
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 29: Chapter 28: Canals and Salt

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"Wars have been waged over salt, empires have risen and fallen over this precious substance that too many have taken for granted till they die from without."

"Wakey, wakey."

Altayih grunted a moment before his eyes flew open and while trying to rise too quickly resulted in smacking his head into the crude reed and stick cover that was his shelter sending the dust flying. Glaring at the usual zebra who woke him in the morning he realized today it was different, Verik was doing the waking.

What is going on?

"Awake? Good, today we make or break it."

"Beg your pardon captain?"

"Sefu set up a meeting this morning between the chief and myself, it is time to set the deal in stone over the canal. Since you were adamant about getting a better deal from it all I decided you would tag along to add your two cents when it comes to finalizing things."

Altayih just stared for a minute at Verik he considered what this meant for a moment then realized just how important today really was. For weeks Verik had been plotting and planning how this canal would work and now it was time to pay the piper. Tendaji was probably at the end of his fuse and considering how his own life now held in the balance it would be wise to tag along and help in the bargaining process.

One thing he had noticed about Verik was his total lack of understanding in regards to barter. Indeed, the last time he had brought it up and talked the matter over with each other the more it sounded as if Verik was either ignorant or a tyrant at deciding values. Yes, he would most certainly go with him but not just to help in the process but to see what fruit was born of this meeting.

This should be rather entertaining...

Sliding out of his dugout he stood and dusted himself off before nodding. Walking to the large hut at the top of the hill where Sefu waited outside patiently. When they reached him he thumped on the wall a few times then motioned for them to go inside.

Things did indeed turn out to be entertaining as Verik gawked at the handful of mares inside who were no doubt Tendaji's wives. Apparently this went right over his head with the look of sheer confusion written on his face and reminding himself not to stare less it mean his head or worse, their heads.

Giving a quick jab into Verik's side he leaned close and hissed not to stare, that it was quite rude and would probably get them in a great deal of trouble. Ogling the chieftains wives tended to do that he reminded Verik who now looked even more confused before closing his eyes a moment and then stepping forward quickly addressed Tendaji.

"As promised I have plotted out the canal system. Should this system work as designed I will be given continued compensation in the form of food, supplies and permission to stay here."

Tendaji narrowed his eyes a moment before glancing at Altayih who taking a hint from Verik's nudge decided to earn his keep.

"Seeing as my captain is not terribly good at... Ah... Negotiating prices? He has left me to handle the details. More or less..." Verik was keeping a close eye on him, he did not fully trust him yet but had given him enough rope today to either hang or save them both.

"As there are three... Four! Of us..." Altayih corrected himself as Verik hissed out Asha's name, "we ask to have the benefits shared-"

"No. You may stay but only Verik receive share of crop."

"Of course except we did not negotiate what percentage-"

Tendaji nodded his head and began speaking before Altayih could continue, the offer was based upon whatever was left after Fareed's tax collectors came. Should the plan work and bear fruit Verik would receive five percent of the total left over assuming it was enough to feed the entire village. After all Tendaji argued, that was the deal: feed the Wete not just themselves.

"Should it only partially work as was mentioned? We still ask to be kept on the list for receiving food."

"Verik only. He have to share whatever he get."

It was clear Tendaji had already made up his mind about this a while back and nothing would make him budge from his position which unfortunately for them was set in stone. Tendaji knew he held all of the cards in the end so negotiations were going to be lop sided, not that he was cheating them either Altayih figured. Five percent of the end total was a rather good deal and quite generous considering.

This of course assumed they could irrigate half the fields! Verik had explained things so many times Altayih had memorized the plan over the past week.

"Tendaji," eyes shifted to Verik who had his own grim look now, "should I come into possession of more... Hirelings, such as Altayih and Shahid I also wish to garrison them within your tribal boundaries be they here or otherwise. They will be bound to myself, obey your laws..."

Altayih caught the suggestive tone in the voice and so did everyone else in the hut judging by their looks, Verik would uphold the law so long as it did not bite him in the flank or break the "protect Wete" rule. Thankfully it looked like Tendaji was more interested in the canal than these facts: put up with an insubordination mercenary in his midst in exchange for greater protection, food and deniability if it came back to haunt him.

"And honor your customs whatever they may be. They will remain my responsibility and that includes feeding and clothing them but if I decide to use my five percent to feed them or sell it... Also, that they be offered training by Sefu and Jelani."

A dangerous game, Altayih knew this could end very badly in an instant if Tendaji's glare was anything to go by but with a sideways glance from Verik he remembered why he was here.

"Quite reasonable yes?" Drawing attention away from Verik it was his turn to smooth things over. "I already know the deal that was offered and should we garner attention we can always just claim to be passing through. A small force of mercenaries defending your village is a boon you must admit even if we draw attention from Fareed's agents. Also Verik has some suggestions in mind for how to mask our presence-"

Slumping forward and leaning on his knees with his arms Tendaji glared across the fire-pit at them. "You cause trouble, bring trouble or something I not know yet... You take full blame. How to mask yourselves?"

"Uh... Yes! We can simply blend in till needed! Or take over patrol duty for you, maybe double your patrols that way no one ever notices us-"

"Three of you, have grand plans hmm?"

Verik kept a straight, blank face and shook his head. "No but at this point I am not ruling out the possibility that I might find my calling elsewhere. It most certainly is not going to be here."

They waited as this was mulled over quietly. Speaking again Altayih put forward a rather good reason to accept this new deal: each held something the other wanted or needed. For Verik it was a place to find shelter and resources to survive and in Tendaji's case it was the need of food which Verik could help with. It was a unique trade with dangers but benefits as well.

What made Altayih and the others fidget including the indomitable Sefu was when Verik mentioned being able to destroy his own creation with great ease. It could be their salvation or their undoing, not that he expected to be betrayed of course, he was only mentioning that he would not be stabbed in the back.

"You learn quickly mercenary, as you wish. But it wounds me to know you think so little of Wete honor, we do not betray each other nor our friends or allies."

Altayih had known things were not going very well for the Wete, especially since mice got into one of the storage silos and fouled a quarter of the corn in storage. Perhaps Tendaji did not "hold all the cards" as Verik had once put it, right now it looked as if Tendaji was backed against the wall after recent events. He had no choice if he wanted to keep his people alive and Verik had just played on that fear, he was indeed learning quickly.

"Trust is earned, never forced, nor given. The same with respect, one must earn it." Verik gave a small shrug, "however, only time will tell."

"If that all then we done."

"Actually I need to show you the plans and lay it out for you to see. In order for this to work the canal must follow an exact course and requires tools and special devices to hold the water back less things become permanently flooded. Among the other requirements is placing of markers, bridge building and keeping your people away."

"Keep them away? Bridges?"

"Yes, walkways over the canal if nothing else, otherwise they have to climb down into the canal then back up the other side after wading across. Anyone walking along it could also disturb the markers and cause things to be constructed wrong, the result could be catastrophic. Come with me, I will show you."

Verik walked out of the hut with everyone watching him go with raised eyebrows. Sefu looked at his brother and chuckled before leaving, Verik was quite blatant about not caring anything for titles nor rank. If something needed to be said or done it was.

Leaving the hut in front of Sefu and Tendaji, Altayih caught a whisper between the two brothers about who was the chief and who was not. The counter argument was that at least it got him out of his hut and to quit worrying all the time and that the sooner they got the project under way the better.

They walked for hours and covered the majority of the outer edges of the lower fields. As Verik pointed out it was good fortune that at least half the fields were lower than the river and when the flood hit the canal would provide additional outlet for the excess water to reach areas it could never have touched before.

Risks were involved of course, the flood gates might break or rupture if they did not seal and reinforce them in advance of the flood causing widespread and near permanent flooding. It also meant it would follow a winding path and have several "backup gates" just in case things went wrong.

One detail that impressed Tendaji to no end was when Verik asked about a grassy slump that turned out to be a pond that formed with the rains. This standing body of water would remain for a time then dry up but not before the Wete drained it for their crops. When Verik offered the chance to refill the pond at will Tendaji was well and truly impressed with the suggestion, assuming of course Verik could pull it off.

Materials and tools became a major issue not to mention hoof power, the sheer quantity of dirt and rock that had to be moved was not a small matter. Everything had to go somewhere else as well which complicated matters but with the rush to find building materials the availability of dirt for making shoddy mud brick buildings was on the table.

As Altayih followed them along he became more convinced this would work, while the tools were primitive they worked and while Verik claimed it would be a massive "calorie expenditure" considering their lack of food, it would in the long run pay itself off either way.

Wood was a major issue though as it would be needed along with a myriad of other resources to help control the floodgates. While the Wete had a kiln for their pottery they had never built clay "culverts" before. Verik reminded Tendaji that in order for this to work they had to learn a great number of new things and that he himself was adapting the system from what he knew.

"Alright, that sums it up but I have some other suggestions."

Tendaji gave a glace at Verik before nodding.

"Huts are in short supply so why not build abode houses like those in Iuny or Mjesani? They would provide an excellent defensive line-"

"No, Fareed see that as threat."

"How? They are simply houses. Break them up here and there, have one set higher up, one lower... It is easier to fill the gaps than throw up a defensive wall at the last second. If his agents challenge you over it just claim the number of refugees you have taken in, not all of them lived in huts I imagine so they would like houses similar to what they are used too."

"Maybe... You say canal act as defense too yes?"

"Correct. If anyone comes you can flood it without draining and once the water backs up it will cause overflow but any attacker will have to swim or cross the bridges assuming you do not tear them out at the last second. It will be too wide to jump at any rate, even the dry pit is an obstacle."

It was going to be wide and somewhat deep, to deep to just run across it at any rate. With some planning several changes could be made to Wete giving them a few defensive advantages via housing walls. From a passing observer it would look like normal adobe housing that was joined together to save space, that is until one walled up the gaps in between.

Staring at the village Tendaji imagined what it might look like and how it would all work.

"You saying we get attacked then?"

"I trust your brother, if he says trouble is coming, its coming and considering I live here now it would be most prudent for me to make certain my home remains safe. Taking chances is something I do not care for when they can be avoided."

"You trust my brother, not me then?"

"I spent weeks on the road and trail with your brother, fought with him and for him. Not only that but I know he stuck his neck out for me when he did not have too several times, I also strongly suspect he is one of three reasons you agreed to let me stay."

It was not flattery, Sefu had left hours ago to take care of other matters leaving Altayih, Tendaji and Verik to themselves along with one curious wife.

"You say three. What are other two?"

"The canal and Nuru."

"Oh? Why Nuru?"

"I will get back to you on that one when I figure it out."

Tendaji held back a laugh, Nuru had that effect on everyone and only those who grew up with her knew what it really was. Looking at the hill again he pointed.

"You say we need build houses along side, join together, leave gaps rather than build huts. What about gaps then, how we seal them?"

"Easy, use rocks. Maybe between two or three sections fill it with masonry and dirt to make a wall then top the all with an outhouse that drains down the hill. I doubt any tax man would throw a fit, probably too busy taxing you to death to see an outhouse as a military obstacle."

"What is outhouse?"

"Oh right... Shitting field... Its a tiny hut that you squeeze into, sit on a board and crap down the hole. More sanitary than what you folks do and if you put a pipe in then dump water down after it the water flushes the line and sends the crap out the other end, say into a field."

"Attract flies close to village."

"Leech field then."


"If you want indoor plumbing ask another day but dont expect miracles. Actually, expect miracles because what I know is a thousand years ahead of what you have."

"Sounds like ancient system in Alzamard... Before they broke it." They all looked at Altayih who stared off in another direction not realizing he had drawn attention.

"You mark canal path, I order everyone no touch markers. How many you need?"

"I have no idea. Tools will be a deciding factor along with wherever you want the earth dumped, the special equipment can wait for now until we get the canal partially dug out. Until then any potters you have should focus on trying to perfect the pipe sections I require to control water flow into the lower fields. We can dig along this high ground then run a pipe out to flood the lower areas. Crude, but effective."

"How we get wood for all this? You know Wete have brush forests, not good trees."

"Got any masons? We can make smaller stone flood gates and if we double layer them clay or mud can be used to fill a narrow gap between the two for a proper seal since you lack rubber. The wood problem though... Are you opposed to stealing a few trees from your neighbors?"

"You want Wete to steal trees?"

"Only enough to get the job done, you will need a few for ceiling braces on the adobe houses anyway. Reed mats can act as roofing and with a layer of clay matting you might make the roof waterproof if only temporarily, need some drains I imagine..."

"So you want me to order Wete to what? Steal trees from Miwani? Esu? Find other way."

"Who is or are the Esu?"

"Tribe to east, have town, many smaller villages in area. Best wood but they no sell nor trade, only attack if we go."

"Then whack a few trees on their side and float them across, cut low and no one will ever notice. Hell, take some of the dead wood that fell. The rains are coming right? Drag marks will get washed out soon enough and everything will quickly grow over any signs of cutting and dragging."

"I not endanger my people."

"Fine, but I still require those materials."

What a day. Tendaji had finally agreed to the plan but the material issue was going to remain that stinging hornet more so than the starving workers. Far grander feats had been accomplished in shorter amounts of time though. With the promise of free flowing water that would eliminate the need for more than half the water carriers his idea had now become quite popular and very quickly.

Verik learned never to underestimate the local grape vine even if only one bored zebra mare had tagged along. Whatever she said and however she said it had set off a brush fire among the locals, the promise of less back breaking labor and more time tending crops was a very popular concept.

Rather than be somewhat relieved that they had suddenly gone from giving him a wide berth to greater curiosity, it was the opposite. Expectations were so high now that if even one thing went wrong... Well he knew from enough reading what the result was and it usually involved a witch hunt with him being the witch.

Still, that was one bridge that would be crossed when they came to it, all four of them apparently. From Altayih, Shahid, Asha and finally to Verik, all their hopes, dreams and whatever else they were planning rode on this going off without a hitch. Inevitably if things went bad Asha would get drug into the affair which was not a pleasant thought for him.

On the other hand they were quite happy with how things turned out. Asha was more than thrilled with recent events as Verik had gotten the time the last week to collect mud and repair at least one crack in the wall by stuffing mud into it. It was still a ratty little hut but the sudden lack of a crack big enough to see through tickled her to death.

Rains would be coming at any time however and that meant getting a move on. Asha had no idea about any salt mine save the local one which was off limits and without a salt ration big enough for three Verik knew his little trio was doomed. Asha got a salt ration daily and though she offered to share it all three of them refused to allow it, she was aware of their plan and had done a little asking around herself to no avail.

Altayih had tried as well with partial results, they knew which way to go now: north. That was it. North. Somewhere over yonder hills and vales lay a salt mine, that is about all anyone knew.

Asking Tendaji was a big no-no because if he said no, which they all knew he would, that would make finding out about the mines location ten times as hard. Shahid was on his hooves again and doing quite well, quite the sneak thief they had found out. Whenever he put his mind to it this wily Arabian stallion could slither along with the snakes giving someone else a much unwanted surprise. Being able to fight on the other hand... Not so much.

Jelani said he held promise though so that counted for something.

So far their only benefit was a single week to find the mine, loot it and run. Tendaji had said it would take a week to rearrange the work details and tool allotments, most of the problem being the "soon coming rains" as he had said. Tools were needed to prepare the fields for the rain so that ruled out the canal which would never be done in time anyway.

It was sound logic, why waste time on a canal when the rains would solve things? rapidly growing crops would be harvested quickly, flooding would bring the silt and flood everything and then they would replant. Everything would remain flooded for a while and with a higher water table the plants would not need nearly as much water.

Once this had happened they could start on the canal as there would be less demand for labor but they were on a time table for once the water dried up...

Verik let out a sigh as he leaned against the mud wall with his eyes closed while Asha worked diligently on dinner. She had even taken to refusing him the right of cooking his own fish whenever he got one thus leaving him with time to stare at the partially repaired roof.

All things considered the world was probably looking up for Asha lately.

A quiet thumping got their attention, Shahid had moved out quickly as he liked his privacy and now lived in a dugout near Altayih. As to who that left knocking on the wall well... Sibi just walked in, Sefu would "ahem" loudly then poke his head in while his two "hirelings" always called his name first, so else could it be?

Scooting over and flicking the rag aside he looked up and saw a face that had been rather rare lately.

"I have a deal for you."

"Well this is a cold day in hell... Okay... What is it?"

Leaning away so she could enter they both watched the shamaness step inside and then stand despite the offer of a mat, this would not take long apparently. Nuru kept that nerve wracking grin on her face as she looked around the hut as if to judge its changes before finally settling on Verik.

"I can give you the location of Fareed's mine... In exchange you bring me something from a quarry."

"A quarry?"

"Yes, nearby is quarry, long abandoned. Many crystals can be found there and I want you to fill this bag with whatever I ask for."

"Crystals... Alright, whats the catch?"

"No catch, just bring me what I ask for."

"What makes these crystals so special and why not send whats her name to fetch them for you...?"

There was no answer, Nuru just kept that same grin on her face.

"Right. I get it. Just one problem Nuru, I dont have a pick-"

"Agree and I tell you where to find one, no one will notice. You will also need one to mine your salt hmm?"

"Why do I get the feeling that you are coming out miles ahead on whatever kind of deal this is?"

"Maybe... Maybe not."

"Riddle me this then would you? How screwed are we?"

Nuru just kept smiling and Asha had long forgotten to keep stirring or turning things, even her attention was now flitting back and forth between the two.

"Use your head and you will be fine."

Well hot damn, an "answer."

"Alright, so long as we do not wind up in a battle for our lives I accept your offer."

"You will bring the crystals even if you must fight."

"Does that mean you will toss in some of that special voodoo salve of yours to treat our injuries?"

A small nod was all he got and it would be the best offer he would get. Returning the nod her smile brightened a little and she began scrawling in the dirt the exact location of both the salt mine and quarry. Nuru went into great detail on how to find them including the terrain itself, as for what she wanted that too came in such careful detail that it was repeated several times to make certain he had burned it into his brain. As for the pick, that would be left out for them come morning.

All they had to do was grab it and the bag then go, the salve would be in the bag along with a small amout of antidote.

"Antidote? What in the hell lives in that quarry? Snakes? Scorpions?"

Ah, but those are normal things they might stumble across along the way so why not take it as a precaution? Verik had the feeling Nuru was up to something but be damned if she would ever say what it was.

Neither was she insidious, by all accounts Nuru was probably the kindest and most grandmotherly mare in the whole place according to Asha. However, one simply had to learn to accept her oddities and the odd little "test" she would spring on them now and then. As to why they were tested was anyone's guess except for one that set off some flags in Verik's head: she laid down the tests for the would be warriors.

Sefu got a say in it apparently but Nuru took care of the details which could range from simple to death defying, so far Sefu and Tendaji had that honor. Asha had heard the story a few times and seen one of the trials at its completion as the one being tested had limped back into Wete.

As to what Tendaji and Sefu had suffered to prove themselves was quite the story. Nuru had denied either of them the right to ascend to their posts until they completed the trial she set for them much to their bereft, their father had agreed to it.

Sefu was sent off on his own to deal with a bandit problem which meant bringing back a certain someones head in a basket. Gristly, but he pulled it off and proved he was quite the warrior in the process with nerves of steel considering he was wounded several times in the process. Apparently the bandit leader was none to willing to just roll over and die when he had a small warband to back him up.

Tendaji got the job of fast talking his way into and out of trouble with some tribe north of Wete. While it seemed like the most mild assignment possible by comparison to Sefu it nearly got him killed. They did not really like each other due to bad blood from long ago but after some fast thinking and negotiation not to mention nearly getting lynched did they agree to let old grudges die.

Now the two got along and the tribal dispute was history but as the story continued... Not all his negotiations went so well. Usually shared with this story was his failure with talking to the Esu.

Apparently one tribe stood out amongst the rest and was also the immediate neighbor to the Wete. While their "capital" was Esu this one tribe in particular had little hamlets spread out over a larger area, they were not alone though as many other semi-hostile tribes covered that side of the river. This one just happened to control the largest area, Tendaji had tried to talk them into trade and even allowing the farming of the far side but... That ended badly.

The rest of the story is unspoken except that a battle took place and Wete was not burned to the ground at the end of the day.

Nuru was usually involved in these stories and always in hushed tones and watching her leave the hut Verik had a couple clues as to why. One day he would have to test one of them and just see what would happen while hoping it did not result in a voodoo curse.

"So you go tomorrow?"

Turning to Asha now that Nuru was gone as quickly as she had come he nodded. "With any luck we will find some forage that far north to bring back. Still concerned over her offering that "free antidote" however."

"Nuru say you need it, you need it."

"Of course but the why is what bothers me."

"Why worry? You find out in few days."

Infallible logic but one that did not help matters.

"I will be back in a bit, I need to find Shahid and Altayih to tell them we are leaving in the morning."

"Hurry back, dinner get cold!"

It was one hundred and ten, letting the food to cool would be a blessing.

Next Chapter: Chapter 29: Salt Expedition Estimated time remaining: 24 Hours, 13 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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