
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 77: Chapter 76: Nightmares

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Author's Notes:

Dead tired, kept writing and rewriting Khada's part and still not happy with it. If you enjoy the story consider tossing a buck in the hat over on my Patreon.

"How innocent is a nightmare? Are they a scream from the soul or a portent of things to come? A message gifted upon the few as a warning. Perhaps it is a call to another warning them to turn back from their present course less a great darkness swallows them whole? Mayhaps it is a curse? Or perhaps they mean nothing at all if one ignores them. A simple truth remains: dreams can be granted by any power for whatever purpose they desire, be they beings of good... Or evil."

Tasid walked slowly with a slight stagger down the palace hallway, he felt just a little tipsy after the amount of wine he had consumed but it had become his venue of escape during the day.

"If I can not escape in body, I shall escape in mind."

His words were mumbles and somewhat slurred before suddenly staggering slightly, stopping for a moment he collected himself and stood upright again, he was more used to opium than wine but years of abuse had built up resistance and slowly taught him to remain standing upright while appearing more clear headed than most others despite being completely out of it. Breathing slowly he took a few more steps and after getting his bearings was on his way again but what to do? Having the slaves ride his length did nothing for him, it was just too boring. He could only lightly beat them or engage in other minor activities.

"How am I supposed to entertain myself when I am not allowed to do anything!?"

Stopping to look around he snorted, not a single servant in sight. The entire corridor was empty of life and dimly lit, no guards either, not even the vaulted mercenaries were anywhere in sight. Smiling he sighed in relief at being left alone for at least a few moments, turning around to check behind him he realized his personal "escort" had also gone missing.

"Must have lost them... Best enjoy it while I can!" Walking a little slower and enjoying being ignored he ambled ahead wondering what exactly he could get away with before the prying eyes caught up to him. "Find a- No, no, no... No... He would find out immediately! Perhaps have them- No... Damn him!"

Mind bouncing from one hazy possibility to another he hurried onward, at least he was "out of sight" and could make them scurry after him for once. It was a nice prospect, especially if he could lose them for some time! What punishments would be meted out for failure to keep an eye on him? Rounding a bend he stepped into the last stretch that would lead him to his quarters but they were pitch black, not a single sconce was burning anywhere in sight nor even a candle.

"Curse you! Having them changing the lights and re-oiling knowing that I was returning! Planned this from-"

His outspoken annoyance was cut off as hands shot from the dark and grabbed him firmly while a thick sack was quickly drawn over his head. In an instant the draw string was pulled tight enough to make him choke as he was tossed violently to the floor, he felt himself being rolled up inside of something before it to was tied off. Thrashing his heads and letting out a cry for help brought only pain as a hand grabbed his muzzle through the bag and a new string was rapidly tied off preventing him from opening his mouth. His captors did not utter a single word as they worked and the canvas bag was too dense for him to see anything as the world began spinning again before with a heave they lifted him up and began running.

"Hid npprs! Hpp! Hppp!"

A swift smack to the side of his head quieted him and his thrashing but still not a word was uttered by his captors. Time lost all meaning as they continued to run through the dark, up stairs, down stairs, around bends, through doors, across what he guessed was an open area as the sound of the muffled thumping of covered hooves became harder to make out. The sound of moving water caught his ears for a moment along with the creaking of wood.

"Where are they taking me!? The docks!? Who are they!? Fareed will have them boiled alive for this!"

No care was given as they continued to carry him and after a few more doors and a long flight of stairs Tasid became worried, they were not going to the docks, but where? He could make out plenty of bright light as they came to a halt and after a moment they unceremoniously dropped him onto a cold, hard stone floor and departed. Shadows danced outside of the sack but one got closer and after stooping over him leaned back.

"Unravel him."

"Fareed?! I did nothing! Nothing!" Hands quickly untied him and once the bag was yanked off his head he stared up at the furious visage of his sultan as adrenaline continued to blast through his veins daring him to make an attempt at escape despite his predicament. "My great sultan! I did nothing! I swear! Nothing! I have beha- I have done nothing to insult you so! Please! What have I done great one!?"

Staring down at him quietly Fareed looked across at the figures dressed in black, gave a short, curt nod and waited as they grabbed him, threw him onto a table and after pulling his arms and legs out to their full, splayed length, shackled him in place and working a few gears tightened the chains which bound his abdomen. Walking around him as a hawk would a trapped mouse Fareed continued to glare down before approaching a nearby table. Moving his hands along its surface Tasid could hear the clinking of metal as he picked out various devices before setting one back down and retrieving what looked like a long, narrow dagger. Walking over to him silently he stared down, holding it and tapping the flat edge in the palm of his hand.

"My lord, alsyd! I have committed no crime so great-"

"When I ordered you to behave, that included keeping your mouth shut." Fareed placed the tip against the underside of Tasid's jaw for a moment. "What part of that did you not understand?"

"I understood! I never spoke in public! Ever! Only to the servants or when you ordered me!"

Shaking his head Fareed rubbed his temple before reaching out and slapping Tasid with the back of his hand with such force that his mouth flew open. "Perhaps I could have been more clear? I believe I was. To keep your appetites to yourself? Yes I was quite clear."

"I do not under-"

Another smack rang out. "That includes keeping your little "fantasies" to yourself. Do you understand now?" Tasid looked confused before panic swept his features. "Ahh, you do know! Did it never occur to you that my guests would also be spying on me? On my servants? That they would be looking for leverage? Yes? No? Egh... It is as if I am speaking to a brick wall."

"My deepest apologies! I shall make amends!"

"Yes, you shall." Fareed traced the tip along Tasid's body as he walked towards where his legs stuck out. "But not before understanding fully your crime. Lets begin shall we?"

Tasid began shaking his head but a single look from Fareed and nodded slowly. "I appo-"

"Slap him for me... Thank you Majnun. Yours is to listen and not be heard. Understand? Good. I had a most unwelcome and unpleasant visit from a certain dignitary, a princess no less! She overheard one of my servants, a noble at that... Fantasizing about her and how he planned to dress up one of his slaves as her and no doubt rape her, so on... Most likely to death considering the individual in question if given a chance. Now, after such a slight heard by so many witnesses? Including! That you even tried to touch her physically against her will! Do you deny this claim?"

Tasid neither nodded nor shook his head but looked on in terror.

"I assumed as much." Fareed thoughtfully patted the sharp end against Tasid's left hoof. "To be honest, I would not be so... Angry? With you on any other day but you utterly ruined things. She lodged a formal complaint, quite vocally mind you and with no shortage of witnesses including two of my own advisors she was unaware of at the time that witnessed your little display, both of whom lodged their complaints first. Which, mind you, is well within both their and her own rights as granted and Nawra summarily used this little incident to attempt, poorly though, to blackmail me into concessions with Labrad. I handled matters and managed to whittle her argument down to something far more acceptable which was in all truth probably what she had hoped for..." Fareed shrugged. "On the grand scale of things it means absolute nothing though, but to you? To you it means we are here." Fareed stabbed the blade into the table.

Fareed gestured to his surroundings. "Welcome to my dungeon. Ohh dont look so sad, you will not be staying with my most gifted and uniquely talented servants for long, though I imagine they wish you would..." Fareed looked at Majnun who was grinning ear to ear. "Which can always be arranged. Tasid, you embarrassed me, cost me my efforts in several areas leaving me few other options, forced my hand in signing a treaty that I was unprepared to accept at the time but had little choice in doing so! And!" Fareed pulled the blade free and placed the tip firmly in the region he was searching for and began fishing around with the tip for his target. "Made me do this."

Finding his mark Fareed pushed down slightly against the nerve cluster making Tasid let out a mare-like shriek. Twisting the tool slightly the shriek turned into a loud, sobbing whimper causing a few in the room to smirk but none more so than Majnun who had become giddy. Fareed however looked down in utter contempt and disgust.

"I do not delight in this Tasid, it is most... Distasteful! And though this is a most revolting thing I must sometimes do as sultan... To my own nobility, you can rest assured that I take no pleasure in having to set my nobles right. I expect them to obey, follow my laws and see that my will is carried out. To have to punish one of noble birth whose family has long , long served me with distinction and great loyalty, whose family was also granted a city no less! It is a black mark against my name, but it must be done."

Fareed pulled the needle like tool up and watched as it slowly slipped free. Looking at the slightly bloody dagger in annoyance and disgust Fareed passed it quickly to Majnun who eagerly accepted it with a smile and bowed head. Glancing down at his hands as if they were covered in filth while Tasid continued to sob Fareed quickly walked to a waiting servant who had a bowl of water and towel prepared. Washing his hands and holding his hands out as another servant dried them he turned around again with a less furious look on his face, one of even greater annoyance had replaced it.

"What a waste of fur and blood... I knew your parents and thought of them as good, loyal servants, truly deserving of their rank if not for their... Proclivities for sloth and truly bizarre rituals. Why could you not have taken after them? No matter. What is done is done. My guest shall leave in the morning bound for her homeland with full honors and other things as an apology..." Fareed sighed. "But not without a certain parting "gift" that should help things along." He walked back to Tasid. "Now! What to do with you..."

"I am sorry my sultan! I am sorry!" Tasid sobbed the words out and as Fareed watched him he knew they were honest and true enough.

"You are past the point of saying "sorry" but you will not die today. Your night will be spent here with my specialists to entertain you, as you apparently did not have enough as it was. Do not pretend otherwise, even keeping you where I did the noise was... Irksome, though I must say the beatings kept you quiet afterwords. No, you will live, for now. Enjoy your night here and they shall make certain you truly understand what it means to say: "I am sorry."

Walking closer and reaching down he grabbed Tasid by the mane and yanking his head hard to the side Fareed leaned close and whispered. "Understand this you little stain! The assassins may be waiting for you when you return home or perhaps you shall die of old age first! Whichever happens will be at my discretion and based entirely on how small you can make yourself in the days or years to come!" Banging Tasid's head against the table Fareed stepped away and cringed again while looking at his hands. He held them out for Tasid to see. "Just look at what you make me do... Servant?"

Fareed washed his hands again and when he was finished, looked back to Amultawi and Majnun. "You have your instructions, you may begin. Oh! Tasid, you will leave in the morning by ship. They will deliver you directly to your home at Iuny but they are also under orders to make certain you do your part to help them get there faster... You will join the galley slaves in rowing the ship. Should you resist or fail they are to tie rocks to your cannons and throw you over the side, a terrible "accident" you see. No one will miss you. No one. If you ever want to see your little..." Fareed struggled with the word. "Fuck slaves again in this world, row with all the passion and intensity you can muster. Pass out on your oar if you must, but row and row hard for your life depends on it. Carry on."

Walking up the stairs with Xerin in tow the mercenary general listened to the first sobbing scream that echoed up followed quickly by the soft, sweet cooing of Majnun as she whispered to Tasid. Shaking his head he waited until they were out of earshot before speaking.

"My sultan?"


"I do not mean to be rude nor to overstep my bounds but-"

"I have already compiling a list of suitable replacements, he has worn out his usefulness today but... To promote anyone to his seat now would be a slap in their face, it would be a demotion and not a promotion. It makes matters rather difficult because of how run down Iuny is and it is hard enough to find nobles who are, how shall I put it... Able? No matter, if he acts out even once then his temporary usefulness of at least occupying his position has ended. He shall remain at Iuny and keep the seat warm until more pressing matters are handled, after that he will simply "vanish" and that shall be the end of it."

"Yes but that is not what I was referring to, truth be told I still believe it better to just chuck him in the river and be done with it."

"You mean the princess? The situation has been handled and if I may not have my satisfaction in one regard I and others shall take it in a different manner, she is not as well loved among the more important circles. Still, it would have been more agreeable to have her sign the documents I had prepared rather than what we agreed to in the end."

"I see..."

Fareed let out a low grumble as they walked. "This whole thing has spoiled my appetite and I have not eaten since my meeting with her... Curse that little imp."

"Perhaps some wine and fruit while relaxing in your chambers will sooth the feathers he has ruffled."

"Ruffled? Xerin, he has done more than ruffle them which is, and coming from him no less... Quite the feat. But, to outright kill one of my own nobles without a ready replacement of suitable rank at this moment would bring too many questions and doubts. One can not simply kill a noble out of hand, especially after they have made a scene. Therefor, I must take my little acts of revenge when and where I can at such times."

Xerin sighed. "Your will be done my sultan."


Khada walked through what was left of another burned out husk of a village, everyone was long gone one way or another and all that remained were the ruins. Peering into one of the burned out husks of what had once been a hut he saw only burning cinders and shattered pottery. Turning away and walking further he wondered how many times they had done this, sack a village, move on, sack another, move on... An endless cycle that only abated once in a while when they were sent home to rest or gather more fodder for the kings fires. As he walked a wall caved in and stopping to watch the embers rise high into the air as the building collapsed in on itself Khada quickly closed his eyes and turned away.

Home, these buildings had been the homes of many others, they had done no one any great wrong save for having existed and yet they burned. But as they burned, so did he. His soul burned away a little more with every act as did that of his daughter and tribe. How many more homes would burn? How many more would suffer or die at their hands because they always did as they were told? Obeying their orders for the sake of surviving just a little longer at the expense of something far more precious that once lost could never be retrieved. Was it worth it?

Passing by more burning wrecks of huts his legs were almost too heavy to lift, dragging his hooves forward one at a time while blocking out the world around him he felt his hoof snag on something. Pulling forward, up and over the obstruction he felt it quickly shift and latch onto him just above the hoof and squeeze. Eyes narrowing quickly he looked down and automatically smacked his shield down to knock away the hand of whatever survivor was impeding his movement, but as he stared down frozen in place Khada realized there was no one grasping onto him. There was no body to lash out against, only a limb reaching out of the earth and holding fast. Kicking against the blood soaked appendage with his other hoof harshly the hand did not relent and refused to release him, its iron grip holding fast.

Confusion began to well up inside him as he stared at it but the feeling was replaced with panic as it began to pull back into the earth, taking his hoof with it. Slowly his hoof sank into the ground and no matter how hard he pulled against it or tried to pry it off the fingers remained firmly in place. As panic overwhelmed his senses he stabbed his weapon into first the arm with no effect and finally the ground and using it as a support heaved with all his might but it was a fruitless attempt, his leg soon began slipping in faster and faster.

Looking around frantically he tried again but it was for naught, horror quickly washed over him as more hands reached out of the earth and began pulling his body under. Thrashing harder the earth dissipated like smoke on the wind and he felt himself sink rapidly, waving his arms about wildly to grab a hold of anything he could find to save himself Khada continued to struggle wheezing for air, his breaths becoming rapid. An iron taste entered his mouth and in the dim light of the flames he could see the earth had been replaced by a sea of blood that threatened to drown him.

"Nyah! Hae-"

Khada's head sank into the blood for a minute and thrashing hard to get free his head bobbed out for a moment and he gasped harshly for air while struggling to free himself of the deathly grip that bound him. As he stared at the flames again one last time he knew no one was going to save him, they had left a wasteland of everywhere they had been. Any who may have aided them had been burned away and forgotten, they had become ashes on the wind.

He was alone.

His thrashing stopped and with a yank the hands began pulling him under again but as his neck began to disappear into the blood a ghostly visage passed from the corner of his vision, it was impossible to make out but just a glimpse of the shadow was enough that it made his blood turn to ice.

"Are you here to claim me?"

As the thought passed through his mind he saw something else from the corner of his vision, but as he turned his head hands reached out and prevented his attempt to look at the object. He caught only a slight glimpse before the hands violently pulled him under, claiming him forever but he knew what the thing was, he had heard stories of them but never in his life laid eyes upon such.

Closing his eyes and holding his breath less he drink deeply of the blood that surrounded him and willed himself not to open his mouth, he would drown in blood but not so long as he could force his jaws to remain shut. It was his own doing, he had done nothing to stop the destruction and a price had to be paid. How many lives had he destroyed in his lifetime alone?

Agony washed over him as the hands began digging into his body, the fingers feeling more and more like sharpened claws with every passing moment. But as the pain grew he knew that if he would only open his mouth just a little and willingly tasted the elixir of life itself the pain would stop immediately, he would be spared. Accept what he had done, embrace it.

"No, enough blood!"

But it was impossible to say no, so many lives depending on him butchering whomever he was ordered to and if he failed they to would add their blood to the ocean he was drowning in. Even now he marched to bathe the land in blood, to destroy all that others had worked so hard and suffered to create for themselves. He was going to destroy countless lives.

Continuing to will himself to his slow and painful fate Khada felt himself become subject to the claws once more, they ripped and tore at his flesh but he did not die. More thoughts crossed his mind, to just relent. Obedience and absolute piety would be rewarded as both were a virtue, but such thoughts were forced aside. There had to be a way out, some way he was not seeing, but what? Eyes still forcibly closed he felt another wave of agony wash over him and clutching his fists tightly while holding back a pained scream he realized his weapon was still in hand. Such thoughts were foreign though but this was an extraordinary situation. Calming himself a little he tested to see just how hard the hands were holding him in place and finding a small amount of movement he rotated his hand so the sharp end of the short spear was aimed inwards. With a violent heave of his arms Khada drove the tip into his chest but the hands pulled taunt stopping him from doing any further harm to himself.

Struggling with all his might was not enough to budge his arm any further but with a heave he pushed his chest out and made it sink deeper. Pierced by his own weapon Khada felt the hands let go of him and he could feel himself sinking deeper and deeper, pulled down by an invisible force that had swallowed him whole.

"Neveh give in, find way. End this!"

But he had, more times than he ever wanted to count and he knew it as the truth seared itself into his brain as an unrelenting tidal wave of memories. Was it wrong? He had obeyed his betters, powers that knew better than he. Or was it a lost cause? Had time and experience so poisoned him to other possibilities that every door had been thrown shut by his own hand? Had every bridge been burned? Would anyone offer him an exit now or was this blood drenched horror that tormented him simply the fate he deserved? Maybe he was too far gone to be worth saving now and what he had seen was just a wild hope, a childish wish. What power would dare to accept him for what he had done? But, there was one, waiting, eager, happy to embrace him with open arms as a long lost children, a lamb left to wander on its own for far too long. All he had to do was accept, to kneel before it.


One word and his challenge was accepted as the blood began to boil violently while the grasping hands suddenly vanished and left him to the embrace of something else less forgiving, the heat seared his body with agonizing pain and made his former torment seem like childs play by comparison. He could not help himself now, the agony was so extreme as his fur was seared off, his flesh boiled, melting and blistering violently while his nerves screamed so harshly that he finally opened his mouth and let out an agonizing howl of pain.

Hands fought over him as Khada's eyes snapped open and voices filled his ears, springing to his hooves in full panic he lashed out with his dagger and swung so hard one of the chieftains narrowly avoided being slashed while anothers shield was slashed in half as they swung it around to protect themselves. They all backed away from him as he stood wild eyed, panting, shaking and weapon stretched out daring the shadows to intrude on him, but they did not. Only various degrees of worry and fear greeted him as his audience stared back at him as he dared each one in turn to twitch.

"Chief? You okay now?"

Khada patted himself down with one hand, dagger still held so tightly in the other his knuckles and muscles were bulging through his fur. The searing pain lingered on but was slowly dissipating and taking a long, shaky, deep breath Khada sat down again and stared off into the darkness. It was not long till the sun rose and as he sat silently, ignoring everyone around him as they doted over their chief he stared ahead, waiting. As the sun slipped up on the horizon projecting a blood red sky he closed his eyes hard again trying to forget, but he could not. It remained, the pain, agony, fear, all of it. Nothing quelled it.


His daughters voice made his eyes snap open again and staring at Nyah he could see she was taken back by his appearance.

"You okay now? Thrashing in sleep, then scream in pain! Wake everyone!" Nyah began to reach out but stopped quickly. "Still shaking..."

Looking down at himself he could see his fur and limbs all had an involuntary shake or twitch to them and no matter how much he focused on it he could not stop it.

"Runner come to, before sun up."

Khada ground his teeth a moment. "And?"

"Anotha' success. Most fleeing long, long befo'h we come. Plan working good. Not much loot, but some food, enough to keep running. Also big, big place ahead. Big walls. We well inside they border now and close to important road from south to north on map you draw. Long way to go, but we make good time, better than thought."

"We-" Khada tried to ignore the pain which still lanced through his body. "Go around."

"Tell Isibuso?"

"No! We are... What is words? We is past point of no return? No go back now. Too late."

"Think it not so hard to run round this place, maybe they kill Isibuso when he come though, make everyone happy. Rest till he come though or?"

"Go now, no run though. Walk. Rest legs for when need to run."

"Always hide..."

"No! We need keep moving, must keep moving. Slow, fast, slow, fast. Stay ahead Isibuso but think things get more dangerous now. Go." Khada waved the cluster off but they all hesitated. "Say go you go! Go!"

Khada swung his arm out as if to banish them from his presence and slowly they retreated away from him in order to carry out his instructions. Nyah had not moved though, she was still squatting a short distance away and as he looked at her the memories flooded back and a deeply worried expression came over her face.


"Nothing. Go."

Watching Nyah go Khada held out one hand and stared at it as the shaking continued, his fur was still standing upright in many places but he could feel the shaking fading away. Clutching his hand into a fist he stood and stared out across the encampment before taking another shaky breath, this was far from over, he knew that. But it was not the task ahead that now terrified him, it was the dream and the warning it held. What scared him though was not the nightmare that tormented him but something else. Placing a shaky hand to his chest Khada looked down and could feel his heart pounding madly in his chest, but, something felt like it was missing now. In the place of any warmth all he could feel was a chill passing through his hand. Something was slipping away rapidly like sand between fingers and he felt terrified as his hand slowly formed a fist and it would take very little to tip that delicate balance. As he sat there shaking he stared at the camp and looked north pondering his nightmare and what it meant, the pain was too real as were the images. Pulling his hand away and grasping his knee he felt his heart rate accelerate a little, there was no way out. He knew what he had to do and the cost it would entail on others but there was no other hope in sight, but no matter how he tried to convince himself that what he was planning remained the proper course of action it made him feel sick and touching his hand to his chest again he closed his eyes again, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make if it freed his tribe and daughter but no matter how he tried to justify it, the feeling never waned.

He felt cold inside.

Nuru's sleep was troubled, a steady war chant was always at the edge of her hearing but it was mixed with a dull thrumming of a great mass of hooves that seemed to get closer only to fade away when she focused on it. Standing in the dark, foggy shroud that surrounded her no amount of willpower or incantations was enough to do more than make the fog swirl and move. Walking did not seem to help either, she was well aware of her dream state but never since she was but an initiate had she been unable to control its course.

"This not dream... Vision." Nuru looked all around including up at the sky but all of her vision was swallowed up by the fog. "Speak! What want? Who you? Why you come?"

There was no answer but she could feel the eyes watching her but always out of sight which was unusual. When the spirits wished to grant a vision they had a most unique way of doing so and as she had aged they were more than willing to do so while she was awake. Waking visions had become the norm, little tidbits of information here and there, some serious, others more whimsical, less focused and without any real driving purpose. Almost a joke in a way, a tittering laugh on the wind showing what might or could be. Such visions were always a source of great amusement to her and Subira who had recently learned to tap into them, they were a source of constant laughter and joy but also great sorrow and worry.

This place though, this place was not the work of the spirits and something far more powerful and dangerous loomed in the shadows.

"What you want?!"

Nuru continued to turn in place before muttering a small prayer while gripping her staff glared harshly and walked towards the fog. As she touched it the fog swirled, froze and pushed back. Putting her hand out she continued to mutter words and pushed against it again and felt it slowly give but only just. Patience running out Nuru leaned on her staff and closing her eyes recited a much more ancient prayer and lifting her staff pointing it out while stabbing at the fog. This time it began to part but something had changed, what had been the feeling of being watched by many eyes and the eerie feeling of very powerful presences had been replaced by even more. She could feel power coursing back and forth in the mists as they fought and swirled against each other violently but unseen.

One was trying to obscure and hide, the other pierce the veil.

Trudging forward and fighting against the fog Nuru slowly made her way through as it tried to push her back but the farther she went the harder it became, the duel of wills grew until it became hard to focus. Refusing to relent she forced one hoof in front of the other and struggled onward slowly but steadily as dull lights came into view, doubling her effort and struggling harder she tried to forcibly pull herself free of the fog and emerged into a scene of chaos laid out below her.

It was impossible to make anything out, the powers that held sway over this vision refused to relent in their battle causing things to skip violently as she stared downwards trying to make out what was happening. Shadowy figures flooded over the land sweeping everything before them and swallowed the fields like locusts. Things and places burned though she could not make anything out in particular, but as the locusts continued to swarm ever onwards, they pierced through one settlement after another. They swept everything before them and over the ridges, hills and through the valleys at will. No one stopped them, they were to busy fleeing. There was no great race at first however, only a steady wave of destruction wherever they touched. However, their speed was growing more hurried and seemed almost driven to greater heights the farther they went.

Her vision blurred as the world around her shook violently and in a brief moment of clarity she saw a familiar hill, the locust swarm had struck. Like a plague they swarmed upwards and through the village only now with great urgency while beating down any resistance offered. Some however offered so much it forced them back but they were too many and the shadows swarmed up the roads regardless, it was too late. Blood flowed freely and in dark waves as the resistance died out leaving the rest at the mercy of their conqueror, doomed to be hauled away. And hauled away they were, in long lines they were marched away to the south where they faded away, lost forever. But not all, some were singled out and killed immediately but as to why, she did not know.

This was not just a simple raid though, something about it bothered her, as if some larger and unseen intent loomed just out of sight. A very purposeful movement.


No answer. Nuru tried to focus harder but the vision ended and her consciousness was violently thrust back into her body, sitting upright wheezing for air as if having fallen a great distance she stared at the dying embers of her fire-pit before glancing around her hut listening. It was silent as a grave, the spirits were gone.

Not just a few, all of them.

It was the first time she had ever known the hut to be so silent, even before she had inherited it the hut always hummed with low voices but now all was silent and she found it deeply disturbing. Calling out to them they still did not answer and neither did they return. They had been chased off, a feat which was near impossible save a few circumstances that she did not wish to dwell upon. Something had come in the night to her hut to grant a vision that utterly terrified the spirits or was powerful enough to make them depart, but it had not come alone. Another force had also made the journey to stop them and a battle had ensued and as she sat in the hut breathing she could taste something in the air, it was an odd, almost burned taste. It was like lightning had struck and burned the air but it had struck the hut over, and over, and over again. Yet nothing in the hut burned, and what had been a fairly decent fire to see her through the night had been reduced to embers struggling to take one last gasp before dying.

Glancing behind her she looked at the sleeping form of Subira who had not moved, her granddaughter was untouched and watching her shift before snorting at the unpleasant air Nuru turned her attention back to the fire-pit. Waving her hand over it and muttering nothing happened. Narrowing her eyes Nuru slowly stood and leaning on her staff walked to Subira and tapped her.

"What? What wrong?"

"Up. I go now, you stay, wait, listen."

Subira took a longer breath of the huts air and gagged. "What happen!?"

"Bad things. You stay. Keep door coverings open to let air in."

"Where you go?"

"No worry about that, go to Tendaji is all. I back when get back."

Subira looked at her with a worried expression but Nuru just smiled and patted her head before turning around and leaving. Pushing the rush mats aside and stepping outside and into the darkness she carefully looked around intently waiting, nothing came. Ears still listening carefully despite their advanced age Nuru took a few more steps and froze as the cloth covering Asha's door was pushed aside and she watched Verik for a brief moment before nodding at him.

"Awake early."

"Yes... Asha had a nightmare, first one in a while and I dont know what I had. Woke me up though."

"Hmm... Maybe it nothing."

"Maybe its something? I have been here long enough to know that when two have a nightmare in the same hut and one goes outside and sees you just standing outside, like... Like they are waiting on some kind of boogeyman to just up and jump them from the shadows, namely a certain shamaness, that means something is going on. And it is not a good sign either."

Nuru gave him a small smile that caused Verik to flinch. "Many dark things lurk at night, darker than you know or want to know." She leaned a little closer and despite their distance he leaned back a little. "Things that come in the night, dark, terrible things, tonight they came."

"Are they gone?"

"Maybe. But with darkness came warning, strange..." Nuru walked a little closer to Verik who put his back to the hut. "Wonder why you dream... Asha have nightmare, know this, normal, you here make them go away most times now though. You?" She stared at him oddly before looking at the other huts in the area before quickly returned her gaze. "You come with me now."


Turning quickly the shamaness called Asha's name and when her head popped out of the hut she smiled and called for Subira. "Watch Asha. Asha, you stay in hut with Subira yes? Good." Nuru stared at Verik a moment before turning away and began walking towards the center of Wete as Verik stepped onto the road.

"Where are we going?"

Nuru froze and turned her head, the look in her eyes disturbing. "I say you follow, you follow. Or you want to run away?"

"I am not some little child you can play that trick on."

"Good, then you follow."

Verik remained quiet as they walked, Nuru continued to very quietly mutter words and phrases while glancing around, waiting, listening. As they neared Tendaji's hut they could see other figures moving in the same direction and they all froze at the same time, staring at each other with some confusion. After looking around and being assured that there was no threat they began walking again until they were all gathered outside of Tendaji's hut.

Sefu looked at the motley gathering and a disturbed look was clearly visible on his face as he avoided Nuru's gaze. "You dream to?"

Jelani nodded to Sefu before staring curiously at Nuru and Verik. "What happen? This never happen."

"First see if Tendaji dream." Nuru ignored them and without warning walked into Tendaji's hut and after a long pause they heard something being thumped with a stick. Voices piped up immediately and after a flurry of exchanges she poked her head outside. "Come."

The trio filed inside of the hut quickly and quietly before standing around the fire-pit as an annoyed and worried looking chieftain watched them, but his attention and annoyance centered mostly on Nuru.

"What this about? Not good night."

"Bad dream brother?" Sefu sat down without being invited to do so causing Tendaji to look even more worried.

Everyone parted for Nuru who took a seat closest to the fire. "Many dreams, all bad. Want to hear all dreams but those who no dream must go, except you Tendaji."

Tendaji looked at his wives and children and after ushering them outside and off to anywhere else tossed another piece of brush wood into the fire. They all shared a look with each other, everyone knew how hot it was outside normally but for whatever reason the air held a bone biting chill to it.

"Speak, what this about Nuru? Why you bring all them to my hut?"

"Not bring them, they come on own... Save this one." She gestured to Verik. "Him I find and say come. Also dream. Now, tell me, what you dream?"

"I-" Tendaji looked a little worried and after looking at the others sighed. "Dream not make sense, shadow, much shadow, fog, too much fog. Darkness. Not see..." He stopped and thought about it. "Not make sense! No see but see things. Movement, lots, come from south and move over fields slowly, into Wete and-" He shook his head. "Shut out and try to sleep again until you come and use that stick!"

"See same." Sefu nodded. "At first, all dark, no see or hear then see. But no more, much, much fog, no hear. But..." Nuru narrowed her eyes at him. "Also see something, on road, shadows swarm up road, through. I stab at them, they... Go away, but too many."

Jelani nodded. "Yes, shoot at many, stab other but no stop, shadow move up road but no see you."

Nuru looked at Verik and crooked her head a little. "You?"

"About the same as them, hazy view of things, got into a fight inside the hut, same as Sefu, they just kept coming up the road and fanning out across the village I guess. Asha, she woke up sobbing. Said something had grabbed her by the legs and hauled her off and stabbed her in the stomach. What about you?"

Verik motioned to the spot on himself causing Nuru to give him an odd look for a brief, unnoticed moment before turning away.

"You dream is... Closer. Mine from far above. They come slowly at first from far away then run, many flee but for us they come fast. Very fast. Determined. Not all. Some yes, some no. Slow shadows dance and stay away, other shadows like plague of locust, swarm fast and through Wete."

"Is vision true then? Wete fall?" Tendaji looked half worried and deeply upset. "Crops almost ready! Where we run!?"

Nuru smiled at him. "Not think we able to outrun. Slow ones yes, we outrun easy... Others, we no outrun them."

"We need better defenses then." Everyone looked at Verik who's visage was becoming increasingly hostile. "I lost everything else before and in my vision they just walked in the god damn door and dragged Asha off. Your visions, they just walked in?" The others nodded. "Then we were not ready for them. I dont know how this whole "dream thing" works with you in a world where spirits send messages and warnings but I did not go through all this trouble for some sonova bitch to just take it all away again."

Tendaji let out a troubled sigh. "So we what? Wage war? Challenge them?"

"No, your still stuck thinking about the old ways, this is not some tribal war with ritual, this is flat out total war. The kind of war you, Sefu, described to me as what Fareed engages in."

"Fareed attack us?" Jelani looked at him quizzically.

"No, if that bastard wanted us dead I dont think we would be talking right now. He certainly would not wait this long, besides they came from the south so... I dont know, whatever is to the south attacks us."

"Only thing to south is Mjesani, Iuny, Miwani... Other small places, many, many tribes." Sefu shrugged. "But which one?"

"Maybe none?" Verik returned the shrug. "Nuru?"

"Think they come from far, far away. From place we never hear of or see, far to south."

"Is another kingdom invading?" Tendaji rubbed his forehead in frustration. "If this big invasion maybe we cross river and take chance with other tribe attacking, take their land and make Wete land."

"Cross with what?" Nuru glared. "Wete have one raft."

"Make more raft."

"Think they follow anyway."

"Burn raft after cross. Set many brush fire."

"That only mean more destruction, it not solve anything."

"Make them no chase us."

Nuru shook her head as Verik watched and after a moment shared a look with Sefu and Jelani who slowly nodded.

"We fight."

"How?" Tendaji glared at Verik and waved his arms around. "Few weapon! No time to make! Have many good idea to help defend Wete but not ready yet. Need much time more."

"No, not really..."

"What you mean?"

"If this is as big an invasion as Nuru says then I dont think Fareed is going to sit on his ass and just ALLOW them burn their way across his kingdom. What little I have seen and know now tells me he is far too... Egoistical and power hungry to allow it to happen, if they take everything his image will shatter. No monarch can just permit an enemy to roll over them and then just walk away anyway. If they are coming this far north then a warning will be sent out from Iuny and Mjesani immediately warning them of the invasion, I have no idea about where his army is if he has a standing army but he sure as hell is going to spin them around with such haste it would make heads spin and force march them right to our doorstep to destroy the invaders. No one attacks him willy-nilly and just walks away without one hell of a fight."

Sefu shook his head. "They long gone by then, distance too great."

"As much as I hate to say this... I dont think we will just outright win this battle if what Nuru says is right. All we can do is just drag the battle out for so long that it buys time for Fareed to act."

"What if he no act? Maybe he no come here?"

"Then he risks losing his entire eastern border to someone else including Iuny. Not a big loss I imagine but it would pinch his kingdom and invite everyone around him to invade for showing weakness. As for coming here... No, I dont believe for a moment he would even consider it worth his time unless a whole army is standing in front of us, then he would show up only because they were here and not somewhere else. Just the threat of him coming down on them will probably be enough to break them, but as I figure..." Verik stared at Sefu. "Fareed will take the main road from Alzamard to Mjesani and then east to Iuny, it would be textbook, secure the most important locations and then destroy them from behind. A river to their east blocking retreat, no ports under their control... If they move north the river outside joins with that huge one up north and would trap them in a corner in they could run that far."

Jelani raised an eyebrow. "Seem know much of these things."

"Just books, videos, so on. Its what any sensible army would do anyway, unless there is some major city or town out here I do not know about."

"Towns yes, no city."

"Then he will ignore us and secure his cities first, its logical. We just need to hold out long enough for him to scare them into abandoning the siege less they want to be surrounded and wiped out."

"Oh? And how much time we buy with lives?" Tendaji stared and waited for a moment. "Day? Days? Weeks?"

"As long as it takes. I have no idea, never been besieged in my life but I know a thing or two about it anyway from reading: Unpleasant as hell, starvation, thirst, disease, horrible, nightmarish things happen during sieges but I also know something else..."

"I listening..."

"If they are coming that fast they have no siege equipment." They all raised their eyebrows save Sefu who nodded. "Anyone relying on sheer speed to overwhelm someone cant be hauling around wagons and oxen, as that is all I have seen anyone using... And if they expect to keep up a high rate of speed in their advance? Nuru says they swarmed like locusts, just flew all over the place with great haste, that means infantry. Light infantry, skirmishers. Not wagons. Nothing heavy that would slow them down."

"You believe him?" Tendaji stared at Sefu.

"Yes, maybe? Ladder easy to make, but... They come that fast mean they run and run. Iuny maybe no fall unless Tasid special stupid. Is special stupid but..." Sefu shrugged and looked to Nuru. "They swarm big, big area?" She nodded. "Then Verik right, they no carry big things that throw rocks far way, they come on hoof only. No wagon."

Tendaji rubbed his temples. "How we defend against? Two walls but no enough."

"Well thats... Easier." Verik grimaced a little and after working his jaw around spoke again. "We do anything that will slow them down. Pull up the bridges, flood the canal, all as planned... But we also dig spike pits all over the place, other side of canal and this side to. Collect all the brush trees we can and start sharpening them to spikes, we still have those enormous piles of dirt laying around, only a fraction has been used to fill in the gaps created by the walls. Heap it up, build a massive earthen wall for them to climb and line it with sharp sticks, also those damn thorn bushes that grow all over the place, anything that will prick and prod. Also, we need to collect all those adobe bricks and get the new houses set up, those are natural walls. Build little spots we can shoot from and join it all into one massive wall."

"That is huge area..."

"We only defend what we can reasonably man, section areas off into little defensive zones, one gets overrun we just let them have it and fall back to a new perimeter."

Jelani looked confused. "What is per-miter?"

"You know the area you patrol around here? Same thing but now much, much smaller. We know they are coming so it doesnt really matter as to when so no need for long range scouting. Yank everyone in and focus entirely on preparing. Also put up a palisade."

"Not enough wood."

"Doesnt have to be a proper one so long as it keeps us from getting overwhelmed and keeps them back longer. Oh and tar. Lots of tar."

"Tar?" It was Tendaji's turn to look confused but before Verik could speak Sefu did.

"Burn them. He want to burn them."

"We dig up little channels for the tar and cover patches in it, that way one section wont cause it all to go up and we can selectively burn them out. Namely the south and west road since that seems to be a common focus in the... Visions. Also fill pots with it, mix with chopped straw, throw it at them... Should make the fur burn nicely."

"That very cruel." Tendaji grimaced.

"Cruel times, its that or get wiped out so use it or lose it."

"So we fight then..." Tendaji let out a heavy sigh. "If they no come, then Fareed know and he come for us. Maybe come anyway..."

"Well we can run and hide from Fareed but not this so one step at a time."

"Nuru?" Tendaji nodded at her. "This no game? Spirit no trick? We do, we no go back."

She shook her head. "No trick. Very serious. Destruction come, we no run this time."

Nodding slowly Tendaji looked at his brother who gave a slow nod and finally Jelani who also agreed. "Then we prepare for war. And you!" Tendaji glared at Verik. "You earn keep big now! Say you much learned, ed-cated. Time to prove."

"If only under less dire and eerie circumstances..." Verik kept a blank stare. "Well, its not like if I fail you can get mad, i'll be dead after all." Verik stood up as Jelani chortled at him and after nodding to them he stepped outside while a new argument arose as to how much or how little time they had, all he could tell from Nuru's voice as a series of "maybe sooner, maybe later" was all they got in response.

Sefu called after him. "Where you go? Much to do."

"To talk to Asha and get that "measuring stick" I had made, I am going to need it." Verik left and walking back to the hut quickly stopped and stared at Nuru's hut before deciding to check on Asha first, peeking inside he looked at Asha who sat huddled in a corner. "Hey."

Asha let out a startled whinny that reminded him of a zebra back on the other world for a moment and looking back she calmed down.

"It okay?"

"No... We have problems, very, very big problems, but dont worry about it, already got a plan forming on how to deal with it. You okay?"

Asha shook her head and looked down. "No..."

Walking inside he knelt down beside her and pulling Asha into an embrace he kissed her on the head. "Dont worry about it, I did not come all this way to get laid low by invaders who think they can just terrorize and loot with reckless abandon. Got a lot of work ahead of us though if we hope to be ready for them."

Asha nodded. "Who coming?"

"Dont know, dont care. All I can say is this: we are going to make them pray to whatever dark gods that exist in this world that sent them that they had never set one foo- hoof near Wete."

"Promise? Not want to be taken away."

Verik hugged her a little tighter and kissed her again. "I promise, anyone who touches you will be burned alive."

Next Chapter: Chapter 77: Defence Plans Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 8 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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