
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 48: Chapter 47: The Revealing

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"Nothing is harder than speaking your mind while telling the absolute truth all at the same time."

Three remained behind after training and watched the rest go before Verik pulled them aside to a small cluster of shrub trees, his eyes turned to Shahid as did everyone else after a long, silent moment. The Arabian just stared back curious as to what was going on and after closing his eyes a moment in a silent sigh Verik waved for them to sit down.

"Shahid, the next time you hit someone dont put your back into it. Sefu is getting quite aggravated with us and how we train but your beating the living hell out of them is making things worse."

"You said-"

"Yes I did but that does not mean we beat the crap out each other during training. Well maybe with each other but not with them." Verik thumbed as the retreating mass. "Were not trying to kill each other and our... Brutal methods, are making us some enemies when we fight."

"But captain, we need the training and we can not do that without risking injury. Also you are not exactly gentle either in how you beat that one off of me, not venting your frustration due to recent failures at home?"

Verik sneered at Altayih who smiled back. "No and that is none of your damned business."

"True... But we do pray for you."

"Your tongue will be the end of you Altayih."

"That may be true but I was being quite serious because it would seem the world conspires against you both. Once there was time, now there is none and the days once again end with exhaustion for all..."

"Moving on... The others are not our guinee pigs to practice on, we train with them not against them. Yes, we have to be faster, smarter, better organized and meaner than anyone we fight but they are not our enemy. I know I keep saying not to pull our punches but lay off the back breaking blows."

"We not trying to kill them or break backs."

"I know that Shahid but dont forget that when you first came here you had a hard time lifting half the weight you can now, your hitting twice as hard as you used too. We all are and somewhere down the line we forgot that."

"Captain, I recall hearing that Sefu gave you a sound beating when you first began your training that resulted in a few injuries..."

"Yes but I learned that despite his methods he was holding back and I do not doubt that he could have caved my chest in with a kick from one of those dinner plate sized hooves of his. Sefu's training is rough but he has a fine line between being rough and running the risk of real injuries." Raswan had been sitting quietly but had raised a finger. "Raswan?"

"Agree with much but also want to say that how we fighting upsetting many. This not old way but new way. Your way better than old way, think it work better against our enemy who not care but others..."

"Told Sefu that I had some ideas for how to solve that. So far they have been on the receiving end of everything we have been throwing at them and maybe if we change things up and bring more of them into the fold it will help. Rotate the training so more learn instead of just us few and that way they get used to it and learn the tactics, with any luck they will change their minds since they get to do it to others for a change. Of course, it means our chance to win will probably plummet so badly we might never win another practice battle again but... Oh well."

"Also it bugs me how I know the Wete are okay with sneaking up on someone and slitting their throat but this is somehow against the rules..."

Verik mulled things over for a moment quietly, was it part of their ritualistic way of fighting or did the rules go out the window when cornered? What was the catch that had everything hung up? Was is dependent on who they fought? Raswan snapped him out of it as the young zebra rocked his head to the side a little and began speaking again.

"They already learn much and change ways but you thinking faster than them. So far. Maybe not always but what you plan maybe help, they learn to better protect Wete. How you learn this anyway?"

"Lots and lots of books. Also a couple of documentaries..." Confusion was written on nearly every face save Altayih's as he slowed his speech to a halt. "Never mind."

"What is book?"

Altayih gave a sly grin at Raswan, "a big thing with lots of pieces of paper inside that are covered in written sounds. Saying the sounds in your head makes you smarter."

"Know what writing is."

"Forgive me, I sometimes forget that there are those in the world who can read."

"I not know how to read..."

Everyone looked at Shahid a moment before Verik glanced at Altayih.

"I can not read your languages either so that makes two of us and the language I do know does not exist here. Perhaps Altayih can grace us with such knowledge some time but for now we need to focus on the task at hand. If we teach the others how to fight our way they will learn and once we both know the same tactics we will hopefully get better by using them on each other. Oh and Sefu is worried about us being merciless."

"We are merciless." Raswan looked a little worried as he leaned back. "Wete not this violent or mean, can be but very rare. Your way is to kill all and leave no survivor."

"For good reason too, we do not have the luxury of having a prison to lock our enemies away in. Also that brings me to another point... Raswan, do you know why we are training this hard?"

"Better protect Wete and be better mercenary?"

"Is that why you stick with us?"

"No, want to learn to protect Wete better and you have many ideas. Not mercenary, never be mercenary, hate them."

"Good, so do I."

"But you mercenary."

"No... We are not. But before we go any further I want you to listen to Shahid for a minute."

"Are you certain captain?"

"Cant pull this off with three and we have to start trusting someone. Shahid."

Raswan listened to Shahid carefully as he told his tale and when he was done sat quietly thinking on it but when Verik picked up the story, he became very nervous. He continued to listen without comment but he almost laughed several times before going silent realizing how serious they were. Nothing was left out of the details nor the planning that had gone into the distant mission but when Verik finished the zebra was left somewhat stunned.

"You serious... Attack Fareed's ship and steal it? Steal slave and run? They hunt you to end of earth and string you up. String all Wete up!"

"No, they wont. That is why we are attacking the ship not in Wete but farther up river towards Mjesani, win or loose no one can blame anyone because it could have been either or chance river bandits who got lucky."

"Fareed attack both and all!"

"He wont, four fools launch an assault on a cargo ship and loose well who cares. Then again... Should we win the fight, well... There will be no witnesses left alive to contradict us save a few freed slaves who's silence will be bought with the promise of freedom."

"Crazy talk, this impossible. You bring ruin to Wete!"

"No Raswan." Altayih cut in and shook his head. "The ship will be loaded with food taken from Wete and who knows what or who else, by taking the ship and giving some of it back the captain will be saving lives not taking them."

"Wait... Four fools? You want me to help!?"

"Yes of course I want you to help Raswan, something has to be done or there wont be a Wete. Hell there wont be much of anyone left if things keep up like this! Gods sake Raswan the only road in the region is one long graveyard thanks to bandits and Fareed. Tasid has his eyes set on you and sooner or later he will probably think up a way of trying, now win or loose that bastard will take a lot of you down with him. At least this way you have a chance."

"That not all of it, is it... You plan much more. Too much. What you really planning?"

Shahid and Altayih furrowed their brows a moment curiously before looking at Verik.

"Captain... You never did say what you had planned after getting Shahid's sister back."

"And for good reason. Once this matter is settled I will tell you but not before, if you decide to walk away you may but what I am thinking is bigger than one ship and larger than all of us. However there is something I want to do first before I say such things openly. I want your trust and trust is earned, not given or forced. When I get Shahid's sister back you will hopefully trust me enough to listen without laughing but until then..."

Raswan glared. "Not good enough."

"No, its not. But I am risking more than any of you with what I am doing, you see I dont have much and never have. And yet suddenly I find myself with everything I never dreamed of having , I will not risk losing that."

"You do not trust us captain?"

"I trust you three yes but this goes above and beyond trust and that is something I must first earn from each of you. What I have planned is not about pay or glory but much higher stakes. Walking that path means we might never be able to go home again and the stakes are higher than you can imagine. There is no such thing as retreat in anything we do but it gets much worse."

"Are you trying to discourage us before we begin or scare us away before you actually say something meaningful?"

"Altayih, I want each of you to walk into this with both eyes open. The last thing I want is for there to be doubt about anything we do, no secrets, no mysteries, only crystal clarity."

"Then say something."

They jumped as a fifth voice spoke to them and twisting themselves around they saw Jelani staring at them slightly annoyed.

"Future note, before we decide to have a secret meeting we check the area first."

"Wise. What you planning now? Hear much of nothing."

"How much is nothing?"

"Attack ship... Very amusing, funny. But you speak in circle, speak without speaking. Say without saying."

"Right. Was anyone else hiding back there with you?"

"Not hiding, was sleeping, you come to me, me not come to you."

"Alright... Do we have a problem?"

"No, plan maybe work and if work keep many from starving. Very daring and foolish but also brave." Jelani looked over their faces before sitting down with them. "Not turn you in unless you stupid. No bring trouble to Wete not care, maybe help."

"Help would be greatly appreciated as we are quite lacking."

"I not agree to go with you yet."

"Yet... So there is hope" Altayih smiled as Raswan and Jelani glared back.

"Thats enough, Jelani you heard the whole thing from start to finish and know the plan then. I am not joking either, I fully intend to kill every bastard on that ship and take it for everything its got. Half will be unloaded in a safe location for return to Wete but we are sailing up river to Iuny and getting Shahid's sister back come hell or high water."

"They not fall for your tricks, you not look part."

"No but I had an idea for that too, Altayih can read and write... How well can you read and write?"

"Quite well, my father believed it important to be literate in order to run a good business."

"Good because your taking the place of the tax man we execute."

"I am enjoying this plan..."

"In a nutshell... Kill the guards, execute the tax man, trade clothes and have Altayih play the part. After that it gets complicated as you can imagine."

"You make taking ship sound simple."

"Until we see the thing there is not much we can do."

Jelani took a long breath and sighed.

"Remember campsite?"

"Which one?"

"Between Wete and Mjesani. Campsite not just for traveling merchant or traveler. It also only place ship can come close to shore and anchor, crew come on small boat to cook food and rest. Is halfway up river and where ships normally stop before continuing on way. If you ambush crew there you have better chance."

"That is... Enlightening. Thank you, but you are also rather forthcoming."

"If your plan work more Wete live, you die nothing change. Your way we have chance, do nothing we die anyway. But... You promise something else yes?"

"Alright... What?"

"You not return to Wete after taking ship."

"Hah! First off that would cause endless trouble with a captured government ship anchored off shore but I am returning, just not with this particular ship. My family is here and I will not give them up so easily."

"Maybe you give up much with ambition."

"There are some things I am going to kill to keep and this is most certainly one of them, I am not doing this just for me but also for her."

"How far you take this?"

"Probably better not said but I am going to kill anyone who gets in my way."

"Tendaji will get in way."

"I understand his position, concerns and the amount of hell he must go through but he is also not my enemy. An agreement was struck to protect Wete and by association that means Tendaji too and also you Jelani."

"Not need your protection but if Tendaji find out you loose everything. Already prove you not so good at secrets."

"Quite true but I hope your spirits keep smiling on this pitiful fool."

Jelani gave a snort of indignation at his comment before looking them over. "Need better weapons and crew of ship well armed, they not joke. Fareed not like loosing tithe."

"River bandits?"

"Many ships on river, not all honest. Most yes, but not all. Wete keep many weapons and after trip have many extra, they not be missed. Seen how you fight and you need them."

"Dont suppose a bow could be misplaced or a javeline... Or two?"

"Your bow still take time but see what I can find that is not missed."

"I completely forgot about that... How long will it take?"

"Drying wood take much time but we have ways. Will make very good bow."

"Well I want to talk to you about that at some time but I have a question: Sefu. I know because of your past that the odds are really against him causing any trouble over this but I want to be certain."

"Sefu not cause trouble, maybe. Plan makes sense and is good for Wete and you."

"Its still only this handful, dont suppose you would lend a hand?"

"No, that raise much suspicion but know a few who maybe help you. Your ways not make it easy but plan to teach Wete your ways maybe make it easier."

"They wont run screaming once they hear of this..."

"No. But now you say something."

"What? Oh, yes, that..."

"Yes, "that" now say something that mean something. I offer help but now you tell whole truth, no dance around fire."

"Okay. Well..."

"Just speak, you crazy enough we believe you."

"Fine. I plan to kill Fareed. All of them actually. Tasid, Fareed, all of them."

A dead silence hung in the air as they all stared at him and was broken when Raswan began laughing but his laugh died just as quickly when he realized Verik was not joking. Blinking slowly they soaked in what he had just said and only Jelani moved her eyes around to look at the other gathered faces before shifting them back to Verik. Altayih had a small grin on his face as if he had been expecting that answer but Shahid and Raswan were of complete disbelief at what they had just heard.

"You, kill Fareed?" Shahid's face was confused and covered in disbelief. "Take ship, very possible. I understand that, much profit. Help me get sister, also believe. But kill Fareed?"

"Yes Shahid, I am going to kill Fareed with these two hands. I dont know how, where, when or anything else at the moment but so long as that bastard lives it will always hang over my head. Be damned if my family is going to live under his yoke or any other. Besides, the bastard deserves to die and that is only after what I have seen. Cant even begin to imagine how badly I would want him dead if I knew the whole truth."

"Maybe you kill Tasid..." Jelani let out a hum. "That... Yes that maybe possible but Fareed? You really are crazy."

"Okay fine. Laugh, laugh your asses off but after what I have seen why the hell not? This whole supposed country is one big damned banana republic just sitting on the fence waiting for a tumble. The only thing holding things together is the glue of fear and terror that hangs over your heads because I seriously doubt if Fareed would be capable sustaining a long, drawn out war. Which is what it would take by the way, I dont doubt that. He can probably kick ass and take names with that mercenary army of his but drag things out and it will be cost prohibitive."

"What that mean?" The zebra stallion cocked his head and confusion was all over his face as he tried to translate the words.

"It means that if you take him head on your going to loose but if you start sticking him in the soft bits over and over again he will bleed out over time. He already bled the place out all on his own, Jelani. You were there. Those bandits are making deals with the army, Fareed permits them to exist so he can have a cut of the action. Want to strike a really soft underbelly? Kill off the bandits. God knows how much hell that would raise in Alzamard when Fareed looses that source of income."

"Fareed would lash out harder and more violently."

"Don't doubt that for a second. But at whom? Be damned if I strut around with a banner so I can be identified and shot at." Verik glared at Shahid who had burst out laughing. "Oh haha Shahid, shut it. At least I have an idea of what needs to be done and am crazy enough to at least try. Its a damn site better than just sitting here waiting on either the bandits, invaders, slavers, starvation or Fareed to get me. You know why? Because they will, eventually they will get us all one way or another. They got you two." Verik pointed at Shahid and Altayih. "But by some crazy, insane chance you got away and survived."

"Survived to meet crazy man who get us killed."

"Shahid, the captain is crazy but if he wanted to get us killed he could have months ago. Please, go on. I want to hear this insane notion of you replacing Fareed."

"I am not here for your personal amusement." Verik's voice was cold and hard as he spoke. "Your right though. I savor, no I salivate at the idea of dethroning Fareed and taking over. The idea of that kind of power entices me and makes a part of me burn with desire. However, unlike him I actually give a damn. I give a damn about you, you, you, you and you. And them up there on the hill. I'm not some spit polished, high and mighty politician or PHD toting loud mouth either. Just me, that's it. What you see is what you get. A laborer, farmer, educated well enough do-gooder with a thirst for power and a mean streak big enough to get it done."

"How you convince anyone to join you hm?" Jelani had moved till she was against a bush tree and leaned back while stretching her legs out. "No one will ever fight for you."

"Maybe, maybe not. Wont know until I try but there is something I can offer them that no one else has or can: a life. Not just a miserable existence of working dawn till dusk or being a wage slave but a real chance at a life. It will be hard as hell to get it but at least I am offering it, not just some other job for pay because this is not about pay. A real chance at doing something that means something for once. That and I am fairly certain Fareed has pissed off enough people that some will join just for the chance at getting a shot at him."

"A life... We already have lives."

"And what can you say about that life? Starvation? Slavery? Hell tomorrow you might get wiped out by bandits or slavers. Who knows. At least my way that wont happen because I am going to hunt them all down and put their heads on sharp sticks in neat little lines that cover the countryside. Justice? What the hell is that? I have yet to see justice anywhere I have been or is that exclusively for the priveledged few just like back where I come from? I know what your future is going to look like if this keeps up and I intend to cut it off at the pass. Will I be another tyrant? Probably. No, yes. Yes I will be a tyrant but one that tries to help and protect not chop you to pieces like Fareed and the others."

"You are utterly mad..." Everyone turned to Altayih who was still grinning as he leaned on one elbow staring at Verik. "No you are completely insane... A stark raving lunatic with delusions of grandeur. But your an honest one which is quite rare, such honesty in anyone is new to me which is confusing. A raving lunatic but hopelessly honest and truthful." Altayih glanced at the others a moment before smiling. "Alright... I will go along with it. If you can accomplish even a small fraction of what you have planned, I can at least die happy knowing that when facing my ancestors in the afterlife I can tell them that I tried. Which is more than most can say."

"Your support is both heartwarming and rousing Altayih..."

"Captain, your sarcasm wounds me..."

"What about the rest of you? Want to make a run for it and claim ignorance?"

"You promise to get my sister, I believe you then and not know why but believe you more now. Believe you more if get sister. Until then... Not know what to think."


"Help with ship but after that need to think, that too much."

"Which is why I wanted to hold off until after we get Shahid's sister."

"It still a long time till ship come crazy one." Jelani kept her eyes closed as she yawned. "Maybe much happen before then that kill you or end plan. But... Spirits like crazy ones and you special kind of crazy. Maybe they smile on you and help you or smite you. Not tell anyone how crazy you are and still help though."

"Well... None of you tried to stick me or take off running so that counts for something."

"We would never stab you in the back captain."

"How much gold would it take?"

"There is not enough gold in the world, I want to see just how crazy you really are."

"How flattering."

"Free sister and I honor word to serve you, not betray you."

"I not mercenary nor accept money to betray others but that not mean I help you if not agree."

"One imagines I will do things none of you will agree with, such is the nature of war and politics."

"True but if you become Tasid or Fareed I not turn in, I kill so it not happen again."

"Raswan... If I become another Fareed I shall give you the knife to stab me in the heart with."

They all looked at each other a moment including Jelani who cracked an eye open, he was quite serious and there was no sarcasm or mockery in his voice as he spoke. Verik was dead serious about everything he had just said and part of them actually believed him.

But was it at all possible?

Author's Notes:

Enjoy and if you want to help support my writings visit my Patreon! The link can be found in my journal.

New screen hasnt died yet but came with 1 little frozen pixel on the bottom. Eh, oh well.

Next Chapter: Chapter 48: Making Time Estimated time remaining: 18 Hours, 11 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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