
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 32: Chapter 31: Setup

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Author's Notes:

I made a blog post. For those who do not read it:
My Patreon
Happy new year with chapter 31!

"Some have agenda's all their own and Nuru, your are one of them."

Everyone stared at the immense snake corpse for a while as a deathly silence hung in the air while they all simply stared at it in disbelief. Despite the odds and its surprise ambush on them they had killed the beast without suffering any casualties but for the life of them they knew not how. Bruises and probably a cracked rib or two most certainly abounded but no one was bitten and that by itself was a true miracle.

"I cant believe it, we killed it!"

Altayih looked at Verik who had never moved from his perch, still holding the pick firmly in place as if the snake might at any moment resurrect itself and come after them again. He just sat there straddling the neck breathing and in pain and considering how the snake had driven him into the rocks on its first attack, it was no small miracle he was even conscious.


"Help me skin the bastard."

They all looked at Verik wide eyed for a moment and even the grump had a look of surprise. Sliding painfully off the body Verik then walked carefully around the creature slowly all the while favoring his side, he then began to push its corpse in an attempt to roll the beast over. One by one they joined him including the spy and after a great deal of effort they managed to uncoil the serpent and get it rolled over so its soft underbelly was exposed.

Now that they could see their efforts clearly they realized just how little their spears had done, not one stab had gone deep enough to inflict any real harm but had served only to make it angrier. It was the pick lodged in the skull that had done it in but that would have been an impossible feat had it not been for their hundreds of little pricks keeping it too occupied to focus on its rider.

Only the grump had a real knife and after seeing the struggle to skin it using an old, crude knife and the sharp front edge of spears did he offer a hand. Even that took a great deal of time because while the snake may have been dead its soft but still dense underbelly caused some degree of trouble. Not only that but its sheer length became more and more an issue as they took turns cutting its belly open one yard at a time.

"We need kindling. Sabiwa, Shahid? See if you can find any and set up a camp for us way up and preferably away from this place." Verik made a painful motion with his right arm and waved the two away from the blood and gore, both seemed happy with the new assignment

Sabiwa hopped down from his rocky perch and motioned for Shahid to follow, "we staying night then?"

"Yes but not here, I dont want to find out if there is another one or even a smaller snake lurking around here anywhere."

"Why we stay to skin it then? Better to run if you think that."

"Like hell, we earned this kill and I haven't had real meat in a while. Leaving this thing behind would be a waste."

"You EAT it?!"

"Yes of course, why?"

They all knew the answer, it was no secret about what he was or what he ate. Until now however the most they had ever seen him eat was a fish which was nothing as even they ate fish from time to time. This however was a whole new ball game, it was dead and he was having it skinned no doubt to keep the lustrous hide but now he was going to butcher and eat it.

Only the spy held onto his disgust and quickly refused to help beyond skinning the snake but when asked he was willing to say who back in Wete could tan the hide thankfully. However, anything beyond that he was unwilling to help with and as the hide was slowly peeled off the snakes guts spilled out causing Altayih to run a short distance before retching on the ground.

"I am surprised at you Altayih, figured with all your traveling seeing a couple hundred pounds of guts and gore wouldn't bother you."

"Seen much but-" *urk* "Never anything like this up close, the smell-"

Verik watched as Altayih walked away to retch somewhere out of sight once more, at least the spy could care less and was even stepping through the guts to help get it skinned. When the snake was finally skinned Shahid returned, the camp was ready and somewhere a safe distance away; they hoped.

Butchering the whole thing was impossible and with the salt still in rock form it would be impossible to salt any. They had a schedule to keep and that meant taking what they could while they still had the chance. Carving off strips of flesh and carrying them from the mine made the others shiver but they pretended to ignore it but as they sat around the campfire that night they all agreed with Shahid's two, simple, words.

"You scary."

Sefu was waiting on them when they got back to Wete and though he had many a question to ask they all took a backseat when he saw their new cargo. In fact their new cargo gained them quite the gathering as they walked and as word spread rapidly most abandoned what they were doing to come and look at the massive hide. Its length was so great that even though it was folded and wrapped for travel it took three to carry.

Nuru was as always seemingly well aware of their return before anyone else and was already waiting on them, Verik passed the bag with its new contents to her along with the pack containing the salve, antidote and other things one needed to patch themselves with. There was no smile nor smirk on her face today, it was dead serious and unwavering, this worried Verik.

"One bag of crystals as requested, Shahid has your pick. A little warning about there being a gargantuan snake in the pit would have been nice, or was it a way to see how many would die? Also why do I get the feeling these crystals were just an excuse?"

Of course she did not answer but just beckoned for her grand-daughter to take the other things away and store them. Without missing a beat she walked around Verik and after looking the leathery hide over she simply walked away in silence but straight to Tendaji's hut.

"What happen?" Sefu's question came quickly when Nuru departed and after enlisting some help from others the snake's hide was carefully rolled out for all to see. "You gone without word, Nuru say it okay then you come back with this and salt?"

As Verik explained some of the details the ever growing crowd listened quietly, it was the battle in the ancient quarry that garnered the most attention however. Altayih piped up now and then adding his own little flare to things but Verik ignored him, surviving that ordeal was indeed a point of pride.

A great deal of fear swelled up however when the spy quickly returned after having snuck off and remarked that Verik had butchered some of the snake and eaten it. While murmurs spread through the mass of zebras and a handful of Arabian's Sefu leaned in and quietly informed Verik that Tendaji had never noticed he was gone. However, now that they had returned and with quite the flare for doing so it would probably mean there was hell to pay.

When Tendaji did finally arrive it was with Nuru in the lead, she led him forward and presented the hide as if it were some final declaration of intent before waiting quietly. The chief on the other hand furrowed his brow and held a long, silent argument in his head as he stared at the hide then the party and back again. They were in trouble, but how much was unknown.

"You back!"

Verik felt a small smile creep across his face at seeing Asha again, never in his life had seeing someone ever made him smile. Never in his life had simply returning somewhere been such a weight off his shoulders either but as he looked at her smiling face he couldn't help it. However, he was always one to keep himself in check and what he did next surprised even himself to say nothing of the onlookers.

Pulling Asha into an embrace he held her close without even knowing why, he was thrilled to see her again and while his sudden action had made her jump she still returned it. Some fell silent to just stare, some ignored it as they were still more interested in the hide. Verik on the other hand knew he had just crossed a line and it was one he was happy with.

"And very happy to see you again, I brought gifts too."

"Salt or hide?" The look on her face was wide eyed as she looked over what they had returned with.

"We discussed it along the way and since we all had a hand in its demise a decision was reached. Grump over there wanted some bones not the hide, Shahid wanted nothing but the salt and Altayih settled for both."

"You cut it up then?"

"Eventually, going to have it tanned first, the lions share of it is mine though and that means I can do whatever I want with it. Therefor, I am giving some of it to you."

Asha was taken back by this and after stuttering out why he was giving her something so prized he remarked that he just wanted to. As for what he was doing with his own significant portion he had no idea. She threw a hug around him and squeezed hard this time making his injuries flare up before withdrawing quickly. Asha began to feel her way around his still bruised body before stopping to look up and into Verik's eyes.


"Eh? No! Just bruised, the snake struck and hit my shield breaking it but not before driving me into some rocks."

"You injured, need medicine!"

"What I need is to lay down for a few days and recover but I used some of that salve, helped with the cracks ribs quite nicely."

Before Asha could get a word out about his cracked ribs their attention was returned to Tendaji. He had finally walked the length of the hide and come back around after asking Altayih and Shahid to unroll it for him to get a better look, facing Verik he let out a sigh before nodding.

"You pass Nuru's trial, not trained but you still pass, them too." Tendaji motioned at Sabiwa, Shahid and Altayih before looking back at Verik. "I acknowledge your skill as a fighter even if it was just luck. You have courage though and did not run, you fought together, prove selves."

Tendaji walked away without saying anything more let alone explaining what this meant leaving four of five looking at each other. Sabiwa was overjoyed but the others just watched Tendaji walk away still caught up in his own little world of problems.

"I have no idea what he just said, anyone know what it means?"

Verik looked at Asha who shook her head then Shahid and Altayih, both shrugged.

"It mean he have no choice but to acknowledge you as warrior, trained or not. You pass trial."

Watching Nuru approach they looked at Tendaji as he left and then back at the snakes hide again before Verik spoke up.

"What trial Nuru?"

"Quarry was trial, you passed, you not happy?"

"What difference does it make?"

Now Nuru was grinning again but she was not so much looking at Verik but Asha which was a little discomforting at first.

"It mean you all warriors now, much to learn, but your courage is without doubt. Could have run away but stayed and fought. Also means you now have certain... Rights."

"What kind of rights?"

What she had said about courage Verik could not deny, any one of them or all of them could have run away at any moment with no risk. Himself? Once the battle had started the others could have left him and each other to die but the thought had never once crossed his mind. What about them? Had they thought to just run away? No, they were too quick to charge into the fight. The idea of leaving them behind despite hardly knowing them was something he would never consider had the roles been reversed.

"You have rights within tribe, not as Wete but guardian, mean you be listened to now. Also mean you have right to marry." Nuru's gaze fell on Asha who fidgeted as the old mare's smile grew before looking back to Verik. "One day. Killing this also mean you have... Reputation now."

Nuru had thrown them off the deep end. Without a life raft, parachute nor any warning, it was sink or swim and by god they swam. Gods above did they have to swim hard though and judging from the look on her face things were far from over.

One question remained though.

"Nuru... I know everyone has an agenda and you did not do this to see what would happen nor entirely to help us... What is your agenda here? What are you up too?"

Would she answer or just ignore the question again? Nuru just smiled though and shrugged, she had no idea, truly. Or did she? So if this was not entirely her own doing then who was behind it? Whatever forces had snatched him or something else?

No matter, it was apparently beyond their control so it was best to just strap themselves in and hang on tight. Some of this was Nuru's doing though, he knew that all too well. Everyone had gotten a little something today but something else had also taken a piece of the prize without having ever revealed itself.

What was it though?

There was something about Asha's hands that relieved the pain in his back, for a day all he had done was just lay there and not move. All he had to do was remain still and allow her to rub in the salve, a task which should have made him grind his teeth from the pain but there was only slight pangs now and then.

He had been ready to collapse from the pain and swelling upon their return and Altayih was stuck in his dugout too but nowhere near as bad. Only Verik had taken a full on ballista shot to the chest via the snakes first strike but it had apparently left more than a few marks over his back. Along the way some of the salve had been used which helped but having to keep moving only brought the injuries back, there was no substitute for just laying down and resting for a spell.

These were not just cuts and bruises on the surface however, these were deep injuries that had damaged the bone as well and even Nuru's special salve needed time to work its magic on wounds like this.

Then again if it meant getting to lay down and sleep for a day who was he to complain? Everyone lived, they got the salt and even more. Now they had a reputation with physical proof to back it up, proof that was being taken care of thanks to Jelani.

Asha had been released from field work to tend his wounds, Nuru's little quest had both gained him support but also a couple new enemies or so he had been told. Tendaji had been told about where the salt came from but after hearing the details waved it off. He had known about the place and would have put a stop to it had he known but it was too late and it worked out.

Not that he was happy about them going behind his back of course but it had been necessary, even the chief was forced to admit this sad little truth. For future note they were to get their salt from the Wete mine from now on however as he was not taking any chances. Tendaji had rescinded his last "no salt" order after realizing it had born this situation and Verik was adamant about seeing to the well being of his fellow "mercenaries" even if that meant theft... Or worse.

Few actually believed it anymore for some reason, either because they did not act the part of mercenaries or because of what his plans entailed. Still, if anyone asked they would say he was a mercenary and thus the facade was still in place only now it was not from ignorance but because some decided to shield him and the others.

A relieved sigh left him as Asha finished rubbing the salve into the worst of the bruises and a light, happy laugh filled the hut.

"Feeling better?"

"Much better and thank you, I could never have gotten this stuff on without your help."

"It okay, what you do next though?"

"What do you mean? The canal?"

"No, always causing trouble some way, now you cause trouble and bring snake hide, what you planning next?"

"Just the canal and a few other construction efforts around Wete."


"Alright... First the canal but I also plan to talk Tendaji into putting in new buildings around the outside of the village and towards upper middle of the hill. Adobe ones like back in Mjesani, useful for living but also provide a defensive wall. Besides, there will be plenty of leftover rock from digging the canal and also from those fields that were cleared. Why waste good stone?"

"Wete build wall Fareed attack."

"That's the beauty of it, the buildings themselves are the wall without appearing outwardly so and with some creative planning the gaps can be closed in a hurry thus forming a real wall. Unless someone knows in advance they would never guess it by looking at it from the outside."

Asha hummed quietly before stopping her massage and then putting the salve away on one of the shelves. Verik watched her move around the tiny hut with a kind of admiration for her form, so many weights had been on him before now that his mind was always elsewhere else. But now? He was entranced by her form as well as her kindness.

This had never happened before.

"What happened while I was gone?"

"Little, very little. Trouble to haul water but tools are being gathered for digging canal, Tendaji say we begin soon but Nuru say rains might come sooner."

"If the rains come it might actually help with making the canal. All that rain will moisten the earth and make it easier to dig but harder to move, if we can at least get the canal dug we can always move the earth later. What do you think?"

Asha stopped and stared at him, no one ever asked her opinion.

"Canal work you make many, many friends. Make life easier, bring much needed water to fields. Some think it not work."

"And you?"

"Maybe it work, hope it work. Sibi, Jelani, Nuru and others think it might work. Many want to believe it work." She paused and looked a little worried, "some looking for failure, some want it to fail, to see you fail. That mean they throw you out."

"If I get thrown out what would you do?"

This upset her somewhat judging by the way her ears splayed back while her big eyes filled with concern. Verik waited quietly and watched with one eye open as she paced in a little circle around the fire-pit.

"Not know..."

"Do whatever you believe is right then. What are you going to do with the portion of hide I am giving you?"

"Oh! Uhm... Not know..."

"You could make clothes with it I suppose, more than enough for that. Hang it on your wall? Make leather crafts?"

"Maybe I make leather top, this one getting... Too worn."

"Yes it is, I can see your- Never mind."

Asha did not look embarrassed nor try to hide anything, she just smirked before giving him a mischievous grin, "you like what you see hm?"

"Yes, too much."

I set up a Patreon to help fund my wild imagination. See blog or author's note at top. Hope you all had a better new years than I did!

Next Chapter: Chapter 32: Canal Plans Estimated time remaining: 23 Hours, 23 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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