
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 66: Chapter 65: Flank Kissing

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"Bending over and kissing their collective flanks is how most businessmen, nobles and, in all truth... Anyone involved in politics gets ahead. It is the oldest profession the world has ever known: the flank kisser."

Nawra's eyes slowly opened as the sun streamed in through the window and letting out a small groan remembered where she was, in hell. Things had gone quite smoothly last night with the chosen mare dancer dismissed shortly after she had left, but only after a few others had, no token was given however. Those tokens were power in this place and she had guessed that the "servants" would do damn near anything to get one, it was clear they were slaves to any but the most pitiful fool and for that she now had some sway with them. Fareed probably meant it as a game but two could play the same game when both sides had a means of motivation.

Her last token would be the most precious though and would have to be saved to the bitter end in case she needed it, but until then two others were available. This meant spending one a week for her stay with the possibility of a third on the final week, her stay was to last the entire month after all and so she had to ration them. A sudden knocking on the door made her sit up quickly and after bading them to enter #22 walked in bearing a platter and accompanied closely by captain J'Lail.

"Princess Nawra, you ordered me to fetch your breakfast at first light." The slave bowed quickly and presented the tray.

"Yes, what were they serving this morning?"

"As you did not specify any particular item I had #18 accompany me and we have brought back a complete spread. Where would you like it served?"

"Table, central room. Captain J'Lail will be joining me."

"As you command princess Nawra."

J'Lail watched her leave before nodding. "Pijasiros already tested it for poison, it is safe."

"Good, but I doubt "he" would try such a thing."

"Maybe not him but another in the hopes of embarrassing his most gloriousness, bringing of the sun and moon, the rivers, trees-"

"Your sarcasm is noted captain but do not make it worse because today I will be saying those same lines in his throne room."

"A dreadful prospect indeed." J'Lail gave her a grim and pitiable smile.

"Hardly, it is merely hollow words that everyone will utter today with not an ounce of sincerity. Last night however was a nightmare."

"Ah yes, #9."

"I do not ever want to enter my quarters again and find #22, #18 and I especially do not want to find #9 naked and waiting for me under the covers with a smile on his face! It will take a month to remove such a grotesque memory."

J'Lail shrugged his eyebrows and eyes. "The sergeant can not watch all three rooms and the door at the same time but I will have a word with him about one going missing, perhaps you should order them to sit waiting in the central room until you return?"

Nawra rubbed her face a little. "Fareed probably expects that, have them sit there until they can no longer hold it in and pee on the floor or worse. If #22 uses that ink for failure to obey I do not want to know what she will use under such circumstances. You made certain #9 was not touched?"

"#22 wanted to for failure to appease but I had her locked in the other room for the night, she will listen only to you so far on such matters."

"I see, who else?"

"Only #18, the colt was kept with the sergeant in the general servant quarters last night, quite spacious and well stocked I must admit. #9 seems to be somewhat more susceptible to suggestion despite his "education" but I attribute that to his young age. Did you sleep well?"

"Quite well but for a while I could make out whoever sleeps in the next suite over."

"Emir Ruhak. He returned with only the filly."

"I do not want to know more."

"Neither do I but it is time to rise and I shall be awaiting you in the next room."

J'Lail bowed and closed the door behind him leaving Nawra to undress and don her morning wear. The full ensemble adorned, she moved to the next room and was greeted by the captain, sergeant, Pijasiros and the three "servants." They all lowered themselves to her and gave a more formal greeting before the sergeant took his place near the door, Pijasiros had already laid out cushions for her to sit on and stood to the side waiting with a jug of wine and another of tea on a platter.

"My lady, would you like wine or your usual tea this morning?"

"Tea." Nawra sat and looked at the three pathetic figures quietly before eating a grape and chewing slowly, her gaze made them look even lower. "#22, the next room has a bath and water will be required. Call servants to fill it for me at once."

#22 nodded and gave the typical trained response and left the room in a hurry, Nawra meanwhile looked at the last two before focusing on #18.

"You need proper names instead of numbers... What should I call you..."

J'Lail let out a small laugh. "How about Khusaa?"

Nawra glared at him, "I will not be cruel!"

"Its true though."

"No. Your name shall be..." She looked him over before looking at his marking and after shaking her head sighed. "You are handsome, tall... Striking... Yes, your name for now will be Mudahash."

"I am grateful princess Nawra." #22 bowed.

"Good, #9 what was your name before becoming a slave?"

"I am fro-bid-den from u-sing that name."

"Very well, you will be called Aaarabisk because you are quite wishful, especially last night."

"Thank you prin-cess Nawra."

"Good! That just leaves #22."

"How about Mueadhaba?" Captain J'Lail shrugged. "It would be most suiting."

"You are correct, but no. Where is she? I did not expect her to fetch the water herself..."

"I imagine many are calling for bath water so it may take some time for arrangements to be made."

Nawra shrugged and motioned for the captain to sit and join her. "The formal meeting starts just past noon so we have all morning to get ready, the gift was polished first thing this morning?"

"Yes, Pijasiros handled that before dawn while I handled other matters."

"You mean letting #22 out without her killing Aaarabisk?"

J'Lail nodded and looked at the colt. "A certain box is locked away in your room and only you have the key which I pray will stay on your person."

"I doubt that will slow her down."

"She is quite inventive unfortunately and we had to keep her from several objects she attempted to fetch until I threw her in the bathroom and locked the door."


The zebra looked up for a moment. "Yes princess Nawra."

"Did #22 attempt to escape last night?"

"No princess Nawra."

"Good." Nawra tore a piece of bread of and dipped it in the flavored olive oil while still watching him. "Captain, seeing as there is plenty of time this morning I will stay here and look over my scroll again before the meeting begins. If you or the others need to settle any matters see to it, I want you to bathe before we go."

"I already have." J'Lail motioned to the others. "Only your special three have not."

A knock on the door announced the return of #22 and after entering she lowered herself onto the floor. "The number of guests requesting a bath has slowed the process of drawing water and though accommodations were made it may take thirty minutes before hot water is available for your bath."

"Lukewarm will suffice in this heat. Now, your name..."


"Not again... Hm. What was your name before being a slave?"

"I am forbidden from using that name."

"So Fareed erased their past by burning it into their heads that they will be punished for daring to utter their true names, except for the one born a slave..." Tossing a grape into her mouth and chewing she narrowed her eyes and looked the mare over. "Your name will be Fatima."

"That is forbidden!" #22 looked panicked.

"So I guessed your true name by accident? Very well... Aaila."

"Thank you princess Nawra."

"Your names then are Mudahash, Aaarabisk and Aaila. Now to something more important, you will ask permission either of myself, the captain, sergeant or Pijasiros when you need to eat or use the bathroom. You will eat three times a day and Pijasiros will handle that as he is my personal attendant and those tasks are matters he usually handles, you will assist him in seeing after my well being. Aaila, you will do nothing against #9 or as he is now called Aaarabisk. He did nothing... Wrong, last night but such is no longer required of any of you, I sleep alone unless specified otherwise directly by me. Do you understand?" Nawra hoped quietly the last would leave a loophole that would prevent Fareed for prodding them too hard. "He will probably just try something else come the morrow."

They nodded but Aaila was worried. "Princess Nawra, it is our duty to assist, please and provide comfort to you."

"And you will, but in other ways as I demand it of you. But only when I demand it of you and never before!"

"Understood princess Nawra." They spoke quietly in unison but there was a marked degree of worry in their voice which made both Nawra and J'Lail narrow their eyes a moment and exchange looks.

Nawra looked straight at them. "First, raise your heads and look straight forward... Good. Now, what were you threatened with if you fail your mission? Not allowed to answer? Punished if you do but also if you dont?"

"Princess! Remember what happened-" J'Lail was cut off with a hand.

"You fail no one by answering or refusing to answer. Just keep looking straight forward and stay silent, that is an order." They did but it was the looks in the eyes she was testing. "Each of you have entertained me greatly during the short time we have been together, I regret nothing and have learned a great deal. Be proud in your service and rest assured one of you will return to my homeland with me. Now, you need to go and refresh yourselves. Leave, bathe, eat and do whatever it is you must do so you there will be no "accidents" today. Know that your families should be proud considering you would gladly rape a foal on order, torture a stallion not because he would but because he acted on an "if" or tried to get into bed with a mare much older than you. That is all, you have done well. Leave."

The three left the room utterly confused but Nawra smiled at each of them as they left before looking at an equally confused J'Lail.

"I do not know what game you are playing princess but I have the feeling it is quite dangerous."

"Fareed is listening to me through them I suspect, they have done their duty and I acknowledged that and sent them on their way. Their previous order to obey only me has been somewhat muted but a chain of command has been established and with any luck it will pay off because they are required to obey me after all, if not at least they are under order to ask no less than three times a day. That and Pijasiros will now be handling their food requirements. They are not the... Brightest, but it should muddy the waters enough."

"You blunted his spear."

"I hope, but it is possible he has other things in store and it does not mean he will not hatch something new. He wants to toy with my mind but that does not mean I am forbidden from fighting back and neutralizing his tools."

"It is still hard to understand why he would want to toy with you."

"Maybe he favors my brother or plans a new war and sees me as expendable before the act."

"You still have your fathers orders to carry out."

Nawra cringed but an idea had formed. "While true I must ascertain what he plans first, would you not agree it unwise to wed someone who has already settled on invasion? It would provide a means of ransom before the war even begins but he will not touch me here and now. Yet..."

"Mmm... True I suppose but your fathers order stands."

"The safety of Labrad takes precedence and if that means putting his plans on hold so be it, I will not be responsible for giving our soon to be attacker any high ground."

"As you wish princess Nawra."

Nawra hid a smile, Fareed may have just given her a way out and while she doubted he had any intention of invading her kingdom, the doubt she had sown would be enough to justify her actions, for now at least. When he learned what she had told the three slaves he would have to start all over again but he probably expected it, this was just a game to him and it would never end till the day she departed his kingdom. Until then she could continue to reject, blunt or halt his attempts and so far that was quite easy as all three servants were obedient but quite slow mentally. The more she undermined his attempts the more he would lash out and provide more justification to put her fathers plan on hold, there was no threat of death here, only the loss of ones sanity.

It was thirty minutes past noon when Nawra, captain J'Lail and Pijasiros departed with mercenaries in tow for the throne room with Mudahash showing them the way. It took longer this time as the throne room was farther away and situated to the far front of the palace grounds for ease of access to those not living there, or at least that was the idea once upon a time. Making the long journey around they stopped in front of the two immense wooden, studded double doors where they waited a moment before being ushered in by another mercenary. Inside, the chamber was filled with nobility and advisors milling about the base of the stone stairway at the far end of the throne room, high above the stairs an ancient stone throne was decorated lavishly with silks and plush cushions but it was as of yet empty. Space along the left side was reserved for those visiting guests making their offerings today but one sat empty at the far front, it was reserved for the most honored guest and that, was herself.

Guided to their spot and left waiting as everyone chatted around them she glanced at the mixture of ambassadors who were nodding ascent to the turnout and due to her location she could see some were not amused. Three advisors in particular stood slightly apart from the others with either a damned or pitiable looks on their faces or as one did, with a blank, dead stare. For whatever reason these three were not pleased at all with events and as she stared at them they noticed, bowed to her and quickly faced a different direction while pretending to talk amongst themselves.

"Dissent amongst the ranks... So it is not going quite as well as he would have everyone believe, at least one ranking officer ready to revolt, a few advisors who look on in disgust..."

Her line of thought died off after taking a headcount of those who were less than overjoyed to be here, their numbers were so few compared to the whole they were not worth mentioning if one were to ask. Still, at least there were a few in this mad city that did not believe in what was being done but the fact nothing ever changed was more telling. Truth be told though she knew they would be killed immediately for trying so why not flee? What did he have over them?

Such thoughts died off as the doors flew open and a serenade lit the air on cue, the sultan had arrived. Down the long, regal carpet he came in full regalia, head held high and behind him walked both Xerin and Adil with two other mutes in tow but she recognized only Ismat. A dead expression was on her face as she walked in her formal uniform in perfect lock and step with those in front of her and after Fareed had climbed to his throne and turned he flourished his silk robes a little for show and sat down. One of the advisors who had stood waiting at the base beckoned with an arm towards Fareed and in a clear voice repeated partially what everyone already knew but with a great deal of extra baggage.

"His majesty, ibn Jarafi the magnificent, ibn Kasar the slayer of Olsama, ibn-" Nawra took a long breath and waited while looking over the other guests. "-illustrious, bringer of peace and order to the realm, securer of the trade road and the most important and only safe harbor on the Thriti River, conqueror of Tuli, destroyer of-"

Nawra tuned it out again as the mare rattled on for several minutes declaring how great and glorious Fareed was while at the same time making small snaps at each of those gathered. Every prick a reminder that no one had been able to best him to date and conquer his lands in earnest but at the same time leaving out just how many times he had been driven back, namely his failed campaign against Salai. A defeat by all means but it was declared a victory because he achieved something, though little. But that little ant hill became a mountain overnight as the battle was rewoven again and again in his favor. They were quick to point out the defeat of her own kingdom but the telling was bereft of mention that they had soundly stopped any further advance and even taken some of his kingdom from him, the list drolled on until it finally came to an end.

"Bow before his majesty, ruler of the ancient capital of Zebrica, sultan Fareed!"

Closing her eyes and swallowing any remaining pride Nawra and everyone in the room lowered themselves to the floor and paid their respects by acknowledging his power.

Fareed raised a hand. "Rise. Today you offer your gifts and then my advisor shall give you the schedule, we will begin tomorrow morning though." Nawra could swear he looked at her a moment before glancing down at Ismat and Adil. "We shall begin with my most honored guest, princess Nawra of Labrad. You have permission to approach."

Her upper lip twitched when he granted her permission to approach him but turning to her two companions nodded and they stepped neatly out into the center of the carpet. Making the turn in perfect, practiced order they walked slowly towards him while Nawra kept her hands clasped in a regal gesture in clear view of all. Once they were nearly at the base of the thrones steps she lowered herself again as did J'Lail and Pijasiros, they waited until he nodded and the advisor caught them by surprise.

"You may now, rise."

"I may now rise!?" Smiling at Fareed and holding her tongue, Nawra motioned Pijasiros forward and after he unlocked the box she nodded for J'Lail to lift the lid. "I present unto you, his majesty, son of the mighty Hasil, son of the wise Asim, son of the righteous Hassir..." Nawra took care to speak each of the names in his lineage slowly, with fake reverence and when she was finished ground her teeth a moment before proceeding. "The ruler of the glorious and most ancient capital city in all of all Zebrica, conqueror of Tuli, slayer of,-" Nawra spoke plainly and clearly, vomiting out the lines one at a time just as they had been written within the scroll. "His majesty, the glorious, benevolent, virtuous and most charitable sultan Fareed."

Motioning her servant forward to present the gift Nawra again bowed low. "A gift from the city of Labrad, may it please his great majesty to accept such a gift and may the gift be seen in his eyes as a tribute worthy to his mighty throne."

Fareed stared down at the elaborate gold and jeweled crest without flinching and without batting an eye waved Pijasiros away off handedly. Snapping his fingers one of Fareed servants quickly collected the box and after a stare from Xerin, unceremoniously hocked it onto a nearby table but she noted none of the other guests could see the act, only her.

Staring down at her blankly a moment Fareed gave a small nod. "I have received your offering."

The advisor standing to the side waited for a moment and after Fareed nodded to them they stared blankly ahead without looking at her. "Princess Nawra, you have permission to retire from his majesties view."

Nawra's ears almost splayed back in anger as the fur on her face began to stand out. Glaring at the captain and her attendant they stood and marched quickly to the side where she tried to disappear into the masses.

"How dare he not acknowledge the gift properly! We have never treated his nor any ambassador so poorly! This is how you treat commoners or perhaps nobles! Not those of royal birth!"

Fuming quietly Nawra ignored the next name called out and as another representative strode down the isle head held high knowing that they would most likely not be disgraced as she had been, began their own iteration of praise with a certain convivial tone in their voice. Eyes staring daggers into no one in particular Nawra felt a hand tap her shoulder a few times and glancing to the side glared at J'Lail as he stared ahead blankly. Closing her eyes briefly Nawra forced down her ire and kept a blank face as the procession continued.

"This is going to be a long nightmare..."

Author's Notes:

I just get going on something or resolve an issue and all hell breaks loose, enjoy the update. If you wish to donate do so as it helps keep the story going. Next chapter we are back to Asha and Co.

Next Chapter: Chapter 66: Morning After Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 27 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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