
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Destination Iuny

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"A warzone can be rather interesting: on the one hand you might be shot dead standing where you are while buildings burn all around you but a hundred yards in another direction its like nothing has ever happened or ever will. The raging war on the next road over just forgot this area even exists."

"Up, up, up!"

Verik's head jerked up quickly as he drew a short hard breath. Zuberi and Sefu were moving around the wagons shaking everyone awake and hurrying them to load whatever possessions they had removed the day before.

Sitting up and blinking slowly he turned his head upwards looking at the dark sky for a minute before bending his neck back and forth. Sleeping on cobblestone was incredibly uncomfortable but doubly so if you lacked anything other than a worn out reed mat to sleep on. Soft dirt was preferable to sleeping on stone especially with the stone being baked to burning from the sun during the day and while the mat helped it was not enough.

As he looked around the others showed many of the same signs he had, restless sleep. A simple guess as to why was the same cause for all their discomfort but he very much doubted anyone could afford a room at one of the inns in Mjesani, even if it was lined with nothing but straw.

Indeed the other caravans left their employees at large to sleep much like them, in the open on the stone streets and roads while the wealthier merchants disappeared to somewhere else for the night; no doubt to also enjoy in the more sumptuous delights.

Packing everything took only a moment as none of them really had anything to store. Still being trapped inside the city it meant that once more breakfast consisted of dried fruit and warm water from the clay jugs.

Downing his allotment of fruit quickly Verik choked down the warm, stale water before wrapping himself back up in his cloak to keep the coming sun away while others took their places and began pulling the wagons following after Zuberi as he led them towards the eastern gate.

It was easy going too, there was hardly a soul awake at this hour save some guards and a few wanderers moving goods to the bazaar. No doubt before what he assumed would be the morning rush hour as equines poured out to purchase what they needed to make breakfast. Indeed almost every person they passed was pulling a small wagon loaded with foodstuffs or were emerging from the streets and alleys with baskets going in the same direction.

Rounding the bend in the bazaar a familiar and unwanted sight came back into view: the slave market. From the looks of things they had left them chained or tied in their spots all night while rotating the guards, two were being drug towards a cart and loaded no doubt dead either from exposure or starvation, maybe dehydration, at this distance it was impossible to tell not that he really wanted to.

Some new additions had been added sometime last evening though. A large grouping of younger equines and children had been chained up in separate groups and unlike the others kept under a close, scrutinizing watch compared to the rest though he could not really see them escaping considering the condition they were in.

"Hey Jelani, who buys all these slaves anyway? Never really seen any in the streets except near that rich area."

Glancing over towards the market she watched a moment before looking back at Verik.

"Slaves cheap but most not buy, nobles buy to work their large fields. Some merchants buy but most slaves sold to nobles, army and rich, sometimes others buy but not often."

"Fareed's army buys them?"

"Yes, cheaper to have slave take care of camp than soldier, sometimes use slave as soldier but also used other ways."

Her motioning was to the point: sex slaves.

"So... They use them to do the dirty work so they dont have too then demand they service them? What little I have seen it looks like at least half the guards are female, how does that even work or do I even want to know?"

Jelani shrugged.

"Slaves for both."

"What about the ones used as soldiers? Would that not be rather... Foolish? Arming slaves and sending them to fight someone else... They could very easily turn on you."

"Fight or die, any have family they kept hostage, no fight they punished, run, they punished. Slave cheap so put in front of line and go first, they die from arrow and spear first while soldier push forward from behind."

So slaves are cheap and counted as near free cannon fodder therefor let the slaves charge the machineguns till they run out of ammo then the soldiers charge forward to mop up. If any of the slaves run the commissar behind them executes them and has "fun" with the family.

"Right," thats a thought that will stick with me for a while... "What about the kids?"

"You really want to know?"

"Probably not."

"Sell them to rich and nobles, serve children, grow up as slave and serve, others not so lucky, sold to brothel or army."


God damn they have problems.

"Yes, you see them yesterday yes?"

"Thought those were free not slaves. How the hell do you even know all of this?"

"Slaves kept locked inside and know because travel with Zuberi on many caravans, like you once ask many questions to learn."

"That common though? The selling to brothels and what not."

"No, few, very few whore house."

"Huh... Why is that?"

"We have pride, no matter how bad things get we not sell ourselves, our bodies belong to us, not for sale, never. Sell body, sell soul."

Jelani was very proud with her little statement, ears perked, head held firmly and chest puffed out a little. It made him grateful though as they now had something they held in common: their bodies and souls were theirs, neither of which were for sale for any price.

"I am quite happy to hear that but it seems that the more I learn about you folks the more it appears your problems stem from a smaller portion of the population not the whole."

"Fareed and nobles know how to use them against us."

"True but it still surprises me no one has tried to kill Fareed and his officers yet."

"Maybe many have but he never let anyone know, think many probably have but truth hidden well."

"How unfortunate."

Leaving the city was easy as the guards could care less this early in the morning thus allowing quick passage beyond the walls and back onto the road leading to Iuny. Overseers could be seen moving long lines of slaves out across the fields while guards kept a close eye with bows at the ready in case any would run not that they could with their legs chained.

Verik watched as they passed them slowly as they were herded into a larger field then fanned out with baskets before being sent forward slowly to tend the crop. Farther down the road another column met them carrying heavy jugs or pulling large, heavy wagons towards the fields.

One thing he had learned was the zebras liked to mark their jars and jugs for whatever purpose they intended them for be it food, water or general storage. Water was always stored in the largest jugs with the wavy blue line running around the upper part and the slaves passing them were water haulers judging by the markings on the jugs they strained to carry.

In a land where irrigation seemed to be unheard of it made a lot of sense but also raised a lot of questions as to how they managed to survive with such a high population yet still use woefully inadequate and primitive means of watering the fields. Perhaps the crops were just incredibly hardy and rain was expected, he had no idea how it all worked here.

A loud shattering sound filled the air and the slaves either froze or scurried forward to get away from whatever had just happened, as the little Wete caravan moved on Verik was able to make out what it was.

An older stallion was slumped down in a large pool of wet dirt, the heavy jug he had been carrying dropped due to its weight and his advanced age probably did not help matters any either. The overseer was of course absolutely furious and was busy screaming at the slave but he just kept staring straight off into space, he had died a long time ago.

Verik stared at him as they got closer looking into the dead eyes, if there had been a soul in that retched body it had departed a long time ago and the body was only still functioning because of instinct and the pain inflicted if it did not.

Beating the slave a few times yielded no results, the overseer lifted the face and stared a moment before putting the cat of nine tails back into their belt and with one swift motion a cracking sound could be heard as the neck was snapped.

"Gisa, dispose of this," the overseer dug around in a pouch for a moment before handing something to another guard and motioning them towards the city. "Go buy replacement, no more than two gold, find younger one not old. Go."

The guard took off at a dead run towards the city as the others drug the corpse off the road allowing the water haulers to continue moving again.

"Jelani, doesn't that piss you off?"



She nodded.

"Tell me again why no one just kills them all and be done with it?"

Jelani stared at him for a second and shrugged.

"Then fight them."

"Right, because if I do each and every one of you would be in that slave convoy before noon if I did. Ah..."

Both of them nodded and kept walking leaving the water haulers behind, bound in shackles to their own fates.

"I have to say its rather nice not seeing the side of the road covered in bleached skeletons or grave mounds."

Asha looked at Verik a moment before looking around.

"Bandits usually not come this way, Zuberi say this road usually safe, bandits only come twice a year for crop harvest."

"Must be a fun time of year if you know that every time to make harvest your crops an enemy is on their way."

"Yes, bad but just way it is."

"Its like the evil of the world kind of forgot this road exists though... I think I saw one skeleton a ways back but thats it."

"That bother you?"

"No, its nice knowing that the odds are good we will not encounter anymore bandits on the road let alone anyone else due to the time of year, I take it Zuberi keeps track of all this?"

"Yes, that why we travel when he say, pick safest time, time when bandits not around, nothing to take so they go away and wait."

"Anymore villages or anything along the way before Iuny? What is Iuny anyway?"

Jelani who had taken to traveling with the two far more as of late made a gesture down the road and into the distance.

"Few but not stay at any till Sitwa, halfway to Iuny so we stop there maybe for night."

"What is Sitwa? Hamlet, village?"

"Village, Sitwa is Sitwa tribe."

"Not very imaginative in their naming the place."

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him.

"You say Wete not smart because we name village Wete?"

"No, but I am curious as to why you seem to keep naming your home after the tribe."

"Wete is Wete because Wete live in Wete."

"Okay, never mind."

Asha snickered at them for a brief moment.

"So what tribe are you from Asha?"

That struck a nerve, her head jerked towards him and she glared a moment, opened her mouth to say something, changed her mind and then closed it again before taking on an air of not speaking to anyone. Jelani looked over at Verik and made a gesture while shaking her head before motioning him to wander off to the front of the caravan for the time being.

Picking up his pace a little he walked away from the two and caught a hushed conversation but it was too quiet to make anything out. As he continued to walk it did not take long before he was at the front with Zuberi who raised an eyebrow at his arrival.

"You never left your spot before, why are you up here?"

"Jelani thinks it best I give Asha some space after asking about her tribe."

"Hm, best you do then."

"I take it whatever happened is a secret?"

"If Asha wants you to know she will tell you but do not ask her again."

Verik nodded before looking at the surrounding terrain as it closed in on them. First it had been somewhat open savannah leading to the city with clusters of trees here and there but now the vegetation was swallowing them whole.

All around them the scraggly trees closed in till they almost hugged the road while smaller brush trees obscured everything at ground level. Birds were quite plentiful as they filled the air with their calling and that was always a good sign as long ago Verik had learned that when the birds go silent something is wrong.

"Sitwa... Jelani said we might be stopping in Sitwa."

Zuberi had been lost in his own little world before turning his head towards Verik, nodding slowly he looked back down the road as it disappeared around a bend.

"Yes, its a small village and we will be staying there for a night if we make good time. We should be to Iuny within maybe three days if we are lucky."

"Traveling by road really makes a difference."

"Yes it does and thankfully this road is maintained somewhat and usually free of bandits, your luck not withstanding."

"Very superstitious lot."

"No, but I know trouble when I see it. Sefu is the most superstitious though and if you care to discuss such things do it with him as I do not believe in that nonsense."


Zuberi let out a small groan before glancing over at Verik.

"Nuru teaches everyone the spirits watch us but all my life I have never seen them do any good for anyone. Always said to be there but it is always we who take care of things not them, so why should I bother to believe in them? Sefu says they watch out for us and help us but I say that's utter nonsense, not even my father or grandfather could ever recall a "spirit" having helped anyone."

"Not many believers then eh?"

"Many still do but those times are coming to an end, shaman like Nuru are getting rarer all the time. I suppose in a few more generations they will cease to exist."

"So what do people believe in then?"

"Hm... Tribes stick to themselves so I suppose they believe in each other, others in their weapons or if you ask any merchant: coin. Coin is becoming a religion in the cities as it is rare for most to have any to spare so they pray for help and the spirits do not answer, so they pray to anything else that will answer."

"Maybe the spirits dont answer because of how everyone has let the land become a living hell?"

"You sound like Sefu and Nuru now. If the spirits gave a damn about us they would have helped those who tried to fix things long ago rather than watch them die, so no I will not pray to any spirits."

"Alright, what about Iuny then, what is it like?"

"Ancient town along the Sawan River, built by ancients long, long ago but no one remembers who now. Decent enough place but the ruling nobles are as corrupt as anywhere you have seen or ever will see. Other than their crops and moving cargo by river there is nothing really there save whats left of an ancient bridge."

"Ancient bridge?"

"Yes, story says two armies clashed there trying to control the bridge but it was destroyed in the fighting to deny the other side from keeping it."

"I dont suppose you know the story..."

"No I do not, dont really know anyone who would either."

"If they have access to a river why not move all cargo on ships rather than use the road here? Why risk it?"

"All the ships belong to the nobles, their cargo is moved safely to Alzamard but everyone else has to walk."

"Helps kill off the competition quite literally I suppose."

"It does, anyone who wants to travel the roads takes their chances or else they bribe the nobles into allowing them access to one of the small river boats to move their cargo, at a price that would probably destroy them... Hence they take their chances on the road like we do."

"So Wete sits on the river?"

"Yes, but we have no boats, a few made of grass and reeds but nothing strong enough to truly move cargo so we have to make do with wagons."

"So who rules Iuny?"

"Would it surprise you to know that I have no idea nor any intention of learning these bastards names?"

"Not really all things considered."


"So does Tendaji rule or are you under some other noble?"

"No, Tendaji rules the Wete because Fareed allows it the same as the other tribes throughout his lands. So long as the chief pays the tithe when demanded he will be left alone."

"Tithe? As in a demand of goods and money to be sent to a noble in exchange for allowing you to work their lands and live upon them?"

"Yes, Fareed demands a percentage of the crop every year to feed his army and mercenaries, every year the price has gotten higher and the mouths to feed in Wete have doubled."

"Why have they doubled?"

"Across the river as well as to the south villages are destroyed now and then, people flee and look for a place to stay and most will not accept them. To accept them is to increase the tithe demand meaning less food and starvation, Tendaji accepted too many over the years and now we are having trouble feeding everyone."

"I take it you manage though despite the increased demands."

"Yes, but if things get worse and more people will soon die of hunger and there is nothing Tendaji can do about it."

"Not enough land to farm or...?"

"When we reach Wete you will see for yourself, maybe it would be best if you stayed at Iuny and become a mercenary."

"Really want to see me long and gone hm?"

"Yes, I do."

It had been an utterly boring trip to Sitwa, nothing had happened. Absolutely nothing, which made Verik quite happy along with the others. It had taken them a little longer than Zuberi anticipated but two days later they arrived in the afternoon outside the poorly defended village.

Compared to the other "civilized" cities he had seen this place was a pinhead by comparison to either Alzamard or Mjesani. An area had been clearly marked with rows of rocks across the road from Sitwa where passing caravans could stop and a well had even been dug for easier access to water.

A small price was to be paid to the local chieftain however which Zuberi took care of by handing off a couple of coins when the high and mighty herself arrived to see them.

That had been an eye opener.

Decked out in tribal regalia the six foot chieftain had wandered out to meet them along with a handful of warriors and various curious onlookers. She was like most of the zebras, almost stark naked save a "skirt" that hid the female bits but otherwise wore colorful beadwork and what looked like bronze or copper jewelry and bands around her neck. A woven band was around her forehead which was rich in color, strapped to her waist however was a long, heavy war club.

Zuberi and the chief bantered back and forth for a few minutes before the payment was given and after wandering off the little crowd swarmed them prodding them for information to keep their rumor mills churning at full speed.

Some stared at him but he waved them off and they complied before bothering Bwnai, Jelani or Imkwa. Most had no patience for it and like Verik had waved them off but some spread what little news they had gathered which amounted to the caravan attack and how the soldiers left them to die.

In return the locals poured out every little detail they had for rumors no matter how mundane and boring to some that made ears and heads turn.

One rumor that seemed to pervade the most was mounting trouble with the various neighboring nations, distant battles were being fought and more refugees had passed through though few in number they still bore with them tales of new enemies not native to the region.

Meanwhile some claimed that they knew someone who had heard from someone else's cousin's best friend in Iuny that Fareed was up to no good again and that soldiers were being gathered which could only mean he planned on attacking someone at some point.

For every rumor told that seemed fanciful questions were shot right back for more details. This continued for a while till Zuberi seemed to loose patience with the loud chatter and with a yell called the locals away saying it was all just rumor and nothing more, he would believe these tall tales when he actually saw an army on the march or these foreign invaders in person.

His ears twitched though when one local called him down for it claiming he had seen it and just barely escaped, then had spent the last month scrambling north to get away from the troubles only to find more trouble here.

Shouting at him to be off the villager made a gesture and walked away leaving Zuberi to fume quietly while his sister laughed at him, all in all it was a rather amusing little scene to watch.

Verik had asked about going into the village and seeing what they had, perhaps there would be a suitable gift for Nuru here but Sefu and Jelani convinced him otherwise. The only things produced by this village were pots, yams and beer none of which would be an appropriate gift for Nuru.

Neither was there anything to see anyway, there were no walls to defend the village, frankly it was rather depressing to look at but Sefu informed him there was a reason everything was built the way it was.

Apparently building a wall around your village was seen as a threat by the nobles no matter how justified it was. Even having bandits camped just down the road was not "justification enough" for putting up a small wall even if made of woven reeds. Any tribe that dared to build a wall was immediately put down by the nobles and the chief executed, assuming they were lucky enough to only be executed.

Another problem were the taxes, since it was based on population the locals had long learned to only build enough huts as was necessary most of the time, if a hut looked like it was dingy enough perhaps the tax man would just pass them by and not count it.

Of course this was no longer the case as the nobles had become wise to this and fixed the problem thus putting the villages back to square one again, but that did not stop anyone from trying new tricks. As a result villages were hobbled together and had no street planning of any kind meaning you could wander in circles quite easily.

"So where do the nobles and Fareed get their armies from if the locals all hate them?"

Sefu stared at Verik a moment before going back to pulling up water as it was their turn this time around to collect water for the large jars.

"Some tribes ally with nobles, serve them, others recruit from cities, find those willing to slit each others throat for coin, always able to find those willing to do anything for coin. Always find someone willing to betray others."

"Wouldn't that make the army very hard to command if they are a bunch of backstabbing bastards?"

"Yes, but some also join because believe their duty to serve no matter what."

"Sounds familiar, I take it the nobles fill in the gaps with mercenaries."

Sefu nodded and poured the leather bag out before dropping it back into the well.

"Army made up of foot soldiers, no one trusts for good reasons, officers picked by noble's for loyalty or are nobles, any who question tortured to death in front of army."

"You know this because...?"

"Traveled once, saw it. Returned Wete after seeing."

"Had your hopes crushed?"

There was no response as they continued to fill the heavy jug with water but once it was filled and capped Sefu stared at Verik.

"When we get Iuny we need talk, find gift for Nuru but also you need listen to plan before we get to Wete. Many things you do not understand but must before get there."

"Alright, but what kind of gift are we looking for anyway, no one ever told me."




Well that was different at least.

Author's Notes:


Next Chapter: Chapter 17: Iuny Estimated time remaining: 27 Hours, 48 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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