
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

First published

A man wakes on a foreign world under the burning Zebrican sun. Surrounded by strange talking creatures he sets out to claim a life for himself but the world has other things in mind.

Waking up on the Zebrican Savannah will make anyone stop and think for a minute, especially when the first people you meet are talking zebras. Not taking the gift of a new life for granted Verik makes the most of things but must come to terms with the many hurdles this wild land and beyond will throw at him as he tries to build a life for himself and find family. However, fate has more in store as he instead becomes far more than just a mere farmer. He becomes something else: A Warlord.

Remember: You can view character concepts and the map by following the instructions in the authors notes on Prologue!


Author's Notes:

Do not read this chapter if you do not like spoilers, I did this in accordance with a type of writing I once learned here in New Mexico. Also, the first 10 or so chapters were never edited.

In order to understand what is going on I strongly advise you to visit my FA (Furaffinity) account (same user name) to see the MAP and pictures of the characters. It is against the rules here to post the links because of "nudity."

An old man stood hunched over and leaning heavily on the solid stone railing of the palace balcony, his face was aged and worn with the passage of time, scars covered his face and hands from a hard life and many hard won battles. His long white hair and beard moved in the breeze as his eyes followed the last of the river ships as they docked for the night, the distant temple on the far side of the riverbank framed the horizon well as the sky darkened and multiple hues of amber, orange, red and a myriad of other colors burned across the sky as the sun slowly set.

It had been so long ago that he had come to this land purely by chance and quite unintentionally at that but it had not been an unwelcome occurrence. So long ago now... His eyes traced over the distant streets as oil lamps flickered to life in the windows of the stone and adobe buildings. This city was so different from when he had first laid eyes on it: a ruined shell plagued by sickness, corruption and disease. Now the mighty, gleaming city stood as the capital of an empire.

All comes with a price however, blood had flowed more freely than the waters of the Thriti River and bathed the surrounding lands with its red hue as nations and empires now relegated to historical archives had fought to the death in a deadly contest of wills. An immense price had been paid by all sides but the wars had ended long ago and now the lands knew peace, even the tumultuous Western Edge.

The wind whipped for a moment blowing his robes around slightly before an old, bony hand pushed them back into place again. Despite his age any who looked upon him would know who he was immediately even without the royal garb he so rarely wore and cared for even less: he was a monarch.

Others however would always remember him for a title he held for the longest time, the title he bore when the wars all began. He may be a king but the people would remember him always as: The Zebrican Warlord.

Chapter 1: Savannah

Author's Notes:


Do NOT try and pronounce these names in "perfect English." It will end badly. When you read the names in this story think Arabic and Swahili.

These early chapters were unedited but as time went along I began editing and hopefully getting better at writing.

"Only a fool fears that which is different or unknown."

He sat up rapidly and breathed hard, sucking in a lungful of air as if starved for oxygen. Slowing his breathing down, the figure closed his eyes from the piercing glare of the sun as it set, choosing to instead just listen to his surroundings.

Eyes opening and scanning the surrounding land all he could see was tall grass that bent and swayed in the breeze with the occasional acacia tree, this was not the desert of the valley he had become accustomed too. Standing on shaky legs as if they had been asleep for too long he turned slowly and took in his surroundings trying to figure out what had happened and how he had wound up on the other side of the world.

Not that he minded, everything was gone now.

A rough dirt trail wound its way through the grass and moved off into the distance, disappearing over the curve of the earth. Walking to the trail and staring off first one way then another a debate began to form as to which way to go: left or right.

Turning left and walking down the trail it was obvious few traveled it but hooves had passed along it going left at some point along with a few wagons that had forced down the grass at their passing. With any luck they would not be that far ahead of him yet and within a little luck either catch up to them or follow the tracks to somewhere other than the middle of nowhere.

With the sun dipping low new concerns began to rise as the mind settled itself: this was the Savannah and that meant everything that came with it. Not even a knife was on his person, only the clothes he had been wearing that day which would not be enough if anything decided to snack on him that night.

Picking up the pace in the hopes the travelers were not too far ahead of him he hurried onward along the trail before the sun could set. Perhaps fortune favored him in some way though for there was a lack of animal noises which suited him just fine: so long as whatever lived out here was somewhere else those that fed on them would be elsewhere as well.

Legs faltered sometime later as the sun suddenly dipped below the horizon and a moon moved clearly into view. This sudden change of day and night brought any movement to a halt as his head looked up trying to figure out what had happened.

A distant cackle brought his mind back to the world around him. Though he had never seen or heard that sound in the living flesh he recognized it: hyenas. There was some silver lining to the sound however as it was far and distant, barely a whisper and upwind of him at that in the opposite direction he was traveling. Unless they could see him it was unlikely they would know he was there.

Bright silvery light lit up the landscape making it easy to travel despite being night. Some would say now was the time to stop and make a fire, settle in for the night and get your bearings but the opposite was true in this case.

Too many questions, not enough answers and without a weapon of any kind would make it very hard to stave off a hungry predator without risking a great deal. Fire? Yes, rub two sticks together and pray that you cause enough friction that something catches and burns if you are lucky. No, there would be no fire tonight not that he had ever really bothered to try such primitive means, instead it was wiser to chase down the wagons while he had the chance.

Fire also brought unwanted attention contrary to popular belief be it friendly or otherwise and since he was one and "they" tended to travel in packs...

Also with the sun down the heat had begun to settle and was replaced with the cool breeze from behind that meant traveling farther and faster than in the blazing heat of the day without water, the night was his best opportunity to make for time without burning up.

It is impossible to tell the time at night, only fatigue and tripping slightly on the occasional rock broke the monotony of the hurried pace being kept, the bent stalks of grass that had been crushed down by passing wagon wheels had a "glow" to them in the moonlight and as time had passed they were laying flatter and flatter meaning he was catching up to whoever he was chasing.

Ears straining to pick up the slightest sound yielded nothing and eyes focused forward rarely did the figure look behind to see if anything was following. An eternity would pass before the first flicker of hope appeared in the distance: a small glow.

Fire. Someone had built a fire in the distance and moving faster to close the gap it was some time before additional fires became apparent along with shadowy figures moving about or sitting.

Slowing the pace new concerns came to mind: he had no idea who was around those fires, considering the part of the world he was in that could bode very well or very ill.

Deciding on caution he kept to the trail as the distance between them closed, two were standing on the outskirts of the camp keeping watch but had not seen him yet, strangely enough one carried a spear and shield. Getting closer their hushed voices could be heard on the wind but little else, as luck would have it the sentry that had been "watching" his direction moved off to look elsewhere as he got closer.

Three wagons had been pulled up and were loaded with large clay pots, jars and other supplies, most that he could see carried no weapons as most were left leaning again the wagons.

What struck him as the gap finally closed however was that they were all zebras, zebras that walked upright, talked, cooked, argued and even a few wore clothes. A few. Most wore little to nothing and those that did dressed in tattered rags for the most part, one wore nothing but a brown cloak tugged around his body to ward off the "cold."

Too many questions and not enough answers. Answers they held and he needed, now was not the time to be picky.

Figuring one of them would spot him long before his arrival at the edge of their camp, he was let down somewhat when the "sentry" failed to notice him at all. Most were too busy with their little bowls of food or the cooking pots as they finished off their dinner, nearby two were using a rope to bring water up from a well.

Standing at the edge of their camp and just out of the light he let out a sigh then stepped forward before letting out a loud cough.


Heads snapped in his direction as eyes widened, bowls fell from hands save a few but it had been the ones yelp about bandits that made him twitch, it was insulting but also a good sign: he somehow understood their language. A mass scramble began for the wagons and weapons as others jumped up ready for a fight.

One of the larger zebras leveled a spear at him.

"We not paying you for safe passage. Piss off!" His voice was deep and baritone as he motioned with the tip of his spear.

Eyes narrowed but he held his ground despite the threat and growing number of armed zebras that huddled close to the wagons, one of them had a knobbed throwing stick raised and ready for flight but instead he focused on the one that remained apart from the rest of them dressed in nothing but a raggedy loin cloth.

He was a giant of a zebra compared to the rest at some seven feet tall and built like a brick dog house. Locking the gaze neither moved for a minute but he decided there was at least one way of calming things down without having to leave: he sat down near one of the fires.

"I am not a bandit, lost actually... Been following your wagon trail since before nightfall and was hoping you could tell me where exactly I am and what you are..."

Taking a quick look around the zebra looked him over carefully before motioning another well armed zebra. Approaching they sat nearby and watched for a moment.

"Dis trail leads to Madinat Alzamard, many days travel that way." The zebra pointed off into the darkness. "We are Wete (Weh-Teh) tribe, what are you?"

"Zebras of the Wete tribe... I am Verik, no tribe."

One zebra had scooted off slightly to one side, no doubt one of the sentries was probably standing somewhere directly behind him by now but they had not attacked yet so that accounted for something.

"What are you?"

Verik debated answering that one but decided to brush it off. "That is up for philosophical debate but I am me and that is all that matters, so who are you?"

"I am Sefu (Seh-Fu)."

A long pause held in the air as they continued to stare at each other.

"Sefu... As you can see I have nothing but the clothes on my back and the boots on my feet, I could use a little help in trying to figure all of this out..."

"You ask many questions."

"Yes I do, so would you were the roles reversed."

The cluster of other zebras were getting bored with the slow conversation and began to filter back to their spots in the camp. Soon water was being brought up again and after a couple of minutes staring at each other another walked up and nudged Sefu.

Standing he retreated to a log he had been sitting on and placing his weapons close at hand but kept a close eye on Verik as others began going back to eating or trying to sleep. The one who had nudged Sefu sat down along with two others that had taken a little interest.

"I am Zuberi (Zoo-Berry), that is my sister Zuri (Zoo-Ree), we are responsible for the caravan. Sefu, he is responsible for our protection. You are lost then yes? Where are you from?"

Drawing quickly on the ground a rough map of the region was presented and Zuberi pointed.

"I think that I have traveled a great deal farther than this so could you tell me what continent I am on?" Verik shook his head as he looked over the rough depiction.

"Zebrica. Eastern Zebrica, are you from Saddle Arabia?"

Names that went clear over his head but rang with familiarity, Verik shook his head before muttering to himself about impossibilities and different planets but his audience just looked at each other curiously without understanding.

"Verik... Maybe you tell us how you got here, yes?"

Closing his eyes and shaking his head he let out a sigh. "I have no idea how I got here Zuberi, I woke up on the Savannah... That is what this is called correct?" Zuberi nodded. "I woke up before nightfall, I have no memory of how I got here."

Suspicion was clearly written on their faces as they exchanged looks, Zuri stood and walked over and squatting beside Verik looked his head over carefully before looking at her brother and shaking her head.

"Maybe a potion."

It was hard not to keep looking at her as she had walked over then away as the only things she wore were a few strips of cloth to cover specific bits of her body, her neck had a bronze ring around it and her brother was one of the few that wore actual "clothing" if a pair of "shorts" was the standard.

"Potion?" Verik looked at Zuri curiously.

"Yes, maybe someone give you potion, make you forget."

"Must pack quite the punch."

"Many, many potions, do many things. Good and bad..."

Sefu let out a cough having never taken his eyes off Verik making the others turn for a moment before Zuberi continued.

"Yes, yes... Never mind him... Hmm... You help us we take you with us and maybe you find way home yes?"

Verik let out a small laugh that made them exchange confused looks.

"I think I would be better off here."

"So you remember where you are from?"

"Oh yes. Very well then Zuberi, I accept your offer."

Zuberi smirked a moment before nodding.

"Not that you had much choice though Mmm?"

"One always has a choice Zuberi, always, even if they are bad ones."

Zuberi chuckled before standing and walking away while Zuri followed quickly leaving only the younger mare still squatting and staring at him. Dressed in rotting rags that exposed more than it hid, a slanted "skirt" with enough holes and tears in it to leave little to the imagination Verik eyed the young zebra mare right back.

Two stripes came down from under her eyes and ran under the jawline but more than anything she had the most pretty emerald eyes.

When they had heard the cough from the side of the camp a few had glanced up but when Eshe (Eh-She) yelled "bandit" a panic had started which led to a stampede for the wagons to grab weapons that Sefu had warned them were better kept closer at hand not that they had listened.

Racing into the safety of the cluster they grabbed anything at hand and realizing that she had drawn the short end of the stick wound up with a heavy walking stick. Fear however was quickly replaced as the figure walked to a fire and sat down quietly, Sefu talked to him for a bit while a sentry stalked through the grass and was ready to lunge onto them from behind but did not.

What a strange creature. Pale skinned, flat, reddish mane that was tied back and a large beard it talked for a time and the cluster of zebras waited in hushed silence as the two conversed. Tall to, not as tall as Sefu at seven-two but still quite tall.

It was lost, had tracked them in the dead of night without any issue what so ever and then got past the two sentries granted no one really trusted Bwnai to keep watch and thus he got first watch while everyone was still awake.

Sefu had largely lost interest after the first few minutes, it was clear this unarmed thing was not a bandit, it was dressed far too well to be a bandit. It wore actual clothing. Clean, undamaged clothing! Watching the caravan master nudge Sefu away she took her chance and joined them at the fire and squatting kept staring at the odd creature.

Occasionally it would glance her way, eyes darting over her before moving back to Zuberi, waiting for them to loose interest she closed the gap a little when they left.

"You hungry?"

Verik stared at the zebra a moment before motioning with his hands, her voice was feminine but somewhat deep flowing almost like honey. There was a little confusion at first as she studied his motion before it clicked and retrieving two bowls from the wagon she plopped a few scoops of mush into it and gave it to him before going and filling the bowl with water.

"What is this?"

He poked at the mush with small red beans in it.

"Ugali and beans. Filling. Travel food."

He stared into the bowl a minute before tipping the bowl towards his mouth and with some effort shook some of the goop out.


"Very good, but who are you?"

She smiled a moment after hearing his compliment.

"Asha (Ah-Shah). What are you? Traveler? You dress very well..." She reached out and began touching his shirt and pants with a degree of wonder. "Must be very rich to afford this and such large, heavy boots for your hooves."

"I have feet not hooves and no I am not rich, broke actually, always have been. Laborer, for whatever pitiful pay came my way, I preferred to study history and philosophy though."

"Your a scholar? You know how to read and write?"

"Yes... Cant you?"

Asha shook her head. "Sefu, Zuberi, Zuri and a few others in tribe know how, most do not."


She shrugged. "Dont know."

"You ever try to learn?"

"No time, always running..." Stopping herself she quickly looked up. "You travel with us now yes?"

"Yes. You are very curious..." Verik watched as she kept poking at his boots while others watched and quietly chuckled amongst themselves at the spectacle.

"So strange, you tell me more tomorrow, now we sleep."

Verik watched quietly as Asha pulled a dusty reed mat over and laid down facing away from him. Looking around the camp most of the others had already gone to sleep but Sefu was still sitting on his log with a bored expression as he kept staring.

"How did you get past the sentries..."

"He walked away."

Sefu glared a moment before standing up and disappearing into the darkness, moments later there was a loud slap and yelp. Some yelling and arguing later he came back and roused another zebra and sent them off into the dark before laying down himself.

Laying back on the grass and staring up at the starry sky Verik pondered his predicament if it could be considered one, true he was on an alien world that was clearly obvious but neither was he in any great danger. Bandits? Depending on where you went back on earth you could face far worse.

Something or someone had given him a new start, a chance to not only get away from it all but also the greatest chance anyone had ever been given: the chance at a new life on a new world.

Chapter 2: Safer Roads

"Trust is earned, never given."

Verik's eyes snapped open, it was still dark out but a small distraught sound to his right had woken him up, turning his head he watched Asha as she huddled in on herself, shaking and mumbling incoherently.

Sitting up then looking around a moment he caught sight of Sefu and Zuberi standing near the wagons. Both were packing up the few things they had laid out last night and they looked at Verik a moment as he pointed to Asha, they raised their hands and shook their heads a moment before they continued checking over the wagons.

Wide awake now he scooted closer to Asha and looked at her before hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder, it would either wake her from the nightmare or calm her he figured. Resting a hand on her shoulder and leaning over a bit to check her reaction Asha stopped mumbling and calmed down a bit returning to a more peaceful slumber.

How long he sat there like that staring into the darkness he did not know but as the others woke one at a time they only glanced at the two before going about their business, whatever plagued Asha they seemed used to it.

A sudden movement caught his attention as Asha stirred from her own slumber as the sun suddenly appeared on the horizon. Withdrawing his hand Verik scooted away before getting up and joining Zuberi at the wagons, he was now by hook or crook employed with the caravan and wanted to know what his duties would be.

Asha opened her eyes slowly and wheezed a little from the dust that had been kicked up. One more long night, it had been a few days since the last nightmare but this time it had been a little different.

All the usual horror had been there, the blood, gore, death and destruction, faces that haunted her and those who had carried out the horrific act. Yet something had soothed the dream a little, calmed it.

These dreams were also why others sometimes avoided her.

Sitting up and stretching she looked around the camp as the others busied themselves with preparations to depart, they were on a schedule because of how dangerous the region was and had to make for time. So far things had gone very well the past several days according to Zuberi and Sefu, with any luck they would reach the city within another few days.


Turning her head she caught sight of him at the wagons talking with the strange creature named Verik, what a strange creature indeed now that the light of day shone on his pale skin and hair. Flat faced, smaller ears than a zebra that clung to the side of his head...

Yet Zuberi had decided to keep him around despite the dangers, trust was hard to find here and with the ever present dangers she knew he had only allowed Verik to come along for some other reason.

Not that Zuberi was cruel, he was quite nice but distrustful of outsiders like the rest of the tribes in the region, especially the Wete as of late.

Blinking slowly as she stood and moved to the wagon to retrieve her morning ration with the rest of the zebras as Zuri measured out the dried fruit and grain, she caught a few of the words exchanged and it became clear why Verik was going to be kept around even if Zuberi was not outright saying it.


Best to have one more hand available where it can be seen and used rather than take the risk of it coming from behind. Besides, if they were attacked he was an outsider, not a Wete.

He was expendable.

She was not Wete either but they had welcomed her in and treated her well all things considered. Asha's heart sank a little knowing what Verik's fate would be if they were attacked: a cheap flesh shield.

There was no doubt in their eyes last night that he had told them the absolute truth not that any of them really believed it, but part of her hoped strongly that nothing would happen, she knew what it was like to have little to nothing and for it to all end here on the Savannah due to a bandit attack...

She closed her eyes a moment and breathed deeply dismissing such ideas real as they may be.

Zuberi and Sefu clearly did not trust him one bit. Perhaps enough to know that he would not stab them in the back but not enough to trust him with anything terribly important. The caravan master had been very specific about his duties some of which included pulling the wagons since they lacked any oxen he would help with repairs, loading, unloading and so on.

Menial tasks.

Payment? He would be paid upon their safe arrival to the city of Alzamard, not much according to Zuberi but it might be enough to give him a decent start none the less. Food would be provided as they had brought a little extra and there would be enough to get them there and back again even with the "extra baggage" that Verik had become.

All his worldly possessions now boiled down to the clothes on his back, a tattered sleeping mat that had been used as a tarp till now, one small clay bowl that no one wanted due to a crack and another clay bowl for water that thankfully was not damaged.

He was moving up in the world.

Collecting his new possessions Verik walked over to Zuri and accepted the handful of rations he was given that amounted to a small handful of black, shriveled up fruit of some kind and ground up grain.

Walking away from the wagons and staring down into his bowl wondering how in the hell he was going to eat the grain he noticed Asha beckoning to him as she stoked a small fire with dried grass and brush.

She had a small clay pot in the fire and poured her own bowl into it and motioned for him to do the same. Pouring everything into her little pot and hoping it would not overflow considering its small size, it somehow managed to fit everything neatly without overflowing though the water level rose enough that it threatened to.

Clapping a small lid onto the pot Asha kept stoking the fire for a little longer before using a long stick to push the burning embers around the pot, smothering it as the last of the flames burned away.

Around the camp others were doing the same either alone or in groups before heading to the well for water before sitting down and staring at their little pots as the contents cooked quietly while water vapor made the lids rattle now and then.

Asha sat patiently near the fire and would occasionally snatch the hot lid off and shove a stick inside to stir the contents before tossing the lid back on again.

Silence prevailed as everyone waited for their breakfast to finish cooking and after a little while pots were carefully removed from the fire and using rags to handle them the contents were poured or poked out into bowls.

Whatever the fruit had been turned the mixture a weird darkish purple ooze but after letting it cool he fought to get it to pour into his mouth now that it was somewhat solidified, after succeeding he realized it was quite sweet.

Staring at him the entire time Asha ate quietly using a spoon.

"I dont suppose there are any other spoons available?"

Asha shook her head but handed him the stick she had been using to stir the jar instead, accepting it Verik used it to break apart and shovel the bowls contents into his mouth rather than rely on shaking the hardening mush free.

After eating pots and jars were scrubbed with water from the well, bowls, mats and everything else that had been unloaded was quickly stuffed back onto the wagons as Zuberi hurried everyone along.

Everything he had was stuffed into the same wagon with Asha's few possessions at her behest since she knew that anything in her hidey hole was safer and less likely to result in anything being crushed or broken.

With a call and wave the wagons began to heave forward as zebras pulled and others gave a helpful shove to get things moving, the middle wagon took some extra help to get going as it was not a large hand-wagon but a full sized, four wheeled one that required at minimum four to six pulling and occasionally two pushing.

Verik however was not pulling nor pushing yet, Zuberi said that would be for later today when they switched places, until then he was under Sefu's watchful eye as the convoy of wagons began slowly rattling away down the trail.

Asha and Verik walked beside the caravan as it rattled along the trail, Sefu had been very specific about where he was to remain until called upon and that meant standing a little farther from the wagons than the others but more than anything, he was to remain walking in front of Sefu who had taken up a position near the third wagon behind Verik.

Everything was perfectly quiet fortunately, birds could be seen occasionally but so far no wildlife could be seen nor heard as the day wore on. All the zebras had taken this to be a relief and Asha was quick to explain why: they were not at the top of the food chain.

Lions, hyenas, cheetahs and a myriad of other "problems" lurked out here and that was just the ones that moved on the dry land. A long, boring journey was all they could hope for as they traveled and as he was finding out that was exactly why they were on this trail.

"So the other road, which is an actual road not just a trail is too dangerous to travel?"

"No... Yes... Hard to explain." Asha slowed and thought for a moment. "Many bandits roam the roads and even attack on river but only if you do not pay for safe passage."


"What is that word?" Asha shook her head. "You pay or they take, maybe kill. Sometimes they... Require other... Payments, pleasures..."

The look she gave him as she pointed down between her legs was enough of a warning.

"Zuberi choose this ancient road because of that, Wete are poor and have little. Bandits make us pay there is no point to our journey, so we take chance and travel this route to go around bandits maybe."


Asha shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, nothing is certain but bandits would not travel here unless desperate."

"Has anyone tried to wipe them out?"

"You mean kill them all? HAH! They serve the Sultan! So long as they give him a share of whatever they take he allows it!"

"Sounds pleasant, but what stops anyone from just... Making the bandits "disappear" now and then to cut down on their numbers?"

"Don't know. Ask Sefu, he is the warrior, maybe he knows."

As the caravan continued on Asha raised an arm and pointed off into the distance while tugging on Verik's arm.

"See that?"

Looking into the distance he could just make out a series of small hills far off in the distance, it was very hard to see but straining he could make out what might be stone pillars or ruins of some sort dotting the area.

"Ancient place, very sacred. Long, long ago ancients fought and died to control this place and buried their most honored there. It is very safe, bandits, Sultan and bad spirits afraid of that place. Very powerful."

"Who were they?"

"Don't know." Her head looked back at him and she smiled. "So who are you?"

Verik let out a small sigh as they continued walking, it would be a long story he said, well they had all the time in the world she said.

"Like I told you last night, I was a laborer, studied history and philosophy as much as I could by reading. Not much I can really tell you other than that."

Asha narrowed her eyes and cocked an eyebrow.

"Family? Friends? Where did you live?"

"I do not consider harpies circling over my head hoping to strip my body naked of what little I have to be family, no surviving friends and where I lived was... Well I am very happy to be away from that place. You?"

"Whats a harpy?"

He paused a moment before continuing to walk.

"Imagine having three sisters. Now imagine those three sisters having nothing to do with you except when they want to steal something or spy on you. Every time they "visit" they try and run off with what little you own and do everything in their power to take away what little you have through lies and subversion. So you move, far, far away. They follow you! Not all of them, but they "visit" anyway and somehow always manage to steal something, you put up with them at first because they are your sisters. However, as you get older your patience wears out."

Verik looked around the various zebras a moment before looking back at Asha.

"Then one day one of them shows up again after you have moved even farther away, now you, older, have had enough of it so you answer the door with a "bow" at the ready. They still do not learn and before taking off swipe something of yours when your back is turned but that is the last time they come back. That is what a harpy is, spiteful, loud mouthed, annoying, thieving, deceitful, underhanded, low down yellow bellied..."

He stopped when he saw the look on Asha's face, even a few of the other zebras near him had turned to look and listen in on their conversation as his voice was raised. Shaking his head he looked back at her and shrugged.

"How old are you?"

"Thirty... Thirty one... You?"

"Nineteen. Sounds like a horrible family."

"I have no family Asha, none. Which is why I am so happy to be here, they are probably readying to steal everything from the dingy little hole I live in right now but to hell with them. Some other power brought me here to an alien world, close enough I can understand what is going on at least... But more than anything I understand the language you are speaking and they are not HERE. I am not going to take this gift for granted."

"Loosing your home is a gift?"

"Strange as that may sound, yes it is. I have no attachments to that place or world, frankly I was more than sick and fed up with it, would have lost my home anyway so what have I got to loose?"

Asha hummed for a moment as they kept walking in silence before turning to him again.

"What are you going to do?"

"I have no idea. That is what is so wonderful about this, I have a clean slate. Clean! Maybe I will try and be farmer, that is what I always wanted to do... Own a small farm, I am not greedy, having enough to survive and simply enjoy life would make me happy."

"Maybe you convince Zuberi to let you stay, come back to Wete with us. Not much but maybe you find what you are looking for?"

"Maybe. I still want to see this city though. Heck, I might just travel for a time first, just... Go... See what all is out there, I have a whole new world at my fingertips to explore, why shouldn't I?"

"Don't! Very dangerous! Very! Maybe long ago yes but not now... Zebrica is no longer... Safe. Dangerous place to survive, many problems, too many bandits and slavers. Best you stay with us if you want to travel or travel with other large caravans."

The way Asha acted, moved her hands in panic but more than anything the look of worry on her face made him wonder.

"I will keep that in mind, so what is it you do?"

She mulled the answer over for a moment before cocking her head to one side for a moment.

"Many things. I help in fields, grow food, carry things, help village. Boring life but safe."

"Safety means that much to you hm?"

"Ah... Yes... When you see city you understand..."

"If the city is that bad why are we going there?"

"Better prices than Mjesani, merchants there no like to pay due to dangers of moving cargo. We go to Alzamard for better prices."

"That reminds me... What exactly are you moving?"

A zebra looked their way and hissed at Asha a moment before they continued on, she shrugged and they continued on their way. Whatever they were carrying he did not need to know what it was nor would they allow him to find out.

"Well that answers that... Asha?"


"What about you then, family, friends. Wete? What is Alzamard like anyway?"

"Ah! No family... Few friends? Alzamard though... Never been there, listened to Zuberi many times. Bad place. Very bad. Dangerous, trust no one! Bad ruler, Sultan. Very bad stallion."

"And Wete?"

"Very nice... Poor but nice. Very poor... Good chief, Tendaji (Ten-Daj-Ee), good stallion but... Hard to understand sometimes, many burdens, makes things hard on him and tribe. Bigger! Wete taken in many... What Zuberi call us...?"

Asha looked at the ground a moment as they continued to walk and rocked her head back and forth.

"Refugees. Many refugees. Not enough huts for everyone at first but now we all have roof over heads! Also Nuru! She is very, very nice but... Spooky."

"Nuru? What does she do?"

"Shaman of tribe, she is... Different. Very nice but scary. Always weird noises and voices come from her hut, most stay away unless she orders them."

"Sounds like a very, very interesting lady to talk to."

The look on Asha's face was priceless as she tried to figure out if he was joking or not.

"You crazy."

"What is life without a little crazy mixed in? Oh and I am curious about something, why are some of you dressed in rags anyway?"

This sudden change in subject made her falter a moment before looking down at her tattered garb. Tugged on it a bit to get a better look at what she was wearing Asha looked herself over a moment, in so doing Verik got a very good view of both herself and how utterly mangled her clothing was.

"Worn but still good... Why?"

"Where I come from you would be dressed worse than someone who had been homeless all their life. All of you are for that matter except maybe Zuberi, Zuri and... Sefu..."

"Clothing not cheap, hard to get and wears out quickly in fields, torn easily. Best to go like Sefu or Keu there." Asha pointed off to a mare pulling one of the wagons, one could not go any more natural than that. "I like this though, was hard to get."

"Are clothes really that rare?"

"No. But we make so little is hard to afford even this, we save what we make for more important things."

It was rather clear they had been reduced to so low a level that clothing was a luxury item and even an ox to pull the wagons would probably be a grand expense.

"Not even oxen then?"

"Oh we have ox! Chief has several! They too precious though, only for fields to help with plowing, not risking bandits stealing them so we have to pull wagons ourselves!"

Asha muttered something under her breath about the Sultans "collectors" but Verik did not need to ask her to elaborate on what probably happened.

"So I take it going naked is normal then?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Just curious."

He felt a hand run along his arm making him start a little and turn his head, Asha was running her hand along his arm which had begun to turn red. Sunburn.

"Why you turn red?"

"Sunburn. The sun and myself do not... Agree, with each other."

"Then why you shave off fur?"

Ah. That suddenly made sense.

"I never had any, only on my head and face but there are thin hairs on my arms... See?"

Asha watched as he moved the thin, tiny hairs on his arms around, they were hard to see but present and seeing this only made her more curious as she got closer and now took his arm and held it staring as they walked.

"What happens when you stay in sun too long then?"

"My skin will turn bright red, become very painful to touch and then begin to burn and peel off my body."

Her face was horrified as he described what would happen but there was nothing he could do about it, most wore little to nothing as it was and there were no spare tarps to throw over his head to act as a shade either.

"That still horrible! Will you die?"

"No but the pain will make me wish I had if it gets too severe, makes me wish I had worn a long-sleeve this morning had I known this would happen. That and bring my shade cloth and hat... Oh well, c'est la vie."

"What that mean?"

"Thus is life."

Author's Notes:

Remember to read prologue for information on where to find the map! Thank you to those who have favorited this story.

Chapter 3: Trail Troubles

"The trick is to take your time in a hurry." -Wyatt Earp

The day had passed uneventfully, sunburn had set in but Sefu had been listening to every word they spoke with each other and had dug out a tarp he could use after seeing the results of sun exposure for himself.

Too little too late, the small tarp helped somewhat but when it was time to pull the wagon there was no way to keep his arms hidden from the sun but with a small amount of cordage at least his head and neck was covered.

Some of the zebras had snickered seeing the odd spectacle of a man wearing a worn out old tarp over his head but Asha had leered at them, the two had to help pull the same wagon and despite her smaller size she joined in and helped pull like the rest.

Even the "caravan master" and his sister Zuri helped pull at one point, the only one who was exempt from pulling was Sefu and one of the others who always stayed armed, everyone else had to take a turn at pulling or pushing.

When the day ended they stopped near another old well and began to clear an area for their campfires. Asha was quick to give instructions to Verik on finding the kind of kindling she was looking for and ushered him off quickly not that he was the only one.

Rummaging through the brush with a few others looking for larger, dead and dried up brush was simple enough as this trail was rarely used and they all returned with large bundles. No time was wasted in lining up for their rations which Zuri measured out carefully but this time it was ground meal and beans.

Asha had disappeared quickly after getting hers and told Verik to sit with the fire and keep it going using the dry grasses and a few of the smaller twigs till she returned. As to where she went...

Asha had wandered away from the camp and into the brush searching for various herbs to add to the jar, Zuri had given everyone a pinch of salt in their bowl as always but it was not enough.

For almost a week now it had been nothing but ugali and bean or dried fruit not that she would complain considering her circumstances but neither did it mean she had to passively accept such a bland, boring fate.

That strange creature had kept an eye on her for a time making her fur prickle a little but knew he did not mean ill by it, she was the only one who had talked to him and with any luck at all was figuring out Zuberi's plan for him.

Why did she care though, yes he was a curiosity unlike anything else and she agreed with one of his beliefs that the world would be a boring place without its curiosities but it did not shake the odd feeling she got around him.

Asha had no idea what that feeling was but it was neither good nor bad, almost like being around him was a safe place to be but also... Like being around a predator. Both set at ease and worked up at the same time.

Finding one of the little plants she was looking for Asha plucked some of the leaves and kept foraging for more. A short distance away one of the others was doing the same, no doubt trying to improve the flavor of their meal while somewhere else the unseen sentry was no doubt keeping an eye out for them.

Should she tell him? Warn him of what Zuberi was probably planning? Did she trust him?

Yes, she trusted him, to the extent of their chatting along the way and sleeping near each other but... He was nice enough, he had quickly accepted her presence and was willing to spend long hours talking.

She should warn him but how would he react? Zuberi was not bad but only looking out for them but it might cost Verik his life if anything happened.

What should she do?

Verik had been standing despite the fatigue of having helped drag a wagon across the Savannah in the heat of day but tried to keep an eye on where Asha had wandered off too. Loosing sight of her for a few minutes before he watched her emerge from the brush in a low dip.

Asha had a small handful of plants now and stuffed them in the cooking jar along with the other ingredients and water before setting about getting the contents cooking. It was not long before Zuberi made the announcement that the "pit" was ready for use as two zebras put shovels away.

Indeed it was a small, shallow and narrow pit, big enough for two to use at a time rather than squat behind a bush.

Hygene may not be terribly familiar among them but one thing he noted was that hands were washed well before sitting down at the fires to wait on dinner to finish cooking.

"Asha... What did you stuff in the pot?"


"Yes but-"

"Make it taste better, less boring, give it spicy taste."

Indeed a spicy and savory aroma was filling the air as the little jar cooked away, others had done similar things and the air was beginning to fill with various sweet, spicy or savory aromas as each little party had their own preferences.

Zuri joined them for a bit and looked Verik over noting the color of his skin, she too questioned him as to what was happening, why and after listening for a few minutes she left for the wagon and returned with a small, colorful clay jar.

Whatever was inside made his skin prickle from the smell and he flinched as she rubbed the salve onto his skin quickly before leaving. Asha leaned over and smirked remarking that Zuri would not waste their medicine on him if they believed he would betray them.

What remarkable medicine it was too, the salve made his skin burn a moment before soaking in and as the minutes ticked by he could visibly see the redness going away along with any swelling and pain, Asha found it interesting to watch as Verik's skin went from red to heavily tanned.

At least tonight Sefu had not kept a close eye on him, Zuberi did that in his stead.

The two watched each other as Asha occasionally glanced back and forth between the two wondering if a fight would break out. Instead, the two stared at each other in boredom as if trying to read each others mind making her feel a little tense.

"Verik... Time to eat."

Snapping out of the staring contest Verik accepted the bowl Asha gave him and using his stick began eating the spicy, savory mixture.

"Last time I asked you what this was you said ugali and beans... What is ugali?"

"Corn, ground very fine and cooked into mash."

"Grits... Thought this tasted familiar."

"Whats grits?"

"Same thing, sort of. Different type of corn I guess, that would explain the taste."

She nodded. "You like it yes?"

Verik nodded and kept eating slowly while looking around the camp.

"I know its only been one day but did Zuberi ever say how many days it would take to get to Alzamard?"

"Hmm... Yes, one week due to the bad trail and slow wagons otherwise faster. It has been... Five days."

"You are a good cook."

The compliment made her stop with a spoon halfway to her mouth, raising her eyes to him as he kept eating. She smiled before continuing to eat.

Hushed conversations continued on as the sun once more shot below the horizon bathing the world in darkness as the moon took its place. None seemed to even care let alone notice, too caught up in their own little world.

"Asha. Why does the sun just... Set, like that then the moon raise?"

"What do you mean, it has always done that."

"Normally the sun slowly sets it does not just, vanish."

"It has always been that way."

This really was an alien world. He loved it.

It turned out that they were relegated to pulling the wagon in the evenings not the mornings now, once more Sefu made certain to escort Verik to his little place of exile alongside the caravan where he could keep a close eye on him and not missing a beat Asha joined Verik.

Zuberi had told them that morning the odds were very good they would arrive sometime tomorrow morning if they made good time but doubts were ever present among those in the convoy.

They were playing a massive gamble that they could make it to the city and escape without being noticed by anyone and so far it had worked but as to how long that luck would hold out was severely in question.

Zuri had wandered down the convoy to check on Verik that morning and when asked about it her only response was that not every convoy was raided or stopped and forced to pay a fee but enough were that the region had become... Notorious. Much like the far Eastern Coast and Western Edge.

"So what is the Western Edge and East Coast then?"

Zuri developed a nervous twitch when he asked but glaring at him she finally let out a sigh.

"To the extreme West, very long journey... Tribes come out of the jungle and raid, murder, rape and enslave before leaving again, they are known for... Eating their victims. To the East are the coastal nations, usually peaceful but long ago bad things happened there, very bad."

"So we are in the middle of cannibals and psychos?"

"Psychos? Strange word, the Easterners are not bad people but there are plenty that are eager to make their fortune. Neither are dangerous to us, it is the tribes from the South that have bothered us."

"We have all day..."

"Long ago tribes from the far South reached a great river and built a nation there, now they hire themselves as mercenaries, bandits, murderers and thugs. Sometimes they fight with each other but not so much anymore, some king took over and now they sell themselves to the highest bidder. Many nations to the South hire them to come here and attack us, rare this far North but not unheard of."

Asha nudged Verik in the side as Zuri finished talking.

"Still think this world is a better place than where you were?"

"Yes. I do."

Zuri and Asha exchanged looks before she wandered off to talk with her brother at the front of the convoy again leaving Asha and Verik to themselves once more.

"Why would you prefer this place?"

"Because Asha... Despite all your problems and granted I have only been here one... Two days? Two days and I can say that there is a great deal of honesty about your problems by comparison and also there were places I could go back on that world which had all these problems and more, they were also far more dangerous than this."

"Was your whole world like that?"

"No, but it lacked honesty and wonder after a time of studying it, your world has many wonders, like you."


"Yes, a walking, talking zebra. One that walks on two legs, has arms, thinks for herself, has a language, dresses, culture... Earth lost its mystery to me, it became... Normal. Mundane. Boring... You are anything but."

"You are very strange to find this place so interesting and wonderful."

"Some would probably break down sobbing or run away screaming at having this happen to them but I will not." Verik looked down at her. "Its not ever day you get to explore a new world and meet interesting new people."

Asha had no idea what to do, she wanted to tell him, warn him to be careful not that he was not already being careful and courteous to the others, never bothering them nor asking for anything.

If he reacted badly it would cost her what little she had managed to build for herself in Wete but neither did he deserve to find out the hard way that he was being used as a cheap flesh shield.



"Do not be mad but I should warn you about something."

Her voice was almost a whisper which made his ears strain to hear her, she took his arm and tugged him a little closer without drawing the attention of the others save probably Sefu who saw everything.

"Do not be mad but Zuberi brought you along because if we are attacked..." Asha took a deep breath and sighed. "You are a flesh shield if we are attacked..."

She looked up at him and watched his eyes, they did not narrow nor show any sign of anger nor ill intent but remained completely neutral. Closing his eyes a moment he too let out a long sigh as they continued walking then opened them scanned his surroundings.

"Makes sense. Why bring another that might cause you problems when you can just as easily leave them behind..."

"Zuberi is not bad! But you are not Wete, he does not know you-"

"I know. He is keeping me around because it is better than leaving an unknown creature trailing behind you that might be out for revenge. I do not blame him for keeping me at arms length but neither has he lied to me yet."

"So you not start a fight with Zuberi?"

"No of course not, only a fool would do that. Zuberi is taking a chance and yes if we are attacked I will probably wind up a meat shield but no more than the others like Sefu and Bwnai. In his situation I too would rather have one more fighting arm than one less."

"It could mean your death..."

"Well then-" Verik stopped and looked around before making a weird face as if the air offended him. "What is that awful smell?"

Asha sniffed the air a moment before looking back and shook her head.

"No offense to you folks who have not bathed in days but... Something foul is on the wind, cant you smell it?"

"No, where is it coming from?"

The wind was blowing into their faces and Verik pointed far ahead of them. "That way."

"What does it smell like?"

Verik took a longer breath of air before almost gagging. "Foul. Like a horse covered in something that died that never bathed in all of its long life."

Continuing to look into the distance as they slowly entered a shallow dip in the terrain Sefu walked up beside them and giving a sideways glance at Verik continued past them to the front of the column.

"What was that about?"

"If Sefu mad, Sefu let you know."

Sefu never returned but stayed at the front for a time talking with Zuberi in a hushed conversation that ended with them booth looking back at Verik for a moment. It did not take a genius to know Sefu had been listening again and after hearing his description of the foul smell had decided to take some precautions.

The sentry at the front was recalled and went down the column slowly talking with everyone except Verik and Asha before returning to the front again. Zebras began to huddle closer to the wagons and putting two and two together Verik understood what the concern might be.

"Asha... Go stand with the others next to the wagons."


Confusion and a little worry was on her face as he gently took her arm and nudged her towards the wagons.

"From what little I know of Sefu, he would not act this way unless he suspected something and with what I am now smelling quite strongly I guess something is or was near here that might be out to get us."

Looking around others had already pulled a few weapons from the wagons along with flimsy wicker shields, all in all it was a very poor armament but it was the best they had. The lone archer in the group had migrated to the middle and had materialized a second quiver from somewhere that now hung around his waist.

Sefu suddenly stopped, turned and began walking back down the line while Zuberi put a hand on one wagon but neither pulled anything out nor let go, Zuri had moved to the middle as well now where Asha was had removed a club, Asha had a walking stick.

Yanking something free from the wagon Sefu tied something around his waist before walking back to Verik.

"You still smell it yes?"

"Yes, stronger, what is it?"

Sefu did not answer but shoved his spear at Verik, taking it he looked at the zebra and narrowed his eyes a little as he began to walk away again ignoring him. Calling back Sefu gave him a cryptic warning that filled in the gaps: "Fight or die."

Many sets of eyes watched quietly, hidden from the view of the caravan as it slowly approached their trap, they had watched the little group approaching from a great distance. The plan was already laid out completely, it was a simple, straightforward and easily understood plan, even the dumb ones could understand it.

"Not many. That good yes?"

"Yes... That is good..."

Looking at his second in command the bandit leader sighed quietly to himself, this was his punishment for failing to pay off his boss, who in turn could not pay protection money to HIS boss...

Fortunately his punishment was light: he was given all the slow ones, nitwits, untrained, trouble makers and all the shit that no one else wanted to put up with and sent way the hell out here in the middle of nowhere to watch an ancient trail that was rarely used.

It was not all bad though, he was the boss. Win or loose no one would care nor know about it meaning he had considerable leeway in dealing with his problems and so far that had amounted to executing seven so far, their deaths had made a point to the rest and now things had quieted down.

Seven... Loosing that many in two weeks had hurt their numbers a little but they still outnumbered the caravan completely at three to one at least. Untrained or not their numbers could at least overpower them. He stopped and looked back at his second in command and glared.

"They know to take prisoners, not kill. If they kill or damage too many... I. Blame. YOU!"

Returning a wary look the other nodded slowly.

"Prisoners, not dead, they know. I made certain. Cant sell dead."


Closing his eyes a moment he almost let out a frustrated groan, his second in command was the smartest of the lot, utterly subservient but about as sharp as an old river stone.

If this goes well... I am selling everything, getting on a boat and looking for a band to join somewhere else, this is not worth it...

How many would be killed anyway? For that matter how many would die afterwords in the mad rush to claim loot. If there were any survivors of this caravan it would be a miracle.

"Boss man, what that?"

Squinting a little his eyes trailed along the caravan to were his second was carefully pointing.

"They shaved a zebra and cut its ears off?"

"Why they keep it away like that?"

"Dont care, tell Hja and Raji to deal with it, no weapons, no armor... Feh. Outcast, ignore it, that one though, that one is dangerous."

One of the zebras at the back of the convoy was well armed compared to the rest, the way he carried himself, turned his head and ears meant this one was probably the one in charge of the caravans security.

It did not matter.

His brow furrowed however when the creature started to act strange, it was sniffing the air and looking around as if something horrible was in the air. After a short time the one at the rear passed quickly to the front. Had they been spotted? No, that was impossible.

Slowing slightly the caravan continued to approach the slight, brush heavy dip his band was waiting in. It was when he the warrior returned to the creature and gave it a weapon that he knew they had been found out somehow.

Scooting back into position beside him his second nodded, everything had been checked again. Now to see if the band of idiots would or could carry out their instructions.

He was not trained in how to use a spear but knew the basic principles, many a book had he read on various weapons and even took some delight in watching the rare video of how they were used even practicing the moves a little... That was... A decade ago.

There is a great difference between theory and application...

These words rang in his mind as he watched Sefu walk along giving quiet instructions, Asha had been right, he was the meat-shield.

If anything sprung from this side of the trail he would be the first to go down thus saving one of Zuberi's zebras from the same fate and either giving them a little warning or proving that their caution was for naught.

The way Asha was looking around and glancing at him meant at least one of them was worried for his safety, the others had huddled together and the rear scout constantly looked over her shoulder while keeping a knobbed throwing stick handy.

A knot formed in his gut as the smell got a little worse, undoing the rope that kept the tarp on his head he pulled it free and held it in his free hand. If whatever critter was munching on the rotting carcass up ahead decided to take a bite out of him he could at least throw the tarp in its face before making one last stab before being torn to shreads.

With any luck he would take the creature out with him. What would it be anyway? Lion? Maybe, if it was hyenas or wild dogs what little he knew of them would mean they would already be making noise but it was dead silent.

Too silent.

Cheetah? No, too many of them for it to be that desperate. Lions, it had to be lions then. But this was an alien world, maybe there was more than lions out here, if zebras could walk and talk did the lions as well?

Oh he hoped that was not the case, having to deal with a pride of walking, talking lions that wanted to eat them would be very bad but that only left the one alternative.

As the convoy finally passed into the low dip Sefu jumped onto the larger wagon in the middle and used it like a watchtower to scan ahead.

He had barely gotten on and looked ahead when he jumped off just as fast and in a flash of motion drew a crude scimitar and started running forward yelling.

Here we go...

Tightening his grip on the spear Verik glanced to his right and kept a close eye waiting on something to move for what felt like ages. With a shout from Zuberi the wagons slowed and were quickly drawn into a semi-circle and the gaggle of zebras crowded in quickly leaving only four on the outside of the little defensive circle.

Another shout from up ahead drew Verik's attention as a zebra blocked the path armed with a spear and shield, quickly others rose up from around them having been hidden perfectly in the tall grass and behind the few low hanging bush trees.

Frankly he could care less what offer or demands were being made as Zuberi and the bandit yelled at each other, it was clear Zuberi was stalling for time while Sefu counted the odds not that it helped him any.

Verik was stuck outside the circle by a good distance, not insurmountable but he also knew running towards the wagons would probably result in an early death. There was no doubt that a zebra could outrun him easily and that meant standing his ground.

As yelling continued he scanned his side of the soon to be battlefield.

To his right the rear guard had hefted her throwing stick and was facing down two who were fanned out, neither had a shield and he figured she would probably get one of them considering the look on her face.

A slinger was slowly whipping a shot around their head and squaring off with the archer who was aiming in return, it was a standoff as to who would duck faster.

Sefu was still looking around counting heads and the way he bobbed the tip of his sword a plan was already formulating but Verik was apparently not part of it short of slowing them down.

The last he could see that was outside the circle carried a rather nasty looking dagger of some kind that bent and had an additional spike on it. Though the Wete tribe may be poor but they try to not skimp when it comes to weapons he thought as the standoff continued.

Across from him were his own problems however: two zebras had fanned out slightly and waited. The smell coming from them was horrific but it was their spears that had him concerned, two to one odds and he had no real idea what he was doing.

Verik knew a couple of moves that were fuzzy in his head but whether or not they would work was very much up for debate, on the bright side it appeared his two opponents were not much better off.

Having hooves came with its own issues he noted as they had to walk a specific way almost like crabs and along a set path, when attention was drawn away from him for a second he watched as one had to pivot their upper body and move their hooves around slowly since they lacked the ability to pivot quickly.

Neither seemed to know a whole lot about how to hold their spears either, one held it too high like he expected Verik to just fall on it, the other kept their hands too close together making the spear unwieldy.

Great, none of us really know what we are doing but at least I know how to hold it.

Farther away the yelling grew louder and louder before it finally went quiet. Zuberi and the bandit silently glared at each other but when the caravan master yanked is axe and shield free the world erupted in violence.

With a howl the bandits tore forward faster than he would have liked but one was already down after taking a throwing stick to the chest, the archer had fired but the slinger ducked and let a stone fly which cracked off the side of a wagon harmlessly.

Well, this is it, dont know, dont care but be damned if they take this miracle of a new life from me!

Deciding to hold his ground a moment longer Verik watched the flurry of action from the corner of his eyes as the two zebras sprinted forward screaming, without a shield all he could do was jump aside and hope the one did not skewer him.

Wait. Zebras... Bandits, predators... An idea quickly formed and drawing up enough spit to make it sound better Verik took a wild gamble.

Opening his mouth and baring his teeth while making the most furious face possible he let out a loud, throaty snarl. It worked.

Two sets of eyes popped as he charged forward and threw the tarp into the stunned face of a bandit before lurching sideways out of reach of the other. Driving his spear forward he pushed the spearhead into the bandits stomach while slapping their own spear aside with his now freed hand.

Gripping tightly with both hands he pushed and swung sideways to put the impaled, screaming bandit between himself and the other to buy a little more time. There was no honor among thieves however.

Surprise wore off quickly as the bandits compatriot stepped sideways and with a sharp push drove the bandit deeper onto Verik's spear as they stabbed around the body. Both continued to dance around the screaming body, one pushing it back and forth to block the stabs that came around it, the other using it as a hold to keep their enemy from freeing their spear.

An angry buzzing sound went past Verik's ear when he heaved to one side to block another blow, the slinger had nearly hit him in the back of the head and taking a quick glance backwards he saw it had come at a price.

When the slinger had targeted Verik instead of the archer the other had taken the chance to get a better shot and fired but unfortunately for the archer the slinger twisted at the last moment resulting in the arrow going through their arm.

Not wanting to wait Verik rapidly stepped back and with a quick yank freed his spear. Not missing a beat the other bandit shoved the body aside and stepped forward making a stab at his chest but the blow that knocked aside.

Moving forward he looked down quickly and circled the bandit before driving him backwards towards the writhing body in the grass. Stabbing again and again the bandit could only keep blocking as they were pushed backwards but a quick glance backwards they figured it out.

Trying to sidestep the body he took his to close the gap and while the bandit was busy focusing on getting around the body pushed the others spear aside and tackled them.

Landing one blow after another on their head Verik kept punching before the bandit brought a fist up and knocked him off, with a grunt he fell aside and feeling a rock under his hand grabbed it and swung.

A loud crack rang out as the blow connected with the zebras snout snapping their head sideways as blood flew. Climbing onto them again he hammered away while making the occasional glance towards the slinger who was too busy dealing with the archer again.

Unlike a bow which requires two hands a sling only needs one good arm and the wounded bandit was still fighting and dodging wildly to avoid the occasional arrow.

With one last good thud the zebra under him finally went limp but not taking a chance he grabbed a nearby spear and drove it deep before climbing off and finding the other.

Hefting the spear taken from the bandit Verik raced towards the slinger and hoping he was close enough threw it and kept charging silently. While the spear missed completely it made the slinger jump and turn towards him but he never got a chance to stab him with the spear.

A moments hesitation resulted in an arrow sprouting from the bandits leg dropping him to the ground with a scream of pain and closing the gap he tried to stab him while down but failed as the bandit grapped a hold of the other end of the spear.

Blood flowed as the bandit fought to keep the spear tip from going in and with a kick from her good leg kicked the shaft free from his grasp. Falling on top of her he brought and elbow into her face and grabbed her throat and began lifting her up and pounding her back into the ground.

She clawed at his eyes, kicked and spat then at one point managed to bring a knee into his side knocked him off and straddled him returning the favor with great vigor.

Wait... I know this.

Verik gagged as she choked him and using his arms formed an upward facing V between her grip and pushed up and away loosening her grip on his throat. Reaching up he grabbed her head and leaning up and into her gave a sharp twist snapping her neck.

Pushing her reeking body off he grabbing his spear he stood gasping for air and shuffled off towards the wagons, bandits were crawling all over it, the read guard had joined them in their little circle and now they were trying to hold them back.

Apparently the one idiot standing farther away from the caravan had been ignored. Made perfect sense they would ignore him, no armor, only a spear, not a real threat and had two facing him down. It was not like he was stopping them from getting to the cargo.

One of the bandits had not joined into the fighting but was keeping a close eye on him during the fight, the one in charge no doubt but even now as he rubbed his throat as he shuffled forward and into the fray they shook their head and yelled at the pile of bodies engaged in the mass scuffle.

A few heads turned back and one stepped free quickly. Whipping out a throwing stick they aimed and hurtled it at him with astonishing speed and accuracy, leaning back and falling to the ground was all that saved him from being hit in the head as it sailed over him and rolling over he got up with difficulty.

The bandit watched a minute before tugging another free and pointing and went back into the fight, whatever was happening neither side was winning yet but a few bodies were on the ground.

This one did not bother, they simply picked up speed and charged straight at him with their club in the air, flimsy wicker shield in the other.

He had not been fighting very long but the aches and pains of all those accumulated blows and exertions were already taking their toll on a body more used to digging holes and carrying heavy sacks or bails of hay.

Well if the fool was going to just charge straight at him... Verik waited as the other closed the gap and quickly dropped low and planted the spear, the bandit did the rest.

Picking the shield off the body he freed the spear and ran towards the caravan, perched on top the archer had since been forced off and into hiding no doubt from the throwing sticks. Closing the gap quickly Verik saw a bandit crawling under one of the wagons and running around the side dropped his shield and drug them out.

They kicked wildly but a quick, poorly aimed stab from the spear made them stop and two more stabs made them stop moving entirely. Another had climbed atop and was read to stab down at someone but a stab to their leg threw the aim off and they fell off the wagon directly into him.

Both fell to the ground but Verik was a little faster grabbing the bandit by the head and with a heave smashed it into the knob on the closest wagon wheel, a wet crack rang out as the bandits eyes rolled into the back of their head and the body went limp but a few more good hits were carried out just to be sure.

Breathing heavily Verik looked under the wagon a moment before standing and grabbing his shield began plodding around the wagons, the bandits were not very good tacticians and were focused entirely on the other side now but as he kept gasping for air he wondered how much longer he could keep this up.

Blazing heat from the sun made the world blurry as heat exhaustion had begun to set in again, pulling the wagon with lots of help was one thing but all this rapid movement made even breathing hard in the heat.

Stumbling around the side he walked up and stabbed a bandit at random from behind, the resulting yelp made others turn and look at who was assailing them from behind. Breaking away from the cluster of zebras trying to beat them off they began to scatter backwards and away.

*Moments earlier*

Asha and the others were penned in tightly as the bandits continued to poke and prod at them, Sefu and the others had managed to kill or wound a few but had to quickly fall back into the safety of their little cluster as spears continued to stab at them.

It was clear they did not really intend to kill them but capture as many as they could and either "use" them or sell them, death was preferable to either fate.

What few shields they had were warding off blows as they were pressed in and quickly enough the bandits began to yell at them to surrender. Of course Sefu promptly broke free of the circle and dropped another bandit causing the battle to quickly resume.

Zuberi was favoring his leg, Zuri was pushed up so tightly against the wagon she could not get free to help the injured. Asha knew that so far only two had actually fallen injured enough they could not stand, the bandits ignored them, it was the cargo they wanted, not the damaged goods.

Jelani had dropped back into their cluster after a few close calls from rungu being thrown at her and was now busy stabbing and cutting at any that got too close with her mambele, she yelled over the screaming about Verik and Jelani yelled he was still alive at least.

Asha stabbed at a bandit with her staff and caught them in the chest making them back away wheezing but another quickly replaced them. What really terrified her however was that they were ignoring HER.

They knew she was the most poorly armed, youngest and probably the most valuable if sold which meant they had no intention of harming their future cargo. It made the fur on her neck stand on end as she realized that if they lost she was already marked.

A thump on her leg made her look down as the front end of a club appeared. One of them was crawling under the wagon and the other end of her staff stabbed at their arms and face wildly making them curse and yell at her as they swatted at her legs with their club.

She did not want it to end this way, she got away last time, barely.

Asha was panicking.

Something yanked the bandit away and wondering what happened tried to look but could not as bodies pressed backwards. Groaning from the strain as the bandits pushed them back trying to wedge them in and tire them out to make capturing them easier she looked up at the sky and saw a bandit stand and aim into the mass.

Asha closed her eyes and hoped it was aimed for her but the blow never came, a yelp and clatter sounded as the bandit fell off and opening her eyes quickly she saw they were gone. The wagon shuddered a few times as something was hammered against the other side a few times before going still.

Turning back to the battle she gritted her teeth and continued poking the bandits back as best she could as they were penned in, even Sefu was having a very hard time using his scimitar now that they were facing a row of spears that poked and prodded them back.

A pained howl rang out, the bandits began to back away and looked behind them to see what had happened and as another scream rang out they broke away and began to step back quickly as a mass freeing the trapped zebras.

Not wasting an opportunity Sefu let out a yell and the few trained warriors and fighters still standing pressed forward pushing spears out of the way.

Sefu was quicker than the rest however, driving forward behind his small, round shield to batter spears away then hammer one bandit in the face with the boss so hard they collapsed. Bandits began to fall back and shouting from behind halted them as they formed up into a rough wall, tried to at least.

Verik was clearly visible to her right, exhausted, panting for air and drenched in sweat but still standing, Sefu and the others did not allow the bandits to close their flimsy ranks but tore straight into them now that they had been reduced somewhat in number.

Fifteen versus six, no, five, Verik was hanging onto the wagon now. And bleeding.

As the others tore into the bandits now that the roles had been reversed Asha grabbed a water jug and ran. Popping the top off she promptly poured part of it over Verik's head before forcing him to drink.

Zuri was a little put off by her actions as they needed the water too but after a quick look at him nodded and went back to treating Bwnai's leg and arm.

Patting him over as he continued to wheeze she could feel the burning heat coming from his body, he was severely overheated but there was no time to stop and rest. Forcing him to drink a little more and pouring some over his head again Asha grit her teeth and pointed at the bandits.

"Not over yet, keep fighting."

Asha watched as Verik stumbled off into the fray, he was not fit for fighting but if they lost they were all doomed. Joing Zuri at the wagon she began helping her dress wounds and stop the bleeding of the wounded.

*Minutes Earlier*

His little gaggle of bandits and cut-throats had actually pulled it off. Somehow.

Watching them pen in the zebras made a smile cross his face as he continued to watch the struggle, pressed in tightly from the wall of spears that surrounded them even their best fighters were unable to break free without great risk of being skewered.

Two had fallen but that was inevitable and from the looks of it there were only two real warriors left fighting. Their archer had been chased off the wagon and was now trapped with the rest in their little huddle.

Getting closer to the fight he yelled at them to surrender and the scimitar wielding one managed to shove enough spears aside to kill another one of his number before being pressed back in, it made him chuckle.

What a shame he is one of the warriors. That kind of fighting spirit and strength would have fetched a very good price at market in Alzamard but he would be far to dangerous to transport, he had to die.

Shaking his head as the struggle continued he caught sight of the creature, like his own it had no real idea what it was doing but none the less three were dead and it was now limping away and towards the battle again.

Yelling at his second to deal with it he walked forward with a new idea and yanking two free from the back spun them around and ordered them to go behind the wagons. One crawls under, the other over the top and with a few good strikes to the legs and heads they would knock the soon to be slaves out cold ending the fight.

They raced off and one began crawling under the wagon, another climbing over the top while the poor sap his second sent to fight the creature impaled themselves on its spear. Cackling to himself he ignored the thing as it hobbled away, his own attention returned to the battle.

Having water dumped on his head had helped greatly but being forced to swallow water with a dry throat was unpleasant to say the least. Most of the burning heat was gone now, replaced by exhaustion, aches and pains.

Asha had grabbed him by the arm and turned him towards the line of bandits being hammered away at by the caravan's guards and in a firm voice, ordered him to keep fighting. He obeyed.

Slogging forward in the heat with drenched clothes sticking to him he weaved off to one side of the fighting and when the zebra archer stabbed at a bandit, waited on them to lung at her before side stepping both and driving his own spear into their unprotected side.

It was simple, straightforward and more than anything it worked. Startled a little by his sudden appearance the zebra quickly fell into a rythm with him as they pushed forward, one would distract the other make a killing blow or try.

While it may not have always worked it kept the enemy on edge as their numbers began to dwindle, it also made him glad the two he fought had failed so horribly to employ the same tactic.

Giving a fast stab at the bandits chest they stepped away and swung towards the archer who just as quickly dodged away, unable to fight two at once but still able to keep them away they continued stabbing.

Ducking behind him the zebra mare quickly leaned up to Verik's ear and whispered: "keep him busy."

He had no idea what she was going to do as they kept pushing them back but a quick shout behind him made Verik duck quickly. The look on the bandits face was one of fear and shock, Verik watched from his crouch as an arrow slammed into his chest felling the bandit.

Quick patting on his shoulder he stood again and with a gentle push from behind began moving forward again, the archer was going to use him as a shield to keep them busy while she picked them off from behind.

This was a small change to the original tactic but it worked even better since so few of the bandits had shields, most carried spears or clubs making them excellent targets now that they were on the defensive and without their slinger or throwing sticks they were quite helpless against her assault.

Looking to his left he could see the others pushing them back very quickly now that the numbers had swung in their favor. Sefu was trying to push past to get at the bandit leader who still hung at the rear but they backed away quickly enough now he was having trouble keeping up.

Soon they would simply run for their lives but a little voice in the back of his head said that could be very bad if there were more of them nearby. They might bring back more and in their current state that would only end very badly.

Behind him the archer urged him forward faster, both sides knew what was about to happen and she was not interested in letting any of them get away either. Moments later the line broke and they began running.

Rushing forward despite his fatigue Verik just managed to clip one of the bandits from behind as the archer ran past him a short distance before firing into the fleeing few. A great struggle began as one side tried to flee and another ran them down, Sefu and another had the least trouble running them down and Zuberi managed to outrun another.

His own downed bandit kicked up a storm and even tried to throw dirt and grass at him in a desperate attempt to get away but he leaned harder on the spear driving it deeper into the bandits leg. Screaming and flailing they tried to get free but another zebra ran up and with a heavy swing of a club cracked the bandits skull before moving on.

There was no such thing as mercy here not that any would have been given by either side and most certainly Verik had none to spare as he slowly limped after the running battle. So far the archer had done quite well, the bandits were running in straight lines away from her and thus made easier targets than ones that ducked or dodged.

Three were laying in the tall grass howling because of her and running after them she slashed their throats as she continued running down more.

Farther off was where most attention was drawn however, the bandit leader was a good runner but not fast enough. Sefu had closed to gap finally and a brawl had started as the two swung at each other.

Whoever it was that commanded this band was a good enough fighter to not go down immediately to Sefu's blade but they were having a hell of a time of it. No matter what they did he either blocked it or countered quickly and nearly took their head off several times.

Verik wondered who they were. Trained, experienced, far better equipped than the rabble they had just killed, it was safe to reason they had not always been a bandit. No one tried to interfere either, the last bandit had fallen to the archer and now they all quietly watched the struggle between Sefu and the bandit leader.

A quick snap of his shield sent the bandit leaders sword arm wide and trying a cut they blocked it with their shield. Sefu twisted quickly and using the curve of his blade stabbed around the outer edge of the shield and finally scored a direct hit if the scream was any indication.

Swinging quickly and using their shield to push the intruding scimitar away while preparing a swing with their sword the bandit opened themselves up too much, Sefu dropped under the blow and brought his shield up and a loud cracking sound filled the air as the bone snapped and with a solid kick to the leg the bandit collapsed.

What happened next no one could see for the tall grass but Sefu was certainly cutting away furiously at the bandit as more cracking sounds filled the air along with screams of pain.

*Moments Ago*

It was time to run and run fast. Why had he ignored that damned thing? The battle was all but over but somehow it managed to pick off a few more and cause them to fall back allowing the bigger zebra to push them even farther away.

An attempt was made to form a line but it failed horribly not that he expected it to work to begin with but it had bought him some time to run from the battle. Their deaths would not be in vain.

Legs pounding he could hear the screaming behind him as the wall broke and the stampede began, looking over his shoulder did not ease his anxieties however, the bigger one was plowing past the fodder and coming straight for him.

Running faster and looking back his pursuer had almost closed the gap as he just made out the last of his band being either run down or shot by an archer.

Spinning quickly he raised his shield and readied a swing with his sword at the pursuing zebra, there was no way to outrun him. They almost crashed into him but dodged aside quickly and made a sweeping motion with their arm.

Turning his shield into the blow it nearly connected with his body instead of the shield but the blow still made his arm ache from the strength of the impact. It had been a good decision to steal the wooden shield before coming out here, his old one would have been torn to shreds.

One slash after another fell and backing away quickly to avoid being cut to pieces he managed a few swings of his own but they were either dodged or knocked away.

Almost tripping on a rock had resulted in a cut nearly connecting with his neck but it narrowly missed its mark but just as quickly another slash was made, heaving it aside with his shield he made a swing but it struck only at the air.

Sharp pain screamed through his side and twisting away only made it worse, the zebra had dodged and using the curve of the blade to get around his shield, drove the point into his side through the cheap leather armor.

Howling in pain he struck at the blade pushing it free and tried to hit them with his shield but it proved to be a mistake as they ducked under and before he could bring his sword arm down a shield came up.

A loud crack rang out as bone shattered from the impact of the shields rim as it crashed into his unprotected arm, pain burned red hot in his arm making him gag for a moment. Just as quickly something thudded into his leg snapping another bone and soon all he could see was the blue sky as he fell backwards.

Unable to hold his sword it had dropped free and with a heave brought the shield around to try and jab the figure that descended on them in vain. Quickly knocked aside a leg was brought up to try and kick the scimitar wielding zebra back but a quick slash ended the attempt.

Struggling with each other as they straddled them a fight broke out over pushing the shield away so one could stab the other more cleanly while the bandit leader tried to keep hold of it to stop any more blows from falling.

Hooking the edge of his round shield around the bandits the zebra yanked hard pulling it away and exposing the arm, several quick slashes and cuts were made till it could no longer be held and pushing hard it slipped free of the limp hand sending it flying through the tall grass.

That was when the stabbing began, again and again they stabbed while he screamed and spat at them unable to resist. Heaving bodies made both sway back and forth but the one on top was far too strong to be pushed away, especially now that the other was severely wounded and bleeding out quickly.

Lunging up at his attacker he tried to bite at the neck in a desperate attempt but a solid crack to the side of his head from the shield made him fall back as the world spun and began to darken.

Leaning forward hard the zebra held the bandit down before putting the scimitars edge against his throat and with a quick, solid yank drew it across made a deep cut that opened the throat and vein.

A spray of blood resulted as the world faded faster and gurgling for air he stared up at the stallion that had just killed him as the world went black.

Everything was silent for a moment as everyone watched Sefu, he leaned in and made a quick jerking motion before standing and turning away then did a quick headcount on his observers. Drenched head to hoof in blood he walked off the hill and motioned everyone back to the wagons.

Verik watched him go a moment before limping off towards the wagons, this was not what he had expected of an alien world but he had survived somehow and that was all that mattered.

Every world has its problems but things aren't that bad.

Author's Notes:

Do you think it will get better or worse for him?

Chapter 4: Revelations and Considerations

"Do not judge others simply because their ways seem strange."

Verik arrived next to last, the archer had tailed him the entire way back as he walked along using his spear for support. Sitting beside a wagon he leaned back and sighed in relief, he may not know how to truly "fight" with the spear but circumstance and fate had favored him once more.

Sefu sent the archer on top of the wagon to stand and keep watch while he stalked around the battlefield quietly counting and judging.

Asha was quick to check him, one of the others had been hurt more badly than they had realized and after tending to them it was his turn to be checked for injuries. Removing his shirt she looked him over and found several cuts that had come very close to being fatal.

"You are lucky."

"I think we are all lucky today not just me."

Zuri tried to undo his pants but couldn't figure it out nor the boot laces. Undoing both for them they yanked them free and Asha paled for a moment before both ran to the wagon grabbing water and a bag before returning.

Looking down he realized what they were so worried about: apparently he had not done as well as he had thought.

Adrenaline can do marvelous things, pull off true miracles, that was the case here. His head stung a little because he had not in fact dodged the rock the slinger whipped at him but had in fact been nicked along the side of the head. All those blows and stabs from the first bandit he fought had nicked his arms all over the place and even a few punctures to the chest but nothing too dangerous.

His legs however... How he had managed to even stand for that length of time was anyone's guess, his pants had obscured the damage from everyone at first but now that he could see...

Asha and Zuri were quick to stop the bleeding and rubbing a salve into the bandages they pressed them into the various stabs and cuts on his legs causing him no small amount of pain. At some point that bandit had also managed to make a good shot on his leg but with adrenaline coursing through his veins he failed no notice despite the limping.

Lots of bandaging later and putting salve on the other wounds Zuri pushed him back against the wagon telling him to rest, allowing the salve to heal the injuries, if her seemingly magical concoction could remove a vicious sunburn in a matter of moments he wondered how it would fair against cuts and stab wounds.

Verik could see others had been injured but only one had died so far, a blow to the neck had killed one quickly but another had been less fortunate: a throwing stick had shattered their skull.

They were alive but from the way the others acted there was nothing they could do for him, the damage was too severe and still so far away from civilization the odds were very much against them surviving till morning.

Zuberi was strangely enough the most angered over the dead and dying, after checking over everyone except Verik he stormed off and kicked one of the dead bandits a few times before turning to Verik.

"You. You are bad luck."

"If I am bad luck why are we still alive? Whatever fate has in store for us or if there is some grand design it would appear I was supposed to be here today."

Zuberi opened his mouth to say something but his sister Zuri hissed at him making him go silent, turning away he kicked one of the corpses again before wandering off.

"Do not mind my brother, that is one of his friends." Zuri pointed at the zebra dying on the ground.

"He wont make it will he."

She shook her head.

"No, back at Wete... Maybe... Maybe... But not here." She sighed. "Rest, we will not be able to move the wagons till either tonight or morning, too many wounded. Rest."

Verik leaned his head back against the wagon and closed his eyes a moment, the sun thankfully could not reach him here in this little nook, at least not until noon at any rate then he would have to crawl under the wagon which he fully intended to do.

Water was carefully rationed out and passed around, Sefu had returned and accepting a bowl squatted across from Verik and sipped slowly while staring.



Verik told him what had happened but it took a little while, Sefu stopped him now or then to get more details if he had them but otherwise listened silently and asked Verik to point out which corpse he was referring too, making certain there was no mistake not that there was any.

"You growled at them."

"Wild guess but it worked."

"Growl at me. Like you did them."

Verik just stared as Sefu continued to sip at his water and sitting upright did his best to repeat the action, Sefu just stared back quietly then stood up and walked off. It was not Sefu that had him a little worried however, the snarl had gained the attention of every last zebra within earshot which was all of them.

A few mouths hung slightly but most just stared wide eyed for a moment before Sefu waved at them to ignore it before passing his bowl to Zuri as he left.

Asha kept one ear turned towards Verik and Sefu as she tended to Jelani, she was the second most lucky of the fighters today, Sefu had not a scratch on him but Jelani had nearly been stabbed at one point and narrowly missed a fungu that had left a welt on her shoulder.

Despite it she was still able to use her shortbow, a testament to her ability to ignore pain and also just being stubborn.

Not that the others were not listening either, just about any that were not too injured had an ear turned and listened to the bizarre tale Verik told. It really was a miracle he had not been killed outright then so completely ignored he was able to swing the battle in their favor.

Remembering what happened with the one crawling under the wagon she now understood why they had disappeared so quickly cussing and screaming, then the one who had climbed up and was aiming to skewer someone.

Several flinched when as he described using the wagons wheel as a battering ram to kill the one bandit but none felt sorry either she guessed.

Verik had done quite well for someone not trained to fight but it was when Sefu asked for clarification at the end that heads turned. Hearing that feral snarl made heads, ears and eyes turn rapidly while the fur on her spine stood up, it was not the angry sound a zebra or Arabian made but something more primal, feral, predatory.

Now it was clear why she had that odd feeling around him of being both safe but disturbed. He truly was different than them, catching a glimpse of his face as his mouth was open she stared a moment at the sharp teeth before looking back to Jelani's shoulder.

Verik was a predator.

Some rest did wonders, the heat had faded quickly and now the sun was approaching noon meaning if he was going to do what he was planning now was the time, assuming his legs would let him.

Sitting up and leaning on his spear he looked around and decided to hobble to the other side and check the two he had killed there first. Now that the adrenaline was gone every last ache and pain from the various slugging matches he had screamed back at him with the stab wounds on his legs making the simple act of walking very hard.

Nothing would deter him from his task however, he had killed them and some deeper part of him declared that whatever they had on them was now his.

Making his way around the wagon he looked for the two bodies but did not see them, someone had already drug them away and piled the two of them together a short distance away. Limping after the bodies he looked them over and saw absolutely nothing, not even a pouch assuming they ever had any.

Turning back towards the open field on the other side where he had first fought, Verik made his way slowly over as the archer watched him from her perch.

"What are you doing?"

Finally able to hear her voice for what it was without the screaming he had to admit her voice was more pleasant now, a single stripe ran down from under her eye all the way to her shoulders. Like Asha her hair was braided tightly and laid flat down her back then bound up.

Looking into her amber eyes he blinked a moment.

"Looting the bodies of those I killed. Why?"

She coughed out a small laugh then shook her head and waved him off and muttered something, muttering he happened to catch. Apparently he acted very much like a mercenary.

Shuffling on he found the first two and retrieving the tarp and string which had been blown around a little before he squatted beside the first body and looked it over before retching.

It was covered in lice and flees.

Grabbing the thin cloth belt that was strapped around the body he yanked hard but it would not budge, undoing the knot that held it was a small task but working quickly so he could get away from the infestation he finally got it free and repeated the process with the other corpse.

Moving a short distance away he dumped the contents onto the ground and threw the pouches back, the flees were already looking for a new host. What little had come out of the pouches amounted to spit on a griddle, tarnished bronze and two silver coins.

Reaching for his pockets he realized he was still walking around barefoot and without his pants on but turning back to the wagons he spotted his visitor.

Asha had followed him and was standing quietly watching, leaning down and scooping up the coins he passed them to her.

"Hold these. Left my pants behind."

"You should not be moving around, might open wounds."

"Not like anyone else is going to go over these bodies for me not that anyone should... You should probably go tell Zuri they are covered in lice and flees."

Her eyes widened a moment before she backed away from the bodies quickly but she did not go back.

"I check the bodies then and you hold whatever I find. Deal?"

Asha nodded and followed him to the next body but kept a respective distance, thankfully the bandit who so eagerly impaled himself on the spear was not infested. Taking his time Verik undid the belt and opened it with much of the same results.

"I have a question Asha... Does anyone in this country have more to their name than... Four or five tarnished or rusty coins, maybe a silver or two?"

Verik held his hand out and coming over quickly she accepted the coins before backing away again, she shook her head and stared at the tiny pile in her hand.

"Maybe they stashed it all at their camp but I doubt we will ever find it nor do we have the time I guess... Shame."

"Why are you picking their bodies?"

"I killed them and its not like they were upstanding folks, bandits. Kind of poetic irony for the bandits to wind up being looted of their ill begotten goods dont you think?"

"You are very odd."

Checking the slinger revealed a small, poorly crafted knife that was too shallow to do much damage but he supposed that in the heat of the moment it had been forgotten.

"Ten little... What is this? Bronze or copper?"


"Hooray I think I struck the jackpot on this one... Lets go back."

"Does it not bother you?"

"No. Why?"

"You killed them, that one, there... You smashed their head in with a rock. How does the death not bother you?"

"Does it bother you?"

"A little but the way you killed them is so..."

"Brutal. Yes Asha, it does bother me but it was either them or me and I chose them, they were horrific ways to die but better them than me not that I escaped unscathed. Anyway, whats done is done, figured you would not be bothered by it though."

Asha jerked her head towards him.

"Why you say that?"

"You explained how dangerous this region is, figured that by your age you would have seen more than your share of it."

"I have but it does not make it... Easier."

Verik shrugged. "Fair enough, so how much is that worth?"

"You know how to read but not count coin?"

"Not your worlds coins at any rate."

"Mmm... This might keep you alive for... A week, maybe two if you live on the street."

"Impoverished and overpriced world."

Asha shrugged, "Coin is very precious to us so we make it last but things are expensive in the cities and towns. Coin only goes so far."

She held her hand out and poured the little pile back into his hand as they approached the wagons, none paid them any mind as they sat down and Verik scooted under one of the wagons before looking out at her.

"Here, take this."

Holding her hand out she accepted some of the coins he passed to her.

"What this for?"

"Well you have done the cooking and even looked after me, I have no other way of showing my appreciation."

Asha handed them back, "No, you help us."

Verik finished sliding under the wagon and stretched out in the shade and grabbing his nearby pants shoved the coins inside.

"Warn them about the parasites."

Closing his eyes he enjoyed the cool shade and listened to the birds that had returned now that the battle was over, this would be an interesting trip.

Sefu and Zuberi were the only two left that still had the strength to drag the bodies away from the wagons. Asha had approached them earlier about Verik's concern due to the sheer quantity of lice and flees that infested most of the bodies.

They already knew this and were thus moving the bodies away rapidly via dragging them by the hooves and running.

"Burn the bodies?"

Sefu shook his head as they grabbed another corpse by the legs and began dragging it away.

"No, maybe more, maybe not. They have camp near here and others may see smoke and come looking, also too dry to burn bodies, start wildfire."

"Dragging them is only knocking the lice and flees loose though not that we have a choice Sefu, also this stink and blood is going to bring predators not that we need any more of them."

"He may not be Wete but he fought, could have run too but did not."

"I know that Sefu but that does not mean I trust him."

They let the body drop and Sefu shrugged as they walked back to find another.

"You will honor deal yes?"

"Of course, he is employed to travel with us until we reach Alzamard, after that-"

"Asha tried to convince him to stay."

Zuberi let out a low groan.

"She means well but we have enough problems without adding to them."

"True." Sefu grabbed a leg and began pulling. "But you know the ancient tales yes? Predators from north, jackals. Like us in some ways but live deep in mountains away from others."

"I think we are all familiar with Nuru's stories, always trying to scare us as foals."

"I think this one similar to them maybe. Predators that travel in packs, loyal but when angered..." Sefu looked down at the corpse they were dragging for a moment then back up. "None of these bandits save two knew how to fight and neither did he."

"Which is why we are better off." *grunt* "Without him."

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe we keep eye on him and see. More bandits are attacking, even here so close to protected place. Many villages burned so quickly and wars breaking out all around Wete. Maybe it wiser to keep him closer, little training he make useful warrior for village..."

"Sefu, you have done nothing but complain to the chief for months about needing more warriors and now you have a chance to get another one... Alright. Fine. But tell me this, how do we know this predator is not going to turn on us? You said he has sharp teeth and we all know what that means. Also we were doing fine till he arrived-"

"Luck runs out Zuberi. Today it did, maybe again tomorrow, long trip home and one is already dead, one more die soon... He is strong but not used to battle. You say he betray us? Ask him. I think he tell you if asked. Predator yes but not wild or insane, if he like those stories Nuru tells we can trust him."

"Alright, we'll ask him but if he-"

"He wont."

There was a hand on Verik's shoulder shaking him awake before finally tugging. Eyes opening quickly he sat up but a loud thud filled the air as his head smacked into the bottom of the wagon.

"Damn it!"

Laughter broke out as he slowly rolled over and crawled out from under the wagon, the sun was setting and the others were looking better than they had, the archer was laughing till tears threatened to flow.

"Shut up archer."

"I have a name, Jelani. You, you are funny mercenary!"

"I am not a mercenary."

"You act like one."

Sitting up and leaning back against the wagon he looked around at the others as they ate.

"So only bandits and mercenaries pick the bodies of the dead then?"

"Soldiers do but you are not a soldier."

Sefu and Zuberi were sitting very close to him which was very odd, Asha handed him a bowl heaped with food.

"No breakfast in morning, we travel first light and only stop for water, not stop again till late."

A pile of weapons sat beside where he had been sleeping, it was strange that nothing had woken him from the slumber but exhaustion can do that. Sefu made a motion at the pile.

"Yours. You tell Jelani you keep what you kill but you left those behind, you want them or no?"

"I will take them and I assume you want your spear back."

Sefu nodded and Verik pulled it from under the wagon and passed it back as Zuberi put his bowl down.

"You eat flesh?"

"Yes I eat meat, why?"

A hushed silence fell over them all a moment before some went back to eating not caring, Asha had never stopped and just continued to watch and listen. Verik looked at Zuberi and narrowed his eyes.

"I am not going to eat you."

Sefu gave Zuberi a side-wards glance before making a quiet grunt and went back to eating, Zuberi stared for a moment before speaking.

"What will you do after we reach Alzamard?"

"Not sure, I would like to travel and see your world but Asha has also made a strong case against it and after today..."

"Hmm. You are not a warrior where you are from correct?"

Verik explained things again quickly as the others listened.

"For one who labors you are not used to heat or strain..."

"Different kind of strain and different heat, I can carry things all day long but rolling around on the ground fighting for your life under the blazing sun tends to take it out of you."

Zuberi made a humming noise. "If you returned with us to Wete, what would you do?"

"I would still prefer to explore but if I went back... Probably farm until I figure out what to do."

"You were farmer?" Sefu stared at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Growing up yes but land was... Expensive, where I came from so I never got the chance."

"We will be at Alzamard day after tomorrow." Zuberi stood and walked over to his sister and sat with her and talked quietly while looking at one of the wounded.

Verik ate and began to pick over the pile of weapons left for him by Sefu, most of it was flimsy junk but the throwing sticks or "rungu" as he was told were decent and useful. Somehow the flimsy wicker shield had survived the ordeal just barely and after some consideration Sefu warned him to not trust it against more than an arrow.

Of the various spears Sefu had laid on the side one stood out, its staff was in excellent condition and with a little help the two changed the spearhead after undoing the pin with some effort to a better one.

Two throwing sticks and spears along with a ragged sling and pouch that was half empty. Looking at Asha for a moment then her glorified "walking stick" she used to fight with he gave her one of the spears and sling. If they were attacked again it would be better to have something more than a blunt stick to smack someone with.

As the sun finally vanished there was no hushed conversation this night, most attention was given to those few still too injured to move around. Whatever was in the magical salve had most back on their hooves except for Verik and two others but their wounds were well on their way to healing.

Asha checked him over carefully and reapplied the mixture before moving on but Verik continued to stare at the one who received the most attention: a dying stallion named Wadi.

Zuberi spent the better part of his time sitting there watching and debating something as the other slowly died. Others watched in silence and he did not have to ask as it was clear to all that there was nothing that could be done.

With a heavy sigh Zuberi looked at his sister then two others, they all shook their heads and clustered close to the body for a little while whispering to themselves before a quick snapping sound filled the air. Moving away from the body they carried it a short distance away from the wagons and began digging alongside the trail.

"Mercy killing?"

Asha looked over and nodded.

They had both seen the wound and truth be told it was either a miracle or curse that Wadi had survived the blow which had caved in part of his skull without killing him outright. Digging the grave took some time as it had to be deep enough to prevent predators from digging it up.

Almost everyone took a turn digging the grave, the other who had died was already buried earlier in the day while Verik slept but they did not ask for him to dig, the five doing the digging were his friends or family that had come along with him on the trip.

It took them a little while to chisel out the hole but after they finished the body was lowered inside and they began to cover it, Asha explained in the morning before they left rocks would be placed on top to weigh it down and keep scavengers away.

They had won the battle but their faces told a different story.

With morning came a rush to gather rocks and pile them on the grave before moving off. Today everyone would be involved in pushing or pulling the wagons, it was important that they get as far away as possible and reach Alzamard within Zuberi's time frame.

Sefu was helping to pull the lead wagon and every few hours he would trade off with Jelani for keeping watch. One of the zebras who was still too wounded to walk had been laid on the largest wagon for the time being and acted as another set of eyes as they slowly recovered from a particularly bad arm and leg wound.

Flies were probably the worst though, all of them had a... "Smell" to them from lack of bathing but the flies that buzzed around and kept trying to get in their eyes were the worst. Zuri had passed around a jar that contained some concoction that chased the flies away when applied to the arms and neck but the odor that wafted from it did not help their noses.

Sefu was quite a sight, unable to clean the blood off he had changed colors as the blood dried and darkened, the flies buzzed around him more than anyone else and his tail never stopped flicking at them.

Verik's leg was nearly back to normal but the one stab had been deep and as such he now helped to keep the larger wagon moving along whenever it hit a large rock and often enough would use the his boot to kick away the obstacle allowing the wagon to progress.

Sweat poured from them as the sun reached its apex resulting in a sweltering dry heat. Zuri checked on him along with the wagons passenger now and then before waving him away from the wagon after a time instructing him to just walk along and keep rocks from blocking the wheels.

At some point they reached a well and a quick stop was made to collect water and rest before moving on. Large jars were quickly refilled and Zuri made certain they all drank as much as they could before finally having them dump water on themselves to cool off.

Sefu took a little longer as he tried to scrub the blood out of his fur using something akin to soap that took most of it out but left him dyed a light red color anywhere the blood had touched him. On the other hand the flies no longer bothered him nearly as much.

Even the cooking pots and jars were filled with water before moving on and as the day wore on the pace began to slow little by little as fatigue overtook them.

His limp was gone when the sun had passed high noon and began to dip lower in the sky. Zuberi had a quick conversation with Jelani and Sefu then everyone began slowing their pace back to what it had been when he first joined their little convoy the eagerness to put distance died off, the battle had been left far behind them.

Some were removed from their various tasks of pushing or pulling and the order was rearranged quickly so those who were too worn out now walked while others continued to pull.

As for how far they had traveled Verik had no idea but his feet burned from the rapid pace they had kept and his arms burned from strain and sunburn. Asha had been pulled from towing a wagon and now joined him as they kept walking towards a distant ridge line.

Zeburi wanted half of them rested somewhat before they reached it, a great deal of pushing and pulling was required to get up the side and the water well was on the other side along with the city in the distance.

He was pleased with all of them for the time they had made and even bothered to talk to Verik a moment albeit begrudgingly. Once they crossed the ridge it would be downhill from there and into the wide, smooth valley Alzamard sat in along the Thriti River.

Actually getting to the city would not happen that day unfortunately, there was still a great distance to cross and by the time they worked their way up one side then down the other Zeburi was certain they would be too tired to go any farther.

Getting up the ridge proved to be quite the ordeal, struggling to push the heavily burdened wagons up proved to be a grueling task as it got steeper. Bwnai had almost entirely recovered and was now limping along to the far front knocking rocks out of their way so the wagons would not be slowed.

Everyone pushed and heaved for hours as the wagons slowly moved up the ridge before finally cresting and beginning the descent. Using larger stones as chalks so the wagons would not roll away Zuberi called a halt for a short time to catch their breath and drink.

Most simply sat where they had stood either swatting at flies or reapplying the goo that chased them away. Verik though was sitting off to the side with a clear view of the distant city.

It was quite a distance and little detail could be made out but from this height it was clear Alzamard as a very large city, or had been. Walls were visible of various heights along with mighty towers but little else could be made out except for a large sprawling mass leading away.

A wide river cut through the city dividing it in half, the only link between the two were bridges that came halfway across the river to a large island in the middle joining the two halves.

Squinting at the city for a while he finally gave up and when Zuberi called everyone rejoined and began moving the wagons along again. Winding their way down the ridge was easy despite being ready to collapse, little effort was needed to get the wagons moving on their own and after a couple of minutes they easily rolled along.

Near the base of the ridge they stopped as the terrain leveled out a little more before pulling the wagons to the well stopping for the day. Zuberi called them all over before they began to set up camp for the night and with a few loud claps to get their attention had them sit.

"Sometime tomorrow morning we will arrive at Alzamard, I will say it now and again in the morning then again before we go inside the city... Trust no one, accept nothing and more than anything stay close to each other! No matter how curious you are stay where you are and only go when I say you can then return immediately!"

Zuberi scanned them for a moment.

"Alzamard is a very dangerous city, if the guards approach say nothing and do not look at them, if they talk to you say nothing! Let me do the talking! If you have any coin..." He looked at Verik and Sefu. "Keep it close and if anyone bumps you grab them, they probably stole something."

"Why not just go now?"

Zuberi glared at Bwnai.

"If the city is dangerous in daylight it is worse at night. We are only here because we can sell our goods for a better price otherwise I would have never brought us here. Arriving at night? We would be lucky if there was one pot left on the wagons within an hour! Half of you would probably be grabbed by the guards and sold to the slavers or worse! TRUST NO ONE! Especially the guards!"

"Yes, yes Zuberi... We get it..." Bwnai waved him off. "We will not be staying only selling and leaving almost immediately like you said before we started."

"Good... I have the list of what we are getting and will have to take a few of you with me to get them after I have sold our cargo. Sefu and Zuri will remain and keep an eye on things, listen to them."

"Is the city really that corrupt?"

Everyone turned to Verik for a moment, some nodded others looked at Zuberi.

"Yes. Sultan Fareed is from a long line of corrupt nobles, Alzamard was once a great city but that was long ago before his family took over. Now... Now, it is merely one more of the worst cities in Zebrica, slavers, bandits and the corrupt control the city. You either pay handsomely for protection or..."

Zuberi made a gesture across his throat. "You do not want to be the last one standing holding the sack after the others have taken their share."

"So that massive sprawl outside the walls was what... A giant slum?"

"Slum? Few live inside the city now, too many buildings are falling apart and Fareed kicks them out since they only cause him trouble. They are too poor to pay taxes or for "protection" so they are forced to live outside the walls, not that he provides it to them either way."

"Sounds like a lovely place to visit."

"You wanted to explore... Now is your chance to see. Oh! If anyone tries to talk to you tell them you are from... Somewhere, make up a name and tell us in the morning, you are a mercenary. Stay well armed and you will look the part well enough."

Verik nodded before looking over at Asha who was shifting nervously.

"Something wrong?"

"I came because I had to, my turn to go."

"Ah. Have you ever been there before?"

"No, but know stories, many stories about how bad that place is."

"Well if it was that horrible I doubt many would bother going..."

Zuberi sat across from them.

"Alzamard sits on the largest and longest river in the region, never floods here but is one of two ways across the river the other being Quda. Labrad has some ferries but never enough. Alzamard and Quda are the only two bridge crossings on the entire Thriti River and Fareed knows so he uses it."

"Sounds like an... Interesting, fellow."

"Pah! Thankfully he has not born an heir! Maybe when he dies things get better... Never mind, you two, stick together and you strange one stay in the open. Don't hide. Stand beside the wagons and ignore everything, you are a mercenary I hired to help protect the caravan. If the guards say anything about your... Form... Ignore them and let me do the talking understand?"

Verik nodded, Zuberi grave a quick, sharp nod back before standing.

"Zuri! Rations."

Asha and Verik watched him walk off and pull a scroll from a satchel he had tucked away on a wagon, reading over it carefully. Standing they joined the others at the wagon and collected their cooking and eating ware before accepting their rations and a pinch of salt.

With two deaths there was no shortage of rations now.

Not wasting any time Verik wandered off without Asha's urging to find brush to burn and returning she just smiled and got a fire going quickly. Jelani joined them oddly enough and talked with them a little that night before wandering off to take up a post on sentry duty.

Tomorrow they would arrive in Alzamard.

Chapter 5: Madinat Alzamard

"Even a thief must eat and if stealing to live makes you the thief... So be it."
-Hidaji, Thieves Guild, Alzamard-

Dinner passed in relative silence as everyone was too exhausted from just surviving to talk very much let alone move around. Once more Zuri had to plaster Verik's arms in salve to remove the burns and she warned him that once they reached Alzamard he would need to buy something to cover himself with as she would not keep using up her healing salve.

When asked what exactly the "magical" salve was and how she made it Zuri brushed it off, the concoction was not over her own making but given to them by Subira (Soo-Bee-Rah) before they set off along with other potions they might need including the goop that kept the flies away.

Eating slowly they all stared at the burning embers of their fires and listened to the distant cackle of hyenas, the guard was doubled that night but Verik was not put on guard duty; It was still clear there was a great rift between them and it stood to reason from their standpoint he had only fought because his life had depended upon it.

While not true there was no way of proving the point otherwise so it was pointless to even bother trying. So far the only two that showed any sign of trusting him even slightly more were Jelani and strangely enough Sefu.

Not that he really trusted any of them either, except Asha. Sefu probably saw him as just another mercenary to hire and keep around so long as he was useful but so be it, they shared a common goal: survive.

When they had first stopped Verik decided on keeping some of his new "weapons" close to where he slept had raised eyebrows among several and caused some hushed arguments before they finished unloading for the night but Sefu had waved them off.

Either he was certain he could kill Verik easily, which was certainly true, but there was nothing to gain by it nor did it make much sense that he would "betray" them at this point.

Or at least that is what Verik figured was the reasoning behind it, the conversations had been far too hushed to make out.

Asha tossed and turned that night waking up a few who grumbled before scooting farther away. She had chosen to sleep a little closer to him that night and moving his own sleeping mat closer he laid down again and threw out an arm and placed a hand on her arm quieting the tossing and turning mare before closing his eyes.

Sounds of movement and shuffling of hooves woke him easily in what could only be assumed as early morning, Sefu and Zuberi were the first two up every morning it would seem. Sitting upright on his mat Verik stole a long glance at Asha's sleeping form before rising and walking over to join Zuberi and Sefu.

"Have you figured out your story yet?" Zuberi and Sefu watched him quietly and waited.

"Yes, if anyone asks I am from the extreme north, tell them I am from Germania, I doubt anyone knows any better."

"Hm... Very well, do not forget you are a mercenary, do not talk even if spoken to, just ignore them."

"Understood, but does being a mercenary mean I get a pay raise?"

Zuberi let out a small groan.

He really is acting like a mercenary...

"Maybe if things go well, you are already fitting the part well enough."

Turning his attention away from Verik he looked at Sefu and nodded, they would be leaving as quickly as possible judging from the hurry that ensued.

Verik rejoined Asha near the little camping spot they shared and collected the bowls before getting in line with the others, she had not woken yet and after getting their allotment he returned and placed them aside.

Shaking her a little Asha let out a yelp and nearly bounced off her mat and looked around wildly before calming down a little, without a word she stood and snatched the small jar and walked off to the well leaving Verik to stare and wonder.

"So we leave him in Alzamard?"

"Yes. I do not trust him and I will not have a predator, even one who barely knows how to fight, in my caravan."

Sefu stared at Zuberi a moment chewing slowly on the dried fruit Zuri had given him.

"If he wants to return with us?"

"Sefu, he is a risk, one we are better off not taking, we have already taken too many by allowing outsiders into the village. One already had to be killed, Tendaji was clear about allowing others in."

"True... Verik fought for us though, not against. Tenda-"

"I know! But that was just as much to save his own hide as ours. Sefu, I know you want more fighters to train because of what is happening but that one is a predator. He eats meat like the jackals do! Probably."

"So you do believe Nuru's stories... Yes, he eats flesh but that one eats other things, stories say the jackals also ate like us sometimes. Dey eat many things."

Zeburi let out a heavy sigh.

"So you want us to what? Take him back with us and hope that he is less like the jackals but close enough? If not then what? How do we know he is not going to betray us should the opportunity arise?"

"He not run during fight, he stood and waited on them. They ignore him during attack but still stays and fights."

"That proves nothing."

"Proves something."

"And Tendaji?"

"My problem... Maybe he tested more, find out truth yes?"

"How exactly do you plan on doing that Sefu?"

"Dont know yet, but will think of something... Maybe spirits show us."

Zuberi scoffed for a moment before looking away when Sefu turned and glared.

Asha showed no signs nor interest in talking that morning even after they finished eating and packed the wagons. Today was supposed to be a slow, lazy day of just getting there and unloading the wagons at Zuberi's instruction but something hung over her head all morning.

Verik watched the surrounding flatlands as they continued their journey towards the distant city, the ground still had enough of a rise at some points to give him a somewhat distant view of the city.

Last night it had been hard to see but now that they were getting closer it was clear the vast slums outside the walls was quite vast indeed, farmland stretched out far and wide along the riverbanks as small boats began to move up and down the river but at this distance they were nearly invisible.

One thing that stood out however on one rise was the sight of distant wild dog packs moving along the grasslands, rather than coming at the caravan however they were headed for the city as well which was very odd.

Even a hyena pack was visible at one point as they hurried along acting as if they were going to be late for something and the closer to the city they got the more became visible and it was not looking promising. Well fed vultures inspected the tiny caravan at one point, circling and sitting in some nearby trees as if waiting for something before loosing interest and moving on.

"Asha... Why are there so many vultures, wild dogs and hyenas?"

It was not Asha who answered however, Jelani was walking nearby and piped up quickly before the young zebra had a chance to even look up.

"Disease, starvation, bandits. All means death, last time I was here they were burying hundreds who died and wild dogs were attacking the grave diggers to get the bodies."

"Okay that is disturbing... Why again does anyone even live here? Why not move far, far away from this living hell?"

"Nowhere to go, so they stay. Here they can steal to eat and survive, out there..." Jelani motioned to the Savannah. "Out there... Few survive on their own."

"Safety in numbers but the numbers are so great it causes starvation and makes things worse."

"Yes. Long, long ago city was not so bad, very safe, plenty of food. Now Fareed rules, he sells everything but leaves just enough everyone is desperate but not strong enough to challenge him."

"What was the city like back then?"

"Too long ago to remember, only ancient stories."

"And Fareed? Is that why no one resists or overthrows him?"

"Yes and no. Fareed greedy and corrupt but also very strong, mercenaries protect him and bandits serve to scare everyone. Everyone too afraid to fight, he makes examples of tribes tha-"

Asha hissed at Jelani a moment and the two exchanged looks before going quiet, Jelani moved away and went back to the wagon taking up a different position leaving Verik and Asha to themselves.

"What was that about?"

No response was forthcoming as they continued to walk, whatever Jelani had been going to say had put a damper on Asha's usually cheerful expression more so than whatever dreams had plagued her that night.

Approaching the city late that morning was a small task as the trail they followed did not line up with any roads resulting in several turns and struggles over less even and rocky bits of terrain as they wound their way around the outermost part of the slums that ringed the cities exterior.

Finally reaching the primary road on the southern end Zuberi began guiding them forward but in a much tighter, compact formation.

Everything about the slum city was ramshackle, rotten pieces of cloth and tarp were stitched loosely together to provide shade, some actual buildings stood made of rough mud bricks. A few were even two stories high with ladders allowing access to the upper levels of the bent buildings that looked as if they might collapse at any moment.

Tents, shacks, lean-toos and even holes dug in the ground that were ringed with whatever material could be found to form walls and roves were the average home in this filthy area.

Zebras and some other breed of colorful equine filled these areas hustling about either panhandling, stealing or busied themselves with their everyday lives. Large pots were carried on their heads as they hustled about or carried their cargo in baskets, smaller hand pulled wagons were somewhat common as goods were moved to the various destinations in the shack city.

A wagon passed them going the other way being pulled by a large team of shackled equines, it was loaded to bursting and with great effort they pulled it along as an overseer walked beside them yelling out loudly the price of body disposal and burial.

Verik slowed his pace as they approached and getting a better look the wagon saw that it was piled high with dead bodies covered in thick sheets of flies that swarmed into the air as one giant, dense cloud whenever a body was thrown on, with a crack of the whip the wagon moved on after the overseer received payment while more bodies were tossed onto the pile.

I think I would rather take my chances on the open Savannah...

He studied the locals more the deeper they went into the city towards the distant walls, Asha had been telling the truth about clothes being more an option than a requirement: few if any wore anything at all other than a simple belt or string with a pouch attached, most wore them around their necks and fidgeted whenever someone got a little too close.

Any that did were dressed much like those he traveled with: in tatters or as minimalists. A few had been dressed well however, one was the overseer that passed them robed in her finery with silver tassel and lining and the other merchants who arrived with their own caravans all dressed in various kinds of outfits showing off their wealth, all had guards close at hand.

It smelled horrible too, chamber pots were dumped out along the side of the road or randomly along with anything dead or dying, rats swarmed the area clawing and fighting over any moldy scrap the locals could not stomach to eat themselves.

Halfway there things slowed to crawl as the dense throngs swarmed in trying to enter the city in the hopes of earning enough to feed themselves and family, caravans were backed up quite a distance and looking them over they had most certainly been harassed.

Several wagons had deep cut marks on the sides and even dark colored splatters where some poor sap had been killed and slammed into the wagon. Many were pulled by oxen but plenty more were much like their own: pulled by raw body power and numbers.

Guards swarmed the wagons beating locals away but there were so many a few managed to filch now and then but none bothered with the "poor" caravans. Things came to head farther up when some raggedy zebras who looked like scarecrows with their bones showing tried to grab a sack off one wagon.

A guard swung her spear at them and knocked them back but one tried to push her away before being stabbed quickly, things halted only for a brief moment before the body was dragged off to the side and left in an offal pile then things resumed as if nothing had happened.

Verik hardly received even so much as a passing glance from anyone, even the kids that were trying to pick the wagons barely looked at him before racing off, everything here was one massive scramble to stay alive one day at a time.

Screaming started farther up and a band of well armed and dressed soldiers began marching down the road past the caravans, not a soul went near them at their passing but neither did they attempt to pry anyone off the wagons either.

"Fareed's mercenaries."

Jelani tugged Verik a little closer to the wagon.

"Do not look at them, look away."

They marched past bearing well polished spears and metal cap helmets that bore a red plume of sorts, chainmail of some sort akin to a hauberk protected their bodies with some kind of robe underneath of it that reminded him of the garb worn by Arabs.

Following Jelani's instructions to a degree he turned his head slightly away but instead turned his eyes and watched quietly as a hushed silence fell over the throngs at their passing. Once they had passed however it was every man and woman for themselves again.

Reaching the wall however was mesmerizing and disgusting, none were allowed to build near the wall itself resulting in a two hundred yard gap between the slums and the walls themselves but the walls... Soaring up several stories they absolutely towered over everything, anyone who would try and climb this monolith would have a hard time of it.

What was strange however was its design, it was as if different engineers had built some parts but not others, each one changing their mind slightly as to how it should look but using the same giant, heavy stones that showed signs of having once been painted long, long ago.

It was like Egyptians, Hittites and Persians had sat down together and fought it out over who would get to finish the job and looking at the gate... It was clear the Persians had largely won out over the others on that bid.

The gatehouse of Alzamard was a grand structure with three towers and two large double doors big enough to allow a flow both in and out of the city at the same time. Two statues stood out slightly from the structure that were of sitting lions, their mouths open daring anyone to attack.

Though ancient the paint used had clung to the grand structure well enough revealing it to be a kind of blue once, it was covered in small carvings to glorify others who were by now long dead and forgotten but no one had bothered to keep up the paint making it look dingy and discolored.

Neither had the current owner bothered to keep up with the road system, the narrow dirt path they followed did not line up with the gatehouse but bent in sideways somewhat and most certainly was not wide enough to allow for two way traffic as the gatehouse had originally been designed for.

A trench had been dug once upon a time too, while intended for defense the pit was now packed to the brim and overflowing with garbage of every sort and even a distant body being picked over by vultures and rats which only added to the morbidness of this hellish place.

This was not what he had hoped for.

"Remember, do not speak!"

Verik's attention snapped back to what was going on around him as Jelani poked him, they had arrived to the gate and now it was their turn to pass through and the city guards had just finished waving the caravan ahead of them through but not before a lengthy argument.

Looking them over they were nowhere near as well armed nor dressed as the mercenaries, simple padded armor or a little metal plate was the best they had along with turbans that would do nothing against a blow to the head but it was clear they were not dressed for war but for something else.


"Halt! State your business."

Zuberi tried not to roll his eyes as the guard then coughed a little and rubbed his fingers together. He had been here many times in his life, his father bringing him here as a colt so long ago, since then things had only gotten worse, at least back then they would try and be discreet.

Fareed has done wonders for his city and people, at least they used to have pride at being corrupt bastards...

"Yes, yes... Caravan from Mjesani, going to sell my goods and return, we will not be staying."

A much older guard eyed him over before slapping the hand of the younger one away, a grim smile came to his face making Zuberi worry as he stepped forward.

"Fine, fine... What is in the pots?"

"Some dried food, fruits, odds and ends to sell that I picked up along the way, I have my manifest her-"

Slapping it aside as Zuberi presented it the guard looked over the first wagon and popped open a few jars before moving to the second wagon.

"Oil too I see... Wine? I smell wine..."

"Yes I have a jar farther back, purple striped one. Why?"

"You carry many odd things, perhaps other things?"

"As if I have the money for such things, even if I did why would I enter the main gate which is so closely watched?"

"Do not stroke my ego boy." The old stallion opened one jar at a time and kept searching. "Where are your oxen?"

"Pah! If I had that much money I would retire or move to the north!"

"Perhaps you left your oxen behind."

Zuberi spread his arms out in fake exasperation.

"These... Peasants, would steal them! I could not dare bring them! Also there are no harnesses see!" He grabbed the bars used to hold onto while pulling and shook.

Shaking his head the old guard continued down the line before halting in front of Verik and staring.

"What the hell is this?"

"Mercenary, weird one I know but he does his job."

"Very strange, what are you?"

"He is from Germania, far to the north, I do not pay him to speak only obey."

Looking Verik over carefully he used the butt of his spear to poke at the bloody pants before looking back at the wagon.

"Feh. Open that big one." He pointed to a large jar in the center of the middle wagon.

Zuberi climbed on and popped the top off as the old guard joined him.

"Big pot for such worthless cargo. Maybe I make you empty it out?"

"Only if you pay for it."


The guard thrust an arm deep into the pot and felt around before pulling it free and shaking off the contents then hopped down from the wagon.

"Satisfied sidiq?"

Glaring at Zuberi the guard nodded before holding out his hand, Zuberi quickly removed two silver coins and passed them over.

"What are you trying at now!?"


Bouncing the coins in his hand the guard straightened up and glared at Zuberi who nodded slowly and acting a little intimidated pulled two more from his pouch and handed them over.

"That is all I can afford, as you can see we hav-"

"Shut up and go."

Waving him off the guard pocketed the coins and went back to his post and when the younger guard said something elbowed him in the side hard making him cough.

As the wagons began moving the old stallion watched quietly till Verik was passing.

"You may be diseased but the mercenary companies are always looking for new flesh."

Verik looked at him with a blank expression and nodded slightly as he passed the old guard who promptly turned while shoving the younger guard out and towards the next caravan trying to enter the city.

A collective sigh of relief washed over everyone as they listened to the next group in line getting grilled by the guards, looking around it was clear getting into the city was a problem but not so much getting out.

"Fareed will have his dues."

Looking at Jelani he raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Fareed is smart enough not to take twice, usually... They search us to make certain there is nothing of great value, if there is they take it or demand payment for safe passage."

"Tax collectors."

"Yes but they also steal."

"You lot seemed awfully worried when he started to search your wagons."

Jelani just scowled at him a moment before shaking her head.

"Welcome to Madinant Alzamard strange one."

"What does that mean?"

"It means The Emerald City. Pah! Too filthy to be a gem! Should be called dung heap!"

Verik looked around at the buildings as they passed down the once grand street.

"Fair enough..."

Author's Notes:

New pictures were put up on my art account.

Chapter 6: Thieving Thieves

"Never give a man hope then dash his head against the wall."

Alzamard was a hole in the ground, a bombed, burned and collapsed in on itself hell hole.

So this is what the upper level of hell must look like...

Verik mused to himself as they continued to struggle down the streets and to think they had better chances here than elsewhere, that alone spoke volumes of their utter desperation to stay alive in what were apparently very trying times. As the wagons clacked along the wide, heavily worn and damaged cobblestone road Verik took in the various sights not that there was much to see.

Once upon a time, long, long ago this place must have been a truly spectacular city to live in with its tall stone or brick buildings, painted various bright colors and adorned with designs and colorful frescoes. Not anymore, now the buildings looked like a bomb had gone off inside blowing the sides out and leaving the inner workings visible to the world.

Whatever was left and indeed what few buildings had survived were few made the air feel oppressive, it was like visiting a warzone after the armies had lost interest and moved on leaving the hapless locals to scavenge for whatever they could find while others had attempted to put things back together with little success.

Some attempts were being made to shore up buildings but the lack of materials was severe and the best they could manage was to fill in the holes with mud bricks or toss a rag over the hole. Yet this city was not in a warzone, it was supposedly peaceful and if this is what the cities that were not under siege looked like the rest of the region must be even worse. Or was it?

Perhaps this city was the exception? Had Zuberi's comment about the North meant a little more than just idle chatter to get the guard to move on? Maybe staying here would be a very, very bad idea not that he had much choice at the moment.

Rattling down the street as jars clattered and rocked as the wheels bounced in and out of holes in the road only added to the commotion as all around them zebra's and others tried to shout above the rest in the hopes of pawning whatever they had to passing caravans or locals.

There were no guards too, the few at the front gate had amounted to seven he had seen, only two watched the caravans going in but here there was not one guard in sight, everyone was left to fend for themselves.

Passing beyond the ramshackle buildings took some time as the road turned towards another wall. The deeper they went into the city nothing changed except for thieves running wild.

Bodies continued to press in tighter as they neared another towering wall that divided the city off and guards were present but they were not guarding anything. It was a shakedown. For wagons to pass another "fee" was paid.

Verik stowed his spear and shield away in the wagon, they would do little good here if anything happened and instead kept a hand on one of the "rungu" as Jelani had called them. Locals eyed him but moved on and indeed most were to busy swatting or beating kids away to care.

Little thieves darted in and around anyone trying to pass through the gates either begging with open palms or shaking small bowls. Others however simply darted in and tried to yank anything they could get their hands on before darting away.

Few succeeded however, the locals were much too used to this and most had nothing to take anyway so they continued to move on to greener pastures and very quickly the caravan he traveled with was busy beating them away.

One tried to slip up to him but froze and looked up at him, baring his teeth at the little zebra she let out a yelp and ran off into the crowd. Looking around he saw Sefu grab two by the scruff of their necks and threw them into the crowd while Jelani smacked one with the butt of her spear to get them away from a wagon.

It was a zoo. A zoo where the monkeys had been starved then shown wagons of food and let loose except the monkeys were not really sure if there WAS any food on the wagons. Flocks of striped or colorful filtcher birds continued to swarm at them till they reached the gate and the guards took over, now the cargo was under their protection, protection that came at a price.

One was not very luck, they had not gotten away in time as a guard grabbed them and yanking them off the wagon hurtled the foal off to the side resulting in a cracking sound as their body crashed into a pile of stone rubble.

No attention was paid but he saw a few in the convoy flinch including Asha and Jelani but none dared move. His eyes wandered back and forth between the guard who had a spear leveled at the crowd and the shakedown going on between Zuberi and another guard.

While Zuberi bribed the guard with a few coins a small cluster of kids ran up to the body and patted it before dragging it away while hissing or making what he could only describe as "angry horse noises" at the guard who stepped forward and threatened to skewer them.

Price of passage paid they passed through the gate and behind them combat began anew as the next wagon train was plagued by groping hands.

There was no need to ask where they were now however, the buildings were better kept but to say they were "better" was to compare a truck hit with a small bomb to one that had been set on fire and burned out. Both were wrecks but one was at least recognizable.

And indeed fire had burned through this area, scorch marks and smoke stains covered walls and windows on several buildings but the equines continued to pour in and out of them as if this were perfectly normal.

Some were not that bad though, the farther on they went some became quite nice. Somewhat well maintained and whitewashed they reminded him of what people believed the ancient Egyptian buildings must have looked like to a degree, guards were somewhat more present here as well.

Fareed had divided up the city, slums for those unable to pay, ghettos for those who were either useful or who could just barely pay then areas like this: where those who could pay the minimum lived.

There was a tugging on his left arm and jerking his head to look he saw Jelani tugging him in closer to the wagons as he had begun to stay a little while examining the destruction around him.

"Where are we going?"

"Bazaar, just up there."

He followed her arm and could make out the tops of tents and tarps in the distance, moving closer took a little time as the streets were clogged now with equines bustling about trying to get in or out of the market.

Entering the giant plaza they passed the dense rows of tents and small shacks heading towards some distant buildings that looked like warehouses. Rows of large and small shops lined the outskirts and were well maintained, guards bustled about in groups of twos or threes to discourage pickpockets and thieves.

Everything had an odd smell to it as they continued on, spices, herbs, incense, perfume, rotting fruit, bread and the smell of cooking food filled the air. Watching the stalls as they passed he saw a vast variety of items for sale, while the city was poor it did not mean there was any lack of trade and indeed it was living up to its supposed reputation as a major trading hub.

Whatever profits were to be found here however were quickly being lost to extortion, bribery and theft however, judging from the sheer quantity of goods available there was really no reason for the city to be so mind-numbingly poor.

Traffic had opened up as well, there was no crushing mobs fighting to get in or at the wagons anymore. Everyone was too either too busy buying or selling to care and most of the traffic was focused in the bazaar itself not the road that they traveled on.

For an alien world he recognized many sights and items from pictures he had seen, it was a market taken from time and space then dropped in and staffed with equines. Even the food being sold looked familiar in some ways and was not offensive to the senses but it was surprising to see fish on the menu.

Scared of him for eating flesh but they themselves had no issue eating fish? Hypocritical little striped bastards.

Verik had to push some away as their worlds equivalent of "traveling salesmen" approached with hands filled, beads, baubles and useless items were what they sold but a few approached with baskets loaded with fruits, vegetables and even bread.

It must have taken hours to reach the warehouses and their arrival was greeted by merchants eager to see what they had but Zuberi ignored them all choosing to wave them off and continue on.

After passing several rows of buildings where other caravans were being unloaded or packed and moved away they arrived at their destination and Zuberi called for them to stop. Word came down the line to wait here and protect the wagons just in case while he went looking for someone so they all waited, most choosing to stare off into the bazaar.

Yawning in boredom they waited for what felt like an eternity in the hot sun, the only "excitement" had been two guards walking by who had to solve a dispute between two arguing parties a little farther off though they only solved it by shaking the two down and filching some coins from them before moving on.

One thing clearly stood out in this city so far: it was better to solve a dispute yourself rather than allow the guards to know about it. Secondly it was quite obvious that there were no rules nor law so long as it did not disturb the passage of coin inside the walls, outside was another matter but here... Here was where Fareed made the bulk of his money and the bazaar was not to be touched.

At least he hoped that was the rule.

Zuberi returned with two strangers in tow who quickly looked over the wagons before nodding and beckoning for them to follow. Signaling them to follow those pulling the wagons gave a heave and followed the two down a smaller side road between the warehouses.

Bending one way then another they wound their way through the maze of buildings before coming to a halt in front of one with its doors open and they were quickly ushered inside where another group of wagons waited quietly pulled by oxen.

Rows of handlers stood ready to load the other wagons but waited quietly as Zuberi led the two over the wagons checking the contents of the jars and pots.

Watching them closely to see what they had really been carrying they stopped at the middle wagon and popping a lid off Zuberi reached inside and began yanking objects free but laid them aside and continued to dig.

After some digging he pulled out small wicker baskets and handed them over whereupon they were opened, inspected, clay vials removed, opened, checked, sealed then repackaged. Nodding they went to the second wagon and repeated the process quickly before haggling began.

Arguing back and forth over the best price for the true cargo took a little time before a price was agreed too and a sack of coins was brought over and gold coins were carefully counted out along with many silver ones that were all quickly tucked into Zuberi's pouch.

"Unload the wagons, quickly!"

Zuberi motioned to them and pointed to where he wanted the cargo to go while repacking the smuggled cargo. He patted one large pot and pointed at Verik then at the waiting mats across from the waiting wagons and cargo haulers.

The scramble began as they yanked the heavy contents off the wagons and Verik's was quite heavy but not impossibly so, like ants they hustled over and laid them down before returning for more and repeating the process the wagons had been cleared of everything but the water, food, medicine and personal affects.

Everyone waited as the other party walked along and double checked they had not pulled a switcheroo on them before nodding and with a loud clap from the mare in charge the other team scrambled forward and loaded the awaiting wagons in a great rush.

Within moments they were loaded and out the other side of the warehouse and with a short bow and motion of the hands the two left the other side and the doors were thrown shut leaving them alone in a mostly empty building.

"These here, load them!"

Zuberi patted a small pile of boxes and jars before stepping away. Loading the small pile was quite easy for the most part but the small 2x1 foot boxes required two in order to handle, indeed Verik could guess why they were so heavy. Among the other things loaded were a few bars of metal that had not been put in boxes.

Whatever Zuberi had smuggled into the city was quite valuable indeed.

When they finished loading they were traded places with those who had pulled and leaving the warehouses behind Zuberi led them away and back towards the bazaar stopping them on the outskirts as they headed back the way they had entered.

Halting them he walked down the line and carefully counted out coins for each of them which in his case amounted to squat when compared to Asha or Jelani: One silver coin and a bronze one.

They had come not to spent money on themselves but buy things the their tribe? Or were they a village? He had only been with them a short time but he had never really asked for details about where they came from and now that he thought about his own options, where he too was going.

Anywhere was better than here.

Accepting his two coins Verik held them and looked them over before turning them. Neither were the same in that they came from different cities, that much was clear, not that he could read Arabic or cuneiform, he could not read a single sign in the entire city for that matter.

Rolling them over in his hands he pondered how it was strange that there would be such a variance in language yet he was somehow able to understand the spoken word but not read it. Meanwhile the locals showed no signs of having issues with the system, they seemed to be able to go back and forth freely between at least four written languages judging by the signs on some buildings.

Or perhaps there was more to it than that, none of that mattered as Zuberi began calling out names and motioning them forward, Verik was one of them.

Everyone would take a turn going into the bazaar and buying whatever they wanted but not all at once, Verik, Asha, Sefu and a few others would go first then the next group would go while the rest protected the wagons, probably more from the guards than the thieves.

It was somewhat funny how the roles had become rather reversed in this city.

Not being able to count his own coins was an issue Asha was aware of and Sefu seemed to catch on very quickly as the little group walked through the market. Wandering deeper they found little of interest or much use but eventually Asha and Sefu found what they were looking for and had him stand and watch as they haggled for items.

Nothing here had a set price, it was purely up to the expertise of the two doing the haggling to come to an agreement then make the trade, Asha had apparently taken his comments on her clothing somewhat to heart and bought some cloth which he guessed would later be turned into something wearable.

As the shopping continued he saw little that interested him, survival was of paramount importance and that meant finding useful tools and clothing not baubles, cloth or whatever it was Sefu had bought.

"You need cloak yes?"

Verik looked at Sefu and nodded as he motioned with his hand towards some buildings, they had nearly crossed the entire length of the bazaar in a short time. Not pulling wagons clearly made a difference in traveling time.

Wandering towards a shop that had what looked like used clothing for sale they pushed their way through the bazaar, unlike the main road this area was quite crowded as hagglers shouted back and forth at each other either bidding or selling.

What did grab his attention though was an area devoid of tents and shacks, it held only a long, four foot high walkway. On it stood a line of equines, bound and shackled while a fat nosed and squat little stallion shouting out the various prices as bidders responded.

Wagons pulled by more slaves waited to one side, their bones showing through their hides as more slaves waited on-board and mercenaries stood around waiting quietly.

Verik's gaze returned to where they were going once more, the going-ons of this city were well and beyond his power so there was no point in arguing or fighting it. Right now his own survival was paramount and he knew it would probably be another running battle to get out.

Asha spotted something of interest however and asked them to stop while she looked over the various cutlery being sold as Sefu leaned closer to Verik.

"Our smith made good spears but not so good at knives yet. Not enough metal to practice."

"Ah, that makes sense... So the metal Zuberi bought will be turned into what? Weapons and tools?"

"Yes." Sefu nodded. "More important things come first."

"Is there a metal shortage or something then?"

"No, but mining brings... Unwanted attention. Fareed finds out, you pay high price."

Verik's gaze flowed over the items and off to the side where a sight made his blood run cold.

A short distance away a guard and some other zebra stood watching Asha quietly, they looked at her and talked quietly before nodding and one pulled out a pouch and began walking their way.

Oh crap...

Moving forward with his mouth open to say something Sefu was doing the same but neither were fast enough. The zebra made a noise that caused Asha to jerk around as he tossed the coin pouch at her.

"Dont catch th-"

Both Sefu and Verik were saying the same thing but it was too late, she caught the pouch.


Asha jumped and looked around confused then down at the pouch in her hands, caught in this little ambush it was clear from their proximity to something else what they were planning on doing. The glint of metal caught Verik's eye as a coin fell out of the pouch. Verik reached her first and snatching it from her saw the guard approaching with a smirk on his face.

There was no negotiation, no such thing as thinking this over, clearly the only rule in Fareed's city was that he get a cut of whatever action was going on.

Grabbing the one who threw the pouch Verik slammed them into the guard and ran like hell.

Both went down in a heap as equines cleared a circle around them and plowing through the throng of onlookers he ducked low and tore a path towards the buildings while the collapsed guard screamed in anger.

Whatever they were planning had been specific, very specific. They had even bothered to fill the pouch with coins to make it more convincing as if they cared. Hopefully the bruised pride and ego of the two would draw them away from Asha and towards himself, no doubt they were unwilling to loose whatever they had stuffed the pouch with either.

With a luck they would ignore her and follow him on a wild goose chase through the packed bazaar while Sefu got Asha away, he hoped Sefu would, he knew he would, somehow.

But how do you outrun a horse?

When that epiphany struck home he realized his lifetime of karma was being burned up rather fast. Pounding through the crowd he could hear shouts behind him and keeping low could just make out the tips of spears moving his way as guards pushed their way through the dense masses, at least that much was going in his favor.

Why the hell am I doing this?

Was it an innate sense of justice? He had only known her a few days and while he liked her a great deal this was pushing it, especially since the others were so quick to use him. She had warned him and treated him very well though, helping with his wounds and caring for him...

There was no time to argue over his life choices as the screams and shouts closed in, they guards were faster on their hooves than he on his feet.

Crashing through a shop and tearing towards the back he heard one shout that was getting too close for comfort. Blasting out the back door and nearly tearing it from the hinges he tore down the alley and past startled onlookers.

One bend after another the sound of pounding hooves followed him without relent but the pouch was still firmly in his hand, throwing it would not help anything and if he could somehow get out of this one alive perhaps he could take it just to spite the bastards.

Boots pounding hard as the heat caught up with him he blasted through another side alley and found himself back on the main road and directly in front of the main gate with the guards busy shaking down another caravan.

The same two guards stood watch doing their shakedown as he ran into them, one had just turned to see what the commotion was and with a hard swing of his fist Verik caught them in the side of the muzzle and with a loud crack their head swung and pounded into the wall as they slid down.

Tearing past the last guard who jumped in surprise he passed them and ran into the throng of thieves and equines just trying to get through, the number of screams grew as he bounded over a basket dropped by a startled old mare before diving into the crowd again.

A guard emerged from the crowd as he pushed through and reached to grab him but Verik reached out quickly grabbing a somewhat well dressed stallion and with a hard shove sent him crashing into the guard allowing him to run past as the stallion cried out in protest.

Howls of protest filled the air as guards began battling their way through the crowd again, lungs burning he drove himself forward and into the ruined buildings, first one then out the other side and skirting wide into another.

Unfortunately the crowds ebbed off here and it would not be long before the speed of equines would allow them to quickly close the distance and judging by the shouting they had fanned out around him and were going to very soon outflank him and that would be the end.

Exhaustion was tearing at his lungs as he rounded another corner and felt a tugging on his his and jerking it away looked down and saw a young zebra colt keeping pace with him.

"Follow! Quickly, Quickly!"

Trust no one.

That was what Zuberi said but right now he was shit out of luck and if this kid could pull off a miracle so be it. Following him around a bend then into a building they popped out the other side as the colt shouted something to unseen eyes.

Rounding another bend he pointed at a hole that led under a building then dove and slipped inside with Verik hot on his hooves. Slamming into the ground and crawling fast the colt grabbed and yanked to pull him into the small space and began pushing him to one side.

From outside objects were thrown over the hole and he could hear the sound of quick sweeping motions before it got quiet, in a matter of seconds the guards ran up and converged on their hole.

Shouting resulted in the objects being removed revealing the hole to the world but the zebra just watched him and smiled while scooting farther into the darkness, doing the same saved his life as moments later a spear shot into their tiny cave poking one way then another.

"Damn rat holes! Smoke them out!"

Things were going from bad to worse as flaming material was shoved through the hole. Not even a flinch could be seen on the colts face as he kept smiling and lifted a finger to his mouth and pointed.

Leaning around Verik saw a cloth and bowl, pulling them free carefully and taking a look as smoke began to fill their confined space he saw the colt dip the cloth in the bowl wetting it before placing it over his nose and scooting backwards to the other end of the crawlspace.

Whoever this zebra was they had done this one too many times and the guards too.

Holding his own damp cloth over his face Verik scooted away as a spear pushed the burning mass deeper, twisting his larger form around with great effort he saw the zebra disappear by sliding down and getting closer saw the "rat hole" went below the building.

Following him down they left the smoke, fire and burning heat behind and he found himself in a small, cramped space below some floor boards. Only one, tiny little ray of light lit the interior as it filtered through something above then down through a little hole allowing him to just make out the colts still smiling face.

Staring at each other the colt held a finger to his mouth again before shaking his head and thus began the waiting game as he plugged the hole they had come through carefully so it looked like the buildings support was still there.

They waited a long time before there was a rhythmic tapping on the board making both look up in total silence.

Verik looked at his rescuer and motioned but he shook his head but this time he spoke in a whisper.

"No, not safe yet, guard still looking, you made them very mad!" A small laugh escaped him. "What you steal?"

"This" Verik showed the colt his pouch but kept a firm grip on it. "They tossed it to a... Friend of mine but I grabbed it and ran."

Honesty is the best policy he was taught but now that blunt honesty made him wonder if he should have said that.

*Snicker* "Well you marked now, thief. You just like us! Steal from slavers same as stealing from Fareed!"

"Slavers?" He had guessed as much considering the location and circumstances.

"Old trick, toss coin pouch, call thief, grab, lock away, sell. Many, many times they do this. You just luck you get away!"

"More lucky you somehow saw me and intervened."

"Intervened? What that word?" Shaking his head he pointed at the pouch. "You watched, decide to help you but..."

"Everything comes with a price."

Nodding quickly the colt's smile widened.

"Half, you steal but we hide you then help get away. Yes?"

"Get me out of here... Or out of the city?"

He shrugged.

"Your choice. But pay half."

"Rather "noble" of you... Why bother? Why not let them grab me?"

"You thief like us, thieves stick together. Only way to survive."

"Who taught you that?"

"Thief master, we no steal from thieves or friends or poor like us. Master say "poor have nothing to take, just try to survive like us, best to take from those who have much, not be missed, but never take too much, or they hate us, hunt us."

"Rather... Wise..."

Nodding quickly the colt pointed to the pouch again.

"Yes, he very smart but you, pay now."

"No, I pay when the deal is done, you have yet to get me out of the city, alive and unharmed..."

Confusion crossed the colts face for a moment.

"We thieves not assassins, we no murder, ever. Well maybe very bad guard but otherwise no. Never. Our word good, you pay, we help, unless you stay?"

"No, I will not be staying, I have seen more than enough for a few lifetimes. Alright, I will pay you but since I do not know you I will only pay you one quarter now, the rest after I get out of here. However, I need to find a caravan, a very specific one."

"How I know you not cheat us?"

"You have only my word."

They stared at each other for a long moment before the other nodded slowly.

"Still need talk to boss lady, she decide if deal good but I think so."

"When do I meet her?"

A tapping on the ceiling made them look up.


Author's Notes:

Updated the art account with new pictures including one of... Jelani!

Chapter 7: Thick as Thieves

"I think it is rather ironic to think back and realize how important that first meeting would later become."

Asha had no idea what had happened or what was going on, all she knew was that one moment she was looking at a very nice little knife that would be perfect for cutting squash and yam then the next second some stallion she had never seen before called out and tossed a pouch to her.

Faster than she could blink as the pouch flew in the air Sefu and Verik had both made a go at her with their hands out to yank her away with mouths open trying to say something but before they could she opened her hands and caught the money pouch out of reflex.

Without batting an eye the stranger pointed at her and shouted "thief" loudly gathering the attention of everyone within earshot as a guard next to him gave her a smile that made the blood run cold.

Before she could open her mouth to say anything Verik had snatched the pouch from her hands and grabbed the stallion then used them as a battering ram to knock the guard to the ground then took off through the crowded bazaar like devils were on his hooves leaving everyone to stare.

Looking at Sefu had done no good, the moment Verik had thrown the stallion into the guard and taken off running, plowing through the crowd he had grabbed her arm so hard she flinched and without a word started running in the opposite direction.

No matter how much she called out or yelled at him even trying to slap his hand away as they ran Sefu ignored her and kept running as most attention was drawn behind them as screams grew louder and guards could be heard shouting at the locals to clear a path but there was no room.

Sefu never stopped for a second till they had reached the wagon convoy and sprinting up to Zuberi he heaved her around and towards the wagons quickly while talking a mile a minute to a started Zuberi. Behind them the other zebras that had come with them ran from the crowd and joined them, they were at a complete loss as to why Sefu had grabbed Asha and begun running.

She listened as well she could while standing there shaking and trying to piece together what had just happened as Sefu and Zuberi argued in voices almost to loud to be a whisper but not shouting.

"He did WHAT!?"

Zuberi looked at Asha a minute with a wild look in his eyes before settling on Sefu.

"Grabbed the pouch and ran, not fast runner but too many in crowd to let guard chase easily."

"You were supposed to watch them not start a riot!"

"Beat me to pouch, tried to slap it to ground and run but Verik grab before have chance."

It was clear Zuberi was exasperated by the situation as he yanked on his mane for a moment and stomped while cursing under his breath and looking around.

"The guards did not follow you yes?"

"No, too busy chasing Verik, they want dey money back."

"Hell! That thing is bad luck! I told you!" He calmed himself a moment before looking back a the bazaar. "No matter, he will either be dead or captured then beaten and sold soon enough. We need to move the wagons and you." Pointing at Asha. "You will change clothes with Ikwan there, wear his cloak so they do not recognize you."

Asha nodded and without a word Ikwan stripped his cloak off and handed it over as Asha stripped rapidly behind the wagon, in just a few seconds they had traded some cloths but Ikwan packed her "shirt" away in a box with metal bars at Zuberi's order as it was rather... "Unique."

Though the cloak was too big for her Ikwan helped and soon she was hidden from prying eyes and from the outsiders view the convoy had not changed at all, one still wore a cloak and the others were dressed no different.

"Alright, let me think a moment..."

Zuberi paced a moment before looking everyone over.

"Nothing has changed, the guards will chase Verik till hell freezes over to get that pouch back, also there will be few guards left in the market till they capture him and only then will they come looking for you two."

He pointed at Sefu and Asha.

"Until then we can continue shopping and gathering supplies but we need to be out of those gates within an hour, so intend to buy anything now is the time, step forward."

Almost everyone did making Zuberi groan.

"Fine! Fine. Alright... Asha and Sefu, you two have to stay and I will as well, Zuri, you take the others and shop FAST, very fast. Once two have finished buying they return together at once. Understood?"

Watching them all nod he gestured them to hurry up go, the gaggle of zebras were quick to gather around Zuri and with a word they raced off in a great hurry to buy whatever they needed then return.

Before Zuri could chase off after them Sefu grabbed her arm and spoke to her quickly and placed some coins in her hand before ushering her off and returning to where Zuberi and Asha stood, the former glaring at the later.

"I told you not to accept anything, to trust no one and that includes catching things..."


Before Zuberi could say anything Sefu stepped in and separated the two.

"She new here, not know, but we lucky not loose her to slavers."


The look on Asha's face was absolute fear as things began to fall into place, Zuberi watched a moment before letting out a tired sigh.

"Yes, Asha. Slavers. They roam the bazaar looking for any that catch their eye, especially outsiders like us who no one will miss, you would fetch a good price at the market, you are young and healthy, a fine mark indeed."

"Verik, he-"

"Figured things out quickly enough though Sefu had the correct notion, slapping the coin purse from the air and blending in the with the crowd would have made them scramble on the ground to collect their ill-begotten gains rather than chase you."

Asha stared at Sefu who nodded, Verik had grabbed the coin purse without thinking and just ran off with it when he could have just as easily thrown it causing a frenzy allowing them to get away. Zuberi patted her shoulder a moment then shook his head.

"Put him out of your mind Asha, he wont live very long now, once they catch him if he is lucky they execute him, if not they either sell or imprison him then sell tickets to the freak show. Either way you are safe now, they will be too busy to come looking for you two either way."

"He not dead."

Asha and Zuberi looked at Sefu as he stared off into the distance, ears trained towards the distant gate as he quietly stood on the large wagon and watched.

"Guards swarming gate, big fight beyond, Verik maybe got through and still running."

"Sefu that does not matter now! He is wanted and too dangerous! You know as well as I that he is a dead stallion the moment a guard sees his face! How many like him run around here anyway? None! If he rejoins us they will kill ALL of us!"

"He risk life for us when he not have too, could have let Asha be taken or stood aside but was quick to act, never thought, just act and run to save Asha."

"You know damn well that if we bring him with us let alone get seen with him what will happen!"

"We not leave him behind."

"Nor can we take him with us!"

"We bring."


Sefu let out an angry snort and glared at Zuberi making the caravan master fidget.

"We bring, he come looking for us, we all he know, safe place with us, we help him. He come back."

Zuberi threw his hands in the air and walked away before calling back.

"Assuming he is even alive!"

Sefu looked back at the distant gatehouse and nodded.

"Maybe he live, maybe not, but not leave behind."

Asha had listened to the conversation with rapt interest, in Zuberi's eyes Verik was now a done deal and his usefulness had run out but Sefu had some kind of interest in him still not that she did not either.

Slumping down and squatting in the shade of the wagon she stared at the hustle and bustle of the bazaar, Verik could have left her to the slavers but without giving it a second thought had moved faster than Sefu to grab that cursed pouch and run like a madman.

He had condemned himself to death or slavery for her. For her, a landless, near tribeless and almost penniless nobody that frankly, if the Wete learned of her enslavement, many would be happy as it meant one less mouth to feed.


She looked at Sefu as he came down from the wagon and began walking a slow patrol around the wagons as they waited for the others to return, as time wore on they returned in pairs of two now and then with what little they could afford on their measly income, things were cheaper here when compared to Mjesani but not that much cheaper when one considered their meager income.

Choking out a small sob Asha closed her eyes and silently prayed that he had somehow survived and gotten away, if not... If he failed to get away from their clutches she prayed he would at least die quickly rather than be sold a slave.

Zuberi fumed as he walked around the wagons for the hundredth time, every time he passed Sefu on his own private patrol he could not stand to look at the warrior partly out of fear but also because of the others misguided altruism.

Verik was not a Wete, not that Asha really was either for that matter but she had at least been accepted into the village officially and could technically be considered one of their own. That weird "man" as it called itself had proven to be quite useful but also a massive liability.

One he neither needed nor wanted.

No doubt Sefu saw something in the thing and having known each other nearly their entire lives he had an inkling as to what it was unfortunately: a kindred spirit.

He had warned Sefu a million times that his "warrior spirit" and his so called "warriors ethic" would get them into more trouble than they could handle many times. It was better to just be logical about this and leave Verik behind, they had upheld the agreement to the letter and it was not like they were leaving him in the middle of the savannah.

However, all be damned Sefu always refused no matter how bad things could get and had chosen this particular moment to stand by his principles absolutely much to his own chagrin. If they allowed Verik back, which at this point was looking near impossible all things considered, it would mean more fights.

Verik had a "good heart," he was willing to admit that much but he brought nothing except trouble with him. He was also too proud, impulsive, acted before he thought, which was another trait he shared with Sefu unfortunately but he also had a hunch that like Sefu he shared a total disregard for how the world really worked and the subtle nuances one needed to keep the peace.

It all made Zuberi's head ache at the thought of allowing him back.

That and he had just proven he had zero respect for authority no matter how little that self proclaimed "authority" deserved it.

Juberi would be utterly "delighted" if Sefu got his way in this matter and brought this thing back then asked for him to be allowed to stay. That also meant sharing the blame no matter what happened and after loosing two just getting here, nearly loosing a third and they still had to get back...

He knew how the chief must feel.

Zuberi let out a low, distraught grumble as he rubbed at his temples, another headache was building up and they still had to somehow get OUT of the city without causing any more problems.

No doubt the guards were too busy to care but that meant the thieves would double in number and would be crawling all over the wagons, anything not nailed down would be gone in seconds. They would probably pry the nails out or at least try though.

Guards did not protect the wagons but at least they kept some modicum of "peace" in the city and the thieves held back when they were around, take too much and the guard would kill since that meant the thieves were stealing the guards share.

It was very impolite to steal from the guards before they at least had a chance to steal it first.

Why did this have to happen this year of all times?

An old zebra mare sat beside the river outside Wete with her eyes closed, robed in the trappings of a shaman she sat in silence as another mare nearby collected whatever herbs were ready for drying and storage.

Her eyes moved back and forth under her eyelids as she saw things without seeing them, as the moments passed a low chuckle escaped her at first then a long string of snickering that she failed to suppress.

"Esteemed one, what are yo-"

A hand quickly came up as if she were going to smack the nearby mare who was out of reach.

"Never call me that Subira!"

"Yes... Grandmother."

"Better, only the poor souls in the village call me that but not you."

"Yes but yo-"

The hand came back up again causing Subira to stop her line of questioning and go back to work.

"I dont care what the others say, you are my grand-daughter, call me grandmother or Nuru. Maybe both... Grandmother Nuru..." She smiled a toothy grin. "And dont say one word about what that Juberi says!"

"Why are you laughing?"

Ah, that. Nuru rocked her head and went back into her quiet state while her ears turned a little now and then listening to unseen and unheard voices.

"Poor soul is trapped, he has no idea what he got himself into."

"Are the spirits toying with someone again?"

"Yes... But this one brings his own trouble and acts so strangely it makes them prod him more. He invites it but they mean well. Very curious."

Another snicker escaped her.

"You say they are good but they love to bring misery. Grandmother."

"Hmm... True, but what is the world without a little mischief now and then? A dull, boring and dead place not worth living on."

"Whatever you say."

*Heheh* "This one is not a bad runner when held to the fire."

"They are not torturing him I hope?"

"No, no. These are not "those" spirits, this one brought it on himself though, surprised them is all. They would have lost interest quickly but now they prod him more to see what happens."

"So they are torturing him." Suberi stopped picking then stood up and scowled at her grandmother who just waved her off errantly.

"Dont worry, they wont let this one die today, too amusing. Very amusing."

Nuru's ear's twitched now and then before she sat upright and her eyes snapped open, a grin spread across her face that made Suberi flinch, she hated that smile.

"We may be getting a visitor, most interesting... He amused them so much they want to see what will happen now."

She looked at her grand-daughter and gave a toothy grin before standing and with a little help of her elaborately carved and decorated staff began slowly walking away from the river. Suberi watched her go before going back to picking before shaking her head.

"Heavens help this poor soul wherever he is."

*Earlier in the day*

"So what is your name?"


Whatever the pre-arranged plan was whenever the guards were out for blood meant staying in silence now. Verik's "accomplice" continued to stare up and had lost interest in saying anything beyond listening.

Time ticked by slowly as they waited before the sound of movement caught their attention, Jaji just beckoned him to follow before shuffling down another tunnel into the darkness with Verik following at a low crawl.

A beam of light lit the tunnel ahead of them making them freeze before a voice called out softly and Jaji gave a quick response, from above a hand reached down and helped pull the colt from the tunnel as they continued forward.

No hand however helped him emerge, a ratty looking zebra looked him over carefully as he crawled out before tossing him a tattered cloak before hurrying them away while he covered up the escape again with rotten wood and what appeared to be a rough shelter for the homeless before laying down in it himself.

Jaji was not quick to race out but waited quietly and listened to the shouting voices as guards continued to comb the area for them, a face appeared from across the street for a moment before ducking away and a hand was held up giving some kind of signal.

Watching the signal his guide quickly turned and beckoned before racing across the narrow street and into the building before going up a flight of damaged stairs. At the top they turned and walked through a hole between buildings and continued down a hallway before going downstairs again then waiting.

They kept this up, a game of cat and mouse with the guards as they would storm past or even enter the building they were in before giving up since the stairwell that led to them was gone forcing them to take another route.

It was also clear the thieves would rebuild then tear down the stairwells to keep the guards guessing, at one point they had to climb down a rope that Jaji tossed down, seconds after landing it was tugged back up into the darkness above them.

How long this went on he lost track of but eventually they arrived at a meeting place where two waited on them, one was colorful the other a zebra and following them they quickly disappeared once more down the labyrinthine maze that made up their getaway highway.

Why were they allowing him to see so much anyway? They had no reason to trust him, only kill him at this point. After all, this could be an elaborate ruse by the guard or were the guards smart enough to plan anything like this?

Were the thieves just that trusting? No, that was highly doubtful.

Zuberi's warning of trust no one came back to mind as they entered a building then stopped. The guides turned and pulled a blindfold out but did not say a word, they did not need to.

"Going to blindfold me, rob me, cut my throat and leave me? Or maybe just leave me here to rot, perhaps turns me into the guards for some quick coin?"

Jaji was not happy with this response and neither were the other two.

"No. You want our help, you follow our rules or leave. Choose."

He had several choices but so far this one was by far the least lethal and most likely to turn out in something other than a fight.

"Alright, but any attempt to bind my hands-"

"No, only blindfold, you follow."

Quickly blinding him to the world they spoke quickly before he felt a small hand grab his wrist and tug, Jaji would be his eyes but that did not mean he would let go of the pouch either.

A low snicker from nearby clued him in that they had noticed this and found it amusing.

Round and round they walked, stalked or rushed until he had no idea which way they were facing which must have been the general idea, one building and door after another was opened, closed and either stone, dirt or "wood" floors crossed before finally they stopped and started going down.

Was it a cellar? No, it was too big for that, too long and rough.

Bending him over and patting his head as they ducked down before crawling again he listened to the sounds of objects being moved as they crawled into a passage and continued on for a time before emerging.

He was hustled into a side room and the door closed before being sat on the floor. Jaji waited before an older voice ordered him to remove the blindfold and seeing the world again made him squint at the dimly lit room.

Hardly six by five foot and five foot high the room had a single candle burning in the middle on a low lying table, it was mostly bare with only two visible exits but his audience was what garnered the most attention.

Sitting somewhat cross legged from him was a mare with a gray coat and white mane that stared at him completely un-amused.

"Welcome to my little "office," you... Whatever you are, caused quite a commotion in the bazaar."

She beckoned Jaji over and spoke quietly with him before sending him out of the room leaving the two alone together.

"I am willing to uphold the deal Jaji offered you. Empty out the pouch and let us count what you stole."

"That deal includes getting me out of the city, alive, unharmed and helping me find the ones I am looking for... Correct?"

She leaned back a moment and sighed.

"Yes, of course. We are thieves not brigands."

"So you command all the thieves in the city then?"

*HAH!* "No. Do not ask any more questions like that. You are our guest until the deal is done, no harm shall come to you unless you invite it upon yourself. Understood?"

Verik nodded and held the pouch up a moment before undoing the tie and poured the contents out. It was a very nice pile of copper and bronze with some silver mixed in but it struck him as utterly useless otherwise.

"Must not take much to get yourself enslaved in this city if this is all it takes..."

He began sifting the coins out as the mare watched his ever move with hawk like eyes.

"Mmm... Fareed's law states you must steal more than forty silver worth at one time to be sold... This is not much but better than usual."

"I take it you prey on the slavers?"

"It is not wise to ask too many questions in Alzamard but yes, they are especially... Lucrative. Too dangerous to target most of the time but you managed."

"I think Jaji already told you ab-"

"Yes but all thieves have many eyes and ears. You were seen stealing the pouch and running, luckily for you word was passed faster than you could run and thieves were waiting."


Verik stacked the coppers in one pile then the bronze and finally silver, each little pile held ten but there were only fifteen silver.

"Why waste? Thief or not you obviously have no love of the guards or Fareed's laws or else you would have never stolen the pouch."

"Maybe I did not know any better at the time."

"Would you still have stolen it then?"


"Then you are a thief and it is wise for thieves to stick together, even those who are not staying."

"Hmm... True enough."

He divided up the piles as best he could but held up the last odd silver.

"You can count at least..." The mare pulled out a small heavy knife and beckoned for him to pass the coin and after receiving it cut it in half. "Done."

"Strange... So you can cut them in half and still use them?"

"Yes, but only silver and gold ones. You must come from very far not to know that."

"More than you would ever know." He pushed a quarter of the pile to her. "One quarter now, one quarter outside."

"We already agreed to that...?"

"Maybe I dont trust you enough to say that."

"Oh please, I have lived her my entire life and never seen anything like you, if you walked outside right now they would grab you in an instant. How hard would it be to track down the only creature of your kind in the entire city? Ever."

She had him on that one which begged another question.

"True, Verik, how do you intend to get me out now that you have stated the obvious?"

"That is my problem not yours, you are paying us for our time of course but that would best remain secret for now."

"Alright but I do have some odd questions to ask."

Her eye twitched a moment before nodding slowly.

"First, your name. Second, I came here to buy some clothing today but as you can imagine... It did not go as planned, I assume as thieves you have clothing laying around I might purchase from you. Lastly, what the hell is wrong with this city and land?"

"Nimja, not that the name will do you any good. We have clothing yes, you are free to browse as we can only get you out tomorrow at dawn, your little stunt caused them to lock the gates for some reason."

Why would they lock the gates up for a petty thief?

"Lastly, you are in Alzamard, that is enough of an answer however from the look on your face you want more... Very well then."

Nimja stretched her back a little while counting out her little pile of coins before placing them in a small lock box as Verik put all but one pile back in his pouch, the last portion went in his pocket for easier access later so he would not have to recount things all over again.

"Fareed is of a long line of despots, the first took over after assassinating the sultan and his entire family, after that well... As you can see they were too greedy, if they could make a single silver by betraying someone they did. Period.

Over time the city began to fall apart but since no one has money for repairs due to the taxes and bribery buildings began to fall apart. Soon the entire city looks like what you have seen but it was not enough, Fareed's father let the slavers in and allows them to run wild across the savannah but they must pay a fee for every slave seized.

Mind you this is nothing compared to the rest but this much you have seen and now understand. Fareed poisoned his father and brother, drowned his mother, mind you she "fell in the river" while on the royal yacht but somehow failed to swim... Rocks tied to your legs tends to do that...

Now he rules, makes many laws and hires foreign mercenaries to protect himself, his own soldiers are mostly loyal but only so long as they are allowed to loot the corpses. Very unpleasant... The city guard are worse however because they are HERE. Soldiers are spread far and wide to protect his pathetic little "sultanate" from foreign invasion.

Some laws require tithes, heavy ones, others allow him to just take freely, he sees something he wants? He takes. That includes you or me.

There is one law above all however: What Fareed says, IS!

Village questions? Burned, enslaved, gone.

Village tries to defend itself? Enslaved, burned, gone.

Village FIGHTS? No survivors. Last village that tried, mercenaries used them for sport, fed to lions and hyenas in the arena.

Mercenaries are the worst however, very smart, very good at killing, very good... Too good. Led by Xerin, mercenary general. They... Uphold law and order... But they have very strong "appetites," they see something they want, they become worse than guards."

Verik raised a finger for a moment stopping her.

"Starvation and the dead? I saw a wagon-"

"Fareed seizes almost all the food and sells it, the best he keeps for himself then holds grand banquets for his friends, nobles and the wealthy merchants who side with him. He does make certain there is... "Enough," to prevent the city from dying but never enough to feed everyone but farmers grow more than enough.

You saw the shack's outside the walls yes? Good. That is where those who can not afford the minimum live, they work but can not afford, many die while working the fields, docks or whatever it is they do. Fall ill? You die. Injured? You die. Become useless? You die."

"So you thieves leave them alone while aiming for the higher marks then?"

"Yes. Guild master teaches us to help them when we can but it is a loosing battle. Lost. Long lost but insists."

"Hm. I asked someone else about this so I will ask you: Why not rebel and overthrow Fareed? If the slums alone banded together and ambushed the mercenaries and gate guards you would control at least half the city in a matter of moments. Yes there would be a great amount of death but you would force Fareed to hide in his palace, he has a palace right? You would starve him out and prevent him from sending word to his army."

Nimja stared at him in such a way it made him wonder if she would help him or not anymore, from the look he was receiving she saw him as utterly insane.

"And who would lead them? You?"

"No, right now my only interest is in getting out of here alive."

*Hah!* "Now you know!"

It was his turn to twitch.

"I am from from here but you are, why has no one at least tried to assassinate him?"


"You keep asking that but this is your city, yours, not mine and yet you allow things to just keep getting worse and worse. Yes, if I had a giant bomb I would drop it on his head and blow him to bloody pieces and watch him rain down over the city and LAUGH. But I do not have a bomb, hell I am having a hard time just staying alive and controlling my own life right now."

Nimja smirked and chuckled at his outburst for a moment.

"I do not know what a bomb is but now you know how we feel. What is, is. This world is not perfect but we live in it-"

"What about other nations? Have they not invaded?"

"Yes, many times, especially now... Something is... Wrong..." Nimja's eyes wandered a moment before snapping back to Verik. "However, they are all at war with each other, if one attacks another then another attacks them while they are away. Armies march back and forth but no one wins, only the buzzards."

"So, Zebrica is what... One giant war zone as various nations skirmish back and forth trying to gain... What, one or two worthless villages?"

"You catch on quickly. Fareed is now at war with Samatia but also various chieftains and smaller nations, he can not win but fights anyway for slaves and pillage, they fight back for the same, but no one wins."

"Its one giant blood sport for them? Fight for the sake of fighting?"

"I dont know, only what I hear from passing merchants now and then, my concern remains here, with my thieves, never out there" She pointed up "with Fareed and the world."

"Makes sense... But sooner or later the world is going to bite someone in the ass."

"Yes, you, today you get bit, maybe tomorrow me or someone else but we can not control that so why worry. Now tell me, why did you steal this?"

"The pouch? Slaver tossed it to a... Friend, tried to stop her from catching it but I was too late so I grabbed it and ran."

"Must be a good friend."

"Hardly know her."


"No, actually I dont know much about anything anymore. I just did it, it was the right thing to do."

"And coming to us was right as well? Thieves?"

"Strangely enough... Yes. Considering the nightmares above I would never blame anyone for stealing to survive and since you are clearly no friend of the guards or Fareed-"

"You pity us?"

"I do not really believe in pity but a part of me still does, however from what Jaji said I agree with your motivations and choices. Then again, the world will always have thieves so why bother despising you? Some people are just better at thieving than plowing a field or construction, its their life calling and who am I to fight them over it? Not that I will let them rob me because of it."

Nimja stared him in the eyes, boring into him to see if he was lying and after a minute she blinked.

"Strange one, pity you will not stay and be a thief but oh well, you are too obvious and would be caught."

"Well I could always be a card shark."

"A what?"

"Someone who gambles and cheats very carefully in order to win large sums of money."

*Hah!* "Shame. Time to go."

"One last question before we leave, I dont know why I am asking but... If I ever wind up in this city again and need help, how would I contact you?"

"Contact us? For help?"


Nimja hummed a moment.

"If you need help, look for this symbol and ask those inside for "Kafji," we will find you."

She drew with her finger on the dirt floor a moment and staring at the simple crossed diamond he nodded.

"Time to go, you still want to buy some clothes yes?"

Verik nodded and she held out the blindfold again and taking it he wrapped it around his head and welcomed back the darkness.

"Now, while we go, tell me of those you are looking for, what do they look like, how many, describe them in great detail."

"There is one, Asha, she-"

Author's Notes:

Running late so not enough time to properly edit but hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 8: Needle in a Haystack

"Doing what is logical is not always to do what is right." -Advisor Zahir

"And furthermore you can forget your request for additional funding! Press this matter any farther and I will have you whipped, you are fortunate I put up with you and only then because you are useful!"

Dana went to open her mouth but the sultans adviser Zahir cut her off.

"Out! Do not waste the sultans time! Out! OUT!"

Zahir gestured to the guards who grabbed the hapless librarian and dragged her quickly from the room and tossed her out before shutting the doors behind her, she was the last visitor of the day and had fared the worst not that she did not insist on trying again and again.

Alim watched with mild amusement at the other advisors antics, indeed most eyes were on the usual quiet Zahir who almost always tried to whisper in Fareed's ear to listen and at least consider helping his downtrodden subjects.

Today however the roles had reversed to such an extreme that he hardly recognized Zahir, indeed the other advisors were just as shocked whenever he snapped at those who came pleading for aid no matter how petty it may be.

As usually Fareed had them thrown out but when the one dared to talk over the sultan they were promptly dragged away to be whipped and Zahir had remained oddly silent when normally he would be the first to try and have the punishment lessened since Fareed would never allow such a petty slight to pass as they were always punished with all due haste.

Once, even Zahir had been punished not that Alim had gotten away unscathed either but as to why Fareed tolerated their presence he had no real answer but he had a good guess: personal amusement. Watching Zahir squirm every time he had some hapless sod beaten, whipped, hung, raped and the list of punishments he came up with went on and on proved to be highly amusing to Fareed.

Then again why did they even work for Fareed for that matter... The stallion was evil incarnate in Zahir's book not that Alim did not agree but they had been born and raised here, studied in the same university, graduated and were promptly grabbed and ordered to be advisors since they had done so well. Too well.

Ah yes, that is why they suffered so, because Fareed willed it to be so, it pleased him to keep them around.

Alim glanced over at general Xerin who had watched Dana being drug away with a smile, he had greatly enjoyed today and he despised Dana more than he hated Zahir. Seeing her protector turn on the pitiable librarian had made him smile ear to ear leaving a rock in Zahir's stomach.

"With that, court is adjourned for the day."

Clapping loudly Vaxian dismissed everyone as Fareed was already gone at this point.

No doubt to invent new ways to torment us... Arrogant, pompous little...

His line of thought was halted when he watched Zahir storming from the throne-room. The usual gaggles had formed but as always Basir was quick to excuse himself and go back into hiding, he hated Fareed as much as Zahir but the rest were content in their roles and some even reveled in them like Xerin did.

It boggled the mind that two so twisted of mind could find each other and get along so well, even complimenting each others madness often enough that it made his fur go cold.

Walking after Zahir quickly he caught up eventually in one of the side hallways and clapped a hand on his shoulder to slow him down.

"I have a question for you old friend... What bug crawled up your ass?"

Zahir spun on the spot and looked furiously as him in return.

"I try to help them but no, no matter what I have done it is never enough, how long have we tried to help them?" He pointed out at the cities slums. "Decades isn't it? At least twenty? Until now they have at least shown gratitude towards us for trying to help them!"

"Slow down, is this about what happened yesterday? Your little outburst the other day caused the gates to be locked and the guard was sent to comb-"

"Yes! I was trying to get through the gate into the bazaar-"

"Traveling incognito as the garbage stallion again hmm?"

Zahir let out an angry snarl which only made Alim chuckle and wave his hands.

"As you well know friend... I like to travel the streets and see what is really happening... Well I can rightly say things have only gotten WORSE now that Fareed has all but allowed the mercenaries free reign! There is no law! Only their law. At least they used to be discrete in stealing and hostage taking was limited..."

He calmed himself a little and smoothed his robes for a moment.

"At least they did not murder the hostages but let them go free when they were done using them, now they grab anyone that catches their eye and have their way before cutting their throat. A wagon passed me that had more dead from their throats being cut than disease or starvation!"

"That has never caused such outburst in you before, not that you have not tried and been whipped for it... Why was yesterday and today so special?"

Zahir let out a heavy sigh and continued walking slowly.

"While I may not be perfect at blending in... The people usually ignore me or at least give me room to pass. The thieves are kind enough not to rob me just in passing, there was a modicum of mutual respect. Yesterday though... Some... THING grabbed me and used me as a weapon against a guard! It grabbed me and rammed me into them so it could get away! It was a thief! A cut-purse!"

Alim broke out laughing which added to Zahir's ire as he turned on his friend and glowered only making the younger Arabian laugh harder.

"Forgive me but I am not surprised it did not happen sooner." He continued to laugh between words. "Surely you must know that not all thieves will be so... Noble. Maybe this one did not know who you were which would be quite rare indeed." He stopped for a moment... "Why did you call it a thing?"

"Because I know not what it was, when it bolted through the gate with the guards chasing it down I barely got a good look, flat faced, pale and rather scruffy looking. Never seen a creature like it, tall too... It wore such strange garb..."

"So this creature accosted you and fled in the chaos hm? Was that why you had the gates sealed?"

Zahir let out a guilty groan.

"Yes... These past two days have not been my finest moments but it just angered me so much!"

"Well we all tend to snap after a time considering those we put up with."

"Yes but I should know better! I am an advisor for spirits sake! We are supposed to be calm, collected, logical and do whats right! Not act on impulse like some... Foal."

"It happens." Alim squinted his eyes a moment. "Let us consider the good that has come from this then: your actions somehow convinced Fareed that you are indeed on his side and worth keeping. That you are indeed doing things in his interest and by lashing out at the poor the way you did with the guards he thinks better of you. Having Dana thrown out of the throne room for the first time... Ever, I believe, also raised you in Fareed's eyes. He was quite pleased with how you acted today."

Zahir seemed crushed by this revelation but Alim patted his shoulder.

"Hearing you say I "pleased Fareed" makes me sick. I am supposed to help them not make their lives more miserable than they already are!"

He pointed out at the city quickly.

"True... But there is only so much we can do without getting executed for treason. At least you will not be on the chopping block anytime soon, you nearly wiped your slate clean today."

"That does not make me feel any better."

"I certainly hope not! After all if we began to feel good about ourselves and what we do I would probably jump off one of the towers... Not that I dont feel like doing so some days."

"Also true... So where exactly are we going?"

"You really are lost today... After seeing how you were acting I had a servant take a message down to Mabi, I asked her to prepare something to lift your spirits."

Zahir nodded as they turned a corner to the stairwell and began to travel down.

"Once upon a time we would never have spoken so freely in this place for fear of being overheard and executed for it."

Alim let out an angry snort.

"Let them. Fareed knows that anything he could possibly do to us would be an improvement at this point in our lives. Tell me, where did the creature go? Did they find it yet?"

"No, thankfully. I am still furious but a part of me hopes the thief gets away, I understand how miserable life here must be and while I would like to wring its neck..."

"Maybe you will bump into it again on one of your jaunts, then you can at least try."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Alim, I may not be a warrior but I can still fight." He sighed. "If I ever do meet it again I would prefer to speak with it, ask it what it is and why."

"It would be an interesting meeting, it caused a bigger riot than even the mercenaries usually cause."

"Alim? Are you certain we will not be missed just walking off like this?"

"Ah, your mind was indeed elsewhere... When Fareed leaves without saying a word and leaves Vaxian to handle things-"

"He is off partaking in his other "indulgences." Well, I guess we have till noon tomorrow then to do as we please again, at least that bastard is predictable."

"Language Zahir, but yes I agree, at least he is predictable."

Verik rummaged through the heap of clothes that he had been pointed too by his "host." Most of it was made for thieves with extra pockets, purposefully ragged, dirty and gave any onlooker the feeling they were looking at a beggar.

"I was actually looking for something a little more... Long term, suited to travel."

Nimja let out a snort.

"Better to wear that than anything new, if the guards see you traveling with us in new clothes or anyone for that matter they take interest. They are getting too greedy lately and with so many hands in the jar-"

"They are fighting over the scraps."

She nodded.

"So how exactly are you going to get me out of here when I stand out so well even if covered?"

"Easy, through the front gate."

Verik balked at her.

"What? Its true, guards will be watching closely but we have ways!"

"Must be some "ways" to get past a guardpost on full alert."

"They are not as good as you think, dangerous yes but not that good."

"Except the mercenaries."

"Except them, if they are there we go another time."

He pulled a few cloaks, shirts and pants aside then began to look them over and size them up.

"Whats it like? Being in a "thieves guild" that is?"

"Curious one arnt you? Why do you ask?"

"Because where I am from you are a fantasy, stories told to little children of the noble thief trying to help the world but still only a fairy tale. Not that you are entirely altruistic mind you, but neither do you go out of your way to make others miserable or take everyone for whatever they have."

"True enough... You have to enjoy being hunted your entire life or at least able to ignore it, enjoying the feeling you get when you steal something but also knowing that what you make will be shared with the others so they can all eat even if they fail."


"Yes and no, it is a business arrangement but also family, you would kill for the others and die before betraying them but also not go out of your way for them. Sometimes."

"Hm. I forgot to ask, are there other places out there, better than this?"

"Better than Alzamard? Yes."

"No, better than Zebrica."

"Dont know, my life is here, whatever there may be of it."

Guess I got nowhere else to go.

"Alright, any word on the caravan?"

"None, still looking but if they were not grabbed because of what you did they will be found. Eventually."

"Needle in a haystack?"

Nimja nodded before looking away and yawning.

"What can you tell me about Fareed? Besides what you already have."

"Why do you care? You will be gone from here soon enough."


*Hmph* "Several advisors... Most bad but a few good. Fareed is very wealthy, long have we dreamed of getting into the palace... Servants have told us what he has and if we could just get some of that we would all eat for months."

She shrugged quickly and sighed.

"No matter, his mercenaries keep close guard and those who tried were caught and hung. His city starves but he has enough to outlast any siege. You asked before about taking the city and so I tell you now: It would do no good. He would hide behind his palace walls with food and water to last for years and laugh."

"Well at least you would have him contained. I like this one," Verik held up a light, khaki cloak, "how much?"

"Meh, I offer you a special deal: ten copper then twenty for every one after."

"Rather steep."

"Better than prices at bazaar for same."

"Why are things so expensive here even where its... Safe?"

"Fareed taxes everything, if you are special and friend to him you pay less, otherwise everything has a high price."

"Smugglers paradise."

"Yes, many smugglers but too dangerous usually, few dare operate in the city but they still exist."

Verik thought back on the exchange he had helped and look at Nimja a moment before describing it to her in detail.

"Smugglers, so your friend knows them hm?"

"Zuberi is no friend of mine. I understand him well enough but that does not mean I like him. So what do you think they were smuggling anyway? They wouldn't tell me."

"They wouldn't tell you? Must not trust you very much but neither do we... Small vials yes? Probably juju."

"What the hell is juju?"

"Potion, very hard to make, very few know how. Makes you strong, healthy, brings life back. Very valuable, very valuable..."

"Your not planning on robbing them now are you?"

"No. That would be impolite, we have a deal."

"How much is juju worth?"

"How much did you say Zuberi bought?"

Verik told her and from the motions of her fingers Nimja was counting off the values.

"Sounds correct, metal very valuable and expensive though common enough, sounds like he got a good deal and has plenty left over."

"I got the whole of a silver piece and one copper."

*Hah!* "He got you good."

"Not really, only been with them a few days-"

"He must not like you, he should have given you more than that."

"Well when I see him I can take it up with him. Alright, I will take this stuff here, how much?"

Namji went over his pile of rags and counted it off and after a quick exchange she nodded and even offered to sell him a sack to stuff it all in which he bought for a few copper leaving his coin pouch woefully low.

"Affording food is going to be an interesting and trying time..."

"You survived today, you will figure it out."

Zuberi and the others had spent a harrying night in the city huddled close to their wagons, Verik's escapades had caused the gates to be sealed up and even the bazaar gate was locked up tight. They had avoided entering that one to start as it was the most searched and costly to pass through and getting out also cost a great deal.

The pouch containing his gains were kept close and never left his person all night, they would need to keep this coin safe so it could be used to bribe officials that would visit the village. Sefu had found out how much Verik had been paid and was less than forgiving but neither did he make a scene.

However, the end result was Zuberi now prayed Verik was dead because if he lived that would mean another fight, he did not like being dishonest but with what he had seen and learned the past two months before coming it was a calculated risk.

What they had gained was sorely needed and if that meant slighting a foreigner who had no relation to them so be it but as the darkness ended he began to worry: Sefu had excellent senses in these matters and if he said Verik was alive, he was.

Popping into view the sun bathed the world in light quickly and with it the day began anew in the city. That also meant all that came with it both good and bad.

Hurrying everyone into position they started the wagons moving and joined the backlog of caravans trying to get out, fortunately the guards were a little more up for the task today since they were tired from their all night search last night and were ushering the carvans through with little harassment.

Chief among those angered the other day was a rather wealthy slaver Zuberi had unfortunately come to know many years ago, his utter lack of scruples was revolting but served him well and being slighted the other day he had naturally wanted Verik's head.

Sefu had described him well enough and after recognizing the description he was thankful he had not seen Zuberi and come over to talk less Asha would have been spotted, this also came with the added bonus the slaver had only ever met Sefu once long ago so the odds were low he would put two and two together.

If he had, well... Everything had a price to him and there was nothing he would not bargain for, period.

He had even offered to sell a daughter to Zuberi since he had too many once, that had been the last straw but he kept himself under control and politely refused, the Wete do not keep slaves. "What a pity" he had said.

Without missing a beat he tried to convince him to join into the slaver business but thankfully Sefu had been with him at that time as well and he intervened and managed to help him escape by saying they had elsewhere to be. "Time was money" and that satisfied the slaver.

As they rattled out of the gateway and into the dingy housing area of the city they began fending off the locals almost immediately as they groped for anything they could get. It took longer than usual to get out but once beyond the second gate they things calmed down somewhat.

Outside things were a little on edge as people rushed about, the undertaker was early and once more overloaded but even he was nervous which was never a good sign.

Sefu joined him as they walked through the shacks and whispered concerns in his ear before walking away, they were very viable ones and made his fur prickle.

Every year the flu would pass through around this time, it was perfectly normal but never on a set schedule, it could arrive a month early or late but always within these three months. No one really died of it either, but it provided Fareed and his mercenaries a new sport: burning out the locals.

In the name of health and safety any areas deemed infected would be torched, inhabitants included. Anyone outside of the area was left alone but every year some group would be targeted and torched, without anywhere to go and no food for the journey the locals were stuck where they were.

This also meant each "zone" did not want to become marked as mercenaries stalked through looking for sport, they could attempt to bribe them away with bodies and whatever they could filch but if they could not pay more than the other groups they would become marked ill or not.

Whoever could pay the most was not only given a clean bill of health but also left alone for several months by both guard and mercenaries, it paid to grovel and lick hoof here.

Bidding had already started as they neared the middle, a band of mercenaries was engaged in accounting as the two neighboring zones along the road fought and argued over who could pay the most and be left alone.

Everything was on the table too, stolen goods, coin, clothing, people, hell even the kids were on the table for one group as they begged not to be burned out again.

Shaking his head as they passed he was glad they would be gone very quickly and not return for another year or more if they were lucky.

He had decided to retrace their steps, odds were very good that any bandits had been killed off or chased away for the time being and if they went now any survivors would not be able to bring friends and wait hoping for them to try their luck again but fate it would seem, had other ideas, ideas that came in the form of Sefu.

Once clear the giant walked up and pulled Zuberi aside.

"We stop and wait for him."

"Why? He had all last night to find us."

"Liar, you know gates locked and he fled into houses."

"Sefu, if we stay they will get curious, if they get curious they will come over here rather than stay over there..."

He pointed at the distant mercenaries as they continued to count up their earnings, it would appear neither zone was being burned out meaning the neighbors were now at stake.

"Don't care, we wait."

"Fine, you can wait and we will go, same trail as before."


Zuberi let out a strangled groan of frustration for a moment.

"Sefu! We can not wait! Bandits may already be here looking for revenge and bring more to hunt us down! We have to go!"

"No, he stuck his neck out for us, almost killed. We wait."

"This is not the time for your little "warriors pride and ethics!" We have to get out of here! Think of the others and the tribe!"

"I do, we wait! He risk life for us, we repay him, leave him here he die, not know our ways or Zebrica."

"He will survive just fine on his own."

"You too eager to leave him behind."

"You are not eager enough! Yes, he helped us, twice. I am grateful to him, I really am and I even regret slighting his payment but we can not stay! Use your head for once!"

"I use my head all the time, but head mean nothing without spirit to guide it."

*Auuugghh!* "Sefu you want us to risk our lives sitting here along the road in the open while the mercenaries collect their yearly extortion?"

"Yes, but not here, over there, small dip, hide wagons and wait. Verik easy to spot, we spot first, we get quickly and run."

"Please tell me you are joking... Oh hell, your not... Listen, we stick around-"

"I hit you."

Zuberi stared up at the towering zebra who was now getting angry and put his hands up.

"Fine, fine... You win. This time. Alright! Lets move the wagons."

Asha pondered the odd relationship Zuberi and Sefu had, Jelani had filled her in quickly as the two argued but when Sefu threatened to hit Zuberi that had raised some eyebrows.

It really was odd, the two were good friends who had known each other a very long time and got along great in the village but once a year they put that aside and adopted a "business only" relationship on these outings.

For about a month they would be indifferent to each other and assumed their roles perfectly, never overstepping their bounds nor each others authority. Only once several years ago had Zuberi done something that he refused to talk about that had resulted in Sefu's ire.

Everyone knew what had happened too but never why: Sefu had knocked Zuberi out cold.

Yet, the moment they got back to the village it was like nothing had ever happened, the two were friends again and while they spoke of it in hushed conversation none dared bring it up for quite some time and whenever they did neither would talk on it, it never happened.

Still, it made her feel better knowing that at least someone other than Jelani and herself believed he was alive somehow. The three had even talked about it briefly and agreed that he was alive but Sefu had also pointed out after they had moved the wagons into place he had come over and pointed something out to them they had missed: No body was swaying from the walls.

Fareed enjoyed his grim totems and routinely hung thieves and other "trouble makers" from the walls along with actual criminals once in a great age that had done him wrong, Verik had not been there this morning.

Asha fidgeted where she sat as Sefu and Jelani went up to the top of the hump they hid the wagons behind before hiding in the tall grass keeping a close eye on the city, if he came back out he would probably retrace their steps and follow the path back since there were wells along it.

At least that is what Sefu reasoned.

Leaning her head back against the wagon she stared up at the sky and wondered what was happening and why he had done it. All night it had bothered her a great deal and thankfully gave her something else to worry about for once.

Without question he had taken the blame and run to save her.

She had already liked him for some reason from the start but now her affection was growing, he was nice, polite, helpful and quite generous. Saving her like that had pushed something over the edge though.

What a strange looking creature... Not bad looking but strange, he already said she was pretty, maybe. No, she hardly knew him, yes he had risked his life but she still hardly knew him.

Asha closed her eyes and waited in silence with the rest for news, she did not know him but she would do her best to get to know him if he survived this trip.

She prayed he would.

Chapter 9: Onward

"How often we think fleeing one world for another will solve all our problems." -Unknown

Namji had spent the better part of the day hidden away elsewhere leaving Verik to his own ends, after the meeting had concluded Jaji had returned and after some quick instruction he led him off down another tunnel blindfolded before they emerged, walked around a great deal, waited, walked then waited some more.

By the time the blindfold came off Verik was certain they either walked in a big circle or had crisscrossed the entire city, whatever the overall plan was it led them so close to the gate leading outside they could see the guards at their posts.

Everything was locked up however, no one was allowed in or out save a band of mercenaries wearing black shemagh's under cap helmets. Jaji was incredibly irritated at seeing them along with their other guest: an old gray maned and mostly toothless fellow who stayed huddled to one side.

Why did seeing these particular mercenaries bother him so much?

"Jaji... Who are they? I have seen ones with red plumes and no markings at all, what is so special about them?"

A snort was the only response till they had long passed and the streets calmed again.

"Black Wall mercenaries, Fareed's personal guard and enforcers. Red plumed one's are General Xarin's, Black Wall obey only Fareed."

"That does little to explain your utter contempt of them."

"What is contempt? Ah. Yes. Hate very much. They worst of all mercenary companies, others do as they please but Black Wall... They made blood sport of us, tie up, whip and send running and use as practice for archers. Walk down street and begin killing because it funny..."

He spat out the window as they disappeared.

"Tie up family and have one torture other or both till one die then kill other anyway, burned out brothers eyes with heated copper coins because he run into one and make them fall down."

Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with this world?

Verik kept listening as the list grew longer and longer of what this particular mercenary company did, they were less than three hundred strong but were unquestioningly the most powerful with what little they had.

While the red plumes were more suited to "royal guard" duty or patrolling streets the Black Wall were the enforcers without question, if Fareed wanted to make a noble soil themselves all he had to do was send them and their mere presence resolved any dispute.

It also helped that they were notorious for taking blood price on any who offended them, other bands would usually just shove someone aside, ignore them and in general go on their way but this band... This group of mercenaries had an image and reputation they fully intended to uphold and it was one of a half century of gore and torture as the reigns passed one generation to the next.

None came from Zebrica originally either and while Jaji was no historian he certainly knew his enemies and where they came from. Then again, having your brothers eye's burned out for bumping into someone does tend to cause a blood feud.

And oh what a wealth of information Jaji was, free too.

"So how many mercenary companies does Fareed employ anyway? How many total?"

"Ehh... Namji teach us to count but not so good at it... I think... Eight? Nine..."

Verik picked up some smaller pieces of rubble and laid them out and had Jaji count them out slowly and name off the bands to keep track. There were eleven of various sizes but Jaji could hardly count and the one number he did know off hand was only because Namji had told him once.

As for the total strength... It was beyond Jaji's ability to count that high not that he knew anyway. He did know the bulk of the military was regulars but it was the mercenaries who finished the battles, Fareed enjoyed bragging to the public whenever he won a battle and it only served to hammer them deeper into despair; especially when the mercenaries carried the day.

The Suqur Aldam or "red plumes" as the locals had dubbed them were "somewhat" locals of Zebrica but Black Wall came from somewhere else entirely but had stayed after completing whatever original contract they had held then bought "wives" and used them to father a new line of mercenaries while slowly growing their numbers over generations to their current state.

Of all the mercenary bands they were also the most heavily armed bar none: there was nothing they did not have access too or could not get quickly though fortunately for the locals they had been somewhat busy as of late due to the rising tensions in the region. Beyond that Jaji had no idea what was going on and neither did their "guest."

What really made the whole situation rather sick however was that Fareed delighted in their actions, nothing was too extreme so long as it kept the peasantry from causing him problems but it still begged the question why they chose to stay here and not take their chances elsewhere.

All things considered ones odds were better elsewhere than here after all.

"Hey Jaji, we are not leaving till tomorrow right?"


"How do you pick a lock?"

Behind him the old stallion coughed out a laugh and Jaji watched over Verik's shoulder for a minute before looking back then after some silent gestures he joined the old stallion and returned with a bundle.

"Why you want to know?"

"Not that you seem to object, either of you..." Verik looked over his shoulder at the stallion. "We have a whole lot of nothing to do and figured what the heck, always wanted to learn how to pick locks and who knows, if I get captured it might just come in handy."

Fortunately for them the door to the room was still intact and sported an old, worn lock that still functioned well enough. It took until sundown to get it down properly and Jaji was quite pleased with himself but outside the gates remained locked and the guards began to disappear bit by bit till only a small squad remained at the gatehouse.

With dawn came a great rush to escape the city, having been trapped inside all day long the caravans were eager to leave and get under way once more along with all those who had been unable to return home with their daily earnings.

Rather than hustle outside however and join the throng and slip out they waited, it would be far to obvious if they went now and they would only be captured quickly and indeed Namji's reasoning had been proven right when she told him the plan the other day.

Tripling the guard again in the morning made things slow even more as every hood was yanked free and not a wagon left unchecked that morning as they searched for Verik in the crowd but as the hours wore on and on they began to slow and become bored, loosing any interest in finding him.

Some good news also came that morning as a thief joined them for a short time, the caravan had been found easily last night as it had never moved from its spot in the bazaar and was now making its way through.

Watching the street below Verik watched from their hideout as Zuberi's caravan fought its way out of the city before disappearing in the throng, they were near last in line and by now the guards had all but given up on finding him.

Jaji's only comment was that whoever he offended had not been smart enough to send mercenaries, if they had he would likely have never gotten this far alive.

"That was them!"

The old stallion peeked out before rapping on the floorboards and speaking through one of the many holes leaned back and waited.

Verik looked out and saw a figure slip from the building and begin following the caravan out of the city, the thieves guild had remarkable coordination and ability.

"How long then?"

"When he say go, you go."

Jaji quickly pointed a thumb at the other in their room while he continued to watch the masses.

"You know... I understand your master said no killing or assassination but I cant help but comment... If Fareed is so evil and despised you could probably have him killed without much hair off your hides... But for some reason, you dont, is it because you fear one of his mercenary generals taking over? What do you think "boss man?"

Verik leaned around and looked at the old bundled stallion who glared at him a moment before nodding slowly.

"Your damned if you do, damned if you dont."

"Yes. You go very soon, be ready."

It was the most he had spoken since they first met.

"Will you be joining me Jaji or is someone else taking your place... Or am I going alone?"

"No, Jaji go, but first you dress right."

Jaji led him out of the room and after dressing him in robes and wraps that obscured his features they came to a problem: his face. He solved this by handing over a small, cylindrical cup that when pushed against the face and wrapped heavily made it appear that he had a mutated face.

"I herk lik a lepprir."

Jaji snickered as Verik tried to talk through the cup without dislodging it and nodded as he applied ash and some kind of red splotching to his hands.

"Guard no touch you, too scared but dont stop moving, keep going. I carry bags for you."

Nodding they finished and waited for the rapping from above and after hearing it they slipped out onto the street and with a little urging from Jaji, Verik began limping along and leaning on a staff they had "procured."

Limping to the gate others had begun to take notice of the oddly wrapped creature and begun to clear a path, Jaji followed a short distance behind and once they reached the gate the guards began to wave them through before their eyes nearly popped from their sockets.


Verik gave a crude gesture at them and kept limping out of the city gate as spears leveled at him and poked in an attempt to make him hurry along, none of the guards were smart enough to question how a leper got into the city to start with.

Beyond the gates the path was cleared as he moved on, everyone was terrified of the invisible disease he supposedly bore and as the cup made breathing harder his huffing and puffing only made them back away more.

A hand grabbed him and with a yank moved him off the road and into the shacks were Jaji yanked the wrappings free and removed the cup quickly tossing it aside resulting in a scramble by two beggars to seize it.

"Good, good! Now follow!"

He was led quickly through the shacks and if he thought it was revolting from the road it was worse up close as they squelched along at times in search of someone or something.

Finding what he was looking for they stopped in front of a small shack and waited. A mare passed them and beckoned to them hurriedly, following her farther out they emerged from the shack city on the outskirts and she pointed to a distant hump in the terrain.

"There, they are hidden behind, pay and go."

Verik reached into his pocket and removed the last payment owed and gave it to Jaji slowly, carefully counting out each coin. When the last one fell into the young thief's hand he smiled at Verik.

"Jaji, a pleasure doing business with the thieves but a part of me hopes to never see you again while another hopes I will."

"You first business we have in long time, good business. Very fun. This was a very good day."

"A good day? How so, that we pulled it off and live to talk about it?"

"That but also no bodies hung."


"Yes! Over gate, Fareed hangs any who displease him from walls, only one old body so no one hung today! Good day."

There was nothing he could say to that.

"Oh, are there other thieves guilds out there? Offshoots of your own?"

It was a second test to see if the information given was to shut him up or if it was indeed genuine.

A glare was the response he got as the mare eyed Jaji but it told him what he needed to know, they did indeed travel beyond the one city.

Accepting the bag he gave a quick nod to the both of them and walked away from the city quickly, a quick glance back and the two were already gone, they had vanished back into the slum. Walking towards the hill with a quickened step his mind began to reel back and forth over what had just happened the past two days and what he had seen.

Sefu watched one part of the shack city while Jelani another, a quick nudging brought his attention to where she pointed at the outskirts.

Something dressed in a raggedy cloak was walking a straight line towards them. Patting Jelani on the shoulder he nodded and gestured for her to stay as he turned and hurried off the hill and back to the caravan.

"Oh damn it all, he's alive isn't he? How..."

Zuberi let out a small groan as Sefu glared at him while nodding.

"He coming soon, we be ready to leave quickly yes?"

"Yes Sefu, but we will not be on the other route this time since you saw that group traveling the same path we took."

"Which way?"


Sefu was a little confused and tilted his head to one side slightly.

"Most dangerous road, why?"

"Soldiers are gathering farther south, Bwnai saw them and it looks like the caravans are gathering into a large convoy. If the soldiers accompany them we have a chance of getting through without incident."

"Should they remain at Mjesani?"

"We take the back route or the main road to Iuny, just have to see what happens when we get there but the other route is no longer safe, if we missed any brigands they will be waiting for certain now."

"Not enough rations..."

"No but I got us some extra in the city as part of the deal, so long as we can get a little extra from the farmers around Mjesani it will work out, at least the food is not too overpriced there."

Sefu shrugged and went back to his perch on the hill leaving Zuberi to pull out a coin pouch and begin counting out what he owed.

Hearing that he was alive made Asha overjoyed, she had intentionally stayed close to Zuberi knowing that if Sefu saw anything that is who he would tell first. Waiting impatiently for his return the others were quickly roused by Zuberi as he stalked down the caravan to get the gears moving again.

Verik's head appeared over the hill and after Sefu had a quick conversation with him he was hurried down to the caravan where the others waited in their positions. Tossing his staff into the wagon and grabbing a spear he retook his old position but Sefu moved him in closer this time.

Asha noted a deeply troubled and somewhat haunted look was on his face as they walked, the wagons ground their way forward and out of hiding. Once on the road he had still not spoken one word but stayed silent and kept a wary eye on the convoy they were closing in on.

"Zuberi say we go with large convoy, safer, many soldiers, bandits not attack."

No response but he did nod.

"What happen? You get so many clothes! How?"

"Asha... I am overjoyed at seeing you again, it tickles my heart to see you safe but right now I just want to walk in silence and think. Your company is greatly appreciated and enjoyable but I just need to think."

Glancing at his face she could see something was bothering him terribly, a look she was familiar with and knew that no amount of talking would solve but she also knew that leaving him alone would not help either.

Patting his arm gently she walked beside him as Zuberi guided them down the road and into the forward part of the large convoy as it began to move the moment the soldiers started to march away.

Crossing that field had brought everything crashing back in a tidal wave, all his life he had so desperately wanted to get away that something had decided to grant his wish but... Like all things, it came with a price.

What a price it was: Pray for paradise and be given a front row seat to a living hell.

He had a clean start, sort of: A new world was his to explore if he could survive it but nothing was going to be given to him not that he ever expected it would be. All his life he only wanted to see another world, get away, leave everything behind and just go.

Well his prayers had been answered but it would take a lot of getting used too. Did he want to get used to this kind of world though?

No, no he did not.

Neither would he toss it away either! While this was not perfection it was the best he could hope for: not only had he been dropped onto an alien world with many similarities but the locals were fascinating when not scrambling for their lives.

Silver lining on a burned out hulk.

Hopes, dreams, aspirations were gone with the wind now but not entirely lost as Asha, Sefu and Jelani were living proof of this, especially Asha. She was a hand in the darkness, kindness in a world gone mad.

She never asked for anything in return either.

How could a world so horrific exist? Well the other world existed so if that were possible so was this, each had problems but at least here they were somewhat more manageable.

Were they?

A pit had formed in his stomach as they walked.

First it had been bandits, their only interest was anything of value, predictable and easily dealt with, it did not bother him one bit. The battle, their deaths and the injuries were nothing to be ashamed of, it was perfectly justified and was a good thing.

Alzamard though...

Many accounts had he read and pictures seen of similar places and peoples driven into the ground either by their own arrogance and greed or outside forces, this city was all the above and neither.

By the gods the stench...

Technology was no friend of his but that city could at least use a sewer system. And the bodies, walking scarecrows laboring away for a mouthful of corn mush and the promise of water to wash it down.

Dead and dying were stacked like cord-wood on wagons pulled by slaves who were a split second away from joining them and yet no one batted an eye, this was just another Tuesday.

Just another Tuesday... What was the rest of the week like?

His eye twitched as they continued on, Asha kept patting him now and then.

An angel in hell she is.

It all made sense though, twisted, but it made sense. No one was willing to step forward and take or give the first blow in solving anything but never before had it hit so close to home. Here there was less than nothing to stop anyone from just snuffing out whomever they pleased.

One day ago Asha was nearly grabbed in the bazaar to be sold as a slave, how many others had that happened too? What would have happened if it had been him who they wanted to sell?

Not much, same end only he would have probably knifed the slaver had he owned one...

Protecting oneself here was a true accomplishment, back on the other world he could just gun them down and head for the hills if push came to shove but here his armaments were spears, bows, sticks and stones.

Here his knowledge of fighting amounted to spit on a burning red hot griddle. It was like starting all over again but at least he knew enough to have made it this far but it was not enough.

Seething anger welled up and burned in his veins as the hours passed, not purely at the injustice of it all but also because of how close he had come to being killed and over what?

A couple tarnished coins? The skin on his back? Just because?

Just because. That was the rule here: just because. It infuriated him but also made him want to retch when he realized that over the past couple of days every near death and close call was only because someone else thought it would amuse them or make them wealthier.

What a trait to share between both worlds, one they would be better without.

Clenching his fists tightly he felt the old spear groan a little under the strain as his teeth ground together.

The past few days were like walking through a horror film only it was real, very real, too real. He had prayed to escape and been sent here no doubt to stay not that he would go back to the other either as strange as that might sound to some.

No, he was here now, here he would stay and that meant carving out a small portion of this world for himself. Somewhere out there was the Wete tribe, over burdened, poor and trying to survive much like himself and now they remained his only hope.

Something patted his hand making it uncoil before rubbing.

Anger seethed through his veins now, he would make this work somehow, this would not be the end, not like this. He wanted a farm and by the gods or whatever powers existed he would pull it off somehow. Somehow... How?

The bodies and stench flooded back to him for a moment making him twitch and the hairs stand up on his arms. It was something that he would never be rid of, this he knew. But against Fareed... He was powerless and in a nation where even the destitute refused to take the chance at rebellion it made the future look grim.

Neither would he bend a knee, never in his life had he shied away from a fight, he had blown off plenty of punks who tried but once the swinging started he never backed down and he was not about to start. Not to one like Fareed. No, he would not bend a knee to anyone, ever, all his life he had held by that and he was not about to start bending now.

His eyes scanned around quickly remembering how dangerous the world was and a twitch went down his body but something started patting again very quickly.

At least a few in this world were not against him, some tried to help: Sefu had forced Zuberi to wait on him and even make him cough up what he was truly owed not that is was a whole lot more than what he had already received.

Anger boiled up again threatening his attempt to hold a stern face.

A fight, it would be a long, hard fight to get what he wanted and then it would be an endless struggle to keep it, something he was all too familiar with. Last time he had lost, this time, this time it would be different. This time he would not play nice and follow the book and be civilized.

Any sonova bitch that tried to get in his way would be dealt with one way or another and consequences be damned.

Another part of him though tried to stop that line of thinking, to help, not harm.

Altruism though held no place in a world like this let alone the other, both earned you an early grave or resulted in you being used for the political gain of another. Maybe he could help though, he was no engineer, scientist, hell he was not much of anything really other than a well read and studied laborer and one time farmer.

Others had done more with less though.

Consequences be damned...


His eyes flicked around quickly looking for her and found Asha walking beside him quietly while patting and rubbing his hand.

Normally he would yank it away and flinch, having others touch him had always been a strong taboo of his but this did not bother him.

No, he had to be careful which was not something he was good at but neither did he want her to get caught up in whatever he was going to do. Whatever his plans entailed meant making certain nothing would ever happen to her, nothing and that meant nothing.

Asha was too precious, a gem in a world of shit.

One worth protecting at any cost.

He hardly knew her but somewhere down inside he knew that this pretty little zebra lady was probably the most kind hearted soul he had ever met. Everything she had done was out of pure kindness and genuine compassion which was something he had never seen before.

She was not even the same species but it did not bother him for some reason, she was precious all the same.

His teeth stopped grinding as he relaxed a little, maybe she was already spoken for? No, she had no family, he remembered that. Maybe not entirely true? Why did he care? Did he really see her that way?

Blinking slowly and focusing on the world around him he looked around carefully for the first time and realized they had traveled a considerable distance without even realizing it as his mind had reeled back and forth wildly.

Dust had been kicked high in the air from the sheer number of hooves and wagons moving along, oxen were plentiful in the larger caravans he saw but others were pulled much like their own though the telltale sign of shackles around the neck and hands spoke of why they pulled.

Looking back at Asha for a moment he closed his eyes briefly. All his life he had never met anyone worth bothering with but this one was even if it ended badly. It was true he hardly knew her but he knew enough: this one was worth trying for.

As the convoy rolled on he heard a small cough come from her and reaching into his bag he pulled out a dust cloth he had purchased figuring he might need it but instead passed it to her. Asha was surprised but accepted it anyway tying it around her face as they continued to walk, his own face covering keeping the dust at bay.

Focusing on the road ahead and the distant soldiers as they marched in a ragged formation showing little discipline Verik's mind receded again.

In less than a week he had been given a new world, had it ripped away then sent on a journey. A journey that had taught him some chilling truths about this world but they would not disway him. Somehow he was going to rebuild his destroyed dreams and hopes piece by piece then make a little place for himself and maybe another.

While this world had its issues, they were more easily dealt with than the other world because here they had to actually hoof it after him and that he could deal with. This world was now home and for all its faults he was not going to just give up that easily and while it stung and smarted something fierce, making him want to double over at what he had seen he was not about to let it stop him.

Getting a second chance is unheard of yet somehow his number had come up: this was home now and he would carve his home out of the land even if he had to kill to do it.

He would choke the shit of this world if he had too.

The many attempts to calm him had paid off finally, Verik was no longer grinding his teeth, the jaw not set, his eyes no longer had a glazed over look but most of all his twitching had stopped.

Asha had been very nervous at first but as time went along and he calmed down bit by bit from her little attempts to sooth him she grew somewhat used to it and the fear had died down.

Sefu and Jelani had checked now and then but never said anything not that Verik noticed them anyway. Both had silently encouraged her to continue, Jelani most of all when he started to twitch and look around as if searching for something to kill.

Several times what little of his face she could see changed colored and the look in his eyes became one she did not like but patting him and getting his fists to unclench had worked every time.

What made her jump was when he nearly stopped dead and removed a worn shemagh for her to cover her face with. For whatever reason he kept giving her things or offering them without really saying why.

No matter how plagued his thoughts may be by what he had seen and experienced she was not going to run, he was too nice to just leave on the side of the road like Zuberi had suggested.

Verik would come back with them to Wete and though it was going to be a long walk home it would hopefully be safer since a large force of soldiers marched with them. He was haunted and brooding over what had happened but thankfully still calm to some degree.

Asha could only hope that he did not snap before they got home.

Chapter 10: Road to Where?

"The swiftest and most treacherous blade is one from a perceived ally."

Verik had calmed considerably by the second day and he was forced to admit that Asha had proven to be a great aid in keeping him from snapping at others as he continued to think over recent events.

During the journey he had gained a great deal of perspective on this world but also of the locals themselves: there was a clear distinction between the hoard at the bottom then the slim middle class and finally the near non-existent top of the economic scale.

This "grand caravan" they traveled in was a wonderful example of how "trickle down economics" did not work: Caravan masters dressed very well compared to the average sod who had to pull their wagons and the wealthier merchants had oxen to pull things while others preferred teams of slaves.

It was clear to any observer you either sat at the top or the bottom of this pecking order that had been established and the overwhelming mass sat at the bottom. As he kept watching it appeared most sat even beneath that low mark: it was like they hit the bottom of the barrel then drilled for oil.

It was strange but kind of historically accurate seeing the wealthy riding wagons while teams of servants or slaves pulled all of whom were flanked by personal guards while the other caravans such as the one Verik traveled with seemed to rely more on "local" defense than sell-swords.

Each night the various groups would nearly battle it out over who got to camp in the "best spots" but somehow Zuberi always managed to weasel them around in such a way that most failed to notice them slip off to a nice quiet spot on the fringe. As to why he kept them on the fringe he did not know but knowing that one he had his reasons.

Soldiers camped to their front about twenty yards off each night give or take and when they stopped everyone stopped be it day or night. When they left so did everyone else no matter the time of day or night in a mass scramble to keep up with their column.

Fighting over the water wells was another issue as here along the main road more existed but battles erupted anyway since there were more bodies per well and only so much space. Soldiers got first pick no matter what as they would form up and keep everyone back at spear-point. The wealthier merchant groups however would seize others not occupied by soldiers through force of arms till they were satisfied then once they finished collecting water the fights broke out all over again as the pecking order worked its way down.

It was not all bad though: venting a little frustration on the other groups at the well had helped both Verik and the Wete when he snarled at the cluster of water gatherers fighting over the well. Equines that had gathered at the well backed off quickly allowing the Wete water gatherers to collect hurriedly before shuffling off but it had resulted in those caravans nearest them keeping a wary eye on him.

Most however dismissed him as a foreign mercenary after he had changed his garb somewhat by tying a cloth "belt" around himself and stuffing the throwing sticks into it he soon came to somewhat resemble some of the poorer "hired help" that guarded the other caravans.

Wagons were once more rolling into their evening positions when it finally struck him that he had no idea where they were going or why Zuberi had them on this route.

"Asha, where exactly are we going?"

Jelani beat her to it however when she broke out laughing causing Asha to stare inquizically.

"Two days. Two days you no care where we go, now you suddenly want to know!" *Hah!* "We travel to Mjesani before turning East and home, you done brooding now yes?"

"Yes I am done brooding... Why are we going this way? What about the other route?"

"Too risky, maybe we kill all bandit, maybe not, we see small group going that way before you return. Zuberi say we go this way, Safer."


"How exactly is it safer? I thought the other routes like this one were too dangerous to travel."

Jelani nodded as the wagons were stopped for the day and the rush was on to claim wells, as usual they would wait till those willing to kill for the wells gathered theirs first then departed.

"Bandits no attack soldiers, Fareed make deal: they attack caravans but pay him for permission. They no take too much or caravans no longer come and no attack soldiers or mercenaries, that Fareed's deal. We travel with soldiers so safe, maybe."

"Do you Wete always add "maybe" to everything?"


"Fine, so as long as the soldiers are here the bandits wont try anything right?"

"Maybe." Jelani smiled and grabbed some rope and a water pouch from a wagon before walking off to a well where the fighting continued.

Great, they say maybe to everything and-...

"What the hell is that?"

Asha followed his arm and stared as the grisly totem beside the road farther away and nearest the soldiers camp. Looking over the tall pole that held some equine skulls and a large, crude sign he could not read.

"Ask Zuberi, he can read."

Verik stared a moment longer realizing that no one cared about the warning sign and after finding Zuberi and asking about the sign he noticed the caravan master to be somewhat bemused by his curiosity, it was as if the sign was normal.

"Bandits put that here, it probably says in very crude Arabian to either pay in coin or body." He glanced towards it a minute and shrugged. "Or die."

"Chipper world you have here. Is that normal?"

"Yes, why?"

He did not answer his question but shrugged before moving off after Jelani to help in gathering water. After his growling at the others yesterday Zuberi had been quick to suggest he be the one to get water or at least clear a path and indeed the others did remember him allowing them quicker access.

Filling the jars and returning to the camp everything settled again for the evening as the various groups kept to themselves. Their only movements were to turn quickly with suspicion to any sudden movement or passing group.

"You feel better now?"


Glancing at Asha he pulled the cover away from his face, Sefu had suggested they always sit with their backs to the soldiers or at least to the side so none would recognize him not that they would he guessed. Any interest had long been lost and out here there was nothing to gain from his incarceration.

"Very unhappy two days, no talk, you talk today, better now?"

"Yes, better but still a lot on my mind. Thank you by the way, didn't notice at first but that was you patting me-"

Asha quickly nodded and waved him off, it was hard to tell their expressions under that fur unless you looked at the ears and eyes but the way she squirmed slightly, ears twitching and eyes quick to stare at the ground as if to bore a hole while a small smirk graced the corner of her mouth he could guess she was somewhat embarrassed by it.

"It helped a great deal. Thank you."

Nothing more was said between the two as things continued to cook and bubble in the small jar and then after serving the contents Jelani joined them for a bit while staring blankly at Verik.

"So you come with us yes?"

"To Wete? I believe so, after what I have seen it would be very wise."

"Good! Could use more to protect village, bad times, very bad. Besides!" She gave a toothy smile at Asha. "This one be very, very happy if you come with us."

A hiss was the response which made Verik scowl a moment at the both of them.

"Alright, since I have come here I have seen you folks make all kinds of crazy noises: little sounds, expressions, twitches, flicks of the tail and even hissing. Its like watching a herd of cats communicate."


"So what does it mean? You hiss when you want someone to stop and I get that-"

"Ah, that, you just watch and learn, hard to explain. In time you learn."

"Could you at least tell me what some warning signs are then? I just got here and have already beaten the brains out of a bandit with a rock, a wheel spoke and survived things that frankly are beyond my understanding as to how then even survived a near lynching by city guards."

Jelani and Asha stared at each other a minute before shrugging to each other before Jelani stared at him quietly for a minute.

"You see this," she turned her ears slightly back and lowered them a little and looking at her eyes and near nickering mouth it was clear she was offended. "Mean you anger them, offended."

It was rather obvious though, anyone who had seen an angry cat would be able to understand that one but as she went on with a few subtle nuances of how to tell if someone was angry and to what level it boggled his mind as to how much of their language was the body and not actually spoken.

She ended his instruction with one he hazily remembered and was a lesson he learned in passing a very long time ago but thought it a joke.

"They say they "get their friend" you grab weapon and fight, they return they kill you."

"Noted. What are the odds of that happening though?"

"In Wete? Hmm... Like anywhere I think, some like you, some not."

A fair conclusion he had to admit. Indeed these zebras and Arabians were no more socially different than anyone else: they had likes and dislikes, groups, families, friends and enemies. Others might say they were just animals or an abomination but they were farthest from it.

They could talk in different languages, had cultures, nations, written language, stores, cities, homes, economies... Civilizations. All here were well and truly sentient beings going about their lives save the slaves who were shackled to their wagons. Slaves, they even had one of the oldest known institutions: slavery.

Not one of them was an animal and if they acted like an animal which a few did that night as they fought in a drunken brawl they were no more animalistic than anyone else could ever be.

Bodily wise they walked upright and had a more... What was the word? Softened face? Not that of a horse or zebra but softened, more sapient. The legs though were not as they were digitigrade and ended with hooves but he did not cares one bit: they were sentient.

More than anything though, they had not blinked an eye at having him join them save a few untrusting souls not that he would blame them.

His eyes continued to trace over their surroundings before his gaze lingered for a moment.

"Hey Jelani?" Verik continued to stare off into the darkness at the soldiers camp but specifically along its outer edge where some figures had caught his attention.

"Who are they? Over there on the edge?"

Pointing off at the odd, shadowed gathering Jelani followed his arm before slapping his arm back down to avoid attention, she continued to stare for a few minutes before shrugging but kept an eye on them.

One lesson he had taken to heart absolutely when dealing with anyone who worked for Fareed was "trust no one." They continued to watch for a few minutes until the figures parted ways but two of them did not rejoin the caravan's camp: they wandered off into the dark and away from the caravans.

Jelani slowly lifted herself up and waved for them to stay then walked over to Sefu and after a few words they joined Zuberi and Zuri in hushed conversation.

"I got a bad feeling about this..."

Asha turned and looked back at him and shrugged.

"If problem, Zuberi and Sefu solve."

"Do you always rely on them to decide?"

"No, but this time yes, they know, I do not."

"Very wise."

She had that embarrassed expression again.

Zuberi, Zuri, Sefu and Jelani sat around their little fire, to the first it was an unwanted visit as it always meant trouble and the later saw it as necessity.

"Alright, what is it Sefu?"

"Jelani and Verik see soldiers get visitors, not stay in camp, they leave and walk into tall grass..."

"Right, well... So long as the soldiers stick around they wont make a move, Fareed at least upholds his end of the bargain... Usually... Probably came to see if they would be allowed to pilfer anything."

"Maybe, we need watch closely tonight, just in case."

"In case of what Sefu? So long as the soldiers stay nothing will happen-"

"If soldiers gone?"

They all looked at Jelani a moment before exchanging looks.

"You think we were walked into this Jelani?"

She started at Zuberi and shrugged.

"I do not share in your theory of infinite "maybes." Either they did or did not and right now the soldiers are still here so we stay. Besides, if they betrayed us so blatantly Fareed would have their heads and they know it."

"Maybe, maybe not. We keep close watch on soldiers yes?"

*Aughh* "Fine, Sefu you can stay awake all night then and watch them, be my guest but we leave at dawn or whenever the soldiers pack up to leave."

Nodding Sefu stood then beckoned Jelani away.

"I take first watch, you second, have Verik keep watch too."

"Why? Verik not trained. Barely know how to fight."

"He say there be two yes? He see them leave?"


"His eyes good, see in dark well, two sets of eyes better than one."

She nodded and stopped at Asha and Verik's camp to share the news: for the first time he would be sharing guard duty.

Asha was sound asleep but not tossing or turning which had allowed him to move off and sit on top of the large wagon then stare out into the darkness without the low burning fires bothering his eyes. It had been a long time since he had sat up staring into the darkness and the last time was because a rabbit had gotten into his garden and only came at night.

It had not ended well for the furry varmint.

Neither did he have those same tools and weapons but the moon was still somewhat full, casting its silvery light across the landscape allowing his eyes to adjust easily and make out clearly the bulk of the caravan and the soldiers camp.

Their own location tonight was much closer to the front than it had been thanks to Zuberi's tactics of worming their way to the front a little more each day and again in when everyone stopped for the day.

Jelani was not far away from him sitting on some boulders beside the road staring out over the savannah and by the way her tail twitched she was quite bored much like himself.

For whatever reason he had the honor of staring at the soldiers camp: Sefu had been oddly specific about that. Verik was fairly certain Sefu did not trust anyone or anything outside his own small group for tasks like this which made it a massive leap of faith on his part.

Neither did he trust anyone either. Well... Except the thieves, that was a strange matter of "trust" but all the same he did to at least some extent trust them as they upheld whatever deal they made. His deal at any rate.

Eyes roaming the camp he watched the camps officer stand then walk over to a few others kicking them awake, they then began packing things up quickly. It was fairly easy too as the soldiers traveled light and moved fast and from what he could see the bulk of their carried weight was nothing but food.

Probably enough to get them to the next supply depot...

Continuing to watch them the small group then moved about the small camp and began rousing the rest quickly but quietly. A chain reaction spread through the camp as one woke another who then woke two then four and eight. Before long they were all up and without saying a word they rapidly dawned their shoddy equipment.

Turning his head towards Jelani quickly Verik wondered how good zebra hearing was as he made loud "snapping" sounds with his teeth and tongue as yelling "HEY" in the middle of the camp would bring more attention than he wanted.

At first her ears twitched but as he got louder she finally turned and looked, pointing to the soldiers camp she followed his movement starring at them before before hopping down quickly and racing to Sefu and with a touch to his shoulder and a few words he was up in a moment and already packing.

Sefu looked at Verik and pointed quickly to Zuberi who was sleeping nearby before he began to wake others, he did not need any more hints as to what the pointing had meant: Jumping down from the wagon he shook Zuberi then Zuri awake.

"Soldiers are preparing to leave, fires are still burning but they are packing."

Zuberi sprung up and began to wake others as Zuri and Verik went around the camp. Unlike the soldiers however they had nothing to really pack nor put on so loading the wagons quietly was an easy task.

Sefu ran into the camp and started to kick fires out while motioning to the others and in just moments the fires were out leaving them to wait in the darkness while staring at the soldiers camp.

"What happen? What wrong?"

Verik looked down at Asha as she tugged on his cloak he had left with her, somehow she found this heat "too cold" and had been shivering.

"Soldiers are up to something, if they leave we leave."

"Why they leave?"

"Dont know but I think those two who visited them earlier were bandits."

Her grip on the cloak tightened and he felt something brush his arm.

"Asha, you have lived here your whole life... Are things really this bad?"

Jelani nudged him from the side and pointed at the camp as the soldiers put their fires out then quickly formed up.


Once the fires were out the soldiers finished lining up into a column then began to quickly march off down the road and off into the darkness. Without waiting Zuberi hurried everyone into position and they began pulling or pushing the wagons off into the darkness after them.

It was a slow going for several minutes, the soldiers had gained a fair lead on them by the time they were on the road again but looking back at the massive caravan camp it was clear others had not been so trusting either.

A few other caravans had also packed up and scurried after the retreating soldiers into the darkness but it was when Verik heard Zuberi swear that he knew things were not going well.

Indeed it was a trap: sucker as many caravans as possible into following the soldiers south then encircle everyone then wait for the soldiers to leave so the bandits could close the net.

It would appear that either Fareed or the soldiers were playing by a new set of rules as it meant betraying one or the other's word. Perhaps someone just got greedy?

Up ahead of them a thin line of figures had started to stalk onto the road causing Zuberi to grab the lead team pulling the wagon and push them towards the side of the road then off into the tall grass while urging them forward quietly.

Fortunately for them the tall grass did not conceal any large rocks or piles of boulders as they moved off the road quickly but neither did they slow nor stop.

If anything rattled Bwnai was quick to stuff sleeping mats between them silencing the noise from searching ears. After several tense moments the wagons were near silent save creaking and groaning of the wood and wheels which could not be helped.

As they pushed and pulled their wagons into the darkness the bandits on the road were too busy with their grand prize to notice the paltry amount of wagons slipping past them but like all things in life: eventually luck runs out.

Author's Notes:

With any luck this one has better editing than the last, if not point out issues or PM them to me.

Chapter 11: A Long Night

"When realization hits, it hits hard."

Creaking and groaning through the tall grass the gaggle of zebras and one man crept along while pushing their heavy cargo onward trying to not make a peep less it invite disaster. Behind them the first shouts had risen into the night air as the army of bandits closed in and the struggle for control of the camp began.

There was almost no sound of actual fighting however, occasionally a death scream or pained howl would pierce the air but it was the deathly silence that quickly fell which had all of them on edge.

Whatever was happening the bandits were following the instructions on the sign: either pay in coin, cargo or body. If you were unwilling to pay the price of passage... You died.

As the wagons crunched through the dry grass Verik's hearing had become hypersensitive for some reason allowing him to pick up what was happening behind them not that he really wanted too as he had already had his fill of it in the city.

A quick glance back at the fading camp revealed that paying in bodies was rather popular as bandits had their way while others coughed up cold, hard coin. Some were not so lucky, they were loosing part of their cargo as payment along with everything else not nailed down.

Turning his head away from the sigh he managed a passing glance at the other caravans that had followed them but unlike the Wete they had failed to cross the line in time. Unlike those behind the bandits took a higher toll of those who refused to stand and pay, indeed being clever about it by trying to slip away the bandits were demanding a higher price: their lives.

It was rather like culling a herd really: those who were smarter and figured things out got cut down fast if they tried to use their heads while those that just knelt down with their ass in the air might get hit but then again maybe not. It was pretty much how earth worked.

No, that's exactly how it worked. Crabbing. Anyone tries to climb out, the rest drag you back in and punish you for it.

So long as everyone played by Fareed's book the world was unfair but they could live but play your own game...

Another scream filled the air as another was stabbed to death to their right, torches were being lit and began to cast their deathly glow across the landscape but from where he stood it did something else: It illuminated their eyes.

Only a few times had he stared at the eyes of a would be killer but these eyes were in a league of their own even at such a great distance. The equines of this land had larger eyes than normal resulting in a bigger glow but also made it easier to make out their expressions.

They held the look of a psychotic maniac.

Only twenty-five some odd yards separated the two groups at one point but thankfully the fighting had drawn their attention elsewhere. Within a few minutes they had left them behind and continued on their way picking up speed until they were moving faster than they had on the road, it was almost a race to get away as the wagons bumped and bounced wildly.

Escape came at a price tonight but it was one they seemingly did not have to pay: Tonight someone had to die for the other to escape. A price being paid by the caravans left behind.

They would live but others would die in their stead.

Ahead of him Sefu kept looking back before doing something that made a chill cover his body. Grabbing Zuberi he hissed something and began beckoning to everyone in a way that any fool could understand: stop and get down.

Everyone held their breath as a small group of bandits ran along the road not too far from them, two ran past and cut them off somewhere farther up but the other stopped and waited along the edge of the road.

Turning back from whence they came Verik could see two more following the wagon trail through the tall grass searching for the errant caravan.

When Sefu drew his knife rather than the scimitar there was no question as to what would have to happen. Looking around he pointed to various zebras and motioned before waving Verik off to the side and approaching quickly hissed for him to keep an eye on the one at the road.

As zebras stalked off into the grass the bandits stared out trying to make out the shapes of wagons or people, one even yelled something at one point but no on responded. They were beating the grass as it were, unsure to where exactly the wagons were but they knew somewhere along the road a caravan had escaped them.

The trail left behind was absolute proof of this and odds were good they would not stop looking till they were either dead or found them.

Thankfully did not seem to know how many had escaped. How they had missed a caravan going missing in the first place was unknown as surely they had been watching the whole camp for hours. Maybe in their greed they only had eyes for the larger ones and since Zuberi kept positioning them oddly it may have given them just enough leeway to make a break for it.

Not that it really mattered: the bandits had their backup plan.

Everything remained silent even after Sefu had gotten behind the ones tailing them but it was the one on the road that got the most attention. Walking down and into the grass they leveled their spear and quietly moved forward closing in on the wagons. Maybe the bandits though they could win through sheer fear like they had against those in the camp.

What made things more difficult now however was that Sefu was too far behind to close the gap while Jelani was gone to the front and while the others had weapons they huddled by the wagons as they always did.

Should that one sentry spot them after getting close enough they would not have to fight but only yell and a small army would come running. If that happened the wagons would have to be left behind while a mad dash for the hills would be the result as everyone scattered to the four winds to avoid being killed or worse: captured.

Shuffling back to the wagon Verik passed his spear off and stalked into the grass then off to the side of the bandit, if this one got a warning out it would not matter if Sefu killed the two behind or Jelani those to their front.

Perhaps what was saving them was the low dip they were in with the brush trees and shadows masking them somewhat. All the same, it was now a matter of time.


Verik froze as the bandit called out, Sefu froze in his tracks farther back having been in the process of taking one of them from behind before lowering himself back down. Back and forth they called for a minute then the search was on again as the group to the rear continued to follow the trail.

Moving forward again Verik could not help but wonder as to how badly this would go as the last time he had stalked anything it was as a kid stalking deer in a field. The catch however was that deer dont shoot back.

Inch by inch he crept around the bandit giving them plenty of space before finally getting behind them then closing in.

How good was zebra hearing? Did the ears have to aim back for them to pick him up?

Eyes scanning he caught sight of Sefu finishing off the last tracker before moving towards him, the bandit however had other ideas and kept advancing slowly. This one was apparently incapable of seeing very well into the dark, bushy undergrowth where the rest were hiding which was one more stroke of luck.

Removing one of the knobbed throwing sticks Verik followed step by step while remaining hunkered down in the grass as the gap between them began to close.

If one more shout went out it would be all over without the two trackers to answer. Sefu being too far away and Jelani somewhere else that left the one in front of him with no one to keep an eye on them...

Was this all pre-planned?

Sefu had only three warriors and Bwnai did not really count, he tried but was just as likely to trip over himself in the process. The rest were glorified warriors in that they knew how to fight, sort of, more than him at any rate but beyond that... Well they knew which end to stick into the target and how to hold a defensive formation.

Verik continued to close the gap while pushing those thoughts out of his mind as a shout from up ahead sounded out calling to the rest. Their time was up.

A quick response flew from his target but one of their ears turned back towards him quickly then their head began to turn.

They had heard him.

As the bandit turned to see if anything was behind them he brought the throwing stick up hard and fast aiming for the jaw and a cracking sound filled the air for a moment then the bandit collapsed backwards in a heap.

Jumping on them he hammered away with the stick at their skull several times before backing off and waiting. Jelani would have moments to pick off the other two.

She did not hesitate either, a throwing stick smacked one down and he could just make out her form as she popped up behind the other and did something with her hands before yanking them down into the tall grass, it was like a landshark had just reached up and snatched them before pulling them under.

Not wasting time he looked down at the body and in the darkness then felt around quickly. Undoing their belt he yanked it free while rolling the body around searching with his hands for anything.

In a land this wild it was eat or be eaten.

Apparently they had left their things behind. With a belt in hand along with a spear he had pulled from their dead grasp raced towards the caravan as it began moving again while Sefu urged Zuberi on. They had bought some time but sooner or later, most likely sooner, the scouts would be missed and more would come looking.

Back on the road they all joined in heaving the wagons forward to put distance between themselves and their near ill fated end.

All of them had been tired from the long march during the day but there was no choice now: either keep moving or be fed upon by those still waiting behind. Everyone pushed or pulled with great haste and looking beside him Verik saw Asha pushing for her life but with ears splayed back and droopy.

He was not the only one near the snapping point nor in a great hurry either.

Heaving the wagons onward long into the night Sefu had passed them much later on then with a quick turn the wagons rushed off and into the grass again, Sefu passed them once more to do something, presumably to try and hide the wagon tracks by standing the grass back up somewhat before rejoining them a few minutes later.

Could you even do that? Well, if zebras could talk who could say "no" to the endless possibilities of this land.

"Sefu, question."

Verik called out to him quietly as he returned from his task and the giant slowed to stare.

"How exactly do you hide a wagon trail?"

"You dont, impossible, but at night you make it hard to see, use spear to mask trail, push grass back up but come day dey see easily."

He rushed off again to the front leaving him to think that one over. As time continued to wear on the pace slowed as they moved away from the road and into the brush to rest. While not a long rest some quickly fell asleep leaning against the wagons while others fidgeted and jumped at even the slightest sound.

The world was on edge tonight and with good reason for if the bandits chose to chase them down they would have the marked advantage: they were not moving wagons.

Indeed all good things came to an end as Zuberi signaled them to resume but wove them farther away from the road and between some low ridges before stopping again. Now they could sleep then come dawn the race would resume.

With the crack of dawn came a mass of grumbling as they took their positions once more and began moving again. It was a nightmare for many of them being on the run for their lives but Sefu seemed to think come noon the bandits were not going to waste their time chasing down three wagons when they had their plunder to divide.

So far his theory had held up too as there were no bandits in sight as they continued on their way while Jelani had moved to the top of a hump to watch the surrounding terrain before climbing a small flat topped tree. Satisfied with whatever she did nor did not see the scout returned and as word was passed the pace slowed again.

Sefu had been right: no bandits traveled the road nor the area that she could see, not that some other band might be waiting farther ahead it did remain somewhat doubtful however.

When they finally stopped for the day it was getting late, all that divided them between the water wells was the great amount of scrub brush that hid them. Teams of two were sent to collect water and bring it back then after that had been accomplished Jelani brushed their tracks away just in case someone wandered down the road then spied the tracks leading off into the bush.

Being on the move for two days with little to no sleep in the heat was hell but necessary. Thankfully the cloak did its job very well preventing sunburn but now fatigue from heat and lack of sleep was setting in.

Everyone was sluggish as food was prepared, they would eat once now then twice in the morning they were informed. Mjesani was not far off now and though they were traveling a greater distance the road would actually cut their travel time compared to the ancient trail they had used before.

Still, many had to stay awake while the others slept and guard duty rotated around every few hours but thankfully his own turn would be much later but that left a new problem: Sleeping in broad daylight.

Most scooted under the brush trees to sleep but Verik crawled under the wagon again finding himself joined by Asha not long after but neither said a word choosing simply laid there in silence and content with having gotten away alive.

At first the light bothered him but as the minutes wore on the exhaustion of it all finally caught up and before he knew it, Verik was out like a light.

It had not been the first time someone had woken him via poking and tugging but this time he did not bang his head on the wagons underside. Sliding free Verik saw Sefu waiting, it was his turn to stand guard till sun-up and following the others finger took his position in the darkness to watch and wait.

Unlike the night before nothing had happened which he was grateful for, after having so many hectic days one after another the peace and quiet was wonderful. No caravans, bandits, soldiers or other critters moved but occasionally he could make out some distant sounds.

Morning came with the usual flipping of the celestial bodies but no one stirred as they were still too exhausted from their harrowing flight. When the camp did get around to moving guard duty rotated again allowing Verik more time to sleep as others gathered water and prepared to cook breakfast.

Everyone would be given twice the rations today due to the skipped meal so this would take longer, Asha had collected his rations for him and cooked the first batch then served it to him after waking him back up. Eating in the shade of the wagon he yawned a minute before making a strange face.

"One thing I will miss is toothpaste."

"What is toothpaste?"

"You brush your teeth with it to clean them and be rid of the smell, I have not brushed my teeth in... I cant remember."

"Ahhh that. We have but not bring with us, get home first then you get some. What else you miss?"

"Oh things like books, your world has them I presume but I wouldnt be able to read them so books, clothing that fits and things I will probably remember when I need them."

"You no like it here?"

"Oh I do. Your world is a hellhole but an honest one at least."

Asha stared at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What I mean to say is that you have your problems, lots of them... Lots, but you dont lie about it, I dont think anyone has, you freely admit it but dont hide it or make excuses. It simply is because that is just the way things are for you. Everyone also has their own ways it seems about getting around these problems like the thieves but even they dont lie which is... Strange."

"Strange? Why?"

"Where I come from everyone is told to only look at the good, to pretend the bad does not exist or if so to brush it aside, make excuses, downplay it till the problem explodes in everyone's faces, do anything but tell the absolute truth less you hurt someones feelings. Since coming here no one has lied, granted I have not talked to that many but no one lies or hides the truth that I have seen so far. Except for Zuberi withholding pay. Its just... Pure, a kind of pure honesty. No one bullshits anyone else, they just tell it like it is whether you like it or not."

"That good yes?"

"Very good, refreshing. A bandit is a bandit, killing one does not make others angry or sickened, I bet if I were to kill those soldiers few would care or see it was a justifiable act. Right?"

She nodded.

"Yes, maybe they worry but few would be angry."

"That's the point Asha, you people dont split hairs, maybe some do but so far... If I were back on that other world and people found out I killed a bandit most would be appalled and half would want me locked up because I did not do things "their way" but took the most direct route to solving a problem. Now the other half could care less but I would never hear the end of it from the first half."

"No justice?"

"Whatever there was amounted to spit on a hot griddle. At least here I have a chance of getting it even if I have to take things into my own hands. Here I can do something and get away with it."

"So you want to... Kill all soldiers and bandits?"

"That is beyond me but it wouldn't be a bad start, frankly this region needs a good cleansing."

"Maybe, but if they all go, something take their place, maybe better, maybe worse. Things stay this way, normal, we know normal, understand. Used to, can handle and work with normal."

"True, that is a very common excuse but unlike where I am from you have more opportunity. Look around at the sheer vastness of this land! I have seen almost nothing but you have immense freedom of movement and that is just the beginning."

"You want us move to escape?" Asha scowled at him a moment.

"No, I am living proof that running from problems solves nothing but you have more options than I ever did. Unfortunately for you and everyone else it seems... You got used to it being this way. Everyone just gave up."

"Then what we do hm? Rebel? Fight? Die? Burned out, enslaved and sold?"

Asha was getting a little angry, her voice had lost its usual cheery tone.

"Who knows, your life is not mine and you are free to live your own life however you see fit and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Maybe a rebellion is needed-"

"So you do what? Rebel, kill Fareed and fix world?"

"Like I told the thief boss lady back in Alzamard: right now my concern is just staying alive and figuring things out. If I cant figure this out everything else is beyond me and even then I am not a one man army, no one is despite their bluster."

"So you give up to then hmm?"

"No, but there is no point on concerning myself with things beyond my control. I have to admit though, the idea of conquering the world has its appeal."

"You savage enough."

Verik stared at her a moment before cocking his head a little.

"What do you mean?"

"Watch you beat bandit to death, savage, not nice way to die. Very painful. You not regret it, see it in your eyes. Since you come, many die by those hands." Asha pointed at him, "many die horrible deaths, slow deaths, mean deaths. But you no regret it... Not bad! But you willing, eager to kill."

"And that somehow makes me a good candidate for conqueror?"

"Maybe. I think, to conquer means many deaths, too many, much blood, run like river. If blood not bother you then maybe... Maybe you have it in you to kill so many they bow."

"Are you saying you want me to conquer the world?"

"No! Too dangerous, you probably die!"

"That is very touching but it could happen anyway."

"Maybe, but would be nice if someone stop this, make it all stop. No more killing."

"Well, we can all dream hmm?"

Asha nodded before wandering off to retrieve their second helping of rations, watching her go he leaned back against the wagon and closed his eyes again.

Conquer the world.

It always had its appeal but back there everyone was so absolutely dead set in their ways and keeping their little bubbles it would be impossible but here... Here there was a real chance. Everything was on the verge of collapse and indeed wars were being waged with little more cause than to show off much like a peacock strutting up and down a road proudly bearing its plume at passing cars while the drivers could care less.

He chuckled to himself at the idea of conquering this world, he had not a clue how one would even go about undertaking such a task but it was a grand concept all the same. Then again, like he had just told Asha there were more pressing matters to attend to such as simply surviving the trip "home."

In less than two weeks they had been attacked twice, framed once and who knew what tomorrow would hold. Right now it was more intelligent to focus on just getting to Wete without getting killed.

Sefu and Zuberi sat arguing again which was not unusual to anyone but their eyes kept shifting over to Verik every so often.

"Yes his vision is excellent Sefu, he was able to hunt the bandit down and kill them just as well as either you or Jelani but dont do that again!"

"Then who I send? Bwnai? He trip halfway and kill himself."

"I remind you that you are the one who got mad at me for using him yet you seem to keep insisting on doing it yourself."

"That different, this test."

"Yes, yes another one of your "warrior trials" I keep hearing about. Sefu, that bandit could have raised the warning!"

"He stop him first, he know, have instinct and follow it. No matter though, had he not bandit would yell anyway and we die. Better things end this way, he take chance, we now live."

"Are you going to "test" him again before we at least get to relative safety?"

"No, pray no need or reason. Should be grateful to spirits, we lucky to have him to fill in gaps."

"I cant believe I am saying this but I do agree with you... This time, no matter how little. However, there still lies that other problem of the chief. How many mouths do we have to feed now and you want to add one more? How are you going to justify bringing a predator into the village?"

"We lost two. They no eat now."

"While that logic is sound but grim I remind you that the chief wont see it that way and also one of those two was a friend of mine."

"Unfortunate but war is war, we can no change that. Friend die in battle though, painful death but honorable."

Zuberi gritted his teeth at hearing that, there was a philosophical divide between the two but there was a logic to it as had it not happened then... It would have happened another day. These were the risks they ran every time they sent off for supplies and all had accepted it. Nor was it the first let alone would it be the last time someone died on a trading mission either.

"It still worries me that he has another nature we have not seen yet."

"Maybe we see it on way home, maybe you test him this time."

"I dont care to test a predator and get eaten Sefu."

Sefu chuckled a moment before going silent and listening.

"Listen, you hear dem yes? Hyenas, many, too many. Far away."

"I am well aware, there is enough death along this damnable road they are well fed and plentiful."

"Probably have to fight them off... Kill a few and see what happens."

Zuberi balked at his friend a moment.

"Are you seriously suggesting that after we fend them off we see if he eats them?"

"He predator, maybe so, maybe not, eat nothing but zebra food."

"Oh heavens above I dont even want to think about that, I hope your wrong."

"Why? Hyenas healthy, not diseased, fat from zebra flesh."

"That is disturbing, you are disturbing. And morbid."

"Still true."

He did not know anymore if Sefu was toying with him but their long history pointed to a mixture of both which made the fur stand up on his spine. Being alone now meant fending off the predators that had long learned that this road was a source of food. Lacking the sheer numbers they had enjoyed a day ago to keep them away they were now little more than walking zebra steaks.

"If he eats one and the chief finds out, which he will mind you... I am not responsible."

Sefu snickered.

Chapter 12: Road to Mjesani

"You never realize how dangerous nature is till it tries to eat you."

Asha was up first and already had things well under way in preparing the morning meal as Sefu walked around the camp talking to everyone one at a time. It was not unusual but also necessary as he informed them on who would be on guard duty throughout the day as teams rotated, some would rest but that did not mean they would have nothing to do, they needed many sets of eyes watching for danger.

Working his way around the camp Sefu approached Asha then looked around for him before nodding a greeting to her.

"He asleep?"

Asha nodded then pointed under the wagon before going back to managing her bubbling pot as Sefu ducked low to look under the wagon a moment, satisfied he looked into the wagon and began rummaging around quietly.

"What you look for?"

"Zuri need jar, Verik not crazy yet?"

Turning her head towards him she shrugged not understanding what he meant.

"I think that one," he pointed under the wagon with his hand a moment, "thinks he get something great but now not so certain, not talk much, very troubled."

"Loosing your home makes anyone troubled."

"Not that kind of troubled, troubled like you were when you first come to Wete, still troubled. Uncertain, worried, trying to figure things out."

"Yes... He is troubled but it will pass, I hope."

"Maybe, just pray he not snap first yes? Last one snap we had to kill, remember?"

"Yes... You wou-"

"No, I think dis one do fine but no push too hard, needs to think things through. You help him."

She already was but it would seem it was now an order.

"I help because I want to."

"Good." Sefu turned for a moment, "shame for one to get what he want then loose it."

"He wont go crazy, will he?"

"No, no, that one take to fighting and killing easy, see it in eyes, disturbed by what he sees but not by the killing."

Sefu went back to rummaging before stopping dead and staring at something then moved down the wagon a little and began to fiddle with something.

They had one more thing they shared in common now: being troubled by the world around them.

Asha scooted the pot away from the embers and arranged the bowls, she still remembered what happened when the last refugee lost their mind from what had happened. Sefu had been the one to cut them down as they went into an uncontrollable rage and began attacking others while foaming at the mouth when the weight of the situation fell on them breaking their spirit in the process.

She did not want that to happen to Verik, he was too nice. Nice... Very nice but also very quick to kill yet somehow it did not bother her.

Verik was semi-awake from the sound of things moving against the boards above him but he had not made any move to get up yet, whoever it was talked a minute to someone else but the conversation was mostly tuned out before he rolled to face them after the conversation ended.

Two well built legs were all he saw at first then Asha at the campfire, he had gravitated to sleeping under the wagon more and more lately, even moving there later in the night just in case.

There was a loud *whump* beside his sleeping mat as a small pile of things dropped to the ground, Sefu's face came into view moments later as he squatted down and leaned hard to look under the wagon before pointing at the pile.

"Where you get?"


"This not in wagon before, saw you kill bandit last night, you remove something."

"Yes, tossed it into the wagon quickly, never looked at it since we were in a hurry."


Sefu grabbed the pile then stood quickly and joined Asha while Verik scooted out from under the wagon and joined them. The belt he had managed to get free was laid out in all its torn and tattered glory but attached to it were some interesting items.

Sitting beside Sefu he watched as the giant untied things from the belt before tossing it in the embers quickly.

When he had gained the belt there was such a rush to get away the thought of actually looking at it had never come up and when they had finally stopped he was too tired to even remember he had tossed it on the wagon.

Now however it looked like he had managed to pilfer some interesting items: a small knife that was not terribly useful in a fight, coin pouch along with a pouch full of rounded stones for a leather sling that had been tied off on the belt but it was the scabbard that got everyone's attention.

Some struggle was required to remove the rusty and poorly kept blade from its scabbard but it was clear this small shortsword as once used till it nearly broke, was mended then used again and again. Most likely it had never even been cleaned but it was still a blade or at least recognizable.

"Useless, maybe you have smith in Wete repair."

"Considering the cost of metal I take it that would be beyond my means."

"Hmm... Maybe, maybe not. You take spears and remove blades, have smith use them to repair blade, melt them all down and make new blade maybe."

"How much would that cost?"

"Much, very much but a good blade worth it, especially here." He waved at the surrounding landscape.

Verik could not argue with him on that point but it was also a good plan: take the worst of the spearheads and melt all of it down then turn it into a new blade. It could work if he could just afford it somehow.

Sefu emptied the coins onto the ground and made an unamused clicking sound, looking down they could all see why: four copper coins were zilch.

"Well, you get blade, that worth much, knife too, melt it and other knife you have, make better one."

"Still most likely beyond what I can afford, assuming the smith will work for four coppers."

"No, but you help with other things and smith maybe give you better deal."

Sefu stood and began walking away before calling back "we leave soon, eat fast."

Watching him go Verik looked back at the rusted and destroyed blade.

"Well that was interesting."

Verik fought to get the warped blade back into its scabbard again while Asha watched.

"Want a knife?"

Passing the new one over he rearranged everything and strapped the bullet pouch and sling onto his belt quickly before eating, Asha just stared at the poorly made little knife a moment before smiling.

"It really not bother you to kill..."

She had kept asking that question but never in condemnation, instead it was like Asha was searching for something... Were they worried he was going insane?

"Better them than me."

"Thank you, for the knife."

"You were looking at knives back in the city before all hell broke loose."

"Yes but Sefu had Jelani buy one for me already but still, thank you."

Getting the wagons back on the road took a little effort but they were now within spitting distance of Mjesani so the bandits would not be hanging around in any great numbers, once again unspoken "rules" were at play here.

Graves were also rather common along the route but just as many had never been buried only drug off the road and dumped in piles then barely covered with dirt. Wild animals had of course found this most acceptable and dug up the pits then hauled the bodies off as best they could or just eaten them right there leaving behind a myriad of skeletons littered about the fields. The sun would catch the bleached bones every now and then causing a small glint now and then as the grass swayed to and fro revealing them.

Walking alongside the wagons he stared out over the savannah wondering just many lives had been lost along this strip of road.

"Hey Jelani, whats that?"

Looking at where he was pointing she stared out into the grass before grimacing.

"Hyena or wild dogs hiding in grass."

"Aren't they supposed to be scavengers?"

"What you mean?"

"Never mind, are they a problem?"

"They learn to attack small groups like us, they fat from zebra flesh and no fear now. Only dangerous if there be more, might attack."

With a quick yell she alerted the others and heads began to turn in all directions scanning the tall grass.

"Good eyes. How you spot them?"

"The grass was moving against the wind and one of them is taller than the grass as strange as that may sound."

"They not get this big on your world?"

"That place is not my world but no they do not get that big, your world just set a record."

"They only following... Probably not attack then unless one strays. Watch them but stay close."

Jelani left for the wagon carrying her equipment and with a quick switch removed her bow and quiver before moving to the other side of the wagon train. Verik continued to stare at the grass as it bent down in channels as the wild canines followed them at a safe distance, considering how much death there was it seemed they were not interested in having to fight for their meals anymore.

Why bother fighting for food when it gets delivered almost daily from the constant fighting?

Nothing happened for the longest time but the movement in the grass began to close in on the wagons and it was not just on his side either, Jelani shouted and everything came to a halt as he returned a warning of the same: It appeared that the local wildlife had decided the odds were very much in their favor.

Was it perhaps nature then? The zebras were equines and often hunted back on earth by wildlife, they were most certainly not "natural" predators.

Frankly he had no idea what so ever as to how things worked here when it came to nature but right now they had other issues.

Everyone was balled up once more waiting on an attack, yanking some spears free Verik had an idea as he walked down to the huddle.

"Sefu? I am going to assume they will act like pack animals and circle us or something right? Maybe pick at us to see if anyone runs."

"Yes, why?"

"Lets attack them."


"I collected enough spears from the battles we fought, why not pass them out, leave the largest group here to stay safe then lure them in, Jelani shoots them down because they think we are straying then nail the wounded, drive them off, they are animals looking for a fast meal not a battle."

A smirk came across his face and he nodded before calling out a few names.

"We try, staying here too long might bring bandits, best we end this and go yes?"

Zuberi nodded with some reluctance before rejoining the herd while the other five stood apart from the rest, Jelani remained in their center with an arrow at the ready.

"Hey Sefu... What would you normally do?"

"Wait till they leave, not enough weapons but you right: this time we have enough. You not use sling?"

"I have no idea how to use that thing, right now I know enough to use this pig sticker to stab something and that's about it."

Hyenas began to emerge from the grasses and stalked towards the little circle of "stranded" zebras and one odd fleshy thing as Jelani patted him on the shoulder from behind.

"Better than most, least you know better to try than give up, remember, I shout you duck."

A chorus of "yes" broke out as they readied themselves, the overfed and oversized creatures began a large, slow circle of the convoy before some broke off to eye them for a bit then start to circle.

Verik had to admit the plan was elegant in its simplicity: with a small group detached to prey upon the predators natural inclination to attack the "weaker" group that strayed. In reality it was actually a ruse to lure them into circling where Jelani could get the best shot in a wide arch without being backed up against a wagon nor having to stand on one.

With a circle of spears poking out to keep them back it provided maximum protection while also providing an excellent killing field but only after this theory was tested would it prove a success or failure, Verik pinned it on being a success.

Now and then one would dart in before stopping and moving away, for whatever reason Jelani had chosen Verik as her personal meat shield in this affair leaving the others to focus on beating them back. He could only guess she was timing them.

A shout in his ear made him duck just as one darted in before halting again, they were testing them once more but this time the feint was answered. From behind a twang sounded and as an arrow whistled over his head driving into the creature making it give off a loud, pained yelp as it flopped on its side and began barking furiously in pain.

Others hesitated for a moment and another shot passed beyond their cluster and hit the next closest that had stopped to stare, their nature was working against them.

There was no fooling them twice however, as soon as the second fell yelping in pain the others backed off and began to focus on their little cluster, it had just become a numbers game.

Verik could only imagine from the animals standpoint the prey had wounded two of their own but were largely ignorant of exactly how it had happened or at least he hoped that was the case. If these critters were smart because of whatever crazy forces caused talking zebras and colorful equines to exist had also touched them with any degree of whatever voodoo ran this world...

"Sefu, these things arnt sentient are they?"

"What sentient?"

"Smart, talk like us, make plans."


Well that was just dandy.

Another was hit and fell but he others had learned to keep moving quickly as they closed in, if they did not pick off a few more of the beasts they could just rush them, it was a good plan but it had not occurred to him they might be "smart" to any degree.

Then again had the danger been too great Sefu would have never agreed let alone entertained any notion of listening to his plan so there was that going for them.

With a rush three of the bigger ones came in snapping furiously at them, one was hit almost immediately by an arrow but the othe two charged in heedless of the danger. From beside him Hibri stabbed as he did the same, both spears made their mark but the last ignored them and lunged.

Suicidal, angry and desperate. Had he not been wearing the loose robes the bite would have taken him in the leg but instead the overgrown hyena had a deep hold on his robe at the legs as it began tugging and tearing.

A swift kick of his boot made it loosen its grip before biting in again trying to find his leg but it was for naught as the other zebra beside him also gave it a harsh kick pushing it back before burying a spear in its side as Verik manged to free his own from the first dead one.

It was also the straw that broke the camels back, the pack had turned out to be very large indeed, they had hardly scratched at their numbers but the fast losses had made them back off and rethink attacking them.

Waiting they kept watching the large pack mill about bobbing their heads as they continued to silently judge them, mulling over the idea of attacking them again. Fortunately they did not. Melting away into the grass the pack moved off and went west over the savannah to find something else to eat that was less likely to fight back.

"I had no idea a pack of hyenas could get that big."

"Well fed."

Sefu broke ranks and walked out finishing the wounded ones off quickly before staring at Verik.

"Well? You loot dead things, you loot them or eat?"

Eat hyenas? Granted, he had no issues against eating dogs which usually either scared the hell out of others or made them sick where he came from but these were hyenas, how many diseases did they carry?

"Pass, I dont care to catch whatever they have but I do wonder: are their hides worth anything?"

Verik watched Sefu's gaze turn towards the wagons and Zuberi a moment before turning back to him.

"Yes, we skin them then go, sell at Mjesani to tanner."

"Figured you folks would be more into textiles. Fabrics, rather than leather being herbivores and all, plant eaters..."

"We eat plants yes but also other things sometimes: fish. Not eat meat like you hmm? Leather always useful, armor, water-skin, many uses, many."

"So you raise animals for leather then dump the meat? Rather wasteful, assuming that's what you do."

Everything had returned to normal as the busywork began of skinning the hyenas, flees covered them but the hides were tossed into the dust and beaten around to knock them free before rolling them up and tossing them on the rear wagon.

"Yes, Wete not make leather but we hunt for it if needed, Mjesani they raise ox and dogs for leather."

"Dog leather? Is that why you wanted to see if I would eat them?" Verik thumbed at the skinned carcasses.

"No, Zuberi still afraid of you, make him think you eat them and see."

"You pulled a joke on him?"

"Yes, hoped you might cook and eat one though, very funny if you did."

"Ha. Ha."

Sefu just smiled at him as they loaded the last flee free skin into the wagon.

"Will these fetch a good price?"

Jelani patted the pile and smiled at him.

"Yes, good hides, fresh, healthy! Not tanned but that okay, still worth good coin!"

"So six hides, that's one hide profit for each of us."

"I hit three."

"True, so it sounds like you will be quite rich then."

"No, we all fight, we share this time."

"Very generous of you."

"Our way not your way, you keep what you kill, our way is share with all who fight."

"Fair enough, is that also a hint about my ways?"


It did not take long for the hides to fill the air with a particular stench that overpowered their own "musk" that had built up from a lack of bathing, those pulling on the rear wagon coughed every now and then as the smell grew stronger in the heat of the sun.

No one complained though, everyone was happy for whatever their reasons were, the pack had been driven off without injury and a profit had been turned. Being happy to be alive or getting paid was the silent consensus.

As the wagons rolled along creaking they had changed hands and now Verik was pushing as they wound up one small knolls that blocked their way, it creaked and groaned quietly but his ears kept picking up an odd little sound now and then.

Reaching the top and descending once more it began to grow a little more pronounced as the sound of something popping filtered into his ears.

"Hey Asha, is the wagon supposed to make that noise?"

She stared at it a moment and shrugged, calling over to another he pointed out the sound and they too just shrugged but word was passed down the line. Zuberi eventually came back and walked alongside with head held low and one ear turned towards the wheel listening intently.


Verik looked at the caravan master as he stood upright and continued to curse his luck.


"We must have hit some rocks too hard that night we ran... Some of the support is coming loose and-"

"You miss something?"

Sefu had joined them and was staring down at the wagon as they kept walking.

"I missed nothing! Must have just come loose."

"We stop?"

"No, Mjesani is not far, we can get there before dark and do repairs when we get there."

Verik stared at the wheel a moment, he had no idea what was wrong with the thing but apparently it was not all that bad.

"So we are lucky then?"

Zuberi let out a tired sigh as he took another look at the wagon silently judging it.

"Yes, very lucky, it will not cost much to repair and we can do it ourselves, we just need a few parts from a blacksmith and we will be on our way in... A day, just to be safe best to check all the wagons carefully."

"So were staying in Mjesani for one or two days then?"

"Yes, Yes..."

Zuberi walked off while Sefu just looked at Verik a moment before explaining that the wagons belonged to him and if they completely broke it was doubtful he could afford new ones even if the Wete helped out. While timber was not rare in the region by any means neither was it common in their little strip of Zebrica, they had to travel onto other tribal lands to get any real quantity or quality of timber for construction and that would mean higher costs.

Costs that in a world like this were usually too high.

Author's Notes:

Yes the chapters are dragging on, wrote this set a good while back, about 7 more chapters till things are caught up to my current writing where the pace picks up.

Chapter 13: Mjesani

"Trade cities work two ways: they either have a lot of goods for sale at reasonable prices or they have next to nothing at exorbitant prices since it is all being exported."

Their pace had slowed somewhat now that the largest wagon was showing signs of damage and somehow this had escaped them till just a couple of hours ago. Nothing could be done about it either out on the road as repairs would require a blacksmith and that meant keeping the wagon in one piece till they could reach Mjesani.

Not one telltale sign was visible of the soldiers who had abandoned them either, they had long since disappeared but on the bright side bandits were non-existent as well. Any that were out here had probably gained their fill for the time being from the last raid and would have no interest in their little caravan even if they were spotted giving them a reprieve from their recent troubles.

At least that was what Jelani reasoned and it was sound too, there had been a very large swarm of them at the campsite of the large gathering of caravans and that meant it was probably a concerted effort.

Verik listened to the sound of the wagon's creaking as the wheels rotated and ground against the hard baked earthen road, there was little else to do until they reached their destination. The thought of getting a day or two to actually explore a place was a pleasant thought but also brought about a great deal of worry: would Mjesani be as bad as Alzamard?

Stopping for water at a well Zuberi remarked they would reach the city before nightfall and if they were lucky get inside and find a place to park the wagons till repairs could be done. If not they would have to camp outside the walls and while not entirely wise it was not a real danger either.

Asking what he meant by that Zuberi's only remark was to say that while the city was corrupt to the point of failure it was not nearly as bad compared to Alzamard, at least here there was some decorum of civility and the guards did not fleece everyone all of the time.

Sefu was quick to fill in the gaps thankfully: the only reason there was less corruption here was if they stole too much Fareed would be angered because then HE could not steal it. Fareed hated competition but then again all governments and tax collectors hated competition.

Small farms and little clusters of round huts were the first things to come into view as they neared the still distant city. Each little cluster of huts was nearly touching and all faced inwards with any gaps between them walled off with stick fences. Round and built of red mud brick with bundles of grass or straw for roves they were not the greatest sight in the world.

As they passed he looked them over closer and noted none of them had doors, in fact most just tossed something over the frame to obscure the interior but Verik doubted they had anything worth stealing anyway.

Row after row of crop was passed, Asha pointed out what was being grown now and then, most of it were root crops such as yams. Corn and to a smaller extent barley were also grown here but he was informed the distant barley fields were for alcohol production by and large.

Everything came at a price though: since the locals had to bring water from a nearby creek it meant growing crops that used less water as irrigation did not exist here. In return whatever they grew had to fit into this equation somehow and so the myriad of crops they grew were heavily varied and most of the water intensive crops were grown closer to the water source.

Looking for signs of the locals he found some still out and about but they were far and few in between and as the sun dipped lower on the horizon Mjesani came clearly into view. As their destination came into view the work day was over and the farmers could be seen trickling out of their distant fields towards their ratty little huts.

Staring at the walls of the city as they got closer he was pleased to note that there were no mass slums outside the walls, there were little dense clusters of huts here and there but no sprawling shack cities anywhere in sight nor great heaps of refuse and wagons carrying dead bodies nor signs of mass graves.

Reaching the gate he looked around after the guards stopped them and stared up at the high walls. Mjesani had tall walls but not as robust looking as Alzamards, they looked to be made of mud bricks that had been plastered over giving it a sun baked khaki color. It was the depth of the gatehouse however that indicated just how dense this wall was to make up for its shortcomings as he continued to examine it.

This city looked more like what one would expect of an ancient Arabian city, it had towers now and then with large cloth tarps to shield the sentries from the sun and the crenelations had a different design in that they were rounded off at the tops rather than flat giving them a kind of design flare.

No bribery was required to enter either, they were simply allowed to pass in after a few questions but that only put him on edge. Over the past few days nothing ever came easy and to just be allowed to walk in was unthinkable but after looking over at Jelani and raising an eyebrow she waved him off, this was "normal."

Through the gatehouse and into the city proper it was clear this place was much better kept, plenty of buildings looked damaged and a few were falling in on themselves but most were not that bad. Homeless were crammed into the alleys but refuse was not thrown into the streets, some modicum of sanitation was being kept here.

Jelani began talking to him filling in the gaps as they walked explaining things and she had guessed right that he was quite curious about the place: Mjesani was a city that sat on a T intersection for caravans. One road ran West to East then another North to Alzamard and that meant caravans often stayed inside the safety of the walls before departing.

This meant that goods flowed heavily in and out of the city but since almost everything was being shipped out prices could be very high unless the locals were making it for everyday use. While harassment did occur most of it was different from how Fareed handled things: the noble family of the city preferred to tax people to death, Fareed would get his dues and a chance to rob the merchants blind but this way they also got to dip their hands deeply into the pot.

As a side note she pointed out another factor that made any merchants stomach churn in anger and disgust about it: There were no other roads. This city sat on the only viable road in the entire western region, to go off-road with heavy cargo was to risk loosing the wagons over the rough terrain and still run the risk of banditry. Taking this one road was still the best bet they had.

Why not just go East and detour around them? She did not really know but guessed that it was either too far a detour or the regions to the East had their own issues and she was fairly certain they did considering the Wete sat along the dividing river of East and West.

Reaching the city center where the various groups of caravans gathered was a simple affair, they had to pass through one last gate to enter and it was here that the shakedown took place: in order to keep the wagons here overnight they had to pay a "fee" for the space.

While it may sound reasonable enough he kept listening as the well dressed stallion continued to drone on and on about other fines and fees required that were peanuts until you added them up. They even had a tax included for the "honor of Sultan Fareed" as it was his city and being permitted to stay here was supposed to be an honor and privilege.

Verik did not know which was more sick: that Fareed at least just robbed people at gunpoint and did not bullshit anyone about it or that the nobles here tried to be slick willies about it playing the role of politician perfectly to a T.

There was plenty of space to pick from as well once the tax collector had his dues, bandits were taking a toll on things but still the caravans kept rolling in despite the dangers. Passing through the second gate they entered the central "bazaar" of the city which was a semi-circle with the market being on their left and wagon parking to the right.

It was very well organized but many spaces were empty, an eerie hint as to had happened such a short time ago on the road from Alzamard, many tried to make it but not all succeeded.

On the bright side Mjesani really was better kept and managed though, it actually looked like a city not a bombed out crater. Roads were paved in cobblestone that needed replaced but at least it was there. Any buildings he had seen so far were mostly stores and such along the main drag leading to this area but unlike Alzamard they were better kept, they had signs of cracking and wear but they were not caving in on a large scale.

Then again he had only seen this small snippet of the city and not the whole thing but as Zuberi had them move the wagons into a small space he judged safe and adequate Verik could not help but feel a little giddy: tomorrow there would be a city to explore and one less dangerous than Alzamard to boot.

Sleeping in the city that night had been awkward as the ground was a cobblestone layer and not soft grass, falling asleep had taken some time and the heated stones only made things worse so Verik had spent the night leaning against the wagon staring up at the night sky and the strange constellations until the stone cooled enough to lay down upon without baking his skin off.

Come morning he was tired from lack of sleep but eager to get things started as Zuberi quickly gathered everyone together before the crack of dawn.

"Sefu will be in charge while I am looking for a smith to repair the wagon, you can wander if you want but dont go too far, Mjesani is much safer than Alzamard but not that much safer so be careful. You will be divided up so not everyone is gone at the same time, Zuri?"

Zuberi walked off with another in tow on his quest to find a smith who would help them with repairing the wagon while not demanding a firstborn in payment. Zuri was now checking to see who wanted to wander around the city but there were few takers, most wanted to just rest or sleep now that they were "safe" again.

Not Verik though, he wanted to go exploring, if this city was safer then by all means it was time to actually see something of this world and not have to worry about getting caught up with corrupt guards or slavers.

Asha had no interest, she was still skittish after what happened in Alzamard so that narrowed things down and Zuri did not want "trouble incarnate" out walking around on his own.

Jelani volunteered to go with him and after a brief discussion and the two were allowed to wander off together so long as she kept him for causing another uproar or starting any fights. Before leaving she grabbed her spear then walked up and stared, waiting.

"Lets walk the city in a large circle so we can see everything."

"Road not go in big circle, have to follow alleys."

"True..." He looked at the walls that divided Mjesani up a moment. "Do you know what each section has?"

"Not really, only been bazaar and to tavern, that way." She pointed off to the left but he was planning on walking in a counter clockwise direction so that would come later.

A tavern though? Made sense but odds were good there were a lot more than just one in the city even if it was smaller than Alzamard which also reminded him of something: the thieves. He knew what little symbol to look for now and was curious to see if it could be found in Mjesani.

Turning West onto the road and away from the bazaar another gatehouse blocked their way but no "tax" was collected on them, beyond it was a well defended gatehouse to their North with few being allowed to come or go, approaching them and asking they were curtly told to bugger off unless they could pay ten silver pieces for access.

Stealing a glance through the open gate as they passed the both of them caught a quick glimpse of very well maintained houses and streets, the only ones moving around were incredibly well dressed and had servants hustling after them.

"So that's where the rich live... I wonder what it looks like in Alzamard."

"You try to see they kill you, no get ideas, lets go."

Jelani tugged on his arm and moved towards another section that was not walled off.

White washed walls with cracks running through them marked the "well to do" area, though they were seen as being a kind of "middle class" there was a great deal of room for improvement. Poverty existed here but not the kind that led to starvation or disease, things were maintained and the adobe walls somewhat well maintained.

Everything was packed in though, narrow streets and narrower alleys, each building was built either directly into the other or so close they might as well have been. Actual wooden doors adorned the buildings along with smaller ones for windows but most had sticks built into them to keep anyone from just climbing in.

A kind of poor mans iron bars he mused as they walked past.

Ropes were strung between buildings and windows above them and hung with raggedy clothing that was hung out to dry, some areas had miniature "plazas" that had rough cloth suspended between the close in buildings to provide shade to the few old mares and stallions sitting around staring off into space or talking.

Locals were dressed in varied ways, as per the norm he had learned the Zebras just went as is in most cases while the colorful ones that Jelani called "Arabians" tended to wear more and he had to marvel at their clothing too.

Those that wore much beyond just a skirt or wrap to obscure things wore a rather colorful selection of clothing be it red, yellow, blue, green or a mixture. A couple of the wealthier ones wore clothing with intricate designs and weave that included swirls or block-like patterns.

Craft shops could also be found now and then along the "main road" but their prices were rather high and they sold little of variety, everything was aimed more for every day use, kind of like little mini-marts with inflated prices.

Farther down he saw a very well guarded gatehouse and after stopping a local to ask they remarked that the slums were beyond it and to be wary of thugs and cut-purses. Jelani was not very enthused about going beyond the gate but he insisted, he wanted to see everything the city had to offer.

Looking back before reaching the gate he noted everything here was plain, utterly plain, in Alzamard the buildings showed signs of having been decorated once but these were just bland to look at, even the windows were simple and bland lacking any kind of artistic design.

This area had been designed and built out of pure utilitarianism, everything was at least two stories tall some three but never less than two, the same window on every building, the same doorway, the same everything.

Verik let out a sigh as they neared the gate.

"Well that was a let down, narrow cobblestone streets, abode buildings, a few stone ones but nothing worth seeing."

Jelani shrugged.

"Mjesani is for passing caravans, not much happen here but in other sections things more interesting."

"The slums up ahead?"

"Yes, beyond are where crafters and smiths are, many taverns and places to eat there, also places to sleep."

"Having a blacksmith next door to someone trying to sleep seems counter productive."

"Yes but they make wall between smiths and other places, also required to stop at sundown so not disturb others."

Well that was reasonable enough.

"You sure you want to see slums? You not see enough in Alzamard?"

"Yes I am certain, I want to see the whole city not just the best parts, I want to see the truth."

"See truth? You weird, also you not supposed to cause trouble!"

"Walking around is not causing trouble for anyone."

"Trouble finds one like you."

"You still volunteered to be my escort..."

Jelani let out a snort.

"More interesting than baby sitting wagon."

"So you do enjoy trouble."

"Little. But you cause too much! Make whole city chase you!"

"I dont care to repeat that again, shall we?"

Jelani stared at the gatehouse as they walked up to the guards who eyed them before waving them past and into the slums.

Calling this place a slum was a little strong, it was not a total lost cause nor a burned out train wreck but the poverty was clear to anyone that bothered to look. Stack and pack buildings shot up two or three stories and equines pushed and shoved in the streets hustling to go somewhere or nowhere.

Putting a hand on his pouch Verik kept a strong hold of it while also keeping a hand on his throwing stick, Jelani was doing the same but the locals feared her more than the cloaked figure beside her, after all she had the spear.

Pushing their way down the incredibly narrow street they wound up in a small side alley to wait out the high traffic.

"For a place so poor they sure are busy."

"Going to find place to work for day and get food."

"Is it normal to be paid in food?"

"Ask Zuberi but many places yes, food more important than coin, food is coin."

Verik watched the crowds hustle away, Zuberi had woken everyone up very early that morning so he could take off and find a smith before work orders started to pour in and with any luck they would leave tomorrow morning.

Naturally this meant they were all awake before just about everyone else in the city save a few, breakfast was a handful of dried fruit, water and nothing else since cooking inside the city was impossible for them.

Setting fires on the city road was not very wise but also he doubted they would appreciate that very much.

A small group of young stallions and mares ambled down the street towards them talking amongst themselves as the locals moved out of the way or were pushed aside, Verik watched them a moment before looking around quickly, there were still to many in the street and he had an idea of where this was going.

"Jelani... Group to our right."

"Yes, we go."

"Too late." Verik watched them and muttered to himself.

Spying the two off in the side alley the cluster hurried forward pushing the crowd out of their way, Jelani had tried to push out into the crowd to escape while dragging Verik but there were too many in the narrow street and the oncoming rush compacted the mob in.

"Back into the alley, its narrow and we can beat them off."

Jelani grabbed Verik's arm and tugged him back quickly.

"Beat us off? How?"

Jelani leveled her spear at the speaker as he looked them over carefully, they looked like glorified thugs and were even armed much the same with their crude clubs or anything else they could get their hands on.

"Its a narrow alley, two of us can hold you lot off easily enough." Verik looked them over again before glancing at Jelani. "I figure none of you are eager to see who gets stuck with her spear either and I promise at least one of you will be."

"Still outnumber you."

"True." Verik pulled out his knife and throwing stick. "So who wants to die first? Guards will probably take an inte-"

"Guards? You are not in bazaar! They no care!"

Jelani and Verik eyed the mare who had spoken a moment before Jelani smiled at them.

"Good. Then they no stop me from killing you."

"Sounds like a plan."

Jelani stepped forward and made a false stab at one and they backed off quickly.

"Thought you want to fight us? You not rob us now?" Jelani glared at them and made a few more threatening pokes as the group considered their options.

Verik had a feeling both parties were treading on very thin ice, they could certainly take this gaggle of thugs down in the narrow alley but they did not seem to eager to back off, they wanted to puff up and look important, backing down would tarnish their reputation and that of their leader.

To a bunch of thugs acting like puffed up monkeys waving sticks around ego was more important than logic or practicality.

It was perfect though as neither he nor Jelani showed any signs of backing down, killing them would do the world a favor and if not today they would probably attack someone else tomorrow. Better to kill them all now and be done with it than pander to some thugs ego and sense of self worth, pandering to mentally challenged criminals like this only bred more of them.

The band of thugs calmed down a moment and more weapons came out, it was laughable in a way how they made mocking swings to puff themselves up, it was like watching monkeys hop around with sticks in their hands.

"Maybe you get one of us, we still get you. Best you give your coin and leave before we beat you to death."

"Try it, unafirwa!"

Verik had no idea what Jelani said after those first two words and he was presented with a new problem: whatever magical hold on this world could not find meaning fast enough to whatever she was saying and thus her words were lost on him, slipping away like smoke on the wind. However, the reaction in the thugs was instantaneous: they let out angry horse-like snarls and charged.

She was supposed to keep Verik out of trouble, she had agreed to even keep him out of fights and not allow him to do anything stupid but she was not going to hand over her coin pouch to these bastards.

Jelani did not hesitate when they moved to attack and immediately rammed the spear into the stomach of the closest one then yanked it free before turning against another. Stabbing furiously into the mass the gang of thugs surged into the narrow alley swinging their clubs at the two of them wildly while screaming their own threats.

Verik continued to back away with her, after the second had been stabbed they were not too eager to just throw themselves towards them and were now trying to fan out in a place that did not allow them too.

A quick glance to her right she saw him duck a heavy swing from a club aimed for his head, Verik stabbed into their stomach furiously with his little knife before backing away while the thug collapsed screaming.

Seconds ticked by as both groups eyed each other down then their eyes all shifted to one in particular: Verik.

She knew what they were thinking: he did not have a spear, sword, axe or anything beyond that little knife of his and a club in his other hand putting him almost on part with them. If they could grab him they would have leverage against her but that meant keeping her back while they swarmed him as best they could in the narrow space.

With three of their own down they were showing no signs of backing off, the stakes were too high and most were still standing. Surging to one side as their leader yelled out they swarmed Verik. She tried to stab them away but was pressed back as a few began tossing objects at her they had been carrying.

Nothing hit her but it had worked, they were all over him as arms flailed back and forth in a flurry of fur and flesh with the occasional yelp. There was no helping it now, ignoring the others trying to keep her wedged to one side Jelani turned and charged into the mass of bodies and skewered the first before pulling her club free and began battering away at their knees.

They all swarmed in now as they pushed and shoved, flailed, swung, bit, spat, kicked and punched in a fury of poorly aimed motion. A couple blows landed now and then as she ducked as best she could or yanked another around to take the blow for her.

Somewhere on the ground beside her Verik was buried under a pile of bodies as they battled it out screaming and kicking. They were so hemmed into this narrow alley it was impossible to use their clubs anymore and Jelani had to drop her own in favor of a small knife she kept.

Drawing that little knife however was like opening the flood gates on a whole new ball game, before they had wanted to beat them to death but now if they had a knife it came out and the stabbing began only no one had any idea who was stabbing at whom.

Dropping to the ground quickly she began slashing at knees while pushing and pulling to knock others over, it was not the smartest move but it was the only move possible right now.

It paid off too, they sprung back quickly leaving her a gap to move in and also to yank one off Verik to use as a meat-shield against the others. Putting her blade to their throat she barked at them to back off and waited as they tried to figure out what to do.

Somewhere below a body slid off Verik as he stood back up spitting out fur and blood but not looking any worse for it.

"You bit them to death?"

"Seemed like a good idea at the time, doubt I will get rid of this taste for a while though, dont think they bathed once in their lives."

Jelani stared at them and hissed while digging her knife into her captives throat a little, one by one they began to back off and retreat down the alley to safety leaving their dead and wounded behind.

"You injured?"

"Bruised from a few hits but that's all, you?"

She looked him over before spinning the thug hard and slammed his head into the wall knocking them unconscious while bits of mud plaster shook free from the impact. Looking herself over quickly she realized they had managed to not only avoid being stabbed somehow but escape with just minor bruises.

"Bruised, what happened?"

Verik looked around him for a minute and shrugged.

"Ten man knife fight in a phone booth?"

"What is phone booth?"

"Never mind, not sure, guess they got so eager to get me they got in each others way, lucky me."

"Lucky you, we go now, not tell Zuri or others! Understand?"


Jelani watched as he began to pick over the bodies quickly looking for anything valuable, he had no luck save one who had a couple of coins but for all their effort there was nothing to really show for it.

"You ready?"

"Yup, lets find a well or something, I want to get this blood washed off and rinse my mouth out."

"You really bite them?"

"Got one by the throat out of sheer luck, just bit down and held on."

She shook her head and looked her own blood splattered body over before nodding.

"We find water and bathe, lets go."

Clearing the way was easy, not one soul wanted to get in their path as they walked along covered in blood splatter, a small well provided them the water they needed to wash off with but Verik had to strip and pound out his cloak to get the blood out while "borrowing" someones bucket to use as a wash basin.

Jelani scrubbed blood out of her fur quickly before it set leaving a tell tale mark as to what had happened thus letting Zuri know she had failed in her simple task of staying out of trouble.

Verik finished cleaning the blood from his cloak and put it back on, it clung to his figure heavily but the dampness would provide a great deal of relief from the heat. Staring over at Jelani he wondered what would happen if Zuri ever found out about the fight with the thugs.


She nodded and the two moved off towards the gatehouse that was allowing few out, none of the guards caused them any trouble though for whatever reason. Perhaps they just didn't care.

"Jelani, is it normal for the thugs to just charge in like that? Where I am from even if they have numbers so long as you are armed and willing to kill they back off."

"Bandits use cities to recruit, probably want to impress them."

"Are there that many thugs out and about then?"

"No, few but only take a few."

That was true enough.

Back on the main road that led East Verik looked up and down the long road at the large assortment of well kept establishments, this location was obviously for the more well to do merchants and locals.

A little bit of everything was here along the main road he noted: taverns, inns, restaurants, everything, all lined up neatly for any passerby to ogle but none of the locals stopped at these places, it was probably beyond anything they could afford.

Still, the colorful clothing for sale along with fancy pottery, wonderful smelling food and other delights made the mind wander to happier places.

Instead of looking them over Jelani led him away and bent down a smaller side streets to places more hidden away but that was what he wanted to see: the places the regular people went too not the fancy, overpriced ones.

He also had to wonder what the locals even considered "fancy."

All during their little jaunt he had looked over every building that sold goods or entertained others but never once had he seen the symbol he was looking for.

Jelani took the lead in the less crowded street, how long they had been walking he did not know but a quick glance towards the sky while avoiding looking into the sun hinted at their time spent as being a few hours.

For a city smaller than Alzamard it still took a long time to get around but the congestion and his desire to see everything is what was probably slowing them down so much.

Rounding a turn they emerged on a back street that was unpaved and lined with seedier looking little stores, taverns and other "establishments." One did not have to be a genius to understand what the mares and a few stallions were selling the way they propositioned others as they passed by, let alone how they dressed or showed themselves off.

Their destination however was somewhere else as Jelani led him on, he asked where they were going and she informed him he owed her a drink after getting them into trouble, again.

Their destination was a seedy little place but decently built, mud brick minus the plaster, no door, two stories tall and it had a dirt floor with mats thrown down along with the occasional rough table. Hopefully whatever they sold here was better than the decor but time would tell.

Stepping through the door frame Verik had to duck down a little and in so doing caught sight of a small symbol, the same one he had been looking for: this place was for thieves.

Jelani went straight to a mat and sat with her back to the wall and leaned her spear against it beside her. He joined her and continued to look around for a minute at the various patrons and the lone zebra stallion who worked his little "bar" which amounted to a few jugs and ladles for dipping.

"Fancy place... Hope I can afford it."

"I saw what you take off one you killed, you afford it."

A younger dirty yellow stallion walked over and nodded at Jelani and after a word was off again, he returned with two clay cups of something and laid them down, Verik looked at Jelani a moment then asked how much, a small argument broke out between Jelani and the server for a brief moment before he left with a few coins in hand.

"I dont drink."


"I dont drink alcohol, never have, cant stand the smell and I have to say this... Stuff, is really unique..."

"Barley beer, more for me."

Jelani leaned out for the cup and Verik pushed it over to her before continuing to look around. So somewhere in this building the thieves had someone listening in for them, a courier of sorts in case someone needed to contact them.

But who?

He could say the word aloud and see what happened but that would not only be foolish but downright stupid, he had no need nor interest in contacting them. Having even found their little hideout or one of them was more than enough for now but it still eluded him as to why he cared about that.

"So, how did you escape?"


Jelani put her cup down and stared.

"What happened in Alzamard?"

"Ah... I never did tell you did I."


"Is it really wise to talk about that here?"

She waved him off.

"Who they tell? Keep voice down and no worry, everyone have own problems, no need to make more."

"Alright, enjoy your drinks because this will take a little while."

Author's Notes:

Not sure if I will have time to edit the next chapter and post next week, just have to wait and see.

Chapter 14: Finding a Gift

Author's Notes:

Poorly edited but this is as good as it will get this week considering we are still cleaning up from both floods (Hit twice so far) and will probably be busy doing so for a while to come, thankfully we got it rather... Mild? The house is standing at least.

"Walking through a slave market selling sentient creatures is one of the more sobering moments in your life."

Jelani was a good listener. All she had done for the past two hours was listen quietly and by the time he had finished his story of what had happened in Alzamard she was shaking her head in disbelief.

"Not know how you survive that, very lucky."

"Well it is the truth but I can not figure out how I managed to get away either, your probably right: luck."

There had been one thing he left out though: asking the thieves about how to find them and contact them. He doubted Jelani would do anything one way or another with the information but none the less it was best to keep that bit of information to himself.

"Verik, why you stare at eyes so much?


"You always stare into eyes, why?"

"Oh that... One: I was taught it is good manners to look someone in the eyes when you talk to them, also if I did not it would be rather... Distracting."

Jelani raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"If I were to look anywhere other than your eyes I would have a hard time concentrating on what I am saying."

Looking down at herself she stared back up at him then smirked.

"Cant wait to see you in Wete then."

Verik closed his eyes a moment and sighed as she began snickering at him before something else got her attention.

Jelani's eyes scanned the room for a minute before she motioned for them to get up, it was time to leave as more zebras and Arabians poured into the little tavern. Due to its small size the place was filling quickly and getting too crowded for comfort.

Pushing their way out was not all that hard compared to the slums but was still a struggle and once outside the tavern the narrow street was rather busy as he could only assume that workers were taking time off to get away from the blazing sun and stifling heat.

Pushing their way back out onto the main road they both stopped and looked around for a minute before Jelani just turned and stared at him. It did not take a genius to know what the question was: which way?

"Zuberi was going to find a blacksmith right? Where would that be?"

Jelani motioned with a hand before leading him off past a smaller wall and with a sharp turn they wandered down another narrow alley. This one was punctuated not by seedy little buildings but storehouses and the echoing sound of metal being forcibly beaten into submission.

So these are what medieval smithies look like...

As they continued down the street they made another turn and the sound became more pronounced, Verik stared into the various workshops and smithies that they passed. Some were busy turning out pottery others metal tools of every kind be it for farmers, laborers, wagons or a host of other purposes.

Most were rather small and operated by a handful of workers but as they kept going a divide became apparent: the nobles that ruled the city understood what "fire hazard" meant.

Almost every smith in the city worked for the sake of the caravans and farmers which was logical but they were kept to one area, a wider street then separated the areas that used fire from the workshops that did not. Few were engaged in carpentry but they still existed, some even wove textiles and the last handful of workshops were busy using reed and sticks to fashion baskets and other storage containers.

No one cared either whenever he stopped to stare at what they were doing, work continued on without slowing and as he watched them work their various crafts during their little walk it was interesting to see how much variety there was. Just about every pottery workshop had their own little way of making things that stood out from the rest so no one would ever confuse who made what.

None of it was for sale however, they only made it before passing the finished product to someone else who loaded it into a cart and pulled it off to market.

Having made "the loop" as Jelani called it of the various shops they had not seen Zuberi or anyone recognizable anywhere so they both assumed he either succeeded already or failed in finding someone willing to repair the wagon.

That left walking down the main street and back towards the bazaar which turned out to be the most interesting part of the trip.

It was here along the main strip that the weapon-smiths had their works on display of every make, size and shape. As they browsed while walking Verik could only guess what exorbitant price would be demanded for anything available here.

Spears were more common but each shop had a great number of bladed weapons including axes, scimitars and more. One even had a much longer scimitar that was more akin to a broadsword and would take two hands to wield and he guessed one would probably have to sell a firstborn to get the thing, but as he stared at it there was no doubt the blade would be effective if you actually hit someone with it.

Verik stopped dead though as he looked at the gatehouse to their front, the same one that had done a mock shakedown of the caravan yesterday. Turning around and looking back he became confused and puzzled about something.

"Jelani... Why are the walls all wrong?"

"What you mean?"

"I mean that there is a gatehouse in front of us that does nothing, it just attaches to the wealthy area but goes nowhere otherwise, no wall. This area has a wall behind it for noise control but it could never be used to defend anything, hell if someone got in from that front gate they could just WALK around the entire city without ever hitting a gate till the slums. You even led us down a passage that detours that damn thing. The only two places actually sealed behind walls is the rich area to our right and the slums, what maniac devised this?"

"Ah. Mjesani built on ancient ruins, long ago was fortress, the "slums" was original fort, torn down and rebuilt long ago."

"So someone decided to rebuild this place and just... Forgot the idea that someone might lay siege to the city?"


"Whoever was in charge was either inept to the highest degree or simply moronic, half the city could fall in the blink of an eye and nothing could stop someone once they got through just one gate! I doubt the slums would resist if they were left alone and that just means the "nobles" would be penned up inside their own little zone and could be starved out."

Jelani was now looking around at how the walls were situated herself and nodded slowly.

"True... Good we no live here yes?"

"Very true. I guess that leaves the bazaar then? Oh. Where is the government building? Town hall or something like that, I assume there is one because no noble from any world I could ever imagine would go without an over reaching beurocracy."

"Think it in fancy place, pay to reach."

As they walked towards the gatehouse Verik looked at the wall that kept the nobles and wealthy safe from the locals and also afforded them the luxury of not having to ever see anyone but each other.

"So the locals have to pay the nobles to see the nobles and lay their grievances?"

"Guess so? Ah! Look!"

Verik turned his head quickly to where she was pointing, down one of the alleys was a familiar crew working and arguing over a wagon that had been unloaded. Zuberi was having it out with someone else as they tried to figure out how best to complete the repairs on the worn out wagon.

A younger zebra popped out of the building beside the wagon holding a piece of shaped metal with tongs and rushed over, the arguing stopped as they checked the fit before he hurried away again.

Zuberi caught sight of them as they watched and looked them over a moment before nodding and returning to the repairs.

"All okay then, wagon repair soon and we leave tomorrow."

"You can tell all of that from one nod?"

"Yes, you see wagon and how it off ground?"


"Look closer at things, could see most repairs done, also I make motion at Zuberi, see if things okay."

"Ah... It pays to pay attention."


Jelani snickered at him as they reached the gate, the guards looked them over quickly then ignored them. There was nothing to tax on their person nor fees they could conceivably make demands for considering how they were "dressed."

Once more through the gate they entered the bazaar and could see their distant caravan minus one wagon. Everything that had been on it was now piled up in a somewhat organized fashion and guarded by those who had remained behind but he was not ready to return just yet.

Flowing into the crowd as they bustled about searching for the best prices on various goods the two wandered around for what must have been an hour. There was one major over arching truth about this market compared to Alzamard: everything was so overpriced it made them both gag as they listened to the prices.

Foodstuffs along with pots and baskets were reasonably priced according to Jelani but beyond that they wanted a small ransom for anything. Since Mjesani sat on THE trade route in this region nothing was long to stay here, it was all bound to some distant location where its value would drop once more due to over abundance but here where the abundance was lesser...

They could charge anything they wanted and they knew it.

Supply and demand was at work here and most goods were uncommon or rare while others were so common they dare not charge beyond a few coin for them less the goods rot away.

"So do the Wete produce anything?"

"Hm? Yes, we make pots, baskets and other..." Jelani stopped a moment, "things. You want buy pot do it in Wete, cheaper."

"Well I was thinking that since I am going with you lot it might be wise to bear a gift of some kind if my study of other cultures back on the other world is any great hint."

Jelani looked around a moment before looking back and nodding.

"Wise, yes, bring gift help, but right gift! Come."

They returned to the wagons and found Sefu sitting on a rolled up mat looking bored. Jelani filled him in quickly then all eyes were on Verik as they stared back and forth at each other.

Sefu slowly stood up and pulled a pouch out and counted some coins out and handed them to Verik.

"Your share for hides."

He spoke for a moment with Jelani before sitting down again and waved them off content to stare at the crowd of equines as they ambled around. Jelani beckoned and the two made their way back into the bazaar with her leading the way looking for something.

"So what did Sefu say?"

"What to get."


Their first stop had been to find a tiny little clay pot and when asked she quickly informed him it was better to have something to store everything in rather than hold it in his hands all the way back to Wete while she continued to weave around the crowd searching.

She stopped dead after a few minutes of wandering and began arguing with the merchant and pointing at the various piles of what looked like spices of several varieties. In all honesty he had been expecting her to lead him to some kind of higher priced stall but not here of all places considering how abundant spices seemed to be.

"Deal, Verik, pay him."

Eyes darting to Jelani she motioned again and mouthed off the price as the merchant carefully measured out whatever the heck it was he had just bought. Pouring it into the little clay holding vessel after measuring it off the seal was placed back over the jar and once more Verik had a large hole in his pouch.

"So your chief likes spices?"

"Many plants not like soil there, have to buy spice elsewhere and bring in, here is cheaper, they grow much in fields around city."

"Alright... Well lets keep looking, who knows, maybe I will find a nick-knack for three copper coins."

"That all you have left?"

"Just about, everyone has been right about things being horribly over priced."

"This cheap..."

Well if this was considered "cheap" he did not want to know what expensive meant.

As they wandered around things began to pick back up again slowly as the sun continued to dip in the sky. Having made a crisscross pattern through the bazaar they began walking down the far side before leaving and walking the exterior on their way back.

There was not much they had not seen however and the only reason it had taken so long was because of how slow he walked along with his desire to see everything since no one was out to remove his head from his shoulders for once.

On the last and farthest strip of the market his pace slowed even more as they neared another kind of market. He had seen this in Alzamard but only in passing because of how fast things had happened but now they were free to stare and Verik was able to stand still and just soak in the sight before them.

Slavery was very common in cities or so he was told and Mjesani had its own thriving little market set farther back in the bazaar long the western edge of the wall that sealed the slums off. Guards were plentiful and kept a watch over the living cargo but as he stared nothing was being sold.

"Where do they get all these slaves from?"

Verik looked down the long, tightly packed rows that were chained or tied to each other around their necks and legs.

"Slavers raid villages across border, sometimes raid inside if Fareed paid. Others raid back for slaves."

"Rather scrawny looking."

Jelani narrowed an eye and stared at him.

"You buy?"

"No, just an observation, they dont seem well fed is all."

"Ah, why waste food on slave, just get another."

"Right. How many of these slaves are criminals assuming criminals are sold as slaves?"

She hummed and looked down the long rows before pointing.

"That one was thief, banded hand mark, murderer branded on face."

"I thought thieves were just outright hung."

"Some, scare everyone, but waste, better to sell and make profit."

"Do the Wete sell thieves or criminals?"

"No, last criminal killed, thieves marked and chased off. Wete not keep slaves."

"Other tribes do?"

"No... Few, very few, ones who aid Fareed keep slaves, rest not."

"So there is a larger pecking order going on."

Jelani nodded as they turned away from the slave market and departed on the final loop to return them to the caravan for the day.

What a sight that had been too: slaves were simply lined up and pushed in as tightly as possible to save space and left to die in the sun without food or water because they were cheap. Hygiene was a thing of the past here as well, most things were kept relatively clean in the city but the slave market was a mess as they were left to just sit there in their own excrement and urine since no one could be bothered; they would either die or be sold quickly enough.

As they rounded the bend and saw the gatehouse come into view his attention was drawn to the wagons that slowly made their way into the city while their limping handlers heaved them onwards.

Jelani and Verik walked over and watched as what had been the massive caravan they had been a part of back at Alzamard teetered into the city while being fleeced by the guards if they had any fleece left to give.

They had been badly beaten both in combat and outside, few guards were alive and any that were had been stripped naked of their equipment and whipped till they could hardly walk, a solemn reminder of what happened to anyone who resisted.

Blood splatters marked almost every wagon along with cut marks, the wealthy and well to do in the caravans were untouched, they had let their lackeys do the dying for them and mostly likely paid off the bandits.

There appeared to be some kind of rules to the madness too, Fareed apparently knew enough to reign his attack dogs in so they would not shut down the merchants by killing them off or taking too much too often but that just meant everything else was game.

Remembering how much cargo the wagons had borne to start with it was obvious to all the bandits had taken roughly half the cargo, enough to make a tidy profit for themselves without putting the merchants entirely out of business meaning one day they would probably return with more wagons heavily laden with goods to steal.

On an individual level however things went from bad to absolute worst in an instant: the rules did not apply to the underlings what so ever and that meant one was free to do whatever they wanted and that meant anything, there were no rules anymore, the gloves came off.

Most had been beaten to a bloody pulp then cut on out of pure sadism by their captors but the hobbling walk most endured with long bloody streaks running between their legs made it clear what price the bandits had demanded beyond just the goods taken.

It also made him wonder how many they had decided to just keep for their own personal entertainment while they relaxed fat, happy and somewhat content with their ill begotten goods. If any had been taken for such a purpose they would probably have it the worst compared to this sorry lot that limped past.

Oxen had been left, the bandits were not dumb, take the oxen and the wagons would never return with more goods to steal and looked to be the only sorry looking creature in the lot that had been untouched other than a few high and mighty merchants still dressed in their finery.

As the wagons pulled by slaves ground their way along he could see they had been by far the worst treated of any, their lives were entirely expendable in the eyes of all and could be replaced on a whim. Looking them over as they dragged their half dead carcasses into the city trying desperately to pull half loaded wagons while whips kept cracking it made Verik realize why the merchants had kept extra slaves around in their caravans: they were the replacements.

One dropped dead as the wagons began to make the bend causing things to slow as the body chained to the wagons went limp and was drug along slowly causing everything to slow down till it halted. The slaves were pushed to maximum for carrying capacity in their current state and the loss of just one had brought it to a halt.

The overseer hurried over and beat the body a few times before unchaining it and calling back for another to be brought up and replace the dead one. Guards came over and began arguing over cost of disposal as the dead slave was drug away and left in the street while another in no better condition was chained into place.

Holding a few coins between her fingers and shouting the overseer propositioned the crowd with the offer of payment for any who would remove the corpse from the city, a few fought over the right before hauling it off and accepted the payment as they passed her.

Life here was so cheap, so expendable that it was almost free to spend. Slaves were so plentiful why bother keeping them alive, for a nickle you could get another and beat them to death just for fun then go get another and another.

Movement resumed again and they watched the wagons roll past one at a time, interestingly enough and possibly the most spooky part about it all was that there were none who were too injured to walk.

"Jelani, hazard me a guess but why are there only walking wounded and no stretchers or wounded loaded into the wagons?"

"Waste of coin and time."

A small part of his soul died a little at hearing that. He had guessed as much but wanted to hear it from the lips of another who had probably seen this before rather than make a wild guess: anyone who could not walk under their own power was left behind to die.

"I assume from what little I know of the Wete and what happened after that first bandit attack when I met you the Wete do not share such sentiments."


It was a small relief but one that mattered the most as it meant that should anything happen on this scale the odds were considerably lower that he would be left behind to crawl off under a rock and die out of sight and mind.

No crowd gathered to stare either, a tiny few stood and stared but most just took one look and went on their way; this was just another Tuesday for Mjesani.

Making their way through the wagons and back to their little camp the others watched in silence with relief on their faces: it had been someone else and not them this time.

This time.

Running a gauntlet to try and survive in a world gone to hell in the wild hope you arrive safely, hawk your goods quickly, grab what you need and then run like hell is on your heels for home which it is all in the wild hope that you get back before the demons catch up with you.

And to think Zuberi, Sefu and Jelani did this once a year, every year.

It also made sense why Asha was so panicked all the time since from the few hints he had picked up from Jelani and Asha hissing at each other that she had something similar happen to her but she had managed to get away before being grabbed or he guessed as much.

As the wagons moved past them one of the walking dead stared at them a moment before hobbling towards them pointing with his mouth open. Verik had a bit of trouble telling the zebras apart but this one he vaguely remembered as their camp was set next to their own during the journey.

This zebra was apparently the lone survivor of the wagon that had tried to follow them and been caught then killed off.

He just stood there though trying to form words but failed, everyone watched him quietly before he finally lowered his hand and clenched a fist and staggered away. No words were needed to know what he was thinking or wanted to say but could not bring himself to say it for had the roles been reversed that night he would be sitting here staring back at one of them as they hobbled past.

The die had been cast and he had lost everything in one brief, bloody moment.

"So that gift for Tenadji?"

Verik turned towards Sefu who just stared and nodded at the pot he still carried.

"Yes... I take it this is normal?"

"When we reach Wete you keep that and wait until we talk with Tendaji, then you give. Very wise to bring gift but also wise to bring gift for Nuru."

"Who is Nuru?"

"Shaman for Wete, you still have coin?"

Verik opened his pouch and dug out what few were left and showed them as Sefu shook his head.

"Buy something Iuny, they sell nice things, cheap thing but nice."

"So I should have not bought anything here?"

"Let me see."

Sefu accepted the pot and looked inside before nodding and handing it back.

"Good choice, not buy at Iuny, too expensive."

"I have noticed costs seem to... Fluctuate a lot."

"Not merchant, ask Zuberi."

The conversation ended there as Jelani walked off to find a spot to sit leaving Verik to stand there and watch the caravans pass by again for a few minutes.

"You no do something stupid yes?"

"No..." Verik called back to Sefu. "No, just thinking how three grenades, one beltfed and a truck loaded with a couple hundred pounds of high explosives with a suicide jokey at the wheel could make your world a better place."


There was no explaining what he meant to them but it was true and he hoped Sefu would understand that with just a few weapons in the right hands aimed at the right place at the right time the world could change.

None of it mattered though as none of that existed here and he was grateful for it, if such weapons were in Fareed's hand let alone his mercenaries they would own the world or make a damn good attempt at it.

Walking around to where Asha sat she looked up and smiled at him as if nothing were wrong. Everything was just as it should be in the world right now and it made his blood run cold a moment at just how eerie that was.

"You get gift for Tendaji?"

"Yes, some kind of spice Jelani said they grow here."

"If Sefu say it good gift it is, Tendaji must accept it and listen. Would be insulting and impolite to turn away when bearing good gift."

"So Sefu and Jelani are helping me to set up the chief?"

Asha laughed quietly and nodded.

"Yes, if gift is better than good make it very hard for him say no. You get gift for Nuru?"

"Not yet, Sefu said to wait until Iuny."

She nodded.

"Nuru easier to please, you get her good gift chief be in very bad place if he say no to you."

"So Nuru is the power behind the throne?" Verik watched her a moment as she smirked at his analogy.

"Yes, Nuru say others do. Tendaji little scared of her, all are scared."

"Why are you scared of your own shaman?"

"She spooky, when you meet you understand. Give gift Nuru first then Tendaji."

"Would that not insult the chief since he is in charge?"

"No, Nuru tell chief what to do all the time, he argue sometimes but loose, Tendaji good chief but Nuru keep him in line."

"Sounds like an interesting duo."

Verik closed his eyes and allowed the images to flow back over him as to what he had seen. It was a living nightmare but he had made it this far and was still alive which counted for something. With any luck Wete would be a nice, quiet little place far away from this crazy world.

Chapter 15: Departure Plans

Author's Notes:

Not perfectly edited but went over it twice. Yes the Zebricans speak oddly, I write their speech that way very much on purpose.

"So long as it is not me! I'll be dead of old age before it happens to me." The two most common excuses for allowing evil to pass while cowering under a rock."

"Zuri tell you no fighting."

Jelani flinched a little at Sefu's accusation, he had pulled her aside not long after their return and guided her to a quiet spot out of earshot. He stared at her, looked her up and down then spoke those five words that she did not want to hear.

Yet he did not lambast her for it but instead just stated the obvious while waiting patiently for some kind of explanation.

"Street thugs try rob us, have to fight."


"Too many in street, waiting in small alley when they see us and charge, had to stay or face too many at one time."


"Draw much trouble, they see him first and come, he not make first attack though. Trouble follow that one."

Sefu stared before glancing over at Verik as he continued to watch the caravans creep past on the road for a moment before looking back at Jelani.


"No, no one care, fight them off and we leave in hurry."

Waving her off he sat down once more then waited for Zuberi to return from getting the wagon repaired. Zuri had not noticed the small signs that their two wayward traveling companions had been in a fight: stained hide, spear and minor bruising.

It was better that way though, they had escaped a considerable amount of trouble by the skin of their teeth the past few weeks and had once more dodged another possibly life threatening situation had the local guards taken any interest.

After the caravan's had gone their own repair team returned with wagon in tow along with several containers loaded onto the wagon. Everyone stood and waited till they hauled it into place before Zuberi pulled the newly added cargo to the edge: he had purchased their dinner while he was away.

Watching everyone line up he waited while considering the ramifications of telling Zuberi what had happened as it was his right to know but if he told him it would not help matters either.

His eyes scanned their little dinner line till his gaze fell on Verik.

No words had been spoken after realizing why Asha had smiled at him happily while near endless misery flowed past them. Verik continued to watch the caravans pass without saying a word and about the time the last wagon rolled past Zuberi had returned with their own wagon now fully repaired.

Zuri was the first over and after looking some things over waved to the motley crew that waited patiently while eying the cart. Standing up quickly they hustled over before returning to the piles of equipment fetching their bowls and spoons then lined up as she shoveled out the containers contents.

Asha was in front of him and he had not really seen what the others had received as they scurried off to eat but when her ears perked up he guessed it must be different and good. He had to admit the aroma in the air with its spicy twinge made him curious as to what dinner would consist of.

After getting her portion she turned to him then smiled widely before hurrying off with her bowl packed to brimming which was a big change considering they had been on strict rationing for almost the entire trip.

"Okay... Whats the occasion?"

Zuri quirked an eyebrow at him before looking at Zuberi before she took Verik's bowl and began scooped various foodstuff into his bowl, Zuberi simply stared blankly at Verik a minute before speaking.

"We are not allowed to cook here so I paid a local to cook for us, I believe we have earned it after surviving the past two weeks."

Verik did not argue with him as he stared down at his bowl of spicy green stuff, what looked like roasted yam and the most pleasant surprise of all was when Zuri handed him a small loaf of bread before waving him away. Somehow she had managed to pile all of this into one tiny bowl by stacking it higher and higher.

Sitting on his mat next to Asha he watched his neighbor tearing into the bowl as if it were a rare treat. She almost had her muzzle in the bowl to slurp up the contents but could not as it would mean not being able to tear into her loaf of bread now and then. With cheeks puffed out from being packed with food till she looked like an over stuffed chipmunk Verik smiled a little before turning to his own bowl.

One of the more pleasant surprises he had received after returning to the caravan had been a rather simple gift: the almighty spoon. When you eat with a stick for weeks having a spoon is a godsend and it was a most welcome gift that Asha had gotten him via Sefu.

Spooning up some of the green stuff into his mouth he chewed on the spicy and slightly bitter stuff before deciding it was something akin to a spinach. Indeed the other proved to be a yam of some sort, Asha had watched him poke at it before mumbling what it was between her mouthful of food.

It was the little loaf of bread though that made him happy.

Some hate bread, say it will be the end of you while others swear by it, Verik swore by the value of bread. Eating corn mush for two weeks straight is pushing it but having that wonderful little loaf of wheaty deliciousness in all its baked brown glory was the pinnacle of his travels so far.

It was dense, crusty and heavy, a true loaf of wheat bread made entirely from whole wheat that had most certainly not been sifted or bleached in any way and it was also the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.

As to where the wheat crop came from he could care less, probably near the water source somewhere beyond and across the gentle slopes beyond the city walls.

"You want seconds?"

Asha was staring at him and pointed at the wagon where others had lined up once more for a second helping. Through word of mouth and just listening over the past three days he had learned that food was generally very cheap at Mjesani and that remained just about the only thing that was cheap around here.

His striped companion was off quickly and back in line as he quickly finished off the contents of his own bowl before lining up again while still chewing on his bread. Once more food was heaped on though this time by Zuberi since his sister Zuri was busy downing her own bowl before holding it out.

Water was ladled from the jars after dinner was over and Zuberi took a few with him to return the cooking vessels to their owners less he incur their wrath and not regain the handful of coins he left with them in case they never were returned. Who would go to all this trouble though to steal some clay cooking pots?

Sefu joined him after the others had left and as he always did just stared at him for a while before speaking.

"Zuberi right, everywhere you go trouble follow."

"Changing your mind about having me around?"

"No, trouble find you but always loose, you always been trouble?"

"If I told you my life story you would either fall asleep from boredom or beg me to stop talking less your ears bleed from pure torment at how much an utter bore I am. Since coming here I have been on one hell of a ride that makes my past thirty years look like the dull dream of an unimaginative writer."

"Why trouble find you now then?"

"If I knew that one I would tell you and if I ever find out I will."

"We leave come morning, Zuri buy supplies while you gone, we go to Iuny now."

"Then to Wete?"


"Sefu..." Verik stared at him a moment figuring out what words to use. "When I was in Alzamard I asked someone why they did not just... Remove, Fareed considering how bad things were. They told me because if they did one of his mercenary generals would take over and that would be even worse."

Sefu nodded.

"Then why has there been no rebellion? Gods almighty just look around, your little world here is a hell-hole! Surely someone would have tried to off his high holiness by now while waging all out war against the mercenaries considering how bad things are."

"Ah, few try long ago, not many, quickly defeated in battle. Any who rebel are crushed quickly, tribe says "no" Fareed send mercenaries to wipe out tribe. Others too scared now to challenge him."

"I imagine declaring independence would result in swift retribution but certainly some rebelled and fought him in a guerilla war or something, strike his softer bits and weaken him. Wear him down through quick hit and run tactics till he looses control."

"What is guerilla war?"

Sefu was a warrior, well trained and anyone who spent any time at all around him would guess he had done more than his share of fighting and killing. Yet, he had absolutely no idea what so ever as to what Verik was talking about judging from the confused look on his face.

"Hit and run warfare. Small groups, attack softer targets, wear the enemy down before darting away so they never have a target. No general rebellion or declarations of independence but a slow, creeping war till the other side looses control of the countryside and is trapped in their cities. Any attempt to escape is met with endless ambushes to wear them down."

"Hmm... Sound interesting, we no fight like that."

"You the Wete or everyone in general?"

"Everyone, tribe's fight they send warriors and fight at battlefield then decide winner. Fareed fight or other nation they send army, armies meet and fight till one side loose. Raiders, bandits and slavers cross border to burn villages and steal crop or people to weaken but no stand against army."

Verik was quickly gathering that the idea of warfare here was truly primitive in its truest sense: roaming bands did exist but only to loot and pillage the land before running back to master. Armies would then target the weakened government and both sides would clash much like ancient armies have always done but overall there was no real set plan: they simply aimed for one target and sought to take or die trying.

The tribes though... Sefu gave a wonderful example of what Verik had learned about in passing a very long time ago: tribes set aside one place to fight, do their battle voodoo or slug it out for a bit then that is just the end of it. Ritualized warfare at its finest.

"So if you, the Wete, went to war with some other tribe you would what? March off to their village and attack it, try to kill off the warriors and take over? Kill their chief?"

"No... Fareed do that but we fight their warriors outside village, if village loose they surrender to victor and make offerings."

Well that explained why Fareed and his mercenaries were so far ahead of the game: the tribes still fought by one ancient standard that got them utterly crushed on a real battlefield. Not that they could fight because of lower numbers and thus they just kept their heads down.

Fareed on the other hand had the numbers to take and hold the field at any time of his choosing.

"So if a tribe rebelled... Would others join them?"


"Why not? Because Fareed is so strong?"

"Yes, Fareed also have many mercenaries, rebel and he send them to their villages. Some tribes support Fareed, provide recruits for his army. If tribe say no others might be punished so others no support rebels."

"What if the rebels roamed around and never allowed Fareed a village to target? Anyone ever do that?"

"No, why? You go to war with Fareed?"

Sefu was chuckling at him now but the thought had crossed his mind.

"If I had the means I would burn the bastard out but I do not so no. Unfortunately."

"So if you had army you kill him hmm?"

"Yes but not with any method you know of."

"Hmm..." Sefu looked around slowly before looking back at Verik. "You keep that to self, others hear you it make them nervous, in Wete many already loose village."

His eyes nearly moved to Asha before shifting back to Verik.

"Many want revenge, many want to hide, you burn bee nest maybe you bring it down but not before stung many times. Hmm?"

Verik nodded and watched Sefu rise.

"Sefu, I dont suppose the trip "home" will be as interesting as it has been?"

"No, road Iuny boring, bandits no go usually, nothing to take, crops already in, wait till next harvest. Few village along way though."

"Is Iuny a city?"

"Hah! No, town on river. Grow many crops."

He watched Sefu walk off before looking at Asha who kept staring at him.


"You no start war."

"Hah! I have neither the tools nor "training." Why, did you really think I would start gathering an army as soon as we got there?"


"Well I wont."

Maybe I will, its not like I could do any worse than the jackasses that rule the place.

"Good. Many not support you anyway."

"Why is that, are you speaking for yourself too?"

"I... Hmm... Many not because they no loose anything yet."

"So long as it is not me do as you wish but please, for the love of god dont hurt me, do it to her instead."


"Oh that... What you said reminded me of a story I read once long ago about a man who rebelled and was captured, tortured and they were going to allow rats to eat his face off. He saved himself by begging his captors to do it to the woman he loved instead. They let him live because they knew they had finally broken him, when he was okay with anyone else being tortured to death so long as he was left alone they knew they had won."

"That horrible! No zebra act like that!"

"Good, it means you still have some ethics and morals left but yes it was horrible, the story however was a warning and no one back where I come from listened. To make matters worse they also think the same way as those in the book: So long as they get to coast on by it is all okay, everything is fine. That is how evil conquered the world so handidly: everyone just sat down and let it happen because it was not them being tortured. Well... Not today at at any rate. Maybe tomorrow but if they could turn their neighbor in they would and buy themselves one more day."

He stared at Asha as her ears laid down.

"Sounds like history is repeating itself again only on another world hmm Asha?"

"Thought it was just a book?"

"Well yes, but also another man wrote a series of books, big, heavy tomes really. He lived through a hell similar to Fareed; breathed it and met others who survived worse than him and then he wrote three massive books on the subject giving every last detail but people did not listen to him either."

"What was his name?"

"The first story was written by a fellow called George Orwell, the other man who wrote about the truth of how people really act was called Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he wrote about how people were okay with anything happening to anyone so long as it was not them and how they would just stand there and watch like we just did as the slaves wandered past. How people just allowed ones like Fareed to just drag them away in the night so long as they did not come for them that night. He survived it somehow, most did not."

"You no like Zebrica then?"

"No, I actually love the terrain or at least what little I have seen of it and the wide open spaces. You zebras are also mighty interesting to say the least but not without your problems and frankly someone needs to kick you in the collective ass to do something about these problems."

"Who, You?"

"I have no idea."

Verik chewed on the bread slowly and stared off across the bazaar soaking in everything that was happening. Behind him a crew had been assembled to load the wagon once more to save time come tomorrow and were finished long before Zuberi returned for the evening.

He admitted quietly to himself that ever since he was a child the idea of conquering and ruling had been a fantasy of his. Ruling a nation of his own and doing as he willed while no one else dared challenge him because he held ultimate authority, he never got along with anyone who had a badge or had any kind of "power" anyway.

Never once did he bend a knee to anyone nor was he going to start now, Tendaji would receive his bribery but be damned if he got on his knees and begged or swore loyalty no matter how bad the situation got, everything else was lost but nothing would take his pride.

It was all he had left, others were quick to kiss ass to get ahead or do as they were told in order to get by but he never did and for it was very much an outcast and seen as trouble for it.

Eyes scanning towards the distant slums hidden behind the ancient adobe wall he just stared. Everyone had been reduced to the point they would not resist so long as it was not them... A familiar tune that left a horribly sour note in his mouth.

On another world he had to admit that he too fell very much into that category as much as it tore him up inside, he knew it then as much as he did now. Perhaps now though things might work more in his favor but how he had no idea how as he had nothing to work with save a few spears and a nearly destroyed scimitar.

Start at the bottom, work your way up.

Maybe that actually worked on this world unless they too would crab as heavily as others did back on the other world. Always tearing others down whenever they had just started to break free of their binds, always ripping them back down because how dare anyone not play by the rules.

Well rules be damned, he was not going to be a hypocrite anymore and if that meant living hidden on the savannah for the rest of his days so be it.

He had a chance for a second life and be damned if it went to waste.

Asha never took her eyes off Verik as he sat there glaring at the bazaar or somewhere beyond. Those were the eyes of someone who had just stumbled upon a very stupid idea, someone who was planning something that could end very badly.

She had seen more than enough of those looks in her own village before and knew what had happened.

A part of her admitted his little story was true about how Zebricans acted, ancient stories passed down through the elders spoke of how that had not always been true but now it was which made her heart heavy.

Looking back to his eyes she wondered what he was planning if anything, she hoped it would not get them into trouble nor cause any harm. There was already more than enough pain and misery to go around without adding to it.

But, another part of her hoped that if he was planning something it would go well and things would improve even if his grand scheme was not so grandiose.

Glancing off to the side she noticed Sefu and Jelani watching him closely with their own judging stares. They were not fools either and knew something in Verik's head was ticking away slowly but as to what would happen when the ticking stopped... They had no idea.

Then again perhaps that was for the best.

Chapter 16: Destination Iuny

"A warzone can be rather interesting: on the one hand you might be shot dead standing where you are while buildings burn all around you but a hundred yards in another direction its like nothing has ever happened or ever will. The raging war on the next road over just forgot this area even exists."

"Up, up, up!"

Verik's head jerked up quickly as he drew a short hard breath. Zuberi and Sefu were moving around the wagons shaking everyone awake and hurrying them to load whatever possessions they had removed the day before.

Sitting up and blinking slowly he turned his head upwards looking at the dark sky for a minute before bending his neck back and forth. Sleeping on cobblestone was incredibly uncomfortable but doubly so if you lacked anything other than a worn out reed mat to sleep on. Soft dirt was preferable to sleeping on stone especially with the stone being baked to burning from the sun during the day and while the mat helped it was not enough.

As he looked around the others showed many of the same signs he had, restless sleep. A simple guess as to why was the same cause for all their discomfort but he very much doubted anyone could afford a room at one of the inns in Mjesani, even if it was lined with nothing but straw.

Indeed the other caravans left their employees at large to sleep much like them, in the open on the stone streets and roads while the wealthier merchants disappeared to somewhere else for the night; no doubt to also enjoy in the more sumptuous delights.

Packing everything took only a moment as none of them really had anything to store. Still being trapped inside the city it meant that once more breakfast consisted of dried fruit and warm water from the clay jugs.

Downing his allotment of fruit quickly Verik choked down the warm, stale water before wrapping himself back up in his cloak to keep the coming sun away while others took their places and began pulling the wagons following after Zuberi as he led them towards the eastern gate.

It was easy going too, there was hardly a soul awake at this hour save some guards and a few wanderers moving goods to the bazaar. No doubt before what he assumed would be the morning rush hour as equines poured out to purchase what they needed to make breakfast. Indeed almost every person they passed was pulling a small wagon loaded with foodstuffs or were emerging from the streets and alleys with baskets going in the same direction.

Rounding the bend in the bazaar a familiar and unwanted sight came back into view: the slave market. From the looks of things they had left them chained or tied in their spots all night while rotating the guards, two were being drug towards a cart and loaded no doubt dead either from exposure or starvation, maybe dehydration, at this distance it was impossible to tell not that he really wanted to.

Some new additions had been added sometime last evening though. A large grouping of younger equines and children had been chained up in separate groups and unlike the others kept under a close, scrutinizing watch compared to the rest though he could not really see them escaping considering the condition they were in.

"Hey Jelani, who buys all these slaves anyway? Never really seen any in the streets except near that rich area."

Glancing over towards the market she watched a moment before looking back at Verik.

"Slaves cheap but most not buy, nobles buy to work their large fields. Some merchants buy but most slaves sold to nobles, army and rich, sometimes others buy but not often."

"Fareed's army buys them?"

"Yes, cheaper to have slave take care of camp than soldier, sometimes use slave as soldier but also used other ways."

Her motioning was to the point: sex slaves.

"So... They use them to do the dirty work so they dont have too then demand they service them? What little I have seen it looks like at least half the guards are female, how does that even work or do I even want to know?"

Jelani shrugged.

"Slaves for both."

"What about the ones used as soldiers? Would that not be rather... Foolish? Arming slaves and sending them to fight someone else... They could very easily turn on you."

"Fight or die, any have family they kept hostage, no fight they punished, run, they punished. Slave cheap so put in front of line and go first, they die from arrow and spear first while soldier push forward from behind."

So slaves are cheap and counted as near free cannon fodder therefor let the slaves charge the machineguns till they run out of ammo then the soldiers charge forward to mop up. If any of the slaves run the commissar behind them executes them and has "fun" with the family.

"Right," thats a thought that will stick with me for a while... "What about the kids?"

"You really want to know?"

"Probably not."

"Sell them to rich and nobles, serve children, grow up as slave and serve, others not so lucky, sold to brothel or army."


God damn they have problems.

"Yes, you see them yesterday yes?"

"Thought those were free not slaves. How the hell do you even know all of this?"

"Slaves kept locked inside and know because travel with Zuberi on many caravans, like you once ask many questions to learn."

"That common though? The selling to brothels and what not."

"No, few, very few whore house."

"Huh... Why is that?"

"We have pride, no matter how bad things get we not sell ourselves, our bodies belong to us, not for sale, never. Sell body, sell soul."

Jelani was very proud with her little statement, ears perked, head held firmly and chest puffed out a little. It made him grateful though as they now had something they held in common: their bodies and souls were theirs, neither of which were for sale for any price.

"I am quite happy to hear that but it seems that the more I learn about you folks the more it appears your problems stem from a smaller portion of the population not the whole."

"Fareed and nobles know how to use them against us."

"True but it still surprises me no one has tried to kill Fareed and his officers yet."

"Maybe many have but he never let anyone know, think many probably have but truth hidden well."

"How unfortunate."

Leaving the city was easy as the guards could care less this early in the morning thus allowing quick passage beyond the walls and back onto the road leading to Iuny. Overseers could be seen moving long lines of slaves out across the fields while guards kept a close eye with bows at the ready in case any would run not that they could with their legs chained.

Verik watched as they passed them slowly as they were herded into a larger field then fanned out with baskets before being sent forward slowly to tend the crop. Farther down the road another column met them carrying heavy jugs or pulling large, heavy wagons towards the fields.

One thing he had learned was the zebras liked to mark their jars and jugs for whatever purpose they intended them for be it food, water or general storage. Water was always stored in the largest jugs with the wavy blue line running around the upper part and the slaves passing them were water haulers judging by the markings on the jugs they strained to carry.

In a land where irrigation seemed to be unheard of it made a lot of sense but also raised a lot of questions as to how they managed to survive with such a high population yet still use woefully inadequate and primitive means of watering the fields. Perhaps the crops were just incredibly hardy and rain was expected, he had no idea how it all worked here.

A loud shattering sound filled the air and the slaves either froze or scurried forward to get away from whatever had just happened, as the little Wete caravan moved on Verik was able to make out what it was.

An older stallion was slumped down in a large pool of wet dirt, the heavy jug he had been carrying dropped due to its weight and his advanced age probably did not help matters any either. The overseer was of course absolutely furious and was busy screaming at the slave but he just kept staring straight off into space, he had died a long time ago.

Verik stared at him as they got closer looking into the dead eyes, if there had been a soul in that retched body it had departed a long time ago and the body was only still functioning because of instinct and the pain inflicted if it did not.

Beating the slave a few times yielded no results, the overseer lifted the face and stared a moment before putting the cat of nine tails back into their belt and with one swift motion a cracking sound could be heard as the neck was snapped.

"Gisa, dispose of this," the overseer dug around in a pouch for a moment before handing something to another guard and motioning them towards the city. "Go buy replacement, no more than two gold, find younger one not old. Go."

The guard took off at a dead run towards the city as the others drug the corpse off the road allowing the water haulers to continue moving again.

"Jelani, doesn't that piss you off?"



She nodded.

"Tell me again why no one just kills them all and be done with it?"

Jelani stared at him for a second and shrugged.

"Then fight them."

"Right, because if I do each and every one of you would be in that slave convoy before noon if I did. Ah..."

Both of them nodded and kept walking leaving the water haulers behind, bound in shackles to their own fates.

"I have to say its rather nice not seeing the side of the road covered in bleached skeletons or grave mounds."

Asha looked at Verik a moment before looking around.

"Bandits usually not come this way, Zuberi say this road usually safe, bandits only come twice a year for crop harvest."

"Must be a fun time of year if you know that every time to make harvest your crops an enemy is on their way."

"Yes, bad but just way it is."

"Its like the evil of the world kind of forgot this road exists though... I think I saw one skeleton a ways back but thats it."

"That bother you?"

"No, its nice knowing that the odds are good we will not encounter anymore bandits on the road let alone anyone else due to the time of year, I take it Zuberi keeps track of all this?"

"Yes, that why we travel when he say, pick safest time, time when bandits not around, nothing to take so they go away and wait."

"Anymore villages or anything along the way before Iuny? What is Iuny anyway?"

Jelani who had taken to traveling with the two far more as of late made a gesture down the road and into the distance.

"Few but not stay at any till Sitwa, halfway to Iuny so we stop there maybe for night."

"What is Sitwa? Hamlet, village?"

"Village, Sitwa is Sitwa tribe."

"Not very imaginative in their naming the place."

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him.

"You say Wete not smart because we name village Wete?"

"No, but I am curious as to why you seem to keep naming your home after the tribe."

"Wete is Wete because Wete live in Wete."

"Okay, never mind."

Asha snickered at them for a brief moment.

"So what tribe are you from Asha?"

That struck a nerve, her head jerked towards him and she glared a moment, opened her mouth to say something, changed her mind and then closed it again before taking on an air of not speaking to anyone. Jelani looked over at Verik and made a gesture while shaking her head before motioning him to wander off to the front of the caravan for the time being.

Picking up his pace a little he walked away from the two and caught a hushed conversation but it was too quiet to make anything out. As he continued to walk it did not take long before he was at the front with Zuberi who raised an eyebrow at his arrival.

"You never left your spot before, why are you up here?"

"Jelani thinks it best I give Asha some space after asking about her tribe."

"Hm, best you do then."

"I take it whatever happened is a secret?"

"If Asha wants you to know she will tell you but do not ask her again."

Verik nodded before looking at the surrounding terrain as it closed in on them. First it had been somewhat open savannah leading to the city with clusters of trees here and there but now the vegetation was swallowing them whole.

All around them the scraggly trees closed in till they almost hugged the road while smaller brush trees obscured everything at ground level. Birds were quite plentiful as they filled the air with their calling and that was always a good sign as long ago Verik had learned that when the birds go silent something is wrong.

"Sitwa... Jelani said we might be stopping in Sitwa."

Zuberi had been lost in his own little world before turning his head towards Verik, nodding slowly he looked back down the road as it disappeared around a bend.

"Yes, its a small village and we will be staying there for a night if we make good time. We should be to Iuny within maybe three days if we are lucky."

"Traveling by road really makes a difference."

"Yes it does and thankfully this road is maintained somewhat and usually free of bandits, your luck not withstanding."

"Very superstitious lot."

"No, but I know trouble when I see it. Sefu is the most superstitious though and if you care to discuss such things do it with him as I do not believe in that nonsense."


Zuberi let out a small groan before glancing over at Verik.

"Nuru teaches everyone the spirits watch us but all my life I have never seen them do any good for anyone. Always said to be there but it is always we who take care of things not them, so why should I bother to believe in them? Sefu says they watch out for us and help us but I say that's utter nonsense, not even my father or grandfather could ever recall a "spirit" having helped anyone."

"Not many believers then eh?"

"Many still do but those times are coming to an end, shaman like Nuru are getting rarer all the time. I suppose in a few more generations they will cease to exist."

"So what do people believe in then?"

"Hm... Tribes stick to themselves so I suppose they believe in each other, others in their weapons or if you ask any merchant: coin. Coin is becoming a religion in the cities as it is rare for most to have any to spare so they pray for help and the spirits do not answer, so they pray to anything else that will answer."

"Maybe the spirits dont answer because of how everyone has let the land become a living hell?"

"You sound like Sefu and Nuru now. If the spirits gave a damn about us they would have helped those who tried to fix things long ago rather than watch them die, so no I will not pray to any spirits."

"Alright, what about Iuny then, what is it like?"

"Ancient town along the Sawan River, built by ancients long, long ago but no one remembers who now. Decent enough place but the ruling nobles are as corrupt as anywhere you have seen or ever will see. Other than their crops and moving cargo by river there is nothing really there save whats left of an ancient bridge."

"Ancient bridge?"

"Yes, story says two armies clashed there trying to control the bridge but it was destroyed in the fighting to deny the other side from keeping it."

"I dont suppose you know the story..."

"No I do not, dont really know anyone who would either."

"If they have access to a river why not move all cargo on ships rather than use the road here? Why risk it?"

"All the ships belong to the nobles, their cargo is moved safely to Alzamard but everyone else has to walk."

"Helps kill off the competition quite literally I suppose."

"It does, anyone who wants to travel the roads takes their chances or else they bribe the nobles into allowing them access to one of the small river boats to move their cargo, at a price that would probably destroy them... Hence they take their chances on the road like we do."

"So Wete sits on the river?"

"Yes, but we have no boats, a few made of grass and reeds but nothing strong enough to truly move cargo so we have to make do with wagons."

"So who rules Iuny?"

"Would it surprise you to know that I have no idea nor any intention of learning these bastards names?"

"Not really all things considered."


"So does Tendaji rule or are you under some other noble?"

"No, Tendaji rules the Wete because Fareed allows it the same as the other tribes throughout his lands. So long as the chief pays the tithe when demanded he will be left alone."

"Tithe? As in a demand of goods and money to be sent to a noble in exchange for allowing you to work their lands and live upon them?"

"Yes, Fareed demands a percentage of the crop every year to feed his army and mercenaries, every year the price has gotten higher and the mouths to feed in Wete have doubled."

"Why have they doubled?"

"Across the river as well as to the south villages are destroyed now and then, people flee and look for a place to stay and most will not accept them. To accept them is to increase the tithe demand meaning less food and starvation, Tendaji accepted too many over the years and now we are having trouble feeding everyone."

"I take it you manage though despite the increased demands."

"Yes, but if things get worse and more people will soon die of hunger and there is nothing Tendaji can do about it."

"Not enough land to farm or...?"

"When we reach Wete you will see for yourself, maybe it would be best if you stayed at Iuny and become a mercenary."

"Really want to see me long and gone hm?"

"Yes, I do."

It had been an utterly boring trip to Sitwa, nothing had happened. Absolutely nothing, which made Verik quite happy along with the others. It had taken them a little longer than Zuberi anticipated but two days later they arrived in the afternoon outside the poorly defended village.

Compared to the other "civilized" cities he had seen this place was a pinhead by comparison to either Alzamard or Mjesani. An area had been clearly marked with rows of rocks across the road from Sitwa where passing caravans could stop and a well had even been dug for easier access to water.

A small price was to be paid to the local chieftain however which Zuberi took care of by handing off a couple of coins when the high and mighty herself arrived to see them.

That had been an eye opener.

Decked out in tribal regalia the six foot chieftain had wandered out to meet them along with a handful of warriors and various curious onlookers. She was like most of the zebras, almost stark naked save a "skirt" that hid the female bits but otherwise wore colorful beadwork and what looked like bronze or copper jewelry and bands around her neck. A woven band was around her forehead which was rich in color, strapped to her waist however was a long, heavy war club.

Zuberi and the chief bantered back and forth for a few minutes before the payment was given and after wandering off the little crowd swarmed them prodding them for information to keep their rumor mills churning at full speed.

Some stared at him but he waved them off and they complied before bothering Bwnai, Jelani or Imkwa. Most had no patience for it and like Verik had waved them off but some spread what little news they had gathered which amounted to the caravan attack and how the soldiers left them to die.

In return the locals poured out every little detail they had for rumors no matter how mundane and boring to some that made ears and heads turn.

One rumor that seemed to pervade the most was mounting trouble with the various neighboring nations, distant battles were being fought and more refugees had passed through though few in number they still bore with them tales of new enemies not native to the region.

Meanwhile some claimed that they knew someone who had heard from someone else's cousin's best friend in Iuny that Fareed was up to no good again and that soldiers were being gathered which could only mean he planned on attacking someone at some point.

For every rumor told that seemed fanciful questions were shot right back for more details. This continued for a while till Zuberi seemed to loose patience with the loud chatter and with a yell called the locals away saying it was all just rumor and nothing more, he would believe these tall tales when he actually saw an army on the march or these foreign invaders in person.

His ears twitched though when one local called him down for it claiming he had seen it and just barely escaped, then had spent the last month scrambling north to get away from the troubles only to find more trouble here.

Shouting at him to be off the villager made a gesture and walked away leaving Zuberi to fume quietly while his sister laughed at him, all in all it was a rather amusing little scene to watch.

Verik had asked about going into the village and seeing what they had, perhaps there would be a suitable gift for Nuru here but Sefu and Jelani convinced him otherwise. The only things produced by this village were pots, yams and beer none of which would be an appropriate gift for Nuru.

Neither was there anything to see anyway, there were no walls to defend the village, frankly it was rather depressing to look at but Sefu informed him there was a reason everything was built the way it was.

Apparently building a wall around your village was seen as a threat by the nobles no matter how justified it was. Even having bandits camped just down the road was not "justification enough" for putting up a small wall even if made of woven reeds. Any tribe that dared to build a wall was immediately put down by the nobles and the chief executed, assuming they were lucky enough to only be executed.

Another problem were the taxes, since it was based on population the locals had long learned to only build enough huts as was necessary most of the time, if a hut looked like it was dingy enough perhaps the tax man would just pass them by and not count it.

Of course this was no longer the case as the nobles had become wise to this and fixed the problem thus putting the villages back to square one again, but that did not stop anyone from trying new tricks. As a result villages were hobbled together and had no street planning of any kind meaning you could wander in circles quite easily.

"So where do the nobles and Fareed get their armies from if the locals all hate them?"

Sefu stared at Verik a moment before going back to pulling up water as it was their turn this time around to collect water for the large jars.

"Some tribes ally with nobles, serve them, others recruit from cities, find those willing to slit each others throat for coin, always able to find those willing to do anything for coin. Always find someone willing to betray others."

"Wouldn't that make the army very hard to command if they are a bunch of backstabbing bastards?"

"Yes, but some also join because believe their duty to serve no matter what."

"Sounds familiar, I take it the nobles fill in the gaps with mercenaries."

Sefu nodded and poured the leather bag out before dropping it back into the well.

"Army made up of foot soldiers, no one trusts for good reasons, officers picked by noble's for loyalty or are nobles, any who question tortured to death in front of army."

"You know this because...?"

"Traveled once, saw it. Returned Wete after seeing."

"Had your hopes crushed?"

There was no response as they continued to fill the heavy jug with water but once it was filled and capped Sefu stared at Verik.

"When we get Iuny we need talk, find gift for Nuru but also you need listen to plan before we get to Wete. Many things you do not understand but must before get there."

"Alright, but what kind of gift are we looking for anyway, no one ever told me."




Well that was different at least.

Author's Notes:


Chapter 17: Iuny

"There comes a time when you find that one place in the world that makes something in your mind click, that upon seeing it your first thought is: You know what, I know just the way to capture this place."

Sitwa had been an utter bore, a bust, a royal waste of time and space except for having seen that chieftain in all her fancy tribal dress which had made the stop somewhat worthwhile.

Perhaps Iuny will be more interesting...

"So, who rules Iuny then or is it another gaggle of nobles like Mjesani?"

"Iuny ruled by Tasid (Tas-eed), lazy, lazy stallion. Very fat, never leave home except to visit Fareed or burn village. Tasid is short, fat, oily little creature."

Jelani spat on the road as she finished speaking then promptly picked right back up and went through Tasid's life story which was quite vague but colorful to say the least. Much like Fareed there was nothing this "stallion" would not do, the realm of earthly pleasure was his only concern and if it brought him greater pleasure then by all means, do it.

That included him owning quite the harem of slaves and every one of them feared for their lives considering what happened to a couple of them. One was tossed into a sack which was tied to a rock and then dumped into the river to drown after she did something that displeased him, what it was no one actually knew.

Rumors also used to bleed out from his mansion every once in a while from various visitors or the handful of servants he had who were not bound as slaves. As a result everyone knew his harem was quite vast and he loved to show it off to his special visitors but every once in a while their numbers would slump though no one had any solid proof as to why.

It kind of reminded Verik of a long forgotten Ottoman sultan who had come up with his own solutions and like this one neither were overthrown but lived long, healthy lives. That or the more modern ones who did the same only on airplanes zipping around the world claiming they were immune to jurisdictions. Others preferred to just use orphanages to hide what they were doing and what a scandal that turned out to be.

Jelani did not stop describing him either, this bastard had his hands in just about every kind of extortion that came to mind and the tribes were all on edge because of that and more. In particular was one little bit of fun he had come up with which reminded him greatly of an old feudal law in French which meant "first right of the lord" or something like that.

All the same it sounded about right: Tasid got first chance at any married couple or to put it more specifically he got to sleep with the wife first if he fancied her.

Last time the soon to be husband challenged it he had been whipped in public then sold as a slave, the unfortunate wife "joined" Tasid's ever growing and shrinking harem. For such a "stud" he had no heirs though and no one knew why but there was no shortage of rumors as to why.

Neither was he actually married, the other nobles were unwilling to chance marrying their daughters to him and rightly so. Not that he cared one whit for it either way as a wife would probably drag him down and require a modicum of civility.

What brought the ire of those under him however was how he ran the river and the one single road they were on. In order to get their yearly tithe to the government on time they had to either send wagons or use a river barge, the later of which all belonged solely to Fareed or... Tasid. Of course the use of his ships was not free either and since the goods had to actually reach Fareed's depots in Alzamard "shipping costs" were added in.

So many rumors flowed about this creatures character no one really knew what was true or a lie and neither did it help that he almost never appeared in public. Among the many rumors was his being deeply involved in managing the slave trade in this smaller region, as to how no one knew, just one more rumor among many. All agreed however that he lived well beyond his means and those great sacks of coin had to be coming from somewhere.

Unfortunately for everyone how he pulled all this off was largely or entirely unknown except to Fareed apparently.

One thing was crystal clear though: Tasid was one corrupt little bastard in every sense of the word and he got away with it because he adhered to the prime directive of the land: appease Fareed.

King of all bootlickers would be the word Verik would choose as the toad always made certain that Fareed came first, if Fareed wanted it, he got it. Period. The last time his high holiness had deigned to visit he had rolled out the red carpet and even gathered up some locals as "offerings" to Fareed that were visually appealing.

It worked too, the bootlicking, kowtowing, groveling and crawling had paid off and Fareed let him do whatever he wished for years on end.

What made Verik choke however was the age of this one: twenty-three. At the ripe old age of twelve Tasid had come to power due to the death of his father and mother because of bad timing on their part: they just happened to be on the road when raiders crossed the border and this lot took no prisoners.

The gene pool had almost been saved that one fateful day but this little hellspawn had been left at home with some trusted advisors. All three of whom were picked off one after another as the years went along or so the story went. Jelani was a still a "filly" when it happened but her father had been quite the information gatherer and from the sound of it he put the local grape vine to shame.

At fourteen Tasid had "removed" his last advisor and cloaked himself so well that no one could prove anything and ran his little "empire" with the brain downstairs for years but was wise enough to use the one upstairs to stay in power thus Fareed permitted him to exist.

Come fifteen he had amassed himself a harem and did whatever he damn well pleased to anyone without repercussion and by eighteen he was the undisputed ruler of this little corner of the country.

Besides, it was not like the toad could cause any problems way out here, he sat on a river that did nothing except serve as a secondary bread basket while sitting in a backwater town the world had forgotten centuries ago. Indeed the last time a war had broken out in the region the enemy had completely forgotten Iuny even existed! They just passed them by, it was such a speck no one gave a damn.

Tasid helped this along too by keeping a force large enough to suppress the locals while fully garrisoning the town but not big enough that anyone passing through would seriously consider him a threat and it worked too. They were cloaked in the mirror of poverty and destitution and although entirely true it was only because Tasid had all the money.

Verik remarked to Jelani that for someone who had not really known a whole lot about the world a week ago she was now quite the dictionary for politics. Jelani shot back that because Iuny was so close to Wete they had to know because more than once Tasid had tried to bring the largest neighboring chiefdom's into his domain a few times but Fareed always said "no."

It was clear even Fareed did not trust the him one bit despite his overwhelming power, all of which said something about Tasid's character. It was not unusual to have mercenary companies "visit" every once in a while and most suspected there were more than a few spies living in the town to keep tabs on him.

Verik could only guess that so long as Tasid stayed useful he would be permitted to live but come the day he crossed that line...

Of all the nobles though he was also the only one to be so well "protected" and not by any choice of his own. Fareed wanted him there because he was predictable, or so everyone believed. The last visit he had made a rather public statement as a warning: That should anything happen to his "dear friend" Tasid he would put one of the mercenary captains in control.

That one sentence had pacified all the locals and nearby tribes on the spot.

"So thats Iuny... Why are the walls so torn up?"

"It is an ancient town and used to be a fort for some nation a long time ago, Tasid does not exactly see keeping it up as a high priority."

Zuri had begun to travel with the little pack that had consisted of Jelani, Asha and Verik. He had a pretty good guess as to why: Zuberi had probably noticed the tone of the conversations and their subject which to his ears meant trouble and that meant keeping a closer eye on them. This meant sending his sister Zuri to do all the spying.

"Must be one arrogant little bastard to just let the walls rot away like that."

"No one has ever tried to lay siege or even challenge him at the gates of his city so he has no reason to suspect anything. When an army did come they went straight to Mjesani and never bothered to send any patrols down the road to Iuny or even Sitwa."

"So he keeps it up well enough to resist a peasant uprising because that is all he expects?"


Not only Zuri nodded but Jelani and Asha as well.

Verik stared at the walls as they got closer and examined their decrepit state: the towers were leaning because the brick layers had no idea what they were doing and the wall had bulges in several places.

Iuny's gate was also just as bad in its dried and worn state which showed signs of warping in places but since it still worked to keep the peasants out... Why fix it.

"Zuri, your more politically inclined like your brother, right?"


"Fareed, Tendaji and Tasid are male, a council of nobles rules Mjesani and the chieftain at Sitwa is female... Is that normal or an exception?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you zebras, Arabians... Rule by matriarchy, patriarchy or is power just up for grabs?"

"Whoever rules does so be they mare or stallion... Why?"

"Just curious."

Well that was interesting, it would appear that Zebrica was fair when it came to allowing the corrupt to rule be they male or female.

The caravan did not go into the town but instead turned left and parked in the shade of trees that had been allowed to grow to within fifty yards of the town walls. Zuberi called the halt here and stated they would depart come tomorrow as any continuation could mean trouble of a different sort.

This was also the signal for Sefu, Jelani and Asha to pull Verik aside as it was now the time for him to embark on his next great quest: purchasing a gift for Nuru.

Tea, that is what they had said. Just some simple tea that only grew around Iuny and that would greatly appease Nuru, it also showed he had bothered to learn what she liked the same as the spice would prove the same towards Tendaji. Not that either were necessarily true: he did so because it improved his odds and right now that meant everything.

Zuri would of course be going with them seeing as Zuberi had mounting suspicions according to Sefu who slipped that tidbit in when she was not listening. Suspicions of what? Causing trouble, the fight in Mjesani had not gone entirely without his notice as blood splatter is not so easily washed out of white fur.

Walking towards the gatehouse a gaggle of poorly dressed soldiers milled about drinking and arguing with each other and paid no attention to them as they walked inside the town. While it was not a grand town compared to places back on earth it was still stacked and packed with a single road shooting from the gate to the river where it abruptly stopped at the docks.

Iuny was like a Mjesani 2.0 on a smaller scale but without the pointless gates and walls. Instead the mud brick buildings were so packed together they formed a wall in and of themselves dividing things up rather well but any serious attacker would be able to just make a sharp turn and go around any blockage.

"I want to see the bridge."

"No bridge, just ruins."

Sefu was a little confused by Verik as he continued to insist on seeing the boats and the ancient collapsed relic of a bygone epoch but he continued to insist until they relented. Sefu did make the demand that the gift came first and then they could see the boats and bridge. The others thought Verik's interest was rather funny.

To them it was childish to want to see such things and take so much interest in them since they had no meaning in their day to day lives. Verik insisted however that he did not get dumped on their world and come all this way just to walk away from a chance to see ancient history.

Saying that confused them even more.

For a bazaar it was rather stripped down and simple with just about every household item one could think of for sale from pots, jugs, jars, spoons, food, spices, tea, crockery and one was even selling a few small copper pans for a rather steep price.

Their first stop however was the potter and after purchasing another tiny jar much like the one which held spices for Tendaji they hustled off towards the stallion selling tea and herbs before Sefu suddenly came to a halt.

"How much you have?"


Verik undid his pouch and after pouring what was left into his palm the others flinched a little, he had almost nothing left and the way Sefu was shaking his head it would not be enough.

"I help."

Asha pulled out a few coins of her own followed by Jelani then finally Sefu, Zuri was ignored completely and she even turned and pretended to ignore them right back; she would not be coughing up any coins for his sake.


"You help us many times, now we help you."

Sefu collected the coins then promptly got into an argument with the zebra selling the tea while the others watched them haggling back and forth.

"I never did ask... How much is a coin worth? Copper, bronze, silver, gold... Also what are things worth, you are always haggling over even the smallest things."

Jelani watched quietly for a moment before glancing over and pointing at the pot Verik held.

"Worth ten copper, no more, if fancy with markings more but never more than eighteen. Twenty copper make one bronze, forty bronze make a silver... Hundred silver make one gold."

"That is a rather... Odd... No I take that back, your coinage system makes no sense, how can it be that lopsided? Is silver rare and gold unheard of or something?"

"Yes and no... Silver common but copper and bronze more useful for everyday buying. Gold is rare, used by rich merchants and nobles or for expensive jewelry but gold have no use for us."

"Who exactly set the pricing values?"


"So he basically deigned that gold is too good for the common folk thus hiking its price till no one can afford it nor use it?"

She hummed a moment before shrugging.

"So what is food worth?"

"Why you want to know now?"

"I have been rather busy just trying to stay alive but now seems a good time to learn."

"True... Cup of barley beer three copper, bread ten, meal twenty five. Pound of ground corn five bronze..."

Verik listened to the lopsided pricing of everything with confusion written on his face to the point Asha tapped Jelani on the shoulder to stop her from droning on.

"I think I now know why your economy is going down the drain, everything revolves around five, ten or twenty of a set coin with little to no weights or balances..."

Zuri rejoined their little conversation with her own words of enlightenment at this point and explained that because few could count properly beyond twenty or thirty everything had to revolve around those denominations less they get confused.

Since everything was haggled for that only complicated matters somewhat but since nothing was ever really worth more than that it all worked out in the end. Somehow. Of course, you could always save money by engaging in the age old practice of going to the source and buying bulk in its raw form then refining things yourself.

Buying corn or wheat ground was expensive but buying it underground was incredibly cheap meaning if you could grind it yourself life became much easier. Some still preferred to buy it pre-ground though because it was faster and easier.



Verik jerked a little as Sefu held his hand out and motioned to hurry up, the deal was done and now he just needed the storage container. Handing it over he watched Sefu return to the seller and after further arguing the tea which appeared more herbal than anything else was carefully weighed and gently poured into the small jar.

Sefu returned and handed it to Verik before motioning towards the dock, the most important matter was now taken care of.

Boats in Iuny were mighty interesting. From small to medium size they were built for cargo not speed or luxury except for one farther down which turned out to be Tasid's personal yacht, it was for whenever he felt like going for a cruise on the river or disposing of those who displeased him or bored him in bed as the rumor mill whispered.

From the riverbank Verik could see the wall that sealed the mansion off along with the top of the buildings hidden behind. If someone crossed the river in boats or just shattered the main gate there was actually little to nothing what so ever to stop anyone from just tearing through the place.

How the walls joined was also a hint at poor planning: Tasid's little mansion was a new addition to the ancient walls and had been joined directly in with two towers meaning if you got on the walls you could bypass the gate and use the wall to get inside of his mansion assuming you took one or both towers on either end.

Indeed another hole in the defense presented itself with a large open door frame that led from the mansion to the private dry-dock for Tasid's yacht. How the river bent through Iuny gave them an excellent view of this oversight.

As Verik stared at the poorly planned defenses he guessed that with a few boats you could make a direct crossing and just walk inside the mansion then fight your way out from there. The barracks was located too far away to save their glorious leader in time but after asking where it was Zuri took new interest in Verik's line of questioning.

Time to change subjects...

"Are those made of reed?"

Everyone's attention shifted back quickly to the small reed craft locals were using to cross the river for access to the fields on the other bank of the river. It was not a great river by any stretch of the imagination. Make no mistake it was tiny compared to the massive river that flowed through Alzamard.

Poles or maybe one oar was all that anyone needed to cross at various set points meaning the water level was rather low at some points thus all the river boats all had shallow, flat hulls from the look of them or were made of reed and floated high above.

It was rather fun he had to admit, it was like getting a first hand glimpse into ancient Egypt in an odd sort of way as the locals pushed their little reed boats along with long poles. The only ship actually moving around had to sit dead center to the river or risk running aground before making a hard turn into the docks.

"Why is the dock so high above the water line?"

"Floods once a year, right now low so crops planted." Asha pointed far to the south. "When rain water flow into great lake, flood, run north, rain in mountain cause bigger flood, brings black mud good for growing crops."

"So its like a mini Nile River then... This happen at the Thriti River? Does Alzamard flood?"

"Yes but Alzamard never flood, built on high ground." Jelani motioned with a jerk of her head. "To north Miwani and Wete, also built on high ground."

"Sounds like a good deal, free fertilizer for your crops."

"We wish, Wete and Miwani not have much flood plain, not get enough and other bank belong to other tribes, they no farm but burn crop if we try to grow."

"No irrigation to allow the flood to be channeled off into fields?"

"How you do that?"

How could they not know?

Verik stared at an oddity across the river before looking at the two story building that the shipwrights were using and after saying he would be back in a minute walked over. After a quick discussion with the shipwrights he got permission to climb to the second floor and look across the river with a higher vantage point.

From his higher perch he could see the fields being farmed were a fraction of what was once used. All the telltale signs were written into the earth that a long time ago someone had gone to great effort to dig a vast channel network that would allow fields beyond what was normally hit by the flood to also be submerged and receive a rich inundation of silt.

Somewhere along the line the locals had forgotten as things continued to degrade and considering how violent the region was. They probably got chased off more than once and returned to destroyed channels that never got cleaned up as one war after another passed over the area long ago.

The end result was a checkerboard like effect on the far side where the earth was slowly reclaiming these ancient relics of agricultural know-how meaning the local farmers had less and less to work with. No doubt the corruption of the local government was not helping matters either as it would take a great concerted effort to undo the countless centuries of damage these ancient systems had sustained.

Standing out just as much was the ruins of the ancient bridge: tremendous effort had gone into its construction to make it span the river and be wide enough for wagons to cross over its solid stone construction. Yet for some reason there was nothing left of it but old, worn out stone pillars and a few braces that still held up one tiny section.

Someone had been very intent on seeing it built then another more so on seeing it destroyed.

Verik returned to the waiting zebras before pointing to the ruins and asking what had happened, who had built it and where they had gone.

Zuri knew the story only as the local population knew it but that left more questions than answers. All anyone knew was that long ago when ancient empires had fought for control of Zebrica one of them had built this bridge. One of the others did not like this one bit and sent an army to seize ancient Iuny so they could control the bridge and river, the resulting clash devastated both sides as they both needed the entire bridge not just their side of it.

Somewhere in all of this chaos one side decided it was better to see it destroyed than let the other just have it as the stalemate would mean dual fortresses being constructed to square off against each other till hell froze over.

A useless bridge that would go nowhere and no one would ever be able to use it.

Beyond that no one knows which side destroyed it but they did know but the results were not. It had crossed at the one point shallow enough that it was possible to have a bridge but not restrict the movement of ships via the use of some ancient means that no one had any idea of except that ships were able to pass.

Perhaps a drawbridge in the center? Maybe they just made the ramp keep climbing till ships could pass underneath? Whatever the method used it was so long ago nothing was left to give any hints as to what method they had chosen, it was a mystery lost to time.

"We buy bread for dinner."

Everyone looked at Sefu as he stared at a small raft ferrying workers back for the day before motioning with his head.

"Pass, too broke."

"Its okay."

The little procession wandered towards a structure that had several large zebra driven mills with several half-oval ovens where bakers worked quickly to crank out bread for the evening rush hour. Bread here was much cheaper than Mjesani due to the sheer amount of wheat and barley they grew in the surrounding fields but otherwise food prices jumped.

Watching them work was quite a sight to behold as workers held onto wooden poles and walked in circles moving the mill stones slowly while another worker would scurry up and after placing a ladder, climb up and dump several baskets of grain into the hopper before the grinding would continue.

From there the flour was caught, packed and delivered to the bakers who either stored it in massive clay jugs with a white stripe or turned it into dough before letting it sit and raise before being turned into smaller loaves or flatbread. Loaves were tossed into the ovens while flatbread was slapped directly onto the side of a blazing hot oven and cooked near instantly before being slapped off with a stick then tossed into a large reed basket.

It was a good system that worked very well but was also somewhat foreign when he considered the region. Then again this region had once been part of several different empires, with which came different ideas of how to do things all of which had rubbed off on the locals who still used their methods to this day.

Sefu did the purchasing this time and passed around the cheapest bread they sold: flatbread. Everyone got one and it cost him next to nothing at five copper total. Pricing was completely broken here but at least it worked in their favor this time around.

For whatever reason it was decided they would sit and eat their bread while sitting around the riverbank watching the boats. Perhaps Verik's obsession had somehow made them curious as to what he saw in what they considered everyday drudgery.

They were not alone for very long either as two kids wandered over to stare at the gathering and what a pitiable little duo they were.

Taking a guess they were brother and sister just by looking at them. Nor had they been eating very well if their poor health any hint. Covered in dirt and dust they looked like two walking flea traps and both of them were so scrawny a good gust of wind might blow them away at any moment.

As Verik watched them staring from a short distance he looked around at the others and saw Asha staring back at them with a slight twitch. What he failed to were Sefu and Jelani watching him from the corner of their eyes intently.

What he did raised two eyebrows and earned a smile from the other while Zuri decided to sit on the fence and ignore the situation again.

He had yet to begin piecing on the flatbread so Verik tore it in half and made the offer to the kids. Hesitation pervaded as they eyed the strange creature before finally slinking forward and reaching out carefully, with a quick swipe they each took what was offered and ran off scarfing the bread down before disappearing amongst the houses.

Sefu watched them scamper off for a moment before his head returned to Verik then nodded in the direction they had run off in.

"I give you bread, you give it to walking dead."

"It is a gift that will keep on giving. Besides, they needed it more than I ever will."

"You have almost nothing."

"I can always use those spears to hunt and kill assuming there is any wildlife so it is not that big of a deal."

"They probably starve tomorrow anyway."

"Probably, but if anyone ever asks I can say at least I tried."

"Tried what? Make no difference."

"Maybe to you. This world is all you know and while I have always been a pessimist I figured right now was a good a time as any for a change. Besides, sometimes having a heart is more important than doing what is logical."

Sefu shrugged then went back to watching the boats crisscross the river with Jelani while both hid the beginnings of a smile. Asha on the other hand just stared and smiled happily at Verik.

"You are right brother, he is trouble."

Zuri sat beside her brother as they ate in the growing darkness, they had returned from their little sojourn an hour earlier and quickly went about preparing for the evening gathering water for cooking then accepting their rations.

"So long as he does not do anything stupid."

"I think he is asking too many questions and has taken an unhealthy interest in the nobles."

Zuberi stopped eating for a moment then raised an eyebrow at his sisters statement.

"What do you mean?"

"He keeps asking questions and spends too much time studying the walls and towers, even asking where the barracks is."

"Are you saying that he what... Is planning on seizing Iuny? With what army?"

"I dont know but the look in his eyes is one Sefu and Jelani get sometimes and the last time they had it..."

"Yes, I know what happened and all was forgiven by the tribe."

"Verik is not Wete though but they insist on bringing him, if that look he had means anything..."

"Hopefully not but it is out of our hands, only Tendaji and Nuru can decide if he stays now."

"Will you try and dissuade them?"

"No..." Zuberi let out a long sigh. "I do not like him but maybe Sefu is right, his instinct has never been wrong. Yet. So I will trust him this time as well, who knows maybe this... Predator, will do some good in Wete."

"He is still trouble and might try to start a war like other tribes."

"Zuri... If he just accepted our situation and went along with it I would tell Sefu to not only kick him out of my caravan but to hit his head into the nearest tree in the hopes of knocking some sense into him. Not agreeing with what he sees means he is not like those who follow Fareed and that is what is most important."

"As you wish brother."

Two sets of eyes stared across the camp to where Verik sat with Asha and his growing little collective that now included Sefu and Jelani. A dangerous combination but these were dangerous times and to judge them would mean to judge their own acceptance of the evils that pervaded the land. However, as in all things, time would tell as to who was right and who was wrong.

Zuberi just hoped it would not end for the Wete like it did for Asha's tribe.

Author's Notes:

Was never too happy with some chapters and this was one of them, still not terribly happy with it.

Chapter 18: Journey to Wete

"It is amazing how much people can forget and how quickly."

Verik had to admit it was a mighty boring morning, one so boring it felt like his brain would ooze from his skull as they packed up then left on the final leg of their journey. Great anticipation slowly boiled inside him at the thought of finally finishing this troubled journey, assuming they reached the village of Wete which he was assured would take only a few days.

A few days... How long was "just a few?" Jelani shrugged and remarked that last time it only took them some three days since there was a road and it usually remained well kept and that factor alone made all the difference.

Zuberi was in less of a rush than he had ever been from what he could tell, perhaps being so close to home meant he was becoming lax, remembering what had been said about this area reminded Verik that bandits rarely if ever came this far east let alone anyone for that matter.

Leaving Iuny behind they moved around the city to its North side then meandered down a road so narrow only one wagon could remain on it at a time and just barely at that. This meant that every time a wagon from the fields came back one party had to leave the road and wait for the other to pass.

Fortunately they had left early but the farmers had left earlier still to beat the heat of the day. With them went the throngs of slaves to work the fields along the banks of the Sawan River, once more the bank on their side was covered in crop bearing fields along with the ancient canal system that was utterly destroyed.

Here however it was destroyed from more than just neglect but also simple stupidity as someone had the bright idea to turn herds of oxen loose. The banks of the canal had long ago been torn apart from the pounding of hooves and then the locals had filled the water channels in with dirt to make it possible for oxen to move from one field to the next.

Some use was still gained from the system however as any time it rained the fields flooded allowing the grass to grow dense and vibrantly green at certain times of the year. Some took advantage of the rains and kept some of the plots cleared for growing crops but they were far and few in between. Almost all the land belonged to Tasid who could care less about maintaining anything so long as food remained on his table.

"What happened to the irrigation system?"

Asha and Jelani shrugged before remarking they had no idea what he was talking about. Pointing out the signs of ancient water canals they stared at him blankly without understanding a word he said. Water came with the flood, rain or was carried physically to the fields which was why the fields were all along the immediate inner banks of the river.

Pointing it out again and that with just a little clearing the canals would work again allowing water to be moved easily to the various fields it was as if he had invented the wheel again. Pressing the matter further yielded nothing though, whatever knowledge had once been held was long gone now and even Asha who was a farmer had absolutely no idea what he was talking about let alone ever heard of such a thing.

No one was teaching or passing their knowledge on anymore. Everything had been so thoroughly destroyed over time they were almost back to square one and trying to rebuild their shattered world. As to how they could not master such a simple concept was somewhat clear at least: with the flood they never saw any need for building massive irrigation networks so why bother developing them?

But what had caused the collapse? Knowledge is never "just forgotten" but something must first drive it back to the stone age first, was it the wars? Restriction of knowledge? None of them knew the answer however, it was just one more mystery lost to time.

Verik stared at the passing zebra's and Arabians then down into the fields to watch them work while staring at their lack of dress as another problem came to mind.

"Asha... How can you zebra's tell each other apart?"

A couple heads turned with slack jaws for a minute before Asha made a choking noise.

"What you mean you no tell us apart!?"

"Short of your facial markings and those tribal markings on your hips I really cant, some of you have certain subtleties like you, Jelani and Sefu but frankly if you were all in one big mass I would have a hard time picking you out."

He had insulted them but that was only logical as if someone had said the same of him...

"We just do. You not from here so we understand but you not say that, start fight. Never say that again yes?"

"Understood. What are those markings mean anyway?"

Verik pointed to their markings as Asha and Jelani stared at their hips a moment then shrugged it off.

"Marking mean what we best at, everyone have one... Why you ask now about tribal mark?"

"Rather occupied with survival and thinking things through. So how do you get those put on? I imagine it would be rather hard to keep inking those into your fur all the time."

Asha stared at him with a blank expression for a moment before realizing he was not from "around here."

"No, mark appear when one find their purpose, what they best at. Not ink, magic."

And here the magical talking zebra named Asha just openly admitted to magic as if it were perfectly normal, not that he could ever challenge that.

"So, you... Find what your good at and then it appears?"


"Does it dictate your life and future or-"

"No, just what we best at."

Verik looked their markings over for a minute before settling on Asha's. Jelani was self explanatory as it resembled a stylized, tribalistic arrowhead but Asha had a sprouting seed.

"I get Jelani's but yours has to do with farming right? You have a green thumb, able to grow anything..."

"Well... Yes... No... Learn long ago good at bringing life then mark appear, good at farming so I guess?"

"What do you mean? It appeared when you realized you were good at raising crops-"

"Before, good at bringing life to things."

"Ah so your not just a farmer but someone who can bring life even to a desolate area."


"Her name also suit her mark."

Both looked at Jelani a moment before Asha explained her name also meant "life." It was quite suiting apparently as she was quite good at whatever she did in regards to anything life related, apparently her marks "power" went a little further than just plant-life.

Within a day and a half the caravan had reached the village of Miwani but they were not there to stay but keep moving, home was within reach and everyone was eager to finish their quest and get home quickly.

It was an unremarkable village to say the least much like Sitwa had been. Miwani however had its little huts scattered over a fairly large area with a single, round cattle corral located on the outskirts. Within it tiny handful of oxen lay upon the ground as zebras argued with a posh looking Arabian.

"Tax collector."

Jelani, much like the rest of the zebra's did not use her hand to point most of the time but instead just nodded towards whatever was in question. Apparently the number of oxen or cattle one had was in direct relation to wealth according to Fareed since it meant more or less land could be plowed under.

Now if it was true or not that they were actually capable of plowing land did not matter according to the letter of the law: if you have five oxen then even if two had no legs they still counted according to the tax man and you would be taxed for all five. Afterall, according to the tax man you might put the two on stilts and have them pull the plow somehow, government in action was a wondrous thing to behold even here.

It reminded him a great deal of the blood sucking leeches from somewhere else and much like them the blood demanded lined someone else's pockets rather than be put towards anything actually useful.

"It good we come back now, miss tax man, they no tax our cargo now."

Verik looked at Jelani before nodding at the well dressed Arabian equine, looking back at her as the arguing took on a feverish pitch reaching their ears even so far away.

"I thought they only taxed at the city gates."

"Yes but they see us stay they charge Wete for having more wealth than shown, being late coming home means Tendaji not pay as much."

"Sounds about right for a tax collector, what happens if you cant pay?"

His companions looked at each other and grimaced before Asha piped up with the answer, it was exactly what Verik would expect of a tax collector working for Fareed: Coin, goods or bodies. Asha added emphasis on the "bodies" part.

If you could not pay Fareed was more than forgiving, times were tough after all so he would only haul off X number of villagers as payment. These unlucky sods would be sold into slavery or conscripted to make up for whatever was owed and thus the mighty gears of his bureaucracy would continue to grind ever onward.

As they moved through and away from the village however some passers by glared at them and even hissed, one kicked a rock towards them before flicking their tail irritably.

Bad blood, that is what Jelani explained it as. The two tribes sat on each others proverbial doorstep despite being a day away from each other but all the same they were not very "close" to each other.

Why? Well that was rather iffy according to her as it happened during Tendaji's grandfathers reign as chieftain, whatever happened back then everyone was eager to let the matter lay and not dig up old grievances.

Despite it the Wete were not blocked from using the road but could not use the wells nearest the village, camp at nor trade in Miwani. Otherwise no one really cared, most probably had no idea why they did not like each other anymore unless their parents taught them the history but of all they passed most had no reaction to them.

Other than the tax man and a few displeased locals the only thing of note was a few river boats anchored along the banks of the river. One was loaded already while the other was in the process thereof; the cargo being loaded was a mix of what he guessed was various foodstuffs but it was the locals doing the loading.

Whatever the tax or tithe being demanded was it certainly remained a high one judging by the quantity of goods being taken. Verik watched out of the corner of his eye as they passed out of sight as Fareed's food restriction policy was played out: control everyone's food intake and you control their ability to rebel.

"We talk now."

They had stopped for the evening when Asha and Verik gained two visitors at their little camp site. The first was not unusual as Jelani joined them quite often lately but seeing Sefu arrive made Verik's eyebrow raise in curiosity as to why the recluse was joining them tonight.

"Alright, I assume this has to do with the gift giving and whatever you have planned when we reach Wete sometime day after tomorrow."

"Yes, you give Nuru gift first, I show you where she live then we visit Tendaji but first we talk about more important things. Tendaji forced to listen with gift but you must talk to him and prove why you should be allowed to stay. I tell him you stay as warrior, join tribe and fight but many problems..."

"Too poor or maybe one mouth too many?"

Sefu nodded.

"Wete take many who flee, not enough food or huts but being built. When we leave not certain if there enough food for all to eat till next season and still have seed for next crop. I know way around dis, you eat meat yes? Fish?"

"Yes, I can eat meat or vegetables..."

"Good, maybe he let you stay if you able to forage for self, hunt and fish yes?"

"Well without refrigeration nothing will keep... Never mind, you dont know what that is... Do you have a smokehouse?"

"What is smokehouse?"

Verik shook his head and waved it off as Sefu continued.

"If Tendaji say you stay as warrior you swear loyalty to chief and tribe then train to fight."

"First off if you have so many refugees why do you lack warriors?"

"Too busy clearing land for crops, many can fight yes but you very different from them, you eager to kill, no regret, have instinct... They do not, trained many yes but they not eager like you. Better to have few warriors who eager and well trained than many who fearful and fight only when forced."

"Makes sense... Fareed perceives you as weak because you lack a standing force but what you do have is better trained and specialized, right?"

Sefu gave a quick nod.

"Most trained but only to defend small area in deep rank with spear, Jelani and I trained to fight in field without formation or aid. Able to move faster that way, others work fields and feed Wete while we guard and fight."

"Well if it works. Anyway, I dont mind swearing to protect the village but I am not swearing to serve Tendaji."

Confusion was written on the faces of those around him as they gawked at him as if he were crazy. Sefu opened his mouth to say something but Jelani cut him off quickly with her own question which she coughed out in disbelief.

"Everyone swear loyalty, why you refuse?"

"Because a very long time ago I decided to never bend a knee to anyone for any reason even if it killed me. I am a free man and be damned if I surrender to anyone, take it as you will but I refuse to swear fealty to your chief."

Sefu let out a deep, low groan for a moment as he slowly shook his head.

"You make things difficult, Zuberi right, you trouble but I think trouble worth having. If you no swear loyalty Tendaji never let you stay. You have plan?"

"Oh yes, Zuberi gave me the idea when we reached Alzamard but first I have some other questions: First what would happen if a tribe hired a mercenary and second do bounty hunters exist?"

"Tribe hire mercenary tax man wary but not care, you look like very poor mercenary so maybe ignore. Bounty hunter... What is that?"

"Someone who hunts down people with a price on their head, say a bandit."

Sefu laughed for a moment at Verik, his deep laughter echoing over the camp drawing attention from the others.

"Yes, that kind exist. Very rare, prices put on others yes but only for betraying Fareed or nobles, most have price because they try to flee their bonds."

"Well I can always pick and choose whoever I "claim" to be after, not like they have any proof one way or the other till I actually bring someone in."

"You serious about bounty hunting?" Sefu stared into his eyes intently as Verik nodded; he was serious. "So you tell Tendaji you want to join Wete as mercenary and bounty hunter? He never agree."

"Oh he will."


"First of all because I can hunt for my own food but also aid in protecting the village, should a taxman come along I can always disappear for a time then return later so no one is none the wiser or just stand there and claim to be passing through. Look at me for a moment, I am neither zebra, Arabian nor anything else of your world I imagine. If they tried to argue it I can easily say I am just passing through and even be on my way, I own nothing so its not like it would be hard to pack up and leave for a while."

Sefu and Jelani nodded slowly still not buying it entirely.

"You have said how dangerous things are and I have seen how widespread starvation is everywhere we have traveled and while I am no engineer I do know irrigation, as well as how to construct those irrigation canals around Iuny. With me comes the knowledge of how to increase your arable land with little to no effort once completed... Maybe, it depends on what Wete looks like and how your fields are situated."

"You show us how to build these things so we grow more food? Maybe Tendaji listen to that..."

"Tendaji is a very accepting chieftain of others I take it, otherwise he would never have taken in so many refugees knowing he could never feed them all... Correct?"

Sefu nodded slowly.

"Then when I offer him the chance to feed them all I doubt he will turn down the chance."

"That still leave problem: you no swear loyalty."

"Once all the chips are on the table... What I mean to say is once all the haggling is over as to the pros and cons of allowing me to stay that what I can offer outweighs whatever apprehension he may have about me. Also, that I am willing to help guard the village in exchange for staying and maybe some food once in a while is an outstanding deal as I doubt he could ever find a mercenary willing to work for so little gain."

"Maybe, you not convince him though you told to leave."

"That will be my problem to figure out, never thought I would actually claim to be a mercenary though."


"I despise them more than soldiers or politicians, rather ironic dont you think?"

"Hmm... Refusing to swear loyalty still insulting to Tendaji..."

"Already told you that I am not going to bend my knee, I will help you, fight to protect the village and even try to improve things if I can but-"

Sefu waved a hand to stop him.

"We wait and see, what you said very true: you not one of us, not zebra or Arabian, different ways and thoughts but mean well. Tendaji maybe let you stay or maybe not... You help us many times without asking for much, I think Tendaji let you stay though once I talk to him."

"I take it you hold some sway since you are in charge of defending the village."

"Yes, but he listen for other reason."

"What would that be?"

"Tendaji my brother."

"Mother must I go? Fareed is an insufferable ruffian."

The late middle aged Arabian mare let out a sight and looked at her husband a moment before turning to her daughter with a grimace.

"Yes, it is your duty as princess to visit him and try to solidify an alliance between our two nations."

"Fareed would ne-"

The sultan raised his hand silencing them before letting out a low sigh.

"You must look to the future not the present, he is without heir and if you were to marry him it would form an alliance between us."

"He would never honor it."

"Perhaps, but even Fareed knows that assassinating his wife and a royal at that would be more damning than anything else he has ever done. The nobles stay allied with him because he knows better than to attack his last support base which you would become a part of. Think of the future Nawra! He will not live forever and one day you would inherit the throne or at least be able to pass it on to more capable hands thus solidifying our dynasty."

"I would sooner sleep with a peasant."

"Language dear sister! And to hear that from one like you who loves and is so loved by the peasants."

Nawra scowled at her younger brother Jubril as he entered their families private chambers. He bowed low to his father and mother before sitting on some cushions then began to pick through the various fruits laid out on a small table.

"An alliance with Fareed would ensure he would not attack Labrad, there would be no gain for him."

Jubril looked up at his sister before beginning to piece on the fruit while waiting on a response.

"Yes, seeing me off and married to him would make you most happy as it would leave a certain gap between yourself and the throne. I do believe everyone is aware Fareed has proven incapable of siring children so you would naturally inherit an empire..."

Jubril looked utterly innocent which was one of his great many skills learned from spending too much time in the throne room growing up and also from his other activities on the side. It stung Nawra that her parents were so incapable of seeing him for what he was: a scheming little rat just like Fareed.

For them love was blind, too blind.

Nawra was also fairly certain that given half the chance he would sell her to Fareed or the highest bidder if it meant getting his hands on the reigns of power.

"No dear sister! Never! Father and mother are right: we must look to the dynasty and as you are the eldest and thus have the first and best opportunity, after all Fareed is a stallion otherwise I would offer myself up."

"Yes because you are just so kind, caring, noble and honorable."

Her jab made his eye twitch a little but their parents had long come to ignore the two and their incessant bickering. Jubril had a desire to achieve power and would admit it but was always quick to humble himself that it would never come at the cost of his family. He was also quick to defer to Nawra if it meant looking good in his parents eyes though he did "argue" now and then to keep up appearances.

A knot formed every time politics was discussed with her brother present as he always managed to sway things in his favor somehow, either by being humble or wise but always did he leave with a new strand of power to tug on.

"Perhaps the zebra's could concoct just such a potion for you brother and solve it once and for all, you could marry Fareed! Queen of your own empire."

"Now sister, that is just low even by your standards."

It was now her turn to twitch as their parents raised their voices at them to calm down and settle themselves.

"Nawra..." She looked at her aging father as he leaned back on his cushions slowly shaking his head. "There is more to it than just that, this is also a diplomatic mission on our part. You are not only going to meet Fareed but also keep up appearances for us, if we never acknowledged our neighbors even if they are enemies it would isolate us even further."

He let out a long sigh then stared at Jubril a moment before returning his gaze to Nawra.

"With all our troubles and wars raging around us it would be most wise to at least visit Fareed to keep up the facade of friendship even if it only lasts another season. With his tariffs we are ailing, which is what he wants mind you... Still, the offer of marriage would be a chance at power he could not easily turn down. Think of this as putting out a lure with bait he could ill resist, make him follow along at least for a little while."

"You are asking me to play the part of both bait and hook, with a viper no less."

He nodded slowly but could not make eye contact.

"What if he refuses? Takes me hostage?"

"Paranoia dearest sister, if Fareed were to do that or allow one hair on that precious head of yours be harmed it would bode ill for him. He may be an evil wretch but he must maintain his reputation!"

"And what exactly would that be hmm? A reputation as a notorious murderer, thief, cut-throat, underhanded, back stabbing-"

Jubril waved her off.

"All that and more I surmise but if it means peace for another season then I agree with father and mother that the chance must be taken."

"You go."

"Happily! However, sending the youngest son while the pretties, single and chaste heir to the throne stays home..."

Nawra ground her teeth as her mother put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her with pity written clearly on her face and deeply rooted in her eyes.

"We would never ask this of you if it were not important, please, go and talk with him, exchange pleasantries and exchange assurances even if they are never to be kept. Buy us time to solve the other problems we face, perhaps get Fareed to ease his tariffs so the merchants who stop here are able to afford more. The coffers are lower than ever due to his last increase and I fear the caravans may begin to stop here altogether if something does not change."

"Fareed would never take so much they are unable to travel mother only enough to make his neighbors squirm."

Her mother admitted defeat on that point but being a river city along one of the caravan trails meant their income was directly linked with Fareed, a point of contention that never went away.

"Suppose mother, that Fareed did take interest in the offer, I would never agree no matter how much you beg-"

"You are of royal blood Nawra and that means marrying into royalty or nobility. It also means making hard decisions about your future and if that requires you to marry someone you do not love but despise then you must for the sake of the blood line."

Perhaps too much emphasis is placed on the sacred blood lines. Nawra mulled that over before remembering something.

"Yet you married the stallion you love, why do I not get the chance?"

"Times are hard," her mother held her by the shoulders and squeezed lightly "and hard times mean great sacrifice. My mother was forced to marry a noble she did not love but in time she grew to love your grandfather."

"If I ever grew to love a monster like Fareed I beg of you to kill me."

"Be that as it may we must do what we must to ensure the future of our people and you know this all too well. Please, at least go and entertain him to some degree."

Nawra let out a sigh and slumped slightly where she stood before nodding.

"As you wish mother, I shall go and at least visit with him but I promise nothing more."

There was no reply as the queen hugged her daughter and ran a hand down her long, braided raven colored mane. She hoped and prayed Nawra would be safe, Fareed had his own code as twisted as it was but he upheld that code. Deep down however she knew Nawra was right: Fareed was a viper, a vile, angry and vengeful viper eager to bite any for the sake of its own pleasure. A silent prayer was muttered that it would be a boring visit.

"Good, now is not the time for that however, your father and I agreed that you will go in a few months and until then we have other matters to attend to."

Nawra nodded as her mother released her and walked away to sit beside her husband so they could begin another day of arguing over policy as they always did at this time of day.

Deep down in her stomach a part of her retched at the idea of meeting Fareed let alone setting foot in such a horrible city as Alzamard. The die was cast however and the only hope she had left was that it would be an uneventful visit but knowing Fareed he would make it a point to prove his superiority.

It was the how that made her so worried she felt sick at her stomach.

Author's Notes:

Next update might be week after this one.

Chapter 19: Slaves and Wete

"Its the little things in life you learn to enjoy the most when you have gone without."

"So why are we stopping so early in the day Jelani?"

Zuberi had brought the caravan off the rough, rocky dirt road and off to a spot near the river that was covered in soft grass and lush reeds. Birds waded around the reeds dipping their beaks while others dove down at the water and with a crash sent water flying as they yanked their prey free before flying off with it.

Insects and other creatures of every sort and size skittered about somewhere within view while their calling filled the air with a minor but ever present din. There was no denying that this little stretch was beautiful with its lush, colorful plant-life along the banks, the wild flowers filling the air with various scents that wafted freely while scraggly trees with their own blooms rivaled them.

It was the perfect place to camp.

"You smell like dead animal."

Verik twitched a second when Asha filled in the gaps as to why they had stopped, everyone was gathering near Zuri who had a jar out while others gathered large, flat leaves before lining up, joining them they carried their own while he stared at the goop Zuri was portioning out.

"I was not aware my... "Aroma" was so pronounced."

"Blood smell bad, you covered in it still, no soap to wash away good."

Jelani wrinkled her nose at him before looking away.

"We all smell but used to it, you though smell worse, cloak soak up much blood and already smell bad, now you reek."

"I imagine if you walked into your village right now they would say the same of you."

"Yes, that why Zuberi stop us here, we bathe before going to Wete."

"Why stop so far away?"

"Nice place, safe place. We there tomorrow morning."

"So that goop is soap?"

Asha accepted her portion then Jelani and Verik received theirs, he stared down at it and rubbed it around a little with a finger. The large leaves they had all gathered were merely soap dishes, Jelani nodded at his question before giving him a shove towards the river where the rest had fanned out slightly along one spot.

"Nothing in that water that bites? Say a crocodile?"

"No. Now bathe, you smell bad."

"Never complained before."

"Not polite, now you bathe."

This left Verik with a little problem as communal bathing was most certainly not something he engaged in nor ever would. Everyone else cared less but he was not about to just strip and wade in till waist deep.

Wandering further away and towards some reeds that would provide cover between himself and the others first he began to strip off his armaments and clothing. Perhaps it was second nature now to always carry a weapon or even weapons as he had brought just about everything with him just so he could bathe.

Thinking it over it was somewhat funny, already Zebrica had left its mark on him by leaving a paranoid streak present in the back of his mind. Who knew, maybe something would pop out of the water and try to eat him but who knew anymore.

Movement made him freeze and stare to his left as Asha slipped into the water near him. She never did leave his side unless she had too and now she had followed him away from the others and seemed intent on bathing as close to him as possible. Turning to see who else had tagged along he watched Jelani enter the water farther down before beginning to scrub herself of blood, grime and anything else that had moved in.

"I would like you to know that bathing with others present is not something I do. Ever."

Asha just stared at him quizzically.

"Where I come from we never bathe together."


"It would be impolite and I for one like my privacy."

She stared him over a moment before quirking an eyebrow.

"You hide something?"

"No, I just like my privacy."

"You no worry, just bathe, no one spy."

Verik just stared a moment before turning away as she finished tugging off her top which was glued to her fur via weeks of sweat and grime. Apparently nothing was seen as indecent when it came to bathing as a large group which was very quaint and maybe just the way they were culturally, but it was not something he was going to do anyway.

Wandering a little farther off and towards a large grouping of dense reeds he finished stripping then walked out into the water till it was waist deep then began to scrub down. Sure enough his two "companions" did not bat an eye nor stare at him, both were too busy scrubbing and undoing their braided manes.

A thought struck him as an aroma filled his nose: his clothes needed washing. Badly.

Hopefully there would be enough of this scentless soap to last and after scrubbing himself down he washed his hair and beard before ducking under the water to rinse the soap out.

When you are underwater sounds tend to carry, to amplify themselves in some ways but become horribly distorted making things get rather eerie. While the Sawan River was rather clean it was still murky enough that one could not see terribly far and while under water some distorted sounds reached his ears.

Opening his eyes he saw that the water was clear enough to give him a straight view to where Asha was as she now beat out her "clothing" in the water. Staring a moment while wondering if her rags would survive the washing he got a good glimpse of many other things. Swinging away from this zebra anatomy lesson he found himself facing the reeds.

Looking down at the fish that wove through the reeds and along the muddy river bottom he caught a glimpse of color that did not belong.

Rising from the water carefully and turning away slowly he stared at Asha intently till her motions slowed. Motioning her to move back he moved out of the water and towards his pile of clothing and weapons, when he lifted his spear she backed off further and called to Jelani who watched intently as he went back into the water.


He stared at Jelani a moment before giving her a sarcastic response of "yes, just fishing."

Returning to the water he walked out quietly then quickly submerged himself and looked for whatever he had seen. It was gone and nothing moved so he moved closer before using the spear to part the reeds a little then caught another glimpse, he recognized what he saw.

Emerging and walking up the bank he turned abruptly then slashed at the reeds with his spear. Jelani popped from the water farther down and grabbed her own weapon and came running as he began to poke into the reeds.

Ignoring her shouting for a moment he kept scanning the greenery before movement brought his spear to the right and following it he yelled at whatever was in the reeds.

"This joke I smack you!"

"Something is in there, saw a leg."

Without missing a beat Jelani rounded him and called out before stabbing into the reeds herself then started to fling threats to whoever was hiding.

There was a heavy pause as they listened to rustling and some arguing before the first body rose up enough for them to just wake out to top of their head. Moving forward slowly the equine left the reeds, nearly tripping as the shackles around their legs kept them from running. Verik watched the next emerge much like the first and stared at them a moment, it was no wonder they had not tried to swim away as they would have drowned with their bindings in place.

"Escaped slaves."

Jelani lowered her spear some and motioned for them to move aside then looked back at Verik.

"Sefu watch them for now, finish bathing first."

With the two prisoners shuffling along in front of her he watched the two move along and towards the wagons where a few others watched and waited. They were covered from head to hoof in mud and grime making it hard to make them out but both were clearly male for obvious reasons. Beyond that it was impossible to tell in their current state.

Walking into the reeds and smacking randomly just to make certain no one had opted to stay hidden he quickly returned to his clothing pile then dropped his spear. Snatching his clothes up he hurriedly returned to the water and began to scrub out his clothing as best he could while Asha stared before returning to her own washing for a minute.

"I wash, you go see what happening."

Asha beckoned at the wagons where others gathered to see what was happening, Jelani was explaining things to Sefu while the two slaves sat on the grass waiting.

"Thank you Asha."

She smiled and waved him off as he left the water then dropped his clothing in a pile closer to where she was washing before tying on one of his "clean" rags he was now using as temporary underwear . Hurrying along he met up with the others and realized that just a few minutes of washing made a clear difference to the air around the caravan.

Those who had not bathed yet well and truly stuck out as the air was filled with a reek he assumed only equines could have while the others gave off no smell at all now. Jelani had finished explaining to Sefu when he joined the little gathering curious to see how they would handle this matter.

As it turned out matters were handled about as straight forward as possible. Names, where they were from, how they got away and other simple questions were raised along with how long ago and had anyone come looking for them yet. Hazarding a guess at why the last question was asked Verik guessed that if the Wete were caught with these two it would spell great trouble for them, especially if they set them free and were caught afterwords.

Altayih did most of the talking while his companion just waited having resigned himself to whatever fate awaited them, that or he was just too tired and bored to care at this point. Both were Arabian's and male, a little short compared to what he had seen but as questions kept flowing their rather brief story unraveled itself.

Both had been free then captured in different areas, Shahid was taken from his village then sold while Altayih was grabbed by slavers along a road up North. Both wound up in Mjesani about two months back before being sold once more to a noble family in Iuny where they managed to escape a few days ago. How? By using a bundle of driftwood as a makeshift mini-life safer.

Working on the docks had provided them the opportunity as they worked together then when the fateful hunk of wood came by they took their chance and dropped into the water. Managing to not drown each other was an issue but they pulled it off and got away without being seen or an alarm being raised, Shahid guessed their owners thought they drowned as another had the week before, the older slave had just walked off the pier and into the river holding a large rock then rode it to the bottom.

Either way it worked out for them but the shackles remained an issue as it was impossible to remove them from their legs or hands. There was enough room in the hands to allow them to work and paddle to a degree but not enough to do much else.

What to do with them? Zuberi wanted to send them on their way immediately while Sefu wanted to at least break them free first. There were no tools for it Zuberi argued, Wete is just half a day away came the counter, if caught with these slaves in Wete... They are already dead, who would come looking?

"Why not claim ownership of them? It is not like anyone is going to actually care or look into matters, give us a chance to break the shackles off at any rate. Besides, it will take us what... Half a day to resolve this?"

Heads turned to Verik including their two prisoners.

"Wete not keep slaves."

"I do. As of now at any rate, I am not Wete remember? Anyone challenges it they are up a creek without a paddle as they have no proof."

Sefu hummed a moment before shrugging then looked down at their captives.

"We set you free, what you do?"

Altayih really did not know as just getting free would be miracle enough right now but Shahid had a quest he was intent on embarking on: his sister Alriyah was still locked up somewhere in Iuny. They had been captured and sold together but broken up at Iuny between two different households. He fully intended to go back and find her and then break her out.

No one challenged it except Zuberi who looked as if he was getting near wits end and about to bust a vein with all the trouble his little caravan was having, but he finally agreed to allowing them to remain then breaking them free of their shackles later. After which Shahid could go his own way and Altayih could figure it out on his own, preferably somewhere else.

"Well if these two belong to me the first order is take a bath, you two look like escaped slaves, which you are, but if someone wanders down that road looking for trouble I would prefer it if you at least looked like someone was keeping you."

Shahid narrowed his amber eyes in a glare while his companion snickered at him a little before standing and shuffling towards the river with the other in tow.

"You have slaves on your world?"

"Plenty of nations have them outright but under different names, where I came from though almost everyone but the richest were wage slaves."

"What is wage slave?"

"One who works till they drop dead from exhaustion trying to make just enough to pay the bills while pretending to be free by spending beyond their means on frivolous junk."

Sefu and Jelani hummed at this before agreeing that it sounded somewhat similar to the Wete, they worked for much of the same ends but had nothing left over afterwords.

Asha returned with his laundry not long after and handed it over allowing him to quickly wrap himself in a soaking wet cloak to hide from the sun. It was like having an air conditioner strapped to his body, at least until it dried.

Shahid and Altayih returned from the river eventually then stood in front of Verik before giving a sarcastic "master" to him as their greeting. Both were thin, dangerously so, they had not been slaves for very long but whoever had owned them certainly did not care a great deal about keeping them alive as their bones showed through their sides slightly.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Stole some food in village farther back-"

An elbow jabbed Altayih in the side.

"Alright listen, I dont really give a damn if you stole from the village back there but if you steal one thing from us or at Wete I will gut the both of you, understood?"

They nodded quickly as his threatening proclamation garnered a good deal of attention from the others including Asha and Jelani. Sefu however just gave of a sort of laugh before departing to take his own bath with the last group.

Verik looked them over and pondered how to feed them before realizing something.

"Food... So that is why Zuberi agreed..."

Verik had walked into a trap of sorts: Zuberi had only agreed to allow them to come along but never to feeding them and since they were Verik's property now it was his problem; the buck had been passed.

"Either of you good at foraging?"

Altayih slightly raised his shackled hands while Asha offered to help as well. She told them that along the riverbank finding food would not be terribly hard this time of year and with any luck they would have enough to last for a few days.

Curious to see what kind of forage was available he waved them off and followed with Asha in the lead. Wandering along the bank and through the heavy growth she pointed out plants to Shahid who followed her instructions while Verik just watched quietly memorizing the plants and hoping they were edible to him as well. If not things might get rather slim between hunting or fishing expeditions.

Happiness came home when Altayih found some wild vegetables and fruits resulting in a harvesting frenzy that brought over some members of the caravan. It almost turned into a fight over foraging rights until Jelani made them go somewhere else as these two needed it more than them.

One frenzy later the area had been canvassed by all parties then everything brought back to the camp. Verik had to give up his cloak so they had something to carry it in then after returning his two new "acquisitions" dove into their pile while Asha put her own share to one side for later.

"Dont you send out foraging expeditions if you are this starved?"

Asha stared at Verik before shaking her head slowly.

"No, not anymore, too busy clearing fields or building huts. Too tired to forage, also very hard to find, we lucky."

Turning his attention back to his captives he watched them quietly as they tore into their food pile with great gusto.

Watching these two eat was like witnessing two starved piranhas devour a helpless victim, he prodded them as to why they had not foraged before and between mouthfuls they explained they wanted to stay out of sight. They had been planning to forage this time around but a certain caravan had come along and stopped them. Neither did it help that they almost got caught in Miwani by the locals while searching for tools to break free, rather than stick around and risk recapture they had decided to flee.

As Verik continued to watch them quietly he surmised it was much like the blind leading the blind as neither had a plan as what to do except to just run like hell and hope they got away. Lacking a plan also meant they starved more often than they should have as they blundered from one situation to another.

Almost like Zuberi's caravan really.

"You let us go when we get to Wete?"

Verik stared at Shahid quietly before nodding.

"Yes of course, why?"

Shahid put his hands up quickly before going back to eating.

"Grateful but curious, no one capture slave then let them go free, you claim us then just let us go..."

"Right. Here."

The two stared at the raggedly bits of cloth Verik tossed to them.

"Put that on for the time being, once your free I want it back though, had to cut throats and nearly get killed to get the money... Coin, for those rags."

Staring at each other they looked up at him for the first time in earnest, searching him in an attempt to figure him out.

"What are you?"

"Just a man who is trying to find his little piece of the world to call home." Verik thought for a moment before tapping his spear. "I am also a mercenary."

Blatant prevarication but with a twinge of truth to it considering his circumstances but for every time he told it more would come to believe it thus solidifying his story with anyone who heard it. Eventually the story would pass through many ears and mouths till he had built a name for himself even if he never lifted a finger.

"A mercenary would never let slave go free, they would turn them in for the reward or keep-"

Verik cut Altayih off quickly.

"I am not your average mercenary as you can clearly see. Now you... Shahid, yes? How exactly are you going to free your sister assuming you can even find her?"

It was curiosity but bringing that up made others gather to hear this tidbit of juicy news that would inevitably circulate wildly through the grape vine when they reached Wete. Everyone wanted to know how a half starved slave was going to liberate his sister from the clutches of someone unknown.

"Alriyah sold, heard them say she make good servant so know she work for wealthy noble, means she being kept on western side of Iuny where rich live. Guards lazy at gate, sneak it then steal clothing and search for her. Find her and we run."

Well that is simple but will probably end in tears...

"You do realize they will not allow you just... Take, your sister and leave."

"I kill them."

"With what."

Shahid froze a moment before looking around.

"Steal weapon."

Verik could see where this was going before it even began: Half starved former slave sneaks in, steals clothing to wear in hopes of hiding his tribal marking from former owners and others... Begins spying on houses to find his sister and probably gets noticed by them along the way if not captured outright in the process or aftermath of stealing said clothing... All the while wearing said stolen clothing in the same place he stole them.

But it got worse: Shahid would then try to figure out which mansion, steal a weapon from somewhere which would most likely amount to the easiest stolen. This lovely train wreck would then continue with him trying to break his shackled sister out without being caught by the guards who probably watch the slaves meaning a fight or throat cutting.

Somehow if he got this far this brave little five foot seven chestnut colored Arabian would try to slip away to break the shackles but that meant breaking into a blacksmiths shop... Assuming the blacksmith did not wake up from the clatter or if he was stupid: the sound of metal being beaten into submission, the race would be on.

Perhaps he would try to flee the city through the gates? That would end horribly, the second they saw the shackles all hell would break loose. Slip out via water? Steal a river craft then go where? Miwani sure as heck would notice as they almost had, maybe they would help them, maybe not especially since the craft he stole would probably belong to Tasid somehow.

Staring at Shahid as he sat back staring straight into the eyes of his temporary "owner," Verik pondered all the possibilities of how this disaster of a plan would end before finally opening his mouth and detailing everything he figured Shahid would try to do along with the natural conclusions.

Disbelief filled faces as they stared at him when he finished explaining everything that was wrong with this botched plan of his but Shahid just stuttered for a minute before finally forming words.

"How you know I plan that!?"

"I have read one too many books I guess, that and logical deduction because no one is just going to allow you to walk in there and take her."

"I still get sister!"

"Yes, I do not doubt for a second that if you were never caught you would spend the rest of your life breaking into every building you thought she was being held in till you either succeeded or died of old age.”

"Then why you object?"

"Never said I objected to your plan, at least in theory... If you care that much about your sister I wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope you succeed but keep this in mind: if you die trying or worse get captured you are useless to her. While I should not be one to talk I ask if you know how to fight."


"Right, well its your life and once you are free do as you will but never breath a word of your friend here to anyone or the Wete, if you go and get captured they will probably torture you till they get what they want. After everything I have seen not for one second do I doubt they would not or do even worse."

"I still go!"

"Yes, I hope you DO go and try to save your sister because if you turned back now despite all the problems you are facing it would only prove you are a very poor excuse of a brother and a shallow one at that. What I want you to do is think things out more than you have. Form a real plan before just marching into Iuny and trying to steal her back."

Shahid stared a moment before nodding slowly.

"And you, once free what are you going to do?"

Altayih shrugged.

"Maybe stay at Wete, maybe keep walking and see where I go."

"Wanderer hmm?"

A snicker was the response at first before Altayih explained to a confused Verik that his name meant exactly that: wanderer.

Having two extra bodies to help pull the wagons along was helpful but bickering with Zuberi to at least pay the two Arabians for their effort took a little doing. After an agreement was reached he allowed it and while the sum was rather pathetic it was at least something to work with once they were free.

Zuberi had not been pleased however when he heard that Shahid was planning to try and free his sister which could lead him back to the Wete. Verik however made Shahid swear that no matter how much torture they put him under if captured to just say he stole the tools from Miwani then returned them before anyone noticed. That would be the price of not keeping him shackled thus preventing him from going on his noble but foolhardy quest.

Altayih had been the second prickle in his hide by saying he planned on staying for a time but once again it was out of Zuberi's hands as only Tendaji could ultimately decide their fate. It was decided though that Altayih and Shahid would go first followed by Verik since the last would probably result in some rather long and interesting arguments.

While everything was relatively flat along their side of the river it was devoid of actual tall, standing trees for the most part but instead was covered in dense, scraggy brush trees. The terrain leading to Wete got rougher now and the amount of arable land dropped drastically along the last leg till they rounded a final bend in the river.

Bending their way around a low hill the village came into view for the first time and as Verik stared at the place he would call home for at least one night, at least until he was either allowed to stay or ordered to leave. He wondered about his life choices.

Irrigation was unheard of here, Wete sat on a long hill that ran parallel to the river thus avoiding any flooding. On the flip side the flood plain was very small and would only provide a small amount of food which from the looks of the older village would be sufficient. Now however it was not, new huts had sprung up everywhere there was room to stick them and even out in areas that were being cleared for fields.

Two larger huts sat on the hill as the road they were on narrowed then ran through the center of the village, winding its way lazily past them before ending somewhere just beyond the outskirts of the old village.

As for their fields...

Every attempt was being made to clear a massive swath of land for farming but the lack of tools made it difficult then was compounded by the lack of water. Like ants the villagers walked in two rows back and forth from the river to their fields with water containers trying to bring its life giving touch to the dusty, barren wasteland they called a field.

Whatever they were growing here was having trouble due to the lack of water and barren soil but they tried anyway and as he watched the gears ground quickly as to how he could fix this, after all his future depended on being able to convince them he could improve things.

As plans began to form in his head Asha happily patted his arm with a smile on her face as she pointed off into the distance at the ratty huts that lined the hill.

"My hut there! By road! Next to big hut!"

"Tendaji's hut?"

"No, Nuru."

"Any reason the other huts are further away except for yours?"

"Scared of Nuru. But she nice!"

That meant the other big one was the chieftains hut... When Sefu dropped his bombshell on Verik about his brother being the chief it made him both a little relaxed and worried at the same time. But then again having the chiefs brother speaking on his behalf in a positive light (he hoped) would be a boon.

However, Sefu had his doubts and thus other gears were about to start grinding to make certain everything went as smoothly as possible.

Getting closer they had to make the chain of water carriers halt their efforts so the wagons could pass along the road which resulted in a few waves but most took the chance to rest, lowering their heavy burdens to the ground and slumping down to rest even if only for a minute.

It was not nearly as much trouble to go up the small hill as he thought it would be but once at the top it leveled off, the wagons were pushed into an area farther down where tall, round mud brick buildings stood. Granaries he was told, one had to climb a ladder to get inside because if it just sat at ground level the mice would easily get in, not that they could not climb either he guessed but whatever worked.

"For all the people I saw there are not many huts."

"Not enough, some have three families to a hut, still making more but take time to dry bricks properly, more important to clear fields though."

Verik nodded as Asha explained before he finally realized he had nowhere to stay but then again it would not matter if he was told to pack it up and hit the road.

One thing at a time, first convince Nuru and Tendaji then work on a place to stay...

Sefu walked up and collected the two newest members of the caravan before leading them off, Verik was told to wait until he returned. Rather than lead them towards the little blacksmith hut however the warrior led them both straight to the large hut and after speaking pushed the two inside.

Their fate is their own now.

Looking around at the older huts most were showing signs of decay as the old, sun bleached thatch that formed their roves threatened to cave in. The real eye opener had been Asha's little hut which they nearly passed on their way in, it sat off on a side path along with Nuru's hut so he had been unable to get a good glimpse but what he did see of it...

A young zebra emerged along the path leading to the larger hut farther down and walking briskly she made a straight line for Verik before halting in front of him then looked him over with a half-disbelieving stare.

"You come, Nuru waiting."


"Deaf? You come."

She beckoned to him to follow as she walked away with Verik in tow, completely confused before Jelani quickly grabbed his arm to stop him. A jar was shoved into his chest then a push given along with a nod, hurrying after her he caught up just outside the hut where she waited before making a quick motion for him to go inside.

How did they know he was coming in advance? Verik stared at the huts "door" for a moment before sighing , pushing the cloth aside and then stepping through the low portal.

This was going to be interesting.

Author's Notes:

Had some spare time to edit the chapter this week. Enjoy!
As to anyone who points out that certain ones have incorrect English or grammar when they talk... That is 100% on purpose. Language translation is a fickle thing and words never line up like they do in English which I am portraying here. That or their lack of a larger vocabulary in general. Example: Shahid and Altayih. Both Arabians but two different levels of language.

Chapter 20: Fates Are Decided

"We all have our problems, those heavy burdens we each bear that grind us down slowly. Some however bear heavier loads than the rest of us and Tendaji was one of them."

Verik reached the large hut that housed Nuru and stared at its decorations, all around the entrance large masks hung from the mud walls or were laid about neatly. Some were ghastly looking as they screamed or stared out mocking anyone who dared to look upon them. There was no doubt about it: this was the hut of a voodoo witch. Even little pots hung down around the building inviting any would be passer by to snatch one but Verik could only guess what might befall them in a world this... Unique.

"Are you going in or just stand there like a fool?"

Eyes snapping to the side he stared at the naked zebra for a second before reaching a hand out at the layers of beads and rags that served as a door to Nuru's hut.

Please, no naked grandma.

With a short sigh he closed his eyes slightly and pushing the "door" out of the way ducked down into the shadowed interior of the hut.

A quick glance around the hut revealed more masks along with tall shelves heavily laden with small jars, mortars and pestals, dried herbs and other things hanging down from the ceiling along with more bottles. Everything was neatly arranged in a large circle with a small fire-pit in the center where smoldering embers glared back at him, small puffs of strange incense filled the air with a truly unique aroma.

Staring at him from the mat she sat upon was the zebra shamaness in question: Nuru. Clothed in a simple, worn brown dress that thankfully covered everything she stared quietly before motioning to a mat across from her.

All manner of decorations adorned her form from beads, bracelets and even a very voodoo esque necklace with a bird skull in the center hanging from her neck, it was truly an interesting object to behold when one took the entire ensemble into question. Unlike just about every equine he had seen she wore some kind of necklace around her head that danged with little stones or metal pieces all carefully arranged.

It was the stare she gave him that caused the most consternation however as he lowered himself into a sitting position across from her, the cold, blank stare followed him carefully, waiting.

Remembering his gift Verik held it up for her to see.

"A gift, for you." What else could he say?

Holding out her hand quietly she waited as he leaned over the hot fire-pit and placed the tiny pot in her hand before leaning back and waiting on her reaction. Opening the small pot she looked inside then picked some of its contents out giving it a sniff before putting it back and sealing the pot again.

They sat like this quietly for several minutes before a grin spread across her face but it was not one of happiness. Instead it was rather the look a piranha would get as it watches a lame bird slowly fall towards the water and straight into its waiting clutches.

"You bring gift, why?"

"Sefu and Jelani suggested it, but how did you know I was coming?"

"Know many things, hear many more. Bringing gift means you want something in return yes? To stay in Wete? Bribe me into speaking favorably to Tendaji so he not throw you out hmm?"

Verik regarded her carefully for a moment, this one knew far too much without having ever met him and was by all means probably toying with him. She knew he was coming, had waited till he arrived then sent someone to collect him without having ever laid eyes on him.

So why bother asking?

"Yes, but why do I feel you already knew the answer to that question?"

"Honesty. You admit freely why you give me this tea, had you made excuses I would send you away."

Nuru's smile changed to one of genuine welcoming as she removed the lid off a small jar sitting at the edge of the fire then dropped a couple pinches of what he guessed was herbs into a small pot of water. Everything had been prepared in advance, she had known or anticipated things perfectly but too perfectly.

"It will not be easy to convince Tendaji to allow one like you to stay, very troubling times."

"Never expected it to be easy and after seeing the ongoing work to expand the fields I can understand why. But I do have a few... Unique characteristics."

"Yes, sharp teeth and eyes, a mean streak that makes killing easy. Enjoyable?"

Verik nodded, he would not deny it anyway but this one was the kind to see right through someone.

"You never asked my name."

Nuru stared at him a moment, she was judging his response again.

"I did not think it was necessary to ask your name Nuru, everyone told me about you and frankly just seeing this hut is enough to prove you are who you are."

A toothy grin was the response as an ear twitched for a moment before her purple eyes bore into him. Faint whispers filled the air to his left and where her ear had turned but this was not unusual as the moment he had stepped inside he could hear soft, subtle voices.

"What do you plan to do hmm? Cause trouble for Wete... Help Wete?"

"I have no intention of causing harm to the Wete, several have helped me considerably, saved my life, it would be dishonorable for me to betray that kindness. Help you? Of course, if all goes well I will be staying here and the last thing I want to see is what I have already: an immense struggle just to get enough to eat."

"You help for other reason too..."

"Did those voices whisper that to you?"

Two can play that game, he was in a strange, crazy world where anything was possible so why not voices that whispered truths? Putting her on the spot like that would also tip him off as to if there was more to this than met the eye, she had to of learned somehow and while not a religious fellow by any means; agnostic in fact, he was not going to rule anything out at this point.

"What voices?"

Nuru was a master of being poker faced as not one hint was given that she knew what he was talking about, it was time to prod a little.

"Alright, the moment I got near this hut I made out little voices now and then and after stepping in here all I hear are whispers from all around the room. I even catch glimpses of movement and flickers of light from the corners of my eyes. Your ear turned to face one of those voices then you asked me a question so if you would... What is going on? How do you know so much?"

She just smiled at him kindly which in itself was creepy, he had never met her before but being around her was to admit he "knew" her somehow as she just had that welcoming manner that put people at ease; a switch she could flip at any moment however.

Using rolled up rags she carefully poured the tea out into two cups and offered one to him before sipping quietly on her own having entirely ignored his questions.

How anyone could stand to drink hot tea on a hot day in a hot hut was beyond him but he knew better than to refuse and sipped at his own cup quietly. Whatever went into this tea was quite pleasant but so different from anything he had ever tasted, it made his senses tingle.

A voice from outside the hut called, putting her cup down she beckoned him to stand up. Grabbing a tall staff she had tucked away beside her that was ornately carved and be-speckled with shamantic ornaments she began pushing herself but froze and narrowed her eyes.

Verik had without thinking moved over and offered a hand to the old grandmotherly looking zebra, now he was stuck in an odd situation with an outstretched hand offering to help her up as she stared at it then him.

Before he could retake it she accepted the offer just as realization went across his face but instead of continuing her hard stare she just smirked. Once on her hooves she walked easily to the door and pushed the covering aside while beckoning him to follow.

"I am not that feeble."

She was gone from the hut by the time his face turned red from indignation. Following her outside he could see the caravan was already unloaded and everyone long gone save his two "slaves" sitting outside the hut quietly where Jelani watched them.

After walking the distance she motioned for him to wait then ducked her head into the chieftains hut to say something and almost immediately talking inside began.

"So what happened with you two?"

Verik stared at Shahid and Altayih as they fidgeted, debating what to say. Jelani watched them a moment before sighing and explaining things quickly since she had listened in: once the shackles were removed Shahid and Altayih were free to go.

Sefu had told Tendaji about Verik's ultimatum to Shahid and agreed with it, that so long as he swore to die rather than lead them back here he would allow him to leave. Altayih however wanted to stay and that meant things were still up in the air.

During the arguing over his stay Tendaji had basically said "no" since things were not going so well foraging nor food wise. What Altayih said next had left everyone dumbstruck as he declared that ownership had transferred from previous owner to new owner... That meant wherever Verik went he went.

Demanding an answer of him Altayih just grinned at Verik and said it was true but it sounded like a good idea at the time, being kicked out without so much a stick to fight with would mean all manner of problems. Forage was most certainly not available and without any traveling equipment he would be hard pressed, at least this way he could buy some time.

"You do realize that when I walk in there Tendaji is going to hold that over my head right? I do not live here nor am a Wete, in fact I am trying to get him to allow me to stay and what you did will only complicate matters. Slavery is not even allowed here, right?"

Staring at Jelani she thought it over a moment.

"Fareed allow slavery so legal but Wete not keep slaves... Difficult to explain but Verik not Wete so..."

Altayih stared at her before looking at Verik.

"I know, Sefu explained that but it is still better to take the chance than be thrown out there without anything to defend myself with."

Which was entirely true.

"You could have asked and I would give you a spear then send you on your way."

"Just like that? No price? No demands?"

"Correct, no strings attached, a free spear and a pat on the back wishing you the best of luck."

They all gaped at him before shaking their heads but Altayih just grinned even more.

"All the more reason I stay then, you are too interesting and I do owe you."

"Nothing, you owe me nothing."

"You could have left us out there, told them not to allow us to come along."

Sefu emerged from the hut and stared at the two and ordered them to stand.

"Jelani, take them to smith, have shackles removed."

"So do I stay?"

Sefu stared at Altayih and shifted his jaw back and forth a moment.

"Depends on what Tendaji say about Verik. Go. You," he stared at Verik, "your turn."

As Jelani led the two away Sefu ducked inside the hut and out of sight.

Unlike Nuru's hut this one was spartan outside without a single marking but inside it was quite interesting. Weapons were laid up against the wall in rows or hung from pegs along one side, a large sleeping mat sat in the far back while a rough "throne" of sorts that sat in the middle facing the door.

Few decorations could be seen except a few furs including a cheetah hide which was carefully strung out and well off the floor along the wall, it looked more like a sash than just a hide.

Clay jars and pots of every size lined the rest of whatever space was available but all eyes were centered on Verik as he continued to examine the hut quietly. The fire pit in the center was thankfully not burning which left the hut cooler compared to standing outside. Sefu and Nuru on opposite sides of each other with Tendaji on his seat in the back center.

Eyes trailing back to the throne Verik started at Sefu's brother Tendaji. Not nearly as tall nor well built the tired and worn looking chief sat on his throne leaning to one side gaining support from one of the arms as he slumped.

He looked mentally exhausted.

Turquoise eyes scanned over Verik judging every single detail with a harsh scrutinizing stare before he beckoned him forward.

I forgot the gift.

Sefu caught the change of expression on Verik's face then pointed to a familiar little pot, at some point the zebra had already fetched it in advance. With a short nod he motioned at Verik then waited as he collected the item then presented it to Tendaji.

Tendaji stared at the jar before looking back up at Verik with a heavily bemused look.


"A gift but I understand it would not hurt my case any to at least try."

Looking sideways at Sefu who unbeknownst to Verik smirked back the chieftain leaned out slowly and accepted the jar. Inspecting its contents his eyes trailed to Sefu again with a glowering look before a heavy sigh escaped him as he put the jar down and out of the way.

"You make my life difficult brother."

Sefu shrugged.

"Make own life difficult."

Tendaji's eyes snapped to his brother with a glare before shifting back to Verik.

"You wish to stay in my village... But will not swear loyalty, my brother tells me of what you have done and plan but I wish to hear it from you. Speak."

Tendaji's voice was just as deep as Sefu's but every word was slow to come and carefully gauged making his words come with a fair degree of finality.

"Sefu probably filled you in on what happened so... I intend to find a home for myself and go back to farming or at least I planned on that. After seeing your village I know better than to hold onto such fascicle hopes but if possible I intend to have my own farmland at some point be it here or beyond your... Borders."

Everyone stared at him waiting, Sefu made a motion for him to pick up the pace.

"Sefu has told you that I will not swear loyalty and I shall not. However, I will aid the village in exchange for being allowed to stay as a mercenary. In return all I ask is a place to stay and some degree of pay. I know you are impoverished and food is very hard to come by but I am capable of fishing and hunting to make up for this."

"You not swear loyalty to me but say you be loyal to Wete?"

The look on Tendaji's face showed serious doubt as to if Verik was telling the truth or not.

"Yes, strange as that may sound but I have a vested interest in making certain the Wete remain safe: I have nowhere else to go. If I were to destroy the one chance of a home I have left there would be nothing left for me except death via deprivation."

"Logical..." Tendaji hummed to himself. "Sefu say you are predator and you right, food very hard to get, if you feed yourself that work well in your favor but my brother say you have... Idea? Fix fields?"

"I do, it will not be easy but there is a chance I can help you irrigate more land by channeling the water rather than hauling it to the fields. One thing I can show you is where to dig canals to flood some of the lower lying areas I saw on my way here, the other, higher fields will not be so easy but that can be solved too."

"How you flood them with canals then not wash crop away?"

"Flood gates, small ones to control the volume of water, also depending on how high the flood waters get you can channel the river itself into other fields so the silt will lay and provide nutrient for the fields."


Tendaji mumbled the word to himself, one curiosity was placated but once more it was circling back to the other issues. No chief would like having an outsider refuse to swear loyalty then ask to stay in the same breath. Sefu on the other hand gave Verik a sideways look and motioned with his hands that things could go either way.

"Wete not have mercenaries, Fareed finds out we have one it raise suspicion."

"I will not deny that but nor did I say you would declare me to be in your "employ" merely that I live here. Defending Wete would be a given since I would live here, therefor no need to pay me to defend my own home. At least openly that is."

"Sefu right, you are mercenary... When Fareed send his tax collector they ask questions and count, they see you many questions asked."

"Yes but I am not Wete, I only live here and in exchange provide one more arm to defend with. If they press the matter tell them I am a bounty hunter, they will have to ask me directly and since I am not zebra nor Arabian they have no legs to stand on. I am an outsider."

"Where you live then?"

Sefu spoke up saying that arrangements were already made if he were allowed to stay causing Tendaji to narrow his eyes.

"What proof do I have, what assurance can you give that you will not betray me nor tribe? You not swear loyalty and make claims but what proof can you give?"

"Only what Sefu has told you about my actions and my word of honor, I can offer nothing else and my word is something I do not take lightly. When I swear to do something I will do it unless betrayed, you have my word on that."

"Leave us, wait outside till I decide."

Taking a quick glance at Sefu as he left the zebra again motioned that things were in the balance, only time would tell. Leaving the hut Verik sat on the side with the most shade and stared at the ratty looking huts while wondering what was happening inside. Tendaji had not outright said no on two counts but now it was up to Sefu to convince his brother to allow him to stay.

What about Nuru? Who knew, it was out of his hands now.


"Yes, he fought for us, help us-"

"No, he too much trouble."

Tendaji and Sefu argued back and forth while Nuru sat quietly having tuned them out, lost in her own little world but both were used to this reaction when arguing broke out.

"He fix fields, you say we need more food and he offer knowledge!"

"We fix it anyway! More probably die before next harvest anyway."

"You give up already?"

"While you gone several die of starvation-"

"We find forage on way here!"

"Yes, day away, all forage close to Wete gone now, tell them to go farther but dangerous. Prefer to stay and starve than take risk because of animals or worse."

"More reason to keep Verik, they die then they not eat Wete."

Tendaji let out an irritated snort.

"So add more then? Make food stretch again?"

"You take them in anyway, you never turned others away but knew there not enough food."

"Yes but that mistake! I will not make it again!" Tendaji let out a long sigh and slumped down further. "I send scouts while you gone to find forage, along river there is some yes but very sparse beyond. Very lucky you found what you did, very lucky. Brother, if I send foragers far and wide to collect food they maybe feed themselves but not village. Try to get others to go and some did but not find enough, rain coming late this year make it hard to find suitable forage."

Sefu stared at his brother, it was true the rains were late but something had to be done anyway and if Verik could offer any means of increasing their arable cropland even a little then that was something worth trying.

"More reason to keep him."

"So he eat from river and hunt animals... Fine, have someone willing to take him into their home... Very well... Who offer to take him in?"


"He put up with her she can have him. Now tell truth, why you really want him to stay."

Nuru opened her eyes to stare across at Sefu as Tendaji regarded his brother carefully as Sefu let out a long sigh.

"Things getting worse, war coming, can feel it, hear it. In Mjesani I listen and things getting far worse, more raids over border mean war coming. Slavers reaching farther and farther, they maybe come this far soon. Fareed not sit still either but it also mean others take advantage in chaos. Maybe it come this way-"

Tendaji cut his brother off quickly.

"Last time that trouble reach Wete was long ago during grandfathers rule."

"Yes but things change, better to be ready than take chance."

"One mercenary make no difference."

Sefu regarded his brother calmly, thinking over an answer that would solve the dilemma. He already knew Tendaji would not accept things as they were, but neither would Verik back down as his own pride was too strong much like his brothers. There was one possibility though it was not what he wanted to say, but at least the logic might work on his brother even if he did not believe it nor like the idea.

"It does, he fight and maybe kill one or two, maybe even ten. They that many less to harm Wete, you want to take chance war not come? All signs here: more slavers, bandits attacking protected caravans, soldiers abandon caravan, something break soon."

"Maybe that just chance."

"You take chance? What if you wrong? One more not hurt Wete, you say we loose many already then it make no difference."

"Verik is trouble, it follows him everywhere he goes."

Tendaji and Sefu turned to stare at Nuru who had remained silent during the argument, hearing her speak for the first time made the two brothers shift slightly.

"That one very strange, see things, hear things others do not but accepts it willingly and is not afraid... Polite and honest too, he could have lied but did not... Maybe he is too honest for his own good. You want him to leave but he offers solutions we do not have, maybe they work, maybe not but he means what he said about helping Wete."

Nuru turned her gaze to Tendaji and narrowed her eyes.

"You only upset because he not swear loyalty but he not one of us, never will be. He knows this, accepts it. Verik is an outsider and will always be but he still offer to help in exchange for a home yet you still say no."

"It could be an act."

Sefu and Nuru let out a snort as Tendaji's accusation.

"If he acting he very good at it, way he kill bandits and sacrifice self for our sake... Very good actor or very dumb one."

Nuru nodded to Sefu before staring Tendaji down again making the chieftain fidget in his seat.

"Land still an issue, first he say he be farmer but admit not possible... He not know what he wants, could change mind and cause us many problems."

"Then have him swear not to cause the Wete problems..." Nuru's eyes narrowed, "tell him that if he causes problems he will be cast out, exiled."

"Such a threat to an outsider means nothing."

"It means everything to one like him, he has nothing, no home, family, friends... If he gains these things he will not want to loose them." She looked at Sefu and motioned at him, "your brother told us how violent he got when someone threatened what little he had even though he could have just walked away."

"I still say no, he brings too much trouble, entire journey one battle then the fleeing slaves... He bring destruction with him."

"Then he will be my problem."

Tendaji glared at his brother but both stopped as their eyes shifted slowly back to Nuru. A pit formed in their guts but no more so than in Tendaji's as the grandmotherly shamanesses eyes took on a dangerous glower. Spreading across her face a toothy smile formed that made lumps form in their throats.

"You say no... You anger me but also anger others, others who want to see what happens."

Swallowing slowly Tendaji repositioned himself before daring to look at her.

"My village is not here for the amusement of others."

"Oh? You serve Fareed who allows you to live because it pleases him, amuses him. Fareed can take your life but they can do far worse."

"And what have they done for us that is good? Hm? Nothing!"

"Maybe you ask too much, maybe you need to listen rather than demand of them, they want him to stay."

"I am the chief not you or some specter!"

"Then act like one. Verik fought and bled to protect your people now you turn him away. You Shun him, shame on you."

Tendaji's body twitched for a moment as things sank in slowly before closing his eyes.

"Bring him back, I have made up my mind."

When Sefu's head popped out of the door and called Verik was quick to respond and re-enter the large hut once more before being beckoned to sit and wait. It had been quite a while and he could make out the dull echoes of their arguing but nothing solid, now it was time for his judgement.

"Some have taken great interest in you... Dangerously so."

Tendaji quietly gave a sideways look at Nuru for a split second before looking back at Verik.

"You refuse to swear loyalty... So be it. You will never be Wete then, you may stay but are on your own. Serve the Wete and you can stay, maybe even given some food now and then for what you do. However, you must swear not to cause trouble for my people, stay out of trouble and not cause harm. No land will be given but Sefu say another will take you in, that is their decision not mine. So long as you stay in Wete you follow my laws and do as Sefu says, you are his problem now."

Sefu gave a smirk before hiding it away again.


"I can not swear to not causing harm nor trouble, if someone attacks me I will defend myself, that you can be certain of-"

"Yes, you have right to defend self but swear to not harm Wete!"

"As I have said I have no intention of harming the Wete, only to protect this place so long as I am allowed to call it home. I shall never be Wete? So be it, I accept that fact but why am I denied land?"

"You not swear loyalty."

Feudal... Alright that sets the other option into motion.

"Very well... I swear to protect the Wete on the condition you allow me to call this place home and the live freely. In return I shall help you as I can but I expect some kind of payment now or in the future for services rendered, I am after all a... "mercenary" now."

Tendaji eyed him carefully before slowly nodding.

"You stay because of offer you made: irrigate our fields, expand our farmland."

"Correct, however once that is done you will not turn me out... Yes?"

"You say your word is honor bound, so is mine, you doubt me as chief?"

"No, but I can tell you are troubled to no end as anyone would be all things considered. The Wete need all the help they can get and I believe I can offer it."

"You one creature."

"A highly motivated one who has everything to gain but nothing to loose."

"Wete worth loosing?"

Tendaji's eyes narrowed awaiting a response that came quickly.

"That is up to you, if allowed to stay then I have everything to loose."

But I also have everything to gain...

"Then you will stay but under Sefu's command, you mercenary so you serve him. Understood?"


"Cause trouble and you thrown out."

"What about Altayih?"

"He your problem, we not feed him."

Tendaji waved at him dismissively meaning it was time to go and Sefu rose then beckoned for him to follow. Leaving the hut Sefu walked down the narrow path towards Nuru's hut then just beyond to a very old, dingy looking hut.

"You live here now till she throw you out."


There was no need for a response as Asha and another mare emerged, bidding the other farewell she saw Verik and perked up immediately.

"Tendaji say yes?!"

"This one now mercenary and my responsibility. Verik, I get you tomorrow and begin training then after you figure out fields hm?"

"What about Shahid and Altayih?"

"Since you stay Altayih probably stay but will keep him somewhere else yes?"

"So there is room for him somewhere?"

"Small shelter, others die so they no need, belong to him for time being."

"I have nothing to feed him with..."

"No worry, we think of something, he not slave right?"

"Just very intent of having a place to stay till back on his feet by my guess, cant blame him. Give one of those spears I looted to Shahid if you would."

Sefu nodded before leaning into the hunt and grabbing a spear then walked away leaving Asha and Verik to stand alone in front of "their" home. Looking it over again she had gotten the short end of the straw but was better off than those living in "shelters." If this dingy hut was considered decent what must the shelters look like?

"So how is it a non-Wete got a hut all to herself?"

Asha stuttered for a moment before sighing.

"Came before the others and was given this hut, took in others year ago but they all leave because of..."

"Your nightmares."

"Yes... Make them nervous and they leave."

"Must be nice though, having a place all to yourself when others are so hard off."

"Not all to myself now."

She beamed at him and began tugging on his arm to bring him inside the hut making him duck quickly before his head banged on the top of the doorway. The whole thing was in horrible disrepair as cracks were everywhere, some were enough to allow someone to peek inside. If any amount of rain came it would no doubt leak but otherwise it was still standing not that he could be picky.

Asha had graciously offered to take him into her home and he was not going to argue nor belittle the kind and generous offer. Still, this place could use a lot of repairs assuming it could be repaired at this point. Looking down at the dust covered dirt floor he traced his eyes over the single round room.

Poverty was as good a word as any to start with.

Compared to the chief and Nuru she had little in the way of storage with two small shelves that lay bare and dusty. Two mats were rolled up to one side along with a pile of his weapons, belongings and forage they had gathered the day before. The food was sorted out now and an open jar was in the process of being loaded to keep the vermin away.

Larger jars sat in the fire boiling away, to one side was a great heap of things: all this spears and loot, all thrown against the wall by someone. Apparently Sefu had no doubt what so ever that he would be staying if things had already been moved here but remembering the look on Tendaji's face when he offered him the chance to stay... It was not willingly, someone or someones had twisted his arm into allowing him to stay.

Nuru had been giving Tendaji a very interesting look the entire time and that alone was probably the deciding factor as no chief would ever willingly allow someone as insubordinate as Verik to stay; a fact he was willing to admit to. However he was now under the command of Sefu which made things rather interesting, he trusted Sefu and Jelani oddly enough.

"Tendaji said I could stay but I am cut off for rationing so-"

"That okay, Zuberi have others deliver leftovers from caravan after dividing it, part of payment for making it back alive."

"How very... Kind, of him."

Asha smiled at Verik warmly before sitting and going back to sorting through the food pile.

"Why did you offer to take me in?"

"You too nice to be thrown out."

Well thats a matter of opinion.

"I can do some repairs to your hut-"

"Really!? You know how?"

"What, dont you?"

"No... Learned to cook, forage and raise crops, broth-"

She cut herself off quickly before going silent and stuffing various foodstuffs into jars.

"Well I can at least fix the holes and cracks, looks like simple mud bricks... Guess I can stuff the cracks with mud and clay to fix them. Does the roof leak?"

"Yes, but rain late in coming. Hard to get material to fix roof, most needed for new huts or shelters."

"I will think of something. How often does it rain anyway?"

"Comes and goes, this time of year suppose to rain more."

Dry season then the monsoon...

"Thank you."

Asha stopped what she was doing and looked up from her task a moment.


"Thank you for offering me a place to stay, a home even if temporary."

A smile spread across her face of genuine happiness at his words of gratitude.

"Not temporary, you stay, this your home too now."

Sitting down near his equipment and sorting through it all quickly he thought over what she had said. Asha had her own motivations in all of this but he would not deny his own interests either as he knew where hers leaned as his own leaned in the similar direction.

Author's Notes:

My next two weeks are... Crazy, so not sure about the next chapter being edited and put up but it is written.

Chapter 21: First Day

"Your first day of training is usually the worst."

His eye's popped open at the weird sound that filtered through his ears, turning his head towards the source Verik made out Sefu's head in the door frame of Asha's hut. It was time to go, standing and making his way towards his new "commander" he was stopped as a finger pointed to the pile of equipment.

"Spear only."

Spear in hand he was led to the outskirts of Wete where a sack with straps waited, a primitive backpack by the looks of it made entirely from patched together cloth and anything else available.

It was still very early, the sun had only just risen signaling the start of the day but only the two of them were up. Asha had been left behind to sleep quietly and looking around he could see the forms of zebra's in little dugouts here and there. Somewhere out there was one filled by Altayih.

His instructions were very simple and easy to follow: this was an endurance test which would be followed by others to see just how much he knew about fighting. For now, Verik's task was to put the sand laden pack on and run to the distant hill, up the hill, down it then round the back and go straight to the river along a path.

He already knew this was going to end badly.

Not just because he had never been a good runner unless adrenaline was pounding in his veins but with the added weight there were very serious doubts about even getting up the hill. It was early morning so the heat was far less which was probably the reason Sefu had him out here so early.

The towering zebra had witnessed just how potentially deadly heat could be to him. Walking or pulling a wagon were one thing but running with a weighted pack was another. Pack strapped on Sefu motioned and told him to start running the short distance to the hill. This was no marathon by any means but it was still the second longest distance he had ever run, the first being in Alzamard.

He hated running, walking and hiking had always been his forte, he had hiked others into the ground over rough terrain but never been able to outrun anyone, even the fat ones. Then again running never served any purpose to him, others called it healthy or "recreational" but that was absurd. It was better to just walk because you would get there anyway.

However, he had no choice. Sefu said run, he ran. And he did, Verik started running the moment Sefu called for him to start and he was off, jogging down the road as he had been ordered and already the heavy pack was dragging him down.

At the bend in the road he turned up the hill well aware of the hooves pounding into the ground behind him ordering him to run faster.

Verik took it back, this was not a marathon. No, it was the marathon from hell.

Sun up and blasting its scorching rays across the landscape causing the temperature to shoot upwards quickly. Running up a steep hill was hell on earth and coupled with the pack made it nearly impossible as he gasped for air while pounding his legs in order to reach the summit.

As always Sefu just told him to run faster. There was no slowing, stopping or resting this was a straight run up the hill and then to the river.

It was not an act of cruelty nor indifference however. He knew better than that, Sefu started him out early enough to beat the worst of the heat knowing the odds would be entirely against him otherwise.

No, this was to see just how much he could take before collapsing. There were few dangers involved here, the timing had been picked carefully and he was rested. All that hiking in the blazing heat had also given him a degree of adaptation but that had only been for walking or helping to move the wagons but nothing like this.

Gasping for air he reached the top of the hill before a hand steered him towards a path going down the other side. Bending away and towards the river it was narrow and rocky but visible even with eyes stinging from sweat.

Going down was easier than going up but it quickly became a danger to not outpace oneself and stumble on the rocks which would result in a long, painful roll down the hill.

However long this new hell lasted he had no idea till he found himself stopped at the waters edge. Lungs heaving for air and soaked in sweat Verik just stared as something freed the pack before the world began moving.

A loud splash rang out as Sefu tossed him into the river snapping him out of the stupor in an instant. Squatting on the river bank just staring at him with a blank expression the warrior just stared on as his newest trainee rose from the shallow water sputtering and spitting out water.

Sefu assured him however this was far from the end for today, this was merely a break to keep him from passing out before the next test: fighting.

Verik had absolutely no idea how long they had been at it but the sun was burning a hole in him when they ended and what a painful mess it had been too. Sefu started him out with nothing but his hands then had him attack, it had gone rather poorly but Verik had done a fair share of studying if nothing else. A couple of times this foggy information had presented him with opportunities now and then allowing him to land a blow now or then which seemed to please Sefu.

However, the end came when he managed to bend just right without breaking anything in order to trip the giant zebra. His biggest mistake was trying to close the distance but being so exhausted he was too slow to dodge the hoof that struck out at his chest.

A mighty rush of air left his lungs as the hoof connected perfectly sending him flying backwards a short distance. The landing was not nearly as bad but it hurt all the same as he was left wheezing.

Zebras can really kick. Better not forget that.

Rolling onto his side and pushing himself up no retaliation came though as Sefu had simply waited. It was time to switch to weapons.

Which had gone no better, in fact it had gone worse. At least he knew how to throw a punch, kick or wrestle to some degree but fighting with the spear had been a fruitless expenditure of energy.

"Alright, you proved you can kick my ass from here till Sunday, now what?"

Sefu pondered his response while looking Verik's bruised form over before opening his own bag and removing a familiar salve.

"First treat burn. Never seen such poor runner but strong, can take many blows before falling." Sefu hummed to himself thinking over what to do next. "Tomorrow you keep training, maybe you never be good runner but can be good fighter." A smile crept across his face, "you even try to bite so you have vicious streak, that good. Rest today, tomorrow you join others for training."

"What others? Thought you had a shortage of warriors."

"We do but a few are training, you will join them tomorrow."

"How many?"


That was it? Just three? Out of over at least two hundred? Sefu's explanation was that there was no time for the others to train with all the work required in the fields so that narrowed down their options. In fact labor was in such short supply for carrying water that even the other warriors were now set to being water carriers.

There was another reason Sefu called it off for today as well: Verik had to make good on his word about providing irrigation for the fields and he could not do that if every waking moment of his day was spent training. Motioning towards the hill again Sefu told Verik that it would provide the best vantage point for seeing all the fields and figuring it out.

With that he left Verik behind with the salve, a gift along with his robe which Sefu had apparently nipped from the hut after seeing Verik out. Next time he would have to remember to bring it.

Sitting in the grass along the riverbank trying to get his energy back he stared at the clear waters wondering if he could really pull this off. Not just the irrigation but all of it. Planning, mapping and digging, which he hoped they would not leave to him alone or it would never get done but also just surviving.

Somehow he had to forage for his food since he was officially cut off from the village granary until further notice. Supplies were in storage thankfully but they would not last forever and he would have to start hunting and fishing immediately if he had any hope of staying alive, which also meant figuring out how to fish without a pole.

Hunting, that he could manage, he had always been a decent stalker but without a refrigerator it would all spoil. That meant a smoke house which was something completely unknown to the Wete but he was not about to give up red meat.

Ideas flowed as he did his best to remember all the books he had read so long ago on such matters but right now he was too worn out and burned. Wrapped safely in the confines of his robe he wandered up the hill with his spear and "pack" which Sefu had told him to hang onto; he was also told not to dump it out, Sefu would know if he did.

Climbing the hill to its summit Verik stared at the village in the distance realizing just how far he had forced himself to run or at least stagger. Sefu was right though, it was a magnificent view.

From here he could see all the fields with crystal clarity save the ones north of the village which were blocked by the hill Wete sat on. None the less everything was easily visible and taking a seat on the parched, cracked earth he brushed rocks and pebbles aside till he had a dirt surface to scribble on.

Using a finger he began tracing ideas into the sandy soil while examining the terrain and its various features, the heights and dips, bends, twists and turns or anything that would block a flow of water.

How had they never figured this out? Complicity?

No, they never had a need before now. Now the system had come crashing down in one mighty avalanche that was claiming lives bit by bit. What chipper news that had been, nearly one death every two or three days, Sefu had made that little statement in passing as it had been an issue with Tendaji.

Did they have the tools? Well if people could make a farm using stone tools these zebras could manage somehow not that they had not already.

Lines had formed in the distance while he kept sketching and wiping away his plans. Water carriers snaked their way from the river to the fields in a mass effort that would take all day long just in the hopes that they would get a mouthful of mush.

Verik knew that in the other cities and towns the nobility were probably already done with their morning feast of anything they so desired. In a few more minutes the slaves would probably be beating each other to death at the garbage can to see who got the choice scraps.

Sighing to himself his eyes roamed over the stretch of land closest to him before a smile began to worm its way onto his visage.

Rain was seasonal here so it came in a deluge. Now each deluge meant that a large quantity of water had to run off to somewhere and this meant natural channels would form over time. Here however the land was so flat it left nothing to see unless one was high enough to see the shallow indentations if you looked for them.

New ideas popped into his head as he studied the few patterns present but soon a plan began to form. The higher fields would always be an issue but if channels were dug and zig-zagged around most could be flooded at will to some degree. If nothing else mini ponds could be made to store the water to significantly cut down the travel distance.

Scratching away into the dirt quickly Verik guessed he could help them get at least half their fields watered directly with irrigation canals. Maybe not what Tendaji would want to hear but he would fight him tooth and nail over it because fifty percent was a hell of a lot better than zero.

Still, it would take a lot of digging to pull off...

"You are still staring at the water bearers, is something wrong?"

Verik snatched his spear and almost stabbed to his right before Altayih quickly talked him out of it with a string of apologies for having snuck up on him while he was so focused.

No, Verik explained, it was not the water bearers he was focused on. It took a little time to explain the deal he had struck with the chief but once he had finished Altayih stared at the distant fields nodding quietly before hearing the final bit.

"You bring water to half of his fields and that is the price for staying? No food, housing-"

"I get to stay, period."

Altayih snorted indignantly "Tendaji is getting the better part of the deal. You bring food to most of his village but see none of it, he cheated you."

"Probably. Then again its not like I have anywhere else to go. Much like you I suppose."

Altayih hummed, "true but you should at least demand compensation if it works. Would be wise to not give him all the details until you can get him to agree to giving you some of the harvest."

"I imagine he would threaten to throw me out, at spear point."

"If he did they get nothing and die of starvation."

"You are a rather shrewd fellow."

"Thank you" the Arabian smiled happily, "one learns to bargain very well when one travels for a living."


"No, I just like to wander sometimes."

"Hmm... On that note, you do know that Tendaji made you my responsibility correct? If I sink, you sink with me or so I am told."

He smiled at him before sitting down beside Verik.

"Yes, Jelani explained that last night but you have no reason to worry, like I have said: I have nowhere to go now."

"Two soaked rats on a sinking ship?"


"I take it once you get what you need you are going to take off wandering again."

"Of that I am not certain... There is a new curiosity I have, you."

"That could be a very unhealthy one considering my track record."

"Maybe so but you are the only one I have ever heard of who offered and encouraged a freed slave to violate the law to free their family. Not only that but you even said you would arm Shahid if he desired a weapon, did you?"

"Yes, did he leave already?"

"Hmm, this morning while you were fighting for your life with the big one. He was insistent on going immediately and said he was already in debt enough without accepting anything more."

"Probably be dead by weeks end."

"Maybe so... But you at least gave him the chance, that is why I am staying."

"Because you owe me a debt?"

"Yes... Well not entirely true, I have my own motives yes? But you are unheard of, no one acts as you have. No one. Helping others? Yes. Take them in? Yes. Free a slave, offer to arm them then send them off to break the law? Hah! Never."

"Are you waiting to see if my ship sinks then?"

"Perhaps, but I also want to see how far it goes. You claim to be a mercenary but you have no company, no others to serve you."

"Alright stop, I can see where this is going and that was just a bunch of bullshit I made up to satisfy-"

Altayih held his hands up. "I know, I know. I am not a fool but it was a good idea. What better way to become more convincing though than to actually have your own mercenary company?"

"Gilding the lily are we? There is no company and if there were what would it be? The duo? Two impoverished souls versus whatever happens?"

"Knowing you, you already have plans. Your kind do not accept authority, that big zebra knows this when he looks at you but accepts it. The chief however... He can not allow it but must put up with it because you just might save his village."

Verik's eyes narrowed as a glare formed which only made the chestnut colored Arabian smile that much more.

"I am right then, you do have plans. Big plans. You are not just going to sit here and wallow in this misery-"

"I already did that on another world."

"Hmm, either way you are the type that when given a chance to seize something you will. Am I right?" Altayih continued to eye him carefully.

"Yes, now what is your point?"

"That you are an honest one and one that I am willing to bet on. You are not a fool either, you are quick to threaten but also quick to free."

"You make me sound like a tyrant."

"To survive this and most certainly to do whatever you have planned being a tyrant is part of the job description."

"What are you getting out of it then?"

"A chance for revenge."

"That is both a useful tool and a slippery slope."

Altayih nodded carefully, "yes but I believe that if I stay around you long enough I will get my chance."

"Against some poor sod who angered you or the slavers?"

"Slavers. You have proven you have no love of them with your actions so it is safe to assume you will butt heads with them at some point and when you do..."

"Should they turn out to be responsible for your... Incarceration shall we put it? You want first crack at them."


A beaming smile was written across the equines face as he glowed happily at Verik's deduction.

"What I have planned might fizzle out before it even begins, if Tendaji gets even a whiff of this."

"He will not."

"It could take a long time, months to get things into motion, maybe years."

"I am very patient."

Verik regarded his new companion carefully for a minute before motioning back towards the village.

"Then I should probably figure out how to get Sefu to bring you into the fold for training and how to feed you because Tendaji damn sure is not going to allow you to pilfer the granary."

"Indeed we, shall. Captain."

This one was dangerous, an equine who had been wronged, enslaved and was now seeking revenge on them for it. It was only right though, in his... Hooves... Verik would be doing the same right now, making deals to get back at them.

"And if you get your revenge? Then what."

"Maybe I will stay or go... It depends." Altayih stared intently at the village mulling over what his future might hold. "Time will tell but I have a question of my own... Why?"

"Why I am going to do whatever it is I am planning?" Altayih nodded in response. "Because I know from experience I will never get what I want by playing things like I have before. Playing the game... I refuse to just "play the game" anymore, I have been given a second chance at life and you can be assured it will not go to waste. Neither can I attain it though by being peaceful because every single thing I have seen and learned since coming here proves that is impossible. If I want to own something there is only one way to do that: war."

"What is it you want then?"

"A home. Not just a home but one I can well and truly call my own because I earned it."

"You could always go into the mountains-"

"No, I am not going to go sit up on a mountain and pray each and every day the "king" or sultan, whatever you call them does not come looking for me. I will not be resigned to the barren wastes because it is the only place I can be left alone. No, I am going to kill every bastard that gets in the way of me getting my own home wherever it will be."

"You will need an army and weapons for that."

"Then I will start by hunting down the bandits and raiders, I will hunt the hunters and slaughter them one band at a time then turn their weapons against them. I will find others who are willing to take the chance and somehow train them, turn them into a fighting force then burn this nation to the ground if that's what it takes."

"It will probably be a long, bloody road to hell and back."

"I would expect nothing less of this living hell."

Author's Notes:

I had some spare time to do a little editing. Rushed editing, maybe update again next week but no promises.

Chapter 22: Different Perspectives

"One must never forget that you are not the only one in the world seeking to change things in their favor."

*Somewhere beyond the North Western border of Ilah*

Fires raged out of control in the village filling the air with a low hanging and dense smoke that made the soldiers cough now and then despite the damp cloths that covered their faces. They were not there to save the village from the fire however, they were the cause of it.

The complete and utter lack of wind to push the smoke away made it hang low in the air, this made it nearly impossible to see what they were doing as they made one last pass through the streets to make certain everything and everyone was either dead or rounded up. One other was somewhere in the burning inferno, their prince.

Prince Halim emerged from the smoke walking leisurely while examining the bonfires that used to be huts or buildings. Soot covered his hardened leather armor and chainmail as well as his helmet, shield and royal trappings. His eyes continued to scan the smoke looking for any movement that was not his own soldiers.

One of the soldiers saw movement and went to shout a warning but was too slow as a terrified local bolted through the smoke having been finally chased out of hiding by either the fires or smoke. Halim heard the hoof-steps first, turning towards them and with a quick flick of the arm slammed them to the ground with his shield and then stared.

It was just another dirty, soot covered peasant that had managed to hide somehow. Staring up at him they began mumbling something quickly but they had already been given their chance before the battle even began: either join his fathers growing nation or die.

They chose to resist and hid behind their flimsy walls which were hardly enough to keep soldiers from just climbing over them. He had ordered that any who fought be killed immediately and the rest rounded up to be sold but this one had continued to hide even after the final call had gone out. Mercy would have been shown to any who came out of hiding and surrendered when the last order was given, they would be sold of course but in his good graces they would be sold as a family.

Halim looked down patiently then shook his head before slamming his hoof into the skull of the Arabian stallion caving in the skull and then stepping over the body he moved towards his waiting soldiers.

As he half listened to the officers report he continued to stare off into the smoke with a bored expression hidden under his helmet. His father was a good leader and general but too old and feeble to command, so now it fell to the crown prince to carry out these duties.

Why not just send one of the generals he had asked a hundred times before, because he needs the experience no matter how great or small was always the response. Besides, with the mercenaries on the loose somewhere out there his presence would prove to them he was not above getting his hands dirty.

Not that he was not anyway but it was just beneath him to bother with each and every little hamlet and village. This was exactly why officers and generals existed, to deal with the petty nonsense that could be taken care of by a mere sergeant.

His father was not immortal though and his time was rapidly running out. It would be a sad day when he died but also a happy one for Halim as he would finally be in a position to bring about his own plans for the nation.

The king had paved the way for him and now he would see that it bore the fruit of an empire, one that would span Zebrica.

"Sergeant... Where is the mercenary companies I brought, any word?"

"No word from the Sebanwi, they should be to the far West. The Rwasa and Tebasi are on the Eastern edge of the village flushing out any stragglers from the bush."

"A thousand Sebanwi to deal with a worthless hamlet..." He stared off and wondered what his father was thinking by engaging in such a useless waste of resources. Perhaps fear? "Round up the slaves and let us be off, there is nothing else worth taking here."

He watched the soldiers race off through the smoke for the nearest high ground to escape the choking haze and before long the sound of a horn filled the air recalling the various forces arrayed.

Halim walked after them shaking his head but understanding the deal his father had struck with the king Sibusiso. It was a grand deal as well... Sibusiso was stretched to breaking with his own expansion far beyond to the south and was in desperate need of money. Or was it his greed? Madness?

Either way it did not matter as it meant he sold his own forces piecemeal to the highest bidder in exchange for cold hard coin. His father had capitalized on this long ago and even managed to form a semi-permanent alliance with Sibusiso by getting one of his daughters out of it. A daughter who had been in turn given to Halim as his second wife to solidify the alliance though it had born nothing yet.

Sibusiso was all to happy with the arrangement however as he lacked any sons of his own and with Halim, the crown prince no less, now being his son in law it meant his empire would stretch even further one day. Then again he could always pass on leadership to one of his daughters but as to why he had not no one knew.

"Maybe his choices are too limited..." Halim pondered this as he moved along quietly.

Whatever the reasons were it mattered not one bit as they got along well enough. Well, so long as there was loot to be had and today there would be plenty to go around for his tiny forces. That still left the Sebanwi out there with next to nothing for their take but that had been his fathers decision to send them the other way... Perhaps he could make an offering to them from the profits made from the slaves to placate them... No, that would be unwise if she were there when he made it.

Sibusiso's tribal armies had their share of problems as of late and the Sebanwi were at the top of the pile and not for lack of resources but because of infighting. Well it all worked in his favor either way in the end, for if the problem grew too big they would tear each other apart or be dealt with by their own king.

Halim watched the prisoners lined up and marched off back towards Paje where they would be sold or distributed as the king demanded if he cared to bother. Wherever and whatever the Sebanwi were doing no longer mattered as they had their orders and if it came to blows it would rest on their own heads not his own.

Then again if the Tebasi and Sebanwi unified that could cause a whole new world of problems as neither supported their king much anymore. His hypothesis was that the only reason they did not revolt was because their king held the biggest stick.

*Former hamlet of Ra'Tutsa, North West of Halim*

"Explain to me again fathah what the point of dis is."

Nyah looked at Khada with a glare as the tiny, defenseless hamlet was overwhelmed by the swarm of Sebanwi that had descended on them. There had been no battle nor even a struggle. Not one blow had been thrown by the terrified locals as they fled to their huts or ran for their lives across the fields.

She also doubted strongly they even had a single warrior among them let alone many weapons not used more commonly to keep bandits or most likely... To keep the wildlife away in their desolate and forgotten location.

However, a scout sent by someone had found this long forgotten little place and put it on a map and now that is was on a map that meant it had to burn.

Just because.

Buildings began to burn as the locals were harassed out of hiding before being stampeded off into a box of waiting soldiers. Their glorious king had long ago set down the rules for looting but it was highly doubtful they would get anything from this desolate place.

"Because the king says so and also because the Sebanwi were sold to Halim."

"We are not-ting more than whores. Dere is no honor in dis nor anyting we have done. Why are we even here? To scare fifty zebra?"

Khada glanced at his daughter a moment before looking back at the hamlet. "It is over anyway Nyah, we leave soon."

"Answer question."

"Learn to control your tongue Nyah. If one of Sibusiso's spies hears you talk that way he do worse than cut out tongue. You my daughter and will be chief after I die, remember that."

"Chief of tribe that has no honor anymore. Tribe that burns little hamlets and villages because some other king says so, because we sold to him and ordered to do bidding. This not even conquest this madness. Conquest honorable. Conquest we keep what we take and use it, this not even raid, this stupid."

"It not our place to question, we ordered to attack, we attack. Halim say we burn hamlet we burn it. Do not worry, no reason to attack again till next harvest. Until then grumble and mope all you want."

"You really believe that? We attack months before harvest this time."

Khada let out a sigh and closed his eyes. "What you want me to do? Rebel? Say no? I say no Sebanwi called traitors and other tribes attack, kill us all or sell us. Flee? Where. Nowhere to go unless we sell ourselves as mercenaries again far away but who hire six thousand Sebanwi? Whole villages must go or be destroyed. How. Explain to me."

Her father was right. To their west were enemies, to the north more enemies. East? Ilah. Beyond that? More enemies. They had been made enemies of all and allies of none save those few who had the coin to bribe the king but even that was temporary. Now that Zwali-Land and Ilah had formally allied themselves with marriage their future looked bleak. Very bleak.

"What about Tebasi? Ally and make own nation."

"If Sebanwi and Tebasi ally and rebel Ilah and Zwali send all their armies against us. We fight yes but what about our farmers and crafters? Crops will burn and food destroyed."

Nyah let out a strangled growl at the situation they had put themselves in. Long ago their ancestors had come here to "get away" from the internal politics only for those politics to move north. Sibusiso had even moved the capital north then declared Umfula Ugewebe the provincial capital thus bringing them back into the fold.

Long ago they had enjoyed sitting on the frontier and riding out most of the disputes and only being called to war now and then but now they were on the front line of every little skirmish and two bit war being waged. One week they were sold to Ilah, the next someone else and all in the name of coin so the coffers would not run dry for one more season.

Everything was in shambles. Last season they had been sold off to some small city-state to attack a rebelling group of small tribes only to find the lands abandoned and barren of crops. As to where they had gone no one knew and not for lack of trying, they had simply packed up and wandered off.

It was sickening the way they were used over and over again, passed around like common whores to solve someone elese's problems be they great or petty. Whatever pride they had one held was almost gone, forgotten along with their honor and dignity as a tribe. The Tebasi were much the same and it was well known that rumblings existed in several tribes but the fear of reprisal from the better paid and more loyal ones kept them all in check.

Then there was the problem of those from within who believed strongly they were to simply do as they were told.

As Nyah studied her fathers face she could see a part of him did not really believe any of it but so many lives hinged on his decisions there was little to no room for movement.

"So we damned to this fate?"

"Until we find another solution, yes."

"If I find answer you listen?"

Khada nodded.


An Arabian mare walked down the palace hallway, she had a light purple coat and darker mane. Turquoise eyes scanned the hallway quietly as she walked towards the throne room while her chainmail made soft scuffing noises. From the corner of her eye something black and rising caught her eye causing her to pause for a moment.

Ismat stopped to stare out the window at the distant tendrils of smoke rising from the slums beyond the city walls. It had started all over again as it did every year when the fever came, the great cleansing had begun and by evening some two thousand would be slain or burned alive by the mercenaries. Minimum.

As always it was in the name of health but in truth it was blood sport to keep themselves occupied. Then again it also served other purposes as it furnished the mercenary captains with a small amount of coin but also bodies. Flesh offered to keep them away and spare their little section of the slums. It mattered not how young the flesh was so long as it was sufficient to keep them away but thankfully few stooped so low.

Unfortunately those who refused got the brunt of the attacks and would eventually either be killed off till they bowed to the demands or fled to the countryside.

There was nowhere for them to go. Death from starvation and exposure or eat but take the yearly chance of being burned alive by mercenaries.

"Is something the matter?"

Ismat turned towards the voice and shifted to attention quickly. "No General."

"You will be late if you continue to gawk at things we have no control over."

The old stallion looked past her and out the window, his eyes were empty and nearly dead from a lifetime of serving Fareed's every whim. His coat had grayed so heavily it made him look ancient and indeed he was considering how much he had survived.

General Adil had out lived three sultans and his entire family except for one: his grand-daughter Ismat. Her father and brothers had all been slain in the various wars while her mother died from the stress after her last son was killed. It did not help Ismat had been declared dead either but by the time she returned it was too late to correct the mistake.

Her grandfather was a fine general despite his advanced age and still quite capable of fighting but as to why was still in question. Long ago she had been raised to believe in their sultan, to never allow doubt to cloud her mind. As nobles and officers in his army it was their absolute sworn duty to carry out his orders but as time wore on doubts arose.

Doubts that festered and grew the longer she lived and served but also included a strong doubt as to how one of her brothers had supposedly died. Adil on the other hand outwardly kept up a strong facade (or at least she hoped it was a facade) that everything was as it should be. Fareed was their rightful ruler and what they did was honorable and just.

Perhaps that was why he was so gray and worn down now after a lifetime of telling himself over and over again he was doing right no matter how wrong it was. Any time she had hinted at doubting things he was quick to correct and remind her that the reason they had kept the family mansion was because of their service to Fareed. Tax free, exempt from almost every law and they were even paid well.

But at what price?

The thought of becoming a mercenary had crossed her mind many a time. To simply find like minded soldiers and resign her commission then wander far away from Alzamard while hoping to find some other city that would take her on.

Perhaps Labrad would be a good start...


She jumped slightly as her thoughts were scrambled by her grandfathers voice, he never called her by name like that openly unless he was genuinely concerned.

"Do not allow what the mercenaries do to disturb your thoughts as we have no control over it. If Fareed says the fever must be burned out it will be but that blood will not be on our hands. We must hurry though lest we be late."

"Does it make a difference? We allow it to happen."

"Then who? The guards? They are not under the command of the army. Perhaps you wish to use the army itself and expose them to the fever..."

"No. After you general."

Ismat bowed and forced her real thoughts to the back of her mind as a heavy, scarred hand patted her shoulder once.

"In time you will learn to accept these things."

The idea of becoming an old, jaded and pessimistic general like her grandfather sent a cold twinge down her spine. He had so convinced himself of his duty and the righteousness of it that nothing would convince him otherwise.

Too many had died for him to believe otherwise.

Ismat followed him down the hallway as they wove their way to a side door allowing access to the throne room. Everyone had already gathered for the day and fights were already breaking out between the usual parties.

As always Zahir and Alim were arguing with the other advisors while Basir kept his distance from them all. She listened in on them as they took their usual post with the other officers and mercenary captains, the topic today was one which was bothering her: the fever.

Fareed sat quietly as always perfectly amused at seeing them bicker back and forth but never with him nor the mercenaries. The last one who had done that was Zahir and he had been whipped for challenging Xerin's decision.

Xerin and Fareed... A match made in hell itself. They were like estranged brothers who had at long last finally rejoined in an unholy union. It was rumored that Xerin would be offering up a daughter to Fareed but with certain precautions in place. Ismat had no doubt that if it were true it would make their problems explode if the rumors were true and worse, bore an heir.

Fareed for a father and Xerin for an uncle to train them in the art of being a mercenary... The thought made her shudder.

Alim and Zahir continued to do everything but spit and claw at the other advisors that the fever should not be burned out but allowed to run its course or better yet... Open up the coffers to treat the illness since the cure did exist.

"It would cost too much and we are already summoning the army to send it on campaign! We need that money to fight the war!"

"Then postpone the war! Harvest season is already a ways off!"

"If we start preparations now they will be finished just in time for the harvest."

Heads turned to Xerin who gave them all a bemused grin. This was a plan born of both Fareed and Xerin after all so if he declared it so then it was indisputable fact.

Zahir turned to Adil. "General Adil, I thought you commanded the army not Xerin."

"General Xerin."

Zahir twitched at Xerin's correction and gave a slow, forced bow before looking to Adil again.

"With our lack of wagons and oxen it will take as much time to organize yes, maybe longer with the fever being burned out... The workers will be in hiding and chaos will reign for a time slowing things down."

"It can not be helped, the fever must be burned out after all..."

Adil did not acknowledge Xerin's statement but continued to bore a hole in Zahir with his gaze till the advisor turned away.

"Sultan, I am still curious to know why we will be going to war with Salai. They are nearly in the mountains, well defended and the last time the army was sent-"

"That will be General Adil's problem not yours. My reasons are my own." Fareed waved a hand at Zahir causing the room to become deathly silent. "I see you brought your grand-daughter today Adil."

"Yes sire."

Ismat felt the combined eyes of the room take unwanted notice of her and especially those of the mercenaries.

"I trust she is performing well in her duties?"

"Well enough that I pray she replaces me one day."

"We shall see..." Fareed looked her over before loosing interest but Ismat swore he could see her thinking. "Time shall tell general. Now on to more important matters."

Clerks were ushered in bearing documents and began to unravel them as servants carried a large table over which they set it up so all could see the map laid out. Tokens were quickly arrayed showing where every force should be in garrison or actively in motion. Ismat stared to the south and noted the growing numbers of forces gathering along the Zwali-Ilah border.

Something was happening and Fareed knew exactly what it was so why send the army the other way? Was this expansion to take advantage of future chaos? Or was it something else? Whatever it was she would be neck deep in it along with her grandfather when the war was officially declared.

Fareed would never expose himself to attack however. Therefor whatever he had planned meant the southern problem would not move north for the time being. So why attack such a fortified target as Salai when better targets presented themselves?

Author's Notes:

I think writing Nyah's lines is going to be hell so dont be surprised if her speech pattern changes. This was a chapter I enjoyed writing as I get to introduce new characters, perspectives, concerns, etc.

Chapter 23: Thoughts of Rescue and Plots

"Is it not amazing how much fate hangs on one little mistake?"

Walking back to Iuny on his own was sobering. Shahid's thoughts were plagued with doubts, fear and enough second guesses to give himself an ulcer. That weird creature had predicted his movements perfectly then offhandedly dismissed it as having read too many books.

Too many books... He must be wealthy beyond measure to be able to read and have become so well studied. Why did it bother him though? Was it because everything it said was right? That his plan was indeed full of holes and would get himself killed at best?

What about Altayih? He had tried to talk him out of this venture the morning he left Wete, that it would be better to stay and take a chance than run off immediately. For whatever reason his short term companion whom he had come to know somewhat during their enslavement was convinced something was brewing within that things head.

There was no time however, he dare not risk staying less his sister be sold again or something else befall her. It was not only his duty as the elder brother to free her and make certain she was safe but he also did it because he loved her.

Alriyah was his only sister and he would not allow anyone to harm her.

But how? He already failed twice and one of those times was before he even had a chance to try, what then should he do?

Shahid walked along the road slowly leaving Miwani behind without even realizing he had passed it. He was too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice. His friend had tried to convince him that the mercenary might be willing to help them but not right now, at least try by asking him and come up with a plan.

No time, there was no time, he had to go now was what he had told him and left at the crack of dawn armed with a spear.

He was going to take on a town full of guards and break into Alriyah's owners home and free her with one crude spear. Was it ironic he had been given the spear offhandedly by the creature and told "good luck?"

Whatever its motivations were it had shown more kindness and care than most. Giving an escaped slave not only their freedom and encouraging them to run but arming them? Not only that but wishing them luck in breaking the law?

If anyone ever found out they would both be executed for this including spirits only knew how many Wete just for having been there. It came with a price however and one he had readily agreed to: on pain of death say nothing.

He would keep his word.

So why did his new plan bother him so much? Was it due to the fact not much had changed? Then again could such a plan be changed due to the nature of the task at hand?

Shahid closed his eyes tightly and continued to walk on even as night fell, there was plenty of forage left but he had no appetite. His stomach was a knot that threatened to heave up the water he had drank the more the situation bore down on him but he forced it down.

One more day and he would put his plan into motion for better or worse. Staring up at the night sky he vowed that if nothing else he would die trying to free her, it was the least he could do.

Labrad was buzzing with activity as a new caravan passed through the gates from the Northern kingdoms. These precious caravans were the only real source of income left to them with Fareed taxing them nearly to death, it also helped that this caravan was not going south and therefor would not argue over the fee's they were required to pay.

While the road throughout Fareed's domain were about as safe as putting one's head inside a crocodiles mouth the Labradian City-State enjoyed safe roads. Even their rare shipping was safe as it sailed to Quda and beyond, one more thing Fareed could not make claim to.

Not for lack of trying of course.

What a miserable situation it was. Nawra ran her finger along the balconies ledge before returning to her chambers with handmaidens in tow. Fareed had tried several times to off her family but only twice had fought a real battle with them.

The first war had seen Labrad loose Tuli to their West but the second they forcibly seized a swath of land across the Thriti river which was now lush farmland. She had no doubt the Sultan chafed at this turn of events, it was rich and fertile land that yielded good crops that were then shipped off for profit to the north.

Nawra suspected he would try and retake it at some point and her family was in full agreement but there was nothing they could do. To build a fortress on that side would isolate them and thus give Fareed an advantage over the garrison. Building closer to the river was impossible because of the seasonal flooding that brought the prized silt, as a result the engineers had stated the only safe place to build it was in a very bad location.

Rafts could still cross with supplies but would be cut off immediately and any attempt to remedy this would only string them out that much farther.

There would be no fortress.

Bandits remained an on-off problem but small patrols dealt with them easily till whoever sent them quit bothering.

A fortress... Yes, she needed to fortify her own stake in things more than she already had. Her thoughts drifted back to her brother and whatever he was plotting again as she entered her room then began pacing incessantly.

Nawra almost jumped out of her hide when one of her servants tried to get her attention, it was nothing however so she dismissed them from the room to stew in her own thoughts.

Who would come for them first? Fareed? Or would her brother arrange something? No, he was arranging something. What would the price be though...

Looking out her window at the river Nawra pondered just how far her brother was willing to go in order to take the throne from her. A throne she did not even sit on yet. She was loved by the masses but Jubril held the admiration of the military, a dangerous split but one that also put them both at a disadvantage.

There was no doubt the generals would not follow him in a civil war but Jubril was not such a fool as to try. It would tear the nation apart immediately but that meant he had to pin her with something. Something that would give him the excuse to come for HER without raising suspicion or tarnishing the mask he wore.

Those loyal to her were already spying on Jubril and his supporters day and night while his own did the same to her. Smack in the middle were their parents who gleefully fell for his charm whenever he bothered to show it. The two faced little prince who acted the part well enough to be dismissed but always putting out an air of authority and knowing just what to say and when to garner support.

She played the game just as well, however her own position meant she could not touch him let alone take any actions against him without tarnishing her own reputation. Jubril had backed her into a corner and would get the first shot. Worse still was that he would dictate the time and location which meant she had to always look over her shoulder and carefully consider his every word, action and proposal.

Nawra hated having a brother.

Not all was in vain however, her spies had kept her well informed and discovered that whatever he was planning would not happen in the immediate future. Nor was she the target of his focus for the time being but someone or something else.

Was it possible he was going to try and convince their parents to wage war on someone? Most of the rumbling had come from the military and they were eager about something but tight lipped and while loyal to their king and queen she was another matter.

Her parents knew nothing unfortunately and when they asked Jubril had shown up in time to waylay their concerns, he even convinced them it was just a plan of his to secure their borders. A surprise he had said, oh what a surprise it would be if she only knew what he was really planning.

"What should I do..."

Nawra stared at her ceiling and the elaborate designs that covered it with their varied colors and elegant patterns. Unless she did something Jubril would get two free shots at her. Already one of her own plans had gone into motion and had reinforced her place in the hierarchy.

Labrad had long needed to expand the city boundary and her proposed plan had gone over very well with everyone much to Jubril's chagrin. An extension would be made and while it would be costly the increase of industry would offset this within a few years. A plan for the future she had termed it and once she had finished explaining the layout her parents readily agreed.

Perhaps that is what her brother was up to then. While she expanded the city and brought wealth he would expand the borders somehow and make them more powerful. A perfect combination she had to admit, with greater wealth came the need to fend off would be invaders who coveted it. It also meant a greater military presence, something he was all to eager to key in on.

Yet, whatever he had planned meant that there were now those within the Labradian army who now sided more with him than the king and queen. This much had become somewhat apparent the past year but it was doubtful there would be a coup, they were still too loyal.

However, it only took a few in the right places at the right time to cause great damage, damage that would allow him to remove her with little effort.

The light in her eyes dimmed a little as something disturbing crossed her mind: perhaps Jubril was hiding more than one intention in his neatly bundled package. She had walked into a snare and it would be very hard to back out of it.

She needed to find out just who still supported her within the military before it was too late.

"It is a good plan is it not?"

Jubril kept a small, perfectly rehearsed and utterly fake smile on his face as the military officers nodded to his proposal. He could lead them in an endless circle and they would follow him anywhere.

His small cadre of loyalists would be more than enough to see everything brought to fruition and everyone else would either be too ignorant or without enough if any evidence to interfere. While Nawra was a master at garnering the support of the masses she was not so successful at dealing with the nobility nor the wealthy. And the military? Hah!

The military at large was made up of those unquestioningly loyal to their leaders but as always a few were eager to gain a little more. This was what he quietly promised them, a chance to gain that little bit extra but every time Nawra opened her mouth she opposed them. It was no fault of his that she was opposed to ideas that would not harm the nation and at the same time deny fellow nobles from acquiring glory, wealth or power.

Nawra's case was not helped by the fact that about every other time she said anything towards the military it resulted in glares and arguments anymore. Most dismissed her as too much an optimist and for seeing the world in too much a positive light while hungry crocodiles circled them. Negotiate with those who would eat you? Madness.

As always he was there to fan the flames a little now and again but it was his supporters who took care of that for him now. Eager as always to get ahead of the pack by proving themselves they were quite happy to prove Nawra wrong if it meant attaining their goals.

Nawra was left bereft of supporters in the military now, save a few.

No matter, they were outnumbered and silenced by the rest. He knew numbers mattered in politics and unlike his sister he held the upper hand when it came to numbers, those that leaned towards her had become precious few till they were a drop in the bucket anymore. A bucket he now controlled and wielded to such an extent the king and queen were beginning to take a back seat.

Still the facade was kept, they controlled the military and he never gave one order without getting their approval first. He was only prince after all and he followed the chain of command perfectly which bought great approval with the military and his parents.

Indeed any time his sister tried to say anything against his plans it was cut down almost immediately lately. With the newest proposal ready to be laid upon the table he would cut one of her legs out from under her quite permanently.

For one thing he had taken her own plan of expansion and gotten everyone including the engineers to alter it slightly to include a new barracks. Nawra was not informed of course, why should they bother her with such a minor change?

It also meant this new section could be more easily protected and patrolled so everyone agreed to it but that had been the fine edge of a thick wedge.

Now that her planning and decision making had ever so slightly been called into question it paved the way for his own proposals. After all, his beloved sister was better at domestic affairs than national security which was of course... His forte.

During a time of expansion outside forces would take note and wars have been waged for lesser matters. Fareed hungrily eyed the other side of the river which he had lost. To their East Quda had expanded over the past four decades so rapidly they now had skirmishes along the border now and then.

To the north were the various tribes and the city of Awala which was happy to sit and fester near their mineral rich mountains. That was no concern of his however, what was a concern remained making certain some of those minerals found their way into Labrad for smelting and forging.

West remained two problems that reared their head now and then: Fareed's forces at Tuli and Samatia which was lead by Sana. Ambitious like he was but too caught up in wars with her other neighbors to bother them. Well for now at least, or so he had convinced everyone else.

Jubril knew full well something was brewing across Zebrica even while everyone else remained woefully ignorant of it. He had read every last spy report his parents had received and while they brushed them off he had utterly digested them one after another.

A picture had presented itself to him and it screamed of opportunity, an opportunity to not only solidify his place as the correct choice for the next ruler, but also to expand the Labradian borders. He was killing three birds with one stone once this plan went into effect.

Other nations would be so caught up in their own internal affairs, wars of expansion or reclamation to care about Labrad giving him the opportunity of a lifetime. His sister was so caught up in worrying about his plans for her that she had failed to notice in time the simplicity of it.

His dear, overworked, stressed and overthinking sister.

Thankfully everyone was gone from the room when the crazed grin crept from the corners of his mouth before being hidden away by the normal, happy go lucky facade.

With her authority slowly being called into question he was now embarking on an expedition to secure their borders by repairing the old forts. New outposts would be put into place and areas that had been seen as possible weak spots would now be watched.

In the public eye this would go over very well when announced and the military was more than eager to get a little revenge on the outside forces that had crossed now and then. This new system would give them the edge they desired but had been denied till now. Denied by his sister because it might aggravate relations or even convince others it precipitated an attack.

She was half right bless her stressed little heart. However, with border clashes already present who could say what precipitated all out war? Was it his own plan or did he in fact prove himself correct in making these plans? No matter what happened it would put a strong wall at his back if he needed it while she would be seen as at fault for trying to stop it.

Lastly his plan put the military at his command for the entire venture including a few other... Possibilities, as he had put it. The look on Nawra's face had been priceless when he first told everyone gathered in the throne room. If for nothing else it had been worth it just for that one, precious moment.

Using the spy reports gathered not by his own request but their parents he had crafted a picture of fanciful possibilities all of which he remarked were just a dream and nothing more. Still he argued, should they present themselves it should be taken.

Retaking Tuli was one of them should Fareed move his forces elsewhere and by all indication something was stirring somewhere in that rotten hole in the ground. It would be for the good of their former subjects he had proclaimed, they were now suffering under Fareed's rule and not even Nawra dared contest that fact.

Meanwhile to their east skirmishers crossed from Quda or the various tribes to raid the shipping now and then which provided the perfect excuse to seize part of the river they did not normally control. This included an area of mountains not claimed by Awala thus granting them the chance to mine the area.

Security, justice, wealth and industry all wrapped up in one neat little package. Only if the opportunity presented itself of course, he was absolutely unwilling to make a move unless the odds are entirely in their favor. Or so he claimed, either way it had placated his parents and bought favor with the nobility.

What had been his parents counter?

Marry Nawra to Fareed. This little suggestion of theirs had been entirely unexpected and jaws had slackened when it was breathed aloud. When the military heard this they had been deeply troubled and even the local ministers had almost lost their minds at the thought of unifying the two nations.

Jubril knew his parents had other plans of course but it had been poorly worded and timed. So poor it had pushed more into his camp and caused a small degree of isolation between the rulers and the ruled. Perhaps they were getting a little too old, careless or had simply forgotten how terrified the people were of Fareed in their royal isolation.

They meant well however, at their age they only wanted to see peace and ensure the kingdom would survive and even expand, but now everyone had begun to think they were mad. That his own proposal would isolate Labrad from the world or even cause a war with Fareed garnered a good deal of faith in him rather than the rest of the royal family.

Was this five birds with one stone? One self inflicted fatality? In the back of his mind he knew his parents were not fools, they had their own plans and probably had some suspicions regarding him but he covered his tracks so well they had nothing to go on but a little nagging feeling if nothing else.

Which was probably why they put Nawra up for being next in line instead of him. It did not matter however, plans within plans had been laid down and carefully written into his mind where they would remain safe.

All he needed now was a catalyst to set everything into motion, a false step, one single slip of the tongue.

Chapter 24: Rescue Attempt

"Anyone who ever said Shahid was a poor excuse of a brother never met him."

This was it, end of the line and the beginning of either the first and last worst mistake he would ever make or the start of a great one. Either way it would be the most important decision in his short life.

No one had even looked at him when Shahid passed through the gates and into Iuny nor questioned him when he wandered around memorizing the streets and alleys one by one. He had decided to take someones advice and make a better plan but he was no rogue let alone sneaky by nature.

Quite a few times he had tripped over himself when someone rounded a bend, his nerves were already frayed and the spear in his hand trembled a little as he walked. This was entirely new to him and try as he might to convince himself that the people he was passing were not spies it did little to help calm his nerves.

Too much fear and uncertainty remained for him to focus on the task at hand so he walked on and on till well into the night. Any light cast by torches made his heart skip a beat as he ducked into any nook or cranny he could find to escape notice by the handful of guards patrolling the streets.

Stopping himself and sitting down in an alley Shahid let out a low, heavy sigh. Skittering about the streets was not going to get him any closer to his sister. But he was shaking so much he doubted he could walk to the wealthier area of Iuny and begin searching.

Forcing himself to stand he held onto the spear and tried to squeeze the life out of the lifeless pole before returning to the streets in order to make a straight line for where he suspected his sister was still being kept.

He would not be stealing anything more than he already had: a hammer and chisel to break any bindings off his sister assuming she was at all chained. Most likely not due to the number of guards and his own experience as a slave, they simply locked them into a room with a window so small it barely let any air or light in.

One or two guards would stand at the door to make certain no one got out, or in. Beyond that he would have to investigate further and pray that whichever house she was held in would not have too many guards.

But which mansion? Wandering down the single street that ran the length of the wealthy area of Iuny would get him into no small amount of trouble since his former "masters" lived here as well. Assuming they could even remember him well enough to identify him.

There were still too many to search and he knew that attempting so many break ins would get him caught long before he found her. Already a plan had formed and as he walked and scanned the buildings, guided only by moonlight. Shahid found what he was looking for: a concealed vantage point.

Climbing into it was a task and a half but after a few attempts he managed to scale the crumbling rampart and slipped into the abandoned tower. Well it was almost abandoned, the guards used half of it, the half that had not sagged dangerously thus granting him a wonderful if precarious view of all the houses and mansions below.

With nothing more to do but watch and wait he listened to the guards gamble, fight and argue all night long. The change of the guard came at dawn after they had long ago fallen asleep from boredom thus granting him a chance to sleep. When their replacements arrived they were roused from their slumber and wandered off while the new group picked up where the last left off.

As the sun yanked itself into the sky and the moon disappeared below the horizon Shahid watched the buildings below with bated breath. One unfortunate reality became apparent: in the darkness he had not realized he could not in fact see everything clearly from here, but he could see well enough, he hoped.

Well enough to see anyone who walked the narrow street at least which mattered a great deal because if they had his sister out on collection or disposal duty she would have to walk it. This meant he could watch to see where she came and went from quite easily or at least narrow things down.

What would he do if they kept her inside all day? How long would he wait? Whatever food he had left was already rationed and some saved aside for her when they made a run for it but how long would that be?

As long as it takes.

Shahid jumped a little as someone was slammed into the crumbling walls of the tower but calmed down as the drunken brawlers moved away. While he kept watching the buildings below no other guards came to break up the fighting, they simply kept swinging and screaming till they either passed out or collapsed from exhaustion.

He wondered how this town had managed to survive so long with such inept guards.

Leaning forward a smile crept across his face as a familiar form appeared from a mansion and began clearing the garden of twigs and leaves. She worked her way around with a basket quickly cleaning everything before using a brush to dust down the marble statue then polish it with a cloth.

Once in a while someone would step out and say something that made her flinch but otherwise she was left alone and from what he could see there were no shackles except the metal band around her neck that he was familiar with.

He wondered what was being done with the shackles the smith in Wete took off of Altayih and himself. Last he had heard Sefu was going to give them over to that creature at some point for whatever reason. So long as he never laid eyes on them again it did not matter.

All day he watched her bustle about before disappearing inside then never coming back out again. Shahid now knew which mansion to break into and even knew how many guards there were, their patrol path and timing.

When night finally fell the guards in the tower changed to the previous lot of gamblers judging by the familiar voices, if someone stormed the room they would all be dead before they had a chance to even call out considering how lax they were.

Carefully climbing down the wall he traced his steps carefully to the small mansion Alriyah was being held in. Moving around the walls he found the lowest point and after listening for the guard laid his spear against the wall then took a steadying breath and jumped.

His hands barely caught the top of the wall and with effort pulled himself up so he straddled the small, narrow ledge. Grabbing the tip of the spear carefully he lifted it over the wall and then slid down the other side quietly, after a quick look at his surroundings he made a mad rush across the garden to the mansion's back door.

Everything was locked up tightly of course save the small windows. Unfortunately, he could not fit through them due to the elaborate wood pattern that acted like bars.

This left him with only one possibility: wait on a guard to leave the building and knock them out cold. Already he was slipping back into that predictable movement but he had no alternatives at this point so he waited.

And waited, when he was almost ready to give up the door he sat next to ground a little before opening. The guard that stepped out shut the door behind them without ever bothering to look down at Shahid's crouching form.

A heavy *thwak* filled the air as the shaft of the spear collided with the guards head dropping them unconscious to the ground in a crumpled heap. Using the hammer had been a possibility but killing the guard would only make them hunt that much harder. At least this way the only thing injured would be their pride and that would not encourage them to tear apart the city or surrounding area to find his sister or himself.

Pulling a key off their prone form he slipped inside quickly as the guard never had the chance to lock the door behind them. Somewhat worrying however was that there was only one key and he knew that there would be at least one more to wherever the slaves were kept.

From his observation that meant five slaves total, two male, three female.

Shahid tried his best to walk as quietly as possible so his hooves would not clack on the polished tile floor but it only muffled the sounds of his hoofsteps. Inch by inch he worked his way through the building and towards what he had assumed were the slave quarters.

Instead he found a series of closet like rooms that were heavily barred from the outside and locked, whoever owned her apparently believed in giving them their own "private" rooms. Was it out of kindness or something else?

Without a key there was no way inside but neither did he know which door held his sister. On the plus side one room was clearly unlocked and empty as the slave was who knew where, maybe assigned to some menial task for the night.

An idea popped into his head as he looked at the last four doors and moving along quietly made soft rasping noises on the doors and listened. One by one the occupant woke up and mumbled aloud but the muffled voices were not the one he was listening for.

Stopping his rasping the moment he heard them they each mumbled something before going back to bed. Standing before the last possibility he hunkered down and with his ear to the keyhole prayed before making the noise.

Hearing a familiar sounding voice brought a smile to his face before leaning up and whispering through the hole. He had finally found her and after a great scramble on the other side assured her that he was going to get her out somehow.

Lifting the bar off the door and setting it aside he placed the key into the hole and prayed. What he got was entirely the opposite of what he had hoped for.

Having forgotten that there was more than one guard in the mansion had caught up with him as a well armed figure stepped into the hallway before freezing. The two stared at each other a moment, the one holding an oil lamp the other hunkered down somewhat with a key jammed into a door.

Shahid twisted the key to no avail much to his sisters bereftment but his actions snapped the bored guard out of their stupor and a yell filled the air.


In a split second a million thoughts crashed through his mind, he desperately wanted to stay, to fight and free his sister. However, the words and warnings of another overpowered them causing him to let go of the key. An act that made his heart sink and some part of him die inside as he turned and bolted hoping there would be an exit even if he had to make one.

The mansion came to life as voices yelled out and onward his legs drove him through the halls before making a final bend and dropping low Shahid waited on the guard. As they rounded the bend he took their legs out from under them with a short sweep of the spear and broke into a run back the way he had come.

Despite their fall the guard managed to not drop the oil lamp and with a quick movement drew a dagger and rolled towards Shahid as he tried to move past. He jumped in time to avoid having his leg slashed open and hit the floor running for his life as the angry guard screamed in rage.

Whatever misfortune had looked upon him this night smiled this time as he turned the last bend and blasted out the same door he had used to get in. Racing across the garden with the rest of the guards on his hooves he forced his legs to go faster as a spear howled past his shoulder.

Casting his spear aside he made a wild, running leap towards the shallow part of the wall and with an impact that drove the wind from his lungs slammed into it but managed to pull himself over.

Crashing into the ground on the other side he staggered a moment before tearing off in full flight down the street and back into the shadows. There would be no going through the gates now, he had to get out some other way.

Even now the howls of anger were drawing a great deal of unwanted attention as the usually lax town guards that wandered in a stupor came to life, there was something going on and they all wanted to share in part of the glory.

This of course would mean his head if they succeeded, in which case what the creature said would come true in that he would be no good to his sister if dead.

If. Shahid had no plans on dying tonight, he had to try again but that meant getting out alive first. Slamming past the two guards at the tiny gate leading out of the wealthy area had been easy but now things were getting harder as more poured out to cut him off.

Not wearing any armor or indeed much of anything at all meant he was at least staying ahead of them somewhat but they were slowly making ground on him.

Pain lanced through his leg as they pounded harder and harder in an effort to get ahead of his growing army of pursuers. A few more objects whistled past in the darkness when he realized he had been hit by an errant arrow. That they were firing wildly into the darkness despite being in a town spoke volumes to him of their carelessness.

As the pain grew worse and worse his pace began to slow as he ducked down an alley and then started to duck and dodge down them in the hopes of loosing them or buying more time. When the plan to memorize the streets and alleys worked he stopped to examined his injury.

It was now only a matter of time before they caught and killed him, he was bleeding, in horrible pain and he needed two legs to run not one. With the guards closing in rapidly Shahid left the arrow where it was because pulling it out would only result in a howl of pain that would be the death of him.

Grinding his teeth a bad idea came to mind but it was the best one so far for escaping. Taking off at a run despite the pain he hoped he could suffer through it just long enough.

Getting past two guards had been somewhat easy but the blood trail brought them back around quickly and the pursuit was on once more. Pace slowing he half ran, half limped towards the one place he did not want to go back to: the docks.

Objects whistled past once more as shouts of alarm rang out, they knew where he was going and what he was planning. Luck was on his side tonight however even as Shahid's pace lagged severely while he limped haggardly down the wooden gangway.

The sound of hooves pounding on the wood were dangerously close when he reached the end and kept going off into the darkness. He made no attempt to swim or float but instead sank a bit before grabbing onto one of the supports.

His lungs cried out for air from both the pain of wanting to scream and for lack of oxygen but he held himself under the water before slowly slipping under a moored raft. Following its flat bottom he prayed he was moving out and into deeper water before reaching its edge then slowly brought himself up.

Just poking his nose through the water he took a slow, steadying breath before pulling his head out enough to look around. Guards swarmed the docks, their torches casting light out across the water. His own location was illuminated well enough that if one were to look they would see him.

Slipping back under he held his breath again and waited till the illumination above moved away. Surfacing only to take short breaths he waited for an eternity to end allowing him to surface and look into the small raft he clung too.

Looking inside he thought about freeing it and floating away but he knew a missing boat would be too obvious. Instead he worked his way over to a larger boat loaded with cargo. Slipping onto the ship he searched for some rags and after finding them gagged himself and removed the arrow before tying the wound up. Taking one last look around Shahid hobbled to the edge of the boat and slipped back into the water.

It would be a long night of floating and paddling to get away, harder still with an injured leg but at least he was still alive. However, it also meant his sister would remain a slave that much longer and now that they knew someone had tried to free her they might do something to her.

Or perhaps not, the guard yelled "thief" after all. Maybe they would both get lucky and the owners would make the mistake of thinking a dumb thief had gotten in and tried to steal things... A thief armed with a spear.

Shahid needed help, but no one came to mind as he floated along with the current driving him farther away from Iuny.

As the lights faded away along with the last few voices to be replaced with the sound of moving water one did come to mind. Would a mercenary even work for free? He had already given him a spear, now lost forever and advice. Could he ask for help after having been given so much?

He had to, his sisters life depended on it now but it would take days to get there in his current state and he could only guess how long to heal.

Closing his eyes he let out a pained sigh, there were no other options left except to find the mercenary and ask for help. Free help, as he could not pay for the services of a mercenary but all of which assumed that he would even lift a finger.

Grave doubts crossed his mind but he had to try something because this was not going to work otherwise. They would expect someone to try at some point now and he had no idea what he was doing or even how to do it. Everything was a wild guess that had so far worked for the most part but also nearly got him killed.

His sisters freedom now hinged on convincing the mercenary and probably Altayih to help in a suicide mission that he could not pay for. He was doomed.

Author's Notes:

Got so caught up in other things forgot to do any editing and then straight up forgot to upload until after I was in bed.

Chapter 25: Training

"Training for war will do one of two things: either kill you or force you to survive because be damned if you went through all that pain for nothing."

The past five days had been nothing but an endless string of torturous little events on the both of them as Sefu and Jelani put them through their paces. Verik had convinced them to train Altayih as well and while it was not that big of an issue, it did require some justification.

Altayih had provided his own by pointing out how little Verik was actually going to get in the long run when the irrigation system worked.

However, Verik still had a handful of minor doubts as to making it work as intended but if nothing else they would at least be able to flood the fields. For some reason though his new recruit was quite taken by the idea and was convinced it would work.

Thus became the new routine of life, gone were the days of walking and pulling wagons or fetching water, battling bandits and other such pleasantries. Now every day started with Sefu making everyone run like hell a set distance then walk back, once that wonderful session was over they went straight into training and either practiced or sparred for hours on end.

Sefu taught them how to use their spears in a "crash course" to get them both caught up with the rest that turned out to be rather painful but effective. Altayih and Verik had both become quite used to being thrown around, tripped or just having the wind blown out of their lungs when Sefu's staff nailed them in the chest or across their backs.

Five days and they had gotten caught up on theory if nothing else they had to admit, beyond that it would take months or years to properly learn how to fight. Altayih was lucky however, he only had to learn to use a spear, sling, bow and javelin along with hand to hand but Sefu added swordplay to Verik's list.

He was not sure which hurt more, the staff or the fighting stick.

One fact remained above the rest about Sefu and Jelani: they took training very seriously. Both were excellent instructors but also incredibly strict and harsh, there were a million ways to get yourself killed and it only took one, tiny, slip. It also did not help that they had little time to get caught up with their training so things were being hammered into their heads and bodies post haste.

Tendaji did not help things a great deal either, only two days in and he had wanted a rough idea of what the irrigation system would look like but Sefu had thankfully intervened. With his help the chief had been talked away from the idea that there would be a perfect outline any time in the immediate future but Verik was able to explain a rough outline which sated him. Something was being planned at least but time would tell, Altayih however had caused a stir during the meeting.

Altayih had taken to going wherever Verik went as if missing a moment would result in the permanent loss of some kind of grand event. He either took the "captain" bit too seriously or was being somewhat fasicious but that meeting had proven otherwise. He had slowly wormed his way into the conversation by pointing out problems with timing since they had to train but also that training stopped at sundown which meant there was no time to examine things properly.

It was towards the end that he drew a scowl from both Sefu and Tendaji when he remarked that Verik was getting a bit of a raw deal considering the number of lives he would be sparing from famine. This Arabian stallion was something else as he explained things away in detail with the utmost sincerity and without ever cracking a smile.

After the meeting Sefu had warned him against pushing their luck because neither had sworn any loyalty oath and for it were walking on water. Sefu could only do so much but with his brother already so troubled with recent events it might not take much of a push to send him the other way.

Now it was was behind them and Tendaji left them to plot and plan on their own so long as they provided something useful for when the next harvest was at an end. This unknown, imaginary date in the foggy future was their line in the sand: either cough up a plan so they can begin work when the harvest is over or get out. Verik already had things well in the works so that would not be an issue, the problem would be going from theory to actually digging it from the earth itself.

Not that the whole week had been a rush to the finish line, Jelani was responsible for their training with anything ranged and when she found both were well versed in the use of bows she was elated.

As to why she was so happy was discovered on the sixth day when she set the two of them loose in the grassy area north of Wete. A bow was more useful if one was never seen while making the shot.

Six days of getting years worth of training crammed in my head so I can crawl around trying to ambush a zebra. In broad daylight.

Verik slithered across the ground trying to stay silent as he wormed his way towards his "target" who had been put on sentry duty. Apparently Jelani and Sefu had taken an interest in his "ability" to stalk others and decided to see for themselves how "competent" he was at it. Somewhere else Altayih was doing the same while the sentry kept a lookout, whether he had been told or not Verik had no idea.

The two trainers on the other hand were somewhere else and remained invisible but were mostly likely watching the both of them.

It was a very simple test, all they had to do was reach the sentry without being noticed and stay there, unseen, till called upon. There was no risk of being shot or stabbed, he hoped. From the first day of real training Sefu had made a point to drag the two of them around so every single warrior and trainee knew who they were and that they were being "trained."

Turned out to be a rather short list considering how few warriors were among the population.

Just about everything he had ever read or heard was now flowing through his mind as he inched closer and closer, every time the sentry moved his head or ears he would freeze and wait. Which was easier? Stalking a deer in the woods with a rifle or a zebra on sentry duty?

Verik was happy with his life choices, all those books gave him something to work with rather than start from scratch like Altayih was, more or less.

Still, he was more concerned with where Sefu and Jelani were than the sentry, he had already picked out a few paths to crawl along and hopefully stay downwind, assuming of course the zebra could even smell him. The Wete believed in bathing which was a boon considering the strong smell that came off them at the end of the day, a truly unique smell to say the least. Apparently he was none to "fresh" either according to the others.

Slipping into the shallow slump Verik began working his way forward again before something popped into his head: he was leaving a trail of crushed grass behind him. Easing himself sideways so slowly it hurt he looked back when the sentry turned away, sure enough he had left a rather large worm trail behind him.

Had this been seen? How far did this test go? Until he was seen physically or were they keeping score of his mistakes?

A solution came to mind and staying on his side he borrowed a hint from an old documentary and began crawling on his side in another direction. If nothing else he was going to leave the worm trail behind and make up a new plan in case this "exercise" lasted until he was noticed.

Where the devil is Altayih?

Both were to accomplish their goal separately but he still had to wonder as he kept moving along one inch at a time. Salvation came when he felt the ground give way again to another shallow dip and slipping into it picked up the pace. The dusty washout was mostly devoid of grass and acted like a mini-highway provided he did not kick up any dust and so far it was working, it wove and bent its way back and forth around the gnoll the sentry stood upon.

How long all this took he could only guess at but after crossing the majority of the distance he left the washout and wormed his was back across before moving forward again. The closer he got the more the sentries ears moved back and forth listening, he could just hear him but not enough to be certain. Slowing down he laid out flat again to watch for a minute while waiting for the sentry to loose interest.

What next? Rest then keep going forward?

Verik mulled it over before his eyes darted sharply to his right as a hand was placed on his shoulder.




Verik stood along with Sefu who rose up then ushered him to the top of the knoll to join the sentry.

"Wont this tip of Altayih?"

"No, he caught hours ago."


The sentry gave off a snort and pointed to the side Verik had been unable to see, apparently Altayih had not crawled but tried to move forward in short rushes to close the gap quickly. He had been seen almost immediately and his silent pursuer Jelani had collected him before sending him off to train with the other recruits.

"So how long did it take to find me?"

Sefu and the sentry looked at each other before deferring to the sentry to explain things.

"Saw your trail quickly but lost you for a bit."

"You let me keep going? Why?"

"Altayih not learn, you took time and had patience, moved slowly, used ground to hide, try different things. Then you disappear and not see you again till dust. Disappeared again but Sefu find you."

"Out of curiosity was there ever a point I could have snuck up on you?"

"Few times."

Sefu beckoned Verik away and led him back to the little "training camp" that had been set up which consisted of a dirt circle and a shade tree with water for in between bouts.

"Alright, so what was the purpose of all this if you knew we would fail from the start?"

"Did not know about Altayih, wanted to give you proper test after you ambush that bandit. You need more training, experience, but you understand how unlike Altayih. He need much more training in stealth."

"One more test to see just how far we could make it?"

"No. Wete able to send scouts that move fast, important for warning tribe, sometimes sneak up and destroy things. Make them leave."

"Thought you preferred to fight in your tribalistic way of going to X location at Z time."

"Bandits not care, bandits come we fight any way we must to win. You seen what they do."

"Kind of a double standard... Why not fight everyone the same way?"

Sefu never slowed his pace as he looked at Verik. "We fight your way with other tribes they fight like bandits, we fight this way because otherwise many suffer."

Are they holding themselves back for fear that everyone will begin to wage war like Fareed and his mercenaries?

"So what if say... A company of mercenaries showed up to wipe out the Wete... Then what? Meet them in the field and take your chances?"

The giant shook his head slowly as a somber look crossed his face before motioning with his head towards the village.

"That happen we run, mercenaries never come unless to burn village. You see how many there are? Many have that happen, soldiers come, maybe warriors fight but never enough to make difference. Better to run away than fight against army."

"Sounds like you have already given up. So... As long as whoever attacks is just another tribe or a group of bandits you stand and fight otherwise you abandon the village and run away?"


"Why not ambush the mercenaries, see how many you can kill before running, maybe they-"

"Some tribes try but more always come, soon army comes and all die."

The conversation was put to an abrupt end when they reached the training circle where others were busy sparing or practicing various skills. Altayih was back to learning how to use a bow which he had been rather taken with. He had remarked it was best to keep ones distance and remove the problem at a distance than risk getting skewered up close. It was a sentiment Verik agreed with.

"You spar with me now."


In six days he had learned not one name beyond those he already knew including the handful of other recruits. Of course they all knew of Altayih and himself, one an escaped slave the other a "mercenary" with a rather colorful recent history that included being obstinate towards their chief.

Near as he could gather this had resulted in a bit of a divide, curiosity was piqued but also just as much distrust and even hostility. Among his "fellow recruits" it was more curiosity and distrust. Still, the moment he left and walked back to the village with the rest as they left the fields it became more distrust than anything else.

Neither he nor his "follower" had any real idea why that was, Jelani and Sefu were always incredibly busy and something else more important always came up so the question was never raised. That or he just forgot.

There were plenty of exceptions however as different families and "clans" within the tribe had been at least somewhat welcoming. This was almost exclusively amongst those who had family in the caravan he had traveled with and no doubt his actions had curried some favor amongst them.

So here he was, staring at a zebra of the same height as himself who was quite serious about training together and for the life of him he could not remember his name. Had he ever even heard his name before? Yes, he had, days ago... Jelani introduced them all but...


A staff was shoved into his hand and Verik found himself in the circle with others who were months or even years ahead of him. It mattered not one bit to Sefu though, everyone trained together though he did keep the playing field somewhat "level." None the less he would sometimes pit them against each other just to see how big the experience gap was or if it had closed.



Verik ducked and used the staff to block the sweeping blow as chaos erupted in his tiny, dusty, circular world. One blow after another felt him out as if toying with him to see just how serious he was, this would also mean fighting dirty which might make some enemies.

Fortunately, whoever this zebra was that sparred with him had no intention of just ending the fight, be it for his own benefit or their own ego he had no idea. A shout from the side finally tipped him off as to who he was up against.

"Kick his ass Sabiwa!"

Well soon as I figure out your name its going on the list.

There was no rush however, Sabiwa did not pick up his pace nor press harder but continued to probe while throwing in a few serious attacks. Somewhere in the mix things finally became serious and Sabiwa moved to knock his legs out from under him but Verik planted his staff blocking the blow.

Without missing a beat Sabiwa jabbed at his chest, this to was blocked if only barely and it was then that Verik did something crazy: he grabbed the zebras staff.

Tried too at any rate, failed rather miserably as a leg shot out and thumped him back quickly. He could not decide if his "sparing partner" was either weak, insulting him or holding back, the blow had been enough to send him back but not enough to floor him. Sefu on the other hand would have just decked him or any of the others on the spot.

Sefu had more of a "no pain, no gain" attitude towards hand to hand fighting, he was fair and corrected mistakes but it remained a painful lesson.

Several blows had landed on him but only one had come close to hitting his opponent meaning things were looking grim. With one to the side happily cheering Sabiwa on every time a blow landed his ire continued to grow, he wanted the other in the ring more than Sabiwa.

Despite it the others remained silent including his opponent who ignored the heckler and continued to focus on the fight.

It was a simple lesson too: stay focused on the fight, maybe if he had remembered that perhaps he would not be falling as his legs were swept from under him. As he landed with a thud his opponent made a final jab, rolling sideways he grabbed a fistful of dirt on his way and tried to stand quickly.

Another blow landed in his side was he spun then hurled the dirt into Sabiwa's face making him cough and stagger, it was not enough to dissuade him however. Another one handed jab was made but this one slow enough for Verik to catch it and yank hard.

The two collapsed on each other in a ball of flesh and fur as they began slugging it out on the ground which was more to Verik's liking, at least here he had a better chance. However long they were at it neither knew but Jelani called them off each other when they were down to seeing who would pass out first from choking the other.

Escorted from the ring they were sat down and ordered to cool off while the others were sent back to continue their own sparing. Jelani ignored them entirely not that she needed to bother with them, both were gasping for air, exhausted and too beat up to move for a while.

"That against rules."

"I thought the rule was to win, bar injuring or killing your opponent."

"Very mean fighter."

"If it means winning..."

"Everything still blurry..."

Verik reached to his side and popped the top off the water jug then used the scoop to dip water from inside then passed it over. Sabiwa held his head back and poured it over his eyes slowly, blinking away the dirt.

"You win at any price then?"

"No, but neither am I going to hold back even if it is just training, I have a large gap to fill in with both knowledge and experience."

"He is right." Both heads looked at Jelani as she stood over them before checking on Sabiwa. "Fight to win, but Verik... No more throw dirt." He nodded as she finished checking one and then moved to the other. "This one have much to learn and little time, also..." Jelani glared at Verik, "that one volunteered to help train you, bridge gap quicker."

Verik glanced at the other a moment before looking back at Jelani. "Well that was a fine how do you do."

They both looked confused before shrugging, Jelani was off again just as quickly but it looked as if the two were stuck with each other.

"You must be very well along if she is having a recruit train."

Sabiwa shrugged it off, "six months, others far, far ahead but still ahead of you."

"So pair us off to get caught up faster... Are Sefu and Jelani too busy? What about Altayih?"

"They very busy because gone so long, also suspect problems coming, only two of them and several of us. Other warriors also very busy in fields, everyone working in field if not training. Too much to do, not enough hands to go around." Sabiwa stared off at Altayih for a minute as he continued to practice with a borrowed bow. "She assign him to you but ask me to help him anyway."

"Alright... But why did you volunteer? I assume everyone knows about that little meeting between myself and Tendaji by now."

"Yes, but you fight to protect convoy, that mean something. Curious, want to see."

"Fair enough."

"Ah good, you are still awake captain."

"Quit calling me that. My little band of mercenaries amounts to the two of us and both would have a hell of a time just staying alive."

Altayih shrugged before sitting beside Verik, training was largely over for the day and as per the usual arrangement Sefu had allotted time for planning the canal system. This meant every day he had an extra hour to stare at the ground and think on it.

"True, but you are still alive. Jelani told me what happened, she was brief but I got her point. If you can survive that there is hope for us both."

"I take it your food supply has run out."


"Well then... It is my responsibility to feed you after all. I will have to ask around about foraging, think I heard one or two saying something about there being nothing on this side of the river though."

"We can always cross and bring something back."

"Eh... Wete have some legal taboo about crossing the river because of some other tribe that claims it. I doubt they will notice the two of us assuming they even watch their side all that often."

"Ah, but captain, we have no boats."

"I think we can manage to scrounge up something..."

Verik walked down the dusty walkway leading back to the village, Altayih was elsewhere looking for materials for the plans of the morrow. In the meantime this left him to wander along and back to the hut so he could collect a small quantity of grain, with it Altayih would be able to feed himself for tonight at least.

Jelani had been informed of the problem and that he needed some time to solve the problem, she had agreed and told him Sefu would not bar him either. However, he left out WHERE they were going to get forage... With any luck they could make their dumpy little raft and float across, grab whatever they could and depart quickly.

Catch was, he had no idea how to swim, he hated bodies of water deeper than his waist and this river was much, much deeper and wider than that. Still, he was not going to let the other starve and with any luck they would gather enough to increase all their food storage.

The far side was rich, uncultivated and had been for decades because of the feud. With any luck at all no one was watching which would give them the time to cross, steal whatever they could and depart. This meant crossing farther up river where there was ample wood for raft making. Granted the wood was too poor for any real use but enough of it tied together and bound up properly would work.

Altayih had brought up "borrowing" the one raft in Wete but that was out of the question. As soon as their intentions were breathed aloud it would be over before it began.

Verik stared off into the distance as he walked, completely oblivious to the others around him including Asha who kept poking him till she got his attention.

"You have problem?"

"No... Sort of... Altayih will be by later, I am giving him a portion of my food stores to tide him over till we can forage up some food for him."

"Ah... Where you going?"

"I will tell you when we get back to the hut."

Asha nodded slowly, she looked the same as she did every day at this time: worn out, exhausted, dirty, hungry and a little bit blank faced. There was also one other thing that happened this time every day and that was the mass exodus for the river to bathe. A grand past time for the locals that he did not engage in prefering to instead hide till he could have some privacy.

Privacy... She always egged him on to just go and bathe but he always refused and this day was no different.

"Asha, I see enough naked zebras during the day in the fields below the training camp and IN the training camp. Last thing I want right now is to see any more naked zebras, especially males."

"Then no look."

"If I look away from where the males... Stallions... Bathe then that just leaves one other place and that could cause me a great number of problems."

"You no like what you see?"

"I like what I see far too much and that is the problem."

Asha snickered at him as they continued up the path and into the village. She had almost always wore that half destroyed hobo dress of hers in the past but had put it away lately in favor of going "au-naturale." All the while with the very valid excuse that she only had two sets of clothing and did not want to wear them out. Not that anyone could wear out clothing that revealed more than it hid.

This meant waking up to, eating breakfast and dinner, then going to bed in the same hut as naked Asha every day for five days straight. Waking up that second morning when Sefu came later thus allowing her to get up first had been one hell of a "good morning."

None of this was out of the ordinary however, quite normal in fact. Just about every last zebra on the road was wearing little to nothing and most believed all you really needed was a loin-cloth.

He was never going to get used to this but then again did he want to?

"Asha... What tribe controls the other side of the river?"

"Dont know, why?"

"I remember someone said something about the Wete trying to cross once upon a time to expand your fields and they attacked."

"Before I come, but hear about it. Far side has little farmland so no one use it."

Her eyes shifted up to him quickly and narrowed, she did not say a word but he knew Asha had figured out why he was asking.

"Dont worry about it, only the two of us and we wont be staying."

"Pray no one find out."

"That might be for the best, oh, if anyone asks tell them we went "fishing..." Dont look at me like that, its perfectly true but without the rods... Anyone around here having fishing spears?"

"Zebra eat fish sometimes but never see anyone fish in Wete."

"One more thing that sets you apart from the other world."

"What you mean?"

"Zebras are strict herbivores where I come from, they cant eat meat."

"We not eat meat but can eat fish..."

"Still a remarkable difference... Wait, if you can eat fish why does no one go fishing to help feed the tribe? Put everything in one big jar, water it down and make huge jars of fish soup."

"Never thought of that... Some families do that with rations but-"

"One more thing to look into."

"You serious about solving Wete food problem..."

"Very, after all, if I failed to do so not only would I not have a home but I would risk seeing you starve. I will not allow that."

Verik walked on realizing what he had said but did not say otherwise, he meant every word of it. Asha meanwhile just smiled happily as they walked back to their hut.

Author's Notes:

Thanks to those who favorited the story! Dont forget to vote!

Chapter 26: Foraging Expedition

"Everyone takes for granted the simple ability to walk to the store to get food."

Asha was not thrilled with his plan and now that Altayih was sitting in her hut as well the discussion was making her fur prickle. Too many dangers but few to no alternatives if things did not change and that was a most unlikely prospect.

"You swear not to cause trouble for Wete. Cross river to forage and make trouble, Tendaji throw you out."

Verik and Altayih kept careful watch at the single window and door, it was almost as if they expected someone to be listening to them for the sole purpose of getting them thrown out of the village. If that was true or not she had no idea but they spoke in whispers that barely carried through the small hut.

"True, that is why we are not crossing here but farther down near Miwani, anyone sees us they will assume it is them, besides we dont exactly look like Wete do we Asha?"

"Yes but still trouble! Someone find out! You come back with large pile of food they ask questions!"

"Let them" Altayih spat that out and at more than a whisper, "anyone wants to know it was just luck. Saw the patch during my escape with Shahid, never had a chance to collect it so we went back."

"That would work... Also we are going to do a little "fishing" before we come back and with any luck that will provide more evidence of our... Sincerity?"

Asha let out a groan and shook her head as they continued to work on their story well in advance. Sefu had granted them three days to work it all out, after all there was no immediate forage left so he knew they would have to travel farther. At least Verik argued that point, it had been just two days at first but after making the point of collecting enough to last for days or a week another day was added.

"You maybe get caught anyway, seen on other bank."

"That is why we are crossing nearly a day away and down the river. Anyone follows us that far they are looking for a fight. Besides I seriously doubt that other tribe... Whoever, whatever and wherever they are will cause us any problems."

"Last time Wete try they attacked!" Asha glared at them before pointing out the door, "Wete tried to farm other side, forage once, attacked, driven off!"

"Yes but they did not FOLLOW the Wete..."

"What difference that make?!"

"All in the world. I think I know exactly what happened and why the Wete were driven off too... If you think about it everything makes perfect sense, even back then if the Wete cleared farmland on the other side or foraged regularly the rulers in Alzamard would find out. One can strongly support the idea that the tribe over yonder is not stupid, they knew that. Allowing the Wete to claim land would mean whoever ruled before Fareed... When did this happen anyway? Who ruled?"

"Fareed... I think."

"Well that makes even greater sense then, he would no doubt lay claim to that side and annex the land immediately then demand tax for it. First day a taxman goes by they would add it to the sheets, any tribe with half a lick of sense would violently drive someone out. Even offering to rent the land would be too much of a risk and I assume the Wete did not ask."

Asha shrugged, Verik was learning that not many really knew the history of the goings on save for Fareed or Tasid and most leaned towards the later not the former. Fareed never really bothered with anyone out here but Tasid kept trying at every opportunity.

Altayih gave off a thoughtful *hum* before nodding.

"That makes sense... I for one would never want him sinking his hoof into my side of the river."

"Its a theory at least, one that will hopefully stand up."

"Why you say that?" Asha stared and even Altayih was curious as to why there was some doubt to the theory.

"Because if the theory is correct they will not bother two who are foraging that have no tribal connection nor affiliation. To anyone watching it would look like to travelers who have stopped to collect food before moving on from the area never to return."

"We will have to go back again later captain-" Altayih stopped as Verik glared at him, "Verik... We will have to because even if we get enough it will never last."

"I am not concerned with that, the concern is getting what we need right now to buy more time."

The two listeners nodded their head before looking at the rather meager supply of food in the hut, these jars held not only Asha's food but also the rations for Verik and Altayih who were burning through them rather fast. With the condition of fending for themselves as the deal until the irrigation system went in both were up the river without a paddle.

"Who knows Asha, maybe I will find something useful and bring it back."

"Maybe something find you again..."

Altayih made a quick motion and the conversation changed over as a few zebra slowly walked past talking to each other on their way back from the river with water jars. Asha was quick to fill the silent gap with a question she aimed at Verik.

"What you miss?"

"Miss? About what?"

"Your world, what you miss about it?"

Verik looked through the holes in the cloth that acted as a "privacy door" for Asha's little hut before leaning back against the wall carefully.

"Toilet paper and my books."

The looks he got made him stop before explaining what the material was and why it was the better alternative to using bundles of grass, bark, leaves or your hand and water. Books were something Altayih seemed to understand to some degree, he had been in Alzamard once and walked through what was left of the once grand library there.

Now however it was in horrible disrepair thanks to a long line of nobility that culminated in the creation of Fareed.

"How much and how far have you traveled anyway?"

Altayih stared at Verik and pondered the question for a bit before responding that he had traveled quite a distance. Many times had he wandered back and forth, thrice through Alzamard though the final time proved to not be any choice of his own.

Altayih proved to be quite the politically observant Arabian as he talked about the various cities, towns and nations he had seen along with many similar problems that now faced the local area, it was the city of Labrad that got Verik's interest.

Ruled by a dynasty that stretched back more than one hundred and fifty years it was probably the only remaining sane city anywhere within the whole of the region. The current king and queen had made some great advances but also taken a couple of low blows, mostly from Fareed and two other rulers both up and down the river.

While there were plenty of gaps in his knowledge of the city it remained a pleasant description compared to most of the others. Things were in decline however he noted but one at least had a chance compared to most other places.

Nawra and her brother Jubril sat in line with Nawra in the lead as the popular choice among the common folk and Jubril with the military backing. To Verik it had every indication of a coup or civil war in the making since Nawra had been officially named as successor. There was no animosity between them however Altayih claimed, Jubril had graciously accepted his lower standing and focused on his military interests. Supposedly.

If one stripped it all away though with the politics, wars, skirmishes and feuding with Fareed a single fact remained about Labrad: one did not starve as a citizen there. Not without a great deal of effort at any rate.

"If Labrad is so great how come everyone mopes around Alzamard? I would imagine there would be a mass exodus across the border."

"Oh there was! Fareed sent his mercenaries and captured Tuli from Labrad, slew half, sold the rest. It was a bloody example for anyone who thinks they can just leave his domain and now slavers roam freely along the border taking anyone they please."

"Thats how you got taken prisoner?"

"Hmm! Of course I was traveling not with a caravan at the time, my own mistake... Half a day from Tuli when they saw me and gave chase and well... Turns out I was not the best runner."

"Neither that one." Asha jabbed a finger at Verik before smirking at him playfully.

"Yes, slowest runner in Wete..."

"True but probably the most dangerous."

"You loose almost every fight in the circle."

"True, but only when there are rules."

Altayih looked at Asha and made a motion at Verik, "that one jump on opponent and bite them in neck one day, Jelani told him no more biting then today had to say no throwing dirt."

"So long as I win, dont really care."

His little audience just hummed at him while Asha raised an eyebrow while stirring the contents in her cooking jar.

"So now no one dares cross the border in an attempt to flee... Plenty of other directions to go I imagine."

"No... Not really, Samati closest but any who go there as refugees are rounded up and either conscripted, sent to work camps or sold."

"So risk slavers and death on one hand or fight someone elses war as a slave soldier on the other?"

"Yes. That is why I always traveled with caravans. Or did..."

"Learned the hard way... So I take it Samati is no friend of Fareed but then who would be..."

Altayih squatted down on the dirt flood and drew a rough and very hurried map marking the general locations of places he had been.

"Fareed surrounded by enemies on all sides but has the largest amount of land to defend. Labrad trapped on all sides but has small area on southern side of Thriti River they control and farm. Samati controls about the same, always at war with their neighbors like Fareed. Many nations and tribes battle for land, mostly to take food, mines and slaves. Labrad exception so far but probably because of small size."

"Out of everywhere you have been, have any actually been at peace?"

"No. Well yes, here."

"Asha, Wete at war with anyone?"

She shook her head.

"Amazing anyone is still alive to fight these wars."

Asha was nervous come morning, she had spent the night sleeping closer than normal and had even gathered reeds to make baskets for them the day before when they went to bathe. Everything was prepared now for their little expedition but worry was written deeply in her features.

"Quit worrying, we will be back in three days."

"Yes worry, what you do crazy."

"Want to know the craziest part of all this? I cant swim."

Her jaw slackened a bit before her eyes narrowed.

"How you cross then hmm?"

"Raft, and before you ask what raft we will have to make one thus the extra day I asked for."

Asha let out a snort but kept a careful watch as Verik walked off to join Altayih with the hastily made baskets. The two wandered off down the road towards Miwani leaving her to watch and wonder if this would even work, a sentiment all three shared.

"So we spend one day walking, build raft, float across, forage, return and then go fishing with... Spears meant for killing not fishing."

"That about sums it up, working without tools is going to be a bitch though."

"Maybe gather whatever has fallen or break off dead ones... No rope."

"Reeds will suffice for now, not aiming to make a frigate only a temporary raft, it has to float us across then stay afloat with our forage on the way back. Probably take a few trips depending on how much or little we find. You still remember what plants to look for right?"

Altayih nodded as they continued to walk quickly down the road, they both understood the sooner they got there the better. It would take a great deal of luck and time to make it work out meaning they had to reach their halfway point all the faster. Every hour they cut off from their travel time would be one hour more for figuring it all out.

They also lacked the supplies to dally, there was precious little food on their persons and if they dared to spend longer than what their supply was it would mean going hungry.

"Altayih? What kind of wildlife roams these lands, never got around to asking."

"Ones that wish to eat us or run from us?"

"Go with the first."

"Lions, cheetah, wild dogs, hyena, crocodiles..."

"And the other kind?"

"Gazelle, giraffe, wild ox, water buffalo, warthog-"

Verik listened to the ever increasing list of wild game on the menu before deciding that there would be plenty of opportunities for hunting at a later date. One problem would remain however and that was spoilage which he figured was going to be a long term problem without enough salt or a smokehouse.

"I forgot to ask where they get their salt from..."

"Probably have a small mine hidden away like most tribes. Salt is not completely uncommon here but from what I learned from caravans it is rare along the south east coast."

"So those huge caravans in Mjesani were probably carrying large blocks of salt under their tarps?"

"Most likely, they take them to Alzamard for shipping or risk overland travel going south east towards the coast."

"Do you have anyone left, family, friends?"

The question was such a change from what they had been talking about it caught Altayih off guard making him freeze in his tracks. Continuing to walk he thought it over for a bit before answering slowly.

"No. I am one of two sons, the other left to join a military campaign years ago and never returned, he was the eldest, Asuim. Our father and mother died just before I left to travel and I did not care to become weavers like them so I saw to their funeral arrangements then left... And no, my brother did not join Fareed's army, we came from a town farther to the north."

"How long ago was that?"

"I had no need to keep track of time but it has been... Quite a while since I last set eyes on my home town."

"Guess neither one of us has much to loose then."

"You have Asha."

"We are not married."

"Hm? Tell me, you sleep in the same hut yes? Alone? She cooks, tends to general household things..."

"Yes on all counts but I also do what I can and have been doing repairs, not enough but some."

"Hmm... Have you given her anything?"

"Yes, some cloth to cover her face from the dust once and other little things."

"From what I have heard you also fought several times... Even risked being killed to save her..."

"What is your point, though I have an idea..."

"I may not fully understand zebra customs but you are either married or as damn close to it as you are going to get without making it official."

"While I can rightly say I do care deeply for her and maybe even love her I hardly know her nor her I-"

"You are married."


Their arguing and bickering continued as they walked at a quick pace down the road well into the mid afternoon before the pace slowed to a halt. Almost a full day had been spent walking and now it was time to start foraging and building.

Tasks were divided up, Verik proved to be stronger than Altayih so he carried the various fallen tree trunks to the river after kicking or breaking the limbs off. His Arabian compatriot meanwhile gathered reed and worked quickly to lash everything together no matter how haphazard it may be.

Any material that worked as a binding was being employed in what became less a raft and more a lump of material that would hopefully float and keep the baskets on top. A problem would be getting themselves across as one could not swim and there would be no room for passengers on the dumpy little wreck.

Forage was sparse on their side to say the least but the other side had several lush areas to scavenge that they could make out and had thus picked this spot. It was closest to the materials needed to build a raft of dead wood and almost straight across from their intended foraging area.

Both hoped that because the far side dipped somewhat, and thus allowing for flooding that it would be rich with edible plants, but the only way to know for certain was to actually cross. A feat which would not happen today as by the time they had gotten the rough outline of the craft done it was evening. Neither had any real idea how to pull it off but after a few tests in the shallows they were at least certain the thing would float a third of the way above the water with both of them hanging on.

The danger of drowning if it came apart was great for one but the other assured him that it would not be a problem so long as he could hang onto the largest of the longs which seemed to float the best.

After dragging the raft ashore a fire was made for the night with some of the tools Verik had wound up with from the various bandits he had killed granting them a means of cooking their dinner. Several attempts to fish in the shallows were made with abortive results thus forcing them to rely on their meager rations.

Their cooking also tasted horrible compared to what Asha could do but at least it remained edible and did not threaten to come back up.

With the crack of dawn they pushed their raft into the water in all its crude glory and hung on for dear life as the river began to drive them away from their intended target. Verik hung on like a drowning rat in the ocean kicking his legs beneath the water along with Altayih to help drive them across the river.

It was a very tiring feat but thankfully the river was no Thriti nor did it have a very fast flow but all the same they would up wading through the shallows for a great distance in order to get to where they wanted to be.

"You cant swim, hate water from what I see and yet you do this. Why?"

Altayih helped tug the raft along from the front, guiding it through the sparse reeds and finally up and onto the bank where it would be less conspicuous. Not that anyone would suspect it of being a raft if the did see it, to them it would look more like a pile of debris the water had balled up and dumped on the shore.

"Dont rightly know, never in a million years would I do that let alone even think of it. Guess I just dont have much of a choice as it is either do this or risk both of us starving."

"I know you receive very tiny food allotment now because of Sefu, you did not need to."

"Maybe because its just the right thing to do. Probably has more to do with you being my... I dont know, what would a mercenary call you anyway? Your not a servant nor soldier... Follower? I just dont like the idea of you going hungry and besides you are my responsibility, that is something I take very seriously."

"You have become serious about being a mercenary then...?"

Verik passed the last basket to Altayih before motioning for them to be off. "Right now I have no idea, all I know is that it will take a miracle or a military action to get what I desire so if that is what it takes-"

"What about me? Means to an end?"

"No, whatever happens good or ill, if it works out in my favor you will share in it."

"How very... Comforting."

"Considering its the two of us that leaves little room for error Altayih, we will either sink or swim together and I have no intention of sinking. Not without first taking the other bastard down with me."

A smile graced Altayihs face as he wandered off to begin searching his little area, their future was a grim prospect but all things considered it was not a bad one. Yet. Still, this was proving to be the most interesting adventure he had been on and no adventure was without its bumps or shortfalls.

Neither had he traveled nor "served" anyone as interesting as this creature who happened to be dead set on taking a part of the world for himself even if it took an army. It was a little worrying but the mere prospect of what could come of all this was too good and interesting to pass up.

"How much did you- Right..."

Their baskets were loaded and stashed near the raft, nothing was left to store anything in and as they looked over their haul it was clear they had problems.

"How exactly are we going to get all this across the river?"

"One trip at a time."

"It will take many trips..."

"Not like we are going anywhere. Besides, we can always redo the raft into a kind of stretcher to hold the baskets then carry it or drag it."

"This is still too much to carry back."

"Well we wont know until we give it a shot, not going to pass up this much food. We can always use the reeds to make more for storage, we both watched Asha make them."

"Where did you even find that many squash?"

"River must have pushed some seeds in then they just multiplied over time I guess... Shallow, muddy ravine down the way is covered in them."

They got to work quickly at getting the raft back into the water and loaded with their precious cargo before a new problem emerged: the weight was sinking the dinky craft. What would have been a small series of trips turned into an odyssey as they had to carefully weigh their cargo before loading it and making their way across.

With each trip the river pushed them off course forcing them to spend time dragging the raft farther up before drifting across again. Their haul however was left farther down wherever they drifted in, the idea being to collect it later and then simply going north with it.

Before the final trip Altayih walked up to Verik as he dangled from a tree in an attempt to break off a branch. He was failing and was left suspended in the air trying to bear his weight down on it in an attempt to snap it off.

"A very lively branch..."

"Get up here and give me a hand."

Joining Verik their combined weight finally bend the branch and forced it to begin breaking till finally giving way with a loud crack, both fell to the ground with the long branch still in hand. Altayih stood and eyed his companion strangely as if to prod for answers, the response came quickly enough.

Since finding bow making wood was so hard on the Wete side of the river he figured why not since they were here. It was big around enough, quite long considering the tree it came from and once dried and whittled down it might make a decent bow.

Of course trying to explain what they were doing with the thing would be a problem, indeed explaining the vast quantity of food would be problematic enough. Adding a branch to their pile would make things not only more difficult to carry but also to explain.

Deciding to worry about that later they tore the raft apart after the final crossing and spent their time turning it into a carrying board. A feat which proved far easier since they did not need it to float and smaller branches were easier to find not to mention easier to bind.

With only a few hours of daylight left for travel they set off quickly with their food transport held between them. Everything was precariously packed in, tied up, wedged, the thing looked like a nightmare of reeds and sticks all forced in at various angles in a desperate attempt to prevent anything from falling out.

More was strapped to their backs as well, Asha had been industrious and wove straps in for them at the last minute then even provided a few older baskets to take with them. Stooped over and moving at half the speed from before they marched off down the road, the two spears had now become a part of the ensemble, used as supports on the outer edge minus the spear heads which were stored away safely.

Hiking until it was getting too dark to travel while exhaustion burning in their limbs they set down for the night and ate of their collection saving the dry corn meal since it would keep longer.

With a new dawn came the struggle of lifting the pile and bearing it onwards once more while new questions were asked along the way. Most likely it would be evening or the next morning when they got back so do they walk in openly or sneak in? Seeing this would raise one too many questions they did not want to answer.

So did they walk into Wete before or after everyone turned in? Assuming they made it in time. Verik and Altayih argued back and forth all day on the subject as they heaved themselves forward reaching the hill south of Wete at dusk.

They would wait, once darkness fell they would slink into the village like thieves in the night to unload their cargo before anyone noticed. Everything would be stashed in Asha's hut with the exception of Altayih's little dugout. Hopefully everything would be done quickly and the carrying rack disassembled before anyone caught sight of it.

An easy task considering it was past the point of being on its last leg, they were praying it would hold together long enough to actually reach Asha's hut.

Since they had a wait ahead of them the two spent the evening staring at the water, Verik had waded out and stood with a new stick he had found and sharped with a small, crude knife taken from a past victim. Once more he was attempting to nail any fish he could find without any luck, even going into the reed clusters where some bigger ones had congregated resulted in nil for the longest time.

Bullheadedness paid off though as a fish finally fell victim to his spear which turned out to be a one shot wonder as it broke the moment it skewered the fish. It had served its purpose though and after a quick gutting and wrapping it reed it was packed with the rest.

As darkness fell they started off again, they were exhausted from the ordeal but this was it, the last leg. All they had to do was make it to the hut and Asha could lend them a hand. It was dark, the moon was out and illuminating the land enough to see, the hut was visible still and had visible light so she was home.

Of course she would be home, there was nowhere else to be.

Dinner would be served tonight after they got done and heaving forward they kept a steady pace along the road while trying to not make a great deal of noise. Getting up the hill proved interesting as things wanted to shift about and they broke into whispered arguments about righting the problem.

With each hut they passed their breath was held but no one bothered to look outside, the sound of snoring came from most as the field workers were too exhausted to care having gone straight to bed after eating.

Reaching Asha's hut they eased the load to the ground quietly before stepping away. Verik walked up to the cloth and listened to the voices, there were visitors tonight which could prove problematic but it was too late for that. Perhaps a food bribe would keep them silent.

Pushing the rotten cloth aside and stepping in he spotted the visitors, one was a young zebra mare he had seen sometimes walking with Asha. If he remembered right her name was Sibi but as they all stared at each other his eyes went to the figure laying on the floor of the hut.

"Ah... You again."

Chapter 27: Shahid Dilemma

"How many corpses would you pile up? How much agony and misery would you endure for a loved one?"

*Two days ago*

Asha flexed her tired arms and legs for a moment, the work for today had finally ended thus allowing everyone to return home for the night. Sibi joined her on the way back tonight with her colt Mabi tied up to her back for security, the two zebras walked along partially in silence as exhaustion gripped their bodies and minds.

It was not unusual to end the day by going to the river to bathe and wash away the sweat, dust and grime of a days work before going home to make dinner. Water would be drawn from the various wells as the river was not clean enough and brush would already be piled up near the entrance, courtesy of the firewood gatherers.

At least that used to be the normal ritual. With the return of the caravan and two new residents things were positively buzzing now even if the two said nothing. Sibi had probed her relentlessly every single day from the moment she got back for every last bit of information she could possibly get.

"So when we build this canal?"

"Verik not say."

"You not ask?"

"Yes! He say it take time to plan, have to mark area and path for canal, find proper depth, width... Many other things including doors to stop water."

"Doors to stop water?"

"He call them flood gates I think, describe as big doors with tight seal."

"How we make all that? We barely have enough tools to work field!"

"Verik think of something, I hope. If not I know Tendaji say deal off and tell him to leave."

Sibi studied Asha's face a moment before prodding her in the side. "That bad thing yes?" The result was a glare, not of anger but a mixture of worry and concern being brought to the surface that she would have rather kept buried.

Sibi watched her a moment before changing the subject as they neared the river and began chatting away about random little things. The grape vine never ended but eventually things came back to familiar names.

"Hani's brother complain Verik threw dirt in face during fight to try and win, everyone worried he try to eat someone after biting last time."

"Ask him then."

"He your husband."

"He is not! We live in same hut!"

"Everyone say he is. True anyway, way you look at him and he you. Still predator but sooner or later..."

"Verik predator but not mean... Mean towards enemy but not mean towards us, he not hurt us. Even swear to protect."

"Expert now hmm?" Asha's face flashed irritation making Sibi smirk as they stopped at the riverbank. Seeing as her new hut-mate refused to bathe in the presence of others they had very rapidly become accustomed to bathing farther off from the others. As always Asha trailed along to stay nearby as was the custom, the more eyes the better.

Not that he ever shared this sentiment, in fact he argued that if they were so worried about being attacked while bathing to post sentries and rotate them. Verik did not chase them off though, he gave up after the first few attempts as the ensuing conversations had led neither side anywhere.

Mabi was unstrapped with some help and left on the shore with another tag along to keep watch while his mother and her friend bathed. Asha nearly choked when Sibi suddenly quirked both an eye and ear then asked where exactly was Verik today?

"He foraging... Be back in a few days. Took Altayih with him."

"He foraging food? He finally fix hut? You say he promised."

"Only been short time! Not enough days to fix everything, maybe he bring back grass for roof though... Be nice to not have leaky roof when rain come."

"At least he make promise. My husband just say "maybe" then never do it."

Asha perked her ears up remembering something he had said the day before leaving, they would need reeds for some of the repairs. At least that is what one of the villagers had told him when he asked about how to fix the roofs hut. Tying things down with reeds would help and Verik then came up with the idea of adding a woven mat under that to act as an extra screen.

It was like he was expecting the deluge which was actually partially correct. Well, far as she cared, so long as it worked. Then again they needed the reeds for making more baskets to store things in assuming Altayih and Verik actually found forage. Remembering his plan made her shiver a bit, the idea of crossing the river onto the lands of a semi-hostile tribe to steal food was not only insane but dangerous. The deadly kind of dangerous.

Yet somehow she knew he would pull it off and things would work out in the end. Somehow. At least she kept praying that it would every single night not that she had ever stopped praying fervently. Zuberi had always brushed off those who prayed but Asha knew it never hurt to ask for a little extra help and when one considered her past it was especially true.

"Ready to go or you just stare into distance?"

Asha came out of her distant stare to look at Sibi who was waving a hand in front of her face. Telling her she needed to gather some reeds first Sibi offered to help gather them. Mabi had already been given a quick bath and after leaving him to sit on the blanket the two waded into the mud to collect reeds.

It meant washing their legs off again but oh well.

"Where you going?"

Turning to see who Sibi was talking too she watched her friend leave the water with a collection of reeds. Leaving them in a pile Sibi walked after her infant son and scooped him up then returned him to the blanket. Mabi refused to stay, he kept wandering off again and again no matter how many times she put him back.

Giving up Sibi looked at Asha and shrugged before just following behind him to see where he would go. Crawling took time so Sibi went back to gathering reeds in between watching Mabi, they both just assumed he was either bored or crawling after something that held his short attention span.

It turned out to be a very long attention span.

"Okay, we go now. I get Mabi."

Sibi walked over to collect him and after picking him up glanced to where Mabi kept staring and grasping at. No colorful bugs or butterflies which were what usually held his attention for hours. Curiosity having the better of her she wandered a short distance looking around but saw nothing.

Her last step almost made her fall down as she tripped over something on the riverbank. Staggering for a second then righting herself Sibi looked down at the rock she had bumped into before going wide eyed.

Asha heard the yelp and dropping the large bundle of reeds hurriedly ran to Sibi and looked down at the mud covered creature. Panic struck for a brief moment thinking it was Verik but he did not have a tail nor hooves and whoever this was did.

Crouching beside them Asha patted them a few times and listened to the half garbled response. Their voice was soft and full of pain as they continued to mumble something, recognizing the voice she turned to Sibi and asked her to remain and watch him while she got help.

It did not take long before a gaggle of villagers swarmed after Asha to collect the wounded Shahid and bear him back to the village. Hustling him to Nuru's hut they deposited him outside so the shamaness could look him over and after a quick look water was brought. One very quick rinse later so she could see what they were looking at Nuru waved everyone off except Asha, Sibi and two others she had ordered to stay.

They would either be burying him soon or helping move him to a better location.


"So Nuru removed the arrowhead, washed the wound, disinfected it, patched it and then had him brought here?"

"I ask why he brought here, we closest..." Asha looked a little worried about the decision but Verik just shrugged it off.

"He ever wake up or say anything?"

"No, Nuru say he still have high fever, wound infected but she treat. Only time tell now."

"Wait... If he got here that means we passed each other..." Verik looked at Altayih who was now sitting beside Shahid and they both shook their heads at each other. "He is very fortunate you found him."

Squatting beside the injured and feverish stallion Verik looked at the wound very carefully. It had clearly become infected and it was no wonder either considering the state he had been found in. That also meant he hugged or swam the river which only complicated things.

Still, he was alive and breathing. It also meant that his personal quest to free his sister had been a failure.

"No one came asking about him right?"

Asha shook her head. "Only Sefu or Nuru come. Sefu say Tendaji know but that he want nothing to do with this, he your problem."

"I figure your chief is about to bust a blood vessel from worry considering how much has been happening lately. Well if he washed his hands of the affair then he abstained from kicking Shahid out or turning him in."

"Tendaji never throw out someone who need help or injured." Asha was most adamant about making that point but Sibi laughed.

"Unless they one of Fareed's." Sibi made that sound as if it had already happened once.

"Alright well that means his life is his own then as there is nothing I can do about that... Okay, outside, we got stuff to move."

Following Verik out Sibi and Asha stared in wonder at the "cart" loaded with food. They wasted no time in bringing everything into the now rather cramped hut. With no room for anything but standing and looking at the spread of various foraged foods they took a quick count before Sibi stared at Verik questioningly.

"How you get all this? Where? Foragers come and go for months and not find this much inside Wete lands... You steal from Miwani?

"Nope. Just got lucky."

Sibi was not buying it, that was painfully obvious.

"Some of this is yours."

"Bribing me?"

"Yes and no. You helped with Shahid and are a friend of Asha. I will be giving some to Nuru as well."


"Ones like her know everything that is going on and what has been done. It would be most prudent to give her some as a peace offering."

"How would she know?"

"She has her ways. Now lets get this divided up."

It did not take long to portion everything out with a small share going towards Sibi and Nuru, the latter being put in a rough reed bundle and left on her doorstep. Sibi and Altayih quickly departed with their collection of foodstuffs leaving the three alone. Shahid rarely moved and if he did it was a twitch.

"You cross river and get all this then."

"And no one stopped us. Had some trouble getting it all back though but oh well. Hope this will be suitable for a good while though as I dont care to do that again."

Sleep had been very easy and after rising Verik left the hut, grabbed the branch and sought out Jelani. When he offered the healthy branch for making a bow she laughed at first then looked it over carefully.

Whatever he had found turned out to be the correct choice but was reminded that such trees did not grow on this side of he river within Wete lands. All the same she accepted it and after hearing how long it would take to dry out before being carved Verik was left wondering if it would not be quicker to walk to Alzamard, steal one then take the long way back and still have time to do it a couple of more times or even make a life of it.

Asha had also suggested he try and trade some of it with the local smith who was still in possession of the shackles that had been used on Altayih and Shahid. It turned out to be a pointless visit as the smith was gone, out foraging for wood to use for the forge.

Sefu however had some suggestions of his own in passing and the first was to simply share some of it with those going hungry. It was a good suggestion and one he could not argue against, then again it might help smooth things over which was one more reason Sefu suggested it.

There would always be time to visit the smith later and a few bits of food would hardly cover the expense anyway. As Sefu led him around quickly to the various little dugouts some new questions came to mind that were better asked now that later.

"Where do you get your salt from?"

"Small place nearby, dig it out of hill."

"Any chance I can dig out a couple blocks worth for salting and drying meat?"

"Not Wete so no but there another place."

"Let me guess, across river or some other tribe-"

"No, belong to Fareed. Abandoned because not worth it but you can "take" it... However..."

"I can take a hint. Do I assume that means you wont say a word if I did?"

Sefu shook his head.

"Alright... Where exactly is this salt mine?"


"What?! Oh..."

The Arabian nearly smacked his head into the crude reed roof of his dugout before calming down at seeing Verik hunched over and looking in.

"How do you feel about robbing a salt mine?"

Altayih laughed at the suggestion, the very idea of robbing a salt mine was preposterous. Slaves and criminals were sent to such places to die in hellish agony, breaking in and robbing one was... He kept laughing.

"I am quite serious. Sefu said Tendaji would most certainly not allow us to visit their little salt mine so that just leaves the other one."

"Oh, and who owns it?"


"I'm in."

"Well its supposed to be abandoned so-"

"Yes captain, but supposed to be and is are two different things."

"True. We wont be going just yet though, I want to stick around and see how Shahid fares before we take off."

Altayih nodded a few times before asking how long that would be and the only answer Verik could give was until the injured stallion was at least coherent and able to move more than just lay there and twitch.

In the meantime training would continue but now they had something to train for even if the odds were low anyone would actually be there. The next few days came and went quickly with Shahid making rapid improvements to the point he was able to be left on his own. Caring for the wounded was never easy but whatever miracle goo Nuru was using certainly packed a punch as the wound had gone from being septic to clear in just two days.

By the fifth day he was sitting upright but still needed support so he sat leaning against the wall. His diet had gone from what Verik dubbed "green zebra soup" that smelled bad to watery corn mush mixed with stuff.

Having to feed another mouth also meant the food storage took a hit but with effort Verik had managed to start snagging fish in the shallows after a great deal of practice in the early morning and evenings. He had even convinced the smith one day to make a tiny little bronze fishing hook for him on the promise of payment. Sefu had vouched for him to a small extent some time ago so he agreed.

By the sixth day Shahid was able to speak coherently again and with an audience gathered in the hut, all waiting eagerly to hear what had happened during his little... Quest. Things had actually gone better than expected, Verik's words had left a mark on him that resulted in the actual formulation of a real plan.

Unfortunately bad luck and lack of knowledge caught up quickly resulting in a close call that nearly left him dead. After being shot in the leg and then diving into the river things improved for a little while, at least until he couldn't get the arrow out. The cold water had kept the swelling down but after leaving and passing out of the riverbank for hours he woke up to a swollen shut wound.

It had become impossible to remove the arrow without nearly passing out so he broke it off so he could swim and floated on hoping to reach Miwani. He knew that it was a risk but that the Miwani would most likely not turn him out at first. However, he kept passing in and out of consciousness while floating along and was soon to dizzy to realize he had missed the chance.

Coming ashore the final time he decided to just walk the rest of the way pain or no, swimming and floating was easier but he knew that drifting past Wete that would be the end of him.

As Altayih and Verik listened they probed him for more details because neither could believe they had simply passed each other without ever seeing the other party. Yet they had, they had all completely failed to notice either because Shahid was stumbling through tall brush along the bank or the other was farther away on the road. Perhaps they passed him just after he had passed out again in the brush.

With a severe infection and fever setting in quickly Shahid could not remember much more except waking up in the hut.

Once the story ended everyone had questions, most were concerned with him drawing someones ire but that was waved off easily. No one would care about a petty thief who got shot, dove in the river and was never seen nor heard from again.

Ushering everyone out for the night Verik sat across from Shahid and stared at him quietly for a bit. "You are going to try again yes? But why come all the way here?"

"I want to hire you to help me."

"That is quite the tall request."

This was the first time anyone had ever actually spoken the idea of "hiring" him as a mercenary to help with something either. It was a good cover story but some were actually taking it quite seriously.

"Name your price."

"You are destitute, homeless... Shall I go on? Yet you ask me to go to Iuny, break into a mansion, find our sister, break her out, escape from the town and then bring her somewhere else. Without getting shot, stabbed, cut or killed in the process."

"I will pay whatever you ask."

"Shahid, your broke."

"Then I try again."

"Would not doubt it for a second but you will not survive next time, they will be more than ready for you and probably have taken steps to make certain no "new" thieves get in."

"I swear to serve you as payment. For life if I must."

Verik stared at the intent which burned deeply in Shahid's eyes before sighing.

"Alright. But not right now nor anytime soon, trying again so quickly would be foolish. We give them time to grow bored and complacent again first, then we go. You were inside the mansion right? Do you remember the layout? Rooms, hallways, so on..."

Shahid nodded.

"Alright, but first you need to heal up so you can actually walk on your own again. Maybe Sefu will accept one more into training and if so that is what you will do, train and train until we go back for her."

"How long?"

"When we are ready to go we will. Not before. Got other problems to solve in the meantime and you asking this just complicated matters greatly but I will still help you."

After what I have seen I would never dare to not help...

"I will look into finding you someplace to stay in the meantime, have a few ideas on twisting the chiefs arm into accepting as well. You will never speak of this to anyone, understood?"

Shahid nodded and swore to never tell anyone, Verik trusted him on it too because they both knew that if he did Tendaji would stop them immediately. Embarking on a quest to break a slave out of captivity was a crime but one Tendaji did not terribly care about. However, going into Iuny of all places to do it and into the mansion of someone well to do... It was trouble the Wete did not need nor would want to get tangled up in.

That was also one bridge that if caught alight in the fiery aftermath would result in hell to pay for anyone even remotely involved. A situation Verik knew Tendaji did not want anything to do with considering how much trouble he already had to deal with.

If he pulled this off... A servant for life. He could always refuse the offer but then again it might be a better idea to have one more in his little "mercenary band" that was dedicated and deeply indebted. Not in coin, but in thanks or because of loyalty.

One thing remained priority: finding that salt mine and acquiring a healthy supply quickly. The sooner he had a large stash of salt the sooner he could hunt freely and preserve the meat and fish he gathered which would free up a tremendous amount of time from foraging or fishing.

Of course, as Altayih had pointed out: that only remained true on the assumption that the mine was still abandoned.

Chapter 28: Canals and Salt

"Wars have been waged over salt, empires have risen and fallen over this precious substance that too many have taken for granted till they die from without."

"Wakey, wakey."

Altayih grunted a moment before his eyes flew open and while trying to rise too quickly resulted in smacking his head into the crude reed and stick cover that was his shelter sending the dust flying. Glaring at the usual zebra who woke him in the morning he realized today it was different, Verik was doing the waking.

What is going on?

"Awake? Good, today we make or break it."

"Beg your pardon captain?"

"Sefu set up a meeting this morning between the chief and myself, it is time to set the deal in stone over the canal. Since you were adamant about getting a better deal from it all I decided you would tag along to add your two cents when it comes to finalizing things."

Altayih just stared for a minute at Verik he considered what this meant for a moment then realized just how important today really was. For weeks Verik had been plotting and planning how this canal would work and now it was time to pay the piper. Tendaji was probably at the end of his fuse and considering how his own life now held in the balance it would be wise to tag along and help in the bargaining process.

One thing he had noticed about Verik was his total lack of understanding in regards to barter. Indeed, the last time he had brought it up and talked the matter over with each other the more it sounded as if Verik was either ignorant or a tyrant at deciding values. Yes, he would most certainly go with him but not just to help in the process but to see what fruit was born of this meeting.

This should be rather entertaining...

Sliding out of his dugout he stood and dusted himself off before nodding. Walking to the large hut at the top of the hill where Sefu waited outside patiently. When they reached him he thumped on the wall a few times then motioned for them to go inside.

Things did indeed turn out to be entertaining as Verik gawked at the handful of mares inside who were no doubt Tendaji's wives. Apparently this went right over his head with the look of sheer confusion written on his face and reminding himself not to stare less it mean his head or worse, their heads.

Giving a quick jab into Verik's side he leaned close and hissed not to stare, that it was quite rude and would probably get them in a great deal of trouble. Ogling the chieftains wives tended to do that he reminded Verik who now looked even more confused before closing his eyes a moment and then stepping forward quickly addressed Tendaji.

"As promised I have plotted out the canal system. Should this system work as designed I will be given continued compensation in the form of food, supplies and permission to stay here."

Tendaji narrowed his eyes a moment before glancing at Altayih who taking a hint from Verik's nudge decided to earn his keep.

"Seeing as my captain is not terribly good at... Ah... Negotiating prices? He has left me to handle the details. More or less..." Verik was keeping a close eye on him, he did not fully trust him yet but had given him enough rope today to either hang or save them both.

"As there are three... Four! Of us..." Altayih corrected himself as Verik hissed out Asha's name, "we ask to have the benefits shared-"

"No. You may stay but only Verik receive share of crop."

"Of course except we did not negotiate what percentage-"

Tendaji nodded his head and began speaking before Altayih could continue, the offer was based upon whatever was left after Fareed's tax collectors came. Should the plan work and bear fruit Verik would receive five percent of the total left over assuming it was enough to feed the entire village. After all Tendaji argued, that was the deal: feed the Wete not just themselves.

"Should it only partially work as was mentioned? We still ask to be kept on the list for receiving food."

"Verik only. He have to share whatever he get."

It was clear Tendaji had already made up his mind about this a while back and nothing would make him budge from his position which unfortunately for them was set in stone. Tendaji knew he held all of the cards in the end so negotiations were going to be lop sided, not that he was cheating them either Altayih figured. Five percent of the end total was a rather good deal and quite generous considering.

This of course assumed they could irrigate half the fields! Verik had explained things so many times Altayih had memorized the plan over the past week.

"Tendaji," eyes shifted to Verik who had his own grim look now, "should I come into possession of more... Hirelings, such as Altayih and Shahid I also wish to garrison them within your tribal boundaries be they here or otherwise. They will be bound to myself, obey your laws..."

Altayih caught the suggestive tone in the voice and so did everyone else in the hut judging by their looks, Verik would uphold the law so long as it did not bite him in the flank or break the "protect Wete" rule. Thankfully it looked like Tendaji was more interested in the canal than these facts: put up with an insubordination mercenary in his midst in exchange for greater protection, food and deniability if it came back to haunt him.

"And honor your customs whatever they may be. They will remain my responsibility and that includes feeding and clothing them but if I decide to use my five percent to feed them or sell it... Also, that they be offered training by Sefu and Jelani."

A dangerous game, Altayih knew this could end very badly in an instant if Tendaji's glare was anything to go by but with a sideways glance from Verik he remembered why he was here.

"Quite reasonable yes?" Drawing attention away from Verik it was his turn to smooth things over. "I already know the deal that was offered and should we garner attention we can always just claim to be passing through. A small force of mercenaries defending your village is a boon you must admit even if we draw attention from Fareed's agents. Also Verik has some suggestions in mind for how to mask our presence-"

Slumping forward and leaning on his knees with his arms Tendaji glared across the fire-pit at them. "You cause trouble, bring trouble or something I not know yet... You take full blame. How to mask yourselves?"

"Uh... Yes! We can simply blend in till needed! Or take over patrol duty for you, maybe double your patrols that way no one ever notices us-"

"Three of you, have grand plans hmm?"

Verik kept a straight, blank face and shook his head. "No but at this point I am not ruling out the possibility that I might find my calling elsewhere. It most certainly is not going to be here."

They waited as this was mulled over quietly. Speaking again Altayih put forward a rather good reason to accept this new deal: each held something the other wanted or needed. For Verik it was a place to find shelter and resources to survive and in Tendaji's case it was the need of food which Verik could help with. It was a unique trade with dangers but benefits as well.

What made Altayih and the others fidget including the indomitable Sefu was when Verik mentioned being able to destroy his own creation with great ease. It could be their salvation or their undoing, not that he expected to be betrayed of course, he was only mentioning that he would not be stabbed in the back.

"You learn quickly mercenary, as you wish. But it wounds me to know you think so little of Wete honor, we do not betray each other nor our friends or allies."

Altayih had known things were not going very well for the Wete, especially since mice got into one of the storage silos and fouled a quarter of the corn in storage. Perhaps Tendaji did not "hold all the cards" as Verik had once put it, right now it looked as if Tendaji was backed against the wall after recent events. He had no choice if he wanted to keep his people alive and Verik had just played on that fear, he was indeed learning quickly.

"Trust is earned, never forced, nor given. The same with respect, one must earn it." Verik gave a small shrug, "however, only time will tell."

"If that all then we done."

"Actually I need to show you the plans and lay it out for you to see. In order for this to work the canal must follow an exact course and requires tools and special devices to hold the water back less things become permanently flooded. Among the other requirements is placing of markers, bridge building and keeping your people away."

"Keep them away? Bridges?"

"Yes, walkways over the canal if nothing else, otherwise they have to climb down into the canal then back up the other side after wading across. Anyone walking along it could also disturb the markers and cause things to be constructed wrong, the result could be catastrophic. Come with me, I will show you."

Verik walked out of the hut with everyone watching him go with raised eyebrows. Sefu looked at his brother and chuckled before leaving, Verik was quite blatant about not caring anything for titles nor rank. If something needed to be said or done it was.

Leaving the hut in front of Sefu and Tendaji, Altayih caught a whisper between the two brothers about who was the chief and who was not. The counter argument was that at least it got him out of his hut and to quit worrying all the time and that the sooner they got the project under way the better.

They walked for hours and covered the majority of the outer edges of the lower fields. As Verik pointed out it was good fortune that at least half the fields were lower than the river and when the flood hit the canal would provide additional outlet for the excess water to reach areas it could never have touched before.

Risks were involved of course, the flood gates might break or rupture if they did not seal and reinforce them in advance of the flood causing widespread and near permanent flooding. It also meant it would follow a winding path and have several "backup gates" just in case things went wrong.

One detail that impressed Tendaji to no end was when Verik asked about a grassy slump that turned out to be a pond that formed with the rains. This standing body of water would remain for a time then dry up but not before the Wete drained it for their crops. When Verik offered the chance to refill the pond at will Tendaji was well and truly impressed with the suggestion, assuming of course Verik could pull it off.

Materials and tools became a major issue not to mention hoof power, the sheer quantity of dirt and rock that had to be moved was not a small matter. Everything had to go somewhere else as well which complicated matters but with the rush to find building materials the availability of dirt for making shoddy mud brick buildings was on the table.

As Altayih followed them along he became more convinced this would work, while the tools were primitive they worked and while Verik claimed it would be a massive "calorie expenditure" considering their lack of food, it would in the long run pay itself off either way.

Wood was a major issue though as it would be needed along with a myriad of other resources to help control the floodgates. While the Wete had a kiln for their pottery they had never built clay "culverts" before. Verik reminded Tendaji that in order for this to work they had to learn a great number of new things and that he himself was adapting the system from what he knew.

"Alright, that sums it up but I have some other suggestions."

Tendaji gave a glace at Verik before nodding.

"Huts are in short supply so why not build abode houses like those in Iuny or Mjesani? They would provide an excellent defensive line-"

"No, Fareed see that as threat."

"How? They are simply houses. Break them up here and there, have one set higher up, one lower... It is easier to fill the gaps than throw up a defensive wall at the last second. If his agents challenge you over it just claim the number of refugees you have taken in, not all of them lived in huts I imagine so they would like houses similar to what they are used too."

"Maybe... You say canal act as defense too yes?"

"Correct. If anyone comes you can flood it without draining and once the water backs up it will cause overflow but any attacker will have to swim or cross the bridges assuming you do not tear them out at the last second. It will be too wide to jump at any rate, even the dry pit is an obstacle."

It was going to be wide and somewhat deep, to deep to just run across it at any rate. With some planning several changes could be made to Wete giving them a few defensive advantages via housing walls. From a passing observer it would look like normal adobe housing that was joined together to save space, that is until one walled up the gaps in between.

Staring at the village Tendaji imagined what it might look like and how it would all work.

"You saying we get attacked then?"

"I trust your brother, if he says trouble is coming, its coming and considering I live here now it would be most prudent for me to make certain my home remains safe. Taking chances is something I do not care for when they can be avoided."

"You trust my brother, not me then?"

"I spent weeks on the road and trail with your brother, fought with him and for him. Not only that but I know he stuck his neck out for me when he did not have too several times, I also strongly suspect he is one of three reasons you agreed to let me stay."

It was not flattery, Sefu had left hours ago to take care of other matters leaving Altayih, Tendaji and Verik to themselves along with one curious wife.

"You say three. What are other two?"

"The canal and Nuru."

"Oh? Why Nuru?"

"I will get back to you on that one when I figure it out."

Tendaji held back a laugh, Nuru had that effect on everyone and only those who grew up with her knew what it really was. Looking at the hill again he pointed.

"You say we need build houses along side, join together, leave gaps rather than build huts. What about gaps then, how we seal them?"

"Easy, use rocks. Maybe between two or three sections fill it with masonry and dirt to make a wall then top the all with an outhouse that drains down the hill. I doubt any tax man would throw a fit, probably too busy taxing you to death to see an outhouse as a military obstacle."

"What is outhouse?"

"Oh right... Shitting field... Its a tiny hut that you squeeze into, sit on a board and crap down the hole. More sanitary than what you folks do and if you put a pipe in then dump water down after it the water flushes the line and sends the crap out the other end, say into a field."

"Attract flies close to village."

"Leech field then."


"If you want indoor plumbing ask another day but dont expect miracles. Actually, expect miracles because what I know is a thousand years ahead of what you have."

"Sounds like ancient system in Alzamard... Before they broke it." They all looked at Altayih who stared off in another direction not realizing he had drawn attention.

"You mark canal path, I order everyone no touch markers. How many you need?"

"I have no idea. Tools will be a deciding factor along with wherever you want the earth dumped, the special equipment can wait for now until we get the canal partially dug out. Until then any potters you have should focus on trying to perfect the pipe sections I require to control water flow into the lower fields. We can dig along this high ground then run a pipe out to flood the lower areas. Crude, but effective."

"How we get wood for all this? You know Wete have brush forests, not good trees."

"Got any masons? We can make smaller stone flood gates and if we double layer them clay or mud can be used to fill a narrow gap between the two for a proper seal since you lack rubber. The wood problem though... Are you opposed to stealing a few trees from your neighbors?"

"You want Wete to steal trees?"

"Only enough to get the job done, you will need a few for ceiling braces on the adobe houses anyway. Reed mats can act as roofing and with a layer of clay matting you might make the roof waterproof if only temporarily, need some drains I imagine..."

"So you want me to order Wete to what? Steal trees from Miwani? Esu? Find other way."

"Who is or are the Esu?"

"Tribe to east, have town, many smaller villages in area. Best wood but they no sell nor trade, only attack if we go."

"Then whack a few trees on their side and float them across, cut low and no one will ever notice. Hell, take some of the dead wood that fell. The rains are coming right? Drag marks will get washed out soon enough and everything will quickly grow over any signs of cutting and dragging."

"I not endanger my people."

"Fine, but I still require those materials."

What a day. Tendaji had finally agreed to the plan but the material issue was going to remain that stinging hornet more so than the starving workers. Far grander feats had been accomplished in shorter amounts of time though. With the promise of free flowing water that would eliminate the need for more than half the water carriers his idea had now become quite popular and very quickly.

Verik learned never to underestimate the local grape vine even if only one bored zebra mare had tagged along. Whatever she said and however she said it had set off a brush fire among the locals, the promise of less back breaking labor and more time tending crops was a very popular concept.

Rather than be somewhat relieved that they had suddenly gone from giving him a wide berth to greater curiosity, it was the opposite. Expectations were so high now that if even one thing went wrong... Well he knew from enough reading what the result was and it usually involved a witch hunt with him being the witch.

Still, that was one bridge that would be crossed when they came to it, all four of them apparently. From Altayih, Shahid, Asha and finally to Verik, all their hopes, dreams and whatever else they were planning rode on this going off without a hitch. Inevitably if things went bad Asha would get drug into the affair which was not a pleasant thought for him.

On the other hand they were quite happy with how things turned out. Asha was more than thrilled with recent events as Verik had gotten the time the last week to collect mud and repair at least one crack in the wall by stuffing mud into it. It was still a ratty little hut but the sudden lack of a crack big enough to see through tickled her to death.

Rains would be coming at any time however and that meant getting a move on. Asha had no idea about any salt mine save the local one which was off limits and without a salt ration big enough for three Verik knew his little trio was doomed. Asha got a salt ration daily and though she offered to share it all three of them refused to allow it, she was aware of their plan and had done a little asking around herself to no avail.

Altayih had tried as well with partial results, they knew which way to go now: north. That was it. North. Somewhere over yonder hills and vales lay a salt mine, that is about all anyone knew.

Asking Tendaji was a big no-no because if he said no, which they all knew he would, that would make finding out about the mines location ten times as hard. Shahid was on his hooves again and doing quite well, quite the sneak thief they had found out. Whenever he put his mind to it this wily Arabian stallion could slither along with the snakes giving someone else a much unwanted surprise. Being able to fight on the other hand... Not so much.

Jelani said he held promise though so that counted for something.

So far their only benefit was a single week to find the mine, loot it and run. Tendaji had said it would take a week to rearrange the work details and tool allotments, most of the problem being the "soon coming rains" as he had said. Tools were needed to prepare the fields for the rain so that ruled out the canal which would never be done in time anyway.

It was sound logic, why waste time on a canal when the rains would solve things? rapidly growing crops would be harvested quickly, flooding would bring the silt and flood everything and then they would replant. Everything would remain flooded for a while and with a higher water table the plants would not need nearly as much water.

Once this had happened they could start on the canal as there would be less demand for labor but they were on a time table for once the water dried up...

Verik let out a sigh as he leaned against the mud wall with his eyes closed while Asha worked diligently on dinner. She had even taken to refusing him the right of cooking his own fish whenever he got one thus leaving him with time to stare at the partially repaired roof.

All things considered the world was probably looking up for Asha lately.

A quiet thumping got their attention, Shahid had moved out quickly as he liked his privacy and now lived in a dugout near Altayih. As to who that left knocking on the wall well... Sibi just walked in, Sefu would "ahem" loudly then poke his head in while his two "hirelings" always called his name first, so else could it be?

Scooting over and flicking the rag aside he looked up and saw a face that had been rather rare lately.

"I have a deal for you."

"Well this is a cold day in hell... Okay... What is it?"

Leaning away so she could enter they both watched the shamaness step inside and then stand despite the offer of a mat, this would not take long apparently. Nuru kept that nerve wracking grin on her face as she looked around the hut as if to judge its changes before finally settling on Verik.

"I can give you the location of Fareed's mine... In exchange you bring me something from a quarry."

"A quarry?"

"Yes, nearby is quarry, long abandoned. Many crystals can be found there and I want you to fill this bag with whatever I ask for."

"Crystals... Alright, whats the catch?"

"No catch, just bring me what I ask for."

"What makes these crystals so special and why not send whats her name to fetch them for you...?"

There was no answer, Nuru just kept that same grin on her face.

"Right. I get it. Just one problem Nuru, I dont have a pick-"

"Agree and I tell you where to find one, no one will notice. You will also need one to mine your salt hmm?"

"Why do I get the feeling that you are coming out miles ahead on whatever kind of deal this is?"

"Maybe... Maybe not."

"Riddle me this then would you? How screwed are we?"

Nuru just kept smiling and Asha had long forgotten to keep stirring or turning things, even her attention was now flitting back and forth between the two.

"Use your head and you will be fine."

Well hot damn, an "answer."

"Alright, so long as we do not wind up in a battle for our lives I accept your offer."

"You will bring the crystals even if you must fight."

"Does that mean you will toss in some of that special voodoo salve of yours to treat our injuries?"

A small nod was all he got and it would be the best offer he would get. Returning the nod her smile brightened a little and she began scrawling in the dirt the exact location of both the salt mine and quarry. Nuru went into great detail on how to find them including the terrain itself, as for what she wanted that too came in such careful detail that it was repeated several times to make certain he had burned it into his brain. As for the pick, that would be left out for them come morning.

All they had to do was grab it and the bag then go, the salve would be in the bag along with a small amout of antidote.

"Antidote? What in the hell lives in that quarry? Snakes? Scorpions?"

Ah, but those are normal things they might stumble across along the way so why not take it as a precaution? Verik had the feeling Nuru was up to something but be damned if she would ever say what it was.

Neither was she insidious, by all accounts Nuru was probably the kindest and most grandmotherly mare in the whole place according to Asha. However, one simply had to learn to accept her oddities and the odd little "test" she would spring on them now and then. As to why they were tested was anyone's guess except for one that set off some flags in Verik's head: she laid down the tests for the would be warriors.

Sefu got a say in it apparently but Nuru took care of the details which could range from simple to death defying, so far Sefu and Tendaji had that honor. Asha had heard the story a few times and seen one of the trials at its completion as the one being tested had limped back into Wete.

As to what Tendaji and Sefu had suffered to prove themselves was quite the story. Nuru had denied either of them the right to ascend to their posts until they completed the trial she set for them much to their bereft, their father had agreed to it.

Sefu was sent off on his own to deal with a bandit problem which meant bringing back a certain someones head in a basket. Gristly, but he pulled it off and proved he was quite the warrior in the process with nerves of steel considering he was wounded several times in the process. Apparently the bandit leader was none to willing to just roll over and die when he had a small warband to back him up.

Tendaji got the job of fast talking his way into and out of trouble with some tribe north of Wete. While it seemed like the most mild assignment possible by comparison to Sefu it nearly got him killed. They did not really like each other due to bad blood from long ago but after some fast thinking and negotiation not to mention nearly getting lynched did they agree to let old grudges die.

Now the two got along and the tribal dispute was history but as the story continued... Not all his negotiations went so well. Usually shared with this story was his failure with talking to the Esu.

Apparently one tribe stood out amongst the rest and was also the immediate neighbor to the Wete. While their "capital" was Esu this one tribe in particular had little hamlets spread out over a larger area, they were not alone though as many other semi-hostile tribes covered that side of the river. This one just happened to control the largest area, Tendaji had tried to talk them into trade and even allowing the farming of the far side but... That ended badly.

The rest of the story is unspoken except that a battle took place and Wete was not burned to the ground at the end of the day.

Nuru was usually involved in these stories and always in hushed tones and watching her leave the hut Verik had a couple clues as to why. One day he would have to test one of them and just see what would happen while hoping it did not result in a voodoo curse.

"So you go tomorrow?"

Turning to Asha now that Nuru was gone as quickly as she had come he nodded. "With any luck we will find some forage that far north to bring back. Still concerned over her offering that "free antidote" however."

"Nuru say you need it, you need it."

"Of course but the why is what bothers me."

"Why worry? You find out in few days."

Infallible logic but one that did not help matters.

"I will be back in a bit, I need to find Shahid and Altayih to tell them we are leaving in the morning."

"Hurry back, dinner get cold!"

It was one hundred and ten, letting the food to cool would be a blessing.

Chapter 29: Salt Expedition

"Ever get the feeling that some higher power is messing with your life just to see what will happen?"

It would still be an hour or more before the sun rose which was perfect for slipping out of the village unnoticed, when Shahid asked why the answer was simple: "To avoid any unwanted questions." But they were on a quest given by Nuru, that should waylay anyone's interests! At least until they figure out what the very large baskets were for.

While it had been clear no one really knew about the salt mine the risk remained that as zebra's talked the information would eventually trickle back to certain ears, ears whom they would rather avoid. As Verik had explained to them both: the sooner they were gone the better for there would be no one to ask questions nor get answers from.

Altayih had taken quite an interest in the bag of "presents" Nuru had given Verik to help them on the journey, nothing gained more attention however than the antidote. Many questions were asked and hypothesis given as to why Nuru had given them so much for only three. What ghastly creature waited? Perhaps it was merely infested with poisonous creatures and thus the mine had to be abandoned?

Whatever the answer was they would not find out immediately as her directions were quite exact. First they must travel north to a creek then cross and walk straight towards a series of distant hills and then from there the instructions got complicated.

There was no fear of getting lost however, they had been walking for two days and every marker had been found right where it was supposed to be. Things even improved on one day when Shahid got lucky and found some wild root vegetables growing but all attention was now turned to something else.

One day and a half was all it took before they realized they were being followed. Their pursuers were not terribly worried about being seen but they had no fire at night and kept a great distance between them.

Questions raced back and forth with few answers as they made wild guesses as to who was following them and why. Not the least of which was who sent them but that could be anyone and had it been Tendaji they would have most likely already been set upon.

Or maybe not.

Whoever they were it was quite impossible to make out any details from the distance but at the end of the second day Verik had an idea. Making a fire for the night they slipped off into the darkness and put a few extra miles between them then halted. Come morning they would make a turn, double back and climb a small hump they had purposely walked past.

Verik's hope was that they would follow their trail and walk right past them thus giving away who they were or at least giving them a chance to demand answers.

"Do you really think this will work?"

Verik did not look at Altayih, they all had their own part of the horizon to watch but it was a fair question that even got Shahid's attention.

"Read it in a book once and from my understanding many a pursuing party got wiped out with this tactic."

"If they do not?"

"Three of us and two of them, we have the only elevation and can see better than anyone. Now be quiet."

Was it fortune that the two zebra's were making no real attempt to hide? Whatever the reasoning was Shahid spotted them first as they followed the trail quickly trying to make up for lost time. Last nights little ruse no doubt tipped them off that the other party knew they were being followed but it still left the question: where were they?

Having doubled back on a new trail that was farther away it gave the two hunters little to work with and so long as they remained silent it just might work, and it did.

Walking below them on the false trail was one familiar face and one they had never seen before. Sabiwa was following behind an older zebra whom they had seen now and then but never actually met.

Altayih and Shahid stared at Verik waiting until he nodded before they all slipped out of their hiding spot and began following the other two. It did not take long before ears began to flick back picking up on the sound of hooves and boots crunching on the dry earth and growth. They quickly spun round to see what was behind them and then everyone froze, waiting.

Staring at each other it was clear for one side the jig was up, they had been caught and the older zebra was none the pleased about it either. Glaring at them he walked back and just stared for a bit before he approached and the distance was finally closed.

"Who sent you to spy on us? Sefu? Jelani? Zuberi? Tendaji..."

"Tendaji send me, Jelani make that one come."

Loyalties... Jelani sent Sabiwa because he at least knows us somewhat and is less likely to cause trouble I guess.

"Spying on us to see what we are doing or making certain that we do not "cause trouble" for Tendaji?"


"Good. You can help carry the baskets then! Also whenever we reach the mine Nuru is sending us to you can help clear out the deadly creatures."

Some concern marked both faces a moment as they tried to figure out if he was telling the truth or not.

"What deadly creatures?"

"Nuru wants some special crystals, she warned us about something with deadly poison and gave us a rather... Substantial shall we say? Quantity of antidote in case we get nailed by whatever it is or are... Probably a lot of them considering the quantity."

"Tendaji say follow nothing else!"

"Are you scared because of what might be there or because Nuru is the one who sent us?"

If a zebra could turn red with anger this one was damn well trying, his fur stuck out a little more and the look in his eyes were to kill.

"Not coward! Follow what Tendaji say!"

"Fine, but you are going to help and not just play cat and mouse. Lets go."

Ignoring the snarl from the angry zebra the trio walked off with Sabiwa grabbing one of the dropped baskets after hesitating a moment. Following them he quickly caught up leaving the other to trail behind them farther off also carrying a basket but with a look of indignation for doing so.

"Nuru send you? Why you sneak off then?"

Verik looked over at Sabiwa before explaining things and while the plan had not actually worked in the end... It was still worth a try to avoid a larger problem. Even with Nuru's blessing this little quest might make Tendaji blow his top, their distant follower who was listening on the other hand thought otherwise.

Then again, neither Sabiwa nor the other had any idea they were going to raid a salt mine, only Altayih, Shahid, Verik and Nuru knew that little detail. A detail Verik decided was better left unknown till the last second so they were not interfered with since Nuru's blessing may not be enough. The mine belonged to Fareed after all and Nuru was not the chieftain.

"So why did Jelani send you Sabiwa? Why not one of the others with more experience?"

"I asked, she say since I know you it better this way. Not have problems with you."


"Many enemies you make but also friends, everyone know about canal, make many, many happy. Many others not care, you still threat, mercenary, maybe turn on us. If canal work though you make more friends but many still hate you."

"I take it you are one who does not really care either way."

"Care much, you try to help and make things better but you still mercenary. They never to be trusted."

"Indeed. Mercenaries are the scum of the earth."

This seemed to take Sabiwa back a bit but Altayih and Shahid who were both "in the know" ignored the comment.

"You mercenary, why you say that about self and them?"

Should I trust this one with the truth? No, with that other set of ears not far off this would be better left unknown.

"Because it is true." Verik, in a lower voice that would hopefully go unnoticed by the other farther back added more. "Ask me when we are back in Wete and alone."

Reaching the salt mine had been boring as it only took another two days to reach it, with its discovery was also the reasoning behind its abandonment: no road, river and the terrain was too rough to make it worth the effort for this piddly amount.

That was not to say the salt mine was insubstantial by any stretch of the imagination but all the same its smaller size suggested profit issues. Neither was it actually abandoned though.

When they began to get closer it was decided it would be most wise to sneak forward just in case the mine was back in use. What they found was a single sentry and a small camp, the zebras who worked the mine were few and in a hurry to extract what they could and pile it up. A little farther off two small wagons were waiting to haul the salt chunks off to somewhere else, whoever they were this group was most certainly not working for Fareed.

It also meant explaining things to their two guests who were either curious or none to happy about being kept in the dark. However, as Verik pointed out, they might have tried to stop them but now it was too late.

"Wait or go?" Altayih stared at the mine while their argumentative follower stayed far behind content to simply watch.

"We go, they are not bandits either, too few weapons and I do not ever see a bandit getting their hands dirty mining such a small amount of salt."

"Two wagons would make a tidy little sum."

"Probably, but that is not why they are here I guess. Worn out wagons, tired looking oxen, one sentry and everyone else is busy mining... Looks like regular villagers. Maybe they do not have a salt mine and are here for the same reason we are... Lets go find out."

Leaving the baskets behind they waited till the sentry was elsewhere before closing in quickly to have a better look. Verik knew they had little hope of sneaking up on the sentry beyond what they had already done, it was best to just give it a go and see how close they could get before getting spotted.

And indeed they were spotted quickly enough after closing only part of the distance, the sentry began yelling and ran for the wagons while zebras popped from the open pit mine. Each ran for the wagons and began watching the new arrivals with a high degree of apprehension at this unwanted intrusion.

No one said anything either even after they closed the gap to simply standing within talking distance, everyone just stared back at each other guessing for the longest time.

"This mine belongs to Fareed." The quickest way of finding out who they were and what they were doing was to state the obvious and see how they reacted, Verik hoped they would try to lie their way out or make excuses.

"We have permission."


"Yes we-... Wait... You liar too! You have pick! Plan to steal salt too!"

"True but I wanted to be certain you were not working for Fareed first."

Realizing he had spoken too much in his haste and was a poor liar the zebra closed his mouth quickly as another jabbed him in the side and glared.

Pointing at the pile of salt they had already mined the stallion declared this pile was theirs and that they would have to mine their own. Having only one pick they took turns with Shahid going first then Verik and Altayih, their tag-along was quite upset despite Verik explaining Nuru had guided them here. Sabiwa on the other hand was left to keep watch with the other sentry as Verik wanted him to be able to claim that he "did not steal any salt."

He was splitting hairs but it would be true, he only watched after all.

It was also a trade of salt for crystals and since they were not allowed access to the Wete salt mine beyond his personal ration and that meant coming here. None the less this would not be kept quiet, not that anyone cared at this point, the mine was abandoned except for the occasional salt thief.

This lull also meant there was plenty of time for talking to the other gatherers as they spent their time working in shifts. Mining salt was deeply unpleasant and in this heat it was clearly hell, most of the water ration was burned through rapidly and all work had to stop while a team went to gather more.

As they talked back and forth, albeit with great suspicion, the two groups largely gave up suspecting the other would betray them as the day wore on. It also became clear very quickly as to where they came from not by their own admission but by the grump who tagged along to watch. This was a group of salt thieves from the Swadi tribe along the river, one that had the misfortune of not being allowed a large area to live on.

It also did not help that they lacked any access to salt what so ever as it was not something they could afford that meant stealing it. Most interest remained on them however, a gaggle of thieves from Wete that was made up of three mercenaries and two tribal warriors, though one was still in training.

Tajan, as his named turned out to be, was in charge of this little act of theft. Sickness was a serious risk in the tribe without salt and as he described what was goiters Verik could never blame them for stealing what they needed. The salt here had the iodine they needed though they had no idea what that was.

"So why Wete hire mercenary?"

"They did not, I simply live there and in exchange for helping with defense they put up with us, allow us housing and a food ration once in a while."

"Mercenary make lots of coin working for Fareed or merchants, why you stay then?"

"Personal reasons but also because I would rather see Fareed dead and while I was under the employ of one "merchant," it became quite clear that is not a life I want."

"Then you not mercenary."

"Maybe so, maybe not. Either way the deal works."

While a poor liar Tajan was not a fool either and from his constant gaze Verik knew he was not buying it, there was something else going on.

"So I take it Fareed's tax collectors keep you from purchasing salt, how often do they come anyway?" It was at least worth a try to change the subject but Tajan was not falling for it but he played along anyway.

"Twice year, come with ships and take away everything after harvest. Always demand more."

"And when you cant pay they take you away, yes?"

Tajan nodded, "yes they take villagers if we not able to pay enough."

"Slaves or conscripts?"

"Both, why you ask?"

"How big are the ships? How many are on them?"

"Answer first."

"Because I am curious."

"No, because you plan on pirating ships. Tell truth."

"You first. I know not all of this salt is for the village, if it was you would be caught. Two small wagons is still a lot to hide assuming this is just your first trip and looking at how organized you are... You have done this many times."

Tajan furrowed his brow before glaring slightly. "Yes. We sell to smugglers for food, your turn."

"I always liked the idea of taking a ship by boarding it and I have no love of tax collectors, especially Fareed's."

"So you pirate him?"


I am sounding like the Wete now...

"Ship normally have six slave, three guard and three who control ship with help of slaves. Come one week after harvest come in, load and then go straight back Alzamard."

"Any other tribes out your way or villages?"

"A few, two more on river most inland. You plan on taking ship... It in eyes."

"This coming from a horrible liar."

"True, but you still think it."

Verik shrugged, it was a wonderful prospect and considering what he was learning about the local governments it would not take much effort to seize one of Fareed's ships. After that all he had to do was get it into enemy territory via river and then sell everything. A tidy sum would be his earnings and maybe even offload part of the cargo for his own use.

"How many people pirate ships anyway?"

"On Sawan or Thriti? None. Fareed own bandits, they not dare touch anything that his. Other country have no ships, only rafts so they not touched either."

"Sounds like a rich hunting ground just waiting on a feeding frenzy."

Tajan snickered, "you ever raid Fareed ship, that I want to see, if he not catch you and skin you alive first!"

"Not if I get him first."

A bout of laughter was the response. As Verik looked around to see if the water team had returned he spied Altayih returning, he was quite busy chatting up a mare and smiling like a fool.

"Tajan... How does one contact the smugglers?"

"Look for sign, look like this." Scrawling quickly on the dusty and salty ground he marked out a symbol, "find that, ask, wait. They find you, make certain not trap."

"They buy and sell river boats?"

Tajan froze a moment before shrugging then stood and walked off, it was his turn in the mine, they had all taken a turn in the mines at this point in the day. Shahid was back inside swinging away while Altayih continued to talk to his newfound and seemingly romantic interest.

When all was said and done they waited till morning to leave, a deal had been struck that night as well: neither party knew anything about this. Still, a question was raised as to where the mercenary and his band would go next and after hearing it the other group took some interest.

Not that they had any idea what Verik was talking about of course but the antidote was of interest since it brought a degree of mystery and danger with it. Altayih remained the most forlorn about the departure and as they walked towards the river following the next set of directions he talked their ears off.

For a day he did nothing but irritate them all as he went on and on about this wondrous mare he had met, she was perfect, everything he hoped for. Verik reminded him he had known her for the whole of half a day, that was hardly something to base a life changing decision on.

Altayih still went on. One day, he vowed, one day he would go to their village and meet her again. He also asked in the same breath how often they were permitted to wander off on their own for private matters. There was no real answer to this as it never came up but he got one anyway: when things had calmed down and they were not at risk of starving nor having to live hand to mouth.

Reminding the love struck stallion that he was in no position to take care of a family did little either, he would find a way, somehow. Afterall, everyone else had found a way so why not him? Life was desperately short so why not give it a shot. Besides, Verik had Asha, so why not have a love interest of his own?

Waiting till they were properly settled and not riding a razors edge was the best Verik got him to agree to. He knew at some point soon Altayih would be asking to go on a "special trip" to Swadi, perhaps he could make it mesh with his own plans. Two birds, one stone.

None the less that would be off the books for the immediate future and they were all in agreement on that, especially now with the crystal issue rising up before them. No one had any idea what they were walking into but Nuru's directions were absolutely precise and within another day they arrived at an ancient, abandoned quarry.

What remained were the tall open pit walls marked with countless blows from picks and chisels that dropped down some four stories into the side of the ridge. Rubble was strewn everywhere and the ancient piles of useless shards were stacked tall in two great heaps that were mostly covered over in dust and brush.

Long ago someone had gotten rather sloppy as they continued to dig and left the place strewn with boulders, rubble and other debris. Also the walls had begun to crack over time allowing boulders to fall free to say nothing of the wind blowing in dust.

Some amount of water had collected in the far end as the quarry workers had dug at a slight angle causing it to just barely flood due to the water table seeping through over time.

All eyes looked forward and into the quarry scanning, searching for any sign of life or movement but found nothing. Whatever danger was here would hopefully remain out of sight and mind.

"Okay, Sabiwa stays on lookout while grump there watches the larger area. Altayih, Shahid, you two watch my back as I look for the crystals."

Nodding they followed him into the quarry carefully, their eyes continued to scan for snakes, scorpions or anything else that might jump out at them. At least they had spears and a sling, it was not much but the spears could stab a snake while remaining out of reach and the sling provided even greater range. Also with all the rubble there was no shortage of ammo either.

Among the other things brought along was a flimsy wicker shield Verik had wound up with long ago, it was thick enough he hoped it might just stop the fangs or stinger of something allowing him to get away.

Walking deeper they passed veins of quartz and other colorful crystal but none were what he was sent after. Deeper and deeper they wandered through the debris field without seeing anything for the longest time.

Persistence paid off when Verik spied the first grouping of crystal and moving them to it he quickly chiseled out what had been asked for then moved on. It took hours of wandering the quarry till the bag was half full and they were all now a little on edge.

Something was here or Nuru was toying with them. The sense of dread that hung in the air hinted at it not being a trick but very real and the deeper they went the greater the danger. There was no choice in the matter however as what they sought was deeper inside the quarry and as such they moved along with greater and greater care.

Sabiwa was a good distance away and never moved nor signaled that anything was wrong but eventually the sheer quantity of debris made having a sentry that far away utterly useless.



Shahid and Verik both spun quickly to where Altayih was standing, the Arabian stallion had jumped back and was standing on a boulder that had fallen into the quarry long ago.


Shahid and Verik stared at where Altayih was pointing with his spear and sure enough a small snake was coiled up, basking in the sunlight. Poisonous or not it did not matter, it was not going anywhere but if there were more of them hidden in the nooks and crannies it could make things very difficult. Especially if they all came out at the same time, they would be very hard pressed to find a way out without getting struck.

Ignoring him they continued to move deeper, Altayih now kept his spear leveled with the ground ready to skewer anything with scales.

"Over there, I found the last of it!"

Moving quickly Verik led them towards the glint of green crystal, this also marked the last of what was asked for and meant they could finally leave. Watching where they stepped to avoid any unwanted, slithering surprises they hurried into the deepest part of the quarry.

"This place could hide a million of the little bastards." Altayih poked at the shadows now and then, intent on not getting struck now that they knew what was living here.

Verik walked onward, pick in hand, shield in the other while Shahid carried the extra spear. The sooner they got done the better and hopefully before napping hour was over for the snakes.

Walking around a large boulder that had come loose from age, weathering and then had fallen into the quarry Verik rounded the bend and was promptly driven back and into the rubble. He stared at the immense fang that was stuck in the thick wicker shield as it dripped venom and eyes tracing up realized why Nuru had given them so much antidote.

Not a million little ones, no, just one great big one!

No one could have ever seen the monstrous snake hiding in the quarry, not in a million years. Its scaly hide was a perfect match to its surroundings rendering it invisible to anyone and having been coiled up around the bend there had never been any hope of seeing it.

But it had seen them. It had seen them, watched them, coiled up and waited with the patience only a reptile could have.

And now it more or less had a hold of him, the only thing that had kept the fangs from going straight into his chest was the shield. The same one Sefu had told him probably only had one use left in it and he had been right, that one use had come and gone but right now with that giant fang stuck in it the shield had a new use: keeping the snake occupied.

As Altayih and Shahid stared in utter fear and terror at what had just happened and thinking their captain had bought it they slowly began to react. Not by running but shouting in alarm to the distant Sabiwa before stabbing at the snake in a frenzy.

Ground down into the quarry floor in pain and probably with a few cracked ribs from the sheer impact Verik struggled wildly as his near assassin struggled to remove its fang. This was the last thing he wanted though for as soon as it came free the creature would strike again and this time it would most certainly be fatal.

Barely aware of the shouting and stabbing going on around him the snake lurched backwards into its coil dragging him with it, its giant slitted reptilian green eyes staring down at him. Shaking its great head in an attempt to dislodge the unwanted intrusion and baggage the great reptile began to flail him around as if he were nothing more than a feather.

Verik was the unwanted rag-doll that had gotten caught up in the spokes of a machine and as he slipped more and more while watching the sharp fang nearly caress his skin he did the only thing he could do, he leaned up with his free arm and drove the pick into the side of the snakes neck for leverage.

Blood seeped and the thrashing grew worse but with the leverage he kept the fang from scratching his arm and thus preventing it from getting any of the poison into an open wound. If one drop of the snakes copious amount of oozing venom got in him he would need that antidote and in a hurry.

Hanging on for dear life with one hand he freed himself of the shield as the snake finally tossed the wicker obstruction away. Grabbing onto the pick and trying to hoist himself onto the snake proved incredibly difficult as it began to bend and twist its body to free the pick and its attempted rider.

Below him Altayih and Shahid stabbed furiously into the snakes unprotected belly driving it insane with pain and rage. Eyes darting from one target to the next the creature sought a means of escape from its torment and with a lurch drove itself, Verik included, to the left.

This new impact on an already bruised body and a few cracked bones sent pain screaming through his side as it drove him into the rocks in the hopes of loosing one attacker. It had the opposite effect however as once the impact wore off Verik found himself in the perfect position to wrap his other arm around the snake and using his legs, straddle it.

Back in the air again he caught a glimpse of Sabiwa and grump charging in before freezing, they stood there gaping at the sight before charging in to join the frenzy below. Slipping and sliding on its smooth scales Verik tried desperately to hang on and was nearly sent flying when the snake coiled and lashed out again.

Altayih had been the intended target as the thrashing had thrown him like a rag doll but was saved by the snakes eagerness to strike. In pain, angry and being jabbed constantly it had simply lunged at the first target it could see. Thankfully for the chestnut Arabian it had been a miss, one that still sent him crashing to the stone floor again and sliding as the fangs missed but the body connected.

"The eyes! Go for eyes!"

Altayih shouted over the sound of debris flying in all directions and despite his own troubles Verik reached forward and drove one hand into the snakes eye. There was a great deal of resistance at first but it soon gave way to a feeling of wetness. This did nothing to make matters easier but with one less eye he hoped it would have a much harder time finding a new victim to strike.

Finally slipping onto the snakes back with legs locked tightly Verik freed the pick for a brief moment then drove it down again with all his remaining strength into the reptiles neck. He hoped and prayed it would strike the spine and as the thrashing continued he repeated his actions only this time higher and higher with each strike.

The last blow fell and he felt a jolt pass through the snakes form as it lurched one way before finally slumping down with a quiet thud. Everyone stared blankly at the corpse for an eternity before moving slowly forward with their spears till at the ready, no one was taking any chances, the least of all Verik who held the pick firmly in place.

"It dead?" Sabiwa walked around behind the head and poked the snake in the side awaiting a reaction that never came.

"It damn well better be, going to be a bitch to skin this thing if it aint."

Chapter 30: The Long Way Down

"The end of a civilization comes not when the libraries burn but when the people no longer care to read anything that does not support their own beliefs."
-Dana, librarian and scholar, Alzamard-

Dana passed through the old, ruined gate that marked the entrance to the once grand library of Alzamard. This walled in area that included the temple and former university were all sealed behind what used to be a colorful and decorative wall. Now it was mostly gone, collapsed in most placed. The temple was in ruins and the university had been all but shut down two decades ago.

In fact there were only two left who even taught anymore and she was one of them, the other was her assistant. Anyone with wealth or power had long ago withdrawn their support of such places declaring that those of not gentile birth had no need for education, in fact it would be a burden to their simple minds.

So now they hid behind their great wall, protected by legions of guards and mercenaries with their own private cadre of private tutors, scholars, alchemists and scribes. And where did they come from? No longer from the city but brought in via ship from foreign lands. Why would they hire a local who can read and write just as well? No, it is better to hire a foreigner because everyone knew they were superior in training and quality.

What a load of crap. They demanded more, were arrogant, stuck up and utterly full of themselves. The children were sung the praises of foreign history while their own past was treated as if it were poison or a mark of barbarity, all they could hope to learn from their ancestors was an utter lack of civility or guilt.

Not one bit of which was true, she knew because the records were stored here.

All of them.

And it scared them.

Here, in her decrepit library, resided the entire history of the region, painstakingly collected over the course of centuries and written in great detail. A point of pride for the city once long ago but now many sought to see it burn because what was written did not match their "new and improved" version of events. Nothing written here supported any noble's claim nor did it match let alone agree with what foals were being taught by their illustrious foreign tutors.

Herein lay the unwanted history: the grim truth that supported no one but damned them all to hell for the roles they had played.

To make matters even worse Fareed was the biggest supporter of having the place burned but not because he agreed with them. He was too smart for that, he knew the truth all too well. No, this place was to be burned because it was an eyesore, one that had bitten him in the flank several times. Removing this place and what adjoined would remove the ability of others to challenge him.

Dana's walk down the ancient path was longer than usual today, crumbled tiles lay scattered about randomly, the once grand garden was a bed of weeds or converted into a vegetable garden. A few homeless could be seen here or there tending the plants, there could only be a few less Fareed use her sheltering them as just one more excuse.

Entering the library made her heart sink as she looked around at the chipped and cracked plaster, murals were faded and nearly invisible now from centuries of neglect. Former librarians had all tried but the cost of restoration was quite high and as things grew worse it took a back seat to simply trying to save the records and feeding themselves. This was the same situation she now found herself in.

Everything around her was a slow, painful erosion, long ago this region was viciously fought over for its riches by invading armies. They all lost from arrogance, cost and time in the end but not before leaving their mark, this complex being one of them. As centuries flowed ever onward people forgot, no longer cared or were so busy scrounging to stay alive they had no time for learning.

Thus Fareed decreed a few years ago that the complex would be torn down to make room for new mercenary barracks and other "public works." It hit a snag though, the last surviving priest had been so vocal about it that Fareed chafed. Like all things though one needs supporters and a lone priest is hardly a threat save his constant public declarations though ultimately there was a catch.

No one listened to him though, slowly people had given up their faith in favor of coin. The almighty coin was the new god and since the spirits or whatever existed did not provide them with mansions why should they care? Gold was god. A belief that cost them everything within a century.

Now no one knew what to believe and no one answered. There was no gold, no gods, no spirits, nothing, they were utterly alone and it was all their own doing. That did not stop one ancient priest from trying though.

Dana let out a frustrated sigh as she entered her little office and sat on the floor, the chairs had to be sold in order to make enough copper to eat or used as material for repairing holes. A waking nightmare was her life as everything she cared for was burned, stripped or sold off piece by piece. The old priest had been the only one she could confide in but with his death things got worse and what a death it was.

Fareed had finally grown intolerant of the stallion and sent a large group of guards with torches, picks and rope to rip the temple down in the dead of night. It was better that way, no one would be around to call down the villains for their destruction of history nor the last standing temple in the city. Indeed when his father had tried during the day the people had massed and a riot nearly ensued, while most had lost their faith they still clung desperately to the icon.

She had not been there to see it but the guards came and left just as quickly, there were no witnesses willing to talk about what happened but the deafening clap of thunder and lightning that shook the grounds brought a throng of onlookers.

All that remained was ash, molten metal and the flank end of guards running for their lives with a very old priest passed out on the ground. He was just too old for this he had said and come the morrow he had passed on. But not before giving her a parting gift: control over the temple, its grounds and all its holdings.

What had happened to the guards though... She still wondered to this day and had many a strong suspicion if the records were anything to go by. Whoever survived the incident though was sent off quickly within less than a day to some far forgotten corner of the sultanate and come the next war, there were no survivors left to tell the tale.

They had been silenced. Permanently.

Now that whatever had scared them away was gone Fareed had once more decided to try his luck albeit with a great deal of caution. First the university would be torn down, why allow others to learn and become smart enough to challenge his rule? She had long refused to tow the line and teach what was approved thus sealing the universities fate. As for the rest... It to would be torn down, one piece at a time.

Fareed was going to peck her to death. Slowly, on purpose. An example was being made.

"Caught another one trying to tear the library apart."

Dana looked up at the fellow librarian and nodded before waving him off, about every other day now this had become the new routine. Some noble be it adult or child, maybe one of the foreigners would come, slip in through the various doors, windows or holes. Always with flint and steel in hand.

So far their arson had destroyed only a handful of documents, all of which turned out to be of little to no value compared to the grand scale of things. Others tried to find the special collection she kept, the records that proved everyone wrong. None had found it yet but they kept trying and when caught always spouted off the same nonsense about denial of the truth, what was socially acceptable and so on.

To her though, a book was a book. Within its pages lay information be it right or wrong but only through study could one discern the truth, but never by throwing it away because one did not agree with the contents. Who were they to decide what was permissible and true?

A lesson the nobility did not care to learn, they were right, she was wrong. The end.

They had fun with them too when captured, one they had shaven another covered in tar, it was a waste of much needed tar but it was funny. It made the nobles furious and they demanded all the louder to have her locked up for it but two advisors always bailed her out.

"If they are unwilling to face punishment then they should not have committed the crime," that is what Zahir had said. He was quite eloquent about how it was a crime to deface and destroy someone elses property and the punishment had even been taken care of. It saved Fareed the time of having them punished, after all the law was still the law...

Those three play a most dangerous game.

Dana worried about them, indeed two had been whipped so far but Fareed kept them around just so he could toy with them. Perhaps he kept them around so he knew what his enemies thought, that was an even graver consideration.

Well, whatever the newest captive was up to the others would take care of punishment. A handful of volunteers kept things clean, tidy and loosely organized as per her instructions. Everything was organized chaos as more areas had to be abandoned and the documents moved to safety, it also meant it was much easier to catch infiltrators.

Running her library was like running a military camp, always on the lookout for enemies who planned to slip inside and burn them out.

Dana stopped to look around, without thinking she had left her office and wandered across the entirety of the compound and entered the temple through a small side entrance. It was not unusual though as being here brought her a degree of solace and always had. Ever since she was a filly and when her parents had run the library she grew up with the old priest always puttering around doing something.

Being able to just sit in the grand chamber was something that brought her great relief but lately had brought grief. Try as she might there was only so much she could do in order to maintain the shrine and its idols. Thieves dared not enter this place or at least they were not allowed too, she had caught several of them here but never stealing but always praying.

It was a dark day when even the thieves came to a holy place to ask for help. The world had gone mad and she sat in the center of it.

Moving to the altar she moved her hands as she had been taught by the priest and knelt down closing her eyes. Many a time she had done this before and a part of her believed strongly that something had to be watching over her or at least this place if nothing else.

How many times had she nearly been put to death by order of Fareed? How many times had the order to destroy the complex been given and rescinded? Somehow no matter how bad it got there was always that last minute change, that one single coin that put them just over the top. Not that their "donation diet" was anything to smile about, the small staff were scrawny, bony... But alive. Somehow.

Something protected this place and by association her along with it. She thought, she hoped and she prayed for it to be so. Everyone else had lost their faith but she still clung to it while the raging ocean tried desperately to rip her away and drown her in despair like the rest.

"Many times have I prayed and still believe you answered. Most ask for too much or for things that do not matter, but if you exist I beg of you to listen. There is nothing left, our backs are to the wall and Fareed decreed he will try and destroy this place again starting with the university and library. He will tear this place apart one stone at a time till he gets his way, you must know this. You have to. I ask for nothing save that you do something to stop this, this is the only place left and if it is destroyed then he has won along with whatever devils sent him."

Dana stared up at the idols, her emerald eyes were fogging over with tears as she pleaded with them as if they were living. If no one answered it would be the end, she knew this truth all to well.

"Please, few may pray to you in earnest but if this place falls so do we, damned to our fate and to suffer. There is only so much we can do and take before breaking. If something does not happen then we shall vanish and only those such as Fareed shall be able to dictate what people believe. Should that happen you will be entirely forgotten and us along with you. We have tried. No matter if you listen or not I will die trying and be it my fate to stand alone at the gate with a knife an die fighting the guards to protect this place I will. Please, help us."

As Dana continued to pray a silent thought drifted through unseen consciousness: How does one weigh the price of action against that of inaction? At what point does remaining idle become an act of evil even when only a handful are worth saving? All of life is one owns doing and all the evil that one sows one must reap, be those seeds planted by ones own hands or by encouraging another. But most of all, for every action one takes, there is an equal and opposite reaction somewhere else for all the strings of fate are interwoven; tug on one and the tapestry unravels.

But when is it time to tear the tapestry apart and start over?

Khada stormed into the Sebanwi encampment shouting names as he went, everyone either stepped aside as the chief passed or looked away hoping they would not draw his attention. Those called rushed to his campsite and waited as he paced, features distorted with anger and a paper clutched in his hand.

Nyah and the others waited patiently for him to calm down, but once he had and began speaking they quickly learned why Khada was so agitated. Their king Sibusiso had sent a messenger along to gather his chiefs together, he had drawn up a new plan that only a madman could dream up.

"Sibusiso have new plan for Sebanwi, Tebasi and other tribes that not bring in enough from pillaging... We not go home, we stay. Not under Halim, he send us to raid as far north as Sawan River, deep in land of Fareed. Say we not prove ourselves useful enough, now we make up for it."

"Khada, we not choose area to attack-"

Cutting the stallion off quickly with a wave of the hand he growled, they all knew the truth and there was no need to repeat it.

"He no care, demand we pay more than we got to appease him, Halim appeased but not Sibusiso. He say we not loyal enough and must pay part of loot to him to prove, we not have enough. Less we pay in bodies."

Nyah let out a cough and spoke up, "we are not "loyal" anyway, everyone know, even Halim. Why he care now?"

"Not know, maybe rebellion, maybe he not have enough to pay army or... To many maybe's. Maybe he just want to see us killed so send us on this... Campaign."

There was general agreement that such a plan would be ill advised, they would be cut off completely and have nowhere to go. Being completely surrounded by enemies would mean whatever they took must be able to run or be carried on their person. It was pure madness, going so far north would leave them horribly exposed.

As they stared at each other Khada uncrumpled the paper he held and laid it on the ground for them to see, it was a simple map with an area marked clearly. Looking it over they realized just how far away they would be from home and also how dead they would all be if their enemies cut them off.

Even with their great speed and mobility they would be pressed and as Khada explained the plan things looked even grimmer. The Sebanwi would be sent on their own to raid over the western portion while the Tebasi would go east. Both would raid an area far too large for them to handle without getting bogged down from the loot they carried away. Neither could depend on each other for support either as they were on opposite sides of the Sawan River.

Two other tribes were going as well, ones that happened to be very loyal to Sibusiso. They would follow them north and handle anything they captured. Not one of them believed it though, they knew the real truth: the Sebanwi and Tebasi were being punished and expended before they became a problem. Either they would bow their heads and accept their fate or die though it would be their families who paid the price first.

For far and beyond their reach the various villages and hamlets that made up their tribal areas were under the watchful gaze of loyalists and should they refuse this order...

"How many? All? Half?"

Nyah stared at the paper as everyone shook their heads, the odds were heavily against them and going so deep into enemy territory was insanity. Even with a full wagon train which was required for pillaging they would need an army to protect it, something they now knew was never going to materialize. No, the other tribes would pack off whatever they could and leave them to squirm when the enemy lashed out. They would be running for their lives before they even got halfway there.

And again if they refused their families would be dead long before they had half a chance to even turn around. Even going right now and fleeing for their lives was hopeless, Sibusiso had sent them here on purpose. Not because Halim needed the extra forces but because another plan was already in motion long before this and only now had the opportunity arrisen.


"What Halim say?"

"Waste of time, pointless, better to save strength and attack something of value. Like Bwani or raid around Enuba."

None of them cared for Halim but by comparison to their current leader he was logical and cared little for pettiness. Unless it had some greater value than doing it for the sake of it then why bother, he did share something in common with Sibusiso however: being ruthless. A trait they understood but there was something about Halim they just did not like nor trust, there was something under that hide of his that made them worry.

"If thousand go then how we supply selves? Wrong time of year."

"Sibusiso know, we not attack now but during next harvest, he think sultan far North have army elsewhere and not concern himself with small raid like this. We not attacking just him but others as well, not draw as much attention."

"It still draw attention."

Khada glared at the map before eyeing his daughter carefully, "yes but not draw army, we fight garrison's and patrols though."

"That still be doom of us, locals fight us and not let us just take. Make things harder. Thousand Sebanwi draw army anyway!"

"Which is why he is hoping few of us return alive. No sane stallion make plan like this and expect success."

"So we go in few months then. We always slip away."

"Tribe be exterminated before we get home, too far away. He set this up carefully."

"Most warriors still in Sebanwi lands."

"They not take on whole army, river mean we trapped on wrong side, you know Sibusiso even say we not allowed to live on this side of river. Tribe trapped."

Nyah stared at the map again then squinted and leaned in, this was a quick, crude copy of another map no doubt that had better details. Even the writing was sloppy, one more indication that they were not expected to live very long.

"What this say?"

Khada squatted down and looked at where she was pointing, a line had been drawn through the location marking the farthest they could or would go. After some debate over those four letters they finally were in agreement as to the name of the last place on the list to attack, a small village along the river and therefor expected to be of value: Wete.

Author's Notes:

Not sure if I will post any more this month but we shall see.

Chapter 31: Setup

Author's Notes:

I made a blog post. For those who do not read it:
My Patreon
Happy new year with chapter 31!

"Some have agenda's all their own and Nuru, your are one of them."

Everyone stared at the immense snake corpse for a while as a deathly silence hung in the air while they all simply stared at it in disbelief. Despite the odds and its surprise ambush on them they had killed the beast without suffering any casualties but for the life of them they knew not how. Bruises and probably a cracked rib or two most certainly abounded but no one was bitten and that by itself was a true miracle.

"I cant believe it, we killed it!"

Altayih looked at Verik who had never moved from his perch, still holding the pick firmly in place as if the snake might at any moment resurrect itself and come after them again. He just sat there straddling the neck breathing and in pain and considering how the snake had driven him into the rocks on its first attack, it was no small miracle he was even conscious.


"Help me skin the bastard."

They all looked at Verik wide eyed for a moment and even the grump had a look of surprise. Sliding painfully off the body Verik then walked carefully around the creature slowly all the while favoring his side, he then began to push its corpse in an attempt to roll the beast over. One by one they joined him including the spy and after a great deal of effort they managed to uncoil the serpent and get it rolled over so its soft underbelly was exposed.

Now that they could see their efforts clearly they realized just how little their spears had done, not one stab had gone deep enough to inflict any real harm but had served only to make it angrier. It was the pick lodged in the skull that had done it in but that would have been an impossible feat had it not been for their hundreds of little pricks keeping it too occupied to focus on its rider.

Only the grump had a real knife and after seeing the struggle to skin it using an old, crude knife and the sharp front edge of spears did he offer a hand. Even that took a great deal of time because while the snake may have been dead its soft but still dense underbelly caused some degree of trouble. Not only that but its sheer length became more and more an issue as they took turns cutting its belly open one yard at a time.

"We need kindling. Sabiwa, Shahid? See if you can find any and set up a camp for us way up and preferably away from this place." Verik made a painful motion with his right arm and waved the two away from the blood and gore, both seemed happy with the new assignment

Sabiwa hopped down from his rocky perch and motioned for Shahid to follow, "we staying night then?"

"Yes but not here, I dont want to find out if there is another one or even a smaller snake lurking around here anywhere."

"Why we stay to skin it then? Better to run if you think that."

"Like hell, we earned this kill and I haven't had real meat in a while. Leaving this thing behind would be a waste."

"You EAT it?!"

"Yes of course, why?"

They all knew the answer, it was no secret about what he was or what he ate. Until now however the most they had ever seen him eat was a fish which was nothing as even they ate fish from time to time. This however was a whole new ball game, it was dead and he was having it skinned no doubt to keep the lustrous hide but now he was going to butcher and eat it.

Only the spy held onto his disgust and quickly refused to help beyond skinning the snake but when asked he was willing to say who back in Wete could tan the hide thankfully. However, anything beyond that he was unwilling to help with and as the hide was slowly peeled off the snakes guts spilled out causing Altayih to run a short distance before retching on the ground.

"I am surprised at you Altayih, figured with all your traveling seeing a couple hundred pounds of guts and gore wouldn't bother you."

"Seen much but-" *urk* "Never anything like this up close, the smell-"

Verik watched as Altayih walked away to retch somewhere out of sight once more, at least the spy could care less and was even stepping through the guts to help get it skinned. When the snake was finally skinned Shahid returned, the camp was ready and somewhere a safe distance away; they hoped.

Butchering the whole thing was impossible and with the salt still in rock form it would be impossible to salt any. They had a schedule to keep and that meant taking what they could while they still had the chance. Carving off strips of flesh and carrying them from the mine made the others shiver but they pretended to ignore it but as they sat around the campfire that night they all agreed with Shahid's two, simple, words.

"You scary."

Sefu was waiting on them when they got back to Wete and though he had many a question to ask they all took a backseat when he saw their new cargo. In fact their new cargo gained them quite the gathering as they walked and as word spread rapidly most abandoned what they were doing to come and look at the massive hide. Its length was so great that even though it was folded and wrapped for travel it took three to carry.

Nuru was as always seemingly well aware of their return before anyone else and was already waiting on them, Verik passed the bag with its new contents to her along with the pack containing the salve, antidote and other things one needed to patch themselves with. There was no smile nor smirk on her face today, it was dead serious and unwavering, this worried Verik.

"One bag of crystals as requested, Shahid has your pick. A little warning about there being a gargantuan snake in the pit would have been nice, or was it a way to see how many would die? Also why do I get the feeling these crystals were just an excuse?"

Of course she did not answer but just beckoned for her grand-daughter to take the other things away and store them. Without missing a beat she walked around Verik and after looking the leathery hide over she simply walked away in silence but straight to Tendaji's hut.

"What happen?" Sefu's question came quickly when Nuru departed and after enlisting some help from others the snake's hide was carefully rolled out for all to see. "You gone without word, Nuru say it okay then you come back with this and salt?"

As Verik explained some of the details the ever growing crowd listened quietly, it was the battle in the ancient quarry that garnered the most attention however. Altayih piped up now and then adding his own little flare to things but Verik ignored him, surviving that ordeal was indeed a point of pride.

A great deal of fear swelled up however when the spy quickly returned after having snuck off and remarked that Verik had butchered some of the snake and eaten it. While murmurs spread through the mass of zebras and a handful of Arabian's Sefu leaned in and quietly informed Verik that Tendaji had never noticed he was gone. However, now that they had returned and with quite the flare for doing so it would probably mean there was hell to pay.

When Tendaji did finally arrive it was with Nuru in the lead, she led him forward and presented the hide as if it were some final declaration of intent before waiting quietly. The chief on the other hand furrowed his brow and held a long, silent argument in his head as he stared at the hide then the party and back again. They were in trouble, but how much was unknown.

"You back!"

Verik felt a small smile creep across his face at seeing Asha again, never in his life had seeing someone ever made him smile. Never in his life had simply returning somewhere been such a weight off his shoulders either but as he looked at her smiling face he couldn't help it. However, he was always one to keep himself in check and what he did next surprised even himself to say nothing of the onlookers.

Pulling Asha into an embrace he held her close without even knowing why, he was thrilled to see her again and while his sudden action had made her jump she still returned it. Some fell silent to just stare, some ignored it as they were still more interested in the hide. Verik on the other hand knew he had just crossed a line and it was one he was happy with.

"And very happy to see you again, I brought gifts too."

"Salt or hide?" The look on her face was wide eyed as she looked over what they had returned with.

"We discussed it along the way and since we all had a hand in its demise a decision was reached. Grump over there wanted some bones not the hide, Shahid wanted nothing but the salt and Altayih settled for both."

"You cut it up then?"

"Eventually, going to have it tanned first, the lions share of it is mine though and that means I can do whatever I want with it. Therefor, I am giving some of it to you."

Asha was taken back by this and after stuttering out why he was giving her something so prized he remarked that he just wanted to. As for what he was doing with his own significant portion he had no idea. She threw a hug around him and squeezed hard this time making his injuries flare up before withdrawing quickly. Asha began to feel her way around his still bruised body before stopping to look up and into Verik's eyes.


"Eh? No! Just bruised, the snake struck and hit my shield breaking it but not before driving me into some rocks."

"You injured, need medicine!"

"What I need is to lay down for a few days and recover but I used some of that salve, helped with the cracks ribs quite nicely."

Before Asha could get a word out about his cracked ribs their attention was returned to Tendaji. He had finally walked the length of the hide and come back around after asking Altayih and Shahid to unroll it for him to get a better look, facing Verik he let out a sigh before nodding.

"You pass Nuru's trial, not trained but you still pass, them too." Tendaji motioned at Sabiwa, Shahid and Altayih before looking back at Verik. "I acknowledge your skill as a fighter even if it was just luck. You have courage though and did not run, you fought together, prove selves."

Tendaji walked away without saying anything more let alone explaining what this meant leaving four of five looking at each other. Sabiwa was overjoyed but the others just watched Tendaji walk away still caught up in his own little world of problems.

"I have no idea what he just said, anyone know what it means?"

Verik looked at Asha who shook her head then Shahid and Altayih, both shrugged.

"It mean he have no choice but to acknowledge you as warrior, trained or not. You pass trial."

Watching Nuru approach they looked at Tendaji as he left and then back at the snakes hide again before Verik spoke up.

"What trial Nuru?"

"Quarry was trial, you passed, you not happy?"

"What difference does it make?"

Now Nuru was grinning again but she was not so much looking at Verik but Asha which was a little discomforting at first.

"It mean you all warriors now, much to learn, but your courage is without doubt. Could have run away but stayed and fought. Also means you now have certain... Rights."

"What kind of rights?"

What she had said about courage Verik could not deny, any one of them or all of them could have run away at any moment with no risk. Himself? Once the battle had started the others could have left him and each other to die but the thought had never once crossed his mind. What about them? Had they thought to just run away? No, they were too quick to charge into the fight. The idea of leaving them behind despite hardly knowing them was something he would never consider had the roles been reversed.

"You have rights within tribe, not as Wete but guardian, mean you be listened to now. Also mean you have right to marry." Nuru's gaze fell on Asha who fidgeted as the old mare's smile grew before looking back to Verik. "One day. Killing this also mean you have... Reputation now."

Nuru had thrown them off the deep end. Without a life raft, parachute nor any warning, it was sink or swim and by god they swam. Gods above did they have to swim hard though and judging from the look on her face things were far from over.

One question remained though.

"Nuru... I know everyone has an agenda and you did not do this to see what would happen nor entirely to help us... What is your agenda here? What are you up too?"

Would she answer or just ignore the question again? Nuru just smiled though and shrugged, she had no idea, truly. Or did she? So if this was not entirely her own doing then who was behind it? Whatever forces had snatched him or something else?

No matter, it was apparently beyond their control so it was best to just strap themselves in and hang on tight. Some of this was Nuru's doing though, he knew that all too well. Everyone had gotten a little something today but something else had also taken a piece of the prize without having ever revealed itself.

What was it though?

There was something about Asha's hands that relieved the pain in his back, for a day all he had done was just lay there and not move. All he had to do was remain still and allow her to rub in the salve, a task which should have made him grind his teeth from the pain but there was only slight pangs now and then.

He had been ready to collapse from the pain and swelling upon their return and Altayih was stuck in his dugout too but nowhere near as bad. Only Verik had taken a full on ballista shot to the chest via the snakes first strike but it had apparently left more than a few marks over his back. Along the way some of the salve had been used which helped but having to keep moving only brought the injuries back, there was no substitute for just laying down and resting for a spell.

These were not just cuts and bruises on the surface however, these were deep injuries that had damaged the bone as well and even Nuru's special salve needed time to work its magic on wounds like this.

Then again if it meant getting to lay down and sleep for a day who was he to complain? Everyone lived, they got the salt and even more. Now they had a reputation with physical proof to back it up, proof that was being taken care of thanks to Jelani.

Asha had been released from field work to tend his wounds, Nuru's little quest had both gained him support but also a couple new enemies or so he had been told. Tendaji had been told about where the salt came from but after hearing the details waved it off. He had known about the place and would have put a stop to it had he known but it was too late and it worked out.

Not that he was happy about them going behind his back of course but it had been necessary, even the chief was forced to admit this sad little truth. For future note they were to get their salt from the Wete mine from now on however as he was not taking any chances. Tendaji had rescinded his last "no salt" order after realizing it had born this situation and Verik was adamant about seeing to the well being of his fellow "mercenaries" even if that meant theft... Or worse.

Few actually believed it anymore for some reason, either because they did not act the part of mercenaries or because of what his plans entailed. Still, if anyone asked they would say he was a mercenary and thus the facade was still in place only now it was not from ignorance but because some decided to shield him and the others.

A relieved sigh left him as Asha finished rubbing the salve into the worst of the bruises and a light, happy laugh filled the hut.

"Feeling better?"

"Much better and thank you, I could never have gotten this stuff on without your help."

"It okay, what you do next though?"

"What do you mean? The canal?"

"No, always causing trouble some way, now you cause trouble and bring snake hide, what you planning next?"

"Just the canal and a few other construction efforts around Wete."


"Alright... First the canal but I also plan to talk Tendaji into putting in new buildings around the outside of the village and towards upper middle of the hill. Adobe ones like back in Mjesani, useful for living but also provide a defensive wall. Besides, there will be plenty of leftover rock from digging the canal and also from those fields that were cleared. Why waste good stone?"

"Wete build wall Fareed attack."

"That's the beauty of it, the buildings themselves are the wall without appearing outwardly so and with some creative planning the gaps can be closed in a hurry thus forming a real wall. Unless someone knows in advance they would never guess it by looking at it from the outside."

Asha hummed quietly before stopping her massage and then putting the salve away on one of the shelves. Verik watched her move around the tiny hut with a kind of admiration for her form, so many weights had been on him before now that his mind was always elsewhere else. But now? He was entranced by her form as well as her kindness.

This had never happened before.

"What happened while I was gone?"

"Little, very little. Trouble to haul water but tools are being gathered for digging canal, Tendaji say we begin soon but Nuru say rains might come sooner."

"If the rains come it might actually help with making the canal. All that rain will moisten the earth and make it easier to dig but harder to move, if we can at least get the canal dug we can always move the earth later. What do you think?"

Asha stopped and stared at him, no one ever asked her opinion.

"Canal work you make many, many friends. Make life easier, bring much needed water to fields. Some think it not work."

"And you?"

"Maybe it work, hope it work. Sibi, Jelani, Nuru and others think it might work. Many want to believe it work." She paused and looked a little worried, "some looking for failure, some want it to fail, to see you fail. That mean they throw you out."

"If I get thrown out what would you do?"

This upset her somewhat judging by the way her ears splayed back while her big eyes filled with concern. Verik waited quietly and watched with one eye open as she paced in a little circle around the fire-pit.

"Not know..."

"Do whatever you believe is right then. What are you going to do with the portion of hide I am giving you?"

"Oh! Uhm... Not know..."

"You could make clothes with it I suppose, more than enough for that. Hang it on your wall? Make leather crafts?"

"Maybe I make leather top, this one getting... Too worn."

"Yes it is, I can see your- Never mind."

Asha did not look embarrassed nor try to hide anything, she just smirked before giving him a mischievous grin, "you like what you see hm?"

"Yes, too much."

I set up a Patreon to help fund my wild imagination. See blog or author's note at top. Hope you all had a better new years than I did!

Chapter 32: Canal Plans

"This canal shall be built of pure muscle power and held together with spit, bubblegum, duct-tape and a lot of wishful thinking."

"I cant tell you anything else until we actually finish digging the first section."

Verik stared at Tendaji as they looked at the would be canal system, two days ago the wayward few had returned and been awarded "honors" of various sorts. Now that things had calmed down it meant that the time had come to start on the canal or at least ironing out the details.

Tendaji had verbally given him a list of what tools that had been made available for the project and it was a lot worse than Verik had guessed. The sheer quantity of water needed for all the fields meant the canal would need to be deep and wide, some eight or more feet down and at some points twelve feet deep and just as wide.

They had walked the whole length of where the canal would be together and both were in agreement that the tools available left a lot to wishful thinking and prayer. However, due to some recent problems a certain field had to be abandoned as the crops had been hit with blight and were now left to wither away fully. Bad luck that would spell doom for many if something was not changed and soon.

Then again, since this field no longer needed water that meant a handful of workers were now available for other tasks well ahead of schedule. Rather than send them to another field to lift the burden of water carrying Tendaji was now gambling on Verik's plan by having him start now and not later.

That the chief was making this gamble was in no small part a large display of faith in his plan, all the more reason Tendaji wanted to be absolutely certain before finalizing it.

In the end it wound up as a draw, until the first part was dug out Tendaji would be unable to physically see just how much earth would be moved. A fact Verik was well aware of and had continued to try and impress upon him.

"Where this dirt go?"

"Anywhere, but for now it would be best to just pile it along the canal until you agree or refuse to build those extensions on the hill for housing. Whatever boulders we dig up can be chiseled down and used to form the support wall."

"We have no... What you call them? Masons?"

"You have brick layers right? They will suffice, same principle but more like a jigsaw puzzle with greater weight involved."

"Where chisels come from?"

"The slave irons, heat them up, beat them out, instant chisel. Crude, but effective. Wont be needing them for a while anyway so no big rush, the digging comes first. Now about the flood gates-"

"You want us steal wood from across river."

"Absolutely. It would take forever to get anything suitable from within your tribal boundaries but three or four missing tree's over a larger area will not be missed nor provide any hints as to whom."

"Require floodgates?"

"Three. Minimum. It is non-negotiable, without them your fields would be permanently flooded. Also there is no negotiation on the clay culverts."

"Your clay, culverts? Easy. Timber not so easy."

Tendaji stared at the field below them before looking back at the marked lines of stone. Yesterday Verik and his little band had walked with baskets of stone and clearly marked the path of the canal for all to see. Everyone was forbidden from touching the stones and at Verik's behest were required to inform him if they bumped one.

"Not easy..."

"No but worth it, the payoff is down the road and not immediate-"

"I know, many want to start now, many think this waste of time. I think it maybe work, if it work solve many problems but not enough tools."

"Nor shovels."

The chief shook his head slowly and continued to stare at the line of markers that stretched off over a vast area, his eyes continued to calculate just how long it would take to pull it all off.

"Tendaji, it will be slow going at first but once the rains come and the soil loosens up things will pick up quickly. Right now we just need to get started so everyone knows what to do and expect, if we get this test section dug everyone can look at it as an example for what to do."

Letting out a long sigh Tendaji gave a slight nod and walked off before calling back that tomorrow his laborers would be here in the morning, waiting. Whatever tools they had for this project would be at his disposal and the smith would start on the chisels. As to how good a bronze chisel would be neither knew but at least one of the irons was made of iron albeit rusted.

"When we get my sister?"

Verik turned his head to the pursuing party, his little band of "mercenaries" had grown and followed him everywhere he went. Today had been no exception as both wanted to see what was brewing and as Verik guessed it would inevitably result in the question that had just been asked.

Shahid was antsy, he wanted to get his sister out immediately but fully understood that it would take time. Simply breaking her out would do not good if they had nowhere to go or had to cross the dangerous landscape and run the risk of capture all over again.

"You will not like the answer."

"Tell me."

"A ship will come here after the harvest, this ship will collect taxes then sail north to Iuny. I intend to take said ship."

"That months from now!"

"Yes but it is the best chance you will ever have. By then they will have calmed down, forgotten and become complacent again. Also a ship is the fastest way to escape, with it we can sail away into the night bound for... Anywhere on the river."

"They follow anyway."

"Not necessarily. You see, its a government ship, no one will question it nor care. Altayih, can you read and write?"

"Yes captain... Why?" Altayih looked confused before looking at Shahid who shrugged.

"Government ship means government cargo, that means papers. Paper means bureaucracy and lots of signatures and writing. If we play our cards right we can go to Iuny and play along so long as you can read the documents. Shahid, you said the guards at Iuny are... What was it? Utterly worthless?"

Shahid nodded, he had told them his story several times at Verik's request and even made him draw out a crude map of the city and where his sister was held.

"So long as we stay straight faced and play the part no one will care, we are just one more government tax ship among many passing by, not there to collect, just passing by."

"Captain..." Altayih held a finger up inquisitively, "how do you know we will not be the only ship?"

"River this big? No less than three villages, Tajan described them to me... It will take several ships, I imagine the tax office assigns one ship per village or more depending on the amount of cargo space required."

"If they send more than one?"

"Wete has one cargo raft."

"What does that mean?"

"It means they can only bring one ship here at a time otherwise Wete would have two cargo rafts."

"Maybe they wait."

"If there is one thing a tax man hates is being stuck waiting forever while someone else coughs up their left lung knowing that they have to wait on the right lung. I imagine Fareed is no exception and it is probably the rule for the region and "take it now and quickly" is most likely preferred over waiting. Either way we will find out."

"So we take this ship somehow... Then sail it somehow, none of us know how to do-"

"Oh the slaves on board will do that for us."

"Rather certain of yourself. We kill the crew, free the slaves and they will just... Sail it for us?"

"Of course. The price of freedom. Also they will be paid of course."

"With what?"

"With all the "taxes" collected from the village."

"So they take it from Wete, we take it back then... Sell it?"

"Some, not all. Some we keep."

"Tendaji will go insane."

"Not if he gets a quarter of the cargo back."

"My sister-"

"Shahid... If this works you and your sister will be sailed away to safety, food in mouth, coin in pocket. You will still serve me but your woes will become fewer. Besides, you lost your spear, you owe me a replacement for the one I gave you a few days ago."

"I have to throw it away!"

"Throw it over the wall next time. Anyway, we have as many months to train for the raid, I suggest we focus on that. We do not want another repeat of past events do we?" They all shook their heads. "Good. We have no less than three months to prepare."

"They not find me because of spear?" A light bulb had gone off in Shahid's head, he was not used to thinking like this but was starting to learn very quickly.

"You worry far too much but your head is technically in the right place. I took that spear off a dead bandit, assuming they did or even have that ability to "trace" its origin somehow, it is still a dead end, literally. They want the owner they will have to dig through hyena crap by now."


"Come, you-"


Asha and Sibi were hunched over a row of plants pulling weeds while the stallion continued to proposition Asha. It was their turn to tend the plants while others carried water and today was a first, no one had ever paid attention to her before. It was not flattering either.

Still he tried, but there was a look in his eyes, something was... Wrong. It was not honest, he was up to something. "He," as good a description as any, she had seen him around the village but never up close. Never introduced himself, tried talking to her, anything, she was invisible to him. Until now.

Now all of a sudden he was very, very interested in her. Dangerously so.

"Asha say leave, you leave!"

"Think about it yes? I visit tomorrow."

"NO." Sibi and Asha both said the same thing at the same time without ever looking up and then looked at each other with the same knowing look. This was not over.

"Asha, you say something to him maybe and forget? Wave?"

"No! He not even live near me! I think... Dont know? Never see him except carrying water! Why he so interested now?"

"Maybe your new friend is reason enough..."

"Verik? Why that one take interest now then?"

"Exactly why he take interest. See look in eye? He no interested in you, he interested in Verik."

Asha looked up with the strangest look on her face for a minute before Sibi shook her head and explained.

"That one use you to get at Verik, make many enemy when bring that skin back. Even offer some to you in front of village and then told by Nuru he can marry any Wete."

"He not want us to marry?"

Sibi smiled at her younger friend.

"Oh, so you plan to marry him now?" The look on Asha's face was priceless as she tried to answer before finally giving up, she had been caught red handed. "Some not want him around, want him driven out good or bad. Some want him to stay, like him now and maybe more. But if he marry you, a Wete..."

"They not get rid of him so easy, have to drive me out too."

Sibi nodded.

"I think that one try and persuade you to marry him instead, Verik show no interest in others, only you. Take you away, making him go easier."

"I marry... I marry Verik not that one, dont like that one."

"Not meant they not try. But... Worried. That one when he leave... He know that, see it in eyes. My husband have same look sometimes, knows he lost then maybe do something foolish."

"He not force me to marry, against Wete law."

"No Asha, that one may try to go for Verik now. Warn him, yes? That one up to something, he not do it without others urging him either."

"They attack Verik they punished or exiled by law."

Sibi shook her head but said nothing, there was something missing here, something the other knew that they did not. Much time had passed since Verik's arrival and she knew some had asked Tendaji to have him thrown out but it all failed. Whoever they were or how many, they were trying everything possible and now they had tried to get Asha.

That meant they were at the end of the rope and would try something else.

"Ah! Damn pig! Leave!"

Sibi snapped out of her thoughts and jerked around to see Asha throwing a few stones at a boar that had snuck into the field. It was rooting around and digging up the yams and eating them, from the looks of it the stones were not dissuading it any either.

Letting out a sigh Sibi waved Asha off and yelled at one of the others to get whoever was responsible for keeping the wild animals out of the fields today. Once in a while this would happen and as such Sefu had assigned one or two for the sole purpose of chasing them off or killing them if they refused to leave.

At least it was not an elephant this time, that had caused a great deal of trouble they did not need.

"Training over for you, come."

Verik started at Jelani as she walked off with her bow, quiver and a spear before looking at Sefu who shrugged and waved him off. Leaving Altayih and Shahid behind he followed the archer down into the fields where things were held up for some reason on the end closest to the wilds.

It did not take long to see why either, a wild boar of some sort had wandered in and begun to feed happily on the crops and by the looks of it... Was engorging itself to no small amount on the yams. Rocks had been thrown, even sticks by the looks of it but it ignored them all or as he found had charged the farmers and nearly gored one in the leg with its tusks.

"You eat meat, you eat that yes?"

"Uhh... Yes, bacon tastes very good."

"Kill it and you keep it."

Jelani waved him off as if to say "have at it" before wandering off to one side so she could watch. Hunting a pig, that was new. Deer? Rabbit? Yes, but not this and never with a spear of all things. Jelani had made no offer of allowing him to use her bow and part of him remembered that it would probably only piss it off.

That meant walking up, skewering the boar and holding it in place till it bled out and died. It was a very tasty prospect though and perfectly timed. The salt supply was at its peak so salting the meat would not be an issue assuming he did not gorge himself on the meat and so long as it did not gore him first.

Oh how long it had been since he had tasted fried pig flesh.

"You careful, not get gored with tusks no?"

Asha and Sibi were here, he had learned their schedule already and after giving her a smile Verik walked down the rows towards dinner.

This will be easy, just level the spear, stick it at a distance before it charges or if worst comes to worst... Chase dinner, hopefully Jelani will loan me her bow if it decides to run.

Leveling his spear and moving forward quickly to close the gap he remembered that the world is never that easy. Seeing him long before he got there the bacon on legs turned, let out a sound, bobbed and then charged.

Keeping the spear point level with the onrush of horned bacon Verik let it come and braced himself, to his side Jelani did nothing but had an arrow notched just in case. Probably in the event that he ran like hell from dinner rather than fight it to the death.

Verik was not moving an inch. In a split second his dinner was fifty yards away and the next he felt himself being driven steadily backwards as it impaled itself on the spear. He was at risk of being thrown down by the now enraged creature albeit nothing grand in size, keeping his boots planted he pushed back with everything he had.

Thrashing and squeeling it tried desperately to get at him, even driving itself deeper onto the spear without dying instantly. Something warm pushed into his back and began pushing against the would be murdereous pig with him.

When it ended everything was covered in blood including plenty on his boots and pants, it had bled itself out rather quickly but those few brief moments had felt like an eternity. For its smaller size compared to the wild hogs he had seen this one had put up quite the fight.

Turning around to see who had helped anchor him he found Asha, Sibi and two others glued to him from behind while Jelani just gave him a smile before offering him her large knife.

"Thank you."

His words went to all of them but none smiled more than Asha but he guessed those smiles would come to a halt very shortly. Removing his spear Verik drug the critter off and away from the fields with a few tagalongs before field dressing it.

Sibi turned away quickly before leaving, two vomited on the spot while Asha and Jelani watched both in horror and a degree of fascination. Before long he had finished and returning the knife to Jelani he realized they had a problem.

"This pile of guts is going to draw something, probably with big teeth."

"No worry, even if bury blood draw them. We stay inside tonight though hm?" Jelani finished wiping her knife off with dust and dirt before sheathing it and walking off leaving only Asha and Verik behind. The other two had left quickly after voiding their bowels.

"You eat it now?" Asha had never taken her eyes off of it, she had never seen him eat anything other than a fish he realized.

"No, it has to be cooked thoroughly or salted. I plan to roast part of it tonight and let the rest bleed out then finish by salt packing it."

Grabbing its lighter form Verik checked it for flees and ticks before carrying it away, Asha joined him, holding his spear so that Verik could focus on hauling the carcase.

"You eat head too?"

"No, thats for the tanner, he needs the brain for tanning the hide. He reminded me of that fact after the snake hide not that he couldnt manage without one."

"You have much leather now."

"Yes we do. Lots, more to come once this is skinned and tanned. Paying him will be a problem though... I will think of something."

We. This thought floated through Asha's mind and reminded her of something very important.

"Be careful!"

"What?" Verik froze and looked around searching for something before looking at Asha curiously.

"No, no. Be careful, Sibi think someone out to get you."

"She thinks? Or knows..."

"Strong think, know Sibi long time. Listen to her."

"Any idea as to whom or what?"

"Yes... Not know name but stallion try and... Proposition me today."


Asha caught the whisper from Verik's mouth but pretended she had missed it, one more reason he kept growing on her.

"Sibi think he trying to get me away from you, get me to marry him so it easy to chase you away."

"You refused him I take it."


"Because you want to marry me or because you simply do not like him?"

"I-" She stammered a second but Verik turned his eyes away and stared ahead.

"What does he look like?"

"How you tell him apart from rest of us?"

"What is his tribal mark?"

"Ohh... Sorry... Never pay attention to that but I see him again I look."

"Its alright, I dont think he will try anything right now, I have been here a little while now and they have not turned violent. Yet. I figure whatever they are plotting will have to follow the law right?"

"Yes, but not know what. So be careful yes?"

"Would I up and leave you just like that?"

"I hope not."

"Then do not worry, I wont."

As they walked past the lines of workers they gaped at them and what he was carrying, some retched, others looked disgusted and at least half did not care.

"Canal start tomorrow yes?"

"Who are you?"

Verik stared at the zebra who approached with a smile that was quickly wiped away after seeing the carcase but they did not back away nor run.

"Siji. Tendaji say I come to you now, we make canal to water fields."

"Ah yes, tomorrow. Yes, we start tomorrow, how many is he sending?"

"Uh... Ten and ten and ten and ten and five."

Does he even know how to count above ten?

"Forty five. That is... More than I was expecting."

"Take many to work blighted field, now we do nothing."

"Ohh we will have plenty to do, too much in fact. Not enough tools either..."

"We manage!"

"So we shall Siji, so we shall. This canal shall be built of pure zebra power and held together with spit, bubblegum, duct-tape and a lot of wishful thinking."

Neither Siji nor Asha had any real idea what that meant but they understood the gist of it and smiled. They all knew that no matter what happened in the following days there was one ultimate truth to it all: whatever happens, happens.

Author's Notes:

This will be the last chapter for some time, I need to make ends meet and donations to help me continue in writing these stories has amounted to a big fat ZERO on my Patreon page. Therefor my attention now turns to other things because writing just one chapter takes hours and that does not include going back to edit or rework the chapter, time I could spent doing something that puts food on the table. When will I update this story again? Probably not for a long time as it is a money drain and not a money maker. Paying the bills and eating is far higher on the list than this story.

Chapter 33: Fool's and Duel's

"Dueling, including to the death, are one of the best legal methods of solving problems ever instituted as cowards flee in terror and fools soon earn an early grave."

Verik had been standing at the canal's edge for no less than five minutes before some random zebra walked up and began babbling. Not babbling in confusion nor fear but anger and pure hatred.

It had been a whole of two days since the work began and Asha's warning, now here was who he supposed she had warned him about. Everything was going so well too, the workers had really outdone themselves on moving a mountain of earth and the first "test section" had been completed. This meant that after some inspection, measurement and final approval would mean getting on with it and digging the rest of the canal.

Now however Verik faced a new problem as the stallion just kept droning on and on while the audience continued to grow till all work had halted. He also had absolutely no idea what so ever as to what in the hell this intruder was saying. Whatever allowed him to understand the locals had fizzled out on this one as his rough, near guttural speech wore on.

Verik did not he was being insulted and called all manner of things, any fool would know that and the gaping mouths from the audience only lended more credence to this. Only one question remained in his head: was the idiot going to attack or just keep running his mouth till he died of old age?

A tapping on his shoulder reminded him that he had been talking to his new "task master" Siji when this all started. Siji stared at him a long moment in confusion but the other never broke their stride in slurring out insults.

"You know this one?"

"Siji, could you translate for me? I know he is insulting me but I dont understand one word of it."

With a strange nod the zebra began to give rough translations of everything being said and frankly most of it was so laughable Verik wondered what the point was. He knew ten year olds who could cuss each other out better and use insults that actually meant something.

Wrapping up his tyrade the other finally pointed at Verik and barked out one last insult which resulted in confused stares from all but a couple flinched.

"Siji, translate that last one."

"Uhm. He say you, how to say this with other words... You have tiny pecker."

"Right. Okay asshole, I dont know your name and dont really give a damn but I assume your looking for a fight, dont know why either, never seen you before. I ain't some thirteen year old punk who is worried about his manhood either, what I got gets the job done just fine so you can just piss off!"

Silence reigned for a little while until the offender twitched and stomped off leaving all forty something of them to watch him go.

"That one deeply insult you-"

"I dont give a damn, I think I know what he is up too and wont fall for it either, if he thinks he can rile me up by acting like a jackass he's dead wrong."

"Think that one try again or worse."

"Probably, but I wont be goaded into a fight. Alright, back to work!"

Things had gone very well after that little interruption and everyone ignored it, a few gave him odd stares but went about their work anyway. As the day progressed Tendaji came down to look at the canal and after giving his final approval things were free to proceed in full gear. It would take not just weeks but months of digging with what little tools they had but once done the canal would nearly surround Wete forming a moat.

Having their own moat disguised as a canal tickling Sefu to death but made Tendaji twitch every time someone called it that. Neither did he fail to remind them that calling it such around one of Fareed's agents would result in no small amount of trouble either. Still, Tendaji was quite happy with his prospects at least.

For years the Wete had drug off the boulders and large rocks from any area they had interest in farming and dumped them into a huge pile. Now, those same piles would be emptied out and used as bracing walls for buildings which doubled as defensive walls. As the month wore on he was assured more work teams would be made available for the project allowing them to pick up the pace.

With any luck at all the projected months would be cut down and at least a few fields would be irrigable before the next planting season. Overall things were a mess, the fields were being used out of season in total desperation to get even one mouthful of greenery or corn but at least the climate allowed for the attempt, it was a bad one but they were desperate.

When the work day ended for his work crew Verik gathered them up and informed them they were to keep digging tomorrow with or without him. He would check in now and then but the markers were all in place and all they had to do was dig this exact same section out again and again. If by whatever reason they hit the larger markers they were to stop as it marked a floodgate and that would require specific details to be adhered too.

Floodgates, Tendaji had said he would "figure it out" somehow and everyone suspected someone was going to have a couple of tree's stolen in the near future. Stealing tree's... What a concept that was, but when your world is made of scrub brush and scraggly trees finding one that grew thick and straight was hard.

"We go home now?" Siji smiled when Verik nodded and waved the dust and dirt covered zebras away, they wasted no time in making a B-line for the river.

"Now we go home."

Verik had forgotten Asha and Sibi worked in the field adjacent to where he was working today, they had once more been shifted around. Just about every other day they were in a different field weeding or watering the plants and sometimes hauling water.

"I think that zebra you told me about came by today."

Asha twitched a little as they walked around the section of canal and towards home, he was right then, that was the one she had warned him about.

"He not cause fight?"

"Tried, but like I said I ain't some thirteen year old punk who can be goaded into a fight by insulting someones manhood."

"That not small insult."

"Well I am not a zebra nor anything else around here, just me."

"You cook more meat for dinner?"

What a day that had been, killing a wild boar or warthog, whatever it was. He had tried to remember every last detail he could about salt curing and put it to effect but the problem of bleeding the meat had remained. Without refrigeration it would spoil immediately so he had eaten well that night before packing the cut strips of meat into ground up salt.

It was no small ordeal having to learn a lot on the fly like that but something went right as two days later there was no rotting smell, only the smell of salt. Flies avoided it too, whatever bacteria was in there was dying quickly and after replacing the salt last night he figured it was luck or good memory.

Unfortunately there were not enough jars to actually brine it properly thus extending its life but at least for now he could eat well. Had to cook the meat to death though and drink water like a fish because of the salt but still, having meat after so long without it all tasted good anyway.

Scared the hell out of the few neighbors they had though. Nuru could care less and never said a word but that wonderful cooking flesh smell gave the other zebras and one Arabian the willies. Altayih and Shahid even stayed clear come nightfall but for whatever reason Asha was not bothered by it or at least not openly.

"Think I will chop it up and fry it on that flat rock I found... Make a kind of grits and fried meat chunk dish."

"Why you keep calling it grits?"

"Because where I come from that's what we call ground and boiled corn. I have a question though, why would whats his name spend all that time mouthing off? He never attacked, was he trying to get me to attack him?"

"Maybe, if you attack him others say you too dangerous and demand you be thrown out."

"I am guessing this is just the beginning of trouble then."

Asha nodded quietly as they walked home leaving Verik to wonder just how far feuds were allowed to go here. Was there any kind of limit or could a member of the Wete go to any length? Most likely not but that did not mean they would not get underhanded.

"They wont try and burn the hut down will they?"

"No! They burn or steal and they be punished severely or exiled!"

So that means they gave up on her and are coming after me now.

A week had passed without even a single run in, not a peep, not a word. Actually this grudge of theirs was rather boring Verik had to admit. Most of his time was spent training but three times a day he was sent off to check on things and make certain it was all going according to plan, which it was.

Siji was very good at keeping to the plan and while he was inept at counting his ability to judge distance and depth was excellent. Already the canal was stretching off nicely and threatening to cause problems for the water bearers if a bridge was not put up soon. Just one more thing on the ever growing "to do" list that was this whole project.

The potter had cranked out to sections of pipe and they passed muster but the sheer number required had made her balk at Tendaji. This was no small project but as the week had worn on they had all come to realize that very soon they would hit an invisible wall, once struck both Tendaji and Verik agreed it would take over half the work force in Wete to truly get the canal under way.

Reaching the first field would be easy enough within the next few days but after that the rough, rocky and hard soil would mean double the workers and tools. Verik had even suggested using water to soften the soil once a pit had been formed but after they mulled that over it was decided it would probably take far too long. Not that they would not at least try.

Up on the hill that was Wete things were going even better, Sefu had staked out an area he wanted "walled off" to make an attackers life that much harder and soon it too would be cleared. No huts sat on this area due to its slope but with some digging, leveling and reinforcement with boulders it would become a solid wall of stone and then adobe wall.

Three such sections would be built leaving gaps between them so it would not appear they were building a wall but merely housing as what the Arabian's were accustomed too. What a lot they were, somehow Wete had become the home of over a hundred of them. Currently they lived in dugouts or under reeds held up with sticks and prayer, hearing they would be given actual homes again had brought about a degree of joy.

There was no longer a shortage of willing workers but a lack of tools and material.

Meanwhile Asha's little hut was slowly improving, Verik had managed to get at least half the roof repaired and the walls fixed but it was slow going. When one spends all day long training there is little energy left for other things come nightfall.

A furious tapping on Verik's shoulder got him to turn around and face Siji, for whatever reason this one preferred to tap or shake rather than simply announce themselves. With a point he brought Verik's attention to a familiar face that had once more joined them only this time they were waiting patiently.

"What the hell do you want?"

They chose to spit towards him first then loudly declared some other random word he had never heard of but he did catch a name: Asha. Walking away they left everyone to stare and Verik to lean towards Siji to understand what just happened.

"He challenge you to duel. Over Asha."

Tonight they had visitors at Asha's hut, three of them: Nuru, Sefu and Tendaji. No one was amused by how things were developing and as Tendaji explained the law the others listened quietly till he finished.

"Okay, so Asha can refuse him, period. However, he can still challenge me over the right thereof since I am not Wete."

Tendaji nodded at Verik. "Yes but if you refuse challenge you must move from hut and give up Asha."

"So whats his name is using Asha to get at me."

"Yes, not honorable but legal."

"You are the chief and could simply put an end to this here and now by refusing him the right to challenge... Why have you not done so?"

"Others want you gone, if I refuse they make trouble, trouble we do not need."

"Some faction is using their numbers and whatever clout they have to force the issue then."

"Do you accept his challenge or not?"

During this no one had even asked Asha what she thought nor wanted, she had sat there wide eyed listening in silence the whole time but was now fidgeting. Verik turned slightly to look at her a moment before looking back at Tendaji.

"I can assume that if I fight there is a catch."

"If you win it means you marry Asha, no refuse, Asha must accept though."

"So this idiot thinks threatening me will chase me off? I have been living here for how long and he suddenly thinks I am going to run?"

Sefu let out a small laugh before speaking up, "one more catch, he declared duel to the death."

Were they counting on him to be scared? Did they well and truly believe him to be a mercenary or something else? None of this made any logical sense but it did not have too as in a way it did make sense: first of all he was hardly into his training and thus an easy target. Secondly no one wanted Asha so who cares, she could refuse if they won and no loss. However, it all provided the perfect precedent to put him in a pit with someone who they figured could win and if nothing else at least kill him.

It was all perfectly idiotic, foolish, full of faults and general stupidity. This was exactly what one could expect of a group that was willing to go to nearly any length to get at him. But why?

"Why? I have been here a while and now they cause trouble?"

"This long time coming, some not like you, want you dead or gone. I am not pleased with their choice but it is their right." Tendaji breathed out slowly and stared into the embers of the fire for a long moment before looking at Verik again. "It your choice but they not back down, that much clear. It make no sense and foolish but fools do foolish things in their hate."

"Fair enough, but I want to speak with Asha first. Alone."

Nodding the three guests left and Tendaji declared he would return in a little while once they had settled things.


"It okay, you not have to, if you fight and kill you make more enemies, loose..."

"No, its not that. I really do love you but they are trying to force things and I cant stand that. What I really wanted was for us to have a chance to get to know each other, to well and truly understand each other. I have seen more than enough misery to know that rushing into marriage is a horrible mistake and the last thing I ever want is to wind up marrying someone who hates me or to wind up harming them because of who I am and what I believe."

"That why I love you, you care, want to know, learn, listen. Not want to hurt and make it mean something."

"Because marriage does Asha, I have never been married, never considered it and for that matter, hell I have never been with anyone, ever. Never laid a finger on any woman in my life and swore I never would unless we were married and Asha, I marry for life."

"Me too. Always want family but never find one who listens like you, at night you always sit and listen, smile at me. I know you help at night, wake with you holding hand sometimes but always sneak away before I wake. Feel safe with you here, you even fix hut, many things you do but never ask in return."

"I want a family too, a big one but I dont even know if that is possible, we are two different species."

"Not that different, who know, maybe yes may be no. We find out together though yes?"

"We could but you do now what I am planning, my aspirations are not hidden from you and the trouble it will cause-"

"You trust me so you tell me those things. Afraid? Yes, but evil times, what you plan maybe work or not but at least you think and try yes? Always telling me your plans and letting me know, you trust me very much hm?"

"Indeed but I do not want that to come back to haunt our decision tonight. This is deadly serious and while I wanted to take things slowly that is out the door now. If I accomplish even half of what I have in mind your world will change forever and maybe not for the better."

"Hah! I live in little hut, big cracks, leaky roof and-" Asha began to giggle, something Verik had never heard before but it brought a certain warmth he had never felt before to his chest. "You not only one who dreams of better things, that you willing to share with me is enough and I love you for it. Also that you always stare at me help too!"

All this time he had tried to make it a point to be polite and look away or avert his gaze but inevitably it always returned to her. At night when the embers still burned and cast enough light for him to see in the dark he would stare at her obliquely or during the day always from the corner of his eyes. It was not something to be proud of, always ogling someone but she was too eye catching, it was a crime to look away.

"Caught me red handed hm?"

"Many, many times. You think you so sneaky but not. Thank you though."

A half grin and nod was all he could return to her, his gut knotted up but released finally, what were his odds of ever finding a gorgeous woman... Or was it mare? What were the odds he would find one who actually liked it when she looked at him? It was always the opposite elsewhere and he had never even looked at them, just his mere presence had resulted in hostility. In a few cases in almost broke out into a fight just for being in the same vehicle but Asha was happy that he snuck peaks at her?

"Well, I guess all those jokes I have been hearing about us being married are finally going to bear fruit."

"Yes, but you win first. Then we marry-"

"I now know that when I win there will be a gorgeous zebra waiting on me... Why in the hell would I ever allow the other bastard to win?"

"So you accept his challenge?"

"Of course, you are the first to ever say they love me either, never had anyone say that before. Ever."

"Not even mother?"

"Hell no, that is a long story for another time though."

Verik was feeling a little light of spirit now that it looked like one of his dreams would bear fruit but what happened next cemented it. Asha wrapped him in a hug and just stayed there and neither moved. Both sat listening to the tiny pops from the fire while embracing each other, sharing in each others warmth and company until Tendaji returned.

The chief said nothing but merely nodded and left.

"Duel is set, four days. I make them agree because you not good enough fighter yet, give you chance to learn more."

"I take it there are rules then?"

Sefu moved his head side to side for a moment before shaking his head. "No, but you get to choose weapons for duel, it to death so you make choice. Fight be in circle and many watch, do not let mind wander! Focus."

"Any weapon I want? No limits?"

"No limits."

"Good, I have an idea, so no rules either, just so long as I kill them?"

"Yes... You eager to kill them now?"

"There is someone at stake and I am not going to allow them to take that away, not now, not ever."

Sefu continued to explain the little ritual that would take place before the duel could proceed, certain oaths were required of both parties and other legal matters tended too. One being who got the deceased belongings and in Verik's case it all went to Asha and his little band of mercenaries.

Tendaji had required one thing of the challenging side however, that should they win or loose the matter is dropped in its entirety. That once the matter was resolved no one would prey upon the aftermath nor try and start a fight again, nor would they encourage others, once the duel was over, it was over.

However, both Sefu and Verik had their suspicion's that it would not be so simple and that bad blood would pervade for some time if not permanently. Still, it provided the chief with the perfect excuse to hammer back any nail that stuck its neck out afterwords. Duels to the death were almost unheard of in their history but ordinary duels of the more fist related nature were somewhat common.

Rather than force everyone to sit on their bottled up rage till it exploded in out of control violence they chose to sanction and control it carefully.

As each day wore on Sefu kept Verik apart from the others and drilled him non-stop to the point of nearly passing out. He was absolutely sincere about making certain he had a chance of surviving the fight and since Verik refused to say what weapon he was choosing it meant putting him through the wringer.

Verik did insist more on hand to hand than anything though and when resting was told to stay in motion so he would not cramp up, he took to throwing rocks while walking around and by the fourth day the circle was a dark, looming omen.

"We have the baskets with your "weapons" as you asked captain." Altayih let his basket fall to the ground with a thud and sighed in relief. Shahid had born a basket as well and put it on the far side, this would be fair after all. Painful, but fair.

"Good, you already know that if for whatever reason I die you three are in my "will" correct?"

"Oh we are not worried, we know what you asked Sefu about the rules and such. Also we collected your weapons so we are aware what you have planned. Crude... But it sounds just like you."

Altayih was smiling as he finished that, it was a compliment too, the four of them were known for being deeply underhanded in their fighting. Four of them... Sabiwa had been a great help and had adopted to their "dirty fighting" as others called it very quickly. He even relished in it with them as they would discuss just how underhanded one could be in a fight in order to win.

They had all come to rely on each other quite a bit during training and whenever they were allowed to be on the same time in two's... It always devolved from being the traditional "one on one" melee to one keeping their attention while the other stabbed their opponent in the side.

While it was confounding to the locals that they would fight like this Verik's "new ways" were undeniably effective, today whoever there would be no ally to lend a hand. This battle was a forced one on one duel and there would be no assistance what so ever, one of them had to drop dead.

"Here they come..."

Watching the arrival of the other party made a small knot form for a moment in Verik's stomach, it unraveled quickly when he saw Asha being brought by Jelani.

Nuru did a little ritual for the circle to "chase off evil spirits" before saying a prayer over both Verik and his opponent. It was to better "guide their soul" so it would not linger or become lost and considering what strange things Verik heard at night coming from her hut, he believed it.

There was no pomp and circumstance afterwords though, once she finished and left having apparently no interest in the outcome Tendaji called them into the huge circle. They all knew what was at stake but he reminded them anyway along with the terms.

When he had finished Tendaji stared at Verik and raised an eyebrow.

"What weapons you choose?"

"Is the fight started?"


Tendaji stepped from the ring and motioned at them, the other raised his fists assuming this was the weapon he had chosen. Normally he might have been right, Verik had a ways to go on learning how to fight so one would naturally assume he would choose hand to hand since he was ahead of several and gaining rapidly.

That was not the case.

"I choose rock."

Reaching into the basket quickly he drew out two stones, one in each hand and as his opponent looked on in confusion he hurtled one at him. While it was far from where he had aimed it still smacked them hard in the side and made them bend over in pain for a moment before the rush was on. Realizing what the basket of rocks was for the zebra snatched out a heavy one and charged in.

Flinging another at his opponents legs Verik made them jump to the side slowing their momentum before closing the gap and grabbing the arm that bore a stone. For one brief moment the two strained against each other before knocking their legs out from under each other.

Letting go of his rock Verik grabbed a handful of sand and straining as if to drive his former stone into the others face the zebra reached up to catch his hand. Releasing the handful of sand quickly into their face they shut their eyes, snorted and brought their legs up, with a powerful push they knocked Verik away.

The short distance made what would have been a severe blow somewhat less but they were both up again and grabbing his rock on the way up Verik chucked it quickly. It hit but they had learned and were not fools letting their own larger rock fly at him.

Grazing his leg as it passed Verik cringed in pain as his leg burned, it had just barely winged him but it hurt like hell all the same. Backing away they both grabbed new rocks before going at each other while the great throng of onlookers fled to a safe distance or crawled off so as to not be hit by accident.

Verik had asked Jelani to keep Asha and the others far away from the ring because of this, he could trust her to not give anything away but that meant others might get caught in the crossfire. A calculated risk but it was that or sacrifice his best chance of victory through surprise but more than that: his best chance at surviving.

Whoever he was up against was not a warrior but still trained well enough that it did not really matter. He had to keep the pressure on them so they could not regain their composure or else it would be his end. Even now the wild look in their eyes was all he needed to know, they were still in a mild state of shock.

Another rock whistled past his head as he closed in quickly with a smaller and larger rock, the smaller one he let fly in an underhanded pitch to force them low. Bringing the bigger rock up as he closed the final gap it nearly worked but they dodged quickly and the blow merely grazed their muzzle.

A sharp pain in his side let Verik know the other had just slammed a stone into his side but he continued to move and turn with the blow before throwing the larger stone down and onto them. It was not as hard a throw as it could have been but it was enough to knock the wind out of the as it struck their rib-cage.

Reaching out quickly Verik grabbed them by the tail and pulled back with everything he had while bringing his boot up between their legs and with a heavy thud dropped them. Unfortunately it was not a hit but instead missed the target as they moved reflexively to protect themselves resulting in their inner thigh taking the blow, they still collapsed on the ground thankfully.

Moving away long enough to grab a rock the two charged in again, the other loosing their temper bit by bit. Whatever blows they landed on each other were painful and would leave bruises but as they swung back and forth, ducking, dodging and moving to avoid a hit both became a little more bloodied as things continued.

There was a savage honesty to the fight, they fought with stones like two neanderthals hell bent on seeing who could splatter the others brains first. At one point the zebra stomped on Verik's foot giving him an edge but allowing himself to fall quickly the blow was avoided. Grabbing the leg as it passed Verik took his rock and drove it into the side of his enemies knee making them howl in pain before hobbling away.

Both were limping and bleeding but still standing, this meant it was not over and the burning rage in their eyes meant neither ever had any intent of seeing it end in anything less than death. For one their reasoning was largely unknown but for Verik his dreams and aspirations were at stake.

Circling each other till he was back at a basket Verik decided it was time to see just how much the other was paying attention. Pulling two large stones out he stalked forward, they were too heavy to wield properly and seeing this the other zebra hobbled in quickly.

Smacking one against the other it quickly sheered off the edge exposing the sharp edge of the flint. Slashing with it the other stumbled a moment but not before getting cut, with a swift movement of their arm they cracked Verik in the side but it came at a cost.

Tackling the zebra to the ground Verik began hacking and chopping at their side with the sharp stone while trying to keep them from bashing his head in with their own. It was far from perfect but blood flew as each cut added up along the zebras side until they started to push him back.

With a quick jerk of his knee Verik brought his leg up and hit his target making the zebra's eyes dilate and a gargled groan escape his lips. Snatching up at him his opponent grabbed his arm and yanked him back down and drove his stone into Verik's back. Air left his lungs and pain exploded as the Zebra leaned up to hit him in the head to end it.

Well it worked once, maybe it will work again.

Latching into the zebra's throat and sinking his teeth in Verik tried hold the stone bearing arm off while the other began pounding away. Digging in deeper and deeper then giving a few hard tugs and twists he tasted blood in his mouth, it was not his own.

Scared murmurs flooded his ringing ears as he bit harder and harder before pulling back and hoping the zebras hide would give out before his teeth did. Freeing his bite he dove in again but farther up the neck but this time there was an explosion of blood that blinded him.

Yanking free and feeling around he freed his stone bearing hand and groping in the blood haze he felt his hand touch the struggling zebras head. With a crack the stone struck something but they kept moving, their time was running out or at least he hoped it was. There was no room for chances though and dropping the stone he grabbed them, spun their body and after feeling them trying to staunch the blood loss grabbed their head.

One hand on their muzzle the other on the back of their head he gave it a sharp and violent twist and listened for the cracking sound. With it came the sound of utter silence, not even the air moved as he sat on their back wheezing and in agony from the various blows. A couple of cracked ribs did not help either but he had pulled it off.

Time ticked by before the sound of hoof-steps could be heard over the ringing and there was a splash of water on his face. Slowly they washed the blood from his eyes, their face was unsmiling but relieved that the whole thing was finally over.

Tendaji stared down at him for a moment before looking at the crowd still hugging the ground or staying well and clear.

"Verik win, it over. Go home."

At first no one left but slowly they stood and shuffled off, a few glared, some spat and others looked terrified. Some even smiled. It was a mixed bag of effects as they left but a few made their pleasure in his victory well known. Altayih, Shahid and Asha were overjoyed while Sabiwa just nodded before walking away, before now he had doubted the story of just how violent Verik could get in a fight but now he knew.

Jelani smiled before leaving, Sefu was distraught over the loss of a capable fighter but also glad it was over and that Verik had lived. Nuru never showed and the deceased family carried the body away for what he assumed was last rights and burial. One fact did remain: not one of them dared look him in the eyes, they had lost, completely, and as per the agreement the matter was dropped.

But for how long?

"Go see Nuru, she make something to heal injuries." Tendaji walked off, his own role in all of this over. He was not an enemy but neither an ally, the chief would sit on the fence.

"So, captain... A few told me what the "prize" was, you told me once you were not married... Well, now you are."

"Wipe that shit eating grin off your face Altayih."

He did not, Altayih and even Shahid kept smiling but none more so than Asha.

"Not afraid of me after all that?"

Asha shook her head, "no, you go that far for me then I right, you make good husband. But if you choose another I decide if you allowed to marry first."


"It mean she not mind if you have many wives." Sefu patted Verik on the back as he walked away, leaving the little band to help him to Nuru's hut.

"Cant say I never found the prospect of several wives unappealing."

"Hmm, well no one cares so long as you can care for them or they you... Customs are strange that way." Altayih took one of Verik's arms and helped him along.

"Well considering how much today hurt I think one wife is all I can manage for now."

Two hummed at this but Asha stifled her own bout of happy giggling.

Author's Notes:

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Enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 34: Rain and Illumination

"You spend over thirty years hated and despised and then find that one gem which well and truly cares for you... That is the one you burn down civilizations for."

Asha tried to move in closer but could not as she was already glued to his back and had been all night. Her soon to be husband was far from perfect when it came to expressing himself as zebra's did, he was actually so inept at reading signs it was laughable. She still smiled though while hugging his sleeping form in the darkness of the early morning.

Weeks ago she had begun to migrate her sleeping mat closer to his without him noticing, but now that they were officially married in every way except ceremony she no longer cared. It was a new and strange feeling to her, years ago another had shown interest but they were dead now. After that she never suspected anyone else would take interest due to her... Problems.

But Verik had, Asha's smile grew but began to fade as worry worked its way into her mind, he had a plan and had long admitted it but as to how far reaching it was she did not know. What she did know was that he fully intended to do something to better their lives and was willing to pay a rather steep price for it.

A heavy rain began to fall outside as she fretted over their future and before she knew it a realization struck: only half the roof was repaired. Worse, it was her side that had been fixed and very soon it would begin to leak profusely. Luckily the runoff never came in the door but flowed freely down the hill and unfortunately for those below, directly into their dugouts.

Every fiber of her being wanted to remain here though basking in the first real companionship she ever had.

Fog clouded his mind as warmth covered his back which was unusual as he never slept with sheets, not that he owned any. The sound of heavy rain filled Verik's ears as he opened his eyes and realized who was laying behind him. Asha was pulled in so tightly he could feel absolutely everything and it was far from objectionable, in fact he enjoyed it.

Having her wrapped around him was nothing unexpected considering what happened the other day but what did confuse him was how she had pulled this off. All of his life if anyone so much as twitched or came near is sleeping form he had always woken up immediately, once he had jumped upright with a snarl and promptly lashed out. That Asha could just move up to him, touch him and then even hug him without triggering anything was a minor miracle.

Or was it proof that he had truly accepted her and had total faith and trust in her?

She was awake too, her breathing was off and her slight movements gave away that she was debating something. Reaching a hand around he put it over one of hers that was draped across his chest, Asha froze for a moment before relaxing as he laid there quietly with her for a moment.

"We need move to other side, this side leak."

Verik listened to her a moment before turning his gaze upward before slowly sitting upright.

"Is the monsoon here already?"

"Monsoon? Oh, heavy rains... No, maybe?" Asha reluctantly let go and began shifting things to the other side of the hut. "Sometimes rain comes early or late, sometimes it rain very hard few day then stop. Month or two later true rains come then it not stop for many, many days. Everything floods but we safe on hill."

Verik followed her in the darkness to the other side of the hut and after they rearranged things they leaned against the patched wall. Asha leaned over and laid against him while he put an arm around her, an action he never in his life expected he would ever do. Putting an arm around someone, his wife no less.

His wife!

"You know, when I was about... Twenty something I declared myself celibate?"

"What that?"

"Someone who will never marry, have kids nor have sex. Period. Swore I would never have anything to do with women. Until I met you, strange... Live that way for so long and then wind up on another world and find a gem like you who makes me not only question my beliefs but also throw some out the window."

He could feel the smile form on her face in the darkness as her head was planted in his neck. Everything was cooling down quickly as the rain drove on and soon the sounds of a leaking roof greeted them. The little plips as beads of water broke free of the thatch and struck the dusty floor seemed to echo louder than the rain outside at times.

"I too think that... After village destroyed no one interested, nightmares make others stay away. Never tell you what happened, you listen?"

Verik gave her a squeeze then laid his own head against her somewhat.

"Live in small village, smaller than Wete. I was Iwali tribe then, years ago, much younger then. Chief not agree to Tadid's claim on village, say he have no right to claim, never part of his... What word... Domain? We not in his domain. Tasid threaten, lay heavy tax on tribe till Iwali not afford. Make Fareed angry at both, Fareed not care so long as Fareed get what Fareed owed."

"Tasid must have been... Twelve? Back then... Little shit."

"Tasid come up with plan, make Fareed happy but hurt Iwali badly. Chief protest but Fareed not care again, Fareed send tax collector who threaten tribe to accept new deal."

"What was the new deal?"

"Not know, tribe give up land and Tasid lower tax but land Tasid claimed was ancestral and best land. Tribe not able to pay anymore if he take."

"So he claimed a stretch... Wait, where was your village located?"

"Along river, farther south of Iuny. Tasid claim part of flood plain closest to him, it biggest, richest."

"Alright, but what destroyed you?"

"Tasid. We not able to pay, chief know this and know that mean they take slaves, fewer in tribe mean taxes less. Chief explain to us that if they take away those who "not produce for Fareed" then rest can stay and pay lower tax. But those taken sold elsewhere so they now useful to Fareed."

"I take it the chief said no."

"Chief refuse, make plan with tribe to kill tax collector as revenge and flee, we have to wait till end of season to flee so we have enough food. Tax collector come early though and chief kill them. But Tasid knew we rebel, he already waiting. Next morning we begin packing to flee, cant stay, too dangerous. Must flee or they come for us with army. But we not quick enough, Tasid had forces nearby who come in morning as we prepare to run and surround village."

Asha was shaking, either from the sudden drop in temperature or her nerves he was uncertain. Perhaps it was the simple reality that she was reliving her nightmares all over again for his sake, so that he could understand. It also sounded rather perfect, send a low level government bureaucrat to bite the bullet thus providing an excellent legal excuse.

"They surround village, one in fancy metal clothing yell for us to surrender, maybe Tasid show mercy for our betrayal. We know truth though, it too late and he lie anyway. I live near river with family... Have three brothers and one younger sister then, all we have is sharp stick, they come with spear, bow and fire."

"Burned it to the ground?"

"Yes, arrow with fire rain across village, everything burn, smoke everywhere, we run to river, chief say we swim to other side if lucky. Stay and die, flee and maybe live. Enemy leader not fool though, he know, fancy one have soldiers waiting along bank. We run anyway, they not chase though, just walk after us. They herd us like animals to river."

There was a long pause as her muscles stiffened up.

"They slaughtered us quickly, many fight to break through, make hole in their line and we run. Run and run."

Verik ran the scene through his head, it was a perfect maneuver. Why bother to besiege when they could just burn them out and drive them into a kill zone? It was not like the villagers had a choice either, the best way out was the river as overland they would be followed and cut down. Swim and they would at least have some kind of chance for survival by reaching the far side. Armor and water were a very, very bad mix and Asha's chief had probably known that.

"You being closer to the river meant you reached it first right?"

"No... Not so good runner like you but was helping brother pack, had to run across village. Village not like Wete, not run with river but built to and away from river. Maybe if we on hill then more survive. We all run together, family fight but sister sent with me to swim, get through their line and hear her call name."

Asha gagged, "I turn and she have arrow in neck, they have archers on bank to shoot as we swim. I ran. Enawi dead. Run to river and wade out, others shot... I not good swimmer either, many reach water and strong current start to push us away while dead floating. Arrow kill many... I use their dead body to hide self and float away."

That would explain a great deal. Somehow Asha survived along with many others no doubt but the mental toll had been paid in full and interest applied in full. Herded like animals from their homes, driven to the river and into the jaws of a waiting force they had been cut down without mercy.

Verik listened to Asha's sobbing as she clung onto him and realized there was probably only one, single reason anyone had survived at all: Tasid's soldiers were probably amongst the worst. Shahid had described the guards ineptness in great detail and if history was any lesson then the soldiers were also the town guard.

Such a small smile of fortune had befallen them and allowed whatever warriors her tribe had to punch a hole in the line thus allowing some to escape. But how many? It no longer mattered he realized, even in their state they had surprise on their side along with decent tactics if nothing else.

So how many soldiers did Tasid have? It was no Mjesani so they could not be a grand force and in order to fully surround the village they would need a great many more than whatever Tasid had at his disposal.

Mercenaries? No, they stayed in Alzamard. Perhaps Mjesani had sent additional forces and as Verik mulled it over Fareed had probably sent a contingent to Iuny. Not to watch Tasid but because if he was in Fareed's position he would as well, a slight such as what Tasid had done would lead to rebellion. Better to station some forces in advance just in case they try something.

"How did you get here though? That is quite a distance, why not swim to the other side and wander off?"

"We did, swim other side or float away, gather down river and decide we stay along river. Dry season so no forage and we have no food. No water, we have nothing. Must stay close to river. Travel at night so soldiers not see us, hide during day, we see Miwani and one swim across but they turn him away. They know what happen, Tasid tell all, they take us in Tasid attack Miwani. Beg for food and get little but they not turn us in, tell us to keep running. Warn us about tribe on far side of river."

"They would not take kindly to your intrusion from what I have heard... How many were you?"

Asha tried to count before falling into the "ten and ten" method and after a lot of guess work only some twenty made it out. Wete was huge by comparison according to her, nearly a small town now so that meant there were probably around two hundred, maybe a little more of them once upon a time.

"Then you would up here and Tendaji took you in?"

"Yes, he not care, many others like us, so long as we swear never to tell others what tribe we come from he accept us."

"Well you survived all that which says something."

"Yes, I should have died."

"Why do you say that?"

"Family all gone and sister..." Verik waited as Asha broke down again before continuing, her voice was giving out. "She take arrow meant for me."

"That is impossible to know."

"I turn and archer looking at me, not far away, he make shot so close... Hear him mutter about missing and reach for new arrow. She follow behind me because I slower than her, tell me to run faster but cant." Asha's head moved to face him in the darkness and he could see the horror burned into her face and eyes. "At night- I-I... I keep seeing his face!"

"Well I can make you one promise Asha, he will never find you nor get his hands on you. I dont know how but if I ever see him, not that I would ever recognize him... But should I ever come across some soldier bragging about it I can always cut his tongue out for you."

Asha froze at this and stared up in a mixture of horror, relief and longing before moving back to her old position and gripping him tighter.

"He have scar over right eyebrow, shorter than Shahid."

Verik did not expect that, Asha had just given him a green light to exact revenge.

"That does not really narrow it down a great deal."

What came next was probably the most detailed description he had ever heard but it made sense to an extent. After all she relived that event over and over in her dreams at night but he did have to leave leeway for exaggeration. Still, some things were a little to crystal clear to be imagination like his scar, eye color, uniform and other details.

When she had finished he knew at least one thing: somewhere in Iuny this one did reside. More questions came to mind though as he thought it over, something was missing.

"Asha... How many days away from Iuny was the village anyway?"

"Take day to walk, very rough, no road, dense brush... Why?"

"And the forces were already there right? Did you have scouts like the Wete have?"

"Yes... Brother was scout."

So how in the hell did they just walk up on them? Also that meant not only a great deal of pre-positioning of very questionable forces but also hiding them. Or did they hide them? A thought began to lurk in Verik's mind as to a possibility but suggesting it to Asha would probably result in anger or shattering what little control she had left. There was a way or worming around it though.

"How many warriors survived?"


"Huh... Lucky fellow... Or Gal... They came here with you after swimming the river with the rest of you."

"No, find us much later and join us in coming here."

"Lucky indeed they are. They still live here right? Not as a Iwali but Wete. They had to drop the first bit."

"Not know."


It had rained for two straight days now and the suspicion was that it would end sometime soon if the clouds were anything to go by. After Asha had emptied her baggage on him things had gone very well, they instead began to talk about little things once more and thus avoid another breakdown. There were no nightmares either as she slept soundly every night gripping him like a life saver and then come morning she was smiling a little more brightly.

Training was canceled till the rain ended and that was by order of Sefu. Verik had actually left in the rain expecting something but instead found out he was the last to be informed by virtue of finding Sefu's hut. The real catcher had been finding out he had several wives and kids of his own, Sefu had been a little dumbstruck that Verik would be at the door in the driving rain asking if they were training today.

Turns out for them it was rather common sense to call it off when it rained this hard and after Verik brought up the idea of training under the worst conditions Sefu waved him off. Maybe one day but right now they did not need to risk any more sickness or injury. Considering most were in not the best of health due to rationing it made sense.

If nothing else all the rain would make digging a great deal easier as the ground would be so soft their primitive tools would work better. This boiled down daily activities to simply sitting in the hut listening to the rain the strange voices and whispers coming from next door and talking with Asha.

As Verik listened to the whispers he turned away to look at Asha who had busied herself with little things like sifting through the nearly empty jars to count and recount their contents.

"I should probably say this while no one is listening." Not that he really believed that anymore. "You do know I am planning to conquer us a home be it here or elsewhere..."


"That means all the hell that comes with it, not being around, fighting, dying, people hunting me down. It will get very ugly very quickly. Now I dont want you caught up in that but-"

"It okay. I trust you, do what you think is right. Maybe it time for it to burn, maybe not. But you light fire to burn you not run yes?"

"I will never leave you behind even if things go horribly wrong."

Asha gave him a quick smile before digging around in a jar again.

"Good, you not alone now, we have much to gain, little to loose. You want to conquer I support you, always, but swear you be careful, not a fool like Iwali chief."

"Oh I already learned a few lessons from that story, you dont need to worry about that. Still dont know how I am going to pull it off but the gears in my head are grinding."

"You still take tax ship yes?"

He had mentioned that and completely forgotten.

"Food and money helps, also having a ship to escape on. I am not going to turn into another El-Presidente who gets lynched by the Banana Republic."

"Not know what that mean but wise. Shahid and Altayih help yes?"

"Probably more if I breathed it aloud but I dare not because of other concerns. Anyway! I never did ask but... How does marriage work here anyway?"

"Oh! Easy, make offering to family of one you want to marry first, if they accept you see chief or shaman... No family... Uh... Not sure? I Wete now so maybe you need make offering Tendaji? He probably mad about you killing... That one. Not know name... Make offering Nuru too. Always wise."

"So its normal to make an offering? What kind?"

"Brother's marry they offered other family precious things or food. One brother gave two big basket of yam, other gave basket of nuts. Hm... Tijan take two wife and make two offering. Why you ask anyway? Tendaji have no choice, that settled when you won."

"Oh just wondering what your cultural norms are. Besides, as you said, it would be wise to smooth things over first. Where I come from though it is normal to give the one you are interested in things... Well its a long story but it usually culminates in an engagement ring and then finally a wedding ring made of gold unless your poor or a tightwad."

"You already give me many, many things... You propose that long ago and I not know?"

"Not at all, it just seemed right and also back then... Which is not all that long ago really... I mean to say I was already falling in love with you and giving you things just seemed... Natural. I wanted you to be happy so I never stopped to think about it."

"Very nice of you and make me very happy! You even give part of snake hide!"

Indeed he had, a rather large hunk in fact which sat bundled up and out of the elements. Asha had wasted no time in taking a strip of it and fashioning herself a bracelet and for whatever reason a waist band. Her wearing nothing but that band around the waist was a real "how do you do" whenever she walked past stark naked but maybe it had more meaning.

"Why did you make that waist band?"

"You give me hide so I make one."

"Your not exactly hiding anything by wearing it."

"Why I hide something with it?"

"Well normally you wear clothing to cover your genitals-"

"You give hide so I wear to show others."

"Wait... You wear that thing to show others were engaged? Its like a bigger engagement ring?"

Asha hummed a moment and mulled it over, zebra custom was strange indeed and her explaining it if at all would be a feat and a half.

"Yes... No?"

"So it has some deeper meaning that I am missing and you are having trouble explaining."

"Yes. One meaning is we bonded, you make big, big offer, I accept and wear it. Polite. Also can mean marriage... Many meanings. Depends."

So the moment you started wearing that belt every zebra knew I had given you the hide so they automatically thought... Ah. Thats why that one was so quick to start a fight.

"When are we getting married anyway? Is there a time limit? All this rain makes it rather hard to have any kind of ceremony, assuming you have them in the open what with the tribal nature and such."

"Ask Nuru, I not worried, to me we married now. Tendaji can not say no or Nuru."

"Nuru can not refute it? Why not? She is the power behind the throne around here."

"She could say no to duel, change duel but not. Nuru came to circle and blessed it, mean she want it to happen."

Nuru keeps getting more and more interesting... And dangerous.

"I would still like to get you... Something. A real gift, not one I just happened to wind up with because of other circumstances like the hide."

"You regret giving me hide?"

"Not one bit. I have a bit more of an idea? I think... Of what you wearing that means so the fact you were so quick to make a bracelet and waist band is very... Well it makes me very, very happy."

"Make me happy too."

"Well what would you like?"

"As gift?"



Verik paused a long moment before laughing a moment, he couldn't help it.

"Not sure if that is possible and I am different from anything you have ever seen. But, it shall not be for lack of trying." Asha raised an eyebrow at him. "What I mean is, what kind of gift do you really want? Not family, friends... Something more along the lines of say... Like your bracelet."

"Ahhh... Still want family..." Asha mulled it over before smiling. "Necklace. Some tribe wear necklace, some wear bands of metal around neck."

"What kind?"

"I like blue, like your eyes, and red."

"Blue eyed and red haired... Okay. Dont know how I will but that off but I will figure something out one day."

Asha laughed at him a moment before waving a hand at him.

"It okay, you give so much already! You give family first and I forgive you not giving necklace. Big family too!"

"Oh I will die trying with a smile on my face but first," Verik stood up and looked out into the rain. "I need to visit Nuru."

"Why? It still raining."

"Because my beautiful bride to be I have some questions that only she can answer and also no time like the present to set a date. Also to get the kinks worked out as to what needs to be done."

"Knock first or she curse you." Asha's voice was dead serious and quite stern, she absolutely believed what she had just said.

"Of course."

Verik stepped into the rain and quickly through the deepening mud to Nuru's massive hut. That she would curse him for entering without knocking... He knew Asha meant curse as in Voodoo what as he was learning was probably very real and very fatal in this world all things considered.

As he ducked down and prepared to knock the voices ceased and before his hand met with the wall a voice called out, he was invited to enter.

Been here only twice and it gets creepier every time.

Author's Notes:

I just realized I went from something like... 20 followers after publishing Underworld to 152 followers at 34 chapters into Zebrican Warlord. At this point I am hoping to keep your attention as I have not even hit the second hurdle in the story yet. Thank you to those folks to have donated to keep the ship sailing!

Chapter 35: Political Planning

"In the realm of political warfare being able to intimidate your rivals through grandiose displays of wealth, power and prestige is not only wise but also prudent. A single slip of even minor proportions can result in being seen as weak."
-Sultan Fareed, Alzamard-

Fareed carefully read over one final scroll, it was the last in what had been a rather substantial pile at first. Most were simple matters to resolve but this one had been kept till the end of the day for within it was a matter of great political importance. A century ago some great, great grandfather of his had decided it wise to host various dignitaries from the nations and city states that surrounded them.

It was quite simple really: invite everyone to their grand city, show off their wealth and might therefor staving off war through intimidation. As was the rule the visitors would not be permitted anywhere near the "lesser" areas of the city but shown merely what he wanted them to see; a rich, powerful city.

Indeed it was too, he boasted a large army capable of keeping what he had and more but the real power was in the mercenaries he kept close. The regular army would be kept out of sight and mind when the dignitaries came as they were now... Less than presentable. On the other hand Xerin's forces were some of the best and were well known, large enough display on his part would scare most into agreeing to continue their "non-aggression" pacts.

A joke to be certain he had to admit, but all the same having them all put their name on the paper created no end of false justification for anything anyone could ever dream of doing.

The army... He pondered what to do with them while the festivities lasted for a few weeks. Normally they lasted two weeks but things were always finished in two days. Those extra twelve days was purely to wine and dine his "guests" and show off. Neither were those days a burden on his coffers by any stretch of the imagination but it always helped to drive that final nail in the coffin that he could do what they could only dream of affording.

Only the finest gold, silver, gems and silks would be allowed, everything would be hand delivered by a large cadre of hand selected servants and slaves. Picked for their beauty or handsomeness by his overseer for such matters. They would, for at least those two weeks... Be gilded top to bottom in the finest of jewelry and silks that were meant to catch the eye and please the viewer.

Several of them would be made available for other services of course, it would be rude not too. As a matter of prudence his overseer had already been dispatched to the slave market every single day with orders to pick only the finest they had to offer. Expensive but well worth it he measured as they were either kept or sold off immediately once the last of the dignitaries left.

How many bastard children had been sired this way? Ironic, out there somewhere were probably several hundred slaves who were of noble blood or at least "well to do" heritage.

His eyes drifted over the scroll reading the names carefully one by one as he tried to remember who they were. Some he recognized immediately as nobles or returning ambassadors but others were new to him.

A single name stuck out making his eyes freeze before glancing to the side and reading who they were and where they came from.

Nawra, Labrad, princess, heir to the throne. He had taken Tuli from them a year ago, yes? Such matters were trivial but he had remembered one thing: they had seized from him a stretch of land along his side of the river. They would regret that.

Ah, the river... Source of my power and woes. Thriti, mightiest river in the lands, bringer of abundance and control over trade.

Fareed hummed this to himself so quietly the various advisors did not pick up on it but it was quite true. The only reason any dignitaries ever came was because he absolutely controlled one of the two river crossings in the entire region. Labrad had tried once and failed horribly thanks to a little... Incentive, on his part.

Through that one crossing he could choke to death nearly any surrounding nation at will and that was a fact he liked to remind them of. Already he had put pressure on Labrad to such an extent they were gasping for air. Despite being on the far side of the river and free of most troubles related to crossing the river it did not stop him from attacking their core: the merchants.

Merchants needed to move goods both ways and not just one, by over taxing the merchants coming or going to Labrad he took their income away. Also Fareed knew the current monarchs were rather soft on their taxes and raising them to counter his own tariffs was unthinkable for them.

And thus you send me your daughter...

They were going to try and bribe him. Somehow, the two old and desperate monarchs had gotten it into their thick skulls that they could negotiate out of their current predicament. Fareed held nearly all the cards and that they would dare to try was rather amusing at best, at worst it was insulting as they should know better.

Still, he held one card that could be called upon at will: A stretch of land along the river. Taken from him while he took Tuli from Labrad, this stretch was now in full use as agricultural land and was woefully undefended. To date only a few raiding parties from the bandits had dared attempt anything and all had been exterminated.

Complacency... Yes, that was another advantage he held over them. He had so utterly ignored their hold on that bit of land while securing the area around Tuli they had even given up their attempts to build outposts. At one point they had dreamed of building a fortress if he recalled but due to how the land laid it was an impossible prospect.

First he would hear what this Nawra had to say and see what she had to offer him. It was customary for his guests to bring gifts and those that displeased him were usually branded and sent away. Once, an ambassador had brought nothing and promptly refused to even make any kind of offer. They had been beheaded, the corpse strung up while the head was sent back in a basket filled with melons.

No one was required to come, it was simply a formality but woe be to any that did not follow proper protocol. They had been from Samati no less and he had no doubts that the ambassador had been ordered under pain of death (and probably with family held hostage) to act in such a manner.

After the head had been delivered their illustrious ruler had declared war and after a long series of skirmishes neither side had gotten anywhere. Instead another pact was drawn and she shifted her attention elsewhere.

It was important to remind everyone that you are a ruler after all and you cant do that without chopping off a few heads now and then; even if it starts a war.

Fareed's head bobbed up sharply a moment and he quickly beckoned one of the messengers over. After writing down some instructions for his overseer he waved them off, hopefully the stallion would already know what was written within after all these years but it never hurt to remind him.

These meetings were held every four to five years so the mind could always slip on certain details. One such detail was making certain that a number of geldings were kept about, despite the problems that came with such a procedure it provided those mares visiting as dignitaries to at least try and enjoy themselves without certain risks.

It was only good manners.

After all, none could ever dare to say that he, Fareed, was an ungracious host. A host... Yes a host... Not only were their foreign dignitaries coming to visit but he was also going to host many of his own nobles.

Grabbing another parchment he double checked that "invitations" had been sent to the appropriate households. Reading down the paper Fareed felt satisfied that every arrangement had been made along with his "special case."

Tasid. He would trust that one the day pigs grew wings and flew. To date Tasid had only come twice and skipped the last meeting. Once he had been brought by his father who was one he happened to trust and was also the last after he had been named ruler of Iuny. While it was indeed a distance to travel there was no excuse in not sending at least a representative.

What had he sent? A single message. Couldn't make it, condolences. Not allowing this slight to pass he had gone personally a few weeks later to visit Tasid and after viewing his realm first hand... Knew what the real reason was: if Tasid dared leave the peasants would rebel.

The greasy little eel had tried to squirm his way out of it but in a semi-private meeting Fareed had nearly had him lynched. He even contemplated cutting Tasid's tongue out and leaving him to rule, it would be an improvement, he was certain of that. However, leaving the slimy noble right where he was suited him better.

So long as there was one like Tasid sitting at Iuny it meant the public would have someone else to focus on and should a certain line ever be crossed... Well, executing Tasid would make Fareed a hero albeit a temporary one. If nothing else it would at least placate the peasantry for a time.

Still, he wanted Tasid to last as long as possible, it gave the public someone else to hate and after making his public proclamation about what would happen if Tasid met an untimely end, well... Fear works both ways. What the peasantry did not know was that his little threat had been just as much aimed at Tasid as them. Should he cause him any trouble the public would be the least of his concerns.

To date the tactic had worked marvels. Only one group of peasants had rebelled but they had been stomped down quickly and Tasid was always prompt with his tithes.

Fareed smiled at the thought of tithes... In just a few months the tithes would be due again but the tithe he had taken form Tasid back then had probably done more to damage his ego than the threat ever had. Taking a full three quarters of his hand picked harem away with a penchant for the newer ones over the old had made Tasid squirm. All had been sold quickly in Alzamard of course, Fareed had no need for any more of them let alone ones that were second hand and very used.

No, this time the eel would come in person and there were no two ways out of it. A retinue of mercenaries bearing a letter had already been sent and should be there by now. Xerin and Fareed had hand picked the officer along with the guards that would bring Tasid to Alzamard. Another had been selected to rule in his absence and just to make certain he did not attempt to worm his way out of things a force of some five hundred mercenaries had been sent to act as "guards" until Tasid returned.

The locals were very lucky. They would be free of him for at least a month or more and the mercenaries were under orders to gather as much dirt as they possibly could. Spies already clung to Tasid's mansion like flies on an ox's ass but it never hurt to add a certain degree of... Threat, to information gathering. Whatever his spies failed to find the mercenaries would root out with pure force and when Tasid returned and learned of this well...

He would either jump in the river and swim for his life or swallow hard and remember his place: at his sultans hooves kissing them. He did have to wonder though what gifts his "dear friend" would bring him, whatever or whoever they were they had best be good ones.

Fareed half listened to the conversations in the room before picking up a few words about the invasion he had planned. The talker was silenced immediately as the matter was closed and that the matter was to remain a closed door secret, never spoken of where others, especially the servants, might hear.

Interruptions were one thing Fareed did not want during those weeks just prior to, during nor immediately after the gathering. So far his spies had reported that far to the south war had raged for about two weeks with the end result being the acquisition of more lands that the young prince Halim would inevitably be inheriting soon.

Said army had now turned away to focus on other matters closer to home while leaving a large force of mercenaries behind. Tribal forces all, crude, poorly equipped by any standard but still highly effective. He knew this well as he himself had hired a thousand of them once to make a point to some neighbors in the south, it was a point well made and worth every coin.

While the mercenaries themselves were utterly indoctrinated and honor bound to do whatever their mad king required of them they none the less had rumblings amongst the ranks. Whatever would come of this he had no idea but so long as they were busy eyeing each other they would not have time to move north and cause him any trouble.

Such rumblings would inevitably give way to treason and soon civil war would spark, not long after his southern problem would take care of itself. At least unless the nutcase they had for a king allowed things to get out of hand but there always remained the chance it could go the other way.

Politics were a fickle thing but for the time being it looked like their impi would sit tight and not move a muscle. Most likely they were being paid to sit there and scare any locals not driven off, enslaved or forced into heeling to their new masters at spear-point.

So long as they stay to the south his preparations would go forward quite nicely and come harvest time his army would march west less to conquer, but more to scare the hell out of them. Meanwhile his mercenaries would keep things under control at home but something was still not quite right, something was missing from his plans...

Ah yes, Nawra... Fareed smiled to himself as he mulled that name over and wondered what she would look like, hopefully an eye catcher. Sending the heir to the throne, a mare no less, meant those two old fools she called parents had only one thing on their mind: marriage. Marry her off and end a larger war that was coming down the river and like a flood whether they liked it or not and it would be quite unstoppable.

None the less, princess Nawra would be wined and dined like the rest of course but that did not mean he could not have some fun at her expense.


Light. Too much light...

Tasid tried to sit up in bed but was unable to move. He was covered in tits and flesh, the way he normally woke up and he would have it no other way. The sun had risen and the elaborately decorated silk curtains did little to block its glare, cursing whatever power made it suddenly rise like that he licked his lips and tried to remember what had happened last night.

Ah yes, the letter...

Last night a large force of mercenaries had entered his town and then hand delivered a message directly from Fareed. He was going to attend this years gathering whether he liked it or not and if he resisted they would take him there anyway only at the tip of a sword. Everything had been explained by the captain and that he had two days to get things in order before leaving the city to his care.

Holding back his anger Tasid had eloquently accepted the offer including the "escorts" that were being provided and of course, they were free of charge... It had taken less than two hours for the point to be driven home when one of his guards mouthed that they would not obey the orders of these mercenaries marked in black. In that one instant of opening his mouth a mercenary had simply smiled, slashed their throat and moved on.

That had not been what he had been told however, no, of course not! The guard had been rather vocal and violent about not allowing the change of command and after getting into a scuffle with the mercenary they had "accidentally" been killed while the other guards present were now so scared they dare not challenge the story.

After all, in two days they would be left alone with the mercenaries and if they dared open their mouths to say otherwise Tasid knew their bodies would never be found. Indeed, he only knew the truth because a servant had witnessed this and reported it, a spy in fact, a spy to keep an eye on his own servants no less.

Once the wonderful news had been delivered and the gears set into motion he had wasted no time in retiring to his chambers. He only had two days to enjoy himself as much as was physically possible before the long drought would begin. Upon arrival to Alzamard provisions would be made available to keep their urges, lusts and appetites well fed but personally he preferred his own arrangement.

Here he could do whatever he wished and as he wished, but in the sultans palace he was required to maintain a high degree of decorum, etiquette and civility. This meant he could not sate his appetites at will but had to bottle them up during the day, hide his desires and only at night could he gain fulfillment.

Not even that though, true he could enjoy the entertainment provided at night but there were rules to follow, so many rules... So long as he kept such to himself here at home Fareed did not give a damn what he did as long as the peace was kept and tithes paid on time.

Leaning back onto his massive bed made of the finest silk cushions Tasid closed his eyes, breathed out and began groping. His hands flitted across the three closest bodies before a hand came to rest on a favorite as he knew them by their feel.

If only this could last longer... But I must get up and see to matters, only two days to prepare...

Tightening his grip and twisting until a pained gurgle filled the air he barked at them to get up and move. Sitting upright he kept his hand where it was before finally letting go of the mare and standing. The great rush began as his slaves moved to clear a path or prepare clothing for him from the wardrobe, some had their special purposes after all as it meant the gears would move more smoothly.

Dressed in his fine silken robe he ambled down the hallway from his pleasure room Tasid stopped to enter his bathroom. Its marble floor was immaculately kept and the large bathtub made from carefully fitted stones and elaborate tile work was a happy inheritance from his parents. As was custom the water had already been prepared and kept to the proper temperature for when he roused himself from bed.

Arms out so a slave could remove his robe he walked to the tubs edge and after sliding into the water Tasid laid there and allowed the slaves to do the rest for him while partially closing his eyes. He knew they could not be trusted but they were now so perfectly conditioned that if any one of them tried anything the others would beat them nearly to death.

"Ahem! Tasid, I am here to inform you that we leave tomorrow morning in case you forgot."

His heart skipped a beat as the mercenary began talking and before he could even turn to look they were already gone. Even his slaves had been taken by surprise by their sudden arrival and departure, they were merely a ghost in how they came and went, a true testament to their training. Not only that but they flagrantly disregarded his rank as a noble and addressed him as a common peasant and not only because they did not respect his station, but because they knew there was nothing he could do about it.

It terrified him.

Everything was fuzzy though, he could have sworn the letter arrived last night and that he had two days left... No, no he did not. The mercenary captain had ordered his servants, HIS servants! To pack for him. Immediately. He had been so angry with how things had worked out that night he retired and after waking had delved into his supply of opium.

A terribly expensive habit of his but he enjoyed it, unfortunately he was so wound up it did little so he took to drinking till the rest had become one long blur. One full day had passed like this, spent either in a rage sealed inside his chambers or trying to fuck or strangle the life out of his slaves.

As the events hazily returned he did not doubt for a second a few of them were probably carrying his bastard children even now, it was a problem that was very easy to solve however; one quick boating trip and things took care of themselves. That or he could always force them to drink certain poisons that while still harmful to the mother was fatal to the unborn. Assuming of course he cared to keep the used property around, it depended on their value.

Satisfied with his bath and having been dried off, combed, brushed and properly dressed Tasid set off to carry out the more mundane tasks of the day. Before leaving he would need to make one last check of the tax assessment before leaving along with a visit to the slave market.

It was best to start picking out his new toys now because in a few months a certain number would have to be thrown out due to... Circumstances. Visiting Alzamard though made him a little giddy, they had bar none the best slave market he had ever seen or heard of due to its central location. Mjesani was fifth rate by comparison and was where he normally went shopping as Iuny's selection was poor to say the least.

Still, it did not mean that the rare gem did not pass through now and then! If one was wise they always kept their eyes and ears open for the best opportunities and the local slave trader had made a point to hand select the best and hold them for him till he had a chance to have a look. The mare was always well rewarded for her loyalty and good eyes.

Breakfast was trivial at best as the servants rushed to serve his every whim. Not once did he have to actually pick anything off a tray for it was snatched up immediately and delivered to him directly by a few hand picked serving mares. These he did not bed, they were too expensive to train and always served as a delicious forbidden fruit that he enjoyed oggling or feeling.

Ah, how many months it had taken to train them, the beatings, torture and lastly the indoctrination so they would remain forever loyal.

Not that it was a perfect system as a few years ago someone had slipped poison into his food but thankfully the poisoner had detected it first. While it had been one part terrifying and one part infuriating that anyone would dare to poison him their death had actually been so funny he enjoyed it.

All Tasid had to do was close his eyes and remember the horrified look on her face as the poison took effect, first it paralyzed and then cut off her breathing, and then finally blood began to seep from her eyes. The best had been her death throws, she just laid there, body paralyzed but something in the poison made her have seizures so violent her muscles were forced to move. Snapping sounds had filled the air as her own body broke her bones one by one and when it was all over she lay there as a twisted, bloody mess.

He had nearly choked on his wine as it had been such a treat to watch and his laughter had filled the room. Unfortunately, Fareed visited not long after and a certain discussion as well as public proclamation resulted in the would be assassins being turned in immediately by a few of their fellow citizens. Everyone had become horrified not of what they had done or that punishment would be forthcoming... Indeed no one even dared to ask for a reward, they simply delivered them tied up in rope no questions asked.

No, they were terrified of what would happen to them because Fareed had threatened all of them, not just a handful. Should anyone harm Tasid they had not only to worry about the guilty party, but also anyone even remotely associated with them. Whole families and neighbors as well would be laid low in the violent witch-hunt that followed.

As for what happened to the two who had made an attempt on his life? Fareed had dealt with that himself, they were tortured for days in private before being put out in public where the torture continued for a few more. A gelder took care of one but rather than be quick and clean had instead tortured their body apart.

It took a few days for them to die and once it was over Tasid knew what awaited him and exactly why Fareed allowed him to live. Fareed had made certain they were dead and then in front of the public declared that Tasid's choice for punishment had been carried out! He then reminded them Tasid was undeniably in control of Iuny and the surrounding lands as well but the hate had been squarely passed from one to the other.

Tasid was a scapegoat.

Trapped like a rat in a cage, his life depended now upon keeping Fareed happy less the locals slaughter him in his sleep. So long as he did whatever was ordered he would get to have all the fun he wanted but cross a certain line and, well...

Anger boiled in his veins again. Slapping a servant away as she delicately offered him something that had caught his eye Tasid rose from his cushion and then stomped off to the throne room. No punishment beyond the slap was forthcoming and the servants held a collective sigh of relief until he was out of sight and earshot.

His throne room was not opulent by any stretch of the imagination as his funds went to feeding his endless appetites. The only thing opulent here was the throne itself as the original had been replaced for a bigger one that could fit himself, and have just enough room to squeeze in one more. It helped take the edge off what would normally put him to sleep.

There was no need for his visit today however as the mercenaries had already taken that in stride as well, the captain did not sit on his throne but instead an ornate chair set "just" beneath making a mockery of Tasid's station. All the paperwork had already been dealt with along with any... "Public concerns."

Tasid wandered out of his quasi-palace and after slipping into a carried "throne carriage" and was off to the slave market, with any luck there would be at least one today. His anger was boiling over rapidly and he needed to sate it quickly, with any luck he would find one suitable and after venting his frustrations he would be calm enough to last a month.

Following him carefully his own guards stayed a little closer than usual, not for fear of their lords life but because just beyond them the mercenaries roamed and followed their every step. Somehow they believed that by clustering close to Tasid they would be spared harsh rebuttals or the scornful gaze of Fareed's hand picked terrors.

Traveling through the small marketplace was rather boring as the peasants rushed to get away save a handful of the local well to do's. As they quietly walked along he spied one older stallion and his new servant mare. She was young and eye catching to say the least and in her lack of dress he felt like smiling for a moment before he remembered something.

A few weeks ago or so... It was so hard to remember these little things... Ah! Yes... Someone had broken into this stallions mansion, a thief no less. They had been found out almost immediately near the slave quarters trying to pick a lock to get inside, probably thinking they would find valuables hidden away. Dumb fool.

All the same they had been driven out and nearly captured before drowning themselves in the river rather than face punishment. Tasid could not blame them either as their hand would be chopped off if the master felt particularly angry or be sold into slavery, the later being the norm and nearly a rule because why waste what you can sell?

Watching them wander off in another direction he felt desire but let it go, that was too fine a mare for what he had in mind.

"Do you have anything worthwhile today? Yes or no."

Tasid's voice was strained and he could feel his veins pumping, he was being humiliated by Fareed. It was completely his own doing and he knew that all to well so it was best to grind his teeth, smile and bear with it. He had slighted Fareed and was now going to pay for it, not in blood thank the gods but in name, ego and public humiliation.

Qutil Aightisab, the local slave trader never raised an eyebrow as Tasid snarled out his question but instead just nodded her gray striped zebra head and barked out some orders to her minions. Quickly two were brought and smacked with sticks till they stood straight and ready for presentation, looking them over quickly his gaze finally stayed on the one. Reaching out to his servant he beckoned them closer and after opening the small lock-box withdrew one of the pre-measured sacks of gold and dangled it between his fingers for Qutil to see.

She was used to this after all these years and with a smile accepted it before handing him a key to the shackles. This was quite normal for the two but no one else as Tasid always had the shackles and key brought back promptly before days end. A business arrangement that made both quite happy and one richer.

Wagons were already lined up outside his home upon their return and being packed quickly by his servants under the strict supervision of the mercenaries. Letting out a long held sigh he had the new slave marched inside before having her unshackled and then restrained with rope. Carried like an animal bound for slaughter his two guards brought her to his bed chambers and laid her down carefully before leaving hurriedly.

"You know who I am yes?" Tasid stared at the now horrified mare as she looked around the room, his reputation had preceded him. Eyes darting around they finally settled on him but quickly looked away from his gaze, she was a smart one.


"Good, then I end the formalities." Clapping his hands made the room echo a little as most were elsewhere for the time being. He was wealthy indeed but not so wealthy that his slaves did not have to partake in other household duties, only Fareed was that wealthy but it did not stop Tasid from dreaming.

The two mares left in the room were quickly given some instructions and after bringing his prepared opium pipe he lit it and offered it to the confused mare.

"Breath deep, it will help with the pain."

Tasid watched as trembling mare took several deep, shaky breaths before coughing and gagging only to have it forced back into her mouth.

"Good, it will not hurt as much now. Stand her up and untie her legs."

As Tasid walked to a locked stand to retrieve the required item he laid down the pipe in its holder and extinguished the smoldering contents with a cap. Behind him he heard the Arabian mare thank him for his little act of kindness and returning to her he held the object at his side and shook his head.

"No, it was not for that, I just didn't want you passing out from the pain or dying immediately from the shock."

Two loud cracks filled the air as her knees broke from the impact. A scream pierced the air but no one even thought to bat an eye, this was normal. Listening to their screams Tasid felt his anger subside a little. Staring at the writhing mass at his feet with legs bent the wrong way he smiled happily and let out a little sigh of relief.


Another two hits was all it took to make them crawl for their life while his servants stared off into space, their eyes glazed over. It was funny, they outnumbered him completely at any given time, at any given second could overpower and then slay him at will. It was not like they had anything to loose after all as they all knew at some point their number would be up.

Or was it? He kept a handful of mares around despite their wear and tear, not to mention they were a good ten years older than him in some cases. Why did he keep them? The illusion that some would survive. That they had a chance of simply suffering through it like the rest and living longer so long as they smiled despite the pain and misery he wrought on them.

Only once had a slave attempted to resist him and the rest had beaten them down before holding the mare in place so he could have his revenge. They were like a bunch of trained monkeys now, he could do anything he wanted and because the new ones just assumed this was the way it had always been... That it was not the way it should always be.

A pecking order had been created in their minds and they all fought to gain the most favor. Each one trying to outdo the next by pleasuring him till they pass out from exhaustion or pain. Looking down Tasid saw his toy had stopped crawling and now lay on her back gagging and hacking. The opium took the edge off the pain but it took time to take effect and he enjoyed hearing the screams.

Leveling his heavy rod with her breast in the manner a golfer would use a club and golf ball he took a back-swing and held it a moment. Releasing the swing with all his might he felt and saw the hit move her across the floor a little before the blood and screaming started again.

He felt better.

Author's Notes:

Having a really bad week so far but I did get this sucker edited and prepped for you folks. Those of you who join onto my patreon get early access to all my pictures of the people and other little things along with helping to keep this process rolling. However, since one is now "NSFW" (and more coming) I am no longer allowed to link to my patreon page but you can find out by looking into my blog post. You can also find the link on my FA page. Hooray for a website where rape stories exist in great number but gods forbid you link to a page that has nipples.

Chapter 36: Voodoo

"Lightning is caused by atmospheric conditions and science orders us, commands us to believe so. Now, what would you do if you learned that in fact that bolt of lightning was willed into existence? It was called upon. I have never been a fan of the cult of science and after seeing an entire company of soldiers blasted to ash, it only proved that there are powers far beyond anyone's ability to understand or comprehend and it is folly to try and force the understanding of those powers... Or dismiss them because "science" fails to explain it."

Verik poked his head out of the hut and looked out across the rain drenched landscape, it never ceased to amaze him how rain could fall so heavily in one area yet leave another parched and dry. Thus was the case here as Wete was dead center of a driving rain that had mildly flooded the fields but as he stared off to the south the clouds just ended abruptly. Not a single drop of rain had fallen to the south from what he had seen over the past two days as the narrow band of rain laden clouds had focused on the area in and around Wete.

Slipping out Verik moved towards Nuru's hut and leaning against the wall to avoid the rain proved impossible. He stopped to listen before deciding if he should knock on the adobe wall or call out. As always the whispering voices were ever present but when he did not move from the door they died off only to be replaced by the sound of the rain for a few moments.

"Come in out of the rain."

Nuru's voice called out to him answering one question very quickly: indeed someone or something kept watch over this one hut in particular. He had no intention of entering uninvited but he had been curious to know how long it would take as every time he had ever sat outside to listen the voices had become more hushed or died off. Not long after Nuru would poke her head out to stare at him before going back inside but the voices would always remain silent till he had left.

Entering Nuru's hut he approached the fire-pit slowly but Verik stood and waited quietly until she motioned for him to sit. A cup of tea was offered and by the looks of it the cup had been prepared in advance.

"Those voices of yours are quite the warning system." Verik picked up the cup and thanked her before looking down at the cup in his hands, "they can even predict when you will have visitors it seems."

"No, sooner or latah you been coming anyway."

"So you left this cup out how long then?"

"You not here for tea, speak mind."

"So many questions but where to start... Alright, the voices. I have been living across from you for only a short time but not a moment goes by that I am not hearing voices coming from your hut, even when I know you are alone. It has left me quite curious because every time I listen they seem to realize I am listening to them and stop talking, if I get close to your hut they always warn you..."

Nuru quirked an eyebrow before putting her cup down.

"So you think you going crazy hm? Hearing things?"

"Oh I hear things but I know it is not in my head so it begs the question: what are the voices?"

"You already know answer then if you know enough to ask."


Nuru nodded before a devious smirk crossed her face making a knot form in Verik's gut as she stood up and walked over to him slowly.

"No spirits where you come from?"

"Yes or at least I always believed so but then again I was the kid everyone called a nutcase for believing such. Though plenty of others believe in even stranger things."

"Hmm... And how many gods are there?"

"I have no idea... Common belief on that other world was just one but I never believed that, everyone and everything comes from somewhere. Parents if you will, nothing can be made from nothing, everything must come from something."

"We have many gods but even more spirits, some good, some bad. Some just not care. Spirits be all around us all the time yes? You hear them, very strange, most do not. They know you hear them but do you listen?"

"Assuming you mean would I listen to their... "Words of wisdom?" I believe that is what you are referring too yes? Maybe. There is good advice and bad advice, it can come from many sources even the... Divine."

The elderly shamaness hummed a moment before rocking her head.

"True... You do not believe that the divine is all seeing, all knowing... Perfect."

"It is an imperfect world by design or fault but I lean towards a bit of both."

"Why you say that?"

"If it was a perfect world, a utopia, then it would be rather boring really. Learning would be impossible as without those faults there is no perspective, you cant have life without death nor vice versa."

"And what about here? Too much death? Too much misery?"

"That is perspective... Where I come from people turn a blind eye all day long to the horrors going on and pretend its all okay. So long as it is not in their back yard the world is a wondrous place but I call it a hellhole. Wars rage across the planets surface be they with flag waving armies or gangs. Here though... Yes, you have too much death and misery but at least it can be fixed. Why?"

"What if you could go back-"


"Very quick. Very certain."

"Despite the problems here I have more options, also I would be a damned fool for passing up an opportunity like this. Now what does this have to do with the voices and religion?"

"Everything, nothing... Something, maybe... Not upset about loosing home and coming here?"

"Never, didn't have a home anyway or a future outside of wage slavery."

"What you say if power that bring you here was looking for joke but... Think something more now?"

"Jokes on them as it is working in my favor, never had this much fun before and I will soon be married. That last one? A prospect I ruled out forever back in hell so it is a very pleasant future to have in waiting."

Nuru let out a small laugh, "you say you from hell then hm?" She reached down and took the cup from Verik and her expression changed quickly. "Where you from, is there magic?"

"No. Illusions yes, smoke and mirrors but no... Spell casting."


Waving her hand over the cup a moment she tossed its contents into the fire causing it jump to life with a blazing green flame. She held the cup upside down a moment to emphasize it was empty before turning it upright and with another wave of her hand turned it to Verik, full.

"Nuru... When I first came in here I had a pretty big book of questions I was going to ask, since then we have jumped from one random topic to another and now... Well in just watching you do that I wrote a couple more books of questions I would like to ask."


Good was her only answer? He had come in here seeking specific answers but she had led him around on a wild ride ending in magically reappearing tea. It was no illusion either and while he already had many a strong suspicion about this world and how it worked...

"Ah, that's why you led me around with those questions. Not a mind reader are you?"

"No, but it easy to know what questions you ask anyway. Best answer by showing yes?"

Verik nodded slowly before looking back into his cup.

"So these beings that I just happen to be able to hear sometimes brought me here as a joke, said joke has turned into something more. Alright, new question then: since they spy on me and of that I am now absolutely certain... I must ask the question of why. The joke is over, so what is it they want?"

"Nothing. Yet. Maybe never." Nuru let out a small sigh before sitting back down, "you say you at least listen yes?" Verik nodded. "No one listen now, turn away, demand much but not listen or give. Spirits leave and world withers, it dies. Evil spreads faster now, seeps deep into the soul. All want much coin, great power and wealth yes? But why? To have such another must loose."

"And because the spirits are not giving them private jet liners, mansions and boundless wealth they blame the spirits for their problems and shun them? What about your gods?"

"Not what know those things but yes, no one believe anymore. Spirits willing to help yes but everything is not just take, must also give. Keep demanding though but not willing to open eyes and ears to listen. Gods same, everyone demand much that mean nothing."

Nuru shook her head and sighed, "now they give up, demand till shunned and now beg for help. They cause big mess, blame other and now want other to fix their problems. Spirits are great and many, so are gods but still, to fix others must admit wrong first. But they not."

"Sounds like where I came from."

"You call other place hell, this now becoming hell."

"I think I can take a hint... Becoming hell but not yet, it can still be turned around before it gets beyond the point of no return. Granted, it would take an army and a mountain of corpses to pull off but it can still be done. Your spirit friends keep trying but no one listens I take it and the gods have what? Simply turned their backs?"

Nuru nodded.

"And because they know what I am planning to do..."

"You catch on quick."

"Thank you, but why? I know there is no such thing here as "divine purpose" because as you said I am here because of a joke gone awry. This sounds more like two parties realizing they have a common goal and-"


Verik stared across the now smoldering embers at Nuru before taking a sip from his cup. He was in no way "gods chosen one" by any stretch of the imagination but through a long series of events doors had begun to open. Doors that others wanted to see someone pass through because it was in their own best interest less the "evil" take over in full.

Lucky him that he just happened to be walking down that one street when opportunity came knocking.

"Okay, so every "being" out there knows what I am up too and wants to piggyback along and see where it goes for good or ill. To cash in on my success if you will assuming there is any, are they are willing to help when I take the chance?"

Nuru's response was lackluster judging by the motion of her hand, it all just depended.

"Great. I get it that there is only so much they could or would do and I do not expect anyone to pull me out of the hole I dig myself into. Indeed this mess was caused by the people of this world and as such they must dig themselves out of it. However, it would be nice to know that someone will at least have my back for those unforeseen things."

"If you listen, maybe."

"Alright, well I am going to do... Whatever it is I am going to do and just keep doing it. Should by whatever means I wind up with my dreams and desires or an unmarked grave with my head on a spike outside a city, so be it. I will listen yes but if they are not willing to help while I do the dirty work and wade through the blood and guts then to hell with them, I will do it anyway."

Was it wise to tempt fate in a voodoo hut? Those voices were listening and hanging on every word he was speaking so would they smite him or turn away? Every last word was true though, it was give and take. Yes he could set events into motion but it would ultimately mean nothing if they left him to flounder as the flood waters continued to rise.

Nuru on the other hand never changed her blank expression, it remained a sheet of blank stone as she stared him down. Verik did not look away though, he was quite serious about the words he had just spoken and was not backing down despite the fact that at any second now some very bad voodoo could take place.

What he did not know however was that Nuru was hiding a smile, too many asked permission before acting or relied on other powers, he did not. Verik was dead set in continuing down his path and divine be damned. It was a rare quality to find one that cared not what anyone else thought but only in doing what they believed to be right. Especially when that meant fighting against everyone else and their sense of right and wrong or law and order.

"So you still plan on taking ship when it comes yes?"

"Of course, somehow. Outnumbered but we will figure it out."

"A few would join you if asked."

"You mean Sefu, Jelani..."

"No, if you think you will know."

"Which brings me to another point, it is rather hard to know who to ask when there is a spy masquerading as a local."

"One and same make best spy."

"So you know exactly who the spy is?"

"Yes, but last time I tell others they handle matters poorly."

"The Sefu incident. You told them, they grabbed them and then it was execution time."

"Very bad choice but yes. I not tell you who they are."

"I will figure it out eventually."

"Then what you do? Drown them?"

"So they drowned the spy? Tied rocks to them for good measure and sunk them in the river I bet... Well thats one way to hide a body. Fish food. But no, I wont kill them."

Nuru's ears twitched and her face showed sudden interest.

"Why not? Spy is enemy, turn you in, turn everyone in, we all die if lucky."

"Well a live, kicking spy who is a known spy can be avoided, lied too, deceived. A dead one tells the world you are on to them. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."

"Spy must be dealt with one day though..."

"True, but when that day comes I will have made certain the well has run dry first, they are more useful alive than dead. Besides, capturing a spy and getting them to cough up anyone they know or anything at all would be quite useful."

"So you start plan with one ship."

"Indeed, from such humble beginnings who knows what will happen but there are still many doubts to be sure."

"Such lofty claims and you have doubts?"

"Well getting everyone to tag along for the ride wont be easy, this is going to become total war and getting enough recruits to fight said war will be very hard. I have the grand total of two followers so far and that is nowhere near enough to even take on some petty bandits let alone an army. Also its not like I can walk into a village and just recruit locals to fight Fareed. That would end this before it started thus making things rather difficult."

"Maybe you find some anyway, you must ask them to join sooner or later hm?"

"True, but I am not selfless in this en devour, I have more to gain than anyone and while I do mean to improve things it is a matter of... Well, I am paving a road to get what I want and am willing to have others join in then share in the success, but at the end of the day only one is sitting at the top of this mountain I make. Be damned if I let anyone else sit on its peak."

"You not forget this not that world, here things different, very different. Zebra and Arabian think very different from where you come yes?"

Verik nodded, for the most part that was absolutely true and indeed with them being feudal in nature that did change things. Here it was fully possible they might serve simply because one is the sultan since that is simply the way things are. Perhaps, well just maybe... Just maybe they would march to war because he extolled certain now dead virtues, true he would by all means still be a tyrant but...

Just maybe the simple fact he was going to make himself a "good" king would be enough, if that was even possible. He had to admit his goals were so lofty that if he even breathed them on the other world everyone would turn on him. The very idea of conquering a country to become its king because you wanted too was seen as abhorrent. It was better to let petty tyrants reign or the corrupt status-quo of back biting politics and money grubbing to remain.

That also meant allowing things to fall apart till everyone drowned as the ship sank, better to all drown than overthrow the government and install a king. A king that was not afraid of stomping someone to paste or making heads roll so long as the job got done.

Verik hummed aloud quietly as he thought over the differences for a moment before settling on Nuru again.

"Very different indeed but I am more used to that place than here. Since I was a child I always reveled in the idea of conquest and becoming a king by my own hand, only you could say I was... Born on the wrong planet and a few thousand years too late."

"That true here?"

"No, I dont think so. I think that I can pretty well do whatever I set my mind to here but-"

"But still need help, troubled mind always comes with such things. Ask Tendaji, he more troubled than any, he say wrong word Fareed kill ALL Wete. He walk on very thin blade but still walk it because he must. You, different. Not bound to any, free to go, roam, recruit, fight, kill and, die. You maybe do what few can."

"Then why do bandits not sit on thrones here?"

"Some do but you know truth, bandit not sit on throne because too greedy, petty and betray so easily it not suit them. They not have intelligence to rule, if they try, be so corrupt they overthrown by own bandits and it repeat."

"Well I guess that is a pro in my case, I know better than the piss off the people."

Nuru smiled at him, "wise." She leaned back and picked something up then tossed it into the fire. "You listen to voices, maybe they help when things get bad, no one rule without asking help or listen to advice."

"Rather hard to do when they keep going silent when I do, not that I can understand them to begin with. Hear yes, understand? No."

"Words not meant for you but maybe when they are you hear. Must trust though."

"Trust takes time. Speaking of time... I was going to ask about how this whole marriage thing works."

It was a sudden change of pace to be certain but it was a necessary one and one he was not going to let slip through his fingers.

"You win duel, now you marry Asha."

"I know but what happens? One assumes there is some kind of ceremony or something."

"Ah." Nuru nodded her head. "Yes, ceremony but that all, used to be more but now... No."

"What got removed?"

"Long ago used to make offering to spirits, gods and family. If family accept then yes, if not no. Accept and celebration held, much food and happy times."

"But with the current state of affairs that is impossible now. No food for celebration and everyone is so worn down from working themselves to death..."

"Yes, many things no longer done but marriages still held at same time between harvests."

"Must of been rather hard if several get married on one day."

"No, bigger celebration for all then. Not hard, many marry then village celebrate at same time."

"And those not invited?"

"Why we not invite?"

One more difference between worlds, they really do take the communal thing very seriously.

"You not want everyone see you marry Asha?"

"Dont really care to be honest. Actually I was expecting the offering bit and that I would have to jump through some hoops but I think the duel rather ironed it all out."

"If you wish to make few happy give Tendaji and Sefu something."

"And you too yes?"

Nuru gave him a toothy grin and nodded.

"Only polite, shows you care. Do you?"

"Actually I do as I have nothing against Tendaji or most here. However, with Asha having no family left that really narrows things down. Anything I should do though?"

"No, you be married with few others after harvest, tradition. Maybe with rain we have a little more food than normal, maybe we have celebration this time."

"I wouldn't bank on it but who knows. One thought I had was to bring the food back after taking the ship but with a spy running around that would be a very poor choice of action."

"You mercenary, no one know much, how much you have or not have."

"Actually that gave me an idea... There might be a way of returning the food without the spy ever realizing it."

"That not be easy but what you thinking?"

"Not entirely sure yet but I will get back to you when I have a better idea. Oh, I was wondering if you knew... Asha and myself both want family but I have no idea if that is even possible considering the difference between species here. Is it possible?"

Nuru shrugged, "not know yet."

"Right. So now I have more questions than answers, supposed invisible "allies" of one sort or another and a cliff to climb without so much as a rope."

"Hm. See crystal in fire?"

Verik looked, he had paid no attention when she tossed something in but now that he looked there was a colorful crystal sitting in the fire-pit.


"Pick it up."


"Not joking, pick up crystal."

"Is this a warning of some kind for jabbing at the spirits and your gods? Burn my hand or face something worse?"

"You not trust them to protect?"

"I dont even know them Nuru and so far the track record is not so great."

"Hmm... Trust start somewhere. Take. Crystal."

The last two words were undoubtedly a threat and Verik knew that if he did not there would probably be a divine act of retribution waiting outside the door. His eyes stared at the crystal as the embers made its color shift and change, there was no soot marring its features either. It simply sat in the blazing embers quietly, daring him not to.

Reaching his left hand out Nuru glared as she knew he was right handed. Switching hands he let out a sigh and decided that if this was the beginning of the end and if he was being given a small example of how they could screw with him so be it. If they had the power to rip him from one planet and transport him to another getting his fingers burnt was the least of his problems.

Snatching the crystal from amongst the embers with his fingers Verik jerked his hand back and found he had made a fist around it. Looking across at Nuru he saw her holding a clenched hand and as he fought to open his hand it would not, he could feel something holding him in place.

The intense heat coursed through his hand but there was no burning sensation though, only incredible heat. She relaxed her hand and Verik's grip loosened till the crystal dropped to the mat and began sizzling and burning a hole through it. Flicking it off lest something catch fire he glared at her while the shamaness just smiled back. Examining his hand he saw it was perfectly fine, not even a single singe mark.

"Not funny."

"You need proof of power and trust. They not protect hand they not serious nor like you."

"Rather extreme. Also, that is more threat and show of force than trust."

"You very hard headed. Need good example, you trust them yes?"

"Cant say I do, they have proven their power, that much I absolutely agree with. However it still begs the question that they allowed things to get this bad and for that I do not trust them for it. There should have been at least one or two before I ever came who would have taken to the task."

"As you say, trust take time. Maybe time not right, maybe people not suffer enough to finally listen. Maybe no one found yet who maybe be able. This not easy, very hard, maybe not you but maybe yes."

"That is a lot of maybe's."

"Yes but all true. Now you not only know but see."

Verik continued to examine his hand before tapping the hot crystal a few times, it was no longer murderously hot but still quite warm.

"You keep crystal and listen close now. When you travel with Zuberi you see ancient place hm?"

"Those big mounds and ruins north of here?"

Nuru nodded, "ancient burial ground, safe place. Evil not go there but not abuse its safety yes? Not defile sacred place. One day you go there, give crystal and short length of snake hide as offering, you will see where. Then you listen."

"Interesting price for something unknown, one small crystal and some hide."

"Not all offering be grand, how you got offering say more, that you give it away say much... If you do."

"You have me really wondering what will happen now so how could I not? One day you will have to tell me who these "gods" are and more about your spirits."

Verik had many questions left but none would be answered today judging from the finality that had been in Nuru's voice. There would be another day though, rising from his seat and after giving her a nod Verik walked to the door but something nagged at him.

"Nuru... Did you send me to that mine for the crystals... Or the snake?"

Looking over his shoulder he watched a grin cross her face, it made him flinch before finally looking away and leaving the hut. She had known and done it on purpose but it had done great things in advancing his standing with the locals. A calculated risk perhaps?

No matter the case one thing stood above all the other maybe's though: There was a spy in Wete.

Author's Notes:

I know what writers block feels like now. Lots of ideas but threading them together is a task and a half, enjoy the new chapter! Donations are appreciated and you can look into how on my blog postings. My week and the following is about to go to hell so please enjoy.

Chapter 37: Weather Conditions

"It is wise to train no matter the weather conditions because you will not always get to choose when or where you fight."

The rain had not let up even for one moment after visiting Nuru only to receive his lackluster answers from the shamaness. Time was critical in all of his plans not to mention the need to get as much training completed as was physically possible and this left the ongoing situation of a continuous downpour. Its constant and incessant droll did not help matters but it also provided several opportunities. Sefu and Jelani did not bother with any training regimens while it was raining for whatever reasons they held. This decision meant there were very few watching and the training field was completely abandoned leaving it free to use so long as one did not mind the rain.

Verik visited Shahid and Altayih's dugouts which were damp and miserable from the rain to explain the necessity of continuing their training. Neither had been amused by this but Shahid had been quick to agree if it meant increasing his odds in the coming rescue attempt. Dragging them out in the early morning so they could practice with fewer probing eyes had been a bit of a task at first but it soon took. Verik had his own ideas on how to fight along with some of the tactics they would need to pull it off but this of course meant that the locals could know nothing, so what better way to keep them in the dark than when they were unwilling to get wet?

Unfortunately for them training to seize a ship was not even remotely possible as they lacked even a rowboat or raft to practice crossing on, but that left plenty of other opportunities to train for. While the driving rain kept everyone hidden inside Verik led them to a small area that was unused by the Wete and had Shahid do his best to mark off an area using stones, this outlined the mansion and the grounds surrounding it. They did not need to know all the details of the place, not that he knew them. However, having a marked area that roughly represented what they were up against gave them all an idea of the distances involved.

While it was far from precise, knowing the locations of the doors, windows, hallways, the main gate and the best place to climb the wall assuming it was no longer watched, allowed them to walk the imaginary grounds with Shahid. He had gone at night but his studying the compound during the day provided an edge as they walked in silence and undisturbed by prying eyes.

"Three windows on this side here?" Verik tapped the muddy ground with the but of his spear.

"Yes." Shahid nodded. "No way to open, has wooden seal over it, tiny slots in fancy pattern."

"How thick? Could we break them out if we had too?"

"Not know, did not check."

"Breaking through the window would draw a great deal of attention Captain..."

Altayih had wandered off a little to hum quietly while walking the length of the hallway as if to time it; he was catching on very quickly.

"True but never underestimate the need for a fast exit if a door gets blocked off by say... A guard who just happens to appear at the wrong time."

"Are we not slitting their throats to eliminate that possibility?"

"Yes of course we are, but I want nothing left to chance. Shahid? Were there any... Say, benches? Sturdy chairs or tables in this area over here when you first entered? What about outside?"

"Yes, outside but inside only small table."

"Where was it and how big?"

"Here, this long."

"And the door over here, do you remember if the hinges were facing you or were they not visible?"

"Not remember but back door here, open in."

"Mmm... We could grab a table and jam the door shut so we are left alone, it would at least buy us some time while we get your sister and escape."

"The front door is over here yes?" Altayih pointed to an unknown area and Shahid nodded. "Only one door leading to where the slaves are kept yes? Good."

Walking into the unknown area Altayih stood still and looked around before breaking into a run to the front door, stopping for a moment as if to unlock it and throw the door open he charged outside and ran around the outside of the building. Watching him run over the muddy and rocky ground Verik was already counting in his head how long it would take Altayih to get to the door, open it, run outside and round the building on the most direct route possible.

"Hmm... It will take them maybe... One full minute." Verik mused over the finding and was none to pleased.

"It took two minutes captain."

"Yes but they will know the way so I am reducing the time. However, we can assume they will be asleep, unprepared and probably take longer..."

"We block front door?" Shahid's suggestion was a good one and the other two nodded.

"That means bringing something with us to jam the door shut or maybe... What if we made a punji board?"

"What is punji?" Shahid was confused along with Altayih by the strange word.

"Simple, when we take the ship there will be plenty of time to spend preparing. All we need is a board with some nails driven through it or maybe... You know if we gather enough sticks we can make some really short spears and while Shahid and myself go in the back Altayih can take them to block the front. All he has to do is plant them in the ground in the garden over there... And then make certain they face anyone running out and into the night, they come charging out since the other door is blocked off and run into a row of miniature spears."

"Why not just block the door off? It would be much easier."

"It opens in not out. Boardging up the whole damn door would take too long and you hammering on it to drive in the nails would give us away."

"True. But if I may... What if she is no longer held here? What if she is across the mansion in this unknown area?"

They all looked at the large blank space as the rain drove on sending mud splattering up on their legs. A true problem indeed because if she was held elsewhere even if just for one night their plan was suddenly pointless.

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it. More than anything we need to free at least one slave and question them if we fail to find her and that means leaving the other area alone. First we check her quarters, if that turns out as a dud then we turn our attention to the others and if she is beyond that middle door things get harder."

"Maybe sister no longer there?"

"Shahid, while it is possible I doubt they spent whatever they did on her just to turn around and sell her again. Altayih, how much does a slave cost?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"You have traveled more than either of us, do either of you know the answer? Both of you were slaves and had a price-tag attached."

"I may..." Shahid raised his hand a little. "When we sold at market sister sold for big sack of gold." He made a motion with his hands to indicate its size. "Very high price because young and... Good looking."

A grin crossed Altayih's face as he gazed at Shahid. "How much did you cost?"

Shahid glared, "Not that much, but you cost less!"

"Drop it. Alright, if she cost that much it is most doubtful they are going to just let go of such an investment."

Verik had a nagging suspicion as to why someone would invest such a pretty penny when the other two had sold for next to nothing by comparison. No one dropped a sack of gold that large on someone when the average, gender not withstanding of course, was nowhere near as high.

"So they keep her because she cost too much?"

"Yes Shahid, I for one would never let anything go if it cost me that dearly. I would be certain to get my moneys worth out of whatever it was and make certain it lasted a very long time." Verik looked at the worried look on Shahid's face. "Your sister will be there somewhere, we will find her and get her out. That's the deal we made and I keep my promises."

"What if she dead? What if they sell her? They not pleased with her when I watched, maybe-"

Altayih patted the stallion on the back a moment. "As the captain would probably say: there is no sense worrying about what we can not control. We are going and that is that. Captain, how are we getting in?"

"Over the wall of course."

"They will expect that and may have laid a few traps at the low point or made the wall taller..."

"I would expect nothing less!" Verik smiled. "That is why we are taking the ship, they have ropes and lots of it, sailing ships can not function without it. There are three of us and that means we can help hoist one up so they can climb over the wall and toss a rope back. Altayih, you are the most... Lithe."

"Thank you."

"We will hoist you up over here so you can climb onto the wall and check for traps before dropping down the other side. Once over secure the rope to this tree and throw it over so we can climb over."

"You assume they will have the rope but what happens when we leave?"

"Back the way we came but if that fails there is another tree down here on the corner. Not very big right Shahid? Hmm... Well maybe not but we can probably buy another length of rope while we are there with whatever we take off the former crew. Tie it off to something and throw it in so we have one for going in and one for leaving."

"That much rope. Take time to climb and guard not let us take time."

"Very true but there are three of us, it will be dark and one can lay in ambush. All you have to do is wait for the guard to come charging after the "thieves" and use your spear to gore them as they charge. Then again we can go with plan B."

"What is plan B?"

"Kill em all."

Altayih and Shahid stared at each other a moment with raised eyebrows.

"Captain, I thought we were trying to be very quiet?" Altayih shifted his head to the side a little. "Killing them all would alert everyone."

"Not if we slit their throats while they sleep."

Verik did not smile as he continued to walk around the area.

"Hooves make loud noise on tile, when I there my hooves make loud clack that bring guard."

"Yes but I know the answer to that one, you will be wearing shoes when we go."

"Shoes?" Altayih scoffed, "that would make it even worse! The metal would-"

"No not horseshoes! Cloth will be tied around your hooves so that as you step down the cloth under your hoof will muffle the sound. You wear horseshoes?"

"Very expensive but some do yes, you are serious about killing everyone there arnt you..."

"Deadly. With everyone dead it opens up some new possibilities for us such as looting the place."

"That murder." Shahid had gone from curious to wary.

"Murder is the act of killing without purpose or reason and we will be killing them for a very good reason, getting your sister out. Now the guards will probably have to die anyway so why split hairs over it? If we eliminate the guards outright that leaves only the owners and maybe a very loyal slave or two to fight for them."

"If they see our faces they will hunt us down and it will lead them here captain, it might not be so wise-"

"Masks. We have much to do before we are ready and I have much yet to tell you but we will be wearing masks and as much clothing as we can to hide ourselves."

Altayih sighed, "and the ship will be providing the clothing then yes?"

"Even if its just some tarps they throw over the goods to keep it dry, yes. We will be dressed either in rags or riches when we go."

Asha was picking her way to the granary for the daily ration and struggling, the mud was incredibly slippery from the sheer number of hooves that had churned it into a deep, smooth and wet carpet. Sibi had already slipped once and fell flat on her flank but Mabi was back in her hut where it was safe and dry thankfully. Helping her friend up so they could keep walking with increasingly careful steps Asha wondered a little about her soon to be husbands sanity.

Everything was a muddy or water soaked swamp and while the crops they raised loved the weather and grew by inches daily it left the rest stuck covered in mud. Going to the river to bathe was almost pointless as the mud would simply reapply itself while walking back to their homes and those living in dugouts were even less fortunate. As the ground soaked up the rain even the most sturdy little hole with heavy cover was slowly becoming damp and muddy.

"You husband mad to be training during rain like this."

Sibi was finally standing having saved her pot from the mud by allowing herself to fall thus sacrificing her dignity and flank to the mud while the rest of her remained unscathed. She almost reached to brush the mud off before thinking better of it and resigning herself to the fate of being soaking wet and caked in mud until she could at least deliver the food back to her hut. Ears splayed back she gingerly continued walking towards the granary and the huddled masses as they waited to step under some shelter if only for a few fleeting moments.

"He say it important to train no matter weather, prepare you for anything."

"Verik get sick that way, get those other two sick to!"

"Maybe but he right, if this not bother them nothing will."

"Hut still leaking?"

"Yes but not all, part that fixed not leak, he make it leak proof!"

Sibi flipped one ear around from its splayed state before taking another careful step, her hoof sinking deep into the mud.

"How he do that? Only Nuru not have leak when it rain because it so thick and yours not thick!"

"I make lots of mats and he place them on roof and cover with wet clay then we bind the cover back on."

"It really work?"

"Not always but he make it work finally."

"Maybe I get my husband do that... Wait, only half roof fixed? Which side fix? Yours or his?""

"He fix my side not his."

"But you not let him sleep where it leak hmm?"

Asha nodded making Sibi smile.

"So you finally sleep in same bed yes?"

"Yes... No."

"Tell, tell! Never hear of zebra sleeping with predator before."

"Nothing to tell!"

"Bad liar, not tell me you sleep in same hut on same mat and nothing happen."

"It true! We only..."

"Yes, yes?"

Asha opened her mouth to say something before clothing it. Sibi watched a moment before narrowing her eyes and finally she gave her friends arm a harmless punch to continue.

"We hug."


"I not tell you anything anymore!"

"No that..." Sibi laughed, "that sound just like you. You hug! Hehehe! Spend all night sleeping and hugging predator like it nothing. This I must see one night."


"Oh but it be so fun to see."


"When you marry many try to spy on you, that I know."

Asha's head darted sideways with an annoyed look in her eyes but Sibi just laughed at her.

"What, you think you marry him and no one curious? Everyone speak quietly but keep it secret from you and him."

"I find them and beat with stick."

"You be very busy then."

"You also spy on us then?"

"No but still curious. What he look like anyway?"

"See him often so why ask?"

"Not that way." Sibi gestured. "That way."

"I not see him that way yet."

"Yet? Ohh so you try to sneak peek hmm? That why you want to bathe so close all the time and why you get close?"

"That not true!"

"No, you love him but still curious too hm?"

"Yes... But that none your business!"

"It is when friend marry strange creature that is so violent. Many rumors floating around about what he maybe do. But, I not worry about that, worry about you instead." Sibi reached out and tapped Asha on the side of her head. "You follow advice I give yes?"

"I am fine and he too! Love him because he nice and do many nice things no others do. He-"

Asha felt her legs go out from under her and as her vision swirled with faces she saw Sibi reaching out to try and grab her. However, Sibi failed and as Asha fell she felt her leg collide with something and another yelp filled the air. Slamming down into the mud with a loud, wet splat another sound filled the air, the sound of something breaking.

Her own pot was safe, held up in the air with one arm but the rest of her was laid flat out in the mud making her cringe as she felt the mud and dirt sink deeply into her fur. Asha was already cold and wet but laying in the mud made it even worse and sitting up with a little help from Sibi she could feel the mud try and suck her back down. A wet schlopping sound could be heard as she finally pulled free and sat upright before looking to see what she had collided with.

Another zebra had been knocked down and was now trying to stand up with a furious look on their face as they glared at her as if to will her out of existence. Standing upright proved to be a challenge for them both as their hooves slid in the mud threatening to throw them back into its cold, sticky embrace but as the glaring continued Asha's ears laid back.

"Stupid, clumsy little bitch! See what you do?"

Following their arm she looked at the large broken pot that lay in the mud. There had been too little cushioning for it to have survived and this its size and weight that had no doubt made things even worse. It had probably flown up into the air for a moment before coming back down thus giving it just enough force to break on one side rendering it useless.

"Sorry! Slip in mud-"

"You not pay attention and this happen! Not care! You break pot and you pay for new pot!"

How could she? Asha had nothing left from her portion of the proceeds from the journey as it had all been spent long before coming here. Getting a new pot from the local potter was not without its problems as his family was always pressed hard in making so many with so few hands. While the Wete supplied themselves with whatever basics they required the rest was exported to Iuny for sale. Indeed, her pots had been free but it meant waiting in line until they became available. No one had the money to buy anything and the potter was being supplied by the tribe so some things were free but not always.

Verik's arrival had meant the need for a few extra pots which she had been given but that meant waiting a long time till she could get more. What would happen if she lost one of her own and had to give one away to sate them? How long would she have to wait? Asha understood their anger but neither could she afford it.

"I not afford a new pot but-"

"No, you pay or replace!"

"Enough! What happen?"

Their attention was drawn to a short zebra mare who held a walking stick ready and it took a moment to register that she was Nuru's grand-daughter Subira. A long, heavy pause filled the air as everyone either backed away or remained safely mute. Nuru had a degree of fear that permeated everywhere she went because of a myth like mystery that surrounded her presence. Subira on the other hand was a world of her own, she did not hide away in her grandmother's hut all of the time and was not afraid to speak her mind.

It was a little fact some learned when her barbed tongue seared their ears and if that failed she was not adverse to giving them a good wallop with her walking stick. Something several had learned in the past when they made statements that might have been insults to Nuru or made unwanted suggestions or solicitations towards Subira.

Pointing her stick back and forth between the two she waited until the infuriated zebra had calmed herself before lowering it.

"That one trip me and break pot!"

"Not true she slip in mud!" Sibi was speaking well ahead of Asha leaving her younger friend to stand there with mouth open but no words forthcoming.

"I not ask you, I ask her..." Subira pointed at Asha

"It true, I slip in mud and when fall my leg knock them down."

Subira looked at the muddy skids where hooves had flown out from under their owners before looking at the fuming mare and pointing down.

"Lucky to not break bone, you say she do this on purpose?"

"Ye-... No." Subira's expression did not change from a challenging glare causing the other to stutter. "But she break pot! Clumsy fool owe me new pot!"

"Hmm... You have only one pot?"


"You know why Tendaji make sure everyone have more than one pot?" The mare shook her head. "Pots break. Mound of broken pot on other side of hill if you not believe. It rain and make things very muddy and some slip every year and pots break, bad luck."

"But my pot!"

"You bring pot that big?" Subira walked through the quagmire carefully before using her stick to roll the large object around. "Nothing in it, no loss... You bring smaller pot and it not break so easy, easier to hold and when slip you not loose grip."


"You only mad because it her. Yes, you get new pot in time but this accident and no blame. It happen, now go get new pot from home and no more yelling like foal."

Eye twitching the other mare fumed silently before leaving in a huff. Subira stared at Asha a moment before walking over and asking if anything hurt or was broken while giving her mud soaked form a careful look.

"Stay away from that one yes?"

Asha nodded, "why you say that? She mad because it me?"

"That mother of one your husband kill."


"It not fine but you not worry either, nothing you can do yes? Nothing broken so you be just fine."

Subira walked back to the gathering outside the granary leaving Asha to call out a thank you at her as she left, all she received in return was a small, awkward wave. Sibi watched a moment before trying to pat her someplace less mud soaked.

"We get food, take home and wash off in river yes? Or maybe you go hug Verik like that so I see look on his face."

"Why I do that?!"

"Because it funny. Come, lets go."

Author's Notes:

Enjoy! Check my journal for information on how to find my patreon and donate.

Chapter 38: Tis a Beautiful Asha Morning

"If Asha wants to make me sit straight up in bed, fully awake... She knows just how to do it and gods help me if I dont respond on her first try."

When the rains had finally ended and the clouds dissipated a full week had passed of having nothing better to do but sit in the hut with Verik all day long, at least when he was out "training." His so called "training excursions" had come to an abrupt halt only a day after the pot incident as the ground had become so churned up and sticky from the incessant rain and hooves marching through it that walking was nearly impossible. Asha had found it greatly amusing that Verik had struggled to get back to their hut with his boots in hand, something he had never done before. Even going to bathe he always made a point of wearing them before or after though he did take them off inside the hut.

Seeing him lurching through the deep mud one laborious step at a time holding his boots had been great amusing as the mud had gotten so deep that falling down was becoming hard to do. One could only fall straight back in some places it was so deep now that no one was slipping anymore, they just sank into the earth and had to be pried out with hooves still firmly planted. A colorful string of comments had flowed from his mouth when he nearly went straight backwards only to catch himself with one hand which promptly disappeared in the earths muddy embrace.

Expecting the problems they would face Asha and Sibi had spent the day bringing up water after washing off so there had been plenty for him to clean off with. This left him with another problem: he only had so many clothes to wear and it took time to dry them off. Down a pair of clothes and the rest still drying she chose to just sit and smile at him as he stripped while facing the other way. When night had finally fallen all he had left to cover himself with was a single damp cloth and nothing else and come evening there was only one dry spot to sleep. Knowing he had little to no protection Asha decided that since they were more or less officially married, it was time to ease him out of his shell.

A little plan had been hatched between Sibi and herself though it was mostly Sibi's doing, that maybe if she eased him into being used to her presence that just maybe he would be less shy. True, he was okay with hugging and such but he was far and removed from being used to how zebra's normally "dressed." Asha could hug Verik sometimes but he was far from coming to terms with the facts of life and both Sibi and herself agreed, it was time to change that.

Having put this into action only two weeks ago it already seemed to be working but there were also certain other results that she had noticed, one of them being a constant attempt to twist away or move his legs. Still, it was working and now that he was trapped in the hut all day she could do anything and there was nowhere for him to hide nor the possibility of looking away.

What resulted of this was three solid days of nothing short of harassment as she took Sibi's advice and always made certain that she was stretched out just right, or at the proper angle so as to give the best view. This was entirely new to her and something that had at first made her jaw drop at from Sibi's suggestion but something had to be done, he was such a prude that his daily activities were becoming strange as he tried to avoid the naked masses. Whatever qualms he still held had to go and Sibi was a fountain of never ending advice that made Asha's mane and fur stand on end. Most was so risque she would never dare to under take such as act but Sibi promised it all worked, that is how she got her own husband after all.

Picking and choosing her actions had resulted so far in one near choking, a sudden twitch that made him close his legs and a great deal of fidgeting. Asha had begun to wonder if perhaps this was going to far but she had been at it for over two weeks and slowly he was coming out of his shell. Her pride and joy had been when the rains started meaning his own side of the hut was untenable. Forced to sleep on her side of the hut the old "scoot closer each night" had been done away with and now he had to sleep within only a precious few inches of her. Each day she scooted the mats a little closer while he was gone and finally closed the gap, not that anything happened.

Verik had woken up with her draped over him and had not pushed away, instead he had proven to be quite content to just lay there. Tonight however, with the rains slowly ending meant she had to take Sibi's last suggestion which was heart stopping but her friend would never let her live it down if she did not. This was the last big chance and if this did nothing then Sibi was worried her husband might prove to be too prudish to be suitable for having foals with. As Sibi had said, unless she could get him to take his clothes off including those pants of his and then keep them off there was no hope for the future. All she could do was wait for him to fall asleep and pray, if she did not die of embarrassment it would prove to be a very interesting morning.

It was hot, very hot. Thankfully the rains brought a certain degree of air conditioning to the normally blisteringly hot Savannah though it was never quite enough. Verik had gotten used to the heat more or less over the course of his stay but the time that it rained was a blessing as the temperature dropped. Unfortunately, while the temperature dropped the humidity rose. The hut was shelter from the rain but only a small portion of the roof was fixed and fully half of that space was decided to keeping her small collection, including his own, dry and safe from the leaking roof.

This meant they had to sleep on the same side and that was not a problem at first if not for her rather interesting activities. During dinner one night Asha had given him his dinner and bent over so quickly that when he looked up his vision was obscured by two hanging, furry mounds. Then came the random days of stretching and leaning, eyes glued to her moving form since there was nothing else to focus on in the hut he had been left red faced and with a smiling zebra staring at him.

Which was worse? That he was caught staring or that grin she gave him that proclaimed to the world she had caught him? He almost choked on his drink one day when she stood, walked to her little collection pile and suddenly bent over. Asha had asked him some mundane question about something and thus looking her way as he always did when addressing someone, Verik was greeted by a bent over zebra, legs slightly apart and tail to one side. It was the perfect view of zebra anatomy that one could ever hope to receive and after choking she was quick to return as Verik coughed to clear his lungs.

One matter that raised some suspicion though was that if a zebra could blush she most certainly was doing so, not that he was any less red in the face. Making matters worse was that she rushed straight to him to help but that only brought more into view and that much closer for examination. Despite having lived with her for this length of time seeing her naked was still quite foreign, a problem compounded by attraction.

However, the issue of nudity seemed to eb somewhat though from sheer exposure and with the rain coming to a close Verik was both joyous but also put off by it. He would be a liar to say he did not greatly enjoy the time spent with Asha no matter how strange it got at times, this was also the most time they had been able to spend with each other in a long time. Part of him would miss her swaying hips but another part of him begged to look away unless other problems sprouted up, he could only pray she had not caught on. Part of him knew she was well aware judging by the smile she had once given him, Asha was quite innocent but was also far from being a fool.

It was quite unlike her in some ways but considering the other she was always around he had an idea where such ideas had come from. Once or twice he had seen her give her husband a greeting and if Asha were to give him the same it would cause a heart attack, thankfully she had not undertaken such manners of saying "hello."

Or so he had thought.

Sleeping so close to each other had become normal though it seemed that their mats were becoming quite close to one another, not that it bothered him because the size of the hut made everything look small and confined. However, his eyes opening as the first rays of dawn shot out across the landscape bringing with it illumination he also felt warmer than usual. Flexing one hand he felt something soft and furry, the sensation ran up his arm; he was hugging someone.

The one time Asha had bundled up with him his back had been quite warm but the warmth was not coming from behind. No, his whole front felt hot and his breath was passing over something and his forehead was nestled somewhere soft and warm as well. Eyes opening his vision was a mass of white fur and black stripes as something else jutted out at him. Going stiff Verik could feel an arm thrown over him tighten slightly, pulling him closer and into the soft, warm, furry embrace that was becoming his whole world.

Asha's head was above his own, nuzzling down into the top of his head and her slow, soft breathing was caressing his scalp. Pulled into her embrace he was helpless as his mind drew a blank, head now buried in her soft chest he could feel her endowment pressed firmly against his head blocking out the world and now its light. Breathing was still possible but his own was short, confused and with a small note of panic. Was this on purpose or accidental?

Panic kicked the door down as a long, hooved leg slid over his waist and locked him in place. At first he was grateful that he had dried one of his makeshift loin-cloths out enough for use, but that soon flew out the window as flesh and fur meshed with each other. It was gone. A new kind of warmth covered his body and with all the willpower he could muster Verik tried to move his attention to something else. True, they were basically married and while the brain downstairs was singing accolades of what should be done the other part tried desperately to bury it alive.

He did not want to jump her while she was asleep, Asha was too precious to ever conceive such a course of action. No, he would force it down and stand his ground. Verik would not give in and take advantage of Asha while she was asleep.

At least he prayed not to. The brain downstairs however had a mind of its own as her leg began to caress him and anatomy brushed against each other. Eyes clamped shut and brain screaming "no" as loudly as he could the situation was now out of his control on every level. Overjoyed that he could be awoken in such a manner aside while luscious hips brushed and moved against his body did nothing to quell the rise he was getting out of this early morning hello.

"Dont do it... Dont do it... Damn it-"

Verik failed to notice the hesitation that occurred once in a while as he focused desperately on anything else less another problem that was quickly coming make itself known. However, Asha was far from helping matters. Face buried in cleavage with a shapely leg and slender arm holding him firmly in place, along with a certain body part being dangerously close to going somewhere he did not want it to be. But he was still buried between soft fur and warm flesh, Verik was trapped.

"Just pull her in and go for it. No! Bad idea, dont do that. Do it, your already betrothed and she has been flashing herself at you for weeks especially the last couple of days. She wouldn't do that if she didn't want you- No, stay calm, think with the brain upstairs. Hmmm... She is soft and... Asha feels gooood, she even smells- NO! Ah shit, just try and hold it together until she wakes up."

Asha shifted her body as if she were reading his mind and thus granting him a little freedom to escape a lower problem. Before he could move however this slow, calculated motion caused a new problem as his head turned to escape its pillowy embrace, something slipped across his lips causing Asha's body to freeze. Reflexes seemed to kick in as she tightened up a moment driving both his head and her breast firmly together.

He knew that this was it, part of him screamed for joy while another part dreaded having to explain. His world was engulfed by the soft mass of fur and flesh only a single thought crossed his mind.

"Damn my moral scruples!"

When Verik was out cold Asha quietly removed herself from her own sleeping mat and scooted it close to him till they were connected. Knowing he had a habit of rolling around in his sleep she gently laid down beside Verik to wait, putting an arm out to hold him she positioned herself one last time as Sibi had suggested before closing her eyes. It would mean sleeping with one eye open but being a light sleeper was normal for her, Asha could only hope that when the inevitable turn occurred she would be ready for it and tug him in closer.

How long she was asleep she did not know but Verik turned many times that night waking her as her subconscious mind screamed out to wake up, that now was the time! Let down each time she closed her eyes and scooted just a little closer hoping that the next turn would be the one but when it finally happened she was not entirely ready for it.

Verik rolled right into her and came to rest exactly as she wanted but her own mind screamed when it happened. This was a whole new world to her and the only link she had with it was Sibi and a lot of theory, but now she had two choices: get on with it or give up and roll away.

Closing her eyes tightly she threw her arm out and pulled the sleeping figure in closer to her while at the same time resting her head against his own. Nuzzling someones head was not the kind of action one took lightly, it was something only the closest of family would dare to do or maybe friends. Even then it was not something one simply did and the moment her nose touched the top of his head her heart skipped a beat. A hand crept through the darkness finding its way over her side and down her back where it pulled them both closer together.

There was no way out of it now, she had to just stay there until he woke up and Asha had no idea when that would be. Her breathing had picked up a bit when Verik had put an arm around her but now that he was no longer moving she calmed down a bit. At least until she remembered what else she still needed to do.

Embarrassed and ready to start sweating Asha leaned her body forward so slowly it hurt while pulling his head in closer till she felt his forehead touch her chest. Shifting the lower part of her body next she shifted her hips till the two met and with a sigh tried to stop her heart from climbing out of her throat and running away.

Sibi had been a fountain of information on what to do next but now it was up to time, Asha knew she had to wait until the sun came up. When Verik awoke as he always did with the first light of day his motions would wake her up as they were essentially joined now. Closing her eyes content that she had pulled off what was once considered impossible in her book the zebra mares body relaxed.

Sleep did not come first however, instead as she was about to fall asleep the first rays of dawn came and with it movement below. Feeling Verik shift slightly her mind raced and giving a gentle tug pulled him closer till she could feel her cleavage brush his face. Her body went tense for a moment realizing she had just partially buried his face and waiting quietly she could feel his breathing change rapidly as the situation sunk in to his cloudy, half asleep mind.

"Just remember what Sibi say, just remember-"

Verik suddenly went tense and she could feel his chest moving a little faster, her own breathing as entirely forced as she made every attempt to play the part of still being asleep. Controlling her breath carefully Asha slowly moved her leg out and draped it over his waist and tugged him into an even tighter embrace. Locking Verik close to her she began to gently shift her hips into his and as she did something else shifted down below and it was becoming quite rigid.

Asha could feel him start to move ever so slightly in an attempt to stop something but ignoring it she hugged him all the more and gave his head a small nuzzle, while at the same time burying his face completely.

"No hear heartbeat, no hear heartbeat!"

A mantra quickly formed in her mind as part of her followed Sibi's advice and the other part prayed desperately he would not hear her heart, a heart which was now battering against her rib-cage like a mad drummer gone wild. Her chest was pounding while below her Verik continued to worm himself back and forth only aggravating her own situation. Hip gently gliding against his as if she were moving naturally in her sleep another sensation became known to her own marehood as something continued to grow. Moving her leg had given it all the room required to slip between her legs and plant itself firmly causing two sets of breath to hitch for a moment. Asha realized all to late that the cloth he tied around himself had come off at some point in the night freeing him completely.

"Not mean to do that!"

Hoping he had not caught her little bouts of hesitation Asha realized that things had gone so far that if she moved away now there would be a great deal of trouble. Sibi had set her up, she had known what would happen and now they were stuck, both awake but still playing the game. Asha knew from his motions that he was doing his best not to loose his mind but as she thought about it, Sibi had been right. It was time to give him a good, solid yank from the shell and she would be the one to do it, no one else. They were married as far as she was concerned and he had nearly died for her several times, he even killed to prevent others from even attempting to have a fake chance at her.

Allowing things to continue but avoiding a different conclusion should anything slip where it was not yet supposed too, Asha held Verik close and smiled. Holding him for a while like that while a joyous grin stretched across her face, the zebra calmed her pounding heart as she could just feel and almost hear her husbands heart hammering away below.

Eyes opening again Asha hoped he was not being suffocated by her grasp and deciding to shift her body. Not enough to allow escape, not that he was even trying to get away anymore. Asha noticed that he seemed quite content with his current predicament but, she still needed to move just enough to allow him to move his head. Just enough to breathe but not enough to move away, he would still be stuck with head firmly pressed into her chest.

That is not how things went however. As she shifted her body one way he began to slowly move his head and as two objects had to pass each other she felt a part of her chest grace his lips.

"Not mean to do that either-"

In an attempt to rectify the problem the following movement made matters worse as the black, stiff object was driven firmly home making Asha and verik go rigid. A warmth embraced the part of her cleavage that jutted out as below Verik was having problems that were screaming and howling for resolution. Asha could feel every twitch and motion, moving her head slightly to look down she could feel the heat burning across his face. Her large emerald eye could not see much of anything but what she did see was enough fuel to feed any fire for some time to come.

They were completely entangled with each other in what anyone who saw it would describe as a tight, loving and highly suggestive embrace. There was no room for doubt if anyone poked their head into the hut and Asha was certain that if anyone did both would die of embarrassment. However, if Sibi were to pop her head in she was certain there would be a ritual killing soon afterwords.

Should she thank Sibi or slap her? Verik was holding onto her for dear life, probably without realizing it she guessed but he had made not one attempt to reject her advances. As she felt him breathing and twitching Asha's eyes widened a little as some realization set in that there was an all out war being waged. She could feel in his motions that part of him was trying desperately not to accost her while another more feral part was trying to chew its way out.

Sibi's little plan had done more than what Asha had desired, Verik was not only out of his shell but trying desperately not to have his way with her. Part of her was flattered that this little truth had come to light but at the same time she had concerns, but no regrets. Without question he was absolutely accepting of her actions and advances, that was now a fact. But at the same time she had unwittingly riled him up in a way she did not know she could rile up a stallion.

What was she going to do?

Asha thought about it while trying not to make matters worse while realizing that one slip would cement their marriage ahead of schedule. Was that a bad thing? The celebrations were in all truth the final formality in a relationship but what he had said about his own beliefs made her hesitate. Did it matter at this point though? They were now bound, due to be married at the end of the season and by all accounts there was not one single bit of doubt in either of their minds.

Especially not at this moment, all the proof she needed of that conviction was laying beside her and prodding her farther down. Should she just pretend to wake up and go from there? No, knowing her husband he would probably try to talk his way out of the situation he now found himself in or do something foolish. He was too nice and polite for his own good sometimes and this she knew, but neither did she feel it was fair to rile him up so thoroughly and just "walk away." Was this also part of Sibi's hidden agenda?

Closing her eyes again but holding back a somewhat disappointed sigh Asha decided it would be for the best, at least for now, to let her prisoner go and keep up the facade. Not that she would close the door however, after giving Verik a chance to get up she too would rise and from there see where things went.

Easing her grip on him allowing them to separate Asha kept both eyes closed as she felt him shift a little in an attempt to get away that failed. Giving him more to either hang himself with or make his escape she rolled away from him and heard a quiet gasp for air but kept her eyes closed. Ears listening carefully to him sitting up and scooting away she slowly opened her eyes and looked towards him, Verik was facing away and looking down while quietly arguing with himself.

Rolling over so she could push herself up before sitting upright Asha put on her best smile hoping to get away with her plot.

"Morning husband, you sleep well?"

"I feel very tired and also that I let myself down."

Verik turned his head back to look at her and his focus froze as he took in the sight of Asha on all fours and dangling free, sitting upright she leaned back and sat somewhat splayed out on her mat. He let out a small choking sound and looked away quickly before fighting with something in his lap, Asha watched a moment with confusion on her face before looking down at herself. Realizing what she had done Asha listened to his ongoing argument with himself, unaware that her hearing was more than adequate to pick up every word he was whispering to himself.

Asha grinned.

"It work."

Author's Notes:

Check my Patreon to donate if you enjoy the story!

I have never written a chapter like this before, ever. Its a learning experience all the same but trying to write a scene like this from two perspectives took time and as you can see, I wanted to avoid certain words. In short this entire chapter is one big tease as the two dont know what to do now that they are halfway there.

Chapter 39: Crime and Punishment

"While I have done many a questionable thing during my reign there are a few action I have never taken and it is a point of pride: I have never tortured someone for the sake of torture. Ghastly things have I ordered done to those who deserved it and never for petty things, but only for the highest of crimes. But even they who have suffered at my hands can be counted on only one hand. We do not torture, we punish. Fareed however, was in a league all his own for crime and punishment."

The entire palace was on edge today, the servants were so jumpy they acted more like a flock of birds ready to take flight at the mere mention of the word "cat." Even the advisors had evacuated the throne room, though in their case it was because Fareed had ordered it much to their relief. No one wanted to be there for whatever was to come. The only ones permitted anywhere near the throne room were a handful of carefully picked guards, Xerin, Fareed and of course, the nine stallions and mares who had been drug in early that morning.

There was no need to question as to where they had come from if one went by their garb for seven were bandits and two were former officers in the army. That morning Fareed had been quite amiable and even smiled as he had gone through his morning paces. No one had been ordered whipped while even the servants and slaves along with the other myriad of staff that kept the place running were relaxed. In about half a second that had changed.

A messenger had arrived with a letter for General Xerin, upon unraveling it and giving it a quick read a twisted smile crossed his face. Rolling it back up he presented it to Fareed and as the sultan scanned the brief document his eyes changed from one of general happiness with affairs to a hard, twisted gleam. Not a single advisor opened their mouths in what would have been a daring feat of bravery as they had all seen that look before. It was the look Fareed got when someone had been caught who at some point wronged him on a larger scale.

Silence reigned for an eternity as Fareed sat back on his throne and stared off blankly, caught up in his own thoughts while humming quietly. Were they dismissed for the day? Had one of them been accused or caught for something they did not yet know of? Too many possibilities raged in the minds of those gathered but not a peep was heard from them as they all looked back and forth between each other wondering who was going to suffer the sultans ire today.

Matters turned even worse for them when Fareed waved a guard over and began speaking quickly with the advisors being unfortunate enough to hear every word of his request. Nodding quickly the guard rushed from the opulent throne room to bring what had been requested and it left no room for doubt that someone was going to die today. Fareed's executioner had been requested and was to be instructed to bring all of his tools along with whatever assistance he would require. This combination was not entirely new to them as he had a penchant for watching as punishment was carried out in the throne room.

Fareed did however, draw the line at anything that would cause too much bleeding. Such as a beheading, such matters were better conducted outside where the public could see and learn from it. But no, today was different. Today his request had been quite specific and eerily complete while the look on his face and the fact his executioner had been called for were more than enough to know what was going to happen: someone was going to be tortured to death while someone else watched. A point, an example was going to be made because someone, somewhere had forgotten their place in the pecking order and done something so grievous that it required a special touch.

Nerves were frayed from the outset of activity and as time ticked on Fareed did not dismiss anyone. This simple act caused many present to worry deeply for their own lives as they each began to wonder what they might have possibly done to upset their sultan. Several wondered if they had said something outside of the throne room that had brought about some unforeseen circumstance, perhaps they overstepped a boundary?

Fareed merely stared off, boiling quietly in his own blood before his eyes snapped to those present, having finally realizing they were still in his presence. With a glare and wave of the hand the advisors evacuated the room along with the servants, eager to escape and not bear witness to things yet to come.

Closing his eyes and leaning back the sultan twisted his head slightly towards Xerin. "Where were they caught? The scroll only says so much..."

"I believe they were caught trying to reach Kogil but your agents caught up with them before they arrived. The others were taken directly from their camps without incident."

"No assault was required?"

Xerin smiled. "When my soldiers arrived and announced their intentions the bandits were quick to turn over the offending ones in exchange for their lives."

"Good." Fareed nodded, "at least some still understand the agreement."

"True sire, but once in a while you have to torture a few in front of the others to remind them."

"Very true... I hope they were not injured?"

"Not a hair on their mane, save one who put up a fight but she should be recovered by now. There was plenty of time to recover on their journey and your agents would not dare deprive you."

"To be perfectly clear the raiders who turned the others in were separated and not to be confused with the others."

"Of course, five were the ones you sought were in charge of the various... "Organizations," that raid the road and the last were those second in command who betrayed them."

"That leaves two missing or who did not have... Assistants."

Giving a shrug Xerin shook his head. "It could not be helped that the bandit chiefs stooges put up a fight when their own kind turned on them. My soldiers were not responsible for bringing them out but merely collecting them."

"Ah... Oh well, what is done is done and the ones I truly want are alive, safe and hopefully healthy."

"Quite healthy if the crying and screaming I heard this morning were theirs."

A solemn grin formed on the sultans face as his personal executioner entered the throne room with a throng of servants bearing what he required to perform his duties. Of medium height, grey fur and missing his right ear the executioner was old, worn but above all, a true master of his craft. It was more a joke that Fareed called him an "executioner" rather than the stallions true title of "Royal Torturer" but it suited him quite well.

Not that either of them cared, it was a simple formality that suited them and thus the name stuck. As Fareed watched the preparations being made so he could properly welcome his "guests" the curious thought crossed his mind that Heinu, ruler of the region the traitors had been caught in, might not be so pleased. After all, his agents had entered Mfui and seized random travelers from the streets and spirited them away without a word, quite normal really as Fareed cared little for asking permission. But, if the foreign ruler was even aware of the incident it might raise some ire not that he really cared. Fareed knew quite well that Heinu would not go to war with him over some of his own who betrayed him. However, it was the principle of the matter that did matter.

As Fareed sat thinking quietly, coals were set alight and as they burned down to a glow his torturer began heating up various implements one after another while the servants who had carried the equipment in were dismissed save a few. Normally he would prefer to make a small spectacle of things in order to force his point home with those gathered but today was quite different. Today, the matters to be settled had to remain behind closed doors and off the books. Permanently.

The utmost discretion was required so only those guards who were of absolute known quantity would remain, Xerin of course was well within the know and his mercenaries who would deliver the prisoners unto him were no doubt hand picked. Both parties fully understood what was going on and that no one outside the throne room must hear of it less some damn fool get it into their head to rebel over it.

"Almost ready sire, but the carpet..."

Nodding at the executioner Fareed waved at the distant guard who slipped from the chambers before ordering others to roll up the carpet. There was no sense getting blood stains all over his richly colored and elaborately designed carpet, it would be a waste and also quite hard to find a new one as rich and elaborate as this one. Carpet removed the room settled into a silence as they waited for the prisoners to be brought in and the hush was only broken by the occasional popping sound as the embers sizzled in their brazier.

Sitting upright when the doors creaked opened Fareed watched with ears perked and eyes riveted as a handful of Xerin's mercenaries dragged several prisoners into the throne room. Some stood walking of their own volition and without any real restraints placed on them and were no doubt the traitors who sold out their bosses in exchange for their own lives. All had been stripped down to various degrees to ensure no weapons or other unpleasantries lay hidden within the confines of their clothes, assuming they had ever worn any proper clothes.

Only a few were completely stripped and left utterly naked save for their iron shackles that bound their wrists and cannons securely. Any attempt to run would be met with disaster as the metal would go taunt at any speed greater than a shuffle, but namely that they would collapse in a heap if they dared to try. That was not the issue here however, instead those shackled were being drug along like a fettered corpse that was still kicking and twitching. Only their muffled protests could be heard as they had been gagged quite thoroughly but the moment the guards dropped them they froze.

Seeming to realize where they now were despite having never seen the interior of the palace proper, the myriad of bound stallions and mares turned their heads back to look upon Fareed's smiling face. A rush of motion broke out as some tried to crawl away from his grinning visage while others tried to beg and plead despite their gags. A few even gave up, going limp while one passed out on the spot after seeing the executioner standing beside his tools waiting patiently.

"Sit them upright so I can properly address them and you." The sultan pointed at those not bound. "You will stand and listen with your mouths shut."

Nodding furiously the traitors backed up a bit and seemed to go rigid thereafter hoping he would at least pretend that they did not exist. There would be no such luck but as Fareed watched the prisoners being forced into kneeling positions he knew their desire would come true more or less. Only this handful were of true interest to him and the others were here merely to bear witness and leave this place so they could warn their ilk. Today, punishment would be served and examples made. Examples that would burn into the others minds and not be so quickly forgotten.

Satisfied with their prostration he gave the order to un-gag them but as they opened their mouths to speak he glared, a simple enough act but they slammed their mouths shut content to shiver and shake in his presence.

"You know... I have a very. Simple. Rule. Do as you are told. How simple can that possibly be? Is it too hard for your simple brains to process? You, traitors. Your only purpose in life is to serve my will where and when I see fit, that meant protecting that merchants convoy and not selling it to them!" He pointed quickly to the bandits before giving out a sigh and closing his eyes while shaking his head. "There is a deal I have with certain merchants of various... Well to do families. Of this you should at least have some degree of understanding as it was explained to you once, yes?"

One hesitated not certain if they should respond before shaking their head as the other stared blankly.

"Ah well... Be it as it may allow me to explain this simple little arrangement so you fully understand how you damaged it, you three in the back... Pay attention." If the three bandits could have turned into insects to make themselves smaller they would have but nodded quickly. "I could care neither head nor hide about the foreign merchants nor some... Petty, common... Peasant merchant that barely makes me enough tax income to be worth my time. Now the noble and wealthy merchants on the other hand..."

Fareed trailed off as he spoke while leaning his head to the side, his eyes roamed back to his prisoners and a glare formed on his face.

"We have an understanding. They receive protection from the army, are free to travel far and wide under my personal protection, pay lower taxes and for it are left to their own ends. In exchange they make certain the coin flows like a river and that anyone who tries to upset the cart is turned in post haste. You see, I cant have everyone being raided or else the coin would stop and despite your low intelligence one can only hope you understand how much trouble that would cause hmm?"

"Now, you three." His attention turned to the officers who flinched. "Your duty was to protect that caravan and act as a marker to the bandits that these merchants were not to be touched under any circumstance. Such sacred trust was betrayed and now those wealthy and noble families are deeply upset with me and are all but demanding, and to my face no less! That reparations be made, would you agree something must be done to set matters right?"

The sultan almost sighed as the buffoons in front of him nodded at first and then realized the executioner was smirking at them before shaking their heads "no" wildly.

"Thus is your lot in life you see? Not only did you betray my agreement... But you betrayed me! ME!" Fareed almost lifted himself off his throne before settling back down again. "Promises were made that the guilty would be punished and gods save your worthless hides I shall make it so! Did you really think you could escape me? Take money from them!" He jabbed a finger at the bandit leaders. "And then I would just let you walk away!?"

Fareed shook his head. "No... No, no you are not smart enough to be officers and as to how you ever achieved your ranks I will never know as I dont care to find out. As for you..." His glare turned to the bandits. "I am not certain who is dumber, these sorry excuses for traitors or you."

"Boss, they offered to leave the caravan in exchange for a cut! We even offered you-"

The filthy and scar riddled zebra mares blustering was cut off quickly when Fareed snapped his fingers. One of Xerin's mercenaries stepped forward quickly and in a flash drew their scimitar and using the flat of it smacked her hard across the jaw. A sharp crack filled the air announcing the damage done and leaning over and moaning loudly in pain as spit, blood and teeth flowed freely from her muzzle.

"And this is why I have the carpet removed before we begin... Now, as you sit there contemplating your stupidity allow me to... Illuminate you. Had you a brain greater than the size of a bean in that dense skull of yours it would be quite clear even to the dimmest of minds that I would not go back on my word. It should have been quite clear they were traitors and that they were violating the agreement, a fact you seem incapable of grasping!"

Rocking his head back he looked up at the ceiling and let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Egh... Yes, you offered me my cut of what would have been the take from your actions but you broke the agreement! Are you aware of what I had to do with what you sent? I had to use it to pay off the nobles and merchants in order to cover their losses. You even injured one of the nobles! This whole affair has been messy, far too messy. However, I promised them that the guilty would be punished and that quieted them. Along with a healthy supply of gold..."

Fareed stared off out one of the windows for a time in complete silence counting up the amount of damage they had done to his image and coffers. What not even Xerin really knew was that the take he got from the various raiders and slavers was what helped pay the mercenaries. By flicking that one single tile the whole system had almost broken down on him and the only reason it had not collapsed was by shucking out from his private treasury. Thankfully, he learned a great deal of thrift from his father on how to swindle and wring out every last coin without infuriating the population to the point of open and total rebellion.

This stockpile of gold and silver was then neatly sealed away in his private treasury where it would wait for a rainy day and oh gods above had it rained. Buying off wealthy merchants was simple: replace wagons lost, slaves, pay for damages and they left smiling. Nobles? Hah! No such luck, they wanted reparations to be paid and by his own law they had the unquestioning right to it. Not one to go back on his word Fareed had taken careful stock of their losses over their weeks of lamentations in his throne room. Once the tally was in for each and every family that had suffered he not only paid off the sum total of their losses with interest but paid additional fees on top of that.

Fees that were nothing less than glorified bribery to keep their mouths shut and walk away smiling. It had worked perfectly and after all had parted his household spies reported that most had actually dropped the matter, being quite content that he was sincerely apologetic about it. Which of course he was not but he was no fool and understood the importance of keeping the nobles fat, happy and content.

A sigh escaped him as his attention turned back to the huddled masses and he rubbed his head in aggravation.

"One price has already been paid to cover this incident up and smooth things over and now you, will pay the final price. As for you three in the back, pay close attention and you might learn something about what it means to disappoint me."

They nodded quickly but one of the officers fell onto the floor as the executioner began picking out which tool to start with. Sobbing furiously and in all sincerity the stallion let out a long string of praises and offers to his "rightful sultan." Begging for his life the officer even dared to try and scoot towards the sultans throne which raised a few eyebrows of those watching as he continued to weep and plead for mercy.

The pleading stopped and blood ran cold while others fur stuck upright when Fareed began laughing. It was not a sudden outburst, but a slow giggle at first that slowly built up as he continued to watch the sobbing wreck with great amusement. His light, jovial laughter soon filled the throne room as everyone gathered held on to their grim expressions. Waving off the guard who was ready to skewer the former officer Fareed turned to the executioner. His laughter died in an instant as he waved for him to begin but pointed to the stallion on the floor.

"You may begin but start with this one. Oh and that one tool you use on stallions... Yes... That one. Make him feel it."

Fareed's voice had gone utterly cold as he finished talking and leaning back on his throne he watched as the executioners personal assistants rushed the sobbing stallion and laid him out firmly and face up on the cold tile floor. With both hands full of various tools the executioner walked over to the helpless stallion and laid out his instruments carefully while ignoring the howls of protest and attempted thrashing. Shackled arms held well above his head while the officers legs were sat upon by two others so he could not move, the executioner finished and picked up the first tool and worked the mechanism.

A small drill began turning slowly and satisfied it was working properly he placed it over one of the stallions testicles and began drilling. Nightmarish screams reverberated off the walls as those present watched in either sick fascination as the executioner worked diligently at his task or locked their jaws and tried not to gag.

Fareed did not smile but his his icy glare was warning enough to the rest.

Most of the advisors had already called it a day and fled the premises in favor of the gardens in the hopes they would escape the noises coming from the main building. Some had even gone home taking the daring action in the hopes that Fareed would be so caught up in serving out justice that he would forgo any other activities for the day as he normally did when this happened. Not that is was normal, torturing spies and prisoners was quite normal but rarely something he personally oversaw.

To draw such wrath from the sultan meant a horrible crime had been committed and that meant he would be personally seeing to their torment. The sounds that had filled the air for three straight hours had made the servants and slaves lock themselves away while others broke down sobbing. They knew not for whom they were crying be it their own sanity or the ones being tortured but the general consensus was it terrified them that one false step... And it might be them.

Zahir was on his own, his other two compatriots having long gone. Basir had gone straight for the main gate one hour in and would not return for the day he was certain, that left him sitting in the palace library trying desperately to focus. It was always a gamble on leaving the palace grounds without being bidden to do so and everyone had at some point been on the receiving end of barbed comments or a few lashes. The sultan however was generally lenient with them when he was handling affairs privately and when they took hours it was even rarer to be punished for leaving if ever.

Three hours of hearing the screams continue till they had turned into dry, raspy animalistic howls was more than his conscious could bear. He had thought it was over when the howling ended but the moment it picked back up he could take it no longer, he had to get out. Now. Dropping the book onto the table with a thump Zahir stood and rushed from the room, straight into a group of mercenaries. They were quite busy with the removal of a tortured lump of unrecognizable flesh and fur and his sudden arrival made them stop and turn on him while rapidly grasping for their weapons.

In so doing their pitiful cargo hit the floor with a hard thump causing them to moan in pain. Recognizing him they relaxed immediately as he took one quick glance at what was left of the horribly twisted and agonizingly tortured equine. Closing his eyes Zahir turned sharply and marched off in the opposite direction they would have to take, they would probably take them to their cell meaning the barracks which meant a right turn. If he went left that would spare him hearing the moans and smelling the blood and... Other things.

This meant detouring through the servants quarters and their little kitchen in order to make a large loop till he could escape through the palace gates. Hearing the soldiers hoist their cargo behind him along with a few gallows humor like laughs when a certain stallion body part finally detached and fell away he broke into a run.

Why in the hell did he stay?

For that matter why did anyone? Some had families who would be snatched immediately, it was of no question that Fareed kept spies in nearly every important household even if no one could prove it. Zahir's thoughts drifted to his own family and as he ran while holding his robes so as not to trip he realized that was exactly why he kept serving, his own family was at risk if he fled. No matter how far he tried to run an assassin would probably find them and not because Fareed generally cared, but because an example had to be made of anyone who disobeyed him.

Bursting into the servants quarters and slamming the door behind him only muffled the new chorus of screams that echoed and reverberated throughout the massive area that made up the palace grounds. Finally taking stock of his surroundings he noticed the servants quarter was utterly devoid of living bodies. Raising an eyebrow he stalked through carefully and into the inner cloister that served as kitchen and dining hall for servant and slave alike.

Here the huddled masses clung to each other in a large mass of fur, ears laid down, some covering them with their hands but all were in various states of mental collapse. Mares, stallions, slaves, "free," foal and old had taken shelter in the one area they had access to that might offer some protection from the noises. Eyes bulged out when Zahir burst into their room and glared down at them, some trying to scoot away others turning their heads and praying they had not been called upon only to fail to answer their summons.

Letting out a sigh he shut the door quickly and held the palms of his hands up before struggling to walk through the mass. Realizing that he was leaving the palace they stood as one giant mass and began to mob him, begging for the advisor to take them with him on "errands." Anything would do, no task was too great so long as it got them out of here for the day. Pushing back and fighting his way through them he reminded the throng that they were not permitted out unless under order and escort.

Sadly, Zahir did not have the power for the first nor count towards the second. Not caring they continued to harass his every step till it had become impossible to move forward, being quite tall compared to them he finally looked down and into their pleading eyes. For the entirety of his life he had tried to offer aid where it was needed and shield them from the wrath of others, but at the same time he knew there were times he had to let go because to hang on would pointlessly drag them all down together.

Shutting his eyes he fought to get his hands up into the air and clapping loudly a few times they went silent, waiting. He couldn't do it. Leaving to save himself would be cruel beyond measure because unlike them he at least had the ability to walk away.


Hesitant at first they obeyed the command and sat down as the eerie screams continued to filter into the room. Zahir had an idea, one he hoped would work on them as it had worked a long time ago on his daughter when she had become frightened. Fighting his way to a spot where he could sit down on an old, raggedy mat he sat and looked out at the gathered faces.

"Sing, drown out the sound but not so loud they might hear us."

Nothing happened for a moment but swallowing his pride he began slowly and quietly singing a tune he hoped they all would know. It soon caught on and the terrified mass was soon singing quietly to themselves in a desperate attempt to divert their attention from what was happening outside their doors.

Alive only by the sheer skill of their tormentor the officers had been removed from the throne room, each one having been given a full session. One of the bandits had quite surprisingly vomited on the floor, a fact that made Fareed and Xerin stare at each other with raised eyebrows and a clear mark of disgust. For such hardened bandits their ability to stomach a little torture was quite the let down to the sultan, he had always assumed that their own "fun" was more brutal than anything he had ever dreamed up.

This one was apparently the exception to the rule however and as she continued to dry heave on the floor as the session continued from one traitor to the next Fareed finally became annoyed.

"Vomiting on my floor is quite offensive but... I can somewhat understand. However, you have been retching on my floor for some time now and hearing it is getting on my nerves so I give you a choice. Eyes or mouth?"

"B-Boss?" She continued to gasp for air while looking at Fareed bewildered.

"Oh for... Eyes or mouth? How hard is it to choose?"

Realizing what he meant the bandit began back peddling with her legs in the most vain attempt to escape he had ever seen. Allowing her to scoot all the way back to the witnesses before waving the guards to intervene she was brought back and with a swift kick forced to kneel again. Quivering violently while looking wild eyed as the royal torturer continued to go through his paces, oblivious to anything else going on the zebra mare shook her head and broke down sobbing.

"Very well... Hm... Eyes, yes the eyes. Since seeing this is too much for you perhaps it would be best if you could no longer see. Yes. Amultawi?" The executioner stopped what he was doing and turned his head. "I do not mean to interrupt but if you could spare an assistant I have a simple request to make."

"Of course my sultan, Majnun! See to his request."

Turning back at once to his duties Amultawi continued to make the object of his attention gurgle and scream in ways that defied imagination, his assistant rose quickly and gave a sharp bow to Fareed and awaited her instructions. Fareed had more or less learned their names as it amused him to allow their victims to know who was tormenting them before dying. Smiling at the newest addition to his executioners staff he looked her thin, lithe Arabian form over quickly. No one would imagine she held the second most gifted mind for torture in the realm within that head of hers, truly an example of how one could hide the worst of demons within a positively glowing rose.

"This one has a problem as you can see and... Smell. It would appear she can not stand to bear witness to those paying for their crimes and I think it would be best if her eyes were removed, perhaps then she will be more amiable. Would you not agree?"

"Yes my sultan!" Chirping out her words sweetly Majnun then gave the sweetest smile he had seen in a very long time and hustled to the table and began holding up various implements. "Which would you desire my sultan?"

"Ahh... Hm... That one, what is that?"

"New, it came from Piemro two days ago and we have not had the honor of testing it yet, though the merchant who sold it did not say how to use it. We have discussed its possibilities however and it is quite... Adaptable."

"Use it, oh and take your time. There is no rush as she has already emptied her stomach. Once you have finished by all means continue, I would very much like to know what this little device is fully capable of. After all, I paid for it..."

With a smile and youthful zeal the mare went to work on the zebra with the assistance of two guards to stop her from thrashing. It took some time to get the tool working properly but some in the audience were enjoying it greatly, every time she had the device just where she thought it would work best Majnun would change her mind and try a different approach for the maximum effect. Utterly dedicated to her craft no matter how much it terrified and horrified those around her she worked studiously until it was right where she wanted it.

As to which sound was worse be it the zebras screams or the sound of the eye slowly being removed and destroyed while inflicting the maximum amount of pain Fareed did not know. Satisfied with being unable to see her work his gaze shifted to the other as his ears were filled with the horrified screams of two different victims, it formed a sort of orchestra in his mind. Each scream a different tempo and sob a note which swirled, intertwined and danced in the air.

Finished, she turned around and presented the blind zebra for his inspection. Looking the drooling mess over as it tried to cry and sob Fareed nodded his ascent then smiled at his newest hire, she was worth every coin. Like her teacher this one knew how to make examples of others with just the right touch.

"What next my sultan?"

"What would you start with?"

"It is not my place to say, I am but an assistant."

"Oh come now, pick! Consider this a chance to prove yourself."

Fareed could see a wide grin form on her face despite her head being lowered.

"As she is female I would start with her pride as a mare."

He did not know what she meant and frankly did not care, nodding he watched her get to work quickly filling the air once more with howls of agony. Perhaps that little bastard in Iuny had worn off on him because this never used to be so greatly pleasing. Or was it that he always imagined the screams to be theirs and those who he hated but could not yet touch in such a manner? A swing of the torturers tail made his eyes drift from one to the other.

He realized Majnun was quite aroused with what she was doing and trying to hide it, but despite her best efforts it was giving her away more than hiding anything. Fareed continued to watch and wondered what this sick, demented mare would be like in bed but only on the receiving end of course. He could only imagine what she might do if she was allowed to "give." Maybe he would find out some time, she had the perfect body for it and was quite eager to please... No, that would be a mistake. Never mix business with pleasure.

His attention returning to the prisoners in front of him Fareed realized it was a fact that he always greatly enjoyed the sight and sound of those who had betrayed him being tortured but never others... When someone else was whipped or tortured it was just so... Impartial.

This was not, they had specifically wronged him on a larger scale than anyone else dared and were suffering for it horribly as they well should. As Fareed thought on it he formed the hypothesis that just maybe he was enjoying this because of who was doing it. The mare was putting the zebra through her paces as if it were a sacred act and something deep inside him lusted for her because of it. But no, the little bastard from Iuny had not worn off on him he decided. True, he had his urges as always but they were not in control, he was.

Still, he would never dream of doing this to his harem nor anyone in general. That was utterly wrong and immoral. No, this was reserved for those who deserved it and though he did enjoy it at times this would remain something that he would not widely accept. Standards, he had very high standards. This sorry lot had managed to meet them on a high order and so he would sit back and enjoy knowing they were suffering for it. Once this was over their bodies would be put on display as traitors and bandits thus serving another purpose to the greater masses.

This was the price paid to maintain his law and order, he did not torture for fun nor pleasure as that one did nor was he uncivilized. Quite the opposite, this was perfectly civilized and it brought him great joy seeing others punished for their crimes. Their screams delighted him as it meant they were paying the price for their actions but it did not bring him that other kind of pleasure nor should it. This was different from the other one as this was the law serving justice to those who deserved it, that being those who crossed him or broke their word.

With the last of the prisoners hauled away to be left in their cells to suffer in agony for a few days before being properly executed and left out for all to see, Fareed glared at the terrified witnesses.

"Do we have an understanding now? Good, you will take their places and find subordinates to assist you in leading the raiders. You will obey my rules and if you dare to even think of acting as foolishly such as they did or worse..." His hand motioned to his small staff of torturers.

"Understood boss! Never question! We obey!"

They bobbed their heads furiously and their eyes were wide enough to prove they were completely and utterly cowed down before him.

"Good, now get out of my sight and learn to take a bath!"

The rush was on as they pushed and shoved each other out of the way in a wild race to see who could escape first. Watching them go he looked at Xerin and let out a sigh before shaking his head, he was absolutely correct. Sometimes you had to stretch a few necks now and then to get the point across but those survivors had learned something far more important today.

No one crossed Fareed.

Author's Notes:

Visit my PATREON to donate! See blog for details.
Been sicker than a dog for going on two weeks now but had this written in advance but no energy nor desire to edit while coughing up my lungs while dealing with a splitting headache. Still wheezing and coughing but have to get back to work tomorrow and decided to do this before work takes what little I have left out of me. Enjoy.

Chapter 40: A New Morning

Author's Notes:

If you wish to donate check my journal on how to find my patreon!
Enjoy the chapter folks!

"Beware that one, he's quite the smooth talker and ladies stallion."
-Reference to Altayih-

Altayih rolled over and listened to his mat crunch under his weight. The constant rain had dropped the temperature considerably making everyone shiver save one, his captain. He seemed to enjoy the cold and while it sapped others it seemed to invigorate him like spending a night with a mare. He, on the other hand, absolutely hated the rain. Not only did it make things miserably cold but his shelter was still leaking no matter how hard he tried to plug the holes by packing in mud.

Shahid was no better off and had his own little dugout less than a yard away while the captain had to give up half of his shared hut due to leaks. Shifting around to look out at the clear sky the chestnut Arabian stallion smiled and let out a sigh. The rain had finally gone away but it would come again and next time it would cover the land in a thick sheet of water driving the river higher and worst of all, he would be forced out of his hole in the ground. Not that it was a bad thing he reminded himself as his new "home" was damp and muddy, an easily proven fact as a puddle of water had formed at his hooves and his cannons would take the plunge if he stretched out.

"Captain, I envy you and your luck... Sleeping in your own hut with your wife and not suffering a wet floor."

Tugging his legs up close to his chest and forming the fetal position in the hopes of staying dry Altayih wondered what they would be doing today. At first it had been training in the driving rain no matter the conditions but they had so thoroughly memorized the plan there was very little room for doubt. They were all insane for going along with this mad scheme of Verik's but then again...

Looking out at the cloudless blue sky Altayih sighed.

"What have we got to loose? Shahid... Your sister I understand, captain you have your own desires and ambition but me... What is it I want?"

It was a fair question that he wanted to answer. All his life he had wandered from one place to another without giving a damn, content to play the role of explorer in a world already explored. Verik had never really said why he was doing this short of making passing remarks about trusting only himself with the kind of power Fareed wielded and Altayih understood the sentiment. But, that still left him out in the cold for a future save praying that he would be riding on the winning ship as it sailed to port and thus reap the rewards. Ideology? Verik had never once spoken of such matters so that was out of the question and if he was going to continue to fight for him even after repaying his debt and sating his curiosity, Altayih wanted to be certain he was not serving another Fareed.

A smile crossed his face as a more simple matter came to mind that reminded him of exactly why he was going to enjoy his time even if things were not looking up. This revelation slipped past his hole allowing the world to see her glorious, striped and completely naked form. Pushing himself out of his shelter Altayih lifted himself up and walked after her, beauty always caught his eye and life was short so why not make the most of it?

Oh he had standards and he was far removed from others who chased after every bit of tail they saw, but unlike them he truly wished to have family. So why wait until his situation improved? Verik was at the bottom of the pole and running more risks than anyone else and yet he was probably busy trying to expand the family at this time of morning. If not... Well, Altayih had to admit to himself that sounded about right considering his captains nature but no matter. There was beauty before his eyes and as he was always looking that meant pursuing it.

Catching up to the zebra mare as she tried not to fall while slipping and sliding in the mud Altayih's eyes trailed down enjoying the view but also checking her marking. He had no desire to play the fool and chat up one that was already spoken for even if they were not wearing their tokens. Studious as ever Atlayih prided himself on observation and keeping track of who was available and this one had nary if ever been spotted with other stallions. True, there were far too many sumptuous morsels to keep track of but it did help narrow things down.

Walking up beside her quickly as they continued towards the river Altayih leaned forward enough to catch her vision and gave a warm smile. Raising an eyebrow the mare mumbled off a greeting while continuing on her way but Altayih had already gotten what he wanted, her acknowledgement and attention.

"It is a fine morning and the rain finally stopped."

"Yes, maybe it not be so cold now."

"Oh the sun is shining bright and beautiful just as you are and by noon I am certain things will warm up."

"I-..." Her head turned and looked him up and down quickly. "Who you? Know you serve that weird one."

"Ah yes, indeed I do! I am Altayih and may I ask your name?"

"Asiwa, what you want?"

"Well you passed in front of my hole this morning and your beauty brought a smile to my face. I wished to talk with you and maybe, get to know you."

"I not that easy."

"Neither am I my beautiful traveling companion who's visage shines as bright as the sun."

"Hah! You just trying to get between my legs-"

"I would never. Not without knowing everything about you first and stealing your heart."

"Steal my heart?"

Okay not the sharpest nail in the bag or playing hard to get...

"But of course! Unlike others around here... I believe in romance, to woo the fair lady before me and make her smile, laugh and be happy. To capture her gaze as she does mine with her elegant stripes, patterns and deep soul filled eyes."

"I-wu... Uh."

Too many big words...

"This one desires to know you and not so I can relieve myself or for sexual pleasure."

Well it was mostly true but the later was a happy addition that came along with the rest, he hoped.

"Know me?"

"Yes, to know you completely and become closer and maybe more if you would continue to grace me with your presence."

Maybe it was because no one had ever talked to her this way but he could tell by the look on her face that he had thoroughly confounded her on one level but also flattered the mare. Not so much that she would immediately turn him away but just enough to make her curious about the odd stallion that was trying to get her attention. He knew there was a beauty in a village farther north but she would probably be spoken for long before he ever got there so why not keep casting out nets and see what happened?

Never dropping his smile after the zebra took him literally, the mare began slowly and laboriously talking while Altayih would drop the occasional question now or then. Ever the good listener he would ask Asiwa for clarification on little details while dropping a word here or there and by the time they reached the river he had run her in a circle. She had not shut him out either and the smile that slowly formed on her face, the perkiness to her ears and swish of her tail told him that everything was working.

When she stopped talking to stare he asked what was wrong as Asiwa pointed to a figure sitting on a rock staring at the river. Altayih felt a little let down as attention was diverted but also satisfied that for the first time since the salt mine he had actually captured a mares attention. Wete was a horrible place to seek out ones desired other with everyone being more concerned with staying alive than romance, but who was he to complain? He was one of those survivors.

The conversation died making him close his eyes and sigh, things were going quite well but even he was a little concerned over what Verik was doing or more specifically: not doing. Giving Asiwa his best smile while giving her hand a small kiss Altayih walked away hoping the seed he planted would bear fruit. She was not the brightest he had talked to but their little walk had told him enough about her nature and that he was interested.

Walking up to Verik as he sat on his boulder staring at the river, hands held together and robes pulled around Altayih leaned down and stared at him a moment. Not once did his captain acknowledge that he existed, letting out a cough did not help either and even waving a hand in front of Verik's face did not alter his gaze.

"Captain? Are you awake or sleeping with your eyes open?"

Clicking his fingers in front of Verik's face did nothing and glaring slightly Altayih squatted directly in front of him and stared back. His eyes were staring off into space and if he was reading Verik's facial expression correctly, a task in and of itself as his body was so different, the captain was a stark raving mad mix of emotions. Deciding to wait a little while he stood to one side and enjoy the ever warming air along with the view of a few who had decided to bathe early. Shahid joined them not long after and sharing a nod of greeting they waited quietly for Verik to snap out of it.

"He planning again or-"

"Shahid, he has been this way since I arrived and even waving my hand in front of his face did not help."

"What do you think happened to him?"

"I have not a clue but whatever it was has stupefied him."


"Never mind... Our dear captain is having an, emotional conflict."

"Someone challenge him again?"

"Gods I hope not, that caused more than enough trouble for all of us though I can not blame him considering what was at stake."

Shahid nodded. "If someone try to take my sister that way, I also accept challenge and kill but how we bring him back? Drag him to water and throw in?"

"No, he would probably drown himself. Maybe if we get Asha-"

Verik turned rapidly and looked back searching for a moment, his attention having returned to them. Altayih and Shahid stared at each other before smiling to each other.

"Welcome back my captain. I take it Asha said or did something?"

"A gentleman does not speak of such things."

"Ahhh..." A devilish grin formed on Altayih's face and was shared by Shahid. "So you had a very active evening."

"No I did not and I feel very tired."

"Oh. Well, I take it an offer was made and passed upon."

"Nothing was offered except my own beliefs on a silver platter and I pray it does not happen again because I honestly dont know."

"Why not? Because you are afraid she will refuse, which is most unlikely! Or because you might actually embrace temptation for once in your life? Oh please, dont glare at me like that. We all know you refuse to lay a finger on her so it does not take a genius to know what happened."

"You really dont know what happened and that is a promise."

"For someone with such lofty goals, a penchant for extreme violence and also bloodshed I find it quite amusing that you get so easily flustered over a fact of life."

"You have your ways, I have mine."

Altayih sighed and shook his head, "that may be true but let me tell you that there is not a stallion alive, well maybe a gelding... But I can promise you captain that in your hooves most would not hesitate-"

"All the more reason I did not and-"

"Ah! So you were tempted!"

"Alright smart ass-"

His words died as both Altayih and Shahid laughed quietly while grinning to each other, twitching angrily Verik could only glare at them as they poked at his dignity.

"You do realize that as your captain I can make your lives a living hell?"

"Absolutely! But for your own sake at least look at this from our perspective and also your wife's yes? The world did not end last night and I doubt it shall anytime soon even if you gave in to your desires."

"I will do no such thing."

"A shame because the way Asha flirts with you I think she is hoping quite desperately that you would give in at least for one night."

"That is none of your business."

"It is. Yes glare at me captain but it is quite true, when you get into a mood like that it can affect the rest of us quite easily. Bottling up all that lust which burns in your eyes when you look at her is not doing anyone any favors and since you lead us..."

"I am in control of my emotions, of that you can be assured."

"Good, care to prove it?"

"Altayih, I think you need to understand what rank and order means."

"I understand it quite clearly but this is for your sake as well as hers, we are simply trying to help you and if this keeps up something could go wrong. As you say your ways are not ours and as I have at least some idea of zebra custom I believe you are flirting with disaster. Do not forget that her ways are also not your ways..."

Not entirely true but I hope the captain buys it...

"Oh and what would you suggest o' wise one?"

"You have inadvertently flirted with your wife for weeks on end, ignored her advances on you and if you do not return them something might just snap. I would strongly suggest you do something, especially after... Whatever happened last night, to at least reciprocate her advances."

Verik let out a small laugh, "so you want me to do what... Flirt with her more openly and not hide it or something?"

"Yes... And No."

"This coming from the one who's own love life consists of chasing after mares and never snaring one and yes, I have been watching."

"Oh I have snared a few but sadly it never worked out in the end but still, I shall keep searching. You, on the other hand..."

Verik stopped for a moment and closed his eyes to think. "Alright, you have a point but I am no Casanova and this whole... Romance thing, is entirely new to me."

"For someone who has not a clue what he is doing you are doing quite well for yourself."

"Ha. Ha. Alright then smart ass, tell me. What would you do?"

"After what?"

"After having a mare drive you up the wall all night rubbing herself and-"

Verik stopped short and let out a small snarl at the grinning stallion who stood upright and after wiping the grin from his face thought about it a moment.

"So you claim to not be knowledgeable of these things... Alright, I have a simple solution that even you are quite capable of and will put minds at ease. Ready?"

"I am all ears."

Altayih leaned down and whispered the solution to his problems into Verik's ear making the mans eyes and face go blank. Turning his head up at the smiling Arabian he let out a small laugh at first before locking eyes, confusion written on his face.

"Your joking."


Asha was worried. Verik had departed without a word and his face had been completely blank, at first she thought it had gone quite well and his mumbling proved it. However she was now getting concerned that perhaps it worked a little too well. Sibi had said nothing about anything like this happening, only that by chiseling away at his walls that he should become more open to suggestion. Mostly certainly his body had become quite outspoken and had not hidden his desire while his mumbling cemented the fact. But now, that elation of having cracked his shell had become concern.

So what should she do now? The plan had worked and Sibi was the only one she knew who might have an idea as to what she should do next. Maybe he was trying to calm himself? Exiting the hut a little while after Verik had left Asha stood staring at the sky wondering quietly if she should ask Sibi or... Well Nuru was very well learned in many things but seeking her council might bring unforeseen consequences that went above and beyond anything Sibi's advice could or would cause.

Walking to Sibi's hut proved fruitless as she had gone to the river in order to bathe Mabi before the day started, turning around and departing Asha walked towards the river with growing doubts. Wringing her hands together she slowed her pace wondering where Verik had gone and that maybe she would bump into him along the way.

Asha did not see Shahid who called out at having found her. Completely oblivious to him and others she trudged along until someone put a hand on her shoulder and turned her around. It was not Sibi or Jelani trying to get her attention though but looking back Verik was staring at her with a very serious look on his face.

In deep trouble now... Going to kill Sibi for that advice, work too well, far too well!

Verik took a breath and sighed before smiling at her, confusion was etched onto her face as instead of being displeased he was now beaming at her. Asha opened her mouth to ask what was going on but he cut her off by leaning down and kissing her. The simple action made her ears stand straight up, tail go rigid and muscles freeze as he held her there where all could see a display of affection few showed so openly.

When he leaned back her wide green eyes stared, mouth still open as he gazed back without once looking away.

"Asha, I-" *Uhmp*

Words died as Verik was assaulted by the hug of a grinning zebra that wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss of her own.

Altayih, Shahid, Sibi and Mabi watched from a distance grinning to each other. It had been a very simple plan but one that he had guessed would work quite well and after meeting Sibi along the way she had been perhaps... Too eager to join in.

"I think they are going to do just fine now." Altayih smiled to the others.

"My little Asha finally pull it off!" Sibi let off a string of happy noises as she watched. "All that advice finally pay off!"

"Staring impolite, so is spying."

They froze as Nuru's voice filtered to their ears and turning to face her she waved them off scattering them. Watching the public spectacle of affection herself for a moment the elderly shamaness turned and walked away herself, content with how things were working out but also knowing another truth.

Not know what they wish for more possible than they know. This be very interesting, you agree yes?

Her thought was unspoken but it was left hanging in the air for unseen ears to pick up on as she walked back to her hut.

Chapter 41: Green

"Rain has a way of turning a dusty, brown landscape into a lush, green and vibrant world."

Everything had gone quite well for the rest of the day after having been caught up in each others embrace and Verik was still a little stunned with the sheer passion Asha had packed into that one, last kiss. Many stares had been thrown their way for the public display they had put on but thankfully it had died down just as quickly. In no way had it been embarrassing to either of them from what he could tell but instead brought them even closer together. However, as they walked away Verik had to admit that Asha seemed to have gained something from it as she had a new bounce in her step.

Not only had their little world grown from the simple act of affection and love but when they looked across the landscape it too had changed. Gone was the dusty, brown landscape dotted with the occasional high, flat topped tree. In its place the grass had become lush and green, the distant scraggly trees were now budding and leafing heavily, it had transformed into a vast green mattress of dense vegetation or open grassland.

"Your world has really come to life with that rain Asha."

"Wait till the animals migrate, then you see even more."

"Wouldn't that be bad for your crops? Wild animals grazing through the fields killing off the plants and leaving you to starve."

"Chase them away, it normal. But maybe you kill some and eat yes? Less of them and more food for you."

"You have really gotten used to things haven't you."

Asha shrugged as they walked, "yes but not a bad thing."

"Some here would beg to differ with your opinion."

"Not care, you husband and what they think not matter, you not scary. Now... This mean you not hide anymore yes?"

"Hide from what?" Her annoyed glare was enough of a hint. "Ah. No, not that I really was to begin with but... I guess you can say that how I have seen you is much like a bubble."

"I am not bubble."

"Yes I know but ever since we got closer part of me worried that if I did anything you would be a like a bubble. That if I touched you that like a bubble you would disappear so-"

"You worry much over nothing. If I worry you touch or do more I not do those things-" Asha stopped talking immediately and her eye twitched at the accidental admission.

"Oh I know, the others told me already and part of me already knew. Like when you suddenly bent over to pick up nothing with your legs spread and tail-"


"My point is I was playing ignorant and even deluded myself a little, this is all very new to me and having someone as gorgeous as you all but throw yourself at me is. Well... I honestly did not believe it was happening for quite a while and once I did played ignorant until the others drove the point."

"But it not all for nothing, it work yes?" She smiled at him, "not worry about silly things and not hide anymore."

"Correct but a part of me wants to know something. You see, I have been around you enough to know that not everything you were doing-"

"Sibi's idea. She say you need big push and tell me how."

"Well Sibi certainly knows how to get someones attention... So that display was her idea?"

"Yes, nothing else work so Sibi say I need to do something that make you... I not say what she say but make you desire so much you respond."

"So Sibi is behind the torment... I will remember that. Did you honestly want me to jump you in the hut this morning? I was sorely tempted."

"We-... I... Yes? No? You so hard to understand. No tail, flat ears. Very hard but you always do nice things but then not respond. Very confusing."

Verik made a small nod, "I can understand that but I was taught that one does not lay hands on the other-"

"Maybe that true or not where you come from but I not do those things if not willing. Very embarrassing to me but do anyway because I love you."

"Of that there is no doubt in my mind so dont force yourself."

"You not like?"

"I think I liked it far too much as I was a hair away from just grabbing you this morning."

"Ah... Yes, Sibi's advice too good? Know she suggest that now because she probably hope we..."

"Nearly worked."

"But not enough."

Verik smiled a moment before taking Asha's arm and pulling her close. "Alright, how about this then. We both know and I can assume you not only want me but want me yes?" Asha nodded. "Well according to everyone including Nuru we are already married and now that everything is laid bare... If you tempt me like that again I will not be holding back."

Her hand reached up and moved along his chest as they smiled at each other before she stopped moving and grinned.

"Your heart beating very, very fast."

"So was yours this morning, I could feel it trying to escape through my well cushioned head."

"Not object though."

"Now why would I object to being smothered by the soft embrace of a beautiful emerald eyed, gorgeously patterened with eye catching stripes, soft fur and-"

Verik stopped as her eyes got a little bigger and hopeful, Asha had forgone the hand on his chest and was pulling him in closer again.

"Yes, yes?"



A scowl formed on her face and turning her head towards Altayih she glared at him a moment while Verik let out a defeated sigh.

"What you want? Can it wait?"

Asha had beaten Verik to answering Altayih's question but he did not back down, instead he had a very serious look on his face as he stood his ground waiting.

"Alright, what went wrong?"

"Nothing but our supplies are low and I just learned that Tendaji and Subira are planning to send out foragers..."

"After all this rain that would be wise... Collect what you can before the animals pick it off."

"It not be much." Asha stared into Verik's eyes a moment before looking back. "Very little grow fast enough to be worth picking."

"Yes but every bit counts and this rain might have been just enough to push some plants over the edge."

"Are we going captain?"

Taking a deep breath Verik ran a hand down Asha's side which made her smile before nodding.

"We will all go."

Asha had been a little let down with how things had ended after the interruption at first, or at least until Verik reminded her that he would prefer to keep her close so that he did not pick the wrong plants. Things had turned around after that and the two began moving lazily through their assigned area searching for anything edible. Subira and Jelani had gone along as well as the first was well versed in what plants to look for and the later because someone must always stay on watch. Before Tendaji had sent off the various groups to forage Verik's little band had been stopped so that something could be made perfectly clear with them: the grand total of their collection was not for their personal use.

They would keep a portion for having collected it but some must also be tossed in the communal pile to help feed those who were ailing from a lack of food and while it was agreed too, there was also the nagging issue that so far they had collected little. Hours had been spent traversing the area back and forth in lines while Subira continued to walk along with them and constantly reminding them not to take too much. If they took everything then there would be nothing left to produce seed later and thus in one short season the forage available would be all but wiped out.

Because of this they could only pick a few leaves here or there, maybe yank a small tuber in one spot but be forced to leave the other alone. None of the groups had much to show for their effort but by noon most had enough to feed themselves and maybe one or two others if they were willing to stretch things out. However, looking into his shared basket with Asha he also knew they would have to really stretch it thin. The call to stop was given not long after noon and hiding under some brush trees to avoid the sun they gathered to see what they had managed to collect.

There was no great celebration as the baskets were checked and anyone who had high hopes was left with their ears laid back or grumbling quietly to themselves. Asha did not seem to mind however along with a several others who understood that while it might not be much it would mean dinner was on the table tonight. Everything was muddy to some degree so everyone stood rather than sit on the damp leaves or ground with Asha choosing to stand as close as possible to Verik before poking him.

"This enough for one night but tomorrow Altayih and Shahid have problem again."

"Already have a solution to that but I dont think anyone will be happy with it."

"You raid across river again?"

"Keep your voice down... And you are half right but what I was really thinking was something else. You said zebra's will eat fish right?"

"Rare, not like too but can."

"Good because I have a use for some of those big pots that never get used."

"Fish rot and your salt-"

"No not that," he shook his head. "We just need a few fish cleaned up, toss them in the pot with the greens and other bits, add water and then boil the contents."


"Fish soup, lots of it. It will mean stretching these greens out but by adding the fish which everyone can stomach-"

"But fishing take too long, big nets and-"

"Bah! With all that rain the water level rose and you saw where the river overflowed in a few spots right?"


"There is a chance those pools have fish in them, between a couple of us we can wade in with spears and collect them. If that fails we catch the fish that hide in the reeds along the riverbank."

"Maybe that work." Asha's ears and head twisted a little as she thought it over. "My tribe used to do that but we had nets."

"I take it no one in Wete does this because its easier to put people on water hauling duty than fishing. Plus the tax man has no interest in fish and would probably say that since you are eating fish you dont need as many of the crops..."

Asha let out a small sigh and nodded.

"Well this will be our little secret, no fishing boats or anything fancy, just nick what we need to flesh things out."

"But you still plan on going across river again."

"Altayih and Shahid will go this time as the first knows what to do and look for. That and he knows where the logs from our... Raft, were left."

"Why you not go?"

"Too obvious this time and also this dampness means we can really buckle down on getting that irrigation canal dug out before the ground dries and hardens again."

"Tendaji probably send most of tribe to dig."

Verik laughed a moment before looking at her, she was dead serious.

"Why do you say that?"

"Ground so wet we not need water fields only pull weeds and keep animals out."

"Hm. True. Well with all the extra hands we can probably get things done twice as fast and go in shifts so no one gets burned out."

"That also mean less time for us to be together again."

Putting an arm around Asha he pulled her close and placed his head against hers before smiling.

"Yes but once the canal gets done it means more time for everyone, also dont think for a moment I am going to give up the time I get to spend with you."

"But you have too."

"Well it wont be like the past few days but I will think of something."

Asha shifted into the partial embrace and closed her eyes, the past few days had been especially embarrassing but looking back on it she would not trade it for anything. There had to be some way to force the issue and grant the two of them more time together but how? As they stood there half hugging her mind raced trying to come up with a solution to the problem and when it finally dawned on her Asha's eyes slowly moved up to stare at him wondering what the outcome would be.

There was always "that" option to take as it granted a few the chance to have time together but it meant putting up with another problem some did not want. Not that it actually stopped anyone as it got them out of the fields and away from hauling the heavy pots of water all day long, unfortunately one was not just granted permission to be on that particular duty either. It would take a little time but she knew that there was enough justification on her part to pull it off along with some experience. So maybe, just maybe it was possible.

"Time to go again."

"Hm? Yes."

Verik shook her a little bringing her out of her plotting, Asha's muttered response was ignored as they gathered their baskets and headed back into the blazing sun to scour the land for just a little while longer. Soon they would be called back to the village and whatever they had would be it for some time to come.

As they walked strung out in a long line to continue foraging Asha took a long, hard look at Verik wondering how he would respond to the idea if she got permission.

"Okay, empty basket."

Subira waited quietly as each group or individual took a turn at up ending their basket allowing the contents to spill out and onto the large mat prepared. Without breaking a sweat she shifted through the pile removing the occasional questionable piece and throwing it away. Once satisfied the leafy matter was divided up with some going into a larger basket on one side for the tribe while the rest went back to the forager.

After having gone through the process themselves Altayih, Asha, Shahid and Verik were left with one basket between all of them. It was hardly enough but after returning to Asha's hut they gathered so they could listen to Verik's idea.

"Captain... It is an admirable idea but it will probably taste worse than it sounds."

"You can always take your little mouthful of green and-"

"No, what I mean is boiling a bunch of what will no doubt be bitter greens with fish will create a most unique flavor."

"I help with that." Asha raised her hand a little. "Always save a little just in case, maybe it help now?"

"Got anything strong enough to flavor this mess of greens and fish to make it edible?" Asha nodded at Verik who looked at the others who shrugged and nodded. "Alright, we still have daylight hours left in the day and that leaves some time to try and snag some fish, get water for the soup and prepare a fire outside because we sure as hell are not doing it in here. A fire that big would burn the place down."

"How big this pot going to be?" Shahid narrowed his eyes a little and Verik motioned to one of the larger ones in the hut. "You going to make this soup be very thin."

"Thin, but edible and nourishing. Alright, Shahid you take care of the wood ration for all of us... Altayih, you and me are going after the fish and Asha, water. Asha your also the cook because you are a hell of a lot better at cooking with this stuff than I am. Or that one..."

"You wound me captain."

"We got enough of each others cooking on that last jaunt. Alright lets go."

Departing on their various tasks Altayih and Verik grabbed the special fishing spears that had become a personal project of theirs. Of the equines in the group Altayih and Asha proved to be the only two with no qualms about eating fish while Shahid remained a little squeamish at the thought. Walking down the hill and towards the small overflow that had hopefully washed a few fish into the shallow depression the two stared at the muddy water a minute.

"Alright, I will go first and just swing the spear around and see if anything makes a run for it." Verik removed his boots and what was left of his torn socks before wading in and up to his ankles. "Shallow so if anything moves it should make a splash."

"And then I stab it?"

"That's the idea."

Verik disturbed the water as he walked watching for anything that caused counter ripples, he hoped this would work but as they continued in vain he was beginning to think it would be better to try their luck in the reeds.

"What you doing?"

Raswan stood on the muddy bank smirking and holding back a laugh as they sloshed through the muddy water.

"Trying to find some fish so we can make fish soup."

"Fish soup?"

"Yes because we need to make our supplies stretch and soup is a fine way of doing so."

"Fish in river not here." He chuckled as they continued to walk through the water.

"I had hoped that the overflow had washed a few in here but so far you would appear to be correct."

"Fish never get washed in there."

Verik and Altayih stopped and looked at each other before turning to stare back at Raswan, the Arabian stallion held a smirk on his face.

"The voice of experience?"

"Ah... Yes... When big rains come there is big depression that way on other side of Wete. Waters rise and when they go, fish trapped."

"Any suggestions on where to get fish at the present time?"

"Reeds, there. But I not here for that. Tendaji have message for you, say that tomorrow you get as much of canal dug as can. Very wet and mean more can dig."

"Does he require you to go back and say I already figured as much?"

"No... Why?"

"Good, get your striped ass down to the river and help us catch some fish."

"I am not your-"

"No you are not but the three of us have better odds than two, plus if we catch enough you can take some home with you. I am certain your family would not object to having some extra food."

"They not object." Raswan sighed. "Okay, I help."

"You know if you want... We can take everything we have and make an extra pot or two of soup and make things stretch even more."

Raswan raised an eyebrow as they walked, "want me to ask family to what? Donate food so we can make even more food?"

"For all of us, gods knows we could use it and I know at least one of your family was out there with us foraging today."

"Yes... Maybe."

Dropping the subject till they either succeeded or failed at catching anything the three waded into the slightly swollen river. Picking their way forward carefully they entered the dense reeds that covered the banks and wading knee to waist deep worked their way through the forest of green stalks. Spears held up and ready they peered into the murky water hoping for movement or a shadow.

A small ripple spread out as a bug lit on the water and a second later something rose up quickly to snatch it. Throwing his spear at it Verik watched as the bug disappeared and the spear splashed harmlessly into the water, to his left Raswan began laughing.

"You still terrible aim with spear."

"Well Raswan I have yet to see you actually hit the broadside of a barn with a bow."

"What is barn?"

"One doubts you could hit Tendaji's hut from five paces."

"I not that bad." Raswan looked at the muddy water and shook his head. "Too muddy, not see anything and water too high."

"He is right captain, this is getting rather pointless."

Verik watched a bug skitter along one of the reed stalks before getting an idea, smacking it free and into the water he watches as the bug tried to right itself. Waiting to see if he was right the bug fought for a moment and with spear raised watched patiently until the water make a violent ripple. As the bug was snatched the threw the spear again but instead of impacting harmlessly it stopped short after having hit something.

Yanking the spear up quickly a small river fish hung twitching from the blade and pulling it off held it up by the tail for the others to see. The spear was never designed for this task and had made a mess of the fish but it had still worked.

"Knock a bug in the water and wait for the fish to make a go for them."

"Even if it small fish?"

"You want to eat tonight dont you?"

Nodding they began looking and after finding some hapless bug minding its own business, Raswan and Altayih smacked them into the water and waited. Sometimes it look a while but other times the fish drove up quickly resulting in a hit or miss, not all of the fish were very big but as they continued to catch them and dump them on the shore the pile grew. Most were so small they were hardly worth the effort but none of them complained as they dumped them all into a basket Altayih had brought along.

Asha watched Shahid prepare the wood for the fire, the stallion's eyes were vacant, distant and troubled. She already knew from the others what was bothering him so deeply and had herself seen the fruits of his attempted rescue that had gone sour. It weighed on him heavily and over the past few weeks it seemed to have drained the life from him. His step was becoming more troubled all the time and while Verik said his fighting ability was rapidly increasing as was the rest of them, Shahid was simply putting up a front for them.

She could see he was wearing two masks when others were not watching. One was what Verik and Altayih saw when they were together training or carrying out some other mundane task. But here in private, with the other two gone and his guard down it was to her clear as day. His mask had dropped not long after they left had left to catch fish, only once springing back when Raswan came by looking for Verik. Watching him quietly Asha stared at his dead eyes and for a moment they locked contact before he looked away.

"Still afraid for sister yes?"

Shahid jerked for a moment as he struggled to light the fire, the pot was full now and waiting. He ignored the question till the fire was burning and after sitting on his mat looked at Asha blankly.


"That why you lie to them?"

"I not lying to them."

"You are by not saying what bother you."

"They not able to help me yet, maybe later... Until then-"

"Sister maybe sold again, lost, killed, yes?"

Shahid nodded.

"But you not leave to find sister anyway. You know more about fighting now than when you first come."

"It not enough, Verik was right. This no so easy and take many not just one."

"So you wallow in pity and doubt he succeed?"

He twitched and remained silent for a few minutes before opening his mouth. "Many doubts, he want to take ship, not just any ship but ship that belong to Fareed... He mad, completely mad but maybe he help, his plan make sense but..."

"Yes it sound crazy but what he do before now crazier."

"Hah! Nothing more crazy than what he planning to do!"

"But you still agree to serve him in exchange... Something must keep you here."

"If he free sister I serve him for rest of days."

"Still believe it possible then."

"I not afford to pass up help."

"Hmm. True but you still doubt him and that make you miserable. You think you fail again and loose sister for good, maybe die and she suffer worse fate. Yes?"

"Yes... Why-"

"You like stories?"

"Mind too troubled for stories."

"I like stories, I tell you one, maybe it help?"

Shahid sighed and waved at her to continue.

"Long ago travelers find lost one on road, they bring him along to help protect them but not trust him. Treat him not so well but he stay because they all want same thing: survive. Much travel later they still not trust him and when they walk into bandit trap they leave this one alone to die. Maybe they go after him so rest have chance but they not, ignore him. Lone one stands and watches alone and then begins killing and killing."

Asha picked up her borrowed ladle and held it up for Shahid to see.

"This one barely know which end of spear or stick to hit with but fight anyway, not to save self but keep killing until he alone. Come to help other travelers, could have walked away but no, he stay. Kill even more, not just kill them but beat to death. Covered in blood. Take one and beat head open by smashing into wagon. Wounded, many times."

She motioned to points on her arms and legs, Shahid had turned his head and his ears and eyes showed mild curiosity.

"Bleeding horribly but refuse to stop killing. Others join him and fight back, soon all bandits are dead but things not over yet. Still must reach city, so they keep traveling with this one. Many worried, some scared of him now. Some hate. At city things get worse, slaver try to seize one of travelers by calling them thief. He not hesitate, steal from guard and slaver in daylight, middle of market! Clear for all to see! Steal big coin purse and knock guard and slaver down then run for life."

Asha watched Shahid carefully, a smirk was on his face as he listened to her little story but he was not turning away. She smiled to herself and put a little more effort into the story by moving her hands around including the ladle to emphasize points.

"All city looking for this one now, not care about others no more. Chase and chase! Then he disappear. Like smoke he gone, they not find him nor others. Whole city locked up because of this one! No one allowed out because he make someone very, very mad. Trapped in city but they not find him even day later, gates open and travelers leave. Some want to abandon him, others want to wait. He help them so much they want to help in return but not know how so they wait."

She began thumping the ladel on the mat slowly hoping Shaheed would feel the passage of time, indeed she had his attention now as he had turned around to face her with a puzzled look on his face.

"But he not come at first... Then, he appear with other walking openly from city. Want to know what happen so they ask him: "how you get out?" He tell them how: "I walk through the gate." No one believe him!"

"I not believe him either."

"But he did, walk through gate in front of guards. No one stop him, he just walk away! Rejoin travelers and help them many more times during journey home, take much time but he kill more times to help them then stay with them."

"Why you tell me this story? It mean nothing."

"Mean everything. That traveler was Verik."

Shahid almost laughed but after seeing the look on her face went deathly silent before sitting upright.

"That was Verik?"

"Yes, the guards try to take me in market but he stop them. They try to kill him for two days and fail. Not able to even find him. Verik stand out too much, easy to find but they never find."

"But what that have to do with me? Interesting yes but-"

"If he able to do that when he NOT know how to fight... What you think he capable of now?"

Shahid looked down the hill towards the river, in the distance they could see the little fishing party at work in the reeds.

"He very lucky but more dangerous."

"You there when fighting snake and after that you still doubt? He done much more. More dangerous too. Very lucky yes but also care very, very much. Verik say he get sister I believe he get sister."

"How he get her back or even find if Alriyah sold again or dead? This take so long that anything happen."

"Maybe but if he say it take time, it take time. Nothing easy, what you ask even crazier but he agree. How many agree to help you?"

"I never ask others."

"But you ask him. You trust him. Much doubt but you still trust, some part believe. Doubt because it take time and you worry for sister. Worry not help... Alriyah. You worry too much it make things worse and then you help to her."

"Maybe you right... But it not make it easier."

"No, it not make it easier but not less true. Verik say he take ship to get sister he mean it, but you not help if so worried you make mistake."

"How would you know?"

"I worry too much too once, worry so much it haunt my dreams and bad things happen. Now I not worry."

"Easy to say but hard to do Asha."

She nodded towards the river, "it easier because I trusted him and not regret it."

"You want me to trust Verik that much?"

"Not that way no... Trust him, you serve him now yes? Then trust him to help you."

"But what if-"

"Always many ifs, no help that. Even if go right now there be many questions, he like to plan and remove questions. No doubts. Only answers."

"I not help but worry for sister. She all I have left."

"If he fail I loose husband."

Shahid stared at her a moment before pushing the burning embers around and adding a few more pieces of scraggly firewood to keep it burning. He ground his jaw back and forth then looked back at Asha.

"He survive that and crazy enough to make that work maybe this work."

Asha smiled at him. "You get sister back I think but you not worry to death now yes?"

Shahid nodded slowly, still somewhat unconvinced.

Returning to the hut they could see Shahid manning a large fire while Asha sat to one side on a mat waiting with a knife. Dividing the fish up between them Raswan stared at their pot for a bit before shaking his head in amusement and taking his share of the fish with him. Asha on the other hand wasted no time in scaling and gutting the fish, even glaring at the others and motioning for them to help. Using their spearheads to scale the fish was an experience and they washed them off in the shallow jar of water provided sped the process up.

One after another the fish were cleaned, cut up and thrown into the large simmering pot. As the sun lowered in the sky the smell of boiling fish, greens along with whatever concoction Asha had come up with for seasoning the soup filled the air. Content to sit on their mats as things stewed quietly in the giant pot a few curious onlookers came by now and then to see what they were doing before shuffling off.

When it was time to eat the bowls came out along with a borrowed ladle from their neighbor who in return had asked for a bowl of the contents. Asha obliged Nuru in her request and no one challenged it, Shahid offered to make the delivery and after returning had a haunted look on his face but would say nothing else.

Sitting beside Asha on their shared mat Verik spooned some of the flavorful and very unique tasting broth into his mouth as the embers crackled and burned down. They leaned against each other quietly as they ate and after the others were gone, the pot was cleaned and for the first time in a while they had all eaten their fill and then some. Best of all they still had enough of the greens left to make a smaller pot of the same tomorrow if they were able to catch a few more fish.

Come nightfall everything was washed and put away, ready for the morrow. Asha went to bed first but Verik watched for a moment and looked at his own mat. Laying down he scooted up as close as he could before putting an arm over Asha and pulling her a little closer he moved his head around Asha's mane and gave her neck a small kiss before closing his eyes.

Author's Notes:

This week went to hell and the next week will as well so this is the last update till things simmer down.
If you enjoy the story consider donating on my Patreon! You can find the link in my journal.

Chapter 42: Digging

Author's Notes:


"When you dig a canal with nothing but shovels, scooping tools and then haul it away in baskets, one gains a greater appreciation for the sheer effort that goes into construction."

"Dig faster! We only have one day left!"

Tendaji had not been kidding about assigning nearly everyone to digging the canal and now that the labor shortage was solved things were proceeding very quickly. Tools remained a major issue but after raiding the garbage dump where the Wete threw their old broken pots away they had resolved part of the problem. Using the larger pieces of broken pottery as scooping tools for the wet muddy soil those without shovels or picks could at least scrape away at the earth or load the baskets in an easier fashion.

Great care was taken if a pot broke further so that no one stepped on the sharp edges thus causing injury and slowing the operation down. The canal side closest to Wete was beginning to look like an earthen rampart as the dirt was heaped up to ever increasing heights. Baskets broke more often than Verik would have liked but as they formed out into a long chain the impact was lessened. By fanning them out over a larger area they were able to simply dig down and toss the dirt freely without the need for baskets. Other teams then scooped the earth up and began loading the baskets to less than capacity to lengthen their life span thus buying more time for those creating more.

Reeds were being harvested rapidly and the once dense jungle of reeds closest to Wete had been thinned out, ordering the gatherers to go farther to collect the required reeds meant things slowed down from time to time but a rythm had developed. Working in small teams the great mass of equines had become used to the cycle and rotation that occurred every so often. Thanks to this, what had started out as a long string of markers was now a deepening canal that stretched off into the distance.

It was not enough however, the distance they still had to cover was considerable but on the upside the local craftsman had already produced some of the required components to make the canal functional. The first clay pipes were ready and while terribly crude were certainly long enough when fitted together. Being precise the sections fitted together well enough and could be plugged with very crude caps. Leakage would remain a problem but a small leak was preferable to an uncontrolled flood.

"How long till first pipe in?"

Tendaji walked along the steep bank of the canal looking down at the rather lengthy section that had already been completed as Verik joined him in looking at the pipe marker the man shrugged.

"Probably tomorrow morning if this keeps up but we have to reach the first way-point for building a floodgate. Your carpenters only pulled off getting that first gate up and we require at least one more for work to continue while being able to irrigate at the same time. It will also take time to dig down far enough to fit the pipe in and prepare the stopper, time for the clay to dry and seal up the seams..."

"How long till we at least use pipe?"

"Ask your potter because I have no idea. The pipes will not be under a lot of pressure but that does not mean they might not blow out if we do not secure them properly."

"Much go wrong?"

"I dont know and measures are being taken to prevent as many problems as possible but there can be no guarantee."

The chieftain looked into the deep pit and back towards the now cut off road that once allowed wagons to come and go from the village. A bridge plan was still in progress but now that the first floodgate was finished the materials for the bridge had to go towards the second flood gate as such lumber and support beams were not terribly common on the Wete's narrow strip of land.

"Very hard to find tree's that are good for making bridge and support for roofs, how much more timber we need?"

"A great deal more than what you have but I have an idea that might work."

"Already stealing from outside Wete lands."

"So collect from the other side of the river."

"That cause war."

"I am referring to the dead trees."

"We already do that once, dead wood not make for good construction. Very weak."

"Actually I meant for your brick maker, we need a tremendous number of bricks for the buildings and sun drying them is taking far too long. Worse is that the rain ruined a great number of the available bricks so firing them would be wiser."

"That take much wood and bigger kiln but maybe that work..."

They both stopped to watch as a group of four zebra's emerged from the distant underbrush dragging two logs behind them. The logs had been stripped down in advance and were now ready for use but both of them knew there would be another problem due to using green wood: As the logs dried they would shrink, crack and warp under pressure. Wete had already kept a small supply of logs for constructing buildings but the project had sapped the entire supply. By doing so, they had made the construction of new huts impossible as they now lacked the central supports for holding the roof up.

While this was a minor detail to some for others it had angered them as it meant having to sleep in their holes or shelters that much longer. They had been reminded though that it was a trade off: either have a home and starve to death in it or have food, more time to relax and avoid starvation. Whatever arguments that had broken out died rapidly after Tendaji explained this but the quiet grumbling continued.

"Have you ever pulled a tree down?"

"What? Pull tree down?"

Tendaji furrowed his brow in confusion as Verik watched the logging team continue on their way.

"Yes, pull a tree down. It is possible but very hard without the proper tools, also it can not be a large tree... Do you know if a mostly dead tree that is still standing would make for useful building material?"

"If tree not full of bugs yes."

"How much rope do you have?"

"Some but not enough for what you thinking. Say we rope weak tree, it take many, many zebra to pull out and it fall on them. Also, missing tree let everyone know it done on purpose."

"There has to be a better way... A way of bringing the tree down without using axes and thus letting the world know what happened. Yes there is the problem of the missing tree giving it all away but if we did it over a large enough area..."

"Take few trees over all of river bank?" Tendaji shrugged. "Maybe work, no one notice a few missing or care."

"Does that other tribe patrol very often?"

"No, not patrol much if at all now. We understand each other, they own that side, we own this side."

"So they wont expect a handful of Wete to snatch a tree here or there."

"No but still dangerous and problem of felling tree without being crushed."

"Not enough rope to pull it down, obviously no machinery to bring them down... What about Nuru?"

"What she do with this? Nuru old and not able to pull tree down on own."

"I figure that one has a few ways that might just bring a couple of trees down for us to scavenge."

"You want Nuru to-"

Tendaji understood what Verik was hinting at and as Verik looked at him it was clear the chief was uncertain and trying to convey quietly that it might not be wise to ask too many favors judging by the look on his face.

"Asking would not hurt and yes a price would have to be paid, I understand that but we dont exactly have a lot of options left. Over there." Verik pointed towards the far side of the river not obscured by the Wete hill. "Is what we need and we need it fast. Now if Nuru can somehow knock a few down then all the better."

"Paying price not so easy, maybe you think it easy but asking help like that not so simple."

"Tendaji, I look at it this way: on the one hand people have turned their backs on certain powers and so have they. A request like this is not for wealth, power or land but survival. If such a request was granted... It might just rekindle belief and maybe, just maybe humble a few."

"Why you care what they believe?"

"Because maybe they need to start believing in something again in order for things to get better and seeing is believing."

"If Nuru say no?"

"Should they or she refuses such a simple, humble and honest request for help then the rift will probably remain. But, that is their problem. We will have at least tried to dig our way out of this problem by seeking aid and asking an honest question with a noble end."

"You visit Nuru and have talk with her, she show you then."

"Yes I went through the "take the burning object or suffer my wrath" thing if that is what you are referring too."

Tendaji let out a small laugh as they continued walking down the canal bank but did not speak any further. They walked before stopping near the growing pile of rock and boulders that were dredged out during the digging process and stared at it.

"When we move pile to build wall?"

"After we get the two floodgates in and at least three more pipe sections in. That should free up labor from water carrying so they can instead help level out some of the hill, we need a good, solid foundation for the wall to sit on."

"Much rock on side of hill though, see? Make it very hard to level." Verik followed Tendaji's aim and stared but did not see anything, shaking his head at the chief the tall zebra sighed. "Shelters build against rock that stick out, few holes dug there because too much rock."

"Too much rock to move or if they dig very far-"

"Dig maybe this far..." Tendaji held his hands out. "And hit rock, dig no further. Wells all at base of Wete because too hard to dig and chisel through stone."

"So Wete sits on top of a rock?"



"What you mean perfect? Have to move much dirt up hill and pound to make level area for hut to sit on. Take even more time for this, impossible to dig flat area for wall."

"That is exactly what we want, bedrock."

"Bedrock? What is that?"

"What Wete sits on, we just need to move the dirt away, expose the stone below and then build on top of it. This probably was never a question for your people as you never had enough living here to move down from the top of the hill, so having to deal with the stone foundation never came up because you build brick huts not fortifications nor use stone for construction. If we clear off all that rock and build a wall from the stone level up you will have a wall no one can dig under nor get washed out if we do it right."

Both of them looked at the side of the hill thinking it over carefully for a while before Tendaji pointed again.

"Build wall to support building on top. Okay, but where wall go? Take much stone to build big, tall wall. Far too much time."

"It does not have to level off the entire top of the hill, no... We just need it to form a semi-circle and the building on top will become the next tier of the defensive wall. Do you happen to know how shallow the dirt is up there?"

"Yes. At bottom you dig very far but there between shelters and lone hut you dig very shallow and hit stone. When they first come most dig farther up and not able, have to move down or to south side of hill. There."

As Verik watched Tendaji point out features and trace lines with his hand a new plan formed, gone was the idea of piling up stone and mortaring it with clay. If the bedrock was truly so shallow that it could be exposed with very little effort it could be used to strengthen the foundations of the wall and buildings above. When Tendaji finished Verik grabbed a small stone from the pile and began drawing quickly in the mud.

"That what we build?"

"Each tier will make it very hard for someone to scale the hill but we start at the top and work our way down, less effort is needed to fortify the top and once the first ring of buildings is in-"

"What if wall collapse?"

"Very possible, the stones will have to be fitted with the utmost care and clay mortar to help hold them. It also has to be quite thick since the stones are not cut to fit."

"Have few chisel from long ago, we keep for making new wells."

"That would work... Who has the most experience with smoothing off the stone for digging wells?"

"They down there but we never smooth stone for wall."

"Same concept, you just flatten them off and we use those as the base." Verik patted one of the larger boulders. "One like this, we do not need to spent days forming it we just need to flatten one side to sit on the bedrock which will also be leveled off. Apply the mortar and then use the smaller stones to work our way up."

"How long this take?"

"For all of Wete? Probably years but if we focus on just a few key spots for defense it will not take anywhere near as long. But that also means having enough bricks to construct the buildings."

"Brick makers already very, very busy. Take time to dry in sun and you want them fired but that also take much time."

"Fire the bricks en masse then, the potters probably know how to do that and if you collect all that deadwood from the other side they would have a great abundance of material to work with. Between sun drying and firing them things will at least speed up."

"You forget that it take most of Wete to care for fields, you irrigate one field... Yes, more free to do other things but there are many fields."

"Alright, lets say I get these two fields irrigated. Would that free enough to begin the process and have one team constantly digging here?"

"Maybe, but would need to have one group collect wood one day to keep potters working then switch them to other task next day. Scatter workers and nothing get done, you say focus on task, true. Irrigate two fields and you get many workers for other things but not scatter. Much to do but bricks and moving stone take longer."

"Agreed but first that leaves me with one more day of digging and getting the pipes laid, sealed, refill the channels and pack them down to prevent washout-"

Tendaji largely ignored Verik as he rambled on through his list of task that had to be completed before the irrigation of the fields could begin. Instead he watched his tribe continue to dig and haul dirt or stone, the sudden outburst of rain had allowed things to progress with great speed. He knew Verik had preferred an extra day to push the canal out as far as possible but things would dry quickly and the struggle to keep the plants alive would begin again.

Walking down the line he came to the marker where the second floodgate would be constructed. There was still a considerable distance to go but three quarters of that length had been almost completely dug out in two days. The channels for the pipes were clearly marked and that would also take time to both dig, lay and refill but he had an idea. Giving a yell he waved Verik over and stood firmly on the spot where the second flood gate was due to go.

"If you dig this far and flood gate go in... Can we flood canal to here while you dig beyond gate?"

"Have to bail water as it slowly accumulates from the leaks which are bound to happen unless we pack it shut... Yes... I suppose you could flood the whole canal up to here and pack this one shut with clay till we finish the next section. Why?"

"This field end here, next one start just there. Water carriers come here to get water and not walk as far, get done sooner and do something else."

"Yeesss but that would also collapse this side of the canal. All those hooves climbing in and out would wear it down."

"You put in steps? Allow them to go in and out for water?"

"That could work... We have more than enough stone so we could dig back and layer it in so they can at least stand in the water and then pass it up."

"To work, three stand below and fill pots with water, pass up and then poured into larger pot. Form three lines, that not damage things?"

"No, the problem is walking in and out constantly, steps or standing stones would help them not slip and fall so long as they are not moving around."

"They dig most already and dig to here tomorrow, I have carpenter put flood gate in immediately with new wood that arrive and bridge we make later."

"Alright but I just remembered something, the workers in the field need to make shallow channels for the water to follow so it spreads out evenly."

Tendaji waved the statement off. "Very easy, take little time but this take time. We need make time now."

"Well your idea will work, the canal will fill with no less than three feet of water at this point. Most likely it will have at least four feet of water."

"You not know?"

"I dont exactly have a tape measure, yard stick or-"

"Use measuring stick."

"A what?"

"Measuring stick, we use to make huts and mark areas, sizes... Has notches for length."

"You had one of those and you never told me?"

"You never ask. Think we so primitive we not have measures?"

Verik felt like screaming for a moment as everything had been measured by eyeballing it or guessing. Using his boots had even become a means of trying to get things down to the correct length and now the chieftain revealed that they had their own version of yardsticks. Tendaji was right though, this whole time he had assumed they were so technologically backwards that a tool so simple as a yardstick was foreign to them. Thinking back on it he should have known better as they were able to make precise measurements for buildings, bricks and other objects which alluded to such tools. But, being so busy with training or other tasks he was never around to see them used nor had thought of even asking.

"I guess I did believe that."

Tendaji did not smile or smirk he just stared blankly at Verik.

"Wete maybe not have fancy words or know how to make big things but learn fast and know how to do much more."

"I will not make that mistake twice."

"Good, you have much to do. I go tell Nuru what you say."

At the end of the day the whole of the tribe mobbed the river to bathe and remove the thick layers of mud that had built up on their fur. Every tail hung straight down from the sheer weight of mud clinging to them and most had gone from black and white striped to a solid brown from the waist down. Everyone who would have normally been put to working in the fields had been assigned to work digging, reed gathering or lumbering somewhere in the distance.

Verik had been left out from laboring with the masses and instead had spent the day walking up and down the line keeping things moving which had proven to be a task. Telling them to dig was easy but having to explain the slope, depth, width and the rest of it took a little doing as there was no clear line marked. Being without markers meant keeping a close eye on things but lacking measuring tools meant constantly gauging distances. Now that he would have a measuring stick it would go much faster but even so, the constant climbing and moving in and out of the mud slicked canal had taken its toll on him along with the rest.

The ground had become quite dry after a few feet of digging but that first layer of mud had bathed them in it. Asha had been set to hauling dirt out of the long canal pit and seeing her laboring away had bothered him. Part of his mind screamed that she should not have to be doing this but the other part knew she had too as they all had their parts to play in making it possible. Still, knowing that his wife was down in what was essentially a hole hauling dirt did not sit will.

Standing on the bank of the river in his usual secluded spot Verik set about peeling his clothes off one piece at a time with great difficulty. Halfway through he bent over to undo his boots and saw two brown legs standing beside him, looking up he looked at Asha's smiling face.

"We bathe together today yes?"

"You didn't ask me that yesterday or the day before."

"I ask now."

Verik closed his eyes a moment and nodded, when he opened his eyes again Asha was smiling wider at him before quickly shoving something into his hands.

"Good, you help get mud out of fur."


"Oh, you hoping for something else?"

"Ye-... No."

"You help wash mud then I help you."

"To be honest I am not quite as covered as you are but my clothes are a lost cause."

Waiting till he had strippe down Asha took Verik by the wrist and then led him into water wading out into deeper water as he held the small container of soapy goo up.

"Wash back and tail."

"And here I was a little worried and hoping she would ask about the front."

Standing in the shallow water and struggling not to drop the small container he finally gave up.

"Asha, I cant hold this and wash your back at the same time. Can you hold this for a minute?"

Without turning around she accepted the container back and waited as he began splashing her back with water before rubbing the loosened mud free. Verik worked carefully and avoiding applying too much pressure to her body as he worked quickly but as he freed her body from its muddy carapace his pace gradually slowed. Running his hand over her soft, velvety furred back he took in the three elongated stripes and her muscular but feminine build.

His hands traced over her back carefully, gliding over her three stripes removing any remnants of mud and taking a small dip of soap from the container he began rubbing it into her fur. A thick foamy sheen formed as he worked his fingers along carefully making certain to get everything. He could feel her tense now and then before relaxing and after rubbing the soap in completely began to throw water on her back to wash the foam away.

Content with having completed the task he moved on to her tail. Pulling Asha's tail from the water he could feel the weight of the caked in mud holding it down and after rubbing most of it away began washing it properly. Moving his fangers down her tail before stroking his fingers through her striped tail hair he began tugging any knots free, Verik diligently cleaned its length of mud before applying the soap. Lathering Asha's tail up he began giving it long, gentle, tugging strokes. Her legs twitched and dock twitched back and forth a little as he worked out the last remnants of mud.


"I thought you just wanted me to get your back and tail."


Shrugging Verik worked his way and to the water line before stopping, Asha looked down for only a second before grabbing his hand and leading him back to where the water only reached her knees. Continuing where he left off the mud was removed and soap quickly applied. Verik moved his hands along her shapely legs from the wide hips with her spiraled and sprouting tribal mark all the way down to the cannon and he could feel her muscles relaxing more and more as he worked. From one leg to another the mud was removed and as he did marveled at her legs, every bit of her was as soft and silky as the other despite the musculature from years of hard work in the fields.

Washing the mud from the four big black bands that circled her thighs and the smaller stripes on her calves, he could feel how Asha twitched now and then as his fingers worked the mud out. Verik heard a small sigh above him but did not hear her breath catch as he rubbed the soap into her hips and legs. Revealing Asha's striped calves from their muddy embrace Verik stopped marveled a moment before looking up. Uncertainty set in over if he was supposed to wash the other area he had stayed clear of but instead finished with her legs and rinsed her off before waiting quietly.

Asha did not move at first but finally passed the soap to him and in a blur of motion scrubbed her heavily striped arms down before turning around and smiling.

"Your turn."


The mud was so thick and heavy it would take forever to remove, Sibi was not available as she was assigned elsewhere today and that meant no help with getting the mud free. Walking with Verik to the river Asha held her little soap container and wondered how this would work, having to balance the container in one hand while being forced to use just one hand to get clean with. Watching her husband remove his boots and clothing an idea came to mind and after a brief conversation she had him convinced.

Standing in the river she waited as he tried to work and eventually accepted the soap dish as he was having the same problem now. With at least one of them using both hands it would go faster but it meant being unable to wash her front. Giving in she held the jar and waited as he worked quickly, knocking the mud free with water while using his hands to work the rest out. At first his pace was quick and steady however it began to slow down.

Opening her mouth to ask but having an idea as to why Asha snapped her mouth shut quickly, eyes growing in size. His fingers began working their way through her thin fur from the shoulders to the dock of her tail. She had never felt anything like this before and she was enjoying it. Inch by inch he worked his way down removing the muck and grime making her muscles relax and a pleasant feeling spread in place of a dull ache.

Soaping her back made it even better as his hands now glided freely over her sore muscles and with fingers weaving the soap into her fur her head tilted back a little, a sigh escaping as Verik continued. But when he reached her tail and began tugging gently her breath caught constantly from his slight, constant tugging. Closing her eyes Asha quietly waited and hoped he would clear the dock itself but his hands always avoided that certain part of her body.

Stopping abruptly her eyes snapped open waiting for him to continue but he did not, realizing he had finished she smiled to herself.


"I thought you just wanted me to get your back and tail."


His attempts proved futile as the water was too deep and grabbing him quickly she led him to shallower water so he could continue. Unwilling to wait she turned quickly so he could not see the expression on her face and waited. Dutifully, his motions began again and Asha quivered as Verik's hands moved up and down her legs and hips. This was no longer a bath but she did not know what it was, and she liked it. Every time his hands graced her hips Asha held her breath a moment as her eyes rolled a little before letting her breath out slowly, tail twitching slightly and other parts warmed. Eyes rolling into her head she waited for more but it did not come, his motions had stopped.

Relaxing herself Asha turned and smiled at Verik.

"Your turn."

He opened his mouth to say something but instead stared as she shoved the jar into his hands and with a flurry of motion finished washing off. Spinning him around quickly Asha froze realizing that he had no fur to rub but smiled anyway and taking some of the soap began rubbing it into his back and shoulders. Verik remained frozen for a moment but she could feel his muscles giving way beneath the motions of her hands.

While she had not asked him to wash her arms Asha took the liberty and began stroking her hands up and down his arms. The scars suffered from his first fight with the bandits were clear as he lacked any fur to hide them, each scar had been suffered because of a desire to protect her. Even back then he had taken to her and each mark on his body was proof to her that he was willing to kill and die for her, something no one else was willing to do.

Smiling, Asha continued and she could see his face beginning to change color a little. While he lacked fur, ears and other normal means of displaying ones mood there were other ways and this was one she had learned. Moving down from the arms and shoulders she moved her hands down and around his hips, she felt him twitch for a moment causing her to stop for a brief moment. Satisfied that her actions were working Asha began rubbing down his legs in the same way before moving back up again.

Verik looked like a ball of greenish foam with arms from behind and stifling a laugh she had an idea.

"Done? I need to wash my-"

His voice died instantly when she moved her hands around his chest and began rubbing again, moving around him till they were facing Asha locked eyes with Verik. Staring at each other quietly as she rubbed the soap into his chest and gazing into each others eyes they stood there before his own look shifted to see if anyone was watching. Satisfied that no one was he stood still and waited until Asha smiled wider.

"Not know what kind of bath that was but you give again?"

Moving her hand down his leg and leaning into him she continued to smile as her fingers roamed closer and closer to something. His face was a portrait of complete relaxation but also showed signs of a burning desire that continued to well up.


"You not worry now?"

Her hand dipped lower making his jaw clench, putting his arms around her he shook his head. Holding each other so tightly they could feel their hearts pounding while their eyes showed both a little concern and a great deal of anticipation.

"Hut. Now."

"Not wait till we married hmm?"

"We are married and damn anyone who says otherwise."

Asha let out a happy little squeal and eyes brightening she grabbed him and tried to all but drag him.

"Rinse first, then hut Asha."

"Oh... I get clothes."

"I need those clothes."

"That make things hard I think."

"No-... At least give me the cloak and boots."

Sifting through the pile while he rinsed off quickly Asha gathered the rest and waited as he hurriedly dressed. Walking as quickly as they could without running they nearly raced to the hut, once inside Asha pulled his cloak off and blocked the door with it by hanging it over the wooden bar he had put up. Grabbing Asha around the waist he pulled her close and after giving her a fiery kiss pulled away for a moment and put a hand on her chest.

"I talked with Nuru and asked if she knew anything about it being possible for us to have children and gods knows I want them. But-"


"She doesn't know and I just wanted you to know that."

"Not know not mean no but maybe it mean yes."

"Hah! Very true and with everything I have seen who knows what is possible, but I want to find out if its possible. With you."

Asha beamed and embraced him in a tight, smothering hug.

"I want family with you too."

Pulling her away they both sat on their mats and Verik pulled Asha down and into his lap while holding her hips close. Their noses touched, eyes locked and wrapping her legs around his back Asha settled in and then put her arms around his neck while smiling widely.

"Lets see if we can make a family then."

There was a slight rustle at the door as Altayih popped his head into the hut, mouth open to speak before the words died in his throat.

"Altayih, do you know what a ritual killing is?"

Verik never moved his eyes from Asha's burning gaze, they did not move a muscle but waited as he removed his head from the hut.

"Captain, a thousand pardons but I think you will want to see this."

Asha turned towards the doorway and glared as Verik rocked his head back and growled.


"Its Nuru, she is doing... Something."

Looking at each other curiously a moment Asha gave a disgruntled moan before moving out of Verik's lap when he gently pushed. Pulling her back he gave her a kiss before standing and wrapping himself up enough to be presentable. They both left the hut and followed Altayih quickly as he hurried them along, eager for them to see what was going on.

Nuru and Subira were standing on the the hill and as they arrived they could hear the elderly shamaness speaking with her arms held up and out. The village had gathered to watch and most kept a great distance between themselves and the two others, even Tendaji and his brother Sefu were standing well and clear of them. Slowing their pace Verik listened to the calling sound of Nuru's voice as it sounded out in a strange language that was not translating, leaning to Altayih to ask what had happened but having a small idea his words never formed but died at the sight and sound of the first strike.

Across the river a streak of lightning burrowed into the earth before heaving the ground upwards tree and all, a deafening crack of the blast echoed across the river making many lay their ears down or cover them as they watched. A distance away another strike lifted a large tree from the ground tossing it into the air followed by one after another. Everyone watched in stunned silence as one bolt after another connected with absolute precision, never harming the tree but perfectly uprooting them.

When each tree fell back to earth it half landed in the river before coming to rest and after the last flash of lightning on a perfectly clear day the echoes held in the air a moment before fading away. No one dared to speak as Nuru lowered her arms and turned to walk away, Tendaji simply nodded and faded into the crowd with his brother close behind. Nuru however walked straight towards Verik, her face solemn but a gleam burned in her purple eyes. The crowd parted like water against an immovable boulder but Asha, Shahid and Altayih stood their ground with Verik while Asha held his arm gripping it tightly at her approach. Nuru stopped only when she was quite close and never blinking she stared at Verik carefully.

"You first in very long time to ask for help, help that mean avoiding fighting and death but help others. But help come with price, this you knew and this you will pay."

"I knew and asked anyway but I am not doing any blood sacrifices nor giving anyone up."

Nuru shook her head, "whatever price they ask for in exchange never be that. They not those ones, but it also mean you now help them in return."

Watching her walk away from them with Subira in tow Asha tugged on Verik's arm and gave him a worried look.

"What that mean?"

"It means I owe the spirits one Hail Mary."

Chapter 43: Ambition

"Without ambition there would be no empires but neither would there be ambition if it were not possible to forge empires."

"Home at last."

Prince Halim let out a contented sigh as his carriage drew close to the city gates of Yudana, for some time he had been "on the road" taking care of royal matters in his fathers stead. Everything had gone according to plan and all parties involved in the cross border raid had been paid in full including the fool Sibusiso. Supplies had been stocked, counted, sold, slaves partitioned to the various parties or sold and the proceeds collected into a series of hefty chests. However, despite the success he was still irked with his mercenary allies.

For over a decade they had proved most useful and loyal but Sibusiso was starting to grate on his nerves. Every time they had successfully completed the plan the foreign king had immediately tried to grasp for even more, an act that usually resulted in disaster not that it had ever stopped him from trying. His own position was held shakily and his debts were ever mounting to the point he had abandoned the old capital far to the south and moved to Umfula Ugewebe. It was a disgusting attempt to bolster his failing kingdom which was wrought with corruption and yet somehow the wily king always managed to stay just far enough ahead to survive.

Moving slightly Halim relaxed, it felt good to be out of his armor which had almost become a second skin after having worn it for so long but he enjoyed it. Getting out of the palace was always something to look forward too even if it was only every so often. Eyes scanning his battalion of personal guard Halim half closed his eyes in weariness as he leaned back on the cushions as the commotion began. He did not need to see what was happening to know either, the soldiers were beating the peasants out of the way with their spears, swords or shields and forcing the wagons off the road to make room for his own.

Anyone too slow was given a good smack to motivate them to hurry along and get out of the way and if he had wanted to look out, which he did not as it bored him, two thick rings of royal guard were huddled around his carriage. Just in case some assassin thought they might make a go of it, not that anyone had in a very long time after what his farther did to the last one. It was almost boring really.

A shadow cast itself over the carriage as it passed through the gatehouse and continued on its way through the wide streets of the city on their way to the palace. No messenger came running up so that meant his father was still alive and that there were no pressing matters for him to deal with. Ears half laid back listening Halim took in the familiar sounds of the city as they worked their way through the streets as familiar smells filtered through the curtains of his carriage bringing a small smile to his face.

Unlike the other nobles who served his father that were too stuck up to enjoy the simple pleasures of the day to day lives of peasants he did. From the age of twelve he had been sent on every last campaign his father had waged and knew better than most the smell of burning flesh, fur and the screams. He enjoyed them greatly, he relished hearing and seeing the destruction but also took pleasure in life where it was warranted and acceptable to him.

Crossing the final thresh hold and entering the palace grounds the carriage halted and after a few seconds Halim emerged before taking in the sight of his home. The illustrious palace was as impeccably kept as ever, cleaned, polished, the plants trimmed with the utmost care and perfection, it was like nothing had changed since he left. Letting out a small sigh he began walking up the steps as his eyes moved to the side and to one of his fathers advisors who had stood waiting on him quietly. The advisor gave a quick bow while averting his gaze, Halim gave a small movement of the hand and continued on his way.

"My prince, your father wishes to see you."

"Yes of course but that is not what I wish to know."

"Of course..." The old stallion gave a quick nod. "His health has held while you were away though his coughing spells are getting worse by the week. His physician fears that age and injury have finally caught up to him and that he might last out several months more if he is lucky and sticks to his diet and medicine."

"Has he?"

"More or less..."

"Stubborn as always, where has his health allowed him to be today?"

"Only an hour in the throne room unfortunately and things have piled up but no matter it has been handled. The sultan is waiting for you in his private chambers."

Waving the advisor away Halim walked brusquely through the various buildings and chambers that made up the royal grounds before deciding to cut across the gardens. Servants had rushed to him after entering the grounds proper but a glare had made them back away, his fathers poor health was always worrisome and grated on his nerves. He had taught him everything he knew about warfare, politics and governance. And yet, after all these years, battles and blood it still tore at him to see the once powerful stallion laid out in a bed wheezing for air. All of it because once upon a time he had taken a poisoned arrow through a gap in his armor and while it had been "healed" this little fact that had finally caught up with him all these years later.

Standing before the grand door that led to his fathers private quarters and pausing he motioned for his guards to wait outside before stepping forward. The two guards already at the door stood rigidly at attention before one rapped on the door and announced his arrival and after hearing a reply stepped quickly to open the door and moved to the side, allowing Halim to pass through the doorway and into the richly decorated living quarters.

Silk cushions, the finest rugs, curtains and every royal amenity was arranged carefully with servants waiting quietly with backs to the wall waiting on orders. However, his father was nowhere to be seen and the room was utterly deserted save the servants who tried to blend in with the walls as well they should. Halim looked over the cushions trying to remember if they had ever moved since his last visit while wondering if his father was becoming too feeble to stay in the living room. Getting down had never been a problem but standing him back up always proved to be a chore like no other, a chore made all the harder when he began one of his coughing spells.

A wheeze made his ears turn and following the sound into the royal bedroom his eyes dimmed a little as they settled on his father. Laying sprawled out on the bed and propped up with a mountain of cushions the silver and gray haired stallion grit his teeth quickly at seeing his son and swatted his personal physician away.

"You look no worse for wear and I read the reports, everything is settled then."

"Yes." Halim did not move from his spot and made a small bow towards his father and waited till the ailing sultan waved him forward. "Though if I may say so... Sibusiso is quite mad, did you learn of his newest scheme yet?"

"Of course!" Holding back a wheeze he glared at the physician who let out a sigh before walking away to stand in a corner. "Let the fool hang himself for all we care, his forces know it is I who pay for their livelihood's and not their king. That is why I even agreed to allow him to marry his first daughter to you!"

"Yes... Her."

"Oh come now son, its politics and by your age I had nine concubines but you only have two. You have no right to complain! Those disloyal to Sibusiso hold their tongues till they can betray him and those loyal are now hoping you take over from him sooner than later."

"He does have a son."

"Pah! Only one and a hair brained fool like his father! I also understand he will be going off on this newest campaign their king came up with yes?"

"Correct, he will be accompanying them on the raid to the north and into Fareed's lands."


"I suspect that the tribes they are sending will do quite well at first but once Fareed's forces rally against them it will not end well. Especially if the reports on Xerin are even half true."

"Exactly." Unable to hold back the wheezing he let out a long string of them before growling at himself and choking to hold them back. "My ambassador spoke with Sibusiso and returned before your arrival, despite the warnings he is quite committed to his course of action and I know why."

"He is sacrificing the disloyal to get rid of them while making a profit."

"I am glad to know my lessons did not go to waste on you. Still, as his only son is going in order to make certain they sacrifice enough of them in the meat grinder there is always a good chance he too will be caught up in the chaos and not make it back."

"We can only hope."

"Good because if that boy dies then Sibusiso has no choice but to name you his successor. It will put you in charge of a great number of forces and land..."

"But only after he first dies of old age and he may be as crazy as his father but this one is smart enough to avoid the worst of any fighting."

"Who knows what the future holds, maybe he will relinquish control all the sooner if you would make certain to sire some heirs..."

"I nary have the time."

"Make the time, I did not commit to my course of action decades ago so I could hand it all over to a son who will take the name and legacy to the grave! It is your duty as the prince to marry and make as many heirs as you can! You are also the only child I have."

"Yes but that one is... She is just so-"

"She is sharp as a smooth river stone, I know. But damn it son you need to think of the larger picture!"

"I do."

"Ahhh... Your ambition's bring joy to my heart but without heirs it might all go to waste, what would have happened had I not of sired you? All of this would have been for nothing."

The ailing sultan waved his arm around to shoo the physician away before settling his eyes on Halim again and glared at his son. Taking a long breath and letting it out slowly Halim closed his eyes and nodded, seeing this the old stallion smiled briefly before wiping the grin from his face. Settling back into the cushions he too let out a tired sigh.

"Good, good. Now that such matters are done with it is time to begin planning again and while you were gone I had a lengthy talk with advisors and spies. I know it grated on you not being allowed to take Bwani but I think our fool of an ally has just provided us with an opportunity."

Clapping his hands one of the advisors who had been hiding in a corner came forward and unfurled a map quickly on a table and then weighed it down. Halim walked over and watched as the stallion quickly placed markers on the map and string marking paths that were to be the assumed path Sibusiso's off-casts would take.

"Do you agree with the assessment son?"

"I do, they must pass through their lands on their way north as they are still camped to the south east. Are they truly going to split their force in half?"

Letting out a small laugh his father nodded.

"My ambassador was duly informed of Sibusiso's plans, he even had the guile to try and ask for assistance on our part for wagons. He was of course refused, all of our wagons are already busy with other tasks you see..."

"A perfect excuse that serves your own ends."

"Our, ends son. Our ends. Despite these fools dotting over me I know that old wound has caught up with me and neither would I live forever anyway. It is time for you to have a greater hand in this."

"You already gave me the army."

"Now I give you a task, prove to me you were worth all this effort and worthy of my throne and legacy."

"By sacking the city?"

"No, when I inherited this kingdom is was but a pin prick on the map. Your grandfather and I took Paje and slew the royal's who lived there making it our own and thus established ourselves as a true kingdom. I expect much more of you and I know from the look in your eyes every time you look at map you plan to do far more than I ever did. However, sacking the city will do us no good as it would better serve us to protect our border in the north west."

"Supplies might be a little hard to get for a long siege as we already sacked the countryside... Ah, I see."

"Good. Now that they have nothing to draw on to survive the siege and it is already in our hands... Did you note the quantities I ordered to be put aside?"

"Yes, they were quite substantial and now I understand why."

"Everything has been taken care of including preparations of siege equipment, it will all be packed and ready for travel soon but the army will not march till after Sibusiso has sent his blood sacrifice on their way."

"Its such a waste though, they would be bettered served elsewhere."

"Part of politics is allowing the fools to kill themselves including those who are more useful in our own hands. Those tribes would be better off dying at Bwani in place of our own forces but they can also serve a purpose by drawing off forces and allowing us to move in quickly from behind. They will not suspect it as we have already ransacked their lands and left."

"Very true but-"

"No buts, your purpose now is to take that city and expand our borders! I hope you know what to do with the rulers of that city."

"Stake them as we always do with anyone who defies the Sultan."

"And if they surrender?"

"Stake them anyway."

"The population?"

"Slay everyone who resists, sell those who hesitate to swear fealty and allow the rest to go free in order to better serve their new leader. However, this will also make us more enemies as expanding will draw unwanted attention from Enuba and Msitu Bandari."

Tapping his finger on the two neighboring kingdoms Halim waited quietly as his father narrowed his eyes.

"Of course it will, so what will you do about it?"

"Make the campaign a short one, strike within the week of Sibusiso's forces passing, avoid a prolonged siege and storm the city as rapidly as possible."

"Much can go wrong when taking such actions."

"Which is why you have that map of the city and sketches of the walls which I assume have their rough height and weak points already mapped."


"You taught me to study the enemy first and prepare."

"Indeed. Give him the papers."

Scanning the documents quickly along with the myriad of sketches a plan was already forming quickly but when he reached the last one he stopped.

"There are already plans here for how to take the city."

"Of course! Time was running out and long ago I desired to take the city but never had the chance, you however, do. Planning for an action such as this takes months and you already completed most of the plan, Sibusiso just happened to give me an excuse to capitalize on it."

"All I must do is follow your plans then?"

"Make your own if you will but I doubt things will go as easy as they are written down. Your true test is being able to adapt as things change."

"Assuming they are smart enough to adapt."

"Do not underestimate your enemies."

"Yes but these fools were incapable of defending their borders, we razed every hamlet, village and town with hardly a single incident. Their illustrious army hid from us and only made one engagement on one of Sibusiso's detachments."

"They won the battle as well, that means they are smart and choosing their battles carefully."

"If one looses everything else to win a single battle one looses the war."

"Backing them into a corner as you shall will make them fight even harder."

"Then I shall give them an ultimatum, they can either surrender or die fighting."

"Such a claim shall be hard to hold up during a siege."

"When I take the walls and this gate it will have more meaning."

"Will you trust those who lay down their arms?"

"No, but they shall make excellent fodder for future conquests."

"Already have your next campaign planned do you?"

"Of course, you taught me that. I plan to do nothing less than take every city and kingdom on this map and anyone who gets in the way will be put to death, a true empire and legacy that shall live on for centuries to come."

"Empire comes with a steep price."

"And I shall pay the price and forge an empire."

Halim's father smiled a little before closing his eyes and waving him away, long ago he had made bargains as well and the cost had been high but well worth it. His own son now sounded much as he did so long ago and now that he had planted the seed Halim's eyes were gleaming, like his father he had a burning desire to conquer. However, unlike Halim he had never been given many opportunities to do so. Halim on the other hand had more than he knew what to do with and when he took Bwani it would start him down a path to conquest and glory.

Make me proud son, I shant be here when you return.

Author's Notes:

I ache all over but I got it done anyway, hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter 44: A Royal Day Out

"You always get punished for trying to do right, often by those your trying to help."

Nawra was a mix of emotions as she traveled the streets of Labrad inside her shoulder carried carriage, time was quickly running out and soon she would be packed up and shipped off to Alzamard. For no less than two weeks she would be his prisoner though in all truth she was simply one more guest among several others. Every time she thought about going it made her stomach turn remembering what the ambassador had told her about his own visit. Fareed was ever the most gracious of hosts, perfectly cultured, civil and the utmost of gentlecolts that one could ever dream of.

Of course she knew the truth as did everyone else, he was simply mocking them openly while proving his superiority to them. She dreaded the coming trip more than being stuck in a room alone with her brother Jubril for a week, he could be tolerated and put up with. Even struck back at in little ways, but not Fareed. If anyone dared to cause a scene or confrontation it would result in first pain, then disgrace and finally, hopefully, death. He was not above sending a basket of melons back to the kingdom that sent the offending ambassador, of course their head was mixed in with the melons.

It would also be impossible to leave sooner as that would be an affront and humiliating to Fareed who had graciously invited them and something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

Just smile and grit your teeth, smile and grit your teeth...

No matter how many times Nawra reminded herself of this it just made matters worse. At least she still had time to indulge her other curiosities and take care of matters before being forced into allowing Jubril to have his way with the city and its environs. Today was one such day, free of the palace as her father had taken care of matters it meant getting out of the palace for a few hours. Even Jubril was off somewhere plotting and scheming; not that she could prove it. There was no great rush to get anywhere as the servants bore her along to the next destination, as such most of the day had been spent wandering the streets and enjoying the sights.

Nawra enjoyed passing through the markets and other public areas but such things were supposed to be beneath her station not that it ever stopped her. Peaking out through the silk curtain she watched as the peasantry hurried about or stood in long lines waiting on the overworked cooks try and keep up the frenzied pace. Their stalls were swarmed with bickering and arguing locals waiting on their food as the smell of the spices and other delicacies drew in ever more customers.

The powerful aroma assaulted her senses making her mouth water a little as such food was forbidden within the palace, the cooks were required to serve only the finest and best. Such "street food" as the locals called it was peasant food and thus not fit for the royal palette and should the cooks ever dare to make it, they would probably be flogged and then immediately dismissed for daring to serve it in the royal household. To her though it was a wasted opportunity and more than once she had pulled a little trickery to get her hands on the marvelously smelling food the peasants got to eat regularly.

Once she had even tricked the cooks at the palace into cooking a very small amount for the "servants" so she could "inspect" what the peasantry was eating. Not only did this avoid the risk of poisoning as she had stood there and watched but also allowed her to nick a little when no one was looking. It was too risky though so other arrangements had to be made not that it did not delight the staff.

"Princess, we are here."

Nawra lowered the curtain and waited for them to lower the carriage, a servant pulled the sides away allowing her to depart and walk into the harbor registry office. One little task she enjoyed was visiting the harbor every once in a while, all for the supposed purpose of examining the records and thus making certain everything was in order. The truth was she liked to keep tabs on her little projects by seeing them for herself and also because she simply enjoyed seeing the ships.

Rushing about like frightened mice the staff in the small building were belittled and berated by the overseer who had not been informed of her visit, he never was. Ever. Not only did this prevent a great deal of chicanery on their part but the surprise visits also allowed them to see what they were really up to on a daily basis. Visiting during the busiest of days at the worst hour possible kept them on their toes and helped foster greater honesty, not that she had missed their little attempts to get away with things.

Unlike Jubril however who had them carted off immediately for interrogation while royal tax collectors audited the entire registry system, Nawra had developed a different approach. She was no stranger to the fact that the smugglers operated out of the harbor as ships were more viable than wagons for slipping past checkpoints. Even the smallest of fishing boats had been caught once in a great while smuggling something or other past in an attempt to avoid either fee's, embargo's or even because the cargo was illegal.

Bribery was a problem when dealing with them but at the same time they were quite amiable if approached properly. Jubril strung someone up to make a point and while it was quite legal, understandable and even wise, Nawra preferred to deal with them. Cut them off and they would simply get more crafty at whom they bribed or how they smuggled their goods, but on the other hand if one convinced them that in exchange for following the law at large and avoiding certain smuggled goods new doors opened. One such deal had been struck locally and in exchange for her allowing them to operate their rather pathetic smuggling operation she had gained a rather handy source of information.

They might be pathetic in what they operated with by comparison to her own budget but for them it was quite lucrative, they could move their cargo and they would keep her well informed. Being a smuggler meant knowing what was going on and with whom at all times and where, information was a matter of life or death for them. Getting caught at Alzamard was a death sentence and as that remained one of her primary focuses next only to Jubril it had worked out quite well. The smugglers got to move their contraband and in exchange she more often than not had information a week before her parents did.

Standing there smiling at the overseer as he sweated so hard his clothes were become drenched the princess on the other hand waited quietly with her hand out patiently, guards tore through the documents scanning them quickly deciding which were worth her attention. They were not just muscle and protection but also quite useful in other ways and dropping the most recent papers the overseer had been looking over into Nawra's hand the guard went back to searching. Unrolling it she read over it very quickly before staring blankly at the overseer who began to spout a long string of excuses for the delays that were creeping up on her plan.

"It was simple enough, I give you the funds and you purchase the materials needed along with hiring the workers and engineers to repair and expand the harbor. Explain."

"I did as asked princess but the cost of iron is going up, the workers are plentiful along with some of the materials but with all the other projects it is getting hard to have enough material to go around! It does not help that the military recently procured by royal decree no less, a rather large sum of the iron that we had hoped to purchase."

"Are the iron convoys no longer coming?"

"Yes but with the fighting over the mines they are no longer regular but at best sporadic... To say nothing of the lumber."

Glancing at her guards as they scanned the paperwork one looked up and nodded to her before putting the record book down.

"I see, exactly how much material have you managed to produce then?"

"We have enough to begin right now but you must decide between the repairs and a small extension of the harbor or to forgo repairs and more extensions."

"Repairs first and then expand the harbor."

"As you command princess."

Jubril... He knew I needed the iron. Purchasing it himself through royal decree for the army makes perfect sense and father will not challenge his decision, but that also means I have to put my own plans on hold. Damn him!

Leaving the office grumbling to herself Nawra looked out at the harbor and marveled at the number of ships clustered into the small area. There were so many unique river craft and small ships that it was dazzling but neither did they all look the same. Some were unpainted and others were decorated in various ways, some with eyes on the prow while others were simply white washed and had patterns painted on here or there.

One stuck out to her though as guards were swarming over its deck, the hapless crew on the other hand was kneeling on the pier and heads down with spears to their back. Making a quick motion with her hand her accompanying guards gathered to her and they began walking quickly towards the medium sized river craft. She had no idea why they were tearing the ship apart so thoroughly but after getting closer the faint hint of an idea formed in her head.

Nawra recognized the crew and captain now that they were closer but not the ship, the ship was new but the captain was old. It did not surprise her one bit considering what this captain was up too but the fact his ship was being all but torn apart and burned by the guards gave warning.

"Under what authority and for what purpose have you seized this ship?"

Waiting quietly as the guards slowed in their task before halting completely the princess waited for a response from the guard in charge and after hesitating, approached with a paper. Giving it a very quick glance she waved the other guards away from the crew and held the paper up to the lieutenant.

"I take it you have found nothing?"

"Not yet."

"You have found nothing and yet to hold the crew as if they might bolt for... Where? Swim? Abandon their ship for good? Have you ever seen that happen before or heard of a crew doing so after capture?"

"We were ordered to take no chances."

"Of course not... And you should not but seeing as how you have yet to find anything remotely close who what this paper claims..."

"Our orders are exact, we are to search the entire ship from bow to stern."

"Are you going to rebuild their ship after you are done dismantling it? Perhaps you should have it towed into dry-dock." She waited on a response that never came before folding the paper back up and returning it. "You are done here, my own shall search what remains of the ship and if we find nothing this incident shall be noted. Dismissed."

Standing at attention quickly and giving a short nod the officer called the guards off the ship and moved them further down the harbor and thus returning to their normal duties. Walking up to the crew the captain spoke with the others quickly before moving them back.

"A pleasure princess."

"What are you smuggling this time?"

"Ahh... Well it is only just a little bit illegal..."

"The kind of illegal that I string you up for or..."

"Nothing that bad princess! I do not carry things like that, too dangerous but very lucrative... No, no we are not carrying that."

"Show me. Now."

"As you command..."

His voice was a little dejected at having to give in as both parties knew full well what was going on and refusing would only make things worse. Motioning for two guards to remain with the crew Nawra followed the captain onto his ship with the rest and below the deck into the cramped storage space. There was no room to move around and the space available was only because the guards had already removed so much in their searching. Stopping halfway the Arabian captain stopped and turned.

"We keep some secrets yes?"

"Not with me, that's the deal."

"Very well... Here then."

Removing a few false beams the captain exposed the tiny hidden cargo for her to see, giving a sigh at its quantity and less than threatening purpose she waved her hand dismissively. Smiling the captain quickly stored everything and put the beams back with practiced precision till they seemed to melt out of existence and blend in with the rest of the ship.

"How did someone know you were carrying this?"

"I do not know but these items were requested specifically by someone here locally, we simply deliver what was asked for, nothing else."

"New ship...?"

"Ah yes, we had to sell the last one as Fareed's guards were getting a little too wise you see."

"A sensible decision. You and your crew may go but you leave port immediately."

"Our buyer-"

"Doesn't exist."

"I see... A dangerous game you are playing and I do not care to be involved in it."

"No but it satisfies both parties, wouldn't you agree?"

"True, but while our deal is lucrative it is not worth my crews life. Even your worst punishment for this is child's play compared to the alternative and I know you are no Fareed."

"You are quite lucky then but I also know you are just as deeply involved in politics as anyone else."

"We like to choose our battles and not have them chosen for us."

"Very sensible but I fear times are changing and not for the better. I need iron."

"Quite the heavy cargo with very little profit to be had depending on where one sells it... My ship can carry a quantity but I also know from my associates that the iron mines are a field of carnage at the moment. Caravans dare not go there and the small harbor set up to handle this cargo is also a battleground."

"It was my understanding that this so called "harbor" was merely two piers and a few huts for the workers."

"You understand correctly but the various tribes and kingdoms are fighting over it anyway to see who gets to tax the iron. Not that it cant be sent over land thus avoiding part of the problem..."

"However, by boat is still faster."

"Indeed, thus they fight over two piers and last time I saw the place some twenty huts and a few storage buildings. They are not even on the map yet they fight over it."

"Can you get me the iron?"

"Eyyyy... I will do my best but I can promise nothing at this time. If you wanted a hundred camels yes, iron not so certain."

"What is a camel?"

"Some beast of burden being brought from the north by some merchants, worthless beasts though, oxen are better." The captain patted one of the beams. "Give me a sturdy ship any day."

"Hmm. Well do what you can and I believe even bronze would suffice for the time being in some tasks though not very much yes?"

"If I can find the iron I shall bring it, do you wish for me to pass your message along?"

"No, that would bring you a great deal more unwanted attention. I guess it is my good fortune that you have not organized yourselves."

"Organized smugglers? That would indeed be interesting but I imagine that too would bring us attention we do not desire."

"It would be a matter of weighing costs with advantages of such a... Gathering. Though one would hope you do not forget your friends..."

"We do not forget our friends nor allies, it is bad for business."

Nawra gave him a curt smile before turning and leaving the ship, the captain hurried the removed cargo back on board as she left and within the hour they would be gone from Labrad. Their temporary incarceration brought an unpleasant reality to her attention though, that her brother knew she was getting information from the smugglers and making deals with them. Whatever down payment his agent had made for the cargo was gone for good now so she could smile for that but it was a drop in the bucket, Jubril was trying to scare off her informants.

"Princess we should return, I do not care for these crowds."

"Afraid of an assassin getting to me captain?"


"Well it is good I have you along then but yes, let us be on our way."

Returning to the palace was uneventful and left her plenty of time to contemplate her next move, if her brother was trying to starve her projects of resources she had more than enough contacts to counter his ploy. Any cancellation on her part would be a black mark in her book and no doubt he would swoop in to save his elder sister from disaster and thus be the hero. However, he had made enemies of every last smuggler in the region with his desire to have absolute control over things and while the military absolutely beamed at this tenacity and rigidness she knew the other half of it.

Looking at the palace as it got closer she twitched a little, being cooped up inside was bothersome. Not that she disliked it, the servants, private library and cushy lifestyle suited her very well but at the same time she liked to get out now and then. Nothing could make her trade the lifestyle of a royal but the sheer monotony got to her quite often.

The trip seemed to pass all to quickly and returned to her home Nawra walked back inside with her guards and a handful of doting servants scurrying after her. As always the poison taster was ever present at her side but she did not fear the assassins sent by foreign powers, it was her brother she worried about. It plagued her mind as to when he would cross the line of jostling with her politically and finally attempt regicide.

Jubrils only hope to ever sit on the throne was regicide, there was no other way for him to rise to power now. Even with all his scheming Nawra knew that he would have a near impossible time rounding up the support needed from the nobility to force her abdication of her title or the throne. There was just no reason for such a course of action to exist, not that it would ever stop him if Jubril thought he could get away with it she reminded herself. Killing her and framing someone else though would be much easier and even easily dismissed as it was always a very real possibility. Especially in times of war.

Nawra's pace slowed as a servant scurried through the main hallway sobbing and covering their face. The servants clothes were a mess and soaking wet, she recognized the serving mare and putting her hand out stopped them.

"What happened?"

What flowed was hard for her to understand but after calming them down a little the servants was able to speak somewhat intelligibly.

"I was carrying a tray to the Sultan and did not pay attention to where I was going, when I turned the corner I ran into one of the princes guard and some of the items on the tray fell on his robes. He had his guards flog me for my impertinence."

That sounds like Jubril.

"Return to your quarters and get cleaned up."

"Yes princess."

Watching them run off Nawra let out a sigh and headed directly for the families private chambers, waving the guards off she stepped into the room after the door guard opened it and picked out a spot to rest. Sitting on the cushions and stretching out a little she stared over at her brother and smiled before looking sideways to her parents.

"I did not know we flogged the new and inexperienced staff for such trifling mistakes."

Jubril twitched a moment before smiling back sweetly, "which is why they are trained but this one apparently did not listen to her instructors. It was but a mild punishment and you know servants have been punished for such before."

"That one was punished because he deserved it and besides... As I understand it the guard is who she should have apologized to not you."

"Which is why I had her flogged and apologize to him."

The way his voice hitched for just a second proved that such was not the reason, he was simply making an excuse.

"Yes and it would have been much simpler to have her clean his armor and clothes in exchange, now she is going to be far to ashamed and jumpy to serve properly."

"What a unique tone coming from you, rare have I heard you speak of the servants in such a way... So long as they are still useful hm?"

"And you having ships torn apart for no reason? That is also much unlike you, especially when there is no evidence."

"One can not always be absolutely certain dear sister, I merely played on some information and I guess it turned out wrong this time... Or did you intervene and allow them to get away?"

"The guards could find absolutely nothing illegal on that ship."

"Pardon the intrusion but we must clear the table."

The two stopped arguing as a servant entered in a hunched over state, eyes cast down. Their father who had been half listening to their argument nodded and motioned for the servant to begin, after hurriedly clearing the table another wiped it down vigorously. Both left and servants began entering the room and laid out various trays of food, Nawra watched them work quickly and once they were done the servers darted away. Sometimes the family would take their dinner in this private room as it was often times cooler than the dining room, it also had an excellent view of the gardens and the birds were more easily heard from this location in the evening.

As was custom the poison tasters took their lives into their hands and tested the foods and drink carefully by smelling, examining and finally testing them. Satisfied after waiting a short time but antidotes still handy the royal's began to call out what they wished to eat starting with her father and mother. Jubril went last as he was not the heir apparent but the minor prince, a fact that annoyed him greatly but Nawra reveled in taking her time just to see him glare at her.

Choosing her food slowly and carefully the serving stallion gathered the quantities asked for and moved them to small bowls and plates before delivering them. Satisfied with what she had ordered Nawra called for some of the flatbread and accepting the laden plate she began dining on the various dishes of fish, fruit, vegetables and hummus. Jubril on the other hand spent his time studying her carefully as he ate and smiling at him caused her brothers eye to twitch.

Picking up an olive Nawra was interrupted by her mother who asked what she had spent her day doing, pausing to answer the slippery object popped from her fingers and in an attempt to catch it she leaned over. A faint sound passed by her ear like a whisper and from the edges of her vision she saw Jubril already ducking and in the process sending plates flying, a loud yell filling the air.


Realizing what had just happened she flattened out on the cushions as the others did as well, the dart had just barely missed her. No doubt it was poisoned but it had unfortunately missed her brother and embedded itself in a cushion, cries for the guards filled the air and within seconds the room was swarming with them and outside she could hear them as well. An assassin was on the loose in the palace grounds and somehow gotten close, too close. But how?

Heart pounding so hard she thought it might burst Nawra looked towards her brother with an accusing stare but he was already halfway out of the room while her parents were also being escorted away. She had not even noticed her own personal retinue of guards had already begun moving her to a safer place though Nawra already knew the assassin was probably halfway across the palace grounds by now and running for their lives.

Had her brother sent the assassin? It was obviously aimed at her but missed, then again he was almost hit in the process. He would not dare hire a poor quality assassin so was it her lucky day? Pure luck had been the only thing that had saved her today, had that olive not slipped from her hand the moment it did she would be dead. Why had she even leaned over to catch it? She was a princess! Things fell down and others picked it up, never her. What power had possessed her that made her lean over to catch it?

"Did you find the assassin?"

"No prince, we are still looking."

"Make certain they are not killed, I want to know who sent them!"

"Of course, guards will be stationed-"

"Yes, yes I know just find them."

Giving a quick bow the guard left his room and closed the door, Jubril worked his jaw back and forth before looking up at the ceiling and letting out an exasperating sigh.

Who the hell had sent the assassin? Fareed? No, he could care less... What about- No never mind that one was so far away they had no stake in things and the other was a slippery bitch but not crazy. Sending an assassin while already engaged in a campaign was not just foolish but moronic if they were captured. So who?

Jubril ran it over in his head over and over again trying to figure it out but not once did anything come to mind as no one could possibly gain anything from an assassination at this time. Still, whoever they were it would undoubtedly work in his favor as the assassin had aimed for his sister. The look on her face when it registered as to what was going on had been absolutely priceless and worth nearly getting killed himself. A look of sheer horror had been on her face upon realizing what could have happened to her if that one little olive had not slipped from her fingers, it was indeed her lucky day but luck ran out. It always ran out.

Stopping his pacing the prince ran the days events over in his mind, the attempt to capture one of her informants had not gone well. Nawra's timing had been impeccable thus saving the captain and his ship but the expenditure on his part had been minimal, no doubt Nawra knew it was he who set the trap but there was no evidence. On the other hand his scheme to cut off the resources she needed for her projects had gone quite well and while he could not procure the lions share of the lumber and building materials he had managed to take the iron away.

By handing the iron over to the army he had bought no small amount of favor amongst them at great cost but had also hampered his sisters plans. A small series of border wars were keeping the rich iron mines to the east shut down and what sources they had were largely undeveloped as it had always been cheaper to import it. Something to do with the quality of the ore and processing but he did not care, in due time he would open mines in many areas but not until his sister was left squirming.

Suddenly smiling he walked to his bed and sat down while looking out the window.

My dear assassin, whoever you are, wherever you are and whoever sent you... I would like to first thank you for at least trying and for allowing me to see that look on her face But if I ever catch you then I will have you gutted for failing.

Chapter 45: Life Choices

"The two most common excuses for every act of evil ever committed are "I had no choice" or "I was just following orders." One always has a choice no matter the circumstances but those choices may not always keep you alive. Such trials will always be a test of ones soul and your true beliefs. Choose wisely."

A servant rapped on the door before standing quietly while waiting on their master to bid them enter the room. Everything was quiet in the lushly decorated manor with its immaculately kept interior that showed a marked degree of wealth, its decorations also spoke of the owners lack of interest as nothing had changed in years. The bedroom was a testament to this spartan view and hardly bore any kind of creature comfort beyond what was required of their station. Appearances had to be kept up and of this Ismat never shirked her duty as an officer and noble, always dressing the part and remaining immaculately groomed as befitting her rank.

Sitting upright Ismat looked out the nearby window before closing her eyes again and bid the servant to enter but one hand stayed on her dirk just in case. Being paranoid came with the rank but something was in the air, something was wrong. Was it within her families manor or a problem at large? Trusting ones instincts was all important in the realm of politics and assassins but for a week now the feeling wriggling in her gut went beyond the petty day to day dealings. Things were actually quite safe as Fareed was ever watchful and took great offense to anyone poisoning or slitting the throat of those he considered "his."

Was that luck or damnation?


Ismat spoke the word quietly as she watched her servant bustle about laying out a clean uniform before taking their place beside her dressing stool. She trusted this one to not stab her in the back as she did most of the servants but somewhere amongst them was the ever present spy that Fareed had secretly placed. Removing herself from bed Ismat walked to the stool and disrobed before sitting down, letting out a small sigh she waved a hand at the mare.

"Such is life... Begin."

This one had been a servant for many years and knew what to do and how to accomplish her tasks quickly. Every brush stroke was well rehearsed and as the one worked diligently Ismat went about her own preparations and as the servant finished combing out her tail and mane Ismat finished her own tasks. Spitting into a bronze bowl she gave a quiet, toothy snarl at the mirror displaying her pearly teeth before regaining her normal blank stare. Not a word was spoken as the process continued and after dressing in simple undergarments she walked to her armor stand and waited.

A gambeson went on first and after buttoned securely the servant heaved the chainmail off its stand and after aiding her master in donning the steel chainmail Ismat belted it securely in place. Presenting the uniform that went over the ensemble Ismat stared at it quietly and ran her hands over its surface, it was becoming somewhat worn from age and seeing it made a knot form in her stomach. Many years ago when her grandfather Adil had presented the officers uniform to her she had been elated, overjoyed even at having proven she was learned and capable enough to be fit for duty as a ranking officer.

But now as she slipped into it and stared ahead blankly as the servant did up the buttons the reflection in the mirror across the room haunted her. A long time ago she had just stood in her room grinning like a fool admiring the uniform but now every time she put it on as of late Ismat understood her grandfather a little more. It had gone from a point of pride to a heavy burden that made the sixty some pounds of steel feel like three hundred and when the uniform went over top...

"Finished mistress."

Holding up a smaller mirror to look over herself Ismat glared at her own reflection before passing it to the servant who handed her the last piece of the ensemble: a simple mail coif with a red turban attached. It was far from being entirely effective but it was not her actual helmet, this was for appearing in public. If there was to be fighting the real helmet was removed from its protective case, a veiled helmet with reinforcing plates to protect her nose. Fareed would be irate if anyone wore such armor other than the guards or mercenaries as it obscured the face and was deemed "unseemly" when worn in his presence by those of higher standing.

There were two sets of everything. One for showing off in the palace or public and then a second set for when there was killing to be done.

"I am going for a walk. Has the general left?"

"Yes. Should we prepare for your return at lunch or-"

"No, I will return for dinner."

"Does mistress have a request?"


"Breakfast is-"

Ismat grabbed her sword belt on the way out and strapped it on quickly before leaving her room to wander the building on her way out. Walking the halls of the family manor was eerie since the last of her immediate family had passed leaving only Adil who seemed to haunt the place more than live there. Most rooms were now unoccupied and used for storage or simply forgotten as they had been killed off one by one in the various wars. Bad luck had struck time and again no matter how well protected they had been on the battlefield, no matter how far they had been from the front line. Some stray arrow had always found its mark or misfortune struck. Only one had died by an actual blade but that had not even been in combat, an assassin had slipped into the camp and mistook her father for Adil.

They never did catch the assassin as they only found out come morning when a servant discovered him with his throat slit and still in bed. Whoever the assassin had been they were either very lucky or a master of their craft but fortune had spared one but damned the other. Fortunately the assassin did not return for a second attempt as they were either content with their task or the message they wanted to convey had been delivered. Not that it actually changed anything in the end as the battle happened anyway and once more they marched away having accomplished nothing.

That was not entirely true however, Fareed's slaver allies reaped a great harvest as the army passed through the area and every settlement was looted for everything it had. The campaign was more a show of force that they could and would march out and threaten to beat the hell out of someone than to do anything else.

Leaving the manor grounds and walking through the portcullis that marked the manor's boundaries Ismat did not bother to look back at the small wall that surrounded her families home. Each manor in this well protected district which housed the nobility and wealthy had an adobe wall surrounding it of some sort. Most were joined in with the next but a few stood on their own marking those of higher standing with more elaborately designed homes. Most of the passerby were servants at this hour hurrying on their way to or returning from the market. Very few were up at this hour as the sun had only just risen and breakfast was not for another hour in most households save the workers.

Ismat on the other hand was an early riser much like her grandfather Adil but not quite so early as him and one had to wonder if he ever slept. Or could he? Her own sleep was becoming more troubled and coming harder and harder as the years wore on and after seeing the soldiers, Adil's soldiers, burning out the fever for the hundredth time it weighed on her.

Any attempt to talk to Adil was pointless as he would either cut her down immediately or go into a long winded speech of loyalty, duty and honor. Why bother? The die had been cast a very long time ago and now they just had to bear with it and survive.

Mercenaries guarded the only entrance and exit from the district and hiding her disgust with them Ismat continued to walk without slowing. There was no illusion in anyone's mind that the army had taken a backseat to the mercenary forces when it came to political power but it was only getting worse. Of her own forces three had been found dead in only one month as the two forces muscled each other back and forth in an attempt to see who was truly in charge. Of course "General" Xerin was always quick to point out that the soldiers had started every fight and never once the mercenaries.

Making matters even worse the mercenary captains had adopted a policy a few years ago where they kept meticulous track of the soldiery. Any that looked like they were particularly skilled and brutal were offered better pay and fortunes if they quit the army and switched sides. Normally that was desertion and would result in a hanging but Xerin had cleared it with Fareed, better the best of the best go mercenary and have better officers than the army. A smaller, more highly trained and downright savage force was better than loosing the talent amongst the masses.

Ismat could not imagine why Fareed would agree to this loss of talent but he always had something up his sleeve and no doubt had some kind of hold on Xerin. There was always a catch when dealing with Fareed, he would never allow this without some kind of safeguard which would allow him to strangle Xerin right back. But what was it?

"Halt and identify."

Nearly letting out a snarl Ismat controlled her temper and stared blankly at the mercenary guards.

"You know who I am now get out of my way."

"All are required to be identified at the gate as per the-"

"And now that you have seen my face and uniform up close it no longer applies, ranking officers of the army are not required to identify themselves to commoners and you will not impede my access again."

Not once did their expression change nor a single snicker pass amongst them. Giving a nod the mercenary stepped aside and waved at the gate keeper who swung open the smaller door allowing servants to come and go. Ismat locked eyes on them and glared, shutting the servants entrance they pushed open the gate proper allowing her to pass without having to duck through the narrow side door.

Was this harassment or were they actually serious? It was impossible to tell anymore and any attempt to find out would result in nothing but endless headaches as the mercenaries knew they were outside her grandfathers chain of command. They answered only to Fareed and Xerin, no one else.

Traveling the street alone was not something she feared unlike other nobles and wealthy merchants as carrying a heavy coin purse was not something she cared to do most of the time. Indeed there was a small pouch with some coin in it but that remained tucked away underneath her uniform where thieves would have a hard time reaching it. Others who were far more paranoid however hired special servants who carried the coin and were all but under lock and key by the accompanying guards.

Guards. Soldiers. One and the same depending on if they were garrisoned or in the field. However, the farther she walked the more it made her cringe at how the quality of soldiers was falling rapidly. Any effort to corral their corruption or punish them was largely stonewalled and the junior officers were so corrupt now that unless the higher ranking officers caught them in the act it was impossible to catch anyone. Countless rackets had been exposed by a handful of spies and the soldiers loyal to Fareed but short of a handful of hangings and whippings there was little anyone could do.

The sultan did not care because the soldiers performed to standard in combat and could be fully expected to stand the line but beyond that he did not care. Corruption was overlooked so long as they did their job first and so they did, but as time passed things were ever so slowly getting out of hand. There was a cure for that of course and Xerin had been given leeway in handling it, those who got too out of line were killed or tortured as an example to the rest. Corruption remained however, but now it was carefully controlled.

Not that the entire army was out of control, Ismat and a few other ranking officers had managed to crack down hard enough that some ranks were better than others. Something that bothered her about it all however was how much time they spent looking at each other rather than outside. Infighting was unacceptable within the ranks but it was so carefully contrived it reeked more of purposeful baiting than actual grievance. Was this just one more of Fareed's little ways of keeping them under control?

Deciding to see what the gate guards were up to this early in the morning Ismat removed her helmet and slipped in with the peasants and merchant wagons. Before long the bored guards were within earshot and staying out of sight she listened to them shaking down a merchant for extra fees. It was a piddly amount but hearing the conversation made Ismat's eye twitch, this was perfectly normal in the city but it was illegal. Technically illegal in that it was extortion but no one was ever punished for it so long as someone higher up got a cut of the coins collected.

Putting her helmet back on Ismat walked from the masses quickly and reached the arguing merchant and guards before they could react. Standing over them she glared down on the parties involved making one side nervous while the soldiers choked. She had established a bit of a name for herself by hanging anyone she caught engaged in these activities and as ears flattened Ismat motioned for them to stand to one side. Holding out her hand the guard shakily dropped the coins into her hand and after passing them back to the merchant and waving them through she snarled at them a moment.

"You know the price for breaking the law, do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"We... Uh..."

"While it means the gate will remain unguarded for a short time you two will disarm, I will then escort you to the city barracks where you will be shackled and await punishment."

"No, you will not."

Ismat's glare shifted from the guards to the mercenary who had run over from one of the smaller shops. He was not one of Xerin's by the look of him but one of the smaller and less aligned factions that hung on like leeches to the larger and more organized forces.

"And why is that?"

"Because this gatehouse and these guards are under my command and that puts them outside of your jurisdiction."

This one could actually read and that was a minor miracle but they forgot something more important, the guards were under Adil's command first, not theirs.

"Incorrect, these guards wear the uniform of the army and that puts them under General Adil first and not you. Any command that was transferred to you, which is highly unlikely, will confirm it at once. This also means you are now under my command and no longer that of your captain."

Pulling out his paperwork the mercenary smiled as Ismat snatched it away and read over it carefully. He was half correct, the guards were temporarily under his command for this one gatehouse but his control was quite limited. Was that a purposeful loophole or a mistake? Rolling it up and handing it back Ismat smiled at him which wiped the smile off his face.

"Unfortunately for you I caught them in the act of extortion and that means you are also responsible for their actions. Your command is quite temporary and only partial which means they are still under Adil's command and therefor liable for their actions. As they were engaged in illegal activities under your command you too are under arrest-"

"I was away while the crime was committed as you could clearly see and therefor I can not be held accountable for them."

He is back peddling.

"But you are as you were assigned this duty."


"A minor technicality."

"As a mercenary that requires that I be handled separately from them."

"True... Do you suppose it will keep you from swinging?" Ismat's eyes caught sight of a patrol coming up the street and shouting at them sent them running to her. "They will escort you to the prison in the city barracks. Guards. Keep that one separate from the other guards and if they are not still locked up when I get there your necks will stretch for having let them go."

Nodding quickly the sergeant motioned to the others and gave a sigh of relief as they departed with the prisoners. Ismat knew full well that only yesterday that patrol had been the ones shaking down passerby at the gatehouse. However, they usually kept a lookout posted so they could drop the act and pretend to be honest and trustworthy guards. This lot had not been that smart and as she continued on her way there was no doubt that two would hang, the last whipped for being caught and then returned to duty.

Walking to the small shop she waved one of the servants over and pointed towards the gatehouse.

"How long was that mercenary here?"

"All morning."

"Did he ever go to the gatehouse?"

"Only when you arrived."

"Your eyes are sharp then... Tell me, did the guards ever approach him?"

"Yes, twice."


"They passed him something before leaving again."

"Thank you."

The mercenary was not entirely dumb, he stayed in the area he was supposed too but did not directly handle the shakedown. He did make one mistake and that was being dumb enough to accept payment in the open air where all could see and with any luck she might just hang this one.

"I doubt it... His captain will step in and demand proof. I will name the servant and they will immediately make them disappear or suffer a family accident so they are no longer willing to testify. At best I can use my own testimony to at least have him whipped for incompetence but it will only be to the ends that he learn from his mistakes and do a better job of shaking down merchants in the future."

Letting out a strangled sigh Ismat looked up at the sky.

"Why do I bother."

Wandering the city aimlessly Ismat watched everyone either clear a path for her or try their hardest to ignore her passing. Her uniform drew a great deal of unwanted attention at times as passing patrols would freeze up or ask if she required an escort to wherever she was going. There was no answer as she had no idea where she was going and after crossing the two grand bridges that spanned the Thriti River she finally stopped to look around. Rarely if ever did she cross the bridge as most military matters were conducted on the other side of the river and the few times she did come this way it was to inspect the camp outside of the city.

It was not under her command but now and then Adil sent her to check on things and that was the only real exposure she had to this side of the city. Standing on the side of the street and looking around at the decrepit buildings Ismat's vision traced to some crumbling walls nearby. Without thinking she walked across and followed it till she found what was left of the entrance and entered walking down the wide, long stone path she climbed the steps and entered the massive building.

Caught up in her own troubles and still walking on sheer motion and the desire to find a quiet place to think never once did she stop to look around. Inside there were no seats but several mats had been laid out on the well worn stone floor and wandering to one Ismat sat herself before sighing.

"What in the hells am I doing..."

"A fair question as we do not get your kind here."

Ismat quickly grasped her sword out of reflex and jerked around to stare at the speaker. Looking the tan colored mare over quickly she released her grip and turned away before looking around at her surroundings. At some point she had wandered into the temple and was now seated not far from the altar.

"I do not recall entering this place."

"So tell me servant of Fareed, why do you enter this holy place while wearing such and unholy uniform."

"Watch your tongue! Fareed is our rightful liege and lord."

"Perspective. But why do you come here, your kind are either to scared to set foot in this place or too busy trying to destroy it."

"What I do is none of your business."

"It is when I am the caretaker."

"Caretaker? Ahh... Now I remember her face..."

The mares face and dress finally rung a bell as a few years ago she had been in the palace throne room and had dared to face down Fareed. For whatever reason he had allowed it but the argument had been short and swift as... Dana, yes that is her name, argued in favor or something or other while Fareed shot her down again and again. She was drug from the throne room kicking and screaming as he smiled and waved while Xerin laughed to himself. He allowed her to live because it amused him, it pleased him to permit her to exist just a little longer.

"Dana, yes. I remember you. Fareed had you drug from the throne room most unceremoniously."

"And you are?"

"Ismat, grand-daughter of general Adil."

"Ah... You are that ones prodigy."

"Watch your tone."

"Or else what? Fareed will take my head? I will be publicly whipped, stoned, sold into slavery... Every threat that could ever be made has been so get in line because I dont care anymore. So, why are you here?"

Ismat raised an eyebrow before staring blankly at the altar.

"I dont know. I dont know anymore."

"Guilty concious of having served a devil for all these years?"

"I have done my duty."

"That is far from saying you have done right. One can be a loyal, dutiful servant of a devil and be an evil, wretched demon themselves."

"I am not evil nor a demon! I have done nothing wrong and upheld the law!"

"Ah yes... The same law that destroyed the city, enslaves people... I am familiar with your last campaign so tell me Ismat, after helping to enslave so many how does your dutiful and virtuous heart feel?"

"Is there a point to this? Do you have a reason for attempting to torment me when all I want is some peace and quiet? Is your duty as priestess to harass those who enter the temple?"

"Priestess?" Dana paused a moment before a twisted grin formed on her face. "I am the librarian from next door and your master is responsible for the death of the last priest."

"A... Librarian..." Sighing Ismat waved Dana off. "Leave."

"Unfortunately for you this temple was left in my care which also means I have a duty to protect it and if I so choose... To help those who come here."

"No, you seek to bother me till I leave and you are succeeding."

Dana regarded Ismat quietly for a moment studying her features and how she was sitting, something was bothering the officer quite deeply. Her ears were somewhat pinned back but not so much in deep thought but more that something was eating at her and the cold, dead eyes were troubling. Furrowing her brow a moment before giving a very quiet sigh she remembered what the old priest had said about his duties and days such as this. That at some point your enemy may enter the temple but to choose wisely in treating them as an enemy or as a troubled mind in search of answers.

"Sometimes an enemy is only our enemy because they have not found their way yet and when the divine brings them to us it is my duty to show them the way. Only they can choose to walk it however."

His words whispered quietly in her mind as the other mare twitched irritably now and then. Deciding to take his advice Dana ground her teeth and sat down on one of the mats but stared straight ahead at the altar.

"I have found that those who come here without knowing how or why are often seeking something. Answers to their troubled mind and soul. Perhaps they are brought here to seek absolution for what they have done or find a new path."

"What are you prattling on about now."

"Do you believe in the gods?"

"No, they have no place in my life."

"Yet here you are, seeking comfort and solace in their temple. This is a place to seek help and answers but unless you ask them no one will answer."

"I do not seek your help."

"No, but you seek theirs."

Dana made a motion towards the altar and then higher towards the engravings that decorated the pilars, walls and ceiling. Ismat laughed for a moment before becoming somber as the librarian stared at her blankly and finally turned away to stare at the altar.

"While walls can have ears I doubt they will speak."

"Oh ye of little faith, who stumble in the darkness and when offered the candle to light the way, whom turn it away for fear of what it might illuminate."

"Is that supposed to be poetic?"

"No, it is something the last priest of this place said to an officer much like yourself many years ago. Or so I was told."

"That does not help."

"And you are as dense as he was... But I believe I know why you are here now because you look the same and sound the same as he did. All I can tell you is what he said and hope that you take it to heart."

"You assume much."

"Maybe, but let me see if this sounds correct... You are bothered by the state of affairs but not in the same way is disturbs most. Your army is becoming less your own and more corrupt, an extension of someone else's twisted will and that it does not serve to protect the nation or bring it glory but to grind everyone to a bloody paste. Despite this you still serve and hope that things will get better but you already know they will not, it will only get worse. Enough blood stains your hands to make the river turn red and not one drop of it can you honestly say had any honorable end. Your liege tears the world around you to pieces and no matter how you try and voice this concern you are silenced because it is not your place to question, only obey. But no matter how much you repeat loyalty, duty and honor the burden only becomes heavier and heavier till you can barely stand upright while wearing that uniform."

Ismat twisted around on the mat and narrowed her eyes in a mixture of curiosity and anger but the librarian ignored her completely content to stare straight forward.

"So you come here attempting to figure out the truth, is it worth it? But, you already convinced yourself it is, that if you simply do as you are told and serve the devil that somehow you are absolved from of your complacency in affairs both small and large. That slogan has been so burned into your mind with its contradictions that to even contemplate disloyalty no matter how well deserved, is to break ones loyalty and honor. A vicious cycle has formed in your mind so that no matter how much you object those "sacred" words snare you. But... That snare brings comfort because it is not your fault. After all, what is the alternative? Treason? Rebellion? That would fail immediately so you laugh it off but every time you scoff at the idea of saying "no" another small piece of you dies inside. So you come here, hoping that by just sitting here you will be forgiven of your sins without having to actually do anything. Does that sound about right?"

Opening her mouth to say something Ismat couldn't form any words and closed her mouth again before glaring daggers at Dana who continued to face forward and ignore the deadly glaze.

"It is easy to criticize when you have-"

"I have everything to loose." Dana motioned to the building around her for a moment. "This is only the temple, there are the homeless and destitute in the university I see to as well and to say nothing of those who come here to pray for help. Quite contrary, I have everything to loose and little to nothing to gain."

"Hm. So tell me o' wise librarian what do you believe?"

"It is better to be called a traitor than serve a devil... Glare all you want but as I have said before you would be far from the first to try and put a rope around my neck. I do believe your master has made more threats of that than anyone else."

"I serve Fareed but through me you remain safe-"

"From what? Another Fareed? Let us see then... You serve Fareed so that all of this can continue, you are his right hand in stomping out any opposition which might improve things. Every time you march to war to "protect" me people who I have never met or will ever know die or are enslaved so someone else can profit from it. Of all the "enemies" that surround us I can think of maybe... Two? That I would not care to see sit on the throne but they would still be better than Fareed. As for all those others you protect us from they have been at war with each other or themselves more than us and only wage war on us after Fareed does something to them. I believe Labrad was the last to suffer at his hands. Good job by the way, massacring all those pitiful peasants just trying to live their lives just so Fareed could control the trade road at Tuli."

"I was not responsible for that!"

"No of course not, Adil was as he gave the order not you and he was only following Fareed's orders... Or does he take orders from Xerin now? No? Well give it time. Dont worry, none of this is your fault, nothing is. You only carry the blade that deals out the punishment by their order."

"Your mocking is getting on my nerves."

"I should certainly hope so because I am not about to tell you it will all be okay and to just carry on as you always have like the rest of them. If you came here to hear an echo you will not hear it in a million years, everything you fight for is contradictory to this place and what it stands for."

"Then leave."

"If only it were so easy. But then again if everyone packed their rags up and ran in the hopes of escaping this evil country led by a devil where would we be?"

"One less traitor and quieter."

"Exactly, there would be no one left to protect this place and the innocent who seek shelter here because gods knows you will not lift a finger to protect them. Though you do proclaim to do so while beating them down."

"Two guards will be hung by this evening for trying to extort-"

"Oh please... We both know that will hardly be a drop in the river and ten more will take their place before noon tomorrow, better ones too that will be harder to catch. Tell me though, does it help to hang a few now and then? Knowing that you killed some insignificant gnats that mean nothing on the grand scale, that their deaths makes the world a better place and you ushered in this new ray of hope? If you want to help why dont you walk down a back street in one of the less... Savory? Districts and find some foals with bloated bellies about to die from starvation and offer your little candlestick of hope to them. Tell them all about how by your glorious service they are safe to die in some gods forsaken hell hole and have the flies feast on them."

"You try my patience librarian!" Ismat stood quickly and put a hand on her sword but Dana laughed at her.

"Go ahead if you dare to draw a weapon in this place. It is you who came here to search your soul and I am merely holding up the mirror to your own wickedness. You wish to have peace of mind? To quiet your screaming soul? Or whatever is left of it... Then gaze deep in that mirror with both eyes open and see things for what they are instead of hiding behind that uniform and the lofty walls of the noble district. Walk the street some night and take a good, hard, long look at what you have sown and go to sleep thinking on what you will reap."

"What I will reap? Is that paltry threat supposed to scare me? To make me repent and turn my back upon my duty to my sultan and country?"

Dana shook her head.

"No, it is supposed to make you think for yourself. Reflection is the key to understanding and only then can you see the way. So long as you keep telling yourself that what you do is out of duty, loyalty and honor the more your mind will drift back here till you grow cold inside and die."

"So you would turn away from everything you know and abandon all that you have worked for-"

"Yes, because it is worth it. What is the value of your own eternal soul?"

Ismat tried to form a retort to everything the librarian had said but the mares words had not only gotten under her fur but dug deep beneath the skin and burned into her bones. No matter how hard she tried to formulate something it sounded more like an excuse than an honest answer. The more she tried the more it burned till all she could do was growl and walk away from the annoyance that had harassed her from the moment she entered this place. Regret burned in her mind from having come here but as she stormed out Ismat knew it was regret from having been told a truth she did not wish to hear.

Temples were supposed to be places of peace and tranquility, of finding answers and forgiveness but instead it had been thrown in her face. A mirror had been placed before her and the reflection had made her turn away with a mixture of fury and disgust. As the librarian had said there would be no echo in this place offering comfort, instead it had glared back into her eyes daring her to make excuses for her actions.

The air around her had grown colder as she walked out and each quiet clack of her hooves on the ancient floor made her more nervous till she was nearly running. No one had the right to judge her or so she kept repeating in her mind but with every repetition the air grew colder and she struggled to suck in air.

Part of her was dead inside, it had died years ago and this morning she saw something all too familiar in the mirror. Adil's eyes had stared back at her in the mirror and not her own, the old stallions cold, dead stare had made a jolt go through her spine. This place was not helping either, the more she screamed against what Dana had said the more she could feel it ripping her apart from within. Attempting to replace the feeling with anger or indignation made matters worse until she was confused and shaking. Exiting the interior of the temple and entering the outer cloister did not help either, the weight bore down harder as her mind screamed with everything said and done.

Everything not done.

Everything that should have been done.

Stopping to lean on a pillar Ismat stood as best she could while her legs shook beneath her threatening to bring her down. Gasping for air and looking down at her hands all she could see was red dripping from them and her uniform was covered in it as well. Everything was red and panicking she slipped on something and fell down but instead of a hard stone floor the impact was soft and wet. Her eyes roamed down and the floor had become a verdant mattress of corpses, soldiers, slaves, young and old alike. Fighting to her hooves Ismat tried to run but fell down again and stared into a familiar face, it was the face of her first kill.

Everyone had been proud of her and congratulated her on dispatching an enemy of her lord but now that she stared down at the face properly, it looked no different than anyone else. It could have just as well been anyone she had seen this morning going about their lives and for the life of her she could not remember why she had killed them or why they had been at war. Why had it been so important that this one die for Fareed? Why had he willed it and why had she been so eager to appease him?

Trying to stand up and slipping on the blood, entrails and bodies Ismat felt part of her try and shut it out, force it away. Duty, loyalty, Honor. If she could shut out what she was seeing and hold onto what was most important it would go away and her vision would clear. Three other words drifted through her mind as she slipped and slid wildly trying to stand: Fealty, obedience, complacency. Part of her wanted to grasp hard but another fought against it and it terrified her, everything around her was mortifying and after the amount of death she had seen to have this disturb her was nerve wracking.

Deep within she knew that if she swallowed hard, stood and walked forward it would end in the blink of an eye, the nightmare would forever be over but there was a price to be paid. Ismat knew the price as she had seen it in her grand-fathers eyes every day of her life but she also knew what her life would become; but also what it would mean doing. What her life would become. Instead of living the nightmare, she would be the cause of it. A living, breathing nightmare. Staring down into the lifeless eyes beneath her Ismat could see her own twisted visage in their eyes.

"No, I dont want to be that thing!"

But how could she not? To pursue things as they were it would never end and neither could she just drop it all and run as there was no doubt what Fareed did to those who tried. How could she escape this fate? Slipping again she caught sight of a hand from the corner of her eye and part of her retched while the other reached out for it. Pulled to her feet Ismat stood in the empty room looking around confused, something had happened but she could not remember what it was.

The argument with Dana was fresh in her mind but something was missing now, it was all hazy and incomplete. Deep within a haunting feeling chilled her bones but what it meant eluded her completely. A choice had been made that much she knew, however the details were missing. Looking at her hands and turning them over slowly Ismat looked down in confusion trying to figure out what had just happened. Trying hard to remember all that came to mind was a single, fuzzy thought: that when it was time to run, run and dont look back. But until then, bite her tongue and do the best she could.

Ismat walked around the pillar leaning on it for support and breathing hard, it felt like she had run for hours in her armor but the sweat on her body felt like stinging fingers of ice. Rounding the pillar a voice drifted to her ears and as a conditioned reflex she straightened up and snapped to attention.

"Ismat. What are you doing in this place?"

"General, I- I dont know. I wandered in while taking a walk to think and clear my head."

Adil looked around the room carefully before settling his gaze on her again and Ismat noticed that for the first time in all her life, she was seeing Adil not wearing his uniform. Looking her up and down quickly he made a quick motion with his hand for them to depart and began walking.

"General, if I may ask, why are you not in your uniform? Never have I seen you-"

"No you may not." He turned quickly and glared down at her making Ismat fidget uncomfortably. "Swear to me you will not come back here again."

"I-... Why? Sir."


"I swear..."

"Not to return here again."

"I swear not to return here again."

"This is for your own good and safety." Adil's cold stare did not wane but his tone changed to nearly a whisper. "It would not be wise for you to be seen entering this place. Avoid it if you value your life."

"Understood... Sir."

"Good. Now, you will return to the manor and make yourself presentable."

Ismat was confused for a moment as they walked through the temple grounds and reached up to touch her face. It was completely wet and the fur matted down as if she had both sweated a river and cried one at the same time.

"Ah yes, those prisoners you had sent to the city barracks."

"General, I caught them-"

"Extortion. I know, two of the soldiers were already hung but the mercenary walked away after taking ten lashings. You did your duty and upheld the law and justice has been done, feel proud of what you have done for the nation and its people."

"Yes sir, justice has been done."

Ismat heard an echo.

Author's Notes:

Look at my journal for info on Patreon to donate. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, less talking and more inner monologue and contemplation.

Chapter 46: Hardball

Author's Notes:

I had this written up but my screen died on me, the backup unit I keep is tiny, old and so fuzzy, bright and painful to look at that I used it long enough to buy a new screen but not edit this chapter. Staring at the screen and focusing on my writing was just too painful. Also not one store around here sells screens for less than your firstborn and everlasting soul but my screen arrived so here it is.

Lost a few supporters on Patreon since I have been gone and I dont know why but I hope its not because you dislike the story now or thought I was dead. Not dead, just couldn't stand to stare at that darn screen for more than ten minutes at a time.

Enjoy the chapter! Next one is prepped for writing and I hope to have it at least written by Thursday, edited by Saturday and published on this coming Sunday.

Then again I am hoping to hell that more than anything this new screen doesn't suddenly die on me as I dont want to wait for a new one to get here. Even UPS takes a long time to deliver out here where I live.

"Train as you will fight and you will fight as you have trained."
-Military Proverb-

Three sets of hooves and a set of boots slipped through the underbrush quickly and silently, the four figures hunched over low to the ground with their weapons held low but ready. Four sets of eyes scanned their surroundings rapidly as equine ears flicked back and forth listening for the slightest rustle of brush or the snap of a twig. All they could hear however was their own motions and the sound of the occasional branch they brushed up against. An arm moved out slowly causing the movement to slow to a halt and the figures hunkered even lower to the ground till their legs threatened to get in their way.

Eyes turned to the furry arm that had moved out and followed its motion as it focused their gaze to the left. All eyes were intently focused on the location pointed out but there was no movement to catch their eyes at first but continuing to focus on the spot, eyes narrowed with doubt until another heavily covered arm moved slowly and pointed to the same spot. A nod was exchanged between them and with a movement of the hand the hunched figures began moving to circle their newest target.

Three in front with one hanging back they circled around as their enemy began moving again. There were five enemies and only four of them but their enemies movement indicated a lack of knowing where to focus their attention. Slipping in behind them they halted again before continuing to move around them to the opposite side and once more hunkered down to watch and wait.

A striped arm was held up by the other party and they quickly pointed to a small mark on the ground, a trail leading off to their front left. Watching them whisper quietly before nodding the other group began slipping off into the bush following the trail leaving the four behind to watch them. Looking at the others from under their wrapped hood one nodded and pointed with their weapon, rising up slightly they hurried after their quarry. Following close behind them at a short distance ears would occasionally flick back to listen but they would always freeze and wait before moving again, each time they moved the gap closed a little more.

Staying to the other groups left the signal was given and two broke off rapidly closing the gap between themselves and the rear guard. As the zebra's ears picked up on their movement the rearmost long white ears turned quickly and the head began to rotate towards them. A set of hangs grabbed them by the muzzle forcing it shut as a swift motion of the other arm ended them with one swift stroke across the throat. Their accomplice grabbed their victims legs and the two quickly and quietly carried the zebra into the brush where it could not be seen.

Going over them like a filcher bird they took their victims weapons and passed around what they could no longer carry. The four were burdened with multiple weapons to where they could barely carry their own shields while hanging onto the rest, a silent hand argument had taken place over the matter but the cloaked one had only glared and shaken his head. They would keep all they had taken for later use. Ignoring the last four they moved on quickly and swung out and far to their right before dropping low and waiting.

A few minutes passed before a second, larger group emerged from the bush, strung out and searching. Smiles were exchanged between the small band of four as the watched the ten walk past them, they knew the other patrol was strung out enough to find the body and when they did a call would go out. It was what they had hoped for and satisfied that it would work out they removed themselves and left a new trail for them to follow leading deeper into the bush and to a location they had found earlier.

As they ran the shouting started behind them but they did not slow their pace as they blasted through the brush. Reaching the first rocky location they halted only briefly and making a few quick motions they broke off and raced in different directions. The ground was too hard and rocky making it difficult to track or discern exact numbers if their pursuers made for time and after the number of stabs they had made at them today, it was doubtful that they would slow down to count tracks. What mattered was that the boot-print was visible once in a while along with the hurried motions of one set of hooves, a little trick one of them had come up with to obscure their actual numbers.

It resulted in a shuffled run with an exaggerated amount of steps required but the effect would hopefully pay off allowing the second group to escape notice. Ending the facade they slipped around and circled back on the trail from a fair distance and waited while hoping the other group was already in their first ambush location. Minutes ticked past slowly before the first scout emerged and followed the trail with others hot on their hooves, their enemy was moving faster now but the larger patrol was nowhere to be seen.

This was expected and when the hooded figures compatriot looked at him curiously he shrugged and motioned to prepare the first attack. Entering their range the two stood rapidly and hurtled their weapons into the oncoming patrol hitting one but missing another before dropping low and running. Shouting followed them and unable to outpace them was expected and prepared for in advance. Racing past the second groups hidden location they never looked back but hoped they were ready, anything less would mean being caught and run down almost immediately.

Charging down their enemy the reduced patrol was joined quickly by the larger group that had begun swinging in from the left quickly in the hopes of outpacing them and getting ahead of the fleeing fugitives. Pounding their hooves harder to close the gap and streaming past the hidden position two sets of eyes watched and counted before popping up and hurtling their weapons into the mobs unprotected backs before ducking away. Racing for another position they ran for their lives down an arroyo following their enemies flank.

Two shouts of pain had filled the air as one zebra was hammered in the hip while the other was struck in the back. Their sudden loss had the effect of causing the leader of the group at large to turn some back in order watch their unprotected rear and flank, while the rest continued their charge. Still running for their lives but loosing ground rapidly the two turned sharply right and made a wild leap over the arroyo with the zebra making it and the other falling just short. Grabbing them quickly before they slipped into the arroyo the zebra yanked the hooded figure up and they spun to face their enemy.

Out of the entire mob only two over eager zebra's made the jump but were quickly stabbed down by the two defenders. Waiting at the edge of the arroyo they waited before side stepping and stabbing from the side and forcing them either onto the ground or back into the arroyo. The rest were less eager to make the leap and stood back calculating quickly as the uncertainty of where the other two were still raged. Pointing to a dip in the terrain that allowed easier passage of the arroyo the eight zebras raced to the shallower and narrower crossing.

As they ran down and into the shallower part of the arroyo the missing two struck at them again before making a running jump at the side of the arroyo where the other two helped them cross if they fell short. The small attack had taken its toll on one more and now the other group quickly fanned out and raised their arms to throw again. Simply making the motion forced the other group to slow as they either ducked behind their small wicker shields or tried to make themselves a smaller target. With a shout the four focused their aim onto an area that was less protected from shields and hit two more before rapidly repeating and hitting one more in the chest, another in the legs sending them sprawling.

The group that had broken off had rejoined the mass and as the four prepared to attack they caught sight of more coming quickly. Five more were running for all they were worth to join the coming fray and not wanting to wait on them to form a larger mob the order was given to attack.

Racing forward into their disorganized enemy the first made a stab at the closest target but it was deflected and as it was brushed away the Arabian to their right stabbed left and drove their weapon into the rib-cage dropping them. The next three were less inclined but drove their assault forward anyway as the final five were just reaching the arroyo. They each moved against an individual target and as they did the forgotten zebra stabbed one in the leg, an opening formed and pushing forward and inside of the reach of their spear the Arabian closed the gap quickly. With a solid punch they drove the other back towards the arroyo where their compatriot stabbed them from behind.

To their right the others were fighting beside each other, trading stabs before the two enemies stabbed at the same time and using their shield the cloaked one caught both and forced the weapons up and into the air. This allowed the other to drop low to the ground and stab into ones stomach before making a side slash into the last's leg. Limping back a bit the cloaked one used their shield to batter away the enemies spear so the other could stab them in the side.

Turning back towards the five that had crossed they could see the other two of their group being pushed back as two more broke off towards them. Not waiting they charged into them with one dropping in behind the other as they used their shield to absorb the impacts once more. The shield gave out and shattered from the harsh impact but one of their enemies immediately flanked them and tried to stab in from the side, it failed when the Arabian behind the first smacked the spear away and bowled them over.

With their spear caught in the shield the cloaked figure twisted hard and brought his spear up and smacked the other as hard as he could sending a strong shiver down the staff. Letting go of the shield and stepping into the others immediate space they swept their spear at their legs causing them to jump, as they jumped a fist caught them sending them backwards. A quick stab from their spear put them down for good and turning to his beleaguered Arabian ally and rushed to help.

Slugging it out on the ground the two were trading blows back and forth, but a solid blow to the side from the cloaked one pushed them off freeing the Arabian who sprung up and grabbing a spear laying on the ground. He raced into the last three who had driven the other two back a good distance, a trade of giving ground in exchange for survival. One turned to face him and made a stab but as they did it was deflected by the other following the Arabian. As the blow was pushed up they dropped low to the ground and slashed across others unprotected stomach.

There was no hesitation as they charged in from behind on the last two who's ears turned and one spun rapidly to protect the others back. A quick shout stopped the fight as the four backed away and moved closer to each other while holding the last two with their backs together and one side flanked the arroyo. Ordering them to wait a minute the cloaked figure walked away quickly and grabbed several spears before returning and handing them out.

"You are honorless bastard!"

Verik looked at the two zebras a moment before motioning to the others.

"No, I am a practical. Throw."

"Enough! Training over."

Raswan, Shahid, Altayih and Verik held their weapons back before lowering them, around them the defeated stood back up and continued to nurse their bruises or sit on the ground rubbing their legs.

"Well... That is our first, solid win."

Sefu furrowed his brow and glared at Verik as he pointed to the others.

"You getting very... "Mean" during training."

"All things considered we wouldn't stand a chance without getting mean. Twenty against four is rather steep odds and your own warriors are getting just as dirty with their tactics during the same as we are."

"Training is to improve skill not cause harm."

"No one any worse harmed-"

"That not kind of harm I speak of. Way you fight, train, make others very nervous or angry. But since you speak of injury, you hitting so hard some need time to heal or medicine. Lucky this not with real weapons or many die."

Verik stared at Sefu a moment before a light went off in his eyes. "Ah, I get it now... Even how you train is so ritualized that this is out of the ordinary."

"Out of ordinary yes, you one who ask for training like this and I agree but not to this."

"No I get it, where I am from... Let me share with you what an old German sword master said about training: It is better to take all of your blows, accept all the broken bones and pain now because when you step outside of my academy the pain and agony you will face on the battlefield will be nothing by comparison. Accept the pain now but remember that pain suffered here for on the field of battle you get no second chances." Verik stopped a moment before twisting his head to the side slightly. "That is more or less what he said."

Sefu stared at him a long moment before nodding slowly. "We very different then. Already know you train for something more than just defend Wete but now I think you have eyes set on far more."

"I would prefer it if you kept that to yourself but yes. This is the best chance we have at preparing ourselves for it and also it has helped you considerably as well."

"True. You learn many things from books you read once, my warriors learn much from this but also cause problems."

"Ritualized warfare is having a clash with... Modernized, warfare."


"A long, long time ago on that other world armies clashed that held two different ideals of how battles should be fought. As individuals or as one cohesive mass working as one, this little training session is what happened when those two met. I also find your little double standard amusing, you fight each other one way but a bandit much like I am fighting you."

"Hm." Sefu narrowed his eyes. "Still not see anything like this when I travel many years ago. But also must warn you... Wete not here so you experiment on us to learn war."

"If you want to learn what I know just ask and I will share the information, it may not work however as those first few sessions proved..."

"Lost very quickly but know why, you not have enough for what you plan."

"Have you been studying me?"

"Yes. Wete not fool, we learn too."

"So YOU were the one who suggested they work in three groups and move to flank on contact."


"I find is a bit scary really... Only here for a short time and then after two months of these training excursions and without a word we are adapting to each other without even thinking about it."

"Not agree with what you do and how you do it but also know this chance to learn much, chance to learn new things that maybe help Wete. Not going to turn back on chance to gain knowledge."

"So is your chiding me on our brutality because we are too violent or-"

"You merciless. That why I chide, yes you too violent towards the others who volunteer to train but way you "kill" everyone make all nervous."

"The last two we pinned."

Sefu nodded. "Could demand surrender rather than kill them but not first time you trap others and kill rather than capture. Showing no mercy make everyone very worried, some say you have black heart, no honor."

"I do not have the option of taking prisoners if that helps explain anything. Even those two would be a burden on us after the battle and in the event we suddenly had to fight again."

"Hmm. If this was battle in Wete and you trap those two, you take them prisoner then or no?"

"Depends... If Wete was attacked by bandits I really dont care to keep them alive but I understand they could be interrogated for information... Then again if for whatever reason a much more dangerous enemy came after Wete say another country or heaven forbid, Fareed. Then I would probably not take them prisoner because of the risk of their escape. But... I might? I dont really know Sefu, never taken prisoners before and wouldn't really know what the to do with them either way."

"Prisoners good for information but also for more. Trade prisoner for prisoner or sell prisoner. Dead prisoner no use to anyone, live one have much use."

"Very true... Sell them? I thought the Wete did not believe in slavery."

"We not but years ago bandits get too close, we capture many and decide to sell them rather than kill... Tendaji call it "cruel irony" and allow it, needed coin for food anyway."

"So sell the bandits for a bounty and use it to safeguard the tribe. Well that's one way of dealing with bandits but I would prefer to take the more direct and permanent approach."

"Yes but Wete not do that to others, selling bandits was good punishment for them."

"Not arguing against it."

"Now you explain something else. During fighting you sometimes fight in group or do that trickery thing, see you hold one while Altayih duck under and attack."

"Oh that... Eh... Actually, and its rather embarrassing to say this, but I learned that one from a work of fiction, a fake story. Thought it was actually a good idea on a smaller scale like this and we practiced it in private to see if it would work when the numbers were right."

"Work very well, make many angry by doing that but it good idea. Others say it not honorable, cowardly but Jelani and I think different. Your ways very different but..." Sefu sighed. "This not like long ago, enemy not care who they kill. Say our way of fighting is ritualistic, true. Is what we taught and know but time change for worse and we must change to." Scowling at Verik the zebra's tone became harder. "Shahid is problem I refer to though."

"My little furry equine mercenary of anger, fury and self doubt. That would be my fault."

"How it your fault?"

"Well a few months back I hammered it into his head that he will probably never see his sister again unless he becomes a damn good fighter. Guess he took that a little more than literally."

"Shahid take it too seriously... He have sister?"

"I am now straddling the line here on what should and should not be said Sefu."

"And I tell you now that you not say I find out anyway..."

Verik stared up at Sefu as the giant zebra stared him down before closing his eyes and sighing.

"My promise to help the Wete stands and I have no intention of ever dishonoring it but I also made the promise to help find Shahid's sister. Unfortunately I know where she is and you will not like hearing that."

"That act of war."

"Actually its a kidnapping... Or is it theft when you steal a slave?"

"Law say one and same with same punishment: slave or hang."

"Right. Well in order to pull it off without getting caught it means training harder and harder."

"Tell him to stop or he no longer allowed to train with Wete. He break arm's or legs if he not."

"I will and I have some ideas for the future to dispel this problem."

Sefu nodded while staring Verik down for a moment before walking away and calling for everyone to return to the village. The other watched him for a moment before smiling to himself a little, for the first time his little band of four had managed to truly win a battle in its entirety without a single loss. Not only that, but they had done so with the odds heavily stacked against them. Yet despite this a part nagged at him: the Wete were not the well oiled mercenaries that he would one day face but as he mulled it over, everything started somewhere and today was a good start.

Chapter 47: The Revealing

"Nothing is harder than speaking your mind while telling the absolute truth all at the same time."

Three remained behind after training and watched the rest go before Verik pulled them aside to a small cluster of shrub trees, his eyes turned to Shahid as did everyone else after a long, silent moment. The Arabian just stared back curious as to what was going on and after closing his eyes a moment in a silent sigh Verik waved for them to sit down.

"Shahid, the next time you hit someone dont put your back into it. Sefu is getting quite aggravated with us and how we train but your beating the living hell out of them is making things worse."

"You said-"

"Yes I did but that does not mean we beat the crap out each other during training. Well maybe with each other but not with them." Verik thumbed as the retreating mass. "Were not trying to kill each other and our... Brutal methods, are making us some enemies when we fight."

"But captain, we need the training and we can not do that without risking injury. Also you are not exactly gentle either in how you beat that one off of me, not venting your frustration due to recent failures at home?"

Verik sneered at Altayih who smiled back. "No and that is none of your damned business."

"True... But we do pray for you."

"Your tongue will be the end of you Altayih."

"That may be true but I was being quite serious because it would seem the world conspires against you both. Once there was time, now there is none and the days once again end with exhaustion for all..."

"Moving on... The others are not our guinee pigs to practice on, we train with them not against them. Yes, we have to be faster, smarter, better organized and meaner than anyone we fight but they are not our enemy. I know I keep saying not to pull our punches but lay off the back breaking blows."

"We not trying to kill them or break backs."

"I know that Shahid but dont forget that when you first came here you had a hard time lifting half the weight you can now, your hitting twice as hard as you used too. We all are and somewhere down the line we forgot that."

"Captain, I recall hearing that Sefu gave you a sound beating when you first began your training that resulted in a few injuries..."

"Yes but I learned that despite his methods he was holding back and I do not doubt that he could have caved my chest in with a kick from one of those dinner plate sized hooves of his. Sefu's training is rough but he has a fine line between being rough and running the risk of real injuries." Raswan had been sitting quietly but had raised a finger. "Raswan?"

"Agree with much but also want to say that how we fighting upsetting many. This not old way but new way. Your way better than old way, think it work better against our enemy who not care but others..."

"Told Sefu that I had some ideas for how to solve that. So far they have been on the receiving end of everything we have been throwing at them and maybe if we change things up and bring more of them into the fold it will help. Rotate the training so more learn instead of just us few and that way they get used to it and learn the tactics, with any luck they will change their minds since they get to do it to others for a change. Of course, it means our chance to win will probably plummet so badly we might never win another practice battle again but... Oh well."

"Also it bugs me how I know the Wete are okay with sneaking up on someone and slitting their throat but this is somehow against the rules..."

Verik mulled things over for a moment quietly, was it part of their ritualistic way of fighting or did the rules go out the window when cornered? What was the catch that had everything hung up? Was is dependent on who they fought? Raswan snapped him out of it as the young zebra rocked his head to the side a little and began speaking again.

"They already learn much and change ways but you thinking faster than them. So far. Maybe not always but what you plan maybe help, they learn to better protect Wete. How you learn this anyway?"

"Lots and lots of books. Also a couple of documentaries..." Confusion was written on nearly every face save Altayih's as he slowed his speech to a halt. "Never mind."

"What is book?"

Altayih gave a sly grin at Raswan, "a big thing with lots of pieces of paper inside that are covered in written sounds. Saying the sounds in your head makes you smarter."

"Know what writing is."

"Forgive me, I sometimes forget that there are those in the world who can read."

"I not know how to read..."

Everyone looked at Shahid a moment before Verik glanced at Altayih.

"I can not read your languages either so that makes two of us and the language I do know does not exist here. Perhaps Altayih can grace us with such knowledge some time but for now we need to focus on the task at hand. If we teach the others how to fight our way they will learn and once we both know the same tactics we will hopefully get better by using them on each other. Oh and Sefu is worried about us being merciless."

"We are merciless." Raswan looked a little worried as he leaned back. "Wete not this violent or mean, can be but very rare. Your way is to kill all and leave no survivor."

"For good reason too, we do not have the luxury of having a prison to lock our enemies away in. Also that brings me to another point... Raswan, do you know why we are training this hard?"

"Better protect Wete and be better mercenary?"

"Is that why you stick with us?"

"No, want to learn to protect Wete better and you have many ideas. Not mercenary, never be mercenary, hate them."

"Good, so do I."

"But you mercenary."

"No... We are not. But before we go any further I want you to listen to Shahid for a minute."

"Are you certain captain?"

"Cant pull this off with three and we have to start trusting someone. Shahid."

Raswan listened to Shahid carefully as he told his tale and when he was done sat quietly thinking on it but when Verik picked up the story, he became very nervous. He continued to listen without comment but he almost laughed several times before going silent realizing how serious they were. Nothing was left out of the details nor the planning that had gone into the distant mission but when Verik finished the zebra was left somewhat stunned.

"You serious... Attack Fareed's ship and steal it? Steal slave and run? They hunt you to end of earth and string you up. String all Wete up!"

"No, they wont. That is why we are attacking the ship not in Wete but farther up river towards Mjesani, win or loose no one can blame anyone because it could have been either or chance river bandits who got lucky."

"Fareed attack both and all!"

"He wont, four fools launch an assault on a cargo ship and loose well who cares. Then again... Should we win the fight, well... There will be no witnesses left alive to contradict us save a few freed slaves who's silence will be bought with the promise of freedom."

"Crazy talk, this impossible. You bring ruin to Wete!"

"No Raswan." Altayih cut in and shook his head. "The ship will be loaded with food taken from Wete and who knows what or who else, by taking the ship and giving some of it back the captain will be saving lives not taking them."

"Wait... Four fools? You want me to help!?"

"Yes of course I want you to help Raswan, something has to be done or there wont be a Wete. Hell there wont be much of anyone left if things keep up like this! Gods sake Raswan the only road in the region is one long graveyard thanks to bandits and Fareed. Tasid has his eyes set on you and sooner or later he will probably think up a way of trying, now win or loose that bastard will take a lot of you down with him. At least this way you have a chance."

"That not all of it, is it... You plan much more. Too much. What you really planning?"

Shahid and Altayih furrowed their brows a moment curiously before looking at Verik.

"Captain... You never did say what you had planned after getting Shahid's sister back."

"And for good reason. Once this matter is settled I will tell you but not before, if you decide to walk away you may but what I am thinking is bigger than one ship and larger than all of us. However there is something I want to do first before I say such things openly. I want your trust and trust is earned, not given or forced. When I get Shahid's sister back you will hopefully trust me enough to listen without laughing but until then..."

Raswan glared. "Not good enough."

"No, its not. But I am risking more than any of you with what I am doing, you see I dont have much and never have. And yet suddenly I find myself with everything I never dreamed of having , I will not risk losing that."

"You do not trust us captain?"

"I trust you three yes but this goes above and beyond trust and that is something I must first earn from each of you. What I have planned is not about pay or glory but much higher stakes. Walking that path means we might never be able to go home again and the stakes are higher than you can imagine. There is no such thing as retreat in anything we do but it gets much worse."

"Are you trying to discourage us before we begin or scare us away before you actually say something meaningful?"

"Altayih, I want each of you to walk into this with both eyes open. The last thing I want is for there to be doubt about anything we do, no secrets, no mysteries, only crystal clarity."

"Then say something."

They jumped as a fifth voice spoke to them and twisting themselves around they saw Jelani staring at them slightly annoyed.

"Future note, before we decide to have a secret meeting we check the area first."

"Wise. What you planning now? Hear much of nothing."

"How much is nothing?"

"Attack ship... Very amusing, funny. But you speak in circle, speak without speaking. Say without saying."

"Right. Was anyone else hiding back there with you?"

"Not hiding, was sleeping, you come to me, me not come to you."

"Alright... Do we have a problem?"

"No, plan maybe work and if work keep many from starving. Very daring and foolish but also brave." Jelani looked over their faces before sitting down with them. "Not turn you in unless you stupid. No bring trouble to Wete not care, maybe help."

"Help would be greatly appreciated as we are quite lacking."

"I not agree to go with you yet."

"Yet... So there is hope" Altayih smiled as Raswan and Jelani glared back.

"Thats enough, Jelani you heard the whole thing from start to finish and know the plan then. I am not joking either, I fully intend to kill every bastard on that ship and take it for everything its got. Half will be unloaded in a safe location for return to Wete but we are sailing up river to Iuny and getting Shahid's sister back come hell or high water."

"They not fall for your tricks, you not look part."

"No but I had an idea for that too, Altayih can read and write... How well can you read and write?"

"Quite well, my father believed it important to be literate in order to run a good business."

"Good because your taking the place of the tax man we execute."

"I am enjoying this plan..."

"In a nutshell... Kill the guards, execute the tax man, trade clothes and have Altayih play the part. After that it gets complicated as you can imagine."

"You make taking ship sound simple."

"Until we see the thing there is not much we can do."

Jelani took a long breath and sighed.

"Remember campsite?"

"Which one?"

"Between Wete and Mjesani. Campsite not just for traveling merchant or traveler. It also only place ship can come close to shore and anchor, crew come on small boat to cook food and rest. Is halfway up river and where ships normally stop before continuing on way. If you ambush crew there you have better chance."

"That is... Enlightening. Thank you, but you are also rather forthcoming."

"If your plan work more Wete live, you die nothing change. Your way we have chance, do nothing we die anyway. But... You promise something else yes?"

"Alright... What?"

"You not return to Wete after taking ship."

"Hah! First off that would cause endless trouble with a captured government ship anchored off shore but I am returning, just not with this particular ship. My family is here and I will not give them up so easily."

"Maybe you give up much with ambition."

"There are some things I am going to kill to keep and this is most certainly one of them, I am not doing this just for me but also for her."

"How far you take this?"

"Probably better not said but I am going to kill anyone who gets in my way."

"Tendaji will get in way."

"I understand his position, concerns and the amount of hell he must go through but he is also not my enemy. An agreement was struck to protect Wete and by association that means Tendaji too and also you Jelani."

"Not need your protection but if Tendaji find out you loose everything. Already prove you not so good at secrets."

"Quite true but I hope your spirits keep smiling on this pitiful fool."

Jelani gave a snort of indignation at his comment before looking them over. "Need better weapons and crew of ship well armed, they not joke. Fareed not like loosing tithe."

"River bandits?"

"Many ships on river, not all honest. Most yes, but not all. Wete keep many weapons and after trip have many extra, they not be missed. Seen how you fight and you need them."

"Dont suppose a bow could be misplaced or a javeline... Or two?"

"Your bow still take time but see what I can find that is not missed."

"I completely forgot about that... How long will it take?"

"Drying wood take much time but we have ways. Will make very good bow."

"Well I want to talk to you about that at some time but I have a question: Sefu. I know because of your past that the odds are really against him causing any trouble over this but I want to be certain."

"Sefu not cause trouble, maybe. Plan makes sense and is good for Wete and you."

"Its still only this handful, dont suppose you would lend a hand?"

"No, that raise much suspicion but know a few who maybe help you. Your ways not make it easy but plan to teach Wete your ways maybe make it easier."

"They wont run screaming once they hear of this..."

"No. But now you say something."

"What? Oh, yes, that..."

"Yes, "that" now say something that mean something. I offer help but now you tell whole truth, no dance around fire."

"Okay. Well..."

"Just speak, you crazy enough we believe you."

"Fine. I plan to kill Fareed. All of them actually. Tasid, Fareed, all of them."

A dead silence hung in the air as they all stared at him and was broken when Raswan began laughing but his laugh died just as quickly when he realized Verik was not joking. Blinking slowly they soaked in what he had just said and only Jelani moved her eyes around to look at the other gathered faces before shifting them back to Verik. Altayih had a small grin on his face as if he had been expecting that answer but Shahid and Raswan were of complete disbelief at what they had just heard.

"You, kill Fareed?" Shahid's face was confused and covered in disbelief. "Take ship, very possible. I understand that, much profit. Help me get sister, also believe. But kill Fareed?"

"Yes Shahid, I am going to kill Fareed with these two hands. I dont know how, where, when or anything else at the moment but so long as that bastard lives it will always hang over my head. Be damned if my family is going to live under his yoke or any other. Besides, the bastard deserves to die and that is only after what I have seen. Cant even begin to imagine how badly I would want him dead if I knew the whole truth."

"Maybe you kill Tasid..." Jelani let out a hum. "That... Yes that maybe possible but Fareed? You really are crazy."

"Okay fine. Laugh, laugh your asses off but after what I have seen why the hell not? This whole supposed country is one big damned banana republic just sitting on the fence waiting for a tumble. The only thing holding things together is the glue of fear and terror that hangs over your heads because I seriously doubt if Fareed would be capable sustaining a long, drawn out war. Which is what it would take by the way, I dont doubt that. He can probably kick ass and take names with that mercenary army of his but drag things out and it will be cost prohibitive."

"What that mean?" The zebra stallion cocked his head and confusion was all over his face as he tried to translate the words.

"It means that if you take him head on your going to loose but if you start sticking him in the soft bits over and over again he will bleed out over time. He already bled the place out all on his own, Jelani. You were there. Those bandits are making deals with the army, Fareed permits them to exist so he can have a cut of the action. Want to strike a really soft underbelly? Kill off the bandits. God knows how much hell that would raise in Alzamard when Fareed looses that source of income."

"Fareed would lash out harder and more violently."

"Don't doubt that for a second. But at whom? Be damned if I strut around with a banner so I can be identified and shot at." Verik glared at Shahid who had burst out laughing. "Oh haha Shahid, shut it. At least I have an idea of what needs to be done and am crazy enough to at least try. Its a damn site better than just sitting here waiting on either the bandits, invaders, slavers, starvation or Fareed to get me. You know why? Because they will, eventually they will get us all one way or another. They got you two." Verik pointed at Shahid and Altayih. "But by some crazy, insane chance you got away and survived."

"Survived to meet crazy man who get us killed."

"Shahid, the captain is crazy but if he wanted to get us killed he could have months ago. Please, go on. I want to hear this insane notion of you replacing Fareed."

"I am not here for your personal amusement." Verik's voice was cold and hard as he spoke. "Your right though. I savor, no I salivate at the idea of dethroning Fareed and taking over. The idea of that kind of power entices me and makes a part of me burn with desire. However, unlike him I actually give a damn. I give a damn about you, you, you, you and you. And them up there on the hill. I'm not some spit polished, high and mighty politician or PHD toting loud mouth either. Just me, that's it. What you see is what you get. A laborer, farmer, educated well enough do-gooder with a thirst for power and a mean streak big enough to get it done."

"How you convince anyone to join you hm?" Jelani had moved till she was against a bush tree and leaned back while stretching her legs out. "No one will ever fight for you."

"Maybe, maybe not. Wont know until I try but there is something I can offer them that no one else has or can: a life. Not just a miserable existence of working dawn till dusk or being a wage slave but a real chance at a life. It will be hard as hell to get it but at least I am offering it, not just some other job for pay because this is not about pay. A real chance at doing something that means something for once. That and I am fairly certain Fareed has pissed off enough people that some will join just for the chance at getting a shot at him."

"A life... We already have lives."

"And what can you say about that life? Starvation? Slavery? Hell tomorrow you might get wiped out by bandits or slavers. Who knows. At least my way that wont happen because I am going to hunt them all down and put their heads on sharp sticks in neat little lines that cover the countryside. Justice? What the hell is that? I have yet to see justice anywhere I have been or is that exclusively for the priveledged few just like back where I come from? I know what your future is going to look like if this keeps up and I intend to cut it off at the pass. Will I be another tyrant? Probably. No, yes. Yes I will be a tyrant but one that tries to help and protect not chop you to pieces like Fareed and the others."

"You are utterly mad..." Everyone turned to Altayih who was still grinning as he leaned on one elbow staring at Verik. "No you are completely insane... A stark raving lunatic with delusions of grandeur. But your an honest one which is quite rare, such honesty in anyone is new to me which is confusing. A raving lunatic but hopelessly honest and truthful." Altayih glanced at the others a moment before smiling. "Alright... I will go along with it. If you can accomplish even a small fraction of what you have planned, I can at least die happy knowing that when facing my ancestors in the afterlife I can tell them that I tried. Which is more than most can say."

"Your support is both heartwarming and rousing Altayih..."

"Captain, your sarcasm wounds me..."

"What about the rest of you? Want to make a run for it and claim ignorance?"

"You promise to get my sister, I believe you then and not know why but believe you more now. Believe you more if get sister. Until then... Not know what to think."


"Help with ship but after that need to think, that too much."

"Which is why I wanted to hold off until after we get Shahid's sister."

"It still a long time till ship come crazy one." Jelani kept her eyes closed as she yawned. "Maybe much happen before then that kill you or end plan. But... Spirits like crazy ones and you special kind of crazy. Maybe they smile on you and help you or smite you. Not tell anyone how crazy you are and still help though."

"Well... None of you tried to stick me or take off running so that counts for something."

"We would never stab you in the back captain."

"How much gold would it take?"

"There is not enough gold in the world, I want to see just how crazy you really are."

"How flattering."

"Free sister and I honor word to serve you, not betray you."

"I not mercenary nor accept money to betray others but that not mean I help you if not agree."

"One imagines I will do things none of you will agree with, such is the nature of war and politics."

"True but if you become Tasid or Fareed I not turn in, I kill so it not happen again."

"Raswan... If I become another Fareed I shall give you the knife to stab me in the heart with."

They all looked at each other a moment including Jelani who cracked an eye open, he was quite serious and there was no sarcasm or mockery in his voice as he spoke. Verik was dead serious about everything he had just said and part of them actually believed him.

But was it at all possible?

Author's Notes:

Enjoy and if you want to help support my writings visit my Patreon! The link can be found in my journal.

New screen hasnt died yet but came with 1 little frozen pixel on the bottom. Eh, oh well.

Chapter 48: Making Time

"Trying to make time so one can spend it with loved ones can sometimes result in rather... Interesting decisions and circumstances."

Asha hurried as best she could in the hopes of reaching her destination before the regular work schedule caught up with her. Repeating her plan over and over again in her mind was not helping either but it was the best chance she had at getting some "alone" time with Verik, they could at least be in the same place at the same time for more than just a few minutes if nothing else. If her plan worked they would be together all day long for at least a week or two depending on how things went which was a joyous prospect to her. Things were looking somewhat hopeless as everyone had become a little more leery towards his slowly growing warband, at first no one had cared but now that he was becoming more brutal during training it had begun to make him new enemies.

Enemies he did not need.

Not that he was making a great many though from what she and a few others had noticed, it was more that he made those who were already opposed more deeply rooted in their dispositions. Then on the other hand those who did not care one way or another were raising eyebrows as the warband had gone from losing every single bout they were placed in to something Asha did not know what he had meant with his odd words but a rift was growing as the victors rapidly became the defeated.

It made her little plan all the sweeter too because by pulling him out of the growing fire that he had put them in it would allow heads to cool. A week or two doing something less threatening that also did not involve beating someone with a stick would give everyone a chance to breathe. Or at least she hoped so. The chance remained that things could go the other way as they normally did in her life but things had been looking up for some time lately and as she hiked up the hill nearing her destination Asha took a deep breath, this was just one more step in her plan and it was important that it succeeded.

"Not care what they say, make them agree."

A very simple fence made of rushes and sticks nearly surrounded the small hut that she was facing, it was near the top of the hill where it was safest from the surrounding world as well it should be. Despite its small size it also had one of the only doors in all of Wete but it was three quarters of a door and not a full one, meant to keep them in and not out. So far it had always worked for the majority but not all the families took advantage of this simple hut as they preferred to keep them with the elders of the family. However, as times got harder and more had to go back to the fields or take up tasks despite their age it meant there were less hands available so the small hut was now becoming a bit... Overused.

Poking her head into the hut and looking around Asha watched the various little mobs of foals bicker, play or amuse themselves in various ways. Most were probably outside in the sealed in area so they could not get away without a great deal of effort or a shovel. Or maybe a torch. One had gotten rather creative once and caused a commotion that nearly set the place on fire and looking around she hoped they were not one of those present.

The plan was to get Verik somewhere out of the public eye for a while and let things simmer down but also, as Sibi had suggested earlier: allow them both to have some valuable insight and experience. Asha had already dreamed up the plan but upon mentioning it to Sibi the mare had turned slightly with a half tired look but also mixed with a deep smirk that had made a lump form in her throat. Maybe it would work out and yet that smirk had worried her, but it was too late to change her mind not to mention this also remained the only way. That or get him assigned to weeding the fields and if Tendaji found out he would probably yank him away and put him back on "construction duty" for however long it took to complete the various projects.


Sitting up against the wall an exhausted zebra looked sideways and waved at her.

"What you want."

"Need to speak with one who-"

"Already have volunteers."

The way the mare said that word made Asha flinch a little, everyone who had foals were required to take turns at the simple little "duty" of watching them be it voluntary or otherwise. Quite a few had figured things out though by getting out of back breaking labor by signing onto the invisible list that existed while others did it to spend time with their offspring. Those who genuinely volunteered had their reasons which varied heavily but Nuru and her grand-daughter had been quick to make certain at least someone on the list was there by force of threat. No one really understood the shamanesses reason but Sibi and Jelani had given her their best guesses which boiled down to this: It kept those few from trying to pass off their responsibilities to someone else.

"Want to trade place with others maybe."


The zebra stared blankly waiting before shifting around to grab two foals and pull them apart as they fought and scrambled at each other on the dirt floor. It was the perfectly example of organized chaos in the room but as Asha watched them break up the dispute the hut had been purposefully built to avoid problems with everything not foalproof out of reach.

"Married and want to learn before having foal of own, want to learn now not later."


Asha scowled angrily at the zebra mare as they continued to work quietly at keeping the foals from forming a full on riot. "Why? My right to learn, you not deny!"

"Suspect you want that one to join you yes?" Staring at her blankly for a moment they returned to their duty quickly snatching one up and moving them to the side. "Thought so, too dangerous. No."

"You lie, it not dangerous."

"Not lie, that thing bad example and cause commotion if left to look after foals. Foals of some who hate him."

"He watch them and nothing happen it prove he not dangerous and-"

"I say no."

Asha ground her jaw a moment because their say was indeed final as Nuru was too busy, as were most so one had been assigned off to take care of things on a more "permanent" basis not long ago. The only ones capable of changing that were far and few in between, namely Tendaji and Nuru but Asha hesitated at asking either of them. Asking the chief to change something like this was rather petty and would put him in a bad position while Nuru would probably do it just to see what would happen, then again it also meant agreeing to something else down the line.

Narrowing her eyes Asha gave them a fake smile. "You say no not because of that but because you one who not like him too hm? It not your right to deny other who want to learn."

"Learn? Learn what?"

"How to take care of foal!"

"Hah! Not same, gods forbid you have foal with that thing!" The zebra stood and walked over to the door where the foals were less likely to hear and glared at Asha. "Not possible, no, not possible. Not let you adopt either, only fool allow."

"Not your choice, that choice of Nuru and Tendaji! Who you to say it not possible?"

"Pray hard then. You mate and breed with that thing it make nightmare, better it not exist."

Asha's mouth hung open a little. "Hell with you! That not stop from trying!"

They waved a hand at her dismissively. "Yes, Yes... Maybe you right, can put you on list but not him. It be a long, long, long wait though see? Very long wait."


"Not on list at all now, must learn to watch tongue in front of foals."

"Still true, I find way."

"Will pray you not. Besides, you not able to have foal with that thing so you have no reason. No reason no one agree."

Asha wanted to strangle them but it would only make things worse and now her break had been wasted. There was no other way of getting on the list without pulling on strings better left untouched and that meant it was impossible to forcibly get Verik out of training and construction. Growling at the sky Asha laid her ears back and stormed away from the creche cursing to herself, out of all the plans this was the only one that would have at least gotten them into the same area.

Now they were back to being so exhausted at the end of the day they would have enough energy to eat and sleep but nothing else again. Sefu was rigid in his training and exhausted them relentlessly each and every day while her own duties continued to shift so rapidly that few breaks presented themselves. Even with the canals freeing up more and more workers as time went on they were all immediately put back to work on other back breaking tasks.

Bowing her head and letting out a small, dejected whimper Asha turned and made her way back to her assigned area for the rest of the day. Everything had failed, gone up in smoke and as the other had pointed out quite clearly: it was out of her hands. Had anyone else asked they would have agreed or made it work out but with the recent changes she had made enemies that she never knew existed and it exhausted her.

She could try and get assigned to construction with Verik but even now one could already hear Tendaji refusing because it would result in "preferred treatment." That and part of her did not honestly like the idea of working on the new support wall while he watched and another part of her knew Verik wouldn't allow it either. So where did that leave her? Nowhere. Right in the middle of nowhere and this had been the best plan, she wanted to scream.

Asha nearly jumped from her hide when a massive hand thumped her on the shoulder. Letting out a startled yelp she turned and looked up at Sefu who was starting down at her curiously.

"Say name many time but you ignore, what wrong?"

"Make plan to get creche duty with Verik but say no, not allowed."

"They refuse because of Verik yes?"

Nodding quietly in response Sefu let out a sigh. "Making those who hate him hate more, now this... He see you like this after today it make things even worse and not want to put up with bigger headache after what he do."

"What he do?"

Sefu's tired face sparked a moment before his eyes quickly shifted back to Asha and with a quick wave of the hand brushed the question off.

"Not important. He need time away from training and say he have plan but..." His eyes focused on the hill. "Think I have better plan now. Make him disappear for time, cause trouble but less than other ways. Come."

"What he do?"

"No mind that."


"He win too much, say no more."

"Poor losers."

"He worse than they when lose."

"Ah. Verik and others go savage again?"

"Stop. Headache from problems, not want to think about it."

Asha smiled. "You and Jelani train him though."


Snickering a little to herself Asha followed Sefu up the path, a little secret had been going around that when Sefu needed volunteers to act as Verik's opponents during training that he most certainly got them. Almost all of them being those who wanted to get a free hit in and while they had gotten their share of hits the tables had turned in the past weeks till it was very one sided. Rumor had it most had quit only to be replaced by those curious to give it a try.

It made her happy and though no one would ever allow those four to know it was to remain a quiet, secret vengeance.

Standing in front of the creche again Asha looked at Sefu curiosly as he opened the door and walked in while motioning for her to remain outside. Staying out of sight Asha listened for a minute as the two talked and someone else was called for, the discussion continued for a little bit before she was called to enter. Sefu was sitting on the floor with a small foal on his leg while the other zebra from before looked back and forth between Sefu and Asha with a jumbled mixture of increasing hostility and confusion.

"You on list Sefu but not that one, already tell her no."

"Say yes now, also to Verik even if he say no."

"Not do that-"

"Know one who will trade with Verik and you trade with Asha."


"Need to get Verik out of sight, this best way for now."

"It cause riot!"

"No, not tell anyone yet and if anyone say I know who tell them..."

"This my duty, you not have authority to replace me."

"Think Tendaji say no to own brother? Nuru probably-"

"Not think you do that."

Sefu nodded at the zebra mare but a strange smile crossed his face. "True. But if you force I force back too. Besides, you very tired. See it in face, eyes very tired and bags under eyes. You need rest, not wise to have watcher be so tired. I take your place, Asha take mine and Verik take other."

"Not so simple! Verik bad example! Say it yourself he causing problems and only wish to hide him, better to have him do other things."

"Maybe... But this way I keep eye on him, Tendaji and Nuru never say no to that and this perfect time."

"Only bring trouble here, others find out easily anyway."

"Maybe, eventually, but that only mean number of foal change. World not end. Canal bringing water very easily to fields now, means more workers for other tasks. No one miss a few who stay home to watch foal now and then. This solve many problems at same time, cause problem yes but solve many more."

It was the mares turn to grind her teeth together in annoyance as Sefu stared at her with his normal stone like expression, the foal watchers mind tried desperately to come up with something and her mouth moved but when nothing came out she finally nodded.

"Good. Have things to do now, you tell other yes? Good, Asha." Sefu removed the foal from his leg and ushered them off to the others before standing and leaving the hut, once outside he looked at Asha and let out a small sigh before motioning for her to follow. "Ask questions now."


"Many reasons."


"She need break anyway as does your husband, it work better this way. You not get time alone and probably just as tired at end of day but know what you thinking. Also calm's other but anger some, they angry anyway so not care. Already headache for brother and me but this solve other problems that bigger. At least now not suffer alone."

"What you mean?"

"About what?"

"Suffer alone, what that mean?"

"I volunteer but this not as easy as you think, you not have foal's but I have many. Not know what you getting into but learn hard way, you want time together but doubt it happen. Maybe less tiring than fields or training but this different kind of tiring. Suggest you both learn now not later, I learn hard way many times."

"What about others?"

"Them..." Sefu stared ahead blankly. "Verik say he have plan, will talk later. They not focus of angry ones though so it work."

"Mm. Maybe not as close as want but close enough."


"Why you say that to her though?" Sefu turned and looked at Asha curiously a moment. "Tired and fields."

"Good excuse as any no? Better than any she make. All true too, only reason not more workers is because of construction and training but that change now. Calm things down and allow them time to forget, not long enough but it will do."

"Wait... You mean we maybe get time off anyway?"

"Maybe." He smiled at her. "But this way make you both more useful and learn good lessons."

"Sound like Nuru."

"Not a bad thing but she agree if here, this maybe help you great deal so it better than other way."

"You not think Tendaji say no when he find out though?"

"Brother say nothing because I be watching Verik all time now."

"How long-"

"Week, maybe two."

Asha's ears perked up at the idea of getting at least a week together, maybe two and despite Sefu's quiet warnings the thought made her happy. Even one week together without it being a brief morning or night would be a blessing but that weird look on Sefu's face continued to creep up and haunt her vision.

"When we start-"

"Two day. Plenty of time for Verik to make plan with other three and time to be ready." Sefu stopped walking, turned and looked down at Asha before putting a hand on her shoulder. "This not like work in field yes?"

"I know."

"You dont but will learn... Remind Verik of that yes? This be different kind of exhausted."

Asha nodded and Sefu gave her shoulder a pat before walking away and leaving her to stand there chewing over his strange words and actions. Sefu was many things she knew but this was unheard of and the look on his face before he walked away made her wonder if this was such a good idea. However, just as quickly as the doubt crossed her mind it was gone and a large smile graced her face.

"Is that all captain?" Altayih raised an eyebrow as Verik finished explaining the plan.

"Yes. That simple."

"So we are to continue training as normal only... Train them as we have trained..."

"I have every confidence in your ability. Besides I dont think they have any understanding one way or another of what we have been doing and how spectacularly we have failed in some of the tactics I read about."

"That very good thing." Shahid sat with his eyes closed and Raswan nodded in agreement.

"Anyway... I dont know what Sefu will come up with but I doubt very much you shall be seeing me for a week or two, most likely not until everyone's nerves have calmed down a tad. But... There is something else I want you to know about now and be on the lookout for."

"We are all ears captain, what is it you fear?"

"After the crap we have been through there is very little I fear Altayih." Verik looked around a moment before letting out a sigh. "It came to my attention some time ago that Fareed or Tasid, maybe bother working together... I dont really know which, but they have a spy here somewhere."

Ears perked up and turned towards Verik quickly as the word "spy" left his mouth and Raswan was quickest to step forward. Head turned slightly, eyes narrowed with a marked degree of suspicion the young zebra approached Verik and got close before stopping.

"Saying spy in Wete is big claim, dangerous too. Not taken lightly, if lie not only make you many enemy but I too-"

Verik raised his hand quickly. "I talked with Nuru first and Nuru being Nuru, she had her reasons for not helping but there is indeed a spy here somewhere."

"Who? We tell Tendaji and he-"

"No! That is exactly why Nuru wont say who they are and why we wont lift a finger either. A dead spy is a giveaway and will bring Fareed down on us but a live one who is kept in the dark is none the wiser."

"But all those plans you make, he maybe know by now!"

"They would know nothing as the only ones who know any kind of truth are a tight knit little circle that includes Tendaji, Nuru, Sefu, Jelani, Asha and ourselves. Most of them have no idea what my plans are anyway and no one else has a clue as to what is really going on."

"Need more to complete plan and this make it very hard!"

"Not at all because I think I know who it is."

"Think is not knowing."

"Very true but you see some others already killed the last spy that was here and no new ones were added. Maybe? However, one happens to stand out more than the rest and while I dont know their name you can help on that end. Discretely! The last thing we need is a spy knowing we are probing for them and word travels very fast here when you start asking questions..."

"How are we to find the spy without asking questions?" Altayih leaned his head back. "It is impossible to find out who we seek without asking but if asking gives us away we are doomed."

"First off they were a warrior from Asha's village, the ONLY surviving warrior who just magically got away and reappeared much later. Asha was quite specific in that the warriors of her village did not make it but somehow this one did. That narrows it down considerably, all we need to do is find that one warrior and we have our spy."

"Oh that easy." Everyone turned to Raswan who waved Verik's question off.

"As Altayih said, we are all ears Raswan."


"Clue us in would you?"

"One that has funny limp. Always guarding fields or village."

"Dont suppose you could... Point him out for us? Maybe tell us what his mark looks like?"

Raswan sighed and nodded.

"Alright that was easy, too easy..."

Shahid stared at Verik curiously. "Why say that?"

"Because, Shahid, I doubt Fareed would allow a spy to just go missing without at least attempting to replace them. We have one by the short-hairs now but something in my gut tells me there is another running around somewhere and will probably be a heck of a lot harder to find due to Wete taking in so many refugees."

Altayih watched a moment before shrugging. "Spy hunting is not in my repertoire captain so I will be of little help."

"None of us have ever hunted a spy before but I have a few simple ideas that might help and now that we know, we need to be more careful."

"We are waiting captain."

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter 49: Gilded

"How much sorrow and misery has been endured in the name of duty?"

Somewhere beyond the wall that protected the royal palace from the world at large the city of Labrad bustled busily, the vendors calling out to passerby, clapped their small cymbals or ringing small bells in order to attract customers. Everyone was scurrying about for one reason or another and completely oblivious to each other or the politics taking place in the world at large. Were they unfortunate or lucky? Ignorance is bliss for some until the knife of reality plunges itself into their back claiming their life while the last words to escape their dying lips are a cry to the world of "why me."

Nawra twitched uncomfortably as she stared out the large window willing her body and mind into a different realm of reality or if possible, out of the room and beyond the walls. Someplace to scream till her mind and lungs were numb would work just as well but that was impossible after the failed assassination attempt a few weeks ago. They had never been found and her parents spy master had been unable to turn up anything which was unusual, but not entirely unexpected considering the circumstances. It simply meant the assassin was no amateur in the business and all that had prevented her premature demise had been a lowly olive that had slipped from her fingers.

A twist of fate, an olive falls from the royal fingers and by bending over to pick it up rather than leave it to the servants had made all the difference as a mere fraction of an inch had caused it to pass her by. That tiny space was all that it took and while she lamented that it had narrowly missed Jubril as well the event had left her on edge. Somewhere out there the assassin was running free to try again.

"They must get lucky only once, I must be lucky for the rest of my life."

While it was a hazard of her position it in no way lessened the effect and for all they knew the fear that the event had caused was exactly what their enemy had wanted. Perhaps it was a silent warning that they could take their lives at any time they so desired and while the poisoned dart had missed, the next one would most likely not.

But, which was worse? Dying and being done with it or being doomed to her fate? Her mother and father would scoff at her pessimism but being sent to Alzamard to cozy up with Fareed was like being buried alive in a den of vipers. Any one of them could kill you and it only took one small bite but with Fareed it was never that easy, he would draw the agony out and pass it off somehow if so required. Maybe the assassin was his? Fareed did have much to gain from a conflict with Labrad: land and the rich fields on the far bank of the river that bore great quantities of food which would soon be in their prime. It was a fact Nawra knew he was not ignorant of.

As the princess shifted one of the seamstresses frowned a little. "Please do not move so much mistress, the seams must be straight."

Holding back a very unladylike like growl of frustration Nawra froze her form so the tailors could continue their work in silence. Time was running out and soon she was bound for transport to Alzamard and unto the care of his majesty the Sultan of Alzamard and his glorious sultanate. There was a considerable roll of papyrus rolled up tightly on her ornate table and glancing at it sickened her. Part of the requirement of going was memorizing proper decorum and etiquette when addressing Fareed which boiled down to seeing how much of an ass kisser one could be.

Her father's scribes had gone to great length and diligently written down every detail she had to memorize on how to greet Fareed just perfectly, not that she did not know. From a foal she had been trained religiously on how to dress, act, speak, walk, think and even how to move her body in accordance with royal custom and decorum. It was also well known to her from the moment that scroll had touched her hand what happened to those who failed to follow proper protocol in the court room of Alzamard.

Thing's in Labrad on the other hand were not so strict that one would be cut down in the throne room for simple mistakes, her father and mother left leeway for such things. Mistakes were expected but so long as the individual in question was honest and sincere their lack of decorum was overlooked. Fareed on the other hand was another matter. The very first two stanzas of the scroll described in no small detail what had happened to the last five visiting ambassadors and one prince when they slighted the sultan.

She had to admit Fareed could get very creative on making examples to others with ironic twists that proved as painful to read as they would be to see and gods forbid, receive. Sometimes he did not need to be creative though and when one had been snide, in private no less, they had been beheaded and the severed head returned to their country inside a basket of melons. Her own disgust with him had never once been hidden but now it would have to be bottled up, corked and sealed with a thick layer of wax for good measure. One slip and there was no doubt in her mind that Fareed would not seize the opportunity to take her hostage if she so much as made one little slip. Not that many of Labrad's other neighbors were any better when it came to taking advantage of such situations, it was perfectly legal after all.

Meeting him was a horrific prospect that could no longer be avoided and to make matters even worse the assassination attempt had brought about a new wave of changes. Originally she was to go by land and through Tuli before finally turning south towards Alzamard but that had been canceled almost immediately. Being the focus of the attack meant the princess had to be protected and her father had ordered the royal yacht prepared.

Nawra's eye twitched at remembering what had happened next. Not about to miss out on an opportunity her brother Jubril had seized on the opportunity to handle the security of the whole affair in good faith and indeed it was. One look at his eyes was all it took to know he was planning absolutely nothing against her, there was no plot, no plan and should an assassin slip aboard they would die quickly; courtesy of her "protective" brother. But why?

Was it because it provided him an excellent excuse to excuse himself if anything did happen? After all, his plan was impeccably prepared and approved by all including herself, he was quite sincere and that worried her more than anything. Perhaps he was hoping she would make some small slip while meeting with Fareed, that her tongue would let fall some detail or an antagonistic remark that would seal her fate. Kill her by proxy? Allow her to kill herself at the hands of Fareed? No, he would never kill her because that was preposterous, she was much too valuable alive.

Letting out an angry sigh Nawra's eyes traced down to the tailors as they scurried around her, Jubril was hoping she would get herself killed or ostracized and there was only one way to counter this: To do as her father wished and greet Fareed with her best fake smile, praise him as a god and then bend over and kiss his royal ass while swallowing her pride and dignity.

Jubril was toying with her again, antagonizing her.

"Finished mistress. How does it fit?"

Stepping forward and moving her arms around Nawra tested the new garment carefully and after going through a series of motions to test how it would catch or snag she nodded. Looking into the large mirror that had been provided at no small cost as a foreign import the Arabian princess looked herself over in the mirror carefully. Everything was exactly as it should be and the fit was perfect, every seam was perfect and the designs woven directly into the silk dress were masterfully done with further ascents hand embroidered onto the exterior. Once it was properly stitched up the silk dress would be a worthy addition to her collection but after using it to greet Fareed she would prefer to have it burned and the memory forgotten.

"It will have gold thread and the design-"

Tuning the master tailor out as they described the final details she stared with dead eyes into the mirror, this whole charade had been her mothers idea. In order to impress Fareed there was no better way than to wear nothing but the newest clothing all made by the best tailors in Labrad with imported silks. The expense of this little race to build a new and elegant wardrobe would feed a fair portion of the city for a week but if it made things go smoothy she would bite her tongue. Not a single trace of doubt had ever crossed her mind that this was not in some way required of her and that it was also quite important. While her aging parents may be somewhat senile when dealing with Jubril they were serious beyond reckoning when it came to making certain her visit with Fareed went smoothly.

"-Slip out of the dress so my tailors may finish the stitching. We need to check the next one and... It is not my place to chide you mistress but your mother would have my ears if I did not repeat what she said-"

"That it is your duty as princess and royal representative of the nation to do your duty." Nawra's eyes moved down to the zebra mare with a glare. "To wear the gown whether you like it or not and allow it to be fitted properly."

"Yes mistress..."

Watching the mare stand upright again before backing away Nawra lifted her arms and allowed the tailors to undress her quickly, the dress was folded as if it were a sacred relic and placed in a wooden box before a slip of paper was placed on top with last minute notes. Once sealed the most dreaded gown of all was brought out of hiding in its box and after it was delicately unraveled so all could see she felt like dying. Nawra glared at it hoping the elegant and well designed piece of cloth, if it could be considered that, would burst into flame and cease to exist.

"No expense shall be spared..."

Her fathers words burned in her mind like a raging inferno as she looked the garment over in complete disgust. It was ironic really, had this same gown been presented under different circumstances she would actually seriously consider accepting it because it was indeed a masterwork of art and form when worn if it were not for the other problems it had. However, its purpose was something else entirely. More of a last ditch attempt her parents had cooked up in their ailing minds to flatter Fareed so deeply that he would consider accepting the final, last ditch attempt to avert conflict: Betroth the heir apparent unto Fareed.

This gown's entire purpose was to sway the heart and mind of any stallion that dared to look upon her body. Giving in she reluctantly allowed the tailors to put the two part gown on her carefully so as to not tear it before standing aside while the servants gently adorned her with the jewelry that came with this rather embarrassing ensemble. It had been finished two days ago but she had fought tooth and nail over it refusing to put the finished product on under any circumstances because of what it meant. Of course, her mother had won out after chewing her ears off for hours on end in private on the importance of the meeting and he plan to marry her off. Nothing new had been repeated but the scorn that had been heaped upon her for refusing had grown till she had relented, even if it was to simply avoid spending another day held hostage by her irate mother.

"Now please stand still so I can make certain it is all in order..."

Freezing Nawra was forced to look at herself in the mirror as the mare checked the clothing over one stitch and gold link at a time. The clothing would no doubt work on just about any stallion that would look her way she admitted, it was so revealing but still royal enough that she could pull it off. The silk was so thin Nawra could nearly see through it and left little to nothing to the imagination, staring at her near naked form a mixture of embarrassment and indignity flashed across her face. While it was a masterpiece the catch that it was see through and the other rule that came with the dress was what made such a beautiful piece of clothing a nightmare.

"If I wear this in front of others beyond this room I will die of embarrassment or jump out a window."

"May I adjust your tail so I can check th-"


Her words were icy and the mares reflection in the mirror showed a visible flinch as she moved around the back to put the finishing touches on before checking the back and now that Nawra had an unobstructed view of herself... It made the dress all the worse. Every curve of her thin, elegant legs was on display along with her outstretched arms. What irritated her was that while she had clothing very much the same for wearing when it was especially hot, but only in private, there were sets of underclothes that went with them. This did not. Everything she did not want others seeing be it from the lips between her legs to her breasts and nipples was born for all to see and it was entirely on purpose.

"Please do not fidget, almost done..."

Sneering into the mirror Nawra waited, what made things even worse however was not that the silk was so thin that one could make our the color of her fur as if the cloth were not there, but that jewelry had been added on top of it all. This special set of clothing came with instructions unlike the others in that it had to be worn a specific way and with very exactly placed ornamentation. Her cannon's had been adorned with some of the most masterfully designed anklets and the jewelry was studded with gems matching the color of the royal marks on her flanks.

The same was true of the other pieces be it the gold chain link necklace that hung down from her neck and tucked the clothing in just right above her breasts so that it emphasized her bust even more. Catch was that because it pulled the thin sheet of silk in it caused rubbing across her nipples that she would have preferred did not happen because of certain other after effects that resulted in hardening. Moving in it was infuriating because of this slight shifting and when she had brought it up the tailors had looked away, her mother was behind this. Her obstinate attitude towards this whole plan meant the queen was taking her own measures to make certain she would own up to her responsibilities whether she or her body liked it or not.

Grinding her teeth as the clothing shifted she was asked to turn and Nawra felt the ticklish garment shifting across her body. It was like having someone tickle her with feathers in places she would gladly kill to stop someone, anyone, from touching. Looking sideways into the mirror revealed the silver chain and gems that were attached to the dock of her tail and then woven through the long hairs so they moved as one with her body. Thanking her luck that it was over she turned her back to the mirror as a servant held another up allowing her to look at the back of the gown. Everything was just as beautiful and hideous as she remembered it from the last time.

"Are we done then?"

"Please walk around the room so we can be certain, this must be precise."

"Very well."

Stepping off the short platform carefully her gilded hooves tapped the polished tile and marble floor of her bedchamber making a distinct clacking sound. Walking slowly while hoping to avoid any further embarrassment Nawra stepped carefully hoping to avoid any more of the ticklish chafing. Nothing worked however and now that she was moving her legs the gold, silver and gemstone adorned belt that hung from her waist and over the exterior of the gowns leggings caused chafing that was dangerously close to her nether regions. Practicing her steps to avoid this while silently cursing her mother for having somehow come up with this infernal contraption Nawra continued to move around her room.

With the flesh under the fur of her face reddening and the fur on her cheeks standing out a little more with every passing moment she finally froze and turned to the master tailor. Not daring to utter one word in case she said something uncouth the Arabian princess preferred to just glare quietly in silence. Understanding what she meant at once the zebra gave a quick wave to her accompanying tailors who raced to unadorn the princess from her thinly veiled cage. Piece by piece they removed the jewelry rapidly from her legs, wrists, neck and waist freeing up the chaffing and thus turning the dress back into a normal, regal night gown.

Each piece was placed delicately into its own box and locked before returning to a larger chest where it would again be locked up and as she watched, hopefully thrown into the river and sunk to the bottom for the rest of time. As the joyous thought crossed her mind however another part of her lamented it a little, the jewelry was indeed gorgeous to behold and matched her perfectly but the reason for its existence spoiled it.

Free from the garment at last Nawra sighed in relief as another dress was brought forth, this one she liked considerably more and the armband it came with was adorned with a jewel carved to match her own marking. Even if everything else were to be tossed out or sold to remove the bad taste in her mouth when this was all over this one piece would remain in her collection. It had not originally been a part of the set but her mother had gifted it to her personally after having watched one of the fittings, a suitable addition and indeed it was. Slipping it up her arm herself and into position Nawra looked into the mirror and smiled at the reflection.

"It does indeed suit you Nawra."

The princess nearly jumped out of her hide upon hearing her mothers voice while stifling a yelp of fear and panic. Facing her mother quickly she bowed low but was waved off.

"Stand upright so I may see you. Yes... I approve of this one, it fits you quite well." Walking around Nawra and examining her closely the queen stopped to poke or prod here and there before mumbling ascent and continuing. "Your wardrobe is befitting of your position and will do us justice when you attend the meeting in Alzamard."

"Thank you my queen."

"Good, you are remembering your etiquette. Alzamard is not the same as our own household and you will be quickly admonished for forgetting-"

Nawra listened as her mother droned on about proper etiquette during her lengthy stay in Alzamard, she had heard this all before till it nearly made her ears bleed to hear it all over again. Her mother continued to speak and after having waved permission to the tailors to continue their work quietly in the background Nawra's mind wandered far from the room and beyond. Feigning at paying attention Nawra stood attentive in body but not mind as the work continued but a lance of fear shot through her during a break in her mothers talking causing a visible flinch that all could see. All eyes were on her as she looked towards the culprit: a needle.

Pinging off the floor had made a sound somewhat similar to the dart that had missed her neck and the memory had flooded back in an instant causing an immediate reaction. Staring at her the queen looked at the fallen needle and then the tailor who had dropped it before shaking her head and ordering them to continue.

"You must get used to such things."

"I will."

"At least she did not scream like last time." Jubril let out a small chuckle as he looked around the doorway.

"I did not scream and you would do well to not spread lies brother! Why are you here!?"

Giving Jubril an admonishing look the queen shook her head. "He wished to see for himself and I allowed it."

"My queen some of the-" Nawra was cut off by her mother quickly.

"Which is why he agreed to wait outside."

Looking Nawra dead in the eyes Jubril smiled. "My dearest crown princess, I would not dare to intrude upon your private chambers without your expressed permission while you are changing. But, as the fate of our nation hangs on your shoulders I asked permission to see for myself some of your regal trappings that shall be worn to impress Fareed and the other dignitaries. May I enter?"

Nawra straightened upright. "No."

"As you wish but if I may be so bold as to speak freely..." Nawra tried to open her mouth to say no but Jubril continued quickly. "I would like to remind her to please, please do not start a war by openly her voicing the obvious discontent and hatred she has for his majest the Sultan of Alzamard. I would also like to say that your security is assured, you need not fear any needles from assaulting your scantily clad person. The guards are the finest and will protect you unto death from such tragedies."

There was a pause that hung in the air as Nawra and her mother looked towards the open doorway realizing he had stolen a peak at some point.

"Jubril, mind your manners and-" The queen stopped herself and let out an aggravated sigh before looking back at her daughter, Jubril was already long gone before she had even uttered his name openly. Clapping her hands loudly the servants and tailors took the hint and moved to the far side of the room to leave them in silence.

"I despise him." Nawra hissed.

The queen looked at her daughter tiredly. "Your brother or Fareed?"


"Once I too had a brother but... He did not survive a war that is better left forgotten, much like you and Jubril we mocked each other and fought but-"

"Mother if I may... Jubril is different-"

"He is still your brother and I hope you take his immense precautions for your security to heart. Jubril has his own ways but he has never lain a finger upon anyone and tries his hardest to do what is right."

"For him..." Nawra stared at the doorway and made a swift motion of the hand to a servant who hurriedly closed it.

"I did not love my brother either but when he was taken from me it burned terribly and the two of you must stop fighting and bickering as it might one day tear the nation apart in a civil war."

"He is not nearly as sincere as you believe him to be mother."

"My son, your brother... Has never done one thing to cast doubt upon him."

"We have been over this before mother but-"

"No, you will cease your arguing and make peace. Are you okay though?"

Nawra looked into the concerned eyes of her mother as the older mare looked down and in the direction of what had disturbed her so much and waited.

"Yes, but Jubri-"

"Now then!" Clapping her hands the queen looked at the servants who hurried back to their tasks and the tailors began adjusting the newest dress while the queen was offered a plush seat to watch from. "We have more matters to discuss such as the gift you will be bringing to the sultan."

"Has it been finished?"

"It was brought in by the jeweler this very morning while you were being fitted for your journey."

"I understand the gems are arranged to match his mark and are set into a gold plate for wearing around the neck as a crest... Correct?"

"Yes but after some discussion with the jeweler and goldsmith it was decided to add greater details as befitting the sultan of Alzamard."

"He has never once graced us with a gift save an invasion that took Tuli from us."

"All the more reason to keep him happy hm? We have no interest in warring with him and we wish to keep it that way so all the more reason to make certain the gift is regal enough to please him."

"How many families could we have fed for the price of that one worthless object meant for a demon wrapped in fur?"

"Nawra! Watch your tongue!"

The queen's eyes scanned the various servants and tailors in the room, it was doubtful any were spies as their family lines were well known for their loyalty to the royal family. Still, it was always wise to be cautious because one never knew who might be listening or what price it would take to cause a betrayal. Even a minor one could wreak havoc on their plans if the right ears caught wind of their discontent or namely her own. Despite it and no matter how hard she tried though Nawra could not bring herself to fully accept the situation.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to offend."

"You are lucky for had to dared to say such in Alzamard I might have just lost my only daughter!"

"Fareed is a mon-... Different but he would not do such, I imagine he would ransom me or something more typical of the nobility."

"Despite what he has done to others?"

"Yes, he is still a mon- Unusual but he is also calculating in what he does and when. There is more to gain by keeping me alive than torturing or slaying me to set an example."

"Maybe so..." Narrowing her eyes the queen glared at her daughter. "Do not tempt fate Nawra. We would do anything to save you and get you back unharmed but consider what price might be demanded of us and what it would do to the people."

"I know my duties and will not disappoint you."

"Very good... Then show us that one."

"Please no mother, not that one."

In a vote between a queen and a princess the later lost and held back a whimper as the hated dress was removed and prepared for her once more. Staring at it in horror the princess did her best not to grind her teeth so loudly the queen could hear but the slight turn of an ear said otherwise. Looking at her carefully before motioning for the gown to be worn the queen watched and waited quietly from her seat before doing an inspection.

"This should work if you are sincere when you speak with him and ask for him to accept our proposition of marriage."

"I pray you are wrong mother."

Nawra looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes hard and prayed as loudly as her mind would allow that things would not work out in favor of either Fareed nor her parents. That the status quo would remain and while war would be avoided so would the horrific prospect of becoming Fareed's queen.

"Please gods, dont abandon me to this fate."

Author's Notes:

Busy, busy but here you go. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 50: New Assignment

"Its always fun to find out what you have been signed up for after the fact, especially when you have no idea what the hell your doing."

Verik walked the road into the village on his own as the others were either too busy thinking on what he had said about slaying the sultan, along with anyone and everyone who dared to get in his way. By the time their meeting had ended the faces had become intensely somber as had the voices when he left them behind to digest what had been said. One way or another a storm was brewing of his own making and inevitably it would suck in all those around him one way or another until only one side remained standing, and it could end no other way. Had it been too soon though? Suggestions were one thing but he had bared his ambitions for all to see at the slight nudging of Jelani with results that had not been entirely expected.

Some would do it because they could while others since it offered them a chance to attain something to their own ends as was Raswan's case, for him it was merely a matter of survival as to do nothing was certain death in the long run. Shahid would do it out of debt, Altayih because he thought it was amusing and Jelani had her own goals in mind that ran along the same lines as Raswan's. However, a bridge had been approached and by stating his intentions openly there was no going back not that he wanted to. The plan was far too important to him as it would provide the only chance to elevate himself beyond being the peasant he had always been on that other world, just one more drone in a vast swarm that was ruled by a tiny handful who could get away with anything.

This time, it would be different.

But there was a problem that nagged terribly at the back of his head, Sefu had yanked him from training for a time so he could pursue other matters and thus allow heads to cool. Ideas had flown forth like a river on what should or could be done including giving marching orders to his tiny warband on how to train the villagers. There was one he did not want anywhere near them while training now that he knew the name of at least one spy, but that left one more hiding somewhere amongst the largely striped masses.

"How do I find a spy without asking? It would take a very long time to flush them out and that would tip off Fareed immediately... The only time the spy will make a move to report what has happened would be when the ship arrives but that will be a long wait with dire consequences if the cat is let out of the bag... Perhaps it would be best to feign ignorance for a time. Mercenaries are common within the kingdom so it should not raise too many eyebrows, I hope."

Verik slowed his pace to a crawl and after turning back to look out across the fields below smiled a little at the progress that had been made on the two construction efforts. The first was the lengthy canal that cut across the landscape, a testament to the locals efforts that had run from dawn till dusk for many weeks. Their poor potters had been put to great strain at making vast quantities of clay pipes with which to flood the fields but now that the terrain was dipping away again they were no longer needed. Smaller canals were dug out to the fields and smaller flood gates made of single planks or smoothed stone were more than sufficient to hold back the water less something break or a larger than normal flood sweep the area. Both were possible due to how crude the system was but beggars could not be choosers.

An added bonus was that for every new section that was completed the number of villagers freed up from watering increased exponentially, a mere fraction were still needed in the fields and most of them were put to work creating shallow, hand deep canal lines between the rows of crops so the water would spread more evenly. There was no break from work however, the moment a new section was done they were pushed to the next field over or assigned off to digging the canal or what had become the most dreaded task: rebuilding.

Eyes turning to the side of the hill he could see where huts had been pulled apart, dugouts filled in or excavated and then the ground leveled down to the bedrock. Whatever force had driven this one stone lump above the surrounding terrain while leaving the rest semi-flat had proven to be quite advantageous as the wall that was being constructed sat directly on the bedrock which was quite close to the surface.

Everyone hated the task though and he could not blame them, they had no wagons save Zuberi's to move the stone and he was none to pleased with the wear and tear that was building up on his prized, albeit old, possession. New methods had to be devised in a great hurry in order to avoid having to carry each stone one at a time over the distances required. Solutions had been offered but only a few could be employed as they simply lacked the resources, so far the most popular was trimming down the scraggly and fast growing brush trees and building simple frames that could be loaded with stone and then drug along a set path that had been cleared of obstacles.

Bigger and heavier stones were carried in a basket-case like contraption between two workers using a strong pole and worn out reed baskets that had been repurposed for use as a sling basket when rope was unavailable. Nearly every resource at his disposal had been put to use and it ruffled many a feather as the workers could not decide which was worse: carrying stone or water jars all day long. There were breaks for the teams as they worked in shifts which was something new to them but the strain was different, muscles that had become used to carrying water jars on their backs while stooped over were well established but now...

Ant lines of equines now marched all day long back and forth from the stone dumping ground or their salt mine which was of poor quality, yielding more stone than salt. No longer walking hunched over but having to put different muscles to use while dragging stones or carrying them in slings put new pressures on them. Not only that but having to constantly load and unload was quite tiring as each stone had to be moved one at a time. It was the masons who had it the easiest along with the teams who mixed the clay mortar, only a few knew a great deal about proper building and laying technique and after a few botched attempts resulting in wall collapse they soon got the hang of it.

Mortar teams scurried back and forth between the canal diggers and the walls with baskets of muddy clay which was packed in before stones laid atop with great care. Halfway through digging the canal a boon had fallen on them that came in the form of hitting a layer of clay that was in the direct path of the canal diggers. It had lain hidden only a few feet down and while it was of rather poor quality and largely useless for the potters it made a decent clay type mortar when mixed right. The red, sticky substance had been mushed to pulp with water and hooves till it was a paste and then carried in more "leak proof" baskets to the masons who globed it into cracks or crevices before another stone was put in place.

At first it looked doubtful they would be capable of making a wall only three feet high but as the days had passed and workers were made available the progress exploded exponentially. No longer needing clay pipes in any great number meant the potters became brick makers and had completely covered the side of the lone hill to the south with so many bricks it looked like someone had put armor plates on the hill. It also helped that there was apparently no such thing as "child labor laws" and if they were big enough and strong enough to mix the goop they used for brick making then they were old enough to work. There was apparently no great shortage of children for use on the brick making teams.

Everything was going quite well now that he looked at it, the walls had grown in leaps and bounds until anyone charging in would have to choose between the roads or scaling the walls. Granted, the walls were by no means imposing but they would at least slow someone down and he enjoyed the thought that an enemy would have to make a conscious choice now on how to attack.

Walking off the road and towards a section of wall that had been roughly half completed Verik approached the mason in charge as they were finishing for the day. The zebra was busy and ignored him for a time until the last of the mortar was packed into place and stones laid before looking up at him. Staring at each other quietly before looking to their side and at the marker that was driven in the ground so they knew how much higher the wall had to go the mason shrugged before standing and calling for the team to stop for the day.

Verik watched them leave as he walked down the length of the wall and looked at the fill that was being used and compacted in order to one day provide a flat platform for building houses upon. It was quite interesting, at first he had always asked aloud whatever question he had but as the weeks wore on he had stopped bothering. Body language was something they were acutely attuned to, a fact he was learning quite quickly. Simply looking and nodding at something could get an immediate response and while it was preferred to ask directly they were tuned in well enough with what was going on that most conversations had gone from verbal to simply pointing, nodding, shrugging or crude sign language.

All the practice helped in other matters as well, being so heavily exposed to their quiet forms of communication meant their little training excursions became easier because he could read his opponents body language. It did make him wonder if that would work against a more organized force but even if it never did all the little lessons day in and day out had helped to catch on to something else: Asha's "silent" hints.

Understanding what she was hinting at was getting easier and easier, it also helped to understand when she was annoyed.

"Time to get a bath and go home..." Muttering aloud to himself Verik returned to the hut and not seeing Asha grabbed his soap container and headed for the river. "At least two weeks off from training and nothing to do but oversee construction... Not that they need me anymore, pretty well understand what needs to be done now and dont need anyone looking over their shoulder... Asha is out in the fields so she wont be around."

Verik walked from the hut and made his way to the river with the trickling masses of equines and continued to mumble to himself while getting a few awkward glances from those around him. Two weeks off and nothing to actually do or spend it with. Maybe visit Nuru? No, two weeks with her would be the most interesting two weeks of his life but it would probably take two years off his.

Asha hummed quietly to herself, today had been a very good day. Sefu had taken care of several problems she had with just a few glares and threats to a certain mare thus solidifying her future for the next two weeks. A few more details had come to light as she had parted company with him and eager to begin had decided to avoid her husband until he came back. The work day had ended early for her thus granting time to bathe and return home but after being waylaid along the way by Jelani who asked a rather peculiar question about Verik's intentions had gone on her way. She had no idea what Jelani had meant by the questions at first because of how vague they were but after returning to the hut and seeing the weapons stacked in the corner quickly knew what she had been hinting at.

"Soap gone..." Asha looked at the tiny shelf that held their soap mix and tooth powder, both of which were becoming a little more abundant now that Nuru had more victims to pick from and send on gathering expeditions with Subira. "Missed him. Oh well, more time to think of how to tell him good news!"

Grabbing the medium sized water jar and leaving the hut to collect water Asha hurried down the hill to one of the wells and after spending a few minutes in line waiting filled the jar and returned to the hut. Verik was still nowhere to be seen and her eyes opened a little more realizing what he must be doing and collecting the ration jar headed for the granary knowing he would not be back for a good while yet. His unrelenting desire to have meat in his diet meant hunting or fishing on a regular basis and since the fish were more readily abundant he always chose the later over the former. It just took too long to track some poor creature down and stab it to death but thanks to the reeds being trimmed back quite heavily he was having a much easier time fishing in the shallows.

Few were at the granary as most were still bathing, returning from their assignments or collecting water so she was nearly at the front of the line. Measuring off the ground meal and depositing it in her jar Asha turned and headed back to their hut with a small, happy smile plastered on her face. Wasting no time she snatched the bundle of twigs left outside by the wood collectors and dropping it near the fire-pit set about preparing things for dinner while leaving room for their newest possession: a cooking stone. Small, long, flat and rather thin the relatively smooth surfaced stone was her husbands means of cooking whatever creature he skewered over the fire without burning it too terribly. If something burned he would mumble to himself sometimes about how different it was to cook over a stone compared to a pan and "gas stove" or whatever that meant.

She however was no stranger to cooking on stones as it was a skill she had learned as a foal from her mother who would roast vegetables on their own cooking stone. Since "moving" to Wete there was no great urge to do so as she was too exhausted and had given in to merely tossing everything in a cooking jar and letting it boil till done. Not a great fan of some of the various "things" he had been cooking over the past two months, namely the butchered remains of a wild pig; she had given in and taken over cooking things for him on the stone. Taking his catch away and shooing him off was rather amusing considering how many were terrified of him, which only seemed to be growing as of late for some reason.

"Maybe that what Sefu hint at..."

The long, ragged cloth and reed mat that was their door shuffled and Verik walked in before stopping to stare at her a moment, realizing she had a questioning look on her face Asha wiped it away quickly and looked down at his hand to see if she had been right. Sure enough a rather butchered fish hung from a crude reed "string" that ran through its gills, smiling up at him Asha beckoned at the fish. He was not always successful but whenever he was it meant a little more food to go around and sometimes he managed to bring more than one. Fish was not something she cared for a great deal but food was food and one did not turn it down.

"I can cook this just fine-" Verik stopped as Asha's eyes gave him a flat stare and the ears twisted a little. "Fine."

Taking the fish from him and then removing the reed before finally checking that it was scaled properly Asha smiled at him. Getting the twigs burning quickly she worked the small mass while measuring and pouring the ground meal along with water and other seasonings into the mix before finally placing it carefully into the pit. Using a long stick to push the burning twigs around to provide the correct amount of heat without burning the contents she began to hum quietly.

Verik sat along the wall and as far from the heat being given off by the fire pit while dipping a cup into the water jar content to allow his eyes to move down her back and lock on Asha's tail. It was normal for her to move her tail back and forth as she was doing something that was either relaxing or enjoyable but today it had a unique bounce to it. Rather than swish around Asha's tail would jerk back and forth every so often which while curious also kept his eyes glued to her flanks.

"Staring much."

Cup held to mouth he stopped a moment before drinking and putting it down again. "Something has you in a very good mood."

Asha turned slightly and looked back at him. "How you know?"

"Your tail is jerking back and forth instead of just swishing around like it normally does."

"He not able to tell before..." Asha kept the thought to herself before nodding. "Yes, meet Sefu today."

"Ah... I take it he told you I will have about two weeks all to myself then."

"Not all to self. Also have plan! Sefu help."

"A plan? What, did he get you two weeks off as well or something?"

"No, but very good news! Spend two week together now!"

"Whats the catch? No one around here gets "two weeks off" without having to do something else for those two weeks no matter how menial the task is."


"Petty, insignificant tasks..." He stopped as Asha's ears turned a bit in confusion. "Never mind, it means anyone can do it."

"Oh... This not mean-yiel but important and give us much time together. Maybe not be so tired now."

Verik caught the subtle hint in her voice and the way her body shifted. "Are we carrying around small water pots for the workers or something then?"

"No, better!"


Asha did not say anything at first but just smiled broadly at him before checking the fire one more time and satisfied with its progress at burning down to smoldering embers put the stone over for cooking the fish before scooting over to join him.

"Are you going to tell me or-"

Asha lunged onto Verik and wrapped him in an iron grip that he tried to pull off at first but the years of hard work in the fields had given her muscles of iron. Giving up rather than have to pry her off he stayed still and enjoyed the furry mass that blocked his view, she said nothing for a while and as Asha remained mute save what happy noises made it to his muffled ears he could tell she was well and truly exited from the rapid heartbeat.

"We take care of foals at creche!"


"Creche, where Wete keep foal old enough to be on own but too young for being on own. Always keep watch and assign few to watch them, Sefu help and now we watch! Two week! Oh..."

Letting go of Verik and sitting down beside him beaming she watched him as the gears moved to process the sudden input of outlandish information, Verik stared at her quietly while trying to form words but disbelief was written clearly with his confused expression.

"Wete has a daycare center?"

"Daywhat? Creche! Foals. Learn to take care of foals for when we have own, good practice and-"

"Wait, how exactly did you... Sefu, pull this off and why? Well I kind of understand the why but-"

"Ask for time to visit creche and agreed, meet Sefu there and he help. Not have foals yet but when we have foals know more and make things easier yes?"

"Makes sense but we still dont know if that is possible."

Asha glared. "Not know till try hard."

"Thats what I am a little bit afraid of."

Her eyes narrowed. "Change mind?"

"No, not at all. You are putting a great deal of thought into this while I am trying to figure out how to keep us alive in the long term and improve our pitiful lot in life."

"Yes." Asha beamed at him. "You worry about those things and I worry about this."

"This could not have been easy considering what Sefu told me earlier today about making the locals even more uneasy."

"Sefu know and help with plan. Mare who handle who get on list refuse, not allow. Dislike you very, very much and argue."

"Got into a fight today hm?"

"Yes... She say never allow but meet Sefu and he take care of problem. Make her agree but she very mad, make fur stand up. Very mad."

"Did he set me up or was this coincidence? Nuru? She knows everything that goes on around here and I wouldnt put it past her near godlike ability to see into the future... No, not her, this doesnt have her "touch" on it."

"But it okay now!"

"I doubt it. If it raised that much of a fuss it will probably be even worse tomorrow and it makes me wonder if there will even be any foals there when we go."

"You agree?!"

Verik looked at the joyous expression on Asha's face before nodding. "Yes, I will go. It beats what I had planned."

"What you plan?"

"Fishing, hunting, checking on things and seeing how many years a two week visit with Nuru will take off my life."

"Nuru not that bad."

"You have lived next to her for years, I on the other hand... I dont know but she always has this funny look in her eyes when she looks at me like a cat watching a caged mouse..."

"She not that mean."

"Eh. Why did Sefu want us there anyway? Did he say?" Asha shrugged.

"He be there too but not say so much."

"Sefu is going to be there? Why?"

"Have foals of own."

"Sefu has children?"

"Yes, why you make funny face?"

"I pity the poor mare that had to bear the child of a giant... So we have two weeks together then hm?"

"Not alone and must watch and care for foals but yes. Much time together, all day! Not so tired from much training and field work."

"Asha I may have absolutely no experience with children but I doubt taking care of a hut full of foals is going to be that easy. Though I do imagine many will go "missing" for those two weeks as their parents keep them at home and away from me. Maybe that will make things easier..."

"Not as tiring as field work, take care of sister long ago when she foal. Hard yes but not so hard as field work. Also good for you, not in hot sun so much. Give you time to rest. More strength for later."

"Yes... Energy for other things." He caught the look on her face quickly. "But I do look forward to it."

Asha let out a long happy little sound that he could only equate to a long winded "yee" but the look of glee on her face was what made him smile. However, it was when she hugged his side and bounced a little that his eyes moved down and ogled her shaking chest.

"There be time now!" Asha froze and stared at the door angrily. "Hope no one stop us again..."

"As do I..."

Verik's eyes continued to look before before her own gaze caught his and a devious look crossed her face. Snapping out of it he looked up and into her eyes with a more serious look that made her frown a little.

"What wrong?"

"I still have some things that need to be taken care of first. Altayih and the others need to be given their instructions for those weeks, a check made on the canal, earthworks, walls..."

Asha let out a small unsatisfied sound. "You have too much to do, make things hard and after I make time..."

"It is not as if I will be gone all the time, I only need to give them their instructions and check on the other projects once in a while or if something goes wrong. There will be lots of time for taking care of... How many foals?"

"Not know. Know there are more than thirty."

"That is quite a few... But less than I was expecting for a village this large."

"Many foal but many old enough to do other thing or wander within village safely. These young, young ones and need watching. Not old enough to run on own."

"Ah so basically were watching the toddlers to what... Third grade?"

"What that?"

"Were in charge of those between the ages of three to nine or so."


"What does yeeesss mean?"

"Some family keep young at home with older ones but sometimes no family so live at special huts where some watch them."


Asha nodded.

"Okay so from near newborn to older... How many adults are there? Three? Sefu, you and me right?"

"No, always four mare or stallion or more."

"So who is the fourth?"

"Sefu say one of his wife come."

"One of?"

"Sefu have five wive."

Verik stared at her a moment. "Okay. You said he has children of his own there right?"

"Yes! Sefu have nine!"

"He's a virile fellow that one..."

"You be busy too one day."

"Well I cant really hold a candle to that one even in my dreams."

"Always start now."

Asha leaned against his arm and wormed her arms around Verik in an embrace bringin her face close to his before touching noses. A very serious intent burned in her eyes but despite the feelings it stirred in him his bones and muscles would not allow it.

"I would dearly love to start right this instant but I spent all day running and fighting our way through the bush while Sefu's little striped furry mass of anger chased us down."

"Oh..." Asha's dejected expression was telling as she slumped down. "Dinner be ready in bit, need get fish on." Verik leaned forward to start making his way towards the fire pit and the hot stone but a hand slapped his wrist. "You stay."

"I can cook my own fish."

"Burn more than cook."

"Practice makes perfect."

"Food too precious to waste on practice. Cooking my job, not you."

"That statement would cause a riot back where I am from but thank you. I can guess what my "job" will be for the next couple of weeks though when we are not busy at the creche."

Asha smiled at him as she set the fish on the stone and Verik watched her bent over form as she worked smiling to himself as he looked her over.

"Thank you gods or whatever forces you are that brought me to this world."

As she continued to work quickly to avoid anything burning his thoughts drifted back to the conversation he had with the others not so long ago. One mistake would be fatal to all of them including the Wete which meant Asha would suffer a horrific fate, worse would be if it were possible for her to bear his children. He never wanted any child of his to suffer let alone face the disgusting depravity of the other world, there was one chance and only one chance; he had to get it right the first time. A perfect nail on the head.

"Everything to gain... Everything to lose." How had his lot changed, from nothing to lose and everything to gain to having something precious to lose. "I am surprised about Sefu, the way he acts its quite the jolt to find out he is the "family man" type. Or is that stallion?"

Asha half turned. "You never ask him?"

"Never thought to, not that its any of my business."

"Not think he care, most not care I think. Wete have problem and not all get along but Wete not... Hostile to Wete."

"So no one is going to start a riot when we show up at the creche?"

"Sefu say he take care of all."

"I wouldnt doubt that for one second." Verik cringed a little.

"It all okay, Sefu be there with us with wife, all be okay! We all together and he not suffer alone now!"

"Sefu wont have to suffer alone eh? Lucky him. Wait, what?"

Author's Notes:

Enjoy. Gotta run.

Chapter 51: A Thieves Day Out

"Fareed permits us to live and steal because it provides him with an excuse to scare the nobility, but if he ever managed to unravel our secrets our lives would be snuffed out in an instant. We are fortunate that he sees us as so little a threat that we do not merit the time of day to even consider our existence, best we keep it that way."
-Nimja, Alzamard Thieves Guild Zaeim-

Hidaji did not open his eyes when he woke up but kept them closed while his ears took in everything around him carefully and with the utmost care to even the most minor and seemingly insignificant of details. If a mouse was hiding in his room the small creature was doing a good job of masking itself from his keen hearing and as his hearing drew in the world it picked up a hushed conversation in the hallway. Remaining motionless the Arabian stallion took in their words carefully, dissecting them piece by piece until he was certain the two were not focused on him. Having recognized the voices helped but one could never be too careful under his circumstances, a hefty bounty had sat on his head for over two decades and on his predecessors as well.

The bounty would make a poor stallion rich but it would be incredibly hard to claim considering no one knew who to look for unless he personally confessed or they were prodigy of lady luck. His bounty, like his mentor before him had been passed down through the decades from one to the next without anyone having ever known the title of leadership to the thieves guild had been passed on. Yet, the bounty remained and there were always those who sought to get rich quick by capturing the master of the Alzamard thieves guild. Many had made it their life's work to unravel the never ending ball of string that cloaked him in secrecy and safety like so many before him but a few had nearly left a bloody mark on the history of the thieves guild.

Without turning his head and slowly opening his eyes Hidaji looked at the window first and waited for shadows to move ever so slightly indicating a spectator, when none were forthcoming his attention shifted around the room carefully before settling on the narrow door. The bar was still locked neatly in place not that a dedicated assassin or bounty hunter could not figure out a way around the problem. He knew, he had done it himself. Many a locked room had he pilfered of their gilded, jeweled and ornate bounties long ago despite their numerous layers of locks, traps and security bars.

Catch was his own security measures were a fraction of what the nobility employed to keep would be thieves away but thus was the price of blending in with the locals; and keeping ones head attached. Showing too much wealth along with a desire to keep it and others would immediately suspect him of being less than a genuinely poor laborer, which would start a chain of events that would require him to fade from existence for months or years until they grew bored again. It was better to employ smaller methods of detection than anything flashy though, as not only was it cheaper but usually more effective. It was the little details that most failed to notice when hunting or thieving.

Leaning over the side of his bed to take a quick glance for anything left behind by an unwanted visitor Hidaji blinked slowly in satisfaction before lifting himself from his bed. Standing upright and stretching a little his ears continued to pick up every sound they were capable of before the morning ritual began. Part of him knew this was mostly paranoia but as things grew steadily out of hand a healthy dose of paranoia was good for the heart in the long run. Long did he yearn for three decades ago when he did not go to these lengths but times had changed and not for the better.

Glancing around at the various alarm systems, Hidaji carefully picked his way across the room with the dexterity of a cat, moving around the broken pottery, baubles and a few cups full of noise making fragments should anything disturb them. From the outside his little room looked like the king of slobs lived there with things thrown in all directions till one would have a hard time guessing where one was supposed to tread. That was the purpose however, only he knew where to step day by day and as he rounded a bend in the piles of castoffs the master thief avoided a particular patch of the floor.

From the outside it looked perfectly normal and like a halfway decent place to tread after entering the room. Enough junk covered the floor that one would not guess that by stepping on that one spot would cause them to fall through the floor and into the storage room below, it was both an escape route in the event guards caught him at the door or in the event they charged inside. Working his way around it and to the door before bending low the thieves eye's followed the door hinges carefully down and to a small object inserted into the frame. Held firmly in place by the shut door the tiny sliver of wood meant the door had not been opened for any act of trying to open the door no matter how slight would have allowed the wood to fall away freely.

Today, it was still in place. As it had been every day before then for years but he was unwilling to take any chances. Over two decades ago a well to do thief had made a slight err on caution in such matters and the result of this oversight had led to their capture. Unfortunately for the thief a much younger Fareed had taken not only their hands but eyes as well before turning them loose onto the streets again. While it was a point of some pride that the thieves guild did not generally abandon their own save the especially foolish or those who broke the rules, this one was not left to die. That however did not stop infection from seizing him and claiming his life one inch at a time as the fever set in.

Since then every thief who had witnessed their death had taken greater care in their activities but he knew the truth: Fareed had merely made one more example. All the same it meant taking more care in their activities as it was also the sultans way of telling them that he did not want to see or hear about them and if they made too much noise...

Satisfied that everything was in place Hidaji ran everything he needed to do through his mind one more time before clothing himself carefully and checking to make certain everything was tucked away in the correct hidden pockets. Satisfied he began wrapping a dirty, worn and sweat stained turban around his head before finally unbarring the door and stepping outside. Walking down the hallway and to the stairwell he passed the whispering duo and barely glanced as them, both were still quite busy coming up with a new scheme for out maneuvering one of the local gambling sharks. Their ideas were half baked and would get them nowhere since the game shark was on the take with the thieves guild. He was permitted to operate in exchange for a small amount of his proceeds and in exchange a minor degree of protection had been extended.

Not that it meant much in Alzamard, more that he was part of the lookout network in that if the guards came for him the shark would be given fair warning to move on before they got there. It was either pay or be fed to the jackals as they swept through every once in a while and thus the deal was part extortion and part honest protection, as much could or would be given. Take too much and the deal was off as an angry mob would be the death of them all and was counter productive to the guild but take too little and ones dues could not be paid.

Stealing from the poor was against the guild rules but then again if someone had enough coin to gamble then it was their own fault for loosing it. A fine line had been written down long ago on the matter and it had always stood that so long as the other was foolish enough to gamble then it stood to reason they could afford to loose. That did not stop some from trying to set up rackets where they would allow others to go into debt gambling and then try and force them to give up everything to pay it off. The guild did not allow this, when one had run out of coin to gamble they were forced to leave, but within the walls of the city a few organizations had sprung up that were more than happy to gamble ones foals or family away.

All of them had the same roots that bore arms while marching the streets and failure to pay resulted in swift punishment.

Stepping onto the narrow street Hidaji made a sharp right turn and walked quickly towards the main road that cut through the area he had come to inhabit. Bending and weaving his way through the crowds that hurried about as they scurried to beg or fight to make their daily bread his own thoughts returned to his own lack of coin. It was most unwise to keep coin stashed anywhere others might find it and visiting one of his stashes was possible but not always wise. Sometimes it was better to leave it for a rainy day and considering what was about to happen his sacks of coin were better left where they were.

"The Royal Assembly..."

Hidaji hated those words more than any others as they were what Fareed's family had called the annual gathering of dignitaries so they could "discuss" trade and politics in a "civilized" manner. In a short time the number of soldiers on the street would triple till it drove the thieves into hiding and any local that dared to poke his or her head out where one of the illustrious visitors could see them, would have it ruthlessly hacked off. Everything would be scrubbed down till it sparkled and the biggest charade would take place because everyone knew what Alzamard was really like any other month of the year. His "mightiness" was actually just proving to the world that he could clamp down if he so desired and flaunt power when needed, he just did not care too. Or did he?

Passing under two buildings that had a third built over top of both the thief winced as a strong wind shook the building higher up causing dust to fall. Everything was ready to collapse and one good push or fire is all it would take and parts of the city would go up in flames. If the earth shook most of the buildings in the area would collapse immediately including his own domicile.

Entering the main street and working his way towards the trade road Hidaji quietly slipped a basket away from a discarded pile and continued to walk for a distance before slinging it over his shoulder. Many around him were carrying similar baskets for various purposes but to a casual observer they all looked the same: dirty laborers on their way to work with the hopes of returning with a few pieces of food tucked away in their basket.

Hidaji's eyes narrowed as he neared the main trade road and watched an unusually well guarded convoy of wagons pass that bore large sacks and jars of foodstuffs or amphora of wine. Most eyes however traced to the middle wagon which was swarmed with Xerin's mercenaries, anyone who would dare go near that wagon would be killed, and then again maybe they would be just for having the impertinence to cast eyes upon it.

"Fareed's donations to his most honored guests..."

Every amenity was being brought in to service the foreign visitors and that included one of the most important of all: servants. Not just any servants though but slaves who would flesh out the palace staff by offering other services to any who so desired them. Some would be dancers brought in from Piemro or Buhen, their only purpose being to dance and entertain. The truly unfortunate were on wagons such as this where they were prevented from walking in case they should accidentally have their delicate features marred. This wagon bore sex slaves so that the appetites of those visiting could be sated no matter the age they wished to indulge in.

Stopping with the rest to watch the wagon grind past the master thief noted most eyes were completely glued to the wagon either in sickness, sorrow or desire as the delicious fur covered cargo it contained. Hand picked by mercenary captains and brothel matrons who had been sent far and wide to hunt down the best of the best even at the point of a sword, snatched from their mothers arms or cut from if need be; the cargo was the finest crop one could offer. And afterwords? He knew the answer to that as well. Most would be resold at the market as used property while those who caught the eyes of various matrons or patriarchs would be damned to a life in a brothel till they dropped dead or were used up and discarded in the street. This wagon was probably the last load to be delivered as many had already passed in the weeks before, it was slow and laborious process to gather them all and Fareed probably wasted no time in having them trained even if the others had not yet arrived.

It was not his problem though, the guild had more than enough problems and stealing slaves was not only highly dangerous but in no way lucrative. He cared though, it was a miserable existence and their fates would be horrific in the weeks, months or years to come but it was beyond anyone's control. The guild did not make a habit of sticking their neck out unless they could get something in return and the most any of the mares, stallions or foal's on that wagon could offer would be their body.

They were not interested.

One looked after their own first, that was the prime rule of the guild and now that Fareed would be stepping up his measures to bring pain and agony to those who would interrupt his festivities and showboating, meant securing their own place in the darkest shadows and far from sight or mind.

Falling into the shuffling step of the masses again Hidaji slogged down the trade road and followed the herd through the first gate and into the next city district. His eyes traced over those around him carefully before settling on the distant gate that allowed the well to do and nobility to come and go from their secluded prison of safety from the general masses.

"Whom shall it be..."

A larger take was needed so that meant nipping the pouch of someone more well to do, this was beneath his station but practice prevented the senses and ones skills from being dulled from inactivity. Scanning his possible targets one at a time Hidaji took in their faces, forms, clothing, stance and every detail he could make out.

The average guard was a poor target not because they were a little challenging but because they never carried anything worthwhile. Shifting to the guard in charge as they got closer he took the older mare in from mane to hoof with her worn, stained and dirty garb. A warning sprung to mind though as he watched her keen eyes watching anyone who got close, her back was to the wall with a fellow guard to her side. It was a ruse, this one was an old hand at catching cut-purses as her own was invisible, no doubt tucked away somewhere hard to get. Giving up on the current selection he caught sight of a few mercenaries marching down the road before halting near the gatehouse, they too had various levels of garb based on rank but his eyes quickly fell on one who was pretending.

What gave the ranking officer away was having paid extra for protection of his cannons, chain and plate had been attached to protect himself along with extra extensions for the knees which set him apart from the rest. From head to foot they all looked the same but wealth and power came with privileges. Most mercenary officers stood out considerably from the average rank and file so he could only guess this group mandated one common set of armor for all to save money, practicality or both.

All were bad targets though as few had pouches in sight and all were staying close together in a tight formation. Passing them the thief's eyes finally settled on a target that was not only well dressed but had a servant with them, a prime candidate for robbing. Most likely a merchant or wealthy local out on business but all that mattered was where there were fancy clothes and personal servants coin soon followed. Shifting in behind them slowly till he could make out if they had anything worth stealing Hidaji studied them for a short time and distance. A coin purse was tightly tied off on the belt while the servant held something tightly to their chest as if their life depended on it.

Hidaji held back a smile knowing what it was: a lock-box. The key was probably hidden on the master but that was never an issue, a few seconds was all it would take to pop the lock and take the contents. Still, they were traveling without guard and that raised suspicion. Examining those around him carefully his eyes settled on a mare walking nearly in step with the stallion but dressed plainly, the personal guard was blending in a little too well for comfort though. Was it a trap? Why? Who? Or was the guard merely given greater leeway and knew how to handle the situation by staying back till needed?

Most would hug their employer tightly and scare others off but this one had taken a different approach by being close enough to snatch anyone who tried anything but far enough that a fool might try. Maybe they were trying to entice someone else today? It was not worth the risk to find out. Backing off a bit from the target Hidaji had worked his way down to pilfering one of the slave merchants when a military officer caught his eye. She was incredibly well dressed and traveling alone, no doubt on her way to the palace but having decided to take a long detour rather than the direct route.

"You will do."

Her ears were alert, form ready for a fight but there would be no assault, no assassin hidden in the crowd. Hidaji moved closer to her knowing that all her training would not save her from what was about to happen. Head to hoof the mare was well armed and ready to kill anyone who dared waylay her but the streets were a chaotic place and she was trained to fend off an assassin, not a cut-purse. Every once in a while the crowd would have to shuffle aside for a wagon and that meant the equines would pack in for a few moments. Reaching up he scratched his eyebrow before rubbing it and continued on his way.

Waiting for the correct moment he got close enough but stayed out of reach, head hung like the rest as they clopped along the road, as the crowd compacted the mare's ears turned and she became more alert. Moving away so that others could not get so close as to touch, not that they dared, Hidaji waited for her to relax as everyone moved away again. While the masses opened ranks again he slipped closer and as most eyes were now on the next wagon and waiting to be crushed in by the crowd he swiftly moved his hands and cut the coin purse away from the owner before making a quick movement of the hands before ducking into the nearest shop.

It did not take but a second for the officer to realize what had happened, but the master thief had the lead required to duck out of sight and after entering the shop just as quickly struck up a conversation with the owner.

Giving him a glance they waved their hands quickly and in alarm. "No work, no work, leave."

"Please, even one-"

Hidaji was cut off as an arm grabbed him and he was violently spun around to face the infuriated mare, but instead of panicking he put on his best fake look of surprise as she snarled down at him sword drawn and ready to skewer him on the spot.

"Where is it!?"

"Where is what?"

"My coin purse!"

"Not have a coin purse! Wish I did..."

"Liar!" Sword still drawn she violently patted him down and without any luck at finding the missing purse before putting the tip to his throat. "Where did you throw it!?"

"Not throw anything! Here for work!"

Watching from the side the shop owner had his hands up. "I tell you many time now, no work! Go away!"

Hidaji made a fake, forced smile of worry at the officer. "Maybe work for you?"

"I do not want a worker, I want my purse back!"

"Not have purse! See?" Hidaji patted himself down which made her even more furious.

"How long has this one been in here?"

Hands still up the shop owner shook their head. "Too long. Long before you get here. Make him go away please."

Listening to the mare curse to herself at having grabbed the wrong one Hidaji waited quietly as she sheathed her sword before grabbing him and escorting him out of the shop and giving him a hard shove into the street.

"On your way!"

Not saying a word the thief hurried on his way to another shop across the street where the owner made a gesture to the back. Passing by and into the back room Hidaji removed his outer clothes quickly leaving only his under clothes and shifted his hidden tools from the old set to the new. The mare had come dangerously close but he had guessed right: noble officers made horrible street officers. They were used to dealing with bureaucrats, armies and the more civilized aspects of life, not the dirt and filth that everyone else lived in. Still, it was incredibly unusual to see her in particular out and about, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. After all, it was her own fault for traveling without guards and leaving her purse where everyone could see it rather than tucked away as she normally did.

Washing his face, arms and cannons down rapidly before towling off Hidaji looked in the small cracked mirror at his new fur color now that the soot and mud had been removed. Combing his mane out a little before throwing on a better set of clothes that put him a few stations above the poverty he had been in the stallion left the rest behind and stepped out after tying a new turban on.

The shop owner watched him carefully with one eye on the street. "Done?"

"Yes and you will get your share."

"Just make certain your new lot dont get sticky fingers around my shop!"

"You pay us to make certain that does not happen. Good day."

Hidaji walked back into the street and continued on his way with a marked degree of mild amusement as guards tore the previous shop apart looking for the missing coin pouch. They were pulling everything out of the barrels and jars that might hide the missing object but it was nowhere to be found, he could only hope that the heavy object he liberated was worth it. Some of the merchants paid protection money to be left alone but it was a rare offer, the rarest ever given. Of the handful that operated with the guild only a tiny few had any blood relation with the guild but those that did were usually established by the guild as a front.

One of said shops was now under assault and the owner would have to be paid for having to put up with their end of the bargain: they act as a temporary safe house and excuse but in exchange they get a percentage. Pawnshops were excellent fences and while many things that were being sold there were stolen the guards wouldn't know the difference, they were too focused on finding a single coin purse while their superior glowered over them in rage while more guards began searching others in the street.

Pulling the flap of his turban over his muzzle Hidaji walked away and down a side street with ever more shops present. These were not the grandiose ones of the merchants quarter that dealt with imports and exports but the shops for day to day living for the locals. Little shops meant for fast meals, nick nacks, cups, bowls, worn clothes and other necessities of daily life. These streets were also full of those who had spent the morning begging outside of the wealthy areas and were now trying to buy old, stale bread or a mouthful of slop in order to keep going for just one more day.

They would all disappear within the hour though to go back to begging or find some shady hole to lay down in and either way for starvation, deprivation, plague, disease or one of the city guards or mercenaries to do them in. It was a fertile ground for information as these equines had nothing better to do with their life than spy on everyone around them and a piece of bread could buy the entire conversation between guard officers on a good day. On a bad day it could be purchased with a copper or two.

Fighting through them and into a small side shop for a breather he waited quietly before reaching up and thrumming on a beam with his thumb. Hand held slightly out a pouch was stuffed into it by an unseen individual and turning just as quickly the master thief was on his way again. Slipping the pouch inside his robe and into a much more secure inner pocket he made his way to a less than savory part of the cities underbelly.

Every whore was on display and trying to grab passerby, a number bore shackles but many did not which was a perfect contrast between those who sold their body and soul for coin versus those who still tried to hang onto some degree of dignity. The majority that he passed however were bound up in display widows or cages with eyes that were so dead they may as well have been solid white. None of it disturbed him, he like so many others in the area had grown up around them at some point and were perfectly used to things. Indeed a great number of those who inhabited the immediate area were bastards of this unique industry, the unwanted progeny of some passing stallion that was looking for a bit of quick pleasure that others were happy to provide be it willing or otherwise; so long as they could afford it that was.

Most of the unlucky bastard foals were dumped immediately onto the street from birth as caring for a foal took time away from whoring and as times got harder the number who tried to save the newborns grew fewer and fewer. Fortunately for him, his mentor was one of the few who took pity on these castaways and picked up just one, him. He had given him a name, home, training, food, clothing and a family when no one else would or could.

It had not always been this way however. Perhaps only thirty or forty years ago things had begun to take a turn for the worse but it was a gradual change, slow, painful, but ever present. When he had been picked up off the street these brothels were nearly non-existent within the city, they had existed for longer than anyone could remember but nothing like they did now. Everything had changed when the mercenaries arrived though, because with them came great appetites and vast sums of wealth that ground the long forgotten and rusty gears forward at a faster and faster rate of speed. As the number of mercenaries continued to exponentially increase so to did the brothels but the inevitable consequence was an endless tide of unwanted bastard foals.

At first it was more cost effective to just keep them rather than throw them onto the street so they could be raised and then finally sell them off to the slavers, but now the supply of slaves in general exceeded the demand. Now it was cost prohibitive to keep the bastards unless they were female and even then it was hit or miss for the unfortunate newborn. The gears must continue to grind and it is very hard to do so when part of your staff is dedicated to raising an ever growing herd of foals. Therefor the herd was culled with great care so that those with the most exotic features at birth would be kept, their mothers features weighed and then the axe would fall or be stayed.

A cold worming feeling ran down his spine as the guild master continued to walk and think over how things had changed in such a short time. To an outsider it appeared that things happened overnight and could be blamed entirely on Fareed but he knew that was far from the truth. There was no planning nor plotting here, just a by product of something else far more sinister that had come to inhabit Alzamard.

It was as if some dark mass had welled up beneath the city and then some three decades ago slithered from its hole stretching out tendrils from one side of the city to the other. He would swear on his life that this was true because just passing by these places and a few others always brought about a very unique feeling. One that was not felt because he knew what was happening but something more, primitive, feral. A feeling that came deep from within ones soul and it screamed if one approached where these invisible tendrils reached out from the depths of hell. No one could see them however, the tendrils were invisible but one could always feel them if the sense of danger was not ignored.

Remembering back he could recall trying to find the source once out of morbid curiosity but he had stopped almost immediately. A lesson had been learned in only a few hours of searching: one did not want to find the centers where this evil reached out. An act so simple as seeking them out had brought unseen eyes upon him in an instant and the feeling of utter terror had screamed throughout his body even though it had been an "ordinary" street.

He had decided to continue surviving and thus fled the area immediately, without ever giving a second thought as to going back. There were places, at least one, where this feeling was utterly devoid: the ancient temple on the other side of the river. For some reason there was a great void on that side, as if the tendrils would not or could not touch that one area and whenever he needed time to think quietly without feeling that other presence it was his favorite spot to hide. First because the soldiers and mercenaries seemed to be terrified of the temple but secondly because there was a peace about it, despite the temple being so utterly run down.

How much longer would it last? How long would it be until those tendrils merely reached out and snatched the city away? What would happen on that day? Hidaji did know one thing above all else and that was if it happened many would die and he would be amongst the first to flee while shuffling whatever survivors he had left in the guild out of the city with him.

Hidaji was snapped from his thoughts quickly as he passed a brothel mistress offering up a pregnant mare to those passing by but he felt nothing for her, she did not bear shackles like others and was free to sell herself. Who he did feel pity and remorse for was the unborn that would most likely die because of her and not from deprivation, but the death of their soul as it was ground to dust. Some would say she was doing what she had to do in order to survive but that was not true at all, most others in the city suffered the likes of which she could never imagine to live another day. Then again, maybe she did know and chose this alternative, sell ones soul and dignity for a mouth of gruel with the hopes of becoming matron if she spread her legs well enough.

What was ones soul worth? Ones pride, dignity and honor. Survival means nothing if all that is stripped away to be replaced by the illusion of "living" which was nothing more than a mask. Life had to be worth living, not something you merely survived. Try as he might though it was getting harder and harder to keep that up within the guild. There was a powerful camaraderie amongst the thieves who relied on each other not just for survival but also as a family and yet as time wore on so to were their temperaments.

Winding his way out of the street and past a small gaggle of armed malcontents but also certain no one was following him, Hidaji spent an hour making a large loop back to whence he had come. Buying a quick meal at a street stall he shuffled on and back through the gates to the section of the city that housed one of the many hidden thieves guild hideouts and offices. Each one self contained and largely unaware of the others in the event someone was captured and tortured for information. The guard might be able to round up the immediate group if they were exceptionally quick about it but even so their take would be nothing compared to the whole.

The thieves guild in Alzamard was a bustling organization that often worked with the smugglers at moving things of exceptional value but at the same time it was starving to death. Targets were becoming harder to find and better guarded making it hard for the initiates to get their hoof in the door without dying which was a very real danger.

"A fellow thief must never travel alone..."

Guild doctrine for safety during operations but today was prophetic, had the other thief not responded things might have been a great deal more difficult but there were always a few watching key areas. It was how they had survived through these trying times: organization, speed and coordination; impeccable timing also helped.

A cut of the take was to be passed along to them as well but nowadays it might mean being able to feed themselves for one more day. Long ago his mentor had told him how the guild was able to do well enough that some were able to live normal if not simple lives outside of the guild. As time wore on this changed till now their efforts were focused on making certain every mouth was fed at the end of the day. Sometimes they would pull off a heist that lined their pockets but in the long term it never worked out, they were thieves both in heart and mind but impoverished ones.

Hidaji walked to one of many worn out buildings and the lookout above gave a nod as he motioned to them, entering the structure he picked his way past the nearly homeless before stopping in a corner. The door slid open and after entering the furniture was moved around and mats pulled away allowing him to go down the hatch and into the tunnels below. Above everything was put back including the dust filling part of the tunnel with a choking haze.

Winding his way through the small tunnels hunched over Hidaji made a bend and was allowed through two small rooms where fellow thieves whispered back and forth. Sending too many thieves into an area was not only bad for the trade but also brought undue attention. Said attention would then draw guards in great numbers but nowadays it would bring swarms of well organized mercenaries who were getting better and better at what and whom to look for. Disguise was part of the trade but never before had they the need to employ it so heavily until Xerin had taken an interest in toying with them. Sliding into the small underground office Hidaji took stock of things before sitting across from a mare who was counting out coin and other baubles.


"Morning Master."

"You look particularly worn out."

"It was a very long night." Hidaji remained quiet waiting on her to continue as she yawned and rubbed her face. "Seven were captured and hauled away, all new and young. Bad luck, their mark was an easy one but some of the mercenaries happened by and the lookout panicked then ran away without warning them."

Hidaji narrowed his eyes at Nimja who leaned back into her impromptu cushion chair.


"She too was captured with the rest. All were tortured but not nearly as much as usual, Xerin had them hung from the South Gate as a warning but it is having the opposite effect with our younger ones. They want revenge or at least to pilfer the guards of their coin, a few want to raid their barracks but I put them off the idea."

"Very wise. We both know what is coming soon and if any of them dare to go near Fareed's palace let alone lay a serious hand on his own, the visiting dignitaries or well to do there will be no end to his wrath."

"True, Fareed permits us to live and steal because it provides him with an excuse to scare the nobility, but if he ever managed to unravel our secrets our lives would be snuffed out in an instant. We are fortunate that he sees us as so little a threat that we do not merit the time of day to even consider our existence, best we keep it that way."

"Indeed. Though I have the feeling that some are not content despite your warnings."

"Yes, Jaji and one or two others but they are being watched."

"If you have nothing else..."

"Our takings were decent enough the past few days... Everyone will be fed but things will be particularly tight during Fareed's dick waving contest."

"They always are when he hosts his little soiree but that is just the way it is. Best to encourage out cut-purses to pick up the pace for the next two or three weeks, Fareed had a load of slaves delivered today and from the looks of them he is putting the last touches in place. It will not take his trainers forever to "prepare" them for their new "lives" within the palace so we still have some time. However, after that he will begin cracking down hard and we will have to curtail our operations... You do not approve."

"Of course not, we are thieves and to allow that pompous ass to control us like this is demeaning. We are called the criminals but we have never murdered nor-"

"I know Nimja but we are what we are." Hidaji looked at the numbers on the abacus provided and grimaced. "This is not good when we are so close to events."

"Whore houses, drunks, slavers and merchants only carry so much lately. Well the first is decent but they are getting better at locking things up. A few even hired some off duty mercenaries to protect the money chests!" The mare laughed a little.

"And the smugglers..."

Nimja went from laughing to straight faced.

"They are more than eager to move any cargo we can procure that is of value to both sides involved but most of that precious cargo is locked up in mansions or... A palace."

"The one place we do not touch."

"Have they contacted us with any contracts to fulfill?"

"Only one but that is a rumor, you will have to see my counterpart that hides in the harbor."

"Indeed I shall. I dont suppose you know what the rumor is?"

"A possible one, that is all."

"Good, he is being tight lipped but not tight enough..."

"Would you like the bad news now?"

Hidaji almost slumped as Nimja put on a big smile. "May as well, it was such a nice day today after all."

"No rotting foals in the gutters?"

"That is not funny."

"You need a sense of humor for dealing with these things or they will drive you insane."


"Whore houses have been on our list for quite some time along with the slavers for being excellent marks but we are getting push-back." Nimja studied Hidaji's face and eyebrows making certain she had his attention. "As I said the red light district though small has begun to employ mercenaries but that is not all of it. Gangs have formed in these areas and while not terribly present just yet their numbers are growing and a few of us fear they intend to make a go at us."

"If they can find us but that is not what worries you."

"No master, what worries me is who controls them."

"I do not need to guess."

Nimja nodded.

"So far only one of the smaller mercenary bands seems to be in on it and are using those not fit for their ranks as street thugs, but should their numbers continue to grow it could give them an edge."

"You mean an excuse for Fareed to get more involved."

"I do not know nor want to know what goes on inside his twisted head but if he nor Xerin clamp down on them then either they are turning a blind eye or are involved somehow."

"Maybe a bit of both... We have known for some time Fareed controls the bandits across the kingdom and quite a few that operate beyond these borders." Hidaji closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I do not believe Fareed is behind this, he is not insane enough to bring that inside his cities walls. That would cause him no small amount of trouble and it could spiral out of control, we on the other hand are more..." He hated to say it. "Easily controlled and used to his advantage."

Nimja nodded but ground her teeth. "Yes but what should we do about it?"

"If we attack them it will start a gang war and we are not going to do that, we are thieves..." Hidaji smiled at Nimja. "So let us deal with them as thieves would."

"I am certain my subordinates can come up with no small list of things to put them out of business within the month."

"Ensure that it happens."

"The owners of the whore houses will swear they are giving their whores away for free or even paying others to take them before the end of the month and the thugs will be sleeping in the streets or in stables."

Hidaji took his coin purse out and up ended it on the table spilling its contents which brought a smile to both sides of the table, he waited on Nimja who gave him a blank stare before shaking her head.

"You do not need to cut purses master but it is good to see you have not lost your touch." She leaned over and counted out the gold and silver coins quickly before raising an eyebrow. "Who exactly did you steal this from?"

"One of Fareed's officers, some mare... Cant think of her name and dont care to know it."

"Anyone who serves him is a mark and you certainly did the guild justice but I wonder why she was carrying this much on her."

"She is a noble and does not know any better, to them a hundred gold is a trifle but to us its a fortune."

"If only the merchants and nobles would carry their coin like this and not in those damn lock-boxes they keep under guard."

"Some learn, others never do."

"I doubt this mare will make the same mistake twice."

"She was arrogant enough to walk alone through the streets with a bulging coin purse, she should have known better."

"Maybe, but then again I doubt she expected to have you target her."

"Stop trying to flatter me."

"Gods forbid I say anything other than the truth."

Hidaji sorted out a few coins from the rest and tapped the piles.

"This pile goes to our fence on the corner leading to the market... This one to the one paying protection money across the street from him and this one goes to the thief who assisted me."

"I am certain they will be overjoyed."

"Not when they find out how long we will not be allowed to steal for because of Fareed, this will be gone within moments once all the mouths that we have are fed." Sliding a portion into his hand and pocketing it he pushed to rest to Nimja. "For the guilds continued operation, we will need it."

Moving to the exit the master thief made his way out and down the tunnel and to the trapdoor, waiting to make certain no one was above who was not supposed to be he rapped quietly then waited. Those above hurried to move things so he could depart and after climbing out he was on his way once more with about half of the daily business taken care of. Dusting himself down quickly and asking one of the thieves to look him over to make certain all traces of the dirt and dust had been removed Hidaji was on his way.

Rounding the bend of the narrow street the thieves guild office was hidden along he froze and listened carefully to some young stallions and mares talking. Eyes narrowing angrily and brow furrowing in disappointment Hidaji rushed around the corner and grabbed two of them by the ears and yanked hard.

"You will remove any thoughts you have of this utterly stupid and foolish plan of yours at once! If you even dare to go near those places not only will Fareed come down on you assuming you live long enough to escape, but he will come after all of us until there is not one thief left breathing in the city!"

Struggling against his iron grip one of the young mares let out a yelp. "But we not steal from Fareed! Steal from visiting- OW!"

"That will be even worse than stealing from Fareed! You will bring him shame and for that he will not just kill us he will kill EVERYONE who ever had anything to DO with us! He might even just kill everyone within twelve apartments just to make certain he gets the point across and that is if they are lucky!"

"Fareed kill our friends, you want us just-"

Jaji let out a yelp as Hidaji nearly lifted the young zebra off the ground by his ear.

"You are not the only one who has lost friends to Fareed but we are thieves and that means being smart and wise, not foolish! Grit your teeth and bear it like the rest of us because if you try and get revenge on him we will all die because of you! Not just a few of us, all of us." Hidaji loosened his grip on their ears and took a slow breath before sighing. "There are those who have power over us that you can not imagine, who could see us all exterminated with but a word. We survive because we know who they are and avoid them. Sometimes we just have to bear it and move on, you dont have to agree with it but if you value the lives of the friends you have left do not go seeking revenge on Fareed no matter how small! Do you understand?"

The small gaggle of equines nodded but the one young zebra had eyes that said otherwise. He was burning with anger, rage and an un-quenched desire for revenge that was probably stoked after seeing his friends hung from the city walls. There was nothing Hidaji could do but warn them and hope Nimja's spies kept a close eye on them but all the same he would pass word back to her on keeping a very close eye on this young zebra in particular. Taking a quick look at his tribal mark the master thief gave the two he was holding a small shove and sent them away to cool their heads but a part of him deep inside knew this was not the end of it.

Somewhere in the recesses of his soul a part of him was screaming in warning that the young zebra was going to do something very brave but also very stupid. And for it, he along with others would pay the price. Hidaji prayed hard that would not be the case however.

"I should visit the temple while I am out that way, that one needs all the watchful care he can get and a prayer would not hurt."

Author's Notes:

Havent written anything this long in a while and now I remember why: its a pain in the ass to write and edit. I hope you enjoy this chapter showing a new character and life through his eyes along with experience and if you enjoy this story please consider donating on my patreon, a dollar goes a long way! You can find the link under my fimfiction journal posting.

My god did this one take a long time to finish. Enjoy! You have met Hidaji, master of the thieves guild.

Chapter 52: Lessons on Etiquette

"We could live like kings and queens on what Fareed spends on these banquets, that or at least feed nearly everyone in the city for a few weeks. No I wont shut up! *hurk*"
-Last words of palace servant after being caught by a guard-

"No! That is the incorrect etiquette required! Do it again!"

A slapping sound rang out as a stick smacked on the table making Tasid flinch and glaring up at the "tutor" he had been assigned by Fareed, the noble closed his eyes and then ground his teeth before trying again. Moving his arm with greater precision and dignity compared to what he was used to in Iuny the noble very carefully picked up the goblet and went through all the rehearsed motions one more time. Bringing it up to his nose slowly and gently breathing in the contents before taking a small sip but once more the stick smacked the table. Standing upright rapidly the stallion lurched at the tutor but was grabbed by a mercenary and pushed back down so hard his flank stung.

"We will keep doing this until you get it right boy. Fareed has left you in my capable care and before this week is out I swear you shall be the glowing example of etiquette and the civility of the nobility!"

"This is a waste of time."

The mercenary held back a small laugh, not that he agreed with him but because of what would most likely happen if Tasid displeased Fareed. His head was too thick at times and this was one of them.

"I see... Tell me Tasid, what will happen if you displease your master?"

"I am not a slave nor the property-"

"But you are, you belong to Fareed as do we all. However, I must say you did bring this upon yourself. You have forgotten all your manners and-"

"Yes, yes... Let us continue then."

Tasid went through the motions again only this time properly but there was no smile from the tutor, instead they just stared blankly before nodding and announcing they would move on to the next lesson. It had been years since he had to act so prim and proper for anyone but while part of him screamed out in anger another part knew it was wiser to listen and prepare. A mark had been left on Fareed years ago when he had acted like a pig when the sultan had visited and now Fareed was taking no chances in allowing Tasid to embarrass him in front of others.

Most of the days training had started after dinner the previous evening and rarely did Fareed allow others to dine with him save a few hand selected guests, advisors, officers and nobles. Having been invited last night he found himself being the only one in the room save the sultan and a few servants. More used to having his servants hand feed him or taking liberties while dining, and try as he might to suppress old habits they had unfortunately been born fully into the light. One quick grope of a servant had made Fareed narrow his eye's while his own had widened in sudden realization that the invitation to the sultans table had been a trap to see if he could truly control himself.

However, not a word was spoken by Fareed, not a peep, the sultan had simply watched quietly before staring at the servant, who promptly removed herself quite rapidly leaving the two alone together as the other servants departed. He was not certain which was worse, that Fareed was saying nothing nor changing his expression as he sipped at his wine, or that he was helpless as a fish held before the fishmonger. As the silence continued he had decided to err on the side of caution and remain a mute allowing his sultan to have the first word.

No words were ever spoken however, the sultan just watched quietly and after a few minutes put his goblet down before standing and then quietly leaving the room. How long had he sat there sweating? It was absolutely insulting on one hand but then again he had made a fool of himself despite the warnings. Waiting till the food had long gone cold and then for an eternity he had continued to wait as the thought of leaving the room and returning to his quarters crossed his mind. He did not however as Fareed had not given him permission to leave.

Everything had been long cleared away and he was about to fall asleep on the cushions before a servant came to get him on order of Fareed. They had a very simple message for him and after hearing it part of the weight alleviated itself but his mind screamed all the same.

"You were smart enough to remain until dismissed, your training will begin when your tutor arrives tomorrow morning."

Tasid ran that night over again in his head as the tutor moved on through the various proper methods of feeding oneself as if his audience was made up of a single idiot child who was incapable of taking care of themselves. It was pure humiliation and there was no doubt Fareed had been quite specific in what he was to be trained in no matter how embarrassing the lessons got. As he followed through with the instructions one after another his brain cried out for some kind of relief from this, but also begged that the tutor would not cover certain other things as that would be quite unbearable.

Or would it be unbearable? If Fareed ordered the tutor to teach him how to wipe his flank properly he most assuredly would and he would be forced to learn every detail. But would he? How far was this humiliation to continue? To what extent?

"You did... Well enough. You may take a break while the servants clear this away and your next lesson will begin."

"I may? A damn commoner is telling me what I can and cannot do!"

Removing himself from the room to wander the halls for an hour he felt like screaming his lungs out but held back. Everything would come to an end soon enough because the finishing touches were being made to preparations, this meant not long after the visiting dignitaries would arrive. Walking the halls his ears picked up on other tutors giving a different kind of lesson. Smiling to himself and hoping that at least watching might take the edge off Tasid followed the sounds of slapping, sobbing and long winded apologies to a door. Taking hold of the door handle another hand grabbed him by the wrist and squeezed hard enough to make him gasp in pain.

Towering over him the well built mercenary glared at him with a cold expression and continued to grasp Tasid's wrist so hard it screamed in pain. "Your master was quite specific on making certain you do not cause... Problems of a particular nature."

"Remove your hand! I am a noble not som-" Tasid gasped in pain and stopped talking as the grip tightened.

"He also said that if you protested to say: You only have two of them and one might go missing should you cause problems."

Ears splaying back Tasid loosened his grip on the handle a little as his tail tucked in and legs moved to protect himself a little as his pupils shrank. The mercenary had no expression on his face, it was a picture of professionalism and sincerity as he continued to look down on the terrified noble. Closing his eyes and gripping the handle more firmly he looked up at the mercenary and gave a short nod. Loosening his grip the stallion removed his hand alleviating the pressure and the pain began to recede from Tasid's wrist allowing the other to open the door and enter the room beyond.

A small smile sprung to his face upon entering the room as he looked at the bounty Fareed would be providing to his guests. Ever the most gracious of hosts Fareed spared to expense in keeping his visitors well entertained in every way possible, it was also no secret as to which visitors had certain appetites that they wished to sate. For some however it was a matter of at least making the offering out of good manners. Looking over the room his ears had not deceived him that this was the room the mares were being trained in, there was also no doubt as to what their jobs would be.

Things were moving swiftly on making certain they knew how to prostrate themselves properly, how to ask if someone wished to use them and on the list went. It would not take a great deal of time to train them either as the primary lesson had already sank deep into their hides on the first few days of their "visit."

One rule stood out above all else: If they dared to harm or displease their user they would in no way face execution. No, Fareed was not that kind but he on the other hand was. Drowning or executing servants who displeased him was normal but the sultan used other means because death was quick and easy, a forgiveness. Should they attempt to escape, fight or flee their user or any other host of crimes their hell would begin. Every manner of torture and nightmare would be brought forth and they would not be permitted to die until Fareed willed it.

The threat always worked to.

Tasid had only come here once before but had taken many lessons back with him after speaking with the trainers but also had the pleasure of seeing a group being trained. It warmed his body in many ways seeing the process take place one agonizing inch at a time while seeing the eyes of a slave who now knew this was just the beginning of their torment. Just as quickly what had been a rather resentful gaggle of slaves fighting back just as quickly fell in step and ceased to cause problems.

Only a week or two was all it took and they would be perfectly rehearsed in the basics of their roles and ready for advanced lessons without the worry of any trying to run away as Fareed also had a few other tricks. Walking in and sitting to watch and enjoy the view, especially when one was struck Tasid's mind floated back to another lesson learned here: threaten the family.

There was a clear preference towards taking slaves that had larger families as they could threaten the trainee with that little fact even if their family had long since fled or gone into hiding. The slave would never know how true or hollow the threat was but by dangling it over their heads it served to keep some in line not that all were perfect, some just had to be put down after all. Some would always resist so much that there was nothing that could be done and they would either be chained and used in other ways or serve as an example to the rest.

His eyes scanned the room and the gathered mares both filly and mare before a frown formed on his face. A simple side effect of the training was that their eyes became... Lifeless. The body moved as instructed but that part he took so much joy in making scream for mercy was now gone, granted he could make them scream anyway but it was not the same. Once the light had faded they could be beaten, tossed, kicked, cut or thrown off a wall and not a peep would leave their lips.

"Oh well... Which one shall I choose, if permitted... Damn him! Permitted, I am already acting like his pet!"

Tasid cursed quietly to himself as he watched taking in their bodies carefully and hoping that he would get to choose sooner than later but he also knew he had to pick wisely. Only so many would be available to him and if he broke them it would be his head or worse, he had to keep in mind the other guests would most certainly get first pick of the lot so that narrowed it down a little. His trained eyes looked them over guessing which ones would be the first to go and if he knew Fareed it would thus leave for him the chaff to pick from. Several stood out though including a few fillies that showed promise in lasting for the duration of events, a room full of treasures waiting to be utilized if only he could reach out and grasp one.

Continuing his examination his eyes fell on a zebra that was having trouble, no doubt due to deprivation but it was also clear why she had been picked. The mare was of good build and bust with wide hips but also showed signs of damage to her fur, not that a good dose of medicine could not fix the problem. She was indeed a fine take and any slaver worth their salt could see the immense value in her if they would just fatten her up a little.

Halting her motions the mare stumbled before collapsing onto her knees and hunching over vomited across the floor violently, the attempted "fattening up" not taking too well apparently he mused. This was a bad sign and could mean she was now worthless. What a pity, a true gem waiting to be sculpted but perhaps the slavers had been a little too rough or perhaps to late? One of the other mares beside her who was in slightly better shape continued to hesitate as the trainer ignored the fallen mare before attempting to speak to her. Despite her attempts there was no answer and stopping the routine to grab and shake her there was no response.

He had to commend the loyalty her friend exhibited as she spoke the slaves name over and again while shaking her because it meant a sound beating despite her poor condition, but the real question was would the trainers keep this one or throw them away? Not all were worth the effort of bringing back from the brink and as he watched one of the trainers aids give the mares friend a solid beating till they formed back up with the rest. Looking the collapsed mare over the trainers assistant looked across the room and shook their head and then called for the mare to be hauled away for disposal.

Ears perking up a bit at the prospect of a "free meal" Tasid stood and left the room to go around back and wait at the corpse wagon which would ferry her away to a dump site or any slaver willing to take on severely damaged cargo.


His mind rolled the slaves name around a bit and while it was not a very appealing name he did not care, a handout was a handout. Reaching the back entrance as the body was drug out and loaded onto a wagon Tasid called out to wait so he could check her at least once but much to his anger the ever present mercenary put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed so hard it made him grind his teeth in pain.

"Anything that would embarrass or disgrace his majesty..."

Trying to yank free did not work but the mercenary finally permitted him to be free of his grasp and stared at him calmly, daring him. Looking at the mare as she was unceremoniously dumped into the small wagon he watched her chest move up and down slightly. This slave was still alive and would be dumped at the slave market for anyone willing to take her for a small disposal fee but it also meant he was back to square one.

"It is time to return to your lessons."


Storming away Tasid thought back to the room and remembered the other one who was no gem in the rough but would also be overlooked by almost everyone. She was strong, well built and would last quite a while and of that he had no doubt. Letting out a content sigh Tasid smiled a little knowing that if he could not get one then the other would suffice and by the looks of her she would, but only after the trainers had fattened her up a little. That she would offer weeks of endless joy while the political prattling continued and this prospect alleviated the stress somewhat. However, the catch remained that no one got her before he did and there were ways of guaranteeing that without angering Fareed, however it was a dainty process.

Rounding the bend quickly while dreading his lessons Tasid slammed into a servant and collapsed backwards, no attempt was made by the mercenary to catch him as the zebra stallion stepped aside allowing him to fall unceremoniously to the floor. Bounding back to his hooves and letting out a snarl Tasid settled his eyes on the terrified perpetrator who was back on his hooves and letting forth a long string of apologies. A loud crack sounded as the servant was viciously slapped across the face forcing their head to twist violently to the side and with a swift kick the noble sent them sprawling on the walkway.

Breathing hard and seething Tasid stood over them a moment before delivering a sharp kick to their side but as he tried to deliver a second his world spun. Slammed into a wall with a blade against his throat Tasid panicked as he looked into the cool and calm face of the mercenary. Sweat began to pour as the blade remained firmly in place and his stony expression never wavered for an instant. Panic now at the highest he had ever felt in his life he opened his mouth to do something unthinkable: ask politely if the mercenary would remove his blade. Words never formed though not out of pride but fear as a handful of guards walked into view and halted along with two other familiar faces.

"You were to remain a speck, a fly on the wall. Silent and a bother to no one." The mercenary general shook his head as he looked at the fallen servant.

"Xerin... I meant no offense, the servant he-"

"You will speak when ordered to."

Fear fought with indignity as Fareed looked the servant over as they tried to ignore the pain in their side and head bowed low to the sultan.

Fareed made no attempt to aid the servant for beckon for others to help them but just stared at them calmly. "You damaged my servant."

"I-I-I ap-ap-polog-i-ize-"

A glare from Xerin made Tasid go silent but his stuttering turned into a tiny whimper. "Compensation to his majesty will be required. Yes?"

"Yes!" Xerin looked at Fareed blankly but the sultan was less than interested and had already waved the servant away while bringing his attention to the mercenary holding Tasid hostage.

Waving his hand idly Fareed blinked slowly. "That will do."

"Yes sire." The mercenary gave Tasid one last cold stare before slowly standing down.

A long held breath left Tasid's lungs when the blade had removed itself and returned to its sheath. Standing aside and firmly at attention the mercenary remained a blank slate as Tasid looked at those watching him.

Fareed looked up from the servant. "Are you enjoying my hospitality?"

"What?" Tasid could not believe this, if this was hospitality...

"You, guard... How many times has this one caused trouble today?"

Standing resolute the mercenary gave a quick nod. "Five."

"I did not!" Tasid kept his mouth shut tightly but glared at the mercenary, the only one with any trouble was the tutor but those were minor.

"Hm. Name them."

Listening to his short list of infractions be repeated to Fareed was all he could do but once it was over the sultan almost shook his head but stopped.

"Quite minor and I would expect nothing less from one such as this. However... It is clear you need more training on controlling your temper and urges, you will learn quickly or those warnings will be rehearsed in the flesh many times until you understand."

Tasid bowed his head lower and looked away. "Yes your majesty."

"Now... Are you enjoying my hospitality?"

He had forgotten that but the look on Fareed's face was quite serious. "You are most gracious your majesty. I want and need for nothing."


Fareed said nothing more as he walked away leaving him alone with Xerin who continued to look him over carefully.

"Yes... Xerin?"

"General, Xerin. I want to make a few things clearer since you seem to have a problem with following your orders."

"You can not-"

Tasid realized too late that his old habits and pride had spoken before his brain could control them and a sharp pain glanced through him as the back of Xerin's hand met with his face throwing him to the ground and head spinning.

"First. You will avoid every mare in the city be they alive, dead or nearly. Two. If anyone insults you or does you wrong be it assumed or otherwise you will grin and bear it. Should a slave slander you in your presence you may not act but tell your guard and they will handle the situation or pass it on for consideration. Three. During daylight hours you are restricted not only to palace grounds as agreed upon... But you will also go wherever your tutor tells you before returning directly to your room. You will have no contact with anyone unless ordered by Fareed, myself or your tutor. Fourth. Should you need anything ask whichever guard has been assigned to you. Do you understand?"

Crawling into a slumped sitting position with his back against a pillar Tasid nodded.

"Good. Have you a proper gift to present to your master?"


"What is it?"

Tasid hesitated causing Xerin to slowly form a fist making the stallion cringe and try to form himself to the pillar.

"A gold and ruby necklace bearing his mark made by the finest jewelers in Alzamard, several boxes of incense and-"


"Frankincense and myrrh."

"Mm... What else?"

"Perfumes and slaves."

"How many?"


"Never answer a question with a question."




"If that is all you are offering I will enjoy being the one who puts your worthless hide in the grave boy."

"They are of the finest quality! It all is!"

"Your other offerings had better be truly spectacular in quality and quantity or I will be visiting you on the first day."

"I would never dare to insult Fareed!"

"Yet you continue to do so."

"I have done no-"

Tasid let out a yelp as Xerin raised his fist and curled up into a ball and began shaking.

"Tasid. Boy. Allow me to illuminate you on your "position" here. You are a rat. Vermin. You continue to exist because you are useful despite how you try our patience with your foolish antics. You are the smallest of the small, worthless. A bug has more value because at least it has a greater purpose within nature. Try our patience again and you will learn just how worthless your life really is. Personally I would enjoy pulling you apart piece by piece to see what makes you tick but that will have to wait for another time."

"Understood... General."

Xerin looked him over carefully before shaking his head. "Stand up already, you are embarrassing yourself."

Standing upright but unable to meet Xerin's eyes Tasid's face was flushed with fur standing out and ears laid back burning in embarrassment while his tail twitched. The Arabian stallion looked him over one more time before walking slowly after Fareed who had long departed leaving him alone with his blank faced guard. A few servants could be seen trying to hide here and there but their snickering was what gave them away, he had not just been humiliated but also in front of the slaves and servants. Word would soon spread through the palace like wild fire about how he had been laid low like a common peasant. Hatred raged not for Xerin, but Fareed as he glared down at the stone walkway.

"If I kill Fareed they will come for me but not before the peasants lynch me, I will be dead long before Xerin ever gets the chance. The only reason they have not killed me is because they are more scared of Fareed than me. Me! Their rightful lord! Damn them all! There has to be a way! Damn-"

His vision spun for a moment before he landed on the cold stone floor with agonizing pain screaming through his body, gasping for air was nearly impossible as his lungs refused to function. Tasid's eyes bulged in their sockets while fighting desperately to not vomit and breathe as he stared up at Xerin who had a bemused look on his face.

"Does he read minds?"

"Stand him up. Again."

Hauled to his hooves violently and held between two guards his head lolled around as his tormentor shook his head and pulled a dagger from his belt. Stepping forward and moving it till the point was ready to pierce Tasid's robes between the legs Xerin began to make a forward thrust and lift before stopping and quickly pulling away. Looking down a moment he sheathed the dagger.

"Drop him."

There was a small thud as Tasid fell to the floor while the others looked down at him.

"I believe we have an understanding then. Yes?"

"Yes." Tasid nodded with whatever strength he had left and without a second look Xerin walked away leaving him alone once more.

He laid still for a while as his guard ignored him before trying to collect himself and after sitting upright his desire to torture a few of his slaves to death slowly over weeks quickly sprung to mind. That was impossible though and he would have to settle on the little zebra he had found today. Praying hard to any force that would listen he prayed and prayed they would make certain the one was saved just for him. Her life would become a hellish existence and it would last longer than she could imagine.

"There you are..." His tutor took a single look before turning and leaving. "Your lessons will resume once you have cleaned yourself up and changed. You have an hour but will stay late to get caught up on your lessons."

Watching the stallion leave Tasid tried to focus on the fun he would have once the festivities began but most of all when he got home. It would be easy to entice the mare to accept him exclusively thus allowing him to "lock her away" for the duration of events. Fareed had ways of making them compliant other than torture and the one that stood out the most was the offer of freedom.

Tokens would be given out to the visiting dignitaries and nobles for use with the slaves, if the slave was able to especially please their user they would be given a token. Once events had ended the one with the most was allowed to go free with the whole of twenty silver for being the best whore in the palace. Gender made no difference either nor age. This little act kept a few of them quite lively and eager to please while the rest either gave up or died inside but if it worked, it worked.

His own little bundle of joy would be given the same proposition but there was one more catch... Visitors could choose to take a particular slave with them if they so desired, a parting gift by Fareed but only one each just in case supplies ran out. If they did not, they could take more until they did save the "victor."

"I am going to make her life a living hell!"

Author's Notes:

Enjoy! I did, this was a fun one to write and whichever reader talked about structure for multiple characters talking at the same time, well this was my first real chance to try that out.

Chapter 53: Final Touches

"Is it irony that politicians and those who hold power only clean the streets when it might affect them? Or is it merely a reflection of how evil and complacent they are? That they care not until they have something to gain, but even then their methods are... Brutal, to say the least. The black uniforms and boots shall march forth to stamp out anything which might get in their way."

Xerin shook his his head slightly as he walked away from the curled and wet form of Tasid which was huddled into a protective ball shaking in total fear and panic. It had not surprised him one bit to hear such treason from the nobles lips, quite the opposite in fact; they were expected. Tasid was an ungrateful little worm that coveted higher positions of power than he would ever be capable of but that did not stop him from dreaming. Fortunately for his sake he was far too comfortable and lazy to actually try and seize anything more than a little land in the region he supposedly "controlled." Claiming power took great exertion and time, neither of which he was even remotely capable of committing to as he was devoid of such traits.

"Which is probably why he is still alive and not mounted on a pike."

How laughable it had been a few years ago when he made wild claims on the various tribes that were just outside of his jurisdiction but Tasid had made them anyway. Only one tribe had fallen into the snare either because their chief was either incompetent politically or a fool. It did not matter though, they had violated the law and as such had to be punished even though it was a minor infraction. Taxes had been raised across the sultanate and many simply could not keep up with the demand, a fact Fareed did not care about and in general took bodies as compensation if they fell far too short of expectations but this tribe... Oh how they had failed to meet expectations despite being on such fertile lands.

They had paid the price in full, Tasid was given more land to manage because despite his faults he was never late on paying what he owed. The welp did not need advisors to run his little fiefdom but there were limits and those had been hit years ago. It was aggravating to know he was allowed such freedoms but they were not so much freedoms as liberties which could and would be snatched away at any moment. So why did Fareed put up with him? True it was not really worth the effort to replace him but the lands would be better off in the hands of another and tax revenue would increase, this being despite having been forgotten and with near full isolation from the sultanate at large.

"Maybe Fareed keeps him around as a whipping stallion... He is rather amusing when he is not acting like a disgusting slob."

That had to be it, there was simply no other excuse for permitting that creature to exist and defile the air of the palace. It was utterly worthless otherwise and smiling a little to himself Xerin relished at having been given the perfect opportunity, along with all the justification needed to voice such an opinion to Tasid. With any luck the noble would remember the lesson well and keep his head down for the next couple of weeks until everything concluded and the guests left. If not, well... He did not doubt Fareed would allow for some private "tutoring" to get him sorted out and put back in place so long as there were no obvious nor permanent marks remaining afterwords. One did not want the visitors to see bruises, black eyes or wrappings on other visitors as it would be unseemly, what was the word Fareed had used? Uncivilized.

Which was exactly why he had been so careful, just enough force to get the job done but not enough to cause any lasting harm that could not be healed before the guests arrived. Tasid would be walking with a limp for a day or so but that was acceptable for the time being as there were no guests due as of yet.

Walking the hall quickly to get caught up with Fareed the tall Arabian stallion quickly found his employer and partner waiting on him with a blank face outside the doors to a more private section of the palace grounds. A door was quickly opened on command and the two walked into the spacious interior of the building that served as an outer cloister of sorts which led into the royal living room deeper inside along with a private office among other things. It was one of two and the oldest buildings and thus being the smallest overall, it was also quite spacious in its own right as it had many a number of rooms attached. All of which would be for the visiting dignitaries, thus keeping them separated from Fareed's private chambers which were not far away but more spacious and luxurious. Xerin wondered what the history behind the two buildings was but quickly ignored it.

Fareed looked around the room a moment before waving the guards and servants away, there was a rush as they quickly hid or went about taking up various positions to guard their charges from harm around the rooms and once satisfied with their isolation Fareed turned to Xerin.

"Your absence from our little walk?"

"Tasid was mumbling aloud again and made a few remarks which I could not allow to pass."

"Planning to overthrow me again is he?"

"I would take the threat seriously if he were not so lazy and complacent... Is that why you allow him his degree of freedom?"

"Becoming discontented with the situation are we?"

"Not at all my lord, I would simply prefer to kill him now and save all the effort that is being wasted on him."

"I see..." Fareed paused a moment thinking the prospect over a moment before giving a slight shrug. "Iuny is hardly worth the effort and restoration would be quite costly, with few rewards in the long run mind you due to a lack of field space. Should I place someone else in his stead they would beg me for resources to repair the damages that have been done over time due to his families neglect and what would I get out of it? More crops? From a river that produces but a fraction of what the Thriti provides?" Fareed paused a moment thinking over the prospect of killing Tasid again before shaking his head. "No, he is amusing at times and useful where he is. You did not cause any permanent damage..."

"The only damage that will remain is in his head where it belongs so that if Tasid dares to get out of line again he will remember the pain." Xerin let out an unamused sigh. "I hardly touched him and he fell over his own hooves and wet himself."

"He is indeed quite soft and yes I see the look in your eyes... But in his case that is a saving grace, had he any true constitution or endurance beyond the bedroom my dear Tasid would not be alive."

"Ahh... So he is your whipping stallion?"


"I guess we all need ways to amuse ourselves at times."

"It can get quite boring here as you can imagine and I have no interest in the kind of... "Activities," that he takes pleasure in or most others."

"Is that why it takes so long to produce a single heir to the throne?"

Fareed narrowed his eyes a little at Xerin who remained stone faced. "The assigned guard is keeping a close eye on him yes?"

"At all times my sultan, the guard is rotated regularly without his knowing to prevent exhaustion but also to make certain he is not looking for an opening to cause trouble."

"Tasid? He does not have it in him to willingly cause trouble, it is his stupidity and lusts which cause all of his woes and political problems. Speaking of his lusts, you have made certain Tasid is not permitted near, nor to touch, any of the supplies nor special servants which are being prepared yes? When we passed him he was outside of the training room and as a future note he is no longer permitted to be anywhere near them. Understood?"

"Crystal. I shall have another squad assigned to keep an eye on him just in case."

"Yes, yes..." A long winded sigh left Fareed as he closed his eyes and shook his head. "It used to be so much fun to read my spies reports of his fumbling and stupidity... His utter ineptness at politics and how he blundered from one catastrophe to the next but I must admit the idea of simply removing the fool has come to mind as of late. After a time the novelty of his continued existence wears off but it is such a bother to replace him."

"The officer I sent has dispatched several reports and has done quite well, it might be worth while to consider leaving a military governor in charge. Tasid could simply be... Removed. It would be as if he never existed and I imagine they would dance and sing praises to you in the streets."

"I do not doubt it but by leaving him there he also acts as a diversion by providing the locals someone else to focus on and despise. Without him present to cause years of trouble on end they would instead look at me and that would mean a constant occupation force in a remote region of my kingdom and I do not care to expend such resources. They are on the outer edge after all and quite isolated from anything of great importance. A governor would only mask the issue and provide less a focus for their contempt."

"A military governor would solve that quite easily all the same but as you wish. However, should you ever change your mind..."

"Yes, yes. You would be more than happy to "remove" him." Fareed let out a disgrutled hrumph. "So long as he knows his proper place and stays there is all that matters."

"I made certain of that."

"Antagonizing is not the same as teaching someone their place but I value your efforts with this troubling case."

"Still I must ask, having him present during the day to day activites might not be..."


"One hesitates to use that word my liege."

"He is a sick bastard but steps have been taken, you know this."

"True but he is prone to outbursts."

"Which is why he will be kept isolated most of the time and provided a room farther away from the guests that will help prevent any sounds from carrying over. I had a room specially muffled with heavier curtains just in case."

"I still do not see how this is worth the effort."

"Of course it is. On the eve of a gathering, to have one of my nobles not present after avoiding the gathering for so long and then to have them removed?"

"Ones dignity and face must always be kept up."

"You are learning. Good."

Fareed took one last look over the room before moving to another and clapped his hands loudly. A servant poked his head into the room quickly and after giving them instructions they quietly shouted at someone to bring what had been requested. Rushing into the room with an arm full of scrolls and papers the young stallion hurried to Fareed's side before lowering their head and then waiting as a the paper requested was fished for. Snatching it out quickly and offering it to the sultan the servant backed away with head still lowered and waiting, while Fareed stretched the document out and read over it before looking around to make certain everything was exactly as it was supposed to be.

"All the purchases are in place as instructed..." Fareed continued to read down the list of various items required to make the ambassadorial suite worthy of a visiting prince or princess. "Including the finest of rugs for every private room. Good. Next, services."

Rolling the paper up he passed it to the servant who presented another document hurriedly and after reading down it Xerin raised a finger pulling the sultans attention away.

"That reminds me... The document must be updated as we lost one before coming here."

"Ah, yes..." Fareed's eyes glazed over a little remembering the distasteful encounter with Tasid who was quite set on having at the corpse. "That... You! Quit hiding! Find out which piece of property was lost and have this document updated at once."

Almost running across the room a servant nearly fell over bowing low as they accepted the scroll before racing from the room as fast as their hooves allowed.

Xerin watched them flee for a moment before turning back to Fareed. "I know you purchased quite a number of extras this year for training but we have already lost a number of them."

"Wheat from the chaff Xerin, wheat from the chaff."

"It is not the appetites of the dignitaries that worries me..."

"He gets two and this is well known to him, break them before it is over and he will have to pay for them or worse."

"Perhaps it would be quicker to geld him?"

A small smile graced Fareed's face. "While an entertaining thought, no. But there will be no less than four special servants for each visiting ambassador along with a dozen in reserve for the more rare connoisseurs of nightly activity."

"Expecting any Tasids?"

Fareed hummed a moment before requesting another scroll and reading it for the millionth time shrugged. "There is always one or two but it is usually the ones sent from Samati that almost always have the most unique tastes and desires. Last year the ambassador had quite the taste for colts and she had a hard time keeping her hands off them, even kept one as her personal "wine bearer." Before her visit it was a stallion who could not get settled down at night without a handful of fillies and mares in bed with him. He was ever the gentle-stallion though, perfect manners practiced to perfection and a true testament to noble blood lines. Properly bred and with the finest etiquette I have ever seen, it was a great pleasure to have met him and I sincerely hope their queen sends him again as I have missed our discussions."

"So long as they do not cause you any issues they are perfectly safe and will remain unscathed. Heavens help anyone who dares to harm a hair on their head. You my dear sultan have not a single scruple in your bones... Which is why I like you."

The sultans eyes looked over the paper before settling on a particular name and humming aloud spoke it. "Princess Nawra of Labrad..."

Xerin heard the name before suddenly narrowing his eyes and catching Fareed's eyes quirked his head towards the paper bearing servant. Taking the silent hint the servant was sent away with the wave of a hand quickly so that only the two of them remained in the room.

"Just prior to our meeting with Tasid a sealed document came for you, I believe it has to do with a certain someone who was supposed to be dealt with."

Reaching under his uniform that hid the chainmail beneath Xerin removed a small folded and wax sealed document from a hidden pocket. Handing it to Fareed the sultan looked it over a moment checking the seal and its primitive stamp which to most would bring absolutely no attention unless one knew what to look for. The secret was in the small details that most could not interpret. Glancing up at Xerin briefly and satisfied with the trust and position that had been emplaced on the mercenary general, the sultan broke the seal and began reading.

"They failed and the one in question is still very much alive... Have gone into hiding in foreign city to avoid leading anyone back... A most satisfactory attempt was made according to their handler. Ah well."

"Will you have them disappeared?"

"Of course not! They are a valuable asset and have a long running history of being quite capable when called upon. One can not expect to have their plans go according to plan all of the time but I had hoped she would be removed."

"It is my understanding that her brother Jubril is less than satisfactory as a candidate for the throne and quite the militant, would it not be better to have Nawra remain?"

"Ah, I see... You misunderstand my intentions Xerin. You see Jubril I can deal with, he is far more simple minded and desires power which is something I understand quite well. His sister on the other hand is, what do they call them again... Yes, she is a dreamer, a twinkle hooved little do gooder who has high aspirations and a powerful sense of morality, ethics and justice. I myself have a strong sense of justice but her kind have the tendency to cause far more harm than her brother."

Xerin shook his head a moment while remaining blank faced.

"You are entirely military minded Xerin and this goes far beyond. This little princess would act like a great shining beacon, a candle that would attract a great number of moths to her and inspire a kind of loyalty that is quite dangerous to those of us who keep the status quo. A rocker of ships or from what I have been told of her, one who will flip the ship upside down. Power is a precious commodity and her aspirations will grant her great power unimagined but in so doing put her at odds with me and fighting one such as her is a long and hard battle, not just on the bloody fields of battle but on the streets as well politically. We once had a priest in the city much like her but thankfully he was too old to cause much harm but if this one gets into power... She is what... Around twenty or something if I recall... Well that would mean having to put up with her inspiring the peasants for another forty years at least unless an assassin cuts her reign short."

"But her brother outright seeks war."

"Exactly! He can be bought, traded and bargained with. Jubril has a price, Nawra does not. Or does she..."

"I still believe it would be better to have one who does not prepare for war sit on the throne, if it were not for her brother I could have sailed a small fleet down the river and delivered Labrad to you on a silver platter."

Fareed almost smiled at Xerin, despite being a mercenary he also had aspirations of his own and worked tirelessly to attain them. It also brought a bit of warmth to his heart that the mercenary also fully understood where he was a superior and inferior to others in power and ability, and thus kept himself well checked. A rare commodity indeed to know ones own limits and not aspire beyond them.

"There is no doubt in my mind that you would have done so, yet at the time had you done so certain others would have made things quite difficult in the long run."

*Phah!* "We would still have the city and one less enemy to contend with."

"Patience Xerin."

"Shall another be sent?"

"Hm? No. That would draw too much attention for the time being. No, we shall enjoy the festivities and then send the army west to conquer more land from that rabble in Salai and if we are fortunate the city itself as well."

"A rumor has reached my ears that a king... Subsi, Sweb... Sibusiso... Yes that is the name. A rumor has made it out that he is planning to raid far to the north and directly into your lands which would be quite the feat considering the distance."

"Mmm... His name rings a bell, quite the madstallion from what I have heard. Had many of his bastard children slain so his remaining son would have no opposition. Cant blame him but all the same it was quite foolish. How long would it take a force to march far enough north to be a threat to Mjesani?"

"If they had enough supplies and kept a steady pace... I have not truly studied a map that shows anything quite so far south as his lands but depending on where they muster before setting forth they might be able to make the distance in about a month depending on terrain and opposition. There are no proper roads leading from their land which will hamper their efforts more than anything and I doubt the leadership in Bwani will allow their passing to begin with."

"Quite the march for a raid..."

"A mad king indeed. By the time their forces arrived our own would be halfway to Mjesani and prepared to oppose them while their forces are exhausted from such a march."

"There is another rumor though that Bwani lost their most recent engagement with a neighboring kingdom and that might... Open the door? For them to advance faster."

"An army can only march so fast and for a certain period of time before tiring. Even raiders would have a hard time as their very nature would give them away the farther north they advanced, the fleeing peasantry would be a dead giveaway."

"I suppose that is true but what if they moved fast enough to overcome those fleeing?"

Xerin let off a hard laugh before becoming stone faced again.

"That would mean forgoing armor, most equipment, baggage train to carry the loot back with but in order to close the gap so rapidly as to arrive within a week or two... They would have to run the distance at full speed or nearest to it while only stopping for the night to rest. My own forces, which are well drilled and have outstanding endurance, would be incapable of keeping up such a pace for very long even without their kits. I do suppose they could live off the land for a time but that kind of speed is unheard of."

"I will have my spy master take a more serious interest in the far southern kingdoms now that they are getting delusional with what they think is possible... I want to know more about this Sibusiso and these magical flying forces of his that he seems to think will cross kingdoms in a fraction of the time it takes other forces."

"As would I. Still, the possibility of a threat exists."

"Yes it does and my plans to take Salai are unchanged. However, you will probe this matter and if there is any truth in that rumor, you will also keep a small force stationed at Mjesani to aid in their ability to resist local raiding parties or at worst a siege if this Sibusiso is particularly daring."

"Understood. I take it you will have General Adil lead the attack on Salai again?"

"That is his one job, to capture whatever I tell him to."

"He failed you last time."

"Unforeseen events and he has proven himself very capable in the past."

"As you wish."

Fareed paused before looking towards the door. "The time?"

A servant poked their head inside and gave a rough estimate of the time. Fareed nodded quietly and beckoned for Xerin to follow him as it was time to make their way to the throne room.

As they left the room Xerin glanced inside a few as they walked. "If I may ask, how many dignitaries are coming? Have any stated they are unable to send anyone?"

"Your plans for having them under guard will continue as planned, none have changed their mind including the ambassador from Salai."

"Take him prisoner?"

"Her. And no, that would be impolite."

"I see..." Xerin shook his head as they walked.

"Allowing the ambassador to come means they will not suspect the attack and if I did not invite them but all the others..."

"I understand."

"We can expect a few ahead of the others such as the one from Samati and Labrad. All the rooms are prepared and they will have barely gotten ready to leave yet so we can expect the first arrivals to make it within the next ten days. They shall stay the full length of time because it pleases me to have their company and after about month or so they shall be permitted to leave."

"And Nawra?"

"She shall be afforded every protection possible just as the rest will be guarded with the utmost care! But that does not mean I shall not have some fun with her."

"Why her?"

"My agent may have failed this time so why waste our pointless meeting? I had no intention of playing host to her to start with."

Fareed closed his eyes for just a moment as they left the building to begin winding their way through the palace grounds and back to the throne room. A small smile crept to his face and opening his eyes quickly he smiled more as the runner returned with the updated servant list and taking it from them immediately read over it carefully scanning for specific details.

"Perfect. These two shall do wonderfully."

"My sultan?"

"What better way to have fun with a "saint" than to tempt and toy with them? These two here... This colt and filly have been trained, have good marks so far and will be perfect. I will have their trainer burn it into their minds every day that failure to temp her and bed the princess will result in their death but if they speak of it they will be whipped to death."

"And I thought only Tasid could come up with something like that."

"If I can not kill her at this time perhaps I can crack that hide of hers and get her to think differently at least in one way. After that... The sky is the limit. Yes, these two, you! Tell the trainer to see me immediately!" Watching the servant take the paper and double check the slaves number they bolted off once more. "Then again it is always good to have a little blackmail up ones sleeve hmm? The noble and pious princess caught with a colts dick lodged in her royal ass while she fondles and fingers a filly. Well, one of the two would be just fine. Hmm... I think I will make certain she has one stallion and one mare as well who are instructed the same. Have the trainer teach them a little extra to probe for any... Oddities that she may have, such as her brother Tasid has."

Fareed continued to think it over and Xerin could see the gears grinding rapidly as he spoke quite matter of factly.

"Maybe I can have the stallion gelded so there is no risk on her part... Or no, have him offer himself up after having taken potions that prevent foals from being made but instead have it be a fertility potion... Yes, that would work too. High and mighty princess bearing the bastard foal of a slave whore. That would destroy her image. She would not fall for that though, no... Not one like her... Maybe train them to give hints that if they fail to truly pleasure their assigned guests they will be horribly punished for not doing their duty? Just enough incentive to bait her with pity. Drugging her wine so she loses her inhibitions also works but if detected by the poison taster that would end in disaster. No... A mind game. Yes, I shall toy with her mind every day of her visit until she cracks. Ah, I know. I will assign a sacrificial slave to her, tell them to spill something on her or make an inappropriate pass and that if they do their "freedom" from bondage is guaranteed. My word will hold when they are taken outside and beheaded in private with the princess watching, this of course freeing them or maybe have them turned into a eunuch... Yes the later will do more to damage her if she does not take the other bait provided. Maybe if I let it slip into her ears that if the other servants fail to appease her they will be switched out and disposed of... I wonder if she does indeed have a price, blackmail material is preferred but I will take whatever I can get."

"To think I would find someone more merciless than myself."

"Ah but we are a coin my friend. Without the other we are not whole, you who are a fighter but a horrible politician and myself who is perfect in the later but not the former."

"Thank you for the compliment my sultan."

As they walked Xerin remembered the first few years that he had worked for Fareed and the number of plans he had come up with to dethrone him. Back then he was not trusted with anything more than being given simple tasks despite having risen in favor, but he also knew it was because Fareed could see right through him. There was always a certain look in the sultans eyes whenever their gazes met, like he could see some of the same desires and aspirations for power. Fareed however was happy with what he had but not above taking more if he could but that meant having someone else who was well trusted and capable, seeing as Adil was just too jaded it precluded him while elevating himself. Adil was loyal, competent but increasingly jaded, the last being his greatest fault.

However, as time wore on Xerin had taken to liking Fareed and as the years continued to pass he began to actually enjoy the conversations they would have at times. Even listening to Fareed was greatly amusing and interesting to him and now his plans of having a coup had been scrapped, but for other reasons that were far more important. Fareed was the brother he never had and it was quite clear the sultan felt much the same way despite the fact he was not of royal birth and of a very minor noble family from Saddle Arabia. To be treated so well was not just an honor but one that was nearly unheard of. Fareed was right, they were two sides of the same coin, each one complimenting the other and with their combined abilities they had kept the country held together without fail but he also knew that the situation was quite grave.

None of that mattered though, it was the peasants lot to do and die when and where ordered to do so. He also liked the status quo right where it was as the massive slums provided some of the best mercenaries he could hope to find, true cut throats that if offered enough money would rape and then finally slit their own mothers throat without a second thought. It was not entirely true of all the slums but there were a few key areas they recruited from, there was a certain power centered there that seemed to draw in just the right kind. The same was true within the city but they were not very useful as they centered on the ever growing brothels and other useless areas. Only a few precious gems were out there and he made certain to harvest them regularly as they came of age which had meant his own special branch of mercenaries was now flooded with recruits.

It was crude and barbaric at times but the methods used to train the recruits was highly effective and when it came time for promotions they nearly killed each other to prove they were the ideal candidate for the job. Of course they had to prove their loyalty in some way that would cause anyone else hesitation and years ago there had been a lot of hesitation from them. Now that these areas just felt... Right to him, like a second home despite their hovels, death and nightmares. But since this change had become ever more present the recruits coming of age and especially those born there were utterly merciless and loyal when offered what they could only dream of: power, money, a home and as they soon learned, all the pussy they could get their hands on one way or another.

True peasants in every sense of the word. But loyal and dedicated. One recruit had stood out more than any other though, a young cross breed of Arabian and Zebra. Ideal because he was tall, strong and had a willpower that made others falter when facing him. A smile crossed his face as he remembered him, his first act had been to start a fight with the trainer who promptly broke his arm and a leg. The recruit was a wild animal, not an equine and that had been beaten out of him till he was now one of the finest officers he had. But the loyalty test had been like nothing else.

What had possessed him to give it? No one else had been asked anything so strange, outlandish or depraved but when taken aside the officer proctoring the test before granting him the rank and privileged of officer did not bat an eye when he asked the stallion to bring his own sister and mother to the barracks for use by the platoon. Never once did he bat an eye and before days end it was done. Why had he allowed it? He had standards and that went beyond anything he ever considered acceptable of his own forces but this time it had felt perfectly normal.

Fareed and Xerin halted as the later was yanked violently from his thoughts and reminiscing as a furious and cussing furry ball of rage hurried past them towards the throne room. The sultan glanced at Xerin who shrugged and following the young officer into the throne room where she joined her grandfather Fareed came to a halt just behind her as she continued to swear violently in a hushed tone. General Adil had seen them and tried to snap her out of it but the two had arrived before he got the chance and it was not until Fareed spoke that she stopped her incessant slur of insults.

"I do not consider it acceptable to use such language within the throne room but to have it come from one of my best officers tends to garner my attention. Explain yourself Ismat."

Ismat spun rapidly on her hooves and straightened up quickly wiping the angry look off her face before starting to mumble words, a glare from Fareed along with a hand on her back from Adil made her stop before taking a deep breath.

"A thief cut my coin purse and made off with it, I nearly had them but they employed some kind of trickery against me on the market street where the clothing-"

Fareed waved her off not wanting to hear it. "Did you not have guards?"

"No..." Ismat's ears threatened to flatten but she tried to remain tall and at attention as Fareed addressed her. "I prefer to travel alone."

"You would do well to take guards with you and I would expect my officers to be wise enough to do so."

Ismat's pupils shrank a little catching the hint of doubt in her that was apparent in Fareed's words. "I have no excuse my sultan but I believed the streets to be safer than that... It will not happen again."

"Is she trying to hide her guilt by blaming me for the streets not being safe?" Fareed looked her over carefully.

Xerin stood to one side looking her over. "What were you doing carrying a coin purse? I know you never carry one openly but hidden."



"The money was for buying a gift."

"Ah yes..." Fareed hummed aloud. "I do believe it is your birthday come the end of the month, correct General Adil?"

The old stallion nodded. "Yes my sultan."

"Very thoughtful of your grand-daughter to be seeking a proper gift of such proportion it draws the attention of thieves. I had thought they would avoid such a well known face as yours Ismat."

"You flatter me."

"Perhaps. I do not know who stole from you but they will be sought out and punished for stealing from a noble and one of my officers at that. Now then, about why I had you both summoned here today, which also has to do with you Ismat. The streets will need cleaning but first of all clearing of the riffraff before the ambassadors get here. General Adil, you are already well aware of what needs to be done and which routes they will be taking. General Xerin will provide the personal guards where they are needed but the army will provide the bulk of the forces for keeping the rabble away. That includes the thieves..."

General Adil bowed his head quickly."Understood sultan."

"Let us retire to the back room where we can go over the details better as I do not believe there are any pressing matters today that require attention?" Fareed looked at the gathering of advisors who all shook their heads in unison. "Good, let us go then."

Ismat watched the sultan and Xerin walk ahead of them while far enough that their distance would not be considered insulting. Only a certain few were permitted to walk so closely to Fareed and Adil while one of them could not with her at his side. This meant waiting on her grandfather to leave and then plodding along far behind him as manners dictated. Was he serious about finding the pickpocket? Most likely not but his words had rung with a dangerous degree of truth.

She also knew exactly what he meant by "clearing the streets" and it would be a complete bloodbath depending on who commanded if anyone failed to run or hobble fast enough to get away from the ranks of spears that would advance on them. This was merely a precursor to future events as once the initial sweeps were done the soldiers would be patrolling near constantly until they were marched away towards their campaign objective. Mercenaries would fill the gaps soon after but not before the dignitaries arrived first. The very first site the ambassadors saw would be the long and deep rows of well dressed and equipped soldiers lining the streets to guide them safely to the palace. This would continue until all had arrived and it would horribly disrupt daily life in the city, it had been suggested that this time they manage it a little better to avoid the merchant district from being entirely shut down for a full week as new routes and time tables were established.

Fareed had strangely enough agreed after having put up with years of complaints about profits lost and as Alzamard was now the trade hub for anything moving within the region it meant he lost profit. That was unless goods were moved by a river farther to the east or the extreme south and then by sea their ability to keep goods moving was vital. That did not stop Fareed from allowing the bandits to have their way however, but even then they would cease to exist for a month or two till all the ambassadors were sent safely home.

These gatherings disgusted her completely, a month of eating, drinking and pleasure while kissing Fareeds flank and then each others. Nobles would also be present in force which made it even worse as they jockeyed with ambassadors for trade concessions which was probably why Fareed allowed them to attend. Not that it was without perks of course. If she were chosen this year to attend it meant getting to partake at times as she too was of noble birth and by right could be invited to participate.

So far that honor had fallen on the head of the family, Adil. But, he had hinted that perhaps this year she would have the great honor of joining him as he had talked to Fareed about allowing her to stay for at least some of the festivities when her duties allowed. Part of her wanted to see with her own eyes what went on, but another part dreaded the prospect as if it were a seeping plague that swam in the air and that if it made contact with her fur, it would worm its way in making her more like the other nobles whom she was growing to despise.

Once she had asked what happened during these events and he had explained a great deal of it but had hesitated to explain other parts as she was "too young to understand" some things. But, after hearing the rumors that had filled the hallways over the years and then seeing the burdened wagons of slaves being brought in she had figured it out on her own. Part of her did indeed enjoy the prospect of the acrobats, dancers and other entertainment that was provided but the rest felt like someone had forced a large stone down her throat and into her stomach quite unwillingly.

"Let us begin." Fareed looked directly at Ismat who was still lost in her thoughts. "General Adil, I have decided that Ismat will be given the important duty of clearing the streets of rabble beforehand. She will be joined by an officer provided by General Xerin... What was his name? Ah, yes. Captain Mueadhab."

"Oh gods not him."

Author's Notes:

New character time but not just yet... Enjoy the story and for those new readers who want to donate a dollar to help keep things running on my end, visit my patreon! So what kind of Captain will this Mueadhab be... Keep reading to find out! Those who donate on patreon got a recent art dump of characters, hope you folks enjoy them so make certain to have a look. This one took a bleeding long time to do. Wanted to give a perspective from Xerin instead of Fareed while showing the day to day workings in the palace. Lots of house projects to go and do now.

Chapter 54: Marauder Politics

"The mark of a successful raider is their ability to out run their enemy and to seize what they want with minimal effort, maximum efficiency and then most importantly: get away alive."
-An Observation-

All counted the number of Tebasi and Sebanwi gathered numbered well in excess of over four thousand even when their ever watchful "caretakers" were not taken into account. A total lack of trust between tribes was ever present as their king Sibusiso had made certain that an equal number of loyalists were keeping a close eye over them. Neither tribe could pack their camp without being fallen upon within minutes by their observers and both tribes were well aware of this aggravating fact, a fact which was only compounded by other matters. Far and south their families were across a river and they to were under lock and key should they tried to "disappear" in a vain attempt at escape. Should either make a single false step not only would they die but their families would be slain as well and all in one short, swift act.

Plan after plan had been discussed and discarded over the many long years that they had come under the heel of their foreign king, but no matter how good the plan, there was always the issue of distance along with the nagging fact that they had made only enemies since their use as mercenaries. Only one had ever regarded them as more than mere mercenaries but Halim always left them with a sour note hanging in the air, that there was something better left undiscovered about him. He was far and superior to Sibusiso and his officers in every possible way but there was the ever present cold and calculated indifference towards others surrounding him.

Everyone had a use in his book even if it was to die like drowning rats in the Seban River, if one was deemed useless one never had to fear; he would make you useful one way or another.

Khada glanced at his daughter Nyah before looking to the other minor chiefs who were trailing behind him as they made their way towards their "requested" meeting location. He could see her jaw working back and forth as they walked meaning that once more she was grinding her teeth even if he could not hear it. Like father like daughter he knew she was plagued by the same problems that never stopped running through his mind and the more he thought about their predicament and when one included the current situation that was developing it made his gut clench. There was no shortage of experience amongst those gathered when it came to such matters but the most recent order had made even the most experienced choke.

Preparations had begun weeks ago for the loyal tribes, but there was a marked lack of interest in supplying the two disloyal tribes with even a reasonable amount of food for the journey. Everything was just enough to keep them from starving till they were told to leave but not enough to get them anywhere meaningful, perhaps it was to keep them from taking their chances and running away with whatever they had. Things were already looking dire for the warriors he had been ordered to take on the most recent campaign prince Halim had led, but today was even worse because Sibusiso had a son. A son who though being old enough to be considered a stallion was every bit as mad as the one who had sired him. He had been born in the "new capital" at Umfula Ugewebe when the king had moved them north to avoid the core of his political problems. Unfortunately for the northern tribes this meant the son knew them better than the father did and enjoyed his title to the fullest.

Both father and son were so hungry for power they were utterly insane with a lust for more and Khada could swear that when the prospect of gaining greater power and wealth was presented that the two might begin foaming at the mouth. No matter how petty, no matter how insane something might be they would both jump on a chance to gain more no matter the expense involved be it flesh or coin. Gold though was their deepest desire, such things had always been worthless to the tribes but with the coming of foreign traders so long ago that no one could remember the desire to collect gold and silver grew. Now however it was a frenzied, wild and ever grasping rush to seek out more of the shiny metal and no cost was to great to achieve it. Especially when the king and his son were involved.

His eyes twitched a little as he stared at the large and well protected hut that had been erected quickly in order to provide temporary housing for the prince. It was perhaps the most twisted joke he had ever seen or heard of. A father and king no less, who was called in their language a "blessing" but wrought nothing but destruction to everything he touched while his son was named similarly.

"Isisbusiso... Why do the spirits torment us so with these two?"

Khada grit his teeth at the name, the father a blessing and the son a little blessing. Neither were a blessing, they were a pox upon them. A disease, plague and every other malady wrapped neatly into two packages that had more air between their ears than common sense. But if one was to disobey them there would be no end to the hell and torment they would have to pay, a truth which was always held over them at every opportunity.

"Hold your tongue, grit teeth and do nothing yes?" Khada's eyes tried to pierce his daughters annoyed gaze as they walked but he could tell it was failing. "Speak only if spoken to but say nothing, Isisbuso is fool but not as bad as father."

"Yes fathah..."

Looking over his shoulder at his followers he cast a backwards glare at them but said nothing, he did not need to. Every chieftain that followed him nodded solemnly knowing what he meant and Khada was certain they would do as they were told even without having to say anything. However, it disturbed him greatly that his daughters short temper might get the best of her and if it did things could go sour very quickly and there was no remedy should it happen. Having a barbed tongue was unwise when in the presence of those they were about to embrace with a smile, no matter how much they wanted to cut it out of the ever smirking host.

Khada glared at Nyah. "This meeting important, maybe if lucky they change mind and we go home."

"Feh." Nyah spat on the side of the trail. "Mad one never change mind no matter how stupid."

"Then you pray it be so. Maybe we lucky and Isibuso do something foolish and raid no longer possible."

"Much doubt, he only make it worse."

"Make it worse, maybe make it better."

Nyah nearly halted on the hoof battered trail that led though the various camps. "Make better? Hah! Never so lucky! We damned by all and spirits to! By own hands too..."

Khada opened his mouth to say something but closed it and continued to walk in silence, she was correct. His father had been given every opportunity to resist or run long ago but they had bent their knee's to the king and remained, then as time had wore on it had quickly proven to be a near fatal mistake. Now it fell on his shoulders to carry the burden and for all the shame that came with obeying a mad stallion who had not a single honorable hair on his hide and it made him twitch at times. They would receive no aid, they had each dug their own graves by taking the easy way out and now the price had to be paid in blood.

Stress was no stranger to him and as Nyah's words hung in the air he nearly reached up to run his worn and scarred hand over his heavily grayed mane. Not long ago it had been jet black with white stripes like most zebra's but in only a few short years the stress and strain had nearly made him walk hunched over. What had once been black stripes were now gray and fading at an unnaturally rapid pace but as he looked at Nyah he was grateful it was he who had born the brunt and not her. She was still young and full of life, the stress of her position had yet to sink under Nyah's fur and then grind her to dust but he knew it was only a matter of time.

At some point he would be gone, Nyah would have the unfortunate honor of being thrust into his former position either because he had been killed or was too old to leave the hut. When that day came what would happen to her? Would she fill the hole he left behind and become a ghost of her former self or make do as he had?

Staring at the makeshift throne that had been set up for the prince and the exceedingly well dressed guards that waited outside Khada scanned for any sign of the prince. They had been ordered to arrive but the only ones visible were the elaborately dressed guards in their feathers, arm bands and other decorations which screamed to all of their elevated station. Standing quietly, waiting to see if they would be sent away or ordered to remain the small party stood their ground content to wait on the other party to make the first move.

Nyah stared at the guards a moment before a slight scowl formed on her face, "Isibuso called for us. He here or no?"

Khada nearly jerked his head towards her to growl but one of the guards looked down his muzzle at her a moment before completely ignoring Nyah. He did not enjoy being left waiting as it was quite rude to demand someone's presence and then ignore them when they arrived, but he also knew that it was probably because the prince could leave them waiting. After all, they were not only the expendable ones in recent affairs but they also had several black marks beside their names. Those loyal to the king would smile at dishonoring and treating them in such a manner because they deserved it, inferiors should be treated appropriately after all.

Isibuso eventually strode from the hut with two other chieftains who took one glance at those gathered before looking away, refusing to even acknowledge their presence let alone existence. The prince however did not and after sitting on the crude wooden throne with its elaborate decorative hides he quietly counted heads before settling his gaze on Nyah for a moment. Khada followed the gaze with his eyes before motioning for his subordinates to kneel before their rightful rulers son. Shaking his head a little the young prince turned his attention back to Khada and stared quietly in thought for a moment before addressing Khada.

"That one daughter yes?"

Khada nodded. "Yes, Nyah. She take my place as chief one day."

"Not unless given blessing by king."

Khada nodded quietly.

"You know why Sebanwi and Tebasi be sent?"


"Disloyal, impossible to trust you."

"Sebanwi always follow orders, have never refused."

"Only because if you betray you die quickly... But, maybe you prove selves yes?"

Khada tried not to change his expression as Isibuso spoke but a part of him screamed in warning, there was only one real reason to send them on this suicidal campaign so did the prince have other ideas? Taking a short, quick look at the prince he noticed the gaze had shifted once more to Nyah.

"This must be joke... She geld him immediately." Keeping his thoughts to himself Khada shifted his eyes from Nyah and back to the prince. "I not understand."

"Not expected to understand, only obey. It true you disloyal but it also true you always obey but only because you not able to... Run. Also true you keep word and more honorable than tribes to far south who bicker to much, disobey king and make much noise." He glared at Khada. "And maybe, rebel."

"I still not understand..." Khada began, "but I maybe have idea...Very dangerous idea."

The prince let out a small sigh of dejection at Khada's feign of ignorance before simply pointing at Nyah. "That one catch eye, good fighter, strong, bear many foal. Understand? No? Tribes must offer wives, you no different now. In past yes, different, but not now. Good practice learn from outsiders, many wives, many hostages means less fighting. That one make good, loyal wife."

"Maybe but... Unfortunate, she take my place as next chief. Can not marry prince because that leave tribe without chief." Khada was peddling fast as he made a quick glance at Nyah.

"Oh spirits no. No. Over dead body. Kill him first." Nyah's glare at Khada was all he needed to see in order to understand what Nyah was thinking.

Isibuso smirked a little before waving his hand a little. "That not matter. Sebanwi be given new chief. Would bring you much honor to have daughter taken as wife, maybe tribe not treated so... Poorly."

"Maybe it bring dishonor to you..." Khada spoke rapidly which was unusual for him. "Many tribe say we disloyal and traitor, you marry daughter and they not-"

"When I king they do as told, forget it maybe tribe. Damage take time to repair."

"That is not why you want daughter!" Khada could see the very beginnings of a dangerous gleam in the princes eyes but to say so aloud would mean death.

"If that one is offered then maybe... What is word fancy prince used... Tra-n-gre-ti-ons? Yes. Maybe they be forgotten and certain ones in tribe not have to... Go."

Khada understood now, he was not being offered terms for peace which were worse than their current situation but instead Isibuso had just offered them their lives. Not all of them, but a few. If he would only bend to the others will and kiss his hooves Nyah would be spared along with many others from being sent to their deaths but in so doing, any shred of pride, dignity and honor they had left would be carved out and offered up on a silver platter. To do so would mean never getting it back after such an act, it was a bridge that once crossed one could never go back.

More than anything Khada wanted her to live and even prayed that her rebellious attitude might at least keep her free of it all but to leave things as they were, the odds were quite good she would die along with most of them when things turned out for the worse. To accept the offer though would mean not only disgracing themselves but also forcing his daughter to somehow accept the prince as her husband which was an impossible prospect.

"Apologies prince but not possible... Tribe need leader it can trust and she trusted, to replace would cause chaos which bad for king and prince. Also good war leader, you wise and see this. Take away and tribe become useless to king. Honored that you see we not disloyal but must still... Not accept most splendid and gracious offer."

Nyah listened to her fathers carefully worded rejection while still having mixed feelings over the sudden proposal. Her first thoughts had been to stand up and call down the prince but keeping her anger in check she had instead glared hot death at her father when he risked a small glance at her enraged visage. Another part had actually screamed to accept the offer but keep it held off till power changed hands, then stab the new king to death on their wedding night and send the kingdom into total chaos. Both would be fatal to her person but the later was a promising prospect for allowing the tribe to escape in the chaos that ensued from a civil war as the various higher chieftains fought over control. That or if they were lucky bring the Tebasi in on it and seize their own little nook and call it a kingdom.

Problem was that Halim had been married into the royal family via one of Sibusiso's daughters and that meant he would step forward immediately and make a grab for power, a prospect which made her blood run cold. Dealing with each other was one thing but having to resist an organized and dedicated assault from the foreign prince was something else entirely, a fact learned from the past two campaigns that she served under him from a distance.

"Better to go north to suicide than accept either. Calm, calm, hide expression..."

Isibuso's cold gaze caught her annoyed look as she accidentally let some of her silent thoughts slip out through her bodily expressions and after twitching at the corner of his mouth the prince's gaze hardened quickly.

"You refuse offer?" The prince stared down at them, "so be it, tribe will go north with others to raid far north and bring much wealth back for king... Or die trying."

Khada spoke up quickly, "but need supplies and plan-"

"You do as told. King decide I go to, make certain you not try anything. If tribe tries anything you all die, families all die! Understand?"

"Yes prince, but we-"

Isibuso ignored Khada. "King of Ilah refuse wagons to us... Aggravating! Say they needed elsewhere. Not matter, go anyway but need more slave to carry. We avoid fortified places and take all that can be carried. Stop only when we reach far north as king demand then turn south again and return. Understand?"

"Yes..." Khada was struck by how simple the prince's plan was both by its lack of details but also how crazed it was. "But still need food and-"

"You be given what needed when needed."

"We leave when?"

"When I say we leave."

"Yes but... Time to prepare."

"You have time but not that much time."

"Maybe prince say how many months..."

"Not months, you not need to know."

Nyah listened to the conversation drag on as her father tried to get at least some idea of how long they had along with any other information that might be useful but his words fell on deaf ears. The prince was content to sit on his throne dressed up like a mighty chieftain, but unwilling to share a single detail of when things would take place, let alone what would happen short of "go north." So far the highest degree of forethought given to the entire endeavor since Halim's father had refused to provide them logistical support was to merely take more prisoners and have them somehow carry everything.

Did he understand at all that herding an ever increasing number of slaves would mean more of them making a run for it? That it would grow increasingly impossible for them to manage the numbers until finally they spent every waking and sleeping hour watching them? Not only that but to go that far north meant so rapidly would mean forcing the slaves to run and they would never be able to keep up. So what then? For some reason her father withheld such questions and as she thought about it, so would she if in the same position.

Listening to her father ask about the two tribes being sent off in different directions and dividing their forces the only answer was that the king ordered it. What about the "accompanying" tribes that were going to follow them? Would they help? "Do not question" was the answer but there was a small consolation prize for having asked: they would not be simply sitting around. She did not doubt that for one second as she watched them drone on and on. They would be there at their backs with iklwa ready to stab them from behind should they make even the slightest mistake or if it appeared that they were not going to obey.

When the prince finally did cough up at least something useful to her father it made the ears perk up slightly because it made absolutely no sense what so ever if they were planning on stealing anything. Holding her tongue despite the utter absurdity of what was being said Nyah waited quietly wondering how long it would last and after swearing that her ears could take no more she could no longer hold it in.

"Why we here then?"

The two bickering stallions stopped, the one on his throne scowled at her while Khada had a look of both disappointment and worry on his face but she ignored him by choosing to stare down the prince. This whole debacle was a death sentence anyway so why should she care, Isisbuso was a complete lunatic as was his father.

Isisbuso snapped at her. "You here because I say so, you here because I make you offer which you foolishly refuse."

Nyah held back a sneer. "Bastard."

"Go, presence not wanted here. When it time to go you go." Khada lowered himself in a deeper bow to the prince but as he did so the prince shook his head. "Lower, you not worthy of presence."

Lowering themselves further they were urged lower and lower till all were laying flat on their bellies and Nyah's eye twitched furiously as the rough, rocky ground dug into her chest. Keeping her head and eyes away from the prince less she snarl at him all that could be done was to wait till they were sent away. Waiting for a while as hot stones and baked earth burned away at them Nyah was ready to stand and leave consequences be damned when Isibuso called from them to rise and return to their camps. A runner would be sent when the time had come for them to leave but until then they were not welcome in his camp, this delighted her but from the look on Khada's face as they walked away he was less than pleased.

Well out of earshot from any who might turn them in Nyah looked at her father while carefully weighing her words. "There is alternative... If prince accompany during raid, battles happen and that mean no promise live or die."

"Silence!" Khada glared at her. "Maybe we get lucky though."

"This end in disaster if not. They get many, many killed on purpose."

"I think that Sibusiso's plan from start hm?"

"Bad plan mean opportunity to yes?"

"No more talk of that."

"Not what I mean, we dead one way or other so maybe use it to find other way?"

"That still leave tribe trapped."

"No, no." Nyah shook her head. "Many will die if things go bad... Most certain now. Isibuso maybe not notice some go missing after battles, doubt he allow dead be burried."

"Maybe work... But that help no one, all kill you on sight."

"It idea, not say it good one but better than nothing."

Khada shrugged as they continued to walk into their camp where a long chain of haulers were bringing in large pots full of grain and filling the center of camp with them. Looking them over a moment they realized the sheer number of pots and sacks being left behind meant these were not for their weekly use but more long term. Nyah removed a lid and put her hand inside pulling up a handful of grain before allowing it to slowly fall back inside.

"Not ground." Nyah checked a few more with the same result. "This must be supply for raid to north but..."

Khada looked over the jars already deposited before looking back down the long line of haulers carrying more in. He could not count very high and neither could Nyah but as they both watched a crude estimate of how many could be fed was quickly forming. If this was the entirety of their supplies until they were dispatched to the north then something was not adding up and pulling the others aside and to a secluded spot he though to himself as Nyah grew impatient.

Nyah thumped her hoof on the hard, baked earth glaring and losing patience. "Fathah, this enough for time in camp but it not feed all of Sebanwi for long run to north. Maybe feed for... Half way if lucky, but not enough to get back yes?"

Khada gave her a grim smile, "they not plan that many survive so long. Dead no eat yes? This enough to feed maybe..." He moved his arm around the camp sectioning off a smaller portion of the camp. "That many. Sibusiso think more than half die so not send supply. I think that why prince make offer, he already know."

"So that why he make offer." She shook her head. "No, body and soul not for sale."

"We still go so bodies are for sale. Different price then hm?"

Nyah almost snarled at her father who smiled quietly to himself, her expression changed quickly as she continued to look the supplies over and then the camp. "If they want near all to die then how we survive..."

"Need better plan than one given but not easy, they watch all way there."

"We move slower? No... Move slower enemy catch us and more die, he not allow us to go back until we reach far north which take much, much time. Long march."

"If we run get there very fast and turn back sooner..." Khada closed his eyes and remembered the original map he had seen that their crude one had been copied from. "Mean more fighting if we slow but go very fast and maybe we outrun everyone."

"Fool coming with us, he try to keep up or tell us to slow."

Khada smiled suddenly. "Yes, that good. When he tell us to "go" we go. Never say we have to go slow so he can follow easy, we go faster he have hard time keeping up. They keep up to but Sebanwi gain maybe half day ahead then that give time. More time to scout and avoid battle, go around enemy, pick and choose fights." He shrugged. "At least till they catch up again."

"Maybe have better idea. Kingdom we raid yes? They not just let us raid, send army to kill us quickly. If we fast enough and far ahead of other maybe we make big circle around Isibuso's force and enemy, leave them to fight each other and run away. No one left alive to... "Watch us" and force us to obey. Great freedom to move then."

"He be special fool if allow that, very hard to do if they close or worse if prince catch up to us. Need to make big show that we obeying and not do that if we only run. Must stop and raid, leave nothing behind. Convince him we obey first but that take time and they catch up again."

"How we make time? Ah! Give all prisoners to him and make them guard, also carry what we take and it slow them down badly. They no longer keep up and become easy prey to enemy army!"

"Prince might turn back sooner and leave us to die, try and escape making enemy choose between us and following him back. If we ahead of him they probably chase us and he get away, many, many die then."

"More live if work."

"Much if and little will. He not full stupid, he sense something wrong we pay high price."

"Still chance "accident" happen and he not survive at all, solve many problems for all." Nyah rocked her head back a little and smiled. "What happen if he so occupied with many, many problems that he unable to keep track and we pretend?"

"Pretend?" Khada raised an eyebrow. "Only way to make that many problems is split forces again and again over large area and make him do same to keep track. Very dangerous, much risk. Doing so maybe fool him, he not watch each group that fan out over large area to raid and divide forces again and again to keep track."

"Also have scouts in case enemy come quickly, we run away very fast."

"Yes but he always watch most important ones of all, never take eyes off them hm?"


Khada nodded and beckoned to the other minor chieftains, "yes but not them. In his eye they not so important as us who lead them. He want to keep eye on us so they more free to act and deceive him. Do as you suggest and make his force carry all the loot make it even easier but he still not take eyes off us but maybe... If he think some run away and not come back then more sent to watch them and make it even harder to keep eye on all at same time."

"But many family trapped and prisoner. He not believe that no?" Nyah's ears perked up as her head leaned sideways in curiosity.

"He is fool, not convince him all but if he think one or two run and abandon maybe believe it. Spend much more time and forces to find out who and watch while others free to lie. That still leave problem of loot..."

"Have idea of when we go, fool sending us before harvest."

Everyone looked back at the pile of supplies that had been left and after staring for a few minutes they realized Nyah was right. Sibusiso had chosen the wrong season to go on a raid, there would be no ripe crops to steal and as such few would be on the roads to rob. Most would still be tallying up their yearly tithe ahead of harvest or still in the fortified cities and towns. However, their targets would be more rural and agrarian in nature, not industrial. Smiles spred across their faces as this reality sank in, the locals would be less likely to put up a fight since there would be no burgeoning granaries to defend nor ripened and dry crops that could be burned. Most likely they would run for the hills or scatter making their advance easier for a time, at least until the local authorities got word of what was happening that is; thus granting them greater speed.

Food would be a major issue as the locals would probably attempt to pack off what little they had left and if they kept lookouts it was quite likely they would succeed, because while each of them knew the Sebanwi were fast, everyone also knew they still had limits if the enemy had enough forwarning. Some crops would be ripe enough to eat even if they were too small or tasted poor, however the question was would it be enough to keep them going from one village to the next. Scattered out over a larger area this meant maximum forage from not just raiding but also wild plantlife and thus a greater chance to distrupt the plans of their mad rulers.

"This running game." Khada let out a small sigh. "We run fast enough they not able to prove we lie about no loot because wrong time of season. Enemy not care to much because wrong season and Isibuso no farmer. Know nothing from what I hear. If he stop to burn things it only draw enemy to him not us and we get away faster. By time we come back with little to nothing he already running away or dead if lucky yes?"

One of the chieftains let out a small huff to get attention. "What if they move very fast? React very quick?"

Nyah smiled. "Good, then we run circle and leave Isibuso to deal with them. By then he stuck with too many prisoner to handle and it cause big, big chaos. We only need outrun Isibuso, not others."

Another chief was quick to interject. "He not fall for it?"

Khada let out a hum, "he probably try to travel close or with us... So long as focus on order he not know different till to late. Probably mean he live but he lose his force, not ours. Lose long before he realize it and we make run for it because now we responsible for him. Work either way, he live or die. Not matter in end if we live."

"Maybe it not to late for Nyah to go back and-" The chieftain began to speak but was cut off as she gave him a harsh kick to the stomach.

"That for suggest I disgrace name." Another blow landed on their prone form. "That for daring to say I sell soul and body to that thing."

"Enough!" Khada yanked her away violently. "Not survive this if we kill selves before go! Agree with daughter though, what he offer not honest but betrayal. He only offer "some" not go, still plan to kill most anyway. Better we all go doomed than fewer and damned."

"This not good plan, too much go wrong and no set path." The chieftain struggled back to his hooves. "Need solid plan."

"Not possible, to great a distance and take to long, much happen along way that change plan." Khada looked him up and down quickly. "Better to be like water and move as things change. Not survive by being rigid like Halim. If we outrun them better, scatter and fool, good. Scatter and leave them to die when enemy come after us, best."

Nyah smirked "Lucky Halim's father not allow wagons yes? That only slow us more, this way he have to carry it all and run to keep up. We only need to run very fast and far now."

All of the Sebanwi gathered looked at each other a moment in silence before nodding, at least they could count on their speed but each had a nagging question: could they keep up the rapid pace the plan required.

Author's Notes:

Enjoy! Because I enjoy writing for Nyah and her father, Khada.

Chapter 55: Two Weeks

"You have two weeks to cram into their heads just about everything I taught you, we will of course be keeping some secrets but I would prefer it that they learn something other than their standard diet of tribal warfare."

Verik untangled himself from Asha slowly before donning his robes in preparation for the day, she would be awake shortly and make breakfast but he had several details to work out with various equines. Sefu and Jelani would be up at this hour, of that there was no doubt and it was with they who he had business to attend. A deal had been quietly struck with Sefu on keeping himself out of trouble for the next two days and two weeks starting now. While the giant zebra had not stated an exact date for his sudden abdication from the training program he knew that it was to start post haste which meant dropping everything to avoid an incident. Sefu had thankfully given him a small degree of leeway in dealing with the rest of his warband during this absence as he had made no stipulations, but it was a fine line to walk in keeping his trust.

However, in order for things to work out and keep the other three active it meant telling them his plan for those two weeks. They would be on their own and training the locals in a different form of warfare that they were not only leery of, but increasingly hostile as they had always been on the receiving end. Verik knew they would pull it off though, somehow. In order to get anyone to agree to this plan of his meant convincing Sefu and to a lesser degree Jelani of it since she already knew, and then the other three who would have to accept their charge. All three had already done so by not refusing when they last spoke but today they would learn all of it and that might cause some trouble.

Sefu trained them hard and long but they were always left with some time to themselves and the four had decided to break from their losing streak by putting it to good use. Every single dirty trick in the books Verik had read were brought up along with anything the others knew. Tactics, strategy and formations were brought up but the later proved fruitless as they lacked the numbers, not that it stopped them from trying to figure it out anyway. If there was nothing else to be claimed from these en devours it was that they had increased their coordination exponentially by comparison to the usual tactics the Wete used, which basically revolved around hunkering down and stabbing outwards at anything that got close or single combat in what he remembered as a sort of Greek dueling only highly ritualized with a great number of rules and regulations. Even their current idea of formation fighting was ritualized so badly it stung.

How could Sefu not know of these tactics and strategies though? Was it because he had never been exposed so far from the woes that befell the rest of the lands around them? Or was it because he held back? Which was it? Raswan was correct in saying that his fellow tribal members were dubious towards the new tactics so perhaps that was why Sefu had not taught them everything he should know after having traveled, or was his "travel" limited? What was the truth? He had no idea. Sefu would not hold back if it meant survival but when politics got involved things in Wete quickly went awry. Maybe that is why Sefu did not put the idea on the table, he perhaps knew they needed a change of tactics to survive and now an outside source, though inexperienced and struggling was willing to teach them after having soundly thrashed them in one mock battle after another. So if they failed who cared, they were outsiders and it was no loss. But then again if they succeeded...

Verik quit thinking about it and forced the thoughts away as he finished dressing.

"Hm? Where you go?" Asha's speech was slurred and tired as she leaned up to stare at him with drooping, half asleep eyelids.

"I am no longer part of training but I made a deal with Sefu to have my... Warband, train those willing to learn the tactics I have been using against them." Asha stared a moment, nodded and dropped back onto the mat to sleep a little while longer and smiling at her sprawled out form he left the hut while keeping his final thoughts quiet.

"And Sefu is going to go completely paranoid when he hears my request..."

Strolling through the village as the sun had yet to pop back into existence Verik looked up at the moon, telling time during the night was rather odd on this planet. Daylight hours were easy as the sun moved at a very set pace but what had caught his eye the most was when Jelani had mentioned keeping track of time with the moon of all things. Not only did the sun wander the sky save its sudden explosion into existence come morning at what he guessed was around 6:30 AM sharp but it also "warped away" in the evening only to be replaced with a roaming moon. As the sun moved so did the moon and one could set a clock by its movements. The only interval was the stroke of dawn or dusk when the two traded places in the blink of an eye. Watching the moon he knew its time was nearly up and soon the sun would bolt upright in its heavenly ascension, it also meant the others were awake. Sefu's hut was the easiest to reach and as he neared the zebra stepped out and was mid-step in heading to somewhere when their eyes met.

Verik waved slightly at Sefu. "I was planning to gather my little band along with Jelani and yourself before explaining my plan to everyone."

"I get Jelani, meet at training ground."

Nothing more was said nor did it need saying, he had a hard time recalling when they actually had a conversation that was neither short and to the point or had any meaning beyond "do this" or "do that." Had they ever spoken? Why did he suddenly care, everyone had their own little duties to take care of and Sefu had his own which were many and varied.

"Well... We shall have two weeks of putting up with each other or discovering the meaning of life without any hope of escape."

Jelani was easy enough to find on the road and after a brief hello she agreed to meet him at the training ground to hear all about his wondrous plan to train the locals in the "art of modern warfare." He called it that while still knowing that it was actually about as far from what he called modern. Still, comparing what they knew to the myriad of books he had studied from childhood meant they had all had a great deal more to learn including himself, there was a vast gap between theory and practice. Thinking it over he mused to himself if it was better they learn now rather than have themselves a micro scale Isandlwana on their hands should someone else come along with better tactics and coordination. Without a doubt those who were trained were indeed well trained but Wete tactics and strategy revolved more around bolting for the hills at the mere mention of danger or ambush tactics to remove small, hostile bands of roaming bandits. Taking on even a small, coordinated hostile force was unconscionable to them less it be a rival tribe but nothing more would be considered acceptable.

Change was good though, especially when it meant his new "home" would have better odds of surviving whatever hell was coming down the pipes. Something was off, a few seemed to know it and something down in his gut had begun to twist the last few days. Nothing like this had ever happened in all of his life save when certain vehicles passed by staffed by government employees looking to revenue. This was not quite the same though, it was a bad feeling but more exact, precise. Something was coming and not just merely passing by.

"I wonder if I should ask Nuru... Probably not, wind up having a colorful discussion about fate, fortunetelling and who knows what else. Maybe I should anyway, maybe tomorrow... Maybe... Now I sound like they do."

Rounding the bend that had become a rather nice, tall cobblestone wall Verik left the road and with the light of the moon to guide him stalked past the lean-toes and other constructs the refugees had thrown up. Not a great many had been evicted by his construction efforts but enough had that a riot had nearly broken out with that small handful, they had lost everything once and now had to give it up again no matter how small and dingy it may have been. Home was home for them even if that home was a trench with reeds thrown over the top and small one or two equine sized burrows as some had managed, or even huts made of anything and everything they could get their hands on. Wete looked like a fifth world refugee camp minus the tarps, plastic and metal sheets.

A couple huts had to be marked for removal as well and that had stirred the most complaints but after finding out they would be sitting on top of the wall and thus have added protection... Most stopped complaining. Not that it was ever called a wall, it was a "support structure" to provide more level ground to build upon. It was completely true and not a single lie had been spoken, they simply did not know that after the support wall was up that more walls in the form of adobe buildings were going up thus providing a second layer of protection. Building a true wall top to bottom was utterly impossible within any realistic time frame but having a strong foundation of stone followed by the adobe structures above would cut the time to a mere fraction and be much easier to complete.

Standing over the hole Shahid lived in Verik leaned down a little and looked into the dark interior before coughing, somewhere inside the inky darkness something stirred quickly and calling his name roused the Arabian from his slumber.

"Go collect Raswan and both of you get to the training ground, now."

A quiet "murph" was all he got but after walking a few paces away Verik returned to the hold and reaching inside of the hole he felt for the equines head and gave it a quick shake that was certain to make sure Shahid was wide awake. Repeating himself again the awake equine responded quickly and leaving him to crawl out of the tiny hole he began searching for Altayih's burrow. It had been abandoned as the previous owner had dropped dead in the fields but that did not seem to bother Altayih one bit because it was as he had said: "Tis better to have a roof that at least strains the rain over your head than none at all."

Finding it was somewhat difficult however as the hill was dotted with little holes and raggedy reed shelters, a single miss step would break a leg or twist an ankle and that said nothing of the little piles of rocks left as "markers" by the inhabitants. They were more a death hazard than the holes as tripping on the stones almost guaranteed falling down and onto something or someone else. The entire hillside was a sprawling field of little land mines just waiting on someone to step on them and fall in. Searching for the hidden dugout without falling in Verik moved slowly in the area he thought Altayih had been living but after finding the hole discovered the occupant missing. Looking around him slowly in a circle he spied a figure sitting huddled a short distance away, walking towards them their head slowly leaned up and listening to the half asleep response Verik knew he had found him.

"Not sleeping in your hole?"



"Ants. They made a hole before I returned last night and I used my spear to dig their new nest out and kill a big fat one but they were everywhere and it was impossible to stay."

Verik nodded. "I imagine the big fat one was a queen and digging up an anthill no matter how small and recent tends to piss them off. Dont worry about it, with her dead they will probably disperse into everyone else's dugouts and cause mayhem if they have not already. Did you get any sleep?"

"Yes, I managed to beat them off my mat but the ground out here is not as... Soft and well used captain, it is rather hard and... Rocky."

"Well if they dont leave today we will gather dried grass and other brush to burn them out of your home, have to rebuild it but there wont be any ants left alive. Just cooked ones."

"Yes captain... It is early even for you though."

"Training ground, everyone will be there and I need to give you your instructions for while I am gone."

"Ah yes..." Altayih stood up and slowly collected his mat, eyes still half asleep. "You will be gone for two weeks as ordered by our lord and master of pain, Sefu."

"Indeed, lets go."

Leading the somewhat sleep deprived Altayih back across the hill and towards the campground they both watched as the moon vanished and the sun rose, causing their eyes to strain painfully at the sudden change of available light. A new day had begun and that meant the locals would pour out of their huts and begin to prepare for the day by gathering their water, ration and take care of other bodily issues which usually meant a mass migration to the public trench a distance from the village which was also down wind or at least as best they could manage without polluting their wells.

Everyone arrived more or less at the same time as each had some last minute detail to take care of before arriving but now that the gathering had begun in earnest everyone stared at Verik waiting in anticipation.

"No point stating the obvious. So, your on your own for two weeks and as I said you will train those willing to learn our tactics. Altayih, I am leaving you in charge of this while I am gone and if you need me I will be..." Verik looked at Sefu. "At the creche up on the hill."

Altayih balked at Verik. "Our captain demoted to caring for the foals of others? Whom did you trod upon or insult to be laid so low?"

Sefu glared at Altayih a moment. "Asha's idea, I agree." Sefu gave Altayih and the others a sideways glance, "it keep him out of trouble and I be there too. Keep eye on him."

Ignoring the glare Altayih focused on Verik. "Yes but I did not mention this last time but we are not... Ah, experienced? In training others. You flatter me by laying my head on the chopping block for training those willing... If any..."

Verik sighed at the Arabian, "you are quite good at keeping things organized as I have noticed so you were the obvious choice. Each and every one of us is well trained and somewhat disciplined in the tactics I taught you so it is not as great a leap as you seem to imply, to then simply turn around and teach another. Besides, there are three of you as I want Raswan to help as well..."

"I agreed, not stop now." Raswan waved his hand a little dismissing the insinuation.

"Good. Now for your duties while I am gone. Altayih you will keep things organized, Shahid, Raswan, you two will assist him. The basic plan is each of you will take a number aside and give them the basics in smaller groups so they understand. Once they do, combine your numbers and keep them organized because there are some other things I want you to show them. Remember how we failed so horribly in our little moving shield wall?"

Everyone nodded including Jelani and Sefu.

"Bad fail, hurt much." Raswan eyed Verik. "You want us try again? Why?"

"Because I think..." Verik looked at Sefu who thought a moment and then nodded. "You will have the numbers this time. That was what got us "killed" that time, we needed more than just four, preferably... Oh maybe twenty? That would be a good start for a single line stretched out. Those volunteering again should already be quite familiar with the Wete tactic of huddling behind a mass of shields and stabbing anything that comes their way but this time they are going to learn to advance, turn, change depth of rank and so on. Oh and if you think they are catching on well do that one where we formed a V and pushed forward, again you should have the numbers for it this time."

"We are still not trainers nor as experienced compared to those two." Altayih motioned towards Jelani and Sefu. "Will they assist-"

Jelani cut in quickly. "Watch, only help if need. Sefu not be there much if any, on your own."

"You show us great trust to allow this..."

"Want to see if work, if what you teach work then not only help Wete but help you."

"Alright moving on." Verik motioned to Jelani. "As she said, Jelani will be keeping an eye on you constantly while Sefu keeps an "eye" on me. Fact remains only we few know the tactics and no one else here has any idea save maybe Sefu who figured it out but he will not be here to help. We will also not be teaching everyone..."

Sefu's ears perked up and the giant zebra stared at Verik carefully. "Why not all those I send? Not deal."

"Because you have a spy. At least one, most likely two. I made a promise to someone else-"

Jelani smirked. "Nuru say not tell us but especially him hm?"

"Yes and while I agreed it would be a bad idea then I need to tell you now, there is no guarantee as to the one but Tikam and any friends he has should be kept away completely if possible. Tikam himself should not-"

Sefu let out a huff of hair. "Tikam not come, he already quit after losing few times."

"We already met him?"

"Yes, he not have many friend so it not problem. Keep him away on other things but how you know he a spy?"

"I will explain later but if you have any you suspect any of being spies I ask that you keep them away as well."

"You not know?"

"Unfortunately I have no idea who they would be but as I told the others here I doubt Fareed would allow you to make one of his spies... Vanish as it were, without replacing them. All these refugees are the perfect cover and I think Tikam wound up just getting caught up in it due to Tasid probably having a hand in things."

"So one spy for Tasid?"

"Ehhh...Hm... From what I understand that would make sense but I doubt it, then again who knows. You have at least one spy running around at any rate and one more sent directly by Fareed, there is no way he would allow Wete to grow to its present size without keeping a close eye on you."

Altayih looked curiously at Verik and broke everyone's thoughts on finding the spy. "Captain, how am I to organize things exactly?"

"Group them into small teams, if you have twenty and there are three of you that makes... Around six to seven each. I would hope you know our tactics well enough to figure out the rest on your own though yes?"

"It still surprises me our Wete friend agreed to join us so quickly."

Raswan snapped an angry glare at Altayih "What that mean? You know why I here. Maybe not forever."

Verik clapped his hands together loudly. "We dont need to be looking at each other, our threat is an outsider, two of them to be precise and one has a name. Were all in this up to our necks and that is that. And Raswan... We shall see."

Jelani nodded at Altayih. "Why that one?"

"He knows more about organizing that the rest of us, can read, write and I am guessing but he can probably do basic math. Yes?" Altayih nodded. "Shahid and Raswan on the other hand are far more... Hands on in dealing with others from what I have seen and that makes them perfect for drilling others but not so much keeping things organized on a larger scale. Learning very fast though I must say."

"Much trouble to quiet some fears." Raswan yawned.

"Well having experience in this now will make things much easier later on."

"For what? Train army?"

"It was called "force multiplication." You see at first only a few have the knowledge but then they train five others. Now in our case it was one who taught three. Those three will now train six or seven each, those will then train just as many each... Do you understand how the number grows rapidly?"

Jelani cut in before the others could talk. "But no experience, that make things very hard. You ever use tactic on real enemy? No? Make it harder."

"I am well aware there is a vast gap between theory and practice but we have been putting that to the test on the volunteers as of late, the tactics are quite sound and work very well as has been proven. If we can add numbers behind those tactics the possibilities become endless. The drills you will be organizing are no different than the ones we performed in private only now you will have greater numbers, hopefully you all remember the mistakes we made and will remedy them. Mistakes will be made during these two weeks but keep going and pass along what happened so we can all learn what worked and what did not. Everything I have taught you came from many books but if the tactics did not work they would never have been used for millennia to such a... Bloody effect."

"What millennia mean?" Jelani stared at him oddly.

"A thousand years."

"Not have newer tactic?"

"Already used them much to the dismay of your fellow villagers. If anything goes wrong Jelani will be here and as I said... I will be at the creche, up there and with Sefu."

Shahid quirked his head. "It not take two week to teach them what you teach us."

"You would be surprised and besides, if they learn so fast you do not need to repeat things then dont, just repeat the drills over and over again until they have it down to perfection. If they perfect everything, keep drilling. Make certain to teach them the formations but more than anything burn it into their heads on ganging up against a target, none of this single combat and dueling stuff. Either gang up on a target or form up the ranks and engage as a unit with a solid line, preferably with shields if that can be managed. Altayih, I suggest you start with those simple drills for staying organized but there are a few others things I want you to throw at them once they have it down: have them get attacked suddenly from the flank or rear and test their ability to respond. That will be a good start if they absorb the information quickly but I doubt it. Drill into them the ability to move at the same pace and stick together, a disorganized mob is-"

"No more an army that a heap of building materials is a house." Altayih, Shahid and Raswan belted out the answer without thinking.

"Guess I harped on that one enough if you have it memorized. Anyway, two weeks is nowhere near long enough to learn what little we have practiced and yes I know it would be better to have a few months, but it will be a start and meanwhile I will be learning other things."

Raswan let out a small laugh. "Think Asha set you up."

"I think she was only one of two who set me up..." Verik looked at Sefu who stared back blankly. "But I am not going to argue as it means I get to spend more time with her."


Verik scowled at Raswan. "I am not going to feign ignorance at what she is hatching if that is what you are hinting at. Besides, if it is indeed possible to make a family then it would be wise to learn as much as I can since the opportunity has presented itself."

"Wish you much, much luck. You need it."

"I did not know you had children of your own."

"No." Raswan shook his head quickly. "Not have foals but am eldest brother to much younger brother and two sister. Much time and... Trouble, to watch them. Leave at creche much, probably meet them."

"Not going to take them and run for the bush now that I will be there? Or does your family not know yet?"

"Think no one know yet..." Raswan looked at Sefu who glared back. "But you see what I mean soon, they handful and you need all help you can get."

"Planning on having any?"

"Maybe... Have eyes on one, maybe one day but not now. Now is bad time."

"Oh?" Altayih leaned out a little. "Anyone we know?"

"None of business! But you stay away!"

"I can not stay away if you do not say."

Verik raised his voice, "alright lay off. You have your instructions."

"Not done yet." Jelani stood and approached Verik before moving him aside. "Wood you bring back make good bow, start shaping soon yes?"

"That was... Quick. I thought it took months or years to dry out wood, the heat here not withstanding but I have no idea how that works."

"Not matter, we have ways but is more than enough and begin work soon, wanted to tell you."

"More than enough?"

"Yes, you bring back very large piece of wood. We straighten already and dry but much be wasted, not enough for two bow sadly."

"Is it long enough to make a bow about... Say." Verik motioned at his height. "About this tall if strung?"

"Why you make bow that big? Impossible to use."

"Its called a longbow and it will out range anything you have quite easily. Especially if you could make it a recurve..."

"Know what last thing is but... Bow like that become very, very hard to pull. You not have enough strength to pull that, can pull some of Wete bow now easy enough but not one so big."

"Time and training will make up for it. At least I will have something to train for now that has always interested me."

"Need longer shaft for arrow."

"Yes. I dont know how long though. Also the wood needs to be a little heavier and harder than those flimsy needle arrows you use, oh and while your flint arrowheads are quite quaint they would be a hellish waste on this type of bow."

"Metal arrow head? That not happen, cost too much!"

"I only need two so I can use them as an example for future use, iron ones. One with a long, sharp point while the other would look like what you use but with two little barbs sticking off the sides."

"Know what you planning to use this for."


"That not mean I make it."

"The bow or the arrows?"

"Make bow, as thanks for teaching Wete how to fight like you but arrow..."

"I just want two, no four. Two of each. Use that iron from Shahid and Altayih's shackles. I know it has been put to use on some other things already but there should be enough left for this if nothing else."

"You say spy in Wete... Have us make special bow with special tips, never hear of tips like this and seen many arrow before including in Alzamard. Nothing like them, nothing. Not worry so much but if second spy you say exist then they learn when smith tell everyone of strange arrow head they make."

"That is rather paranoid actually... You know the plan and that could not be traced back very well... Well it could be but still..."

Shaking her head Jelani let out a small sigh, "you say Fareed send new spy and other spy happen to come to. One bad, two very bad, very. Mean less trust if two, one... Normal? Spy now learn Wete making special arrow tip that do something not understand, but I understand because I use bow. Know how arrow work very well. This not mean anything to spy but word soon reach Fareed and he not understand I think but others will."

"You are making unique weapons that defeat exactly what Fareed has and once they figure that out he will send others to investigate. It is not that you fear the spy or the message but the increased scrutiny that comes with it."

She nodded. "You know how I know spy find out so fast? Not because smith talk, I tell smith to not talk and they not talk. Never talk. But.. If I were spy... I work for smith or stay close to smith. Know why?" Jelani eyed Verik down. "Because smith make weapons."

Verik left the others behind to settle matters, it was out of his hands now that Sefu had removed him from the training program for the next two weeks which left a lot of free time on his hands. Should he go fishing or hunt a little and stock up? It was the perfect opportunity and thanks to the recent rains food was slightly more abundant so there was no gripping reason to forage far away and on the other banks just yet. Fishing perhaps? Salt was no longer an issue so drying it was quite simple now, though some of the locals were a little less than pleased with the salty, fishy odor that filled the air at first and their noses were rather good at picking it up on that first day.

Something else nagged at him though, Jelani was correct that a spy with the smith was the perfect solution for an outside force but as the thought rolled around his head something was just off and he could not place his finger on it. Hiking up the hill and back to the hut most of Wete had already turned out and had begun to go about their morning business before the days labor began, foals skittered about or were being dragged off in various directions though a good number were all going in the same direction; the same direction he would be going day after tomorrow.

Larger families were quite well organized he had to admit as he passed them on the road, a few were selected to take care of various tasks such as collecting more water if needed or visit the granary for the morning ration. It was quite the measly ration compared to what came later in the day but then again if it kept them alive so be it. For them there was no such thing as a grocery store or shipping in food without great expense and a handful of mice let loose in the granary would probably cause several deaths. A few cats roamed the village thankfully, keeping the local rat and mouse population in check but over the months he had learned that no matter how many cats one kept a few mice or rats would always get through and cause problems. Thus everything was stored inside clay pots which in turn were sealed inside a granary, layer upon layer of protection was employed to keep the vermin away and even that did not always work.

Brushing aside the flap to the hut and entering Asha had already taken care of things well in advance and laid out their bowls, spoons and cups for water on the mats which served as both table and mattress. She was moving slower than usual though as normally Asha was in a hurry to belt out their breakfast and make a run for the fields or wherever they had her assigned but today her pace was quite slow.

"Not in a rush to be off?"

"Visit while you gone, say that I weed fields instead of haul. At creche soon and not want exhausted, fall asleep while watching so give simpler task till then. You look strange, what wrong?"

"Oh I was just thinking about something Jelani said before I left the training grounds."

"Yes? What she say?"

"I never told you this but there are spies running around here but dont ever breathe a word of that to anyone."

Asha shrugged. "Learn long ago when village destroyed about spies, not surprise. What that have to do with Jelani? She say who?"

"No, but she had an idea of who it might be but her suggestion is just... Its not quite right and I dont know why just yet."


"Someone working for the smith, that it would be a good choice because they can keep tabs on who makes weapons-"


"Oh? You were rather quick on the draw there so why do you say that."

"Smith in Wete have few who assist, few who run errands but those he have work long and no rest. I assigned to taking damaged tools to smith many times, he always too busy to do anything. Ones who work for smith even busier, always gone and running around to deliver, collect wood, much to do, much, very much. Think spy not want task that make them run so much, need time to sit and watch, think quietly. Time to... Write sounds on paper and make good report, need alone time for that. Also need paper... Have to be alone or others see."

"So the smith runs them ragged?"

"Yes, always running and run fast, so much need fix all time, things wear out very fast. Not think smith is wise choice. Spy work to death and no time for report."

A small smile formed on Verik's face as he listened to Asha, she was no spy hunter but compared to Jelani who was battle wise Asha had a different kind of insight from years in the fields and various labor intensive tasks. She understood how long things took, exhaustion involved, the long hours and sheer trouble it would bring upon those who took up the mantle.

"So those working for the smith are out because the spy would have no time... Alright, I agree."

"Not just that." Asha began spooning out their meager breakfast. "If I spy, want to see much and not just run tools or bring wood for forge. See nothing, hear little running and get back to hear klang, klang, klang. Want to see and hear much, stay somewhere so get to watch, listen, learn."

"Someplace more central you mean?"

Asha stopped a moment then nodded. "Yes, not think I need to hear all Wete talk, only few talk and have big meaning yes? Smith not hear anyone talk, assistant hear no one talk. Only few make important decision so imporant to watch them yes?" Verik nodded. "That mean I need watch Tendaji, Sefu, Jelani, Zuberi and... Nuru... No, last one too hard, not possible."

"I would like to see someone try and spy on Nuru, that would be interesting."

"Interesting yes, also bad for health yes?"

Letting out a chuckle Verik nodded before motioning for her to continue.

"That mean stay on hill lots and lots, somewhere near Tendaji hut but also roam and be near Sefu, others."

"A warrior?"

"No, no. They roam yes but Sefu keep them on posts, as scouts. They see much out there yes but less here."

"So someone closer to home... Who rarely leaves Wete and stays mostly on the hill then?"

"Never think about that before... Not know. But many stay here to make things during day, think that give chance to spy yes?"

"True, so that narrows it down to those jobs that are less strenuous, quiet, probably skilled to some degree, on the hill itself but with the ability to travel as an excuse but it also means living a more... Monastic life I guess, that is unless they sneak away to somewhere else to write up their reports and return. Yes, that would be wise, leave nothing incriminating here so they must have the ability to travel broadly."

"Potters have assistant who travel to collect clay and other things, but..." Asha rocked her head a little. "That also take much time, if potter bad choice, never leave because always working on pot."

"Alright, so an outsider, stays up here, simple job but one that is important enough they stay here and at the same time allows them to wander freely at all hours. Smith is out, potter is probably out..."

"Maybe work at granary?"

"Why do you say that?"

"If work at granary must be able to count well and keep record for Tendaji. Zuberi and sister are two but they also have many other things they must do and not always there, some stay to check for mouse and rat. Also make certain no one steal anything but that not problem here. Happen once though but Tendaji solve that. No one steal now."

"So who works at the granary that can read and write?"

Asha shrugged. "Not know."

"Well if it was that easy Jelani and Sefu would not of had that strange look on their faces when I brought it up, they knew it was possible but me saying it jarred something. Now its a fact for them and not just a gut feeling. How often does the granary rotate or... You dont know do you?" Asha shook her head. "And with the rotation system in place it means the number involved makes it even harder to find them, the perfect cover. But, I doubt the ability to read and write is common here, is it?"

"Zuberi been teaching others for some time now, but take much, much time. Many try but in time give up, take too long hm?"

"Damn. That would have made it even simpler, just find out who can read, write and then bam! We know who to look out for, but if many know at least some basics that muddies the water again."

"Life not so simple hm?"

"No but you are quite the surprise."

"Me? Why?" Asha's eyes grew a little and her ears perked up in surprise as he smiled at her.

"You outwitted Jelani in looking for a spy but not just that, no... In just a few minutes you formed and worked your way through a list of things a spy would do or avoid and quite logically at that. It makes me quite happy, not only are you a generous and kind with a big heart but you are also quite smart. That makes me very happy."

Asha stared at him mouth trying to form words but what came out was a small, incoherent mumble and as he watched her ears pin back just a little he knew what the expression on her face meant. Smiling at her he reached out and cupped one of her cheeks with his hand, an act that made her eyes lock onto his.

"Thank you."

The fur on her face prickled up a little under his hand and removing it he picked up his bowl and began eating as she sat in a mild state of embarrasment and somewhat flustered by his words.

Author's Notes:

Verik got demoted. He is now officially a baby sitter.

Chapter 56: Foalcare

"What did we get ourselves into."

A small sneeze forced his hair shift and eyes to snapping open he stared into the darkness of the hut, shifting around so Asha was not death hugging his head nose first he began untangling himself. Verik sat upright and moving away slowly he blinking owlishly as his eyes took in the grayish and dimly lit surroundings. Moonlight streamed in through the small window and around the door frame allowing him to see well enough and after peaking outside at the sinking moon he knew it would soon be time. Two days was nowhere near enough time to take care of things but his warband had been quite easily handled thankfully. Salted fish hung outside on the rack drying which gave the air surrounding the hut a unique, salty smell mixed with a hint of dried fish. Being awake also meant that today was the first day of their new assignment and while being partially curious as to what taking care of foals would be like, another part of him dreaded it.

"Not time yet, sleep." Asha's mumbled words sounded extraordinarily loud in the small hut despite it being but a whisper.

"Dont mind me, go back to sleep."

Asha slowly sat up and stared at him trying to adjust her sleep hazed vision so she could see him and after a minute grabbed his shoulder and tugged him back down.

"You sleep, need sleep."

"Everyone needs sleep but few are getting enough of it."

"Then close eye and sleep."

"Easier said than done."

"You worry too much." Asha worked an arm over his chest and pulled up against him tightly.

"The moon is about to set and we have to get up soon anyway."

"No. Different task now, allowed to sleep longer."

"We get to sleep in?"

"Hmm... Still need to get food... Sleep."

Asha's mumble was the last words he caught and being unable to fall asleep again all Verik could do was stare up at the huts ceiling for a time before closing his eyes. No sleep came however as distant sounds that were now quite normal to him floated on the air, strange animal calls, insects and other signs of life that were only active at night. However, it was always the incessant whispering that his ears just barely registered that kept him awake at times and now that he was awake his mind was grasping desperately at all the strange sounds. Did they ever stop whispering or did their tone get quieter so as not to disturb their host next door?

Keeping his eyes closed and trying to fall back to sleep proved fruitless as every little snap, crack and rustle of the mixed reed and grass roof made his focus sharpen on the most recent sound. Sefu was very good at teaching paranoia to the recruits but he had to admit that he was always more on the attentive and paranoid side of things. It helped when dealing with the neighbors long ago but now it served a new purpose that was more crisp and clear which seemed to always put his senses on edge. Nothing he ever tried worked, his mind ever continuing to drift back to their new job and it remained stuck there until the sun came up. Asha sat up not long after and stared at his rigid form, eyes stuck open and staring straight up. Giving him a smile she patted his head and went about her morning busy work leaving him to stare. When she returned from her last trip Asha stared at him a long moment before squatting next to him and prodding him in the arm.

"Time to get up, up. Food first then rest again." Asha began pushing when he did not respond.

"Asha, I have no idea what we are doing, I have no idea what I am going to do or how to do it."

Giving him a large smile Asha leaned down and gave his forehead a quick kiss before glaring. "Up. Now. We learn."

"Sefu probably only agreed to this so he could keep an eye on me." Sitting upright and sighing Verik gave her a small hug before scooting so he was out of the way. "Cant say I blame him though considering how we whipped the hell out of the recruits and others combined."

"He not that mean. Very nice stallion, hard... But nice. If Sefu not trust you he never allow you to help with foals, never." Asha shook her head as she began setting things out for breakfast. "Risk big trouble by helping us many times, no start doubting him."

"It is not that I have any doubt about him..."

Asha turned her head and watched with some curiously. "Then what?"

"Thats exactly it... He is risking a great deal for little to nothing in return, it has all been one big gamble on his part and he has yet to stop dealing out the chips or cards."

"If he gamble on you it mean he trust you and think it worth something then yes?"


"Then no doubt."

Opening his mouth to say something Verik closed it again, she was right in her own way. Sefu had gambled on them both over and over again to not include the other two "mercenaries" that now inhabited Wete. He was playing a dangerous game but then again his ace in the hole was Sefu's brother Tendaji who was chieftain and a certain neighbor of theirs who commanded powers beyond reckoning. Was it because he could afford to lose a hand if it so happened?

"Asha?" She hummed in response, "what exactly do we do anyway?"

"Already tell you, whatever Sefu and his wife say. We learn."

"Yes but-"

Asha cut him off as she measured out water for cooking their corn mash. "Maybe they have us help feed them, give water, walk, play-"

"So are the foals pets or house plants?"

"No! Why you say something so mean?"

"That is what it sounds like. Walk, pet, play, feed, water and clean up after. You can stop glaring at me." Asha turned back and Verik watched her carefully pour the ground meal into the cooking jar. "Is it me or has the rationing been getting a little scarce lately? And when did you summon the ration, we usually have to stand in line-"

"Things always... What you say? Tight? Come this time of season. Crops soon be ready but supply run very low now so have to ration with great care so not run out before harvest come. Crop go bad much trouble, big trouble, bad, bad trouble and many starve. Maybe die. Better to cut ration and make certain it last to be certain yes? Also I get morning ration yesterday, now that we taking care of foal we get ration sooner. There is how you say... Order to who goes first?"

"Fair enough but Asha, its not like the amount of work has been cut back to any great extent, in fact I think the amount of work has tripled now that the walls are going up and while I do not know to any great extent what is needed to keep you lot healthy this measly little portion can hardly be good for you."

"Things improve with harvest, what left of old storage replaced with new and must be used so things improve for time."

"So Tendaji opens the food stores and fattens everyone up before slaving in the fields again only to start dropping dead from over exertion all over again?"

"Why you so mean this morning?"

"Dont know." Verik paused and leaned against the wall. "Just got a knot in my stomach, something is off lately and I just have this feeling something aint right."

"Worry about your "warband" yes?"

"Them to but its not that, they are doing well enough after that little foraging expedition I sent them off on so its not like they are going to starve anytime soon. Having Raswan go along certain helped out."

"Very lucky, also you getting better at fishing and bring more fish so things not so bad for us now. You still worried though?"

"Yes. Namely about you Asha. I know you got shifted off hauling duty and left to field work since that seems to be your specialty but I swear you have been looking a little more lean and tired lately. Most around here have but-"

"I okay but you too look different now, thinner, also very tired looking."

"You try keeping up with Sefu's regimen and then fight one running battle after another for a few weeks and see how tired you are and Asha, you look more tired than I do. We are not exactly the best recipe for success here as we become skin and bones waiting on the crops to mature and be harvested while still having to keep up a rapid pace."

"Maybe but plants growing better now thanks to you, more water. Better plant mean more food, more food mean Wete healthy."

"Right up until the tax man comes and takes it all away. Reminds me of "home" actually."

"Eat well before that happen. Also not think they take your fish."

"Well he can take all my fish because its not like I wont be getting it BACK from him within a day or two. Still, we need more time to actually just lay down and rest for a longer period of time than this. Getting to "sleep in" even though we didnt is great but an extra hour is spit in the river. We need a good, long rest."

"That not happen. Too much work and no time, Tendaji want canal finished immediately and walls up."

"Maybe he has the same gut feeling but the canal is almost finished.."

"Gut feeling?"

"Yes, right down here." Verik motioned over his stomach. "Tells you something is not right."

"Have that before, gut say everything be fine."

"Lucky you."

"Things improve after harvest though, not plant for time because rains come and then flood, impossible to work fields so everyone just sleep. You get wish then. Lots and lots of sleep." Asha smiled at him but the look in her eyes said something else would be happening other than sleep.

"If only it were so easy."

"Doubt too much."

"Becoming second nature lately."

Asha finished cooking their breakfast and after scrapping the jar out added more water and swished it around to rinse the stuck in bits out. Pouring the watery and cloudy water out into the bowls so not a single bit of mush went to waste, but also cleaning the jar out at the same time they sat in relative silence and partially spooned or drank their breakfast. When the mash had disappeared more water was added to the bowls to rinse them out by drinking down whatever had stuck and after putting the bowls away Asha gently tugged him towards the exit. Out of habit he grabbed a spear on the way out and she did not realize it till they were halfway there.

"Worry foal try and eat you?"

"More that something might happen and I will need but not have. Better to have and not need than to need and now have. Also it will probably be the other way around for worry about who will be eating whom."

Raising an eyebrow she gave a small, lazy shrug before tugging on his cloak to pull him along towards their destination. A number of locals gave them odd looks or suspicious glances as they walked towards the creche but most were to busy to stop and stare. A great more still needed to be done in order for the canal to be officially finished but Tendaji had taken a greater interest in getting the support walls up now that all the fields were being irrigated to some extent. As he looked down from the village and as the snaking line that wormed its way around he could understand why Tendaji was perfectly fine with leaving it as is for the time being. It worked, freed up labor and time but also meant the workers could be set to fortifying the village itself under the guise of housing.

Which was entirely true, the bricks were being stacked up rapidly and every effort was being put into getting the support walls up so the adobe houses could be built atop and thus provide justification before the tax collector came. If the walls were all that he saw there would be no end to the hell that the agent would bring back with him but so long as the houses sat up on top the ruse had a good chance of success.

Making a bend down a small side trail that led towards the chieftains hut the two were met with the sight of Sefu standing outside a larger hut waiting on them. Approaching him the stallion waited until they were close and after looking them both over opened the door and motioned for them to go inside. Verik looked around the spartan, dirt floored interior of the creche and examined things one at a time from the high up shelves that were well out of the reach of small arms to Sefu's scimitar which was neatly jammed up into the ceiling and well out of the reach of most.

A tap on the shoulder made Verik look at Sefu who motioned for him to hand over the spear and after taking it the towering giant did with the spear as he had done with his own weapon. Verik watched as he neatly jammed the spear in between the support beams so it could not be removed unless one needed it and turning his attention away he checked the room again. Other than the mats of all shapes, sizes, dust covered to new and clean things were indeed quite sparse for a place meant to hold and keep foals entertained all day.

"I take it you Wete dont put much stock in children's toys."

Sefu looked around before shrugging. "No time to carve and not enough cloth."

"You could always make them out of grass, just bind it all up like a doll-"

"No." Verik missed Sefu giving a small flinch at the description. "No one make doll from straw. Foal not need much anyway, play with each other not toys."

"Sounds kind of sad really."

"Maybe. We now responsible for foals who are brought, need to follow rules."

"How many parents took their children and ran for the hills?"

Sefu's eyes narrow a moment. "Some. Now that canal free up workers the old now stay at home more, too old to haul stone so they watch foal. Make things easier for us."

Asha looked out the back door before looking inquisitively at Sefu. "You alone? Wife not come?"

"She come later." Sefu pointed to the mats nearest the door and sat down. "You not sleep in though, that good."

"Want to but think it good to come early. That one," she glared at Verik. "Not able to sleep, just sit up or lay awake."

Verik waved her off, "I have a lot on my mind."

"I explain your duties now," Sefu pointed to the front door. "Foal not allowed through that door unless you go with them. Foal allowed out back door but one must always stay and watch, they not allowed to climb fence, dig under fence, set fire to fence, tear fence down, make hole in fence-"

Listening to Sefu drone on about what the foals were not supposed to do became a lengthy documentary of what he guessed had already happened and might happen again if one did not keep a constant eye on them. Some fighting was permissible, but only to a degree and by the time Sefu was finished Asha and Verik looked at each other quietly wondering why and how the building had not been burnt down months ago if they could get this rowdy.

Verik whispered but Sefu's ears twitched. "Asha... When you were back in your home village were they this rowdy?"

"Only look after family not others and they handful but-"

Sefu interjected quickly. "Two or three is easy. When hut full of foal they go wild and need careful watching."

"Maybe if we got them some straw dolls that might- Right, never mind." Verik caught the meaning behind Sefu's dead stare. "So do we just let them go at it or organize them to do things?"

"Do what things?" Sefu and Asha stared at him.

"Right, point taken but there must be ways to occupy them and keep them from tearing the place apart."

"Yes, many ways." Sefu stood and opened the upper part of the door and looked out before returning. "They play games, run, tell them story, many ways to keep them calm or wear them out."

"Well in this place I think a bag of plastic soldiers would make one god come unto earth."

"What plastic soldiers?" Sefu furrowed his brow in curiosity.

"Long story short, imagine either metal casting or wood carvings of soldiers which foals play with by lining them up and playing out mock battles."

Sefu hummed. "Sound very useful for training."

"Oh indeed it is, not limited to any age group if one simply updates the rules with which you play with. You know, I have two weeks and the smith fixed that knife I got a good ways back... Maybe if I had some wood to whittle on I could try and carve some out."

"Think we not have time for that, only four and be very busy keeping track. But..." Sefu shrugged. "If you have energy to deal with foal and still make little soldier carving go ahead. Not leave carving bits on floor though hm?"

"Of course but there are still only three of us here as of yet."

"Awe coming, foals not made get up so early."

"Wouldn't that mean they miss breakfast?"

Sefu shook his head. "No, there is fire-pit outside beyond fence, used for cooking food for foals. We feed ones who left with us in morning, family feed them at home if they stay there."

"Has anyone ever fed them at home and then sent them here for a second breakfast? Double dip the system?"

"Yes, some try but Nuru make threat and they stop."

"Wouldn't your brother be the one who makes the threat and not Nuru?"

"Sometimes but brother in charge of Wete and other things, not in charge of creche."

"Let me guess, Nuru is in charge of the creche."

"Sometimes yes, sometimes Subira."

"So have the highest power in the village watch over the daycare center and I suppose if anyone tried to cause problems those bolts of lighting would resolve matters for both sides."


"So then, where is Awe?"

"Coming soon, soon they all come."

There was an exhausted note in Sefu's voice as he remarked that "all" of them would be coming but Verik did not bother to inquire as to what exactly he meant by that. He figured both Asha and himself would have ample opportunity to find out for themselves soon enough and as the three sat waiting in relative silence the first of many small, childlike voices drifted their way and through the open door window.

Verik looked to Asha who just smiled at him happily, ears perked upright while Sefu's ears seemed to droop a little, two perfectly opposite reactions to what was coming down the trail. Listening to them come closer he wondered if these two weeks would either extinguish any desire to ever have children of his own or cement that desire as fact but how would Asha fare? She was most eager of all and had been looking forward to this more than anyone and while two weeks would probably be telling he also knew that a measly two weeks would be nothing compared to more than a decade spent caring for a single child. A single child, if Asha had her way it would not be singular but plural by a considerable margin and as the young voices became clearer and clearer he began to realize why Sefu was looking both happy and depressed all at the same time.

Author's Notes:

The next story arch begins, but where does it end? If you enjoy my writing consider dropping a dollar into the pot over on my patreon. To those who already have and continue to donate: Thank you and may you continue to be entertained by the story! I now have 666 thumbs up...

Chapter 57: Got It Easy

"They got it easy."
-So sayeth everyone who was not there-

Raswan chased one of his younger siblings back inside one of the huts that belonged to his extensive family, and after making certain they would not be making another bolt for freedom began his hike down the hill. Being up this early was very unusual, but everyone else had already risen for one reason or another and two hyperactive foals did not help the matters either. Especially when one kept smacking small rocks together in a mock representation of the masons building the walls, which was compounded by said foal also making a tiny rock wall directly in front of the doorway which had resulted in their father falling flat on their face. Raswan was grateful to be free of it all and on his way to whatever newest disaster was awaiting the tiny gathering of newfound friends, including one unique "employer." He wondered what Verik would be doing besides taking care of the foals at the creche as today was the first day of his new duties and passing by the hut on his way all he saw was Sefu just arriving to take up his own duties. Would anyone leave their foals in their care today or keep them home somehow?

Giving a low, bowing nod followed by short wave Raswan watched Sefu go inside with his sword before returning without, most likely waiting on the three others who would be joining him. Walking down the main road, since it was now impossible to take the direct route due entirely to the crude walls that slowly but surely continued to grow in height every day he began thinking about something important: trying hard to remember where Shahid and Altayih slept at night amongst the masses of other refugees.

Passing around the bottom of the wall and through the masses of crude shelters a single figure stuck out as it sat on a mat all on its own. Walking up to the stallion Raswan looked Altayih over as he sat huddled on a mat with soot covered fur and his tail pulled tightly around himself. Trailing his eyes to the side to the smoldering remains of what remained of Altayih's dugout Raswan raised an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"What happen? No hear cry of alarm for fire."


"Ants... So burn home down to get rid of ants? Or ants set fire to hole?"

"Yes to the first and no on the second." Altayih gave an odd look at Raswan for a second before shaking his head. "Nothing would drive them out, even killed their "queen" or whatever the captain said but they refused to leave so I did what had to be done."

Raswan stared at the blacked hole in the ground. "Ah. Still not understand why you need to set fire to home. Nuru know special mix that drive them away, kill them all so they not come back."

Altayih looked at the hole a moment and then at Raswan as his eye twitched. "Had someone simply told me..."

"Everyone know, I think. Not captain but-"

"Well not one neighbor saw to tell me such a wondrous thing existed."

"Fire not get rid of ant so you know."

"Do I require that special mix or would pouring lamp oil down their hole suffice?"

"Have lamp oil?"

"I have nothing but my exquisite rags that adorn my body and this," Altayih held up a crude spear. "Miraculous contraption of the most finest work."

"Spear not that good."

"That is called sarcasm Raswan."

"Still no home anyway."

Altayih slumped a little as Raswan leaned on his spear. "Thank you, your most astute observational skills are well noted."

"Welcome. No new homes though, much tearing down and new construction now but not think Tendaji grant you home since no family or foals. Not Wete either. Tell Verik?"

"He does not know about the self imposed arson as of yet, but now that I know about Nuru's ant cure I would prefer it if he did not find out. Ever."

Raswan smirked a little as he nodded. "Yes. Shahid have room maybe?"

"Shahid lives in an even smaller hole than my own most spacious vermin infested apartment. His grave is so small that he has to force himself in and then pry himself out come morning like a cork from a wine bottle."

"Not lose food supply I hope?"

"No, its over there in a pile that the ants have been trying desperately to raid since their incursion into my home." Altayih gestured to a few small baskets that were piled up. "Shahid managed to dig his grave deeper so he can at least stuff the supplies at the base of his hole."

"Tell Verik, he help. Be easy to find today to, at creche with foals or at hut with Asha."

"No. I intruded on something once and I refuse to risk life and limb doing so again so early in the morning, maybe later though."

"What you mean?"

"I will handle this on my own."

"Hm. Ask anyway."

"Raswan, I value your advice but to walk into that hut risks ones hide if they were to enter at the wrong time. From now on I knock first."

"Ohh... Maybe find you someplace to sleep until rebuilt or dig new hole."

"Yes... Dig a new hole to sleep in. Gods I miss my old bed back home, why o' gods do I remain here?"

"Because you find it amusing yes?"

"Besides that."

Raswan shrugged. "Go back mean admit defeat?"

"That is a most astute observation my friend. But it would be nice to have a real home one day, one where there is a solid roof... A proper bed, kitchen, clean linens and just maybe a servant or two to keep it clean and handle the daily chores." Altayih smiled as he stared out over the fields. "What about you?"

"Be nice to have own hut and food."

Altayih tried to hold back a small laugh but couldn't and started giggling to himself as Raswan glared. "I wonder which of us is more mad: you who wishes simply for a roof over his head or myself who wants a house and amenities. Your greatest wish is so simple and sincere, to simply have a home and live while I want to live exceedingly well despite my lowly station."

"Not mad to want life."

"True. Gods knows if we survive this we will have earned that right."

"Have idea though, maybe it work or maybe not."

"Yes, one more of the famous Wete maybe, maybe ideas."

Raswan glared at Altayih and gave a small annoyed nickering sound. "Family hut too crowded but plenty of room beside hut. Maybe you come stay with us."

"Sleep outside the hut? Most generous of you."

"No, help you build small shelter against side of hut. You share supply with us we share with you. Tendaji not deny you that, not in way either or risk losing shelter because we live above wall."

"That seems a somewhat..." Altayih stopped and mulled it over. "Well a rather permanent solution considering the state of affairs in your fair village, town or whatever Wete really is. I have noticed that once something goes up it tends to stay there till it rots away or collapses."

"Or is burned down." Raswan smirked. "Not think Tendaji allow for much building or digging until walls done, burn your home so he not so interested in giving you material to build again. Maybe you scavenge though yes? Still need tool to dig new hole somewhere and you have spear, not good for digging. Better you come stay with us."

"Your family would not be offended by having a mercenary living amongst you?" Altayih gave a half tired smile. "And one that serves the most debatable creature in town? One who has claimed lives through the most excessive use of violence you or I have ever seen in all our lives combined, all the while with a smile on his face?"

Raswan stared flatly at Altayih. "Make him sound like monster, hear stories to and watch duel, not understand him bashing head in then but do now. Still wince at remember and not like but understand."

"Yes of course we all understand now. He is quite the believer in making certain someone stays dead and that everyone watching knows not to challenge him. But, the little fact that I serve him will not cause issue? I am rather tired of my neighbors giving me strange stares at night as it is. One even tried to exorcise my presence if his expression and gestures were any hint."

"No, no. That not happen, family not hate him nor you for being servant of his. Not chase you away if ask for help, also say you friend of mine so that make it okay." Raswan gave Altayih a concerned look. "But, you not burn hut down if spider crawl up leg... Yes?"

Altayih gave Raswan a flat stare. "I will not burn down your hut, nor my lodgings. It is good to have friends though when one has lost their "home" hm?"

Nodding quietly Raswan walked to the pile of baskets and looked them over before picking one up and walking back. "Store this at family hut, take care of rest later yes? Much to do today."

"Ah, how could I forget? Today is the day we begin training others to fight as we learned in secrecy." Altayih began collecting the rest of the baskets and after a few minutes of awkward organization so he could carry it all at once including the spear, he joined Raswan as the zebra headed back up the hill. "We should collect Shahid on our way up to save time and maybe he can carry a few of these."

"Not know Shahid live this way."

"He does indeed tend to keep to himself."

"Maybe worry."

"Over Shahid?" Altayih thought it over a moment before shaking his head. "No, he is on edge over his sister Alriyah but he is doing well enough."

"Maybe worry about Verik to."

"Whatever for?"

"Know what he thinking now and... Not know how to say."

"You do not trust him."

"Trust him yes! But... Worry."

"Well in that case my striped friend, allay your fears for we are all worried about what goes on inside that scrambled mind of his. A creature with a fantastic story of having popped into existence like a blooming desert flower, countless feats and aspirations that make a madstallion blush with shame and emperors claims to glory looks modest... Quite the creature of myth he is hm? Maybe one day he will become mythology and if we pull this off maybe us as well."

"If not die first."

"Yes, well everyone is worried about him apparently, some more than others so do not fret your striped head over it. Oh and by the way, Shahid sleeps in that little pokey hole over there. The one with the, yes the pile of dirt, rocks and the spear sticking out."

Raswan slowed his pace as they neared the road and a gathering of extraordinarily crude shelters and dugouts. Altayih guided the zebra down and around the other holes till they were near a small pile of stones with a spear planted in the ground. From the outside it looked like a spiders ambush hole with a dusty mat thrown over top to keep the dust and any sudden rain out.

"You still alive this beautiful morning Shahid or did you expire in the night?"

Altayih listened and after hearing nothing put his baskets down and then used his hoof to remove the makeshift mat roof before kicking a little dust inside. A hacking and choking sound came from the hole along with a string of curses as Shahid crawled out of his hole bearing a galled look.

"What you want?!"

"It is time to rise my sleeping prince of the wee hole, we have much to do today including training Tendaji's little... I dont know what to call them yet."

"Already..." Shahid stopped for a moment before sighing in dejection. "This end badly."

"Nonsense my fairer furred friend! So long as we teach them something in the next two weeks that allows them to do just half of what we have been doing to them I doubt they will care."

Raswan scowled. "Not going to cheat Tendaji?"

Altayih feigned a shocked expression for a moment before smiling. "Of course not, but it takes time to learn what we did not to mention many a bump over the head."

"And a cracked rib." Shahid spat the dust out of his mouth. "Captain not help on what to do, not say much if anything." Standing upright and dusting his coat off Shahid grabbed his spear before looking at Altayih questioningly before changing his mind about helping to alleviate the excess basket problem. "Kick dust in hole again I kick flank."

Raswan and Altayih nodded to themselves for a moment before the Arabian stallion sighed. "The captain had no reason to ask for help because no one could, he is still the only one who really understands how any of these... Tactics, are supposed to work but we will manage somehow."

Shahid gave a skeptical laugh. "That very bad and not help."

"But it is true, the four of us went through everything hoofstep by hoofstep and despite being three we have not forgotten what we learned yes? We all know what worked, what did not and all sat around together each day listening to his little speeches and looking at the diagrams he drew on the ground. Every success, every failure... And let us not forget what we decided was impossible due to a lack of numbers is all stored right up here." Altayih tapped his head. "We know what to do and he walked us through it, granted we should do better because we learned and improved things. What was it he said? Fill in the gaps? All that we must do is apply what we have learned."

"That not a plan" Raswan shook his head.

"It is, we just need to follow the guideline he started us with and despite it being crude they are useful because at least it's a start. He was quite... Methodical, in what and how he explained things to us."

"Too crude, work with us but not if there too many."

"I think that was the beauty of what he showed us... We do not need to be elaborate in our plans, he called it "keep it simple, stupid" yes? Yes. That is why it will work for us, we just take it as he did one step at a time and... Iron out the kinks as we go. All three of us know how the drills are supposed to work, we learned through trial and error. Each of us also knows the tactics quite well because we have used them to rather devastating effect on the locals and all we really need to do is teach them how to pull it off."

Shahid rubbed the sleep and dust out of his eyes. "Where we start then?"

"From the beginning, with simply learning to listen to instructions."

"That very wise." The three stallions flinched as they realized Jelani had been spying on them with a questioning look on her face.

"A good morning to you Jelani." Altayih gave her a small nod and bow.

"You ready?" Looking them over before settling on Altayih's soot covered form she closed her eyes and decided against inquiring as to his state of person.

"Ready as we can be. May I inquire as to how many were volunteered into this little impromptu training camp?"

"Not have to volunteer anyone, Tendaji want more than twenty and get them. But have to tell some go away, too many."

"That is... Fortunate?"

Jelani gave them a crooked smile. "Tendaji very interested after Sefu keep telling him how you win battle after battle. Want to send many, Sefu say unwise and I agree."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Maybe both for you. Forty were chosen."

"Ahaahahaaa..." Altayih's anxious laugh died off. "I do not think that is possible."

"Tough, Tendaji expect you to teach them."

"I do not recall our captain agreeing to being ordered, that it was a most gracious offer of his own. Probably in exchange for favors."

"Yes, yes." Jelani waved him off. "Sefu and I say that but Tendaji maybe to eager hm?"

"I do not know what the captain will charge him for it but I think we are all a little concerned about something else... A certain spy and his mysterious counterpart."

"Take care of him."

"Oh gods-"

Jelani waved a hand. "No, no. Tikam alive. Verik was right, dead spy warn Fareed so send out on patrol, Sefu and myself hand pick the rest so less chance of spy. Tikam not come back from patrol for long time now."

"The captain would probably say something akin to "but if the other spy learns of us training forty warriors it will raise the alarm" or something like that."

"Not help it. Train farther away now though, they told not say one word."

"A spy would have their means."

"Take risk anyway."

"As you command-"

Jelani cut him off. "You moving?"

"My home has been... Overrun as it were, so I shall be staying with Raswan and we were on our way to leave my meager belongings with his families hut."

Motioning them off Jelani followed beside them and back into Wete. "What you teach them first?"


"Sefu already teach that. He very good at that."

"As captain taught us there are different kinds of discipline. Sefu is painfully good at teaching discipline but only for how you fight, what our captain taught us is something else that is for more..." Altayih paused. "I think he called them linear tactics. Not that we really use them now that I think about it..."

"Verik teach you things you not use? Why?"

"High hopes and aspirations that one day he shall have an army? I do not know but it did indeed help us work together, especially when you ganged up on us..."

Jelani let out a snort at Altayih's comment. "Warrior need to know how to fight many at once."

"Most true my dear striped lady-" Altayih closed his mouth for a moment when Jelani gave him a combative stare that dared him to finish the sentence. "Our captain taught us to fight as a single "unit" and not as independent warriors such as what you teach. Your discipline is outstanding but only works under certain conditions as we have already proven."

Jelani remained quiet as they left Altayih's belongings at Raswan's hut and after a quick explanation to his family the four departed and made their way hurriedly to the training grounds where a mob had gathered. Altayih, Raswan and Shahid looked at the gathering along with the pile of shields and training spears set aside. They all glanced at each other before settling their gaze upon Altayih who sighed and stepped forward. As all eyes turned upon the Arabian stallion he fought over what to say but could not come up with anything as they all stared and waited on him to say something.

Jelani watched from the side for a moment before clearing her throat quietly. "Lets see you teach them what Verik teach you then."

Letting out a quick breath Altayih remembered Verik's long winded textbook like explanations that at the time meant absolutely nothing, but it began clicking in his head and after doing a quick head count to make certain Jelani had not been joking he pulled Raswan and Shahid aside. "We will teach them exactly as we learned, lets start them off by getting in a line."

Raising his hand a little Shahid whispered a question, "how many deep? Only four back then but Verik say it work better when-"

"Two deep, twenty wide."

Jelani watched with mild amusement as the three stallions approached the mob of young and old warriors alike while listening to Altayih's instructions. Confusion reigned as the mob organized itself slowly and painfully until they were in the semblance of a formation, a smile curled into the corner of her mouth as Altayih tried to explain what they would be taught and after a few near arguments broke out things simmered down. She had thought about stepping in but a simple glare from her had simmered down the hard cases. Thankfully, most gave up quickly when they were reminded by Raswan as to just how many times they had lost in twenty to four battles including one or two where the odds were even steeper.

Once the explanations were over Altayih focused again on what they would be taught and after muddying his way through the itinerary they were told to grab their training equipment. Watching the rush Jelani was pleased to note just how many shields had been constructed from leftovers but as they reformed questions were raised again when those bearing shields were moved to the front and those without to the back, a few understood as they had been on the receiving end and thus remained quiet.

Altayih spoke up loudly. "The one with the shield defends and holds the enemy while the one without stabs them from the side or over the top! But for it to work you need to know how to move and fight together, not as a mob!"

One of the older zebras gave out a mumbled complaint, "already know how to stand in line and stab."

"Can you do that while walking and not leave the battle line behind?" The response was lack luster. "It is easier to just teach you all at once, at least for this, and not in pairs on simpler matters as there are only three of us. Learn to keep in step with the ones beside you and once that is possible we will do something different. Maybe how we ambushed you or how we- Never mind. You need to learn to hear the instruction and follow it while staying together, that means listening and moving when and where you are told. Some of you saw us bring down several of you without saying a word but by gesturing and then moving together. So lets start simple, by moving. Everyone, face left."

Jelani held down a small laugh as some turned left, a few looked confused as to why they should but a couple others turned in the opposite direction. Warfare between the tribes, rare as it was did not take organization such as this and while she had a basic understanding of what was happening, no one had ever been interested in learning until now. Fortunately, they had learned the easy way through Verik's shenanigans. Thus there was no loss of life and through this a painful example had been made. Keeping her eye on the mob as they learned to forgo their traditional single combat training or massed mob tactics and adopt a more unit based function brought her eyes to Raswan and Shahid who were trying to get everyone turned the right way.

Keeping her eye closely on Altayih as he stared with his jaw slightly open Jelani could only smile ear to ear. She had seen that face before on Verik when she had followed them into the bush when the four had "snuck off" to train in private with much the same result. The Arabian was sobbing inside as he stared in disbelief that it was even possible that such a thing could happen on a larger scale and with at least some training unlike how they had started out. Sitting down to listen carefully to the instructions and also learn Jelani watched intently as they made another attempt.

Taking a breath Altayih spoke as clear as he could. "Alright, again... Fa- Left face."

Altayih watched as the somewhat organized lines turned in the correct direction but it was so shuffled and slow it hurt. Giving the command to move forward caused more mass confusion as they immediately bumped into each other before stopping to argue with whoever ran into them. Keeping his jaw firmly locked while he cried inside from the chaos that was ensuing he wondered how long it would take to get them to where they could at least follow the instructions. Verik's "basics" had proven anything but and after a great deal of changes were made a very simple formula had emerged and seeing how the two lines had reacted it made even more sense now. Admittedly many of them had learned a great deal of the same basics from Sefu on being able to move together or stop, but not in such tightly nit ranks. Being able to move with the one next to you quickly and efficiently was required for the rest of what he had planned and so far it was a skill most largely lacked.

"Shahid, Raswan!" Altayih waited as the others quickly gathered and drawing on the ground pointed. "The captain was right, we need to break them down into smaller groups for this to work and then combine them. I had hoped we could do this as a larger unit but apparently not. Shahid, you take fourteen, Raswan twelve and I will take the remainder. Train in ranks of two, get them so they can at least walk and move with each other while not tripping one another."

Raswan glanced as the arguing mob. "How do we decide who we take?"

Without answering Altayih looked once at Shahid who yelled at them to line up again and as Altayih walked down the lines would stop and section off a group. As he finished and watched Shahid and Raswan pull their mobs away and begin drilling them privately he stared at his own group while just catching Jelani on the side who was trying to keep a straight face.

"Captain, I understand why you thumped your head against that tree now... I envy you right now, you only have to watch over a handful of foals. Gods above you have it easy and what I would do to trade places with you right now."

Author's Notes:

Here you go! Donate or comment if you so desire but comments are welcomed, I dont know how well understood something is or if you actually found something amusing without feedback! So what do you think of the story thus far? Drop a comment. Busy as hell next week though, not sure if I can get another chapter out.


Chapter 58: First Day of Foalcare

"The first mistake ever made after the first day is thinking every consecutive day will either be the same or as easy as the previous."

Sefu and Verik waited inside while Asha departed the creche in order to stand outside and see that their charges were herded inside one at a time or as small mobs. Most of the foals however were carried inside by their parents and then were lain on the various mats strewn around the hut, leaving them to sleep quietly. Unfortunately, not all were quite so serene when they were thrust inside. Watching the parents enter one at a time and deposit their offspring Verik counted them off quietly with Sefu sitting across the hut watching the door thus keeping the attention of those who were awake. Verik was content to sit quietly at his post which remained largely ignored by the parents or at least until they turned around, eyes curious for a moment before taking one last look at Sefu before leaving.

Now and then a parent would jolt, ears upright in warning upon seeing Verik but after looking at Sefu who gestured for them to be on their way they would depart hesitantly but without incident. Eventually a zebra mare walked in with a foal under her arm and after walking to Sefu she sat down, passed the squirming foal to Sefu and then leaned back with her eyes closed. Looking at them Verik wondered how big the midget would get considering how small they were in comparison to their towering colossus of a father. The tiny zebra foal was able to speak as well from the hushed conversation that took place between the two and turning his attention to the door again Verik wondered how many more would be deposited before the invisible bell rang and chaos erupted.

Watching them arrive a few at a time Verik stared at their mostly skinny forms with a small degree of concern, was this normal from living a more active life or was the food problem the cause? As he continued to watch them he had to admit they brought a small smile to his face, their half asleep faces and general smaller form bore about a kind of endearment he had never felt before though he was loath to ever admitting so openly. A few that had gone to sleep began to cause others arriving to drift their way and soon a small mass of bodies formed and they to cluster closer to each other creating a striped fur carpet that twitched now and then. When the furry mass did twitch or a tail flicked over the others it caused a rippling effect as hands or tails swished out to wave off the offending hand or tail before settling down again.

Smiling a little more he looked at Asha when she poked her head inside who just grinned back before returning his attention to foals. "At least most of them are asleep or groggy, two fighting over a stick... One scrawling in the dust, that one is trying to climb the wall in the vain hope of reaching a shelf... I wonder what it would be like to have children of my own."

The train of parents continued with Asha occasionally bringing them in but the elephant in the room was ignored or unseen. Was it that the foals had poor perception skills or was it the hour that had dulled their undeveloped senses? Most of the rowdy ones congregated with each other and bickered but the rest opted to continue sleeping and as his eyes roamed the hut a tiny set of eyes locked with his own. Staring at each other the tiny foal froze like a deer caught in the headlights of a large truck with their ears standing straight up and mouth slightly ajar.

Caught in a staring contest with each other another foal that had been conversing with them over their scrawling in the dust shook them before following their gaze and then they to looked up with similar results. Both stared wide eyed and terrified at Verik and never once dared to look away, they were utterly frozen in terror with ears splaying back slowly and mouths open.

Verik gave them a small smile. "Hello." The foals just stared and one tucked their tail around themselves before holding it while their mouth opened a little wider but no sound came out. "Either scream and get it over with or keep scrawling in the dust."

Sefu looked up quickly from his son who was now sitting in his lap and tracing Verik's gaze to the two foals, he opened his mouth to say something but the two let out a howl before he had a chance and the tiny, high pitched screams of panic caused a cascading effect as every foal in the room woke instantly and began looking around frantically. A few whom Verik had seen in passing were confused but scooted away from his presence but the rest began to join in save Sefu's son who was tucked into his fathers lap with his hands over his ears.

Asha and a few others popped their head inside to have a look at what had gone wrong as the wild evacuation began, little furry bodies raced to clear a swath around Verik as they huddled against the far wall in a dense ball. Sefu opened his mouth to say something but his wife Awe had sat bolt upright when the screaming began and as her patience waned rapidly she opened her mouth quicker than Sefu and shouted.

"Quiet! No more screaming! Go to sleep!"

Sefu winced at the forceful call of her voice as did Verik along with everyone else in the hut, Awe's voice echoing for a moment and a silence fell over the creche as all parties involved took turns looking at each other while trying to figure out what to do next or daring them to start again.

A single foal lifted her striped arm and pointed at Verik. "Monster."

Verik shrugged with his eyebrows. "Half right depending on who you ask."

"Shush you!" Awe glared at both of them. "That Verik, he be here long time now, stay here to watch you for long time. No more screaming!"

The little foal looked confused. "Daddy say it-"

"Go to sleep." Sefu's deep voice filled the creche as he set his son down and stood up, stooping so his head would miss the beams. Motioning them back to their mats the foals refused to budge from their position and letting out a sigh he scooted several mats closer to their small, densely packed refuge. "Now you sleep."

"Still monster."

"Then sit and not scream. Too early for screaming."

Ignoring Verik entirely Sefu passed him and walked outside for a minute to talk with what sounded like a worried mass. A silence prevailed quickly and once more the foals began arriving slowly, including Asha who had been sent back inside to sit beside him.

"Sefu say I sit here, maybe make foal less... Panicky."

"I wish you the best of luck but I think they wont be screaming again. Well, so long as I sit over here and they over there near the back door. After all, they just might try to chew their way out if I made a go for it."

The simple mention of the door made one foal look up and they began reaching for the lock bar but were thwarted by Awe who slapped their hands away every time they tried. Soon the older foal gave up and sat with a glare on their face focused on Awe who ignored them and went back to resting with one eye open.

"Verik?" Asha nudged him. "Why foals start screaming?"

"There is a monster on the loose and it is I."

"You not monster."

"He monster!" The little foal piped up again and pointed.

Asha scowled at them a moment before sighing. "Not monster, this Verik. Verik strange creature but not monster."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence Asha but calling me a strange creature is not helping either." Verik kept his thoughts to himself but as he watched the foals it was clear her words were not taking root.

Sefu looked inside before ushering in a final mob of foals and after stepping inside quickly he shut the door and barred it. "Pot with food outside."

Awe sat up slowly and looked as if through a haze towards the door and nodded before glancing at Verik and Asha taking stock of her options. "He cook?"


"I am not that bad a cook and you know it." Verik hissed quietly at Asha.

"You come Asha, time to prepare food for them."

Asha stood up and while Sefu kept any from making a run for the door with a threatening glare daring them to try, the two mares slipped outside quickly and the door was once more shut and locked behind them save the top section.



"Why dont the parents feed them before coming here, I know half were asleep but back where I came from when the alarm rang you kicked everyone out of bed, force everyone to eat fast, use the bathroom and then went on your way."

Raising his brow in curiosity Sefu shook his head. "Foal need different food, make them grow better, stronger. No time to do that at home, easier to send here if no one to watch at home. Some do, some not. Force feed?"

"Granted we did not need to cook our breakfast so it saved time, but it was either eat when it was put in front of you or go hungry till lunch. I take it we will have to visit the granary come lunch time?"

"No, all deliver by Zuberi and sister outside, they in charge of supply today... All days. All measure and ready, we only need cook and feed them." Sefu stared at the huddled mass of foals up against the far wall and door before sitting down in his former spot, and once his massive frame was down some of the foals scooted closer and tried to hide in his shadow.

"Well they aint screaming anymore, I consider that an accomplishment. Your wives voice carries quite well by the way."

"Awe used to foals, big family growing up, big family again."

"Family... There are... Forty... Seven. I was expecting less considering I am here."

"Parents know you not mean harm so they not care. Foals... Not so much. Not see you before. Maybe more sent tomorrow. Time tell."

"The foals live very secluded lives."

"Land around Wete dangerous, keep them close and safe. Also you not stay in Wete much, always gone hm?"

"As are you but being white furred with black stripes gives you an edge over myself, I kind of... Stand out."

Sefu shrugged. "Strange things make young ones curious or scared. Also know you not care to blend in, like standing out much."

"True, I wish to be no one else but me and as for the foals they are... Scared in this case." Verik looked them over again. "No, terrified. Mortified."

"Give time."

Asha stood beside Awe who took stock of the jars contents while muttering to herself quietly, once satisfied she pointed at them and then inside the hut. Picking the jars up they unbarred the lower door through the top section and entered the silent tomb of a creche, deposited the pots inside for the other two to watch and hurrying outside again they grabbed two other jugs and headed for the water well.

"Your husband make them very nervous."

"He not monster."

"Not monster but scare them badly, not good but also good. Keep them quiet. Make life easier. Why you ask for this?"

"Want family and learn."

Awe laughed. "Ask any and they tell you till ear bleed. Not need this to learn."

"Want to learn."

Giving a shrug Awe began a long winded speech of what to watch for, avoid and everything else Asha knew or did not know about keeping track of the foals inside the creche. She implored about Verik learning this and the response was to just tell him later, nodding ascent Asha followed quickly water jar held firmly as Awe continued to pour out a fountain of information that she hoped would keep things moving smoothly for the next two weeks.

"Oh, watch out for Isiba, he try to set hut on fire many time."

"Set hut on fire?!"

"Yes, he one with stripe that go up above eye and not down. Keep eye on him."

"Better to leave him at home?"

"Parents not want hut burned down while gone."

"No one else watch him?"

"Not want to, too much trouble."

Asha lifted the rope from the well and poured the water into one of the jars before looking down at the water. "Get extra water in case?"

"We get another jar later."

"Why you and Sefu do this?"

"Get out of hauling stone for Verik, husband get time with son."

"Oh... Not all foals here?"

"No, just three. Rest watch at home by grandmother but not so good at manage so many. Getting very old." Awe watched Asha drop the water bucket back into the well. "Break back but if it make Wete better, safe, then not care. He know what he doing?"

"Yes. Cause much trouble though."

Awe shrugged. "He always cause trouble but mostly good trouble. Not have to carry water to field ever again and when walls done... Maybe we have time to relax again. Also more food. More food good. If keep it."

"Canal mean more water for crops, plants growing better now. Not so dry."

"Big plants mean more food but not mean we keep food yes? Be nice to keep more. Maybe not allowed though."

Asha remembered Verik's plans and knew that things were well ahoof but kept it quiet. "Fareed always take too much but maybe we grow so much, more left this time."

"Maybe. Maybe he take even more and leave same as always. Come, we need to cook now."

Lifting the heavy jars and laboriously carrying them up the hill the two mares made their way back to the creche and to the small, sunken cooking area a short distance from the hut. Wood had been delivered while they were gone and after getting the fire going Awe explained how to ration out the portions for a growing foal and not a field worker. Collecting one of the jars from inside and measuring it out while watching carefully she helped with keeping things from burning, and once the larger pot was done they used old rags to lift the pot out and carry it inside the creche. One look was all they needed.

Asha and Awe stared at the strange sight that greeted them inside the hut. When they had left the creche the foals had lined the far walls opposite Verik but now the furry mass had shifted like sand in the wind. Sefu had a blank stare on his face as he gazed across the room at Verik who watched with an amused grin. The giant was acting as a magnet for the foals as they kept scooting closer to him until there was no room remaining. They had pushed and wormed their way into a giant mass in and around Sefu until he was covered in foals. His son sat dead center in his lap as the others tried to get closer for safety but were blocked as the small space around Sefu had long since passed maximum capacity.

"Time to eat." Awe nodded a location to Asha and moving to jar put it down gently before retrieving small bowls and spoons from the shelves. "Who first?"

A long silence passed as the foals judged the distance from breakfast to Verik before looking at the three zebras in the room.

Sefu tried to shift himself without squishing any foals before finally giving up. "You not go now I give to him and you get from him instead of Awe."

Whatever fire of fear he had lit worked as a few older foals gingerly stepped from their giant safety plushy and made their way over to Awe who began portioning the food out for them. As they received their breakfast the foals snatched a spoon and retreated across the room again where some where mobbed by their neighbors who were unwilling to make the trip on their own. Pushing and fighting while arguing about getting their own Sefu ordered those who had been given their food to go to one side and away from the grasping hands of those who had not. Slowly the threat from earlier took full effect as they skittered forward a few at a time while keeping a very close eye on Verik.

When they had all been fed Awe poured some water into the empty pot and swished it around to rinse and poured it into four bowls she had held back, giving one to Sefu, Asha and Verik before finally keeping the last for herself they drank what was left of the contents.

"I thought we did not get fed for doing this." Verik poured the last of the lukewarm water and gritty water into his mouth.

"No but not mean we waste." Awe sat beside Sefu. "Wash jar later when cooler. Foal get fed three times, morning, noon and before parents come to get them."

Nodding Verik watched the foals devour their food like a pack of starved piranhas and depending on the age it was clear not all has mastered the use of a spoon just yet. Some on the other hand were in such a hurry or so focused on him their spoons did not always go where it was intended but others simply spooned it down and then took to licking the bowls clean.

"I have a question Awe... How much should a foal get food wise?"

"More than this but make do anyway. Would be more but Fareed take more last year."

"Population control through starvation? Sounds like government to me." Verik watched the foals pile their bowls up without being asked to before hiding near Sefu and Awe again.

Asha nudged him and whispering motioned towards one of the foals. "Watch that one. Isiba, see mark above eye?"

"Yes but whats so special about him?"

"Try to set things on fire."

"Ohhh so that's the budding arsonist."

"Not know what that mean but no let him start fires."

Verik nodded before looking across at the other two. "So how are we managing this lot? Divide them up?"

Shaking her head Awe pointed to the door behind her. "We rotate inside and out when it time for them to play outside. Not divide up foal though, two outside, two inside all times. When time to cook again they all stay inside. Yes?"

"Are we supposed to teach them anything?"

"Why? What we teach them?"

"I dont know... Figured since Zuberi can read and write he could teach them to do the same, math, history, so on. Schooling."

"What is school?"

"Where you go to learn so you can read, write, do math, history... Unless they have political correctness running full tilt."

Sefu's head quirked sideways a little. "You go to university?"

"No, did not have the money for that and besides which I can read and write just fine. Dont need to pay someone to tell me to read a book. Graduated from high school though along with a bunch of other dumb sods who never paid attention and are probably living it up as managers or holding other high paying jobs since brains are not much of a requirement back there anymore."

"Not know what that is."

"I take it a university here teaches how to read, write..." Sefu nodded. "Then yes. There is a university here?"

"Alzamard, ancient and falling apart. Not know much about that place, maybe ask Zuberi."

Verik took in a quick breath of air before letting it out. "Considering how I strong armed him through Tendaji into "loaning" that wagon of his for hauling stone... I will pass for now. Besides, not planning on going there anytime soon."

"Not plan either, Alzamard very bad place."

Around them the foals began slumping down to the floor with their eyes slowly lidding over as they fell asleep one at a time, a few tried to hang on to awareness but failed slowly and soon joined the others. As they watched them slowly fall asleep Awe stood and motioning for Asha to stay, collected the bowls and spoons she placed them inside the cooking jar and then motioning the two left the creche quietly.

"I was wondering how long it would take before the adrenaline crash hit them."

Verik's voice was a whisper but even with the small snoring sounds it was louder than what he wanted. Sefu removed his son from his lap and placed him down on a mat before standing quietly and brushing the dust and dirt the foals had coated him with when they had fought over who got to get in closest.

"Calm before storm. When they wake have full belly, too much energy and climb walls."

"So we send them outside to run in little circles while screaming hysterically inside that fenced area?"


"Forty seven foals... I figured there would be a great many more in Wete considering the population."

"Yes but most staying home now that parent know you here, very lucky."

"Easier for us..."

The sun moved across the sky only partially before the first foals began sitting up and looking around again before settling their focus once more on Verik. One opened her mouth but a glare from Awe silenced them instantly and once most of them were awake the energy in their eyes was clear for all to see. Every foal in the creche was nearly buzzing from pent up energy that needed to be burned off and after Awe opened the back door they flooded out screaming into the fenced in lot to play. Watching them go she motioned for Verik to stay and took Asha with her leaving Sefu and Verik to handle the stragglers who were either still sleeping or had no interest in running around outside just yet. The door remained open however in the event any changed their minds but as time went on only two remained until Sefu ushered his son outside with a degree of complaint from the foal.

"What is his name?"


"I hear you have a great number of children."


"Never expected that from a towering colossus who can break bones with one hit."

Sefu stretched his legs out. "Many wives, many foals. Not strange. Maybe now? But not before."

"Suppose not considering the gender balance but... Oh well, just never expected that."

"Much to learn then."

"One never stops learning."

"Very wise but wisdom few believe and fewer follow."

"Is that why you so readily agreed to everything I have suggested to date?"

"No, some help feed Wete, other help protect."

"Fair enough. What is with the dust bunny over there?"

"What?" Sefu looked at where Verik was pointing. "That not dust."

"I know its a foal but it is rather hard to tell consider how well, she? Blends in with the floor despite being... I dont know, what is that... Pink-ish fur?"

"Yes, always hides self."

"Yes... And?"

"That one come with father, raiders sack little hamlet and some flee. Father die year ago. Had to cover in mud and dirt to hide coat so they not see them and now will not stop. Try to get her stop, but never listen."

"Sounds a little more mild that most stories I have heard so far. How old is she?"

"Not know but by look... I think she... Seven."

"Father didn't know?"

"Never say."

"So now she sits in a corner drawing patterns in the floor with her finger."

"At least she not scream when see you."

"She have a name?"


Verik stared at her a moment. "Hey Asanwa, why didn't you scream when you saw me?"

"She not answer, not talk so much now unless want something."

"Hm. Oh well." Verik removed a small piece of wood from a pocket in his cloak and after getting his crude but sharp dagger out began cutting.

"What you carving?"

"No idea, figured that if I was going to be here all day then may as well do something. The foals hiding from me was expected so I came prepared."

"Not leave shaving on floor."

"I will give them to Awe for starting more fires."

"When foal finally take interest in you..."

"I doubt they will since a lot of someones around here got it into their furry little heads that I am the devil come unto earth."

"You not a devil, they very, very bad. Very bad..."

"Oookay? Part of me wants to know but another says to just shut up and ignore what you just said."

"Maybe you should ask, stranger to this world and need to learn."

"If I want the hair on my head to stand on end I will just go talk to Nuru for a few minutes."

"She very good at that."

"Too good. Must be why you Wete zebras all have coats whiter than snow save your stripes."

Asha was sitting up against the wall of the hut while Awe did the rounds of the enclosure to make certain nothing was getting too out of hand while also looking for digging attempts. Everything had been mostly quiet since breakfast and even after lunch the foals were still going crazy despite having spent the better part of the day running in circles, fighting or playing. She had lost count of how many times they she had traded off with Awe in keeping order outside and as the mental exhaustion set in she wondered how Awe could keep up with all of them. Inside the creche the other two had maybe three to keep track of at any given time with few changes in numbers.

Awe slumped against the wall after breaking up another fight. "They so lucky..."


"Sefu and Verik, only three to watch."

"Next time they be outside to watch so we even."

"Nooo... Then foal stay inside to hide from Verik and climb walls..."

"Not if I send them outside and shut door."

"That very mean in many ways."

Awe smiled at Asha as she sat down beside her in the shade of the overhanging thatch roof. "Yes but give us rest yes? Make them keep track for day or two, trade back and forth yes? That way we not always tired."

"You not tired."

"Used to this, you are not. Get used to it though, have foal and this become much easier."

"No energy for foals this not change."

"So you not only volunteer for help to learn but hope for more hm?"

"That bad?"

"No, good, but you get more than bargain for, get easier in time but not so much easier no?"

"Not know..."


Awe stood and began walking towards the foal who was working two small pieces of wood and some dried reed from the fence together as a primitive fire starter. The foal froze a moment before hiding the material but Awe picked him up before collecting his fire starting materials and then tossed the materials over the fence and well out of reach.

Isiba glowered at her. "You not fun."

"Send you back inside with Sefu and Verik."

"Back with monster?"

Pausing a moment she nodded. "Yes, back inside."

"We all go back anyway."

"Make you spend all day sitting beside him."

Isiba squirmed in her grasp and after putting him down he wandered off to join the others leaving her to rejoin Asha.

"That one much trouble. Alwa-" Awe stopped as a foal made dead run for the fence and after making a wild jump threw themselves into the dense reed and sticks grasping the top and with a heave went over. "Asha! Get him!"

Heaving herself to her hooves Asha bolted towards the fence and praying that she would not fall short made a leap clearing the top and then hit the ground on the other side hooves skidding. After nearly falling down, she righted herself and saw the foal running wildly and gave chase. Darting through the village and around the huts Asha sped after him legs pounding harder than they had in years, while her breathing became more labored from not having to suck air so hard in just as many years. The foal darted around wildly as they fled down the hill and towards the fields but Asha stayed on them every inch of the way.

Slowly the gap began to close but the workers carrying stone blocked their way and seeing them coming they put their loads down and tried to assist in the capture to no avail as the foal zipped past. Asha leapt over one of the hauling sledges and hit the ground running again. The workers stopped to watch for a moment before going on their way and by the time the two were down the hill Asha was within reach, mustering up whatever energy the foal had left they spurred themselves on even harder but it was for naught as her hand reached out and grabbed them by the scruff of their neck. Letting out a small yelp the foal flailed a little as she forced them to a halt before spinning the around.

"Back to creche! Now!"

Still holding them by the neck she led them up the hill and breathing hard Awe was waiting on her with a large, knowing smile. Picking the foal up and heaving them over the fence to Awe, Asha opted for the front door which got strange looks from Sefu and Verik as she walked past them panting and sweating heavily. Once outside again she slumped down against the hut wall and accepted a cup of water from Awe.

"Take you long time to catch foal."

"Not know foal run so fast."

"Out of shape, too many years of walking and only carrying water. Get used to it though."

"Get used to chasing foal? They jump fence often?"

"Sometimes, hope I get to see when one jumps and Verik has to chase, that be funny."

"Not funny, make chest hurt."

"Breathe and drink, if another jump I chase this time yes?"

Asha nodded and took a long drink from the cup.

When the day was over Asha and Verik left the creche early as Sefu and Awe did not want to deal with a stampede of foals trying to mob the door, it was a very real concern for when their parents arrived to collect them and the two happily consented to their request. After seeing them off the pair wandered through Wete on their way home with Asha leaning on his side for support, Awe had kept her outside in the lot all day with her save when it was time to cook or clean things and it had taken a mental toll on her. It was also the first time since noon that the two had been able to see each other and talk as the foals had preferred to stay outside all day long rather than be cooped up with Sefu and Verik, and since the two were either assigned either inside or outside it made communication impossible except for a brief word in passing.

"Well that was easy. Let them go outside and scream, bring them in so they can huddle in a corner terrified and mute..."

"Not easy..." Asha mumbled. "Try to climb fence, jump fence, Isiba use two stick and try to make fire... One jump fence and run, had to chase all around Wete."

"Hmm... I figure she will put Sefu and myself out there next to keep an eye on them. Which one jumped the fence and tried to escape the prison camp?"

Verik listened to her mumble something but gave up trying to figure it out and in one fluid motion he swept Asha off her hooves and into her arms and continued to walk back to their hut. A yelp escaped her as he lifted her off the ground but it quickly gave way to a happy, limp form that was glad to not have to hoof it under her own power. Leaning into him as they walked back the two got stranger looks than usual from others along with a few concerned stares but her sleepily swishing tail waylaid any concerns they had.

"Were home."

"Too tired."

"I can take care of things, pretty well know where everything is now."

"Not that. Too tired now."

"Ah, all that planning shot to shit."

Asha let out a tired moan. "Want time for us but too exhausted! Not even in fields all day! How this be so hard?"

"You only had one sister to look after and I doubt you have had a need to jump a fence and hit the ground running at a full gait in a long time. I would have enjoyed seeing that though, just kind of float along and watch..."

"It not funny!"

"Oh its not funny and I am not laughing, well yes I am but I would have liked to watch for other reasons."

"Feel worse now."

"We will get our chance, its not like they can exhaust us for two weeks straight. Things will line up soon once we get used to the change of pace and then we will have more time and energy than we know what to do with."

Verik put her down on the mat and leaned in give her a small kiss before gathering things for the evening rationing.

"I hold you to that."

"Oh I know you will hold me to it but I would still have killed to watch you jump that fence and chase down that foal though."

An exhausted hand reached out and lazily slapped at his ankles. "I know why you want to watch."

"Hmm." Verik turned around and smiled at Asha. "Well either way, we got it a whole lot easier than Altayih and the others. This is going to be easy."

Author's Notes:

Expect some chapters to come more slowly in the future as I am beginning to hit the wall where I must carefully thread the great mass of upcoming events together properly so the timeline makes sense, and I also do not want to miss on any of the important conversations, meetings or other details as they unfold. However, when those chapters are written and released they will hopefully prove to be very interesting and or action packed.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter 59: Street Cleaning

"At least Fareed gives them a few days warning before sending us in to clear out the stragglers, that way the cleaning crews dont have as much blood to wash off the streets on the following morning before finishing by whitewashing the ruined houses."

The somewhat poorly equipped soldiers were formed up in small rectangular blocks of forty each in a loose formation as they awaited their commanders orders. New tunics had been issued the preceding evening so as to replace the old, dusty, torn, battered and sweat stained uniforms they normally wore over their densely quilted armor. That to had been taken away from them now that their purpose was less garrison duty and more pomp and circumstance as the visiting ambassadors would be arriving by carriage within a very short time. Chainmail had been issued out and polished to a high sheen along with their helmets so that as they stood in their ragged lines they glistened in the morning sunlight.

Ismat walked the line looking them over carefully and scrutinizing every detail of their persons before either pointing to one and snapping her fingers or moving on. Those who had failed to prepare their dress properly would be severely punished by either having their rations cut, pay docked or even whipped in the case of one who had dented their helmet and arrived haphazardly dressed in a somewhat soiled uniform. Every detail mattered, and indeed every link in their armor had to be perfection when they were paraded past Fareed for one final inspection. Any who befell his or General Xerin's ire for being improperly attired would pray most fervently that they had only to face their commanders wrath and not that of their ruler.

It was also a very poor joke, of this Ismat knew all too well and as she passed another company her eyes scanned them but her heart was not in it. Everything was done out of conditioned reflexes or purely out of habit, much like the soldiers she commanded. When Fareed said to dress elegantly they did so, clothing their persons in whatever they were issued and after dawning their equipment paraded themselves around as if this was how things had always been and would always be. Such was not the truth however, it was in all due reality quite the opposite. What was the truth remained simple: they dressed in worn out, dust covered armor and stained clothes the year out and if war broke out they would be lucky if half of them received chainmail or even banded metal armor.

Weapons? Of that Fareed made certain they had plenty, not a hand went without a spear, shield, blade nor bow if so duly assigned as an archer. However, it had become clear to her very early that most of the funding had been directed at the mercenaries who were armed to the teeth and equipped with some of the best armor the city had to offer and all of that expense had to come from somewhere, but where? Was it taken from the army? She knew the monthly dividend for the entire battalion which stood before her was rather paltry by comparison to the mercenary companies so where did it come from? Ismat knew some was indeed taken from the army to make ends meet for the various mercenary companies Fareed employed but even that would not be enough to fund their growing number.

Gritting her teeth a little as she reached the end of the column Ismat made a rapid about face and stared blankly at the two accompanying officers who had trailed behind her. Glancing back down the line those who had been singled out were being put to task by their junior officers and one was being chased back into the camp while being yelled at by a sergeant. Closing her eyes a moment and then glancing to her right at the second column Ismat looked at the pitifully equipped force that stood across from the strutting peacocks she had just examined. Each had their purpose in the following weeks, the first would stay in camp and stay clean and glittery while the other half of their number cleared the streets and did the grunt's work that was needed to keep the gears grinding behind the scenes. These soldiers would never be seen, leaving before dawn and only returning after dark so that no one would see their dirty, dusty and tired faces, from an outsiders perspective it would appear that the capital was in perfect working order; a well oiled machine.

But, behind that facade the extortion, murder and mayhem would continue as the corruption boiled freely and openly. She never could understand why Fareed bothered to put up this charade, every two bit dumb ass king and queen within a thousand leagues knew the truth of the situation so it was not like he was fooling anyone. Then again she also understood that his overwhelming sense of self worth was probably the root and the tree that sprung up was named ego. He wanted things this way and thus it shall be.

There was no point in examining the second group as they were dressed exactly as she would expect of them and were organized quite well for what was to come. Today they were police, tomorrow they would be soldiers fighting for Fareed and should they survive they would return to the streets. Ismat wondered if it was a bad decision to mix the two as war was not the same as walking the streets but considering what was happening on the streets at any given moment it stood to question if the ends justified the means. On the other hand it was also true almost all of the problems on the streets were caused by one and the same with the mercenaries lending a hand to keep it going so that things worked out in their favor.

Waving the first officer away to look after his battalion Ismat took a long, slow breath before nodding to the remaining mare. "March them into the city, we have a job to do and see that it gets done."

"Yes ma'am."

Ismat watched the mare move quickly down the line calling out a few quick orders and her battalion shifted in response, they were slower than Ismat liked but there was little she could do anymore with the state of affairs. To push the soldiers harder made the mercenaries smile from ear to ear as they dropped from the ranks because after all, why be whipped and ordered around for paltry loot and what little pay they received when one could join the other and at least get higher pay while being chewed out? Everyone had learned very slowly long before she was given a true command that it was a waste of time, they fought well enough, followed orders and showed up when ordered. The rest really did not matter but Ismat was still bothered by it, this was not how an army was supposed to be, not that she had seen anything like she had dreamed of. Not even the neighboring kingdoms had an army that matched anything from the scrolls she had combed over as a filly but they did exist, or at least they had.

Long ago well disciplined armies both well equipped and armed with wills of iron invaded this region of the continent and fought to the last equine standing, it was also a subject she had brought up with her father many times; always asking why they did not aim to achieve the same. There had never been a response to her questions as he genuinely did not know, which was somewhat of a fault of her fathers, he was a little too honest. Her grandfather Adil on the other hand had made no bones as to why it was not done and she had fallen asleep during his long winded explanations as to the costs of such a feat not including the time it took to train such a force. Today however she might ask him, assuming she cared anymore, as to why they did not remove the mercenaries and spend that coin attaining at least some level of higher efficiency but it would only fall on deaf ears as she already knew the response: Fareed would say no. It costs too much.

Why waste the vast sums of gold and silver doing so when the army was already good enough as it was? As it stood they could already take on any neighboring kingdom on an open field and usually best them without the need for deception nor any grand strategy. On the other hand they could in no way successfully lay siege to a single foreign city and just barely seize a fortified town. Which was probably where the mercenaries came in as Xerin was no stranger to siege engineering, Ismat had already learned a great deal from the mercenary general including how to engineer a number of siege engines. Knowledge which she knew was sorely lacking within the ranks of the Alzamardian officers.

General Xerin had put his knowledge to good use and it had gained Fareed the large trade city of Tuli from Labrad, it was a short, swift and bloody and excessively violent campaign that brought siege engines they had never seen before brought to bear against a woefully unprepared enemy. Their gates were shattered within the same morning their assault began and the walls overwhelmed with great moving towers before the locals even knew what was happening, the mercenaries in their near perfect formations burst forth from them and butchered everything that moved while her own forces charged through the broken, shattered gates only to be caught in a trap on the other side. It remained the only small victory the defending forces had that day, they stopped one charge through the gate but lost everything else within the hour.

It was not all that Xerin had done either, the ballistas and catapults that protected the city from the ancient towers were also his doing as he had worked it out on parchment as to the proper size and placement so as to have maximum coverage and effect on anyone who dared to attack the city. There was one catch however, and that was only the mercenaries under his command knew how to operate the machines. Some training had been given but it was so sparse that General Adil's soldiers would be hard pressed to operate them under the stress of combat and gods forbid that they had to make any repairs under such circumstances.

She also knew something else though: that Xerin was merely following texts that were stored away in the temple or similar ones he had read elsewhere. While not being a visitor she knew from the whispers of Basir and Zahir that the mercenary general was simply learning and copying from older texts and while it was indeed a truly wise and thoughtful example of his ability to learn and adapt, it also showed that Xerin was not the all knowing general some assumed him to be. As to where he had learned of these things, because she knew he dared not set one foot on the temple grounds, Ismat did not know and could only assume it was from his education in Saddle Arabia.

The deck was stacked against her and the army but they did have numbers, which was probably why Fareed made certain their funding was always enough that if it came down to a battle between the mercenaries and the army it would be a true bloodbath for both sides. Neither side had enough lean to survive on their own but the army was still big enough that they could mop the floor with the mercenaries in a standing fight. But, she also knew from personal experience the cost would be egregious and that the victory attained, should they take on all the mercenaries combined into one force, would be bloodily phyrric.

Grinding her teeth and wondering if she would need dentures one day Ismat watched as the tail end of the battalion passed her and after taking one last look around the camp, began walking quickly to pass the soldiers and reach the front of the column. Glancing sideways with a snarling glare on her face the soldiers began standing upright again and holding their spears properly, they had barely left the camp and already the laxity that plagued the vast majority of the army was clear to see again. It was also why she had hand picked the other battalion to be the colorful fools on display, she had far more control over certain formations as the nobles in charge were far more "agreeable" with her than certain others. All were absolutely loyal to Fareed, but at least a few were wise enough to know that their survival depended on well ordered forces capable of holding their own on the battlefield.

Such would be wasted on the streets today though as it was more important to keep the others ready and on call for when Fareed rolled out the carpet for his guests. Therefor she had decided to pick a force commanded by a less than stellar officer to handle the grit of the job at hand, a task they were perfectly suited for. Corrupt, backstabbing, weaselly and out for everything they could get, the noble at the front of the column was the perfect choice for keeping order on the streets during festivities because their life depended on it, a single mistake would mean her pretty noble head and the officer knew it. Completely devoid of scruples, it also meant they had the underhandedness needed to keep order in the slums and other areas but she also knew that in so doing she was releasing a plague.

This force would maintain the status quo but a price would be taken on the locals and it made her gut churn at the thought of it, but at least with this force she could reign them in quite easily with a few well placed threats. There was a command structure at play and she could strip the one in command within the blink of an eye, a fact she had made abundantly clear with her should she dare to step out of line. Order was to be maintained and failure would be punished, so sayeth her master Fareed. Period.

Still brewing angrily over the situation when they reached the main gate Ismat snapped back to reality and took stock of their surroundings as they entered North end of the city. Plans had been laid out with meticulous planning as to which routes the guests would be permitted to take and those who arrived by boat would be handled separately. Royal yachts would enter the city, berth at Fareed's private marina and then finally the guests would travel to the palace gardens before going to wherever they would be housed. For them there was no real need to put on a display as they would only see the riverside wharfs, docks, bridge, island and other smaller things that need not have any attention paid.

Fareed however wanted the main road wiped clean so that when those who came by carriage would see only spotless streets, whitewashed walls or fresh adobe plaster over the cracks. It was a very large job and assignments had been issued as to who was responsible for what, when and how. Already the work teams had gathered inside the gates, a mixture of slaves and laborers who would follow behind the street clearing forces and wash the blood away while the other teams began their work.

Her eyes drifted as she went over the details in her head one more time and a deep frown formed on her face as all eyes settled on a large platoon of heavily equipped mercenaries who stood waiting on the side of the main road. Standing in front of them waiting was a mercenary she had come to know all too well as Xerin thought the two of them were the perfect pair for resolving issues much to her chagrin. He was of medium height but his muscles were dense, corded, powerful and hidden under layers of armor and a deep, dark gray fur with a few diminished stripes telling of mixed parentage. Scars covered his face and each one had a story behind it that she had learned most unwillingly either because she had made the mistake one time of asking, or because his fellow mercenaries who took great pride in their captain enjoyed bragging. He was also a dark mark next to her name not because Fareed doubted her, but because she had always been lenient with the locals and Fareed saw this as a fault; one which needed fixing. Xerin of course knew just who to send so that the two would operate perfectly, one who was loyal and understood what Fareed wanted but also lacked any moral scruples of any kind what so ever and would get the job done in record time.

"Commander Ismat, we have been waiting. Shall we begin?" The stallions voice was deep, hollow and devoid of the spark of life, his eyes were frozen in a permanent blank stare that some would take for the eyes of a fool but those who did rarely lived long enough to of speak it again. "The crews and wagons are prepared to move the bodies and I have already cleared this section to save time."

Only a few years ago she had met Captain Mueadhab, one of the youngest to attain the rank while also not being of noble birth and having only received informal education in the barracks. He was also brutal, smart, unquestionably loyal to both Xerin and Fareed, bloodthirsty and violent but more than anything he was without question effective at whatever task he was assigned. She could also swear that he was a demon born in the fur and flesh but lacked the glowing, blood thirsty red eyes. They had met when ordered to hunt down some fool who had angered Fareed who had then decided to hide in one of the city sections. Mueadhab was a lieutenant at the time and was given the task of keeping her "safe" because she had a tendency to be too "trusting" of the locals.

What had been a simple fetch and return quest had turned into a bloodbath when some random pauper had decided to throw a rotten vegetable in her general direction, it was the last slight they ever made as her "bodyguard" and his two compatriots proceeded to hack apart everyone they could get their hands on while leaving the pauper for later. The terrified stallion was hauled into the street and turned into a eunuch quite violently before having their eyes stabbed out and returned to their corner, she had protested and tried to stop it but once Mueadhab set his mind to a task it was completed no matter what. The best she had done was corral him in and limit the damage but when the issue was formally brought up Fareed was quite pleased with how the two had worked together. She had the grit needed to reign him in and he had the ferocity needed to compliment her assignment. It had also not helped that Mueadhab was directly ordered to state his reasoning and it had brought a smile to Xerin and Fareed. He said it was a crime to assault a noble and it was also a crime for those standing next to the criminal for having not attempting to stop him, therefor those nearest should be punished and made an example of.

To this day the locals in that one area gave a wide berth to any noble that happened by or soldiers bearing the markings of her command, while the mercenaries they ran from on sight or mention.

Looking him straight in the eyes Ismat gave a curt nod. "We will proceed to the bridge and then continue from there. At least Fareed gives them a few days warning before sending us in to clear out the stragglers so that the cleaning crews can wash the blood away, while on the following morning finish by whitewashing these decrepit and ruined houses."

Captain Mueadhab gave a short, curt nod of understanding. "The tasks may be divided between the mercenaries and your forces but it shall be done by days end."

"That is a proclamation of the darkest intent if I ever heard it."

Ismat kept her thoughts to herself, the whole affair was a joint effort for the sake of expediency and also a means to get the mercenaries to earn their keep in the off season. Catch was it meant those who were desperate or had nowhere to go, perhaps even unlucky, would be snared in the roaming net of their forces. To be caught would mean one of two things, both based purely on their worth: either a quick stab to the stomach or bindings and a quick march to the market for sale. Then again if they were just honest locals they would be allowed to go on their way but woe to those not dressed the part as it was forbidden to appear on this road improperly dressed or shackled and marked until further notice. Riff raff, street rats, beggars and all others were forbidden from appearing within some fifty yards of the main road. This also meant fanning out the forces and combing the adjoining streets, alleys and back alleys for those who did not listen to the warning that had gone out. Granted, they were warned only once and most would not have heard and seeing as this was an annual event meant many knew roughly when it would happen and prepare in advance.

Looking to the officer at her side Ismat gave a quick nod. "Move them out and begin clearing the bridge, once on the other side proceed as was ordered. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

Watching the column move again Ismat's eyes remained glued on Captain Mueadhab who barely blinked as the soldiers passed his small force, but one look at the crews was all it took for them to jump into action and begin following. The area had already been cleaned in advance and workers were in the process of white washing the houses along the road with more teams at the ready. Mueadhab did not wait long though and before the tail end of the column passed he gave a few short, curt orders that were obeyed immediately with a precision Ismat could only dream of for her own troops. Snapping to attention the mercenaries lifted their shields in unison and drew up in clean, precise order. When the next order came they moved in unison onto the road falling in perfectly behind the column and made a short, sharp turn in their step following the soldiers towards the bridge.

She loathed them.

Captain Mueadhab followed beside them as they moved in perfect step by comparison to the poorly coordinated shuffle of the soldiers ahead of them, but after a look over his shoulder he slowed to a stop and waited.

"Is something wrong Commander?"

"No, just "admiring" your mercenaries discipline."


Ismat found herself lagging behind again for the second time as she passed the column as it scattered the locals on the bridge and any in what had been deemed "less than proper" attire were quickly beaten down if they did not flee for their lives. As the immense span of the bridge was passed over a great herd of fleeing locals had gathered in a mass attempt to disappear into the buildings and alleys on the far side. As she watched the chaos to the far front of the column she knew trade would be hampered for the duration of the gathering but it was also the off season for trade which was one more reason Fareed chose this time of year. Crops were not ready to harvest for another month or two depending, slave traffic had died off as those needed for the fields had long since been bought and sold leaving only a handful of merchants moving goods across the border.

It was indeed the perfect time to make everyones life more miserable as workers were in great supply but demand was lower than ever. Said workers dressed in rags normally swarmed out each morning to find any kind of work they could in order to eat and most employers chose to pay in food rather than coin. A simple tactic that saved them a lot of coin for paying off the tax collector in the hopes of being left alone but offering food as payment brought in laborers like moths to a flame. Problem was, those same laborers were now forbidden from appearing in public which meant starvation if they had not prepared or gotten crafty, then again many simply stole from others causing them to starve in their stead. Fareed understood this dilemma and in order to keep full blown riots from exploding in the city by the starved denizens wagons would go out each day and a small amount of food would be tossed into a pile for the locals to scavenge from.

Ismat also knew that it would eventually breed food riots as it was never enough, Fareed only provided just enough to make them remain silent but at some point those who went without would snap and attack those who were quicker on the take resulting in fights. Years ago charity had dissuaded most as locals aided the affected areas but with things falling apart, taxes rising and stricter measures in place the charity had quickly dried up. One kind of charity did remain however: the daily garbage haulers. They were the exception to the rule along with the corpse wagons and could travel freely in the mornings and evenings despite their poor state of attire.

Everyone who went without learned quickly that the haulers slowed their wagons and allowed locals to jump on and pick quickly so long as they did not cause the garbage to spill out. However, new measures had been taken against the garbage haulers this year and it would be forbidden because gods forbid one of the visitors staying in the palace, on the other side of the city no less, just might use a telescope to witness the event from one of the towers. To see the illustrious citizens of Alzamard climbing onto a garbage wagon and rooting through it like wild pigs was forbidden, but it did mean those in the slums outside would get a great deal more than normal.

"Something is bothering you Commander?"

A hard twitch affected her head as Ismat heard Mueadhab's voice to her right, once more she was trailing at the tail end of the column and completely lost in her thoughts. "The new measures are going to cause problems as the locals will try and mob the garbage wagons in the coming weeks only to be forbidden from doing so."

Mueadhab nodded without changing expressions and looked back towards the column as they neared the far end of the bridge. "It shall provide some sport for your soldiers and my troops, things have been too quiet and it dulls the senses. A good hunt is needed to hone them."

"We are not here to cause mayhem but to keep the peace and make certain the locals obey the law." Ismat gave him an unamused stare but he ignored her.

"There shall be sport when we pass this section, there are too many of them and not enough room. Once we herd them back into the far housing district it will take even more force to dislodge them."

Their pace slowed as they reached a small collection of bedraggled locals who were kneeling on the side of the bridge with soldiers watching them. Despite having violated the law they had been spared by an officer and would be marched to the market for a quick sale which would mostly likely send them off to one of the labor camps outside the city in preparation for the coming harvest or if they were less lucky, to one of the work groups tasked with maintaining the city. If they fell into the later it meant being employed by Fareed which was a far more fatal prospect as they were freely replaced at will, whereas someone who paid for them had a stake in keeping them alive. And, while Fareed did own a great deal of the surrounding land and fields it was left to overseers who understood a dead worker produced nothing but a live one could be used to meet quota.

As she walked Ismat took a quick look at a blood stain that went over the side of the bridge which spoke of a lucky one who had either tried to dive off and failed or been pushed off with sharp assistance. At least for them they would not have to worry about which fate awaited them, only the cold waters of the Thriti would now hold them and it was far more merciful.

"I captured a few this morning and if this is the best we are getting there shall be little profit today." Mueadhab glanced at them and took a quick appraisal before shaking his head.

Ismat glanced at him before walking on. "We are not here for profit."

"No, but it is our right to make a profit as we carry out our duties."

"That may be so captain but our orders take precedence."

"Of course."

He meant it to. When given an order he carried it out no matter what the cost would be and she knew that in his mind there was no room for doubt, and the idea that an order could be wrong or incorrect was preposterous as the order would have never been given if it were.

Ahead of them the situation was getting a little out of hand as the soldiers fanned out down the streets and alleys causing a great commotion to fill the air. The tiny handful of officers were struggling to keep up with both the soldiers and those being marked but were managing well enough as the tail end of the column caught up with the scattered forces and came to a halt. They could see the gatehouse was being swarmed by locals and the guards were just trying to stay alive and not be trampled to death as fists flew in the vain hope of pushing just far enough ahead to get clear.

Ismat watched before walking forward to the commanding officer and pointed. "Force them through, we do not have time for this."

"We are trying but there are too many, also those captured for sale are..." The officer motions to the side where a large group was being held. "Less than suitable for selling, they are the ones too old, sick or slow to run fast enough."

"Are you lamenting that your share of the loot will not be enough?"

"No commander! But the soldiers are becoming slack as they know there shall be little or no reward."

"They are worthless as are you." Ismat and the officer turned to Mueadhab who had advanced his platoon forward and drawn up a line. "Your commander ordered you to clear the gate and drive them through. How is it you are incapable of such a simple task with a battalion at your command?"

"The soldie-"

"Are worthless. They can barely keep them hemmed in, if this were a true battle you would all die. I would have to kill half of your force to bring proper discipline to their ranks. You are obsessed with reward but you have done nothing worth rewarding."

"I believe he would if only to make the point of who is in command and that when an order is given it is obeyed." Ismat watched quietly as the captain tore apart the officer and noble in front of everyone, he was not just embarrassing her which was seen as unacceptable for officers to do but also destroying her authority and it was entirely on purpose. He did not challenge her as a noble, but as the officer failing to carry out the order, he was replacing her and there was nothing she could do about it due to Fareed's standing orders.

Turning towards the clogged gatehouse Mueadhab barked out one clear order: advance. With shields up his platoon waded forward into both soldiers and locals alike. At first the soldiers were confused as to what was happening but after realizing they had one of two choices they chose to double their efforts driving forward stabbing furiously and pushing even harder against the dense mass clearing it slowly at first until the mass thinned out and gave way. A number of bodies covered the street and the company that had been in front of the mercenaries scattered to the side as they passed through the gatehouse before being ordered to halt on the other side.

"The gatehouse is cleared of the obstruction and we can proceed with our orders."

Not showing any sign nor desire of wanting to kill him Ismat instead turned to the officer. "You will finish up here, I will take one of your companies with me to clear the streets on the other side. When you are finished here you will follow with haste."

Without looking at Mueadhab she walked past them both and picked out the rearmost company that had stood waiting and ordered them through the gatehouse. Rejoining his force quickly the captain issued out their orders and began moving them down the road, it had taken hours to get this far and now it was his turn to take the lead and deal with the most wild and unpredictable parts of the city. Here the streets and alleys were narrow, the buildings tall, dense and packed. A great number of those fleeing had already vanished down the street but they were fighting against a day long backwash of those seeking food and the wagons that had begun to return from their garbage or corpse hauling were making things very difficult.

Ismat could see Mueadhab was not dissuaded in the slightest either, he issued new orders and with precision the force split in half to cover both sides of the road and thus pass the wagons and souse out anyone trying to hide in with the wagons. There was no food outside and if they wanted to eat it meant sneaking inside, a fact they were slowly becoming aware of as they remembered what was coming.

The company commander to her side watched for a moment before leaning closer to her. "Commander, there is little here to do, shall we drive them out of the buildings along the road? I am aware of what you said but if we do not get at least something for our efforts the soldiers will be less likely to press on as fervently."

Twisting her jaw around Ismat glared at the company commander with enough malice to make him look away. "You will not loot the buildings, what would you hope to take? Moldy bread? A few coins? You will not drive them out either because you know they have nowhere to go nor a means of escape. I also know this is a pathetically veiled attempt of yours to capture prisoners and sell them."

"Yes, commander."

Ismat's ears twitched a little before looking at him again. "Divide the company and sweep the alleys and side streets on both sides, within fifty yards and no more."

"At once."

Watching them fall out and scatter down the various small alleys and streets shouting at anyone who poked their head out Ismat wandered on to follow the mercenaries who were keeping a leisurely pace due to the wagons trying to fight their way through those scattering to the winds.

"This is madness."

"You trust them to obey and perform their duties?" Mueadhab returned to her side and watched as the throng thinned out slowly with only a few fatalities.

"A warning would have sufficed at the gatehouse captain."

"I respectfully disagree, they must be reminded that failure to carry out their duties has consequences and the mob would have continued to block the passage far longer than necessary."

"You used to be one of those in that mob."

"Yes, but only those who are strong and obey will survive, as it should be. I am aware of your distaste for this but unless we cull the herd of those who do not obey it shall only get worse. Measures must be taken and-"

He stopped and pointed to a gathering of locals who had begun to appear, probably in the hopes of getting past the mercenaries and after a sharp bark of instructions ten mercenaries made a sharp turn and charged them. Blood flew as they were cut down or driven back into the buildings and once satisfied he recalled the squad and had them form up a new line.

Looking down some of the alleys and back towards the gatehouse the captain shook his head. "Her troops need proper training, they can not keep up. I shall have my troops wait here until they clear the side alleys so none sneak past us."

Ismat stared blankly and nodded. "Your a gods damned murderer and barbarian in uniform. The same as me..."



"Why do you not replace that one with someone more capable?"

"It is possible but who would I replace them with?"

"I see. I have noticed you stay back with my troops more than your own."

"Only because I am lost in thought today and trust you less than my own."

"If these soldiers are so untrustworthy perhaps their numbers should be culled and disciplinary measures taken. Such will only make them stronger and more efficient."

"I wouldn't doubt it..." Ismat shook her head. "No, they perform as is expected of them and meet the standards set."

"Higher standards are needed."

"Your way of achieving those standards would not help."

"With all due respect commander, if your own did then the incident would not have occured and there would also be no need for my platoon today. There is too much laxity and it will only breed chaos and disorder."

"I seem to recall you were born in one of those areas with the highest degree of chaos."

"Which is why I grew to appreciate order and the strength needed to keep it."

"Strength will only keep order until someone stronger comes along captain, and when that happens chaos will ensue. It is more appropriate and simple to fix things so that others may have a life without causing trouble. This is why the other areas of the city do not have these problems and have no need for your kind compared to this... Cesspool."

"Perhaps but those areas obey and are orderly to begin with, this area is not and requires a stronger hand to deal with them. It is indeed a waste of effort to patrol the better areas of the city save to keep out the thieves but they also obey because they know that if they do not the price will be high. Better to live in peace than lose their lives by defying their betters."

"The threat of death keeps them in line then? I do not seem to recall the city ever having trouble until recently though, namely the arrival of the mercenaries seems to have upset things considerably."

Mueadhab furrowed his brow slightly at Ismats suggestion. "I am well aware that certain companies are less reputable and that they should be executed for their crimes."

"That is somehow grimly hilarious coming from you..."

As they stood watching Ismat caught a sudden burst of movement from her left and drawing her blade and making a swift cut stepped aside allowing the stallion to fall dead at her hooves.

His own blade in hand the captain checked the body quickly and looked around for any others who would dare attack. "I apologize for having not stopped them as it is also my duty to guard you today commander, but your speed, timing and aim is perfect."

Mueadhab called two mercenaries back from the line to guard Ismat and he looked the body over before checking the area for other would be assassins. Ismat however stared down at the corpse for a moment to stare at the crude knife before looking up to see where her attacker had come from. Another corpse lay nearby, stabbed once neatly through the throat by a mercenary. Looking back and forth between the two she pieced together what had happened and stared at the blood on her blade before quickly wiping it off and threw the bloody cloth away. As her own soldiers began to emerge after having finally caught up with them Mueadhab smiled at her.

"We have our disagreements Commander but I am pleased that Fareed and General Xerin paired us for this task, it is good to see that you are quick and efficient when dealing with your enemies. I have always been worried you might stay your blade on them but you have proven me wrong, my apologies for believing you to be soft hearted and not as ruthless as Fareed desires of his officers. You would make a fine mercenary in General Xerin's ranks."

"No. I swore my loyalty to Fareed and will not betray that sacred trust, unlike mercenaries who are paid to remain loyal those of noble birth such as myself take our duties and word seriously." A trained response if she ever heard it for to speak the truth would get her killed on the spot.

"That is a very good quality to have."

Captain Mueadhab gave her a short bow and returned to his troops leaving her with two guards and a corpse on the street. Looking to the soldiers who were being once more ordered back in the alleys she pointed at one of them and ordered them over.

"Take that body and place it on top of the one over there so the wagons dont run it over and cause a bigger mess."

Ismat watched the soldier pick up the dead foal which was nearly slashed in half with one hand and carrying it to the other body he dropped it unceremoniously in a heap. Stooping down to make a quick check of the other corpse for anything worth looting Ismat locked her jaw in silent protest, it was the soldiers right to pick the corpses of enemies after all. The stallion removed two coins and looking at Ismat who still had her blade out looked at the coins and giving a sigh approached her and held them out.

"These are yours by right ma'am."

"Keep them." Her words were forced out of a locked jaw and staring at the two grungy and corroded copper coins the soldier held out watched as he drew up to attention and smiled, thanked her and pocketed them before moving on.

"He thinks that's something to be proud of he's a damn fool ma'am. Good kill though, nearly cut em in half."

"Your right, its nothing to be proud of and one would be a fool for being so."

Author's Notes:

In a pretty foul mood the past week that has not improved one bit, everything keeps breaking from water heater to stove to bathtub. To make matters worse Fedex lost my new stove (no one anywhere near me sells them and I dont have a truck), found it, got the wrong destination and now its a battle royale to get it delivered. Not sure if I will get another out this week as right now I just want to murderhobo the hell out of something.

Had this ready to post but kept forgetting to hit the "publish" button because something kept happening but anyway, here you go. Long chapter, 7000+ words, enjoy the new character and another appearance of Ismat!

Chapter 60: Planning

"The first steps in any military plan are crucial for they set the stage for later successes or failures. Therefor, it is imperative that the plans be complete, precise, are carried out with the utmost precision and without hesitation upon command. The only way to accomplish this is with knowledge of the terrain, weather, force dispositions and of your enemies combined capabilities as well as that of your own. Nothing must be left to chance, but neither should the mystery of the unknown be ignored."
-Prince Halim-

Slowly surveying the neatly organized military camp which was nestled inside the low ridges forming a perfect screen against prying eyes, Halim gazed out counting the sections and tallying the numbers. In his left hand a parchment on the current force numbers were clearly written but he wanted to be certain of more than just the troops at his command. Arriving in the early morning hours before the sun had risen his entourage had taken up residence in the larger tents provided which served as his headquarters until the campaign began anew, but there was so much more to do and so little time left. Supplies were being brought in on the backs of the soldiers, while the normal logistical train that accompanied his forces hid during the day and traveled at night along marked corridors while the moon was still full.

The soldiers had to eat at least twice a day while sitting in garrison, immobile and quiet. This meant a constant supply of food was needed and that had already been accomplished by using fake trade caravans following a shorter secondary road, a small detail largely forgotten or ignored by all but his father and himself. It was a simple but useful route that few used during times of trouble, yet now that the cessation of hostilities was in effect it looked from an outwards appearance that trade had picked up again. Such was far from the truth however, the wagons were exclusively military wagons while the real merchants were far to busy scurrying along the direct route from Paje to Enuba as it was the most secure. It had been quite true a week ago, the main road was indeed the safest route but his striped mercenaries from the south had made short work of any rebels and bandits who hid in the ridges while acting as the perfect screen against prying eyes. From the view of an outside observer bandits still roamed free.

Getting the troops in had taken some effort but his fathers plan had worked with perfect precision, a testament to his skill's in planning both long and short campaigns. Bwani had once maintained a series of watch towers along their North Eastern border but as decades passes and their only purpose was to draw bandits, the towers were abandoned one by one until finally the trade road was hardly used. Not that it was anyway, and their north easterly neighbors had never shown any interest in them nor conducting trade. Being cost prohibitive the system had finally been abandoned entirely, quickly fallen into disrepair and was now nothing more than a series of ramshackle, rotten or collapsed timbers or overgrown paths.

Which made it perfect for moving his forces to within a few mere days march of Bwani, they enjoyed the luxury of sitting just outside both Enuba and Bwani's normal patrol routes as Enuba had given up the region some time ago. Instead, it now fell to various petty chieftains who had in turn abandoned it to the bandits after battling each other to a bloody standstill, but now it was claimed by Halim as his corridor of attack. Any fool could see a military build up at Paje and while the road between Paje and Bwani was good it would also alert his enemy long before he arrived at the first fortified town or fortress. What was to come would not be a campaign of seizing ground, consolidation and then moving to the next bigger target but this time it was running in reverse. The gem was to be seized first and the rest would fall as they marched home in a reverse conquest.

There was no need nor reason to draw things out, no need for posturing along the borders with armies and fortifications which was exactly what they expected. No, this was to be a swift, bloody stroke to their unprotected belly that had been utterly ignored for far too long. Bwani had enjoyed being at peace with their northern neighbors for far too long and focused all their attention on one single strip of border: his fathers.

Halim blinked slowly and walked into his tent, laid down the paper and after taking a seat looked at the map. Peace made everyone soft and forgetful as eyes would always turn to the biggest and loudest enemy while ignoring the rest who remained quiet. His own kingdom was the loudest and so Bwani focused every moment of their attention on the border but in so doing had given them an excellent opportunity. They had wrongfully assumed that all attacks would come along the same stretch and not from a completely different direction, after all moving an army, equipment and supplies would be obvious assuming one marched the army at all. After all, to attack from anywhere else was to leave ones supply lines far behind, risk being surrounded, cut off and also draw the ire of all those in the area. Normally that would be true, but no longer.

What had been long planned was the opposite of expectations. His last campaign was merely to keep their attention drawn to the border and thus keep those prying eyes set in place so the army could funnel forces secretly to a new location. A terrible gamble some would say, by breaking ones forces up and moving them piecemeal it invited disaster as the enemy could fall upon them and destroy them in detail. But only if the enemy knew to look for them, every night the soldiers marched and during the day hunkered down and slept on the open ground without fires nor protection. Heavier equipment was put onto the wagons masked as merchants and moved normally but the real danger was the heavy infantry he had brought in with him on the last march.

Four columns had been needed in order to mask the movements properly and the full moon had remained long enough to pull it off before slipping once more into darkness. Rationing was in full effect to preserve the bulk of their supplies, constant mercenary patrols made it appear as if the bandits were still operating while in reality keeping questioning eyes away, few fires were kept and those fires prepared food on a far larger scale than normal. At night no fires were permitted save what they had found when the bandits had been cleared out, everything was normal, everything was fine. All was normal.

Meanwhile the last siege equipment had been brought in for the siege of Bwani and had long been broken down and packed up, and it would take mere hours to assemble it upon arrival. If the time table was kept to they could lay siege on the same day of their arrival and perhaps even storm the city before nightfall. However, he was somewhat dubious about this particular part of the plan. After all, anything could happen along the march even though they had long since set about quietly cleaning up the long abandoned supply road that had once kept the border guards fed.

Halim sat quietly a moment as his staff officers waited quietly to one side and satisfied that the camp preparations had been met he reached out and drew the latest report on Sibusiso closer. Unrolling it and glancing over the paper one more time he shifted his eyes to the map laid out before him. Originally, his father had planned on Sibusiso being at least half intelligent and dispatching his raiders just prior to the harvest season, this would give them time to travel, raid and also a means of living off the land. However, the glorious and most blessed king had instead passed it off to his son, Isibuso; who had an entirely different perspective on how the raid should be handled.

Gone was any logic from their already ill conceived plan but instead they had delivered a new opportunity to him, one that had nagged both his father and himself: If an early harvest occurred there was a good chance a long siege might be required should the opening objectives not be met. Their enemy could barricade themselves and try to hold out just a little while longer as their army marched to their aid. However, by attacking far too early it meant this was now an impossibility. No crops would be ripe and the city would be running low on its already sparse supply, even now one of his fathers spies kept track of their granaries and things were already being cleared out in anticipation of the coming, though still wayward, harvest. They had counted their chickens before they hatched.

He would be besieging a city that had already run low on food, was in the process of selling off the old stock save a handful that were kept for "emergencies," which actually meant feeding the nobles and a handful of city guards. Meanwhile their army would be racing desperately across the countryside to beat off a "full scale invasion" by Sibusiso which was actually just a passing raid with too great a number involved. The hilarity would be that a diplomat would most likely be in Paje arguing with one of his fathers ambassadors about their invasion, but it was not they who were invading. Sibusiso was not one of theirs and neither were his mercenary forces, to back this up would be the complete and utter lack of military buildup on their part along their south eastern border giving credence to this. But, when the army fell upon Bwani it would be timed with the second month of the expiration of duly signed cessation of hostilities that had ended the fighting months ago.

It was complete and utter insanity now.

Still, this meant that once the city fell all the crops would now fall directly into his hands and no one else's. Such a boon would mean the logistical lines that had to swing wide and far would be removed entirely as the city and its new garrison became both storehouse and launching point for the next phase of his campaign. Sibusiso's marauding mercenaries would serve their purpose one way or another and those he had brought with him theirs.

His eyes looked up as the tent flaps opened and a shaggily dressed mare entered with two accompanying guards, all eyes turned to her as she quickly bowed and held out an envelope. Halim looked at her and the note carefully before motioning to a guard to bring it to him, and after receiving it he looked at the wax sealed and blank exterior with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

"Who is this from and whom are you? I know the faces of all the couriers and you are not one of them." Taking another look at the paper he glared wondering how she got past the patrols without proper markings for a courier.

Slowly lifting a hand and reaching down into her sweat soaked tunic the mare removed a crude string and held up a small signet. Watching her carefully Halim nodded to one of his officers who removed it and examined it before nodding.

"Is that how you got past the patrols?"

"No my lord, I followed a small, dry creek bed that ran through some rather thick and... Brambly brush. The mercenaries seem none to keen on fighting their way through it to perform a proper patrol."

"You will show the captain here where this hole is. Captain, take a patrol and plug the hole, then find out who is responsible for leaving the gap open and deal with them."

Giving a quick bow the captain turned and the courier waited until he had departed. "The note is directly from the kings ambassador in Paje, he said it was most urgent. My signet proves who I am and the seal on the letter as well."

"Thank you, now go with the captain." Watching them depart as he took a quick glance at both before he unfolded the document and read it, a smile began creeping onto his face. "It would appear Isibuso is not only inept but also a talker and braggart. We now know not only the exact day he will set march but also the final route he has decided upon for both columns, and he will be joining the Sebanwi column apparently. And see that this signet is returned to the courier." Halim rolled the marking across the table before looking the message over once more.

The oldest of the staff officers gave a small nod before speaking. "Everything is prepared and ready for the march, the wagons are lined up and can be moved within the hour."

"Good, but we are not leaving so soon, I hope my small collection of hand picked mercenaries are doing better than the other ones who left the door open."

"We have mixed our patrols to keep others out but their laxity has grown unfortunately, as it stands we limit our own patrols to the inner perimeter while they control the outer layer."

"The mistake will be solved soon."

A younger mare raised her hand a little before speaking softly. "Is this why the bulk of them have been left behind?"

Halim looked over at her as did the others who glared but instead of glaring he nodded. "They would only get in my way here so it is better to leave them far away and forgotten till needed. It is of little surprise they are incapable of keeping secrets for long but the distance I am keeping them at is not insurmountable for them either." Tapping the marker where the mercenaries waited he then drew his finger across the map. "Even though they have very loose lips they make up for it with their incredible speed, ferocity and bravery in battle. They will act as the bulwark in keeping an eye out for the enemy armies return while the other chases ghosts."

"I do not trust them sire." The old stallion had cowed the younger officer down with a burning look before returning his attention to the map.

"Of course not and why should I trust them? However, they are still useful in certain... Capacities. As scouts, raiders, skirmishers and other trivial matters they are perfectly suited but not against our target. They have no ability to handle engineering, siege equipment, lack even the most basic understanding of walled fortifications save a palisade which is the best they have ever managed... No, it is better they stay out of our way, this is a battle for true soldiers and not light infantry. Their talents would be utterly wasted assaulting walls, they will remain on our flanks keeping interested parties at bay so we can do our job."

"There is no disrespect intended my prince as I have come to trust in your ability to command without reservations, but todays incident could happen again on a larger scale. I agree they are faster than any force I have ever seen on the march and brave but they are also... Disloyal fools. Their only interest is coin and should the danger outweigh the reward..."

"Which has been planned for, I only expect them to keep watch and not fight the battle on their own. I fully expect them to flee in droves from the returning army as it races to save their capital and our wayward mercenaries will provide the warning needed. A courier from within their ranks travels at more than twice the speed as one of our own and a reward given to whichever force spots the enemy army first and returns intact to our siege camp. They will then be sent out once more either with the whole of our my army to destroy them, but should that not be possible they will be joined with the rest and sent out merely to harass the enemy while denying a formal engagement. We are buying time, not battles."

"The rains may waylay them more than anything including us."

"That is a non-issue, our route will be unhindered by the weather. We need only set out and we will immediately command the high ground and march down and into our target area using the terrain to mask our movement."

"Flooding at the siege camp?"

"They enjoy neither moat nor river, the water which feeds the city is a collection of creeks, streams and wells. Flooding only affects the northwest side, outside of the city, and we are assaulting them from the east. There are a few bridges here and there which will be destroyed if need be but their destruction will only slow the enemy and not stop them, until then we will control them and isolate the city further but only temporarily."

"If the siege camp is not affected by drainage it must be at a higher elevation, most unlikely considering whoever built the city would have leveled the terrain and thus deny any advantage."

"Whoever founded the city either never got around to it or ignored the issue. There is a low running ridge to the eastern side and we will be camping there, it is also well within range for the catapults and provides a graceful, downward slope to move the battering rams and other equipment."

"Can we assume that a gate happens to be at the base of this slope?"

"You would be correct. The primary gate is on the south side of the city but secondary gates sit on the west and eastern sides, we will be breaking through the less defended and watched of the two." Halim unraveled a map of the city and pointed the gates out. "It also lacks a proper gatehouse and the walls are slightly lower."

"Very good my prince but what of the enemy?"

"Standard garrison of roughly one thousand at most, city guard, militia and not front line soldiers. Most of those are sent out on patrols along the roads so the actual garrison will be lower. At the moment the bulk of their army remains near the border in a blocking capacity while keeping an eye on Isibuso's host as it gathers, and now that I know the date of his departure and have a small idea of his route..." Halim picked up a few tokens and placed them on the map marking a path. "Isibusi will follow this route before branching off here, from there one column goes north east while the other travels due north with his own personal detachment of enforcers."

The officers gathered around the table to stare as Halim laid out a handful of differently colored tokens and continued. "Our enemy must then chase them along a smaller road that runs through the interior of their borders, it is an old military road granting them the ability to rapidly march from one end to the other without having to return here, to this fortified intersection."

Scratching the side of his face the eldest officer stared at the map before touching one point. "Would that not bring them dangerously close to us at some point?"

"It will but not before shifting them in the wrong direction for a few days or more. Once they realize their mistake and of course correct it, they must then take this road on the western border in order to double back. They will have passed over the last major road by at least a day so they will not be using it to march directly to us. Their arrival will happen here on the southern end of the city at the primary gate which is where they assume we will be, there are also two small bridges that allow them direct access over one dry riverbed and a wide, rocky creek. By destroying both, if they arrive ahead of schedule... We can slow their arrival by a day at best unless they leave their supplies behind."

"You mentioned the mercenaries acting as skirmishers for this..."

"Here." Halim put his finger on the map. "The bridge leads into a narrow valley with high ridges on both sides that will slow them and force their army to spread out in a longer column until they emerge, the road is of poor quality and severely rutted. At this point their supplies will have run out unless they seize from the locals which is what I expect them to do. This seizure if it goes according to my records, will grant a force of their size at least two more days if rationed carefully."

"It sounds like you are baiting the mercenaries with a promise of loot."

"Of course I am. Their supplies are merely bait on a hook and the terrain narrows in till it forms a dense scrub brush which is perfect for an ambush befitting their tactics. They have the speed to make it well ahead of them, array their forces and then lay in wait. Whatever force enters the valley will be assailed from both sides and forced to either retreat or deploy in full to do battle in order to drive out their assailant."

"How long will we have assuming they move as anticipated?"

"Five days."

"That is not long enough my prince..."

"Five days is the base I am operating with, anything beyond that will either subtract or add to my time table. Waylaying them will add a day, ambushing them here will add one day further assuming the mercenaries do not break and run. Should they take a detour, here, it will add another two days and force them to leave their wagons behind. Of course this assumes they travel at double their pace or better."

"What if Isibuso moves at full speed? Or dare I say... Meets an unfortunate end?"

"He is not smart enough and after reading this note he has no intention of traveling at a quickened pace, his mockery of a plan will keep them moving slow enough for the enemy to keep up and give a general pursuit. Should the prince die, the plan proceeds according to plan as the enemy will spend their time chasing down the scattered remnants. Though I would prefer it if he lived long enough to at least leave the region before dying."

"What if..." Halim looked up at the old stallion and narrowed his eyes to which the stallion raised his hands before tapping the southern road leading to Bwani. "What if, they decide to not give chase, the enemy is aware of the speed at which the mercenaries can move. They may just give up the region and move to fortify other positions elsewhere against incursion."

"Such has crossed my mind and should they stop at the main road and march north it cuts our time table in half. I am affording us five days to lay siege, seize the city and then move on. In truth my fathers plan dictated that we would have at least nine days before they turned around but I firmly believe we can do better under the circumstances. The forces outside are not green but hardened veterans who have experience in storming palisades and walls, they know how to march for a few days at at a double march. A trait they picked up from marching with our... "Allies." However, should we need to move at a faster rate of speed it is feasible to still seize the city and turn around in time. I remind you that the purpose of seizing the city is to remove their leadership and hamstring the army, without a capital to defend and their leaders slain they will lose heart and become more willing to persuasion. If nothing else the power vacuum will mean civil war as they fight over succession."

"You intend to force a surrender from their army?"

"When an army is commanded by nobles that are now without a city and under the jurisdiction of an enemy, who has proven their power by utterly defeating them several times, they are far more likely to surrender in the hopes of being granted clemency. They shall of course not ultimately accept, but their soldiers shall and those soldiers will serve as auxiliaries in future conflicts content in knowing their families are safe and that they shall be paid on time."

"Some will rebel."

"A few always will, however by keeping them paid, fed and well kept the likelihood of desertion becomes minimal. Those who are insistent will be dealt with properly by being rounded up by the mercenaries, tried and then hung for desertion in private and away from prying eyes. Seeing their former brethren hung by a foreigner will only spur them to rebellion, at least until power has once more been consolidated."

The officers gathered nodded as Halim beckoned them forward to look at the map of Bwani. Each would have a part to play in the siege. Their tasks would have to be accomplished quickly and without internal disruptions caused by confusion or lack of knowledge. However, as Halim began explaining the role each was to play he kept one detail from them: that his father had long put infiltrators in the city under the guise of traveling workers in the employ of merchants. Should the plan go well the gates would already be in their hands but if not then they never needed to know that. If too many hopes were placed on the infiltration teams then laxity may result, but by denying their existence greater speed would be at the forefront of all minds gathered for all anyone knew, they would only get one shot at this before it failed.

But Halim knew the truth and as he spoke that truth remained silent, that the first attempt would take place before the camp was prepared and the siege itself was the true plan B. One way or another, Bwani would fall within five days. In doing so he would not only expand the kingdom in the biggest leap ever conceived but also permanently cement his place as future king. Stopping himself he looked up from the table and out the open flaps of the tent to stare at the camp.

"Commander, have the wagons put on the road one day ahead of schedule as I have serious doubts as to whether or not Isibuso can keep track of his own time table let alone the time of day or week. It would be best if we were moving ahead of schedule just in case."

"At once my prince."

Author's Notes:

Halim appears again and now you know what he is up to. Enjoy? Rate or comment. Loved it? Drop a dollar in the tin can over on patreon. Writing for Halim is a little difficult as I wrote him as a competent commander but not a mary sue, it is a little tiring to show the character without making him appear godlike in his knowledge and forethought. Hope you like the character as I continue to shine the light on him! The next chapter will be on Nawra by the way. Probably missed a lot during editing but all the same, hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter 61: Envoys Arrival

"The duty of a royal envoy is to first represent the kingdoms standing attitude and second make a good impression in the hopes of convincing the other side to see things as their king or queen they represent does. Of course, when the other side cares little for diplomacy whenever it suits them and has the power to back up their stance, it can make things rather... Difficult. That is why I fully support sending you Nawra, and not myself; you are better suited for dealing with Fareed's proclivities."
-Prince Jubril of Labrad-

"While silently wishing I make a single mistake and bring shame to my kingdom..."

Nawra stared blankly towards the distant walls and harbors of Alzamard as her royal yacht was rowed slowly onwards to her doomed destiny. Jubril had made certain to see her off with the most warm and loving smile he could hide behind, his departing words continued to sting and haunt her while both asleep and in waking world even now. A speed had been set for her craft but once they had left her home behind the desire to arrive slightly ahead of schedule so as to appease Fareed was quickly forgotten by all but four of her crew and servants. No one was in any hurry to get there and deal with Fareed nor his minions so the pace had been slowed for the rowers so as to get there on time but also a day or two later than what had originally been planned.

Sadly the trip was an utter bore, and while she enjoyed viewing her kingdom and the surrounding lands the river banks here were little more than overgrown jungles of brush, reeds, trees and open space; and this was intermittent only by the fields planted on the flood plains with their slowly burgeoning crops. It was good to see the fields closest to her homeland busy with farmers and laborers tending the fields as the land had been bought with blood, a trade during a war some time ago with Fareed. Her father had lost Tuli to Fareed when his mercenary general swept the city like a firestorm let loose upon the dry grasslands during a strong wind, but... Her father had also managed to stop him from encroaching further and even driven out the tiny few outposts Fareed held on the far southern bank of the Thriti and thus secured vast swaths of farmland for the kingdom.

It was a bloody affair, the city of Tuli had been reduced almost to rubble on the first day. The mercenaries and soldiers stormed the city cutting down anyone who got in their way while setting fires left and right to drive out those in hiding. Not a single house was spared as they were turned out into the countryside and boxed in by the army before being given an ultimatum: either bend their knee to their new sultan and go home, or face "punishment." One of the surviving spies in the city working for her father witnessed what happened next as Xerin had ordered two hundred hauled before them on a small rise and nailed them to poles, thus ended any hope of resistance to his regime for many years. Fareed had chafed when he discovered his adversary had put up a bolt defense east of Tuli and he would be unable to break them thus sealing Labrad away from his grasp, but what had truly angered him was the loss of the riverbank.

How long would it be before he set his sights on reclaiming it? The campaigning season would be coming in the not to distant future, the rains would come and the mud would be so thick the wagons could not move but once it dried off the various kingdoms would go to war be it raids or full scale sieges. But before that, there would be a brief lapse where those bold enough would risk marching on their neighbors to seize or burns crops and land. Jubril wanted to march east and seize the iron mines while keeping up a strong front against Fareed who for all they knew was going the opposite direction, west. His army was already mustering supplies and once the harvest was in they would be putting those supplies to use against someone, somewhere. They had shown no interest in departing before the crops came in, but who was the target?

To siege Labrad would invite Samati to take him from the rear, Fareed also lacked the ships to try and force the river to take Esu but that would mean sailing right past Labrad. Perhaps Salai? Samati? Salai most likely, they were the stubborn thorn in his side and were even trying to find a way to make their own ferry system and thus open a new trade route which would cut Fareed's tax revenue if a new road was opened in the west. Somehow it never worked though, bandits always seemed to plague them or Fareed's army was always not far away to burn out their latest attempt in a bloody back and forth war that never ended. Samati was even in on it but they too suffered the same from time to time, it was a standoff but at some point something would break for one side or the other. Thinking on the never ending war it was clear they were daring but wasteful, every spy had reported that the floodplains made it impossible to pull off what they desired, it was always just too muddy or outright flooded for bridge building. Terrain was against them as well but they kept trying and Fareed kept burning them out in short order. Opening a ferry system would allow a mere trickle of movement at best, but even that trickle was enough to draw the ire of Fareed as precious revenue would dry up. Unfortunately, it also meant a drying up of revenue for Labrad if such a ferry system were made feasible and thus her parents never intervened while Fareed campaigned against their westerly neighbors. It was a bloody trade-off.

Nawra closed her eyes and leaned back against her supporting cushions as the wind picked up for a brief moment making the colorful linen shade-cloth ripple and flap slightly before going still again. Despite all the problems weighing down it was not that bad a trap though, the yacht was luxurious and well stocked for both the trip to and from Alzamard. Madinat Alzamard she corrected herself, proper etiquette required the full name of the city to be spoken despite the fact no one actually used it.

Letting out and errant sigh she reached an arm out and plucked a random piece of fruit from the gilded tray and popped it in her mouth, chewing slowly she opened her eyes and looked with a degree of pity towards the slaves on the southern bank. Fareed owned every single farm along this stretch of the river and more, thus keeping his nobles limited in how much wealth they could accrue. A very wise move she mused, without the coin to hire assassins or wage silent war they were severely limited in what they could do to undermine his authority. Her own family practiced this to a degree but nowhere near the extent Fareed did, after all it was a wise practice indeed.

Eyes scanning the masses of hunched forms toiling in the various fields she cringed a little as her eyes caught sight of an old graying form that stumbled in the heat before falling to their knees. Without missing a step the well oiled machine singled them out, removed them and there was no doubt a newer, fresher and younger one would fill the gap. The machine would grind on. How Fareed treated his property was abysmal, such treatment was not allowed in Labrad as there were laws against most of what Fareed and his ilk considered acceptable. Slaves were useful and needed to keep costs down but they were also a considerable investment that required a lifetime of care and maintenance, to beat them or kill them was insane but he could afford it. There was also no hope as it was impossible for a slave to buy their freedom in his glorious kingdom unlike her own where becoming a slave was not the end of the world. One of her own had purchased their freedom and gone on to own a small farm and became rather successful, a prospect she imagined those on the far bank would kill for.

None on the yacht were slaves however as loyalty could be purchased under such circumstances, each one was here willingly and paid quite well for services rendered. Upon returning her safely they would be rewarded again for having embarked on the "dangerous journey" to the city though they all understood it was not, as the imaginary threat of river bandits was mostly rumor or severely limited by season but more their fears were centered around having to survive Fareed's laws.

Watching her guards stand again Nawra leaned up and glanced at another river ship that had put to full sail and was moving quickly in their direction. They did not move close to them but hugged the current which her own craft avoided rather than be driven back whence they came, the ship picked up more and more speed and was soon gliding past them at a short distance. Sitting upright to examine their ship and its painted prow with the usual eyes gazing out Nawra squinted at the crew as they moved past to see if she recognized the captain, it was quite normal for captains to change ships every so often if they were in a certain line of business. It kept guards guessing and helped them avoid detection but only until the guards learned, then the captain would dress as crew and a game of charades would ensue.

The distance was too great however and leaning back she motioned to the wine bearer and after they removed the cover to her goblet which kept the flies away, opened their sealed container and poured a small amount. Presenting tho goblet to her Nawra took a sip and felt bored once more. Ships were plentiful on the river along with larger cargo boats but it was off season and most were hidden away in smugglers coves hidden by rushes and trees or in dry-dock for repairs awaiting the sudden explosion of trade that would take place after the distant harvest. Some months from now though she was not certain how many, the crops would be harvested and the rains would begin not long after. The rain would make the river rise rapidly and all the fields on the bank would disappear under several feet of water, security and peace would reign for the duration and then hell would crawl forth once again as things dried off.

Hell... What had her forgotten people in Tuli suffered? Reports were slim and rarely had anything new to add but it was never pleasant. Reduced from a fledgling city to a large town after a large portion were hauled off in chains, the neighboring port town burnt to the ground to stop all trade outside Fareed's domain and gods only knew what else that they never learned of.

Nawra took another sip and forced the thoughts from her mind, it would be bad for the health of everyone on board to dwell on that and make a slip of the tongue while in the presence of Fareed.

"Captain, how much longer?"

Turning his head back to the princess, Captain J'Lail squinted slightly. "Within the hour princess, we could land sooner if we picked up-"

Nawra waved quickly. "No, no. That will not be necessary."

"With all due respect my princess..." Nawra and J'Lail shifted their eyes to one of the guards assigned by her brother Jubril that was watching them. "I am under orders to remind you that we must make good time less we anger Fareed."

"It is not your place to remind-!" Captain J'Lail was cut off quickly with a raised hand from Nawra.

"An hour or thirty minutes will make no difference but the concern of my... Brother, is noted."

Giving a short, bowing nod to her the guard turned his attention once more to the surrounding waters which was once more devoid of visible life. J'Lail turned away and moved to the front of the yacht again as Nawra wondered if they were guarding her from a sudden wall of water that would threaten to sweep her off the deck or a giant fish which would dare to leap aboard and gnaw on her hooves. Perhaps an assassin had swam out into the river and lay in wait floating under the water breathing through a pipe? Just waiting for her yacht in particular to get close enough for them to grab onto an oar, swing up and throw a knife at her before diving off again...

"I am too bored, these thoughts are ridiculous!" Sitting up again Nawra looked around at her hand picked servants and remembered something about one of them and pointed. "You sing, correct?"

The stallion opened his mouth before halting himself and then spoke slowly and haltingly. "No- Yes... Sometimes when I am working in priva-"

"Sing something to help pass the time."

"I do not mean to offend you with-"


"Yes, princess."

Closing her eyes and sitting back again Nawra listened to the stallion's stuttering attempt at singing, she knew he could do better when he thought no one was listening but as he continued his voice became clearer and a small smile formed on her face as the song finally becoming clear and crisp. Now, if only he would sing for another hour, an impossible prospect but she could dream.

"Princess? It is time to wake up, we have arrived."

Nawra's eyes opened slowly and stared at the captain before closing them again as she slowly sat upright. "Are we docked?"

"Not yet, but we are entering the city now and I believe you might want a minute to... Fix your appearance."

Furrowing her brows at the captain as he left she called for a mirror and after putting her mane and jewelry back in place Nawra stood and brushed her silken dress off before stepping forward to have a look at the famed city. A plate of food was presented to her and remembering that it was noon she picked a piece of flatbread off and dipped it into the flavored oil before taking a bite and chewed slowly. Perhaps it would be wise to not eat too much? Fareed might request her presence at his table for the afternoon meal and being unable to eat would be bad manners. Finishing off the piece of bread slowly as they glided closer her eyes turned down to the rowing team, one for a very brief moment looked up and caught her gaze before looking away quickly. Her look was troubled and full of worry as were all their expressions now that they were here, at first they had been blank faced and ready to simply do the job but now doubt had slowly cropped up.

Swallowing the last of her bread Nawra took a sip of wine and waved the servant away. "After I have landed and my possessions brought ashore give the leftovers to the crew along with whatever else you have prepared, it will no longer be needed." Staring up and straining her neck Nawra marveled at the massive walls and towers that guarded the river. "They are so tall, taller than anything in Labrad. Our own walls and towers pale in comparison."

"I would not envy anyone who seeks to scale them." Captain J'Lail pointed. "These are solid stone, not mud brick like our own. For us the depth of the wall makes it strong but these are both made of stone and deep. It would take a team of twenty... Maybe forty or more to move one of those stone bricks."

"Truly a marvel to behold and I imagine it would have been even more mesmerizing to see it being constructed."

"Indeed princess." He nodded. "I would kill to see how they achieved this."

"Do you believe such knowledge would be worth it?" Nawra turned her head towards him slightly while still keeping her vision attached to the city.

"With walls such as this our newest addition to Labrad would be neigh impregnable by ladders, catapults and I might dare say most means of siege engines. Such knowledge would be invaluable to our defense."

"Hmm..." Nawra turned her attention back to the city and the inner wall that prevented anyone from sailing in and immediately leaping into the city. Everything was cordoned off by interior walls that sectioned everything off including the grandiose bridge that spanned the second widest river she had ever read about in the world. A feat no one was capable of anymore, an art lost to time and war.

Everything about the city was ideal from where she stood, the piers were clean, orderly and the buildings were very well maintained. Not a single building had gone without adobe plastering or new roofing material though it was still obvious that they had not been entirely replaced. Her craft shifted slowly to the left as the stallion at the back turned the rudder and guided them along the southern side of the river and around the small central island that the bridge leapt to and then from in one final, grand lunge to the north bank.

Admiring the white washed bridge she could make out ancient carvings that had been eroded away with time and then washed over so heavily with lime that they were blurry and impossible to make out. Squinting at the bridge she turned north and stared at the white washed buildings along the bank of the river before walking from under her cover and climbing the steps onto the raised part of the yacht. Standing on the raised platform with the nervous stallion who manned the pole that controlled the rudder she squinted her eyes hard and gazed intently at the far side while tracing her eyes slowly back to the south side.

"This city is too clean..."

"Princess?" The stallion looked around before focusing on his job again.

"Have you ever seen a city so pristine? Town? Village?"

"No princess."


Nawra focused her attention on the figures moving over the bridge and as they drew closer she could make them out better, it was clear as to who the slaves were in their state of undress and shuffling movement. But, it was everyone else that truly got her attention. Everyone was well dressed, no rags, beggars, dirty laborers, wagons were ever present crossing the bridge but there was no sign of normal everyday traffic. In Labrad even the best parts of the city had dirty laborers moving to and fro at all hours of the day along with cart teams pulling garbage or making deliveries but here, they were curiously absent.

"I suspect you have noticed to princess?" Nawra jumped a little as J'Lail spoke, he had snuck up on her again but she nodded as he turned his attention to the bridge. "There, it is hard to see but wait until we get closer."

Following his hand before he slowly lowered it Nawra watched the spot he had pointed to and after they got closer a pinkish color was visible, it stood out from the white wash and once oozed down the side of the bridge before falling away.

"What is it?"

"Blood. And there is more down there on the side closest to the water, someone tried to wash it off but failed. Must have dried and they were in a hurry to get the job done."

"Why is there blood on the bridge?"

"The same reason we do not see any regular folk walking around, someone drove them off quite violently. Look there!" Nawra's gaze moved up as they began to cross under the bridge. "Someone got stabbed off and fell, caught themselves on that worn engraving, brought a leg up and it left that mark before they fell into the water. I guess they forgot to wash the blood from the underside of the bridge in their rush to get the job done."

Nawra looked at the dark stain before looking into the water. "Do you suppose?"

"Probably had some boats come and scoop them out so the corpses did not stink up the river before the arrival of the envoys."

"There is one building they did not touch..."

Nawra motioned towards an immense complex on the far side of the river and both herself, the captain and the navigator stared at the ancient complex. Its walls were worn heavily, and discolored with age and countless lifetimes of the burning sun scorching them clean. As for the structures some appeared as if they might give way in a few more years unless repairs were made, but despite their worn condition they all knew it was the ancient temple at a single glance.

"Captain, why do you suppose Fareed went through all of this elaborate deception only to ignore... That?"

J'Lail considered it a moment before shaking his head. "I do not know, he is willing to tear a city to the ground as he did Tuli... But will not touch that one building?" He shook his head again. "It is indeed strange my princess."

"Maybe someone does not want him to touch it?"

"Fareed!? Not be allowed?" J'Lail let out a small laugh before becoming serious again. "Forgive me, I do not mean to mock you but the idea that someone could say "no" to Fareed within his own city no less!"

"I understand captain but the legends tell that the gods protected certain places and would smite those who dared to defile them."

"Hahah- Hmm. Your mother would not approve of you consorting with witch doctors! Those are nothing but myth and legend, it is all nothing but a bunch of nonsense. It is well established that the gods do not exist and that we were not "created" but-"

"But, suppose the myths are real?"

J'Lail paused and shook his head. "It has been... A thousand or more years now? At least? Since any such myth existed, even now we know the cause was probably someone flinging magic about."

"Perhaps they left us because it is as those "witch doctors" say, we turned our backs on them and so they have abandoned us to our fates."

"Then it is good I say, I do not like the idea of some powerful, invisible force driving our fates. What a horrible prospect."

"Maybe it is give and take, we sacrifice part of our fate in return for their guidance."

"You sound like the priestess that used to inhabit the city before she left for her homeland. Princess Nawra, you are more than just some... Lowly priestess or even worse one of the local witch doctors or shaman, you are a princess! Do not give this peasant nonsense any further thought, do not put your faith not in some... THING that does not exist but in cold hard steel and those who wield it in your name, it will take you far further in life than waiting on some phantasm to appear."

Nawra stared at him blankly wondering if this was the captain speaking or her father as they often times sounded similar but after giving a small sigh nodded and turned away from the ancient temple. Something about just looking at the structure was soothing but the captain was right, it was just a myth and a structure built by equines and not the hand of gods. Praying to them was more public formality that honest truth. He was also right about trusting in steel and her servants rather than that which did not exist, they had not aided them in preventing Tuli from falling nor lifted a finger in the aftermath. Any so called "divine beings" that would permit such horror to exist had no place in the world let alone in her kingdom.

"I see Fareed has rolled out the royal carpet for you, fitting but I doubt it is out of honest respect." J'Lail nodded towards the royal pier which had three other yachtes already moored.

"At least he is trying to keep up the appearance and is acting civil. For now."

"Make no mistake princess, he is always civil, the perfect gentle stallion but of a different kind. He follows the law on these matters and upholds it with an iron fist that is worthy of fearing but do not forget that if slighted he will hammer you into the earth just as hard as he would a common peasant who slighted him. Perhaps even more so as a slight from you would be far worse."

"I am thankful for your deep concern as to my well being captain but now we must stand on ceremony."

Captain J'Lail gave a curt nod and after giving a short bark of instructions at the crew drew himself up into a far more formal and ceremonial posture as they drew closer to the pier. Watching quietly Nawra noted the sudden arrival of long lines of servants in immaculate dress along with heavily armed soldiers. A carpet was standing by as two slaves struggled to keep it held up due to its considerable weight, another stood at the far end of the pier waving them in and once they drew closer called out to slow and be ready to toss a rope.

The rowing teams slowed and began to push back slightly when called for and slowly but steadily the royal yacht drew closer. A call went out to bring the oars in and in well practiced unison they pulled their oars up from the water before drawing them in, one of the oarsmares stood quickly and then grabbing one of the two mooring ropes checking that the rope was secure before standing quietly while waiting for them to draw closer. Drifting slowly into range she tossed it to the slave who grabbed it and after wrapping it around a post passed the length steadily back as the slack was picked up drawing them in. In a matter of minutes the yacht was tied securely with two ropes so it would not drift and the walking plank was thrown across and steps prepared.

J'Lail went first followed by Nawra and as she walked up the slaves carrying the carpet arrived and began hurriedly unrolling it for her so as to prevent her hooves from touching the wooden pier. Stepping gently onto the carpet after the slaves had finished unrolling it across the entirety of the pier Nawra nodded to the captain who followed her up to the greeting party. Ranks of servants stood still as stone statues bearing various platters of food, drink, damp clothes and other luxuries. Looking closer she nearly faltered in her step when it was realized the soldiers were not soldiers but ranks of the infamous battalion commanded by now General Xerin, the same ones responsible for the torching of Tuli.

Two stallions stood in full combat dress at the end of the pier while a mare dressed in noble regalia was standing just a few steps in front of them with a broad, practiced smile on her face. When Nawra was close enough the three bowed to her as the mare spoke.

"His lordship, the great Sultan Fareed, ruler of the illustrious city of Madinant Alzamard and the great kingdom of Alzamard, welcomes you honored guest to his grand royal palace."

Nawra's fur felt like something was crawling in it as the grayish furred noble spoke, she was used to having all eyes on her but not under such dubious circumstances, but never with such forced and fake sincerity.

Forcing a smile to her face Nawra returned the bow. "I am most honored by his invitation and humbled by his hospitality."

"Allow me to introduce..." The noble stepped aside and waved to the first. "General Xerin, responsible for your security while you are staying within the palace and lastly General Adil, commander of the army."

Xerin took two steps forward and gave another bow. "It is an honor to meet you princess Nawra, I have been looking forward to your visit and would like to mention that our illustrious host, Sultan Fareed, was overjoyed at knowing you would be visiting us in your mothers stead. I also understand you may have misgivings due to our two nations past transgressions with one another but let me assure you it is merely water under the bridge. You will find no ill will towards you nor your servants here."

"Thank you... General Xerin." She nodded to him slowly. "Who wrote that for you and how long did you have to practice it?"

Nawra watched as Xerin stepped away and Adil moved forward but not before making a sideways glance at the other, giving a deeper bow the elderly stallion then stood upright but unlike Xerin he did not make eye contact.

"Princess Nawra, it is a pleasure and I hope you enjoy your stay within the city." Adil just as quickly stepped back into place and she watched as Xerin gave him an odd look before returning to his "normal" expression.

It was sickening, she was surrounded and even greeted by those who had thoroughly trampled her nations pride and put many to the sword because they could. Condemnation, hatred and a large dose of fear boiled inside her as she turned back slightly to the captain and crew. Their own eyes mirrored what she would have had it been possible but to do so would be suicide, for them it was permissible, but never her. Every last member of her entourage had looks of hate or fear clearly written on their faces and even Captain J'Lail was showing cracks as his eyes locked on General Xerin. The same general who was responsible for the entire loss of his family until he re-married a few years ago.

Giving J'Lail the best and most calming smile she could Nawra turned back to the noble who once more stepped forward and beckoned them forward. "Princess Nawra, you will have no need for your servants here nor personal guards. Sultan Fareed has willed it that you be provided with no less than five of General Xerin's finest and hand picked fighters, they will obey your every command within reason of course... And protect you day and night. You need not worry though, contingents of guards are patrolling the streets at all times and ever more guarding the palace so that your stay will be as peaceful as possible!"

Nawra remembered seeing the patrols on the bridge and despite their grand state of dress she imagined they were probably no different than her kingdoms own soldiers any other day of the week and normally dressed rather casually while going about their duties. However, as she finished listening and was about to protest the changing of the guard Captain J'Lail beat her to it.

"I must protest, your offer is most gracious my lady but we are honor bound to protect our princess and I myself along with others are under direct orders to never leave her side."

"Sultan Fareed-" The mare began but was cut off by Xerin who put a hand on her shoulder making her flinch.

"Of course." Xerin gave a short nod of the head. "Captain J'Lail I understand your concerns but our sultan decreed it and therefor it must be so, you may accompany your princess but I ask that no more than two as we must provide accommodations for you. They were long arranged but it was also understood we would not need room for more than two others since I would be providing the rest. I would humbly request of the princess that she pick two from her entourage to accompany her while the rest will be sheltered in servants quarters so they may watch and protect your boat, though that will hardly be necessary."

Before J'Lail could protest Nawra spoke. "Captain J'Lail and Sergeant Btwanis, also my personal attendant shall be joining me, the rest accept your most kind offer of shelter." Staring at him to see if Xerin would protest her inclusion of one extra he finally nodded.

"I see... Then it is done."

Xerin stepped back again as the noble seemed to sigh in relief after his hand left her shoulder. "Princess Nawra, servants will also be provided though it is understood that you have the right to bring your own poison taster."

"Yes." Nawra nodded and motioned to the servant behind her. These were the only three she had any choice in choosing to bring with her on the trip as her brother had picked the other four guards and crew.

"Splendid! Would you please accompany me to your quarters? Servants will unload your belongings and bring them directly to your room."

Following the noble up the stone path and towards the wall that sealed off the pier from the palace itself Nawra noticed that the wooden construction stood over the top of much older stone piers that were set at two levels. One at the base for when the river was low and one that was higher up for during the annual flood, it was much like the harbor in Labrad but much older and more thought out. Someone had spent a great deal of time measuring the floods to set the two piers to such exact heights and the city itself was higher up than the water below.

Climbing the stairs that zig-zagged back and forth up from the wharf Nawra marveled at the small, ancient gateway that led into the palace. It was engraved richly with designs and motifs of various styles but still remained fully functional and undoubtedly strong. Time had long faded things though and only the faintest hint of color remained but as she took one last look before passing under wondered at just how splendid they must have been so long ago. Beyond the small gatehouse was a sight worthy to behold though and it captured their attention. Stretching out before them was a vast garden fully stocked with wildlife. Peacocks, small animals and even two chained, caged lions sat to the side for all to see upon entering, a show of just how much wealth Fareed's line had built up.

Flowers were in full bloom, trees and bushes trimmed with the greatest care and large mats of soft grass stretched out to provide as much or as little sunlight as one wished to enjoy. A very ancient pavilion sat towards the middle but was off center as that was graced with a large pool of water covered in colorful, flowering and floating plants. From the fountain the water spread out in small channels to various parts of the gardens with small bridges going over them, providing both another level of decor and also functionality as it helped water the plants.

It was not the garden that ensnared her attention however, but after becoming enthralled by the beauty of the colorful nature that made her families garden look abysmal her eyes moved down. A vast mosaic covered the area around the central pool and despite age having worn it down the colorful design with lions, giraffe, elephants and other animals, plants and birds was still clear for all to enjoy, if only they were permitted to. Slowly walking them through the gardens the noble never looked back and Nawra suspected they were being led around on purpose so that they could marvel at Fareed's wealth.

"A question." Nawra spoke up and watched as the noble slowed to a halt before turning around with a smile. "You said that servants will be provided?"

"Ah yes! You would like to know more about that arrangement, understandable as staff is so hard to train... Worry not princess Nawra, they have been well trained and are eager to serve! Every guest receives two but my lord, Sultan Fareed, decided that due to our two kingdoms past... Animosity, that he would have three hand picked just for you as a show of good faith."

"He did not do so when your mother was here after the war ended." Captain J'Lail whispered into Nawra's ear before moving away to pretend to admire the scenery.

Smiling, Nawra did not break eye contact with the noble. "His offer is most generous, I assume that three is, uncommon."

"The guests receive two but since you are new he wished for you to have a guide in case you got lost while exploring his marvelous palace but also as a sign of good faith."

"I see. Two servants and a guide."

"Correct princess Nawra, though you shall find he is trained for far more."

"Two servants and a spy... Or maybe two spies and an assassin?" Nodding to the noble the mare turned and continued to show them the way. "These servants, they will handle the daily requirements of cleaning and other such droll things?" Nawra remembered what her mother had said but had to ask anyway and dreaded the inevitable response.

"No princess Nawra, these are special servants. There are crews who will handle all your cleaning requirements, draw water for bathing and anything else you require."

"Special how?"

"You shall see and I am certain you will be most happy with what Sultan Fareed procured especially for you! He wishes his guests to feel most at home, welcomed and to truly relax in every possible way."

Nawra felt like demanding an immediate answer but did not want to visibly wretch in front of everyone and a quick glance backwards revealed her two guards and a line of mercenaries following closely. Just in case.

It took them quite a while to reach the massive building that she would be housed in and the mercenaries outside opened the door quickly. The noble clapped her hands and servants rushed out to offer drinks and damp clothes in case they were needed but a wave of the hand from Nawra was all it took for them to lower themselves and step aside. She noticed it was not discipline that moved them however, but sheer terror.

Entering the building and looking around at its plush interior Nawra tried to keep a straight face, she had never seen anyone go to such extreme lengths to put on a show of wealth. Silk pillows, silk curtains, everything was silk, gold or silver and then encrusted with gems. Above, the ceiling was decorated with ancient frescoes of long forgotten rulers and battles while the walls were much more simple and had tile-work designs or had been white washed on those where the tiles had long fallen away or the color dulled creating a dull, faint bluish tinge to show through. The pillars were dressed up in silk sheets to hide their age but there was only so much one could do but then it was also amusing to her that he would and could cut corners in such a way. Somehow it was cheaper to buy silk than to paint the pillar or was it to show off he could hide problems with the sheer quantity of gold he commanded?

Stopping in front of a door the noble turned. "Here princess Nawra, your room has one of the best views in the building and is more isolated from the other guests who share this building."

"Whom am I sharing this building with?"

"All the neighboring kingdoms have sent ambassadors but you will also be enjoying the company of several nobles from other locations within the kingdom but also those living within the city itself."

"Are you one from the country?"

"No princess Nawra, I am from Madinat Alzamard. Which servant shall hold your key?"

"I handle security and therefor I shall take the key." Captain J'Lail quickly stepped forward and accepted the key.

The noble nodded. "Very good! Your servants are already awaiting you inside."

"Why did Sultan Fareed send a noble to greet me? Would it not be more appropriate to have a servant do that?" Nawra kept a straight face as she slighted the noble but also enjoyed getting back at her for all the fakery.

The noble twitched at Nawra's question. "He believed it would be more welcoming to have one of proper noble birth greet the guests rather than a mere peasant, it would not be appropriate to greet guests in such an informal manner."

"I see."

Nawra held back a smile and beckoned to her servant who hesitated to open the door but after informing them it was unlocked the noble pushed it open and stepped inside followed quickly by Captain J'Lail who returned after looking around.

"It is safe to enter princess."

"Thank you. Oh and what was your name?" Nawra looked at the noble who gave a small bow of the head.

"Lady Duttarriyati."

Giving them a small nod in return Nawra entered the room with the last of her entourage following including the noble but not before glancing at the door. Someone had attached a golden plate to the door stating that this was the room of princess Nawra, heir to the throne of Labrad and the usual etiquette jargon following. After looking away from the elaborately engraved plate she stared at the three "servants" who stood in a row waiting quietly and staring ahead blankly like corpses.

"Princess Nawra." All three spoke the same dead words in unison but with an eerie degree of happiness in their voice before getting on their knees prostrate with heads touching the floor.

Nawra stared at them a moment, the room was fit for royalty but these three held her rapt attention as they stayed in position without moving. Looking back at Duttarriyati she raised an eyebrow.

"Stand." They stood immediately but kept their heads lowered and eyes riveted to the floor. "Names?"

Lady Duttarriyati let out a small cough catching Nawra's attention. "They lack names. Some guests wish to assign names which is their right but for now they have designations, allow me to introduce them though before you make your decision."

Waiting until Nawra gave her a slow, cautious nod Duttarriyati quickly walked up to them and pointed to the first, a young but tall zebra stallion with unique stripes. Like the others he was dressed in absolutely nothing but his mane, fur, and stripes. Nawra had to admit he was incredibly eye catching and handsome if not for the dead expression in his eyes.

"State your designation."

"#18, guide, bed chamber assistant." He lowed himself towards Nawra before standing upright again and after moving his legs slightly apart he shifted fur and flesh beneath his sheath to reveal a shriveled up sack of black, leathery skin. "I have been gelded for your convenience but am still capable of pleasing. It is my greatest pleasure to assist you in all your needs Princess Nawra."

Moving to the next Duttarriyati looked down at a dusty amber colored colt that barely reached her waist. "And you?"

"#9, pers-onal ma-sse-us-e and bed ch-amb-er a-ssis-tant." He struggled with the words and finally stopped until the noble glared at him.


"I have not been gel-ded for your pers-onal co-nve-nie-nce but am-... Una-ble to im-preg-ne-nt mares." The colt shifted himself somewhat to emphasize the point with his tiny sack. "It is my gre-ate-st pleas-ure to as-sist you in all your needs! Prin-cess Na-wra."

"Good, now you."

Lowering her head even more than the others the last servant, a soft pink Arabian mare with turquoise eyes and flowing mane finally looked up and then clasping her hands together pushed her perfect breasts forward. What scared Nawra was that with a hazed over expression she smiled the sweetest, purest and most dead smile she had ever seen in all her life that both melted hearts and made the soul clench violently in instant rejection before finally speaking in a beautiful, silky, enticing voice.

"#22, bed chamber assistant. I also manage your other servants and handle any issues that may arise. Should you desire anything ask and it shall be yours. I am also trained as a masseuse but unlike #9 I am trained to please mares and stallions in far more exotic ways. It would be a great honor to service you with the skills I have been taught but if I am not pleasing to you, it is your choice to reject my offer and assign me to servicing your guards and servants unto death. Should I or the others expire for having failed to please you at least one more shall be sent to replace us with better results. Our bodies are yours to enjoy in whatever way you desire or when you desire but our glorious Sultan Fareed asks that you not disturb the other guests while using us. This includes any damage you wish to inflict upon us, it brings us nothing but pleasure to know we have satisfied you. Should it be asked I have also been trained to inflict both great pain and pleasure on demand in the event you wish to watch instead of partake, even if it is asked of me to do so unto this body I offer you. A myriad of potions are also in stock and readily available should you wish to make us feel pain, pleasure or desire. I can guide you over what potions are available for other purposes such as a potion to make #18 erect for hours, lubricants and even ones that will induce other functions such as greater pleasure if that is what you desire. It is yours but to ask. It will be my greatest pleasure to assist you in all your needs Princess Nawra."

Duttarriyati nodded and smiled at Nawra. "Princess Nawra, these are the gifts from Sultan Fareed, to you. Each was hand picked by the best, trained by the best and finally hand picked for you personally." Staring at the stunned expression on the faces gathered the noble looked back the servants before looking worried. "Are they not pleasing to the eye? Is something wrong?"

Nawra swallowed a moment before moving her jaw in attempt to speak before adopting the blank expression her captain now held. "They are most pleasing to the eye, Sultan Fareed has my deepest thanks for these chambers which are fitting of my status as a royal princess. I to come bearing a gift that I can only hope will be suitable after the..." She motioned to the servants. "Grandest of generousity and deepest of foresight shown."

Clapping her hands Duttarriyati beamed. "Perfect! You are slightly early in your arrival but so are the other guests, they had much farther to travel except for Ambassador Babak of Samati. He arrived early this morning so that makes you the last to arrive, but that is not a bad thing! Your early arrival is pleasing to his great majesty Sultan Fareed!"

"Yes and I would like to present my kingdoms gift to him when it is pleasing to his majesty."

"But of course! His majesy Sultan Fareed will see all of you tonight for the welcoming banquet! It is asked however, that in good taste and manners that you bring but two servants and no more than two guards of course. So as to not over clutter the banquet hall with unwanted persons and property during the festivities. Tomorrow at noon he will then see each of you in turn so you can properly present your gifts to his greatness. Oh, and tonight you shall receive your tokens."


"He will explain then but I am pleased to tell you now that if any one of these three please you greatly it will be considered his honor to allow you to take his property home with you."

Nawra dreaded asking the next question. "And the other two who did not please me as well?"

"They will be disposed of at once! His majest Sultan Fareed does not make a habit of keeping useless property within the palace." Duttarriyati glared at the three who were watching her from the corners of their eyes. "Most likely they will be sold in the market or used in the fields, who knows, it is none of my concern how the trash is taken out. However, whichever one you decide that is worthy is yours to do with as you wish. Either keep, use, sell, loan out for use as a barracks toy or even free them." Duttarriyati gave a small glance towards the three.

"Hmm. And should one of them break from being, overused? I will be granted one more."

"Correct! These three are your personal servants. They will in no way service the other guests unless you expressly order it! There is also quite obviously a host of other servants kept in stock which will be stationed for use in various capacities be they whatever you wish for course... But their function is more, how should I say... General purpose? Any guest may use them and they will be continuously available for the duration of events."

"These three respond only to me?"

"Your servants are trained to respond to Sultan Fareed, officers of the guard and yourself. As for myself, they were ordered to respond so that I can better introduce them."

"I see. When will the banquet begin?"

"A servant shall be sent both at one hour before and then lastly thirty minutes before the banquet begins. Your guide, #18 will show you the way but #22 is also reasonably well trained in navigating the halls. Should you get lost there are guards and servants posted regularly and roaming so that you may ask any of them for assistance if required."

"And #22 will handle my personal requests then... Thank you for explaining things and I hope you will tell his majesty Sultan Fareed, that I am most gracious with what has been presented and most humbly and eagerly look forward to finally making his fine acquaintance."

Duttarriyati smiled almost genuinely at Nawra a moment before bowing deeply and leaving the room. Letting out a pent up breath Nawra loosened her jaw and shifted her neck before walking towards the cushions that had been laid out in advance and after sitting looked at the three slaves still facing the other other way. Snapping her fingers to get their attention they turned and continued to look down save for #22 who seemed to be paying slightly more attention, no doubt in case she pointed at something.

"Just to be clear, #18."

"Yes Princess Nawra."

"If I ordered you to rape #9-"

The words hardly left her mouth before she deeply regretted saying it, afterall it was entirely unthinkable, but without hesitation #18 grabbed the colt with his penis already sliding out of its sheath and hardening but the colt did not resist nor scream which terrified her even more.

"Stop!" Nawra quietly cursed herself, she could not believe for a second that it was even possible but it had just been proven not only as possible but as fact.

"My Princess?" #22 looked in the general direction of Nawra.


"#18 has failed to obey, you said "if" and he disobeyed by seizing #9. By order of his majesty Sultan Fareed I must now punish him so this does not happen again."

Captain J'Lail looked utterly confused as did Nawra, the two staring back and forth at each other trying to figure out what was unfolding as #22 quickly opened a small box on a nearby table and withdrew a clay jar along with a dipping stick. Popping the cork she dipped it inside and began stirring while walking towards a hyperventilating #18 who tried to stand rigid.

Nawra sat upright. "You will not do, whatever it is you are about to do."

#22 froze a moment before looking back confused. "I must obey his majesty Sultan Fareed, #18 has disobeyed and must be punished. That is the law. The law must be obeyed. The law is absolute."

"And as I command you, no means no!" She was lost for what the effects of the potion was but had an idea, a means of punishing those who did not obey.

"This is the law. The law must be obeyed. The law is absolute."

"Fareed's laws are anything but absolute! He violates them on a whim when it suits him! There is no law here and there never has been!" Nawra opened her mouth to say something that the brain washed slave would understand but it was too late, logic and reason had been removed from them and they knew only to obey no matter the price.

#22 removed the brush and as #18's eyes bulged and his head shifted aside only slightly in a silent scream she dabbed him once on the sheath before returning to the box, put the brush in a special container that stood upright to prevent any of the ooze spreading and then corked the open bottle before returning it to the potion case.

"I appologize for the inconvenience but I must call for a servant to dispose of this brush, unless you wish to have it used again within ten minutes. After that there is a chance the liquid will have spread and there is risk of exposure before the desired time."

Nawra stared at the stallion who had begun to hyperventilate harder and harder before suddenly collapsing onto the floor screaming in hideous agony while clawing at his partially missing genitals. Writhing uncontrollably he continued to scream until Nawra covered her ears and almost on cue and in mute understanding #22 retrieved a gag from another container and with practiced precision muffled the howling stallion. Only his moaning and the clacking sound of his thrashing hooved could be heard and returning to her place in the line #22 lowered her head again.

"It will wear off within five minutes, he received a minor dose but I am trained to administer up to ten times the dosage be it externally and or internally . If you desire a higher dose I shall but I am not trained for such."

"I ordered you not to-"

"This is the law. The law must be obeyed. The law is absolute."

"And I ordered-"

#22 looked up in realization and nodded before walking back to the table and removed the brush from its sealed container. "I obeyed the law but also disobeyed you, I have spoken against you, therefor I must be punished."


Captain J'Lail bolted for the mare but it was too late, she had dabbed the brush against her tongue just as the officer seized her arms and with one violent move wrenched her arm, yanked the brush free and held it away at a safe distance. A sickening silence pervaded the room as Nawra and her staff watched as the mare stared blankly down before the same symptoms struck. Backing away Captain J'Lail put the brush in the container and sealed it before picking up the box and carefully tucking it under his arm so no one else could access the potions held within. #22 laid on the floor howling at the top of her lungs and closing her eyes Nawra covered her ears.

"#9, muffle #22. Captain, Pijasiros, help hold her down."

The colt nodded. "Yes Prin-cess Nawra."

She listened blind and silent as #9 did as ordered and muffled the mare with great effort despite the assistance from both J'Lail and Pijasiros, once accomplished and the screaming had become heavily muffled she opened her eyes and looked at Captain J'Lail who returned the same look. Fareed was toying with them, he knew she would never consent to such activities so he had these three specially trailed, just for her. Trained by unknown forces but by unquestionably effective means they would cut each others throats if asked and that was about as mild a request as she could ask considering what they were trained to do. Each of them would rape, torture or murder without question with great eagerness, including their own persons. #22 had proven this by torturing herself in order to please her for having failed to obey both sets of contradictory instructions without question nor any hesitation.

Nawra also knew this was a deadly trap, Fareed had decided not just to toy with her but subject her to horrors beyond her control. Long before this gathering was over new orders and requests would be made that they could never hope to be accomplished and even now were slowly growing to fruition. These three were sex slaves and had no doubt been ordered to pleasure her day and night but should they fail there would be hell to pay. An offer of freedom no matter how faint, a carrot on a stick had been held before them and now they would ignore anything she would say, because each knew only one could ever hope to escape and after whatever horror they had been put through in training they would do anything, no matter how evil or depraved to achieve it. To make matters even worse each slave knew that only Fareed himself could give the final approval and if they jinxed this game of his they would all suffer whatever nightmare he had promised. Everyone had a part to play and the one who brought not her but Fareed the most joy in this game was the ultimate victor; she was but the scrap of meat held out over a hungry pack of hyenas. Hyenas that had stopped thinking, feeling and were dead inside. They jumped and snapped out of trained instinct.

Their minds were shattered, souls utterly broken and departed. All that remained was a carrot on the stick and nothing else mattered to them anymore, he had succeeding in reducing them to a controlled, mindless state.

It made her stomach clench and judging by the look on Captain J'Lail's face he felt the same, it would be impossible to get out of this without these three doing something that would result in more pain and agony being dealt out. Nawra had an idea of which one would play what part though, Fareed had set her up but his intention was not invisible. Two that could play the part of personal maid or butler in case one was killed, two to bed her each and every night and two to releave the stress that he was burdening her with. A vicious cycle had been created to provide a hellish loop of temptation and rejection, pulling her in but casting her out while hopefully incuding a mental breakdown.

He was attacking her mind and the only way out was either to indulge in what was offered or watch them die by slow inches. Opening her eyes slowly and staring at #9 a moment before looking at the captain again Nawra's mind scrambled for solutions to the problem she had been thrust into. She could not refuse his charity but neither could she accept such a hiddeous offering. Her family was counting on her to make a good impression and she had to play along without destroying her image.

But how?

Author's Notes:

Long, long chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it! Nawra has now arrived and is the guest of Fareed... But what will happen?

61 Chapters in and would like to know what my readers think so far, trying to keep my pacing without doing a rat race nor dragging things out terribly so later on it leaves questions for as to how things happened or why. So what do you think my readers? I know some have lost interest, changed their minds from up to down and others undecided. This chapter also marks where the fires have been turned on.

Chapter 62: Words of Wisdom

"Even if you know the lesson, repeat so you not forget hm?"

"Three days." Verik mumbled quietly while staring across the sparse expanse of ground that they called their playground while blinking slowly at the far corner, the masses sat there in huddled seclusion whispering to each other while Sefu sat beside him staring off into space. "It has been three days and we get chucked outside to watch them while they play, only now they all huddle in the corner whispering. If they go inside with Asha and Awe they scream their heads off from pent up energy and climb the walls like striped monkeys, but no. Here, here they sit and huddle in a little striped herd staring at me as if I am going to suddenly jump up, run at them and pluck one from the striped masses for dinner. Three days and they have not figured it out yet."

Sefu stretched his legs a little and leaned back against the wall of the hut where his own growing cluster of foals slept in the shade either beside or leaned up against him. Their number had increased exponentially now that the mothers knew Verik would not attempt to snatch them away even with Sefu present, not that he seemed to mind to much. He let out a small yawn and closed his eyes as one of his daughters laid her head against his side and drifted off again.

"Better this way, very quiet. Quiet means no trouble and no trouble mean things easier. Why you worry anyway? Not get "experience" that Asha talk about?"

"No." Verik gave him a blank stare. "Asha is none to happy with the situation, I guess she thought they would be more welcoming but so far the only ones who do not run screaming are yours and that one with the pink fur."

"Give it time."

"Wait till they warm up to me? Lets see... We have had two escape attempts in three days, Asha chased the one down, Awe the second. I would hardly call that quiet and judging by the past three days it is more likely they will collect their spoons and start digging a tunnel when we are not looking."

"Good exercise."

"Which? The fence jumpers or the tunneling?"


"Ah. So long as they dont hurt themselves and we collect the errant herd members all is well then."



Sefu sneezed a little as a fly lit on his muzzle before one eye rotated over to Verik who was sitting hunched forward staring back at the distant herd of foals, roaming his eye back and forth between the two dueling parties he closed his eyes and quietly shook his head.

"Altayih have much trouble with training."

"He has visited every single night to speak with me about it and the list is rather lengthy but he is getting the hang of it. First it was me trying to teach them and now they are trying to do the same, mistakes are expected but they will manage once they get a feel for it. Are you worried?"

"Not worried, Jelani not worried. Jelani find it funny to watch them though."

"Yes, I heard what happened when Altayih did to much too soon and the volunteers wound up tripping over each other and it nearly started a fight."

"With Shahid and Altayih."

"Well Altayih is a quick and smooth talker but I think Shahid's threats and Jelani's refusal to back up the other party is what restored order. Any of the volunteers quit yet?"

"No, Jelani say they not happy but listening and very slowly learning. That is good, training take time but they already trained so make things easier."

"Trained yes but quite differently, thankfully your own training involved a great deal of making certain everyone listens and follows their orders, that alone has made things go smoother but the instructions given are what confounds them."

Sefu shrugged slightly before making a small huff of air. "Takes time."


"What?" Sefu looked at Verik briefly before eyeing the herd down.

"Whats funny?"

"Reminds me of you four when first train selves in your ways."

"How is that funny? Wait, you were spying on us to back then?"

"Yes. You have no experience, only ideas, many, many ideas. Try and fail so badly but keep trying, now Altayih and rest trying like you, failing... But not so badly. Learned from you but still funny."

"I do not see how that is funny."

"Funny because when you fail it cause funny chaos. You say left they go right, you say one they do different or start arguing over why."

"That is not funny."

"Funny to those watching."

"Your sense of humor is rather twisted if watching others fail at things that might save their lives is funny."

"You not learn to laugh, you go insane."

Sefu's tone was dead serious and his one staring eyeball left no doubt to the truth in his words and rocking his head slightly in annoyance Verik had to admit that from a third party perspective, it probably was quite entertaining watching them blunder their way through things. Watching a large group try and go in two different directions at the same time was probably greatly amusing, but to someone like Sefu who was used to giving an order and having it obeyed the concept of an argument breaking out over why someone should stand in a line while walking in step was probably hilarious.

"Well I hope Fareed does not take interest."

"Now you worry about Fareed? Why?"

"If he catches wind of the training-"

"He not care."

"Okay, why?"

"Why you think only forty volunteer?"

"Because only forty-" Verik stopped and Sefu nodded.

"Forty mean Fareed not care, that number so few he not care. That nothing more than village guards training and for only two weeks... Spy report and it brushed off as village guard training to what you say... Brush up on skills? Not worth attention."

"Maybe the tactics being employed will turn some heads."

"Still not care, tribe's sometime fight and this appear normal to whoever reads report. If train fifty they maybe want to know more. Train hundred? They send scout to check and take close look at what Wete doing but not for forty, also have three "mercenaries" doing training with one Wete to help. That sound even more normal, make it look like Wete plan to win next battle in raid against other tribe."

"Why would you raid another tribe?"


"So if the crop failed you would what... Go find the next nearest tribe who had enough food and then just kick their asses and pack off everything?"

"Not everything, just take enough food so Wete live."

"But they will die."


"The other tribes around here must love you."

"Why they love us?"

"Sarcasm, it means they hate you and want to see you drop dead."

"Why? They try to raid us sometimes to, sneak in and steal from granary at night."

"So its not so much a formal battle but a band of thieves in the night."

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes chief want it back and send warriors to take back what stolen, then we fight."

"Then you do your little dances, chanting and grand standing in a field, insult each other for a while and maybe a few stab each other and then go home."


"I take it the "sometimes" is when one tribe decides they can not afford to lose no matter what and attack."

Sefu nodded. "Then big battle and many die, but many die mean they not need food so not starve."

"Thats rather... Grim."

"Is life."

"You know I am not offering my knowledge of tactics so you can go to the next tribe over, the whatever they are called to the south..."

"Miwani tribe. Other tribe closer."

"Closer? Where?"

Sefu pointed off in three directions. "Three others nearby, one more far north though but know you already meet them..."

"At the salt mine, yes. But I would not make the offer unless it was to help defend Wete, that was the deal I made with Tendaji."

"Tendaji honor deal with you but never say not learn and use against other tribes."

"That is not helping things."

"Help Wete, help greatly."


The zebra moved his head over and looked blankly at Verik. "You have better way if we starve? Crop fail, many die. You have solution? Have magic food that appear?"

Verik ground his teeth slightly before pointing down the hill. "The irrigation canal is one, it will bring more food and help prevent a crop failure."

"Not stop blight or locust. Wete do what Wete need to do, survive. What you teach also help protect Wete when other tribe come to steal, when other tribe learn Wete have much food they will want. Come to steal, but if Tendaji let them steal then more come to steal because Wete is weak. Take until all die, now Wete able to not just hunt but kill and other tribes afraid of Wete."

"I would make a comment about Fareed taking notice but somehow I think he would enjoy that because all the tribes would be trying to kill off the one crab that made it to the top of bucket, and so long as the other crabs trapped below drag the other down with them he sits on his throne."

"Yes and Wete not change that so Wete-"

"Do what you have to do in order to survive your neighbors and Fareed. How often do these little inter-tribal wars take place?"

Sefu hummed. "Been two year since Wete get into fight but we start it, they dont want to drive us away. Before than... Maybe three years, steal from Atwiba tribe to west, too many mouths to feed so we attack and steal much grain."

"So the last two times was from the sudden influx of refugees pouring in. Has Miwani ever raided Wete?"

"Few times over much time, yes. Bigger than Wete so we not able to raid back till now."

"Just to be clear here... Every two years or so the tribes run around the savannah beating the unholy crap out of each other over pots of wheat and corn?"

"Or three, but when locust come once in great while then raids become more deadly. Many, many die then."

"How many tribes have been wiped out by this infighting?"

"Many tribe come and go, fall apart and join other tribe. Then new tribe come and take over old land and start again because old tribe too big. Like Wete, but you change that before split."

"Saved you from becoming your own enemies... Huh." Verik looked at the foals. "How many of them are here because their tribe lost and scattered due to starvation?"

"Some, most here because raiders and bandits take over village. Make them work for them or sold. Other tribes to west of Wete take some I think but there too many so they come here to river thinking safer and more food because much water."

"Only they were quite wrong and now have nowhere else to go."

Sefu nodded. "Fareed own river, watch tribe here more closely because it easy compare to others on plains. Ships come and go to watch, but watch them far from river mean runners to carry message and tribes watch for runners."

"Unless they send the messages out when the tax man comes around."

For a moment Sefu opened his mouth to say something before closing it again and Verik knew it was not because he had not thought of that before, but that someone else had guessed the same. Silence ensued as they heard Asha and Awe begin quietly shouting at someone inside for a moment followed by a brief chase and scuffle, they listened for a few minutes more while looking up at the small and highly placed window. Beside them the door suddenly opened and a foal was shoved outside without a word while the door slammed shut behind them quickly, they both turned their gaze down to stare at the young foal as he stood and then skittered across the yard to join the mob.

"So you keep a constant look out for runners then?"

"Yes, but always suspect tax stallion the one who receive messages and bring instructions. Jelani think so to but no way to check. Stop tithe from being taken to check they attack."

Verik remained quiet and simply nodded. "Well, that wont stop me from finding out when the time comes."

Watching the group of foals Sefu slowly narrowed his eyes. "That one is same who jump fence." Sefu looked up at the window and called Awe's name out. "What he do?"

Awe peaked out the small hole and looked down. "Digging with spoon under mat, making small hole under wall."

By the time Verik and Sefu looked back towards the foal they could only see his legs going over the side of the fence, the giant simply looked down a moment before they both silently took stock of who would give chase but as Sefu was covered in his foals Verik just raised a hand and headed for the door. Rushing inside and going straight for the other door, the three foals who had remained inside let out startled yelps as he ran for the exit while leaving Asha's question of what had happened floating in the air before it dawned on her, but by then he was already out the other door and running. Rounding the hut and scanning as he ran Verik stopped briefly and looked at the dirt and small hoof prints before giving chase after the small tracks, rounding a few more bends the prints went inside a larger hut and not caring who was inside he threw the door made of sticks open and looked inside.

A startled yelp and rustle filled the air as the foal bolted for a window and after jumping onto a large pot started to climb out. Verik ran after him and just caught the end of his hoof but his fingers slipped as the foal slid out and hit the ground running leaving him behind to grope at the open air and curse. Running out of the hut only now with the foal clearly in sight, Verik ran harder to close to gap but was having trouble, the equines were much faster on the hoof than he was but with the ground so dusty and dry there was nowhere to hide. Everything would leave a trail and with almost everyone in the fields or working on the construction projects it meant his smaller hoof prints stood out considerably. Already well ahead of him and weaving through the huts Verik slowed his pace a moment and thought over which way the foal was generally going before cutting the distance and making a direct line for where he hoped the escapee would appear next.

The path seemed a little familiar as he ran along and after a few minutes of running he caught a slight glimpse of the foal farther off and going in the direction he had assumed and began running harder to reach the ambush point before the foal could pass by. Sliding to a halt in the dust Verik waited, sweat pouring and breathing hard from the sudden, maximum exertion while listening for the telltale sound of tiny hooves beating on the ground. Hearing them approaching rapidly he made a quick count down and lunged out with a snarl. Below him the foal's eyes bulged out in total panic before making a near impossible turn of direction as his grasping hands scraped the foals head by a fraction. Missing proved to be pointless however, as the foal in his panic turned directly into a decorated hut and slammed into the wall hard before collapsing on his flank to sit there holding his bleeding nose.

"Alright, that's enough. Time to get your striped ass back to the creche. Get up."

A head poked out of the hut and stared at them both before settling on the foal, after Nuru had walked the short distance and checked the foal quickly she stared questioningly at Verik.

"What happen?"

"He jumped the fence again and I chased him down."

"It hit me!" The foal looked up while pointing at Verik but Nuru kept a blank look on her face.

"Kid, if I had hit you we wouldn't be having this conversation right now because I would be carrying your ass back to the creche. If I had my way I would belt you for the trouble your causing. Now just what the hell is wrong with you? Three times you have caused trouble in three days and twice just today! You jumped the fence twice, tunneled once-"

The colt looked up at Verik wide eyed before water formed in his eyes and mouth opening began sobbing, his sobs soon turned in a loud sobbing cry as the foal sat in the dust, nose bleeding only now he was crying his eyes out. Twisting his jaw a little Verik looked at Nuru who had not changed expressions, Verik watched as she patted the foals head a moment before taking him by the shoulder and standing him upright.

"Stop crying, you not little foal anymore. Not cause more trouble now though hm?"

The foal nodded a little while still crying.

"Good, now dry eyes." Nuru cuffed the foals ears before pointing back towards the distant creche. "Go, now. You go straight there! No more trouble from you! No lying!"

"Yes grandma Nuru."

Verik watched the foal hang his head and walk back towards the creche before twitching a little.


"Now you." Nuru stared at him. "Need to keep better eye on foals."

"We do but that one jumps the fence before we have a chance to stop him."

"Four of you for reason."

"It is not that simple, they all huddle in a corner staring at me and have kept it up for three solid days."

"Fear you, they only foals. Hear you snarl when catch and that not help! Not help he foolish and run into hut either."

"Well I doubt it will stop-"

"That one always causing problems but not mean harm. Like to run and not be locked in creche but no one able to watch him all time so have to stay."

"He needs slapped."

"Not by you. If you slap him that make things worse, not with him but other Wete. He dig up floor in creche?" Verik nodded. "He in trouble enough."

"Alright, so why haven't his parents tried to make an arrangement then? Dont you keep him around?"

"He scared of hut and not so young anymore. But you, be more careful hm? In enough trouble, you planning make big, big trouble and not need to make things worse!"

"I should not be surprised that you somehow, just magically know what is going on but the only way out of this mess is to how should I say... Throw a barrel of gasoline into the fire? Anyway, it will not involve you so I dont see how it is any of your business because I doubt those wonderful." Verik raised his voice. "Gods and spirits of yours are willing to raise a damn finger to help! Knocking down some trees? Sure, that's easy. But are they willing to go to war Nuru?" Nuru stared at him blankly. "I appreciate their help so far, I really do. A new world and wife I would destroy a planet for... I thank them for that. But whats the point if someone else can just, snatch it away? So yes, I am going to make trouble. I am going to make trouble so gods almighty big that the world burns and we both know that something is coming anyway. So are they going to get off their lazy asses and help with something more earth shaking than a canal?"

The loud sound of a slap filled the air as Nuru glared at Verik, her hand already raised again.

"Do not mock."

"Fine, maybe I deserved that a little but I would just like to know if they have taken a look around lately. Everyone turned their backs on them but unless they stretch out a hand this whole place is going to hell in-"

Another loud smack filled the air. "Not forget you make trouble it find way back here. Maybe it good you plan trouble that bring fire and death, maybe it bad. But you watch tongue, only dead gods where you come from but not here. Here, they listen and watch. Invoke name mean much, never take lightly. You want colt slapped for causing trouble? You have power to just slap, he not." Nuru pointed out across the savannah. "There be many, many with power to take you and make wish for death. Power to just take what want. To them you that foal digging and jumping fence. That one not good at choosing when and where to jump fence but he not put on stake for it, you though. You be put on stake for it if caught."

"I am not going to hold back, that would be suicide." Nuru slapped Verik again only this time so hard he lurched to the side. "Alright, what the hell was that one for?"

"You lift finger towards me then?" Looking her over a moment he shook his head no and Nuru glared. "Why?"

"I have the distinct impression its not that I cant, but more that if I tried Asha would be putting my ashes into one of her little pots seconds after I had. However, I have nothing against you except these incessant slaps of yours."

"Have great power over you, can hit you much as want and nothing you can do to stop it but run away. Remember that, you now have same power over some and if do what plan that power maybe grow or maybe you die at hand of other with more power. If live, not forget what I say and pain of slap. That nothing. Maybe you gain great power, remember what it like to have none."

"Nuru if you are worried I am going to become like them then I can assure you-"

"No. In time most forget, it become easy. Too easy. Must always be reminded so not forget. Next time you plan to "slap" you not forget my slapping you, maybe I remind you again later."

"Noted. And Nuru? You do know it is impossible for me to do anything without revealing the one spy, which I have but also made certain he will not magically drown in the river with rocks tied to his legs." Nuru's eyes narrowed. "However, I will keep my word on the second one. The most important spy of all: Fareed's personal one. Whenever I learn that ones name I shall not share it with Sefu nor Tendaji though I have the feeling they already knew about them, but not who. Also your fears seem somewhat unfounded as Jelani seems to understand their mistake in "dealing" with the last spy."

Nuru glared hellfire at him for a moment in warning before going blank faced once more, turning around slowly the zebra mare shuffled back into her hut to leave Verik outside staring before the sounds of hushed, ethereal whipsering began again only a little more in earnest. Turning to walk back to the creche Verik made his way back slowly because there was no doubt the foal would not make another attempt to flee for at least another few days. Nuru held sway over the family and had quietly asserted it. As he walked Verik glanced back at the hut again before looking up at the blue sky for a moment before settling his eyes on the road once more, Verik let out a slow breath of air.

"There has got to be a way to calm those foals down and keep them from either jumping the fence or huddling together in a furry ball. Maybe Asha has some ideas." As he walked his thoughts drifted ever more towards Asha which took his mind of the stinging sensation on his face.

Author's Notes:

Enjoy the chapter! Nuru's part came out botched because I had a great conversation in my head, but then forgot the whole thing before I could write it down save some sparse details.

If you read the blog you have an idea of how much time I am spending on other matters and will probably continue to do so for some time, but again... I have no intention of stopping my writing.

Chapter 63: In the Night (21+, last warning)

Author's Notes:

The following took quite a while to work out, it was inevitable due to the tags and something I have NEVER done before either! Might never do it again for that matter. Decided to save this chapter for new years but only got to editing it late today. All the same, happy new years and may yours be a damn site better than how mine is going.

Last warning: dont read this if your under 18-21. Dont complain either, new frontier has been crossed for me and I tried to write it my own way and avoid the standard way things go, not sure if I succeeded but read on to find out.

Happy new year, enjoy a chapter of Asha and Verik!

"Some people want nothing to do with family and despise children, others want them but dont know what do with them after having them; some can not have them to start with and others still want them but will not adopt in order to start a family. A few however, no matter the odds and despite having everything stacked against them will try anyway, even if it kills them."

Verik opened the door and slid inside the creche sideways just in case one of the foals tried to bolt out the door much like a pet that had been kept inside for too long and closed the door quickly behind him. The other three caretakers were sitting in the hut with a handful of foals but the large hut was mostly deserted, looking them over Verik stared for a brief moment at the dusty pink foal sitting in the corner before staring at Sefu and gesturing at the mostly empty environs. Instead of an answer Sefu and Awe just glared up at him before the stallion motioned to have a seat.

"Why you gone so long? He come back on own and-"

"He charged into the wall of Nuru's hut and knocked himself senseless for a minute, Nuru of course wanted a word and after sending him back she wanted to talk to me for a bit about other matters."

"What matters?"

"Matters between Nuru and myself to which I am bound not to speak." Verik stared blankly at Sefu while keeping the rest quietly to himself. "Well that is at least partially true, just not telling the whole truth..."

"Hm." Sefu did not take his eyes of Verik for several long minutes.

Gesturing around the hut Verik nodded at Sefu. "So where are they? Did you tie them to the posts outside to prevent them from running away?"

"No." Awe's expression was deeply unamused. "Workers not have enough stone to haul and take time to gather more, haul and now move from salt quarry which farther away. Take more time than old dumping ground so Tendaji tell those family with foals to send one home so not sit around and block way for haulers and workers."

"Didnt see anyone on my way back... Must not be very many then."

"Many but they go home not to river, that path much used in evening but not day."

"Right, so this lot are those who are?"

Sefu laid down and closed his eyes as he spoke. "Maybe parents want some alone time but some caretaker not come for others yet. Most gone though, these all that left."

"Not many." Verik looked over the handful of foals compared to the normal throng before deciding to lay down himself and stare at the ceiling. "Guess that makes things very easy for the rest of the day."

"Very easy. So he run into Nuru hut?"

"Face first and hard, jumped him coming around a corner and missed grabbing him. Slippery little eel, he bolted hard left without looking and I think he hit hard enough to wake the dead."

"Not think he run again for much time."

"Because of failing twice or because Nuru threatened him and cuffed his ears?"


A long silence prevailed as Asha stared down at Verik before her ears shot upright with an expression of someone who just remembered something, standing and moving out of his sight he could hear something scrapping before a small bowl of mush was offered.

"You gone during lunch, foals eat before going home but you not here so save some."

"Thank you. So how long are we staying here today? Until the usual time or only until the rest are collected?"

"Not know... Awe?"

Awe shrugged. "Not leave untill someone come for them. Maybe sooner today though..."

As time wore on it became apparent that it would be the usual time though as no one came for the last of the foals until several more hours had passed, and then one by one they were taken away until only Sefu's clutch remained. When it was time to go few formalities were given as weapons were retrieved and the sparse belongings piled up or stashed away, Awe secured the door behind everyone not that it mattered. There was nothing to steal here that would amount to more than a few tarnished copper coins and the door could only be barred from the inside but all the same Awe made certain to bar the lower part before finally closing the top section.

Going their separate ways Asha and Verik broke off from the other group and headed back home together, as they walked she stared at him. He looked bothered by something, more so than usual and the corner of his mouth held a small frown while his brows were somewhat furrowed. Asha quirked her head and poked the side of his mouth making him jerk a little and giving her a better view of his troubled face.

"What wrong? You not look like this in long time now."

"Just Nuru is all."

"Nuru always make others have your face but..."

"She slapped me, three times."

Asha laughed for a moment despite his glare before forcing herself to stop. "What you do? Not easy make Nuru slap someone, very, very hard. You insult her?" Her face became serious. "Please say you not insult Nuru, not want to have to leave village for long time for safety."

"No, we just talked about matters you are familiar with and she had some "lessons" to teach me about power and not forgetting what it can do."

"But why she slap you?"

"That was part of the lesson, also I did kind of goad her into the first one but the last two were no fault of mine. Nuru wanted to make certain her lesson was burned into my mind and that I would not forget what its like to... Be powerless, and also to never forget that little detail should I ever find myself lording over someone else's fate."

"Nuru not give lesson unless she think it matter."

"Hm. She ever slap someone else?"

"Hmm... Slap Zuberi once, not know why but now he mind words more. Not see, hear about though. Many years ago."

"Slapped him in public hm? Well I dont think there were any physical onlookers during our little civilized discussion."

"You gone long time though, must been very serious."

"I guess time flies when voodoo grandma wants to have a "word" with you."

"You okay though after running? Not best runner-"

"Not tired despite it, guess all that running around is paying off."

The sun was dipping low as their usual evening routines slowly came to a close, dinner had yet to go into the fire pit as something had come up and watching Asha return he watched her closely. Being surrounded by foals had made him think once more about having a family and after just a few days it was nearly impossible to get it out of his head, and even Altayih's evening visits were not enough to force the thoughts into full submission. Having to chase the troubling colt was no deterrence either, he was trouble by nature but meant no harm by it compared to other non fur covered ones he had seen somewhere else. In fact he could not remember seeing a single one of the foals show any signs nor heard of anything similar, they were just entirely different and were far more what he thought children would be like. Wild, eager and full of energy while devoid of any malice.

Eyes refocusing on Asha a smile worked across his face, he couldnt help it anymore as just seeing her had a calming effect that washed away his troubles. Thoughts drifting along lazily an old thought emerged and looking towards the door for a moment he turned back as familiar feelings began working their way up again. Taking a deep breath he sat upright as Asha just finished stuffing the firepit with twigs and other bits of firewood, it was either now or forget it because once that fire started the hut had a tendency to warm up quickly. A fact that did not bother her but was quite the annoyance to him.

Asha sat looking down at the fire pit humming quietly to herself as she finished putting the last few twigs in place, it was an art she had learned from her mother. Bundle them too tightly and it would burn up rapidly, but scatter the twigs too much the opposite would happen resulting in a long waiting period for the embers to form which were needed to cook with. Open flame was fine but having to cook the incredibly dry meal was taking longer as the grain was now drier than usual.

Moving the jar over and picking up her flints and other starter material Asha rubbed it in her palms quickly to loosen it and then fluffed it a little while failing to pick up on the sounds of Verik behind her as he moved in. Flint in hand she went to make the first strike but her aim and grip faltered badly resulting in the stone missing its mark entirely, and ears standing straight up with eyes locked straight forward she froze for a moment as hands were placed on her sides and began gently working their way forward and down.

"What he doing? Need to make fire for-"

Slowly she could feel herself being pulled back into his grasp as the hands wrapped around her waist, gently moving her away from the firepit. Opening her mouth to speak nothing came out for a moment in surprise that he was actually making a move on her.

"He never..." The hands finished pulling her in and worked down to her hips and gently squeezed. "Heheee. So much trouble in past and now you- Hmmm..." Asha let out a small happy hum while leaning back into his chest, the stroking of her flanks stopped and made her ears lay flat in annoyance. "Why you stop?"

"You wont be needing these." She felt him take the flints from her hands and watched as he tossed them towards the firepit, hands returning to run down her stomach she could feel his head lean into her neck. "I recall you were too tired and crying last time but you do not seem all that tired and I most certainly am not. We got to sleep for several hours extra in the hut today since there were no foals to watch. Now, last time we tried you started things, now its my turn."

Rotating in his grasp Asha turned to face him and wrapped her legs around his side pulling them in close as his arms wrapped around her back before trailing downwards, her own trying to pull them even closer. Leaning in their lips met in a long tender and loving kiss as their arms continued to move, her legs trying to force him ever closer. Pulling away for a moment and staring into each others eyes her face changed to worry as she stared at Verik.

"What wrong?"

"Getting worried again for some reason."

"You not worried last time."

"Good point."

Leaning forward again they kissed more deeply as Asha began to grind herself against him slowly bringing out a change of breathing, a myriad of sounds and a growing bulge. Pulling away from Asha's lips he began to work himself backwards onto the mat and off the dusty floor before leaning back and pulling her down with him. Asha laid on top of him with a growing smile on her face as he leaned up and kissed her neck while caressing Asha from the top of her back down to her flanks before his hands finally came to rest on her hips.

"You keep clothes on this very hard."

"Well coming from someone who goes naked all the time, or nearest to it... Not that I am complaining." Verik smiled at her. "Getting to see your beautiful body without having to ask is a blessing from the heavens."

Asha smiled down at him before giving him a small kiss and sitting upright on him scooted back a bit. "Strip."

Working his shirt off was easy but Asha was trying to help by working the belt on his pants, a task that was difficult for a moment before she figured it out quickly and undid it. Removing his pants she looked at him with a small frown before climbing off when he began sitting upright. Scooting his pants and underwear off he froze when Asha slid in behind him and did to him what he had been doing, only her hands moved in and not out to the hips forcing a catch in his breath as her hands moved over his stiffening appendage.

"You are not making this easy."



Yanking the last of his cloths off he quickly undid the foot wraps he had been wearing, his socks having long turned to rags. Reaching behind and grasping for Asha he struggled for a brief moment to slide her around his side which caused them to both collapse on the mat with him on top pinning her down. Leaning down gently onto her he smiled into her emerald eyes before sitting up and putting his hands on the snake leather belt she wore.

"Your turn."

Before she could speak he put his hands inside the belt loop and gently drew it down and off her hips but did not yank it off, still tracing his hands down her flanks and legs he look his time, fingers gently carressing her fur. Verik listening to the happy humm Asha made as he slowed a little before removing the belt entirely, she sat up almost immediately and grabbed it from him and standing put it on one of the large storage jars.

"That really is important to you, isnt it."

"Yes, you give big, big gift and never forget." Asha slid down beside him and they wrapped their arms around each other but her eyes moved towards the doorway for a moment.

"Ah, thats whats bothering us..."

"He always come this time of night. Every. Night."

"Well if he comes tonight he dies."

Asha turned back and smiled. "No waiting then."

"No, no more waiting."

Verik moved his head down to her neck and kissed again while his hands gently caressed and groped her flanks. Moving down his movements faltered more and more until she looked down, it was clear to her he was debating and solving it for him she leaned up and pulled him in.

"You no worry." She pulled his head into her breasts smothering him. "Not upset, happy."

Asha could feel his frozen form loosen quickly and felt him kiss her chest while a few muffled words of thanks worked their way out before she felt his mouth pull an inky black nipple in, giving it a gentle suck and lick. His head lingered for a moment as a hand moved to support her back and then leaning forward Verik held her to prevent Asha from falling backwards as he began easing her down until she was laying on the mat while his face gave a single last kiss to her soft stomach fur. Looking up and locking eyes they stared only briefly, each could see how nervous the other was slowly becoming, Asha knew in great, unwanted detail how things worked thanks to Sibi but after seeing that one brief instant of hesitation when their eyes met as if he were asking for permission she reached up.

Leaning up a little she reached out and took him by the shoulder and pulled him down closer before locking lips heavily and feeling Verik loosen up with tongues intertwining she leaned back again. Slowly he moved between her legs and as she slowly folding them around his waist he moved forward until their breathing halted as their bodies slowly met.

Breathing hitched Verik reached down and grasping his member for a moment and lining himself up he moved his hips forward as Asha's legs prevented him from going back. Closing his eyes for a moment as the alien sensation filled his senses with an unbelievably warm, wet and grasping pleasure his only instinct was to keep going slowly and steadily. He could hear Asha letting out a long moan or was that him? Their low moans of pleasure mixed in the hut as he slid forward one inch at a time, her legs wrapping around him more tightly with every moment that passed.

Neither realized the other could neither go forward and be pulled in any deeper nor pull back, they just stayed frozen with their eyes shut and trying to regain control of their breathing while the intense wave of pleasure burned through their bodies like wildfire.

Opening his eyes slowly and looking down at their awkward position Verik realized he was quite uncomfortably hunched over and on his knees with one hand supporting himself and the other her somewhat, while Asha was leaning back with an arched back and legs locked around his waist while both of her arms were rigid and supporting some of the weight. Easing himself down and over her he placed his head against her bosom for a moment and looked up again.

"I cant move, your legs are strangling my hips."

Asha eased her vice like grip and welcomed his kiss as he slowly and gently began moving his hips back and forth in awkward little thrusts. Putting her arms around him and pulling him in closer she began moving with him causing his gentle thrusting to become longer as their hips worked back and forth slowly. As they kept up the slow pace a rythm formed and as the kissing became more serious and fervent Asha released him from her legs, one leg suddenly pushed on his side and using her arm she began rolling him over. Not fighting back Verik rolled over and now with Asha on top he laid back and stared up as she mounted him and locked her legs to his side.

Gripping Asha's flanks as she began gently gyrating her hips Verik let out a moan which made her smile and as she picked up the pace his grip tightened on her. Lifting herself up a little and easing down Asha watched as his head leaned back.

"Sibi was right, now..."

Lifting herself up until he almost slipped free she gripped her marehood tightly to keep him inside and then slid down quickly in one swift motion making them both gasp for a moment.

"Maybe too soon..."

Her thoughts changed when his hands began to try and coach her up again and lifting herself with his hands Asha moved up and then slid down again, working back and forth with increasing confidence she began to bounce up and down on him. A tenseness had built up quickly in his muscles and she could feel his hands become more claw like and stiff, his breathing changing again as she continued to move until finally he sat upright and wrapped his arms around her and rolled.

Verik did not move for a moment, he just stayed there locked in position trying to breathe and looking worried that Sibi's advice may have done more than expected she reached up and touched his face.

"You okay? Not-"

Her voice died as he suddenly thrust forward and arms wriggling under her back he almost lifted her off the mat for a moment as his movements picked up forcing a long moan out of her as he continued to rub against something. Verik had hardened so much inside her she was a little worried by the look on his flushed face but it was gone the moment their eyes met, replaced by that of deep care and love. Motions slowing as they gazed into each others eyes he eased Asha down and kissed her again before speeding up.

"Just keep breathing, keep breathing..." Verik continued to thrust with his hips and after breaking off the kiss buried his face in her chest again while gritting his teeth before panting out her name. "Asha..."


"I want-" His words were forced, sluggish and choppy and after another another deep breath he tried again. "I want this to last forever but I dont think I can."

Verik felt a hand carress his head and hold it in place. "It okay, want this to last to but if you not, we never have foals."

"I dont even know if that is possible."

"Try harder. Again and again." Asha's legs suddenly wrapped around his waist again. "Want family with you."

Her legs suddenly tightened as he pulled out again and yanking him in she locked him in place as her insides gripped and caressed him, unable and unwilling to stop what was happening Verik leaned into Asha more and pushed forward trying to sink just a little deeper into Asha's warm, silky folds.

A feral growl escaped him as she felt him release his seed into her body, the later brought a sudden surge of pure elation but the first made her ears pin back a moment her mind screamed that a predator was holding onto her. The thought died instantly as she looked down at him and tried to hold him tighter, hands tracing down his back as Verik remained face down in her bosom with his growl fading. He was different from her, extremely so, but it did not matter, not anymore. She loved him dearly and though his penchant for extreme brutality and violence had been made clear there was no doubt in her mind that he would never harm her. Asha smiled and leaned her head back into the mat again as their bodies slumped down, any trace of worry gone as her ears perked back up.

Verik was hers.

Bodies relaxing Asha smiled at him as Verik looked up. "Growl?"

"I dont know why, just couldnt stop myself. Never done this before or felt this and wouldnt trade it for anthing nor with anyone else. How did you do that thing with your-"

"Not know, maybe like you growling?"

"Maybe, but-" Verik stopped to breathe for a moment. "I dont think I could ever hold back with you doing that."

"Good. Make more foals."

"Have to find out if we can and... Wait, your an... I dont know, an equine? Dont you have heat cycles? Fertility cycles?"

"Mmm... Some do, but not for long time? Still make foal even without so not know?"

"Maybe the lack of food has something to do with it... Dont care right now. Figure that out later."

"Good! Then you have time to help make more foals."

"What?" Verik looked up, the sweat still pouring down his face as Asha beamed back at him.

"Make more foals."

"I know what you said-"

She patted his head. "Not make foals if try just one time, need to again and again. That way certain, yes?"

"Uhh... Asha, I dont think thats how it works."

"Hm, once not enough anyway. Make certain."

He felt her grip on his softening member increase and the gentle movements inside begin again. "Asha... I need to rest, give me a minute to rest, please."

"You resting now."

"No, that- Ergg... Hmmmm. Asha..."

"See? You can make foals again! But maybe this time you lay down and after we switch? You rest then I rest! Keep making foal but we get rest between."

"That is really not how it works, I dont think-"

Verik's words were too muffled and weak to amount to a decent protest as Asha rolled him over and began working her hips again, his member stiffening slowly before the blood came rushing back and once more fully erect she smiled at him and began moving in earnest. Unlike before her movements were far more certain and intense, more urgent and eager to bring about a conclussion but also to his horror they would slow again. Asha was learning fast and knew just when to slow down so he didnt lose his sanity nor erection but was getting better by the minute at building him back up again.

"Damn you to hell Sibi, damn you to hell..." His breath caught again as Asha changed her pace and thrusts. "And bless you for telling her everything you know."

The moon was high and its shining rays coming through their small window when Asha slid back onto Verik and began working her hips again, not satisfied she leaned forward pushing her breasts into his face then began rubbing for a moment before sitting back into his lap again to grind against his softened member. Continuing to heave for air his head leaned up, hair stuck to the mat in sheets and slick with sweat, much like Asha's fur was clinging to her own body. They had both become so slick with sweat the dust on the mats had turned to mud and Asha's fur was now so wet her stripes stood out even more while her mane clung as if for dear life to her body while below a tail swished back and forth between his legs. Verik's face burned red from heat and exhaustion as she looked down at him a moment before making an "oh" sound, and after standing on shaky legs Asha teeterd over to the water jug, he could not move but as he watched Asha move he wondered how it was possible she was still able to stand even if on wobbly legs.

Verik's eyes followed her every step of the way, grateful for the reprieve and as the ever swishing tail brought his eyes to her flanks he could catch a glimpse now and then of just how long they had been at it. Drying rivulets ran down the inside of her legs which shone in the moonlight and he could also swear her marehood was opening and closing slightly as he watched her walk. His seed had been drained again and again by Asha, something he thought was impossible but after living on this world he wondered if something had changed slightly. Or was it not possible and he had simply lost track of time and imagined it? He could no longer tell, the evening had become one hellish blurr of extreme exstacy and nightmarish exhaustion. It was just impossible to satisfy her lust for having foals and when he was too tired to move she would take over and do the rest, but if he did not move enough she would lay her ears down and start shaking him.

It was heaven and hell but he wouldnt trade it for anything while his desire for her had only grown, Asha's dedication to starting a family was both terrifying and heart warming. Watching her dipping out a cup of water and walking back she gave Verik the cup and then she sat back down to continue as Verik struggled to sit up and drink a little before settling on just dumping it on his face with his mouth open.



His breath came out as a pained groan as she continued to rub against him, the exhaustion clear on her face as he stared. "Asha..."

She slowed. "What?"

"I now know what the heart of the runner from Marathon felt like, I need to rest before my lungs or heart burst. Whichever decides to give out first."

"What Marathon?"

"Asha... I have enjoyed our time tonight more than words can describe and my undying love for you has only grown-"

"Then what wrong?"

"I cant feel my legs anymore."

"You too tired then, just lay and rest-"

"Asha! Im dry. Dryer than a desert. There aint nothing down there but two shriveled up and sobbing raisins. All I have left to give you is them and while they are yours you cant have them that way."

"What you mean?"

"Please, lets sleep. We need to sleep, me more than you. I dont know whow you can keep going like this but please, lets go to sleep. If I dont get some sleep and we keep going I am now honestly afraid they will either fall off or get sucked out the next time you grip me. We can not make any more foals tonight."

Asha looked a little dissappointed for a moment but after looking him over in the dim moonlight she suddenly looked worried. "Not mean to-!"

Verik let out a rapsing laugh. "No regrets. None. In one night you have made any second thoughts or regrets I have ever had in all my life dissappear, that is a miracle. You are a miracle. I just need to sleep and so do you, its not like this is the only time we will ever have sex. Right now I am the happiest man to have ever lived."

"Know that but-"

"No buts, we still have plenty of time before we both go back to our usual grinds. I just dont want to be so exhausted from one night that I cant walk or go again later this week."

"Later this week? Why not tomorrow?"

"Give me at least a day to recover and then we will see how many more foals we can make for the rest of our "vacation" alright?"

A happy, tired smile spread across her face as she laid down beside him and leaned in closer and despite the incredible heat they were both giving off neither cared.

"Good." Asha's head suddenly shot up. "Dinner! Still in pot-"

"It was not cooked so its fine. We can have a double meal for breakfast which will be nice for a change."

"Yes but... Meal soak up water and become-"

"Dump some water on it, beat it up with a spoon and cook it."

"Then it lumpy and chewy..."

"Asha, you are such a marvelous cook even lumpy mush will taste good when you make it." Verik paused for a moment. "Tomorrow."

Her smile widened and tugging into Verik closer she slipped her leg over his while an arm worked across his chest pulling them even closer in a possesive hug.

"Love you."

Asha listened to a very tired, half asleep response, turning her head she leaned up and then kissed above his bearded cheek lovingly before leaning back down again and closing her eyes.

Chapter 64: Banquet

"This is going to be a very long and deeply unpleasant ambassadorial visit."
-Princess Nawra of Labrad-

Nawra watched as her three new servants departed to await her instructions in a small side room accompanied by sergeant Btwani, and once they were inside captain J'Lail shut the door securely and peaked through the key hole to make certain the sergeant was blocking any of them from listening in. Giving her a nod Nawra sighed in relief before nearly grabbing her mane with clawing fingers but after a deep breath and sigh regained her composure. Pacing for a moment she finally stopped and taking a quick look at her personal attendant ordered him to prepare her evening dress for the banquet along with a set of matching jewelry while J'Lail watched Nawra quietly as her pacing continued and led her between the two rooms.

Here and there she adjusted the various items that had been brought up from the yacht, the new servants had been quite useful in stocking the room to her tastes and now that everything was laid in the appropriate place it looked far more homey and less a temporary prison. She had refused to correct them when they had misplaced something entirely and instead decided to make "small adjustments" so it was in the right area, but now that "they" were safely locked away behind closed doors she could move the items around at will. A task better suited for her attendant but he had other matters to attend to now and moving things around to suit her was calming in an odd sort of way.

"Princess Nawra?" Captain J'Lail coughed quietly drawing her attention away from adjusting the location of a mid sized painting depicting her family, Jubril included.

Nawra glanced sideways a moment. "Yes?"

"You should be getting ready to depart and spend no more time dwelling on what has transpired. The banquet begins at nightfall and it shall take time to-"

"I am well aware of my duties, but..." She trailed off and looked at him and then the shut door.

"Fareed has a method to his madness and we both know he is trying to get something from you, perhaps a response he can use to justify invasion of the kingdom or... In all truth my princess he could be planning anything."

"Which is why I am disturbed. Anything could happen and when dealing with a snake like Fareed who on one hand makes a point of showing absolute civility, but will in the same breath have your throat slit on a whim. His laws are both absolute and non-existent, a dangerous combination and for whatever reason he has set his eyes on me. I would like to know why."

"Only he could answer that question and to ask would be an affront to him, but you are correct there must be a reason though we do not have the time to figure that out now."

"You are correct." Nawra stopped fiddling with a small box and rocked her head back and sighed before looking at the side room where her attendant was preparing things. "Pijasiros, is everything laid out?"

Entering the room quickly and standing aside Pijasiros nodded quickly. "Your dress and jewelry is prepared, whenever you are ready..."

Walking into the room and shutting the door behind her Nawra quickly undressed and after slipping on the new dress she looked in the mirror before nodding. "You may enter again."

Returning quickly the attendant opened the jewelry boxes one at a time and carefully adorned her neck, arms, mane and ears with a set of emerald jewelry before standing back. Looking herself over in the mirror and making a few final adjustments to suit her own interests the princess nodded and returned to the central room.

"How do I look?"

Both Pijasiros and J'Lail nodded quickly though the first spent more time looking her over carefully and nit picking a few details before stepping back again. J'Lail watched the servant finish before smiling at Nawra and giving a short bow to her.

"You look quite regal and are a testament to your kingdom and family."

Nawra gave a smile in return before looking at the closed door which kept the four in quietly detained. "Now we require a guide."

"Which one? #18 or #22?"

"If I take #22 to keep her away from whoever is left behind it could cause problems as #18 has failed in his duty... #18 it is, he needs a proper name though."

"Agreed, shall I fetch him?"

"No, they respond "only" to me and if you called they would not respond immediately? Perhaps that is all part of this madness... After it was realized I did indeed call for them through you and failed to establish this little order of command earlier he would be punished once more by #22. No, I will get him. Fareed will not win any more than he has already, today at least..." Raising her voice Nawra looked at the door. "Sergeant, open the door."

The door swung in and Btwanis looked in. "Yes princess Nawra?"

"You may re-enter the room but stand aside." Btwanis entered and moved aside revealing the three servants standing riggid in the next room, gritting her teeth and choosing her words carefully she pointed. "#18, come here at once. Sergeant, return to the room and shut the door and guard it as you did before."

Wasting no time the gelded zebra entered the room quickly and dropped to the floor. "Your orders princess Nawra?"

Nawra waited until the door closed securely and counted to ten before motioning with her hand for him to stand. "I want to know your name."


"Correct, that is your current name. I want to know your name before you were called #18. Please do not act like her and refuse, it may be forbidden but as I am the one asking you it is allowed just this one, yes?"

He hesitated a moment and glanced at the closed door quickly. "My name was #42-764B"

"What did the B mean?"

"Group B."

"What did you do?"

"I was a laborer in the royal warehouses, my duty was to haul goods, clean and assist with minor repairs of the ships."

"What was your name before they called you #42-7...B."

"I was always called #42-764B."

"Even as a colt?"

"Yes princess Nawra."

Captain J'Lail let out a sigh and shook his head. "Poor bastard, even my own slaves have names and are not treated this poorly."

"Captain..." Nawra glared and J'Lail held a hand up and remained silent but as she debated keeping his current name or changing it she froze. "If I name him, that will single him out to Fareed unless I name the others but if I do the names must not show endearment, they need proper names and even... Deserve them despite how dead and soulless they are."

A knock on the door drew their attention and captain J'Lail immediately put his hand on the hilt of his scimitar before asking who was there, it was nothing more than just a final reminder that the banquet began shortly and if they needed a guide. J'Lail called for them to go on their way and then nodded to Nawra.

"We should be going, I will leave the sergeant behind to guard your quarters. Do you wish to have your personal attendant follow as well?"

Nawra shook her head. "No, not tonight." Looking at #18 she pointed towards the door. "You are a guide around the palace yes?"

Nodding quickly the zebra bowed his head against the floor once more. "Yes princess Nawra."

"Good, lead the way. We are going to the banquet hall."

"At once."

Walking to the door he opened it and stepped outside before waiting as the captain called the sergeant back into the room and gave him a set of instructions before departing with Nawra in the middle. Outside the room a single mercenary stood guard and after nodding to her the mare shoved #18 aside and walked out of the building calling to the other mercenaries outside. By the time Nawra and her entourage got outside there was a column of mercenaries waiting, blank faced and staring ahead mutely. They did not ask where she was going and for that matter Nawra had no desire to address them for any reason, not now, not ever.

#18 walked a short distance before stopping and turning. "Do you wish to take the long or short route princess Nawra?"

"The short route."

Holding out his arm #18 nodded and turned and walked down a path leading into the greater palace's interior. Following him she stole a glance backwards as they began moving and watched as the mercenaries jolted into movement, three stayed at their backs while two rushed forward now that they knew where they were going and which route to take. As they marched rapidly past them and ahead of #18 she noted how he involuntarily flinched almost violently at their passing. Moving deeper into the palace, bending and turning so they could arrive as quickly as possible she noticed how her newest servant had also begun to develop a faint shaking problem as the two mercenaries marched just ahead of him.

The palace interior was gorgeous, massive pots held plants along the various corridors and were well watered, tapestries hung down displaying the symbol of Fareed's royal family along with his own personal markings. Braziers lit the way after a while filling the air with the faint aroma of incense that was twinged with something else she recognized as helping to keep the insects away. It was not long before they were no longer filling the air with the sound of clacking hooves, a rich carpet had been used to line the entire hallway leading into the banquet hall and the number of guards and servants had also rapidly increased.

Captain J'Lail leaned forward and whispered into Nawra's ear, "he is quite serious about the security even if nothing else is genuine."

"Of course Captain, it would be uncivilized if one of his guests were injured or were dispatched on his watch." She glared at the heavily guarded double door ahead of them before leaning back to J'Lail. "But that does not mean he can not toy with us nor destroy us from the inside out."

"Just smile."

Nawra smiled at the captain making his eye twitch. "Of course."

#18 stopped before the door and quickly stepped aside. "Princess Nawra, we have arrived. I hope the journey was not too long."

"Your timing was perfect #18. Well done."

"Thank you princess Nawra."

Captain J'Lail stepped forward towards the guards but they looked at Nawra and one gave a rehearsed bow and spoke first. "Welcome to the banquet, courtesy of his greatest majesty, Sultan Fareed." Stepping back into place they grabbed the door handles and swung them open allowing Nawra and her entourage to enter.

The interior of the banquet hall was vaster than in Labrad and as she examined it while stepping inside it was clear the room was meant to seat a far greater number than were actually present. It was hardly at capacity even with all the servants and handful of guards standing along the walls, a table for every guest including lounge space, additional tables along the sides with more food and then finally; the raised stone platform at the far end where Fareed's table sat sans the monarch himself.

Everything was decorated to perfection and well lit while servants stood aside carrying fans on long poles waiting quietly, a few were already employed and were gently fanning a few of the guests. After looking for a table to sit at both away from, but close enough to other guests so as to not be rude Nawra was halted by a servant who moved quickly and bowed rapidly.

"Princess Nawra, your table is ready."

"I see..."

Turning away they spoke loudly and clear causing the gathering of guests to stop and look up a moment. "Introducing the envoy from Labrad, her majesty, princess Nawra of Labrad, honored guest of his majesty, the sultan Fareed."

She received a number of nods from around the room and returned them while others completely ignored her and returned to their quiet conversations and dining. Giving her another bow the servant clapped his hands quietly and motioned to another servant who hurried over.

"This one will show you to your table but... His majesty asks that your guard and your toy, though he may join you! But he asks that you do not distrupt other guests."

Nawra gave a sneering smile at the servant making them flinch. "Are you suggesting I would act as a common peasant?"

"Forgive me! I-"

"Show me to my table. #18, I will beckon if you are required and until then you will remain out of sight." She turned to follow the other servant and made a silent prayer this would keep them both from having certain problems.

"As you command princess Nawra."

Following the servant to her table as #18 was pointed off to a small area by the announcer so he would remain out of the way but able to see his owner, Nawra examined who her dining companions would be. One table was as of yet empty but the other had a stallion lounging quietly who looked up at her and smiled before nodding and sitting upright.

"Princess Nawra, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am emir Ruhak of Samati."

Smiling and bowing to the stallion before sitting Nawra looked the slightly older stallion over. "The pleasure is mine your lordship."

Sitting down Nawra looked over her empty table but before she could call for the servers one was already at her side and kneeling down beside her they listed off the incredibly lengthy menu that was available. Listening quietly Nawra began listing off her interests from the dolma, hummus, pita, meddamas, fattoush along with other fruits and wine while ending with basbousa. Ruhak half listened before suggesting she try the maghmour as Fareed's cooks had outdone themselves, smiling at him and giving him her thanks she finally asked for some chilled maghrebi tea. Satisfied that this would keep up appearances as being a serious diner much like Ruhak and many others she could see had done Nawra leaned back into the pure silk cushions and relaxed.

There was not a single poison tester in the room save three who had already sampled everything, that and the servers were stark naked to prevent them from secreting in any hidden vials less they put them in a most uncomfortable location which would give them away when retrieved. It also helped that for every server at the food tables there were two mercenaries staring them down from a short distance away.

Within minutes her table was fully stocked and she was forced to admit that the food both smelled delightful and the aroma was most pleasing. Deciding to start small she took a piece of bread and dipped up a small amount of hummus and chewed slowly as the hummus filled her mouth with a delightful and silky taste of perfection. Roaming her eyes around the room more carefully Nawra quietly dressed down the other guests one at a time and noted one noble, a rather impish looking stallion, was apparently being kept somewhat isolated from everyone else. A slave mare sat beside him and whenever he motioned she would retrieve an item from the table and deliver it to him as if reaching the short distance was beneath him. Most others had their servants standing back and away from their conversations, no doubt wondering to what extent Fareed was spying on them.

Then again it would be sign of great distrust and an affront to have a personal poison taster during the banquet, a true and silent insult to Fareed which would probably mean war or assassins being dispatched within the hour after their departure.

"A most delightful spread is it not?"

"I beg your pardon?" Nawra jerked her attention away from the others and look at the smiling visage of Ruhak.

"I said the food is a most delightful spread, also I would dare to say Fareed has outdone himself from the last time I was here."

"How many times have to attended his state banquets?"

"This is my second as I was unable to attend the last due to illness unfortunately."

"Quite unfortunate, and I agree he has shown great hospitality with no expense spared though I have yet to fully enjoy the full extent of it."

"Oh worry not princess Nawra, there shall be plenty of time for that I assure you. Tomorrow our formal meeting will begin and after that if he holds true to the previous meetings we shall have several days to relax afterwords."

"As this is my first, might you tell me how this is handled?"

Nawra smiled at him even as a foal returned to his side with a vacant expression and sat beside him quietly, Ruhak adjusted his position a bit but neither batted an eye for she could not and he would not. She also did not trust him one bit for telling the truth but it was expected of her to make idle chatter so that she would no matter the sickeningly sweet look he was giving the foal.

"Quite simply, we are all gathered inside the throne room with our gifts ready to present and in whatever order he has chosen one of his his advisors will call us forward. We greet him, present out gifts, the usual. He will accept them unless he is displeased with what has been offered of course, once we have finished our offering will be taken aside by servants and then we retire to the side so others may step forward. Simple, were you expecting something more elaborate?"

"Maybe, but may I ask what you brought?"

"Oh I wouldn't dream of spoiling the surprise just in case anyone accidentally lets it slip but it is most generous! My queen Sana is quite intent on keeping good relations with Fareed as she has in the past."

"Only when she is not trying to take his head of course..." Nawra nodded with a small smile and took a small bite of her maghmour.

"I understand Fareed made you a special offering in the hopes of smoothing over the last war, your mother the queen was here for the meeting just before and missed the second."

"Yes. I was given three servants upon my arrival."

"Ahhh lucky you!"

"What do you mean?"

"It means you are the honored guest this time, Fareed's family has long shown their graciousness by hand picking only the finest servants for a single honored guest, but not always! We, on the other hand are given pick of the masses upon arrival. But you, ohhh you had the best picked out in advance!"

"They have already proven to be the most well... Disciplined."

"Three was it?"

"Yes." Nawra took another bite and chewed slowly hoping it might divert him a moment as it would be rude to speak with her mouth full but he only smiled and patted the foals head making the filly twitch slightly, Ruhak only smiled.

"That is one of them then?" Ruhak turned slightly and motioned towards #18 and Nawra nodded. "Fine specimen, I see he was fixed in advance for your convenience."

Trying not to gag as she swallowed Nawra nodded slowly and sipped at her tea. "Indeed, his majesty is quite considerate of his guests."

"Strapping stallion, I am certain you will get endless hours of pleasure out of him but I would prefer to see him when he was younger." Ruhak daintily removed a piece of honey soaked desert from a plate and placed it on a smaller serving tray which he gave to the filly beside him. "You have never had something like this before hm?"

The filly shook her head. "No emir Ruhak."

"Enjoy, dont want you getting tired or hungry. Yet."

Nawra wished and forcibly willed the conversation to abruptly end but appearances had to be kept and so the conversation continued while her eyes roamed anywhere else but her dining companion. A break in their conversation occurred when a new arrival was accounted and they all turned to see who it was, a mare almost of middle age had entered the room dressed in noble attire and was already looking quite nervous as she daintily walked forward.

Raising their voice the servant called out. "Announcing her noble ladyship and officer of his majesties army, Ismat of Madinat Alzamard."

Nawra watched a moment before turning back to her table but after the quiet whispering behind her she looked again as Ismat was being sat beside her. The mare's eyes were riveted across the room on the now regally dressed General Adil who stared back harshly at her before going back to talking with those next to him and glancing sideways at Ismat, Nawra just caught the tail end of the mare nodding in some kind of silent understanding.

"Sent to spy on me? No, she is far too nervous to be a proper spy worth any salt."

Nawra waited quietly as Ruhak had now struck up a conversation with the other guest on his other side, he had made an appearance with her and thankfully it was now over and done with. Ismat ordered her meal and sat upright, rigid as a board and looking around the room carefully as if something might jump out at her at any moment. Had she received the same type of "gift" as the others? Glancing back Nawra saw a new stallion had joined the lineup since her arrival and frowned a little after looking his state over, like her own this one had been gelded as well. She looked back at Ismat knowing she was in just as much shock as she had been only the poor mare had no chance to recover. But why? This one grew up here and must be perfectly used to this by now so why was she so nervous?

Narrowing her eyes slightly Nawra smiled slightly. "Lady Ismat?"

"Yes?!" Ismat twitched before looking at Nawra and calmed down.

"Princess Nawra of Labrad..."

"Forgive me, it is a pleasure to meet you." Ismat bowed her head low and Nawra nodded back.

"Are you alright? You seem quite nervous and dare I say, confused?"

Ismat looked a little worried for a moment before going blank faced. "I am doing well, thank you."

Every word was somewhat forced and Nawra could see she was quite concerned about matters beyond her control but also that she did not return the question said even more.

Holding up her glass Nawra swirled the wine around a little. "The wine is quite good..."

"Yes. I suppose it is- Will be, I have yet to taste any."

"You are an officer in his majesties army then... To be invited here you must have some standing within the ranks."

"My grandfather, general Adil tutored me well and I have done quite well for myself."

"You sound almost like you regret it though."

Ismats ears stood straight up and her eyes widened a moment before recovering quickly. "I have no regrets, it has been an honor to serve his majesty."

"You may be well drilled in combat but you are a poor liar." Nawra nodded and smiled. "Of course not, enjoying his majesties gift?"

"Yes... They were quite the, surprise."

"As were my own, this is the first time I have been here."

"It is mine as well."

A devious idea crossed Nawra's mind and she decided to test just how well disciplined this officer was. "As royalty these things are expected of me, but what about you? Has your grandfather always gone in your stead? What about your father?" She watched as Ismat twitched a little on the emphasis of royalty.

"My father, before he was killed some years ago."

"Deepest apologies for your loss."

"Thank you."

"When will Fareed be joining us? I dont suppose he has forgotten us..."

"He has not forgotten, he is waiting for the prope- His majesty will arrive shortly I imagine."

"Hmm... True I suppose..." Nawra idly took another bite of food and played ignorant. "Your city is most beautiful and well kept. The buildings white wash is not old and faded, there are no cracked buildings..." A small and quickly cut off huff of air left Ismat making Nawra smile inside even more. "It must be quite burdensome to maintain this."

"You have no idea..." Ismat's whisper was very low but Nawra still picked up on it before the mare spoke clearly again. "The crews that maintain the city work around the clock day and night to make certain the city remains pristine."

"Good! I would like to go and see it tomorrow morning, do you have any suggestions?"

"What?!" Ismat choked. "Why- Uhm, hmm... You would have to speak with general Xerin or general Adil but I do believe accommodations have been made for those wishing to view the city."

"Of course they have." Nawra tried to hide the sarcasm in her voice as she smiled and nodded. "And I will request it day after tomorrows meeting! I want to see the north side of the city including that ancient building that was not white washed."

Ismat choked again for a moment as she was taking a quick sip from her goblet. "I am certain accommodations could be made in a few days but I am afraid that the temple ruins are out of limits for our guests. It is an ancient structure after all and quite unsafe, his majesty would be most upset if a pillar were to collapse or even a mere, tiny stone fall from its ceiling and injure your person or any of your servants."

"Tch... Hm, why was it not repaired?"

"Uh... Well it was not torn down out of honor for its age and purpose but repairing it would-"

Nawra frowned and looked away as Ismat slumped a little and sighed in relief when the announcer clapped his hands loudly and called for their attention.

"Honored guests, announcing his majesty, the glorious and most honored, sultan Fareed!"

Moving aside quickly Fareed stepped forward in his flowing silk robes and stood quietly before them a moment. Looking him over Nawra noted that unlike everyone else in the room who had dressed formally for the banquet he had dressed one step above what was considered normal but tastefully so. No guards flanked him as he walked between the tables and up to his elevated table where he stood and gave everyone a nod.

"My guests, it is an honor to receive you this fine evening, be you local nobles or my honored guests from afar. I hope you have found my gifts to your liking and will continue to enjoy them for the duration of this gathering along with all other hospitality I have made available to you. May you want for nothing and your every desire be met. Tomorrow we shall begin our formal meeting at just past noon in the throne room. However! Tonight we celebrate the arrival of our distant guests and relax, some of you have journeyed for weeks to make it here such as our guests from Enuba and Bwani."

Fareed nodded to them but his eyes remained on Nawra, clapping his hands loudly he quickly sat down as servants rushed wildly to fill his tables with food while wine was poured. Nawra twitched a little from his mention of the throne room as if it were the only one in existence but remained quiet as did the other visitors. Attention turned to the back of the room and the double doors as servants rushed out of the way and hid in their corners so that a cadre of dancers and musicians could enter the great hall. Discussions broke out in earnest now that there was no longer any need to whisper and the mingling of voices filled the air.

Dancers filled both sides of the room so no one had to move in order to see less what they witnessed was not to their personal tastes. Mare and stallion alike lined both sides now that the food tables had been shifted to a safer corner that would not disrupt them but also made serving take longer. Nawra breathed a sigh of relief though that at least no foals were in the mix but was disconcerted by the near lack of dress presented. It mattered not, they were all scantily clad in colorful silks that matched their fur but were see through. Seeing them reminded her of a certain dress stored away and she felt like vomiting at the thought of what her family expected of her.

As the musicians began picking up a proper tune the dancers began to move with the rythm in perfect unison swaying their hips and arms, conversations in the room died off quickly and looking around Nawra noticed Ismat had frozen in place, halfway into taking a bite to just stare. On the other side of the room Fareed watched the guests and not the dancers with a knowing smirk on his face as Xerin looked up from his table with a nod. The music flowed on as did the dancing which captivated their attention including that of the servants who tried to focus but were having trouble. Every part of the dancers bodies swayed with the music drawing eyes either up or down and Nawra guessed her own servant was probably struggling but she refused to turn and look for him in order to test if he was being dutiful or not because if not it would probably at best result in another round with #22's brush and ink pot when he turned himself it. Or would he?

Instead she tried to look away from the dancers and focus on other things like staring just beyond them so that Fareed would not become wise, but it was impossible. Swirling in the air the enchanting tune drew everyone in willingly or otherwise and forced them to focus on the dancers in front of them. Whatever willpower they had was being drained away slowly as the lines of dancers moved with the music and as the tempo began to move in earnest so did they. A solid and flowing thump from a drum and gone were the simple movements and swaying of the bodies while in its place their forms began to turn and rotate pulling everyone's attention ever closer.

If it were possible to have a sensual, enticing dance she was witnessing it and was powerless to look away for too long less she miss something. Some guests had rotated over to see those dancing behind them as they all picked out their favorites and chose to focus only on them. Forcing herself to look away for just a moment she snuck a glance at Fareed who was busy chatting with Xerin, both seemingly immune to the hypnotic music and dance. For a brief instant she swear he looked at her and nearly grinned before looking away.

"Damn you."

When the music came to a close and the dancers stopped moving they stood at attention as two servants stepped forward with one bearing a platter, they walked to Fareed's tables and stood waiting. Waiting for a moment before standing Fareed smiled at his guests and waved towards the dancers.

"I hope you have enjoyed what is only the beginning of the entertainment that shall be provided while you stay here. These dancers are also servants and..." He reached up and snapped his fingers then motioned at the tables quickly, the two servants moving into action by placing a bag on each table. "You are free to call upon them for use at any time, it is only asked that you do not damage them too badly and the bags you have received contain three silver tokens."

Many opened the bags to look inside including Nawra and Ismat while the rest already understood, flipping one of the coins around in her hand Nawra stared at its surface bearing only the mark of Fareed as he continued.

"Every guest has received three tokens, these are to show your appreciation towards those servants who are not my gifts to you... But are general servants such as these dancers, should any one of them please you greatly or the other available and un-marked servants, feel free to grant them a token in appreciation of their generous service. Choose wisely though for you only receive these three and no more! Feel free to call upon the servants but please do not disturb the other guests, you may take only two back to your chambers with you tonight and they must be returned come morning. You may also call on them again the following day but please allow the other guests a fair chance at employing their services. Now, if the band would continue..."

Fareed sat down once more and Nawra was more interested in looking at Ismat than the other guests. The noble was sitting with her mouth slightly open and a blank stare as she looked across the room at her grandfather Adil as he quickly pointed out two mares and called them over to sit with him. Watching the noble with the eyes of a falcon the princess watched her fumble for a goblet and instead of taking a small sip downed the contents in one shot before coughing slightly. How sheltered had this one been until now? As an officer the sigh of blood and guts was her business but somehow this astonished her?

"Why would you spend years training dancers only to use them as mere sex slaves? What are you playing at?" Shaking her head a little Nawra turned back to her own goblet and took a sip as Ruhak turned and stared curiously.

"Is something the matter princess Nawra, lady..."


"Ah, yes. Are you not going to call upon any of the servants?"

Nawra thought about it a moment and scanned the room, for about every one guest that had clear and obvious intent another was simply enjoying the company of either their beautiful mares or handsome stallions. Content to simply have them there to enjoy staring at or as one did, have them feed them by hand.

"It was a long trip I am afraid and I am still exhausted." Nawra gave Ruhak a teetering smile.

"All the more reason to call upon one or two then princess, sit back, relax and allow them to do the rest. I am certain his majesty would be remiss if we did not call upon at least one." He pointed to a mare and beckoned her over and chose to have her do much like the other guest had and feed him by hand while enjoying the view.


Nawra looked around quickly, anyone would probably do but did Ruhak actually care to avoid her having a confrontation or was he also playing with her? Their nations had been at war many times but not since Fareed captured Tuli, perhaps he wanted her to survive this so that Fareed would have no cause to invade again? One more enemy on his flank to harass him in case queen Sana decided to have another go at Fareed. She had to pick someone quickly though and it not be something Fareed would be able to key in on so that suddenly narrowed it down. Lifting her arm and pointing to a young zebra mare, ordered her over which raised a few eyebrows including Ruhak's but he just smiled and ignored her quickly enough. Fareed on the other hand watched closely before returning to his conversation with other nearby guests. Hopefully it had worked, a stallion was far more distracting than another mare and if that made Fareed put more effort into that which did not draw her attention all the better.

"How may I serve you?" The zebra knelt on the floor and bowed forward.

"I dont suppose you know anything about relieving tension in the muscles? As a dancer you must have had cramps and sore muscles."

"Yes mistress, I understand some but am afraid I know little compared to those servants proper-"

"That will do noticely, my back and shoulders are stiff."

"At once mistress."

Nawra kept a smile off her face at having hopefully ducked Fareed until the mare had begun massaging her shoulders with the utmost care and delicacy. She had to admit, the mare was quite good at it for someone who supposedly had no idea what they were doing. Perhaps it was the fear of causing injury that made her touch so light, gentle and soothing but it worked miracles and the tension caused by Fareed was already slowly melting away.

"What about you lady Ismat? Are you not going to choose? As emir Ruhak said, we would not wish to insult our most gracious host." Nawra made a fake lean into the dancers hands and smiled while keeping one eye just barely on Fareed.

The mare fumbled with her food a moment but gone was the puffed out fur of embarrassment and in its place was something else. Just under the surface Nawra could see she was seething with bottled up anger and resentment but a smile had been plastered on her face unwillingly.


Ismat turned and in less than a split second pointed to a stallion and beckoned them over but now had no idea what to do with him. Watching the mare quietly she followed her gaze around the room as she desperately tried to find an example that would be acceptable other than the one directly adjacent to her. Already a few heads were under tables but no one seemed to mind and even Adil had one nearly in his lap which seemed to make her wretch for a moment. Settling on one of the stallions who was simply chatting with his two pretty guests she patted the cushion next to her and said one word with the clarity and command of an officer: Sit. The command was obeyed and Nawra kept her eyes elsewhere but listened as Ismat began idly chatting with the dancer.

"I think this one will do just fine for helping me survive my stay here along with answering any questions I have..."

Author's Notes:

Enjoy, donate, dont, favorite, dont. Damn busy now and donations are appreciated now more than ever. Chapter rate will hopefully remain twice a month with the change in my schedule but cant promise anything.

Chapter 65: Flank Kissing

"Bending over and kissing their collective flanks is how most businessmen, nobles and, in all truth... Anyone involved in politics gets ahead. It is the oldest profession the world has ever known: the flank kisser."

Nawra's eyes slowly opened as the sun streamed in through the window and letting out a small groan remembered where she was, in hell. Things had gone quite smoothly last night with the chosen mare dancer dismissed shortly after she had left, but only after a few others had, no token was given however. Those tokens were power in this place and she had guessed that the "servants" would do damn near anything to get one, it was clear they were slaves to any but the most pitiful fool and for that she now had some sway with them. Fareed probably meant it as a game but two could play the same game when both sides had a means of motivation.

Her last token would be the most precious though and would have to be saved to the bitter end in case she needed it, but until then two others were available. This meant spending one a week for her stay with the possibility of a third on the final week, her stay was to last the entire month after all and so she had to ration them. A sudden knocking on the door made her sit up quickly and after bading them to enter #22 walked in bearing a platter and accompanied closely by captain J'Lail.

"Princess Nawra, you ordered me to fetch your breakfast at first light." The slave bowed quickly and presented the tray.

"Yes, what were they serving this morning?"

"As you did not specify any particular item I had #18 accompany me and we have brought back a complete spread. Where would you like it served?"

"Table, central room. Captain J'Lail will be joining me."

"As you command princess Nawra."

J'Lail watched her leave before nodding. "Pijasiros already tested it for poison, it is safe."

"Good, but I doubt "he" would try such a thing."

"Maybe not him but another in the hopes of embarrassing his most gloriousness, bringing of the sun and moon, the rivers, trees-"

"Your sarcasm is noted captain but do not make it worse because today I will be saying those same lines in his throne room."

"A dreadful prospect indeed." J'Lail gave her a grim and pitiable smile.

"Hardly, it is merely hollow words that everyone will utter today with not an ounce of sincerity. Last night however was a nightmare."

"Ah yes, #9."

"I do not ever want to enter my quarters again and find #22, #18 and I especially do not want to find #9 naked and waiting for me under the covers with a smile on his face! It will take a month to remove such a grotesque memory."

J'Lail shrugged his eyebrows and eyes. "The sergeant can not watch all three rooms and the door at the same time but I will have a word with him about one going missing, perhaps you should order them to sit waiting in the central room until you return?"

Nawra rubbed her face a little. "Fareed probably expects that, have them sit there until they can no longer hold it in and pee on the floor or worse. If #22 uses that ink for failure to obey I do not want to know what she will use under such circumstances. You made certain #9 was not touched?"

"#22 wanted to for failure to appease but I had her locked in the other room for the night, she will listen only to you so far on such matters."

"I see, who else?"

"Only #18, the colt was kept with the sergeant in the general servant quarters last night, quite spacious and well stocked I must admit. #9 seems to be somewhat more susceptible to suggestion despite his "education" but I attribute that to his young age. Did you sleep well?"

"Quite well but for a while I could make out whoever sleeps in the next suite over."

"Emir Ruhak. He returned with only the filly."

"I do not want to know more."

"Neither do I but it is time to rise and I shall be awaiting you in the next room."

J'Lail bowed and closed the door behind him leaving Nawra to undress and don her morning wear. The full ensemble adorned, she moved to the next room and was greeted by the captain, sergeant, Pijasiros and the three "servants." They all lowered themselves to her and gave a more formal greeting before the sergeant took his place near the door, Pijasiros had already laid out cushions for her to sit on and stood to the side waiting with a jug of wine and another of tea on a platter.

"My lady, would you like wine or your usual tea this morning?"

"Tea." Nawra sat and looked at the three pathetic figures quietly before eating a grape and chewing slowly, her gaze made them look even lower. "#22, the next room has a bath and water will be required. Call servants to fill it for me at once."

#22 nodded and gave the typical trained response and left the room in a hurry, Nawra meanwhile looked at the last two before focusing on #18.

"You need proper names instead of numbers... What should I call you..."

J'Lail let out a small laugh. "How about Khusaa?"

Nawra glared at him, "I will not be cruel!"

"Its true though."

"No. Your name shall be..." She looked him over before looking at his marking and after shaking her head sighed. "You are handsome, tall... Striking... Yes, your name for now will be Mudahash."

"I am grateful princess Nawra." #22 bowed.

"Good, #9 what was your name before becoming a slave?"

"I am fro-bid-den from u-sing that name."

"Very well, you will be called Aaarabisk because you are quite wishful, especially last night."

"Thank you prin-cess Nawra."

"Good! That just leaves #22."

"How about Mueadhaba?" Captain J'Lail shrugged. "It would be most suiting."

"You are correct, but no. Where is she? I did not expect her to fetch the water herself..."

"I imagine many are calling for bath water so it may take some time for arrangements to be made."

Nawra shrugged and motioned for the captain to sit and join her. "The formal meeting starts just past noon so we have all morning to get ready, the gift was polished first thing this morning?"

"Yes, Pijasiros handled that before dawn while I handled other matters."

"You mean letting #22 out without her killing Aaarabisk?"

J'Lail nodded and looked at the colt. "A certain box is locked away in your room and only you have the key which I pray will stay on your person."

"I doubt that will slow her down."

"She is quite inventive unfortunately and we had to keep her from several objects she attempted to fetch until I threw her in the bathroom and locked the door."


The zebra looked up for a moment. "Yes princess Nawra."

"Did #22 attempt to escape last night?"

"No princess Nawra."

"Good." Nawra tore a piece of bread of and dipped it in the flavored olive oil while still watching him. "Captain, seeing as there is plenty of time this morning I will stay here and look over my scroll again before the meeting begins. If you or the others need to settle any matters see to it, I want you to bathe before we go."

"I already have." J'Lail motioned to the others. "Only your special three have not."

A knock on the door announced the return of #22 and after entering she lowered herself onto the floor. "The number of guests requesting a bath has slowed the process of drawing water and though accommodations were made it may take thirty minutes before hot water is available for your bath."

"Lukewarm will suffice in this heat. Now, your name..."


"Not again... Hm. What was your name before being a slave?"

"I am forbidden from using that name."

"So Fareed erased their past by burning it into their heads that they will be punished for daring to utter their true names, except for the one born a slave..." Tossing a grape into her mouth and chewing she narrowed her eyes and looked the mare over. "Your name will be Fatima."

"That is forbidden!" #22 looked panicked.

"So I guessed your true name by accident? Very well... Aaila."

"Thank you princess Nawra."

"Your names then are Mudahash, Aaarabisk and Aaila. Now to something more important, you will ask permission either of myself, the captain, sergeant or Pijasiros when you need to eat or use the bathroom. You will eat three times a day and Pijasiros will handle that as he is my personal attendant and those tasks are matters he usually handles, you will assist him in seeing after my well being. Aaila, you will do nothing against #9 or as he is now called Aaarabisk. He did nothing... Wrong, last night but such is no longer required of any of you, I sleep alone unless specified otherwise directly by me. Do you understand?" Nawra hoped quietly the last would leave a loophole that would prevent Fareed for prodding them too hard. "He will probably just try something else come the morrow."

They nodded but Aaila was worried. "Princess Nawra, it is our duty to assist, please and provide comfort to you."

"And you will, but in other ways as I demand it of you. But only when I demand it of you and never before!"

"Understood princess Nawra." They spoke quietly in unison but there was a marked degree of worry in their voice which made both Nawra and J'Lail narrow their eyes a moment and exchange looks.

Nawra looked straight at them. "First, raise your heads and look straight forward... Good. Now, what were you threatened with if you fail your mission? Not allowed to answer? Punished if you do but also if you dont?"

"Princess! Remember what happened-" J'Lail was cut off with a hand.

"You fail no one by answering or refusing to answer. Just keep looking straight forward and stay silent, that is an order." They did but it was the looks in the eyes she was testing. "Each of you have entertained me greatly during the short time we have been together, I regret nothing and have learned a great deal. Be proud in your service and rest assured one of you will return to my homeland with me. Now, you need to go and refresh yourselves. Leave, bathe, eat and do whatever it is you must do so you there will be no "accidents" today. Know that your families should be proud considering you would gladly rape a foal on order, torture a stallion not because he would but because he acted on an "if" or tried to get into bed with a mare much older than you. That is all, you have done well. Leave."

The three left the room utterly confused but Nawra smiled at each of them as they left before looking at an equally confused J'Lail.

"I do not know what game you are playing princess but I have the feeling it is quite dangerous."

"Fareed is listening to me through them I suspect, they have done their duty and I acknowledged that and sent them on their way. Their previous order to obey only me has been somewhat muted but a chain of command has been established and with any luck it will pay off because they are required to obey me after all, if not at least they are under order to ask no less than three times a day. That and Pijasiros will now be handling their food requirements. They are not the... Brightest, but it should muddy the waters enough."

"You blunted his spear."

"I hope, but it is possible he has other things in store and it does not mean he will not hatch something new. He wants to toy with my mind but that does not mean I am forbidden from fighting back and neutralizing his tools."

"It is still hard to understand why he would want to toy with you."

"Maybe he favors my brother or plans a new war and sees me as expendable before the act."

"You still have your fathers orders to carry out."

Nawra cringed but an idea had formed. "While true I must ascertain what he plans first, would you not agree it unwise to wed someone who has already settled on invasion? It would provide a means of ransom before the war even begins but he will not touch me here and now. Yet..."

"Mmm... True I suppose but your fathers order stands."

"The safety of Labrad takes precedence and if that means putting his plans on hold so be it, I will not be responsible for giving our soon to be attacker any high ground."

"As you wish princess Nawra."

Nawra hid a smile, Fareed may have just given her a way out and while she doubted he had any intention of invading her kingdom, the doubt she had sown would be enough to justify her actions, for now at least. When he learned what she had told the three slaves he would have to start all over again but he probably expected it, this was just a game to him and it would never end till the day she departed his kingdom. Until then she could continue to reject, blunt or halt his attempts and so far that was quite easy as all three servants were obedient but quite slow mentally. The more she undermined his attempts the more he would lash out and provide more justification to put her fathers plan on hold, there was no threat of death here, only the loss of ones sanity.

It was thirty minutes past noon when Nawra, captain J'Lail and Pijasiros departed with mercenaries in tow for the throne room with Mudahash showing them the way. It took longer this time as the throne room was farther away and situated to the far front of the palace grounds for ease of access to those not living there, or at least that was the idea once upon a time. Making the long journey around they stopped in front of the two immense wooden, studded double doors where they waited a moment before being ushered in by another mercenary. Inside, the chamber was filled with nobility and advisors milling about the base of the stone stairway at the far end of the throne room, high above the stairs an ancient stone throne was decorated lavishly with silks and plush cushions but it was as of yet empty. Space along the left side was reserved for those visiting guests making their offerings today but one sat empty at the far front, it was reserved for the most honored guest and that, was herself.

Guided to their spot and left waiting as everyone chatted around them she glanced at the mixture of ambassadors who were nodding ascent to the turnout and due to her location she could see some were not amused. Three advisors in particular stood slightly apart from the others with either a damned or pitiable looks on their faces or as one did, with a blank, dead stare. For whatever reason these three were not pleased at all with events and as she stared at them they noticed, bowed to her and quickly faced a different direction while pretending to talk amongst themselves.

"Dissent amongst the ranks... So it is not going quite as well as he would have everyone believe, at least one ranking officer ready to revolt, a few advisors who look on in disgust..."

Her line of thought died off after taking a headcount of those who were less than overjoyed to be here, their numbers were so few compared to the whole they were not worth mentioning if one were to ask. Still, at least there were a few in this mad city that did not believe in what was being done but the fact nothing ever changed was more telling. Truth be told though she knew they would be killed immediately for trying so why not flee? What did he have over them?

Such thoughts died off as the doors flew open and a serenade lit the air on cue, the sultan had arrived. Down the long, regal carpet he came in full regalia, head held high and behind him walked both Xerin and Adil with two other mutes in tow but she recognized only Ismat. A dead expression was on her face as she walked in her formal uniform in perfect lock and step with those in front of her and after Fareed had climbed to his throne and turned he flourished his silk robes a little for show and sat down. One of the advisors who had stood waiting at the base beckoned with an arm towards Fareed and in a clear voice repeated partially what everyone already knew but with a great deal of extra baggage.

"His majesty, ibn Jarafi the magnificent, ibn Kasar the slayer of Olsama, ibn-" Nawra took a long breath and waited while looking over the other guests. "-illustrious, bringer of peace and order to the realm, securer of the trade road and the most important and only safe harbor on the Thriti River, conqueror of Tuli, destroyer of-"

Nawra tuned it out again as the mare rattled on for several minutes declaring how great and glorious Fareed was while at the same time making small snaps at each of those gathered. Every prick a reminder that no one had been able to best him to date and conquer his lands in earnest but at the same time leaving out just how many times he had been driven back, namely his failed campaign against Salai. A defeat by all means but it was declared a victory because he achieved something, though little. But that little ant hill became a mountain overnight as the battle was rewoven again and again in his favor. They were quick to point out the defeat of her own kingdom but the telling was bereft of mention that they had soundly stopped any further advance and even taken some of his kingdom from him, the list drolled on until it finally came to an end.

"Bow before his majesty, ruler of the ancient capital of Zebrica, sultan Fareed!"

Closing her eyes and swallowing any remaining pride Nawra and everyone in the room lowered themselves to the floor and paid their respects by acknowledging his power.

Fareed raised a hand. "Rise. Today you offer your gifts and then my advisor shall give you the schedule, we will begin tomorrow morning though." Nawra could swear he looked at her a moment before glancing down at Ismat and Adil. "We shall begin with my most honored guest, princess Nawra of Labrad. You have permission to approach."

Her upper lip twitched when he granted her permission to approach him but turning to her two companions nodded and they stepped neatly out into the center of the carpet. Making the turn in perfect, practiced order they walked slowly towards him while Nawra kept her hands clasped in a regal gesture in clear view of all. Once they were nearly at the base of the thrones steps she lowered herself again as did J'Lail and Pijasiros, they waited until he nodded and the advisor caught them by surprise.

"You may now, rise."

"I may now rise!?" Smiling at Fareed and holding her tongue, Nawra motioned Pijasiros forward and after he unlocked the box she nodded for J'Lail to lift the lid. "I present unto you, his majesty, son of the mighty Hasil, son of the wise Asim, son of the righteous Hassir..." Nawra took care to speak each of the names in his lineage slowly, with fake reverence and when she was finished ground her teeth a moment before proceeding. "The ruler of the glorious and most ancient capital city in all of all Zebrica, conqueror of Tuli, slayer of,-" Nawra spoke plainly and clearly, vomiting out the lines one at a time just as they had been written within the scroll. "His majesty, the glorious, benevolent, virtuous and most charitable sultan Fareed."

Motioning her servant forward to present the gift Nawra again bowed low. "A gift from the city of Labrad, may it please his great majesty to accept such a gift and may the gift be seen in his eyes as a tribute worthy to his mighty throne."

Fareed stared down at the elaborate gold and jeweled crest without flinching and without batting an eye waved Pijasiros away off handedly. Snapping his fingers one of Fareed servants quickly collected the box and after a stare from Xerin, unceremoniously hocked it onto a nearby table but she noted none of the other guests could see the act, only her.

Staring down at her blankly a moment Fareed gave a small nod. "I have received your offering."

The advisor standing to the side waited for a moment and after Fareed nodded to them they stared blankly ahead without looking at her. "Princess Nawra, you have permission to retire from his majesties view."

Nawra's ears almost splayed back in anger as the fur on her face began to stand out. Glaring at the captain and her attendant they stood and marched quickly to the side where she tried to disappear into the masses.

"How dare he not acknowledge the gift properly! We have never treated his nor any ambassador so poorly! This is how you treat commoners or perhaps nobles! Not those of royal birth!"

Fuming quietly Nawra ignored the next name called out and as another representative strode down the isle head held high knowing that they would most likely not be disgraced as she had been, began their own iteration of praise with a certain convivial tone in their voice. Eyes staring daggers into no one in particular Nawra felt a hand tap her shoulder a few times and glancing to the side glared at J'Lail as he stared ahead blankly. Closing her eyes briefly Nawra forced down her ire and kept a blank face as the procession continued.

"This is going to be a long nightmare..."

Author's Notes:

I just get going on something or resolve an issue and all hell breaks loose, enjoy the update. If you wish to donate do so as it helps keep the story going. Next chapter we are back to Asha and Co.

Chapter 66: Morning After

"You will never realize it at the time how one seemingly innocent event set a whole chain of events in motion that will be felt long after you have passed on."

Asha's eyes were half lidded as they stared blankly for a moment into the early light of dawn as it streamed in around the door curtain and through the tiny window. Shifting her body slightly and peeling her matted fur off Verik as she sat upright Asha took a long breath and settled her gaze on their abandoned dinner. Remembering last night she smiled a little before a hand drifted to just below her stomach and lingered, looking down she looked at herself and then at Verik with a look of curiosity etched on her features.

"It not dream... Real."

A small smile crossed her face as it all came back quickly and after closing her eyes while smiling happily to herself she became a little worried about what others had said. Was it possible? Or impossible? There was only one way to know for certain and it would mean repeating last night as many times as she could for as long as possible, but even then she knew it would take time for it to show. Her mother had shown no signs at first when she was pregnant with her younger sibling but now that her own attempts were in question, how long would it take?

"Need to try again, soon. Must be certain!"

Her hand drifted along his side as she smiled before a yawn crept up on her and yawning quietly Asha gave Verik a light shove to rouse him, but when there was no response her eyes narrowed and the shoving became more earnest until it finally she gave up and began giving him a series of pokes.

"Up. It morning." A muffled groan escaped her husbands mouth as his arms and legs shifted before catching and going limp again. Frowning Asha shifted herself over and sat on his chest while holding his head between her hands and then leaned down shaking his head gently. "Up! Up!"

"You said we could sleep in now that we had other duties..." Verik's voice trailed off and moving her hands off his head his arms reached out and held her gently around the waist as a half tired smile crossed his face.

"Yes but must get up." Asha poked him between the eyes.


"Not go to creche like... This." She motioned to her matted and twisted fur. "And smell funny to."

Staring up at her with a smile on his face Verik finally dropped the smile. "Asha, I have never felt worn out like this in all my life and I think the first thing I need to build for us is a bed. Not a door, I can live without a door in this heat but after last night I am certain these mats will be the death of me."

"Bed? Have beds!" Asha patted the reed mat. "No reason to be so tired!"

"There is a world of difference between the hard ground and an actual mattress. Last night simply reminded me of that in many painful ways that are now screaming in my body, mostly the hips at the moment."

Asha gave a disgruntled snort. "I not tired."

Verik opened his eyes and stared up for a moment before slowly sitting up while Asha slid off of him and waited quietly, for a moment his breath caught painfully before he rolled onto his side and after crawling into a sitting position he held the side of his waist before smiling at her briefly.

"Yes, I can see that."

"You walk?" Asha reached out and felt the side of his hips gently.

"I need to stand up first." Asha stood quickly and waited as Verik slowly fought his way up before standing upright and sighing in relief. "Well I can still stand after that working over you gave me last night."

"Not pretend you not like it."

"Never, and I look forward to doing it again and again and again..." Asha gave him a small nudge but after he teetered for a moment she grabbed him by the arm and pulled causing him to groan. "For now, I shall focus on walking."

"This not happen every time?"

"No, body was just not ready for something like that. I can run, fight, beat the hell out of someone with a rock and take a beating of the same but that, that shocked the system."

"Good. Need to bathe and get morning ration now. We go to river now yes? And... I borrow cloak yes?"

"Afraid everyone will stare?"

Asha crossed her legs a little before nodding. "Yes..."

Looking her matted fur over Verik nodded before staring at the water jug in the corner. "I think that would draw even more attention but we could always use that," he motioned to their large water jug, "to bathe in here."

Asha glared and smacked his shoulder gently before grabbing the soap container and passing it to him. "Make hut muddy! Bathe at river, hut take long time to dry out inside."

"We dont really have any neighbors anymore and most will be at the granary or water wells right now, we can just step around the side and bathe quickly. Its not like anyone is going to spy on us and with the construction going on the new buildings are not up yet, we virtually have this corner of the village to ourselves. At least for another week or so..." Verik stopped and stared trying to remember what the schedule was.

Humming for a moment Asha nodded before looking at the large water jar for a moment and reaching to the side she picked up a smaller container and began dipping out water rapidly. When she was finished the two stared at each other quietly.

"Ladies first."

"You just want to watch."

"I shall not lie to you so yes, yes I do."

"Then you help wash back, make self useful."

"Gladly, but we need more water than that one jar, let me fill up another and I will be outside in just a minute."

Asha nodded before grabbing the two rags they had taken to using as washcloths and almost stepped outside before looking down at herself. Ears laying down a little she sighed and waiting at the door patiently. "I wait here."

"The only one who could possibly see us at this hour would be Nuru... Well, maybe Subira."

"Especially not want Nuru to see." Asha's tail twitched a little.

Finishing with his task Verik looked into the mostly empty jug. "We will need to refill this again but at least we have one now! Canals made these almost completely useless."

"Have lots of time later, now hurry."

Walking to the door with a jug in one hand and soap in the other Verik poked his head outside and looking around stared at Asha. "There is no one out there and I would like to ask you something."

Stepping outside gingerly Asha looked around before darting around the side of the hut. "What?"

"Since when did you become the shy one about nudity, I am too tired to care right now and couldn't make the walk anyway but you..." Verik put the water jar now and removed the lid from the soap container.

Asha glared at him a moment before dampening her fur with some of the water and after dipping some soap out began scrubbing down. "Not care, but do care. Not be seen like this, very..."


Stopping for a moment she nodded. "Yes."

"Now you know how I feel all the time."

"You have no excuse! Covered in blood, dirt, mud and sweat not same as this!"

"I know but you can now understand my desire to stay hidden from eyesight now hm?"

Verik moved his hands up and down her back slowly while working her fur apart so it was no longer in strange little swirls or sticking out here and there. Asha hummed happily as he worked, her tail swishing a little more as he went until it was thrashing back and forth between his legs.

"Asha?... Asha!"


"Watch the tail, its getting a little close-"

Snapping the wayward tail back between her legs tightly she halted for a moment before turning around. "How long it take?"

"What? How long does what take?" Asha took his hand and placed it over her womb and stared. "Ahhhh... Um... Last time I had anything to do with that was health class and I honestly cant really remember, had other things on my mind all those years after and well..."

"Well?" Asha stared.

"I got along with everyone about as well as two starved sharks would while some poor bleeding bastard splashed around in the water above."

"What is shark?"

"Piranha?" Asha shook her head. "A fish that will eat you alive."

"Ohh... But not know?"

"Not a clue and besides which your a zebra so I dont think anything I know would apply anyway."

"Afraid you say that."

"Actually I am the one who is a little more afraid right now."

"Why?" Asha stared at him as he gave her a strange smile before moving behind her quietly to continue his work.

"I want to keep my hips right where they are and not ground to a paste."

Asha's ears stood upright for a moment before laying back slightly and turning rapidly with an annoyed look she gave him a small push as he laughed.

"That not funny!"

"Take it as a compliment, if I were to die I can think of no better way right now than in bed with you. I would die a very, very happy man."

Asha huffed slightly. "Still not funny. Your turn." Rinsing herself off quickly Asha waited for a moment before the two traded places on the now soapy and muddy ground.

"Have to rinse my feet off somewhere else..."

"Go without boot?"

"I might, my boots are wearing out. They were pretty old to start with and no one here sells them or even makes anything like them. Its better to keep the feet covered though in my case, you have hooves, I dont."

Nodding slowly Asha rubbed his shoulders and continued to stare at his back, he had changed since they first met and it was painfully visible now from the scars that were slowly accumulating. Worry wormed around her stomach as she thought over his plans and what it would mean including a great number more injuries.


Asha halted her movements a moment and blinked before scowling. "Wash yourself."

"No not that! I have all that leftover leather laying around and nothing to do with it."

Blinking slowly a few times Asha stared at him for a moment before it clicked. "Oohh... Make balls for foals?"

"Well its not like I have anything else I can do with it at the moment, it just sits there."

"Not think snake make good balls though, very expensive ball though."

"That pig, boar, whatever it was I killed a ways back? The leather would be perfect and there is just enough of it to make at least one, maybe two. Being at that creche is just sad."

"Why it sad? They safe, have food."

"They exist. Nothing more."

"Play with each other so why you worry so much?" Asha began rinsing his back off.

"Those foals havent got a single toy to play with, they just sit around scrawling in the dust, starting fights or play with broken reeds."


"I suppose it is but it is also just sad, they should have at least something to play with."

"That why you spend much time cutting sticks into strange shape?"

"Whittling, and yes. My "skills" as a carver are on par with a cross eyed idiot but they need something to occupy themselves with."

Smiling Asha leaned forward and pulled him into a hug. "You nice, not care what other say. Think of foal and want to do nice things."

"Asha, I dont know whether it is out of pity or because I honestly care about them... I just cant tell anymore, I know that I care deeply for you and about the well being of those I command but it has just been so~ long..."

Spinning him around on his heels in the mud Asha's ears perked forward and she stared at him with a hard expression. "That sad excuse. You at least think and try. Others happy to eat and breathe but you want more. Maybe you pity? Yes... You pity. But also care. Pity mean you able to care, if this just pity you not try so hard."

"My whittling could hardly be considered "trying hard" Asha."

"No care. You care, maybe need time to learn again."

"True but I shut those emotions out a long time ago less others try and use me."

"Some here try."

"I know. Asha? How do you make a ball?"

Asha stopped a moment in confusion before giving Verik a strange look and shook her head. "Not know..."

"Did you ever have one?"

"No. Maybe ask Awe?"

"Or Sefu."

"Both, we ask both."

"Just hoping they agree." Verik walked away from the muddy ground and after a short distance held a foot out and began rinsing it off.

"Think they agree to help, I get water, long walk... You walk to granary and get food?"

"I can make it that far, I think. Muscles are loosening up a bit but still aching."

"Yes, you walk strange but make it."

Strange looks were given as the two had made their way around the village but most had stared at Verik as he walked while leaning on his spear, no one said a word however as seeing him staggering back from the training grounds had been a usual occurrence for some time. Asha had actually beaten him back despite having to travel twice the distance and had nearly come looking for him but once their double helping of breakfast was either reheating or boiling away they sat down and waited. Staring at the two jars Asha scooted closer before leaning against him slightly and as Verik looked down and into her big emerald eyes he shook his head.


"Have time."

"We just bathed and I dont think my hips could stand-"

"Once maybe not cause problem? You just lay-"



"No." Verik pulled her into his lap and held her close and tried to will himself to resist. "I know how badly you want to start a family but I need to recover some first, after that... And also, yes I think they would notice from the strange looks I got this morning." Letting out a small and disgruntled snort Asha did not move from her position but accepted the embrace while sitting quietly. "Dont start pouting either-"

His voice died out as she twisted around and stared at him, eyes sad and ears laying back slightly. Slowly she rotated in his lap and put her arms around him while making certain to press herself into him while shifting herself around in his lap and grinding against him.

"Asha..." Verik's voice was strained as she gently moved her body around and without thinking his hands wrapped around her waist and began moving down her side before coming to rest on her flanks. Gritting his teeth he closed his eyes. "Asha, stop."


"Because we did not just bathe to go through this all over again and besides-"

"You not move, just sit." Asha leaned into him a little more. "Not resist much longer..."

"Asha you know damn well if you keep this up I-" A small growl exited his mouth as he kept his eyes closed and tried not to look her in the face. "No. Asha, please... Not right now, I want to, desperately, but not this instant."

Her movements slowed and looking up she stared at him. "Promise later?"

"I promise."

Turning back around in his lap Asha smiled. "You lose though."


Shifting herself slightly she felt him twitch slightly. "You not resist so well."

"Well..." Verik put his arms around her and leaned forward. "When I have a gorgeous zebra like you in my lap it takes all my power and then some to say no. But yes, you won."

"Good! Now we eat."

Verik stared with some confusion as Asha removed the pots and began serving their greatly enlarged breakfast. "Asha? What was that really about?"

"Sibi say if that work-"

"I dont want to know what Sibi said and stop listening to Sibi, for the sake of my health please, dont."

"You not complain though hm?"

"Wai- Never mind."

Asha simply smiled as she handed a bowl to Verik before joining him on the mats, the mush was lumpy from sitting overnight but tasted good all the same. All the advice Sibi had given her had worn him out completely including herself, but that he would still be aroused despite his state made her smile quietly. It really did work and he was not only willing but even to the point of bodily injury, it worried her a little but also made her happy. Sibi had encouraged her to just keep going but a part of her had said to stop when his pleading had reached her ears, she wanted foals but not at a cost and while her friend knew how to get the largest and longest reaction out of her mate, she was unwilling to push things quite that far. For now. He loved her deeply and desired her greatly and that was enough.

"We go now." Asha put the bowls on the shelf and shooed Verik out of the hut. "You not stay here and sleep."

"If all the foals hide from me at the creche I will sleep there."

"Maybe that not so wise."

"Why? Will they try and tie up the giant monster and stake me to the ground?"

"What?! No! Why they do that?"

Verik scratched his beard. "Your right, if they had that much rope they would probably use it to climb over the wall."

"Not forget leather?" Verik held it up for a moment and as they walked down the road towards the creche she stopped and stared at him. "Walking strange."

"A testament to how we spent all last night and most of the wee hours of this morning." Stopping he turned around and glared as she laughed at his attempts to walk normally. "This is not funny."

"Very funny."

"Well get used to it because-"

His voice died as did her laughter as Nuru walked down the road with a smile on her face, they stared quietly and when she spent a brief second to look each of them in the eyes they flinched. When she had gone they looked at each other confused, worried and Asha's ears were laid down somewhat as she continued to watch Nuru as the shamaness disappeared around the huts.

"I'm scared. I really am..."

Asha looked at Verik and nodded. "Why she smile like that?"

"I dont know, dont want to know, wont ask, wont listen if anyone offers an explanation... That is not her usual shit eating grin where she knows something we dont or is plotting, that is something else and I really dont want to know."

"We go." Asha quickly gave Verik a gentle push to get him moving down the road towards the creche.

Their late arrival was not challenged by either Awe nor Sefu who had things well in hand as the food delivery was not due for a little while yet. Slipping inside they watched as the foals who were still awake migrated quickly to the far wall nearest Awe and Sefu before laying down to sleep again, content that Goliath would protect them. Sefu and Awe however watched with narrowed eyes as Verik stashed his spear, dropped his whittling bag, leather and then gingerly lowered himself to the floor while using the wall as a guide, the two looked at each other a moment quietly before Awe finally pointed at the leather.

"What that for?"

"I wanted to know if you could make a ball with this or maybe two."

"Balls for foals?" Awe's head leaned to the side curiously. "Think that help?"

"Nope! Probably make them even more crazy. Wouldn't hurt either, they need something to play with other than sticks and dirt."

Awe shrugged. "Let me have leather."

Verik tossed it to her as Sefu nodded at him curiously. "Bribe foals maybe work for some... Why you want to give up leather for this? Not your foals."

"I am not bribing them and honestly I dont know, its like I told Asha this morning, I just dont know but it does not sit right with me that... Well just look around the place." Verik motioned to their surroundings which made a Spartan barracks looks plush.

Sefu shrugged. "Maybe true, but all we have and this normal now. Still, it maybe make foals happy and is... Nice idea."

"Now? So you used to have-"

Awe nodded. "Yes but wear out, much time needed for other things so no time for these things yes? But you make much time and then take time away..."

"That "structural support" is for your own good and you know it."

"Agree but not all think so. Not care." Awe spread the leather out once more. "Make one big ball or two?"

"You can make them?"

"Yes, yes. Not hard, borrow some things yes but they not argue when I say why, surprise yes, very surprise but no argue."

"Out of curiosity-"

"Cut, stitch and fill with soft dry grass." Awe moved her fingers along the leather showing where the cutting lines would be.

"Alright. So what kind of things did you have long, long ago?"

Sefu shrugged. "What you ask Awe to make, use reed to make things, clay maybe and carve much." He stopped and stared towards the door for a moment and after nodding to Awe his wife stood and took Asha with her. "Food here, now question for you."

"I cant recall the last time you had a question for me."

The giant zebra made a huffing sound for a moment before pointing back towards the door. "You and Asha now married, she your mate yes? Yes. Things not same here as where you from I think."

"Like you having many wives? That is actually illegal in most places and they will throw you in prison and take your life away, not that its any of their business anyway."

"Mm. Not here, here we have many wives if can afford it."

"You buy them or?"

Sefu glared. "No! But also yes if slave... If stallion is able to feed and house many wife then maybe they take many. Some take many anyway but chief and tribe frown on this sometimes. Not wise to anger tribe hm? Power, coin, these attract so no think with between legs."

"Polygamy is legal here. I already knew that and also the later, so what is your real question?"

"Maybe one day you find another mare, take second wife, maybe more. But... Maybe they come to you, maybe you sometime become wealthy. Make much wealth because you... Travel on water much and find much, much coin. Others take interest in you, great interest, unhealthy interest. Coin mean wealth, power. Greater coin, greater wealth. It attract those not so good but, ones Nuru call wicked. Wicked ones do wicked things to make accept, even harming other or making you think one you trust is not trusted..."

"Kind of like a fat guy with a face only his mother could love winning the lottery, having a much wealth as the entire state they live in and just magically... Finds his one true love the following morning who just five hours ago was a street walking whore with big fake plastic breasts- Never mind, I am aware and have seen it to a degree at a great distance. I have no interest what so ever in that kind and I would rather make everyone believe I am a broke, penniless beggar with no future. If they can love me as that man then I..." Verik paused. "Honestly I never gave it a second thought to have anyone other than Asha, but. For the sake of argument, if for whatever reason it did come up somehow... I would be interested in getting to know them first, I have no interest in anyone who chases after money, power and prestige. We call those "gold diggers" where I come from. Also if they try and break my trust in Asha or she myself... Or even worse do her harm to get her "out of the way" well in that case... The fish in the river will dine well that night."

"Say you not be persuaded by them? Some like that in Wete but also know there many beyond, you resist? They know how to twist minds very well."

"Personal experience or did your brother-"

"Father. Make big mistake, Nuru solve problem though and help him see truth."

"Did they survive the light?"

"Yes, but exile. He lucky, Nuru friend of father and help."

"But she is not mine."

"Maybe, maybe not... Not know, she help but have purposes. Not wish ill on you-"

"I dont think I would survive very long if she did wish me ill."

Sefu smirked a little. "She have interest in you, want you learn much which come with time and pain. Hard lessons. But no matter, you trust Asha?"

"With my life."

"She have good heart and can "see" others, you content with Asha. Good, but never know what happen in future, ambition make things... Hard, shifting. Much become doubted, question much, believe little. Maybe you have much coin soon and it attract many flies, you be careful and trust Asha yes?"

Verik watched Sefu quietly and nodded slowly before speaking. "Your advice does not fall on deaf ears, I know, but I thank you all the same for caring enough to share your wisdom. You are one of the damn few who has ever bothered."

Sefu smiled slightly before nodding quietly. "He not a fool, that good. Maybe Nuru right, all things change in time, maybe she right about this." Sitting quietly he stared off into space before a gentle patting on his chest got his attention and looking down at Auni he nodded and listened to the whispering voice as his son pointed across the room at Verik. Looking up and watching the man cutting into a new piece of wood with his looted knife Sefu stared with his son as the shaving fells to the floor. "He carving things... Not know, think he carving toys."

Auni stared at his father a minute before locking his eyes on the bag and with great care the foal slid from his fathers lap and snuck across the room one careful hoofstep at a time towards Verik. Stopping he looked back at Sefu who just watched quietly before sneaking forward again but finally Verik's movements slowed to a halt as he stared back at the foal. They stared back and forth at each other before Verik looked at Sefu who shrugged, Verik returned to his whittling and ignored Auni who continued to scoot closer before sitting down a short distance from Verik who once more slowed his work.

The two stared back and forth again for a bit before Verik put the knife away and focused his attention entirely on Auni, the two stared blankly until the foal began scooting closer and closer before reaching up at Verik's face. Stooping over so he could reach, Auni reached up and patted Verik's face curiously. Looking down at the tiny foal confused Verik glanced over at Sefu who was maintaining a blank stare, Auni stopped his patting and finally grabbed a fistful of beard and tugged on it a little.



"What is he doing?"

"Get used to it."

Staring back down at Auni as he tugged on the beard and ears while thoroughly exploring Verik's face he finally stopped and tugged on his lower lip to expose the teeth and stared before letting go and stepping back wide eyed.

"Alright, that's enough." Verik moved the bag over. "Here, go play with these."

Auni stared at the bag before opening it and quickly began to root around inside before upending the bag and dumping out the contents. Rolling them on the floor he looked up confused before lifting one and examining it.

"I know it takes a lot of imagination but those are little wooden warriors, tried to make them look like some of the warriors in the village but... Well maybe your imagination is better than mine. These..." Verik picked one out of the mass that was cruder than the others. "Is supposed to be one of those bandits your father and I fought."

Handing the carving to Auni, he watched as the foal looked at it confused before staring at his father who did not move but continued to stare quietly. Laying them all out quickly the foal began studying them and organizing them into two piles and began trying to stand them up in the dirt.

"I know their bases are uneven but that is as good as it-"

Auni ignored him and smacked the toys into the dirt floor driving them in so they stood at odd angles but held. Watching him line them all up Verik again looked at Sefu.

"Your son has a better imagination than I do, even I cant really tell which ones were supposed to be what but apparently he can tell."

Sefu shrugged. "Hm."

Two other foals who had been watching began encroaching on Auni who grabbed one of the carvings and gripped it harder, the others kept a constant eye on Verik but began whispering back and forth with Auni as they explored the objects.

"Toys get attention I guess. Did you ever make any for-"

"Yes, but Awe say not allowed to bring."

"You made him a toy sword, didn't you."

"Yes, it not here but at home."

"And she doesn't want him smacking anyone with it."

"He not unless they try to take."

Verik looked at Auni. "And with no toys he would be the target." Another foal joined in but Auni would not part with the one carving. "Well I guess he figured out which one was supposed to look like you."

"That suppose to look like me?" Sefu raised an eyebrow. "Practice carving more."

The gaggle of foals shifted away from Verik and to a "safer" corner of the hut and soon others joined in as the voices picked up. As they began moving the figures around one stopped to look at Sefu.

"Where come from?"

Sefu narrowed his eyes with a smirk on his face and motioned towards Verik. "That one."

The foals stopped to stare at Verik before looking back at the crude carvings before a quiet argument began that soon died off as they began playing again.

"Well I am glad they enjoy them... A bit confused as to how they never noticed considering I have had this bag with me all this time."

"You started something, wait till tomorrow."


"Foals have toys?"

"They do now..."

"Who is toy-maker?"

Verik noticed the number of stares he was getting increased as they continued to play with the figures with more joining in to watch or pick one out for themselves. The fear had begun to dissipate and was being replaced with curiosity and a degree of wonder as the mock battle grew in size.


Author's Notes:

Wete has its first toy maker. Enjoy it, hate it, comment, donate on patreon, up next is Nyah and Khada. Also at 300,000+ words now... Very tired now, goodnight.

Chapter 67: The Long Run Begins

Author's Notes:

Here is the next chapter. Is it late? Yes. Now, back to banging my head against the desk.

"In war, speed is paramount to success. The army which moves slowest will be overcome by an adversary who shall dictate their every move."

A silence held in the cool morning air as it hung over the large Sebanwi encampment, tensions had risen and fallen over the past few days as their impending destruction slowly approached. Two days prior the Tebasi had been moved farther away in a successful attempt to isolate the two tribes from each other and it was clear Isibuso was not taking any chances, and understandably so after the fights that had broken out in both camps. It was one thing to march as one with a reasonable purpose but as the seriousness of the matter sank in to the minds of the rank and file tempers had flared. None were willing to be cast away as fodder and sacrificed on the altar for the sake of Sibusiso's lust for gold nor for Isibuso's desire for glory.

Fortunately, things had simmered down quickly in the Sebanwi camp after the chiefs had pulled aside the loudest and either beaten them back into line or persuaded them with carefully chosen words. But in event theirs plan might travel beyond the camp and reach undesirable ears little was explained, yet a great deal of trust and an even larger amount of blame, had been placed on Khada's shoulders. As for the other camp, no one knew. Almost as soon as the Tebasi chieftains had been brought in their camp was forcibly moved a considerable distance away, both out of sight and out of mind. The only contact they had with each other was to watch the smoke from camp fires drifting into the sky come early morning and evening but even that had ceased which had brought a great deal of concern. Concern that could not be addressed but only buried deep and repressed.

Khada had become been increasingly nervous over the past two days and Nyah could easily understand why as it gnawed at all of them, they were to commit mass suicide for the sake of their families. Why? Because Sibusiso willed it. Either die making him rich or die anyway only now en masse as the whole tribe, and Nyah laid on the worn mat staring up into the early morning sky she wondered how much longer it would be before the dreaded day arrived.

"How much longer... Either send us to die or send us home. This stupid to wait, waiting not make bad plan better."

Rolling over and keeping her eyes closed Nyah let out a quick breath to calm her nerves, the ceaseless waiting was worse than facing their fate. Every loud noise over the past several days made her ears prick upright wondering if this was the call that would send them rushing off but it had yet to be the case. Another fight, frayed nerves as the warriors became increasing annoyed with what was happening or some other petty dispute that would normally be ignored. There was too much tension and she knew it but there was only one way to put an end to it and they all dreaded it.

A shout filled the air and choosing to ignore it as another attempt to break up a squabble Nyah remained motionless and brooding but as more shouts rang out the warrior rolled over and stared across the camp at the course of the commotion.

"Big fight? No..."

Nyah sat up for a moment before the rush of motion reached her part of the camp and rising to her hooves quickly she listened to the continued shouting. The shouting was a mixture of relief and regret as the sound of her fathers voice echoed across the camp becoming more clear the closer he came and standing still for a few minutes she reached down and grabbed her belongings. Slinging the crude bag used to store her effects over her shoulder and snatching up both her nguni and iklwa she stood ready and waiting when Khada appeared jogging down the camp trail.

"We go. Now." Khada pointed to the North quickly. "Get regiment ready, we go now, must hurry."

Frowning at her father's rushed speech Nyah nodded slightly. "What wrong?"

"Isibuso send Tebasi two day ago."

Nyah's mouth gaped a moment as she gripped her weapon harder till the veins nearly showed through her fur. "Suicide! Wrong time! Go as one maybe get past but now they ready for us! Not catch Tebasi maybe but catch us now!" Nyah spat on the ground. "Kill Isibuso, better this way, do his way no chance now."

"No! We go! Now! If lucky they now chase Tebasi all over land, not us, two day behind so maybe they not think to expect us. Maybe. Maybe they give up chase and return to fight us, maybe not."

"What Isibuso thinking!? He kill us all and self!"

Khada stared quietly at his daughter a moment before motioning for them to move. "Have new plan, he say we stop them from taking back what Tebasi take when they attack so now Tebasi go much, much farther. Think he protecting self, this way he have something to offer father no matter what happen. Something better than nothing. Tebasi take, we protect as pass North and those following take back loot. He also not know what day it is."

"This much, much stupid! He stupid! He give Sibusiso what? Sack grain if lucky? Maybe shiny rock or two? Hah!"

Shaking his head Khada sighed before standing upright and glaring at Nyah. "You daughter, follow order. Too late to complain now, no more question, just do. We know Isibuso like father, this no surprise so no more argue! Obey command! If own daughter not obey then we all die long, long time before chance to run home."

Nyah looked furiously at her father a moment before forcing a nod. "Yes chief."

Khada watched Nyah a moment as she turned and after looking her regiment over shouted at them to move, but before she could advance with them he hurriedly ran after Nyah; grabbing her by the shoulder he yanked her back a little and hissed into her ear.

"This is very bad but make do, maybe we find way to make work along way. Hold temper! Always have bad temper but stuff in jar and seal tight if expect any to live!" Giving her a sharp shove forward he watched as her ears flattened out in annoyance, anger seething on her features even from behind as fur stood on end.

Standing watch as the rest of his tribe deployed outside the camp and formed up Khada did a brief headcount of those gathered and satisfied he turned to his watcher nodding. The nod was not returned as the other did his own head count before giving him a disapproving glance. Khada listened to the guard fill Isibuso in quickly and after hearing his mocking approval the guard returned and pointing said but one word. "Go."

Extending his arm out with weapon in hand pointing at the formation broadly, Khada then made a sweeping movement to the side and watched as the minor chieftains and commanders motioned to their smaller units to move. One solid turn to the right the large formation began a shuffling movement before building up to a quick paced walk and finally a rapid jog. Running down to the column as it rushed past, Khada sped forward till he was at the front of the formation and quickly exchanging glances with the lead-most commander shook his head and mouthed a quick "not yet" to them. Spurring forward the column raced out of the sunken depression they had bivouacked in for some time and after cresting the ridge their hearts sank.

An equally large force was waiting on them just beyond, one of the more loyal tribes and they were already lined up to either attack or escort. Silently holding their breath as they ran past in the event Sibusiso had changed his mind they finally breathed a combined sigh of relief after being permitted to pass and continue on their foreordained way. Staring out far ahead Khada stared at the beaten path the Tebasi had taken, the grasses beaten flat under their hooves in a wide and long snaking trail going out through the hills and ridges till out of sight.

Dread filled his stomach in thinking about what would happen to them as it was no secret that scouts and spies were thick in the surrounding landscape, both their employer and the enemy thereof kept a close eye on them and each other. He had attempted to create some excuse to visit the Tebasi camp but now he understood why it was not permitted, Isibuso was indeed not entirely a fool and understood the danger of allowing such a meeting on the eve of their advance. Perhaps that was why they had been sent so soon?

Khada clamped his jaw tightly and kept breathing steadily as they jogged along. "No time to warn, no time to say they should run... No time to help, no time to... Hope they know to stay West and not be forced East, enemy come from East and no more Tebasi."

Growling a few quiet words of frustration into the wind for all the more effect it would have Khada fell back a distance so their pursuers could keep a closer eye on him just in case they thought he was getting any ideas. His chieftains all knew the plan and only time would tell if it bore fruit but if Isibuso forced them to go too far East and deeply into enemy lands then their lives would be short lived indeed. His anger slightly vented he hoped that Isibuso had not ordered whoever escorted the Tebasi to do so either for if he had their advance might well end well before it began.

Glancing over his shoulder for a brief moment at the pursuing force Khada glared. "Must run very, very fast when time come..."

Halim's small army marched down the overgrown road at a steady pace, over the past two days they had gained ground quickly thanks to the efforts of small detachments which had laboriously filled in potholes, removed boulders and other plant-life that had long since conquered the forgotten road. Watching his forces march past in column Halim continued to run the distance traveled compared to what they had yet to traverse over in his mind again and again while at the same time wondering just how off he or his Southern and striped counterparts were. Had the fool deployed yet and drawn off the enemy? Or was he the one ahead of schedule?

Eye's roaming to the left he watched an officer approaching and after a sharp bow they pointed down the road. "Scouts report no enemy presence, watch towers, outposts, forts... Just a small farmhouse."

"Is it occupied?"

"Yes my prince."

"Have they seen us?"

"Yes." Halim started to turn and the officer quickly raised a hand. "A small party has already seized them, they were held in advance last night so as to not risk one fleeing to warn others."

Nodding Halim returned to watching the army. "Good. You are well aware we must remain un-spotted for as long as possible."

"Understood my prince but I suspect our time may be running out."


"The farmhouse sits on a junction, a used junction. It trails farther North but we know not exactly where and sending scouts may alert whoever or whatever is there. The road passes down and into a valley and we are hidden by two ridges between us and whatever may lay there until our final turn towards Bwani. I strongly suspect we shall cross paths with a town before we reach our destination."

"Your suspicions may be correct but if there is they will most likely be a farming town, more granary than military outpost. Have the scouts increase their area along this road, if there is a town I want to know long before we see them or they us."

"And if there is? I understand our maps of this area are not perfect my prince but are still quite accurate..."

"I have no intention of stopping to lay siege to a farming town, it would be a waste of time and effort. Any forces held within would be at best a small garrison to fend off bandits and keep the locals in check..." Halim mulled over the last campaign quickly. "The most fortified town they had was second rate and that was after they had prepared it, but it fell anyway. They have had no reason to suspect any kind of advancement from anyone along this route for many..." He stopped to look at the pile of brush and rocks cleared from the road. "Decades. It is doubtful they would put up a fight but instead send word and run. However, I shall not rule out the chance that they might at least try. Our priority remains speed and distance, we shall bypass them if given the opportunity. Now, about the farm?"

"Understood." The officer nodded quickly. "The farm had only three when captured, their land is poorly maintained and no animals so I suspect they neither expect anyone nor that there are more of them. One is missing a leg, the father and the other two are his wife and son."

"So why is the one road traveled so well if there is nothing at the farm?"

"I do not know, perhaps it was recently traveled and we have only just reached the outermost part of their patrolling area. Our mercenary scouts are good but... A little to eager to loot what they can instead of doing a thorough job. What I can say with certainty is that the road has not been used by wagons for some time."

"If this is how far out their patrols go then we will make good time, were the scouts able to tell when it was last used?"

"Perhaps in the last few days, the family however has remained tight lipped."

"How many outhouses do they have?"

"My prince?" The officer stared at him confused for a moment.

"Answer the question."

"If the farm is mostly abandoned but they have more outhouses than needed and a cleared piece of land then the farmhouse is the outpost." Halim stared at the confused officer a moment. "Our adversary has cut many corners on this part of their border, I strongly believe that they would rather pay some locals to house their patrols than spend money and time building proper towers or outposts. If a family can survive out here without producing food then someone is feeding them."

"I understand and to answer you question, I do not know but shall find out with haste."

"Where are they?"

"Still at the farmhouse, it is not far from here and the front of the column should already be passing by now."

"Are the mercenaries upholding their end of the bargain?"

"So far they have done quite well at sweeping the area to our front and reporting in regularly, but not allowing them to loot a poorly defended town as we pass may upset them..."

"They will do as they are told or be put to the sword. Their employment relies on them upholding the deal to the letter and if they are incapable then they will serve their purpose until they are no longer needed or become a liability. Is this understood?"

"Understood." The officer looked at the long column before addressing Halim again. "We may outrun our wagons soon if we must make any hasty detours."

"Of course we will." Halim waved the officer's concerns away and began walking down the road. "As more supplies are consumed the wagons become lighter and the siege equipment while still being disassembled, weighs a great deal. Even passing the parts out over several wagons it still weighs a considerable amount and the animals are tiring. Our first task is to reach the city and seal it off as planned, the wagons can spend a day or two catching up but we must cut them off as quickly as possible first."

"I do not mean to sound... Pretentious, nor disrespectful to my prince's planning but your plan is well understood, there are simply concerns as new matters make themselves known."

"Your concerns are noted commander but we will stay to the plan, I anticipated we might run across opposition along the way and that is why the mercenaries are to our front and not the middle. They move faster than we can but are prone to running if things go wrong and it is better to let the enemy think they are fighting a mob of bandits running roughshod across the countryside than to come face first with an army. The first will raise some alarm but be dismissed, the second would bring an army running to their aid. Better to have them move an unprepared force to face that handful of scouts a day ahead of us than everything they can bring to bear."

"Very true my prince."

"All the same, have the rearmost wagons with the more "prepared" rations moved to the middle of the wagon train tonight, if we have to move rapidly in the next few days we must be prepared to issue the rations hurriedly and proceed with all due haste."

"And we shall abandon the wagons as planned?"

"We are soon to outpace our wagons as it is commander, better to leave the empty ones behind and have the animals assist with pulling the siege equipment after further disbursement. As they tire and fall behind we shall concentrate our efforts to maintain our speed."

Their pace slowed slightly as a small group of soldiers and a mercenary scout made their way along the side of the road towards them. Two soldiers were all but dragging a one legged stallion while the others simply herded a mare and colt along, stopping several feet away the mercenary smiled and presented them as if they were a prized catch. Halim stared at the three prisoners a moment before looking at the officer who shrugged and after a nod to the mercenary the prince waved him closer.

"Who ordered them brought here?"

"I did, bring them to you, show you. Gift."

"Yes..." Halim gave a quick sigh. "You were at the farm yes? Good. Tell me, did you spend much time looking around?"

"Yes! Look around very good, nothing but them and food though."

"How many outhouses were there?"

"What is outhouse?"

"A small building that smells like shit."

"Ahhh. Yes, four. Why?"

"Pretentious little bastard, it is not yours to question but only obey and I dont think your tiny brain could understand that." Halim stared at the mercenary. "Was there a cleared patch of land near the road that looked well used?"

"Yes... Old camp, three fire pits. Many hoof prints, old though, gone for days. No interest, nothing to take."

"Very good, you may go and rejoin your... Captain."

The mercenary nodded quickly and departed at a quick run and when he was well out of sight Halim stared at the prisoners quietly before pointing at the one legged stallion. "Bring him."

His soldiers drug the stallion forward quickly before dumping him in a heap and using the butts of their spears pinned him down. Watching quietly before looking at the other two who were now shaking and clearly terrified Halim whispered to his commander and waited till the others were out of sight. Looking the dust covered Arabian stallion over he straightened up slightly and removed his errant hand from the scimitar at his side.

"Your name?"

"Rus'im." The stallion spat the name out and tried to glare up at Halim.

"Rus'im... When was the patrol here?"

"They will come again."

"Allow me to explain how this works." Halim nodded to one of the soldiers who kicked the helpless stallion viciously in the side causing him to gasp in pain. "I ask a question, you answer the question. When were they here?" The stallion remained completely silent and Halim's eyes trailed down to the missing leg before he nodded quietly and waved his soldiers off. "My forces are well known to you, are they not?"

There was a long pause before the stallion nodded. "Yes."

"Then I know how you lost that leg. I shall not lie to you by saying we are not enemies, we are. You know I am going to lay siege to your capital and slay anyone who resists, send your leaders to the gallows or chopping block... But I hold no malice towards your person nor your family... However, all things can change." Halim watched as the stallions ears turned slightly. "Good, now tell me. How long ago was it?" No answer was forthcoming. "How about I make you a simple offer?"

"I will not-"

"Betray your rightful sovereign. Your loyalty is admirable and while I respect your decision to resist my questioning there is a matter you must be made aware of. My army is going to lay siege one way or another, there shall be a great deal of bloodshed and killing in the near future but I also hold your family. Now if they are to join that number and become just another statistic... You do not understand such words... Very well, if they live or die depends on you. I am not asking you to betray your sovereign but answer a very simple question and in exchange, the lives of both your wife and son are guaranteed so long as they do not resist nor attempt to escape."

"Your words mean nothing, while you lay siege they will come to the aid of the capital and attack you from the rear!"

"That might have been true except for... Well you may have fought them once, striped masses running rapidly? Your army is chasing them down even now far, far away and by the time word would reach them... The city will have fallen for a lack of guards to protect it. Do you see those wagons? They bear all the equipment I need to raze your capital to the ground in a fortnight! A city largely unguarded? I will have it within the day. This war is already over and you know it, you survived our last confrontation. Were you at the battle near the town of... What was it called again?"


"Yes, thank you. Does it exist?"


"Why not?"

"You burnt it to the ground."

"But!" Halim glared at the stallion causing him to look away. "You survived because I gave my word to your commander that the wounded would be permitted to leave the battlefield including what was left of his forces if he surrendered the town. How much weight does my word hold?"


"Do you doubt my word?"


"Then believe me when I say if you do not answer my question here and now your wife will be handed over as a prostitute for my army, your son castrated and sold as a eunuch and you will be nailed to that tree over there and left to die. Do you doubt me?"


"I have no desire to do so, none at all. It would be a horrible waste of life and I bear you no grudge though you are well within your rights to hold one against me and my army. Never shall I begrudge you that right, you ar-... Were, a soldier. You did your duty and have an oath to uphold even now but you will not betray your oath by answering my very. Simple. Question. When did that patrol leave?" Halim paused a moment. "Answer me that and your family will be unharmed. You have my word."

"What will you do with them?"

Halim kept a smile from forming. "Your wife will work for me as a baggage carrier until hostilities cease and then she will be free to go, as for your son... He will help with the animals and other such tasks. Of course, they will be chained and be slaves until the war is over. After, I shall even pay them a stipend if they obey and serve me well, free to go home or make a new one."

"And me?" The stallion looked up. The prince gave a small sigh and gave a knowing look at the disabled soldier who closed his eyes and nodded.

"You are a risk I can not take, you are incapable of walking, nor can I leave you behind to warn anyone if by whatever chance someone came after we are long gone."

Rus'im remained quiet for a time but finally whatever fire he had left was extinguished as more soldiers and wagons filed past, his will broken. "They left three days ago, I will say no more."

"I would not ask you to betray your oath but you are wise to understand that this war is already over. Your family will be protected, looked after and you have my word that they will be released when this is over. However, if you have lied to me they will be the first to die, of that there is no doubt."

"Thank you."

Halim did not look at the stallion again as he looked to his two soldiers. "Take him somewhere out of sight and make it quick. You, bring up some rope to tie the other two properly so they can work."

Walking away from the soldiers as they went about their tasks Halim walked down the road towards the rest of the family which had been kept isolated and somewhat out of sight. Behind him there was no sound of struggle nor cry and he did not bother to look back, first blood had been spilled and it had turned out to be a trifling affair. Two slaves had been added to the baggage train which would help alleviate some of the stress on his soldiers and logistical pack masters. Overall it was a drop in the bucket but every pair of hands counted since the overwhelming bulk had to be left far behind to the South as he required mobility. Still, it was a worthwhile outcome and no matter what the stallion had done the end would have been the same. Peasants were needed to work the fields and the two he just acquired were on their own worthless, but it would be a senseless act of waste to have them killed when they were needed. A few months ago their odds of survival would have been in serious doubt but today was a good day.

Approaching a sergeant who had been left in place to keep an eye on the prisoners while his senior officer had gone on with his duties Halim paused for a moment. "Sergeant, these two will join the logistical caravan. She, will aid in handling baggage, the colt will assist one of the pack masters with the animals."

"Understood my prince."

As Halim started to walk away the mare opened her mouth to say something before snapping her jaw shut quickly and looking away. Slowing to a halt Halim narrowed his eyes and waved the sergeant over. "Explain to them that thanks to her husband they shall live, for now. And, so long as they remain loyal, obedient and cause no trouble they will be released sometime in the future. However, if they betray the deal made by her husband then their lives are forfeit."

Giving a quick nod the sergeant returned and as Halim left he shut out what was being said as the sobbing began. The dead soldier had understood his place in the world, he was a peasant and it was his duty to do and die wherever he was told. His family was the same, peasants, they existed to serve the nobility and royalty, with any luck they would understand this as he had and follow his example without too much resistance. Some was expected of course, peasants were highly emotional and the sudden loss of a husband and father would take time to get over and forget, but in time they would. If not, they would die like so many others who could not come to terms with their place in the world.

Looking up at the gray clouds Halim smiled as a few drops of rain fell, it had been expected but thankfully the clouds were neither dark nor dense. Just right. Just right for laying down the dust and preventing a great cloud of dust from rising due to the pounding of hooves and wagon wheels. As he stared upwards for a few more moments he hoped it would be enough to keep the dust down for another day or two but he had his doubts, either way the dust would be held at bay for a time and prevent anyone from seeing the route of his armies advance long before it arrived.

"A most fortunate day indeed."

Chapter 68: Dangerous Boredom

"To have a city laid out before you but be unable to see it and instead remain locked behind carefully guarded doors is both maddening and frightening."
-Princess Nawra-

Zahir yawned slowly as he walked down the hallway with Alim, around them servants popped in and out of view running errands for their temporary charges while others went about their daily routines. His traveling companion had been muttering quietly to him for some time as they wandered aimlessly throughout the palace, but now and then he would nod or make a small remark. Looking around one more time before waving for them to take another hallway he sighed again, they were utterly bored, bored stiff, bored to death. Fareed had no use for them during this time but all were required to be in admittance at the palace during the day to keep up appearances.

Nudging him slightly Zahir almost yawned again before looking at Alim curiously. "Yes? Oh dont give me that look Alim, you know-"

"Yes but we are walking towards the gardens."

Stopping to stare ahead Zahir narrowed his eyes for a moment before nodding. "Ah yes... Today our glorious... Sultan, is finishing the prostrations and now we will have the great honor of humoring his "guests" for a week or two more before they leave. Hopefully they will leave sooner."

"And it is being held in the gardens, best we not make ourselves seen there? You know we were instructed to make ourselves seen but scarce and while we can allay his ire any other time of year he is particularly... How shall I put it?"

"Barbarous? Brutal? Cold-hearted? Sadistic, bloodthirsty-"

Alim scowled at Zahir. "Yes. Better to not draw attention by getting involved with the guests would you not agree?"

"Then tell me old friend." Zahir turned and stared blankly. "Where exactly do we go? I know at least two hover in the library wing and not out of a love for literature of the educational type, the others are either lazing about the palace or down in the lower section arguing with each other over petty politics and trade agreements. Where shall we go? I have no desire what-so-ever to see them nor make conversation of any kind with a single one of them and neither do you; which is why we are wandering the halls instead of haunting the rooms. The garden is probably the only place we can find some peace and quiet because the servants are busy preparing it for this evening and the great, glorious and noble visitors do not care to see the peasants at work, toiling, sweating and... Doing peasanty things."

"We can go to the servants quarters."

"If he found out we hid there rather than walk around looking self important because we are his "advisors" what do you think he would do?"

"Your point is taken but my hooves are getting tired from all this pointless wandering. We just need somewhere to hide until he dismisses us tonight."

"Ah, the luxury of not being a noble! But damned as an employee."

"Advisor, for all the more that means."

"Well the gardens shall grant us a reprieve as the workers wont bother us and we know to stay out of their way. We can rest for a spell there until later."

Continuing their walk to the palace gardens Alim sighed. "It is supposed to be an honor to partake in the festivities but never is there a part of my life that I am so grateful for my menial rank than during his attempts to swagger before his neighbors."

"Not a truer statement has been said... Though I do pity that poor girl from Labrad."

"Princess Nawra? Ah yes... Her offering was most menial compared to the others and also why she was so poorly treated I believe, it might mean war."

"Yes, one more pointless war with the neighbors. Seize a little land here... Lose some land over there... Gain a town, burn a town, lose a town. I do not understand why their offering was so paltry though, most surely their king knew better!"

Alim shrugged. "Maybe if we are lucky there shall be no war. It is not as if the sultan has any real target he can lash out at! Well, none that holds any real meaning on the grand scale of things." Catching Zahir's glance he shook his head. "Not that it will not stop him from making an example of some poor village of course."

"Labrad has also built their military up... Maybe they are trying to temp him? Insult the sultan so that he must answer, force him into a battle and then attain a victory to shatter his image?"

Taking a quick look around Alim gave a quick nod. "Perhaps, and nothing would make me happier than to see a certain individual slapped across the face but that would mean they intent to retake Tuli."

"He would never allow it. The... City..." Zahir paused. "What is left of it that is, remains an important "location" and now secures his northern border. Besides, I am certain Adil has seen to it that what remains of it is well protected from incursion and if they did make a move against the city he would march the army after them with great haste."

"Or perhaps send Xerin, he has a certain... Reputation, with the Labradians."

Zahir laughed. "If he sends Xerin the cost of having to pay him for it would be staggering! It already cost a fortune to hire him for the task in the first place, to ask again either in defense or recapture outweighs the gains! No my friend, he will not do so. Better to keep Xerin close at hand here in the city where he can be watched and have no excuse for utterly exorbitant compensation for his efforts. He has suited his purpose quite well here as a watchdog, sending him off on such a chase would be, quite wasteful I think."

"Maybe you are correct but at least having him make an appearance might scare them, though I strongly suspect that is why our sultan keeps him in clear view of his guests, a deadly but silent reminder of the devil he has leashed up."

"I just can not fathom why they would send the heir to their throne here with such a paltry offering if not to offend him... No matter! Speaking of offense I do believe Tasid has been behaving!"

"A minor miracle... Ah, that reminds me! Did you hear the rumor that has been going around?"

"About the visitors at the temple?"

"Yes but I believe it was just one though. Some officer was seen entering the temple and spent quite some time inside before leaving, no one knows who but I suspect the spies are digging furiously to find out who they are if they have not discovered their identity already."

"I wonder what would happen if we visited the temple?"

"Be turned to ash? We know what happened to the company that was sent, but I would not be surprised if we were not reduced to nothing more than a soot stain for what we have done."

"So you still believe the gods are real do you? Quite surprised that you would believe in such superstitious nonsense!"

Zahir slowed and turned to his friend. "After all we have seen do you not believe that devils walk among us? If they can exist and what happened at the temple..." He stopped and shook his head. "Perhaps you are right though, but that does not mean I will not quietly pray for the opposite."

"Just be careful, you know what happened to the last officer-"

"Shh! Silence you fool!" Zahir held his hand up and glared. "I do not want my spleen carved out with a wooden spoon!"

"Oh tut, I know you are a fast runner and would jump off one of the towers before being captured!"

"I do not find that amusing Alim..."

"Maybe you should, if he takes our humor from us under these grim circumstances we are better off deceased and left up for the buzzards!"

"Perhaps." Zahir sighed. "This is too depressing-"

They both froze as they stared at a colorful mare in the gardens and after nodding made a sharp turn and walked down an opposite hallway with Zahir in the lead.

Nawra was bored out of her mind again, for two days the hoof licking and flank kissing had droned on and on with both visitors and local nobles slowly giving their regards to Fareed. Grateful to be almost forgotten she had moved herself more out of sight each day until few even noticed her presence, save Fareed who always kept one eye on her or at least it felt that way. Humiliated but not cast out nor harmed, the doors remained open and servants ever eager to please her every whim. Still, it did not change anything. Each morning they would line up, listen for a few hours to blathering and then be dismissed for the day.

"Why not just get it over with rather than drag it out?!" Fuming to herself Nawra glared out the window and up at the blue, cloudless sky. "Are you trying to make us think that your so important that you attention is needed at all times and that you are somehow being gracious by permitting us to see you for a few hours at a time? Bah!"

Pulling her dress on the rest of the way and taking a quick look in the mirror she growled to herself, he was not just toying with her but all of them. Pijasiros was an excellent servant but also a fairly good spy for household matters while the captain was master at keeping others from being curious. After being dismissed she had assigned her servant to wandering and always having some petty excuse on his lips for being in his current location. It had paid off quite well as it was very quickly made obviously apparent that Fareed did not in fact have anything to do either most of the time, there were no great lines of visitors to see him nor a great demand for his attention on the details of kingdom management.

In fact he retired to his private chambers and would not permit admission to anyone, his little nook of the palace was firmly sealed off and the throne room abandoned all day after they had left except for a handful of advisors who wandered around. Trying to question them was pointless as most never sat still for very long, always pretending to be busy for his gloriousness or if they did pause it was only to beg her forgiveness, they were busy and had little time. But by all means, please, tell them what was wrong and it would be passed along in due time assuming they had a moment to spare. Fareed might not be available either! He might be so busy that there was no time to handle the matter, and perhaps it should be brought up during the semi-private trade talks instead.

"A kingdom unable to run for a few days without its sultan is a kingdom collapsed."

Her father had been right but Alzamard was not collapsing just yet. It still had very strong supports holding it up but as she spent her days staring out the windows or finding just the right spot to view the far side of the river it was clear to even a fool that the supports were strong but wearing down. A brief rain had swept through and the whitewash had come off a few houses on the far side causing them to stand out quite remarkably while also making it clear from the glimmering light of the sun on the standing water in the streets that the drainage system was long gone or damaged. J'Lail was a hawk for such details, eager to see them and then ever more eager to point them out through quiet whispering.

A shattering sound made her ears perk up and head jerking towards the door she waited a moment as a familiar voice lambasted what sounded like a sobbing Aaarabisk. Moving quickly to the door and throwing it open Nawra looked at the gathering before glancing at the broken jar and then sighed.


Pijasiros was standing between Aaila and Aaarabisk while slapping away a grab from her he pushed the colt back further before answering. "He wished to help and I asked him to carry one of the oil jars for me, I was going to fetch more oil for the lamps but-"

"He dropped it and must be punished for breaking your property." Aaila made another snatching attempt at the colt.

Nawra stared for a moment and remembering the evening before smiled quietly before waving the colt over while glaring at Aaila. "Tell me Aaarabisk... Did you mean to drop it?" He shook his head. "You are forgiven. Now... Come with me."

Giving a quick nod to the sergeant she escorted the colt into her room and shut the door before pointing to a box and after giving him a few instructions sat down while he brought the jewelry over.

"Are you scared of her?"


"Aaila. Are you scared of her?"


"Would you rather sleep somewhere else than in the same room as her and Mudahash?" Watching him quietly as she removed the necklace and placed it around her neck Nawra watched the colts face like a hawk and withheld a smile when she got her answer. "You dont need to answer, I understand your fear and no harm shall come to you. Neither shall you sleep in the same room as her from this day forth, understood?"

The look on Aaarabisk's face made her smile warmly at him though it was entirely fake, giving him a nod and making a few final adjustments the princess stood and walked to the door before waiting.

"Aaarabisk? Open the door, I shall have Pijasiros teach you how to be a proper servant. You will learn and then I shall teach you other things on my own in due course. Do you understand?"

"Yes princess."

The colts broken and childish speech lended one to pity them and the desire to shelter him but a devious thought had crossed her mind and after seeing his reaction she had a few theories of her own as to what Fareed was up to. After he had opened the door she stepped through and called the captain and her servant over, one quick explanation later she handed the colt off and turned to Aaila.

"I wish for you to understand something..." Aaila nodded and as she did Nawra put on the sweetest smile she could. "If you touch one hair in Aaarabisk's mane I will have you tied up and hung from the tower facing the rising and then shifted to face the setting sun. Not around the neck, but from the arms. Left to dangle like a dead animal that is inviting the vultures to come feast of them. I will see you left there, baked alive until you are a withered husk covered in fur. Understood?"

A hushed silence filled the room as jaws slackened but keeping her sweet smile and cheerful tone Nawra dismissed them before taking a profoundly confused J'Lail with her. Leaving the building quickly and being in the open air she felt a little better as the captain walked beside her quietly but it was easy to catch his quick glances. Without waiting on him to ask Nawra pointed down a long, empty corridor. Behind them the ever present mercenaries marched along quietly but kept a respectful distance from them.

"Let us go this way yes?"

"As you wish princess..."

Making a sharp turn and speeding up before darting around the next bend to put a little extra distance between themselves and the mercenaries Nawra glanced back once before looking at J'Lail.


"Never in my life have I known you to speak in such a way nor in such a manner princess."

Lowering her voice so others could not hear Nawra stared ahead without looking back at their shadows. "Well do not fret, I believe I now know what Fareed has been trying to do with those two. Quite the scripted little charade he has going but just play along."

"I would feel much better if you were to explain what you believe he is up to..."

"Most certainly captain but the less you know the better, lets just say his three little spies will tell him exactly what he wanted to hear and that everything is going according to plan. Over the next two weeks we shall all play our parts, they will continue on with his script believing it needs no changing and by the time they realize it was for naught... We will be long gone."

J'Lail shook his head. "That only raises more questions and a greater concern on my part for your well being."

"I planted a seed." Nawra smiled at him earnestly. "A little seed that will grow into a tree which shall bear no fruit for him to pluck. Fareed expects pity to flow forth and a compromising situation to grow forthwith, I dangle temptation in return, but dance away when they draw close. He probes further, again I tempt and back away..." Opening his mouth to say something the captain instead shook his head in confusion but Nawra only smiled and pointed. "Now then! The gardens... For this to work I need to spend even less time in my chambers this week and the gardens looked lovely. Shall we?"

"They were... That way I believe but Mudahash is the guide, not I."

"Then we shall wander for a time, who knows what we will see."

"At least you are smiling princess."

As they wandered the halls passing servants as they scurried about the palace grounds Nawra enjoyed the fresh air, many things were still looming over them but there was one less for the time being. Enjoying the walk Nawra guessed a turn correctly and after much more walking they emerged from a hallway into the gardens. Looking around as things were being cleaned with great care, the bushes trimmed and grasses checked for twigs or unwanted objects that could intrude upon the soft underside of a hoof or worse, an unsuspecting flank. Other than the servants she could not see anyone else though, not even the roaming advisors who skittered to and fro like possessed ghosts of habit.

Everything was truly marvelous even without the nit picking though, some flowers were in full bloom filling the air with an enchanting scent that flowed freely from their colorful flowers. Trees with lush and broad canopies promised shade to those who sat under them to escape the blistering sun while here and there small critters darted in and out of view. A tiny few exotic birds including an ibis stalked around the grounds but were clearly leashed to keep them from causing problems or making a mess. As she watched one of the birds stretch its clipped wings her eyes narrowed upon seeing the large pool of water they had passed a few days ago upon arrival.

"Lets go see the fish pond shall we?"

Nodding the captain followed her as they walked across the grounds while servants moved off the path and to the side bowing low while looking away or prostrated themselves before jumping up and going on their way. Ignoring them Nawra walked straight to the ponds clear water and smiled before walking away.

"No fish. Lets sit under a tree... That one looks promising."

"As you command but..." J'Lail lowered his voice. "Why does a lack of fish bring a smile to your face?"

"We used to have a pond much like that in the palace back in Labrad but the cost was more than it was worth to maintain, this was before you were a captain I believe... For all his strutting, and yet to leave the pond devoid of fish! He must not have as much gold in his coffers as he would have liked, perhaps something happened? I do not believe he would overlook a detail like that."

"Or maybe he has the guests so enthralled with their personal pleasures he suspects no one would bother to look nor care?"

"Very true captain but he does not hold back on making a show of things."

J'Lail straightened up as one of the servants directing the others in the gardens made their way over and bowing low on the ground did not raise their head until Nawra had addressed them.

"Most noble guest, it is with deepest apologies that I must inform you that the gardens are largely... Off limits for the time being."

Rocking her head to the side Nawra stared for a moment. "Oh? Why is that?"

"We were ordered to clean the garden and prepare it for the guests as part of tonight's dining and entertainment."

Standing up slowly Nawra glanced around the vast gardens. "I see... Why was I not informed?"

"I would not know, nor is it my place to question such matters. Only that I must inform any guests that this section is off limits until tonight."

"What areas are not?"

Raising their head enough to look around the gardener pointed further in. "We have finished with that section and it will have no place in the preparations to come, deepest apologies to you honored guest!"

"Yes, yes... You may go. Oh! Wait!" Nawra snapped her fingers and the servant flinched. "Whom would I seek out to have my seating arrangement handled?"

"I... Uhm." The stallion stuttered a moment. "I shall send someone to inquire, may I have your name?"

"Princess Nawra."

"A servant shall be dispatched at once to find out."

"Good, that is all." Waving them off Nawra walked back towards the front of the gardens and finding a new spot to sit and bask in the fragrant surroundings she sat down once more as J'Lail stared at her. "What is it now?"

"I imagine Pijasiros would have a fit over stains on your dress. Shall I request a cushion or at least a mat?"

"While I may be a princess that does not mean I can not enjoy simply sitting on the grass."

"A mat then."

Nawra sighed as J'Lail snagged a servant and made the request leaving her to scan the surroundings, the shadows remained nearby but not so close as to be considered harassing while the servants continued to pile up supplies for the coming evening. Eyes roaming she caught sight of two very well dressed stallions as they popped into view from a side hallway and as their eyes met hers they froze. Staring back and forth at each other the two exchanged a quick glance before giving a quick nod to her and with a quickened step evacuated the gardens for another hallway. Snapping her fingers at a passing servant to get their attention she pointed quickly at the two before they could escape view.

"Who were they?"

"I think they are... Zahir and Alim, two of his glorious majesties advisors."

Watching the servant retreat quickly she waited on J'Lail to return and after a mat was brought over and laid out she shifted her position.

"So who were they?" J'Lail gave a quiet nod.


"More roaming ghosts."

"These ghosts were arguing and quite earnestly as well."

"With all due respect, advisors tend to argue more than talk princess."


As evening came the gardens had become largely devoid of equine life save the occasional passerby or the usual sentries and having slept part of the day away before retiring, only to come back later with some reading material Nawra decided to just watch and wait. A true spectacle was given as maintenance teams went to work with nervous glances thrown her way as they attempted to get small canals working and after a great deal of effort had managed to succeed before leaving. Watching the preparations continue as cushions were neatly laid out for each guest including bowls for washing of hands, faces, towels and all the other items required for proper etiquette.

When it had all but been finished she left for her room to prepare for the evening and waited to see how long it would take for the invitation to arrive, but when it did the invitation came with an extra sentence: Her seating arrangements had been altered to fit her request.

Deciding she needed to make a show again Nawra ordered Mudahash to guide them to save time, a look of some relief had crossed his face when she had given the order making her wonder just how much broader this game really was. Arriving at the gardens once more and after being ushered to her seat Nawra waved the others away, only a few guests had arrived early but none were the two she had seen earlier. To her knowledge only three advisors had ever attended the evening dinners Fareed hosted, the rest were always curiously absent but could be seen during the day moving around the palace grounds now and then.

Looking at the next seat over she smiled to herself and brushed it all aside, tonight would be more strutting on the part of his greatness followed by what she assumed would be more of the same quiet and aloof debauchery that would remain suppressed until behind closed doors. No one would cause a scene but enough attention would be elsewhere that it would keep her utter contempt of the gathering unknown.

Incense was finally lit and as it wisped around the garden the quiet humm of insects slowly faded away as a pleasant smell filled the air. All final touches were also in place near as she could tell, small canopies had long been opened up to shelter the guests from the remaining sunlight as it dipped lower and she could see masses of servants hauling in great platters of covered trays, pots and other storage vessels. The water canal was working the flow was slow and lazy, it was working but only just. Continuing to scan the new arrivals she smirked a little as the one she had asked to be seated next to her arrived.

"Hello again lady Ismat."

Staring down with tired eyes Ismat finally straightened up a little before bowing, exhaustion was written all over her face. "Princess Nawra, it is a pleasure."

"Are you not going to sit?" Nawra watched Ismat as she hesitated before beginning lower herself down but as she studied the officer it was not physical exhaustion on her face. "You seem tired, are you well?"

"Yes! Just a very long day of dealing with... Political matters in the throne room. I hope you have been well and enjoying his greatest majesties hospitality?" Ismat forced a smile at Nawra. "If only I could, instead I spent the day fighting with the other nobles and their pathetic attempts at preparation for the coming campaign. Not that they care, the last invasion was a shambles thanks to Fareeds demands. That and I had to oversee setting up a personal tour for you!"

"Quite well! I am actually looking forward to seeing the city tomorrow!" Nawra smiled and kept a chipper tone in her voice. "I hope it was all arranged?"

"Oh yes! But sadly not tomorrow... You see his greatest majesty wished for a day or two for other matters, he did not explain why and it is not my place to question." Ismat smiled at Nawra but the glint in the princesses eyes told her she was not buying it. "Dont ask questions... For the love of the gods dont ask questions... We just need time to set up a fake area for you to see..."

Nawra beamed at her. "What a pity! But I suppose it can not be helped." Studying Ismat's face as she almost physically breathed a sight of relief the princess narrowed her eyes and kept a smile plastered to her face. "So... When will it be possible? Soon I hope."

"Oh yes, very soon." Ismat nodded. "It will only take another day or two to get it set up, the plaster and clay needs time to dry so it wont fall off when you touch it."

"Wonderful!" Giving a slow and lazy point Nawra diverted Ismat's attention. "Your most gracious and glorious leader has arrived."

The other guests had already been seated when Fareed strode into the gardens and stood under his private canopy, and then while smiling he gestured to everyone gathered. "The formalities have now been concluded and all that awaits is for business to be attended to in earnest, while my own gifts to you have been received and I can only hope most agreeable to your persons..." Fareed watched as heads bobbed up and down but his eyes mostly lingered over a few including Nawra. "For the next few days we rest before addressing the primary reason we are all here... Access to the trade road, river and the taxes levied against. Also the extension of any peace agreements or cessation of hostilities that require extension. I am certain we can come to some kind of agreement rather than waste lives fighting."

Nawra kept a straight face but watched Ismat gag slightly. "Peace, hardly... But neither do the rest of them care for peace, they would tear each other apart if they believed they could get away with it and half of them will be at war within the next season."

Voices of agreement that peace was the best option flowed forward as an invisible cloud of poison while those gathered nodded to each other, but refusing to make eye contact with any one in particular. Fareed watched quietly taking tally as did the others before continuing.

"But until then! Rest and save your energy for the haggling and rough bargaining ahead."

Clapping his hands Fareed sat down quickly and watched with a small smile on his face. "You bastards will kill each other trying to oust each other in both trade agreements and concessions before the week is out, but by the time you do your own plans will be made manifest." Fareed watched the servants begin fitting small, floating baskets with plates before filling them with food. "And when I begin my own campaign against you the old deal will be back in place, unquestioned for a few more years and only two of you will once more be trying to get around it."

Ismat watched the baskets being placed in the various channels of water where the current slowly floated the food along, curious at first considering the novelty of the system, she was soon impressed. It was expensive, precise and flamboyant to the extreme but also effective if one wanted to wow their guests. Such engineering was unheard of but as she stared the reality of it glared back, there was no denying this marvel of engineering as it functioned.

"Impressive isnt it?" Nawra's voice broke Ismat's attention.

"Yes. Very." Ismat stared ahead bored. "If I could have just half the funds it took to make this work for one day perhaps a few more companies might have better armor than a simple gambeson and plate to keep their guts from being skewered."

"It seems it is not functioning quite as it should though..." Nawra pointed lazily as the baskets struggled to make their way Ismat's face quickly blanched.

"The servants must have failed then."

"Oh it looks like it is quite ancient, must be very hard to keep it running hm?"

"Yes... Very hard."

Nawra smiled before plucking a small basket from the water. "You had no idea it even existed until now did you poor mare?" Looking to a servant standing to the side Nawra clicked her fingers at them. "A request." Stepping forward and bowing the servant waited and after receiving it walked away to deliver the message allowing her to once more focus on Ismat. "I would very much like to see the temple despite the dangers."


"Could you ask for me? As a small favor?"

Ismat stared at the warm, smiling visage of Nawra feeling like a mouse hemmed into a corner. "I... I shall ask but due to the circumstances I strongly believe it to be a waste of time."

"At a distance then? At least from the street?"


"The emissary from Samati came by carriage and not boat, surely the street must be safe if one can pass by?"

"Well... Its- I will ask."

"Good girl..." Nawra watched as a small basket bearing her name floated along with her request and after catching it raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, who constructed this?"

"I would not know but I assume it was built by the last conquerors of the city."

"You mean the last empire that claimed this part of the world then? Not Fareed's great, great-" Nawra trailed off causing Ismat to freeze.

"One would not presume to say his family is or is not the creator of this marvel. But! It is his glorious majesties family who conquered the unsightly ruin that was this once great city and once more brought it to glory."

"Of course they did. Oh, I have not seen many of his advisors about at these formal dinners... Are they not allowed to attend?"

"It is not my place to question his decisions."

"Well surely they are not being punished, are they?"

"No..." Ismat stopped and thought for a moment. "One would assume this is for his guests only along with a few of his most loyal of subjects."

"He keeps advisors who are disloyal? How odd..."

Ismat choked on her drink. "I mean to say! That he is also most gracious by not punishing those who do not always agree with his great wisdom, he is a most wise and gracious ruler who values opinions, even those who some might consider to be of questionable loyalties."

Nawra smiled. "How many of these other guests do you suspect will be at war when this is over?"

"More than half I suspect, except Samati and Salai, they-" Ismat stopped and looked strangely at her dining companion.

"Please, go on. Samati is no ally of ours either mind you."

"No, they are not... Allies of none truth be known, their queen is quite ambitious and devious. A true scorpion that eats her own mates if it fancies her."

"Isnt she though? I suspect you plan to continue your war efforts against them, after all if a bridge were to be made..."

"It will never happen but neither would I reveal such plans to you."

"Good! Then can you tell me why I am seated at the far end, the most dishonored position and also was treated so poorly in the throne room?"

"One would not know, perhaps you caused offense?"

"The gift was most generous and of great value."

"Then I would not presume to know."

"Would you know why he seated that... Pig, so close to us though? I find it offensive to sit so close to one that is..." Nawra trailed off as Tasid continued to eat.

Ismat looked at Tasid before almost laughing. "You are not the only one to find him offensive."

"Then why is he permitted to dine here instead of... Outside, at least?"

"He offended Fareed and is being made an example of-" Ismat stopped quickly.

"Oh, its alright to admit that every kingdom has its thorns, or pigs."

"Yes, well... If his presence causes offence I shall pass your concerns along."

"Please do, and thank you." Ismat nodded. "You will of course be my guide when I visit the city and explore it?"

The piece of food Ismat was holding fell out of her hand and splattered on the ground as her mouth stayed open for a moment while her eyes stared widely at Nawra.

"I beg pardon princess?"

"You will of course be my guide! I could think of no one else!"

"But- Why... A guide was already chosen-"

"I will not stand for it, I want you to be my guide! Who better than one who is so knowledgeable about the city, you were born here yes? Good! If I must then I shall make a formal request."

Ismat stared slack jawed at Nawra before righting herself. "If that is what you wish then the message shall be passed along... However, I am not a guide but an officer, a soldier. Your questions would be wasted on me as I do not know all the history of the city, my life has been dedicated to serving his great majesties army."

"Living here though I imagine you have a story or two to tell..."

Ismat stared blankly before shrugging and remaining quiet. "I do but it is not worth being hanged over."

Nawra watched Ismat for a moment and while still quietly smiling took a bite of candied fruit.

Sitting down heavily causing his chainmail to rattle the mercenary officer let out a long sight as he stared down at the table covered in scrolls and paperwork. Running Iuny was a pain in the flank he had never asked for but had been compensated for quite well, he had been told it would be an easy job to. Just sit there, keep them from rioting, deal with the petty criminals, keep the city from collapsing and once Tasid was back hand the keys over and bug out fast. Instead, every day was a royal pain, so much was falling apart all he ever received was one complaint after another. Now that Tasid was elsewhere the wealthy locals and nobles had decided to dump their problems on him in the hopes he would listen, not that he would. It was not part of the contract.

All of it was rubbish anyway, complaints about merchants and their prices, harbor rights, rights of access for land, it was all one long and petty squabble. Only a single concern had graced his desk since arrival and it was one he honestly agreed with whole heartedly. The front gates were so useless they were better off being removed until repairs made, a message had been sent back to Alzamard for approval but he knew what they would say without having to wait on a reply. By the time it came back his posting would be over anyway but at least he had said something in case the damn things collapsed on his watch. Instead, the gates had been forced open almost completely and a crude palisade gate installed for temporary use during the day. The main gates could still be slammed shut at night with great effort and time but at least his measure would buy time if something happened. Meanwhile a rope system was being installed in the doors so oxen, slaves or just anyone in general could be put on the rope and ordered to heave the gates shut. It beat the current system which involved a great deal of prayer.

"Sir? Sir?"

Glancing up at one of his fellow mercenaries he sighed before holding his hand out to receive the usual evening status report. Looking it over quickly while knowing nothing was really being done because they couldnt he finally nodded, signed it and dumped the document into the growing pile. Wall repairs were impossible, they needed torn down and rebuilt. Two towers ready to collapse, no fix possible without formal aid. Houses ready to collapse, he didnt care, they were not part of any defence anyhow. Sitting and staring at his hands he looked back up at the mercenary.

"Well!? I received your report."

"Yes sir, but-"

Grabbing it again the glance it over his eyes caught a single sentence before he rolled it up and tossed it aside again. "Dont give a damn, were not being paid enough for that crap."

"Understood sir, but the company could use a better and more defensible-"

"I will not waste our coin! Who in the hell is going to raid this piece of shit? Ants?! They would be lucky to walk away with anything worth a damn as it is! Sentries were posted and-" He narrowed his eyes. "What happened?"

"It failed to make it in time to be recorded in the report, but a handful of guards-"

"Crime? You know what, never mind. Dont give a damn anymore. How many?"


"In this order then from highest to lowest rank: hang, hang, brand, whip, whip, whip. Understood?"

"Yes sir, but a concern was also raised about the... Slaves and servants."

Looking around the room before back to the young stallion the officer shrugged. "They stay quiet and we are not being paid to care, not that I do either way. What about them?"

"One attacked a corporal when he openly spoke against their master."

"Well trained animals then. Whip them. Anything else?"

"A few minutes ago we caught two foals digging through the refuse pile, how they got in we do not know but I can only assume-"

"Find the city guards who were on duty and belt them."

"And the foals?"

"Are they worth anything?"

"No sir, very sickly and with bloating."

"Hmm... Beat them."

"Understood, and if they should... Pop?"

The officer looked up from the table. "Toss them in the river, let the fish have them. I want it clearly understood we are not being paid to do anything more than keep this place operational, nothing more, nothing less and that is what we are going to do. It's Tasid's problem if the city collapses in the meantime, so long as we keep the slaves working the fields and from running off it doesnt matter. Those were our orders."

"Understood sir."

Watching the messenger depart the officer leaned back in the well cushioned chair and sighed, it was a miserable assignment but at least it was quiet.

Author's Notes:

I decided to rewrite some things that are going to happen in the future chapters... Anyway, here is your update. If you enjoy the story consider tossing a dollar in the donation plate on my Patreon.

Chapter 69: Curiosity Killed the Cat

"There is nothing more interesting nor terrifying and aggravating at times than a bunch of children who are suddenly struck by both the curiosity of the unknown and the undying desire to know everything about anything and everything, usually all at the same time."
-Dana, Librarian-

The creche was filled with small voices arguing over rules, what was and was not allowed, fights over who should win and once in a while some fists and fur would fly for a moment as their disagreements boiled over before simmering down again as they continued to play with the carvings. What had started as a simple donation of very poorly carved figurines of the locals and banditry had become an overnight sensation amongst the foals as they battled over who got to use them until Awe had to kick half outside at times and ration their use. Within the hour of rationing came gambling, bargaining and fighting over time and while most of the fillies showed little to no interest in the mock battles the colts were insatiable.

Some preferred to just watch the little mock battles take place on the dirt floor but most spat insults back and forth as they argued over what someone should have done. Awe had thankfully finished making the crude leather ball and even stuffed it quite well with soft, dry grasses but after seeing how the first lot of toys had gone over she had decided to hold back as there were not enough eyes to go around now. Gambling outside, fighting inside and then add a ball? She had been opposed until a day or two later and despite Sefu thinking it might divert attention Awe had won out with a glare, the ball would stay hidden for at least another day so they could calm down a little.

An argument on her part that worked was that some sat staring almost all day long as Verik sat whittling away at more pieces of wood, the foals knew where the toys came from now and waited like vultures for a new one to be tossed across the room.

Rolling the new carving over in his hands with one eye on the cluster of foals which continued to grow knowing a new one had been finished, Verik held it up for a moment and then gave it a lazy toss across the room while watching the foals scramble after it. They tripped each other, grabbed legs, bit hands, fought and jabbed each other in a wild free for all to see who could get a hold of it first.

"That not helping!" Awe glared at Verik while pointing to the mob.

Watching them for a moment he shrugged. "Gives them something to do rather than hide or climb the fence."

Sefu opened his mouth to say something but Awe immediately glared at him silencing Sefu before she finally stood and broke up the teething mass of fur. "No care! Not help if they kill each other over carving! Parents already ask many questions about bite marks and bruises!"

"Tell them their child earned it in the line of duty attempting to procure a toy, if they dont like it they can cough up some of their own time and help with the carvings because my hands are getting darn sore. I can only make so many so fast. Besides, give them the "other" thing tomorrow and it should occupy the other half nicely."

"Until one kick it over fence." Sefu mumbled and watched the fighting party go back to watching Verik start another carving. "Then they all jump fence and scatter."

"True, but Asha and myself already did our running so its your turn to chase them down now." Verik gave Awe and Sefu a sarcastic smile. "You could always make the fence taller? Besides you will need a bigger area than that tiny lot to use "it" anyway."

"No bigger area, never needed bigger space."

"Well now you will. Dont suppose there is a place big enough between the huts that would make a mock field and then seal the space in? Expand the creche several yards and turn it into a mini-field?"


Sefu mulled it over as another fight broke out, tiny fists flew over who had killed who and the disagreeing sides took their game to the next level as an exasperated Awe darted into the mass to stop the fighting.

"Enough! Take them away! Keep fighting not get back anymore! Use as kindling in fire!"

All fighting came to an abrupt halt as all eyes stared up at her and a chorus of repentant voices called out in a unified cry for her not to, begging and pleading a few cried as they began grasping the small, ugly carvings. Some sat on them and as they argued with Awe the mare became more and more exasperated by the situation until she finally smiled and stared at Verik giving him pause.

"That one make more toy yes?" A chorus of little voices answered and all heads turned to him. "Maybe he not make more if you keep fighting?"

Verik stared back for a moment. "Right. Yes. If you keep fighting then no more toys."

A hushed silence held in the air as Awe picked up the pieces one at a time as the foals remembered that the monster across the room was the source of the objects which held their affection. Lifting a foal up quickly and snatching the piece he was sitting on away she hurriedly finished her task of stuffing the carvings into their bag before walking back and sitting down again.

"Want more toys? No fighting!" Awe held the bag up. "Get these back later if not cause trouble!"

Their response was a long and depressed "yes" as they continued to stare first at her and then back to Verik who had begun carving again. All eyes were on his hands as the small blade removed one sliver of wood at a time as he whittled away and made the occasional off remark when he removed too much. The errant piece he had tossed was borne forth by a foal and Awe almost stood up to grab it but froze as the foal stared at it and began walking towards Verik. His own whittling slowed as the very young colt took one tiny step at a time towards him until he stopped beside Verik and held the piece out.

"Something wrong with it?"

"Forget to carve eye."

Asha and Sefu choked back a laugh while Awe sat with a blank expression as Verik took the piece back and looking at the face nodded. Carving out the eye quickly he handed it back to the colt who stared at it before sitting down and staring up at him, watching his hands move the blade and wood back and forth.

"You toy maker?"

Verik stopped for a moment and gave the others a curious and strange look as Sefu gave him a knowing stare. "I guess so?... Yes. I make toys."

"But you mercenary."


"Mercenary very evil. Mean. Take others away and make hurt."

"Also true."

"Not mercenary now?"

"Dont really know how to answer that, I help Sefu there protect the village and work for Tendaji."

"What crime?"

"Crime is when someone does something wr-"

The colt shook his head and patted Verik's arm. "No, crime, you do very bad thing? That why you here now?"

"I have done a whole lot of things in my life that are highly illegal and would have gotten me locked in a deep dungeon by the fed, not that those bastards-... Nothing for a long time now... Why?"

"Oohhh..." The foal stared at him again. "You do big bad then?"

"Why do you want to know what I have been doing?"

"Not shave you naked unless you do big bad." The colt patted Verik's furless arm.

Verik stared confused for a moment as Asha broke out laughing while Sefu turned his head away and began making a choking sound.

"What? No one shaved me naked."

"No fur!"

"I have never had fur."

"Have fur! On face and have mane!"

"My beard? That is just natural for men, but I have never had fur. I am not a- Well not sure what to call you, an equine? Equinoid?"

A gasp left the other side of the room as the foals all stared and began whispering to each other about a creature being born without fur and what heinous crime he must have committed that the creature would not speak of it. Most agreed he was lying, that he had done something and indeed was shaven naked as punishment.

Asha nudged him in the side a little and whispered into his ear. "When someone do very bad crime, sometimes they shaven as punishment. Also shave if lice not go away."

"Ah... Well, they ignore me until I start making toys and now I have a boy who is not afraid me-" His voice died off as the throng inched closer until they covered the floor in front of him, leaning back to Asha he whispered. "They ignore me forever and suddenly they think I committed some big, terrible crime and now they want to get close? Shouldn't they run from the horrible criminal?"

"Tendaji never shave anyone, last one who was shaved naked made Fareed tax collector very, very mad. Had him shaved."

"Right... So they think, and rightly so, that I got the same and am more like them somehow?"

Sefu gave a short laugh as Verik remembered his hearing was exceptional. "Foals are foals, not question it, go mad if think too much."

Staring at the furry mass that had moved closer Verik watched them for a second before continuing his carving. "Not scared of me anymore?"

One that was a little older in the front shook his head. "Scary but... Not so scary. Make toy, give us toy, make more toy. You make us more toys?"

"Yes, I will should I have the time. It's a shame you dont have any and it keeps me from getting bored while sitting around here all day."

"You bored?"


"Cause too much trouble to be bored!"

"I wouldn't know about that."

"Where you learn to make toy?" The conversation stopped as the little colt holding the carving beside him looked up at Verik after sitting down.

"Never really did... When I was about... That ones age, yes her, I started whittling and experimenting with pieces of wood. Quit though, haven't tried again till now."


"Don't know why, I just quit."

"But why?"

"No idea."

Another foal piped up. "Where you come from?"

"Far away, far, far away. From a place unheard of and unknown. May it stay that way for all time."

"You not eat us?" A little filly zebra stared at him.

"If I was going to eat you wouldn't I have done that a long time ago?" The air was silent as they stared and looked worried. "No. I will not eat you."

"You make other toys?"


"Why have sharp teeth?"

"Because I eat meat."

"But you not have big long ears."


"Nuru tell stories! Long ago, big tall things with tall ears, not have hooves. Much sharp teeth!"

Another foal cut in. "See in dark good to! Nuru say in time forgotten they come in big, big mass. Conquer much and then slowly leave or killed."

"Oh? What did they look like?"

A mass of scrawling in the dirt took place as the foals argued over what the mythological creatures looked like but as they continued features began to stand out as they agreed on certain details. Asha, Awe and Sefu however remained quiet as it took place, the later two content for the attention to be elsewhere and Asha just sat and smiled at Verik. Once they were done Verik stared at the horrific visage of a ghoulish creature and raised an eyebrow.

"Ghastly looking thing, they used to live here?"

"Nuru say far north! No come here anymore, unwelcome."

"Why is that?"

"Eat meat, very, very scary."

"Or just smart enough to know this region is a hellhole and to stay far away..." Verik stared at the scrawling again. "So they were tall?"

A colt threw his arms up in the air. "Huge! Giants! Bigger than Sefu!"

"Riiggght. So tall, dark, fast, long ears, tails, no hooves or even feet apparently... So they floated along? Ghosts?" The foals all looked at each other confused. "A lot got lost in the history book burning parade then, but long gone now. Well, I have no idea what this thing is supposed to be but I am not whatever that is or related to them. Maybe I should ask Nuru about that, sounds interesting."

"Scary stories!" One foal shook his head as another took up where they left off. "Bad scary!"

"Well judging by this visage they must be."

"Bite and tear flesh with sharp teeth! Like your teeth."

"Well I am not going to do that. Wonder why they left though..."

Details from Nuru's stories flowed out rapidly as they spoke over each other about how the terrors had come from the north and carved a bloody swathe through the lands driving zebra and Arabian alike south until finally being driven out again, but as he listened it was clear they had remained for quite a significant amount of time before packing their bags and departing slowly but not until leaving a mark on the landscape and in the minds of those who survived them.

"You murd-rur-er?"

Verik's thoughts came to a screeching halt as a new foal poked his arm. "Am I a what?!"



"But you smash zebra head in with rock! Bite!"

"Ohh him... That was a duel to the death, he challenged me over Asha."

"No! Know what duel is!"

"Smart kid..."

"You smash others with rocks, bite, stab many till they dead. Scare many. Crazy murder."

Sefu's ears stood up catching on. "That one speak of bandits when first meet."

"Ah. That, well that was a group of bandits that attacked the caravan and I was left on my own..." Verik scowled at Sefu. "So since I was left to fend for myself I took matters into my own hands and killed anything that moved which was not one of you Wete."

"Why you bite?"

"In the duel? Sounded like a good idea at the time."

"That why you bite during duel?"

"Yes. Scares the heck of someone when I latch down on them with these and dig in." Verik showed them his teeth and the foals partially backed away before becoming interested.

"My brother say you insane! Even teach him strange things!" Everyone stared at the filly who had just shouted.

"Raswan..." Verik nodded at her. "Your brother is correct, I am utterly insane. A madman, off my rocker, the bird that flew the coop. I am even crazier for having this conversation with you, if anyone asks just nod your head. Yes, Verik is very insane."

"You like Asha!"

"Just how did we change topics that fast?"

"Get used to it." Sefu had stretched out on the floor and gave a faint wave of "good luck" to Verik.

Looking back at the mob Verik nodded. "Yes, I like Asha very, very much."

A loud chorus of "oohhh" filled the air as he looked across the room at the other two. "Sefu?"

Awe stood up and motioned for Asha to follow her and as she reached the door looked down at Verik. "When it time to eat you get break maybe, if not... Bad luck. Asha, come, time to make food."

Verik stared at the mass of foals as they continued to ask questions faster and faster, each one speaking over the other as their voices rose and fell in a massed chorus. Sefu however just laid where he was with eyes closed, refusing to budge.

"They not fear you now."

"I can see that." Verik called back over the voices before raising his hands to the mob. "Quiet! Ask one at a time!"

The voices quieted for a minute before beginning again as none were willing to wait for a turn at asking questions, giving up Verik went back to his whittling and when he caught a more clear and concise question he would point and answer them.

"Yes, no, no, yes..."

"You remove chief?"

Everything stopped for a moment. "No, I am not going to replace Tendaji. Why?"

"Mercenary come when things bad, take over village."

"Your not from Wete are you."


"I already told you, I am here to help Tendaji and Wete. Not take it over."

"But maybe you will, bring back more mercenary like other did! Kill chief!"

"No! I have no outstanding issues with Tendaji, we have an agreement and he has honored it, begrudgingly... Therefor, so long as he does so there shall be no problems."

"No trust mercenary!"

"I know you dont, nor should you ever."

"Liar then."

"Do you know why I am a mercenary?"

"No." The filly shook her head.

"Because I have nothing else, I had no home until coming here and Tendaji, though it was more the doing of Asha and Nuru... Were the only ones who offered me somewhere to stay. I am not going to turn on my home and do harm to it. But I am also a mercenary because as you can see... I am not a Wete, you see I have this problem with authority so the only way around it was for your chief to hire me as a mercenary as I refused to swear fealty. Thats all, no other reason."

The foals looked confused for a minute until the filly spoke up again. "Not swear to serve?"

"Was that what your family did?"

"Brother swear when he old enough."

"Very feudal of you folks, but no I did not swear to serve. I made an agreement to aid Wete."

"You never be Wete."

"Nope! Never. Don't want to be either."

"What are you?"



"None, I have no tribe, I am just me and the arms I command. For now." Verik realized he had spoken the last bit aloud and regretted it but hoped the foals would not catch it.

"You command big army?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You protect Wete."

"Sort of true, more a joint effort with Sefu. Why do you care so much?"

"Mercenary promise protect, want more, chief say no, they cut chief head off so we run here."

"Ahhh... Well I understand why you are worried but I am not them."

"They say that to! Say they have..." She paused for a minute. "Have pri-cinpel and honor. Make scribbles on rolly thingy as proof. Mercenary lie, betray. If you mercenary then you betray us."

"Well, all I can say is had I been there when they tried that I would have tried to take their heads for betraying your tribe. I honor my agreements, ask Sefu if you dont believe me because a Wete was very underhanded in our agreement but I still honored the deal."

"Then you not mercenary."

"Okay... Then what am I?"

Giving off a mass shrug the foals all stared for a second and then began muttering words back and forth which they thought suited him but none stuck. A few almost stuck but one tended to pop up more now and again compared to others as they struggled with pronunciation and verbiage. He had to admit the one word had a certain ring to it though.

The foals all stared at him again when the argument was over and had proven inconclusive. "What if Tendaji no pay you?"

"Then we might have a problem but that would most likely mean I leave you to your fates and go somewhere else and assist those who actually honor their word."

"No burn Wete?"

"No burn, unless Tendaji attacks me and then who knows what will happen."

"Why Tendaji attack you?!" The voices were concerned.

"Maybe Fareed tells him to, who knows."

"Fareed not like you?"

Verik gave them a small grin. "He wont, he just doesn't know it yet."

Author's Notes:

Enjoying the story? Consider making a donation, every penny helps!
Also, those of you already donating, check the patreon as I did an art dump the other day.

Chapter 70: Lessons and Surprises

"There will be days in your life when things are going quiet well, but then the rulers of the universe suddenly decide that its time to throw a wrench in the gearbox just to see what will happen."

Altayih walked in step with the formation as they trudged down the path returning to the training grounds, their steps were better coordinated and few were losing their sense of the pace now compared to just a day ago. It had never dawned on him to simply use a drum to help them stay in step until he heard someone on the hill calling the workers back from their tasks with a loud banging. Inquiring as to what the ruckus was about Jelani had only told him that once in a while Tendaji and Sefu ordered a drill for recalling everyone just in case something got through the "net" set around the greater Wete area, be it wild animals such as lions, hyenas or the more dangerous two hoofed kind.

Hearing that heavy thrum had made his heart skip a beat until he remembered Jelani telling him to ignore whatever he heard that day unless it came from her personally or Sefu. Bad memories had surfaced quickly from the brief two weeks he had spent as a slave rowing a cargo ship until his owner had decided he was worthless as an oarsman and would be better suited on land. It was through this little shuffle of owners that he wound up meeting Shahid and he did not regret it, but hearing a drum reminded him of the ship and the sound of a whip cracking every time he fell out of step. On the other hand the memory had sparked an idea, if a drum worked at keeping the rowers coordinated, then why would it not help keep those marching in step? Rounding up a few small drums and passing them out had been easy, it was explaining to the drummer to keep a steady rythm and that had been the hard part. Once the drummers had their internal coordination figured out the rest learned to put one hoof forward on each beat and stay in step quite rapidly but a few still struggled with the novelty of the concept.

Not that it mattered now, the overwhelming majority had been very quick to learn almost everything and were slowly learning to stay in step without the drums. Getting them started with the thrumming was easy now and once they got going the thumping of hooves in the air was a dull reminder of when to step. Everything was quickly being mastered now that they had coordination, even ordering them to advance in a wall with spears and shields at the ready had almost become second nature to them. As for the fighting and tactics, they still grumbled about the cowardice of what they were learning but now they learned it without arguing or challenging why they should bother. A few mock battles had raised ire between the teams as they fell on each other in large ambushes with the losing side taking many a lump and bruise. Back and forth they fought with each other and now they were doing it on their own without instruction, each team forming its own tiny pecking order and then seeking out their opponents, formulating a quick plan depending on whom saw who first and a few times which had made him smile, they had been ambushed and began figuring out ways to turn the situation around.

That small edge of knowing how to perform the tactics themselves gave the understanding they had so sorely lacked just a few weeks ago, with this knowledge they were quickly proving themselves capable of figuring things out all on their own.

As he walked beside the formation he smiled to himself, a week ago they were utterly incapable of anything they were now doing but now they were managing quite well. What had been a maddening first few days had eased until running to the captain was pointless unless it was to ask a truly serious question about organization, tactics or strategy. Even Shahid and Raswan were not bothering to pass along questions as they had figured it out on their own or within their small group, common sense was prevailing quickly. Unfortunately, he knew that where Verik wanted them was far off in the distance just yet and every time a sudden change of pace or a rapid order given to change formation or direction proved it as they stumbled badly. So long as things were straight forward they could perform but only so long as it remained a bush fight or well coordinated, restricted and slow moving.

Gone though were the inter-tribal ritualistic fighting though, he was grateful for that. There was a time and place for ceremony but as Verik had pointed out it had no place on the battlefield. Glancing back he tapped a stallion who had fallen out of step on the leg with his spear and then waited as he saw two groups emerging from the brush with Raswan and Shahid leading them. Some limped along but from the grins on their faces he had an idea of what had happened, shouting for a halt the column stumbled to a halt and waited as the three groups combined.

"They are doing better hmm?" Altayih watched the two groups limp into position within the greater column.

"It a start." Raswan shrugged. "Saw coming this time and set traps, pull back limbs of brush tree and when others walk into path, trip and smack in face or body."

"If Jelani finds out-"

"Warn them not make lethal, they not sharpen sticks, only knock wind out or knock on flank."


"Plotting revenge all way back, rotate so they not fight each other again so soon because otherwise they..." Shahid trailed off and eyed his group carefully.

Altayih nodded. "Its a start! Better than last week at least."

"Report to captain then?" Raswan nodded towards the village.

"Ahhh you have started to call him that as well hmm?"

Raswan scowled back. "More captain now than then."

"True. Well, it is getting late so I shall leave you to it and make my report."

"Not trying to cheat and leave early?"

"Never would I shirk the duties my captain has placed upon me! I simply do not wish to go near that hut after business hours and neither should you."

"Yes, know about that."

"Then I shall be off."

Altayih gave a curt bow and followed the trail towards the village while listening to Shahid and Raswan argue over who's turn it was today and after it was settled Raswan called out the order to march again. Behind him the drums started again but he quickly outpaced them, with any luck he might just make it far enough ahead of the mobs before days end and get a chance to visit the river and go mare hunting again. Time was precious these days with his new duties but where there was a will, there was a way. Besides, that is what subordinates were for. He had to give his report as he had not done so in a few days and next time he would have Raswan or Shahid leave early, but not today. Today, it was his turn to dart away and enjoy a few extra minutes of time off. Besides, there was nothing else left to do today anyway other than bring them back to the field and dismiss them.

Picking up his pace to a fast jog until he reached the bottom of Wete, Altayih slowed his pace and made his way up the hill and past the walls before navigating the narrow confines of the upper village. Little lean-to's had popped up after he had been invited to construct one next to Raswan's hut, the idea soon spread and now those who had lost their dugouts in the rush of construction now emulated the example with friends or family. The houses were a ways off as of yet though but everything was in place and as he took a quick cursory glance at the crude frames and markers that were starting to rise. He felt genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time at the sight. Somehow Verik had twisted arms into getting Tendaji to agree that Shahid and himself would get proper accommodations for the part they were playing in things be it a hut or a section within the housing project. Not long ago Tendaji would have dumped them along the riverbank and ordered them to swim but now that he was proving without a doubt as to the validity of his claims the chieftain was starting to listen, even if only just.

Approaching the creche Altayih slowed his pace and caught his breath before listening to the wind and dust blowing. "Quiet... They must be hiding from him again."

Walking to the door and reaching out to knock he froze as a familiar voice spoke quietly from inside. Shifting his ears forward and focusing Altayih listened more intently as he picked out Verik's voice and the occasional gasp or hushed tones of foals whispering back and forth. Confused he knocked quietly and the voices ceased for a moment before picking up again, when the top of the door opened Asha stared at him before nodding and letting him in but quickly locked the door again after.

Gazing at the odd scene Altayih shook his head at the dense mass of foals that sat around Verik staring at him as he moved his hands around. "Asha? What is going on?"

"Story time."

"They would not go near him last time I-"

"That then, this now. Now they pester, before they flee. So he tell them story from other place."

"Must be rather popular stories..."

"Very interesting!" Asha nodded but then looked grim. "But also very bloody... Very bloody stories."

"I did not know he even knew any..." Altayih took a position to the side and when Verik looked up at him he nodded. "If I may captain, I shall give my report after your story as I am intrigued by what sweet and bloody words you are using to entrance this furry mass that was once stricken with terror at your mere presence, but now hangs on your every word."

Verik gave a shrug. "Alright... Where was I?"

A foal sitting in the front waved an arm eagerly. "Forest bandit!"

"Oh yes! So he was warned about the bandit that lived in the dark, black forest but traveling through the forest was the only way to get there. He had no choice but to go so he sharpened his sword and prepared for the worst, for days he made his way through the forest of thick trees and growth until he was certain that he was quite lost. But!" Verik held up a finger. "On his third day he crossed paths with a man also traveling through the forest, now at first he thought this man was the bandit and drew his sword ready to cut him down where he stood!" The foals let out a collective gasp or "ooh's" as Verik stopped and glanced up at Altayih who looked down curiously.

"But the man proclaimed he lived in the forest and was a hunter, fisherman and trapper. When challenged as to the bandit that roamed he was saddened and agreed. Yes, a bandit did travel the forest and slew people for their trinkets and he had managed to avoid him because he knew the forest quite well, and for a small price he would aid him on his journey and show him the fastest route out so he could be on his way. It was agreed upon but the forester-"

A filly raised her hand. "What forester?"

"Someone who lives in the forest, cuts trees, hunts, manages things... Never mind. It was very late and going to get dark so the forester offered to show him to his cabin where he could eat, sleep and prepare for the journey on the following morning. Accepting the offer but still wary he followed the man to a cabin but when the fellow asked for his sword... He grasped it firmly and refused, threatening to kill him if he so much as touched the blade!" Asha grimaced a little and both Altayih, Sefu and Verik grinned a little at the varying reactions in the hut. "Now the forester promised he had nothing to fear! He was only going to hang it on the wall right next to where he would sleep but no. He would do that himself if he wanted, well they spent the evening staring at each other quietly, even when they ate. Every time the forester would move he would grasp his blade..."

Verik looked at Altayih. "Bored yet? No? As the evening wore on the fire died down and the forester would stand and toss another log on but he never slept... Now our northman laid down and pretended to sleep, and after a few hours the forester slipped from his bed and began making his way towards him..."

"Nooo! No trust him!" Foals continued to shout but Verik gave a cruel grin at Altayih who raised an eyebrow as the foals called out.

"And the northman jumped up sword drawn! What are you doing he demanded?! Well the other man just smiled, hands up in surrender and said "I am only putting another log on the fire so it will not go out..." Well... He sheathed his sword after the forester had gone back to bed and waited, and again it happened! Each time he proclaimed he was only stoking the fire. Well come morning they were both sleepy from having such a long night on guard against each other but the northman knew he had to escape the forest even if it meant accepting this mans aid... But he knew the other would trick him and maybe not lead him out at all! For two days they walked through the forest without so much as a single incident. The forester was a perfect gentleman! But on the third night as they slept the northman snapped awake as the forester was sneaking towards him-"

"He chop him!?" Everyone stared at Asha a moment as Verik shook his head.

"No, he demanded to know what he was doing. Once more he was only "putting another log on the fire." Well the northman growled and kept his on his sword as the forester went back to sleep. He was exhausted from the long walk and being on guard every night for four nights! And sleep was over taking him, he knew there was nothing he could do to stay awake." Verik took a quick drink of water as the foals pestered him to continue. "Late that night after he had fallen asleep the forester rolled over and watched the sleeping form of the northman for a moment. Slowly he slid off his wool sheet and listening to the sound of the northmans snoring he smiled, he was asleep. Drawing a long dagger the forester slinked- No, it means to sneak, like a cat. He snuck over and standing above the northman he plunged the dagger into him!"

A wail filled the creche as the foals lamented what had happened but Verik shushed them.

"But! As he stabbed down until he was quite certain he had killed the northman the forester heard a "thunk" sound and then drew back his daggerin confusion. There was no blood!" Verik held out his carving knife and touched it showing that there was no blood on it. "Standing in confusion the man gasped in pain as a blade SLAMMED through his back and the point emerged from his chest!" The room was dead silent as the foals stared in shock. "The northman was standing behind him! Yanking the blade free the forester slumped to the ground gurgle blood and gasping, shock written across his face! Smiling at him the northman leaned down and took the dagger. "You thought I was asleep? While you looked the other way I filled my blanket with leaves and a log. I waited knowing you would strike like the snake you are while I slept!" Well the northman made a fake snoring sound as the forester died and smiled again. "But now I shall sleep." With that he stabbed the man again and slept until morning."

"Bandit dead?" The foals stared.

"Well no one ever heard of the dark forest bandit again, people traveled through the forest again but no one was ever attacked. Many believed it was all just a rumor to start with! But! Our northman knew the truth but he never bragged about what he had done, only when he was an old man did he tell his sons the story of what had happened."

"Interesting story captain... How many of these have you been telling?" Altayih motioned towards the mass of foals who were asking for him to continue the saga.

"Two day now." Sefu stood and stretched his legs. "Like his stories of "northmen" very much to."

"I must admit they are quite unique." Altayih nodded. "But then I consider who is telling the story and it makes sense..."

Verik gave Altayih a blank stare before looking back at the foals. "So what are the lessons of this story?"

"Not trust strange stallion!"

"Not let guard down!"

"Keep sword sharp." Everyone stared at Sefu's son Auni a moment before nodding.

"No forgive." Silence held in the air as the dust covered filly spoke without looking from her far corner.

Verik nodded. "You can learn many things from the story, but very true. Always keep your weapon sharp and ready but also never forgive a murderer, bandits or brigands. Being nice to them or worse, letting them go just means they will have a chance to stab you in the back later. Better to kill them now and be done with it."

"If I may captain?" Altayih raised his hand a little. "What about those who are slave soldiers?"

"Then they will have to make a hard choice when the time comes to either fight for their masters or take a chance and do what is right. Nothing is ever easy, especially when lives are on the line but ask yourself this: what is your soul worth? You can do as you are told and hope to glide by or risk everything, probably lose it all but at the end of the day when all is said and done you can look your spirits, gods in the eyes and say: at least I did something. Sometimes you have to lose to win, that is the nature of fighting evil."

"Hmm... Do you believe in forgiveness?"

"Not really, no. But I do believe that some just dont know the way but when the light is offered either follow or die."

Altayih smiled a little. "With you captain there is little room for doubt, you are utterly mad but quite convinced of your ways."

"Is that an insult or a compliment?"

"A compliment of course dear captain. Having... Traveled, as much as I have willing or otherwise and having met so many it is good to know my captain will remain the captain. With you I know exactly what I am getting and what to expect. You do not hide what you believe."

"Why would I?"

"Never change captain. Now... I see the foals are no longer terrified of you."


"Your story is quite gory but interesting, I am surprised they allow you to tell them." Altayih nodded at Sefu and Awe.

"Bloody stories but good lessons, better they learn now than hard way." Sefu stared at Altayih a moment before yawning.

"Scary lessons!" A colt stared up at the Arabian stallion.

"Your report?" Verik went back to whittling after nodding at Altayih.

"All is well, they are marching almost in step, their grasp of your tactics is quite good but we are in agreement they need more time. Much, more time. I would have given more reports the past days but you would have missed very little so I deigned not to disturb your peace and quiet. The groups are getting rather-"

A small dusty head rolled over and after snorting dust the eyes opened for a moment to scan the room, taking in her surroundings and dismissing everything that was going on the starved form scooted a little towards a bowl of food. To apathetic to use the spoon the tiny figure stuck a tongue out and tried to lick out the contents without getting up but as the inability to reach the contents persisted the foal scooted forward more and opening up her eyes fully to stare at the bowl they took a quick glance around the room again.

Everything was the same including the strange creature that had come to inhabit the building, every so often the older ones would leave and be replaced by new ones but they all left her alone. At first they would say something to her or try to coach her out of the corner but the new creature just glanced once in a while but otherwise left her alone. A new figure was in the room and hearing their voice she stared at them a moment as he leaned against the wall talking to the creature. Eyes going wide and pupils shrinking to pinpricks the filly sat upright and let out a loud yell.


Every head in the creche snapped to the dust ball in the corner as it screamed but none had quite the reaction that Altayih had as the dust bunny streaked across the room and latched onto his leg like their life depended upon it. Ears splaying back and eyes looking confused with his pupils dilating Altayih stared down in shock for a minute at the sobbing ball of dust that clung to his leg before panic set in.

"She is not mine! I sear to the gods she is not mine! I had nothing to do with this! If she was mine I would never- Captain! I swear!" Altayih spoke rapidly and in panic as he began to shake his leg a little to loosen her grasp as the tiny hands digging into his fur made him wince.

Verik stared at the Arabian a moment before looking at Awe and Sefu who shrugged. "Well first off we all know she is not yours but why does she think your her-?"

Sefu's ears suddenly stood upright a little more. "Ahh... Same color."

"What is that supposed to mean!? Get off! I am not your father!" Altayih reached down and tried to pry her off but the sudden wailing made him stop. Standing upright again while tears leaked from his eyes in pain as the filly continued to painfully pinch his leg with her fists he wheezed a moment and glared at Sefu.

"Only see maybe once, twice... But you maybe same height? Fur same color, she think you him."

"I am most certainly not! And stop laughing! Sir."

Verik shrugged. "Well we got a reaction out of her. To think our resident smooth talker ladies ma- Stallion, would be laid so low by a tiny foal."

"This is not funny!"

"Of it is! But at least she is showing some signs of life."

"Could you please get her off my leg before she takes my fur with her?"

Verik reached over at the foal but her eyes locked on him and began screaming. "Noooo! Not let go of daddy! Not let go again!"

Stopping mid reach he looked up at Altayih. "I think we have a problem bigger than getting her off."

"Yesss..." Altayih hissed as he shook his leg to loosen her grip. "We have a problem."

"Maybe not?" Sefu leaned back against the hut wall and crooked his head.

"How is this not a problem!? Ouch! Dont do that!" Altayih reached down and tried to pry a hand off but it only grasped harder forcing him to stop quickly.

"Give up life, now want life..."

"What is yoourrr oww... Point?"

"Maybe you dad now."

"I am not her dad!"


"What is that supposed to mean?! This is not amusing! She is not mine!"

"Hmm... Awe?" Sefu leaned over and after whispering the mare took out the door quickly, once she was gone he stared at the foal again. "Sit and wait."

"I want her off my leg!"

Verik reached over and ignored the howls of protest as he engulfed the fillies hands with his own and tested her meager grip. "She is latched on like a tic from hell but maybe she will ease up in a few minutes if you just calm down and quit trying to shake her off your leg like a dog with a bad case of fleas."

"I cant help it! She is pinching-"

"Just quit shaking your leg and sit down, the harder you shake the more she hangs on. Whats her name again?"

Everyone shook their heads as Altayih tried to ease himself to the floor and even after he had done so the foal was still hanging on with a vengeance. Looking exasperated he slumped against the wall wincing every so often as the foal continued to sob on his leg till it was tear streaked.

"If she does not let go soon I am going to pry her off even if part of my leg goes with her."

"I have a feeling if you succeeded she would grab onto your arm next, at worst your neck."

"Please captain, do not give her ideas."

Verik shrugged as they stared and waited for her to calm but the foal only sobbed and continued to call out for her father every so often. Things returned to a strange normal in the creche as they waited for something to change but when Awe returned they all froze. Poking her head through the doorway Nuru looked at the crying foal and equally upset Altayih before stepping inside and waving Awe off.


"Can you get her off?"

"Stand." Altayih stood as Nuru hunched over a little and stared at the filly. "Manna." The filly turned slightly. "Who this?" Nuru tapped Altayih with her walking stick.


"Look at face."

Manna stared up at Altayih's face as he stared down with a strange, pained look. "Daddy."

"What is his name?"

"Daddy is daddy."

Nuru stared a moment and looked at Altayih a moment before looking back. "He not go away, go sit there and wait, need to talk with him."

"No! Not let go again!"

"He not go, stay here. Promise. He not go." Manna stared a moment looking confused before burying her face in Altayih's leg, Nuru reached down with her free hand and began patting the filly gently until she loosened her grasp. "Only for moment, you wait there okay? He not go."

Easing her grip slightly Nuru eased Manna off his leg and quickly passed her to Subira who took a few steps away.

"Thank you." Altayih rubbed his leg and turned towards the door but was quickly blocked by Nuru's staff.

"You, stay."

"But I am NOT her fath-"

"No care, Manna think you him. She die soon if not change, she change when see you."

Altayih stared at the pink foal who was staring intently before looking back at Nuru. "Yes, she is skin and bones but I am not her father. Surely you know thi-"

Nuru's glare silenced the stallion. "No care. She needs father, think you father so you father. Maybe she realize and stop but maybe not. Nothing work, you leave she not live, not want to live after lose family. Now you family, maybe she have reason to live now yes?"


Stepping in close and whispering so low that even Verik who sat only a few feet away could not hear Nuru hissed into Altayih's ear. "You chase every mare in Wete who not wed, want wife so bad? What you think happen after? This not different, that one need you! You abandon Manna because she not yours?"

Altayih whispered back somewhat confused and with consternation. "Of course not but-"

"Not convenient? This life, not convenient but IS. No one else accepted but you, yes. Maybe not later, but now, now important."

"It is not that simple!"

"Oh? Know about plan, all plan. This simple, that hard."

"Ho-... I lived in a hole in the ground till just a few days ago! I can barely feed myself, how cou-"

"That not problem, she need father. Need family. You abandon her?" Altayih opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was an overly exasperated and low nickering sound. "Good. She your daughter now, you have family now like you wanted. Maybe not wife, but maybe in time hm?"

"I live under reeds leaned up against-"

"Not problem." Nuru leaned away. "Time change everything, now have new responsibility yes?"


"Maybe in time you toss away and run-" The look on Altayih's face as Nuru suggested he might throw her out and run was priceless as shock was written on it. "You maybe smooth talker but not that good hm?"

Nuru gave Altayih a knowing grin that made him flinch as he realized he had just been read like an open book and that there was nothing he could do about it. The elderly mare looked at her granddaughter and nodded, releasing Manna. Quick as a flash the foal darted to Altayih and hung on again as everyone stared quietly for a moment.

"Done then?" Nuru stared at Altayih.

"Yes." Altayih looked at Verik and tried to summon up some dignity. "When I woke up this morning I had no idea I would become a father before days end."

Verik shrugged. "Life is full of surprises, just like Asha."


Standing upright and trying to regain his composure as Nuru continued to smile at him in a way that terrified him Altayih limped to the door with Manna hanging off his leg and after opening tried to keep his composure as he walked towards his lean-to. Passerby snickered, stared or pointed at him as he limped past, some smiled, others raised eyebrows and continued on their way. He felt utterly conspicuous. Looking down he felt pity and remorse for her, that her life had been hell was true, but she was a stranger. Not that it mattered to her however as Manna continued to cling onto him as if her life depended on it while continuing to mutter the same word over and over again.

"And your life does depend on it... How did I get myself into this?" Altayih looked up at the sky. "Why did you deign this to happen?"

All he heard though was whispers from all around or a very small voice from below.


Author's Notes:

Cant keep my eyes open today, keep falling asleep the past two days. Thankfully had this written before it hit so here you are. Enjoy, donate a dollar if you enjoy the story, comment.

Chapter 71: The Doomed and the Damned

"They doomed and we damned, they doomed because must die and will die... But we damned because must kill them to live or we die. We is damned, damned, damned, damned. Maybe get lucky and we all die so no do this no more, but just want one thing: that Isibuso die with us even if must kill him myself, but no one see so tribe not pay price. This too much to ask? Too many die no reason, always do nothing. Just watch... Only watch..."
-Khada's first prayer-

Sweat ran down her body as Nyah's legs pumped steadily and in rythm with her column as they sprinted alongside the ridges continuing north and slightly west, and not far to her east lay the boarder of the kingdom that the Tebasi had been sent into just a day ahead of them. It had not taken long for her tribe to catch up with them but she could tell the Tebasi had come to much the same conclusion as as the Sebawni: the faster they ran the less likely they were to be caught and slaughtered in the inevitable reprisals once their targets swung their forces around to meet them. Unfortunately she noted that they had long departed in a sharp turn that took them east and dangerously close to large towns and even the kingdoms capital. Not a sign save the well beaten earth and crushed grasses remained but the trail was easy to see after thousands had passed through the area. An infant could follow their trail and only a fool would be unable to deduce where they were headed, she could only pray they ran fast enough to bypass whatever defense their targets threw up before themselves being ground down as the grasses had. Beaten, crushed and smashed into the dry, powdery earth and left to rot.

A sharp call caught their ears and slowing their pace they halted for a moment and the whole formation quickly sat to rest for a moment. Water was quickly sipped at and knees rubbed as they caught their breath before the running would start again, few stops were called for throughout the day and most lasted only mere moments. Just long enough to catch their breath, drink, fish out some rations from their pouches and then the running would start again.

Taking another sip from her water gourd Nyah reached into her ration pouch and removed a small, dry and brittle corn cake. Biting a small piece off she put it back as the call went out to stand and be ready to move again and plugging her water gourd she quickly picked up her arms and readjusted them so she could eat and run at the same time as the rest were doing. Another shout and the column was walking rapidly before slowly picking up their pace to their usual running speed. Biting off another small piece of the dry cake she let it sit in her mouth till it had become a mush before swallowing. Supplies were already becoming a question for them but their supply train had been left far behind and Nyah could not help but wonder if they would ever get caught up with them. Isibuso's overseers were driving the slaves forward mercilessly in an attempt to keep up a pace which was impossible for those carrying heavy sacks of meal and other supplies. It simply could not be done, but neither did it stop them from running the overworked slaves until they dropped dead from exhaustion.

Looking over her shoulder a moment she could see a distant column trying to keep up with them, but their overly luxurious lifestyle from being the chosen favorites of the king and prince had softened them over the years and now showed. Day by day they were falling behind steadily now that they had lost their wind but somehow they were managing to stay within viewing distance.

Nyah caught a glimse of Khada running rapidly down the column until he was beside her, taking a quick look back at Isibuso's column he looked at her questioningly.

"Isibuso keeping up, we lose him in time." Nyah gave a small wave with one hand.

"He barely keep up, already left slaves and supply behind to keep up with us. That why he not day behind now. Lose him sooner than you think, they tired and at days end not able to move much, soon they not able to move at all."

"Week?" Nyah took a quick look back but the distance was too far for her to make out details in the prince's column. "Sooner maybe?"

"Sooner. Must go far first though, get at least two maybe three day ahead then rest one day and run gain. Make Isibuso spend all time running without rest."

"They never catch up."

"Catch up yes, take time though. We required stop and raid, that mean waiting sometimes but then we run again. First we get far enough though, then conserve energy hm?"

Nyah nodded. "Supply become problem though..."

"We survive on less before and make do, pass border of them-" Khada pointed east with his iklwa. "Before we think of forage or raid for food. Not want them catching us at night or blocking way, Isibuso only make us attack so we run till safe."

"Never safe, pass them then we anger whoever that way." Nyah nodded into the distance.

"Maybe, but not anger if they not know we there. Raid carefully, let Isibuso waste time while we follow set path. But forget supply, he not let us have any anyway. Running dead not need food, only keep running and filling his belly. Also much doubt any slaves survive run now so he starve to now and that good for us."

"How?!" Nyah glared at Khada. "He take all our food then!"

Her father wheezed out a laugh. "Not if we eat it first and stay far ahead so he not there to take it."


Rounding the bend of the long ridge they had been following and entering a much more open, spacious and flat grassland Khada and Nyah's eyes scanned quickly before shifting to their right where their focus suddenly locked as did many other sets of eyes. Little dots could be seen scattered out over a large area as they staggered down a ridge and continued south west, some were running towards the vast, open field while others staggered or limped on-wards blindly. In the fields ahead a few small warbands had formed in scattered clusters and jumped to their hooves the moment they realized they had spectators. Khada yelled a command and raised his weapon slowly before moving it down again even more slowly. Slowing their pace the column nearly came to a halt as they all stared in confusion at their surroundings until the pace became a crawl.

"Nyah, go now and find out who they are."

Nodding Nyah yanked a few from her column and they raced ahead while the rest of the column threw out a few companies just in case of ambush. Closing the gap quickly a runner came from one of the warbands and coming to a halt not far from the safety of their small number they waited.

Looking back to the east Nyah could see more coming but they to were scattered badly. "That way Tebasi be..."

Slowing even more until they could make out the garb and weapons of the lone figure Nyah quickly became worried when she recognized them as Tebasi. Holding her arms out she slowed the pace until they walked the final distance to the Tebasi runner, no words were exchanged as they simply stared at each other blankly for such a long moment in confusion and worry that Nyah did not notice her fathers arrival.

"Who you?" Khada gave Nyah a small pat and gentle shove to snap her out of it as she continued to gape at the bleeding stallion.

"Yama, Tebasi, you... Sebanwi?"

"Yes, where chiefs?"


Khada looked around the field before nodding. "Who lead you?"

"Hisa, small chief, but only one who live."

"Where other group who follow you?"

He shrugged. "Run other way and south? Not know. Many, many die."

Nyah leaned towards her father and nodded at the far ridges. "Very, very bad. Maybe they come here now?"

"Take us to Hisa, now." Khada waited until the stallion turned and walked away before holding a hand up to his daughters mouth before following.

Following them to a small cluster of wounded and those still standing Khada looked them overly quickly as Yama spoke with a mare adorned in the garb of a very minor chieftain. He waited as they spoke and when she finally limped over they looked each other over quickly before Hisa bowed quickly so she would not fall down from her injuries and exhaustion.

"What happen? Where rest of Tebasi?"

"Dead, dying, running. Not know, only know those here. Other tribe same, not know, they first to run but too late. They waiting on us and make big, big ambush near village that way and north. Day ago."

"They follow?"

"Not yet."

Nyah looked at the stragglers in the distance again. "How they win so easy? Not run and escape?"

Hisa almost snarled at Nyah but held her tongue before speaking in a slow and deeply hostile tone as she watched Isibuso's column continue to get closer.


*One day ago, village of Habaya*

A group of chieftains stood at the front of their column watching the distant village with some worry but their greatest concern was for the other larger group which in turn studied them. They were under constant surveillance by their overseers and this being the third location to fall into their sights meant it to must be raided less the others be angered, an act that would result in not just a bloody battle here but a bloodbath farther away at home. Hisa was silent, her station was so lowly that she was forbidden from speaking unless directly addressed but there was something not quite right with the village. It was not only the first true village to be raided compared to their last two acts of savagery, they were but tiny hamlets with barely a hundred souls. Now however, there was something more desirable ahead, a true target, something worth the effort of sacking. This village was exactly what their overseers had been looking for: a village that had no palisade, garrison or watch towers. It sat like a ripe melon waiting to be plucked and the large granary buildings were far too enticing and could not be ignored.

Villagers worked the fields quietly while others milled about with their daily chores but it was too good to be true, or was it? The advance had been quite rapid without any word getting out let alone a single runner escaping their grasp so why would anyone be aware of their location or direction of travel? Hisa looked at the others who stared off with furrowed brows, were they worried or concerned? It was no secret that their tribe was on the verge of open revolt against their king Sibusiso but how far could they be pushed?

"We attack." Their leader pointed at the village and motioned a path of travel. "Strike quick, keep going that way."

Hisa listened as the plan was drawn up quickly, the village was an easy target nestled in between two close ridges and was strung out in a long, winding line. It would be of little issue to simply run the gauntlet and capture them before moving on with haste so that as planned, their overseers would get stuck with the extra baggage. She hoped the Sebanwi had come to the same conclusion but they had the greatest misfortune of all: Isibuso himself was following them. Once the plan was finished and agreed upon by the other higher ranking chieftains she was quickly motioned off, she knew what to do with her tiny group of worn out, burned out and exhausted soldiers. Too many campaigns had reduced their already feeble numbers to a small handful that was not worth mentioning, but she was still allowed to be present at the meetings. However, it was only out of acknowledgement of her now insignificant rank.

Looking at her tiny band and nodding at them they stood up without a word and joined the larger formation to wait on the order to charge. It was straight forward enough, plow right down the middle of the unprotected and narrow valley, charge straight through the village and subdue anyone who resisted, grab whatever food they could in passing so they did not starve and then just keep going. A standard smash and grab they had become all too familiar with while serving under the command of just about every two bit crook, tyrant, king, queen and petty chieftain who had the money to bribe Sibusiso into loaning them out for "just one more" act of terrorism against some poor, unsuspecting local who had angered someone with deeper coin pouches.

A silent wave was given and the column began sprinting forward quietly and out of the dense scrub brush that protected and shielded the village almost entirely from view, a boon that had allowed them to get close without being seen. Pace picking up she could hear distant shouts of alarm and knew that the front of the column had now been seen pouring out of the brush, no doubt the villagers were running for their lives to seek shelter in their homes.

"As if that make a difference..."

Bursting out and into the sunlight she could just see over the heads of those running far ahead and some of the taller buildings, to the left and right battalions had been thrown out like wings to drive their enemy forward and into the village center. It was a new tactic compared to the old bull horn deployment but it served well in such cramped quarters where there was no room for them due to the dense foliage of the area. Any who ran from the wall of advancing Tebasi would be rounded up anyway when the skirmishers were sent out through the bush to round them up.

Racing across the fields of unripened crops she looked down now and then to avoid tripping on the small yam mounds and felt worried, there would be no crops ripe for quite some time and if this kept up they would die of starvation long before reaching their intended targets; whatever, wherever and whomever they were. Running hard to keep up since there was nothing else to do as the forces ahead of them were already beginning to pillage the closest huts and houses she plodded along and waited for the moment the call to slow their pace would be given.

Running past the houses and through the streets there was an eerie quiet to everything and as Hisa looked around she felt confused. Groups here and there were battering against the doors of the larger adobe houses in an attempt to open them without any success while others tried to pry off the heavily sealed windows. Short of the sound of their own thumping hooves and the attempts to force entry the air was dead silent. No screaming, no panic, fear, nothing. None of the villagers had continued to run screaming and glancing around quickly as they passed more houses there was no sign of any villagers having been captured in the streets either. No prisoners, no foals, no spilled baskets in the streets or wagons left out. Everything was perfectly clean and orderly. It was like they had simply stopped whatever they were doing, walked inside the nearest building and slammed the door shut without so much as a single ounce of panic.

"Yama, you see anyone? Hear anything?"

The stallion beside her looked around as they ran and flicked his ears back and forth before shaking his head. "Nothing chief."

"No foal crying?"

"No..." Yama looked at her strangely before his ears began pinning back.

A lump formed in Hisa's throat as her warband began looking around in growing panic as they continued to blindly rush forward. They had already passed through the village center where groups were attempting to force entry into the granaries with no luck and looking up at the two story adobe houses she began frantically looking from one sealed window to another waiting for something to appear.

"Run faster!"

Hisa motioned her group forward hoping that if they could get far enough out of the village they might be able to get clear of the bad feeling that was welling up inside her, the lump in her throat growing until it threatened her breathing. A portion of the column had already begun to depart the village and their great following of loyalist overseers had passed into the fields when a distant shout just barely graced their ears.


A low whistling sound filled the air. She knew exactly what it was, they all did. They had heard the sound too many times to count and were used to it, except for now. Now it was the most horrible sound to ever fill her ears as their ears splayed back and her teeth ground hard, lifting their shields instinctively they watched as the others who had not caught on or had failed to pay attention were struck.

Arrows rained into their ranks like a dense rain made of iron and wood felling zebra's left and right, to her front one took an arrow in the neck and fell down screaming in pain but no sooner had the first volley ended than a new one was let loose upon them from another direction. To her right an old friend was struck with and an arrow from behind felling him forward like a sack of meal as he fell dead. Looking back quickly she could see figures looking out of the adobe building windows, notching arrows and letting them fly but the majority of the arrows striking into the forward battalions were coming from both left and right.

Grabbing Yama as he stumbled over a body she pointed to the open road ahead. "Run! Run or die!"

Her words died in her mouth though as ranks of spearmen raced across the road from the dense brush trees and after forming up in tight ranks began a slow advance with ranks of dense spears at the ready. Looking around frantically she listened to the other chieftains shout out orders to throw out the horns and attack but no sooner had the order been given than it was rescinded as their flanks were enveloped slowly by other formations. Just as they had hid in the brush to attack the village, so had their foe, but they had waited until they had scattered their ranks in the village thus losing their formations, but also entrapping the entire column before springing the trap.

Taking one more look forward and knowing better while still holding Yama by the arm Hisa yanked him back around and towards the village. From the corner of her eyes she could see the ranks on their flanks were a mottly gathering of peasant levy but they were well armed and coordinated.

"Find shelter where can! Look for gap so we run!"

"Others that way! They no let us run!" Ijya was running hard despite an arrow sticking out of his hip.

"They too busy dying now! They no care!" Yama grabbed him pulled him along.

Hisa motioned her little band to a shelter from the storm, a low hanging roof on a single story adobe building that was surrounded by the dead, dying and those trying to reform their units. Pushing them in and doing a quick headcount one was missing but after looking at Ijya he shook his head and motioned, they were dead. A groaning sound caught her ears and falling flat on the ground an arrow snapped overhead, fired from a tiny window slit above and behind her. It struck a chieftain who was standing in the street shouting orders and Hisa watched him stagger before another and then another arrow struck him till he lay dead in the street.

Yama grabbed her and drug her into a more sheltered location that was clear of any windows and they watched as the pandemonium continued. From the flanks ranks of levy plowed into them, forcing them into a smaller and smaller area while archers hidden in the brush fired wave after wave of arrows at any group that appeared to be more organized than the unruly mobs which now reigned. Any group that began to form up was immediately struck by a volley of arrows not from their front, but by a group of archers firing from behind at their unprotected backs. Hisa and her band watched the horrible effectiveness of their volleys before finally looking back the way they had come.

"It only way out." Hisa pointed with her iklwa.

"They closing it." Yama pointed to the already deeply embattled column that had followed them, they to were now slowly being pushed across the fields and into the village by what looked like a more heavily armed and dressed force than the mismatched levys which had halted their advance. Time was running out.

Hisa looked around frantically for any other ways out but the noose was being tightened rapidly. A group of soldiers ran past before a few collapsed dead or howling in pain from their newly acquired wounds just in front of them. Grabbing a few extra spears she passed them out quickly before looking at Ijya.

"Hold him."

The others grabbed him and held Ijya down as Hisa grasped the arrow shaft embedded in his hip, and with a sharp yank the shaft came out but the arrowhead was still inside. Without a word she used the sharp end of a small knife to cut the wound open a little until she could just grab the arrowhead and with a sharp yank pulled it free while the others held his thrashing and howling form down. Tossing it aside and ripping part of his meager clothing off she pushed it against the open wound hard before motioning them to stand him up.

"Run and throw! No stop! Run, run with all speed before gaps closed. No stay with bigger groups, stay away from! They shoot if they see group! Go! Now!"

Waiting until the others had gone she grabbed Ijya and helping to keep him on his hooves the two began a limping run down the street after the others and towards a gap in the enemy lines. Holes existed in their lines as they clearly lacked the numbers for a proper encirclement but they had made up for it with the element of surprise and coordination. This battle had been planned well in advance, they knew exactly when and where they would be giving them quite an edge which was being exploited to best of their ability but even then it was not perfect.

Here and there small groups darted out of the net that had ensnared the Tebasi and their tormentors alike but it was not enough. Most had been caught exactly where they needed to be for maximum effect and even though the overseers were not in the middle of the ambush they were suffering badly. Almost surrounded they were hemmed in and unable to move or deploy from their state of a trapped column and were being slowly stabbed to death from three sides. As they limped along she continued to stare and could not make out any remaining chieftains and reaching up she yanked her feather and fur bands off violently and threw them to the ground.

"Chief?" Ijya let out a grunt as he limped.

"That why they have archer in houses, know to shoot for chief."

"Lucky you not important one with many, many feather and fur yes?"

"Maybe lucky but not lucky if we not escape!"

An arrow tore through Hisa's shields' thin membrane and almost nicked her arm and looking to her left let go of Ijya, before passing a spare spear to her hand. She launched it towards a window violently before throwing another in quick succession before grabbing him again and continued to assist him in limp away. Now and then an arrow would pitter here or there, pass them wildly as it was aimed at someone else but the farther from the village they got the less there were. They were too far for effective fire and not worth a volley. Moving across the yam and garbanzo bean fields the two fervently looked around them waiting to be caught but nothing happened. Everyone was too busy elsewhere either trying to organize themselves to make a stand, running for their lives or still embattled with their attackers. Those scattered runners fleeing the field were of little to no consequence in the minds of their enemy and as she watched what was happening to her left it made a sick kind of sense.

The bulk of the two forces had been caught and contained in their own little areas, unable to go forward or back, deploy or organize themselves properly. Gaps were being created as greater focus was given on the larger groups but it was a matter of numbers. If the overwhelming majority were contained and wiped out then a handful trying to run for their lives made little difference in the long run, this was not a bandit army but two proper forces being unleashed against each other. They knew that if these mercenary invaders were put down violently they would not bother to return, there would be no profit in it. But neither would it matter because there would not be enough of them left alive to make a difference if the tide of battle stayed as it was.

The Tebasi had the initiative at first but it was a ruse and she knew it, they had been duped. Now it had passed to the enemy and they were unrelenting in their drive to exterminate them one and all. Only a cursory glance was needed to prove this was the ranks of the overseers broke and tried to scatter only to be hemmed in again and cut down without mercy.

There was no interest in taking prisoners today.

Looking back over their shoulders as they nearest the bush line Hisa glanced back and watched for a moment as their foe quickly reorganized a formation of spears and then charged hard into the backs of the overseers as they attempted to flee. They were few, but it only took a few due to the utter panic that had spread. It was not just a defeat, it was an utter route. As they neared the scraggly bush, Yama popped from the bush and grabbed Ijya quickly and helped her get him to cover where they took just a moment to breath and check their wounds.

Hisa looked around at the tiny group worried. "Where others?!"

Yama shook his head. "Not make it. Suvutu take arrow to back in field, dead. Misitua not so lucky, she too close to enemy and one stab her with spear as run. Die very badly. Not know about rest but Reha know and say they not make it."

"We keep running, help carry Ijya, he no run now. Grab arm and legs. We go!"

Taking an arm or leg each they hoisted the injured stallion and began running for their lives through the brush as the sounds of the dying echoed in the air but ever fading as there were fewer and fewer of them.


"That day ago, at least." Hisa finished scrawling a little map in the dirt as Khada and Nyah watched.

"How they know?" Nyah stared.

"Think about that much, very much. All night." Hisa glared at Isibuso's column as it got ever closer. "Isibuso braggart, like to talk too much. Merchant come to camp one day and is "old friend" of Isibuso. Always bring wine, gold and fancy, shiny things for Sibusiso. Think he talk to much."

"Spies." Khada nodded grimly. "Why you not have plan to escape and run?"

"I have plan to escape and run, but not know why others not. Not expect them to ambush us so well? Not know... Too late, not matter now though but if see merchant again cut tongue out."

Khada looked at his daughter and shrugged. "True... No matter now. But also too late for you to keep running. Should have run at least day more so Isibuso not find you, that way he think you all dead."

"Not know you come this way or would have, too late to run though and can no more run. Many wounded. Not enough to carry."

Khada looked at the various bands of wounded scattered around the field and nodded. "Still, you should have run away yes? Better than being caught by Isibuso."

Panting slightly Isibuso jogged up to the gathering with a small force in tow, without asking what had happened he waved his arm out at the scattered forms.

"Gather them all, now!" Isibuso glared at Hisa. "You not suppose to be here! Suppose to be east and raiding!"

"They defeat us! We all that left!" Hisa snarled. "Even precious "loyal" tribe gone! First to try and run away!"

"Have permission to run! You not!"

Khada flinched a little inside, it was already well understood it was a death march but now he had openly said so without hesitation and as he looked at the furious stallion he knew why he was so irate: Isibuso was not angry that the Tebasi had been crushed but that any had survived.

"You, Khada, round them up into field and hurry! They all go back!"

Hisa, Khada an Nyah stared in disbelief before Khada opened his mouth. "Send back? Better they go with us, more of us that way and do more raid-"

Isibuso raised his iklwa threateningly and his bodyguards did the same. Nearby his column rapidly spun on the Sebanwi with their weapons at the ready.

"You do as told! Gather and send back!"

"They all die."

"You all die if not send them back! Do as told!" Isibuso screamed at Khada as his eyes bulged out.

Khada stared at Hisa who exchanged looks with him before giving a small nod. There was no doubt in their minds that in a standing fight the Sebanwi would win the battle without much struggle but would ultimately lose the war when the repercussions of their actions took full effect.

Hisa raised a hand in defeat. "We go then."

"Good!" Isibuso did not smile but continued to look bug eyed at them. "Not worry though, some of other tribe survive, join us on way here so you watched good. Make certain you fight and raid good this time."

"That make enemy come after us-... You now." Khada stared blankly at Isibuso who swung on him quickly causing him to step back a little.

"Then you fight and we loot them."

"Army not have loot."

"Army have gold and silver, paid with shiny coin."

"This close? No, they no bother with that here, they expect loot us and take with them." Khada gave a small glare at Hisa to keep her story to herself.

"If kill them then no army to stop raid of kingdom!"

"That not their army, that tiny group of bigger army that not here yet." Khada stared at him blankly and quietly. "You fool, lets see just how big a fool."

Isibuso stared at Khada a moment. "What you mean?"

"Hisa tell us how many, that not army, that "small" group. They send what need to destroy Tebasi and other but suspect they have more waiting if we go. Not stupid, knew they coming and if ambush us then..." Khada gave Isibuso a grim smile. "Already know now that you here."

Isibuso's eyes went from that of an enraged bug to a worried, gaping rodent caught in a trap. "They go anyway."

Khada shrugged as Hisa looked at the various groups again. "We not make it."

"Good!" Isibuso leered at her as another group approached. "They make certain you go and no run again! But maybe Khada right... So rest of loyal tribe stay with me."

Nyah gave her father a quick glare but a quick flick of his tail made her remain silent. "As you command great prince. We wait for you to gather all those you call most loyal or we go now?"

Isibuso looked back. "Wait, then go."

"Wait and maybe they come for us? Battle not long ago, they will coming."

"We run faster!"

"They no need to out run us, they wait on us and kill if we no go soon."

Khada kept a straight face as Isibuso looked around confused, he had a very minor conundrum laced with lies and truth to address and the result was telling as the loud mouthed prince tried to figure out what to do. If they stayed then perhaps the enemy would set up a new ambush and destroy them including him, but then again he would have more loyal followers to call upon. However, if they ran now then there would be less and the status quo would remain much the same. Keeping his face clear of emotion Khada waited for Isibuso to choose the obvious option: his own hide.

"We go. Now."

"Then we go..." Khada nodded.

"First they go!" Isibuso pointed his spear at Hisa.

Already the various groups were being herder together into a small mass by the surviving loyalists and waiting quietly until the simple task was done; Khada stared at the severly reduced numbers before looking at Isibuso expectantly.

"Now they go!" Isibuso waved them off but Hisa stopped him and pointed.

"Wounded not able to run, remain here while we go."

Isibuso looked over the wounded both standing and laying before singling out a stallion, pointing at him he beckoned the stallion over while whispering something into the ear of one of his officers who ran back to the main column.

"You, able to run?"

Ijya shook his head. "Walk maybe, no run. But Hisa go, I go."

Isibuso nodded. "Yes. But if no run, no useful."

With a quick stab Isibuso drove the tip of his iklwa into Ijya's stomach before making a few more quick thrusts, coughing out blood the stallion collapsed to the ground and curled up on himself holding his stomach before letting out a howl of pain.

"Now you run faster! Less wounded to slow you down!"

Khada opened his mouth ready to order an attack but slammed his mouth shut, the officer Isibuso had talked to had prepared the main column to attack and before he could even order the attack they would get the jump on them thanks to a small group of loyalist survivors who had been added to Isibuso's ranks and now stood on a flank. Hisa however let out a howl of rage and threw herself at Isibuso along with Yama, a guard blocked her first strike against the prince but instead took it upon himself as it pierced his side and felled him.

Grabbing his daughter and gripping her arm so hard she winced in pain Khada watched as there was nothing he could do, if they aided Hisa it would mean death far beyond the scope and scale of the immediate.

"Help them maybe win, yes win... Lose war though, lose tribe..."

Nyah struggled against his grip and Khada tightened it knowing well what the ultimate outcome of the war would be. Hisa however, did not care and he could tell by the way her tiny group of followers tied into Isibuso's guards with a reckless vengeance. Kicking, biting, stabbing and punching they cut down the guards but Isibuso was not a fool and was always protected by far more than what was considered "normal."

Yama and another stallion brought down five before being stabbed to death and as Hisa's numbers dwindled the rest of the guards surrounded them and pushed in quickly from all sides stabbing furiously. Only one emerged from the mass bleeding profusely and she stabbed a guard in the side and pushed him away before making a direct run at Isibuso who panicked and almost turned to flee before Hisa was battered to the ground from behind. Stab after stab was delivered to her body as she continued to swing but the swings became feeble and random as greater amounts of blood gushed from her many wounds.

Hisa's last act was to bite a stallion on the leg so hard he fell before stabbing him in the leg and twisting violently, but even as the last spark of life left her body they were unable to pry her off. Khada and Nyah watched as the stallion bled to death from the leg slowly as the other elite guards tried everything to remove her before finally succeeding after extreme effort, but by the time they had freed their compatriot he had bled to death from a gushing wound that bit deeply into his inside leg. Walking up to her limp form Isibuso stared at Hisa's corpse before looking back at his own losses and finally to the rest of the onlookers.

"This ones family now pays price! They all die! You go and raid, then family not pay price! Go!"

They watched as those able to move tried their best to walk, limp or jog in the direction they had come from while a tiny few overseers watched quietly from the side. Those unable to move were quickly put to death along with anyone who could not keep up, some put up a fight but the rest had resigned themselves to their fates. Nyah watched a moment before slapping her fathers hand away so hard he grimaced in pain but he kept his eyes locked straight ahead as an idea formed.

"Great prince Isibuso... This was their only chief, now they have no leader and unable to raid so well... Maybe I send one of mine with them so they fight better."

Nyah glared and growled quietly. "What you doing!?"

"Saving who I can."

Isibuso looked at the mob as it staggered away before looking at Khada. "Send that one, Nyah."

"Nyah important in raid, very good raider... This group led by lowly chief, so I send lowly chief to show them how to be loyal."

"Sebanwi not loyal!"

"Give us chance to prove we very loyal, never give reason to doubt before..." Khada called out a name and waited before presenting a younger stallion. "This one lead them, take that ones place."

Isibuso looked back and forth quickly before losing interest and waved them off. "Now you scared and try to save self? No care. Not work. He go."

Khada held back a sigh of relief as Isibuso began pacing around Hisa's corpse like a buzzard and grabbing the stallion he yanked him close. "Lead them but take two best runners, send away to kill Isibuso's runner when he send them tonight, runner must never reach home alive! Take rest of Tebasi and put up fake show, waste a few days... Lose others quickly if he have any follow and then make way back home but not before bring enemy down on them. Lead them into trap quickly and run! Sell them to enemy if must! But get away quickly and hide selves, not in Tebasi camp! Go to Sebanwi and tell them to treat them as Sebanwi and not Tebasi till come home! Anyone open mouth slit throat! No speak of this ever again! Go!"

Giving the stallion a violent shove he watched him race back to the column and picking two others they watched as he ran to get caught up with the band of doomed stragglers. Nyah stared at her father with rage in her eyes as he tried to placate her a little with a small wave of his hand. The two watched Isibuso for a moment as he stood upright, nodded at Hisa's corpse and after speaking a few words walked away. Nyah's stomach churned in disgust and anger as the guards crudely cut off the heads of the dead and collecting a few shields and spears planted them in the ground firmly before mounting the severed heads with Hisa's being the first in the row. Her body was drug in front of the column along with the others and left to block their path while Isibuso raised his voice loud and clearly.

"We go now."

Khada nodded and knowing what was expected of them held down his bile and raising his arm signaled the column forward. There was great hesitation at first as they began running over the corpses and past the gristly totems while Isibuso shouted out a warning that thus was the fate of all who dared to challenge him. Nyah stood beside him gripping her iklwa so hard he could hear her knuckles popping or perhaps the wood but he could see her fingers digging into her hand deeply as he motioned her off and began running alongside the column.

"Nyah, we out numbered now. They tired but not that tired, not foolish, not run to exhaust-"

"You saw what he do!"

"Yes but he also give us great chance to do something else, now he have more than us, any enemy attack while we scatter to raid..."

"They go for bigger force."

"Now he even bigger, maybe not enough because so few live... But seen more easy. We need scatter soon to "raid" large area and now he be target, maybe. Greater chance now."

"He say other tribe find him... Not many survive though so it not help."

"Maybe, but no matter now. Important we get farther ahead sooner now, watch for ambush. Not think they come after us but maybe yes so careful. Soon we beyond them and then follow plan yes?"

Nyah nodded. "As you command. Chieftain."

Khada twitched a little at the way she said four simple words but there was nothing they could do, or was there? Maybe he had missed an opportunity? It would not be the first time he had failed to catch one but there was always something else, always something that held him back. The timing was always not quite perfect, someone was watching or the means were just not optimal for the attempt, it was always too big of a gamble. But today he had, a bet was placed on the table that could easily get himself and his daughter killed in ways worse than how Hisa and her band had died. Was it worth it? They were not his own and it was easier to just let them go off to die but they to were dead in their own right so how could it be wrong for the damned to the help the doomed?

He had no idea what to do, their plan was still viable and even more so now that so much doubt had begun to fester in Isibuso's mind, he was already paranoid but todays little display and unwelcome thoughts of an enemy outsmarting a fly had bored a hole in him. With enough doubt mistakes would happen, anger would boil over and so long as they stayed far enough ahead they just might be able to bring the world crashing down on him or at least give it a fair chance.

But there was one thing Khada knew above all else as he ran beside the column ahead of his daughter so he did not have to look at her.

For the first time in his life he felt utterly ashamed of himself.

Author's Notes:

There you have it, chapter 71. Enjoy? Donate a buck on patreon.

This one took some time and doing as I wanted to add features and make it a more "personal" struggle on two ends by giving one side features, names and character rather than just say "and then they died like striped smurfs in a blender." So yes, I wrote a cast of characters and then butchered them all immediately. Hopefully it made the chapter more convincing and colorful. Also, it is hopefully unique in that you get to see a battle from the LOSING sides perspective as it unfolds. Oh and for those wondering about the houses: fortified with a few marksmen (skilled archers) to pick off the colorfully and frilly dressed chieftains. Worth it? Realistic given the circumstances? Anyway, thats all for now.

Chapter 72: Mercy

"I find mercy to be a strange concept, one full of holes and double standards. It can be used in an attempt to redeem someone or spare the misguided, this is true... But it can also be used as a guise to perpetrate a far more horrible act of savagery. Sometimes it is simply better to kill them immediately than to allow their suffering to continue, or to find yourself fighting them once more in the future."

Nawra's hoof tapped impatiently on the tile floor as she sat waiting on the escort for her little adventure around the city. Looking out the window again she let out an annoyed huff, Fareed was doing this on purpose. She had been named the most honored guest and then had been not just poorly treated immediately after, but was toyed with and now left waiting. All very much on purpose, and as she brooded over the matter it she knew it was somewhat her own fault. The other guests had outdone her own offering considerably which made her own look paltry, but then again her offering was only the beginning of a much larger offering that would have smoothed any ruffled fur, not that she had any intention of doing so. None of that mattered now, she just needed some time away from the butchers palace and some "fresh air" if it existed in this dingy, claustrophobic city.

Tapping her hoof faster Nawra quickly stood and took another look at herself in the mirror. Everything was as it should be, the long lavender robe that hid her figure from the commoners view, a highly decorated shawl masked her face and lifting it up a a moment to cover her face she stared before dropping it again. She liked the silk outfit with its gold and silver embroidery with matching head piece made of gold with emerald inlays that formed small patterns of leaves, flowers and a simple mosaic in the center. Problem was the plate could shift if she did not stand just right and the jewelry would have to be righted again after a short walk, but she liked the design so much it was a trivial matter. Tugging her hood up so that her head was covered again and thus obscuring the jewelry from common view she began to turn around to check the back again when a heavy thudding sound filled the air along with a short, sharp call. It was time to go.

Ears perked upright Nawra hurried to the main room and sticking a hoof out waited as Pijasiros quickly slipped a leather and gold decorated sandal over her hoof and fastened it into place. Once both were on she stepped to the center of the room and with one last check of her jeweled necklace and the gold wrist circlets she stood upright and while flanked by J'Lail on her right Nawra gave Pijasiros a nod before calling out in a calm, careful tone.

"You may enter."

A servant slipped inside and quickly knelt down with their head lowered. "Your entourage is waiting just outside, his great majesty apologizes for the delay."

"Apology accepted, I will be out shortly." Watching them go Nawra turned to Pijasiros and gave him her best, fake smile.

Shaking his head her servant put a finger to each side of his mouth and lifted slightly causing her to twitch. "You must try harder princess, I know this place does wear on you so... But, you will not be here forever... Hm? Now, might I suggest the-"

Nawra dropped her fake smile as Pijasiros rattled off the name of perfume and instead stared at J'Lail who shrugged. Walking to the door she offhandedly accepted the vial of perfume and quickly adorning some to her neck she passed it back, took a deep breath and departed. Walking out of her room with a dignified grace Nawra kept a straight face as they passed through a formation of mercenaries before leaving the building and giving her tour guide a quick glance she forced a smile.

"Lady Ismat, a pleasure to see you again..."

"Yes..." Ismat tried to force a smile that came out twisted. "His great majesty Fareed has ordered me to accompany you today and be your guide around his the most illustrious of cities."


Ismat almost gagged before trying to force herself to smile again. "No disrespect intended princess! I am an officer and was so ordered as this is not part of my normal duties, but it is my greatest pleasure and joy to show you the city in which I was born and raised, you should find it a most enjoyable and joyous place!"

"Ye~sss..." Nawra gave a sarcastic smile. "Shall we go then?"

"At once! A carriage and bearers have been prepared at your convenience and are waiting just outside the palace in the main courtyard."

Watching Ismat spin on her hooves Nawra could see her muscles relax as the noble sighed, grateful that this much was over with at least. Taking a careful look around her surroundings Nawra noted that the only guards present were either her own or the mercenaries, not one guard was otherwise local which would be accompanying her on this outing and it bothered her as to why. Following Ismat to the palace entrance she almost balked at the procession which had been lined up for her, they offered anything she may want before departing along with servants to handle the burden of carrying everything that she might take a fancy to. Waving them off Nawra walked to the gilded tahtirevan and using the stepping stool provided so she did not have to lean in an unseemly fashion down towards the ground slipped inside. Righting herself on the plush silk cushions she pulled the curtains up save one so she could maintain eye contact with J'Lail who walked as close as he could without getting in the bearers way.

"Lady Ismat? Do you have any suggestions for our first visit?"

Nawra knew the answer would be scripted but if she played along perhaps she could get Ismat to let her guard down? It was worth a try, she knew all the rumors and facts of the city and wanted to see the macabre husk for herself instead of the newly plastered walls.

"As befitting your stature I would suggest we visit the noble quarter first."

"Of course you would, let us be off then."

Feeling carefully behind her just in case someone had snuck a needle into the back cushions Nawra felt carefully before sighing and leaning back. Fareed would butcher the entire family of anyone who dared attack his guests, this was quite clear from what she had learned but there was no such thing as being too careful when dealing with an asp. Feeling a moment of weightlessness as the bearers lifted the tahtirevan up she listened as a quiet shout was given to get the procession moving in step. Glancing out the narrow gap in the silk curtain at J'Lail who had a death grip on his shield with eyes scanning rapidly Nawra felt a little worried for a moment as they passed out of the palace grounds and into the city itself.

Why did it bother her? She knew the snake was busy with other matters and she was a nothing, a nobody to him, just one more furred visitor groveling at his hooves in the hopes he would not strangle their trade more than he already had. No, it was not him... Was it the city itself?

Looking out the curtain on the other side at the sparsely populated street Nawra could feel the oppressive air that surrounded her, it was always present in the palace and especially around Fareed but there was something sinister festering here. It made her fur threaten to stand on end but why did it bother her now? When she had first arrived she felt nothing, it was just a doomed diplomatic visit that wound end in another war like all the others had, so why now? Sitting forward and peeking out in earnest she examined her surroundings carefully, it was impeccably clean without a single basket out of place, freshly swept streets showing not a single sign of even oxen having passed by. No, it was something else, this much was expected... Eyes were watching but not those present nor was it the locals taking an interest. Watching them as they passed by she examined how they seemed to either run for their lives in advance of their passing or that they would hug the walls and pin themselves in place as best they could as if horrified of what might happen if they dared to even glance their way.

"A drink while we wait? Most unfortunate but a caravan seems to be passing through and-"

Nawra tuned out the servant who had approached the window and waved them off, it was more interesting to watch the hectic scramble up ahead as the merchants realized they were blocking the way of a guest of their ruler. Oxen moaned in pain as the merchants smacked them frantically in a wild rush to move the wagons through the gatehouse and clear a path, once done her procession continued but it was the reaction of the merchants in her passing that got her attention. They all but fell to their knees apologizing loudly and prostrated themselves on the ground, one had even grabbed one of the caravan guards by the neck and had begun bobbing the poor stallions head up and down against the cobblestone.

"Lady Ismat... Your population is quite good at, how shall I say it... "Apologizing." I am worried they might wear their backs out."

Ismat did not even look back but with a programmed and monotone voice spoke as she shrugged. "They know their place and to be courteous to their betters and to the guests of his majesty, the great sultan Fareed."

Her escort made a sharp turn up another wide road before passing through another, smaller gatehouse and once beyond their surroundings changed to that of well constructed mansions, impeccably kept gardens and privacy walls. Letting out a bored sigh Nawra pushed a curtain aside and stared out at the servants who stood on parade outside the well to do mansions but their masters were clearly absent. Every building was the same with everything in just the right place, servants standing by in case she wished to "visit" one of them but there was neither interest nor desire to partake in such a staged farce. A servant began droning on in a low but proud tone about how glorious the nobility lived, how things were better for them here than anywhere else, free of crime or concern, the list went on but she had quit listening.

"Hold." Lurching to a stop the small column froze as Ismat turned around to stare with a bit of dejection, it was clear to Nawra she had no interest in this either and dreaded making it last longer. "This is very nice but I must profess I did not travel all this way to see how the gilded live, I wish to see how your common folk live."

Ismat stared at the silken screen for a moment before nodding. "As you wish princess Nawra."

Turning around and departing Nawra watched their surroundings again but was curious when they turned left and back towards the way they had come instead of right and towards the outer part of the city. She had studied some of the few and wildly inaccurate maps of the city due to its decaying state but a right turn would have taken them to where the most common of commoner lived, the true peasantry.

"Is there not a common district the other way lady Ismat?"

"Yes, but it is no different than what you shall see this way and it is a shorter and less "congested" route. We do not wish to interrupt the peasants in their activies with the sudden appearance of royalty, do we?"

"Is that how this is going to be played?" Nawra narrowed her eyes. "I should like to see your common folk at work."

"His majesty has asked that we not disturb them." Ismat took a quick look back. "It would also cause them alarm to see a princess like yourself scrutinizing their work and may cause accidents, one so regal as yourself would naturally cause alarm."

Nawra almost laughed at the poor attempt of both flattery and one blatant case of fabrication. Or was it? Remembering how the locals had been acting perhaps it was not so far from the truth.

"Where are we going then?"

"There is a district near the markets that is more readily accessible, if you would like to see more the bridge should be mostly devoid of traffic this time of day and you may view the far district as well if you so wish."

"I MAY view?" Nawra cringed. "I should like to see the market as well."

"You shall find it most impressive!" The mouthy servant who walked near the tahtirevan smiled broadly. "A most impressive collection of goods and it is most bustling with activity!"

Nawra tuned him out again and began watching for what she truly wanted to see and giving a quick call to halt looked down a side road.

"I should like it that we travel that way..."

Ismat seemed to be perturbed by the request as she turned and walked closer. "There are only peasants that way and it is most narrow and cramped as one would expect of a place where peasants reside. There is of course where we are going... Which has more room-"

"That way." Nawra reached out through the curtain and pointed.

"As you wish..." Ismat's word came out a groan and giving out a quick order they waited as more mercenaries flooded to the front and forming up marched quickly ahead and out of sight. "We shall wait here for a moment, simple precaution in case the narrow street is blocked by the peasantry-"

"I should like to see them-"

"Princess, as I have said it might cause more harm than good and-"

"This place is much smaller than the other district yes?"


"Then it shall not be a problem, there will be no throngs present and thus no alarmed crowds forthwith we must pass."

"Of course not."

Nawra listened intently as silence pervaded and after a moment a scuffle was heard along with the sound of others being beaten and chased away. Within moments they were moving again and passing into the poor area she quickly looked around at the dingy buildings. Peasants did indeed live here but it was also clear someone had bothered to patch things up to some extent, was it fate or had this to been planned? Sighing unhappily at their deserted surroundings she could just see a small splatter of blood around a corner but staring too long caused a mercenary to stare at her quickly before looking to Ismat, no sooner had their eyes met than Ismat stepped forward.

"Shall we see more or..."

"No, let us go."

A small smile of relief sprang to Ismat's face as they turned away and traveled back but leaning back into the cushion Nawra glared ahead. Back on the main road again they began passing small stores, stalls and vendors who began calling out in a more quiet tone their goods less they disturb her and it did. In Labrad the locals were not terrified of her passing and some even tried to sell her their wares but not here, instead they hid or looked away and it was deeply upsetting.

"Princess Nawra? Is there anything that catches your eye?"


Nawra knew better than to say yes, it was custom that when royalty took interest in something that they simply receive it but her own family had long forgone the practice and payed for their services and goods. Here however there was no doubt that if she were to point out an object or indeed, someone, they would be grabbed immediately and be given to her or forced to serve. Watching quietly Nawra traced her eyes to some items and without asking or proclaiming interest Ismat walked over and held one of the more expensive cups out for her to examine.

"Does this interest you?"

"I should not have lingered my gaze but why are you so eager to have me just take from them..." Nawra shook her head. "Well crafted but I shall pass, thank you."

"No please! Take it! As a gift!" The merchant quickly presented another silver cup which was of even greater craftsmanship.

"They are well made and a testament to the crafter but-" She looked at the sweating stallion and sighed. "That one over there... How much?"

"This?" Grabbing the ornately crafted cup the merchant held it out. "Free!"

"I shall pay."

Ismat shook her head. "As a guest of his majesty Fareed it is unthinkable that you be made to pay."

"I shall pay. J'Lail?"

"No!" The merchant grabbed another and held out both. "Take both! Please! No payment needed! It is an honor that you would take interest in my goods!"

Glaring at the merchant Ismat rocked her head slightly and the stallion immediately dropped to his knees, looked away and held the cups out while scooting away.

"This is madness... How did this even begin?!" Nawra motioned to J'Lail who presented a few coins and before the merchant nor Ismat could interrupt he snatched one cup from the merchant and shoved the coins into his hand before returning.

"Your cup princess..." J'Lail held it up before passing it back to a servant who offered to carry it.

Holding back a groan Nawra pulled the curtains open fully and waved at Ismat to continue, as the procession moved on though her gaze refocused onto Ismat. How long had they been walking? They moved slowly but with purpose and it was somewhat exhausting but that was probably on purpose, the sooner she got bored the sooner they would return to the palace where Fareed could continue his bloody little game. Eyes scanning ahead she spied a location that brought a smile to her face.

"Lady Ismat? I would like to stop at that shop there for tea."

"That is unnecessary, we can return to the palace at once-"

"I insist, it would make me happy to enjoy some of what your city has to offer and see the quality of what your people partake in..."

Ismat stared ahead before shaking her head. "Not there, farther ahead is a better place that you may enjoy more."

"That one has-"

"I do not mean to interrupt you princess but providing you with security is also my duty and it will not be so easy here in such a "congested" area."

"If this shop is burdened with many customers then it must be for a good reason, I should like to learn why. We stop here."

"But-" Ismat stopped and turned around shaking her head but Nawra stared at her through the open curtain and smiled.


"As you wish... Halt!"

Nawra watched as the mercenaries began fanning out and scaring some customers off much to her dismay while at the same time Ismat picked a table out and began barking orders at the shop owner who fled inside with servants to bring her whatever she may desire.

"The only reason this location is "unsafe" is because of how you terrify your own people..."

Jaji sat outside a crumbling building boring a hole in the wall with a small stick as he poked and prodded at it in boredom. No one was allowed to cause trouble nor nick anything until all the over puffed and frilly looking thawb wearing guests had departed the city which meant boredom as they sat around doing nothing. It was aggravating. Stabbing at the wall more violently until the stick broke Jaji tossed it aside as he looked at what remained of his surviving friends, the rest had been hung from the walls as a warning.

"What wrong?"

Jaji looked at his mud colored friend and picking up a stone tossed it as she stared. "We do nothing, they hang us, hold big feast, eat till sick, we die from hunger."

"So?" She stared around the corner for a moment.

"This stupid! No let us steal and now no food! Not even steal food!"

"Steal food now "she" say we all get hung."

"Not care what boss mare say! Better die trying than die here!" Jaji picked up a piece of masonry and threw it at a broken pot and watched it take a piece off.

"Least we not die when they come to "clean up street" hm?"

They remembered that day, mercenaries butchered or hauled away anyone who got in their way while cleaning crews gave everything a quick plaster and white wash before leaving again but they only did the parts facing the main street. Simply walk around the building and anyone could see what the buildings normally looked like. Fortunately the lookout had given an advanced warning to everyone the second they had entered the district and most had already vacated the area save the desperate trying to get out to work for food. They had been the most unlucky of all.

"Not die to spear so we die in dust back here."

"Less painful? Maybe they take as slave, that very painful."

"Die of hunger painful!"

Holding her hands up they listened as the warning call went out that guards were approaching and shuffling themselves a little more out of sight they listened. There was no great scuffle as before but they could hear others being beaten with the butts of spears and shields while being chased off the street, looking at each other curiously the two shook their heads and scrambled to find a better viewing hole. Peaking through a small hole in a wall they fought over who got pear out at as mercenaries formed up a protective wall, but their curiosity peaked when a gold and silk adorned box came into view. It stayed still for a minute and staring through their hole intently Jaji could see the shadow of a figure inside looking around for a moment before pulling a curtain aside and peering out. The mare was adorned richly and his eyes locked immediately to the gold hanging from her wrist but as she shifted he could see gems and other priceless valuables sparkling now and then in the dim light.

Pushing his friend out of the way and placing his head against the hole so he could see better Jaji gaped at the wealth which hung from just one wrist and licked his lips as an idea formed. His thoughts were dashed though as the company turned around and departed back for the main road. He was quickly shoved aside violently by his friend who peeked out and she glared at him before huffing.

"That mean! Why you do that! I want to see to!"

"We go now!"

"Go where?" She cocked her head to the side as he pointed. "No, no, no! Boss say we no allowed to go! Have to stay!"

"No food tonight yes? Have idea and we get much, much food!"

"You only make problems for boss and she take it and make you go hungry!"

"We not tell boss and eat then."

"You know they watch..."

Jaji huffed. "Of course know, no blind. Know how to get away though, come!"

She opened her mouth to say something but Jaji was already scampering off down the alleyways with a greater purpose and hoofing it after him the filly stayed low as they ran. It was not long before they knew someone was after them but Jaji grabbed her and they ducked to the side before waiting on them to pass, once they were gone the two slipped out again and began running towards the gatehouse. Some had already come back into the light to begin milling about or continue their daily labor but there were too few to blend in with, hurrying they made a run for it and darting past the now relaxed guards they bolted into the next district.

"Where we go!?"

"Follow fancy thing!"

"That not plan!"

"Follow and wait! Fancy ones always lazy and make mistake, that how we steal from. Wait until get bored and when too many around we steal."

"Have many guard! How we get close?"

"They get lazy."

Running through the alleys and back streets before darting around passerby the two slowed to a stop before hiding in an alley to watch as a merchant groveled at the hooves of the procession. Looking at each other and shrugging they watched as the mercenaries kept a tight ring around whoever was inside the box and after a short exchange of words a heavily armored stallion snatched a silver cup from the merchant and jammed coins into his hand. The two were riveted to the cup as it exchanged hands but their eyes returned to the bulging coin pouch. A despondent sigh left them when it was safely tucked away where they could never hope to get it and returning their eyes to the cup they watched.

"We steal that?" Pointing her finger the filly looked at Jaji who shook his head.

"Boss say thing like that too ob-vi-youes, need coin, maybe steal her wrist things. Many, many sold in city, no missed or noticed."

"Boss also say no to steal from ones like that! Too many mercanyies anyway, no get close. We go back now."

As she began to scoot away Jaji patted her head and pointed. "They go again, go into selling area then maybe we slip and steal!"

"You get us killed! See enough, we go! Not want to be like Faya, Elusim, Hasa or Qur! Not want to hang from wall gagging!"

"We not hang from wall, we follow and wait."

Watching the procession move on Jaji guided them into the street and they began to blend in with the locals, as they walked he spotted a stallion improperly stash their coin pouch and as the two walked past he slipped it out and tossed it back to his partner in crime before moving on. No sooner had it fallen into her hands than she flicked it open and dumped out the contents into a hidden pouch in her ratty shirt before dropping the pouch. Following the distant gold box they slowed to a stop as an argument broke out between one of the officers and whoever was inside, watching quietly they moved aside as a hand pointed to one of the food shops along the street and after more arguing the officer nodded.

Mercenaries rushed the shop and scattered some of the customers and began clearing an area, Jaji pulled his friend aside and waited as the shop owner ran inside with his servers while an idea formed.

"Know how we steal now."


"Someone need serve her flavor water yes?"




"Yes, I go now, you come, we go back. Already get this!" She grabbed her shirt and shook making the coins jingle. "No need more now! Very lucky! No tempt fate!"

"Not tempting, this easy..."

"I no help!"

"Fine!" Jaji glared and waved her off. "You go then! When I steal you no get any!"

Staring at him worried she finally shook her head and stepping away disappeared into the alley leaving him alone with his thoughts. Running around the back of the shop and out of sight Jaji peaked inside and after looking the scurrying servers over spotted some extra clothing drying in a window. Looking the building over quickly he heaved a few empty crates over and making a run for it jumped and climbed on top, and then began reaching up until his fingers could grasp one of the beams. Struggling up and on top he perched like an oversized, striped pigeon and began hopping from one beam to the next until he was close enough to pull down the hanging laundry.

Smiling to himself a little at having found some clothes that almost fit but were still too big and baggy Jaji worked his way back and after a quick change peaked inside again, the staff was too busy running wild from their new guest to notice him as the stallion in charge shouted orders in a hurried and frantic tone. Slipping inside and grabbing a tray that had just been put down he half ran for the door leading outside, one of the workers stopped him a moment and opened their mouth to say something as they stared at him confused but was called away allowing him to continue. Others ran past him as they flooded a table with fruits, sweets and other delicacies but thankfully his mark was already seated at the table.

Jaji's pace slowed as he stared at the mare, she was stunning, he had seen pretty mares before but what he could see of her made this one stand out. She was so clean, kept and brushed she made the others look like the whores who plied their craft in the back alleys. Her face was fully exposed and her shawl pulled back to give her breathing space, it gave him a perfect view of the ornament which adorned her head and as he wondered how many piles of bread it would buy one of the older servants gave him a sharp prod in the side.

"Hurry along! Just do your job and keep your mouth shut!"

Nodding quickly Jaji hurried forward and kept eyeing the guards, most of whom were facing out with one or two looking in. How was this going to work? His confidence waned heavily as he drew closer to the regal mare who was looking more exasperated now that he could see her better. If he just dropped what he was carrying the others would immediately notice, he needed a diversion but his partner was gone. There was no one to cause the diversion and there had been no time to set one up either, how would he do that anyway? He had no idea. The other thieves would sometimes brag about what they had done but he could never figure out how they had done it, when he asked they always told him "when your older and more experienced." So now what? Jaji stared, he was just a few hoofsteps away from either attempting to rob her or put the tray down and walk away.

A commotion erupted in the street as everyone began fighting, biting and kicking at each other in a wild stampede. Everyone was screaming that the coins were theirs and to get their hands off, looking at the scene confused for a moment he caught sight of his partner peeking out of a window and smiling to himself he stepped forward and as planned, tripped.

The tray went flying and the jar sent water splashing across the table and nearly hit the mare who jumped startled with a small yelp. Jaji's hands were quick and as her eyes were in one location he brought out the drying rag and mumbling loud apologies offered it while slipping one of the bands off her wrist as she accepted the cloth. Bowing furiously as he tucked the gold and jeweled band down his sleeve Jaji backed away as another servant grabbed him and shoved him away while furiously announcing his permanent retirement from the job and any future job he ever thought he would have.

Pretending to be heartbroken at the loss of his job Jaji half ran towards the kitchen but froze as a sharp object pricked him in the chest. Staring up into the face of a mercenary he stepped back a little but the pressure on his chest remained as the mercenary glowered at him.

"Out with it."

"With what?"

The pressure increased cutting through the shirt. "Strip!"

"I not do anything! I not do anything! Only spill water!"

Reaching for him with their spare hand while the sword blade remained where it was Jaji backed away quickly still protesting. Behind him he could hear a confused voice calling out as more were drawn in to his little scene.

"What are you doing to him! He only spilled some water!"

The mercenary stared at the elaborately dressed mare and shook his head. "Check your wrists miss."

Jaji took a quick sideways glance at the lavender dressed figure who after a quick check glanced up with a glare. It was now or never. Bolting for his life Jaji ran around one of the servants who had their hands up in surrender and began fleeing towards the dense crowds but a shield swung out and with a heavy thud it caught him and sent him sprawling backwards and into the tables in a heap as blood poured from his nose. Not a second later a hoof shot out and cracked into his side sprawling him on the ground followed by another heavy slam to his back making his bones and back scream in agony. Air long gone from his lungs Jaji howled in silence as another voice rang out sharp and clearly forcing everyone to freeze.

"Enough! He is a thief but that is more than enough!"

The two mercenaries standing over him stared back and forth for a moment before one brought a spear down to his throat and began pushing.

"Dont. Move."

"What is the meaning of this!? Is this how you treat even a petty thief? He is hardly..." Nawra looked the colt over. "Eleven? Twelve? Are you mad?!"

"We have laws and the would be thieves know the punishment for breaking it, no matter their age miss. Alright you, strip!"

Nawra stared as one mercenary kept the spear point embedded in the colts throat while the other forced him to take his clothes off, but when he was unable to get the shirt off the mercenary violently ripped it off exposing the half starved figure for all to see but the jeweled circlet never hit the ground as he caught it. Walking back the mercenary handed it to Nawra and gave a short bow before returning to the colt who now stood dazed and wheezing.

"Commander, what do we do with him?"

Ismat stared at the colt blankly and after a quick look at Nawra gave them a short, curt nod. "The usual, take him away."

Nawra spun on Ismat and glared. "What does that mean?"

"It would be best not to concern yourself with such matters princess."


Ismat flinched before sighing. "We hang thieves, as I am certain you are well aware as even your own laws-."

"Even when they are dying of starvation? I can count his ribs! We have laws as well in Labrad as you say but we show mercy for those who are just trying to survive, yes he is a thief and must be punished but let the punishment fit the crime and circumstances!"

"With all due respect princess... You are not in Labrad."

It was Nawra's turn to flinch as Ismat stared her straight in the eyes without backing down. "I ask that you show him mercy and if I must this matter will be-"

Ismat stared at Nawra as she spoke and gritting her teeth stepped forward and did the unthinkable, she took the princess by the wrist and leaned forward and whispered.

"Princess Nawra, this IS a mercy. Do not challenge it, I know you are playing a damn game with Fareed but dont involve yourself with this colt, let him hang! For your sake as well as his own!"

Nawra looked down at Ismat's hand for a moment before it departed, she was stunned. No one dared to touch royalty unless it was specifically requested, to do so otherwise would at the least result in a flogging but this noble had just broken the law of no doubt every kingdom in order to beg her to just stand by and allow the unthinkable to happen. To allow a young colt to be hung for thievery when it was clearly only to survive.

"I..." Nawra gaped at Ismat a moment before looking at the colt who was now shaking like a leaf on the wind but after taking a breath she hardened her expression. "I would be remiss if I did not at least try to gain clemency for this colt, it was my property he tried to steal and not that of Fareed. As royalty it is my right to request that his fate be handed over to me and his life become property of my person. And that... Game? I did not start this. He did. But I shall not allow a half starving colt to hang for it!"

Ismat's look made Nawra's ears droop as her eyes were full of pity and remorse. "I fear you just gave him what he wanted princess, but so be it. You! Take him to the dungeon for now, the princess challenges the punishment as is her right and the thief's punishment is postponed until Fareed can judge the matter." Ismat waved them off before looking back at Nawra. "I know you have some plan to twist him around and free the colt, but I think you do not understand yet the price involved."

Nawra watched Ismat order the procession back to the palace, she did not argue but quietly climbed into the tahtirevan while her brain screamed violently. How? How was she going to stop this? Ismat was right, Fareed would now try to do far worse to the thief but how could she stop him? She knew not the laws of Alzamard nor the punishments... Could she bribe him? With what? What price would he want for the colt? A game was being played, pieces were moving back and forth but now a new one had been thrown into the madness that no one had counted on. Ismat was absolutely right, it would have been easier to stand aside and let the colt hang but she couldn't do it. It was wrong, horrifically wrong to allow it to happen and if she had she could never have forgiven herself for doing so.

But what could she do then? Fareed now held all the pieces and her none, before now she could move and slip past him at will but now there was nowhere to go. No pieces to move as she had none to control, he now controlled the board and could do as he pleased.

"How am I going to do this?"

Ismat watched Nawra climb silently into the carriage before closing her eyes hard. "I will be lucky if I am not flogged for this." Turning her head she watched as the colt was carted off like a basket case.

Jaji stared back at the gilded box wide eyed as his lungs attempted to draw air, he felt terrified and helpless as he was carried away by the mercenaries. Looking around desperately for a way to escape he caught sight of his partner, she was following closely from the shadows and he could just make out a small, sharp and rusty object. Staring at her in panic he almost pleaded to be saved but shook his head and watched as she stared back at him confused, terrified and bereft before disappearing from his view. He was alone now and a single thought continued to cross his mind over and over again.

"Not want to die! Not want to die!"

Author's Notes:

Not sure if I will get another out this month, things are going about as well as drowning while someone else offers a cattle prod. My focus is gone at this point and I just want to strangle everyone.

Chapter 73: Games

"Everyone enjoys playing a game now and then be they a physical challenge or one that stirs and engages the mind. Unfortunately not everyone believes in playing the same kind of game, for a game to one is abject horror to another."

The air was full of screams and shouts as hooves pounded in all directions for a brief moment before zeroing in and surrounding their target with the intent to kick the hell out of it. Hooves flew as the screaming got even louder and as they fought with each other one met its mark sending the object spiraling out of control and whizzing down the impromptu soccer field whereupon it smacked into a hut, bounced back and smacked a foal in the head splaying them out on the ground before rolling to a brief halt. In less than a second the pack of howling foals descended on the ball but not before the one who was hit rolled over and still laying on their back kicked it away. Scampering after it the throng continued to chase it back and forth trying to beat it towards their opponents end of the alley with varying degrees of success as many other eyes watched quietly.

Heads ducked quickly as the ball went flying again only this time it arched over the fence where the onlookers were forced to hide as it soared over the fence. A shout declared the ball was out and as it was passed back to the impromptu referee as he climbed back inside the danger zone, Verik held it up and waited as the foals stared before backing off and into their separate groups.

"Kaj... Whatever your name is, you kicked it out so the other team gets it. No. Argue again and they gain a point, I saw you kick it out of the fenced area." Watching them back down a little Verik sighed again. "Thankfully no one knows the rules not that I do either, at least they are buying it."

Grumbling to themselves while the other team grinned like piranhas at their good fortune Verik passed the ball to them and quickly climbed out before yelling "go." Hardly a second passed before the madness erupted again and the ball was slowly beaten to death as it moved slowly back and forth in the field. Looking at the gathering of parents and onlookers for a moment Verik looked curiously as a stallion covered from his hips down in a black substance looked over the fence for a moment before walking off. Staring at him as he left Verik looked back at the players and satisfied they were not going to kill each other just yet he stared at Sefu and gestured at the retreating stallion.

"What happened to that guy?"

Taking a quick glance Sefu shook his head. "Slip and fall in tar pit."

"You have tar pits around here?"


"What do you use it for?"

"Some use to keep water from leaking through roof, make hut smell bad but keep water out. Dangerous though, burn very, very good but water not get in for long time."

"So where is this tar pit?"

"Pits. That way, down road and west. Small path, mostly Zuberi use it to do Zuberi things. Also help keep raft village has from rotting, many uses." Sefu stared at Verik a moment before looking at the foals again for a moment. "Most we use is when one get what is called mange. Why you want to know?"

"I thought everyone just used clay."

"Yes, but wear out quickly and not as good, easy to get, no risk falling in tar pit but tar much better. Not many want to risk falling in and not come out. Why you want to know about tar pit? You already fix roof."

"Just wanted to see it, never seen a tar pit before." Verik shrugged. "Also tar mixed with some of the grass around here, stuffed in a jar, one small rag wick and it would make a darn good distraction if we have to flee Iuny after grabbing Shahid's sister, but you dont need to know that. Setting the docks on fire is not exactly something you tell others is part of the plan until you have to cross that bridge while running for your life...."

"Hmm..." Sefu narrowed his eyes at Verik before looking away. "No fall in pit, take Asha with you. Take many with you and rope. Only one fall in and die for many years but it was very bad death. Drown in tar not pleasant, some places not suck you in but others pull under very quick. Very, very hard to pull out and that one was very much lucky."

"I know, ancient tar pits are a great place to find fossils, many a giant has been felled in them."


"Preserved dead things in stone. Very interesting when you see the bigger critters that died and were preserved to some degree."

"Ahh... Seen some like that, little things though. Leaf inside stone but not leaf, like leaf was pressed inside stone then removed."

"The leaf became the stone."

"How?" Sefu stared at him strangely. "Leaf not become stone."

"Ohhh give it a few hundred million years and a bog or sandy riverbed..."

Sefu continued to stare at him before shaking his head not believing it and focused on the foals again before pointing lazily with a finger as he leaned gently on the fence. "Fight."

Verik looked in quickly and watched the pile of kicking fur. "Here we go again."

Inside the field he grabbed the first on top and yanked them off with one hand before grabbing another and doing the same. Pulling them off and gently tossing them aside he dug his way down to the bottom two who were hanging onto each others legs biting.

"Enough! Let go!" Verik grabbed one by the head and began prying his jaw open before giving up and grabbed both, lifted and pulled them apart with sheer force till they were hanging in the air grasping at each other. "I said enough! Either you stop or you with both be thrown from the field!"

"He start it!"

"Did not!"

"Kick leg!"

"No mean to!"

"QUIET!" The two hung quietly in the air staring death at each other as Verik walked back to Sefu with them before putting them both down and well within the giants reach as he kept his eye on one of them. "Alright Tsuda, where did he kick you?"

Tsuda held his leg up and pointed. "There."

Feeling his cannon gently Verik could feel where he had been kicked. "Can you walk? Walk over there and back again." Watching the foal walk back and forth without much effort he looked at Sefu who shrugged.

"Seen worse today."

"True. Alright, go sit over there for a few minutes, as for you... Watch what your kicking at and go sit on the other side till I say otherwise."

"I not mean to kick-"

"Well you did. So, as long as he is out and so are you."

"He still kick me!"

"Yes he did but you bit the hell out of his leg so your even. Go to your corners and sit or you both wont get to play again all day."

The two stared at each other before walking off to their different ends to stare at the mob which was waiting, despite the fact the ball was still sitting there none touched it as they waited for Verik to collect it and once he had it was placed in the middle of the field. Walking to safety he waved for them to start and they did so with a violent fury.

"Awe unhappy with how many injured." Sefu nodded at Tsuda as he rubbed his leg while glaring across the field at his opponent.

"Well she only has two locked up inside, one sprain and the other exhaustion so... I would not really worry about it. After how things started I figured it might be a whole lot worse but it appears that foals are quite resilient. Or this lot is just lucky with their poorly aimed kicks."

"Maybe both, get older not get up so fast."

"True. But the parents should be quite grateful tonight, they will probably all pass out before we have a chance to send them home. Also there seems to be more of them than before."

"Yes, more send foal here now to spend time "alone" at hut. Mean more for us."

"Sending more of your own here or just your son?"

"More than one son but yes, Awe still not allow hers to come here. You very bad influence."

"I thought he was Awe's..."

"No but cared for by Awe, mother work fields most time."

"So how many of yours are..." Verik motioned to the throng.

"Six. Rest home."



"Exactly how many do you have?"


"Wow... Okay." Verik stopped and stared at Sefu again. "Wait, with the number of wives you have I figured you would have a lot more than that."

"Did once..."

"Ah... Right, starvation and other issues." Verik motioned to the hoard of adults who were clustered around the fence. "Well they seem to be rather into the game, good thing your brother had the families who live here "donate" their back yards to this little task."

"They agree, no need threaten. Brother know they have foal of own and this also serve them so they not fight so much. One grumble but still agree, that one there is their foal."

Verik watched the striped menace as it fought back into the cluster to attack the ball before catching some movement from the corner of his eye. "Sefu?"


"Are they betting on the game?"

Sefu shifted his head and stared at the line of stallions and mares before nodding. "Yes."

"What in the hell could they possibly be betting with?"

"Little things." Sefu motioned quickly. "That one betting bracelet. Not much but..."

"They must really be into this game of ankle biting."

"Very rare we have time off, rarer we have ways to entertain selves. Enjoy while last."

"Even if it means losing what little they have?"

"Not all betting, very few, but if it make them happy."

"Until they lose and then we might have a riot."

"If riot then I take stick and make them not riot."

"I do not doubt that for a second." Verik pondered what it would look like to have Sefu wade into a mob to resolve a dispute with nothing more than a large stick before almost laughing and turning his thoughts to a different matter. "If I can get enough pots we can all go down to the tar pits and load up... No, maybe one or two of those massive empty ones, haul them back and then mix up a good mushy batch of chopped up dry grass... That would work, stuff the mix into smaller jars. Wait, where will we get the smaller jars? If we ask for them others will get curious, cant steal them... I have a few coins left so maybe I can purchase some old ones, Raswan and Jelani would know who would be best to approach."

Verik hummed to himself as everyone continued to watch the foals beat the ball to death as it moved back and forth on the field before a filly got loose from the pack with it, and delivering a violent kick sent it whizzing down the field where it smacked into the goal which was nothing more than a marked off part of a huts wall. The furry masses broke out in cheering or disappointed grumbling and slews of accusations as they argued over who's fault it was.

Raising his hand up Verik called it. "Score! Two to one now. Bring it here."

Tossing it up into the air and watching them mob it again he observed a few grumbling adults exchanging things between themselves as the betting began all over again. "Well, we will think of something. A few tar pots will come in handy if we get caught. Nothing like setting the docks on fire to divert the guards attention, but..." He looked around and finally up at the sky. "Dont know who is listening but however many or few of you there are, I hope to all of you it doesn't come to that. We dont need to kick a hornets nest any more than we are about to."

Nawra nervously paced around Fareed's gardens as she reflected on what Ismat had said, justice had not come swiftly but instead been set to a very slow simmer as she was left to wait and wonder as to the fate of the young thief. At first she had thought it would be resolved within the day as it was favorable to her in rushing the matter through but instead Fareed had played his hand well despite her questions and held off on making an immediate decision let alone allowing her to even see him. She had instead been left to wait and ponder, a situation which now favored him by virtue of the appearance of "thinking the matter over" though she knew it was a farce. Or perhaps he truly was busy with other matters? Which was it? A ploy on his part of a genuine need to handle stately affairs first? Both? Neither?

Stopping in her tracks she breathed out hard and considered things once more. Fareed was truly in no hurry, he probably could care less and had it been anyone else challenging would have allowed it to slide to some degree. Unfortunately, she had challenged. Cursing herself quietly at the days spent brooding over the matter Nawra stared up at the sky for a moment.

"Such matters are so far beneath him they probably never merit his attention and this is probably the first time he has been asked to get involved... He must appear civilized as there are other guests and the last thing he needs is a rumor spreading that all of his lofty titles are less than what they seem. The appearance of absolute power must be retained but neither can he permit it to pass as a foreigner has called upon tradition to be upheld. What will he do? It is common knowledge that his standing order is to just butcher anyone who gets in the way so... What will he do?"

Nawra stopped as she remembered the horrified look on the colts face as it flooded her vision again. "Perhaps I should try to see him... No, he is a commoner and that it is undignified for me to do so but I do worry for the colt. Maybe an inquiry to his state of well being to make certain he has not already been dealt with or." She took another breath. "Tortured. He may be just a peasant but their treatment of prisoners is too harsh, especially for one of so young of age. He needs to be punished and put to a meaningful task that will keep him from trouble. Still, if I were to even ask it might catch Fareed's interest and it would be best to appear un-phased by this by remaining quiet for now." A terrible thought crossed her mind and it made her ears flatten a little. "What if they just seal the thief into the dungeon and leave him to rot?"

Wandering around in another large loop while her retinue followed quietly at a respectable distance Nawra continued to brood over the matter. Time was running out quickly for her stay but not near fast enough. There was still far too many torturous days to go but right now was the worst it had ever been, all the little back and forth jabs Fareed had been making were brushed aside but now there was a wall to be climbed and he might just pull up the ladder to spite her, one more dead peasant meant nothing in the grand scheme of things and she knew it.

Rounding a bend in the shrubbery she froze as two familiar faces came into view, she knew not their names but they were advisors and often wandered through the gardens this time of day but more than that, that they did not appear to see eye to eye with their sovereign. It was a risk but one less likely to cause push-back from Fareed as if they breathed of it they would probably be flogged or ignored considering how lowly they were treated.

"But maybe I can ask without asking..."

Closing the distance quickly and calming herself she approached them and when they realized she was there the two froze and bowed quickly.

"Honored guest."

"I just realized I never learned your names..."

They looked at each other a moment before their concern dissipated. "My name is Alim, advisor to Fareed."

"Zahir, advisor to Fareed. How can we help you princess?"

"As advisors I thought you might be able to help me with a few matters in advance. You may not be aware but I have yet to meet with Fareed and settle the trade disputes between my kingdom and his, knowing a few more details could be advantageous to both sides, namely in regards to your laws. What constitutes a fair deal and what is considered theft..."

The two looked at each other confused a moment before Zahir spoke. "I am afraid you have lost us... Fareed handles these matters privately and with his trade advisor, we are not you see so our knowledge is limited princess."

"I simply wish to understand your kingdom better so a proper agreement can be reached on certain matters that have taken place..."

Alim's eye suddenly twitched and shifting himself forward ever so slightly causing Zahir to remain quiet he smiled. "Our great kingdoms laws are tricky but your concern is most flattering and would be greatly "appeasing" to his majesty... However, access to the archives is restricted and we would have to bother his majesty in order to allow your person to be granted access. We are certain you are most well equipped as you are to handle such trifling matters without "disturbing" him."

"Quite, but one would be remiss not to understand as much as possible before something were to happen?"

Zahir nudged Alim and glared. "Just tell her you damn fool so we can be on our way! Quit playing damn games less we get into trouble again!"

Alim held his breath a moment and glanced around quickly. "Princess Nawra, I shall be brief. He will probably not hang though that would be for the best. He is still alive and in holding."

Nawra twitched, their words were irksome and all too common a response here. "It may be true but a good ruler knows when to show mercy."

Looking a little nervous the two opened their mouths before Zahir held Alim back. "Princess, we know much of your kingdom but understand that here, death is often a mercy."

"Amusing, a city so clean and polite yet lacking in basic virtues in how it treats it commoners."

Alim grasped Zahir's arm and hissed into his ear. "She is trying to get us lynched! Just bow and lets be off!"

"One moment Zahir. Princess, how can I put this... It depends on how you were to examine the situation. Then again it must also be nice to live in a city without issues..."

"Labrad is not without its crime but we resolve our issues in a civilized manner."

"Of course not." Zahir smiled and bowed. "But here, we have so little "crime" because when one breaks a deal they are swiftly dealt with in a very open manner that makes them an example to the rest. There are many ways to handle agreements between parties but sometimes the most... Colorful? Gets the point across to those who would dare think otherwise."

Nawra seethed behind her calm and complacent exterior. "I despite you both and may you one day know the horrors that have been visited upon this city! You both do nothing and hide under his robes for protection! May you both-" Nawra smiled. "I hope you teach the law to even the most young of your city so they know not to breach such agreements. A city so great and glamorous has few excuses for not having its populace know how things should be run."

Alim held back bile that was working its way up and threatened to force its way out. "Just what the hell do you expect us to do!? The last advisor to speak too openly was disappeared by days end! It must be nice to live in a city where you are free to coddle the peasants or whip them like you would a colt when they get out of line. We do what we can and it almost gets us killed! Do you not think we would do something better if we could!? We risk enough doing what we do!" Putting his hand on Zahir's shoulder as his friend closed his eyes and sighed Alim held back his ire and smiled. "In order to maintain such a great kingdom, great sacrifice is required. But we also know that when one wishes to be taken seriously one makes an appropriate offering, the gift must match the request..."

Her hatred towards the two advisors evaporated as his last words sunk in, they both bowed quickly and retreated from her sight as dread flowed over her. "My families offering was two fold but I offered only one part of it, now I am asking something so simple but they make it sound like a mountain. Is he truly so egotistical as to refuse on such a petty basis? His laws are fists of iron but even so this maniac can not honestly consider such a petty matter to be so serious! A colt tried to steal something, a mere colt! What threat is a colt against a kingdom? Are things that fragile or his it his ego? Which!?"

As she fumed and continued to wander the gardens having gotten nowhere with the advisors Nawra did not hear her name being called at first until J'Lail blocked her path in order to gain her attention.

"Princess? It is time to go."

"Where? The matter of the trade agreement is not set till the day after tomorrow."

"We are to go to the palace barracks, the prisoner in question...?"

Nawra perked up and nodding at J'Lail she motioned. "Lead the way."

Following the palace guard they wove their way out and to a large building which was a part of the palace walls, giving the heavy stone building a cursory glance she did not hesitate to enter the courtyard where the palace soldiers normally drilled but her eagerness waned quickly. All the guards were gone save six who stood ready while two held a very firmly bound up colt who was kneeling on the ground near a stained stone slab, there was another addition though: a stump. One of the guards stood to the side with a heavy sabre and leaning on it he continued to stare at the colt who kept his head hung down but the colts frantic and pained breathing assured her that at least for the moment, he was still alive. Slight swelling could be seen on his body where he had been beaten but someone had placed very strict limits as to how much had been permitted.

Staring at them as they averted their gaze from her own as they should from those above their station Nawra waited with worry clawing its way up her back. Their wait was not long though as Fareed arrived quickly and without any fanfare, striding into the barracks courtyard rapidly with a somewhat perturbed look on his face the sultan stood a short distance from Nawra and after giving a spiteful glance at the colt stood upright.

"I am much too tired for this..." Taking a breath he glared at the thief. "You, colt." The colt began to lift his head slowly but a guard leaned on him causing him to look away from Fareed as he slowly and nervously raised his head somewhat without making eye contact. "Your crime is quite simple so there is no need to make this long. Theft. From royalty no less and not only that..." Fareed glared down and hissed as Nawra stared in disbelief. "You stole from one of my guests."

Nawra's mouth almost fell open. "Is THAT what angers him? Not the crime but that he targeted me?! When he has been doing so from the moment I arrived?"

"Punishment for stealing is to hang, your petty crime is beneath my attention and would have been carried out swiftly as you are aware. However, as you stole from royalty that merits special attention but be aware... You would already be dead had princess Nawra of Labrad not spoken for you and challenged the law."

For the first time the colt actually made eye contact with Nawra at the mention of "royalty" and "princess" but the horrified look in his eyes made Nawra's stomach knot up. "He had no idea who he was really stealing from... This colt was doing it for his own reasons but he knew about the diplomats and that is why he targeted me. Had he known...What kind of special laws exist here?"

Fareed looked on bored. "You must still be punished for your crime. Princess Nawra, you challenged his hanging. Do you wish to make a plea?"

"Yes, seeing as what he attempted to steal was returned immediately and without incident I ask to purchase him as a slave."

"Your request is denied, under normal circumstances I would permit the purchasing of the thief for their use in other manners but this is a unique case and an example must be made."

"Then I beg you for clemency regarding this matter, he is but a colt." Nawra gestured to the thief. "Starving as we can clearly see, he was desperate and made a poor decision. His lack of proper judgement should be taken into consideration including that he was delirious from hunger." Taking a quick look at the colt she saw a spark of confusion in his eyes. "You did know didnt you? Was just to spite him? Or hunger?"

"You ask for mercy..." Fareed finally stared down at the colt examining him for a brief moment and sighed again. "The laws here are absolute and carried out swiftly, to ask for mercy leaves few options as thieves normally hang but his is an especially heinous crime. To simply sell him or beat him would set a bad example as other would be thieves might see it as a sign they can target royalty and get away with only a slap on the wrist. I am certain you understand the difficulty of this situation?"

"Perhaps to punish him so severely by hanging or... Beheading." Nawra nodded at the executioner. "Would set an even worse example? That in a city so grand, with a sultan who is so just, that even a colt can not find a degree of mercy-"

"Do not presume that your station warrants the omission of this crime."

"Of course not. But one so great-"

Fareed let out an annoyed groan and held his hand up before staring directly into Nawra's eyes causing her to go quiet and as he approached her, the cold look in his eyes caused her mind scream at her to step away and flee.

"Do you understand why I am great?" His gaze pierced into her as his expression remained blank. "I am the sultan of Alzamard, great, powerful and it is because I can bend other nations. I rule this river, not you, not Samati, I rule it. Caravans come here and ask for my permission to cross because to go elsewhere would be problematic as the bandits roam unchecked. But I am also the most gracious host in all of the lands, not one nation can boast they treat their guests better than I. That I do not truly treat them in a civilized manner. My army marches freely and smashes the plans of other kingdoms at will including your own. There is chaos all around us. But I bend that chaos to my will. And for it they pay homage to me as do you for the truth is blatantly clear to almost all but a few."

Nawra felt tiny as Fareed stared at her before he walked away again and continued. "I am most gracious... But, my patience only goes so far. Unto you I have provided three of the finest slaves ever trained in this city to date, willing and able to do anything for you. My other guests would kill each other to have slaves such as they. And yet... My thanks is a paltry gift that is not much better than what was given to me by a certain other... "Noble," I command. Others come with silks, spices, slaves, gold, silver, gems and show great appreciation for my effort and yet you..." Fareed stared at her again. "You scoff at the laws which were laid down by my family generations ago, you presume to tell me who and what I am and that I should just permit a crime to pass because it is a colt? I know your own father would have this colt killed if this had occurred in Labrad just for thinking of stealing from you, do not pretend otherwise "princess." You challenge the law, as is your right..." Fareed nodded slowly to her in acknowledgement. "But again you scoff at the very laws which have kept chaos away, have provided order to my kingdom, power, wealth, prestige and glory. There is a stiff price for peace however."

"I apologize if I have offended you..." Nawra bowed her head quickly as her heart raced. "My only request is that the colt's life be spared."

"Indeed you have offended me, not so much your gift... To be honest I did not expect a great deal from the kingdom which I nearly conquered. But it is your attitude that I find offensive. Your own kingdom is known to hang thieves and yet you dare to come to my home and question my laws and dare so insinuate they are unfair? No, your kingdom does not have as many problems I imagine, you are small by comparison to the glory that is my kingdom. But this kingdom is maintained by the rule of law and the iron fisted discipline needed to maintain order through the will of its ruler."

"Is he serious or trying to deceive me?" Nawra was somewhat confused but also knew that he was right in some regards, thieves were indeed hung in Labrad but it was also somewhat rare. "Your majesty, I ask that he be spared from death as he is but a colt..."

"Princess Nawra... Of Labrad." Her heart fell out of her as she caught his intent. "As royalty you have a right to challenge... But only because I permit it, do you honestly think that you could do so otherwise? You are not a princess of Madinat Alzamard. You, are a guest. Protected under my laws but with limits as to how much power you may rightly yield and this was not one of them. Yet I permit it, because I am a civilized stallion. You do not rule here Nawra. I rule." He shook his head. "But let it never be said that when a rude guest made a request that I was without mercy. He shall not hang nor be beheaded. Untie him."

Nawra was not relieved, her gut told her something would be done, something horrible. Were they going to whip him? She did not see a whip anywhere. Die in the dungeon? That was possible and a most cruel end. Staring at the colt she could see relief and hope flooding his features, but her own visage remained crestfallen as the blocks fell into place the more she studied the compound.

"Figured it out have you little girl?" The sultan regarded Nawra quietly. This was entirely unplanned and he had been quite busy with other matters but punishment was in order, a heinous crime had been committed and the guilty party taught a lesson but it was double edged. Things had gotten rather boring in his little game with Nawra until now, she had willingly put herself at his mercy and not only did he get to savor the moment but also vent some of his frustration on her. Every bit of it was true, she was much too sheltered from the world and what it really was. Turning his attention to the captain at his side he nodded and removing two gold coins the captain held them up and got the colts attention. Staring on wide eyed the colt followed the two coins and giving one a toss high and the other straight at the colt they all watched as his right hand shot out and snatched one and then lastly caught the other as it fell.

No one smiled.

"To the block with him, take your positions."

The captain motioned to the soldiers who grabbed the colt by the arms and drug him to the stone as he thrashed and kicked violently in their grasp. Nawra's heart was beating so fast it threatened to batter its way out of her throat and taking a quick glance at the colt she turned to Fareed quickly.

"I beg you to show mercy, whip him, beat him, but not this-"

"No, he stole from one of my guests and this was the minimal punishment I am willing to afford him. You may not understand this now but I am doing this for you princess Nawra, your family would be outraged if I did not punish him severely. Your father would probably do far worse to him than what must happen here, I am granting your wish as this is beneath my station to even take notice of normally. He will live, but he must be punished in accordance not with just my laws, but the laws that have long been accepted by ALL the civilized kingdoms including your own. This must be done and you very well know it, anything less would offend your father." Fareed stared at her blankly before nodding to the captain. "And also for me, one part to make you snap, one part to uphold the law and also because it must be done. Had it been some petty noble he would simply be flogged and turned over to them if asked but this requires a special touch, not that I ever expect you to understand that. Also I want your father placated as my plans do not involve Labrad."

"Please! Wait-"

"Carry on captain."

Jaji's arm was held down by a guard as another held his body tightly so he could not squirm free. "Calm down or he might miss his mark! Quit your squirming, you want to lose your arm too?!"

Still thrashing against the soldiers Jaji stared as the sabre wielding soldier took his position while the other two leaned back to avoid getting hit, looking at the executioner for a moment they waited as he nodded and suddenly leaning hard against the colt they pinned him firmly in place as the blade was hefted and swiftly fell.

A dull thwack filled the air for what felt like centuries as a small hand flopped free and was replaced only by screaming and blood as it flowed freely from the stump while the severed hand laid on the ground. Nawra almost vomited but put a hand over her mouth and turned away as tears threatened to force their way out, the colt was a peasant but she knew her father would never condone such a barbaric act. Would he? But why did she want to cry for a thief? He would have probably died anyway so what made him special? Peasants died all the time. Another soldier came running out of the barracks with a red hot iron as the screaming started and slapping it against the wound, the air immediately filled with a sizzling, hissing and crackling sound while Jaji screamed harder than in all of his life in agony.

Fareed watched for a brief moment before turning and walked away.

"Bandage the stump so the thief does not die." Walking a few more paces he stopped. "He is also free to go."

Asha, Awe, Sefu and Verik stood near the public "shitting hole" as Verik called it and waited, the foals were taking turns using it and the heat only made the smell worse. Thankfully it was always down wind and down river so there was no contamination but some of the younger ones had to use a special pot which was then dumped over the side as they were too small to reach and use the sitting beam. They watched as a limping figure approached from the training grounds with a pink ball attached to its leg and raising an eyebrow Verik nodded at Altayih.

"Still hanging onto her daddy?"

"That is not funny captain, it is not easy having a... It is like having a very long tick digging into your leg all day and night."

"I wouldn't know as what hangs onto me is softer."

Altayih twitched. "Very funny captain. Now you, off, I dont want any more "accidents" hm?"

Manna dug in a little harder making Altayih wince before gingerly letting go and approaching the pit but continued to look back to make certain he was not going to disappear in a puff of smoke.

"Accidents? What did she do?"

"She peed on my leg."

Asha burst out laughing as did Awe but the other two just stared at Altayih who looked quite perturbed by their sudden outburst. The laughing stopped when a yelp filled the air and they all looked at the pit quickly before Sefu and Verik looked at each other quickly and shook their heads.

"No-not it." They spoke in unison but Awe looked over the side and pointed.

"Both get."

Cringing slightly they walked to the pit and looked inside before retching quietly, reaching in they hauled out the foal who had fallen in and stood them up before backing away as Awe waved them off.

"Go wash, all of you. Get soap and wash, go."

Altayih smiled at them and snickered. "Well, your predicament is not as bad as my own last night but now you know how I felt hm?"

"No die from this, just need wash good." Sefu let out a snort.

"It is the thought that counts, yes captain?"

"Speak for yourself, you are not the one who has to make certain this little ball of fur and shit has to wash himself right."

Altayih let out a small groan as a familiar pressure returned to his leg. "Yes... Well... We all have our burdens to bear and now that my extra appendage has reattached itself I shall be returning to the field."

"Well, its not like anything "bad" happened today."

Sefu and Altayih nodded. "True."

Author's Notes:

Bit of trouble with this one as Fareed has two standards: the law and also his cloak and dagger. Tried to portray both here, on the one hand there is the absolute law but also that which is not law: his toying with Nawra.

Chapter 74: Weather Forecast

"Many a military campaign and army has been laid low by the almighty mosquito or even a little rain. All the planning in the world, the finest armaments and most well disciplined soldiers are no match for nature."
-Military Lesson-

A driving rain pounded down on the column as it slogged through the deepening red mud as the soldiers, oxen and wagons struggled to make their way forward. Intermittent thunder was all that broke the sound of the rain smacking against raised shields lofted above heads to protect themselves from the driving rain and of hooves forcing their way forward filling the air with a wet sucking sound as they sank deep before straining to break free of the earths muddy grasp. With great effort they lifted their legs and took one more step only to sink in once more, sweating, panting and grunting under their packs as the soldiers fought their way through the muddy quagmire that had once been a dusty road. Wagons were the worst however, wheels sank deeply into the mud which had been churned into a very fine, gooey paste from the passing of so many hooves and the wheels constantly caught in the mud threatening to swallow them whole. Many wagons had already become too bogged down to move and while oxen where driven forward soldiers struggled from behind to help push them out of the mud. Success was measured in how many collapsed into the mud afterwords as the wagon lurched free and moved a few yards before the process had to begin all over again.

Halim stood to the side of the road beside his personal, covered wagon and watched the rate of movement and continued to count off in his head how long it would take to advance just two more miles before being forced to stop due to exhaustion. The expeditionary teams had done exceptionally well at mapping everything but the weather had turned sour quickly, from a light drizzle which hid their dust cloud from prying eyes to a deadly, muddy embrace which now threatened to halt their advance entirely. Their marching speed had been quite good for most of the early campaign but as he continued to count off he realized their speed had not just been cut in half, but was less than a quarter of what it should be while worsening with every hour.

"They mapped the roads but no one thought to check if those roads were made of loose, powdery clay or simple earth... And why would they." Watching a few soldiers slip in the mud as they struggled with a wagon Halim returned to his wagon and climbing inside pulled his hood off. "Captain, are the wood cutters making any progress?"

"Yes prince, but it will take time to properly prepare the logs for use as road building material... Also the distance we must travel precludes the ability to find, fell, prepare and transport suitable logs quickly enough. There is no shortage of material prince, it is just that so little is suitable for a corduroy road."

Halim thought it over and opened his mouth to speak but a shaggy mud covered scout appeared at the door wheezing and after bowing waited.


"The forward scouts are at a stand still, there is a river blocking our path and-."

"River?" Halim quickly scanned his map and shook his head. "There are no rivers here, we are to far east and..." He stopped and sighed realizing what the scout meant. "How bad is the flood?"

"It runs quite deep and fast, we urged the mercenary scouts to send a fording party across, even furnished them with ropes but... Two were swept away and the rope snapped, it flows much too quickly to ford it. They now refuse to make any attempt."

"Sensible of them, do not attempt another fording for now. Have them sweep the river banks in both directions for a narrower area we can build a bridge across if we must."

"There is more, worse I believe."

Halim scowled at the map. "Speak."

"We found an outpost. Abandoned, but only by a short time."

"Did they flee before or after the flood?"

"It can not be found out as it lays on the opposite side of the river but the steam rising from inside one of the buildings makes us believe they doused their fire and fled quite recently."

"I see... Is the water draining off or is it still rising?"

"Risen my prince, by at least..." The scout held his arms out. "This much within an hour, last I saw."

"Does it threaten to swallow up the column?"

"No my prince, our commander checked the are and found a place for the column to stop and avoid being swept away but it shall not advance, in his opinion, to a threatening level."

"Perhaps not threatening to the column but enough to severely threaten the plan." Halim sighed. "Very good, when you return make certain to leave behind a party to divert the front of the column so it does not enter the flooding area. Also, inform your commander that a party is to follow the river down its path and look for blockages that may be holding the water back. Before you go, exactly when did the foremost scouts reach the river and discover the outpost?"

"Understood my prince and they were the mercenaries, they discovered it two days ago in the afternoon."

Halim waved the scout away and returned his attention to the map for a moment. "At least two days ahead of us for warning, it will take us no less than four times as long to reach the river and if the water does not drain enough it will slow us down considerably..." He traced his finger from where the outpost was most likely situated and began counting how long it would take a runner to reach the capital and then send word to all the forces in the area to muster and protect the city. "If this rain does not abate we will run out of time and be unable to continue our advance properly..."

"My prince?"

Halim looked up at the noble who was standing quietly across from him, waiting. "Yes?"

"Does this change of events alter our couse of action?"

"Most certainly. It will take more than a few days to reach the new river which blocks our path, assuming the rain were to stop within the hour." Halim stood and leaned outside looking up quickly before returning to the table. "Which it shall not, very well then. Here is our new course of action until the weather changes: continue to fell trees for the corduroy road, it will not increase our speed enough to make up for the time we have lost but time is now precious. Second, as you are aware, parties will look for places to build a bridge across if the water does not relent by our arrival. If it is being held back by something or worse, is in a shallow area where it can sit and form a natural swamp then we will have no choice but to bridge it or find another way around farther up. Third, should the water still be standing by the time of our arrival trees will be felled and prepared not only for bridging material but also for building a road on the far side. We can re-use the logs we have already laid if they have not sunk too deeply into the clay pit road. Every log we can pull back out and bring with us will save time later but do not exhaust the soldiers more than they already are on this task. We will build a camp on a higher spot upon our arrival, rest the soldiers and oxen for at least a day before making further plans. Understood?"

The gathered nobles nodded. "Understood prince."

"Then see to it."

"My prince?" One of the older and more seasoned nobles cautiously put his hand on the table.

"You may speak."

"They have been alerted and I feel it prudent to understand now, and not later... What your intentions are in regards to their capital."

Halim watched them for a moment before pointing farther west on the map. "Sisubiso has two columns advancing along their western border at this moment, or should... Our enemy has mostly likely dispatched a large enough force to deal with them while also holding their front in the far south against our "main army," here..." Halim tapped the map. "So long as they are busy chasing down raiders they will be constantly on the move and unable to redeploy in time to face us while calling for reinforcements. I have no doubt we can take them and utterly destroy their forces but it is the other possibilities that weight more heavily. If they recall another portion from the south and combine them to defend the capital we will be defeated in a pitched battle if we are not most careful. Worse, if one force were to dig in and fortify their capital and wait for the other to catch us from behind the time table will change unquestionably in their favor. We shall be a piece of soft metal caught between hammer and anvil. We could still take the city from them, but the time it would take shall become... Deeply problematic, thus giving them time to break us from behind. They need only hold the walls a few days longer. Time was alloted for this event but the rains and flooding have deeply complicated matters, without proper drainage of the river we face it is quite possible we may be unable to lay siege to their capital."

"Then we must hope they are too busy chasing the raiders to face us."

"I do not believe in hope, I will make this situation work for us one way or another. There are many roads for us to take as you can see, all of which suit a smaller force such as this. If the worst were to come we have more than ample terrain to bypass their forces and move south, away from their advances but that is not what concerns me."

"My prince?"

"Should their royalty abandon the city, take as much of their stock as possible and combine all the forces and meet us in the field or leave us to capture an empty city..."

"It is we who would become rats caught in a trap instead of they."

"Correct, a pivotal point of this plan is that at the moment the entire royal family is celebrating in the capital, had things gone perfectly we would simply besiege them, kill as many of the royal family as possible and thus cut the head of the snake off and move on... But that is no longer possible, they will be aware of us and left with more than ample time to make a decision: Flee, or stand their ground. They may have lost the last war but they are not fools, most likely they will flee and confront us from a more advantageous position with superior force or they shall make preparations and hold us in place."

"Then if that is case..." The noble put his finger on the western edge. "What if there are no raiders now?"

"Should they have been turned back, moved far beyond or in any regards, ceased to exist as a problem for them... Then I do not doubt that force will already be making its way back up the main road and not bothering with the side trails, they would be easily found by couriers and turned around without any issue unless they too are being rained on which is doubtful. It appears we have the misfortune of being caught within a strip of heavy rain as we can see sunlight and clear skies far off to our North and extreme South at times. For now we advance, build a temporary encampment and prepare to cross when feasible. During that time I shall make my decision on whether or not we shall continue to advance on their capital or abandon that particular aspect of the campaign."

"If I may be so bold as to inquire, I myself believe we have lost our chance but my prince... How do you see our odds of achieving the campaign objective at this time?"

Halim stood upright and hummed quietly. "Assuming that they are busy chasing down the raiders, I give us a solid fifty-fifty chance of success at this time. Otherwise, I give us less than one in ten odds of success should we stick to the original campaign plan if we do not cross the river in a timely manner which appears most doubtful."

"I see..." The noble looked at the map before giving a quick bow. "I shall see to my forces then if it pleases you my prince."

"See to them and..." The noble stopped and turned around. "Your wagons bear our engineering equipment, see to it they are given priority on being moved down the road even if other wagons must be waylaid. Should a bridge need to be built we must waste no time."

"At once my prince." Another quick bow and pulling a hood over his head the Arabian stallion was gone from the wagon and into the downpour.

"As for the rest of you, your tasks have not changed. We continue as planned."

They bowed quickly and filed out leaving Halim to continue to stare at the map and moving a few pieces onto the board he sat down before calling to the driver to move the wagon forward. With a slow lurch the wagon began slipping and sliding its way onto the road and soon was lurching awkwardly along as the other wagons were. Holding the pieces down with his fingers Halim stared and began counting off the days once more in his head, he had been quite liberal with his estimation on how Sisubiso's little raid would draw them off. There was no doubt what so ever in his mind that right now there was a large force located somewhere far west of them but as for how long they would remain there before inevitably being swung east to face off against him... That was in serious doubt.

Sighing heavily at how his fathers plans were being reduced to ruin while so much careful planning, proper timing and the permanent loss of surprise as they would now forever watch the eastern roads; so much had gone to waste in such a short amount of time. All because of a rainstorm that had blown in rapidly and caught them all by surprise. Shaking his head he remembered something else his father had written into the great pile of notes on the campaign.

"A good army is hard to replace, but time will always remain at hand for the patient and calculating commander who seizes opportunity."

"Very true father..." Halim leaned back a little and closed his eyes. "So this is where the campaign will most likely end, on the muddy banks of a flooded road."

Grinding his teeth a little at being almost certainly unable to carry out his fathers last wish and his own promise Halim looked at the map again.

"If I can not take your capital and conquer your nation in one fell swoop then there is most certainly something else I can do to you..." Scanning the roads rapidly and keeping the time tables in his head Halim stared intently before nodding to himself. "I may not be able to conquer you today, but I can most certainly make you howl in pain at my passing."

Fareed sat down on the large cushion with a heavy thump and sighed, he felt tired. He did not mean to neglect his guests but so many things had come up in the past two days it had swept him off his hooves. It was strange, normally things were quiet but not without their problems. Delegation of power had been soundly used and his nobles and servants had been sent scurrying wildly in all directions to handle the various petty issues that were beneath his notice, but it was not enough.

First, a messenger from Samati had arrived by boat and after reporting to emir Ruhak he knew without looking what the crazed and power hungry bitch had said. His great queen Sana had once more decided to try her hand at him again and was plotting with Salai to challenge his trade monopoly. Well not entirely a monopoly, the merchant council of Piemro held the final word but were far too quiet about it for most of notice. Their war fleet was the vastest in all the coastal nations and they used it without hesitation to break the arms and legs of those who did not bow to their demands.

"So tiny and yet such a powerful bite..." Fareed laid down and rested his head on a pillow. "Here though, I rule. Not one wagon moves without my permission."

He wondered how much the foreign powers were paying for their goods considering it was first taxed, tithed and taxed again by his collectors before ever gracing the ports of Piemro. Once the goods departed by sea even the most simple luxury item must cost a significant amount of gold and be seen as quite luxurious when in fact they were not, at least not locally, but that is just how trade, business and the control thereof worked. A vicious little cycle of seeing who could fleece whom first while maintaining their monopoly and thus eliminate the competition.

"My dear Sana... Should I continue as planned to attack Salai or you this time? Or perhaps just send marauders to burn your plans out again... Agh, the expense of it all." Fareed smoothed his robes out and made himself more comfortable before thinking on it again. "Never matter you though, if I take Salai you will have no one to conspire with."

Smiling to himself as the thought of the upcoming campaign crossed his mind another image popped into his drifting conscious. A young colt now missing a hand. Yawning Fareed beckoned a server over and after having the poison tester take a heavy drink from the bottle first took a goblet for himself and sitting up for a moment drank.

"What a pathetic and trifling affair. Demanding my attention for a thief, one so pathetic he nary got the bracelet off before being noticed and grabbed forthwith." Fareed put the goblet down and huffed. "To demand my attention on something so pathetic! But still, it was worth every moment of my time."

Smiling happily he stretched his legs out remembering the look on Nawra's face, how she had retched at the sight, screaming and smell of blood. He was too tired to enjoy the moment then but now he could relax, remember and relish in the cries. The fool had broken a simple rule: at this time of year hide and never be seen. Worse, he had stolen from a guest. Normally he would just hang but no, a certain little goody two hooves had challenged it and given him a chance for some sport and a lecture on reality at her expense.

"If only I were not so tired but it would have been rude to keep her waiting a day longer... What a pain you are but at least now you know your place in things."

He couldn't help himself, he felt tired and short strung from all the other drudgery which had been heaped upon him without warning which had made his temper a little frayed. It had manifested itself for a moment as the princess tried to argue with him but he could just not suffer her high and lofty attitude any longer, she needed the hard truth explained to her. It had been great fun with every moment of it being delightfully sweet and savory as Nawra squirmed as he spoke nothing but the unbidden truth to her. She was good at politics but woefully either unaware and sheltered or too stuck up to realize the truth of the world. He was most willing and happy to oblige her while having done so made him feel more relaxed.

There had sadly been no rest for the weary afterwords, he had to rush off and conclude a trade agreement with another ambassador. Things had gone very well from there out but Ruhak was now acting a little odd and aloof about their meeting tomorrow, he did not mean to be rude but the emir was simply buying time for his queen and himself, one to plot and scheme, the other to figure out how to smooth things over.

"What a black widow you are..." Fareed sat up and took another sip before laying on his side. "Eating every little bug that dared to touch your manicured hide but only after fully enjoying them. If only Ruhak were to lead in your place our meetings would probably be far more pleasant, even enjoyable. He plots and schemes but is far more reasonable in his tastes than you are. But thus is the price of too much inbreeding, a truly stunning figure befitting your rank but a truly rotten mind."

Almost closing his eyes Fareed remembered Nawra again. "Ah yes... That other matter... Guess I have no choice now." Snapping his fingers he waited on his messenger to rush over. "Find "him" with haste, inform him that he is to pass word along that it will be time to sleep when the party has ended."

"Yes your majesty." His courier bowed rapidly and left.

"She has danced around my advances quite well so far but I get the feeling she is over estimating herself a little... The three have failed in all their other objectives save a few." He yawned again and closed his eyes. "She will be long gone before I can finish what I started but... I still have that option to take, not what I had desired but it should have the desired effect one way or another. All in good time though, all in good time my little princess."

Fareed nodded off to sleep smiling.

Author's Notes:

No rain here, just relentless, flesh boiling heat that is so intense the ground shimmers violently before your eyes like staring into an over-heated oven. Also feels like it.

Chapter 75: The Last Straw

Author's Notes:

ATTENTION PATREON FOLK! Those of you who donate but dont check in: the characters and nations/tribes sheet is up and posted for you. It is stickied so it wont go anywhere and I will keep it up to date.

As for everyone else: here is the next chapter, enjoy!

"One can only take so much before not giving a damn about consequences, even if if it means they could be killed in an instant or worse."

Tasid sat on his bed staring at the wall with a blank expression as the slave worked her body feverishly to please him, it was no use though and he was ready to scream. For more than four hellish weeks he lay in bed inside this prison, a prison dressed up to appear as the most luxurious of bedrooms fit for one of any rank. None could dare complain about such accommodations but he had been forced to keep his lusts and desires in check to such an extreme that he could no longer take it, he could feel his blood pounding and screaming in his veins. Just a taste was all he wanted, just a taste of home. One little sip of the forbidden, just a tiny taste of the sweet nectar he had spent so much time cultivating. Growling to himself he could feel the slave freeze for a moment before trying even harder and looking away annoyed he reached out and slapped her off.

She hit the floor with a thud and scampered away on all fours begging forgiveness but he had long ago tuned her out. There had to be something to do, some way of escaping early. So long as the other guests remained in force it was forbidden for him to leave, he had to play the part of a good host as dictated but not so much as Fareed. He hated him, despised him. He wanted him dead. Smiling to himself he imagined all the things he would relish in doing to Fareed, the pain, torture and the delicious agony.

"No, stop!" Tasid ground his jaw to make certain he had not accidentally spoken anything aloud before calming down. "This is all your fault! I do as told and make certain your precious taxes are collected on time and delivered so why do you continue to torment me like this!?"

Slipping off the cushions and standing he sighed before snapping his fingers. "Bring her."

Without a word the failure of a slave he had been using darted away to collect the only other company he had in this dreary place, she was a sparkle in his eye and thankfully he had snagged her before anyone else could. A smile adorned his face as the somewhat short and lithe lavender colored Arabian mare entered the room, she bowed and put on her best smile for him which caused a smile to spring forth as he beam at her. This was to be the prize upon leaving this place, a gem worth taking home. Hopelessly obedient when ordered, determined to please, dubiously loyal considering who trained her but that was expected as she was a gift from a certain someone but that did not matter. She might not be long for this world anyway but then again...

Tasid looked her over, his eyes lingering on her chest. "Let's go for a walk shall we?"

"Yes my lord Tasid."

Leaving the prisoner chamber behind them he wandered outside and was immediately confronted by a familiar face which scowled down at him.

"Where do you think your going?" The zebra mercenary glared at him while fingering a beating stick.

"The gardens! It is much too boring to remain cooped up in there and I wanted some fresh air as is my right. Now if you will excuse me..." Tasid started to walk past but a heavy hand struck him on the shoulder so hard he winced.

"Behave or its the stick again."


He left nearly sobbing in rage, his treatment had become even more abysmal than what he had suffered during his "training." At least now they did not hover over him like birds of prey waiting to strike but they had not relaxed their guard either, they always followed but acted more polite when others were watching, an improvement to be sure. But, they continued to hawk him every chance they got in looking for any small reason to strike and though he had only made two slips so far he could remember the pain of each one. With each slip came the stick and they were excellent at beating anyone in such a way that it would not leave a noticeable mark.

"Begging permission to leave, enter, talk, eat, sleep..." Tasid tried to keep a straight face but it was nearly impossible as his ire rose. "Maybe if I poisoned one of the guests... No! Too easy to track and Fareed has guards watching everyone and the poison tasters..." Reaching for his head and grabbing a fistful of his mane he held back the urge to pull and closing his eyes to try and calm himself did not work.

"My lord Tasid?"

Freezing in place he stared the servant a moment and remembered what time of day it was after seeing their serving tray. He had no appetite though, not for what was on the place.

"Be gone."

Looking a little annoyed the servant bowed and left with the food he had ordered but he did not care, just making them serve him, no matter how menial the task was one of the few joys he got. Would they be punished for returning with the tray? He wanted desperately to watch but shaking his head he knew it would not happen as every, single, servant in the palace had been well informed of him before his arrival. Fareed had no interest in losing any of his property nor staff to his sudden and inexplicable desires nor urges. They would probably just take it back and throw it away as was the norm.

A happy thought spawned at the idea of throwing the food away, smiling happily for the first time in a while Tasid began walking towards the gardens again. "I wonder... If I were to collect some food... Something that would not splatter but remain whole yet deeply temping... Gather the hungry in Iuny and starve them, give them knives, sticks, rocks... Yes, then throw in the food and watch. I must try that when I get home! Why did I never think of that? Maybe use foals? There will be plenty of time, plenty of time."

His walk came to an abrupt halt as he rounded the bend leading to the gardens and came face to face with one of his sultan's guests. Looking into her amber eyes he smiled deeply, she was without any question the most fetching of all the guests. Young, slender, so proper it made him want to... Stopping his train of thought he bowed quickly.

"Princess Nawra... A pleasure."

"Yes... A pleasure... Tasid was it?" Nawra smiled back.

"Emir Tasid of Iuny your grace. I assume you come from the gardens?"

"Gardens... Yes."

Nawra nodded but he could see her mind was lingering elsewhere and the somewhat haunted look on her face was all to familiar, he had caused it more times than he could count. Namely while making a mare watch her foal being drowned in a river or some other cruel punishment meted out when a crime had been committed. Had Fareed done something to her finally? Had he successfully broken her? It was not a secret for long before he could see clearly the nipping at each others cannons that went back and forth during his stay, they were after each other in a quiet little dagger war that no one else noticed or cared to. But he enjoyed every second of it, even if he was not the one to inflict the pain it made a part of him feel warm just thinking about it. Especially when Fareed had been particularly irked over whatever she had done to turn his attempts back on him, small, delicious little acts of vengeance that would never get him in trouble but were still enjoyable.

"They are quite beautiful, grander than my own and what I hear, grander than most other kingdoms..."

The officer who stood at her side twitched an eye for a brief second before finally whispering in her ear causing Nawra to come out of her stupor slightly.

"Grand indeed emir Tasid but we must be on our way." Nawra started at him. "What does this little toad want? Why are you talking to me?"

"It was a pleasure to finally meet you in a more... Personal capacity princess Nawra, the rumors of your stunning beauty do not do you justice." Giving a short, deeper bow Tasid quickly stood almost upright but avoided direct eye contact. "Oh the things I could do with you... Your body is just right, clay waiting to be molded."

Tasid bowed deeply again and offered his hand which was not custom but he did it anyway, hoping she would at least grace him with a touch of her silky skin. Instead she just stared at him with a look that made him quietly furious, it was reserved only for the condemned.

"You disgusting little creature! How dare you look at me that way!" Nawra half smiled. "We must go, I have a meeting to attend. Good day, Tasid."

Turning away from him she began to walk past and as he stayed bowed to her his hand lowered, as the princess walked past him he turned aside to allow her passage but his hand attempted to brush hers. But instead of a warm, silky texture his hand was filled with pain as the officer who shadowed the princess took his hand and began crushing it with all the brute force he could bring to bear while smiling at him warmly.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Tasid."

No words could leave his mouth as the pain grew, the officer continued to squeeze even harder until he could feel bones popping and opening his mouth to scream in pain the officer let go and walked after his charge quietly. The band of mercenaries followed behind her quickly and trying to stand upright while masking the agony that shot through his hand Tasid stared at them blankly but the tears welling up in the corner of his eyes betrayed him as they snickered to each other in passing.

"Humiliated again... Augh! At least I will be leaving here soon and not be called back for a very long time and shall be left to my own devices."

The words muttered to himself did not help, there was just too much humiliation heaped upon him and no matter of placation worked. Watching them round a bend as he continued to mutter quietly his eyes fell on his slave of choice again and a smile returned to his face.

"Hmm..." Tasid looked her up and down. "About the same height... Color, eyes are green though but... Yes. You will do just fine." Clasping his hands a moment before wincing in pain he rubbed his store hand before beaming at her while nodding. "Yes, that is what I shall do, I can not have the true one but I can "make" one. Eleven, your name shall be... Little and... Hmm... Princess... Perfect! Your name shall be Amyrat Saghira! You will be my Amyrat Saghira, you shall look just like her... But only in private." Looking her over again he looked around quickly before running his hand over her cheek. "Yes indeed you shall do! You were a perfect choice! Just a little makeup here and there..."

"My lord Tasid?"

"Pay it no mind, you shall return home with me and if you play your part in this little game well you shall go free within a few months. I will even furnish you with a pouch of silver and gold to see you on your way. Just indulge me a while longer wont you?"

"Yes my lord Tasid, your offer is most kind and I obey."

"You stupid little whore, you have no idea."

Nawra turned away from the corner where she had been quietly listening to Tasid and looked somewhat green in the face, she had been curious and following a hunch to doubled back and listen in as Tasid was known to speak his thoughts aloud. However, she had not expected that. Appetite lost entirely she looked at J'Lail and the rest of her entourage who had heard Tasid speak, they all had various looks on their faces save the mercenaries who had forcibly kept a blank stare but their eyes continued to drift back and forth between each other. Giving out a quick puff of air Nawra quietly motioned them to continue, she could not believe what had left the odious stallions mouth and was glad the tiny voice in her the back of her mind had said to stay just a little longer and listen.

"I take back my words, you are not a toad you are an eel, a parasite, worm, vermin... The spies did not do you justice. Fareed is a sick twisted tyrant but you... You are a sick, evil bastard if ever there was one, at least your master knows how to pretend when it matters."

Walking quickly past her guards J'Lail looked back before quickly following. "Princess?"

"I have no further intention of remaining here."

"Princess the... Guards?" J'Lail tried to quiet her.

"I have had enough! No more!"

"This might offend our host!"

"Yes!" Nawra spun around and lowered her voice. "I am past the point of caring! At first this little game was at best a minor nuisance but after what happened to that colt a few days ago..." She shook her head. "No, this was the final affront! No more! It ends. Send Pijasiros to speak on my behalf with that lap dog which manages the trade negotiation meetings, I would like to meet sooner and be done with this."

"Princess you are going to deeply offend him and that will mean war."

Lowering her voice quickly she glared at the mercenaries. "I can handle an insult captain but after what I was just witness to... No, that little worm has offered me a chance to get us all out of here and I am going to take it. Fareed will have no legs to stand on for declaring war and we shall be safely on our way home come tomorrow morning. All of us."

"He may not believe you."

"Oh he will, you have seen how that, thing, is treated and I know it is for a very specific reason. He has done something to anger his master and I will divert Fareed's attention from myself, to him. A little poetic justice for his insult. Besides captain, Fareed would never permit us to leave before agreeing to the same old trade deal as before. Maybe this way I can get a minor concession out of him, though I must admit such a prospect is highly doubtful." Nawra stopped and thought it over. "Just maybe the insult that was just endured will be enough to tip the balance in our favor though, maybe. Let us be off at once." Nawra gave a small nod. "If nothing else I shall use this incident to most thoroughly embarrass Fareed."

"At once princess, Pijasiros? I need not repeat the message do I? No? Good, see to it."

Halim stared angrily at the river, it had not only refused to go down but had actually risen during the night. Not only was it beyond impossible to ford at this location now but any hope of building a bridge was straight out of the question as the occasional clump of debris or log shot past, a quiet threat that he knew would shatter a makeshift bridge. Only a proper, strong bridge would work here and the time required for such an undertaking was unfathomable at this time. There was a solution of course, either knock the blockage free further down if possible or begin building a bridge at the one, single location where it was even remotely possible farther upriver but even that was a gamble. It would be time consuming and risky but a bridge could be made that would not have to risk supports in the water itself, catch was it had to be narrow and with little room for error. As he chewed it over a scout darted up to his tent wheezing for air and after waiting patiently for them to collect themselves they were bade entrance.

Staggering inside the sweat soaked scout bowed. "My prince, we found the blockage and it is ill news. A great mass of boulders, fallen trees, deadwood, brush and silt has formed a large dam three miles downriver. The captain wishes to know if we are to attempt a breach and drain the mass or ignore it, he also warns that due to the nature of the mass... Excess water is draining over the top and any such attempt at removal would be quite hazardous if not fatal for those involved. Slaves would be required, many."

"Noted. Return to your captain and inform him he is to return here at once with his forces, no attempt will be made. You may go."

Bowing again the scout departed with a slogging gait and watching them leave he returned to the confines of his ten and focused his attention to the map.

"My prince?"

Halim looked a the noble who had spoken and shook his head. "The army will be crossing upriver, all efforts are to be focused on building a bridge at the location we viewed the other day."

"My prince, it will take many, many days..."

"I know, the lumber is also of poor quality and the crossing of the wagons will be the hardest. But that is the only option left to us for I shall not sit here and wait for the water to slowly drain off."

"And the campaign?"

"Plans shall be adjusted accordingly, we shall make an attempt on the city but if the situation is too dire I shall not risk losing my army for something which is unattainable. Understood?"

"Understood my prince."

Halim ignored them as they filed out or sent off couriers with their orders. "This campaign ended the moment it rained, so many contingencies planned for and even the rain had been taken into account but not something like this. A swollen river that never existed on a side road we had to take in order to avoid other complications... No matter, new plans have been drafted and this will not have been for naught. Still, the others did not need to know yet, it was best to keep morale up by keeping everyone focused and make the logical detour at the appropriate moment and then explain the new plan then, as it would be more readily accepted."

"Curse this weather." Halim looked outside and up at the clearing skies a moment. "And curse whatever is up there that allowed this."

Khada stared across the invisible border that separated them from their final stretch. Behind them was the distant graveyard of the Tebasi and to their front laid their own, yet to be dug but ready to accept their blood regardless.

"Make good time." Nyah nodded.

"Yes... Good time... Now we rest, cross and be in that place we told to raid."

"Isibuso not come for many day now, far, far behind. We go before he have chance to say "stop" hmm?"

Khada nodded. "Yes. But have... Bad feeling."

"You hear rumor of this kingdom we attack?"


"That why you have bad feeling, give me bad feeling."

"No." He shook his head. "It not that. Maybe rumor are... What is word?"


"Yes, that word. Make thing seem bigger than is but not all true... Not matter now. It not that which make me have bad feeling. Something else, think we making bad mistake if not careful. Very bad. Not just bad for us, but bad for all Sebanwi at home."

Nyah shrugged. "As you say fathah, it no matter. We here, they there. We go there." She motioned into the distance. "Or die here." She stamped her hoof lightly. "All bad choice."

Khada stared at his daughter with a degree of worry, she was already becoming somewhat like him. She was giving up more often but still had a fierce and independent streak that he hoped she would always keep. As he looked at her though he wondered if it would survive whatever doom awaited them.

"We see Nyah, we see."

Khada turned away and walked back to his sleeping spot and after trying to quiet his fears, closed his eyes to rest and with any luck, sleep.

Verik walked back to the hut with his little band in tow as they quietly muttered to themselves now and then while passerby stared at them curiously. Things were going well, the walls were almost up in a few key places but there was still just far too much to do and he knew it would take years to accomplish at this rate. Thankfully enough material was easily collected as it simply laid about and some construction had gone far faster than planned while others lagged behind. It was the complaints that were aggravating though, not the stalling out of the projects. Lost huts, dugouts and lean-to's had angered a great many and now they were hounding Tendaji to death about being given new accommodations. Things were not going fast enough and everyone knew it, once the rains hit everything would come to screeching halt which might happen anyway, but thanks to tools wearing out and a severe lack of replacements and materials the locals were getting antsy again.

Promises of better housing fell on deaf ears as a promise would mean nothing if they slept in the heavy rains that were coming. He understood their concerns but there was nothing anyone could do about it, but the desperation was peaking at dangerous levels as everyone went to ground before the monsoon hit. Already some were arguing in favor of simply raiding across the river for materials and damn the consequences since the Wete now had grown quite easily to more than ten times their old number. Weight of numbers might be a deterrent but everyone also knew that a lack of weapons would mean more of a bloodbath as anyone who fell would be looted immediately, he did not want to see a miniature Stalingrad take place as there would be immediately and violent repercussions to any raids.

Other complaints were trivial and drowned out though, the roads had been narrowed so that only one wagon at a time could pass and in some areas it was downright impossible for Zuberi's wagon to pass now. Zuberi had been quick to point out that if the roads narrowed any more than they already had he would no longer be able to get in or out, but then in the same breath changed the topic to how all the extreme use of his "wagons" had worn them down and he was holding "him" personally responsible for it. Verik remembered what he had said to Zuberi and smirked, not that it had worked but because the insult had gone over his head. Zuberi knew he had been insulted though and that was enough but Tendaji had barked at everyone to be quiet as there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Taxes had been brought up and after looking at the fields from one of the finished walls they could see how much fruit the canal had born, and it was a marvelous sight to behold. Tendaji, Zuberi and Sefu began arguing almost immediately about how many fields would be stripped by the collector, how many would remain, seed for next year, eaten, lost to varmints, wildlife, general disaster and so on. He did not really care though as no matter what he had been promised a portion and Tendaji had begrudgingly acknowledged this and remarked that he would not go back on the deal even if others starved. Sefu had just shook his head and waved Verik off as the argument continued with Zuberi who was more worried about being able to sell enough to make a profit from the smugglers. Profit which was important for metal imports for tools, while Sefu just wanted to be certain everyone had something to eat.

Still, it had been enlightening. The tax system was quite simple but brutal, the Wete would lose a great chunk of what they had grown and near as Verik could tell the tax rate was somewhere beyond the quarter mark. It explained why everyone was either starving or fit as a fiddle, there was nothing to get fat on.

"It will be very messy work! Right captain? Captain!"

"Hmm?" Verik turned as they reached Asha's hut and stared at Altayih.

"That this tar collection is going to be very messy work and impossible to hide."

"Of course it is impossible to hide, thats why we are admitting to it but not the end purpose. Come on, lets get ouf of the damn sun."

Asha was already inside and setting things out as they filed in and sat down, tonight was another "community pot luck" dinner as things had to stretch again. Manna was another mouth to feed but Altayih had found her quite handy when it came to cleaning fish, he would just stab one, toss it to her and she would eagerly scale, gut and wash it before putting it aside.

"Time." Shahid stared at them.

"Time will be no issue, Tendaji now owes us some time off to "rest" or "assess" the situation. You two will be on the "rest" end while I will be doing assessments and adjusting things."

Altayih raised an eyebrow. "We do all the work while you stand around looking self important?"

"No." Verik shook his head. "It means I am going with you to see the tar pits because I "just want to see them..." Sefu will show us the way, we will collect as much tar as we can and then bring it back. Wont take to long though, we are not exactly harvesting enough to burn down a city."

"Why you want black sticky anyway?" Asha put a larger pot in the firepit. "Smell horrible and not want it in hut."

"Well... Lets just say that if we have to make a hasty exit from certain locations in the future, being able to throw oozing stuff that is also on fire... Which tends to get all over someone and everything it touches tends to make their buddies less interested in chasing you less they get turned into an equine matchstick. I imagine just seeing a bunch of flaming matchsticks running around howling in agony would deter most. We need pots though, big ones."

"Have one pot you can have but save others." Asha pointed to a large, old pot.

"We need more than that, about one each. Are you going to come with us Asha?"

"Yes, want to see what you doing."

"They will not miss you from your work detail?" Altayih took the fish which had been wrapped up in an old cloth to keep flies off from Manna and handed it to Asha before trying to pry her off. "Go help Asha."



Asha stared a moment before walking over and patting the fillies hands she unhooked her from Altayih and took her to the fire-pit and had her assist in making dinner.

"Captain, that sounds like a great deal more than what I assume is needed for a... Fast escape." Altayih sat down and rubbed his leg.

Shahid let out a small laugh. "Where we go? Maybe not enough fire pot. You know what that place like, no lie and say not understand."

Altayih gave Shahid a leering smile. "Burning down the whole damn city will be highly counter productive."

Shahid just shrugged as Verik stared at them blankly. "Thats enough, but it not just for that, we might need more later and I want to make certain we have enough to cover ourselves over the course of several... Lets just call them "encounters" for now."

"Hmm... Encounters. Sounds fun." Altayih gave him a mocking smile. "I would still implore you captain to not become a pyromaniac, fire may save us from our own fiery end at their hands but too much and they will be more than happy to come after us with a vengeance."

"Not too much, but not too little either." Asha helped Manna drop a handful of dried herbs in the pot as they watched.

"What Asha said is the answer." Verik nodded at his wife. "We need to use just enough at the right time. Besides, it should take only one or two small pots to deter any furry pursuers."

"Yeesss..." Altayih grimaced.

"Fur burn good, smell very bad." Shahid nodded.

"Asha? Do you know anyone who would "donate" a few pots? We need big ones for bringing it here and then little ones about... Yay~ sized?" He motioned with his hands. "For filling later on."

Watching Manna for a moment she stared and hummed. "Sibi help, big family, always have old pot, that how I get some pots. Maybe ask Jelani and Sefu... Can think maybe two others I ask. Always ask Nuru for pots, she always have-"

A loud and unanimous "no" filled the hut as the others shook their heads.

Verik laid down on his mat. "Well, tomorrow we will begin collecting tar."

"It was rather touching how the foals objected to your departure captain."

"They can argue with their caretaker then."

Shahid looked at him strangely. "You want to go back?"

"Its not so bad, no Sefu telling you to run faster and farther... No Jelani chewing your ears off about your aim..."

"No gripers hunting you down to complain about housing..." Altayih smirked.

"True. But some will have a roof over their head soon enough now that the south walls are up. Just have to get the new houses built and with all the free hands available due to a mass tool shortage, it wont take very long to get the walls up. Take a good while to get the roves built mind you but at least they can sleep inside a walled up area."

"I suppose that is true captain..."

"Something wrong?"

Altayih hesitated for a time before speaking slowly. "It is just that... Our fortunes have turned around so rapidly-" He glared back at Shahid. "And while they are not exactly the most uplifting turn, I wonder what misfortune awaits."

"You are worried that because you are doing "so well" that something bad has to happen now?"

"In a sense... Yes."

"Then dont worry about it, if we burned up all our collective karma it aint like we can do anything about it."

Altayih gave Verik a weary smile. "That is very true I suppose, but neither can I argue against it."

Chapter 76: Nightmares

Author's Notes:

Dead tired, kept writing and rewriting Khada's part and still not happy with it. If you enjoy the story consider tossing a buck in the hat over on my Patreon.

"How innocent is a nightmare? Are they a scream from the soul or a portent of things to come? A message gifted upon the few as a warning. Perhaps it is a call to another warning them to turn back from their present course less a great darkness swallows them whole? Mayhaps it is a curse? Or perhaps they mean nothing at all if one ignores them. A simple truth remains: dreams can be granted by any power for whatever purpose they desire, be they beings of good... Or evil."

Tasid walked slowly with a slight stagger down the palace hallway, he felt just a little tipsy after the amount of wine he had consumed but it had become his venue of escape during the day.

"If I can not escape in body, I shall escape in mind."

His words were mumbles and somewhat slurred before suddenly staggering slightly, stopping for a moment he collected himself and stood upright again, he was more used to opium than wine but years of abuse had built up resistance and slowly taught him to remain standing upright while appearing more clear headed than most others despite being completely out of it. Breathing slowly he took a few more steps and after getting his bearings was on his way again but what to do? Having the slaves ride his length did nothing for him, it was just too boring. He could only lightly beat them or engage in other minor activities.

"How am I supposed to entertain myself when I am not allowed to do anything!?"

Stopping to look around he snorted, not a single servant in sight. The entire corridor was empty of life and dimly lit, no guards either, not even the vaulted mercenaries were anywhere in sight. Smiling he sighed in relief at being left alone for at least a few moments, turning around to check behind him he realized his personal "escort" had also gone missing.

"Must have lost them... Best enjoy it while I can!" Walking a little slower and enjoying being ignored he ambled ahead wondering what exactly he could get away with before the prying eyes caught up to him. "Find a- No, no, no... No... He would find out immediately! Perhaps have them- No... Damn him!"

Mind bouncing from one hazy possibility to another he hurried onward, at least he was "out of sight" and could make them scurry after him for once. It was a nice prospect, especially if he could lose them for some time! What punishments would be meted out for failure to keep an eye on him? Rounding a bend he stepped into the last stretch that would lead him to his quarters but they were pitch black, not a single sconce was burning anywhere in sight nor even a candle.

"Curse you! Having them changing the lights and re-oiling knowing that I was returning! Planned this from-"

His outspoken annoyance was cut off as hands shot from the dark and grabbed him firmly while a thick sack was quickly drawn over his head. In an instant the draw string was pulled tight enough to make him choke as he was tossed violently to the floor, he felt himself being rolled up inside of something before it to was tied off. Thrashing his heads and letting out a cry for help brought only pain as a hand grabbed his muzzle through the bag and a new string was rapidly tied off preventing him from opening his mouth. His captors did not utter a single word as they worked and the canvas bag was too dense for him to see anything as the world began spinning again before with a heave they lifted him up and began running.

"Hid npprs! Hpp! Hppp!"

A swift smack to the side of his head quieted him and his thrashing but still not a word was uttered by his captors. Time lost all meaning as they continued to run through the dark, up stairs, down stairs, around bends, through doors, across what he guessed was an open area as the sound of the muffled thumping of covered hooves became harder to make out. The sound of moving water caught his ears for a moment along with the creaking of wood.

"Where are they taking me!? The docks!? Who are they!? Fareed will have them boiled alive for this!"

No care was given as they continued to carry him and after a few more doors and a long flight of stairs Tasid became worried, they were not going to the docks, but where? He could make out plenty of bright light as they came to a halt and after a moment they unceremoniously dropped him onto a cold, hard stone floor and departed. Shadows danced outside of the sack but one got closer and after stooping over him leaned back.

"Unravel him."

"Fareed?! I did nothing! Nothing!" Hands quickly untied him and once the bag was yanked off his head he stared up at the furious visage of his sultan as adrenaline continued to blast through his veins daring him to make an attempt at escape despite his predicament. "My great sultan! I did nothing! I swear! Nothing! I have beha- I have done nothing to insult you so! Please! What have I done great one!?"

Staring down at him quietly Fareed looked across at the figures dressed in black, gave a short, curt nod and waited as they grabbed him, threw him onto a table and after pulling his arms and legs out to their full, splayed length, shackled him in place and working a few gears tightened the chains which bound his abdomen. Walking around him as a hawk would a trapped mouse Fareed continued to glare down before approaching a nearby table. Moving his hands along its surface Tasid could hear the clinking of metal as he picked out various devices before setting one back down and retrieving what looked like a long, narrow dagger. Walking over to him silently he stared down, holding it and tapping the flat edge in the palm of his hand.

"My lord, alsyd! I have committed no crime so great-"

"When I ordered you to behave, that included keeping your mouth shut." Fareed placed the tip against the underside of Tasid's jaw for a moment. "What part of that did you not understand?"

"I understood! I never spoke in public! Ever! Only to the servants or when you ordered me!"

Shaking his head Fareed rubbed his temple before reaching out and slapping Tasid with the back of his hand with such force that his mouth flew open. "Perhaps I could have been more clear? I believe I was. To keep your appetites to yourself? Yes I was quite clear."

"I do not under-"

Another smack rang out. "That includes keeping your little "fantasies" to yourself. Do you understand now?" Tasid looked confused before panic swept his features. "Ahh, you do know! Did it never occur to you that my guests would also be spying on me? On my servants? That they would be looking for leverage? Yes? No? Egh... It is as if I am speaking to a brick wall."

"My deepest apologies! I shall make amends!"

"Yes, you shall." Fareed traced the tip along Tasid's body as he walked towards where his legs stuck out. "But not before understanding fully your crime. Lets begin shall we?"

Tasid began shaking his head but a single look from Fareed and nodded slowly. "I appo-"

"Slap him for me... Thank you Majnun. Yours is to listen and not be heard. Understand? Good. I had a most unwelcome and unpleasant visit from a certain dignitary, a princess no less! She overheard one of my servants, a noble at that... Fantasizing about her and how he planned to dress up one of his slaves as her and no doubt rape her, so on... Most likely to death considering the individual in question if given a chance. Now, after such a slight heard by so many witnesses? Including! That you even tried to touch her physically against her will! Do you deny this claim?"

Tasid neither nodded nor shook his head but looked on in terror.

"I assumed as much." Fareed thoughtfully patted the sharp end against Tasid's left hoof. "To be honest, I would not be so... Angry? With you on any other day but you utterly ruined things. She lodged a formal complaint, quite vocally mind you and with no shortage of witnesses including two of my own advisors she was unaware of at the time that witnessed your little display, both of whom lodged their complaints first. Which, mind you, is well within both their and her own rights as granted and Nawra summarily used this little incident to attempt, poorly though, to blackmail me into concessions with Labrad. I handled matters and managed to whittle her argument down to something far more acceptable which was in all truth probably what she had hoped for..." Fareed shrugged. "On the grand scale of things it means absolute nothing though, but to you? To you it means we are here." Fareed stabbed the blade into the table.

Fareed gestured to his surroundings. "Welcome to my dungeon. Ohh dont look so sad, you will not be staying with my most gifted and uniquely talented servants for long, though I imagine they wish you would..." Fareed looked at Majnun who was grinning ear to ear. "Which can always be arranged. Tasid, you embarrassed me, cost me my efforts in several areas leaving me few other options, forced my hand in signing a treaty that I was unprepared to accept at the time but had little choice in doing so! And!" Fareed pulled the blade free and placed the tip firmly in the region he was searching for and began fishing around with the tip for his target. "Made me do this."

Finding his mark Fareed pushed down slightly against the nerve cluster making Tasid let out a mare-like shriek. Twisting the tool slightly the shriek turned into a loud, sobbing whimper causing a few in the room to smirk but none more so than Majnun who had become giddy. Fareed however looked down in utter contempt and disgust.

"I do not delight in this Tasid, it is most... Distasteful! And though this is a most revolting thing I must sometimes do as sultan... To my own nobility, you can rest assured that I take no pleasure in having to set my nobles right. I expect them to obey, follow my laws and see that my will is carried out. To have to punish one of noble birth whose family has long , long served me with distinction and great loyalty, whose family was also granted a city no less! It is a black mark against my name, but it must be done."

Fareed pulled the needle like tool up and watched as it slowly slipped free. Looking at the slightly bloody dagger in annoyance and disgust Fareed passed it quickly to Majnun who eagerly accepted it with a smile and bowed head. Glancing down at his hands as if they were covered in filth while Tasid continued to sob Fareed quickly walked to a waiting servant who had a bowl of water and towel prepared. Washing his hands and holding his hands out as another servant dried them he turned around again with a less furious look on his face, one of even greater annoyance had replaced it.

"What a waste of fur and blood... I knew your parents and thought of them as good, loyal servants, truly deserving of their rank if not for their... Proclivities for sloth and truly bizarre rituals. Why could you not have taken after them? No matter. What is done is done. My guest shall leave in the morning bound for her homeland with full honors and other things as an apology..." Fareed sighed. "But not without a certain parting "gift" that should help things along." He walked back to Tasid. "Now! What to do with you..."

"I am sorry my sultan! I am sorry!" Tasid sobbed the words out and as Fareed watched him he knew they were honest and true enough.

"You are past the point of saying "sorry" but you will not die today. Your night will be spent here with my specialists to entertain you, as you apparently did not have enough as it was. Do not pretend otherwise, even keeping you where I did the noise was... Irksome, though I must say the beatings kept you quiet afterwords. No, you will live, for now. Enjoy your night here and they shall make certain you truly understand what it means to say: "I am sorry."

Walking closer and reaching down he grabbed Tasid by the mane and yanking his head hard to the side Fareed leaned close and whispered. "Understand this you little stain! The assassins may be waiting for you when you return home or perhaps you shall die of old age first! Whichever happens will be at my discretion and based entirely on how small you can make yourself in the days or years to come!" Banging Tasid's head against the table Fareed stepped away and cringed again while looking at his hands. He held them out for Tasid to see. "Just look at what you make me do... Servant?"

Fareed washed his hands again and when he was finished, looked back to Amultawi and Majnun. "You have your instructions, you may begin. Oh! Tasid, you will leave in the morning by ship. They will deliver you directly to your home at Iuny but they are also under orders to make certain you do your part to help them get there faster... You will join the galley slaves in rowing the ship. Should you resist or fail they are to tie rocks to your cannons and throw you over the side, a terrible "accident" you see. No one will miss you. No one. If you ever want to see your little..." Fareed struggled with the word. "Fuck slaves again in this world, row with all the passion and intensity you can muster. Pass out on your oar if you must, but row and row hard for your life depends on it. Carry on."

Walking up the stairs with Xerin in tow the mercenary general listened to the first sobbing scream that echoed up followed quickly by the soft, sweet cooing of Majnun as she whispered to Tasid. Shaking his head he waited until they were out of earshot before speaking.

"My sultan?"


"I do not mean to be rude nor to overstep my bounds but-"

"I have already compiling a list of suitable replacements, he has worn out his usefulness today but... To promote anyone to his seat now would be a slap in their face, it would be a demotion and not a promotion. It makes matters rather difficult because of how run down Iuny is and it is hard enough to find nobles who are, how shall I put it... Able? No matter, if he acts out even once then his temporary usefulness of at least occupying his position has ended. He shall remain at Iuny and keep the seat warm until more pressing matters are handled, after that he will simply "vanish" and that shall be the end of it."

"Yes but that is not what I was referring to, truth be told I still believe it better to just chuck him in the river and be done with it."

"You mean the princess? The situation has been handled and if I may not have my satisfaction in one regard I and others shall take it in a different manner, she is not as well loved among the more important circles. Still, it would have been more agreeable to have her sign the documents I had prepared rather than what we agreed to in the end."

"I see..."

Fareed let out a low grumble as they walked. "This whole thing has spoiled my appetite and I have not eaten since my meeting with her... Curse that little imp."

"Perhaps some wine and fruit while relaxing in your chambers will sooth the feathers he has ruffled."

"Ruffled? Xerin, he has done more than ruffle them which is, and coming from him no less... Quite the feat. But, to outright kill one of my own nobles without a ready replacement of suitable rank at this moment would bring too many questions and doubts. One can not simply kill a noble out of hand, especially after they have made a scene. Therefor, I must take my little acts of revenge when and where I can at such times."

Xerin sighed. "Your will be done my sultan."


Khada walked through what was left of another burned out husk of a village, everyone was long gone one way or another and all that remained were the ruins. Peering into one of the burned out husks of what had once been a hut he saw only burning cinders and shattered pottery. Turning away and walking further he wondered how many times they had done this, sack a village, move on, sack another, move on... An endless cycle that only abated once in a while when they were sent home to rest or gather more fodder for the kings fires. As he walked a wall caved in and stopping to watch the embers rise high into the air as the building collapsed in on itself Khada quickly closed his eyes and turned away.

Home, these buildings had been the homes of many others, they had done no one any great wrong save for having existed and yet they burned. But as they burned, so did he. His soul burned away a little more with every act as did that of his daughter and tribe. How many more homes would burn? How many more would suffer or die at their hands because they always did as they were told? Obeying their orders for the sake of surviving just a little longer at the expense of something far more precious that once lost could never be retrieved. Was it worth it?

Passing by more burning wrecks of huts his legs were almost too heavy to lift, dragging his hooves forward one at a time while blocking out the world around him he felt his hoof snag on something. Pulling forward, up and over the obstruction he felt it quickly shift and latch onto him just above the hoof and squeeze. Eyes narrowing quickly he looked down and automatically smacked his shield down to knock away the hand of whatever survivor was impeding his movement, but as he stared down frozen in place Khada realized there was no one grasping onto him. There was no body to lash out against, only a limb reaching out of the earth and holding fast. Kicking against the blood soaked appendage with his other hoof harshly the hand did not relent and refused to release him, its iron grip holding fast.

Confusion began to well up inside him as he stared at it but the feeling was replaced with panic as it began to pull back into the earth, taking his hoof with it. Slowly his hoof sank into the ground and no matter how hard he pulled against it or tried to pry it off the fingers remained firmly in place. As panic overwhelmed his senses he stabbed his weapon into first the arm with no effect and finally the ground and using it as a support heaved with all his might but it was a fruitless attempt, his leg soon began slipping in faster and faster.

Looking around frantically he tried again but it was for naught, horror quickly washed over him as more hands reached out of the earth and began pulling his body under. Thrashing harder the earth dissipated like smoke on the wind and he felt himself sink rapidly, waving his arms about wildly to grab a hold of anything he could find to save himself Khada continued to struggle wheezing for air, his breaths becoming rapid. An iron taste entered his mouth and in the dim light of the flames he could see the earth had been replaced by a sea of blood that threatened to drown him.

"Nyah! Hae-"

Khada's head sank into the blood for a minute and thrashing hard to get free his head bobbed out for a moment and he gasped harshly for air while struggling to free himself of the deathly grip that bound him. As he stared at the flames again one last time he knew no one was going to save him, they had left a wasteland of everywhere they had been. Any who may have aided them had been burned away and forgotten, they had become ashes on the wind.

He was alone.

His thrashing stopped and with a yank the hands began pulling him under again but as his neck began to disappear into the blood a ghostly visage passed from the corner of his vision, it was impossible to make out but just a glimpse of the shadow was enough that it made his blood turn to ice.

"Are you here to claim me?"

As the thought passed through his mind he saw something else from the corner of his vision, but as he turned his head hands reached out and prevented his attempt to look at the object. He caught only a slight glimpse before the hands violently pulled him under, claiming him forever but he knew what the thing was, he had heard stories of them but never in his life laid eyes upon such.

Closing his eyes and holding his breath less he drink deeply of the blood that surrounded him and willed himself not to open his mouth, he would drown in blood but not so long as he could force his jaws to remain shut. It was his own doing, he had done nothing to stop the destruction and a price had to be paid. How many lives had he destroyed in his lifetime alone?

Agony washed over him as the hands began digging into his body, the fingers feeling more and more like sharpened claws with every passing moment. But as the pain grew he knew that if he would only open his mouth just a little and willingly tasted the elixir of life itself the pain would stop immediately, he would be spared. Accept what he had done, embrace it.

"No, enough blood!"

But it was impossible to say no, so many lives depending on him butchering whomever he was ordered to and if he failed they to would add their blood to the ocean he was drowning in. Even now he marched to bathe the land in blood, to destroy all that others had worked so hard and suffered to create for themselves. He was going to destroy countless lives.

Continuing to will himself to his slow and painful fate Khada felt himself become subject to the claws once more, they ripped and tore at his flesh but he did not die. More thoughts crossed his mind, to just relent. Obedience and absolute piety would be rewarded as both were a virtue, but such thoughts were forced aside. There had to be a way out, some way he was not seeing, but what? Eyes still forcibly closed he felt another wave of agony wash over him and clutching his fists tightly while holding back a pained scream he realized his weapon was still in hand. Such thoughts were foreign though but this was an extraordinary situation. Calming himself a little he tested to see just how hard the hands were holding him in place and finding a small amount of movement he rotated his hand so the sharp end of the short spear was aimed inwards. With a violent heave of his arms Khada drove the tip into his chest but the hands pulled taunt stopping him from doing any further harm to himself.

Struggling with all his might was not enough to budge his arm any further but with a heave he pushed his chest out and made it sink deeper. Pierced by his own weapon Khada felt the hands let go of him and he could feel himself sinking deeper and deeper, pulled down by an invisible force that had swallowed him whole.

"Neveh give in, find way. End this!"

But he had, more times than he ever wanted to count and he knew it as the truth seared itself into his brain as an unrelenting tidal wave of memories. Was it wrong? He had obeyed his betters, powers that knew better than he. Or was it a lost cause? Had time and experience so poisoned him to other possibilities that every door had been thrown shut by his own hand? Had every bridge been burned? Would anyone offer him an exit now or was this blood drenched horror that tormented him simply the fate he deserved? Maybe he was too far gone to be worth saving now and what he had seen was just a wild hope, a childish wish. What power would dare to accept him for what he had done? But, there was one, waiting, eager, happy to embrace him with open arms as a long lost children, a lamb left to wander on its own for far too long. All he had to do was accept, to kneel before it.


One word and his challenge was accepted as the blood began to boil violently while the grasping hands suddenly vanished and left him to the embrace of something else less forgiving, the heat seared his body with agonizing pain and made his former torment seem like childs play by comparison. He could not help himself now, the agony was so extreme as his fur was seared off, his flesh boiled, melting and blistering violently while his nerves screamed so harshly that he finally opened his mouth and let out an agonizing howl of pain.

Hands fought over him as Khada's eyes snapped open and voices filled his ears, springing to his hooves in full panic he lashed out with his dagger and swung so hard one of the chieftains narrowly avoided being slashed while anothers shield was slashed in half as they swung it around to protect themselves. They all backed away from him as he stood wild eyed, panting, shaking and weapon stretched out daring the shadows to intrude on him, but they did not. Only various degrees of worry and fear greeted him as his audience stared back at him as he dared each one in turn to twitch.

"Chief? You okay now?"

Khada patted himself down with one hand, dagger still held so tightly in the other his knuckles and muscles were bulging through his fur. The searing pain lingered on but was slowly dissipating and taking a long, shaky, deep breath Khada sat down again and stared off into the darkness. It was not long till the sun rose and as he sat silently, ignoring everyone around him as they doted over their chief he stared ahead, waiting. As the sun slipped up on the horizon projecting a blood red sky he closed his eyes hard again trying to forget, but he could not. It remained, the pain, agony, fear, all of it. Nothing quelled it.


His daughters voice made his eyes snap open again and staring at Nyah he could see she was taken back by his appearance.

"You okay now? Thrashing in sleep, then scream in pain! Wake everyone!" Nyah began to reach out but stopped quickly. "Still shaking..."

Looking down at himself he could see his fur and limbs all had an involuntary shake or twitch to them and no matter how much he focused on it he could not stop it.

"Runner come to, before sun up."

Khada ground his teeth a moment. "And?"

"Anotha' success. Most fleeing long, long befo'h we come. Plan working good. Not much loot, but some food, enough to keep running. Also big, big place ahead. Big walls. We well inside they border now and close to important road from south to north on map you draw. Long way to go, but we make good time, better than thought."

"We-" Khada tried to ignore the pain which still lanced through his body. "Go around."

"Tell Isibuso?"

"No! We are... What is words? We is past point of no return? No go back now. Too late."

"Think it not so hard to run round this place, maybe they kill Isibuso when he come though, make everyone happy. Rest till he come though or?"

"Go now, no run though. Walk. Rest legs for when need to run."

"Always hide..."

"No! We need keep moving, must keep moving. Slow, fast, slow, fast. Stay ahead Isibuso but think things get more dangerous now. Go." Khada waved the cluster off but they all hesitated. "Say go you go! Go!"

Khada swung his arm out as if to banish them from his presence and slowly they retreated away from him in order to carry out his instructions. Nyah had not moved though, she was still squatting a short distance away and as he looked at her the memories flooded back and a deeply worried expression came over her face.


"Nothing. Go."

Watching Nyah go Khada held out one hand and stared at it as the shaking continued, his fur was still standing upright in many places but he could feel the shaking fading away. Clutching his hand into a fist he stood and stared out across the encampment before taking another shaky breath, this was far from over, he knew that. But it was not the task ahead that now terrified him, it was the dream and the warning it held. What scared him though was not the nightmare that tormented him but something else. Placing a shaky hand to his chest Khada looked down and could feel his heart pounding madly in his chest, but, something felt like it was missing now. In the place of any warmth all he could feel was a chill passing through his hand. Something was slipping away rapidly like sand between fingers and he felt terrified as his hand slowly formed a fist and it would take very little to tip that delicate balance. As he sat there shaking he stared at the camp and looked north pondering his nightmare and what it meant, the pain was too real as were the images. Pulling his hand away and grasping his knee he felt his heart rate accelerate a little, there was no way out. He knew what he had to do and the cost it would entail on others but there was no other hope in sight, but no matter how he tried to convince himself that what he was planning remained the proper course of action it made him feel sick and touching his hand to his chest again he closed his eyes again, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make if it freed his tribe and daughter but no matter how he tried to justify it, the feeling never waned.

He felt cold inside.

Nuru's sleep was troubled, a steady war chant was always at the edge of her hearing but it was mixed with a dull thrumming of a great mass of hooves that seemed to get closer only to fade away when she focused on it. Standing in the dark, foggy shroud that surrounded her no amount of willpower or incantations was enough to do more than make the fog swirl and move. Walking did not seem to help either, she was well aware of her dream state but never since she was but an initiate had she been unable to control its course.

"This not dream... Vision." Nuru looked all around including up at the sky but all of her vision was swallowed up by the fog. "Speak! What want? Who you? Why you come?"

There was no answer but she could feel the eyes watching her but always out of sight which was unusual. When the spirits wished to grant a vision they had a most unique way of doing so and as she had aged they were more than willing to do so while she was awake. Waking visions had become the norm, little tidbits of information here and there, some serious, others more whimsical, less focused and without any real driving purpose. Almost a joke in a way, a tittering laugh on the wind showing what might or could be. Such visions were always a source of great amusement to her and Subira who had recently learned to tap into them, they were a source of constant laughter and joy but also great sorrow and worry.

This place though, this place was not the work of the spirits and something far more powerful and dangerous loomed in the shadows.

"What you want?!"

Nuru continued to turn in place before muttering a small prayer while gripping her staff glared harshly and walked towards the fog. As she touched it the fog swirled, froze and pushed back. Putting her hand out she continued to mutter words and pushed against it again and felt it slowly give but only just. Patience running out Nuru leaned on her staff and closing her eyes recited a much more ancient prayer and lifting her staff pointing it out while stabbing at the fog. This time it began to part but something had changed, what had been the feeling of being watched by many eyes and the eerie feeling of very powerful presences had been replaced by even more. She could feel power coursing back and forth in the mists as they fought and swirled against each other violently but unseen.

One was trying to obscure and hide, the other pierce the veil.

Trudging forward and fighting against the fog Nuru slowly made her way through as it tried to push her back but the farther she went the harder it became, the duel of wills grew until it became hard to focus. Refusing to relent she forced one hoof in front of the other and struggled onward slowly but steadily as dull lights came into view, doubling her effort and struggling harder she tried to forcibly pull herself free of the fog and emerged into a scene of chaos laid out below her.

It was impossible to make anything out, the powers that held sway over this vision refused to relent in their battle causing things to skip violently as she stared downwards trying to make out what was happening. Shadowy figures flooded over the land sweeping everything before them and swallowed the fields like locusts. Things and places burned though she could not make anything out in particular, but as the locusts continued to swarm ever onwards, they pierced through one settlement after another. They swept everything before them and over the ridges, hills and through the valleys at will. No one stopped them, they were to busy fleeing. There was no great race at first however, only a steady wave of destruction wherever they touched. However, their speed was growing more hurried and seemed almost driven to greater heights the farther they went.

Her vision blurred as the world around her shook violently and in a brief moment of clarity she saw a familiar hill, the locust swarm had struck. Like a plague they swarmed upwards and through the village only now with great urgency while beating down any resistance offered. Some however offered so much it forced them back but they were too many and the shadows swarmed up the roads regardless, it was too late. Blood flowed freely and in dark waves as the resistance died out leaving the rest at the mercy of their conqueror, doomed to be hauled away. And hauled away they were, in long lines they were marched away to the south where they faded away, lost forever. But not all, some were singled out and killed immediately but as to why, she did not know.

This was not just a simple raid though, something about it bothered her, as if some larger and unseen intent loomed just out of sight. A very purposeful movement.


No answer. Nuru tried to focus harder but the vision ended and her consciousness was violently thrust back into her body, sitting upright wheezing for air as if having fallen a great distance she stared at the dying embers of her fire-pit before glancing around her hut listening. It was silent as a grave, the spirits were gone.

Not just a few, all of them.

It was the first time she had ever known the hut to be so silent, even before she had inherited it the hut always hummed with low voices but now all was silent and she found it deeply disturbing. Calling out to them they still did not answer and neither did they return. They had been chased off, a feat which was near impossible save a few circumstances that she did not wish to dwell upon. Something had come in the night to her hut to grant a vision that utterly terrified the spirits or was powerful enough to make them depart, but it had not come alone. Another force had also made the journey to stop them and a battle had ensued and as she sat in the hut breathing she could taste something in the air, it was an odd, almost burned taste. It was like lightning had struck and burned the air but it had struck the hut over, and over, and over again. Yet nothing in the hut burned, and what had been a fairly decent fire to see her through the night had been reduced to embers struggling to take one last gasp before dying.

Glancing behind her she looked at the sleeping form of Subira who had not moved, her granddaughter was untouched and watching her shift before snorting at the unpleasant air Nuru turned her attention back to the fire-pit. Waving her hand over it and muttering nothing happened. Narrowing her eyes Nuru slowly stood and leaning on her staff walked to Subira and tapped her.

"What? What wrong?"

"Up. I go now, you stay, wait, listen."

Subira took a longer breath of the huts air and gagged. "What happen!?"

"Bad things. You stay. Keep door coverings open to let air in."

"Where you go?"

"No worry about that, go to Tendaji is all. I back when get back."

Subira looked at her with a worried expression but Nuru just smiled and patted her head before turning around and leaving. Pushing the rush mats aside and stepping outside and into the darkness she carefully looked around intently waiting, nothing came. Ears still listening carefully despite their advanced age Nuru took a few more steps and froze as the cloth covering Asha's door was pushed aside and she watched Verik for a brief moment before nodding at him.

"Awake early."

"Yes... Asha had a nightmare, first one in a while and I dont know what I had. Woke me up though."

"Hmm... Maybe it nothing."

"Maybe its something? I have been here long enough to know that when two have a nightmare in the same hut and one goes outside and sees you just standing outside, like... Like they are waiting on some kind of boogeyman to just up and jump them from the shadows, namely a certain shamaness, that means something is going on. And it is not a good sign either."

Nuru gave him a small smile that caused Verik to flinch. "Many dark things lurk at night, darker than you know or want to know." She leaned a little closer and despite their distance he leaned back a little. "Things that come in the night, dark, terrible things, tonight they came."

"Are they gone?"

"Maybe. But with darkness came warning, strange..." Nuru walked a little closer to Verik who put his back to the hut. "Wonder why you dream... Asha have nightmare, know this, normal, you here make them go away most times now though. You?" She stared at him oddly before looking at the other huts in the area before quickly returned her gaze. "You come with me now."


Turning quickly the shamaness called Asha's name and when her head popped out of the hut she smiled and called for Subira. "Watch Asha. Asha, you stay in hut with Subira yes? Good." Nuru stared at Verik a moment before turning away and began walking towards the center of Wete as Verik stepped onto the road.

"Where are we going?"

Nuru froze and turned her head, the look in her eyes disturbing. "I say you follow, you follow. Or you want to run away?"

"I am not some little child you can play that trick on."

"Good, then you follow."

Verik remained quiet as they walked, Nuru continued to very quietly mutter words and phrases while glancing around, waiting, listening. As they neared Tendaji's hut they could see other figures moving in the same direction and they all froze at the same time, staring at each other with some confusion. After looking around and being assured that there was no threat they began walking again until they were all gathered outside of Tendaji's hut.

Sefu looked at the motley gathering and a disturbed look was clearly visible on his face as he avoided Nuru's gaze. "You dream to?"

Jelani nodded to Sefu before staring curiously at Nuru and Verik. "What happen? This never happen."

"First see if Tendaji dream." Nuru ignored them and without warning walked into Tendaji's hut and after a long pause they heard something being thumped with a stick. Voices piped up immediately and after a flurry of exchanges she poked her head outside. "Come."

The trio filed inside of the hut quickly and quietly before standing around the fire-pit as an annoyed and worried looking chieftain watched them, but his attention and annoyance centered mostly on Nuru.

"What this about? Not good night."

"Bad dream brother?" Sefu sat down without being invited to do so causing Tendaji to look even more worried.

Everyone parted for Nuru who took a seat closest to the fire. "Many dreams, all bad. Want to hear all dreams but those who no dream must go, except you Tendaji."

Tendaji looked at his wives and children and after ushering them outside and off to anywhere else tossed another piece of brush wood into the fire. They all shared a look with each other, everyone knew how hot it was outside normally but for whatever reason the air held a bone biting chill to it.

"Speak, what this about Nuru? Why you bring all them to my hut?"

"Not bring them, they come on own... Save this one." She gestured to Verik. "Him I find and say come. Also dream. Now, tell me, what you dream?"

"I-" Tendaji looked a little worried and after looking at the others sighed. "Dream not make sense, shadow, much shadow, fog, too much fog. Darkness. Not see..." He stopped and thought about it. "Not make sense! No see but see things. Movement, lots, come from south and move over fields slowly, into Wete and-" He shook his head. "Shut out and try to sleep again until you come and use that stick!"

"See same." Sefu nodded. "At first, all dark, no see or hear then see. But no more, much, much fog, no hear. But..." Nuru narrowed her eyes at him. "Also see something, on road, shadows swarm up road, through. I stab at them, they... Go away, but too many."

Jelani nodded. "Yes, shoot at many, stab other but no stop, shadow move up road but no see you."

Nuru looked at Verik and crooked her head a little. "You?"

"About the same as them, hazy view of things, got into a fight inside the hut, same as Sefu, they just kept coming up the road and fanning out across the village I guess. Asha, she woke up sobbing. Said something had grabbed her by the legs and hauled her off and stabbed her in the stomach. What about you?"

Verik motioned to the spot on himself causing Nuru to give him an odd look for a brief, unnoticed moment before turning away.

"You dream is... Closer. Mine from far above. They come slowly at first from far away then run, many flee but for us they come fast. Very fast. Determined. Not all. Some yes, some no. Slow shadows dance and stay away, other shadows like plague of locust, swarm fast and through Wete."

"Is vision true then? Wete fall?" Tendaji looked half worried and deeply upset. "Crops almost ready! Where we run!?"

Nuru smiled at him. "Not think we able to outrun. Slow ones yes, we outrun easy... Others, we no outrun them."

"We need better defenses then." Everyone looked at Verik who's visage was becoming increasingly hostile. "I lost everything else before and in my vision they just walked in the god damn door and dragged Asha off. Your visions, they just walked in?" The others nodded. "Then we were not ready for them. I dont know how this whole "dream thing" works with you in a world where spirits send messages and warnings but I did not go through all this trouble for some sonova bitch to just take it all away again."

Tendaji let out a troubled sigh. "So we what? Wage war? Challenge them?"

"No, your still stuck thinking about the old ways, this is not some tribal war with ritual, this is flat out total war. The kind of war you, Sefu, described to me as what Fareed engages in."

"Fareed attack us?" Jelani looked at him quizzically.

"No, if that bastard wanted us dead I dont think we would be talking right now. He certainly would not wait this long, besides they came from the south so... I dont know, whatever is to the south attacks us."

"Only thing to south is Mjesani, Iuny, Miwani... Other small places, many, many tribes." Sefu shrugged. "But which one?"

"Maybe none?" Verik returned the shrug. "Nuru?"

"Think they come from far, far away. From place we never hear of or see, far to south."

"Is another kingdom invading?" Tendaji rubbed his forehead in frustration. "If this big invasion maybe we cross river and take chance with other tribe attacking, take their land and make Wete land."

"Cross with what?" Nuru glared. "Wete have one raft."

"Make more raft."

"Think they follow anyway."

"Burn raft after cross. Set many brush fire."

"That only mean more destruction, it not solve anything."

"Make them no chase us."

Nuru shook her head as Verik watched and after a moment shared a look with Sefu and Jelani who slowly nodded.

"We fight."

"How?" Tendaji glared at Verik and waved his arms around. "Few weapon! No time to make! Have many good idea to help defend Wete but not ready yet. Need much time more."

"No, not really..."

"What you mean?"

"If this is as big an invasion as Nuru says then I dont think Fareed is going to sit on his ass and just ALLOW them burn their way across his kingdom. What little I have seen and know now tells me he is far too... Egoistical and power hungry to allow it to happen, if they take everything his image will shatter. No monarch can just permit an enemy to roll over them and then just walk away anyway. If they are coming this far north then a warning will be sent out from Iuny and Mjesani immediately warning them of the invasion, I have no idea about where his army is if he has a standing army but he sure as hell is going to spin them around with such haste it would make heads spin and force march them right to our doorstep to destroy the invaders. No one attacks him willy-nilly and just walks away without one hell of a fight."

Sefu shook his head. "They long gone by then, distance too great."

"As much as I hate to say this... I dont think we will just outright win this battle if what Nuru says is right. All we can do is just drag the battle out for so long that it buys time for Fareed to act."

"What if he no act? Maybe he no come here?"

"Then he risks losing his entire eastern border to someone else including Iuny. Not a big loss I imagine but it would pinch his kingdom and invite everyone around him to invade for showing weakness. As for coming here... No, I dont believe for a moment he would even consider it worth his time unless a whole army is standing in front of us, then he would show up only because they were here and not somewhere else. Just the threat of him coming down on them will probably be enough to break them, but as I figure..." Verik stared at Sefu. "Fareed will take the main road from Alzamard to Mjesani and then east to Iuny, it would be textbook, secure the most important locations and then destroy them from behind. A river to their east blocking retreat, no ports under their control... If they move north the river outside joins with that huge one up north and would trap them in a corner in they could run that far."

Jelani raised an eyebrow. "Seem know much of these things."

"Just books, videos, so on. Its what any sensible army would do anyway, unless there is some major city or town out here I do not know about."

"Towns yes, no city."

"Then he will ignore us and secure his cities first, its logical. We just need to hold out long enough for him to scare them into abandoning the siege less they want to be surrounded and wiped out."

"Oh? And how much time we buy with lives?" Tendaji stared and waited for a moment. "Day? Days? Weeks?"

"As long as it takes. I have no idea, never been besieged in my life but I know a thing or two about it anyway from reading: Unpleasant as hell, starvation, thirst, disease, horrible, nightmarish things happen during sieges but I also know something else..."

"I listening..."

"If they are coming that fast they have no siege equipment." They all raised their eyebrows save Sefu who nodded. "Anyone relying on sheer speed to overwhelm someone cant be hauling around wagons and oxen, as that is all I have seen anyone using... And if they expect to keep up a high rate of speed in their advance? Nuru says they swarmed like locusts, just flew all over the place with great haste, that means infantry. Light infantry, skirmishers. Not wagons. Nothing heavy that would slow them down."

"You believe him?" Tendaji stared at Sefu.

"Yes, maybe? Ladder easy to make, but... They come that fast mean they run and run. Iuny maybe no fall unless Tasid special stupid. Is special stupid but..." Sefu shrugged and looked to Nuru. "They swarm big, big area?" She nodded. "Then Verik right, they no carry big things that throw rocks far way, they come on hoof only. No wagon."

Tendaji rubbed his temples. "How we defend against? Two walls but no enough."

"Well thats... Easier." Verik grimaced a little and after working his jaw around spoke again. "We do anything that will slow them down. Pull up the bridges, flood the canal, all as planned... But we also dig spike pits all over the place, other side of canal and this side to. Collect all the brush trees we can and start sharpening them to spikes, we still have those enormous piles of dirt laying around, only a fraction has been used to fill in the gaps created by the walls. Heap it up, build a massive earthen wall for them to climb and line it with sharp sticks, also those damn thorn bushes that grow all over the place, anything that will prick and prod. Also, we need to collect all those adobe bricks and get the new houses set up, those are natural walls. Build little spots we can shoot from and join it all into one massive wall."

"That is huge area..."

"We only defend what we can reasonably man, section areas off into little defensive zones, one gets overrun we just let them have it and fall back to a new perimeter."

Jelani looked confused. "What is per-miter?"

"You know the area you patrol around here? Same thing but now much, much smaller. We know they are coming so it doesnt really matter as to when so no need for long range scouting. Yank everyone in and focus entirely on preparing. Also put up a palisade."

"Not enough wood."

"Doesnt have to be a proper one so long as it keeps us from getting overwhelmed and keeps them back longer. Oh and tar. Lots of tar."

"Tar?" It was Tendaji's turn to look confused but before Verik could speak Sefu did.

"Burn them. He want to burn them."

"We dig up little channels for the tar and cover patches in it, that way one section wont cause it all to go up and we can selectively burn them out. Namely the south and west road since that seems to be a common focus in the... Visions. Also fill pots with it, mix with chopped straw, throw it at them... Should make the fur burn nicely."

"That very cruel." Tendaji grimaced.

"Cruel times, its that or get wiped out so use it or lose it."

"So we fight then..." Tendaji let out a heavy sigh. "If they no come, then Fareed know and he come for us. Maybe come anyway..."

"Well we can run and hide from Fareed but not this so one step at a time."

"Nuru?" Tendaji nodded at her. "This no game? Spirit no trick? We do, we no go back."

She shook her head. "No trick. Very serious. Destruction come, we no run this time."

Nodding slowly Tendaji looked at his brother who gave a slow nod and finally Jelani who also agreed. "Then we prepare for war. And you!" Tendaji glared at Verik. "You earn keep big now! Say you much learned, ed-cated. Time to prove."

"If only under less dire and eerie circumstances..." Verik kept a blank stare. "Well, its not like if I fail you can get mad, i'll be dead after all." Verik stood up as Jelani chortled at him and after nodding to them he stepped outside while a new argument arose as to how much or how little time they had, all he could tell from Nuru's voice as a series of "maybe sooner, maybe later" was all they got in response.

Sefu called after him. "Where you go? Much to do."

"To talk to Asha and get that "measuring stick" I had made, I am going to need it." Verik left and walking back to the hut quickly stopped and stared at Nuru's hut before deciding to check on Asha first, peeking inside he looked at Asha who sat huddled in a corner. "Hey."

Asha let out a startled whinny that reminded him of a zebra back on the other world for a moment and looking back she calmed down.

"It okay?"

"No... We have problems, very, very big problems, but dont worry about it, already got a plan forming on how to deal with it. You okay?"

Asha shook her head and looked down. "No..."

Walking inside he knelt down beside her and pulling Asha into an embrace he kissed her on the head. "Dont worry about it, I did not come all this way to get laid low by invaders who think they can just terrorize and loot with reckless abandon. Got a lot of work ahead of us though if we hope to be ready for them."

Asha nodded. "Who coming?"

"Dont know, dont care. All I can say is this: we are going to make them pray to whatever dark gods that exist in this world that sent them that they had never set one foo- hoof near Wete."

"Promise? Not want to be taken away."

Verik hugged her a little tighter and kissed her again. "I promise, anyone who touches you will be burned alive."

Chapter 77: Defence Plans

"You can read a million books on how to conduct a siege and also how to repel one. Mighty tomes on forgotten sieges, text that tell how they succeeded, and also failed. But then, the first time it happens to you, all that knowledge suddenly becomes pointless as you lack either the materials, equipment or skill to pull it off. Instead of a perfectly cut and clean plan as the books always show you realize the truth of all the sieges in history: that they were not usually well planned but more a last minute effort by one side or the other after realizing they could not gain an easy victory, a wild eyed event with frayed hair being pulled out in a deadly contest of wills to see who could out last whom."

Asha sat nervously between her husband and Nuru, both of whom were staring so far into the distance despite there being nowhere to look that it made her stomach clench even harder. Looking back and forth between the two as they waited for Tendaji and Sefu to return she fidgeted constantly, fingers working back and forth against each other while her tail twitched now and then before tugging in tighter. Verik had been truthful that his path would bring immense danger but this was not the same, it was more than just some small tribal conflict or an act of war. Something bigger was happening that had nothing to do with either Verik's plans or Tendaji's desire to protect the village.

"What happen now?" Asha patted Verik on his leg, the lump in her stomach having worked its way up and into her throat as the stress became too much to bear.

"We wait until they get back with the others including the work crew lea-"

"No... What ha-"

"I dont know, my plans are unchanged but I wont allow Tendaji to send you out into the fields anymore. Not now. All I can tell you is that I intend to keep you out of harms way, that is the reason why I brought you back with me."

"What about Sibi?"

"If I start to ask for more exceptions it will only cause problems..."

"Yes but... No want Sibi to be caught in field, know that plants need care still and not want her there if they come. When come."

Verik glanced at Asha who was still twiddling her fingers, ears flat and staring at the burned out fire pit. "Sibi works in the fields, as do you. I can force an exception for you quite easily but the work that is about to take place requires strong backs and that rules out a mare who has a very young ba- Foal, to care for while she works."

"Maybe that keep her inside?"

"I doubt it."

"Not want to-"

"Death is coming Asha, it can not be stopped in any way unless I had a tank, which I dont. People are going to die soon be it this week or the next, whenever it happens, it will happen. Blood is going to flow off the hill of Wete and I dont want to upset you but... You need to accept that. We cant run from this, maybe friends will die, maybe not, I dont know. But you, you I can try to save above all others because I can."

Asha stared down at the dirt floor. "Why this have to happen?"

"Look at it this way, following my own plans... Well, someone would come after me or you anyway. Consider this "practice" for the future."

"If live to see then."

"We will."

"How? You see Wete, we no have much to fight with-"

"Tendaji already beat you to that and this meeting will take care of all that."

Asha looked at Verik strangely. "Talking make many weapon appear?"

"Sometimes a good plan is better than a whole host of weapons."


"Stick around and find out."

"Not going anywhere, not want to be in field when they come but... Not want others to be there either no?"

"Trying to save everyone?"

"Want to but..." Asha let out an unhappy knicker. "No good at this!"

"Practice, practice, practice. Besides, I know you have a warning system for calling in the workers so that will help, and another thing." Asha stared at him as he smiled. "Your smart enough to know to stay out of the fields because you know the danger but still care for those being stuck with probably the most dangerous job of all right now. You have a good heart Asha, dont let anyone say otherwise."

"That not help."

Verik pulled her over quickly and patted her shoulder. "No, but it is still true."

Tendaji walked into the hut quickly and raising an eyebrow at Ashas' presence shook his head quickly and beckoned his entourage inside. "Everyone here now? Good, need good plan if survive this... What you call it? Siege? Yes, siege. But why Asha here?"

"She will be staying with me-"

"No, need all workers-"

Nuru thumped her staff quickly. "She stay and help Subira and me, she dream to. Need many to help bandage wounds and this one helpful, learn things quick."

"As wish Nuru, Asha, you stay with Nuru then yes?"

Asha looked at Verik quickly who nodded. "Yes... Stay with Nuru and help wounded."

"Now we plan, all work team leader here."

Verik patted Asha on the back gently as he looked at Tendaji. "We need walls."

"We no have walls but this earth pile you talk of..."

"Earthen walls and palisades, but we need to walk around the village first."


"To see what we can defend and what will be written off as a loss."

"You sacrifice parts of village?!" One of the work crew leaders began arguing with Tendaji almost immediately until he was quieted with a loud shout from the chief.

"Yes, we not able to defend all, so we protect parts instead, move all inside safe place."

"Lets go for a walk then shall we?" Verik stood and did not wait on them as he walked from the hut.

Passing through the village and to the edge of the first wall that had been completed they stopped and stared out over the irrigation canal and fields before finally at the distant wall of scrub trees. Everyone was quiet as they soaked in the immensity of the problems they had in defending so much with so little, but as they stared Sefu pointed.

"They come from south and that way. You want wall of earth, it needed here on roads first." He turned towards the river. "That side of village very steep, make it too hard to climb if build even small wall so it no as important. These sides had gentle slope, easy to attack. South easiest, west next. North rough but enemy still able."

"Alright." Verik looked at the south road. "So that gets sealed up first, but do we leave the bridge or make them fight across it before swimming the canal?"

Jelani shook her head quickly. "No, too far to run... Maybe if they not so many, yes. But if come in large number it suicide."

"Fair enough... We need those bricks though, we need them placed all along this wall here at chest height, no less. Preferably higher. Close to the edge but not on the edge, if they climb the wall or use ladders it will make it much easier to stab them off."

"Not think they climb, easy to attack up roads with shields. If have shields?"

"Towers." Everyone stopped and looked at Verik a moment as he pointed. "Towers? We can build up great heaps of earth and-"

"We know what towers is." Jelani let out an insulted huff. "No long timber though."

"No, but I have an idea about that, we dont need lumber just earth and those worn out baskets. If they are going to charge the road anyway because its easier then why not put up some towers on the edges of these walls so the few archers we have can shoot down on them?"

"Maybe work... But..." Jelani walked to the edge and looked both direction before scowling. "Not good view, need good view. Even above shooting down not good if not able to shoot at them from side. Shooting from side is best and hill not provide good place for that, need very, very tall tower."

"Lets walk and find some places for them if we have time, maybe include them in the second line of defence instead? Tendaji? We could use some fast runners to act as the enemy, see it from their perspective and ours."

Tendaji shrugged and send a local back to gather involuntary volunteers. "We put up walls and make very strong it make very hard to get those in field back. Still need way in and out of village for water, which they no allow us to have. You want big walls but already forget water, no water, we no last but few days then die. No wells here, all outside and low."

"He has a point captain." Altayih pointed to the north west and at the dots that were wells. "But... We now have all those extra pots yes? We can store water."

"No, no..." Tendaji shook his head. "Water not keep long, pot open, no seal. Dirt, bug, bad things get in water, make very sick. Have only few that can be sealed."

"How much cloth does the village have? Perchance you could convince your fellow villagers to... Part with it? Enough to cover the containers."

Tendaji gave Altayih an iffy look. "Have yes but most already gone... Wete not produce cloth things, what have is torn, very bad but maybe work. Still not save water."

"Boil it to kill the bacteria." They stared at Verik oddly as Tendaji quirked his head.

"What is bac-taria?"

"That is what makes you sick, it is in the water. Boil it to kill it."

"Boil with what?"

"We stock up on wood before they come, we need stakes anyway for the palisade so the twiddly bits that get lopped off can be used for fires."

"That make very big pile and they see it..."

"Disperse it in the huts then, everyone is required to keep a supply for boiling water only we do it communally. Nuru would be perfect for it, she is handling the injured and when the "balms" she has run out we will need to boil the bandages and so on anyway."


"Ever seen a wound fester?" Some nodded. "Despite being covered up? Good, that is why you boil the bandages and change them often, Nuru will probably be able to just "cure" the injured at first but as things get worse that will end, besides... I dont think she is going to just waste whatever supplies she has on minor injuries."

"No, I not." Nuru shook her head. "Last time Wete have many injury from raid I make them go home and wash. Say they not have bad enough hurt to make it worth it."

"Fair enough. Alcohol?"

"You want to drink?" Jelani stared at Verik oddly.

"No, for the water. I had an idea, does Wete have alcohol? Strong alcohol, not beer."

Jelani frowned. "No waste food on making drink, already tell you that."

"Not even one jug?"


"Well that rules out that one... Alright, near as we know from Nuru they dont care about the granaries, I think?" Nuru shrugged. "Great, okay... Well Tendaji was right about getting stuck in the fields. We cant just seal everything up. We need to leave a few holes to get in and out of the village."

"That make walls weak, we no have gates but..." Tendaji hummed. "Raft, make raft into gate?"

"The one for greeting the tax collector?"

"Yes. Bring up hill and stand upright, turn into gate."

"One shot use though, once it goes in we cant get it out."

"Good for this road then." Sefu pointed to the west road. "Many, many workers run up hill if they come in daylight and too fast. Need big hole to allow many in, raft side hole allow many to run in. We lift and slide into place, dig pit in road though, so bottom fit into ground, enemy no drag it away. Behind, we lock in place with two... Three logs. Not much, but enough to hold. Take out bridges we make to, that make for gate on south? No have gate on north or east though, just walls."

"One gate should do. So discourage them from attacking anywhere there are no gaps and pray they focus on "breaching" the gate in order to get inside?" Verik waited as Sefu nodded. "Alright, that might work... It would mean they will inevitably throw their focus on the gate though."

"So what we do first then?" Everyone looked at the waiting workers.

"First..." Tendaji pointed to the far hill. "You, take workers and bring all bricks here. Make big piles, here and there... You two, move dirt, use old basket, anything that work still and have teams begin making dirt wall, pile high, very high. Sefu show you where, rest go find wood, need lots." Verik watched the others leave but Tendaji waited until they were gone before looking at him. "And you, explain more."

"Punji pits."


"With sharp stakes."

"That danger to us as keep working, if they come in day some maybe panic and fall into pits."

"Not like the workers will not be warned. We need to cover as much of the open ground as possible with them, best would be to put them on the road leading in if we have the time and forewarning, but I doubt it. I also suggest putting some pits on that hill over yonder..."


"If we hold out from the initial attack I have a sneaking suspicion whoever is leading them will stand on that there hill and stare at us, its a high point. Maybe we can get lucky and they will fall into the pit and solve the problem for us but I doubt it, the pits are only about..." Verik motioned to Shahid's lower leg. "Just enough to let that bit fall in and get stabbed."

"Maybe make them madder."

"Those who are angry do foolish things."

Nuru nodded "True, but how we stop selves from falling in? Many still live beyond wall you want."

"They will have to move here for now, abandon everything but this inner area as we work. The sooner the better to as they will have a chance to get settled while we work rather than it be a last minute shock."

"Be big shock soon when they find out what we doing." Shahid grunted. "Panic make this harder."

Tendaji shook his head. "If panic and run, less we have to protect. Ones who run not help anyway, sneak away first chance."

"And when they return once its all over?" Verik stared at the chieftain who stared back blank faced.

"They no help defend, run away and abandon to die? They no come back, Zuberi make list and they punish harshly then make leave."

"No room for cowardice."


"Well we agree on that then. Tar! We need tar. That should come next to last though."

"Use big jar, once use for tar no use for water anymore."

"Yes but how much will be enough? We need water more than the tar but the tar will be an excellent deterrent."

Tendaji looked at Jelani and both shrugged. "Not know... Want to coat part of south road? Few jars, make many trip though but be enough."

"Well its not just that, I also want smaller, sealed jars to throw at them. A fireball will chase them off for a time but once it burns off they will come back and we need a new, nasty surprise for them, one we can make appear anywhere. We will have to see which is the most practical though as we work."

"Small jar not so hard but also seals yes?"

"Maybe we leave open top?" Shahid waited a moment. "Make easier to set fire, fill with tar-"

Verik piped up. "And a little chopped dry grass, it will help make the supply stretch a little."

"Dry grass, tar, leave top open and use torch to light then throw? Want it shatter and make tar stick to them yes? Then it no matter if top sealed."

"It keeps you from getting splashed."

"Yes but if you make "towers" then they throw from there? Not have many anyway so be careful, take time. Not have proper things and tools anyway so why worry about what not have? So long as it work then who care if not perfect?"

"Just dont spill any on yourself... Right. Your right, we need jars, lots of them."

"Broken ones to!" Altayih was smiling. "You have a significant little pile of broken jars in your village garbage pile, some of the bigger ones if thrown would make rather good bludgeons. Fill the bottom with a little tar, no fire mind you! But just to help... Spread it around? Even without a fire once they have seen the first few lot burn they will be more interested in running than figuring out why they are not burning. Well... Unless we have someone throw a torch at them."

Everyone nodded grimly. "That would work."

"Granted captain, chief... That such would also be next to last as storing those half broken jars would be... Near impossible."

"Need more arrows." Jelani sat on the edge of the wall and stared out. "No enough arrow, some bow, but no enough arrow..."

Tendaji stared at her a moment before looking at the brush forest. "Take all who make arrow with you, collect all you can. Put in empty granary and let store, collect shaft and stone first, we make arrow later. Have enough for now, but no enough for later. Collect much flint, need it make more spear in hurry."

Jelani jumped to her hooves again and left quickly leaving an ever shrinking group on the wall, as they stared out Verik tried desperately to remember everything he had ever read about sieges but it was for naught. Everything required tools they did not have, time, skills, engineers, resources and labor that was drying up rather quickly. There was still so much more that could be done but their lack of tools was severely limiting their efforts before it had even begun. Wete had never in its history tried to withstand a siege and this was entirely new to them, but despite that some were already grasping the concepts rather quickly.

"What else can we do..."

Asha stared at the huts before pointing. "Some huts become part of wall yes? Yes. Then what happen if they climb over hut?"

Everyone stopped a moment to look at her before glancing at the huts that ran along the road, Sefu was still visible as he walked his group along showing where the wall was to be built and sure enough huts would soon become part of the defensive line.

"That is a damn good question Asha..."

"Maybe we put sharp things on roof?"

"Like what?"

"In forest there bushes with big, big thorn, tree with sharp spines? Use them? Put on roof, weave into roof. They climb on roof and get stabbed. Maybe someone in hut with spear? Stab through roof?"

Altayih shrugged. "They will probably just set your huts on fire... Though I suspect at first it will be a most deep and unpleasant surprise for our uninvited guests."

Asha shook her head. "They burn hut, they burn. Then no climb on roof. No roof to climb on."

"Batter in the hut walls?"

"Not know answer to that..."

"If they try and chisel a hole in it will take time and if we have watchers they will be seen. I have an idea, what if we have the wood storage placed along the inside wall that faces out? If they decide to get sneaky they have to move a brush pile first? No... Bad idea, it will mask their efforts and they will just burn it to make a bigger breach... We will just have to keep a few moving from hut to hut checking at all times. Spikes! That will work along the road..."

"You already say dig pits." Tendaji gave Verik an unamused look.

"No, sharp spikes aiming out, so if they climb up they get stabbed, also those sharp thorn bushes Asha mentioned would be perfect, we dont need to build everything we need, just scavenge it and incorporate it into the wall."

Tendaji nodded. "Is good idea... Walls first though."

"Walls first."

Altayih peaked over the wall. "What about when they reach the walls captain?"

"Tendaji? I want that group that has been training to our tactics."

The chief laughed and shook his head. "No."

"I know more about how they are supposed to fight than you and most likely Sefu, Altayih, Shahid, Raswan and Jelani are the only ones besides myself who have any idea how it works. It would be better to have them remain under the command of those who know than put them back into your tribalistic warfare routine."

"No. Sefu know how best they be placed, you outsider, not Wete, maybe give you few but not all."

"It is for the better if they stay as one or two large groups and not be dispersed, they are trained to fight as a cohesive unit and not stragglers!"

"Not defend whole wall otherwise!"

"Your brother already told me that over time your little "tribal training program" has more or less given instruction to no less than half the village to varying degrees. You are in no way without sentries or able bodies to hold the wall even if all they are armed with is sticks and stones. The power of what they have been taught resides in their ability to move together and take down a target as a whole! The enemy will most likely not attempt to just overwhelm everything from all sides but focus their might on just a few locations. Any sane military commander will focus everything on one or two key points and just hammer it to death until they break through, that is where your newly formed unit will stop them. By being there as a whole and if need be advancing at the same time while slamming into them with all the force they can bring to bear and shove them back. If you are worried about not having advanced warning just look around you, we can see for several miles in the direction from which they will be coming. Even if they came in the night the walls will slow them down drastically, assuming we have the time to put them up... Nuru?"

Nuru shook her head. "Not know, maybe they come tomorrow, maybe not... Maybe in weeks? Dream not clear, only know they come."

"We are only buying time anyway, whatever is coming wants US dead and will not back down. All the more reason to focus what little power we have rather than scatter it to the winds, we dont have enough to man the entire proposed wall anyway, that's impossible. Instead we need to keep an eye on them and then when they pop their heads up bring it all to bear and keep them out."

Tendaji stared at Verik with a cold judging stare before looking at both Jelani and Nuru, the first stared ahead without comment but Nuru shrugged before walking off.

"You say they know how to fight as one and as two?"


"Then you take one and Sefu take other, but you obey Sefu."


Tendaji gave a quick nod and the conversation drifted off to other topics including a suggestion of digging as deep a pit as possible directly in front of the earthen wall to give it added height. Shahid then suggested lining that to with sharp objects and as things drifted on the plan slowly but steadily became more solid as the work teams began their laborious task of shifting earth and moon for a first in their tribal history for a unique purpose: fortifying the hill and holding out against a besieging army.

Tasid was unceremoniously hauled along the pier dressed in tattered rags before being dumped in front of the ships galley master who stared at his bloodied and bruised form blankly. Giving a nod to the guards he waited until they were gone before snapping his fingers at Tasid and pointing with his cane to the waiting ship. Two soldiers yanked Tasid upright quickly and once he was aboard they waited as the galley master walked down the length before stopping near one of the oars, after he tapped it with his cane they quickly hauled him over and chained him to his new position before leaving to carry on with their other duties. Sighing and shaking his head the stallion gave Tasid a solid thump on his back with the cane.

"Dont know who ye' are or who ye' pissed off but your my problem now till we reach Iuny, where you are gettin' off. That one in front of yah will show yer shaggy hide the proper way to row, match 'is pace and strokes or I will belt you with my cane. You get fed twice a day, watered thrice. If you have to piss or shit hold it in, you get one a day in the morning and evening but after that suck it up. Now, if you have a little "accident" then its ten lashings while tied to the mast. Oh, and... The captain and myself were told that if you failed to row we were to tie those two big rocks up there , see em? To your legs and dump you off the side. Questions?"

Looking up from his hunched position, the agony of his long, torturous night still thundering through his frayed nerves Tasid stared at the two large rocks. They were already prepared with strong ropes that would hold him fast and were beyond any ability to reasonably chew or cut through before first drowning. Nodding quietly he felt the cane touch to his poorly back again.

"When any of the crew asks a question you answer yes, no or understood."


"Good. We be pushing off soon as the cargo is on, should be at Iuny in about a week if the wind holds, but slave, once we leave the Thriti and turn south it will be hard rowing against the current." He patted him on the head with the cane before walking away. "Should be fun to see how them dainty hands of yours hold out."

Staring blankly ahead Tasid stared at the slave ahead of him who began explaining how to row properly. Unsatisfied with his quiet demeanor the slave turned around and slapped him over the head.

"Listen! I aint taking no ten lashings cause you didnt listen!"


The instructions drolled on and mimicking the motions of the galley slave Tasid obeyed quietly while screaming inside. "I only have to survive, survive and run- No, cant run! Have to make myself irreplaceable, important, useful! He is going to kill me, I saw it, have to make myself important somehow... How?"

"Pay attention!"

Letting out a small yelp as the slave smacked him again Tasid glared and began imagining all the ways he could make them suffer but the shackles around his wrist were a constant reminder of where he now sat in the world.

"Revenge... Yes! Not against Fareed, against that bitch from Labrad... No, cant touch her, that is impossible, what about the other? No, he took her away, sold her... I will find another, many more..."

"Oars at ready!"

Tasid looked up quickly and realized the ship had begun moving, some of the crew had already cast off the mooring rope and using long poles were helping ease the ship at a snails pace into the river. Time ticked by slowly as they slipped further into the river and gripping his oar Tasid waited, there was no point arguing or resisting, it was over. Survival is all that mattered and at this moment that meant keeping his head down and doing as Fareed had ordered him to do: row for his life.

"Oars, out!"

Following the motion of the slave in front of him Tasid heaved the nightmarishly heavy oar out its hole and tried to hold it level but his strength was not up to it. The other slaves had no issues holding them almost perfectly level and as he sat hunched over the oar with all his weight thrown against it the galley master walked past and shook his head.

"Worthless little shit."

Anger burning but tongue held he waited as the commands continued and with sloppy movements began rowing. It only took a few strokes before his back and muscles were screaming but he tried to focus, the alternative still sitting in a pile not far away, waiting.

"Put that oar into the water and row harder!"

A crack rang out and the blow made his vision blurr heavily as the galley master walked past him.

"Have to make myself irreplaceable... Irreplaceable but small... How..."

Nawra watched as a ship slowly rowed away from its distant berth before looking back to Fareed who stared after it with no small degree of satisfaction and hostility.

"Princess Nawra, I hope the punishment that has been meted out is proof of my sincerity."

"Indeed it is sultan, but I shall be going now regardless."

"My offer stands if you would but stay a day or two, I shall make it worth your while. This has been a most grievous incident and I sincerely hope it will not tarnish the good image of my kingdom."

"The reputation of your kingdom is not for a moment in question, you have proven that beyond doubt great lord."

The look Fareed gave her would appear blank to any except a few who were trained in such matters but Nawra could see a dangerous glare hidden in his eyes. "Then all is as it should be, but again I make the offer-"

Nawra bowed quickly. "My great sultan, you flatter me with your offers but I must unfortunately decline them as my yatche is not as grand nor glamorous as your own. There is but only so much space."

"As you wish princess Nawra, you have my leave then and I wish you a smooth voyage home." Fareed snapped his fingers and then stared at the colt Nawra had chosen. "You are now the sole property of princess Nawra, do you understand?" Aaarabisk nodded quickly. "Good. Princess Nawra, farewell and my regards to your family."

Smiling at Fareed she motioned the colt onto the boat before bowing again. "Thank you sultan Fareed. Captain? It is time for us to return home."

Walking onto her yacht Nawra took her position under the canopy and sat down on the cushions prepared by Pijasiros. Watching the crew go about their tasks quickly as they pushed off and into the river she held her breath as Fareed continued to watch her from the pier, but when he suddenly turned away and walked back towards his palace she let her breath out and calmed down.

"What luck that fool speaks aloud, had it not been for him I would have to suffer several more days of this madness! Whatever Fareed was planning matters not now, the other two are gone and..." Nawra looked at Aaarabisk as he stood to one side staring off into space, she felt nothing but pity for the colt. "And this one is now safe, but I can not keep him, not after what Fareed did to him... No, he will be given to the orphanage and with any luck they will make him a colt again and not a... Sex toy. How could anyone do this to a foal?"

"A drink princess? To celebrate your escape from his clutches?" Pijasiros held a tray and stood by her side.

"Yes, but not in celebration, not until we have left this cursed place behind us."

"Tea then?"

"That will do." Nawra accepted a glass from Pijasiros, it was worth quite a sum with its decorations and the profit from selling it would feed a family well for a time. Sipping from it she watched Fareed disappear from sight before smiling a little. "At least one of them is safe and will no longer be tortured." Staring at the colt for a moment Nawra began to think of home again.

"I wonder how many times my brother has tried to dethrone me while I have been gone, and how many more before I have even taken it..."

Author's Notes:

Would have been up yesterday but has a sweeping power outage in my state that lasted several hours. If you enjoy the story consider donating on my Patreon.

Chapter 78: A New Plan

"A testament to the skill of any commanding officer is their ability to make a plan that is effective, concise and easily followed. But, the true test comes when that plan is voided by circumstances beyond their control and the commander must now adapt to the new situation they find themselves in, and the faster they adapt to these changes the more skilled the commander. A wise commander however knows when they have lost and avoids conflict, a wiser one still merely changes their target and proceeds under a new plan."

The sun bore down harshly upon the column of soldiers as they marched at a double quick pace bearing west and north towards their target, rattling of equipment could be heard far and wide as the sound bounced and echoed in all directions. Their hunched and sweaty forms struggled to keep up the rapid pace their prince had set and in the burning heat the toll could be seen on their faces. Wagons groaned loudly as they heaved through the half dried mud and in drier spots the snapping and crackling of the dried clay being battered under hoof sent up puffs of dust that choked soldier, officer and animal alike causing all to cough and wheeze as they marched. Behind them lay the crude bridge that had been thrown up at a low point in the river and it had held long enough for them to pass but only just, and now it was nothing more than a splintered mass floating away into the greater lake formed by the dammed up waters.

Halim did not look back at his soldiers as they hurried forward, the destruction of the bridge had been an unspoken but calculated move. By erasing any ability to go back they could only move forward in the direction of his choosing, there was no longer a line of retreat, he had severed it. Every soldier and officer under his command now knew without being told that the expeditions fortune or folly lay squarely on the shoulders of their prince, their combined courage and finally their ability to obey. The target however was still a distance away and as he surveyed the road ahead his fur prickled a little as another runner came into view. This made three, two were resting for a moment after a long run from the south or enemy capital and now one once more came from the direction of his distant target.

Halim looked them over a moment as they slowed their approach and nodded. "Speak quickly."

"My prince. The road is blocked again, locals have been evacuated along our route and peasant levies raised near as can be gathered. The most forward scouts report the levies are obstructing the roads by digging trenches, felling trees, spiking the road, emptying granaries, burning what can not be taken and..." The scout took a long breath before continuing. "They have begun to resist our efforts to probe their forward defenses."

"They have resisted for three days, what makes this time different? Are they actively seeking us out?"

"Yes my prince, they have begun to ambush the scouts and even attack the larger scouting parties. Not a day ago a levy attacked one of the teams clearing the road in full force, they were driven back with few casualties on either side but they were seen regrouping, but before my departure they were expected to attack again within the hour. As I returned a small band jumped me, I outran them but-" The scout showed where he had been nicked on the arm. "Not entirely without injury. They are showing greater dedication to holding the road."

"Have they an army on this road?"

"Not yet."

"Yet? Is this fact or postulation on your part or that of your officer?" Halim waited for a moment but the confused stare of the scout made him sigh. "A guess, even if it is an educated one based on some degree of fact."

"As you say then my prince."

"And their capital?"

"Only one scout returned, the rest were slain."

"And my other scouts?"

"Most that have been sent towards the capital are missing, presumed dead."

"And their reports?"

"Lost, they were memorized in the event they were captured and there would be no physical papers to capture."

"I had ordered a physical report and not one based on memory which is subject to embellishment... Which is what you were supposed to bring. Not that the other is any better at times."

"Deepest apologies my prince, but the scout leader believed it to be prudent under the circumstances. A physical copy is in hand at the forward unit but my commander is unwilling to risk its capture by the enemy due to the contents, he is holding it until the route is better secured and ordered me to-"

"Yes, yes..." Halim sat and motioned at the second scout while signaling the third to sit and catch his breath. "You may continue."

"The enemy has begun to fortify their capital with all haste, levies have been called upon, runners going west were observed several days ago, the surrounding trench is being cleared with spikes being driven in anticipation of siege. Local wells have been found to be filled in, all peasants have been removed to more fortified positions and put into work details that toil at all hours. Progress is rapid. Number of soldiers in city estimated same, levy doubled in but a fortnight. Watchtowers fully manned, prepared to light signal fires. City towers being prepared to repel siege engines."

"I see..." Halim regarded the scout carefully for a minute, it was possible details had been left out for the sake of memory but those details were important. Without the actual report in his hand much was missing and even more was going to remain unknown until the siege began. His eyes traced to the map on his table and he tapped it quickly before looking at his other scout who had regained their breath somewhat. "You have come directly from this fort then with a report?"

"Yes prince."

"I assume it is memorized as the other?"

"Yes prince."

"Very well then, speak slowly and precisely."

"My prince... I wish to say beforehand that though this is a memorized report, I was present as the events unfolded."

Halim nodded. "Continue."

"They have not abandoned the fort, they have put great effort in repairing any damage from weather or age, the garrison was also increased three fold. Wagons carrying provisions were seen traveling in significant number and departing empty. A spy was sent and noted that all metal smiths were turned to production of arrowheads, spears, other such materials and the fletchers moved to the fort. Coke for the forges was also seen being delivered in great quantity, the smoke billowing from the forts forges was not seen to stop, but I do not know if it has after my departure. It can only be assumed the garrison is one part soldier and will be three to four parts levy. Bricks and oil jars were also being delivered. A few catapults were seen being prepared outside as well as on the towers."

"What of the outposts and watchtowers in the area?"

"All manned with warning fires prepared and ready for burning."

"Father was right, he predicted their actions perfectly but spiking of the road... That is new. They are being too predictable though, acting terrified of my advance but also with a great deal of assurance... These attacks and staying actions are neither panicked nor half frenzied, they are calculated, methodical." Halim looked at their western border and began wondering what had been transpiring with the mercenary raiders. Were they simply confident in their ability to hold out until aid arrived? Or did they know something he did not? It was impossible to scout any further westward than he already had and very, very soon it would be all but impossible to scout ahead of his forces unless it was a reconnaissance in force. With their levies attacking so viciously though...

Looking at the map he examined the roads again and thinking the situation over his father had been right about them holding the marked fortress in the hopes of severing a southerly movement if he "lost" the battle. Their plan would be quite simple and calculated: tie him up at the capital, hold out until the army arrived, destroy him beneath the walls or just after entering the city or if all else failed strike along his path of egress. It was a good plan, simple, effective and did not require a formidable force but it did require one well trained and disciplined to carry out. Levies however, could perform the task of slowing him without issue, and therein lay the problem which was coupled with disastrous weather. They were all vying for time and the battles were becoming far more serious, the largest portion of his own time had been lost by the rain and flood which narrowed the margin for error, something which had become so slim a sneeze could cause defeat for either side.

"Shall I siege their capital? Capturing it is still a simple matter but solidifying my position is the problem. How shall I handle this? A city means garrison to quell dissent, put out fires from the battle, dealing with endless saboteurs and would be assassins. Most will simply lay down and accept things for what they are but those few are the problem and that takes time. Repairs to walls and gates can always wait, but a show of force is required to crush their army as it doubles back to save their lost capital."

The scout continued to wait but made a small coughing sound drawing his attention. "My prince? Shall I return with new orders?"

"No... You, continue to clear the road, scouting is to be done in force and a detachment shall be sent to reinforce the forward units and aid in their efforts. Leave, now you, did you notice any couriers arriving at their fort?"

"Hard to tell my prince with the rush of things but... I can only say, maybe. They were sending out their own and with such numbers coming in any one of them-"

"Did any come from the direct west or north?"

"A few."

Halim waved the scout off and returned his gaze to the map. To the extreme south they had no option but to leave a portion of their forces to square off against the main body along the border but here everything had quickly become very, fluid. How much time was left if any to carry out the plan? By the time they arrived the army would be exhausted beyond measure and while still able to seize the capital it would take days of rest to recuperate. If their opponent arrived in good time and order that would be a problem, if not it mattered not. Defeating them was not normally an issue but if they suddenly appeared elsewhere... Looking at the map more closely he drew a line from the western edge and did what his father had not predicted: that they might allow their capital to fall by sacrificing the expendable levies in favor of building up a greater host elsewhere.

It was in all honesty a novel idea as he mulled it over, one no ruler in their right mind would permit but they had been at war with each other for some time now and had come to know each other quite well. Sacrificing the capital was insanity at its best but not when they also had a prize in mind: him. No one else would or could be trusted with this task and only a fool would think otherwise. He was a known quantity to both sides, a fact, not a fiction. How much were they willing to sacrifice in order to capture or kill him?

No, that was not it. Stopping to lean back a moment to relax in his chair he thought it over again as he considered everything more rationally, maybe it was paranoia or the desire to see an opponent try to outwit his father or himself even once? Was it self aggrandizement to think himself so valuable they would give up a city just to get him? They had provided a challenge in the past but had made a very poor showing of themselves in the last war, had they corrected their errors? There was only one way to answer such a question and that was with a spy, but it would take a considerable effort to contact them at such a dire time yet it was still possible. If the royal family had or was preparing to leave it would tell him what he needed to know, then again their inner cloister could be held for some time against his efforts if they were careful. To do so would trap him in a vice as his enemies poured in on from all sides.

Another tell tale sign was the fort, they were collecting great quantities of food and supplies for a long siege but it was also quite possible they were doing something else entirely: Stockpiling for an army.

Shifting his gaze along the map following the route an army would take after abandoning the western edge of their kingdom his mind raced through the numbers. A direct line from the west to the capital would take far too long and they would arrive exhausted as there was no forts to resupply from along that particular route. However, if they drove hard east along a smaller road they would arrive on top of the fortress in question and then be in a position to march due north to the capital and increase their number from the local levy. Was this their plan? To hold him as long as they could at the capital or even sacrifice it so a larger group approached from behind?

His gut told him something was not quite right, too much was guesswork and not enough facts were in place. Reaching into a nearby pile of papers he yanked out the last spy reports he had received and began pouring over them rapidly searching for the details he needed. Endless drivel, notes, details on garrison numbers, and even more useless details swam before his vision before he finally stopped and flattened one report out. Every side had their underbelly, he was that of his own, the sole heir to the throne. For them it was not so simple, there were several options and but one stood to reason. Looking over the names of departures from the capital a trend formed very quickly including one that went west. As it stood most of the royal family was absent save the queen, a princess and one less than optimal choice for the throne. However, a competent noble remained in their capital no doubt to handle defense.

All the rest were gone. All of them. Was it purely by chance? Their destinations were guesswork, but logical. Some went to the far south with the main body, one west and the other now sat in the very fort in question. He had not moved either, the scout had not reported any great rush to the north but a steady, methodical buildup. The minor prince was apparently completely unconcerned with the capital and was happy to sit safely to the side and watch as he took the throne from all of them. Or maybe he was waiting on something else? No doubt they had their own spies but this plan was a tightly kept secret. However, one could only do so much and even though they had gone to great length to obscure their activity so it was therefor possible a spy had noticed something.

Halim dropped the paper onto the table and closed his eyes, he had to make a decision and immediately. Would they sacrifice their capital to get him? No. Were they willing to sacrifice others to get him? Yes. Did they have plans for what to do if they were besieged? Of course. Did they now have the time to carry out those plans? Yes. Was a sizeable force on the way? Yes. Were other forces on the way? No, but they were mustering rapidly and judging by the original garrison size, a threefold increase was dire even if they were peasant levy. Was the bulk of his targets away? Yes. Did it matter? Not entirely. Did he have the supplies to lay siege? Yes. Survive a counter siege? No. Defeat them in the field? Possibly, but that now depended on other factors.

"Yet there is but one true question to ask... Can I take their capital, hold it, rest my forces and then march out to defeat them before they arrive..." Staring at the map again his eyes locked on the fortress. Something about it continued to bother him and closing his eyes again he let out a long sigh. "No. No, I no longer have the time required to capture, consolidate and advance. If I take and consolidate I can not advance in time. Should I burn the city and leave? No... It would be a waste. Leave it behind? It would be a trifling matter to capture it again... Not possible, I need supplies and the city must be held for that purpose. Capturing it with great haste is key so they do not have time to spoil their stockpiles. My army is exhausted from the weather and terrain, I need three days rest for them to be properly rested for a pitched battle. Capturing the capital will deny me that time. They shall come, I shall be exhausted... They shall be exhausted, but." He looked at the fortress. "From the south they shall bring up fresh troops to harass and deny me rest while they plan their next move."

A rainstorm had complicated matters, a flood hampered their efforts and now the mud had sealed their fate. He could advance no further and realistically expect a reasonably acceptable outcome, so much had been accounted for in exhaustive detail but the weather had proven to be the one enemy that no one could overcome; and now come tomorrow the wagons would have to be chiseled from the dried clay costing them many precious hours.

"Our time ran out days ago." Halim clicked his tongue and stood. "It would be pointless to drag this out. We shall turn south when we reach the trail, bypass the capital and march towards their fortress. They have anticipated this move but not so soon and will not be fully prepared for an onslaught as they expect me to attack their capital first and I shall oblige their theory."

The detachments would continue to make their way towards the capital and provide a feint against them, if they drove hard enough the enemy would fall back and secure themselves behind their walls rather than look beyond them. By the time they realized it was a feint he would nearly be at the fortress and in a short time batter their gates down. His details were sketchy but he did know the walls of everything to his south were lower than that of the capital; a fine detail to know. With the prepared equipment on hand the soldiers would be ever more at ease going up the large siege ladders which would be more like ramps allowing them to swarm over the enemy. The trick would be to attack at night. Their levies were dedicated and decently trained but two minor skirmishes in the last war had taught him an important factor: they were horrible at night fighting. As for their soldiers? They could perform quite well under almost any circumstance but that is not what resided at the fort now, it was three quarters levy and one part soldiers. By arrival it would have not changed as there were no other garrisons to draw from and most likely a portion of those soldiers were now manning the outposts and watchtowers.

The outposts and towers would be poorly garrisoned however as he was expected to go advance on the capital and not them, the perfect target for what few auxiliaries he had. What they expected was an army marching south along the road and not one marching up a trail, but they had manned the outposts anyway and they would die. While the enemy panicked about their capital he would blind side them to the south and continue on his course. It was no longer a war of capturing territory but of so upsetting the balance of power which would shatter their resolve and cause no small amount of internal struggle. With so many of the royal family now in the field he had been given an opportunity his father never had: to cut the head from the snake. Many little heads were dancing around the map and if he denied them the chance to unite he could crush them in detail, if he managed to sack the right towns and minor cities along the way those nobles loyal to the king would fall prey to his whim. In droves they would slay them until the land was bereft of leadership, soldiers to maintain order and levies too panicked to raise arms against him.

"Would they fall for it though... Yes, they have no choice. With everything burned between here and the capital in a feint, destruction to their south, loss of nobles, royalty and a struggle to give chase less I burn the rest of their kingdom to the ground?" Halim began counting what would be worth saving as he looked at the map. "Burn only what I must to anger them fully, leave the rest for when I conquer them... From the south they will not advance, not at first no, they will stay their hand for fear that it is a ruse to drop their guard along the border and be torn to shreds by the main army so they shall sit still. The longer they sit still the more I burn, the more I burn the angrier they will become. I need to draw them in, crush them in detail, deny a pitched battle until it matters most. But where..."

Scanning the map proved almost pointless as without texts describing the various regions the map had nothing more than names, locations and other less helpful details. Plenty of roads existed however to bypass the border and link up with the main army long before they cut him off or even simply depart and head into neutral lands, which were mostly contested by Sibusiso. He would not challenge it though, a few gold coins and he would gurgle with glee and run away to hide them like the striped baboon that he was. But, this was only the beginning.

"Kill them all? No... Kill those loyal and leave the rest. The king will be surrounded by those disloyal and now seeking to fill the voids I have created, he will have no choice but to promote or infuriate them as he promotes others to those positions. Discontent shall reign, his standing will erode, blame will strangle them for months or years until they are incapable of decision making. A few assassinations here and there by my own agents targeting those of both sides will only fan the flames of hatred until a civil war begins and then they shall destroy themselves for us. All I have but to do is walk in and take what is rightfully mine. None will oppose me as we bring order out of chaos and they will be grateful for the bloodshed to stop and stop it shall, it shall stop in one last great blood letting as their "leadership" is put to the block."

Walking to the door of his wagon he called for his officers to enter and waited on their arrival. Stepping in they quickly circled around his table and from the looks on their faces some were concerned and others blank faced. Tapping the enemy capital a few eyes lit up and others continued to look concerned as he appraised their opinions beforehand.

"We will not be laying siege to their capital."

A silence hung in the air as they all stared first at the map, then him and finally to each other before a wave of questions bombarded him all at once. Holding up his hand he waited as they quickly stopped talking and finally slid the old report to them. Reading it quickly in turn they all looked confused as the most senior officer finally spoke.

"This report is quite old my prince, what baring does it have now?"

"As you are well aware we have run out of time but therein..." He pointed at the document. "Lays a new opportunity for us, one my father had not thought of."

"No offense my prince, but his desire was for you to conquer this kingdom and force them to kneel before their rightful king and prince."

"They shall, but not today. Nor tomorrow, nor the day after. But they shall."

"If not now, when?"

"When it is time, to take them now would cause pointless casualties amongst my soldiers and I have no desire to do so. There is a new plan, we will march south when we reach this trail... Here. A detachment will continue towards their capital with orders to ravage the countryside and make it appear that we are still quite serious in our intent. Instead of just holding off their levies they shall actively destroy them, when they have reached... Here, they shall turn back and retreat with great haste. By then our enemy should have secured themselves quite well in their city. The army however will be marching on this fortress which we shall take from them and kill the prince who is currently residing within. Small forces shall be sent here and here to cut the road in advance in the event he tries to flee but we must beat their army to the fortress, sack it and move on. We shall then move south and continue on our way. These towns here, shall be our targets. By sacking them it shall destabilize their kingdom and force them to give chase until we reach this region where we shall wait on them and destroy whoever is following us in details as they most likely branch out along the various small roads said to be in the region in order to give chase."

"What of their main body on our border?"

"We bypass them, they will sit on their hands for fear of being attacked from behind by my fathers main army. By the time they react in force it will be far too late to save their princes and nobles. I do believe they shall send detachments north to reinforce their new "main body" as things progress and word spreads. Enough shall remain to act as a deterrent though."

"How exactly shall this destabilize their kingdom my prince? Raiding has never yielded-"

Halim raised his hand silencing them. "We are not raiding for the sake of it, we are hunting down their nobility while forcing their royalty to give chase until it suits us. A wise king or prince will not trust his disloyal nobles to important tasks, they shall be given minor details. Ones that keep them out of the way, by avoiding those places we ensure they survive, by sacking those places they consider important we drive a wedge. Their princes will not march to war with those of questionable loyalty, that is why I am going to draw them after us along a set route. When all is said and done they will be lacking in leadership and unity, as blame is thrown and tempers flare over what we are about to do the kingdom will begin to dissolve. All it will need at that point are small nudges in the right places. We need only watch and wait as their desire to assign blame and punish those responsible, which shall be too many to name, poisons them from within. They will be incapable of naming a single scapegoat either, as it shall prove to be too all consuming a matter."

"A most... Ambitious plan my prince if I have ever heard one. You propose not one siege but many and while we are being chased no less. The time it takes to lay siege-"

"We shall do to them as they have done to us in order to purchase time, we have a plentiful collection of their crude bronze spikes now, as we can not just abandon them less they collect them and re-use them. As we depart the roads shall be made into an entanglement buying time, their own tactic turned on them. A few well placed skirmishes and rear guard actions will slow them even more, it is easier to buy time than to maintain a schedule. They have no choice either way, they must pursue us with haste and as the pressure mounts mistakes will be made and that is when we strike, at the zenith of their despair and anger. Destroyed in detail, that is how we are going to end them, not with one major blow as my father proposed but with thousands of tiny cuts that bleed them out. We are going to star a civil war."

"I-... My prince, what you propose is most unorthodox and contrary to all known strategies."

"Which is why it shall work so well, no one is expecting, but neither can they fathom anything such as this. They shall not unite to defend themselves against us but questions of their very ability to govern properly shall be put into grave doubt seeing as they already lost the last war, we are rubbing salt in their still open wounds. There shall be no doubt in their mind that we will not invade again but now they know there are even fewer they can trust, fewer to command well if at all."

Halim watched them with a cold, harsh stare and as they looked at the map half nodded quickly as he expected, they knew the situation was hopeless. The others however had deep reservations which was to be expected but they slowly came around after asking for more details and by the time everyone had departed his orders were not in question. He doubted any of them would have even considered this new plan a few years ago, but after proving himself in many actions and campaigns from a very young age their faith in him had begun to become more solid. This was his first true campaign without supervision of his father, but also a complete departure from the approved plan and they had just handed him the reigns of power. He smiled and sat down, his father would be proud, not only would be crush the enemy and capture their whole kingdom but he would do it not as an invading enemy but as a savior. Bringer of peace, security and order.

He had not told them everything though, there was more to it than that. A possibility had come to mind that they were not in fact reacting to him but to older enemies to their north east, the army had after all marched along a route once well guarded and the sudden shock may have deceived them into thinking his army was someone else's. If it were true, they would not permit their capital to fall and the defense would be most volatile and dedicated, the mustering at the fort then was nothing more than a backup plan in case whatever plan they were following failed to withstand the attack. Was this true though? Perhaps, there were still too many possibilities but if they were making this mistake his efforts would be made easier. It meant their main body would most likely not budge from the border until it was too late for fear that his fathers army would pour over the border thus taking advantage of the situation. An invasion on two fronts, a most dire circumstance indeed, and they would be right to fear it for his father most certainly would not pass up such an opportunity.

Was this true though? He had no evidence to support it, only a hunch; but it was now becoming ever more a very real possibility. Every move they made was not panicked but slow and methodical, rehearsed. Behind him lay the ridges covered in abandoned towers from long ago, wars forgotten and enemies ignored. They had become sheltered by facing new enemies while the old went elsewhere and as the pieces slowly fell in place it appeared they were reacting more to an old enemy than to an invasion by his own kingdom. Something had been missing from all of his fathers reports, calculations and details: that by taking the eastern route to invade their kingdom that their enemy might respond as if the invading host had come from Enuba. Decades ago but still within living memory this had been the case, tribes brutally hacked each other down, they were invaded by bandits along this same route. They had sacked villages along the border and threatened the heart of their kingdom many times until they were finally put down or moved on.

Those same bandits and tribes were gone, but only because they had set their sights elsewhere and thrown their lot in with larger powers. Powers that now ruled Enuba, a kingdom which had continued to steadily expand its borders until it dwarfed his own in power. It was no secret that they had tried to take Paje at least once and had been forced to fall back due to outside circumstances. Today, patrols still existed on the eastern fringe of Bwani, not to a serious extent but they were there none the less and in force. If they well and truly believed he was someone else entirely as their response was the opposite of how they had reacted to his last invasion, it was possible they were suffering from a case of mistaken identity.

Experience had taught him that a mad rush had taken place to throw up a blocking army on the border and the last time he made a detour to assault one of their towns and the response had been much the same later on. Speed, they did not wait nor tarry whenever his forces had appeared but now they were doing exactly that. No great rush to send what they could, but instead a slow and smoldering delaying action was taking place while forces that could be sent were withheld. Forces that were desperately needed if they did indeed know it was he who they faced. It was almost funny to him, they were responding in the wrong way but due to his newfound circumstances their strategy would actually bear fruit. Had it not rained quite as much their mistake would have proven fatal, but a storm had just proven them right and it was now enough to destroy him.

Halim looked down at the map again and thought it over again, there was a very easy way to test this theory of his during the very first engagement and as his new campaign progressed it would either prove itself true outright or be dashed against the wall. So far however, it appeared they were not preparing to fight him, but fend off someone else. If this was indeed true then they were making a horrible mistake that would allow him to buy time and carry out the new plan while avoiding the catastrophe that would befall them if he assaulted their capital. This plan would also unwittingly pander to such a belief, it was similar to what they had faced a considerable time ago and with a few modifications he might even be able to convince them they were at war with someone else entirely when in fact they were not. With a few changes his forces would look no different than that of Enuba. Opportunities had been lost but new ones were beginning to boil to the surface and they would be grasped and used, the more chaos he sowed, the more doubt that was planted in their minds the more fruit this poisoned harvest would bear for them. It was no longer an act of conquest but a marauding war of doubt, confusion, fear, anger and terror.

A war that would inspire the peasants to look for leadership to unite them against a common enemy while the nobility squabbled amongst themselves, passed blame, fought over power, right of succession and then lash out wildly with accusations that would appear utterly insane to all but those of the inner circle. At first they would be willing to fight as one, to repel the coming invasion from Enuba, but when it failed to show their pettiness would explode as they vied for higher social standing and power while his own kingdom would sit quietly and be more interesting in "something else." Seizing this chance the nobles would destroy their own kingdom once his assassins picked off a few here and there or at least made a good show of it, maybe a few sons and daughters who had been betrothed would be picked off. In the end it would all work out in his favor, it would take time and effort to toy with them and while it was not a tactic he particularly cared for it was necessary this time. Halim continued to look at his path and drew up a second route that would pander to this new theory, one that would help convince them they were indeed marauders from Enuba. One that would bring his forces safely home and intact while throwing his enemy in disarray. Glancing at the remaining scout he waved them off quickly, he needed time to think.

"Chaos shall be set loose upon this land and from that chaos I shall bring order. Even if I must choke it out of them."

Chapter 79: Harsh Reality

"To rule effectively one must balance logic with emotion as governing purely with logic will upset the delicate balance of nature, this imbalance leads to strife as the commoners now believe they are both ignored and repressed be it true or otherwise. But, it is also true of emotion. To make decisions based on emotion without logic to act as the steady hand of reason will allow others to take advantage of you, and thus guide a kingdom to its doom. One must understand both and use them wisely to be a true monarch."

A small fishing boat drifted past them drawn quickly by both current and the fair breeze which swept the river eastward and towards the far away coast. However, to those on the yacht it meant so much more that words could not begin to describe their elation, it could only be said that it was taking them home. Having passed well out of sight of Alzamard had relieved the enormous and crushing air that had hung over them for weeks, but now it was far enough behind to no longer give it any concern. All that could be done, had been. It was over.

Nawra continued to doze off as the sun began to sink and the crews rowing slowed even more than it had once they knew the ship was almost halfway home. There was no great urge to go faster as the only real danger on this stretch of the river had been left behind, it was also out of season for the river pirates who most likely were keeping their small craft stashed away safely while preparing for the coming harvest season and the accompanying boom in trade. Eyes almost closed again she watched her field of view slowly change as the craft was steered towards the shore for the night, it meant another night of buzzing insects that threatened to prick them from head to hoof but it was almost welcome over what she had put up with. At least the insects were honest in their intentions.

Laying still and basking in the relaxing, cool breeze Nawra listened as orders were given and the small craft used to get ashore was prepared for launching. It was an annoyance to the crew but necessary as it was not only unseemly but unconscionable to have royalty wade ashore like a common peasant. First the cargo for setting up the camp would cross along with some soldiers and then finally the rest of her furnishings that would make a night on the riverbank possible. They would only disturb her when it was finished and a proper seating arrangement prepared, an arrangement which suited her just fine as it was a boring and laborious process.

However, there were now other things to be moved ashore at night which deeply concerned her. Fareed had been most "generous" in his apology but only in such that it was beneficial to him. Food had been provided for the journey back, free of poisons of course, and also a handful of other items.

"He did not give up much on the trade agreement but at least he agreed to lend greater assistance in dealing with the river pirates this year and to ease some of his taxation on river trade, if only just. It should be enough to fund my harbor project for a time at least, unless Jubril tries to divert the funding again... No, not this time, this was my doing and he would be a fool to challenge me over the proceeds I will have generated." Pushing the thoughts aside Nawra listened to the sound of the river and birds allowing her mind to slow and much needed rest return.


Nawra lazily opened her eyes and stared up at Pijasiros. "Hmm?"

"I do not mean to disturb you but the "others" have been taken ashore."

"By your tone I assume there were no problems."

"None, but if you wish it your space has been prepared, you may take advantage of it at your leisure and continue to rest while ashore."

"How is he?"


"You know who I mean but stop pretending that you do not object to my choice, it is your duty to accept it, not lie to me about it."

"Very well." Pijasiros gave her an unamused stare. "May I at least voice my concerns openly?"

"You are not just my personal attendant but also an advisor at times, you may speak but only so long as others do not hear."

"It is most unwise and unbecoming to accept a thief into your entourage! Though far be it from me to chide you on such matters it goes without saying that to bring him with us will only make matters worse between your brother and yourself. It shall be obvious to all as to what his crime was and even a thick layer of lies will not hide it, the colt is obviously a thief and will bring nothing but trouble. As for the other, I do agree with you on taking Aaarabisk away so as not to leave him in that hole with the other two but at least you plan on handing him over to the orphinarium. But why, why do you want to keep the thief?"

"I do not know. Aaarabisk is much too... Dangerous, to be kept because of his training in unique "matters of gender" which would cause no end of problems, but the other colt is... Different."

"If I may say so and your father would agree, using pity as a deciding factor in such matters is a poor use of judgement. At least give him to the temple as a floor scrubber, he will at least be able to do that much as a cripple. That and at least he will have a hard time stealing anything!"

"He is hardly crippled Pijasiros but I understand your concern about his poor choice in profession, but neither shall I hold it against him as I suspect should we have been raised on the streets of that city..." Nawra shook her head. "I very much suspect it would be we who pick pockets for a living."

"That may be so but that life, those experiences are part of him, he is at least twelve, maybe older but no less and has spent all of his life lying, cheating and stealing for a living. To ask him to give up everything he knows-"

"Pijasiros." The stallion stopped speaking and bowed his head in waiting. "I thank you for your concern but by taking him with us we have removed him from everything he knows and understands. Yes, he shall require a great deal of training but probably less than what you are giving to Aaarabisk at the moment to break him of his..." Nawra shook her head. "This one will be more... Malleable, than the other. His crime, the loss of his hand and having only just survived the fever brought on by his wound will have shattered him mentally. You see a lost cause, I see an opportunity to help him rather than throw the poor colt onto the streets or into the care of some priests who will only belittle him and demand a lifetime of repentance. It will not save him, it will kill him. If he survives then it might just drive him over the edge. Better he come with us and if nothing else scrub the palace floor than the alternative. As for Aaarabisk... We can only hope that his "experience" will wear off as he ages and be deeply buried or outright forgotten. I pray for it, he deserves better as did the other two but..."

Pijasiros let out a small grumble. "Very well princess, let it not be said you did not try to help them and I shall trouble you with my concerns on this matter no further. Shall we go ashore?"

"Yes, lets. What are they making tonight?"

"Ah, we had some luck today while you slept. One of the fishing craft from a village we passed was bringing in its haul and we made a quick purchase in passing. To be honest I do trust what we brought with us from Fareed's offering... But, it was fresh! J'Lail even saw them pulling the fish out long before we arrived so we can be assured there was no tampering with them. Your meal tonight will be a choice of fish kabsa, roasted fish, honeyed fruits-"

"That will be sufficient." Nawra slowly stood and quietly stretched before walking to where the tiny craft was waiting. "Is he lucid?"

"What? Oh, yes, the thief is lucid though still fevered, but he has neither spoken a word nor moved an inch. He is content to simply... Lay wherever we place him and wither away."

"I would not expect him to jump up and run around after such an experience but at least he is awake. We must get a proper name from him, calling him "the thief" is... Barbaric. Speak with him and see if he will say anything when you feed him tonight."

"As you wish princess."

The oarstallion rowed them the short distance quickly with powerful, even strokes from his large and muscled arms and once the boat touched the shore he leapt out into the shallow waters. Without assistance he grabbed the craft and hauled it further up until it was out of the water and away from the mud before letting it rest. A cloth was quickly thrown down for her to step on and leaving the boat Nawra walked up the bank along a path that had been prepared for her. Sitting down under the canopy that had been pitched she looked around the camp which had sprung into existence in only a few minutes. It was a miracle to her how fast the crew could clear a landing spot and have everything ready within such a short amount of time, but also how quickly they could bring everything aboard and make it appear that no one had ever been there save for a firepit.

Steam was rising from pots while one of her servants worked diligently with a knife while juggling pans around the fire as they prepared food not only for her but the crew as well. The crew however were eating from one large, central pot which was a mishmash of whatever the cook could get in it as they prepared her dinner first. Nothing smelled bad though, she had even caught the crew jeering at their own cook that they could do to learn from their new, temporary one. None would remain with the yacht when it returned, they would pull it into dry-dock, clean, repair and repaint whatever was needed and then be shuffled back to their normal duty on one of the smaller river warships Labrad had managed to furnish. They were terribly hard to get and expensive to make but well worth it as just two or three was usually enough to scare off the river banditry most of the time. It was also prudent to keep them close to home come harvest season because without any craft to defend the river anyone could attack the barges ferrying across the harvest from the land taken from Fareed on the south side of the river.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh, clean and now scented air Nawra laid back down and relaxed, it was going to be hell explaining the thief away to her family but hopefully reason would win out and that he be given a fair chance at turning over a new leaf. If not, then he would spend his life scrubbing floors either in the palace or a temple. Neither were horrific prospects because at least he was no longer back there and could make a choice. She shuddered for a moment thinking about the other two who had been left behind, they simply had to go.

"I wonder if they will embrace that they are now free... I do feel sorry for Mudahash, the poor stallion has only known obedience and slavery but at least he has skills as a dockworker. Her, on the other hand." Nawra cringed. "I did what I could, she is free, has a little coin to either attempt a life or leave the city. Her life is her own now but what a waste, she will be nothing more than a common whore on a street now, they completely broke her. At least it will be her choice to make even though it will be a bad one and also the death of her."

"Princess? A drink princess? She must have fallen- Oh, my apologies. I did not mean to wake you but you have been sleeping all day and-"

Nawra's eyes opened and she looked up at Pijasiros quickly. "No, it is alright and yes I could use a drink."

"Chilled wine, I it hung over the side during our trip so the water would chill it."

"Delightful!" Pijasiros stooped down and held out the serving tray and after sitting up Nawra pulled it from the tray. "Tell me, did you-"

As Nawra brought the goblet up a shaky, feverish hand slapped across her mouth while the stump of a hand covered the goblet and tried to push it away. A hushed silence pervaded as Pijasiros and Nawra stared at the thief as he half stood and half knelt beside her wobbling and shaky, the fever still somewhat present in his eyes as they struggled to focus.

Jerking back suddenly as her mind caught up with what was happening Nawra pushed his hand away. "What do you think you are-"

Pijasiros grabbed the thief violently by the neck and yanked him away and shouted in alarm as he pushed him to the ground firmly. J'Lail reached them first, sword drawn and looking things over quickly pointed at two guards and snapping his fingers pointed at the restrained thief.

"Are you alright princess? Did he harm you? Did you feel a prick anywhere?"

"He grabbed her mouth!" Pijasiros shook the thief violently. "What did you force into her mouth?"

"Nothing!" Nawra held a hand up. "He did nothing, he only stopped me from drinking, this..." She looked at the goblet and handed it up to J'Lail who took it and began examining it.


"I poured it myself and brought it to her directly. No one has touched that goblet save the four of us!"

J'Lail stared at it a moment before passing it to Pijasiros. "Hold this and do not spill it. You, thief, explain yourself."

Jaji could feel and hear them as they lifted him up bedding and all before dumping him onto the cargo craft, he had no idea where he was but he did know what had transpired a few days ago. How many days had it been? He did not know nor care as exhaustion gripped him and time had ceased to have any meaning. One moment he opened his eyes and others were bandaging his stump, the next he was sweating profusely, shaking violently and unable to see through his heavily blurred vision as his body burned. Breathing was hard and everything was blurred together so badly he could not tell what had happened or when. The only memory that was clear remained the argument that had taken place between the mare he had tried to rob and a stallion dressed more fancily than any he had ever beheld before.

He knew who the stallion was the moment he laid eyes on him, Fareed. At first he was going to be hung but his captors informed him that a challenge had been laid against his punishment, they had laughed at the prospect but a few had seemed to almost pity him at times. It had not stopped them from torturing him however, the beatings were fierce and often only to be broken up by an officer who would check to see if he was at risk. If he nodded, the beating continued, if he shook his head they let him rest and would force him to drink and eat so that he would survive long enough to "stand trial." Trial, he hated that word, hearing it the first time had been awful enough but they kept repeating it, as if what would happen was somehow worse than what they were doing to him.

The rest was a blur, being hauled outside to face Fareed, called down for his crime, but that was not the worst of it. What was worse was the waiting, he knew he was going to die but being trapped as one wanted to hang him while the mare wanted to take him away made it even worse. How could anyone not know that arguing with Fareed was pointless? Even the fools who wandered the streets babbling knew it was pointless but somehow she had argued him down, but it came at a cost.

A stump was all that remained of his hand and it was proof that she had both succeeded and failed. He hated her, he hated her so much for it. She had cost him his hand and life.

He also thanked her and would weep at her hooves for having saved him if he could. She had given him his life back, refused to allow him to perish and from what he could tell of his surroundings they had taken him away from the city to somewhere else. Somewhere out of his reach. It was impossible to cry, there was no energy for crying and all that had remained was horrible confusion. Elation, sorrow and hatred burned in his veins whenever his ears and addled brain could make out her voice, the swirling mix made his head hurt even more as none of it made sense.

Today had been different, for the first time he could almost see clearly and could move, voices that once seemed hushed were clear and audible. He had refused to eat or drink again, but this time they did not try and force it down his throat but left a small bowl for him which had remained untouched until one of the others ate it.

"No sense wastin' it on one thats gonna die anyway."

That is what he had said and he was right, he just wanted to die. Even if he escaped and made it back somehow would the guild even accept him? A one handed thief... He had never heard of such a thing and it was all he knew. At least they left him alone here, they only bothered to check now and then but even that had ebbed away as his fever had gone down. Now they were content to just leave him to his own thoughts and to recover or die of his own will.

Recover, he could still feel his hand, it was there, in his mind. But, if he opened his eyes it was gone. But he could still feel his fingers moving, his fist opening and closing at will. It was gone, but there was pain. A dull, throbbing ache that became quite pronounced if anything touched the stump.

All day he had just laid on the deck staring up at the sky or kept his eyes closed and tried to will himself into the grave, a grave that refused to show itself. The thought of just rolling over and taking a few steps sending him into the water had occurred to him but he was too tired to move. A hand had pinned him to the boards and refused to permit any movement, he just couldn't gather up the strength nor resolve to do it, he also knew that the moment he fell into the water they would dive in after him. Or would they? Why did they even care? No, why did she care?

Dumped unceremoniously onto the riverbank and out of their way as the camp was set up he had laid quietly to listen, every hoof-step sounded like thunder in his ears and their voices a deafening clap of lightning as he tried to shut the world out but it refused to be blocked. Finally they had moved him again because once more he was in the way and now he found himself staring at a less populated part of the camp. Supplies had been stacked up and two small tables prepared, one for a cook, the other for the stallion who had checked in on him from time to time. Eyes half lidded he watched as the stallion worked with a young colt half his age, chiding him on one thing or another as the stallion prepared things.

The colt would repeat whatever was asked, nod, bow or do whatever little task was asked. He had ignored him for the trip, once he could swear the colt had poked him a few times and even kicked him once to see if he was alive before ignoring him entirely. Elsewhere in the camp he could make out the sound of gambling, the familiar rattle of bones in a cup followed by argument, happiness and grumbling told of winners and losers.

"No, go over there if you must."

Opening his eyes a little he stared at the stallion as he shooed the colt away and went back to working. Eyes following the colt for a moment he realized the colt was going to squat in the reeds and began to look away but froze as instead he reached into his thick, bundled braid and removed an object. Returning quickly the colt stared after the stallion who was still busy cleaning up a mess the colt had made and after a few motions reached up and poured something into the open jug before leaning away only to dart back into the reeds. Confused he watched the colt quickly toss the object away and remain for a time until the stallion called out. Returning they talked again as one gave instructions on how to speak and behave while the stallion poured a liquid into an elaborate golden cup before picking the tray up and walking away.

Was it a prank? He had done such things to his friends and received them in turn but deep inside he knew something was horribly wrong, this was not a prank. Rolling onto his side Jaji forced himself up with great effort and after standing almost collapsed to the ground just as quickly. Legs wobbling he staggered across the camp trying to follow the tray bearer and after falling down again stood once more, his body fought against him as he wobbled closer and closer to the fancy mare, eyes locked on the tray. The two had stopped and the stallion was speaking to her and after a moment she sat up. Talking to each other the mare seemed quite happy with whatever he was saying and accepting the cup she hesitated a moment, just holding it for some reason as if just having it was enough.

Why did he care? Why bother? He hated her. He also adored her for saving him, why bother? Lurching forward with all the strength his body still had he just managed to slap his hand across her mouth and block the cup with his stump before she could drink. They both stared at him wild eyed but before he could collapse on her she jerked away as the stallion grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the ground while shouting. Head swimming he tried to move his arms or legs but they refused, what little strength he had left was gone and all he wanted to do was close his eyes and sleep but it was not permitted. Hauled somewhat to his hooves by two armored guards while a third stared him down sword drawn he made out a few words.

"Explain yourself."

Head rocking to the side he stared at the jug. "Pour in, throw in reeds... There."

Staring at him a moment J'Lail looked curiously at the thief for a moment and tried to lift his head up only for it to loll back into place. "Put him down, he is not going anywhere. Can you tell if the wine has been tampered with?"

Sniffing it carefully Pijasiros shook his head. "I can not smell anything." Looking at the jug again he shifted it around slowly and stared at it intently before stopping. "A small drip of something... Too small to tell."

"Do not lose anything, let no one touch it." J'Lail stared at the reeds a moment before looking to the thief again. "If you can still hear me, try and point to exactly where in the reeds... Alright, you, come with me, watch your step."

Nawra watched as J'Lail and one of the guards walked up to the reeds and very carefully began to probe the mud and water, the camp as a whole almost stopped functioning as everyone watched with great curiosity as the reeds were examined as if they might spring to life and attack at any moment. Whispers spread as J'Lail stopped moving and reaching down plucked something from the water and returned with it, no one spoke but concerned looks were hastily exchanged.

"Found it, can you identify what this is or is this just a fabrication?"

"Well, to be certain, there are risks involved. But... We have our duties."

Accepting the small vial from J'Lail, Pijasiros unhappily poured the water out before sniffing carefully. Shaking his head he wandered into the nearby bushes and returning with a small stick put it inside then swirled it around before removing it. Examining what little of the dark substance that remained he removed a vial from his pouch and drank quickly before spreading the oily substance on a finger and gingerly tapped his tongue to it very carefully. Spitting rapidly Pijasiros grabbed another vial and rinsing his mouth spat again.

"Are you alright? That was quite foolish-" Nawra stopped when Pijasiros held a hand up.

"Poisons usually work in quantities or over time and as you know I have been trained to be... Immune, to an extent. Also, seeing as the bottle was discarded and we were unaware of its existence until now I had to know what type of poison it was. I failed you once already at preventing this, and I am not willing to take the chance that someone had not slipped more of the poison into your food and thus kill you slowly over time. Or, this may have merely been the final catalyst to other types of poisons that do no harm until the final ingredient is ingested. Had that been the case, I would have given you either an anti-toxin or an antidote depending on its type but I must first know the type." Pijasiros passed the bottle to J'Lail. "This however, is quite the rare poison though and a special exception, but thankfully I carry antidotes, including for this one though it must be taken in advance to avoid certain... Side effects. My suspicion was correct unfortunately after seeing the design on the bottle. I had hoped so badly that it would not be true though."

"Rare? How rare?" J'Lail held the vial a little more gingerly and away from himself as he examined the pattern.

"Someone with quite the deep purse wanted to kill you, it is called "elalelo liwa." In common terms it means sleeping death, I learned of it but have never seen it, however the description does not quite do it full justice. There are only a handful of poisons that are worthwhile, few to be exact... And this the most feared."

"What does it do? From the name I assume sleep has something to do with it?" Nawra looked at still unconscious thief.

"Yes princess, it is quite foreign to this part of the continent and the plant used to produce it is quite rare and rather hard to collect. We know not how it is made but we know that the process is just as likely the kill the maker, if not more so... As the intended target. This means only those with deep pockets can acquire it... But, to answer your question it takes no effect until the victim sleeps. The body relaxes and the poison then causes the individuals heart to stop, they do not wake up. It is supposed to terrify others and rightly so, as once blended with something else it is nearly impossible to detect unless you know the description of its smell and taste, but even then it is not easy. Mixing it with the wine was a wise choice as it helps mask it. Someone however is out a rather large sum."

"First, who put it in the wine? You lot!... I would guess as much." J'Lail turned away from the crew who were shaking their heads furiously with hands held up and growled. "Where is Aaarabisk?" Looking around he ground his jaw in aggravation. "Sergeant, stay with the princess, the rest-"

"You did not suspect him first captain?" Pijasiros raised an eyebrow.

"No, I suspected an agent of her brother hidden amongst the crew. Find the colt! All of you!"

Pijasiros shrugged and taking the tray he tossed it into the fire, jug, gold and all as the crew was harried away from their game to beat the bushes looking for the arrant Aaarabisk. Nawra and Pijasiros sat quietly for a moment staring at the thief as the sounds of the crew battering their way through the undergrowth began to fade the farther away they got.

"That was a noble act and quite the feat considering his condition."

Pijasiros nodded. "And it is my fault that this happened, I should have never-"

"Not even J'Lail suspected it and he is more paranoid than all my fathers personal guard put together. I am fortunate though that this young thief was here though, his life as a criminal and relying on his senses paid off today."

"This time, yes."

"Yes, this time. He should be rewarded for it."

"With all due respect he owes you his life, this would be nothing more than a repaying of that debt."

"True, but his condition shows he was quite... Dedicated, to warning me."

"Well, when your father, mother, brother and every advisor in the palace objects you will have at least one example to hold over their heads in getting your way."

"Fareed wanted me dead... I am not surprised in the least but his timing was right, wait until we are just straddling the border to have me simply die in my sleep. A traumatized colt as the assassin bearing an impossible poison, a fevered thief as the only witness I have against him..." She let out a huff. "I suppose my father would tell me to grin and bear it as this will no doubt be the first of many assassins and not only from Fareed."

"An unfortunate truth princess."

"To train an assassin so young though, Fareed must have known he would most likely be caught and blamed afterwords."

"An expendable asset. As am I. No doubt he was only doing as told, one so young would be worthless as a true assassin so this must have been rehearsed and well drilled into his head."

"You are not expendable Pijasiros."

"As your poison taster, among many other duties, I am. But, I doubt even Fareed would so wantonly expend such a sum of gold to kill you now that I think about it, there are other means that would fit his methods."

Nawra turned to face Pijasiros with raised eyebrows. "That is quite the change of tone from one such as you."

"Princess... There is a reason no one uses this poison, it is just... Unfathomably rare and so dreadfully expensive that one could hire an army of assassins or just hire a small army to simply kill whomever they want dead. Thankfully the antidote is not quite as rare but still, the vial I used cost as much as a small ship."


"It is the most powerful antidote known and imported. Only the smugglers will carry it as merchants find it to much of a risk due to where one must travel to purchase the substance and trying to sell it is another matter entirely. The margin for profit loss is too vast save in the book of certain... Less "reputable" smugglers, whom have certain... Contacts. "

"A fortunate thing for both you and I. So if not Fareed then whom?"

"Oh I absolutely believe Fareed is a part of this, make no mistake princess! It was his slave servant who tried to poison you but... To be honest I do not know princess, the cost means either he is absolutely serious about killing you and went to horrific lengths to pull this off or that there is more than one party involved which is also equally as preposterous."

"My brother?"

"Hm... No, I imagine your father keeps him on a tight economic leash and such a scheme would not go unnoticed. Especially when such a large sum of gold went missing from the coffers! Also, I believe your brother would prefer you disgraced than simply killed as it benefits him more if I may say so."

"Who would willingly work with Fareed in order to- It sounds like they found him..."

They watched in silence as the shouting grew louder before dying off and after a short time figures emerged from the brush. Trickling in at first the crew gathered around to watch as J'Lail and another guard stomped out of the bushes covered in scratches, thorns and with burrs attacked to their clothes. Between them hung a kicking and panicked Aaarabisk who bore a swelling shoulder.

"Caught the vermin." J'Lail and the guard pitched the colt onto the ground and pinned him in place with their hooves. "Princess?"


Nawra looked deeply conflicted and confused at the colt. He was so young, endured impossible cruelty and now this. He had all but been freed and yet he had tried to murder her in cold blood, the one who had saved him and given him freedom. Why?


"Princess... If I may?" Nodding at J'Lail she watched as he whispered to the guard for a moment before removing his hoof from Aaarabisk's back and approached her as rope was called for. Looking around the camp he stopped for a moment. "The show is over! Get back to work or find something useful to do!" Satisfied that they were no longer watching as intently J'Lail nodded to the sergeant he had left behind and waved him away along with Pijasiros.

"J'Lail?" Nawra looked at the captain, confusion in her eyes and no small amount of dread as he looked back with the coldest expression she had ever seen adorning his face.

"Princess, in time you will learn to handle these things. But today, right now, you do not have to. That is why I am here. Your father assigned me to you but I have come to care deeply about your well being, you are a good princess and will make for a great queen one day. But being queen means making very hard decisions, ones that dirty your hands. Ones you will have to live with for the rest of your life no matter how horrible they may be. Do not concern yourself with this matter, do not give it another thought. Push it from your mind and if you must despise me for the rest of your life, do so, but never allow it to change who you are."

J'Lail stood and Nawra watched for a moment horrified. "Captain-"

He shook his head. "There is nothing we could learn from this one anyway, he is just a tool to be discarded after use and I do not believe for a second whoever handled him in such a matter would have permitted this one to hear or see anything of importance."

"But he may still-"

"No, indeed he was trained by Fareed but I am certain Pijasiros would agree with me when I say that to try and use this one as proof would be folly. Who would ever believe such a thing? To even attempt to say so publicly would be result in no shortage of backlash and as I said, and assuming he received any kind of training what so ever which appears to be unlikely beyond accomplishing his immediate task... Aaarabisk is an expendable tool, he would never have seen or heard anything and is now only a liability for all sides. Neither shall I take the risk that other "precautions" were not taken in the event of his failure which could ensnare us further by keeping him alive. As such the remainder of the trip shall be spent aboard your ship on the river and no longer ashore, tonight the guards shall not sleep, but you must."

Nawra stared at the colt for a moment. "But he-"

J'Lail shook his head slowly. "Princess, you must understand... This is why I am here, to make these decisions so you do not have to."

Nawra watched helplessly as J'Lail picked up the now heavily bound Aaarabisk as if he were naught but a basket and walked off and into the undergrowth once more, there was no sound however as the colt froze up realizing it was over.

He was done.

She could only watch now as they vanished from sight and turning away quickly she closed out the world and tried hard to focus on anything else, even her brothers horrible smile was better than this. The camp itself was hushed, the cup the crew had been rattling to play their game sat unused as they all stared at anything they could or mumbled to each other trying to ignore what had just happened, and what was to come. There was never a sound however, J'Lail simply returned quietly as if naught were wrong and walked directly to the waters edge and wetting a cloth cleaned a knife, dried it off, oiled it and then returned it to its sheath. He never once looked at her as he began ordering the camp packed up and try as she might with all the willpower of a mountain to not move she could not look away from him as he went about his duties as if nothing had happened.

Pijasiros watched her quietly for a moment before pulling down the silken covering that kept the insects off of her while she slept to provide a little more privacy and scooping up the thief he stared at him a moment.

"Do you have a name?" The colts eyes barely opened and he mumbled a moment and leaning close Pijasiros listened. "Jaji, not a bad name... You are luckier than that other one though. Come, lets get you some proper bedding. We still have some time before we get home."

Closing her eyes tightly Nawra buried her face in her hands and choked for a moment, she cursed Fareed, Jubril, all of them. She cursed every assassin and poison maker, everyone who was willing to turn a colt in a weapon. Fareed had finally won, it was a small victory, but one she would never permit him to know. Somehow, someday, she would find out how many had been behind this and see them dead as there was more than one plotting her demise from without the kingdom. But not today. Today, she was a prisoner.

Nawra choked again and finally, wept.

Author's Notes:

I had fun writing this one but it took a mighty long time to sort out, this was actually rewritten a few times. Now, my eyes need to rest from staring at this damn screen.

If you enjoyed the story and would like to offer support in helping things keep moving toss a dollar in the hat over on my Patreon.

Chapter 80: Borderline

"Throughout history it is often the smallest events that ultimately bring empires crashing down or to spring forth from the ashes like a phoenix. Thus, matters deemed trivial to one and life threatening to another can easily have dire ramifications that may not be felt for some time. Like slow moving ripples on a pond they shall spread ever outwards until all are caught up in the event, even if it takes quite some time. Never take any event for granted, nor turn your back on them. Like a throng of asps they shall slither into your home bearing their deadly poison, invited only because of your arrogance."
-Dana, Head Librarian, Alzamard-

Khada kept a close watch on the six spies Isibuso had sent to keep an eye on his tribe after the young prince realized he could not keep up with them, they were young, fast and eager enough to cause problems but kept to themselves when they were not spying on him. At first it had only been a minor concern but with time they had become a festering tumor that threatened every plan which had been laid forth. The advanced teams which had been used to scare off the locals before their arrival and to avoid general engagements had not gone unnoticed and were a subject which was regularly thrown in his face. None were willing to press the matter too hard so far away from allies and their protests were mild and easily brushed off as "scouting" patrols for the sake of knowing what was worth raiding were indeed important.

While the six had proven to be good at questioning him their ability to see with their minds was lacking heavily but they made up for it in their fervor towards Isibuso. He knew that if Isibuso caught up with them their odds of survival would collapse as everything hinged on bringing whatever hostile forces were in front of them down on those who followed the Sebanwi. Such small numbers were not worth the time or effort but the tribe which followed them with its bloated caravan of petty loot and slaves was becoming a target so rich for the taking few would ignore it. If it was not physically nailed down or bricked over Isibuso was trying to pack it up and haul it away. It was a fault which had created a three day lead for him which was being put to good use and even allowed for plenty of rest.

Eyes looking over the encampment as it stretched along a wide, shallow river Khada waited on his daughter to arrive. Dipping a clay cup into the water he had taken from an abandoned hamlet he drank the cool water while ignoring the annoyed stares of the spies as they sat in the shade farther up the bank. It was only a temporary stop, two days of rest so they could move at speed again and build up their distance once more. However, the leader of the six would not stop harassing him at staying another day so that his prince could catch up with them and review the situation. There was not a chance, they would be off again before that happened and once he was certain Isibuso had stopped to catch his breath they would stop for another day or two before advancing in earnest. A steady pace would win the race and Isibuso was failing horribly so far with his over-burdened caravan.

But they had problems. Scattered villages and hamlets had been all they had seen for their entire journey, he had avoided well trodden roads and tried to hide from any prying eyes as much as was possible less either side get any ideas. A mistake had been made however, a major road had run west to east and there was no way to sneak around it. Fortunately the season meant few merchants were traveling and the advanced guard had scared the tiny convoy away and into hiding. This however, was not the mistake. Content that they had done their job the team had crossed over the road in force and continued north for a few days at full speed believing there were no other roads. It was true, there had been none, not even a hamlet could be found along their hidden route. Unbeknownst to them however, they had camped one evening with fires burning all within eyesight of an outpost farther north and obscured by rough and craggy hills.

Their error had been discovered the following day as they stumbled upon it by accident only to find it completely abandoned and fresh hoof-prints going both west and east. The crude map he had been permitted to see meant messengers had been dispatched to a place called Iuny and some other location in the west. This discovery was kept from his observers for a time and the column had detoured around the abandoned outpost in the hopes of keeping the six quiet. There was now a good chance someone would be waiting on them in the north very soon and if not they would be barricading themselves inside whatever fortifications they had. Thus was the plan however, to draw down upon them their faceless enemies and then skirt around them so Isibuso would walk face first into their defenses and hopefully die while the Sebanwi ran for their lives. Unfortunately this meant making a good show of themselves and actually "attempting" to save Isibuso in some way so Sibusiso would not have them all slain upon their return. As he thought it over again he was lost for how exactly to pull it off.

Running took energy though and energy came from food which was once more becoming quite scarce. The little river had been a godsend as it provided fresh water, a sheltered place to rest away from prying eyes and lush pickings along the bank which had been picked through heavily. It was not enough but something was better than nothing and once the race began they would need their energy. They had stepped over an invisible line that separated a kingdom from the world and were about to heavily trod on the hooves of whomever ruled here. Once the first village was raided there would be no mercy shown and the clock was already ticking.

Glancing at his daughter as Nyah walked up and sat beside him he nodded north while keeping his voice low. "What you think then? We still hide or make very, very angry so they come sooner?"

"All they know fathah is small company cross, if they do anything they send too few and that do nothing. We need... Smack hornet nest, make very angry. Find way to do that, sooner they come, sooner we go home, Isibuso also maybe die with his precious stolen things."


"That big, big place on river you see on map yes?"

"Yes, threaten that they come fast, very fast. But no threaten like this..."

"Maybe make Isibuso want to attack?"

"He not attack place with big walls, he not that crazy."

"We not know what it look like... Maybe we see first? Big place mean much farm, we burn they mad, make them attack."

"Yes, might work. But keep thinking, Isibuso want us to not stop till we reach little place far north. We suppose burn it and only then we go home." Khada nodded north. "When we go again, send scouts out as planned, cover big area, kick many nests, make very angry. Maybe we make Isibuso stall at city, buy time, drag him north, away from city so they come from behind. We no touch place around Iuny, leave for Isibuso. He spend time looting while we disappear again."

"Wonder..." Nyah flicked a stone into the water and watched the ripples fade quickly. "How they get angry if they no get message out of city? One group run west, one run east to city. Isibuso destroying around city they no get message out."

"Sits on river."

Nyah crooked her head. "Make difference how?

"They have wooden thing that float on water with big sail and rowed with poles, send messages that way." Khada sighed as she raised an eyebrow. "You not raised near Seban River and only cross once, not get to see boat that time because only bridge to cross and wrong time. No boat stop there then."

"Yes, bad bridge, very shaky."

Khada shrugged. "Was gift to Sibusiso, not think they cared. This place though, it sit on river, that mean boat because they not like us, they like Halim I think, but we find out soon."

"Maybe we send some west to see what there?"

"Yes, not to close though. We need keep enough to make Isibuso think we serious. Think those six not just spy."

"You think those six able to kill you?" Nyah looked them over before looking at her father doubtfully.

Khada shook his head. "They not threat to me, I kill them easy enough... But, they also leaving things for Isibuso, little marks at night for him to find. They not leave mark, he know."

"We make mark."

"Marks not same. That why they want us wait so much, need to know new marks."

"Isibuso not smart enough for that."

"No, but the others are, he fool, his advisors not so foolish."

"When we leave?"

"Think you take Sebanwi away like planned but I stay, talk with Isibuso, then while he rest here I come to you maybe... That way he think all okay and not cause problems, you keep going two day then stop two day. I come on third, you scout area, learn all can and when I come you tell. If I no come then you keep going and no stop, maybe I make him do very foolish thing and stay with Isibuso for time to... Encourage."

Nyah nodded. "And them?"

"Think they go with you but one will stay, no fear, it work. Only once, but it work."

"Yes fathah."

The rope was run around the post as a team pulled on it gently guiding the yacht into harbor, the rowers held their oars upright for a moment and stood before setting them over their seats in a pile and a second rope was quickly thrown to secure the stern. Nawra watched with a mild degree of annoyance as Jubril and an entourage of guards waited on the pier, she looked at J'Lail who shrugged and finally to Pijasiros who grimaced at her brothers distance visage.

"Welcome home? Sorry you did not drown? Oh what a pity, did you live up to the family standard at being a perfectly civilized little princess or did you make a mess of things so I can use it again you?"

Nawra glared at Pijasiros. "That is enough from you."

"As you wish, but I am only voicing what he is thinking."

"He will do that for you soon enough in his own way. Keep Jaji out of sight, I do not want him-" Nawra frowned as her brother began walking down the pier as a plank was being prepared for her to cross over. "Just try and keep him from looking too inconspicuous."

"Your brother has the eyes of a hawk but all the same I shall endevour to do so."

Walking from the ship and onto the pier Nawra waited as her entourage filed off after her. Pijasiros came last with the young thief in tow, he was able to walk on his own now and though still somewhat shaky at times he was dressed somewhat appropriately though quite crudely, as an apprentice to Pijasiros and knew to remain in the stallions shadow. It was not hard either, starvation had stunted his growth and the colt was monstrously thin but thankfully it made him all the more unremarkable and easily forgotten, a trait that allowed him to snatch a circlet from her in the first place.

Giving Jaji a quick glance and a stern look to remain quiet Nawra stepped forward to put more distance between herself and the colt before coming to a stop as Jubril approached before coming to a halt and bowed.

"Sister, it is most wonderful to see you have returned home safely! Mother and father will be most interested to know how your trip went but I must say we did not expect you back so soon..." Jubril looked over her shoulder and eyed down her entourage along with the yatche as it was being unloaded. "Is all well?"

"All is quite well brother, I concluded my business in Alzamard early and even got a small concession from Fareed for my efforts." Nawra smiled at him sweetly. "I hope nothing has happened while I was away, no false rumors spread, plots hatched against the crown..."

"I do not know what you mean." Jubril ignored her comment and nodded at the crates. "They are marked as property of Alzamard... Gifts?"

"Yes, there was a... Situation, in Alzamard and Fareed offered an apology. I shall be explaining to our parents, have they been informed of my return?"

"Yes, yes... Food crates? What a paltry gift."

"One among other "gifts" I wrested from him... Shall we-"

"Who is that?"

"Damn." Nawra turned and stared. "Who? That is Captain J'Lail, Pijasiros..."

"No, that short little thing hiding behind him. I had heard from our dear mother that Fareed gifted his guests with slaves so this is what you chose hmm?" Jubril walked past her and glaring at Pijasros motioned with a hand. "Move."

Pijasiros looked at Nawra who closed her eyes and nodded. "As you command prince."

Jaji tried to move with him and did quite well but Jubril followed the movement. "Quit hiding! Step out so I can see you... This... Cripple? Was what Fareed gifted to you?" Jubril looked Jaji over as the colt stared back at him as the prince glared. "Poorly trained, does not know his place nor how to behave. I shall warn you only once slave that you do not dare to look your betters in the eye nor to even look upon their person. If you so much as look at me again you will be whipped."

"He is mine, you will keep your hands off of him." Nawra motioned quietly for Jaji to back down and was relieved when the colt looked away but the anger and disdain on his face was clear, worse was Jubril had caught it. "And since when did we adopt the practices of these other less civilized kingdoms? I would dare to say, brother, that you might give our family a bad name by behaving as Fareed and his "nobility" does."

Jubril scowled a moment before ignoring her comment. "I see... Far be it from me to play the fool, but this is no gift from Fareed. Is he? Where and how did you come by this... Wretch?"

"Speaking so poorly of the downcast? Or is that normal now... You have so adopted other customs these days. Most unlike you brother, I imagined you would show some pity towards the colt who has suffered so."

Jubril smiled at Nawra. "Where is your gift then?"

J'Lail stepped forward and shook his head. "There were certain... Complications. Unfortunately the slave did not make it most regrettably."

"Ah... So he speaks for you now." Jubril watched his sisters trained expression and then looked back at Jaji. "You, colt, answer me this: why did you lose that hand?" When Jaji did not answer Jubril's smile became a mischievous smirk. "So you leave with precious gold and gems only to return with food, vague promises and a thief? Oh dear sister... This does not bode well for you."

"That is none of your concern but if you wish to know you may join me in the throne room as I give my report to our parents."

"Tch... Did you take pity on him and drag him off the street?" Jubril walked closer to Jaji who looked away. "Find him just after he was punished for picking a pocket and decided to take him under your wing?" Eyes tracing down Jubril looked at the fresh bandage and stopped before looking at Nawra somewhat confused. "Exactly whom did he steal from and why did you deign it necessary to bring him here?"

"That is none of your concern but if you must know he tried to steal from Pijasiros as we were touring the city, Fareed would not commute the sentence due to it being a crime against one of his guests and took the poor colts hand as punishment. I decided to take him with me and-"

"We do not make a habit of bringing home those who try to steal from us, even if it be our servants."

"He is but a colt and has already proven himself as being capable of greater things than petty theft."

"That "complication" with the slave involved this thief I assume?"

"Yes, and when mother and father hear of this they shall be most grateful to him."

"I can hardly wait." Jubril looked at Jaji again not entirely buying it but gave a small shrug and walked off. "At least he was wise enough not to lay a hand upon you my beloved sister. Had he done so our father would have him flayed alive and crucified before the city gates, he does favor and adore you so. This thief should consider himself to be so lucky that is, had it happened..."

"Yes, but he is not yours and is one of mine now for so long as I choose. Shall we be on our way? I would very much like to get out of this sweltering heat and return home. I shall have a servant inform father that I will give my report in a few days after I have had a chance to rest." Nawra smiled. "And more time to settle Jaji into things and make him at least presentable."

Jubril gave her a somewhat mocking bow. "Of course, I even had your carriage brought for you, devoid of any... Darts or sharp objects. Shall we?"

Nawra held back a snarl as Jubril beamed at her and with arm outstretched guided them down the pier and towards the waiting servants who had hidden behind the guards. Two carriages were ready and waiting for them and part of her wanted to go over it with a fine toothed comb before getting inside, but knew to do so would be blatantly insulting to her brother and would also cause a scene which he was probably hoping for. From the look in his eyes he could see the journey had worn her thin and it would not take much to push her over but there was nothing she could do, he held the upper hand for the moment but that would change again once she had a chance to rest and prepare.

Unfortunately, a great deal hinged on just how fast Jaji could catch on and make himself so small to her parents that they would lose any interest in the affair and dismiss it.

Sweat burned his eyes horribly while Tasid heaved back on the oar as his inflamed muscles screamed, and with vision swimming again as the heat threatened to make him pass out he leaned forward robotically and loosely in time with the rower ahead of him and drew back again. It was a never ending nightmare, all day he rowed and when he was not rowing he was passed out, beaten or sleeping.

"I just want to get home... Please, make it end."

Throat parched he gagged as he made another feeble stroke with the oar and almost jumped from his seat when a cane tapped him on the shoulder.

"Alright, that's enough for now #13." The overseer undid his shackle and attached him to a new chain which ran to the mast. "At least make yourself useful and empty out those buckets, your scrubbing things down and dont puke on the deck again or I will whip your flank till the fur is gone."


"Get going."

Tasid could not walk as the exhaustion made it impossible and crawling to the buckets retched into one after the smell hit him. Forcing himself up and into a loping gate he staggered to the back and dumped the contents over the side before returning them to their place. A bucket of water was already waiting, the crew having learned that the very prospect of him pulling up water without collapsing an event worthy of placing bets. Dipping a rag into the bucket and slapping it on the deck he began his task of cleaning the dust off, dust that would be replaced once the wind blew. It was busy work and his overseers way of allowing him to make himself useful while also "resting." But, after a time scrubbing he would be put back on the oar and the process would repeat over and over again all day long.

From the corner of his eyes he could see the overseer give him a glance before shaking his head and muttering to himself, it was utterly degrading.

"When I get back to my fiefdom I must pack all the gold I can and-" Tasid shook his head. "No, the assassins would find me, it is better if I stay and try to placate Fareed. No, run, he is going to kill me anyway! I am dead either way..."

Scrubbing furiously a moment before his muscles screamed at him Tasid slowed to a more manageable pace. "I need to prove I am irreplaceable. How! Running will not prove anything, he will have me killed for certain..."

"Scrub harder!"

"Understood!" Working a little faster Tasid desperately tried to find a solution to his problem. "What would make Fareed see me as valuable? Maybe I could blame a tribe for... No, I already did that once... Maybe I can foment a rebellion, anger a tribe into rebelling and put them down to show my loyalty and usefulness. Send the spoils to Fareed and give him three quarters of their crops. Which tribe? Town? No, has to be a tribe. There are few towns and I do not control any of them... He would not believe it either. They have never caused him any trouble so why now? He would blame me instead. Damn! I need some way to prove I am not worth replacing! No one wants Iuny anyway so that gives me a little time... Ah! The mercenaries! Maybe they have... No, they would never mess things up that badly, they have probably enough reports to show they are doing as ordered."

Tasid continued scrubbing and arguing with himself until the familiar cane tapped on the deck. "Alright, back to your oar, that's enough rest."


Chapter 81: Plots and Plans

"In order to coerce an enemy into turning a blind eye to the reality of their situation one must grab their attention so thoroughly and unexpectedly that they become incapable of seeing the larger picture. Only when their attention is thus diverted can they then be deceived and led astray."
-Prince Halim-

The full moon had risen high bathing the landscape in its pale glow save for the surrounding forests that remained dark and ominous to any who attempted to divine its dark secrets. All was quiet save the yawning of an occasional guard who wandered the ramparts and the flicker of the braziers as a new log was tossed in to keep it burning and help take the chill off their bones in the cool evening air. Now and then a spark would fly as moths burned themselves up, too eager to drift towards the enticing light as others had done, unlike the moths however a laid in wait for the order to storm the fortress. Halim watched quietly as the lone sentry stalked the walls, their silhouette only visible by the oil lamp they carried in one hand as they stopped to stare at the dark forest once more before shuffling on.

"Do we attack now my prince?"

Halim glanced at his second in command and shook his head. "No, we wait for the signal."

"If they were captured..."

"They were not, the enemy has made no attempt to patrol the area, their outposts were easily captured, watchtowers silenced and not one got away alive." He continued to watch the eastern wall carefully for movement before glancing at the two nearest towers. "All is set, the ladders are assembled, infiltrators inside and they have shown no sign of alarm..."

Whoever was in command of the fortress had been so easily blinded he almost felt insulted, they were so focused on the north that his delaying action had tied their hands and allowed him to advance to within a stones throw of the fort. However, to move the entirety of his force to within assaulting distance was impossible without being detected. A large portion had to be left behind waiting with the caravan to rest and recuperate while the rest had been harried forward with equipment to seize their new prize. It was fully stocked with everything he needed to draw this bloody business out for a month if he so desired. Pack animals were already penned up nearby and wagons ready for the returning enemy army, but only they knew no one would never make it in time to receive them.

The night had become their guardian, advancing at night along a set path while resting during the heat of the day. No dust could be seen at night and there were no moving silhouettes to give them away, the only movement was that of their enemy or the wildlife. Infiltrators had been sent south to filter into the convoys and slip inside the fortress before sundown as one more load of supplies was being delivered, only they never departed with the convoy. It was the most simple plan he could come up with: a precious few would go inside, hide in the chaos, clear the eastern wall of sentries, set the ladder markers and their job was done. From without his forces were divided into three groups, one to set the ladders, one to climb and the last to swing around and destroy the growing encampment of levy that had pitched camp. When the second group had gone up the first would follow and from there they would have to hack and slash their way through the fort until it was theirs.

There were no reinforcements to be had, the main column had been left behind and ordered to begin following him the following day at a leisurely pace giving them a chance to rest for one day. This would give him time while he mopped up the local resistance and prepared the supplies stored within for travel. Simple, easy to understand and no room for question or doubt, they had their orders and did not need to know anything else nor should they be burdened with knowledge beyond their ability to comprehend. Only two complaints had been raised so far, the second only moments ago the first being that the ladders were meant for a city and not a small fortress. He almost sighed in annoyance at the remark as it had been raised earlier in the day, of course the ladders were too long but now they were almost a rampart allowing his soldiers to more easily climb them shields in hand rather than choosing between weapon or shield as they fought their way up the ladders.

Once more his eyes traced to the walls where the sentry appeared again and began walking back, there had been a strict time limit placed upon the infiltrators and if they did not make their move he would be forced to go with the secondary plan of simply storming the walls sentries or not, a very risky prospect as it would give the enemy camp fair warning. Following the equines movements he watched the oil lamp fall from their hand as an unseen force yanked them backwards before tossing their writhing body over the wall.

"Ladders ready."

"Ladders ready prince."

Halim motioned with his hands and in the near perfect darkness whispers spread rapidly as all eyes focused on the eastern wall as torch light flared to life at regular intervals.


A great rustling sounded in the night air as soldiers began pouring out of the forest, some tripping and cursing quietly before standing up once more and speeding forward. Bathed in the moonlight Halim stood at the forests edge and watched as the ladder bearers ran forward with the large siege ladders. Stopping they heaved and with great effort along with the aid of several ropes forced the teetering monoliths to stand first upright, and then sag towards the walls. Drawing back on the ropes the ladders slowed their descent until they lazily thudded into place securely, within moments soldiers had lit their torches to guide their ascent and in a great rush drove upwards and over the ramparts.

Walking forward briskly Halim glanced to the south where chaos had yet to erupt as the other group began putting the camp sentries and slumbering levy to the sword before it could sink in as to what was happening to them. They were trained, that was true, but they were woefully unprepared for anything sudden to befall them.

"A pity, they would have made fine soldiers." Halim's head snapped back towards the fortress as a horn blasted out in warning. "Too little too late."

Putting his hoof firmly on the first rung on the ladder he made his ascent as one of his soldiers held a torch not far ahead lighting the path. A single arrow whistled wildly overhead and into the night without finding a target, looking towards the tower it had come from he could see from the dim light inside a great scuffle taking place that quickly reached to the top of the tower where a single body was shoved off and into the darkness screaming. Reaching the top of the ladder and slipping over the crenelation Halim looked both ways before looking down and into the chaotic bloodbath that had become the fortresses mustering ground.

"You!" Halim grabbed an officer that had just climbed onto the rampart and pointed. "Take your company along the wall and break your way through that door!"

The response was mostly drowned out by the screaming masses below as they tried to defend themselves, as he watched the gatehouse was quickly stormed and within moments the gate began rattling open. Checking to see if the officer was following his course he nodded as the soldiers rushing after their captain began tearing through another tower before moving on and towards the keep which joined with the wall. Looking back towards the killing fields below he watched as his soldiers battered down the garrison as they rushed to grab their weapons while others attempted to don whatever armor they could. For most it was far too late as his heavily armed infantry continued to drive forward while another formation drew up behind them and once organized threw themselves forward and began battering away at any who dared to offer resistance.

Light could be seen springing to life everywhere now, every tower seemed to be a beacon of light as archers began taking their posts only to find their tower under siege or already captured. Some had slammed the doors shut but the small battering rams and breaching axes carried for this purpose were already breaking down the doors, their time was numbered and with such chaos the archers had few if any targets. In the darkness it was impossible to distinguish who was whom and a bow was worthless if the enemy was already inside which was why he had not brought any. This was a wild melee, a battle of spear and sword, anything else was a senseless diversion. Below him one of the bunkhouses had begun to put up a fight as those inside held the doorway and refused to relent, but with shields up and a massive surge of bodies his soldiers forced their way inside and chaos ensued out of sight as they continued to pour inside easily before leaving moment later. The bunkhouse had been cleansed of life.

Checking on his wayward company again they could be seen smashing down one of the doors that led into the keep itself as a few archers above made pop shots at them from above. A single soldier fell off the wall and out of sight as he watched and seeing his soldiers now pouring in from the camp outside he nodded and grabbing one of his ranking officers spun them around to face him.

"Send one company to reinforce the ones over there who are breaking inside. Ignore the keeps gate, they will have barricaded it by now. Bring up the grappling hooks and have a second assault the keep from the other side." Shouting back in understanding the officer departed as he watched. "If not one then the other will get inside, perhaps a hailstorm of grappling hooks will divide their attention..."

As the battle raged below the first company began slowly forcing its way inside the keep but was struggling badly to make headway. From the other angle he could just see the glint of metal as his secondary plan was put into effect and as the hooks were thrown high and into the moonlit sky they fell into place. He could see panic spread amongst the archers on top of the keep as their attention was split between the door and the ropes. Racing back and forth he could see them either firing into the darkness or trying to release the hooks with great effort but the pressure had been taken off the door. Over the cacophony of screams he could just make out and see an officer rallying the two companies and with a loud yell they heaved their combined mass forward and through the door. For a moment they were held in place but something inside gave way and the mass seemed to almost fall on itself as they rolled forward and continued inside.

Through the slits he could see shadows obscuring the light now and then as someone passed in front of the narrow opening and looking down once more he watched as his enemy who survived the initial onslaught tried to form up a battle line at the keeps gate.

"From without and within." Halim pulled a courier to him. "Take a message to the two companies in the keep, they are ordered to keep the gate closed until ordered." Grabbing a second he pointed below. "Recall third group, they are to enter the keep along this wall and through that door there, guide them. As you pass the forces below inform first and second to press them against the keeps gate, we will catch them between two forces."

Walking along the wall and towards the now open keep door Halim watched as his forces made steady progress but with resistance mounting it would take time that he did not care to spend. They were ready to break and run in a moment if offered an opening and he would provide them a false exit, one that led directly into his waiting arms. Reaching the door Halim stepped over the bodies of friend and foe alike, and as he walked one of the wounded garrison soldiers had begun to slowly drag herself across the floor. Pulling his dagger free he yanked her head up and drew the blade across the mares throat before dropping her and moving forward.

It did not take long to reach the ongoing battle within the keep, looking at the scene as he came down the stairway he pointed at the nearest captain. "We are not taking prisoners nor leaving behind enemy wounded, send a few to clean up any who are still alive."

"Yes prince."

Looking around quickly he walked to an arrow slit and stared out. "We are near the gate mechanism, when the third group shows they will handle it. You are to focus on clearing out the keep."

"Understood prince."

"Where is?" Halim looked around for the other captain.

"Dead, an arrow caught him in the throat and he fell-"

"So that was who fell off wall." Halim nodded. "You now command both companies, see to your job."

"At once."

Halim waited as they pushed through the hallways and one room at a time cleared the keep, waiting patiently he counted off the minutes quietly until a wheezing soldier arrived.

"We have captured the gate-room."

"Very good, show me the way in a moment." Turning around Halim watched as his third group began filtering into the hallway with him and nodding to the officer pointed. "Put a few soldiers to operate the gears, the rest will come with me. Lead on."

Following the breathless soldier through the hallway he led them directly to the mechanism where a few extra soldiers were left before they began winding their way down and towards the gate itself.

Emerging into a mingling chaos as the main entrance came into view Halim shook his head. "This is much too well designed to be here, if they had built their border forts this well it would have been a true trial to fight them. Fortunately they failed to maintain proper sentries tonight." Staring at the chaos he motioned his column forward. "Clear this room at once, the others will clear the keep but you are to remain here, once this is cleared out draw up facing the door there and be at the ready."

It did not take long for the room to empty itself out of enemies and nodding he send a soldier back the way they had come with the order to open the gate. From outside the sound of battle still emanated as the hard pressed defenders dug themselves in however they could while a few shouted to be allowed entrance.

"In due time..." Halim snapped his fingers and pointed at two nearby soldiers. "Throw off the bar and return to the line." Hurrying forward they pulled the bar off the door and fell back as the ratting of the gate filled the air as the small portcullis was raised. "Far too well made to be left guarding this road. Perhaps it was made before they ruled so far south?" Halim pondered the thought before pushing it away again as the door swung open and a tidal wave of bloody and terrified defenders poured into the waiting grasp of his soldiers.

At first the defenders looked relieved to be permitted entrance and as they carried their wounded inside but it slowly sank in as they stared at the wall of spears aimed at them.


Halim watched quietly as they began back peddling only to be caught between waves, the wave outside was desperately trying to get inside while another was attempting to get out. Now the two found themselves trapped between two lines, one driving them inside, the other pushing them back out. Loud cries of alarm were raised but none were more loud than those begging for their lives and mercy as weapons fell from hands and knees bent. No mercy was given as all were cut down where they stood or knelt as a steady flow of bodies flowed inside before ebbing. It was no longer possible to walk on the floor as the bodies were heaped up and as the last defenders huddled between the two forces with their hands up Halim glanced around the corner and stared.

"You fought admirably under the circumstances but I am unwilling to accept your surrender at this time. Kill them all."

Ignoring the shouts of dismay he motioned his force forward and tuned out the cries of pain as the last survivors were cut down. Walking through the hallway he paused as a small group of soldiers hurried towards him dragging a well dressed stallion who was unknown to him.

"You will not get away with this whoever you are! You will be hunt-"

Halim drew his sword and with a quick motion slashed the princes throat. "Send a courier to the main column, the fortress is mine, they are to double their pace so we can load up the supplies, and have these bodies cleared up. Also." Nodding to his second in command as he entered Halim motioned towards one of his dead soldiers. "Strip our dead of anything that marks them as mine, we are not to leave them any indication of who did this, we are not to fly the royal flag any longer. Any standard that is associated with us is to be packed up securely and kept in my wagon until further notice, the same goes for any who have a marking on their uniform. From an outside observer we are an unknown force."

"My prince?" The officer looked at him confused. "I do not understand-"

"You do not need to, just know that when our business here is over they will know not who attacked them nor whom to blame except themselves. Have their supplies prepared for loading when the column arrives, we will take all we can and burn the rest. Have the ration doubled tomorrow, they have earned it. We move south when the main column arrives."

"The soldiers will need more time to rest, the animals-"

"They shall have it but not here."

"Understood my prince."

"There is a village not far from here... Come the morrow they will raise the alarm and our location will be given away, burn them out tonight? No, that will take too much time... Let them sit and watch an unknown force sack the fortress, let them see that we are not who we really are for just a little while and then burn them out." Halim nodded to himself quietly. "They shall get to keep their homes for another day or two but their destruction shall serve a greater purpose and cause only more fear and panic. But they will not make this mistake again, there will be no more easy sieges which will make every act of destruction sting all the more."

"My prince?"

Halim turned to the soldier who stood nearby. "Yes?"

"The body of-"

"Ah..." Halim pondered it a moment as he stared at the dead prince with narrowed eyes. "Save this body for last and then stack it on top of all the others, do not loot it, he will be left as he is for the vultures."

"Yes my prince."

"That should rile them up a bit, tossed out with the common soldier to rot in the sun."

Halim walked back up the stairs to explore the fortress further, everyone had their orders and all the plans had already been set. Now, there was time to examine his temporary headquarters before burning it down and he was curious to see if there was anything of alternative value to be had.

Iuny was in a partial state of chaos, refugees were banging on the gate and demanding entrance while tribes had begun to stream past the city as they abandoned their land and moved northwest. Watching them from the walls the mercenary officer thrummed his fingers in annoyance as he looked over the crumbling crenelation at the teeming masses below.

"This was not in the contract, we are not being paid for this, this is not our problem, but." He glared at the city guard standing beside him in annoyance. "Allow them entrance."

"Yes sir."

"I will not be blamed if this is the act of either marauders or an invasion but as to who in their right mind would invade this forsaken hell is beyond me and out of their minds." Watching for a moment as the order was given to open the gate to allow the screaming mass inside he sighed again before looking at the paper in his hand. "Outpost sees a few hundred marauders, pisses themselves, runs, stirs everyone up, doesn't bother to leave lookouts at the secondary posts, abandons those as well, keep running, scream to all who hear that death is coming... Dumb bastards, all of them. They might have turned around and gone back or headed west and we wouldn't know now."

"Sir? Do we continue preparations or-"

Turning to his lieutenant he nodded. "Yes, yes... A band of marauders wouldn't have the numbers to take the city in the first place but be damned if I get blamed for leaving these idiots to die out there. A courier has been sent to Miwani as to our situation? Good. Then it is no longer our problem, they will probably go around us and after easier targets and the last courier said someone is on their way to the capital so its Fareed's problem now if the courier survives. So... We just sit here and watch, collect our pay and get the ships ready for departure."

"We lack supplies to handle this many refugees."

"We? Who the hell is WE? This is Tasid's city and if his storehouses cant handle a little crisis like this then let him burn, you will not turn over one damn grain of wheat to these bastards. Understood?"

"I had no intention to but the question has been raised by the cities guard captain about how to handle them."

"Tell him to do his damned job and deal with it, we are here to make certain they don't riot or burn it all down, gods knows it would improve things. He can deal with it, its "his" city after all."

"Understood. And shall we double the guard on the gate?"

Thinking it over he watched the refugees streaming inside the city before nodding. "Double the guard, but not ours, we are leaving soon anyway and have preparations to attend to. Have the "captain" send some of his underlings to handle it."

"Seeing them may encourage the marauders to attack the city."

"Well! If they do, our ships will be ready to sail and so long as they attack the morning after our orders run out it will no longer be our problem."

"Yes sir."

Nawra waited as her father read over the scroll one last time before nodding slightly and then passed it to her mother who began glancing over it. Leaning back into his throne he regarded her quietly before snapping his fingers at a servant who brought drinks over.

"You did well, but that other matter..."

"I deemed it most prudent to place your plans on hold until I could ascertain certain motives in play."

"Do not try to dance around me with words."

Nawra let out a defeated sigh and nodded. "As you command my king, it became apparent that Fareed was trying to get at me, and I shall not bore you with details but a certain incident on the way back..." She paused. "Proved that erring on the better side of caution was the correct course of action."

"Is this the cripple you brought back with you?" Her mother looked up from the document before rolling it up and passing it to a waiting scribe.

"He is but one part of it yes."

"Do explain..."

"Of course my queen. One of the slaves granted to me by Fareed poisoned my wine and the one you refer to as "cripple" saved my life."

"That is an act of war."

"An act we can not prove, if I may interject." J'Lail moved forward slightly. "It is my understanding that the method employed could just as easily be a third party as much as Fareed's own doing. It could even be several parties working together."

"How exactly do you come to the conclusion that an attempted assassination is by more than one party when it was Fareed's slave who attempted it? Whom, why? How."

Nawra moved a hand out slightly stopping J'Lail from answering. "That is the problem, we do not know and have little to no information on the matter except to say that Fareed would not go to such lengths on his own. As Pijasiros explained it to me: it would be cost prohibitive. The matter will require further investigation."

"And it shall have it." Jubril pointed toward the throne room doors. "This cripple though, why have you brought him here? Is it not better to leave him at the temple or orphinarium?"

"Yes..." Nawra's father drank from his cup a little before putting it back on the tray. "Explain to me how you justify bringing a thief into the palace, you claim he saved your life and for that I am eternally grateful to him but from what you have told me... He tried to steal from captain J'Lail, was caught, punished mildly and then you chose to shelter him? We do not take street urchins into our midst."

Nawra held her hands out to her sides. "To save the life of one you owe nothing, while of feeble mind and body, one who had you... Punished... And yet to still undertake such an act deserves to be rewarded."

"Then reward the colt and see him off. I grant you permission to take from the treasury to do so."

"I had other plans for him and seeing as he is under my care and has done no harm since coming here-"

"He is a thief!" Jubril feigned annoyance. "How long before he attempts to steal from the palace? Or worse seeks revenge for the loss of his hand?"

"As he is under my care that is hardly your concern brother but I strongly believe he shall not do so, the colt has proven himself... Capable of greater things."

"A single act does not justify-"

"Are you saying that saving the life of his future queen does not justify a small degree of faith in him? That he may not seek to right his wrongs and that he is beyond absolution?" Jubril grimaced at her so briefly no one but Nawra caught it. "My beloved brother, you may be of military mind but you would do well to consider that others can change and seek to better themselves, to seek forgiveness for their digressions. Seeing as you know only the battlefield this is a foreign thought to you but please consider it."

"Of course... Sister."

A loud clap brought everyone's attention back to the king who was shaking his head. "Does the colt indeed seek absolution from his past? Are these his words or yours?"

"He is outside, shall I call him in?"

"No..." Her father wearily waved the question off. "No, you are right. He has paid for his crime and if he seeks to mend his ways I shall not interfere, but I shall object to you keeping him here! To keep a thief within the palace walls... Agh! Do you truly believe this colt is redeemable and-"


"Very well. You shall house, feed and pay for him out of your own stipend. However! Should he attempt to steal anything-"

"He shall not."

"If! He steals anything or commits a crime the colt shall wish he had hung back in Alzamard. Scribe! Let it be known that... What is his name?"


"That this... Jaji, what a name... That Jaji is henceforth servant, property... Etcetera... Of my daughter, princess Nawra of Labrad, etcetera... He is her servant or what is he?"

"I have yet to decide his station."

"Leave it as indentured servant then." Letting out a heavy sigh he shook his head. "My daughter leaves for Alzamard to form an alliance and instead returns with incriminations! Assassination conspiracies and... A thief as her servant! A crippled one!" Leaning over he signed the document quickly and stamped it. "It is done and I am quite tired, it has been a long day. This matter is closed but we shall revisit this assassination conspiracy after inquiries have been made. Goodnight Nawra, Jubril."

"Goodnight father, mother." They spoke in unison as their parents left and once they were gone, turned and departed.

Jubril led the way a moment before stopping to stare back at Nawra quizzically. "He attempted to steal from J'Lail... And bears no broken bones... Interesting, I saw a thief once try to pick his pocket and it was quite... Colorful."

"He is but a colt."

"Yes... "Just" a colt." Jubril smiled at her and leaning closer lowered his voice. "Just don't make him your cup bearer, as much as it would entertain everyone to see a cripple try and carry both tray and goblet... Well, goodnight!"


Nawra waited until he was further away before walking up the main doors and calling out stood silently as Pijasiros brought Jaji inside the throne room.

"I take it you both heard what my father said?"

Pijasiros nodded. "He heard, but..."

"Yes?" Nawra looked at the two before settling her eyes on Jaji.

"Not want to stay... Fancy place, but no stay."

She looked at him curiously. "Why?"

"They right, thief, also have friend in city. Not want to leave her behind in bad place."

"I see... Your loyalty is quite admirable but I do believe it would be best if you stayed here and made a new life for yourself."

"Not want to leave friend to die like rest."

"Ah." Nawra let out a tired sigh. "Let us walk this way..." Motioning towards the throne room side exit reserved for the royal family she sent J'Lail ahead to keep away prying ears. "I would like you to consider something first. Yes?"

Jaji nodded. "Okay?"

"Loyalty is a truly noble virtue, one valued more highly than all others among royalty such as myself. That you would be given the chance to live a life free of worries that have no doubt plagued you all of your life, and then to throw it all away to save a friend and go back to living under such... Conditions? Is admirable. But, you can do more for your friend here than back in Alzamard. Here, you would, maybe, be in a position to help this friend of yours... She is a thief? Yes, well, to leave such a life behind for good is wiser."

Jaji stared at Nawra confused but curiously. "How I help from this place? Too far. No see from here."

"Very true but you forget that one does not have to see someone to help them. Would you answer me a little question first?" Nawra turned and stared at the colt as he nodded. "Why did you save my life?"

"Not know... You not bad, strange with words not understand but nice. Not know any who say no to Fareed face and argue, live, get way. Not want see you die, to nice to die."

"Thank you. Now, before you are shown to your quarters- Bed-"

"Have bed!?"

"Yes... But first, imagine doing more with your life than just being a petty thief. To serve a nation and its people by serving its queen. To make it a better place, but to do even more. Through service comes benefits..." She paused. "Coin, through service comes coin, with this coin you can help anyone you want so long as you are loyal. This coin can be sent far away to help a friend survive and maybe, if they change their ways... Find a new home. Maybe even bring her closer to you so this friend is safe. Do you understand?" Jaji nodded. "Good. But! There are risks of course, some will not like you for helping me, they will try to sway you-"

Jaji shook his head again only slower. "No... Lose hand, not eye and ear. Hear other one through door. He not so smart as think with words. Not understand most what said in fancy place but know you not bad, I not take things, not do bad to you."

Nawra looked at Pijasiros and raised an eyebrow for a moment. "Very well, you do not have to accept or refuse tonight, think on it and make your decision later. But, it will take time to help your friend, I imagine finding her will be... Problematic. You must show extraordinary patience."

"Know friend, she survive, maybe, hope."

"Thieves always survive somehow." J'Lail shook his head as Nawra scowled at him.

Waving one of her servants forward she pointed at Jaji. "Have him taken to the servants quarters and bedded down. I will see you again tomorrow Jaji."

"Yes prin-cises."

Nawra held back a small laugh at the horribly pronounced word and nodded to the colt before leaving with the rest of her retinue. Returning to her quarters for the night she waved J'Lail and Pijasiros in before sitting down and once the door was closed let out a small laugh.

"He shall not be a hand servant. J'Lail I want you to see my fathers master of assassins and have him begin training Jaji once he agrees."

The two stared at her in disbelief but Pijasiros spoke first. "Are you mad? With respect that is. This is unfanthamobile! To take this crippled thief and train him to be an assassin! His loyalties are a subject of great debate!"

"He is not the kind to betray others and I do not intend for him to be one. Did you see it back in Alzamard J'Lail?"

"See..." J'Lail shook his head.

"As they were hauling him away after he stole my bracelet."

Thinking back hard J'Lail closed his eyes before nodding. "He shook his head, ah... That filly that threw the coins into the crowd."

"It was most by chance but I did catche a glimpse as he was being taken away, he was unwilling to take the chance of her getting involved in what would have only been a very poorly botched rescue attempt. This friend of his is most valued."

"You mean she is a bargaining tool?"

"Yes but I hate to see the matter so crasly. His loyalty is extraodinary, they tortured him and I do not doubt they tried to assertain if he had friends who helped him and yet... He still refers to her as if she is perfectly safe, he is much too young to lie properly when off balance. She was the first concern on his mind. That is loyalty no amount of gold will purchase."

"If I may... His loyalty is to her and most likely his fellow thieves."

"Whom are not here." Nawra waved J'Lail's comment off. "He has more growing to do and with proper education he will realize quickly that he is better off here and so is his friend. Not much is known about the thieves guild except that no matter how much terror and force is brought to bear against them they have never broken. The bonds they must forge through such horror, they must be remarkably strong."

"And you wish to bind him to you in such a manner while hoping he severs the other?"

"He has already been bonded, you heard him as well as I. No one has ever looked Fareed in the face and said "no." Especially for a thief."

"He still lost his hand..."

"And many friends save one survivor, I clearly made myself the enemy of his enemy when I stood up against Fareed and have now offered to save the last friend he truly has."

"You are attemping to purchase his undying loyalty with his friend."

"No, I will. It is a small matter to contact the smugglers and have them deliver a message to the thieves guild who in turn will track her down. With belts being tightened so severely they will probably be more than happy to accept... Gratiutity, for keeping her safe. The filly cant be older than him or not much, probably younger... No matter, finding her is not an issue and once it is established that no harm is meant she will probably come here of her own free will because as Jaji put it: their friends are all dead or the risk of death is high. There is little to nothing binding either of them to Alzamard save loyalty to the guild and he never once mentioned them."

Pijasiros hummed. "Perhaphs he blames them for their deaths?"

"We should not presume to know." J'Lail eyed Nawra carefully. "Let us assume that he will devote himself to you, that he is as you believe... Train him as an assassin though? But not have him remain one?"

"He is perfectly suited for it, the training will make him the perfect, invisible, guard."

"Forgive me if I am out of place princess but... He is a cripple, a failed thief, by all accounts worthless."


"I beg your pardon princess?"

Nawra smiled. "Who better to have as a personal spy, guardian and counter assassin than a cripple? He only lost a hand, not his wits. Jaji is daring, willing to take insane risks and though that may have been blunted due to the loss of his hand, training will restore his... Pluck? What has happened to him proved he is quite mortal and can suffer horribly for mistakes, it has tempered him and at a young age. A degree of paranoia will haunt him for the rest of his life and if that is honed his senses will make him an excellect spy and if need be assassin to fend off others who attempt to take my life. Besides, would you suspect the one handed serving colt to be an assassin or spy?"

"It is my duty to suspect... Yes... Aaarabisk. Yes, I get your point."

"Good. And as he ages everyone will ignore him to a fault."

"Except those who know."

"Which is why only those in this room along with my father and his master of assassins can know. Besides, I understand he is of considerable age now and this would merely be an act of passing on his knowledge one last time before dying of old age."

"How could you possibly know-"

"As heir my father has already begun to introduce me into his... Veiled world."

"And Jubril? He will no doubt use this against you and as leverage for whatever he is going to be planning."

"I imagine he has already taken his own steps. However, to others it shows mercy and so long as no one knows about Jaji's purpose as a trained assassin and bodyguard all the better. With any luck Jubril will be so eager to use this as leverage he will overlook other possibilities, he already sees the colt as nothing more than a worthless cripple." Nawra's tail twiched a little in worry. "Neither can I just abandon him, he has done for me a great service and I shall not see him abandoned so calously."

"Very well. So you wish to turn a one handed thief into your personal assassin... Or bodyguard... Does this have anything to do with recent events?"

"Yes. Fareed taught me something: never pass up an opportunity nor see anyone, nor anything as an impossibility. I do not delight in what I am asking but it is necesarry and this could very well save lives. My life if I am to admit my selfishness."

"Well..." Pijasiros let out a somewhat surprised huff of air. "Our little princess is growing up quickly, your parents would be proud of you right now if they knew. And I imagine," he clicked his tongue. "That your brother Jubril in his arrogance will never suspect this, for whatever it may be worth."

"It is worth all the world to me."

"As for this friend matter... When we establish contact?"

"They will not give her up easily but with a little persuasion they will most likely allow a meeting. From there... We shall see."

"As you wish, but I should remind you that this "friend" may be used as leverage against the both of you. A true assassin or bodyguard and spy must not have anything that can be used against them. Anything else princess?"

"No, you may go, it is far too late and I must get some sleep. But, I imagine most who deal with shadowy affairs have leverage that can be weighed against them, they simply try to keep it a secret. At least in this case it is leverage we can keep an eye on."

Nawra waited for them to depart before stripping down and laying on her bed stretched out as a cool breeze blew in through her window, and ss she stared up at the ceiling allowing recent events to revisit her she mulled something over. Fareed had taught her something very important during her visit and leaning over she let out a short puff of air to blow out the oil lamp before stretching out again.

"Enemies are many, without any mercy and will come from everywhere and everywhere, and though I wish it possible, I can in no way save nor help everyone. Nor should I..." She winced at her own words. "Instead I shall save who I can."

Author's Notes:

Thus concludes Nawra and just about wraps up Halim.

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Zebrican Warlord

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