigantic, green, ball, and it looked absolutely stunning to his eyes.

All of a sudden, a large, Male lion came from the bushes, and Pip was immediately frightened. However, he didn't do anything like eat Pip and devour him like a lion would see a snack, and Pip looked exactly like a perfect lunch for this big cat. Another striking feature was that is that his lion was not brown or yellowish color like any other lion, but a glowing green color like the Malachite stone here was glowing. He had glowing eyes qotjpit pupils and mist flowing from his body, and his mane was handsome.

"I.. I mean you now harm." Pip said. "Please don't eat me."

"Why would I eat a little colt like yourself?" Said the lion in a fatherly, deep voice.

Taken aback, Pip thought he must have been dreaming to hear a talking lion before. "Did... did you just speak?" He Asked him.

"Of course. Rest assured, you are not hallucinating or having a dream." The green lion said. "Abd please, do not fear me."

The colt slowly got back on his feet and the lion easily towered over him.

Thorax was just looking for Pip when he saw the green glowing big cat. "Pip, don't make any sudden moves." He quietly said to the colt.

"Ah, the new king of the Changelings. We finally meet." Said the green lion.

"You can talk?" Said Thorax. "And... how do you know about me?"

It was just then Link noticed the green light from the distance. He and the others rushed over to see what that light was. Running as fast as he could, they all saw the green lion looking at Pip.

"Whoa!" Link exclaimed. "Pip, stand back!" He was about to pull out either his Master Sword or the Great Fairy sword out and take out this glowing beast, but Adewale stopped him.

"No!" He said, standing in front of him. "He is not a monster."

"What are you?" Asked Pip.

"I am Zaire." Said the green lion in a humble voice. He began pacing to and fro and he began talking some more. "The grand protector of all the creatures of Zebrica and it's territories."

"Zaire?" Asked Twilight. "I have heard about you. I... never thought that the stories were actually true."

Another chuckle was heard from Zaire. "It is quite alright, Princess Twilight."

Twilight perked her head up, curious if this spirit knew her name. "You heard about me?"

"Yes." The green lion nodded his head. "You are the new princess of friendship and you have turned from an unicorn to an allicorn."

"Do you know who we are?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Of course, Fluttershy. You are one of mother nature's greatest children."

The yellow pegasus blushed by that compliment and felt proud in herself to hear something like that. "Thank you."

"How do you know about us?" Asked Link, letting go of the Master Sword.

"I watch over all of Zebrica, and this stone." Zaire looked behind him. "This very stone is a grand protector and an object where I can store my strength, and bring piece through it."

"So, you are a personification of the stone." Link realized.

"Yes. Exactly."

"Well, Zaire," Link began to ask him a question that the spirit might know will ask of him. "We are looking for any shards that was once the Fierce deity's mask from my world."

Zaire just stood there looking at the heroes with his face unfazed and unchanged, and he didn't reply a word after what Link explained to him.

"Do you know where we can find it?"

"Bow to him," Zecora whispered in her ear.

"What?" Link whispered back to her

"He is a god." Adewale reminded him. Then he and his sister bowed down to the god, and the others followed afterward, and Link never felt so embarrassed like that before in his life, not paying his respect to a powerful god like this one, even if he is not from his world.

Clearing his throat, The hero said in a timid voice: “I am so sorry. Please forgive me for being disrespectful.”

Just then, the green lion went up to the hero. “Child,” he began. “There is no need to feel ashamed. You have the heart of the hero, Link. A true hero.” The Hylian raised his head and looked at Zaire with his Hykian face, and the green lion’s fade looked heroic and a little fatherly. “I can sense it inside your head that you are selfless and always put others before yourself.”

“Link is an extraordinary creature, lord Zaire.” Said Adewale. “He has great courage as his greatest strength in his heart.”

“Yes. Whenever there is a call for help,” Zecora added. “Link will do his best to answer their call. He sees to it that all evil will bend and fall.”

“So, forgive me, Zaire.” Said Lyra. “But do you know where we can find the shards?”

“Well, I certainly can help you with your quest. But, Link, you must be aware of the consequences of wielding that mask once it is prepared into whole.” Zaire warned the hero. “That mask hold a great power of dark magic within, and it will control you if you are not especially careful with it.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Said Link. “And besides, i’m About to question if I should wear it myself.” He pulled out the great fairy sword again, and looked at the purple and green blade, shining under the sun. “Maybe this can help me, too.”

“Your path is your own, Hero Of Hyrule. To defeat an evil creature such as Majora, you should never underestimate him and never let your guard down.”

Link nodded his head to him. “Of course, sir. I never let my guard down.”mathematics he put the Great Fairy Sword away. “Still, I have to save my world, and this one.”

“You wouldn’t believe what we have been through because of that mask.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“He turned some of our own friends against us with evil magic, and turned them into his salves.” Fluttershy Said. “It was awful. We all had to fight princess Cadence, Prince Rutherford and the yaks, and some griffons whomwere brainwashed.” A cold shiver went down her fur. “I don’t know if I want to talk about it anymore.” And she gulped.

Twilight and Spike we’re giving her comfort to make her more relaxed. “What she means is,” Said Bon Bon. “We have been given a lot of trouble by Majora and his horde of monsters.”

“Now we need to stop him and the mask is possibly our only chance to be rid rid of him forever.” Said Rarity.

“Please Zaire.” Said Pip. “It would be really helpful and we will be very grateful if you can Help us.” Then he felt the lion gently touch his head with his gigantic left paw.

“Of course I will help you all.” Said Zaire. “But understand, the mask might not be the final solution.” A more serious look appeared on the god's face. "That mask has a magically dark power in itself, and if you are not careful." then he went up to Link. "You will lose yourself to it's power, possibly for all eternity."

A little bit more doubt appeared on Link's face. He was thinking maybe the mask is a bad idea after all, then he realized that he had to do something to take down Majora to protect everything he ever cared about, and everyone he had ever loved. Not to mention Princess Zelda, who is probably still a hostage by that vile, demonic spirit right now. Who knows what will happen to her if she is not saved in time.

"Look, I want to save Zelda, the princess and ruler of my world. Without her, Hyrule will fall into disarray." Link stated. "My friends, my family, and everyone I ever care about in both Hyrule and Equestria will be in grave danger if I do not do something to stop Majora."

"What about the Great Fairy Sword?" asked Rainbow Dash. "I've seen what this awesome weapon can do."

"I know." said Link. "But what if that doesn't work?"

"Come on, Link. You already got a dark weapon, that stone that Midna gave you before." Colin reminded him.

"Yeah, but still. Majora is way more powerful than Ganondorf." Link reminded.

"What about when the Master Sword was powered up to it's full potential?" asked Epona. "You easily defeated Ganondorf with the sword in that state."

"Yeah but, you guys have seen what Majora is capable of." Link pointed. "He could turn all of you guys next, or all of Zebrica under his control, and I don't want anyone else to fall under his dark magic like Cadence, the yaks, and some of the griffons."

Twilight was the next to speak and she said: "There will always be another way to take down evil. We're friends, and our friendship is what makes us strong."

"We'll always find a way to take down Majora." Lyra added. "And hey, I think Majora is afraid of you and your power."

"Maybe." the hero remarked. "But, he's still getting stronger every minute. Who knows when his power will reach to the max?"

"You'll have our help." said Spike. "That's what we're here for."

"You're friends speak very wisely, Link." said Zaire. "I know you can rid both worlds of this demonic menace. You're greatest weapons are your courage, bravery, and a golden heart." The hero was flustered and touched to hear that. He knew the lion spirit wasn't wrong about those things. "You are never alone, not as long as you have your closest friends on your side, and as long as you are all together, you can overcome any obstacle that stands in your way."

Link was a little silent for a moment, and didn't know what to say in reply to this majestic god. "I'm just... worried."

"it is perfectly normal to have doubt in your life." Zaire continued.

"But, i'm a hero, and I shouldn't have a doubt in myself." Link said

"It is perfectly normal. Remember, the state of Equestria and Hyrule rests in your courage, and your bravery."

Link began to feel a small confidence coming back to him. He was certainly the bravest person in his home, and he has saved it from a great evil before, along with Equestria. "Okay. But still, I need to protect Equestria and my home from Majora. Please, Zaire. Please show me the shards."

"Very well, young hero." the green lion said. "Do follow me." then he escorted all the heroes to where the mask shard was from there. It was not a very long walk from where the malachite stone was, and the green lion was walking majestically, especially with the surrounding, misty aura around him.

It was deep in the Songo Jungle, and there was a glowing piece of purple flashing like a beacon. Everyone knew exactly what this meant. "There it is." Said Pip.

This shard looked like an eye, an eye without a pupil in it. Link picked it up and put it in his special pouch for safekeeping. Thus, it was another shard from the mask collected.

It was a sign that they were all one step closer to complete the whole mask, and kill Majora.

"There." Mathayus said. "Just a number of pieces to go."

"Where else can we find them, mighty Zaire?" Asked Okove.

"And how many are there in my beautiful home?" Zecora added.

"There are two more mask shards out here in beautiful Zebrica." Said Zaire. "Although, you all have to look for the rest yourselves. I am certain you can all be alright with my help."

"I'm sure we can, too." Said Twilight. "The shards are probably corrupting the parts of Zebrica they are in now."

"Well we best better hurry if we are going to save Zebrica from any more darkness." Said Rarity. "Only a matter of time before that ruffian brute, Majora, comes and brings a mighty world of chaos to Zebrica."

"And you don't mean my kind of chaos, right?" Asked Discord. Everyone looked at him, not really looking amused by what he just said.

"I think we all know the answer to that question, Discord." said Fluttershy with her left eyebrow raised.


"Oh, don't worry about that," said a familiar voice. Out of black smock, Majora appeared in a slightly dramatic entrance like in a Broadway show. "Because I can bring chaos in the snap of a finger."

"Majora!" Mathayus shouted. "begone, monster!" he pulled out his sword and shield.

“Not you again!” Thorax Said before chanting into a gorilla monster.

Zaire began to growl cautiously at the evil spirit, showing his sharp an deadly teeth, just about ready to maul Majora to shreds. "So, you are the evil spirit known as Majora?" said the green lion creature.

"That I am, Zaire. Now I will unleash more fury and mayhem across this world." With a snap of his finger, he conjured three ice wizzrobes, and five moblins next to him. “I will be having the Malachite stone now. Surrender it to me, and I will let you all live.”

“You’ll never get our precious stone, you foul demon!” Adewale shouted at him like a barking dog. “The only way you will get the Malachite stone, is to take it from our dead bodies!”

Majors let out a sigh of disappointment, and he said: “I was afraid you would all say that.” He then barked to his troops: “Kill them all!” Just like that, the right enemies charged at the heroes, but then Zaire sprung into action, and gave out loud, Bond-chilling roar from himself, and went through the first moblin. And clawed at him.

Next, Zaire sliced his claws at the remaining enemies, and they disappeared into purple dust.

Majora was certainly terrified by what he just saw. He probably found a creature that can match his power, or close to his power.

He never looked so scared in his life since the Hero of Time had the Fierce Deity's Mask with him to defeat him all those years ago in Termina.

"Now you will have to deal with me." Said Zaire. "Prepare yourself!"

Majora was about to make his mistake, but in the speed of light, the green lion pounced on the spirit, pinning him on the ground with his massive paws. Fear was certainly overcoming his emotions, and his jaw dropped in disbelief to be pinned down by a magical lion.

“My goodness. That was incredible.” Fluttershy remarked. “He was going fast.”

“Now, Leave Zebrica at once, and never set foot in it again. Or you will have to suffer my wrath!” Zaire roared right into Majora’s face like he was about to eat him.

Just then, Majira emitted a loud, cackling laugh from himself and he replied: “I think not, Zaire. Soon, this land will be mine, too.” Then he disappeared.

“He’s gone again!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Do not worry. He can never get the malachite stone.” Said Adewale. “Those with evil,and wicked hearts cannot touch the sacred stone, just as those with evil hearts cannot touch the Master Sword.”

“I hope you’re right, Adewale.” The yellow Pegasus mare said to herself. “But, He can still cause disorder and darkness across Zebrica.”

“Fluttershy’s right.” Said Storm. “We still need to find him.”

“Not a problem for us.” Said Bon Bon boldly.

“Good luck all of you.” Said The green Lion. “You should head for Veeneeza next. It is the home of a group of Buffalo who are known to roam and live in. That is where you should find the next shard.”

“Good. Thank you, Zaire.” Link bowed again.

“You are welcome. Glad to be of service for you all.”

“Wait, can you help us some more?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

“Like I have once mentioned to you all, you have to do this yourself. But fear not, I will be watching you at every step of the way.” Then he began to disappear. “Go to Veeneeza.” There was an echo at the last phrase before he disappeared into thin air.

“That was interesting.” Said Fluttershy. “But still, we need to go back to Agbaje and warn King Zuma about what we saw.”

“She’s right. Then we gotta go to Veneeza, and looked for that shard, too.” Thorax added. “Wherever That May be.”

“We can ask the king.” Colin suggested. Then they all went back to Agbaje to inform King Zuma, and Zecora’s Friends and family about what happened near the Malachite stone. They all need to act fast, for Majora will cause a very grave destruction only Zaire himself knows what.

Warning the King/Veeneesa

Back in Agbaje, Link, Colin, Twilight, and the posse of heroes ran through the streets and roads to go find King Zuma and tell him the grave news of what just happened.

"I hope that the king will believe our true story." Said Adewale. "I have a feeling that he will rebuff this as a rehearsed story."

"Come on. I'm the princess of friendship, he has to listen to reason." Said Twilight while running. "He will at least listen to you if he won't listen to us."

"Yes. I suppose."

Rainbow was the next one to talk, and she said: "And Zaire would help us along the way to stop Majora."

"I hope we can trust him." Thorax remarked.

"Never doubt the great Zaire, the great green lion." Said Zecora.

"He is an embodiment of all that is good and heroic." Adewale added. "He absolutely will help us in need of distress."

"We believe you, Adewale." said Fluttershy. "And at least you can help us with persuading him to help us out."

"Yet another good point."

Zecora saw Shadya, her old friend, and ran up to her while panting to catch her breath. "Shadya, please, is the king still inside his palace?"

"Of course." Replied Shadya in confusion. "He is planning to send out soldiers to help out with the fight against this Majora."

"How do you know?" Asked Pinkie Pie

"I have heard the captain of the guards giving out the orders of preparing for an upcoming battle."

"Hmm. Well, we need to inform King Zuma that Majora just came." Said Pip.

"What?" Said Shadya with her eyes wide. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes. We have all seen it with our own eyes." Said Okove. "The king has to know, Shadya."

"We were there, and he just appeared out of nowhere." Link added. "Zaire of the malachite stone helped us against him in the first battle, but-"

"Zaire?" Asked Shadya. "The green lion? Zaire was really there?"

"Yes. He shooed Majora away from the malachite stone, but he is still at large."

Looking quite speechless, Shadya was lost for right words on what to say about this situation. "I... I believe you." She said at last.

It was just then, the king was getting out of his home and setting foot outside the castle walls. Link saw him and walked up to the zebra king of this city. "Your majesty." Link said. "Please, wait."

"Ah. You're all back." Said Zuma boldly. "What did you find out about the Malachite Stone?"

"You might or might not believe us." Said Rainbow Dash with a nervous chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Asked the king with his left eyebrow raised in confusion.

Clearing her throat, Zecora began to explain her and her friends recent "encounter" with Majora himself, and how he tried to take the Malachite stone for his own privelage. The news sounded very grave, even for the king of Agbaje to hear, along with the two guards accompanying him.

Adewale would help her out by helping Zuma understand this situation more. What made him and the guards more surprised was hearing Zaire and how he came to life and saved him and his friends from an attack from Majora.

"The... the lion spirit?" Said Zuma.

Link nodded his head a yes to him. "Yes. Of you don't believe me, take it from them at least."

Zuma was certainly quite speechless about hearing more of this news. "Zaire told us to go ton Veeneesa." Spike said.

"The buffalo village?" Asked the guard on the right of the king. "What for?"

"He says that is where Majora will attack next." Twilight answered. "We just wanted to let you know about what we had encountered and how big the threat Majora was."

"Well, I do believe you, princess. I thank you all for telling me of this grave news of what you had all experienced moments before. If that demon tries to attack my very city, I will make sure I hit him with everything i throw at him, and all my soldiers on duty." Zuma declared. "Captain Mbube," he looked at the soldier on the left.

"Yes, my king?"

"Ready for soldiers for any attack from that monster and any monsters he will conjure out of his dark magic."

"Yes sir. Right away." Then he went to inform the other soldiers and guards around Agbaje.

"Be careful, your highness." Said Link. "I might have mentioned this before, but do not underestimate Majora. He can turn ponies and creatures, and make them think that darkness is the only solution."

"Yes. We have seen him turn princess Cadence into an evil ice princess." Said Rarity. "And she almost turned the Crystal Empire into a frozen wasteland!"

"It was lucky we were there to stop her from doing so." Applejack added.

"I see. Do not worry about me, or the subjects of this city. If we die, then at least we will die fighting."

"Ooh. I like your style." Said Rainbow Dash. "You got a lot of guts, I'll give you credit for that one."

"Thank you, Rainbow." said the king. "We zebras can be proud and brave warriors in combat, even in times of dire distress."

"Do you know where Veeneesa is from here?" Asked Fluttershy

"Yes. I have been there countless times since my reign. It is not very far from Agbaje, and I believe Adewale will guide you down the path."

"Good." Said Mathayus. "And prepare yourselves, Majora had probably conjured monsters across Zebrica."

"We will, brave knight."

"We best hurry if we want to go over to Veneesa." Said Adewale.

"Be warned. Their chief: Goende, can be mildly blunt and stubborn." Zuma remarked. "But, he and the other Cape buffalo will listen to you once they see it for themselves."

"Good. That's all we need to know." Said Discord. "Let's hope they don't go mad bull on us." Then he conjured himself a matador suit for himself, along with the hat and the red Cape like bullfighters would have in a Coliseum. "Just in case they do charge at us, I am going to use these out."

The sound of flamenco music was heard and a guitar heard in the background as discord did the dance.

"Okay, okay, Discord." Said Lyra. "That's enough."


Then they all rushes down through the city and followed Adewale to Veneesa. Along the dirt roads, there were a few enemies that popped up like guays le kangaroos, emitting their terrible cawing and squawking.

"Uh-oh. Incoming flying enemies." Said Link. He pulled out his great fairy sword and swung it horizontally many times, and magical beams of energy waves came out of the blade.

Those beams hit many birds, causing them to fall dead as they landed on the ground.

One kargarok swooped down on Link, fast as an arrow, but the hero was faster and decapitated the enemy bird with the magical sword.

"Nice kill." Said Mathayus.

"Those are some creepy-looking birds." Starlight said.

"It's all Majora's doing. He conjures these monsters and uses then under his will." Colin remarked, piercing a guay in the stomach with his sword.

"There are probably more enemies out here now that Majora has arrived." Said Lyra

"No matter." Said Bon Bon. "We can take them all on if we must."

Everyone continued fighting their way past some enemies and peacefully getting past some aggressive animals like lions. Leopards, hyenas, jackals, baboons, and others.

Fluttershy talked with some of those animals about if they saw any enemies around these parts and they all said yes to her. Not only that, but they pointed to Veneesa in the right direction.

A couple of Cape buffalo were seen running from the fields and one of them saw the group. "Hey, you! Stop!" Then the other guards took notice and halted them.

"What are you all doing here?" Said another buffalo.

"Going to Veneesa." Said Pip. "It might be in trouble and we want to stop any evil from reaching the city."

"Well, if you are heading to our city, do proceed with caution. Monsters are invading it. Come on, we'll show you." Said the third bull.

"Did Zuma send you?" Asked the first one.

"More or less." Said Link.

"Good. Follow us." They all followed the buffalo and led them to the city with a bunch of kargaroks hovering the skies over the city.

"Come on guys, we gotta put an end to this evil!" Said Link.

Taking Care of Goende

Veneesa was under threat by kargaroks, guays, and some bokoblins and moblins, Lizalfos, a few Iron Knuckles, and a few other variety of enemies. Many buffalo were fighting off these monsters since they are very brave and tough against anything that could come into their way, matter of fact: Link saw a buffalo gore a bokoblin in the belly, killing it instantly, and it did the same to an incoming lizalfos.

"Whoa, they kick some ass." Rainbow remarked in amusement. "Come on! We have to help them!"

"You read my mind, Rainbow Dash." Link agreed. He and his friends rushed into battle, along with the buffalo guards that came up to him and showed everyone the way to their city. The chaos was already taking it's toll on the city, but the heroes will do something about it to stop these monsters and villains from destroying this city

This has Majora's doing written all over this chaos. One of the buffalo defending his family of a wife and a son from an Iron Knuckle, swinging it's ax at the bull. "Who are you?" he asked Link.

"Name's Link. I'm here to help you guys out." The Hylian replied boldly, pulling out his Master Sword and Great Fairy Sword, deciding to wield both blades again. “King Zuma sent us to help.”

The buffalo bull sighed in relief. “Perfect. We knew he would send in help.” He Said. “We will need all the help we can get.”

“Incoming bokoblin trio!” Said Twilight. Looking over in front of her, three bokoblins took noticed and charged and the other heroes wielding machetes in their dirty, grubby hands. Squawking like crazy crows or parrots, they were all ready to slice and dice at the heroes with no remorse.

Rainbow Dash charge at one, and hit the lead bokoblin in the face, leaving a bruise on it’s cheek. Before it knew what would happen next, the monster also felt Rainbow swooping down on him, and clobbering him in the back of the head.

When it comes to Rainbow Dash, she didn’t stop pounding and trampling on her enemies that were still breathing and trying to fight back (She didn’t give them a chance to do so.)

Lyra and Bon Bon, as usual m, used their teamwork techniques and special moves. Lyra then saw a bokoblin charging at her, and ducked a horizontal swing from the imp's machete, then kicked it in the neck.

A small swarm of keese came swooping down on these two friends, and screeched their terrible sounds while flapping and hovering above the two mares.

One of those bat monsters swooped down on the pale-yellow earth mare and almost bit her neck, but she kicked it away from her, disappearing into a cloud of purple smoke.

A moblin got its sights on Fluttershy, and grunted as it walked in a menacing matter towards her.

Despite it's terrifying appearance and sharp teeth protruding from the monster's mouth, Fluttershy stood her ground, and she hovered, giving it her stare.

It took a little while, but the moblin eventually stopped, and terrified of her stern, angry stare.

"Put down the spear right now, mister!" She ordered the grotesque creature. It did as she told him to do, and dropped it's weapon. "Now, what do you thininyou are terrorizing a beautiful village?"

"Ummm, the boss told me to." Said teb moblin in a gruff voice, his teeth slobbering.

"Well, you should know better not to strike at a peaceful village." Fluttershy crossed her arms. "Okay Colin, now." She gave the signal.

From behind, the moblin felt his back being pierced by a sharp sword. He looked back, and Colin was the one who pierced through his body with a bold smile. "Gotcha!" He said

The monster growled and collapsed on his face before turning to purple dust. "Way to go, Colin." Fluttershy complimented him.

"Thank you, Fluttershy. Some things require the element of surprise."

For Mathayus, he was slicing and dicing at his toes with his mighty sword, even going as far as decapitating a moblin, and breaking a lizalfos' neck.

Most enemies were afraid of him and his brute strength, and for a very good reason. Most of them, except for the iron knuckles.

As a matter of fact, one of them got it's sights on Mathayus, and he swung his battle ax at him.

This knight-like enemy might be strong, but he was certainly not as fast as Mathayus.

Angry and frustrated, the iron knuckle continued bashing at Mathayus' shield, and metallic clanging would be heard from every blow.

Retaliating, the darknut leader mare a vertical slice at the Iron Knuckle, then the sounds metal clanging continued. As soon as the brute made a certicle slice intended to slice Mathayus in half with his ax, his ax suddenly got stuck on the ground.

Trying to pry it out of the ground, the Irom Knuckle was using its immense strength to pull it out of the dirt, and when he succeeded, Mathayus struck the killing blow by piercing it's chest, ending it's life.

As for the Master of Chaos himself, he had a large, buster sword in his hands and did a few spin attacks that were faster than Link, and it killed a dinolfos, five bokoblins, three lizalfos, four goblins, ten kargaroks, and twenty guays.

"Let's go for a spin!" He said while still moving around in circles with his gigantic sword. Even an iron knuckle was milled by Discord's attack, and he stopped spinning.

The unusual part was, Discord wasn't even dizzy from all that spinning.

"Now that's how it's done." He said triumphantly with a bold laugh.

"How did you do that without getting all dizzy?" Said a buffalo cow.

"I have my own ways, madame. A master of chaos like moi never reveals his secrets."

"We always heard you were a villain." Said the cow.

"I was a villain, but now, I am a reformed drancequus at your service. Uh-oh, incoming some guays."

The buffalo cow and her calf stepped out of the way abe Discord zapped the flock of about twenty or thirty birds with his magic, turning them all into fried chicken, or fried guay to be exact.

It wasn't long before some vultures came on the ground and eat at the dead birds. For those vultures, it was heaven, even a number of maribou storks came in to this unusual buffet.

Despite that, there were still monsters running rampant around Veneesa and they would not stop until they are completely, absolutely satisfied, and that there was no one to kill left.

The numbers seemed endless but Link and his friends had no choice, they needed to kill all these hordes of darkness and save Veneesa, then look for Goende, the leader of this place.

All of a sudden, something came careening out of the palace building and it was a buffalo bull with the largest horns, blackest fur, and a larger stature than other bulls around this city. It had a dark aura swirling around him, and he was charging down the road like a train in the railroad tracks.

Link noticed this, and he recognized that buffalo for who he was, and knew what he needed to do next. He knew that he couldn't kill him, so he put his weapons and shield away, and rushed towards Goende.

Another feature was that this buffalo had red eyes without pupils, and had some tribal markings all around his body.

"Link, what are you doing?!" Zecora called to him.

"Don't worry. I have an idea!" The hero called back to her. He then hopped on Goende, and held onto his horns.

"Graaah!! Get off of me!" Said the chief. His voice was mixed with his own voice, and a low, demonic one mixed to it. "So help me, I will consume you in darkness!"

One thing Link noticed while holding on to an angry Zebrican buffalo, was a mask shard attached to the left side of his face. Link then recognized it for what it was, and tried to figure out a way to pry off the Fierce Deity's mask shard from his face.

He held on tight to him without letting go of his horns. "Gah! This is worse than taming Epona!" He shouted while trying to get a grip.

A horde of incoming lizalfos and dinolfos, along with a number of bokoblin and moblins were charging at Goende.

Link had a new idea come up in his head, and went: "Hyah!" He carefully aimed Goende at the enemies and he was charging at full speed.

Of course, he had to pull on his small mane to get him to obey.

These enemies all looked scared and tried to run away from the charging animal. Despite their feeble efforts, many of them were knocked down like a horde of bowling pins.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said to herself. "That's really useful."

"Be careful, Link!" Epona shouted while still fighting a bokoblin.

The julian was very careful in steering the rage-filled Goende, and the chief was running fast below him like a living tank.

As soon as many of these enemies were gone, Goende decided to have enough of this, and threw Link off, making him land on his back

"Link!" Twilight gasped. "What is going on with Goende?"

"He is not himself." Said one of the guards. "Goende has been very aggressive lately, ever since he started wearing that jewelry on his head."

"Jewlery." Twilight brainstormed. She gasped, realizing the whole problem on why the chief is being like an out of control animal. "A mask shard!"

Meanwhile, Link slowly got up, and moaned: "oh. My head. It feels like it was kicked by a giant."

"And it will match your rump when I am done goring it!" Said Goende, who was charging at him.

The young hero immediately sidestepped out of the way to his right, and Goende was about to charge again when Link pulled out his claw shots, and use one of them to grab the mask shard and bring it back to him.

Goende then felt something in his head, like the darkness corrupting his mind had gone away, and the markings had gone, along with the aura surrounding him.

The buffalo civilians all gathered around him to aid their own king.

"Your majesty!" Said a female calf. "Are you alright?"

Link and the others surrounded him as well to also check for his well-being. He was worried that he might have killed him.

Just then, Goende slowly came back up and arisen on his feet. "What happened to me?" He asked. It was no surprise that he had memory of what he had recently just did.

"You don't remember, your majesty?" Asked another guard.

"You were on a rampage and you were acting very aggressive towards us, even the children." Said another bull. "Then these monsters came and attacked us."

"But, we managed to kill them all." Said Applejack.

"Why did I do such things?" Asked Goende with guilt.

"I can answer that." Link said. He showed the buffalo the fierce Deity's shard, still glowing a little bit of blue and purple around it. It was revealing the right ear. "It was because of this."

"That piece of jewelry that I found?" Asked the king.

"Yes. But it is not a jewel." Link continued. "It's a mask fragment. It's... a really long story, but this is from a mask that my ancestor used to defeat an ancient evil that has returned."

"What are you?" Asked a female buffalo. "Not that we are ungrateful for you saving Veneesa."

"My name is Link. A hero of a land called Hyrule."

The others introduced themselves to the buffalo with Twilight being the last. The other buffalo recognized that name before. "Princess Twilight?" Asked Goende. "We have heard so much about you and your friends."

"And how can we possibly forget about an ancient troublemaker like you. Discord?" Said a bull with only his left horn still intact

The Master of Chaos blushed and he said: "I know what you are all thinking. Evil Discord has left the building. I am a new and good Discord, now."

"Yes," Said Fluttershy. "He has changed. Thanks to me."

"Well, Link. Me and my people thank you for saving us all. But, why did the mask turn me evil?" Goende wondered

"This mask has some dark magic inside of it, and it is not meant for everyone to control." Link replied.

The chief buffalo looked quite surprised and unnerved to hear this troubling news. "I wish this was all a bad dream. I... cannot believe that I was in such a rage."

"It's okay, Goende." Thorax reassured him. "It's bit your fault, it was the mask' fault."

"Yes, you were in no control of your actions." Said Lyra.

"Well, what did all those creatures want?" Asked a calf

"Nothing in particular, little one." Said Majora's voice. He then appeared while lounging in the air with a smug look on his face. "Just a little world domination is all." He then looked at the heroes with an angry look. "And you little creatures," he addressed to them. "Are a thorn on my side."

"Oh back at you, Majora!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Why can't you just leave everything alone?"

"I could ask you all the same. Especially you, Link. You are just as meddlesome and nosy as your ancestor."

"Well, when there is evil, I will do everything I can to stop it from causing hell to the world. My world, and Equestria."

"Bold, really bold, Link." Majora said. "Bild, yet foolish. You will forfeit your life in trying to destroy me."

"We'll see about that." Link then swung his Great Fairy sword at him, and stunned him with a magic beam, making him howl in pain

"Oh. Damn you!" Said Majora in anger. "You will suffer!" Then he disappeared

"Don't worry about him, Link!" Colin said

"Yeah, we'll get him soon." Pip added.

"Was that the evil spirit?" Asked Goende.

"Yes." Epona replied. "That was him."

"Where did you even find the shard?" Asked Bon Bon.

Goende cleared his throat and began explaining to time the heroes: "I was out to get some water close to the village and I stumbled across it on the ground, glowing a purple color. I simply thought it was a magic jewel for rituals."

"Well, we're glad we came here." Said Fluttershy."

Link calmed himself and put his swords away. "And, King Zuma sent us to check on the place to see if everything was alright." he noted to the buffalo king.

"Oh, good." the chief bull sighed in relief. "I'm glad my friend sent you all here, especially you Zecora, Adewale."

"We came here just in the nick of time then." said Adewale with a bold smirk. "But I am afraid that this is all far from over. We need to find more of these mask shards and then reunite them into one whole mask again."

"Well, you should go to Eleena, the home of the eland tribe. But first, we should talk about all of this some more."

"Good idea." said Twilight.

Thinking Over Details

The city of Veneess was being rebuilt a little, at least the houses that were destroyed or burnt down were being put out and rebuilt. Link watched on as many fires were put out and some construction heats faintly.

"I'm sorry about the city, my king." Link said to Goende, who was right next to him on the left."

"No need for an apology, Link. It was not your fault. Although, I wish I can say the same thing about myself."

He bowed his head in shame again. Link put a reassuring hand on the Cape buffalo's side. "It's okay. We forgive you and everyone else forgives you."

"If anyone is to blame for all of this," Said Colin. "It's Majora for sending those monsters to attack Veneesa."

"Right you are, Colin." Said Epona. "When we find him, I wanna give him what for!"

"Same here." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, we only have a few more shards of the Fierce Deity's mask to go." Twilight reminded everyone.

"We hate to leave and all, but we gotta world to save." Said Mathayus. "This one and our homeworld."

"Good luck my friends." Said Goende. "And I hope you will take care of that monster after all that he has done to us and our beautiful city."

"We will, my king." Said Zecora. "Well, I suppose Eleena is where we must go next. Let's not was any time my friends."

The Cape buffalo bid their farewell to Link, Twilight, and the others, and some of the folk even called out: "come back soon!" And "visit us again!"

Venturing off into the savanna again, they looked around and tried to look for any more monsters that Majora might have conjured up and cause some havoc.

So far, they haven't seen any sign of kargaroks, guays, bokoblin, moblins, lizalfos, or any more of those baddies. Still, they could never be too careful around this type of biome.

Some venomous snakes, lizards, or carnivores like lions, jackals, hyenas, or leopards might stalk them in the grass at any time now.

While walking down the grass, Link was thinking things over about trying to acquire the full mask that belonged to his ancestor in trying this ancient enemy.

Maybe this was a very bad idea to try and find the mask shards in the first place. One shard had completely corrupted one official with it's dark powers and almost destroyed him on the inside. Perhaps that was a very bad idea from the start as soon as this little scavenger hunt began in the first place.

Link paused for a moments and pulled out the mask shards in front of his hands and looked deep into their eerily beautiful beauty. Something in these little pieces were downright suspicious, and he knew that there would be a twist in getting all the shards of the mask.

“Link, are you alright?” Asked Fluttershy.

“What?” The hero snapped out of his train of thought. “Yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About what?” Asked Storm curiously.

“Maybe the mask is not a good idea after all. You all saw what that shard we found did to Goende, what if that could happen to me when I wear the mask? Or maybe Celestia and Luna could be next in Being corrupted by it’s power.” He then out the shards back in his magic pouch.

Spike was the next one to speak, and he said: “Aw come on. That can’t happen, and besides, we saved Goende from being fully corrupt by the dark powers.”

“Yeah, But still Spike. What if I am not in complete control in myself when I wear it after I put it all back together? What if i’m Not as strong as my ancestor when he used it?”

“Come on, Link.” Said Colin. “I know you well, and I know you can do it. You are a legendary hero from a line of saviors of Hyrule.”

Fluttershy was the next one to talk. “And you will be just fine.” She added.

“Look, I appreciate your guys’ concern about me, but... I still don’t know about this plan about me using the mask against Majora.”

The Darknut Chief then remarked: “You have strength that I can sense within yourself. That strength and courage are your greatest weapons of all, and you know how to be brave when needed.”

“We’ll always find a new way of defeating Majora if the Fierce Deity’s mask does not work for us all.” Said Adewale. “Still, it does not mean you can never try the first method of solution.”

“I just want everyone to be safe and I don’t want to find myself to be hurting or maybe even killing my friends and family because of the mask corrupting me with its dark powers.”

“Come on, I don’t think you’ll lose yourself.tou can fight it if it does.” Said Lyra. “And Mathayus is Right, you have a large amount of strength in you.”

“We’ll never know until we unite the mask in whole.” Said Thorax. “We’ll Just have to wait and see what happens when Link puts on the mask.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Link.” Said an echo, which sounded like a man’s voice. From the heavens, came a spirit that everyone recognized before, and it was the Hero of Time himself, still wearing his green tunic from when he was still alive. “Hello Link.” He said boldly. “It is good to see my descendant again.”

“Ancestor.” Link recognized him. “Nice to see you again too. But... I need some advice, what if the mask is too powerful for me to control? What if I lose myself to it’s dark power?”

Silent, the Hero Of Time Link was emotionless with his eyepatch still covering his one eye. “That I cannot say.” He admitted it. “But, when I wore the mask, it was of good use to me, and it helped me defeat Majora and save Termina from it’s impending doom from the moon.”

“Yeah. But that was so many years ago. This is here and now.”

“Perhaps, But that mask probably has not changed at all since I last wore it. And, you noticed, but you have one of my most trusted items in your possession.”

Yes, the ancient hero was talking about the Great Fairy Sword. Link pulled it out from his pouch And showed it to his ancestor. “Princess Zelda gave it to me, and it is so powerful probably enough to be equated to the Master Sword.”

“You can always have a backup plan if you need it. After all, there is always plan B in numerous situations, especially in times of dire need of being saved. Courage and strength runs in our family line, one child to another over the generations.”

Link was a little silent and didn’t say anything back to him in response.

“Who is that?” Thorax Asked Spike in his right ear.

“Link’s ancestor, the Hero Of Time.” Spike whispered back to him. “He is a legendary hero.”

“Oh. Interesting.”

“Look around your Link.” Said the deceased ancestor. “You are never alone. You have your good friends to help you in need whenever possible. Trust them, and have faith in them, because they only want to help you.”

“Yeah. That is a fair point.”

“I know you can defeat him. I know I have mentioned this before but: I am very proud of you, and your strengths. Just follow your heart and recognize right and wrong in your perspective.” The. The Hero Of Time Link slowly faded and the light aroundnhim started to glow dimmer. “Good luck, Link. May the light guide your path in every step of the way.” Then he disappeared into nothingness.

“Didn’t see that coming.” Said Big Mac.

“Totally.” Pinkie Pie added.

“So, do you still doubt yourself? Do you feel better now?” Applejack Asked the Hero.

“Actually.... I do feel a little better. Maybe my ancestor is right. Maybe I am worrying about this too much.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pip exclaimed boldly. “Well, I think the mask can help us as long as Link knows how to use it.”

“Got That Right, Pip.” Link agreed. “Now come on, we need to get to Eleena.” Then they all continued moving along the grass and down a dirt road to where it might possibly lead them all to the eland city of Eleena.

East to Eleena

In front of Link, Epona, Colin, Fluttershy, and their friends was a rather large, huge city far in the distance. "Here it is, my friends." Said Adewale. "That usbrhe beautiful city of Eleena where the eland rule over."

Link smiled, knowing that he and the others were on the right track.

"Perfect. I hope that Majora hasn't tainted that city with darkness." said the hero with hope in himself. "Come on, let's see if we can find a mask shard over there."

"Right behind you, Link." said Colin

"Uhh, I don't know." Said Storm. "I don't know if I want to face any more of those monsters." He began to shake a little.

"We'll take care of them like we did with the other bad guys that tried to stop us, baby." Said Epona. "They are all a bunch of weaklings."

"Yeah, we've dealt with these kind of monsters many times before." Said Rainbow Dash. "And Storm, would it kill ya to be a little more brave."

"Rainbow," Applejack quietly shouted next to her. "That's not very nice!"

"Hey, I was only trying to make a point. I mean he just needs to get his head in the game"

"I really want to be brave like you guys m." Said Storm. "But... I'm just too scared to try and fight."

Twilight gently pat him on the back for reassurance. "It's okay, Storm. We all get scared."

"Although you get scared more than others. Said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy bumped her elbow to the cyan pegasus' right torso. "Rainbow Dash." She scolded her.

"I know. I know. Not helping him out here."

"How can I be braver?" Asked the timid colt.

"Just watch as we do." Pip said. "Just watch us as we fight and as much evil monsters as possible."

"Yes, the least you can do is observe how we all fight off evil." Rarity added.

"Don't worry, Storm." Said Link. "You'll he like your mommy someday. Just don't give up and keep your head up at all times."

"O-okay." Was all Epona's son replied after that. There was a small growl and everyone proceeded with caution while standing still to see what this creature stalking them is.

"Shh, what was that?" Asked Mathayus, slowly pulling out his sword.

Everyone waited for something to jump scare at them all and try to attack them territorialy, or just for hunting them all.

"Stay quiet, Everypony." Twilight whispered. She readied her magic and the other unicorns.

Link pulled out his Master Sword and Hylian shield for a fight if needed and Colin did the same thing.

All in all, they all waited once more, and there was nothing but silence and the sound of the wind rustling.

Something was not there after all, and everyone cautiously proceeded forward, but then another growled was heard and they stopped again.

"What is possibly stalking us right now?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Just keep your wits about." Said Colin.

All of a sudden, something was moving in the tall grass and a bunch of wild dogs appeared as they jumped in front of them, growling and snarling.

These dogs were probably angry because the heroes set foot in their territory. Link transformed into a wolf, and Colin followed after him, and tried to reason with these beautiful, yet dangerous doggies. Fluttershy stepped in to help out too. "Nice doggies." said Pinkie Pie in a nervous voice.

"Do not let your guard down!" said Adewale. "Painted dogs are not ones to underestimate. They are far more successful predators than lions would hunt."

"Don't worry." said Fluttershy. "I'll take care of this." She and the two Hylian-turned-wolves slowly approached the canines. "Shhh, it's okay." she said to them in a soft voice.

One of the dogs lashed at her with it's teeth, but it missed by a slight ince of her body.

With this, Fluttershy looked a little more angry and stern. "Excuse me!" She said in a more assertive tone of voice. "Did you just try and bite me?!"

All the wild dogs turned from aggressive to scared in an instant the yellow pegasus raised her voice. They bowed their heads almost touching the ground, and whimpered a little.

"We were only asking for directions!" Fluttershy continued. "Abd is that any way to behave?"

"Sorry." Was what the dogs said in her ears.

"Are we on your territory?" Asked Link.

"Yep. This is out turf." Said the alpha male. "We were just curious. May I ask why you are here at our home?"

"Just heading to Eleena." Colin replied. "Do you know where it is?"

"Oh yeah." said a female dog. She pointed to the direction with her left paw. "That eland city should be right over there. Five miles from where we are now."

"Sorry for acting so aggressive. We thought that you were one of those monsters that came here."

"Monsters?" asked Fluttershy. "Did they look like goblins with pointy ears? And another kind of monster that looks like a lizard?"

"Yeah!" a pup pointed. "There were lots of them. We managed to fight some of them off, but there are still more of them our here at our home." The young pup felt himself gently pulled by his mother.

"Those creatures are a threat to us. They tried to make fur coats out of us." said another male painted dog. "Do any of you know what those guys were?"

Link had a tough look on his face, and he replied: "I think I do." he had his eyes narrowed. "These guys seem to be threatening the wildlife around here, too."

Fluttershy made a gasp. "Oh no they won't." she said in a very bold voice. "No one tries to hurt these poor, beautiful animals that live out here in the Zebrican plains. Where are they?"

"They were heading to Eleena, too." said the alpha male. "We last saw them heading a few miles ahead of us. But I think you will need some help to fight those monsters."

"That's okay." said Fluttershy. "I don't want you all to get hurt. Did you all lose any family or friends."

"No, we didn't lose anyone." the leader reassured her. "Just a few minor injuries from those monsters. But, we'll be just fine. Maybe you can help us all out in taking care of those guys."

Smiling, Link said: "Of course. We'll take care of them for you."

The leader smiled. "Good. What's your name anyway, wolf?"


"Well, Link, when you see those monsters again, make sure that none of them ever survive, or plague over the savanna again." the leader asked the favor.

"No problem. I will send there souls to the pits of oblivion from whence they all came from." Link said, then he turned back into a Hylian. "Come on, you guys. We gotta help these guys out."

"Yes. Who knows what these evil monsters will do next to these animals?" Fluttershy added.

"No problem." said Rainbow Dash. "I always love killin' monsters with my own hooves and sending them back to hell where they belong." she did a few karate kicks to make a point. "Now come on, let's go kick some evil butt!"

"The more monsters we kill, the safer the world will be." said Mathayus. "Still, we have to move forward to save the world from Majora's plan to conquer all of it. Forward, my friends." They all pushed forward in finding these monsters and putting an end to their little rampage.

Meanwhile, the wild dog leader and his pack looked on at all the heroes. "Good luck." said the leader under his breath as he watched on. Link looked around and he didn't see any monsters such as bokoblins, moblins, or any other enemies that they have seen working for Majora.

A couple of warthogs were seen running, and squealing at the top of their breath. "What spooked these warthogs?" Zecora wondered. "We must be getting close to those evil interlopers that were terrorizing the animals around here." THey all continued walking when they heard a bunch of sheep baaing in a distance.

"Sounds like sheep." said Twilight.

"Let's see what's going on." Applejack added. Rushing towards where they heard the sound of the bleating, They saw a pair of shepherd zebras screaming and running from a horde of bokoblins, and a gigantic lizard that looked bulkier than a lizalfos, and had a clad of purple armor on him with two horns penetrating from the back of his head.

It made a guttural roar, and tried to kill the poor shepherds that were trying to hard to escape from. A bunch of sheep were running around in circles, completely scared and terrified of what was going on right now. They were too afraid to try and save their own hides, and didn't know what to do, given the fact that sheep weren't exactly the smartest type of animals.

A small number of bokoblins were terrorizing the sheep just for the fun of it. Link pulled out his bow and arrow, and shot a bokoblin in the left side of the head, killing it instantly. Then Link shot at the other bokoblins terrorizing the poor sheep, and there was only the lizard-like enemy with the purple armor and his spiky tail.

The monster turned around and stopped trying to kill the villagers when he saw Link and his friends. It growled in a demonic way and let out another roar before readying his ball and chain. It looked a little bit like Link's ball and chain he got from the Darkhammer in the Snowpeak ruins, but this one looked more deadly, spiky and more sinister, along with more spikes attached to the ball.

Fluttershy, can you calm the sheep down while we deal with this guy?" Link asked him.

"Don't worry. I'll help the sheep." As she tried to herd them and calm them all down from this uproar, Link pulled out his own ball and chain. This Lizalfos appeared to be like one of those monsters that Link fought and killed in Appleoosa. Still, it was thanks to the helmet that was blocking it's face to see what it really was, and when the monster launched it's deadly weapons at Link, it was stuck to the ground tight, and tried to pull it out and start attacking again.

This gave Link the ultimate opportunity to throw his ball and chain and hit it at the monster's head, knocking the helmet off of his face, then it fell to the ground, stunned.

"Oh, thank you for saving us and our sheep." said the male shepherd. "those monsters were terrorizing us to no end."

"You're welcome." said Link. "But it's not over yet."

It was just then the monster awoken and got back on it's feet. The monster was orange and it looked really hideous. It's eyes were a glowing red with no pupils inside, and had sharp teeth that grew from his lower jaw, and two spiral horns on the back of its head like an ibex or a goat of some kind.

This thing appeared to be a titanifos, one of the toughest of their kind. These guys were tougher than the Lizalfos, Aerolfos, and dinolfos combined. Throwing it's head back, it roared in frustration, then gripped it's trusted weapon once again. He threw it at Luke, only for him to miss again, and Link charged at the titanifos with zeal, and slashed at it's tail, making it howl in pain.

Immediately turning around, it almost hit Link with it's spiky tail, but Link jumped, and Colin jumped, landing on it's head, then he kicked it in the mouth a dozen times. Despite how hard the boy kicked it's face, The beast grabbed Colin by the the end of the shirt under his neck.

Colin looked rather scared, and nervous by what he will do to him now that the monster has him in his grasp, literally and figuratively. The titanfios readied his arm, and threw Colin at a rather long distance. Luckily, Mathayus ran to catch him two-hundred yards from where the group was fighting.

Just before Colin was about to hit the ground hard, Mathayus caught him in his arms, like a running quarterback in a football game. "Are you alright, Colin?" the darknut leader asked him as he put the boy down.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Colin replied.

Mathayus smiled greatly at his thanks.

They both ran back to Link and he was still fighting off the Titanifos. This baddie was so hard to bring down dew to the armor protecting in most parts of his body, except it's tail and head (Since Link knocked it's helmet right off) The ball and chain this guy had wasn't making it any easier for him, even though he looks a little obese.

At last, Link sliced at it's tail, cutting it off the monster's body, making it more mad than ever. It began rotating the ball and chain over his head like a helicopter, or Darkhammer did when Link battled him. Link knew that this monster was meaning business now, and he was going to fight him off harder than before.

When the Titanifos thew it's ball at Link, he made no hesitation, and retrieved it faster than before, and hit Link while his shield was up, knocking him to the ground with so much weight from that deadly, lethal weapon. "Link!" Everyone minus the shepherds shouted after seeing Link get knocked out.

"Heh. You too much trouble." said the monster in a guttural voice. "Now me kill you!" He walked over to Link to finish him off, but the hylian regained consciousness just in time to roll out of the way to the right from another blow from that deadly, spiky ball.

Having enough of this guy, Link shot a bomb arrow at his face with his bow, knocking him over a few steps. The next thing Link did was pull out his own ball and chain, hitting him in the monster's face, making him fall back a few more steps. "Had enough?" Link said to it.

"GRRRR. Damn you!" said the monster in a fit of rage. "I will destroy you!"

Letting go of his trusted weapon, he charged at Link at top speed, even though he didn't look like a runner. He was planning to gore Link with his horns. It was going faster than a train, but Link was quicker, and jumped on the left side. "You can't hurt me!" Link shouted to it. "Mathayus, now!"

"Right!" the darknut leader charged and while the titanifos was distracted, he crippled the monster by cutting off it's right hand. While it laid in agony, Link delivered the finishing blow by piercing the monster through ot's heart with the Master Sword, giving him the killing blow.

The monster gasped fell on it's knees.

Before dying: the titanifos Said with his last, dying breath: "you will never defeat lord Majora. Nothing will stop him!"

At last, he fell dead, and disappeared into purple and black dust. At last, the fight was over, and the good guys have won once more.

The two shepherds went up to the heroes and the husband said: "oh. Thank you for taking care of those friends. If not for you, my wife, and out sheep would have all been killed."

"I wish there was a way to repay you all, but we have little money on us." Said the wife

"It's okay," Link replied. "Keep your money. You don't have to give me anything in return. What matters is that you and your animals are all safe from harm."

"Once again, you all have our thanks." Said the husband.

"How are your sheep?" Asked Lyra. "Are they okay?"

"Yes. And there are no casualties." Said the Male shepherd. "Thank Zaire for that."

"Can you tell us if we are on the right track to Eleena?" Asked Twilight.

"Of course, princess of Friendship." Said the female shepherd. "You are absolutely on the right track to the city. Just continue onward down the grass."

The others smiled to hear that. "Do you have a place of refuge?" Asked Colin.

"Do not worry about us, young boy." The male shepherd reassured him. "We have a farm not to far from here. We will be just fine."

"Well. Thank you for the directions." Said Spike.

"You are quite welcome." Said the female zebra.

"May Zaire and the heavens watch over your souls." Said Adewale. The heroes continued pushing forward and the two farmers smiled gratefully at all of them for saving their hides.

"I hope they will be okay. They seem along out here in the savanna." Pip remarked. "What if a pride of lions came and attacked them in the middle of the night?"

"You need not worry about any farmers. They know how to stand up to lions, jackals, leopards, and hyenas that tried to stalk their livestock."

Underwater Discovery

Still heading go Eleena, Link and the whole gang were. It far from the eland city now, and they were getting closer with every step of the way, and the best part was there were not as much enemies to fight as before. Well, not as much enemies until now. A couple of dodongos were guarding a nearby, gigantic lake with glistening waters shining under the sun, and a number of fish seen hopping and breaching as they touched the surface of the waters.

“Uh-oh. Dodongos.” Said Colin.

“Here, i’ll Help out with that.” Link ouleld out his sword and was ready to slice at those gigantic lizard’s Tails like branches from a tree.

Fluttershy stopped the hero from continuing by placing her arm in front of him. “Wait. I will handle this.” She Said

The yellow Pegasus mare hovered and gave those little monsters her own stare. Immediately, the dodongos fell obedient to her in an instant. As a matter of fact, one of them made a gulp of fear and bowed it’s head as it felt completely below her.

“Now, please do not hurt us. Go away, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Before they knew it, the dodongos were fleeing in a very fast run so they wouldn’t have to face her wrath or be punished severely.

Fluttershy smiled, and she said: “Those are good dodongos.” Then the others were about to continue onwards, but then, three chu worms appeared from the bottom of this lake and attacked them all in gigantic liquid bubbles.

“Ah great.” Link muttered. “not These guys again.”

All three of these insect-like monsters made chittering and screeching sounds that sounded a little bit like squealing pigs, and charge at them all. Luckily, Spike used his fire breath to make one of the bubbles evaporate into gas, and Colin killed it in one slice.

Link pulled out one of his claw shots and fired at the second one, pulling it out of it’s bubble like he did with these pests before in the Lakebed temple, and sliced it about three times before disappearing into black and purple dust of magic.

Finally, the third one was being punched repeatedly by Thorax and Twilight finished the job in that one, “where did those guys come from?” Asked Adewale.

Twilight was wondering that herself and a thought came in her head. “Wait, What ifnthere is a mask shard in that lake?”

“Come on,” Said Big Mac. “How can we find a mask shard in a lake or a river?”

“This is no ordinary lake.” Said Zecora. “What you all see is lake Kivu, and it is one of the main attractions for my home.”

"Oh yes." Adewale added. "Kivu is a home to a wide variety of fish and creatures that dwell in it. Be warned, the waters around the coastline are beautiful, but it can be deadly as well if you are not careful or cautious."


"Wait, what if there is a mask shard in the Lake?" Asked Colin. He pulled out the Keaton mask to call upon a friend to give him and the others some clues.

In just a few seconds, Kit returned in his entrance, popping from underground. "Ah. You guys are all making excellent progress in finding the shards of the Fierce Deity's mask. Ho ho ho, I am so happy."

"Well. I hate to say it, Kit." Said Link "but, this is far from over, and we want to know if there is a mask shard in Lake Kivu next to us."

The Keaton looked next to his right and gazed at the lake with his tails slowly moving from the wind blowing. "Hmm. I sense.... a powerful force...... yes! It is down in the lake somewhere."

"That explains why a bunch of monsters from Hyrule came and attacked us just seconds ago."

"Yes. They were out looking for the shard and trying to destroy it so you would never assemble it together." Kit said. "Good thing you are all good swimmers."

"Yes, but, lake Kivu is a rather deep lake about hundreds of feet deep below sea level." Adewale pointed. "We would all have to have gills to sustain for a long time to look for a shard below the waters."

An idea popped into Link's head. He knew what he had to do. "That's not a problem. Because, I've got...." he pulled put his Zora Armor. "This."

"Oh yeah. You got that swimsuit outfit." Said Rainbow Dash, remembering seeing Link in that getup before.

"Zora armor." Fluttershy corrected her.


"You all might want to turn around because I am going to change and.... you know."

"Not to worry dear. We understand." Said Rarity.

"Go ahead, Link." Said Fluttershy. "We won't look at all."

Everyone turned around to give the hero some privacy and they heard the sounds of him changing to his zora clothes.

It took a little bit more than three minutes, but when Link was done he announced to everyone: "okay, now you can all look."

As he told them, they all turned around to see Link in his Zora outfit. "It still fits me." Then he tucked his outfit down.

"Stunning as ever, darling." Rarity remarked.

"Do you need us to come with you in case something very dangerous happens?" Asked Twilight.

"No. I'll be fine, Twilight." Link remarked. "In the meantime, you all stay up here on the surface. If anything goes wrong, come and find me."

"I'll do it." Said Thorax. "Thanks Tommy shapeshifting abilities, I can transform to any animal I want." Then he transformed himself into a mudskipper, then a seal, then a killer whale to show his examples and meaning.

"Why don't you come with me, Thorax?" Link suggested. "I can always use some extra help. Maybe if there is something too dangerous, you can transform into a sea monster to help me thwart out the bad guys."

"I've never did that before. What sea monster should I look like?"

"Anything that's scary and powerful."

"Umm... I don't know. I never did anything like that before." the changeling king looked rather nervous. He was even pawing his hoof on the soil with a look if doubt written all over his face.

"Aw come on, buddy." Said Spikex trying to encourage him. “You can do it. I know you can, Thorax. Just be more brave and believe in yourself.”

“Yeah. You have helped us in the fight against Chrysalis And Ganondorf when they were attacking Canterlot.” Mathayus added. “You can help us again in the fight against Majora.”

Thinking abint this a little more, Thorax ultimately said at last: “Okay, i’ll Do it for all you guys.” Then he turned into a bunyip, an aquatic monster that had a fearsome reputation of eating ponies alive in lakes and rivers. “Alright, Link. On your go.”

“Nice.” Link Then readied his mask by covering his mouth snd nose with it, and dove into the waters and Thorax came swimming after him below the surface.

While searching for the mask, Link saw so many beauties and wonders as he was swimming and Swimming for an extended period of time. One of the. Was a large variety of fish swimming around him and Thorax, and a couple of crocodiles he had to kill if any of them tried to mess with him or his friend.

While not necessarily monsters, these crocodiles were rather intimidating and not one to enderestimate, especially if it is only one crocodile.

“Wow. Look at this.” Link looked around. “Look at all these fish.”

A school of rainbow eels came passing by, swimming in a colorful grace and beauty.

“Whoa. How are we gonna find the shard in this lake?” Asked Thorax.

“I’ll know if when I see it. Just stay with me.” The next thing he did was pull out his iron boots, and he was sinking below the lake to look for this shard. Thorax followed after him and he looked cautiously for any dangerous animals.p such as sharks or any more crocodiles, or hippos that would try and stop them from continuing with the mission.

So far, there was no sign of the mask shard to find, and this could take a while to search for it below the lake.

“I hope we find it in this place.” Link remarked. “This lake is huge.”

“I know. Still, we can't give up now. Every piece of the mask helps in using it against Majora.” Thorax pointed. “That mask can be our last hope if your sword doesn’t kill that monster.”

Link let out a small sigh before replying: “I know. Still, I have more than one sword on me now.”

“No argument there. That purple and green sword looks like it can kill your opponents with one hit from each swing or thrust.”

A small gust of purple was glowing not too far, and Link had to cut down a bunch of kelp to get a closer look and a better view of what that glowing thing was. It was another mask shard and it looked ripe for the picking.

However, before Link could touch it, a pair of terrible, flaming yellow eyes appeared out of nowhere. A gigantic octopus appeared from the shadows and it let out a screeching sound. From the looks of this monster, it had the shard on his forehead, right between his eyes.

“Oh god.” Link Said in disbelief. He could hardly believe at what he was beholding right now.

Aiding the Eland

Link and Thorax were fighting off a couple of angry crocodiles that wanted to eat them for coming in their territory, and eventually shooed them all away. Adewale was right about the waters of Lake Kiwa being beautiful and deadly at the same time, and probably not the best place to have a pool party at either. Despite that, Link got what he came for at the bottom of the lake, and got to see some nice scenery like the animals, kelp, and fish within. Still, They all couldn't wait around for something else more exciting to happen, for they all had a villain to take down.

"Wow. I think we should see this place more often." Thorax suggested. "Just look at how much life there is here, except for the crocodiles, and that gigantic sea serpent that tried to eat us alive.

Link nodded his head in agreement while swimming back to the surface. "Maybe, after we deal with Majora and his evil wave of chaos." He reminded. "When we get to Eleena, we should at least find some danger in the city, either Majora's monsters are terrorizing the city, or a shard of the mask is corrupting the whole place

Thorax made a gulp. "I don't know if I even want to find out."

"We will when we get there."

At last, they reached up to the surface and Link removed the mouthpiece that kept him from drowning. Swimming back to the shores, they were helped by their friends, who pulled them back to the ground and dried them off with towels.

“Did you get it?” Asked Twilight

“Yep, I got it.” Link said, raising the mask shard in his left hand. The other cheered for him and Thorax in their success to find the shard. “Now we’re one step closer to achieving our goals.”

“Although, there were some.... mishaps down there.” Thorax reminded sheepishly. “Some crocodiles, bull sharks, some aggressive fish with sharp teeth like knives, and a gigantic sea serpent that tried to eat us while.”

“And you were right, Adewale.” Link added. “That lake can be dangerous if you’re not careful.”

“Crocodiles can be a problem in many lakes and rivers around Zebrica, and that is why you should always keep your distance from that at all cost.” said Zecora’s brother. “Still, you have managed to pull through.”

“What was that serpent anyway?” Asked Thorax.

“That, my friend,” Said Zecora. “Was The goddess water snake. A really elegant creature with a deadly bite like any other venomous snakes. “I would certainly not make it angry if I were you, especially you, Link.

“That monster can be as fast as an arrow through a bow,” Adewale added.

"You should all go in that lake, it's all beautiful with the fishes, marine life-"

"Like i told you Thorax:" Link reminded. "We'll probably do all that later, but we have to deal with the problem at hand. Now, I'm gonna change back to my original clothes."

Just like that, everyone turned around again and Link changed back into his veredian green garb

A blinding light appeared from behind them all, and it was the noble, green lion, Zaire. He had his humble smile on his face and he looked as majestic ad noble as ever with this glow and aura around him. "You are all doing well, young ones." he said. "With you all bringing an end to this scourge that Majora is bringing up, Zebrica will soon be in your debt."

Everyone bowed to him in respect. "We're grateful for helping everyone in need of my help, Zaire." Link said. "But, i'm very worried about princess Zelda. She's.... been captured by Majora and I hope she's alright." Colin put his hand an Link's left arm.

"We'll save her soon, Link." Colin said. "And Majora was just too strong for us before he kidnapped her."

"I know."

"And if we need the mask, it will be enough to stop him and save the princess." Fluttershy added.

"You have done so many wonderful achievements, Link." said Zaire. "I can see it in your eyes, and sense it in your thoughts."

"I know. You're right." Link said to the lion god. "I hope Majora doesn't do anything awful to Eleena, or a shard of this mask doesn't corrupt the place, if there is one over there."

"As long as there are heroes with noble hearts like you all, especially you, Discord, your world and this one has hope." Zaire reminded. "Now, Eleena needs you, and you are the only ones who can stop it from the incoming evil. Majora plans to destroy any shards of the mask so you can never unite it as one."

Link nodded his head and looked at the shards that he had collected so far. He tried to put them together and there were almost complete. a little more than half of the face was complete, the left side to be exact: but some of the right side of the Fierce Deity's mask needs to be filled up like a little kids puzzle set.

It looked like three, four, or even five more pieces were needed to fully assemble this ancient, powerful mask. Still, they all had to get a move on, and find the remaining pieces of the mask to put it back together to it's former glory, and be as powerful as the Hero of Time used to defeat the evil Majora himself.

"I will keep on watching over you and your adventures as you progress in your search." Zaire said before vanishing again.

With that, everyone continued to the direction where Eleena is, and it would not be very far now. In a long distance across the grasslands, there was a gigantic, thriving city that looked as big as Canterlot, or even bigger.

"Wow. That must be Eleena!" Twilight speculated.

"Yes." said Adewale. "The shard has to be over in that city of elands."

"And don't worry, we'll just tell their king Imari that king Zuma sent us to check on the city." Zecora reminded her cohorts. "Eland are a very friendly race across this land, but we need to find that mask shard as soon as we can."

"Right!" said the elements of harmony.

They all rushed towards the city, and it looked absolutely beautiful with some billboards across the area, scattered. Like Veneesa, there were some bazaars and food stalls around some parts of the streets. "Wow. Look at this place." Big Mac remarked. "I am definitely gonna have to bring Applebloom here some time when this is all over.

Applejack nodded her head to him. "Big brother, I couldn't agree with you more."

"Now, we just need to find their king." Link reminded himself.

"Just follow me." said Zecora. "And my elder brother.

Some of the eland looking at the group didn't know what to think of Link and some of his friends. Of course, they have seen a zebra before, matter of fact, there were some zebras in the city right now. For Discord, being a famous god as he is, was given some dirty looks from some eland.

Just then, some eland guards with shining black armor, up to four of them, came up to the group to possibly inspect them all and see what they wanted in the city. "Excuse me," said the leader in a polite tone of voice. "May I ask who you all are and what you are doing here in Eleena?"

"Are we in trouble?" asked Rainbow Dash nervously.

The captain made a small chuckle. "No, of course not. but, we recognize someone like Discord when we see him." He looked at the master of chaos with his eyes narrowed sternly. Discord himself made a very sheepish smile while whistling innocently into the sky. "Besides that, we are rather curious about you all. And of course, we recognize you, prince Adewale, and Zecora."

Link was the first one to speak. “My name is Link and we were sent by king Zuma to protect Eleena from an evil, and so did Zaire.” Everyone gasped when they heard that name. It was probably because the god was loved and highly respected by all of the Zebrican creatures, and other animals since he is considered the father of Zebrica.

“Our king?” Said one if the guards. Link nodded his head a yes and many eland were heard stammering to one another about how extraordinary it was for their own creature of this place would send him and his friends here for help.

“Well, this certainly changes everything. Especially if Zuma sent you all here.” The captain remarked. “King Imari is a good friend of Zuma, and he would be delighted to see you all.”

“Anyway, we have been told that a shard that belonged to an ancient mask was here in the city.” Link continued. “Do you all know anything about it?”

“It is very important and filled with dark magic.” Mathayus added.

“Well, Imari found a piece of unusual jewelry glwoing a purple color around it.” The captain speculated. “But come, we will take you to him.”

Every one of the heroes followed the guards to the palace that looked rather tall and beautiful. The guards standing in front of the large doors stood aside and let the others pass inside. They were all walking down a very long corridor with a leopard carpet stretching on the floor, and it looked endless, but it stopped at the throne room right in front of where they all were now.

The double doors flew open and there was an elegant-looking eland that looked larger than the other bulls in this city. He was wearing a black breastplate to cover his chest and his horns were the longest out of the other eland, almost curvy as well.

Not only that, but he has the most stripes on his back and longest legs, and he had long dreadlocks going down his mane and a jewel piece on top of his head like a crown.

“Ah. Prince Adewale and Princess Zecora.” Said Imari in a bold, deep voice of wisdom. “It is good to see eye you again. What brings you all to my castle?”

Everyone bowed to the king in respect and the bull walked up to them. “My name is Link, your highness.” Said he. “We want to know if you have found any shards or some jewelry recently. King Imari, did you find any objects with a flowing purple aura around it?”

“Purple aura?” The king tried to remember, his eyes widened when he found out Linkw was talking about. “Oh! I think I know what you are referring to. But first, what are all your names?”

Then everyone that was not Zecora and Adewale introduced themselves to Imari with respect. After that, Colin asked him: “You did find a shard like that?”

“Oh yes, but, it looked dark and evil somehow. Possibly because of the aura surrounding it.” Imari noted. “Do you all know about it?”

“This might be worth a thousand words.” Said Applejack.

“It belongs to a mask that is broken, and we are trying to bring it back together. “Fluttershy added. “And It has the power to turn anypony under it’s influence.”

“Fluttershy’s right.” Said Spike. “Link, can you show him the mask?”

“Yep.” The hylian dug in his magic pouch and pulled out the Fierce Deity’s mask. “Here, this is the mask I am referring to. You see, an ancient evil has risen in Equestria, and this mask might be our last hope if we do not stop it.”

“An evil that Link’s ancestor killed a long time ago.” Twilight remarked. “His name is Majora and he will destroy the world.”

“Please, we need the mask.” Said Rarity. “The longer we wait, the stronger Majora will be.”

“So true.” Said a sinister voice. Majors appeared out of nowhere, and lounged in midair. “As a matter of fact, I am becoming stronger already.”

The elands looked at him with battle stances, ready to fight him head-on. “An intruders!” Said The captain. “What business have you here?!”

“Did you not hear what Link Said about me?”

“Can’t you ever give up?” Asked Lyra.

“No, never.” Majora replied. “I will never give up on being evil and plunging Equestria into chaos.”

“That’s my job!” Discord shouted in offense. “Well, my job to make Equestria a little silly but, you all get the picture.”

Starlight spoke next and she said: “You will never get away with this, Majora!”

“Oh, but I already have.” The evil spirit gave her a really smug look on his face. “But anyway,” he snapped his fingers and a horde of monsters appeared from purple fog or mist. A small battle ensued and the eland were fighting well against these minions of the evil mask spirit.

A pack of wolfos appeared and they all charged at the heroes. “Link, hop on my back!” Said Imari. The hylian did what the king ordered him and still had his sword out. He felt the eland bull charge at a fast speed, and it felt different than riding Epona.

Link swung his sword on the sides at any incoming enemy that would try to hit him and Imari. A dozen of wolfos were trampled on by the king’s immense strength, and some bokoblins and lizalfos were killed by his long, sharp horns.

“Wow. This is something new to me.” Link remarked.

As soon as Imari killed the enemies, he stopped.

“You’ve handled yourself well back there, my king.” The hero said.

Imari smiled at him. “Thank you, boy. You handled yourself well with that sword.”

Link got back down and he rushed with the king to look for Majora before he destroys the mask shard. At last, they caught him in the nick of time, right before he had the chance to destroy the shard.

“It’s over, Majora!” Link shouted. He ran up to him and sliced at the demon from behind, making him How with pain and bleed out from behind him, the blood was slowly dripping on the floor and the wicked spirit looked around with a furious look on his face.

Growling, Majora Said: “You will pay for that, kid!” And he tried swatting Link away, but, thanks to the hero’s Hylian shield, it was unsuccessful for him to have him fly across the room. He then felt Link slice at his chest, making him yell in agony again. It appeared Link had made him weak and vulnerable to some more damage, but before he could finish Majora off, the monster slowly regenerated his body and vanished with a flash of purple smoke.

“No!” Link shouted. “He got away.”

“You fought well.” Said Imari.

“We’ll get him another day, Link.” Said Epona. “At least we got another shard.”


“What is so special about this mask?” Asked another eland Guard.

“This mask was used by my ancestor to kill Majora a long time ago by turning into a god.” Link explained. “He was no match for this mask when he used it, but it’s in pieces as you can see and I need that piece you found.”

“How dare you ask that from the king?” Said one of his servants.

“Now now, Minuk. He speaks the truth and this was no coincidence.” Imari Said. “Go ahead and take it, young Link. And I thank you all for helping me and my beloved subjects of Eleena. We thrive on peace and prosperity.”

“You are quite welcome, my king.” Zecora added. “It is wonderful to see you again and everything.”

Putting the Keaton mask back on, Colin summoned Kit again for some more advice. “Once again,” Said the Keaton. “You all never cease to impress me.”

“So, we are going to Seaquestria and Mt. Aeris, right?” Asked Bon Bon

“That’s right! That is where another shard will appear. I am sure you will figure out the rest. Farewell my friends.”

As soon as Kit disappeared, Adewale Said: “Well, we should head back to Agbaje and tell our family and Zuma What has happened.”

“Good Idea.” Said Lyra. “And you can say bye to your old friends, Zecora.”

“Oh yes. That would be good.”

Helping the Hippogriffs

Going outside of Zebrica. Link, Twilight, Applejack, and all their friends were on the train, heading for Mt. Aris, the Hippogriffs home and personal quarters. Seaquestria was right next door to it, and the inhabitants could come and go as they please and become hippodromes to breath underwater. A few clouds of smoke were coming from on top of the mountain, and it looked like a few fires were lit on the summit. What was worse was that; no hippogriffs were found in sight near where they were, it it almost looked deserted like before when the Storm King forced them all to live in Seaquestria.

"Where is everypony?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Maybe they're on the mountain." Rainbow Dash speculated. "What if they are in Sequestria right now?"

Applejack gasped with realization. "Maybe Majora beat us here before we did." she said. Everyone else looked shocked and realized that Applejack might be right on that. "Do you think he and his monsters are attacking Mt. Airis right now?"

"Only one way to find out, Applejack." said Link. "Come on!" They all rushed down the path that lead to the summit of Mt. Aris, and there were still no Hippogriffs in sight at all. The sounds of explosions and destruction was heard the sooner they were all getting closer to the summit. Eventually, at the city, there were a few corpses of Lizalfos, bokoblins, and a few moblins.

A few houses were on fired, and many Hippogriff guards were fending off any incoming enemies that were attacking this beautiful city. One guay was kicked at a nearby window with the sound of glass and some furniture breaking inside the building.

"Twilight!" said a young man's voice. It was Terramar, the young hippogriff that was the younger brother of Silverstream, one of Twilight's students at her school of friendship. Speaking of which, his big sister followed after him in a panic. "Thank Celestia you guys are here! Monsters have been attacking our home!"

"What the hay is going on here?!" said Silverstream in a panic.

"We'll tell you later, but right now, we need to take care of this ruffians ruining your wonderful home!" said Rarity.

Link pulled out his sword and shield and ran into battle. "For Justice!" he shouted as he was slicing his blade at many enemies that came in contact with him. The ponies came in and kicked, punched, and rammed their opponents with ease. One moblin picked Pinkie by her tail and began swirling her around like a lasso, and threw her off to the sky.

Luckily, Rainbow Dash saw her and caught her in the air before she could hit the ground.

"Whew, thanks Rainbow Dash." the pink pony said.

"Anytime, Pinkie."

Out of in front of her, a kargarok locked onto her like a missile and the cyan pegaus was on a run-in with it. The bird-like monster was trying so hard to gnaw at Rainbow's face like a piece of skin from meat. Rainbow Dash was quick, and she was kicking at it without mercy, and the kargorok managed to bite her right arm, trying to peel it off of her socket.

"Yeow!" she shouted. Rainbow had to kick it in the eye a couple of times to get it off of her.

Meanwhile, Terramar and Silverstream's parents: Sky Beak and Ocean Flow were with the guards in fighting off these monsters. "Sky! Behind you!" said Ocean Flow.

"What?" the male hippogriff looked behind him and saw a dinalfos about to decapitate him with his mighty ax, but Sky Beak was quick and kicked him in the face many times, and it was killed with the most powerful kick in the face it had ever had before. This had to be the toughest and strongest kick Sky had did before.

That blow was powerful enough to kill that monster and disappear into dark smoke. “Ooh. Nice kick, darling.” Said Ocean Flow While clapping her hooves.

Blushing, Sky Beak Said: “Ah, Thanks, sugar lips.”

“Sky Beak! Ocean Flow!” Said Twilight, coming up to them. “What happened here?”

“It was horrible.” Said Terramar’s Father. “We were all doing our normal activities and enjoying a nice life out here on Mt. Aris, but then, these monsters showed up out of nowhere, being led by a scary demon with eyes on his chest.”

Link narrowed his eyes, and he knew what he speculated before. “Majora!” He Said While gritting his teeth.

“Yes! That’s what he called himself.” Ocean Flow Said. “Luckily, we managed to hold our ground up here.”

“Where is everypony else?” Asked Bon Bon.

“They are all hiding down in Seaquestria.” Ocean Flow answered.

Sighing in great relief, the ponies and Spike were so glad to hear the news. “Did he say what he was looking for here?” Asked Colin.

“Yes.” Said Silverstream. “He said something about a mask, of something similar to a mask. And then, wham! He ordered the monsters here to attack us and destroy our homes and-“

“Whoa there, sister.” Said Terramar. “I think they all get the picture.”

“Sorry, little bro.”

“Where’s Queen Novo?” Asked Lyra. “Is she safe?”

“Yes but... But...” Ocean Flow sounded like she didn’t want to talk about it. “We’ll see to her later.”

“My wife is right.” Said Sky Beak. “We gotta take care of these fiends.”

And then, the fighting continued onwards for an extended period of time. Some more monsters were appearing and a couple more houses were being destroyed or demolished or trashed one after the other.

The last enemy was an Iron Knuckle, But Link managed to take it down with a dozen slices of his sword, and stab it in the heart. At last, for that, all the enemies were gone and taken care of.

“There. It is a good thing we all arrived here.” Said Mathayus. “Otherwise, the village would,not survive.”

“Yeah. It’s a really good thing you guys came.” Said Terramar in agreement. “But, we have a few casualties.” He bowed his head and his sister comforted him. “Looks like we lost about nine of our guards.”

“Sometimes it’s too late to save a creature you care about.” Said his father. “They did all that they could. We really appreciate you all coming here to our aid. I thank you all for your bravery and courage.”

Ocean Flow was the next one to speak. “Yes. Do you all know where they all come from?”

“It’s a really long story.” Said Colin.

“But, an evil spirit named Majora is wreaking havoc in this world.” Mathayus added. “We will explain everything to Queen Novo. Do you know where she is?”

Terramar, Silverstream, and their folks had uncomfortable looks on their faces, and they looked like something terrible just happened before what happened now. “Our Queen is not exactly.... herself.” Said Ocean Flow

“What do you mean?” Asked Big Mac

“That monster did something to her.” Sky Beak answered. “He somehow managed to twist and corrupt our Queen somehow. Her duaghter’s gone missing and we son’t Know where she is.”

“Skystar!?” Pinkie gasped. “Oh no! We got to help her out, you guys!”

“Calm down, Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy Said. “We will save her and the queen. I just hope we’re not too late.”

“Thanks for the advice. You should all get to Seaquestria and tell everyone that it’s okay to come back up here on land.” Link said. “But, is Queen Novo in Seaquestria?”

“Yes.” Said Silverstream. “But Majora somehow managed to make her act all funny. And I Don’t mean the good type of funny, either.”

Epona was the next one to speak and she replied: “Of course that can’t be good. She has obviously turn evil by Majora’s dark magic.”

“Well we gotta help her and the othr hippogriffs!” Pip said boldly.

“Ummm, maybe we should stay up here. You know, where it’s safe?” Said Storm with a pleasing smile on his mug.

“You know why we can’t do that, Storm.” Said Link. “And don’t worry, we’ll be just fine.”

“Can you at least give us some explanation on why they were here in the first place?” Asked Silverstream.”

“Yeah. He was looking for a shard of an ancient mask used by my ancestor to kill Majora.” Link began explaining. The mask was broken into many different shards and we all found some pieces, but we still have a few more to go. Majora wants to destroy it so he can’t be defeated again.”

“Wow. This is serious.” Said Sky Beak. “Tell us more. And what is your name?”

Link, Save the Queen!

In Sky Beak's own house, Link was trying to give him and Ocean Flow the most simple explanation he can about Majora, and the Fiere Deity's mask.

Even Silverstream and Terramar were intrigued and a little scared by what they are hearing from the Hero of Hyrule. "So, Majora is a demon that yoyr answer defeated a long time ago?" Said Sky Beak.

"Yep. I thought he would be gone for good, but, apparently, Majora has returned and he will kill me if not my ancestor." Link answered. "You might have seen what he's capable of to know it, but he is a very dangerous monster that will stop at nothing to rule the world, both worlds. He cab manipulate and trick others to join his side by brainwashing."

"He's definitely done something to my mom to act all evil and crazy." Said Sky Star.

"What did he turn her in to?" Asked Colin.

"Oh! It' something awf! Something horrible! Like a hippogriff's worse nightmare, right next to being almost conquered by the Storm King and his monsters!" The princess began hyperventilating uncontrollably like she was about to have a seizure or a nervous breakdown.

Pinkie, being herself, began hyperventilating with her in response. Everyone else looked annoyed and Spike had to slap them both to seal them out of it.

"Get ahold of yourself!" Said the baby dragon.

"Spike is right." Twilignt agreed. "I know this is a serious situation, it you need to calm down, Sky Star. Whatever Majora has turned her into, we can fix it for you."

"We'll guarantee that she will he back to normal once we take care of the problem." Lyra said, boldly.

"Look, just lead us to her and see what has happened." Said Mathayus.

Breathing in a doggy bag, trying to calm herself down, Sky Star said: "okay. She is still down in Seaquestria and she is not herself at all."

"Just take us to her." Said Thorax.

"Okay. Okay. Follow me."

Princess Sky Star looked so desperate and scared about what had happened to her mother, whatever happened to her that is.

Link switched to his Zora armor again, and the ponies turned into sea ponies, while Spike turned into a puffer fish.

"Aw man. I hate being like this." Said the baby dragon complaining.

"Come on now, Spike." Rarity encourage him to try and cheer him up. "Youncan still he a very useful little darling."

The baby dragon had a change of heart and blushed. It was no surprise that compliments or encouragement from Rarity, his own crush, would be a confidence booster for him.

"Wait. What about me?" Said Colin. "I can't breath underwater."

"Not to worry, Colin." Said a Male voice that sounded like an echo. From behind them, the Hero of Time Link appeared once again, looking as noble as ever with his green tunic. "Since Link has his Zora armor, I will give you this."

With a bright light, the old hero opened the palm of his hand and it revealed to be some kind of mask. It looked exactly like a Zora, and it was the perfect size for young Colin.

"The Zora Mask. In it lies a spirit named Mikau, who I have healed his soul with my Ocarina of Time. This mask was mine when I was still on this earth. Of course, i do not think I will need it anymore."

"Wow. What will this do?"

"It will transform you into a Zora and you will gain Zora abilities like Link's Zora Armor does for him."

He gave it to Colin and the boy looked very surprised. "Wow. I- I don't know." He Said. "Link is your ancestor, and I'm not."

"You are just so heroic as your brother figure, Colin." Said the Hero of time Link. "I know you will put it to good use."

"Thank you." Said Colin.

"And I might as well give you these ones as well." Then he granted the boy two more masks. The second one looked like a Goron face and the third looked like a Deku face. "The Goron mask, and the Deku mask. These have their own uses like the Zora mask has its own."

"What kind?"

"The Goron mask will help you move objects that you can't lift in this state and provide protection from Fire and lava. As for the Deku Mask, it will give you the power to run a little faster than before and hide in large flowers from enemies. Not only that, but it will give you an endless supply of Deku nuts."

Colin was even more impressed than ever. "Are you sure?" He said. "These look more like something that Link deserves to have."

"It's okay, Colin." Said Link. "I think you deserve these masks more than me. Besides, these are more of kids masks."

"I agree with Link." Said Fluttershy. "I think if anyone deserves these masks. It would be you."

The boy smiled and he said: "well, okay. Link has his own swimming outfit." He slowly put on the mask and something extraordinary happened to him.

The mask was slowly attaching to his faces and the boy felt a little weird.

"Colin! You okay?" Asked Twilight.

"Peace, princess Twilight." The hero's spirit said. "He will be just fine. In a few seconds, he will experience an extraordinary change."

After grasping his head, Colin yelled at the sky in a loud yell, but it sounded lower than before.

A blinding light was Shining where Colin was and after it had gone, the boy looked completely different. He was not a Hylian, but a Zora with a green cloth around his waist.

Link and everyone else were impressed by this sudden transformation. "Whoa! Look at you, Colin." Said Pip. "You look so nice."

"Wow. I'm a Zora." Rarity have him a small mirror to gaze upon himself at to see how he looked while wearing this mask. "Wait. How do I remove it if it's attached to my face?"

The Hero of Time made a small, but bold chuckle. "It is really simple. Just gently pull it off of your face and it will magically come off. Try it."

Feeling a little nervous, Colin slowly took off the mask by getting it off his face as if he was peeling an orange. Like magic, Colin was turned back to his normal form and looked at the magical Zora mask once again.

"Goodness. This is so incredibly wonderful." Said Fluttershy.

"So intriguin', by gum." Said Big Mac. "Never seen anything like it."

"Thank you." Said Colin. "I promise they I will treat it with good care."

"I know you will, Colin." Said the Hero of Time Link. He looked at his descendant once again. "I am counting on you all to retrieve the mask shard. Good luck."

Link nodded his head before saying: "I will, Ancestor. I promise you that we will bring peace to Mt. Aris and Seaquestria."

"You always make me proud, my son." Then the ancient hero vanished in to thin air again.

"Well, this could be useful." Said Ocean Flow. "Come on, we need to help Novo."

"Double for me, darling." Said Sky Beak. Everyone continued going in the water and looked in the deep sea world of Seaquestria.

Meanwhile, Colin was trying to swim like a Zora and he was having a little difficulty with this new mask. "Well, at least I have gills." He remarked.

"You'll learn fast, Colin. I know you will." Link encouraged him.

There were the sea ponies and their children, cowering and shaking in some trenches, and trembling with fear.

"What happened here?" Asked Terramar. "Is everyone okay? What happened?"

"It's the queen!" Said a hippodrome filly.

"She's gone completely insane!" Said a Male Hippodeome. "She is not herself right now."

"Please, princess Sky Star!" Shouted a marr desperately. "You have to do something!"

"Come on." Said Discord. "We got no time time to lose. Is she in her throne room?"

"yes." Said another stallion. "She is in her throne room, but be careful. She will kill us all!"

"Nonsense." Said Twilight. "She's been brainwashed by a wicked demon. Come on, every pony."

Link, Discord, Spike, Applejack, and their cronies followed her to the throne room and saw something they shocked them all.

Novo was sitting on her throne, it with red eyes with no background and she looked olive green. "Ah, there you are young lady." She looked kinda reptilian like a crocodile with some scales on her skin and sharon teeth in her mouth. "I thought I told you that you were grounded forever?"

"No! You said you were just mad at me."

"I'm mad at you NOW!" The sea pony shouted down on her own daughter. "You have a lot of nerve coming down here. Lord Majora told me about you and your little schemes."

"Lord Majora?" Said Pip. "That monster's lying to you."

"Lying? Ha! He said they you would take over our homes just like the Storm King once did before." The queen continued with her brainwashed words. "Now, come over to me at once, Sky Star, or you are grounded until you die!"

"That's not her talking." said Mathayus. "That is only Majora's influence talking through her mouth. The real queen Novo is suffering on the inside."

"Yeah, I sense a very evil force inside of her." Link remarked. "Like how have felt an evil presence in Cadence when she was brainwashed, and some of the other griffons."

"Are all you peasants done talking yet?" said the queen of the Hippogriffs with a yawn. "Because I would like to kill you all quickly." She looked very serious. A small horde of skeleton and skull fish appeared behind her, and their teeth looked as sharp as knives, and their eyes were glowing yellow with their stomachs showing under their visible rib cages. "Seize them, my babies!"

Just lie that, like an owner sicing a dog on a rabbit, the skeleton fish charged towards the heroes, including Sky Star, her own daughter. Those fish were swimming at a very fast pace, swift as arrows, but everyone, nonetheless, attacked the groups of fish while Link wen to charge against Novo, and Sky Star was with him. "Mom, please!" the princess begged. "Snap out of it!"

"You are one step closer to be getting a spanking from me, young lady." then the queen charged at her and Link. The Hero of Hyrule managed to slice her on the side, making her grunt in pain.

"NO!" Sky Star exclaimed in horror. "That's my mother you hit!"

"I won't kill her, Sky!" said the hero. "But, I need to make her come to her senses and free her from this brainwashing Majora has put on her." He charged at her as he was swimming and slashed the Master at her a few times, but a swarm of skeleton fish appeared and gave her protection like a shield. "Grr. I don't want to have to do this, but she give me no choice."

He pulled out a water bomb, and held it until the moment was right to throw it. A boom was heard and it destroyed all the skeleton fish, and blew back Novo a little, into a pillar. At last, Link began slicing at her, much to the horror of Sky Star, and something was happening. The queen began twitching and groaning in pain and then a blinding light flashed like a mine is exploding.

The light flashed for a long five seconds and then, Queen Novo was back to her normal self, floating out cold. "Mother!" Sky Star said, rushing to the queen's aid. "Mother! Wake up! Speak to me! Please!!"

Mumbling and feeling a little groggy, Novo began to come back to reality and looked around with her vision slightly blurry. "What happened to me?" she asked as her vision was coming back.

"You... had a bad dream." said Sky Star.

"What she means is, a very evil demon named Majora turned you evil too." Discord said.

"Majora?" said Novo. "So that's what he is called." an angry look appeared on her face. "What did he do to me?"

"He turned you into a reptilian monster." said Pinkie Pie. "A very scary reptilian monster."

"Pinkie!" Bon Bon scolded. "Don't say that!"

"No. No. You're right." The queen of the Hippogriffs made a sad sigh. "What have I been doing all this time?"

"It wasn't your fault, your majesty." Link reassured. "It was all Majora's doing."

"Yeah, mom." The princess of the Hippogriffs agreed. "Are you feeling okay?"

"A little. My head hurts. And Princess Twilight, welcome back to Seaquestria. I take it you helped this young man try and snap me out of it with your friends?"

"Yes. Your daughter told us what happened and we helped you."

"Where are the others?"

"There are hiding in the golden trench." Said Sky Beak. "Don't worry, your highness, they're alright. Me and some of my guards managed to kill the monsters invading Mt. Aris."

"We have har a talon in that too, my queen." Said Silverstream. She noticed something glowing in front of the throne. "Hey, what's that shiny thing?"

They all looked down and the hero of Hyrule recognized what it was by the purple glow. "A shard of an ancient mask. "I'll get it. Wait here."

Link was about to get it, but then, something fast swam past him. It was Colin, who was swimming faster than his brother figure, and he was spinning around like a missile.

Thanks to his Zora form, he was a very good swimmer and he snatched the mask shard in an instant, no problem. "Here you go, Link." He Said

Smiling gratefully, the Hero of Twilight promptly took it and pulled out the almost complete mask.

Like all the others they collected before, the shade fused with the mask and it was almost complete. "Perfect." He said. "Thanks, Colin."

"You're welcome."

"Well, who are you exactly?" Asked Novo. "And what is so important about this unusual.... face-wear?"

Then Link, Colin, Storm, Epona, Mathayus, and the other ponies who were not the elements of harmony introduced their names to her.

Discord was about to when he was halted. "Ho ho. I know all too well who you are, Discord. If I found out that you had anything to do with this, I swear, i'll-"

"Easy, your highness." Said Pip. "He's change and he is no longer evil."

Novo still looked a little unconvinced, but she decided to try and believe him and the others. "Well Link, I am forever grateful for you and your friends for saving me from descending deeper into madness."

"It is an honor, your highness." Link replied. "It will only he a matter of time before Majora tries to take over the whole world, and I need to stop him."

"WE need to stop him, Link. We're your friends." Pip said.

"Good. And we should tell the other hippogriffs or Hippodromes that everything's okay now." Said Mathayus. "They are all very worried about you, Milady."

"Of course." She looked at her daughter. "I am so sorry if I was treating you so harshly, Sky Star. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course mom. I will always love you." Then the mother and daughter hugged.

Something Sinister

Majora was trying to plan ahead in this plot to take over both Equestria, and Hyrule at the same time. Despite his thinking and brainstorming, Majora was growing more afraid of Link inside.

The hero only had a few more shards of that very mask who killed him before, back together as whole. He was planning of a plan to find the remaining mask shards so Link would never assemble the Fierce Deity's mask together.

If that mask did come back together, Majora's plans to take over the world will be thwarted and crushed like diamonds turning to sand. "How is it that he is always one step ahead of me?" He wondered out loud, pacing to and fro. "How is it that he and his meddlesome friends keep interfering with my plans?"

"Because he is a hero of Legend." Said a female voice, strong and calm as the gentle summer breeze. It was Zelda, who is trapped in a magical barrier with her hands tied behind her back. "He will stop you, Majora. I know he will."

"Bah! You're little boyfriend doesn't stand a chance against me once I am at my full power, princess."

"You're scared." Zelda firmly said with her eyes thin at him. "I know you are."

"Shut up!" Majora shouted. "I am the true king of darkness! I cannot possibly be afraid of anything!"

"Why are you doing this, Majora? These are innocent creatures you are killing and or corrupting. Wake up!"

"What do you mean: 'why am doing this?'" Majora retorted. "Are you blind, princess? I am the true lord of all evil, and I kill whatever I want, whenever I want. But if only there was a way for that Link to be absolutely powerless and-" a new idea popped in his head.

He looked at Zelda with an evil, wicked smile on his monstrous face. Zelda still tried to look tough and firm, but she was slowly starting to become scared.

"I think I found the perfect idea to have Link Crumble on his knees, along with the rest of his cronies." He slowly approached princess Zelda in a very menacing way. And the closer he got, the more he was showing his sharp, knife-like teeth. "Come here, Princess."

He deactivated the barrier and laid his hands on her shoulders. "No, NO, NOOO!!!"

Meanwhile, Link, Colin, Fluttershy, Pip, Lyra, and everyone else were having a little celebration on Mt. Aris, and Colin was back to his original form.

A small feast with some seaweed-theme fruits and some nuts like peanuts, cashews, almonds, and other types of exotic, edible nuts.

"Well, this is another job-well-done, my fear friends." Said Discord before taking a whole bowl of peanuts, and scarfing them all down his throat.

After he ate the cashews in the bowl, he let out a gigantic, earthquake-like burp that caused the houses to mildly Rumble from the impact.

"Oh boy. Excuse me." Everyone else looked at him, not looking impressed.

"Discord, must you do this?!" Said the queen in an exasperated voice.

"I'm the master of chaos, Novo. It's what I do. Besides, if your houses are destroyed, you can just rebuild them again."

"Don't worry about him." Said Fluttershy. "He can be a real sweetheart."

"Well, I certainly thank you Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Sky Star, Silverstream and Terramar for helping me come back to my senses."

"You should give Link, Princess Twilight, and their friends some credit too, your highness." Terramar pointed out.

She smiled warmly at him. "Of course, my dear Terramar."

"So, I wonder where we go from here." Said Colin. "I'll see what Kit has to say." He put on the Keaton mask again, and it took a little more than a few seconds.

Kit suddenly appeared from the ground like magic and he had that rather adorable smile on his kitsune face. "You have all done so well in collecting the shards of the legendary mask." He said.

"There's still a few more left before it is complete." Said Colin. "How many more do we need to find, Kit?"

"Let me take a look at it."

Link went up to him, and showed him the almost complete mask. "It's almost whole again."

"Indeed, it is."

“Where are the last ones?” Asked Applejack.

“It apppears That there are only.... two more pieces of the mask to assemble befriend it is fully complete. Be warned, Majora is growing stronger and stronger every minute that passes by. You all need to take him down ASAP.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Said Bon Bon.

“I do like that attitude, but still, you should proceed with caution.” Kit continued. “The second-to-last one lies within the mysterious and dangerous Everfree Forest, and the very last one lies within the Dragon Lands.”

“Whoo. That’s a relief.” Said Spike. “We can just tell Ember that she needs to help us find the shard.”

“Hello?” Said Lyra. “You know how... grabby dragons can be when it comes to gold or gems, right?”

“Lyra’s right.” Said Fluttershy. “If it did end up in a dragon’s gold pile, he or she would not want to give it to us willingly.”

“That’s why Ember can help me with that.” Spike pointed. “The least she can do is talk to that dragon.”

“True. Still, I think we will take down that greedy dragon if we have to.” Thorax Said.

Another thing on Link’s mind was the safety and the well-being of Princess Zelda, Majora’s captive. It was another thing he wanted to accomplish: safe Zelda again, and not fail in doing what he does as the hero of Twilight. “Don’t worry, Zelda.” Link thought to himself. “We’ll save you soon. Just hang in there a little longer.”

“I wonder where in the Everfree Forest it might be.” Said Rarity.

“It’s our guess,” Said Pip. “It could be in that old, ruined castle that the pricness’ used to live in, or atteh Tree Of Harmony.”

“Those are pretty good theories. pip.” Said Fluttershy. “Good thing we all know It well.”

“Still, we should always be careful in that place.” Said Rainbow. “So many monsters mean enough to fight us on.”

“I’m sure we’ll find the last shards.” Mathayus Said with confidence. “As soon as we have completed the mask, we will out an end to Majora and his madness.”

"You are all the heroes of this world and Hyrule, you all need to succeed in the name of Justice."

"Right. But, I hope Zelda's okay. I would never forgive myself if Majora even laid a finger on her."

"We'll save her soon, Link." Said Colin. "I know we will."

Link then smiled at his younger brother-figure. He knew that maybe there is hope, and he needed to keep his head high in his bravery and courage.

Soon, he will he able to bring peace to Hyrule and Equestria once again. Will they have enough power to save princess Zelda and everyone they care about?

Nevertheless, the festival continued on and everyone said their byes to Novi, and the other hippogriffs snd or Hippodromes.

The train arrived many minutes after and they were all off to find the last two shards of the Fierce Deity's mask and finally he able to stop Majora.

"Maybe Celestia and Luna guide you on your quest Link." Novo Said to herself. "Thank you."

Everfree Shard

Everything looked the same in the Everfree forest, at least; didn't look touched by Majora's evil. Taking Kit's advice, the heroes looked around in the dangerous woods for a shard of the Fierce Deity's mask.

Link has been here before, but for a short time, and he decapitated a cockatrice before he could turn him into stone.

Would Majora come here? Link, Twilight, and the others could not say when he could arrive, but they had to find the shard fast before he could come, and corrupt anything else that he felt like turning to darkness. Whatever Majora was planning now, he was certainly becoming smarter in his plans to take over the world, and he would plan to corrupt someone more powerful than Cadence, and the yaks and the griffons.

Who would he corrupt next? Another question that Link cannot answer in his head. Still, they didn't want to wait around for him to show up with possibly a horde of monsters and demons under his command. Everyone looked high and low around many parts of the forest, but no luck for any of them.

There were a few monsters they all fought one at a time. One of them was a four-headed chimera with two tiger heads, and two goat heads (if not counted the snake tail behind it), which was encountered by Rarity and Applejack, but they managed to kill it, thanks to Mathayus and his sword skills.

Link, Colin, Fluttershy, Epona, and Storm were searching in the north of where Mathayus, Rarity, and Applejack were, and they encountered a few weird creatures, but nothing very dangerous that would want to kill them. Only a few foxes, wolves, some birds, and many other creatures you would find in a forest.

A terrible caw was heard and it startled everyone for a minute. Link pulled out the Master Sword and Great fairy sword in case another fight was about to happen. Fluttershy readied her stare in case it was an animal that was planning to attack her and her friends close to her. Storm hid behind her mother for protection in case something popped out, and Colin pulled out his sword and shield to attack whoever would come at his way.

Swinging his swords around, Link looked left and right for an enemy or a monster to come out and attack, but all of a sudden, there was a rustling, and a manticore came out, and two other ones were next to him. The first one was yellow and had a regular lion's mane second one had a long, shaggy, and straight mane with a green color, and the third had ram horns and in a ruby red color.

They looked a little menacing, and they looked like they can come up and kill this little posse. Link and Colin readied their blades, but Fluttershy recognized the leader of this manticore trio, and she immediately hugged the big guy. "Oh Fluffy. It's you!" she recognized him as she hugged him like he was her gigantic, overgrown dog.

As for the beast himself, he was enjoying a nice belly rub from the yellow pegasus mare. The other two manticores came around Fluttershu to have as much attention as their ringleader.

“It’s okay, Link.” Said Fluttershy. “This manticore is my friend. So are these two.” Link then out his swords away, then Colin sheathed his own, and Epona was calmer than before. Unfortunately, poor Storm was still a little scared by these three behemoth creatures. “Fluffy, can you please help us?” The yellow Pegasus Asked the leader.

Making a small roar in response, Fluffy signaled his head telling the group to follow him and his two friends here.” All three of them were walking a different path, and Fluttershy started to follow them. “Wait, are you sure this is a good idea?” Asked Storm in a very nervous tone of voice.

“It’s okay. We’ll be just fine.” She reassured him. Fluttershy promptly took charge, and followed these three majestic monsters to where they would lead them to possibly the mask shard that Kit told them would be at. Meanwhile, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Big Mac were looking for the shard in the east. For them it was a little difficult, mostly because they were in a more denser part of the Everfree forest, but little did they know that the manticores would show them the way.

"Gah! I can't see a thing in this place." Rainbow complained. "I hope the others are suffering like we are."

"Ah, come on, Rainbow Dash." said Big Mac. "We'll get through this somehow."

“I hope so,” Said Spike.

A sudden rustling was heard in the bushes, and the three looked at their surroundings for anything that would attack them and waited for whatever it was to strike like a viper in the grass. Ultimately, it was Fluttershy, Link, Colin, Epona, Storm, and the manticores.

“Oh. Fluttershy, it’s you.” Twilight sighed in relief. “Wait, what’s with the manticore?”

“This is the same one I helped pulled the thorn off his paw when we were going to defeat Nightmare Moon the first day we met and became friends.” Fluttershy explained. “These two are Friends of Fluffy: Leo,” she pointed to the green lion. “And Ramses.” She lighted to the red one with the horns.

“These three can help us find the mask shard in the forest.” Said Link

“Are you sure?” Asked Big Mac.

“Of coursel i’ve Known this manticore for a long time.” Fluttershy confirmed.

“Well, She is an expert on these things, so nothing can go wrong.” Said Spike.

“Yeah. You’re right.” Said Twilight. “Lead the way.”

Lyra, Bon Bon, Pip were in a small group too, and the colt almost fell in a mud puddle after he slipped on a small landslide. “Whoa whoa!” Before he could hit the mud, he felt himself picked up by Lyra, who safely pulled him next to her with her magic. “You okay, Pip?”

The colt nodded his head a yes to her. “Thanks, Lyra. I would have sunk in that quicksand.”

“You’re welcome, Pip.” The green unicorn replied. It didn’t Take long for the others to find them and they all found Pinkie Pie, Thorax, Starlight Glimmer, and Discord lastly before following the three manticores to look for the mask shard that is supposed to be here in this very forest.

The manticores stopped in front of the old castle where Celestia and Luna used to live in before the one in Canterlot was built. The three made a few small growling noises and escorted everyone inside to the foyer.

A glowing purple was shining in the area where the two old thrones once stood, and it had to be it. Link smiled and went up the small flight of stairs to collect it. As soon as he grabbed it, it was almost complete, and only one more shard was left to make this legendary mask whole again.

Just as when it looked like another successful find, something happened. Two Iron Knuckles appeared from behind the two thrones and almost sliced Link’s head off with their axes. “Not so fast!” Said one of Them.

Luckily, the Hero dodged and made an acrobatic jump, pulling out his two swords again. Everyone else prepared for battle and five wizzrobes appeared: three ice and two fire elemental ones. The three manticores breathed their fire on the icy wizzrobes, melting them instantly as if they were made of ice.

“Whoa. Didn’t see that coming.” Said Thorax.”

“There’s some good manticores.” Said Fluttershy with her adorable smile. As for the fire wizzrobes, they were splashed with magical buckets of water conjured by Discord. He laughed in triumph as they both melted like a pair of witches.

“Hahaha! Now I can do this kind of prank without getting in trouble.” Said The Master Of Chaos.

A dozen goblins, bokoblins, and lizalfos came out from the shadows, looking like a small army to about fifty of them.

“Uh-oh.” Bon Bon remarked. “Not these guys again.”

Mathayus pulled out his own sword and shield, and readied himself for combat. “We have to strop them all from causing havoc.

“Give us the shard, puny weakling!” Said the second Iron Knuckle.

“Lord Majora tasked us to destroy that thing into little, tiny pieces!” The first one added.

“Fat chance, You overgrown knight!” Link began swinging his swords at them, dodging many attacks at the first iron knuckle, while Mathayus was fighting the second one.

Sounds of clashing steel were heard and the other monsters were being fought by the hero. Many bokoblins, moblins, and lizalfos were gored, kicked, trampled on, punched and got hurt in many other ways. Some of them were also stung by the poisonous scorpion-like tails from the three manticores in the fight, instantly dying from their very deadly venom. If it was a regular scorpion sting, it would only hurt, but from manticores, it would feel like hundreds, or even thousands of scorpions stinging all at once like a swarm of bees or hornets.

Meanwhile, Storm was hiding behind a pillar so he wouldn't be seen by the bad guys and he would be safe from harm.

He then saw his mother being clawed by a lizalfos, being struck to the ground, and was being pummeled by two more lizalfos.

Something struck inside himself, like a sudden burst of courage, and he rushed over to Epona's aid, kicking one lizalfos in the face.

The monster was instantly knocked put by the impact, and the other two lizalfos looked scared, and Storm pounced on the second one punching it's face to and fro.

"What the?" Said third lizalfos said. Nonetheless, he pried Storm from him and threw him on the floor, temporarily knocking him out cold.

Epona's eyes widened seeing her own son getting hurt like that, and a terrible rage filled up inside of her like a candle just being lit on a cake.

"No one hurts anyone in my family and gets away with it!" She exclaimed. She began kicking her enemy in the face repeatedly until it fell dead. She then turned her attention toward her only son in concern, and gently pulled him back up on his feet. "Storm, are you okay?"

"Ah. Just fine. And you, mom?"

"Just fine. A little bruised, but nothing too serious." Epona replied with her motherly smile. Over a coarse of then to eleven minutes, all of the enemies were down, except for the Iron Knuckles, obviously being one of the toughest enemies that Link has ever encountered (besides the darknut, when they were bad and served Ganondorf.)

There axes looked so sharp and deadly that they could cut open a whole boulder in half. Still, Link was strong and swung his two swords left and right, and managed to slice at the Iron Knuckle he was facing with a fast slash from both his blades, causing it to trip on his back and struggling to get back up on his feet.

Link was about to finish it off with the ending blow, but the knight-like brute was fast, despite his hulking body, and jabbed Link's right cheek with his elbow, as if a bowling ball has hit it out of nowhere.

Despite how hard the knight hit, Link managed to slice off pieces of the armor with his blades and blocked another ax attack with them. Ultimately, the Hero fired a bomb arrow at it's face, stunning him. It gave Link a perfect opportunity for him to attack and kill it with three slashes from his Master Sword, and two from the Great Fairy Sword.

After that one was dealt away with, Mathayus, thanks to his brute strength, killed the second Iron Knuckle by bashing his shield into it's face three times, and impaled him with his sword without mercy, and it fell dead on the ground after the Darknut chief took the sword out of the chest..

At last, yet another battle has won (for real this time), and there was only one final mask shard to collect, and the Fierce Deity's Mask will finally be complete as one, and they will all finally confront the wicked Majora and put a stop to his wicked chaos.

Fluttershy petted Fluffy, around his mane, and gave it a kiss. "Thank you so much for bringing us here, Fluffy." she said to him. "And Thank you Leo, Ramses." All three of these beasts smiled gratefully, and licked Fluttershy one at a time. "I hope you will all be alright if Majora ever comes here."

Fluffy nuzzled his head gently against Flutterhsy for reassurance. He was obviously telling her that he and his two cronies will be fine against an attack from that evil and malicious mask if he ever comes. "Well, I guess it's off to the Dragon Lands." said Link, putting the almost complete mask away in his magic pouch. "How are we gonna get there in time? the train's not fast enough."

"And there's no track for one to take us to the Dragon Lands." said Applejack

"Oh wait. Discord, I think you know what to do." Pip remarked. "Can you take us there in time?"

"Of course I can, my boy." the Master of Chaos boasted. "Everyone prepare yourselves. To the Dragon Lands we go!" He teleported everyone and himself to the outskirts of the Dragon Lands. There were a few streams of lava and it felt a little warm around this area. it wouldn't be a surprise if a dragon would live in a very hot place since they are all fireproof.

Still, hot place or not, they all had to find the last shard to make the Fierce Deity's mask whole again. They all wandered aimlessly and finally, they were seeing more and more dragons as they were wandering through these fields.

"Okay, I'll do most of the talking." Spike volunteered. In a distance, they all saw a gigantic throne ahead of them, and it looked like a giant would sit on that marble.

"Whoa. Look at the size of that thing." Link remarked

"Who can sit on that thing?"

"Apparently a dragon." said Big Mac. "I've never been here before."

They all walked to the throne and they felt so puny the closer they were getting to it. A blue dot was sitting on the throne and Spike knew what that was.

The dot flew down like a harbinger and landed in front of them all. It was Ember, the new Dragon Lord of these very lands, looking cool and noble at the same time. "Ember!" Spike exclaimed.

"Hey Spike." said the female dragon. "What brings you here?"

"It's a long story, but... Can I have a hug? Pleeeeease?" Spike made the puppy eyes at his friend.

Smirking at his adorableness, Ember knelt down on her right knee, and opened her arms. "Come here, you." then they both hugged for a period of time. To Link this looked adorable, and everyone else thought of it too, especially Twilight

Dragon's Lost Time

Ember was lounging back on the gigantic throne for the dragon lord, listening to the whole story from Spike. She had her arms crossed as he was listening to Spike about the reason why he and all his friends were here in the first place, and the situation that was at hand. "Majora will stop at nothing to try and conquer Equestria or Hyrule." Spike continued telling the story to her. "The Fierce Deity's Mask could be our last hope against him, and the last shard is here in the Dragon Lands."

Unsurprisingly, the teenage, blue dragon looked a little skeptical about this. Deep down, she wanted to believe him, but she couldn't fully do so. "Uh-huh." she said with a sneer.

It was certainly no surprise Ember would not believe her first friend she ever made in her entire life, even if he was her closest friend ever. "Look, this may seem a lot to take in right now," said Spike. "But, you have to believe us. If not, at least believe me, your closest friend ever."

Not saying anything at first, the new Dragon Lord looked at Spike. "Look, buddy, I don't know what to think of this. It just happens so suddenly."

"Why would a piece of a puny mask even come here in our home in the first place?" asked a lavender, female dragon.

"That's.... beyond me." the baby dragon admitted. "But we have to find it before Majora does. Do you know any clues where we can find it, Ember?"

"Hmm, well I suppose there is one place we can look at, but... I wanna make up for lost time with Spike." Ember replied. "He's... special to me." The baby dragon felt touched by her kind words. "I wanna hang out with him a little bit since he is here. Kinda saves me the trouble from flapping my wings going all the way to that little town full of cutesy-wutsey things anyway."

"What's wrong with being cutesy-wutesy?" asked Pinkie Pie

"I can tell you what's wrong with it," said a tough male voice. A teenage red dragon that looked a little scary, along with some of his buddies came along, and cracked his knuckles, obviously wanting to pick a bone with Spike somehow.

Spike made a sound of disgust and he said in a begrudging voice: "Garble."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little, worthless runt himself: Spike." said the red dragon. "What brings you to the Dragon lands? This ain't a place for you here." He felt his face being pushed back by Twilight, and she looked pretty angry and fierce at the insecure, teenage reptile.

In an angry voice, Twilight said: "You stay out of this, Garble. This is none of your concern."

"Oh calm down, girl." said Garble, pinning Twilight down on her head with two fingers from his right hand. "I just wanted to say hello to my pal, Spike."

"Pfft, yeah right. I know the reason why you and your meathead friends are here."

Garble then gave him a vicious look of anger and hatred. "Who are you calling meatheads, you runt?!"

He and his buddies were walking over to Spike, possibly to give him a very bad and painful beating. Link and the rest of Spike's friends stepped up to help him.

"Not today, Garble." said Ember. She had her scepter in her hand and she looked really stern st these draconian delinquents. "As the Dragon Lord, I command you to leave here and leave us alone!"

"Pfft. We don't have to listen to-"

"Shut up! Unless you want my father to hear about this."

Garble and bis friends looked really scared and decided to run away from the group. Mostly, it was because they didn't want to face Torch's wrath and anger.

"And you know he kills any dragon who makes him angry." Ember added, looking a little more smug.

"I'd listen to him if I were you, boys." Said Thorax.

Just like that, that troublesome Garble and his friends flew off in fear from Ember and her wrath. They certainly knew how scary her own father can be.

"That's what I thought." The new dragon lord muttered to herself in satisfaction. "Now then, If you guys are telling me the truth about all this, then I'll need some proof."

"What kind of proof do you want?" Asked Link. "I showed you the almost complete mask. I've never lied to anyone I've cared about before."

"He's right." Said Applejack. "I can tell that Link is telling the truth and he is a very bold kind of guy."

"Aw. Thanks, Applejack."

"Well, I'm a dragon who has to see to believe. So, I can't really take your word for it if I don't see anything terrible or bad happening right now. Besides, how powerful can this Majora guy be?"

"You would be quite surprised." Said Thorax.

"Taking control of various creatures under his influence, almost bringing an entire world to an end by an evils monstrous moon he built," Link said. "Trust me, you do not want to pick a fight with Majora."

"That monstrous spirit is not of this world." Said Mathayus. "Bot many mortal weapons can kill him."

Fluttershy stepped up and noted: "look, maybe we should have Spike and Ember have some time together. They are very good friends and we only have one more piece of the mask left."

"Hmm, Fluttershy does have a point." Said Lyra. "Maybe we can gain her trust with this."

Link looked a little uncertain and he didn't know what to say about it at first. "Well, no argument that we only need one piece of the mask, and we can probably come up with the plan to finally take down Majora and make it foolproof."

"There you go," said Big Mac. "At least let these two have a little bit of time together."

Spike and Ember looked at one another again, obviously knowing where this will go next in this situation. "And, I really don't know where that shard is. And we'll look." The blue dragon noted

"And if those monsters or creeps working for Majora come here to attack us, we'll be waiting for him." Said Twilight. "We'll hit them with everything we got."

"Besides," said Spike. "It won't be very long, just for a few minutes."

"Well, okay. Maybe I'm overthinking things in my head." The heel admitted.

"You kinda have a tendency to overthink yourself, Link." Colin jokes lightly.

A small laughter was heard and Link ultimately agreed to this little idea. Besides, one thing that was his power besides the Master Sword snd his courage, was his friends around him that Will help him out no matter what.

Certainly one of the most comforting things for a person in life. Being surrounded by everyone he or she cares about.

Spike and Ember then had a nice talk with one another and a number of minutes, provagot somewhere around ten or fifteen minutes passed.

"The friendship between these two is very important to them, Link." Said Thorax. "Like how important me and Spike's friendship is."

"I know. I know." Link smiled warmly at the two dragons having a laugh and a good talk. All of a sudden a bully, husky yellow dragon came.

"Dragon Lord Ember!" He panted as he landed on the ground. "Your father is growing absolutely berserk. More berserk than usual!"

"What? Where is he?" She asked

"In the fields. He has a glowing purple aura glowing around him and his eyes are purple, too!"

"The shard." Link realised. "Come on, we gotta help him."

Like Father Like Daughter

Rushing over to the direction where a small volcano was erupting, Link knew this was no volcano. Sure, it's a common thing to have volcanoes in the Dragon Lands, and have them spew balls of crimson fire erupting in the air, but dragons were used to that and fireproof.

Alas, it was certainly no volcano erupting and spewing out balls and meteors of fire and magma in the sky. No, it was something moving.

In the far distance over in a plateau that looked like a meteor had hit it, was a gigantic dragon with a dark blue color on his scales and he was almost as big as a mountain, like the gigantic throne for a dragon lord to sit on.

"Father." Ember murmured to herself in horror. Yes, it was Torch, her father and former ruler of this kingdom.

"Whoa. That is one angry dragon." Said Said Twilight. "He's causing a rampage."

"No duh!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"How the hay are we gonna fight a gigantic dragon like that?" Asked Applejack

“Well, we cannot try and best a gigantic creature at this size.” Mathayus Said. “Oh! Look up on his forehead!” He pointed his right finger at Torch. On his forehead was a glowing, purple object that is creating aura around the former leader of these lands.

While releasing another wave of fire in the sky, Torch shouted: “I WANT MORE MEEEEEAAAAT!!!!!” His voice boomed like thunder and there were not even storm clouds in sight.

When Fluttershy heard this, she was very scared and very skittish abiut trying to fight him off. “T-T-That’s the mask, isn’t it?” She Asked in a shaky voice.

“You know it.” Link nodded his head to her. “I’m going in after him to pry it off his head.” He was about to rush off and pulls the masks shard off of Torch’s head, but he was stopped by E,her, and a couple of his other friends.

“Wait! You can't kill my father!” Said th female dragon.

“And he’ll eat you whole.” Twilight added. “Look at the size of this Monster!”

“Hey! My dad's not a monster.” The new dragon lord looked at the princess of friendship in a stern and offended way. “That thing is controlling him.”

“Not controlling, influencing him.” Said Colin. “It’s turning him into an angry dragon that wants to destroy everything in his path.” He saw a bunch of other dragons rushing over to help their former king and calm him down from his inexplicable anger.

Their efforts, however, were all fruitless in trying to calm him down. Every one of these dragons were either keeping their distances, or swatted away with Torch’s mighty hands and arms as if they were all puny flies or insects to him since he was so big and intimidating. “Think, think, Think.” Said Lyra. “What can we do to get that mask shard?”

Everyone else was thinking of an idea to help The former king and calm his anger down. Spike cake up with an idea first, and he said: “I’m going in. I’ll get that shard away from him.”

“Whaaat?!” Everyone around him shouted.

“Spike, have you been eating too much ice cream again?” asked Twilight. She began to laugh nervously at what he just said right now.

The baby dragon looked stern and serious at her. "Twilight, I mean it. I'm gonna go up there and take that shard from Torch. If i do that, he will turn back to normal."

"And get yourself killed!" Rarity exclaimed frantically.

"She's right, sugarcube." said Applejack. "You'll get hurt trying to pry that dark shard off that dragon's head like a rattlesnake being pulled off by a minotaur after bitin' him!"

"And I would never forgive myself if something happened to my own best friend." Thorax added, hugging him tightly. "I don't know how I will live without you!"

"Hey, hey," Spike chuckled uncomfortably. "It's play, Thorax. I'll be fine."

"We can't let you do that Spike." said Twilight.

"It's way too dangerous." Fluttershy added.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute you guy," Link intervened. "Maybe Spike is on to something. Besides, he has wings now, and he can fly."

"Yeah, I think the little dude can do this." Ember agreed with him. "Besides, wings is a huge improvement for a kid dragon."

Spike smiled at her. "Thanks, Ember." back to Twilight and his other friends, he said: "guys. Come on, I saved the Crystal Empire three times, I can save the Dragon Lands the same."

Everypony was still looking unsure about this, but ultimately, Twilight said: "Okay. Just be careful and don't get hurt."

"I'll need some cover fire, though."

"Leave that to me." Ember boldly stated. "I'll watch over ya in case something goes wrong."

"Perfect!" Both Spike and Ember flew to the skies together, and they found themselves face-to-face with The former, feared ruler of this kingdom.

Shouting, Ember said: "Father! Please! Come to your senses!"

"How dare you raise your voice to me!" Torch roared. "Your own father!" He looked at Spike next. "And what are you doing here, worthless little trash?"

"Hey! Spike is not a worthless trash! He is my friend and you will do well to remember that, father!" Spike defensively stood up to the former king.

Now Torch was getting more angry and his eyes were burning like actual fire. "Yoy dare to tall back to your own father, young lady!?! You are grounded FOREVEEEEEERRR!!!!"

Hearing him roar and shout in the sky like that was like a terrible thunderstorm was hitting the whole Dragon Lands, except: no clouds, no lightning, and no thunder at all.

"Stand your ground, Ember," Spike reminded. "That's not him talking."

"I know. I'll distract him while you go for the shard."


The blue teenage dragon did exactly that and tried to distract her father by scratching the sides of his torso, and even breathing fore at it once in a while.

"Ember, stop this right now, young lady!" Torch ordered her.

"Make me!"' Ember shouted back to him in defiance.

This gave Spike the perfect opportunity to go on Torch's forehead and try and remove the mask shark from his scales. He was trying so hard to pull it off of from the scales of Ember's father, but it seemed really stuck.

"Come on, baby! Get off!" he grunted while pulling. "Why... won't... you get off!?"

"What the- is there a gigantic isopod on me?" Torch was starting to notice something funny on his forehead. "Gah! What the hell is on my head?"

"Uh-oh! I need to distract him more," Ember thought out loud to herself. She improvised by biting him a couple of times on his toes, making him howl in pain.

The moving was starting to make Spike lose his grip, and he recognized the problem. Purple and blue veins that were glowing, were attached to Torch's scales, and it looked a little bit like roots from a plant. Still, Spike had to remove it either way, and he had to do it fast. As he was pulling some more, he could see the veins slowly coming off, and he was close to getting the mask off of him.

"Almost.... there!" he grunted. There was only one more vein to be pulled off, and when the mask was struggling to hold onto him, a loud snapping sound was heard and a small explosion erupted, blowing Spike away like a wave of magic. While Torch's head was hurting from all that dark magic flowing inside his brain, Ember saw Spike falling down to his death while he was screaming

"Spike!!!" the heroes shouted in horror.

Ember immediately caught sight of the baby dragon and swooped down to his aid fast as a peregrine falcon while diving to catch it's food. Before Spike could hit the ground, Ember caught him with her two arms just in time, and she landed back to the heroes. Poor Spike was out cold from the impact of the explosion, with the very last shard of the Fierce Deity's Mask in his right hand.

Twilight and the other elements, along with Starlight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Pip, and Big Mac crowded around him. "Spike, come on, stay with us!" Ember urged.

"Come on, Spike. You have to pull it together." Fluttershy added

The baby dragon began to stir and wake back up from consciousness. "Ah, my head." he moaned. "Feels like it was head by a bunch of rocks."

"Spike, are you okay?" asked Twilight. "Are you hurt?"

"A little... sore, but, i'll be okay, Twi."

The princess of friendship smiled. She then hugged him like a big sister would do for a little brother. "Oh Spike, i'm so glad you're okay."

"You were brave out there, Spike." Link admired him. "Now the final piece is ours."

Spike tried getting up, but he was staggering, still feeling out-of-balance, and Fluttershy was the one who caught him. "I think you will have to take it easy for a while, Spike."

"Yeah. I'll be fine. W-what about Torch?"

The sounds of gigantic footsteps were heard and the ground was shaking every second. Turns out that Ember's father was walking over to the group to greet them all. "What just happened to me?" It was no surprise that he did not remember what he was doing right now.

"Father. You... don't know what just happened?"

"No. I just found this nice gem and it almost felt like I fell asleep in the middle of the day." Torch replied. He looked down at Spike again, and he said: "Ah, one called 'Spike', pleasure to see you here again."

"Thanks, even though you almost killed me." Spike replied with a uncomfortable look on his face.

The former dragon lord looked a little confused by what Spike just said. "What? What are you talking about, little whelp?"

Ember looked at the Hero of Twilight, and she said to him, "Link, can you please explain to my father what just happened a few minutes ago and what's going on?"

"Sure." Link nodded his head. "Torch, I can explain everything that is going on right now." Then the hero began to explain the shard of the mask and what it was meant for, and he was certainly feeling like an idiot about obtaining the mask shard. The more Link explained, the more dumbfounded Torch looked about all this troubling news.

"Well, you mean to tell me that this little gem was controlling me and my emotions with dark magic?" Torch asked him.

"Pretty much." said Link. "I know it sounds crazy and a lot to take in, but you need to believe me." He looked at the last shard and pulled out the mask, which was nearly complete. He carefully connected the shard to it, and something very magical happened. The Fierce Deity's Mask was glowing a very pale, and bright purple, and it cause a gigantic, blind flash across the crater where Link and the heroes were all at.

After about five seconds, the light faded away like a shooting star, and the mask was fully repaired and whole again.


The Fierce Deity's Mask has been restored! Now Link is ready to take on Majora head-on in a fight, and restore order to both Hyrule, and Equestria.

Now that the mask was complete, everything was all set to take down Makora once and for all.

"Now, you said that this mask has powers, right?" Asked Ember.

"Uh-huh. But, I'm worried I won't be able to control myself once I put it on and... the darkness will control me."

"Theh why did you come all the way here looking for that mask piece anyway if you're worried about it?" Ember asked

"I... I don't know, because I'm worried about princess Zelda, Ember. I just want to save her."

"Ooh, I've heard of this." Tbe new dragon lord said teasingly. "This will end up with a kiss, I know it will."

"Kiss?" Link exclaimed while blushing. Now he didn't really know what to say. "It's not a kiss, i- I mean- uh... me and Zelda are good friends, that's all."

"She's just teasing you, Link." Colin said. "We all know that you and Zelds are just friends."

"Why don't you try it on and see if you can control it or not?" Bon Bon suggested.

"I'm sure you can." Big Mac believed.

"We'll do it outside of the Dragon Lands. Just to be safe." He looked at Ember and he said to her: "thanks, Ember. I really appreciate your help in finding this."

"No Problem, Link. You need my help in trying to stop him?"

"No. I think we'll be fine. Besides, if what Kit says is true, this mask might be our last hope." He looked deeper into the mask and he had a small change of heart. "On second thought, maybe I'll try this on."

Rainbow Dash had a look if excitement and let out a cute gasp. "Really? I wanna see, I wanna see!"

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash. I know how excited you are, but lives will be at stake if we do not act." Mathayus said.

"Right." To Link, looking at this powerful and ancient mask made him a little uncomfortable. Still, he knew he had probably no choice. "Here goes."

He slowly put the mask on his face, and something magical was happening again. Some terrible migraine, and he grasped his head with his two hands.

The moment the mask stuck to Link's face, he let out a yell. "Gaahhh! Something's happening to me!"

Another blinding light flashed, and after it had gone, Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others could hardly believe what they were gazing upon.

Link looked a little different than he was before and his clothes were a pale blue, but the leggings and bodysuit on his lower body was a black color.

Red and blue face paint was smeared on his face, and a chest armor was covering his torso.

Another big change for Link was he had eyes with no pupils and a gigantic, two-handed sword with two blades mixing like a creature's DNA.

He was a little taller now than he normally was, and the Master Sword wass still in its scabbard on Link's back.

"Whoa. That is awesome!" Rainbow said

Colin went up to Link and he asked: "Link, do you feel okay?"

It took a while for Link to respond, but he finally replied: "I'm just fine, Colin." Then he patted the boy on the head.

"Wow. Look at you Link, and that sword you're holding" Pip pointed.

The hero looked at the gigantic blade and he was impressed by how it looked. "Can I look in a mirror?"

"Not to worry. "I'll bring one for you."

It was no surprise that Rarity would carry a hand mirror in her bag.m, and she penotoy gave it to Link.

Stunned and intrigued by how Link looked in this form, all he said was, "wow," under his breath.

He then pulled out the Master Sword, and tried to compare which was more powerful. That one or the Double Helix sword.

A gigantic aura appeared and the two sword suddenly collided with one another. Yes, these two powerful blades have fused together as one.

The Master Sword looked a little different, such the blade looking like a helix, but it was smaller then the two-handed one. There was a line that went from the bottom of the blade and up to the pointy tip.

"Wow. They fused." Link said in more astonishment.

"This is gonna be cool." Pip said.

Link pulled the mask off and he was back to his old self. "Wow. That mask is powerful."

"I hope this can help us." Fluttershy stated.

The Master Sword was back to its original state and it was realized that the Double helix sword only came with the mask after one puts it on.

"Okay, I'm ready. Now we have to stop Makors and save Zelda." His friends all agreed with him, bid bye to Ember and some of the other dragons, and poofed off into Ponyville.

Garble looked completely arrogant as usual abs he muttered under his breath: "I hope you get eaten by sharks, you little runt."

Ponyville Break/Thinking of a Perfect Plan

At last, the Fierce Deity's mask was officially complete, and Link was ready to take down Majora and bring an end to his hellish chaos that be was bringing upon Equestria.

He and all of his friends were back in Ponyville and waited for Majora to turn up and try and kill everyone in plain sight.

Whatever monsters that he might summon under his command, Link had his two powerful swords and a godly mask to back him up and kill every last one of those fiends from before.

Link was pacing to and from while waiting for that wicked spirit to come. He desperately wanted him to show up so he can put an end to him once and for all.

"I think we should go for some victory cake." Pinkie Pie suggested. "We found the mask and we can have a mix of chocolate and vanilla combined!"

"Victory cake?" Asked Mathayus. "We haven't even won our fight against him, Pinkie Pie."

"Well yeah, but I know we can best him now That we got the mask together."

"Yeah, maybe." Said Rainbow Dash. Her stomach was growling like an angry animal was trapped in it. "Sweet Celestia, I could really go for some grub."

"You're thinking about food at a time like this?" Asked Link. "Majora or other vicious monsters could come here and attack any minute."

"But we do have the mask." Said Fluttershy. "And the Great Fairy sword, and the Master Sword."

"I know. You're right." Link admitted. "I'm probably getting worked up over nothing." His own stomach began rumbling, telling him that he too, was hungry. "I guess we can go for some food before we attack."

"And he might come to us instead of us coming to him." Colin theorized.

"I know."

Everyone went to the cafe to have something to eat before they would do anything else, and, maybe Majora will show up some time and attacked the whole town.

While eating, Link had a salad and a picked veggie burger since ponies are herbivores and don't eat meat.

Everyone else had zesty cucumber sandwiches and zoom after, everyone was fed and their bellies were full.

"Uh-oh." Pinkie said. "I gotta tinkle!"

Everyone else groaned at what she said. "Now, Pinkie?" asked Applejack. "Majora might come and attack any minute."

"Don't worry. I'll be super quick." Pinkie sang. She zipped down to the nearest restroom and it only took about ten seconds for her to come back.

This was Pinkie Pie after all, and she is quite unpredictable at many things.

So right after everyone was fed, they all waited for something to happen. "So, will we come back to Equestria some time when this is all over?" Asked Storm. "I really like it here.

"Of course. Just say the word and I'll take you back here."

"And we can have another picnic together." Twilight added. "And we can have good laughs about all of this once this is all over."

"I'll bring the nachos." Spike said.

"And, I can't wait to see Illia again. She probably misses me so much right now." Link admitted.

"And I can't wait to have you ride on me again, Link." Epona added. "I miss it when toy ride on me."

"I know Epona. I know."

"I can hardly imagine how much all my people miss me right now. My own brother, and my family." Said Mathayus.

Looking at Canterlot castle, Link remembered that as the place where he finished off Ganondorf and saved the princess' from being stone statues for the rest of eternity.

"I certainly wonder about what kinds of adventures we will all have after we kill Majora." Said Discord. "Kill some more monsters? Go on a perilous journey outside of Equestria?"

"Good question." Said Rarity. "There are always opportunities."

"And I love fighting monsters." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Link, i wonder. Do you still play that harp that gave you six months ago?" Asked Lyra. "I wanna hear you play."

"Of course. I always practice. Here. I'll show it to you." Link pulled out the instrument and he began playing on the harp in a beautiful, melodic tune. It was so beautiful that some patrons passing by were noticing his playing, and it ranged from foals to teenagers to adult ponies.

It gained quite a crowd just to listen to him play that little instrument that Lyra had given him on the last visit to Equestria. It went on for a little more than one minute and thirty seconds, when, all of a sudden, an explosion appeared on the far right of the town, fifty yards south from where everyone was.

Many ponies scattered, and ran for cover from any more explosions by going in their houses, or hiding in buildings for protection. Link and his friends were shocked, but, being heroes as they were, they were ready for what possibly meant Majora coming to challenge them to a fight.

"Does somepony hate Link's harp playing?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"No, I highly doubt that." Said Starlight Glimmer. She gasped with a thought. "What if it's Majora?"

"I think you're right, Starlight!" Said Big Macintosh. "Come on, y'all! Let's go check it out!"

Everyone in thisngeoul agreed with him and they rushed over to see what it was. A small batch of fire was seen and it was remains of what it appears to be a flower stall.

"What caused the explosion?" Spike asked.

"I have no idea." Twilight admitted. "But, stand your ground, everyone."

As everyone looked at their surroundings, a small stampede was seen and a small band of creatures that looked like gigantic brown rats or hamsters, with creepy smiles and a bomb attached to the end of their tails.

"What the heck are they?" Asked Bon Bon

"I.... I don't know." Link admitted. But they have bombs on their tails!"

"Uh-oh! Take cover!" Said Spike.

"Wait, I think I got an idea." Link said. He pulled out his harp again. "This might sound crazy, but this might work.

He began playing his instrument and these weird, giant, rat-like creatures stopped in front of him. Half of them tilted their heads to the left, and the other half tilted theirs to the right.

As the hero continued playing, the creatures started to like his tunes and began humming and chiming to the sound of his harp.

It was exactly what the Hero of Twilight wanted and he moved over to a small space outside of Ponyville and as soon as they were far away, the creatures still loved it and they all felt the bombs being pulled out of their Tails and they were no longer dangerous without them.

Link stopped playing his harp and he shouted: "okay, Discord, now!"

"You got it, chief." Tbe master of chaos moved all the bombs and used his first finger on his right hand to levitate them in the air and explode in the sky, like a shooting star had just appeared in the middle of the day.

All of these monsters looked up and back to everyone else in front of them. They didn't really attack, they were just standing and sitting idly, like ordinary animals in the wild.

Fluttershy took the opportunity try and tall to these rather creepy creatures. "Excuse me," she began. "But what are you all?"

The leader of the creatures began muttering a language that sounded like: "Meh meh meh meh, meh meh meh." In a high voice.

"Oh. Bombchus?" Said Fluttershy. "What were you doing out here?"

Another one of these bombchu creatures began talking to her in replyas tbr same language as it's leader.

"Oh. Really? You were just looking for something to eat?" Fluttershy continued translating for them all. "How did you get here?"

After more conversation, Fluttershy understood what they meant.

"So Majora sent you all here to cause havoc?"

"They did!?" Link shouted. "We gotta get rid of them!" He was about to pull out the Master Sword and Great fairy sword at them, but he was stopped by Colin.

"Wait." Said Fluttershy. "They are just curious. They are not bad bombchus. All they are doing is just trying to find their place."

"Well, they do look a little.... unsettling." Said Lyra.

"That's just how they look."

"True, and like I always say: never judge a book by its cover." Zecors agreed.

"Look, you all just need to be in a place where you can live peacefully. Biw, can you all promise not to cause any more trouble and move someplace else?"

All of the bombchus nodded a Yes to her while chattering and making high-pitched grunting noises in reply.

"Good. Now, there is a nice forest over there. Just be nice to the other animals when you go there."

Just like that, the bombchus all chattered and ran over to the forest where Fluttershy pointed to, hopefully, to never bother Ponyville again.

"I've heard of bombchus," said Link. "But I guess they just behave like any other animal."

"Of course. Kindness can be the best medicine, especially removing bombs from their tails."

"Well, I gotta say, I'm impressed." Said a voice all too familiar. It was Majora, who came to Ponyville at last for the final battle.

Shocking Turn for the Worst

Link was ready to face down Majora again and now that he had the mask, he was feeling way less worried and nervous about taking this demonic spirit down. He pulled out his Master Sword and Great Fairy Sword with his two hands.

"Come now, do you really think you can best me, Link? Even with that very instrument that my sworn enemy wore to destroy me?" Majora taunted.

"I don't think, Majora. I know." Link said. He swung the Great fairy sword at him with his right hand, and a magical beam of magic appeared, temporarily stunning Majora. Making him scream in agony as he was being electrocuted by the magic of this magical blade.

At first, it looked like it killed him, but, not long after; Majora immediately got back on his feet and scowled at the heroes with a menacing growls showing his sharp teeth. "Pfft, you call that an attack?"

"It's over, Majora!" Said Twilight. "Give up and stop all of this madness, or suffer the consequences."

Majora just laughed at the threat the Princess of Friendship gave him. "You think I al afraid of you, Twilight?" He asked with an amused look on his face. "You are all nothing but puny mortals with pathetic morals."

"Wrong!" Said Spike. "We are stronger than that!"

"Friendship is the most powerful thing in existence." Twilight added. "It's what keeps all of us strong."

Every one of her friends agreed with her with their own words.

"Oh, is that right?" Majora said. "Because I have managed to brainwash Princess Cadence to be on my side."

"Yeah, but we defeated her shortly." Rainbow pointed out.

"A temporary setback." Majora admitted. "Still, I can easily turn her back to my side."

"We've beaten your monsters from time and time again." Link pointed. "This won't be any different than before." He readied his swords and prepared to put on his completed mask. "Now, you will suffer the consequences for everything you have done."

"Ha! You will be the one to suffer as well, Link. I will make you feel the pain I endured when your wretched ancestor killed me. When I am back to my true form, which will be soon, you will die. You will all die!!" And he let out a maniacal laughter.

The very sound of a wicked and evil spirit like Majora was a very bad and unnerving thing to hear for about everyone's ears.

Nonetheless, Link was more than ready to take him down with all the firepower he is carrying right now. "Are you done talking?" He asked, "because I wanna ge this over with!"

Majora let out a smaller laugh and replied: "of course. Since you asked for it, I will grant you your request." He pulled out his whips and Link charged at him with full-speed with zeal .

An electrifying charge was flowing around Majora's whips and charged at Link himself. He used his left whip to try and hurt the hero, but Link was quick, and he dodge by doing a ground slide on his knees, and slashed at him from behind with both his two swords.

The evil spirit himself was fast and he grabbed Link with his right whip and tried shocking him with it, but Link used the master sword to slice the whip-like arm off.

One thing that made Link a little queasy was Majora slowly regenerating his arm with the sounds of wet flesh heard.

"I think I am going to be sick." Rarity remarked with her face turning green.

"Be careful, Link! Fluttershy called out to him while he was still fighting off the wicked spirit.

The hero did a somersault in front of his opponent, and kicked him in the belly with his left legz making Majora fly backwards.

"Grr. You have been a thorn at my side for too long, Link!"

"That makes one of us!" Link retorted. He was dodging a few energy bubbles glowing blue from Majora's mouth.

The impacts from the blasts were like small explosions of blue fire, but Link deflected a few shots with his two swords, given their holy nature.

While deflecting more blasts, Link jumped and knocked Majora with his two swords tackling Majora. It looked like he won, and he was about to do the ending blow on him, but then; Majora screamed and blasted an enormous explosion of shocking magic to get him off.

Link fell back with a grunt and he was helped up by his cohorts.

"Yoy will pay for that!" Mathatus shouted in anger. He pulled out his own sword and shield and charged at Majora with anger.

He swung his blade to and fro at Majora, and the spirit himself was surprised by how fierce this warrior was fighting him like this.

Heavy sounds of the swords clashing were heard again, and Majora formed two blades from his hands so that he could have a better fighting chance.

Mathayus was about to finish him off with a wide and fast slice from his sword, but, Majora did a great jump and landed on the ground work his two feet.

Little did he know that Mathayus charged at him like a moving train, and knocked Majora over into a house, and then he landed belly-first on the ground with a loud thud.

"Go, Mathayus!" Pip cheered him on. "Show that monster what your made of!"

the evil mask spirit grunted as he was slowly getting up and looked a little sore from the impact of the push. It was so hard, he felt a little dizzy at first, and his vision was a little blurry.

Despite that however; This living mask immediately gotbl his vision straight again and he yelled in anger and retaliated by charging back at Mathayus.

Starlight Glimmer blaster him with the magic from her horn, and to him, it only felt like a strong wind was blowing against his body, and he was only stunned for a few seconds.

"You stupid girl!" He said to Starlight.

"You are outnumbered a dozen of us to one!" Said Starlight Glimmer. "Just give up now!"

"Numbers don't win a battle!"

"Well that was a diatraction!" Pip said.

"A distraction? What kind of-" Link charged at him again, and pulled out his shield this time, and left his Master Sword out.

More sounds of clashing steel were heard as their swords colliding with one another.

Despite being a little more reliant on magical powers, Majora seemed just as deadly in hand-to-hand combat with his own enemies.

Bashing his shield at any opportunity possible, Link would show no mercy in trying to kill this malicious monster, and he would do his best to try and give him a heavy blow of justice.

Having enough of this, Link pulled out the Fierce Deity's mask, and he became the form of Fierce Deity Link again, swinging his double-helix sword a few times.

Deep down, Majora was feeling quite scared, for that very mask was the very thing that help his ancient enemy bring his demise.

Magical waves of magic were hurdling towards him, and Link swung his sword over and over again at him on a flash of fury.

The evil mask spirit, however, managed to kick Link ik the face, and blast him into a building with his dark magic.

The battle raged on, and it was hard to tell the difference at who was winning.

Ultimately, Link readied his unusual blades and performed a long and powerful spin attacked that looked like a small tornado spinning around, and Majora recieived several hits from it.

The hero's friends cheered on for him at his supposed victory. Now, it appeared to be it, and he knew it would be the end of this madness and chaotic hell that was stirring in the world of Equestria.

"Majora, you have caused great harm to the ponies and creatures in this world." Said Link. "Now, you will pay the ultimate price."

Majora looked a little too weak to get back up, and he just snarled at Link. "I hate you, Link." He said.

Just when Link was about to pierce his chest, a woman's laugh was heard, and he recognized it. It sounded like a beautiful evil laughter and he looked quite shocked when he saw Princess Zelda herself.

Something about her was very wrong. She didn't exactly look like herself. Her second front teeth were sharper than before like a vampire's teeth. Not only that, but her hair was completely down and her tiara wasn't on her head, and instead of her normal princess attire, she was in a black bodysuit that was sleeveless and strapless, and it went from her legs to a little above her breasts, and some glowing purple aura formed around her, and her eyes were from beautifully blue to this yellow, cat-like irises.

She had small gloves and had claws at the ends of her fingers, and she was not wearing shoes or slippers, but the bodysuit was acting as her shoes, and had primal claws at the ends of her toes. Link was absolutely horror-struck and he couldn't believe his eyes at seeing what Zelda had become under Majora's magic.

"Princess?" he asked.

Zelda made a small, evil chuckle, and she said: "What's the matter, Link? You look like you have seen Ganondorf again." and she gave him an evil grin.

"Zelda, what... happened to you?"

"Do you really want to know, Link?" she slowly approached him in a rather sexy walk. Not only Link, but Colin, Epona, Storm, and all their friends were just as mortified and stunned at what Zelda just looked like.

The Hero of Twilight slowly took off his powerful mask and he was back to his original self. "Zelda.... it's me, Link. don't you recognize me?"

"How can I even forget about my favorite hero?" she replied, still walking towards him.

"Meet my new.... member of the family, little heroes." Majora said with a smug look

"What did you do to her, you monster!?" Link shouted, about to attack him with pure anger.

"Tut tut, Link." said Zelda. "Majora has done something wonderful to me."


Majora approached her when she was trapped in the magical barrier that he himself conjured. "Come now, princess Zelda." he said. "Don't you want to be the most powerful ruler in all of Hyrule?" Zelda looked extremely confused and mortified. Majora snapped his fingers and trapped her in these magical, golden shackles on her wrists and ankles.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I have decided that since you love Hyrule so much," Majora had a very wickedly sly look on his face. The magical barrier containing Zelda vanished and and with opening his hand, he created a small aura of magic, and gently pushed it in Zelda, right where her heart is, and went inside of her.

Something was happening inside of her, and Majora snapped his fingers again, causing the magical energy cuffs to disappear and let go of Hyrule's beloved ruler. A kind of throbbing was beating inside her head, as if he had given her a heart inside her brain.

Her teeth were growing sharper than how they normally were and a magical dark energy was appearing over most of her body, except her upper breasts and arms, and her fingernails were turning more demonic, and the same for her feet. Her old clothes suddenly ripped and her braids broke off, along with her tiara.

Her eyes were changing a red color, and it changed into the cat-like slits and pupils colored yellow instead of blue. She began laughing and giggling evilly as she was transformed into this twisted, evil form of herself. Majora himself was laughing maniacally herself and he knew that he had created something so horrible, that it would be as equal as Ganondorf.

End of Flashback

Poor Link was so shocked and mortified by what the princess has just experienced. Sure, Majora could try and kill him, but when it comes to Zelda, that's when he got really angry and pissed off. "Oh come on, Link." said Zelda. "It's me, Zelda."

"Zelda," Link said in an urging voice. "Please, you gotta snap out of it." he slowly approached her and put his weapons away to try and reason with the corrupted princess. "I know you are suffering inside. And you are stronger than Majora's magic. You have the Triforce of Wisdom for Farore's sake! Our bond is way stronger than this."

The princess of Hyrule was silent for a moment, and had a blank look on his face. "Join us, Link. You will be a rightful king of Hyrule with me. We can rule over this feeble world as well."

"No, this is not you." The hero continued begging. "Zelda, you have to fight the evil Majora has placed on you."

"Why would I want to fight it?" she said with her evil smile again. "I never felt so calm, so powerful before." She was chuckling evilly, and Link slowly backed away in horror. A gigantic rage burnt up inside of him, and he looked at Majora again with completely fury and hatred on his face.

"Majora," he said, "I will never forgive you for this."

“Ha! I wouldn’t even be caught dead, or near-dead asking for YOUR forgiveness, little hero.”

Growling, Link shouted in rage: “MAJORAAAAAAA!!!!!” He immediately pulled out his mask again and charged at him with rage and anger. For the first time, Majora actually looked quite scared and surprised by what was happening right now.

He felt Link slash at him repeatedly with the Double Helix Sword in a fast pace, and every slash of it hurt him. Link even knocked him to the ground and landed like a meteor from outer space.

Link let out a rage cry and he was ready to wipe Majora out of existence and put an end to his madness, and he almost succeeded, but then, Zelda came and stopped Link from doing so. “I cannot let you do that, Link.” She Said. She pulled out her old rapier and sliced at Link, knocking him to the ground.

“Link!” His friends exclaimed in shock. Colin held his head.

“Are you Okay?” Colin Said.

“Oh. That hurts,” Link groaned.

“Let me help you, lord Majora.” Zelda offered. “Bokoblins! Seize them!” Just with a snap of her finger, an army of bokoblins appeared, and charged at the heroes. Another fight ensued and it looked pretty ugly. Not only bokoblins, but wizzrobes, Iron knuckles, Poes, kargaroks, guays, And tektites appeared as well.

“Link, we need to do something!” Said Fluttershy

“But, But, I don’t want to hurt Zelda!” Link said. “What’s the point in fighting anymore?”

“What kind of talk is that?” Said Applejack.

“It’s like what you said about Cadence,” Twilight reminded. “We have to take her down and stop Majora.”

“I... I don’t want to kill her.”

“Link, you won’t.” Fluttershy Said. “We will get her back. All we have to do it fight.” While looking unsure, Link decided and thought that his friends were right and he would have to battle Zelda herself to bring peace and balance to both worlds.

He looked back at fighting with Cadence and the others in the past corrupted by dark magic. “You’re, you’re right.” He admitted. “He got back up and battled as much enemies coming his way, and there was yet another battle between good and evil.

Rowdy Rumble

A gigantic horde of evil monsters appeared under the command of the brainwashed Princess Zelda, whom Link could not believe had been turn evil by the magic of Majora himself.

Despite how shocking and scary this was, Link and his cohorts had to stand strong and fight off as much monsters as they could.

One thing that everyone of the group of heroes was certain of: they know not to kill Zelda, for she was a victim of this too, and they all had to do something to turn her back to normal.

Many lizalfos, bokoblins, moblins, and other evil beings that Zelda and Makora have conjured were falling one by one into the dust.

"Zelda, you gotta remember who you are!" Link begged. "Please come back to the light!"

The brainwashed princess made a small scowl on her face. "Pfft, silly Link," she scoffed. "I told you before that I ak perfectly in control."

"We both know that's not true." Link continued reasoning. "Yoy gotta fight the evil in you."

"Link, I hate to say it, but we have to defeat her." Said Twilight

"I know, I know!" Link shouted. "As long as we don't kill her."

"That sounds a little hard." Colin pointed.

"We'll sure as heck try." Said Applejack. "Link's right, Zelda's sufferin' on the inside." She pulled out a lasso rope in case she needed it for rounding up enemies or tying the princess up in it if necessary. Zelda ordered the army of evil creatures to charge at the heroes with full zeal and deal away with them so they wouldn't get in the way of her new master.

This fight will certainly end in an ugly between the sides. Link really hated to try and hurt the princess, probably wasn't the first time since Ganondorf possessed her as his puppet one time and he had to defeat her to set her free. Perhaps with Majora influencing her, this will not be so different than Ganondorf possessing her mind and body like his own marionette.

Like that, another battle in Ponyville was brought upon the whole town, and this might be a little more ugly than it was before. Link was slashing his way through many monsters as he could, and he was targeting Majora so he can free Zelda and put an end to this chaos. He knew that if he killed Majora, Zelda will be set free from the influence of the evil mask spirit.

Just because one of the most powerful people of Hyrule was influenced by a very dark evil, it did not mean the battle was necessarily lost.

As soon as the monsters were charging, the other heroes clashed with many opponents and kicked, sliced, and punched at many of these monsters.

One Lizalfos was punched in the face by Applejack, a blue wizzrobe had his lower jaw ripped off by Mathayus, and he was left in the dirt to bleed to death from the wound be received by the darknut chief.

It was truly thanks to Mathayus' strength, for he knew how to execute eco monsters and enemies quickly. He was still a living tank to anyone that would dare try and fight him.

Colin, as usual, was fighting almost as great as Link was, and he took down a wolfos with his sword.

The ponies, including Pip were fighting off a bunch of opponents that were trying to kill them in this skirmish. Of course, their luck will have to run put some time and they can't keep fighting off these guys forever.

Link saw Majora in the distance, limping away from the fight like the coward he was. Anger was boiling in his blood and veins seeing him, and Link was not going to let him escape this time.

This was more personal than it was before now that he had corrupted Zelda herself.

"Majora!" He bellowed, pulling out the Master Sword and Hylian shield. "I will not let you get away with this any longer!"

He yelled as he charged at the evil spirit at full speed. Majora was still quick and he pulled out a sword of his own, and the two were really trying to kill one another.

More sounds of clashing steel were heard between them, and Link was being more acrobatic and athletic than he normally would be. He knew that if Majora stabbed him, it would probably be all over for him, and everyone would be doomed.

Link did a backflip three times to avoid Majora's own spin attack and he did a jump attack forward. While in a sword-lock, Majora said while trying to push Link back: "i have had enough of you meddling in my affairs! If you would just leave well-enough alone, your precious princess wouldn't have been improved by me."

"Improved? Improved?! More open tainted by your darkness!" Link shooter before kicking him in the face two times.

Despite being powerful, it didn't make the monster fall backwards from the impact and only his head moved.

"You cannot hope to best me, Link." Said Majora. "Nothing will stop my plans."

He felt the Hylian shield bash his face like a cannonball had hit it, and Link sliced at his thighs, making him yell and scream.

He knew that Majora was down and this might be the perfect opportunity for him to deliver the final blow on him. He jumped and prepared to pierce Majora's heart, but then; Zelda blocked it with her rapier.

"Do not lay a hand on him." She said.

"Zelda, please. Come to your senses." Link begged. "I know you can hear me." He felt Zelda push him back with her magic and blew Link into a nearby food stall.

"I told you, I do not need any saving at all!" She said.

Transforming into a wolf again, Link tried going a little faster than before and sprinted on his four legs since wolves can run faster than people.

He jumped out of the way from Zelda's magical beams while running to Majora, and managed to pounce on him while growling ferociously.

"Link, look out!" Colin shouted. An aerolfos cane out of nowhere and swooped down on Link like a harbinger of death, but; having enhanced hearing and wolf-like reflexes, the hero heard it before the monster would hit him while growling like a cougar.

Not wanting to play these kind of games, Link just jumped on the winged enemy while he was still a wolf, and bit down on the Aerolfos' neck. Hard.

It didn't take long for the creature to die from lack of oxygen since Link was biting down on it's windpipe.

"Link! A little help here, please!" Lyra called. Looking at where she was, her and Bon Bon were being cornered by a bunch of bokoblins and moblins.

"I'm coming, guys! Hang on!" Link ran over and transformed back to his original self. He pulled out his Fierce Deity's mask, and after he transformed, he readied his double-helix sword, and he said: "Prepare to meet your fates."

In a flash of light, the hero of Hyrule charged and sliced as much enemies without ease and many if his opponents were already killed with one slash.

In one situation, Link looked outnumbered when he was circled around by three moblins and three bokoblins, looking angry and dangerous. Alas, he performed a powerful spin attack with his double-handed blade and a all six of these creatures fell dead from the sword.

"Wow. That is one cool mask." Said Lyra.

"Yeah, really packs a punch." Bon Bon added.

"I know." Link smiled. "I'm glad I have this with me."

Just then, four lizalfos came over and tried to kill the two best friends, but Lyra and Bon Bon were stronger than they looked, and fought back.

Thanks to her magic, Lyra conjured a magical sword made out of her magic and began slashing it at a Lizalfos, killing it in three hits.

Bon Bon had herself a soda pop gun on her and it looked a little strange.

"Wow Lyra, how did you get that?"

"I have my ways, Lyra."

Majora's True Form

Despite how greatly they were fighting, the heroes were facing more enemies that were appearing out of nowhere from Majora and Zelda's magic. It seemed like no end to many enemies being summoned and there would be hundreds of them being summoned by either these two powerful figures.

Colin transformed into his wolf form and bit one lizalfos in the throat to suffocate it and keep it from breathing. For a pup, the wolf form of Colin sure had sharp teeth and he was biting as hard as he could on the neck.

After about thirty seconds, the Lizalfos eventually died from lack of air and disappeared into purple dust.

Colin then pounced on the keese knocked it to the ground, ripping it's face apart.

He did the same thing with six more keese and even killed two kargaroks by biting on their throats like he did with the Lizalfos. When he was done, he transformed back into his Hylian form and looked around to see if any of his friends needed his help or not. So far, they were all doing okay on their own. Without warning, a gigantic Iron Knuckle with gold and silver armor and a gigantic, sharp double-bladed ax was walking in front of him and stopped when he was about a few feet away from him.

"This is the end of the line from you, little boy." said the Iron Knuckle. He began swinging his ax at him vertically, and Colin was really gripping his sword tighter than before, and he had to really grip it tight because that ax was ridiculously large and it could knock the blade off Colin's hands if not held enough.

The boy began slashing and slicing at the knight-like creature with all his might, and managed to slice his right hand off, making him scream in agony and pain. Despite how painful it was for him, he managed to make a small recovery, and he was madder than before, and more determined to slice Colin into little tiny pieces. Hand gone or not, he can still hold his ax with one hand.

Despite being madder than before, Colin was not afraid of him, and he did a side-roll out of the way before the blade could decapitate his head off of his neck. "Whew, that was close." he muttered. All of a sudden, he saw the ax swing to the right, and Colin raised the Hero's shield just in time to block it. Alas, the swing was powerful enough to knock the boy into the dirt. Link saw this and immediately went to his aid, more than happy to fight alongside his little friend.

Despite how hard the ax hit him, Colin slowly got back up. "You okay?" Link asked him.

"Just fine, Thank you." Said Colin. "This guy's tough."

"Need a little help?"

"That would be a good idea."

"We'll take him together." Link and Colin charged at the Iron Knuckle with full zeal and courage against him.

Colin sliced at the monster's back with his Ordon sword after jumping over him. Link sliced at him on the chest three times and the armor immediately came off of. And our meant that this monsters was going to be faster than before now that the weight of the armor was off of him.

"Now you've mad me mad!" said the knight-like thing. He began running now that the armor was off of him, similar to how the Darknuts armor that Link fought before, had become faster in movement than before. "I'll gut you both like a pair of Hylian loaches!"

Despite his scary threat, Colin and Link readied themselves for another team attack together. Link took the left flank, and Colin took the right. Dodging as much swings and attacks from the Iron Knuckle.

Colin did a side-roll, and he sliced at the knight's back, almost knocking him down. The iron knuckle swung as fast as he could with his weapon and almost decapitated Colin again, but, being quick and nimble as he was, Colin slides on his knees, going right under the enemy.

Link saw this as a perfect opportunity to jump up in midair, and give him the help splitter across his face. With that, it was a killing blow on him and the Iron knuckle fell on his belly, flat like a pancake, and a rumble was emitted like a small earthquake after he had fallen.

These two were a perfect team together as one. Epona and Storm were both bravely bucking and kicking at many types if enemies, and the colt even kicked a fire wizzrobe in the face countless times, and tackled a blue one down.

"You are doing so well, Storm." Said Epona. "I knew you had the courage in you. I'm very proud of you and your strengths."

Storm smiled, and he said: "thanks, mom. I'm sorry if I was such a coward before."

"Oh don't be." Epona brushed off. "We all have our feelings of doubt and uneasiness. We just need to learn how to get past them."

They both continued fighting and Pip had a hoof in this too. He grabbed hold of one kargarok after it swooped down on him and ride on it's back. Pip was using it to his advantage by running over some enemies in midair while he was riding on the monstrous bird.

After ramming a total of fifty enemies in front of it, he jumped off of it, and Mathayus was the one who caught him before he could hit the ground. "Very nicely done, Pip. A rather clever trick to pull off."

"Thanks. I may be small, but I am very capable." said the colt.

While taking out a moblin in the face, Colin heard a really calming voice from behind him. "Colin," it was a female voice and he turned around to see Zelda.

She had a melancholy look on her face and she was slowly walking up to him "P-princess " Colin said, slowly backing away from her as she was still coming towards him.

“Sweetie, why do you fight like this?” Said Zelda. “There is no need for any more if this, you know.”

“Princess, please.” Colin begged. “This is not you. I know it’s not. Can’t you see what you are doing? You’re helping a demon who’s brainwashed you under his control.”

“Nonsense.” Said Zelda. “I a perfectly in control of myself.” She didn’t stop walking up to him, and finally, Colin stopped when he hit a house behind him. He readied his sword and shield for in case she tried to attack or hurt him.

“Do not make me hurt you. I... Don’t want to fight you, but, I will if I have to.” He Freud so hard to be at his bravest, but, deep down, he was feeling scared sinceZelda was more powerful than any other foe than he would fight. “Please, I do not want to hurt you.”

“Come on, Colin.” Zelda looked at hum with a sad loo on her voice. She bent down and tried to reach out to his shoulders. “If you would just listen and give in, you will be just fine, the feeling is... incredible.”

“Please don’t hurt me.” Colin softly begged. “You wouldn’t kill me.”

“Of course not. Just think about it. I will ask Lord Majora to spare you your life and when you join us, you can have whatever you want and more. You want to be part of something greater. She slowly circled around him. “You want to make your parents proud of you for being one of the finest swordsmen in all of Hyrule.”

These words were slowly getting to Colin. “Well, I do want that. But-“

“And you are more than welcome to join my ranks after we are done helping my lord conquer Equestria.” She gently laid her hands on his shoulders. “Please Colin. Join me, and we can rule Hyrule and Equestria together. In return, your rewards will be so great and so magnificent, you will be glad to have joined us.”

Colin was silent and he didn’t know what to say. It sounded like she was trying to fight the evil controlling her and reasoning with Colin with this offer.

“No, Colin!” Link called out, running to his aid. “Don’t listen to her! She’s just tricking you.”

Zelda gave him an irritated look, and she said: “You can be quite annoying in Majora’s affairs, you know that, Link?”

“Zelda, leave Colin out of this. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Oh, do not worry.” said the brainwashed princess in a cunning voice. “I wouldn’t dream of killing him. “Just join me, Colin.” She said to the boy again. “Everything will be just fine, and just let go of your fear.”

“Fear?” Colin Asked. “No, i’m Brave like Link and... i’m Not a weakling anymore.”

“It’s okay to be scared sometimes, Colin.” Said Link. “But, don’t let her fool you.” He looked at the princess again. “Zelda, please. Let me help you.”

“It is far too late for that.” Zelda snarled. She was grabbing Colin’s shoulders and she was trying to put him unconscious by squeezing near his larynx and wind pipe so he couldn’t breath and pass out.

Despite almost falling on the ground, Colin managed to slip away and went next to his brother figure. “Don’t worry, Princess. We’ll save you from this evil controlling you.”

“Hahahaha. Do not think you can compete against me, Colin,” Said Zelda. She pulled out her rapier sword and charged at the two. Things did not look good for them both, fighting off one of their own brisnwashed friends. Still, they had no choice, they had to fight her and fend her off to take down Majora.

“Give it up, Link.” Said Zelda. “You!re sword skills are no match for mine.”

“We’ll see.”

“You wouldn’t dare hurt your own friend, would you Link?” Asked Majora, Who was watching this little fight. “How can you possibly kill your own friend like this? What kind of hero would you be if you do that?”

“Shut up!!” Link shouted, charging at him again. He pulled out his Great Fairy Sword and shot a dozen sword beams at him from the blade. The rays of electricity were stinging Majora all over his body and he was twitching.

“Lord Majora!” Zelda shouted in horror. “Here, let me help you.” She blasted Link away with her magic, and gave some of her own magic to her new master.

Something odd was happening. A light was forming around Majora, and he was changing into something different. “At last.” Said The evil, mask. Let me show you all my true form!” His voice echoed for many miles like a strong storm.

A blinding light flashed and when it was gone, Majora looked absolutely different. He no longer looked like a walking mask, but something entirely different. He was hulking and huge, he had a long line of white fur going down his body like a shaggy dog or a Yak, almost touching the ground below. His face was certainly dragon-like, and he was standing on all fours. Another shocking and terrifying feature he had on him was; black eyes that looked menacing and rows of sharp teeth protruding from his mouth. One fang was protruding downward from his lower jaw on both sides of his mouth, and a protruding fang that was next to the one coming out of the upper jaw on both sides of the mouth.

He had scaly legs and long claws that could slice through metal or rock. Majora had a headpiece on him that looked like a brooch or a crown with some curvy spikes spread out. On his back and his long tail, an armor was covering it with two protruding spikes on each row. His size was much bigger than a man or a Hylian when he or she is a full-fledged adult, probably up to ten feet tall at the shoulder or somewhere around that number

This behemoth was supposed to be Majora in his true form. He lifted and pointed his ends in the sky, and let out a demonic, and ear-piercing roar from his throat that mare the ground rumble slightly under his feet.

The heroes looked absolutely stunned by Majora’s true form and how he looked his way. He looked completely terrfying with this kind of appearance.

“Finally, I am back.” Majora Said with an evil grin. “At long last, I am reborn."

The brainwashed Zelda knelt down before him in respect like he was her god.

"Thank you, princess Zelda. I owe it to you to restore me to my true self."

"I am pleased to help you, my lord." said Zelda with an evil smile.

Link himself was stunned for a second, and he tried not to show some fear in himself. "So, Majora, this is your true form?"

"That it is Link." said Majora. He teleported and appeared in front of him. The hero of Hyrule stood his ground and bashed his face with his shield three times, hitting his nose, and throwing the dragon-like monster off-balance. He sliced the master sword dozens of times, and it looked like it really hurt Majora, and his right front leg was sliced with a deep cut.

Majora roared in pain after feeling the pain, and he retaliated by swiping at Link with his left arm. It felt like Link was hit by a wrecking ball and he crashed into an orange stall with the sound of wood and rubble crashing on the ground.

"Link!" his friends shouted in shock.

Twilight got angry and rushed to shoot at Majora with his magic from her horn in the form of bolts and beams. She even tried to launch a fireball the size of a gigantic beach ball at him, but to no avail. "Stay out of my way, princess Twilight!" said Majora. He retaliated by blasting a gigantic beam of magic himself, making Twilight fly off like the swiftness of an arrow, and hitting a dozen market stalls, leaving some cuts and bruises.

Majora laughed at the way she flew off like that from the power of his own magic.

"You will pay for this!" said Lyra.

"Now you are a real monster, on the inside and the outside!" Zecora added

The monster made a small chuckle before saying: "Guilty as charged Zecora, and proud of it." With a small snap of his finger, Majora conjured even more monsters under his command.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow exclaimed in exasperation.

"There's too many of them. We can't fight them all at once!" Fluttershy added

"We'll need a miracle." said Thorax, panting after killing three bokoblins by turning into a manticore.

"Then how about us?" said a bold, confident, and deep African voice. Link recovered from the fall, but looked a little sore and some parts of his skins looked scraped. He looked and saw what appears to be a small army in front of him, an army of about a few hundred eland, buffalo, changelings, griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, dragons and some ponies from Appleoosa, Cloudsdale, and a few other pony cities. Adewale, Goende, Gilda, Pharynx (Thorax's elder brother), King Imari of the elands, Prince Rutherford, Ember, King Zuma of the zebras, and Queen Novo. "Sorry we were all late." said Adewale. "We were a little sidetracked."

"Brother!" Zecora exclaimed with joy.

"We are here to help you guys!" said Ember boldly.

"So glad you came here, big brother." Thorax remarked to Pharynx.

"Glad to be here. Came in the nick of time." said the sibling

“No we have more help on our side!” Spike Said with joy. “Alright Majora, now your time is up!” He shouted to the dragon-like monster.

The beast let out a laugh. “Oh please. Do you really think honk an army of creatures will stop me? Bah! I am more powerful than you all.”

“Perhaps, But with Zaire and his power on our side,” Said Imari. “We will defeat you and your evil, Majora.”

“Heh. We’ll see about that.” And in a bark, Majora ordered “Kill them all!!” Then another major battle in Ponyville began.

“Wait, i’ll Be right back!” Said The Master Of Chaos Before disappearing with the snap of his finger.

"Discord, you get back here this minute, mister!" Fluttershy scolded. Usually that always works for her, but. For some reason, Discord didn't come back. "Discord!!" Flutterhsy shouted again

"Forget 'em." Said Big Mac. "We need to help our friends. They need us."

"You're- you're right." Fluttershy said, trying to sound bold. She and Big Mac went into battle, and it became a small warzone between good and evil again. Sounds of swords clashing and sounds of flesh being hit were heard all around, but, that was when Discord came back with some backup. It was King Bulblin and his troops, along with some darknuts from Mahtayus' tribe.

"Sorry I was late." said the master of chaos. "And you all didn't think that I left you all behind, did you?"

"Oh. Good thinking, Discord." Fluttershy commented. "Sorry I thought you abandoned us."

"No, it's perfectly alright. I am unpredictable after all." Discord said.

"Here we go again, men." said King Bulblin. "Attaaaaacck!!!!!" His soldiers and followers all charged at Ponyville, along with the dakrnut soldiers under Mathayus' brother, Cedric, who was ahead of them all.

"Grr. So, we have more meddlers, I see." said Majora in annoyance. "Many of you take out those freaks!" he ordered many monsters.

"Draw them out of Ponyville!" Cedric ordered the Darknuts that were following him. Like that, the bulblins and darknuts led many monsters and creatures under Majora's command out of Ponyville so there wouldn't be any collateral damage and no more houses would be destroyed.

Link saw this as a perfect opportunity to pull out his Great Fairy Sword again, and use two swords instead of one. He yelled and charged at the dragon Majora, slicing at many charging wizzrobes, bokoblins, lizalfos, and some other monsters that were on the dragon-like creature's side. One thing he had to be careful of; were the bombchus, and if he hit them, they would all explode, thanks to the bombs attached to their tails. For that, he pulled out his boomerang and threw it at a couple of enemies and bombchus so he wouldn't have to waste a lot of arrows.

Still, that didn't stop him from pulling out his bow and arrow at some flying enemies. He even pulled out his slingshot on some bombchus as a farther distance if needed.

Some freezards were conjured by Majora and Zelda as their "big guns", and the dragons instantly knew what this meant. Spike, Ember, Smolder, and other dragons breathed fired on any icy enemies, melting them into water. "Always fun melting ice." said Ember. "Spike, look out!"

"What?" a kargarok with a bokoblin riding on it was charging at Spike like a missile, but, being quick as she was, Ember shot some fire breath on them, making them scream in pain as they were being lit on fire like matchwood, and the monstrous bird came crashing down on the ground like a meteorite. "Whew, thanks Ember."

"Don't mention it, buddy." Ember said with a wink. "Be more careful."

"Incoming guays." said Thorax, who was fighting alongside his two best friends. He used the magic from his horn like a machine gun, blasting lots of these birds. "Have a taste of this, foul birds!" Thorax shouted boldly.

"Go get 'em, Thorax!" Ember cheered on.

Back on the ground, Link killed about five moblins with his two swords, and he turned his attention to Majora. "Okay, I have had enough of this." He put on the Fierce Deity's Mask, and calmly walked up to him like a boss. "Majora!" he called. "This ends now."

Zelda stopped in front of him, and had her rapier. "Going somewhere?" she asked with her evil grin

"Stand aside, Zelda." Link said to her calmly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

"I will never let you hurt lord Majora!" said the brainwashed princess. She slashed her sword and tried to slice the hero with it. One thing that caught her off-guard was: "Link grasped her sword with his right hand, and threw a magical wave at her, knocking her out cold. "I'm sorry." he muttered. He continued walking to Majora, and he tried slicing at him.

The dragon-like beast sneered and swiped his sharp claws at him dozens of times. Link was fast and he jumped in a great jump and sliced at his face with his gigantic sword, making him howl in pain. Majora wasn't going to give up so easily and he readied his mouth like he was about to breath fire. However, it was purple instead of yellow or orange.

He began shooting gigantic balls of fire when they were big enough, probably the size of a small house, but Link was more powerful than ever, and he deflected the first ball into space.

"What?!" Majora shouted.

"You can never defeat me Majora." Link said to him calmly while on a house.

Angry, Majora shot more gigantic balls of purple fire at him. Link would either deflect or evade them like they were just mere balls in dodge ball.

Now, things have gotten a little more interesting.

Guidance From an Ancient Hero

Twilight was blasting away at an Incoming lizalfos, but, her magic beams from her horn were rather fruitless, because the lizard-like monster kept on charging in hot pursuit, making leopard-like grunts. Not to mention that it had a small shield to deflect any shots of magic.

When it was nearing her, the lizalfos prepared it's ax-like tail at her, but, Twilight created a magical barrier to block the blows and it deflecting many swipes that the Lizalfos was trying to inflict.

This kind of monster was relentless, and he would stop at nothing to kill and possibly eat his opponents or prey. Despite how restless he was, Twilight managed to create a small explosion blast the lizard monster from her.

It was a great success, for it blasted him against bench, breaking it instantly like match wood.

"A rather nice tactic, darling." Rarity commended her.

Twilight smiled while flushing a little. "Thanks, Rarity."

Out in the field, the bulblins and darknuts were putting up a good fight with the forces of darkness under Majora's command.

A few more houses were getting destroyed and burn down from the fighting, but the good guys were trying so hard to keep many of these monsters out of town

Griffons were having some real beef with the kargaroks while soaring in the air trying to kill one another with their sharp beaks. Between them, it was a little bit of a two-way street and it was hard to say which one of these creatures were winning.

However, the griffons were obviously smarter than Kargaroks and they would be the ones who won against their opponents.

"No mercy!" Said Queen Novo. "Let's show these monsters what we hippogriffs are made of!"

"Yeah! Send them straight to their graves!" Said Silverstream in triumph.

Majora was still fighting Link on his own, and Zelda was still down. During the fighting, Colin carefully took the princess by dragging her on the ground and into an alleyway to keep her away from the fighting.

He knew that Link would eventually defeat this wicked spirit, even Majora was in his true form again now. Link has got to take him down to save the whole world.

He swiped his gigantic sword at Majora and a couple of brass knuckles were charging in at him do they could try and decapitate him.

"Get him!" Majors shouted to the knight-like brutes. "Kill him!"

One iron knuckle readied his ax, and tried slashing Link with his weapon, but, Link did a backflip and sliced at his torso horizontally, and it killed him instantly, falling dead on his back with a thud.

Another Iron Knuckle was in a battle with Link, and tried competing against the Double Helix sword with his brute strength. Alas; the magical sword was too much and when Link blocked an attack by him, he broke the ax blades, and stabbed his opponent in the chest.

"Anyone else want to fight me?" He asked. "Come on! Any one of you monsters just try and fight me!"

Three wizzrobes came up and two of them had fire as a spell, while the third had the power of ice sorcery on his side.

One of these wizard enemies zapped at Link with a fireball, causing him to go on fire, but, thanks to the Fierce Deity's mask, the flames had little effect on him at all.

While the wizzrobe was cackling in triumph, he then saw alibi with his jaw dropped on the ground as Link charged at him in full zeal while he was still on fire.

In a fraction of a second, the wizzrobe was Killed with one slash of this unusual sword. The other two wizzrobes were scared at first, but one thing scarier than this was: facing Majora's wrath and anger

The second fire wizzrobe tried shooting fireballs at him, but, Link evaded them all and took him out with one slash too.

He turned his attention to the icy wizzrobe, and froze him with an ice blast. At first, it looked like he won because the ice wasn't breaking. However, something remarkable happened. The ice was rumbling and Link ultimately broke free from the ice trapping him.

"Uh-oh." The wizzrobe muttered. He then screamed: "not good!" Before he could say anything else, Link killee him, and turned back to Majora.

While facing him, he decided go transform into a wolf and he looked completely different in this form just as he looked different in his Hylian form. His fur was completely snow white, with some red and indigo streaks on him, and his eyes were without pupils like in his original form.

"What?" Majora said in disbelief. "What's next?! A werewolf version?"

Link had a smug look on his face and he did just that: "Okay, if that's what you want."

He has gained muscles in his beast form, and began standing on his hind-legs.

"Oh no. This will not go well." Majora muttered.

Link in his werewolf form ran in full speed and began clawing at him all over, hair by hair falling from the gigantic dragon creature. He was teleporting, claws flailing in a frantic manner. Despite how we he was doing, Mankrs managed to blast Link away with a wave of purple light at him.

"Link!" Fluttershy noticed before going to his aid. "Are you okay?" The Hylian was back to his Hylian self and he looked at Fluttershy.

"Never better." He replied with a smirk as he slowly got back on. "Stand back."


Link suddenly took off his mask and was back to his normal form. "You can't win, Majora!" He shouted to the dragon-like monster. "Just give up and I will go easy on you!"

"Bah! You are really irritating!" Majots growled in frustration. "I will kill you once and for all!"

Another light appeared and it was the spirit of the Hero of Time himself. It was a sight that made the evil Majora drip his lower jaw in horror and surprise. "Jello Majora." Said the Hero of Time.

"W-what?! You?!!"

"Yes. You may have tried to take over the world with your evil moon, but, you will not succeed in Taking over Equestria."

The Hero of Time sounded really brave and calm as the gentle winter wind blowing on a snowy day. ""Youbmay have stopped me, but, I can never die! I am immortal!!"

"Link," the Hero of Time Link said to his descendant, "You are doing really well, and I am really proud of your strengths. You can defeat him. I know it."

Feeling a gigantic confidence boost by his ancestor's words, Link nodded his head. "I will, ancestor."

"What help could you contribute?" Majora shouted to the ghost. "You are dead! Ghosts cannot fight!!"

"No." The spirit admitted. "But, I know someone else who can fight you." He looked at Link proudly "and, I am certain he will beat you like how i did before."

Growling and roaring in fury, Majora lunged forward, looking quite steamed up in his brain, and swiped at Link with his paw.

Luckily, Link raised his shield just in time to block the incoming blow. The force was so strong that it almost knocked Link down like a wrecking ball, but, Link caught himself before he could fall backwards.

The Hero of Time vanished again to leave the rest to his descendant.

"Help!" Said a kid's voice. It was Pip who was being chased by a small group if moblins, probably up to five of them. Link noticed this and swiftly went to his aid.

"Hang on, Pip!" The hero shouted. "I'm coming!"

He pulled out his Shadow stone again, and transformed into a wolf. This timez he wasn't fooling around. No, he transformed into a werewolf and tackled one moblin before biting it's face off.

Another Moblin stabbed at the right side of Link with his spear. It did hurt, but, despite how bad it hurt, Link pulled it off and broke it in half with his two hands

He clawed at the second one to death and broke thr third one's neck (literally). The fourth was mauled and clawed after being tackled like a butcher slicing meat in a rapid pace, and the fifth had his neck bitten off.

"Are you alright?" Said Link

Pip smiled a Yes to him reply. "Thanks, Link."

"You're welcome. Just get to someplace safe away from the fighting."

"You betcha!"

Battle of Fate

In the fields, the darknuts and bulblins were still standing strong against the many enemies that Majora conjured up close to Ponyville to cause more chaos and havoc all-around. One Darknut was decapitated by an Iron Knuckle, and another Iron Knuckle had it's chest stabbed by another darknut in the chest after losing it's armor after being slashed by he darknut's sword many times. One Wizzrobe froze one bulblin solid, and broke it into a million tiny pieces, obviously killing the goblin-like creature, but, while the wizard-like enemy was laughing hysterically in triumph, it was charged over by a bulbo and one bulblin riding on him, instantly killing him because of the force of the push from the boar-like steed.

Of course, more sides in the evil army were falling more than the ones on the good side, but, no battle like this was without any casualties on both sides.

Still, everyone was standing their ground against the army of darkness under Majora's command. Link readied his Fierce Deity Sword in his two hands, and he charged at Majora once more. With the demonic entity as a dragon-like beast now, it was going to be harder than it was before.

"Come on, boy!" Majora shouted in fury, and his demonic eyes flaring with anger and hatred. "Just try and kill me! I beg you!"

"I never kill for fun like you would do. I only kill if I need to." Link replied. "You are just full of anger and despicable evil inside of you." he readied his sword and blasted another wave of magic at him, making the beast fall back in pain, and electricity was flowing all over his shaggy body.

"That tears it!" he charged at Link at great speed in midair, and the hero of Hyrule did the same, and he was hovering in the air like a ghost or a spirit, and they were really fighting in a fierce way. The sounds of swords clashing in the air was heard in the sky, a thousand feet above Ponyville, and they really meant business. Majora would use the claws of his gigantic paws, and tried to throw Link off-balance

Gigantic paws like that would make someone fly away and probably kill them like a gigantic animal was running over them with their gigantic feet.

With Link in his Fierce Diery form, he was feeling more powerful than ever, and he immediately blocked a swipe with the Double helix sword.

He swiped one paw out of the wat, abs prepared to stab Majora in the chest, but, Majora was quick, and he swiped Link with his tail, making him fall down like a meteor, but, before he could hit the ground, he regained his balance, and hovered above the ground.

Link retaliated by creating a small circle of indigo energy around his feet, and he flew after Majora again. “Whoa.” Rainbow Dash Said in amazement. “ that is this is so awesome.” And she continued fighting with a bokoblin and head-butted him right on his noggin.

“You call that a hit?” Link Said before performing a vertical slice with his blade, and knock the evil Majora into space from the impact. Sure, he was fighting Link, but, it did not mean he wasn’t afraid of him anymore. No, he still had a look of worry on his face, and he looked down on the earth from outer space.

Majora groweld And flew back to the atmosphere of the earth, and he charged at Link, ready to kill him without ease or hesitation. Link dodged by swinging to the left of where Majora was going to hit him, and sliced at the left side of his body with a loud “Shing!” Heard.

“You are quite the pest, Link.” Majors punched Link in the chest, almost making him fall, despite how painful it was to be hit like that. It was almost like a sledgehammer had his his stomach, but, he has suffered worse pain than this before. And he hopped on Majora’s back like a steed or a noble riding animal.

“You are the pest, Marjora. Not me.” Said Link before trying to slice at his back and armor repeatedly. The slashes were very fast and it was hard to tell how many of them were seen slicing at the monster’s back.

Link managed to get the back armor off of him and it shattered like glass.

"Heh. You think that I am more vulnerable because you have broken one of my armor pieces?" Majora said. "I am the true king of evil! I do have a lot more tricks up my long line of fur."

The demonic monster readied his breath and inhaled a deep breath, and blew purple fire from his own mouth, trying to incinerate the hero to death, but, Link was blocking it with a force field as one of the powers from the mask he was wearing with his right hand.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Link shouted as he kept his hand raised to keep the force field around him up. As soon as Majora was put of fire to breath out from his mouth, Link turned off the force field around him and flew towards Majora in great speed again.

Link dodged and swerved out of the way from many swipes from Majora's gigantic paws and Majora even tried to eat him. If the hero had been snatched by Majora's teeth, it would hurt if he was being gobbled up by this creature, the
teeth would surely pierce his body without ease and it would feel like a down swords were stabbing him all at once.

Sure, Link had never gotten stabbed by a dozen swords dozens of times, but, he knew it would sting worse than any kind of pain that he would ever experience in his life as a hero of his home.

Majora was trying so hard to bite Link with his own teeth like a gigantic dinosaur or crocodile, and a loud, metallic "clamp!" was heard. He would miss here and there, and to and fro, for Link would either dodge out if the way, of thwart him off with the double helix sword.

The evil monster managed to hit Link with his tail again, and made Link fly off miles away from his opponent. Despite this, the Hero recovered from flying any further, and he gritted his teeth in irritation before flying off to face Majora and make him pay for all that he’s done like before.

He began delivering heavy swings at Majora with both hands and every time he sliced at Majora, he would shout out things about what Majora made him angry about. “That was for kidnapping Zelda!” He shouted. After another swing, he added: “this is for attacking and endangering my friends,” and then a third swing. “And this was for all the lives you injured or killed!!”

Majora was trying to swipe at him with his claws again, but Link jumped on the right arm, and slashed at his face multiple times. “Raggh! Curse you, mortal!” The demon exclaimed in frustration.

Drops of red blood were leaking from the deep cuts and wounds where Link was slicing him at, and he was getting more anger and agitated from every slice. The hero even took it upon himself to punch and kick his face multiple times from his enhanced strength that the mask had given him.

Having enough, Majora swiped at him with one of his claws, and made a big cut across his torso. It was a good thing Link was wearing a chestplate, otherwise; that would have killed him from severe blood loss. A pair of claws that Majora has could easily decapitate a mere man and slice a child in half if he wanted to.

“Oops! Did that hurt?” Majora cruelly mocked him.

“Yeah, But it doesn’t mean that I can’t do this to you!” Link performed a powerful spin attack again with his double-§handed sword, and waved of magical energy swirled around him like a magical explosion. Majors found himself flying off in great speed like he did with Link, and crashed to the ground near the Everfree Forest.

“Goodness!” Fluttershy Said. “This is getting really intense”

“I think this is getting awesome!” Rainbow shouted with enthusiasm. “Look at Link fight.”

“He is doing so good.” Twilight pointed after killing a kargarok with her magic. “Maybe that mask is what we need to stop Majora after all.” She looked at Colin, who was still tending to the brainwashed Princess Zelda, who was still unconscious right now. “I really hope that Princess Zelda will be okay.”

“If Link can kill Majora, she’ll go back to the way she was before,” Pip pointed, “And this chaos will finally come to a complete stop.”

“Will it ever be enough?” Asked Lyra. “What if the mask fails and Link goes down in defeat? Majora might take over Equestria after he’s done with Link.”

“That will never happen.” Said Epona. “If anyone can stop Majora and save a whole land, Link can.” She looked on and saw Link flew over to where Majora crashed down on the earth. “Farore guide us and him”

“We should help the bulblins and darknuts over in the fields.” Applejack suggested.

“And I need to get my spare party cannon!” Pinkie Said. “We’re all out of confetti for this one!” A wizzrobes appeared in front of the group, and it was a fire wizzrobe, looking crazy and fire-happy.

“Time I burn you all into a crisp!” Said The crazy wizzrobe. He was about to melt or even cook these girls into horse meat, but, Discord came to the rescue, and poured water from a metal bucket over the wizzrobe’s head.

“Oops? Did I just do that?” The Master Of Chaos Said playfully. “Now, for the final touch.” He picked up the wizzrobe without ease, thanks to some strength he had, and broke the goblin-like enemy’s neck like a pencil with a loud snap heard, killing him instantly. “There. Another one down.”

Link found Majora on the ground, and the impact of the fall was so strong that the creature had created a crater that looked like a meteor to hit the ground around him. Without hesitation, the hero charged at him again, and tried killing him, but, Majora was quick, and dodged to the left while Link’s sword hit the dirt with a “clink!” heard.

Despite that he missed the first time, Link was slashing at Majora with some more fast swings from his blade. “This is not over!” Majors Said. “I’ll triumph over you. You’ll see!”

It almost sounded like Majora was going to run away like a coward, knowing he was going to be besten like this, but, he was still fighting against the hero.

“We’ll see who wins, Majora! Just give up, and we won’t have to be enemies.”

“No! I love being evil. It makes me happy.” There seemed to be no end to this fight, but, Link was slowly getting ten upper hand at this, and been was close to defeating Majora from causing more mayhem around him. Link could tell that Majora was growing a little weaker and tired from all the fighting, and he didn’t even know if he would keep this up, but, being very arrogant and haughty as he was, he did not want to admit it, and he didn’t want to show weakness.

Has Light Faded to Darkness?

In the skies, Link was still hacking and slashing at Majora with all his might, and he was trying to hard to take him on and hurt him enough to kill him so that he wouldn't cause any more trouble or suffering in any world ever again. Despite his best efforts, Majora was as seemingly powerful as the Fierce Deity version of Link, and sure, he suffered some painful scratches from the hero, but, it does not mean he was going down so easily.

Link himself, was suffering a few scratches, but they weren't as severe as when he inflicted the pain on Majora himself. "Can't you just die already?" Link said.

"I can." Majora panted. "But, I am very hard to go down. Besides, I am a god of evil after all, and everyone who has tried to kill me has failed, long before your ancestor defeated me all those years ago. No one can actually kill a god, Link."

"That's why," Link panted. "It takes one god to kill another god. And, with the Fierce Deity's power on my side, I will kill you and save Equestria and Hyrule at the same time.

Majora just let out a cruel chuckle before saying: "I would love to see you try."

"You're afraid!" the hero shouted. "i know you are! Look at how much damage I am throwing at you right now!"

"Pah. A temporary setback. Just a number of minor scratches on my hide."

"Oh yeah? How about this?!" Link began flying towards his opponent and wielded the helix sword with both his hands. He began slashing and hacking at Majora's face with little hesitation. It was so powerful that more blood was going down from the many wounds and cuts that Majora was feeling right now, and it looked like Link was about to finally kill him.

After he was a little tired from all that, Link turned back into his Fierce Deity wolf form, and he let out an echoing, blood-curdling howl at the sky, even louder than a lion and a tiger roaring for miles. He growled, gritted his teeth with his lips rumbling and gave him a powerful charge at the dragon-like monster's chest, and it felt like a gigantic boulder from a rock slide ha hit his chest, causing Majora to fall down like a crashing meteor.

Just as soon as Majora hit the ground, he turned to smaller size, and hovered in midair, hovering exactly a few inches above the ground. "Oh, I will really kill you now!" said the demonic monster. He charged at the hero from below, and it looked like a shooting star in reverse.

Link, in his wolf form, charged at him, also looking like a shooting stars. With that sight, it looked like two stars coming together and turning into one gigantic type of star. Both these two were fighting like two wolves were, like they were fighting for dominance over a piece of territory.

Majora technically had sharper teeth, but Link had magic as powerful as his, or maybe even more powerful than this monster. Both of them were trying to bite at one another's neck with their sharp teeth. At first, Majora had the upper hand, but Link managed to scratch him in his eyes so deep, it was so painful for Majora to continue biting on the hero's neck.

"Argh! You are really starting to get on my nerves, Link! Wha-!" Then Majora felt Link trying to bite down on his neck now, and he was biting hard, trying to suffocate Majora from breathing any more breaths from his lungs. Despite this, Majora had superhuman strength in this dragon form and he went down to the ground, intending to slam him on the dirt like a falling comet. Twilight and her friends gasped to see that Link might fall to his imminent death from where Majora was taking him to.

Even though he was really close to the ground, Link pushed Majora away from him with a magical blast of magic, knocking him towards at least five buildings at once.

Link was getting a little tired, but he was still standing strong, like the true hero of Hyrule he was. He turned back to his Fierce Deity human form, and he was panting. Despite the scratches, he ran to where Majora was unconscious at, and he saw the dragon-like monster down and out cold from the impact of going through all those buildings in Ponyville.

This looked like the perfect opportunity for him to deliver the final, killing blow on Majora once and for all, but, before the double-helix sword could pierce the monster's chest, the monster came back all of a sudden, and swiped Link with his gigantic arms like a big flyswatter. "Come on! Is that all you got?" said Majora

Link looked unconscious after the impact of the arm swipe that his foe had inflicted on him.

Suddenly, the hero was turned back to his normal self and the mask was right next to him on his right.

Every one of the heroes looked absolutely stunned by what had just happened to Link, the wielder of the legendary Master Sword.

Majora made a sneer to the right side on his face, and walked over to him slowly. He was limping and struggling greatly because of the deep cuts that Link had given him with his sword.

"You were too much trouble for me, little hero." Then he made a little cough from himself, and continued lumbering towards him.

Applejack charge at him, trying to give him a fury kicks against his body, but, they were just merely little jabs to a being like Majora. "Don't worry, Link! I'll stop him!" And she continued kicking him at the torso.

Annoyed, Majora then swiped at her with his arm and exclaimed: "Enough!"

Poor Applejack went flying through many stalls and fell in a cart of rocks. Small streaks of blood were scraping some parts of her skin, and the right side of her upper lip was bleeding. "Ow!"

"Applejack!" Rarity shouted in horror. Turning to Majora, she got really angry and charged at him, and tried kicking him as well, and even firing some magic beams from her horn.

"Oh please." Said the wicked demon. "You will have to do much better than that." The next thing Majora did was; slice at Rarity with his sharp claws and it immediately knocked herdown, like a boulder had oncoked out her head. Claw marks were seen on the left side of her body and blood was slowly leaking down while she was unconscious.

"You are just as annoying as the others." Said Majora rudely. "You all clearly underestimate my power, don't you?"

"You'll never get away with this, Majora!" Said Fluttershy

"Oh ho, but I already have. As a matter of fact, I think I have accomplished something great that no other creature was able to do before." Majora smiled evily and stopped in front of Link.

"You will pay for all that you have done to this world and Hyrule!" Mathayus shouted in anger.

The darknut hopped and got on Majoraz stabbing at his back with his mighty swords piercing it like a needle or a thumbtack.

It made the demonic beast howl in great pain and the darknut chief was stabbing him as deep as he could to make him dead and not kill Link.

"Meddlesome dog!" Shouted Majora in rage. He began slashing his claws at Mathayus, but, they were all blocked by his shield and the darknut chief even clicked one of his four protruding teeth off like a small tree trunk.

Twilight decided to help out, for she didn't want to see anyone else get hurt like Rarity and Applejack, and Discord thought the same.

The princess of friendship began blasting at him with gigantic blasts of magic from her horn, but to no avail.

"Heh. Nice try!" Majora then grabbed Twilight by the neck, planning to choke and strangle her to death.

Discord gasped and then he gave him a mighty punch in the left side of his torso with a powerful fist.

Was this the end? Was all hope gone for good? Will light fade into darkness?

Final Battle

Poor Twilight was on the ground, unconscious from almost being strangled to death by Majora. Spike was with her and he was trying to get her to wake up.

"Twilight! Come on, wake up!" He begged.

Thorax got really mad and transformed himself into a very large dragon with wings and fire in his eyes. "That's it!" he bellowed. "No creature hurts my friends like that and gets away with it!" he began pounding his chest like a large gorilla and he swipped and clawed at any flying enemy that came in contact with him. "That was for hurting Twilight!" he shouted after clawing five wizzrobes all at once. Right after he broke many kargarok necks, he added; "That is for putting us in danger," then he moved on to three iron knuckles, and he bellowed: "And this, this is for causing so much suffering!"

"Whoo! Go Thorax!" said Ember.

The baby dragon continued shouting Twilight's name, but sue was still out cold from losing so much oxygen and almost dying from so much suffocation. Link himself was still unconscious and Mathayus was trying to get him to wake up as well. "No one does that to our friends!" Said Rainbow Dash in a fit of rage. She, Fluttershy, and the other elements of harmony charged Majora in rage.

Despite looking quite mad and infuriated, Majora picked up Applejack while she was charging at Majora, and she was struggling to break free. "Grrr! Put me down, you bucker!" She grunted

"Very well." Then, Majora threw her at Rarity, making them both collide and suffer mild concussions on their heads. They did not stop there, no, Applejack and Rarity were then punched by a moblin in the face with both his fists and crashed into Granny Smith's apple stall.

"Time to go party cannon!" Pinkie said, bringing out her secret weapon. The pink pony filled her cannon with more than just confetti. She actually filled it with three bowling balls to make it hurt on Majora when they hit him. "Majora!" She shouted.

The beast looked at her with one eyebrow raised above her scary eyes. "Eat bowling balls!" She fired all three of them, but, once they hit the magical monster, he didn't even flinch.

To him, it felt like three pebbles hat his against his skin. He laughed and he said: "is that all you got, you filthy insect?" In a flick of his left finger, he threw a magical ball of purples dark magic against Pinkie Pie, and it shocked her like a thousand tasers, making her tumble on the ground.

Fluttershy gasped to see this and she got really angry now. "How dare you!! How dare you hurt my own friends like that!?"

Chuckling, Majora replied in a calm voice: "simple, I just attack them, simple as that. And, if you want to join them, I would be more than happy to-"

Majora was then cut off by a punch in the right eye by the yellow pegasus (of course, it was closed when she punched it.) It stung quite alot, as if a knife was trying to pierce it and make it bleed.

"You do not hurt my friends!!" Fluttereny screamed at the top of her lungs. The next thing she did was kick him in the nose, making or bleed.

"What a pony." Discord muttered to himself. He promptly stepped up next to her and tried shrinking him with his magic so he could squash him like a bug.

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you." Tbe Master of Chaos declared. Right before he could stomp and squish him, Majora took him by surprise as he grew back to normal size and pinned Discord down with his left foot.

"I'm getting really tired of toy as well, Discord." Majora said. "Prepare to die!!"

Fluttershy gasped and she rushed over to her friend's aid by biting Majora's right ear hard like a bear trap.

Majora screamed in pain and he immediately let go of Discord.

The yellow pegasus went up to him and she Asked: "are you okay?"

"Gah. Just fine."

"You will suffer beyond sufferingz little maggot!" Majora shouted in rage.

Rainbow Dash swooped down and punched him on the right side of his body many times. "Leave them alone, you monster!!"

It looked like a futile effort, because Majora wasn't flinching. Then, he swiped at her with his right paw, and her claws slashed at her like a pair of swords slashing. The cuts were deep enough to cause some bleeding on her chest and she was incapacitated because of that, and some blood was pouring out of her wounds where she was sliced at on her chest, and it looked severe. Colin saw this, and when Lyra and Bon Bon were distracting Majora with their teamwork, the boy rushed over to the cyan pegasus, and pulled out a red potion. "Here Rainbow, drink this." said Colin. "This should help."

with one last bit of strength left in her, Rainbow Dash drank a few sips of the healing potions, and she no longer felt any pain, but some blood was still pouring out of her chest where she was clawed. Still, despite the blood slowly oozing out, Rainbow Dash no longer felt any pain.

Just then, Link slowly got back up on his feet, staggering and regaining his balance after that hard swipe that his foe had given him. A couple of lizalfos charged at him, intending to kill him while he was weak in this state. Despite him feeling a little sore, Link was able to swipe at them with a magic beam from the Double Helix sword, killing the five charging lizard monsters with one swing of magic from the blade.

The battle was getting more and more ugly, some more lives were being taken on the army of good, many bulblins, Darknuts, and some buffalo and antelope were falling one by one. Still, there were only some small numbers that were falling, and Majora was getting weaker from the fighting against Link.

He probably knew that he might not be able to kill Link like this. Majora decided to destroy the mask, and if that mask was shattered in any way, it would be useless and Link would not stand a chance against him.

Despite this, Link managed to slice through more enemies like iron knuckles, bokoblins, moblins, and other enemies that were fighting alongside Majora in this great battle. Link had no mercy killing his own enemies in the fight, he knew that these monsters had only one person in this world: to cause as much mayhem and hell as possible wherever they go.

"I'm getting really tired of playing games with you, Majora." Link remarked, sounding more serious than ever.

"Right back at you, stupid boy!" Majora yelled back. He walked over and was more than ready to kill Link for real this time. After three calm steps, he suddenly tripped on his front right foot, and almost fell sideways. "You might have caused so much pain and damage on me," he panted. "But, I am still alive and still standing."

"So am I." Link pulled out a bottle of golden chu jelly potion, and took about five sips of it before putting it back in his magic pouch. he suddenly felt stronger than before, and he no longer felt any pain. Before, he didn't feel like he needed it at first, but, seeing that he is struggling with Majora in his true form a little bit, he did the right thing drinking a few sips of it.

He yelled and ran at Majora in full zeal. Readying his sword again, he began landing more powerful slashes and swings at his opponent with all his might.

Running out of options, Majora had an idea that he would call his last resort in defeating his enemy. Before Link could delivery the finishing bloe on him once and for all, Majora stopped him by holding something that made Link froze to the core.

It was Zelda again, and she was already awake, showing her brainwashed, evil grin. "I'm back." She said.

"P-princess?" Link said in disbelief

"If you want to kill lord Majora, you will have to kill me, too." Said Zelda with her evil grin.

“Zelda,” Link swallowed, and his throat felt dry as sand. “You know I can never do that.” He felt like dropping his sword in defeat, knowing that Majora was serious about using her as a human shield. “Please, stand aside.”

“Never. I will never let you hurt my new master.”

Colin stepped up and he said: “Princess, please. I know you are better than this. You need to fight the evil inside you. You are stronger than what Majora has done to you.”

“Come now, Colin.” Said Majora. “You cannot hope to bring Zelda back to her weak self. She is mine now, forever.”

“No. I know she is suffering inside herself,” the boy said.

“Get away from here, Colin,” Said Link flatly. “It’s too dangerous for you to be here right now,”

"No, I want to help you." Colin urged him.

"But, look, many of my friends are down: Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie."

"I can still fight. Please Link. You need me to help you."

"And us." Imari stepped up.

"Along with me and my subjects." said king Zuma after. "You are not alone."

"Don't forget about me and Bon Bon." said Lyra

"We're here for you." Bon Bon added. Both she and her friend looked quite bold in this situation.

Mathayus said the same, and Goende of the Zebrican buffalo added: "You can do it, Link. You have us on your side."

"Yaks know you can kill him!" Rutherford added.

"At least try and fight." said Sandbar.

Majora made a scoff sound, and he said. "Well, this is heartwarming. But, I doubt that it will do you any good, little hero." suddenly, on the left side of his body, he felt something big and heavy hit his torso; something big and powerful. Not only that, but a powerful, meaningful lion's roar was heard after that. A gigantic green glow was seen, and a gigantic green lion was seen, pinning majora on the ground with his gigantic, mighty claws.

Yes, it was Zaire himself, the Zebrican god. "It is over, Majora."

"Zaire." said all the animals and creatures from Zebrica in unison. They then bowed to their benevolent god in unison.

"Surrender, and your demise will be swift."

"Pfft. You think I am afraid of other gods?" said Majora. "No! I will never surrender to weak creatures such as yourself!" while Zelda was distracted, Link had no choice, but to slice at her with her double helix sword. Tears of guilt streamed down his face after giving her that slice in such manner. He was being as quick and swift as he was with the blade.

At first, Zelda could hardly believe what just happened and she fell on her belly. "I'm sorry Zelda." Link tearfully said to her. "Please forgive me."

"Colin went up to check up on her and see if see if she is alright, then the hero rushed towards Majora, and their fight continued. The others rushed in to help, but they were all stopped by Zaire.

"No! said the lion god. "this is Link's fight. He can handle this foul deity."

"Zelda," Colin said. "Are you okay?"

It took a little while, but Zelda managed to regain consciousness, and her eyes looked normal, and she no longer had four sharp teeth in her mouth. "Colin?" she recognized. "What happened?"

"Is that you, Zelda?" Colin said, knowing that she might have returned back to normal. Maybe that slice in Link's double helix sword have cleared the evil and darkness that Majora had corrupted her with.

"Yes. It is me. What just happened to me?" the black bodysuit that she was given was still on her, but, there was no longer any darkness or evil lingering in her.

"You were turned evil by Majora, but, I think Link saved you."

Zelda gasped, and she realized that Colin was right, and she was feeling so guilty right now. "I... I didn't kill anyone while evil, did I?"

"No. Well, you did hurt and injure some people." Colin said. "But, it's okay, You're back to normal now."

Tears of guilt were streaming down Zelda's cheeks from her eyes. "I can't believe this. Where's Link?"

"Fighting Majora, princess." Epona said. "And it looks like he's winning. Just look at him fight with that weird sword." Princess Zelda and some others looked on to watch the fight while the battle in the field near town was continuing. Link did three powerful slices at Majora, and it looked like Majora was struck with the final blow upon him, and he collapsed on the ground.

It looked like the match was over, and while Majora looked down, Link was ready to end this chaos once and for all. Princess Celestia and Luna came, and went to help out just in case Link needed some extra help, too.

"We meet again, Majora." said Celestia

"Oh great, the princess' of this land. That's all I need right now." Majora grunted, coughing a few times. "You all think it's over? Huh?"

"We don't think." said Twilight, who regained consciousness, along with the other friends who were knocked down by Majora in the fight. "We know that it's over. Now, it's time for us to end this."

Link took off his Fierce Deity mask, returning to his normal self, and pulled out the Master Sword and Shield. "Okay Majora, now we end this." he said. He readied the legendary blade in his left hand, and

Running completely out of options now, Majora looked like this was the end for him, however, he had another crafty idea. He pointed his finger at Celestia and then Luna, and they began to transform into something evil and dark in their hearts. In purple aura, Luna was taller and had a black coat of fur instead of a blue one, and her mane and tail flowed like a magical night sky

Celestia had pale orange skin and she had demon eyes and her man and tail flowed like crimson fire. "Oh no." said Big Mac. "This... this can't be."

"Nightmare Moon." Rainbow Dash recognized.

"And what happened to Celestia?"

"Call me, Daybreaker, my subjects, and together, we will rule with iron hooves!"

"And I have returned as Nightmare Moon!"

Now there was an even bigger problem to deal with. "Oh boy, this is gonna be ugly." Gilda remarked with a gulp. To the ponies, they were all shocked. Sure, they have seen an evil side of Luna before, but, an evil side of Celestia? That was something different that they thought would never happen before.

Link was getting really angry, and he was getting really tired of Majora cheating like this. Just then, the Master Sword was glowing again, and it turned to it's golden and green color again from when he defeated Ganondorf for good. The Triforce of Courage was glowing on his left hand once again, and he knew that Farore was granting him her power once more. He hoped that this would work, and he charged at the brainwashed Celestia and Luna with a war cry, and he was about to slice them, but was stopped by the elements of harmony, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Big Mac.

"Wait!" said Twilight. "You could kill them!"

"I have to do this, Twilight! It happened with Cadence before and we managed to turn her back to normal, and this won't be any different."

"But, but," Twilight was trying to think of a way to make Link think otherwise.

"Trust me! They'll be fine!" very reluctantly, the ponies stood aside.

Before Link could take care of them, Big Mac said: "I hope you know what you're doing, partner."

"I do."

"Ha! Do you really think you can stand against me? the princess of the sun, Link?" Daybreaker taunted.

"Only one way to find out, your majesty." Then Link charged and slashed at Celestia with a few swings. she put a magical barrier around herself, but after five slices, the shield broke from the tremendous power, and Link sliced at her three times with the enhanced Master Sword, and she was down.

Nightmare Moon got angry and fired a bunch of beams of magic from her horn. "How dare you do that to my sister!?" she shouted. The Hero of Hyrule was calmly walking up to her, and he deflected every blast of magic with his shield, and sometimes his sword, and when he reached her, Nightmare Moon tried blasting him with an energy wave.

Despite it being so powerful, Link had his trusted shield, and covered himself with it. After his opponent was done, Link ran and sliced at her three times like he did with her sister, and she fell unconscious.

Now that these two were taken care of, Link turned his angry attention to Majora, and walked up to him. "Now, there is no holding back for me. Now there is nothing to help you, Majora." He readied his sword, and with a powerful thrust, Link lunged the Master Sword against Majora's forehead, going through his skull.

the monster looked shocked and in pain, and he knew that this was the end for him. "This- this can't be." he muttered. "Me? beaten? I am the god of evil!"

"Not anymore." said Link. "Go to hell where you belong."

Majora slowly began fading into mist, and he said: "I hate you, Link. I hate you all. Know this; you have not seen the last of me! I promise you all that I will return to kill you all!! I will never die, you hear me?!! I am IMORTAAAAAAL!!" He shouted as he vanished completely.

Like that, Majora was finally gone at last. His presence was no longer felt by anyone around where he once sat on the ground.

At last, the heroes have all won and everything was back to normal. All of the evil, and vile creatures that Majora had conjured up have disappeared into purple mist.

After they had all disappeared, the sound of cheering and shouting in triumph were heard among Ponyville. Princess Celestia and Luna got back on their feet, feeling a little woozy from where Link sliced at them with the Master Sword.

"Celestia! Luna!" Shining Armor and the other heroes rushed up go them both. "Are you alright, your majesties? Are you hurt?"

Celestia made a small grunt when she said: "I'm a little sore. What happened?"

"Majora turned you and Luna evil like they did with Zelda." Spike pointed.

Luna made a gasp. "That's right. He turned me into Nightmare Moon, did he?"

"Yep, you were both really scary." Said the pink earth pony.

"Pinkie!!" her closest friends s olded at her.

"No, it's alright." Celestia remarked

"But, I saved you both, like I saved Zelda." Link smiled boldly. He looked at the princess and she was feeling guilty.

"Link, I'm so sorry." Zelda cross her arms and clenched her hands around her elbows in guilt. She looked at Colin next and bent down. "Colin, sweetie, I'm sorry if I frightened you when Majora corrupted me." Then she gave the boy a hug. "If you wish bot to forgive me after everything you did, I understand."

Link walked up to her and put his hand on her right shoulder. "Zelda, it wasn't your fault. Majora manipulated all of us. He's the one to blame."

"Yeah, we know you would never hurt anyone on purpose."

"But, I did. I was such a monster, like Ganondorf."

Link opened his arms and after Zelda broke her hug with Colin, she did the same with Link next. "Don't say that. You are nothing like Ganondorf." Link reassured as he was hugging the princess and comforting her. "I know there was a little bit of light inside of you that was struggling to break free."

"I know but... but...."

"It's okay, Zelda. I forgive you."

"And so do I." Colin added.

"Link," said Celestia. "You have done a very great service to Equestria once again, along with Hyrule."

"We all thank you, and your friends for your accomplishment." Luna added. Another shout of cheering was heard amongst the town and Link knew that he had done another great service for this world and Hyrule.

Yep, he was surely a hero.

"And, of course, we give thanks to all of the ponies and creatures that helped Link and his friends in the fight: Imari, Zecora, Adewale, Goende, Novo, Ember, Thorax, and others." Celestia continued. "You have all made a great contribution to us."

The eland, Zebrican buffalo, griffins, and other creatures that were on the side of good all smiled and were really grateful to hear those words.

"We have Won!" Said Adewale. "I knew we would win in the fight!" Then he and Zecora hugged one another as siblings. Feeling very triumphant. "I hope our accomplishment was as great as Celestis says it is."

"Trust me, Adewale." Said Luna. "You have done a very good job in the fight."

"Thank you for your kind words, princess." Said Zecora.

Just then, a creature appeared from the ground and it was Kit the Keaton again. "Ho ho ho, well done, heroes!" He said. "At last, Majora will never plague any world again." Then he began dancing with joy and happiness.

"Hello, Celestia and Luna." Said a warm, humble voice. It was Zaire himself and he was walking up to them in a calm manner. "It is so good to see you again."

He towered the princess' a little, but he was only a few inches taller in this form.

"Hello, Zaire." Celestia replied warmly. "It has been so long."

"Yes. I am so glad you were able to help us, our old friend."

"I am glad to he of service to you, my kin, and your subjects." Said the green lion spirit. "And, I give my praise to Link, and his friends. Of course, we are all heroes."

"This calls for a celebration." Mathayus suggested.

"Yeah, I agree! We really did it!" Said Fluttershy

"Time for another 'Equestria is Saved' Party!" Shouted Pinkie Pie

Yet Another Great Party

Yes, it was another battle that had won in Equestria, by Link and all his good friends. He has saved Hyrule and Equestria once again, and both countries will be at peace for sole time to come.

The princesses of the sun and moon were mingling with some of the heroes and Discord was showing some funny magic tricks to solve children, like; conjuring a magic pinata with a mind of his own and the kids were impressed and laughed by how it sneezed once in a while.

Mathayus and some other darknuts in his clan were helping rebuild some buildings and stalls with their immense strength, along bulbos ridden by their Bulblin riders hauling wood, quarried stones and other building materials.

Of course, many of these darknuts and Bulblins were enjoying the party themselves.

Link began playing his harp that Lyra gave him on his first visit to Equestria and everyone around him was liking the sound he was producing with it.

A small round of applause was heard amongst the small crowd of about thirty or forty patrons that came around Link to hear him play. "Hold on, guys." He said. "I gotta take a breather from this."

His stomach rumbled and it was obviously telling Link that it wanted food now. Ye got himself some yummy apple fritters from the Apple stall and he noticed Zelda sitting alone in an alley ahead of him.

Link probably knew what was wating her and he had a sympathetic look on his face. After drinking some lemonade, Link heated over to wear Zelda was sobbing, right next to a crate. "What are you doing back here, princess?" Link asked

"Oh Link." She wiped a few tears from her face. "I'm so sorry I tried to hurt you and other lives."

Link out a comforting hand on her left shoulder. "Come on, Zelda. We've already been over this. It wasn't your fault that Majora made you attack your friends. We all didn't see it coming."

"What's going on?" Colin asked, coming over towards where Link and Zelda were sitting at.

"Oh, just feeling guilty about attacking you and everyone else while brainwashed by Majora." Zelda admitted, wiping a few tears from her eyes. "I know it wasn't my fault, but, I tried and-"

The Hero of Twilight halted her by gently squishing against her warm, soft lips. "Shhh." He soothed her. "It's okay, Zelda. What's done is done."

"Yeah, what matters is that: we won and Majora is gone for good." Colin added. "Come on, you should be happy that it's all over."

Zelda made a melancholic smile to the young boy and she gently stroke down his blonde hair on his head. "Oh, thank you, Colin." She said. "And, are you sure that everyone in Equestria is furious with me? I would understand completely if they were."

"No." said Link. "I promise, everyone knows it wasn't you that would do these things. We all know it was Majora's fault that he brainwashed you in the first place."

"And we're not mad at you, either. There is nothing you can do or say that will make us hate you."

"I know, and I thank you."

"Now come on, let's enjoy the party." Link suggested.

"Yes." A deep voice said humbly. It was Zaire himself, still looking majestic and humble as ever. "There is no need to sob of guilt, Zelda. What's done is done, Andy cannot change the past."

"Farore, Din, and Nayru understand what you just been through. I know they will." Link said.

"You are a remarkable leader over Hyrule, and your people that live in it's soil, and from all races."

Zelda grew a bigger smile and she said: "oh. You're right. Why am I even weeping like this? It is a time for rejoicing in another vile demon gone. And, I'm sure Midna will be very proud of you, Link."

"Yeah, if only she would see me now." Link said. "She would love a good party." He was starting to feel sad and sentimental about his old friend again, and he would still love to meet her after all this time. She did help him defeat Ganondorf the first time, and she was quite a unique ally for him to have in his journey.

He missed her so much, and he really wished she was there right now to look at this victory, along with when he defeated Ganondorf a second time.

"What about the mask?" Asked Colin.

The hero pulled out the legendary mask and held it in his right hand. It looked the same as it always ways and unaltered. He realized that while wearing it, he still had full control over the power of this ancient artifact, and maybe this could be useful. "You know what Colin?" He said. "I might keep this with me just in case a more powerful evil rises."

He and his two friends went to enjoy the party and he looked at Epona, who was bragging about her son's newfound bravery. "No, really." She said. "My bit here is one of a kind. He can take on a army of keese any day."

"Oh mom." Storm smirked.

"Ah Link. Enjoying the party, old friend?"

"Yep. And, I decided to keep the mask for myself just in case."

"Are you sure?" Said Storm. "Even though it has dark magic in it?"

"I handled it very nicely, Storm. I'm very powerful in mind and body."

"No argument there." Said Epona.

"Yes, you are strong-willed and you are one of the bravest creatures to ever exist." Zaire remarked. "And, all of Zebrica thanks you and your friends assistance in our fatherland."

"Thank you, lord Zaire." Link bowed his head in a small smile. He put the Fierce Deity's mask inside his pouch and looked at the Master Sword

"Zaire speaks wisely." Zelda admired. "You truly are a hero."

"Well, like I mentioned:" Link Modestly said. "We are ALL heroes in the fight."

"Yes, there is nothing that the power of friendship can do." Fluttershy agreed.

"Are you going to put the Master Sword back in it's pedestal?" Asked Spike curiously.

"That I am, Spike. When I get straight back to Hyrule, I will out the Sword back in tbr Lost Woods where it belongs to rest once again." He gripped the handle of the legendary blade.

"That's okay," said Twilight. "You have the Great Fairy's sword, and you can keep that indefinitely."


"And you have the Triforce of Courage within you, and Farore guides you in you path every step of the way." Added Mathayus.

"Got that right." Said Rainbow Dash. "Biw, come on, let's eat some cake!" Everyone laughed at what Rainvow stated and enjoyed some yummy red velvet cake from a few tables.

Departure/ No Such Thing as Goodbye

Everyone that did not live in Ponyville were all saying farewell to their friends, old ones, and new friends alike. The griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, and dragons went back to their respected homes.

Many eland, buffalo, zebras, and other creatures that helped everyone against the dark army and Majora under its command went back to their homes to he with their families.

The leaders stayed behind to say goodbye to their friends. "Well, this has certainly been a ride for all of us." Said Imari. "But, I think this is where we depart from one another and look for a new beginning.

"Yeah. We yaks loved to smash bad guys!" Rutherford added. "Quite fun to smash them, but, yaks tired, and we must rest our strength."

The remaining yaks who stayed with their prince all gave out war cries, and pounded the ground with their mighty hooves.

"I'm glad I came here to fight with you." Said Thorax. "Quite an adventure if you ask me."

"Certainly a good way to get some exercise." Kit added.

"Yeah, I haven't had a fight like that in years." Ember added. "Totally a good workout for me." She cracked her knuckles, then her neck, then her wings.

"We really thank you a for helping us against Majora, and his army." Said Twilight.

"We are all heroes in this after all." Ssid Celestia. "We all played our parts in this battle against darkness."

"And this is the last time we will see that horrendous monster ever again." Luna added. She looked a little uncertain after that. ".... right, Link?"

Link made a small chuckle and he replied: "yeah, that's the last we'll see from him. I promise." He pulled out the Fierce Deity's mask, and looked at it for a period of time. "And, if he ever returns, I can count on this to help me." He put the mask away after that, and looked at the elements of harmony, and old cronies. "And my friends to help me." He smiled.

"Aw, c'mere, you." Said Big Mac. "Judt being in the lovez kiddo." They all laughed and shared a group hug as one. "Well, I guess this is the part where you leave Equestria again."

"That it is, Macintosh." Said Mathayus. "We all have friends and family to tend with and make up for lost time."

"You said it," Applejack agreed. "I just feel like buckin' more trees and harvesting as much apples as me and mah family can."

"And I just want to be safe at my cottage," Fluttershy added. "All my little animal friends will be very happy to see me again, and I would love to see their adorable faces again."

"You have all done a very good deed for this world, and Hyrule." Said Zaire. "Me and the princesses really mean what I have just shared with you all."

"It is quite a mark of nobility for you to say that, my king." Said Goende, bowing the righteous spirit in complete respect and kindness.

"Yes, being said such kind words such as those ones are words from a blessing." Adewale added. "We thank you dearly for your support and aid to us all, Zaire."

"You are all welcome. I would do anything for Zebrica, and all the creatures and subjects who wall upon it." He looked at Link and his friends: "you are all heroes as Celestia have mentioned before, and you are now considered a good friend to Zebrica, especially you Colin, Epona, and Storm."

"Glad to help, my lord." Zecora bowed her head in respect. "It was an enormous honor meeting you like this." She lifted her head back up.

"I've always heard that lions were noble," said Thorax. "But, you take that to a whole new level based on that."

"Yeah, you handled yourself well against Majora." Ember added. "Could you have killed him in one hit?"

"Of course. But, it was not my place to do such a thing. Destroying him was all in Link's hands, not in my paws."

"Makes sense." Said Spike. "Gotta be part of a prophecy."

"Exactly. I knew that you would all win and even I have rules that I need to follow under sacred law. But, what matters is that he is gone forever and he will never be coming back." He slowly began to fade from this mortal plain. "You have all done well, and feel free to come set foot in Zebrica whenever you want to visit. Farewell, my friends, and may the stars, the sun, and the moon watch over you."

The last words echoed like an actual spirit, and then, he was gone. Celestia and Luna looked on at the other heroes. "We're just as proud of you all as we are." said the princess of the sun. "I suppose that the party is over, we can both go back to the castle and continue our royal duties."

"Farewell, and good luck with future journeys to come." said Luna. Both the sisters all flew back to their castle in Canterlot, and Cadence went to meet with the heroes after with Shining Armor.

"Like aunt Celestia, and aunt Luna have mentioned; you all did a great job in fending off the enemy from Ponyville and destroying another ultimate threat in Equestria."

"I hope I was fighting so well out there." the prince remarked

"Oh, honey." said Cadence. "I'm sure you did just fine. After all, you were the best in the Royal Guard. No wonder you were promoted captain that day."

"Ah, come here, sweetheart." said Shining Armor, and they both shared a kiss, much to Pip's disgust. "Well, we better get going. Our Flurry Heart needs us back home, otherwise; she'll make a fuss and throw a tantrum."

"Take care everyone." Said Cadence before waiting for the next train to the Crystal Empire with her husband.

"As usual, we fought like true warriors." Said King Bulblin. "Of course, we have had some casualties from the fight, but, it is something that must happen in any war."

He began petting his steed, making him snort and oink happily.

"It is quite a pleasure to be in Equestria after all this time." Said Zelda. "And, Twilight, are you sure there are no hard feelings about fighting alongside Majora against my will?"

The princess made a small smile, and she replied: "we know it wasn't your fault, Zelda."

"Yeah, it's all over now." Zecora added. "What's done is done, and you cannot change the past."

"Well, WE can." Said Starlight. "Me and Twilight have gone back in time before, but.... it would have consequences, so it's not a very good idea to try out. Trust me, I've been there, and it's not that simple."

"I agree." Said Link. "Doing the slightest slip-up could alter the timeline terribly."

"Well, let us not dwell on it." Said Mathayus. "This battle is over and we won again."

"Yes. I guess it is time for me and Link to get back home." Colin remarked. "Storm, are you ready to go back home to Hyrule?"

The son of Epona nodded a Yes to his rider in reply. "Yeah, I can't wait to see daddy, and I wish he was here to see what we all did."

"I'm sure he would be proud of you, Pumpkin." Said Epona. "Just how proud I am of you right now."

Smiling at his newfound bravery, Storm realized that he is no longer the shy and timid colt he was before this adventure happened to him.

"I wonder what will happen next," Pip wondered. "Maybe Chrysalis will come back and have revenge, or King Sombra might come back from beyond the grave and attack everyone he can."

"Oh, Pip." Fluttershy giggled. "You are funny. But, I doubt that King Sombra will ever come back."

"Or Chrysalis." Lyra added. "Now that she has no more subjects under her command. But, evil never sleeps obviously."

"That's what makes it so fun." Said Rainbow Dash. "Having as much bad guys to kick butt!" She kicked and punched the air a few times to show her point.

"Well, I guess this is bye again." Said Epona.

"Indeed. Discord, can you please return us to Hyrule?" Asked king Bulblin.

"I thought you'd never ask." Said the master of chaos. "I'll be right back, everypony."

With a snap of his finger, he transported to the world of Hyrule, along with the Bulblins and bulblos and there were no more of them in Equestria.

It was likely possible they were transported back to their home: the Gerudo desert at the Arbiters grounds.

It only took a few seconds for Discord to complete that, and looked at the darknuts all anxious to get back home.

"Wait," said Mathayus. "We prefer if we came back through Link."

"Yes. We do not mind the wall back to our homeland." Cedric added.

"Very well." Said Discord. "Just thought I would save you all the trouble from going through a terribly long walk back home when you get back to Hyrule."

"Our home is just next door to Hyrule." Said another Darknut soldier. "Besides, we are a warrior race, and we can always do the exercise to keep us in perfect fighting shape."

"Very well."

"Well, it was a pleasure fighting beside you again, Mathayus." Said Link

"I can say the same thing, Link." They both shook hands, and Link opened a door with his magic key, and it revealed the same village where the darknuts all lived together.

One at a time, the darknuts all formed a line in front of the door, and Mathayus was the last one after saying: "See you soon, my friends." Then the door closed

"Well, I suppose this is goodbye again." Link said

"As long as there is the magic key you have," said Applejack, "there's no such thing as goodbye."

Link smiled: "yeah."

He felt himself being hugged by every one of his friends, including the eland king, buffalo chief, changeling king, and others.

"Farewell, my bee friends." Said Goende. "Feel free to come to Zebrica whenever you feel like visiting."

They all said goodbye to the leaders and they all went back home to where they came from. It looked like the start of a new relationship from these allies to contribute to alm of Equestria, especially for diplomacy.

Link, Colin, Epona, Zelda, Storm, and Mathayus exchanged one last group hugbeith all their Equestrian friends and Link opened another door with the magic key.

At last, they were all home, and Zelda couldn't be any happier, and they found themselves at Castle Town market.

"The princess is back!" Said a female towny. The crowd was silent and they all cheered in a tremendous uproar of happy shouting.

"Princess Zelda has returned home!" A Male shopper cheered ik the wildest excitement.

Even many royal guards who saw her were shedding tears of joy to see their beloved princess back, given that they were tasked to Guard her with their lives.

"What on earth happened, Zelda? Did that Majora hurt you?" Asked the leader of the band of guards.

"Captain, please." Said Zelda with a chuckle. "I am absolutely fine. Just go back to your patrol and I need to settle in the Ordon village cor a little while."

"That village?" Asked the captain. "But, but-"

"Silence." Said the princess in a flat voice. "That is an order."

"Yes, princess." The guards gave in.

The princess looked at Link with a smile, and she asked: Mind if I come with you, my hero?"

"Not at all, Zelda." Link boldly replied. He hopped on Epona, and Colin rode on Storm. The hero offered Zelda an arm to help her get on the steed.

When she was on the saddle, Epona and Storm rode off to Ordon Village through Hyrule field.

It was a very fun way to get around from one place to another instead of just walking on their two feet. No, that would be far too exhausting for the three to do.

As soon as everyone was close to the village, Colin saw a small fence blocking their way, and he thought that maybe Storm was not afraid to try and jump over objects anymore.

"Storm, should we try this again?"

The colt looked back at his rider, but, he pulled most of his fear back and jumped over the fence with grave and majesty before landing on the ground with a loud thud.

"Whoo! Nice going, Storm!" Link cheered on. Deep down, Storm felt great and he was no longer feeling afraid of doing this kind of stunts anymore. Yes, he was feeling like a new horse in town.

Link and Zelda dismounted Epona when they reached the part of the Faron woods that the horse couldn't go to, AND Colin did the same with Storm, so the colt was left with his mother.

At the very pedestal where the Master Sword would rest, Link readied it and pierced the hole in the center, and thus, the Master Sword would sleep in it's resting place once again.

"Perfect. Looks like I won't need it for a while." The hero remarked before clasping his hands side to side in satisfaction.

He and the other two went back to the steeds and went all the way back to Ordon village.

The villagers were happy to see Link and Colin back home and happy to see Zelda back in Hyrule, safe and unharmed.

"The princess has returned!" Mayor Bo announced. A small sound of cheering of was heard from the villagers and Zelda was flattered to receive the welcoming like this.

Illia saw Link, and she gasped with joy, then ran up to him for a hug. "Link, you're back." She said.

Link wrapped her arms around her body in reply. "Glad to be back, Illia." He said.

"What happened?"

"It's a really long story." Said Colin. "It was a blast, I'll tell you that."

"So Illia, I hope everything was okay when I was gone again and-"

"Oh, come here, you." Said Illia, before pulling Link in for a long kiss. At first, Link was surprised, but he gave in the feeling and he was making out with his girlfriend.

Yes sir, everything was at peace once again. After Link and Zillow were done with their kiss, they, Colin, and princess Zelda went to sit in front of the pond with the frogs next to Colin's house.

While a small village, Ordon had so many wonders and beauties in the area, including this little pond.

These four were sitting in the shore with Colin sitting next to Zelda, Zelda sitting next to Ilia, and Illia sitting next to Link.

Colin bad an idea and said to his friends: "I'll be right back." Going in the house, the boy came back after one minute, and had a bag of what appeared to be fish food. "Here, I know a cute thing to do."

He pulled out a small handful of fish food and threw them at the waters of the pond. After a fraction of a second, the fish were taking their fair share of the bits, and a few frogs were doing the same. The others laughed and were all happy that this mess was all over. Meanwhile, Epona and Storm were sitting together as they watched their riders relax and have fun together.

Link looked over to his left, and saw the Hero of Time himself, sitting next to Colin and smiling at Link, and it was obviously telling him that he was proud of him for all that he accomplished against Majora. Link smiled back and he wondered if the others sitting next to him could see him.

Probably not, but it was good to know that Link was being in his ancestor's footsteps, doing something that his ancestor could not before. As for the Fierce deity's mask, he was still thinking if he should keep it in his possession, discard it and throw it away like garbage because of it's dark magic, or just use it at something to remember by in his own house. In dew time, he didn't know about what to do with the ancient mask.

One thin Link did know was that; He might need it when the time is right, at least in Equestria. For now, everything was at peace once again, and there would be nothing so gigantically evil coming to Hyrule any time soon, and Link can rest from all that he had been through, along with the rest of his friends that lived here in good ole Hyrule

The End

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