
Ace Investigator - The Hawke Chronicles

by Justin Daniels

Chapter 2: Conference and Consultation: Twilight Sparkle

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Smalltown Police Department, Smalltown - Detective's Quarter

Time: 7:30 AM

November 23

It's only been a few hours, and Jason still eyes Twilight warily, while they walk through the hallway, and into his main office.

"So... you're saying you opened the portal in the Safe, but it's still accessible?"

She nods her head to settle his worries. "That's right."

"Okay... and you got past the security guards by... 'Magic'?"

Again, she nods. "Yep! Although I can only cast it in my true form."

He then deadpans at her, cringing inwardly while holding onto his watch for yet another double-take on what's about to come up.

"And your 'true form' happens to be a... Pony? Or more specifically, a mix between a Unicorn and a Pegasus?"

She rolls her eyes, and sighs. "Yes... and no, your Magatama isn't broken. That's literally the truth!"

"... And you can prove that, how exactly?"

"Hmm... today I ate an Elephant Sandwich. It tasted like Peanut Butter and Oats, however, and not at all like Salisbury Steak, like the Doctor said it would!"


("What kind of ridiculous statement was that?! Well... I guess it rules out the Magatama being busted, at least...")

"Point taken... so how long do you intend on keeping this portal of yours open, anyways?" he asks, now paying extra attention, seeing how it wasn't really a question he asked yet.

She hums, before shrugging her shoulders.

"Didn't really think of that... was kinda hoping it could be as long as it takes for us to get to the bottom of the Organization, and in turn, stopping them before they could strike again!"

"Right... that brings up another line of questions, actually."

"Okay, shoot."

"Just how much do you even know about this 'Organization', anyways? I caught that they have the ability to cross between our worlds at will. Also, to a Unicorn, how much magic would that take out of them?"

"Good questions, indeed... to answer your first one, I don't really know that much about them. Just heard that they've been around a lot longer than we thought. Though we were able to observe some suspects that were most likely to have connections, they held no evidence to use against them, and were set free... one of the suspects happens to be my mentor's nephew, Prince Blueblood, but... well, nopony challenges Royalty without the risk of a Denigration Charge."

"So you can be charged for simply asking questions?" Jason asks, now starting to feel a sense of dread in the back of his mind.

Twilight smiles, before shaking her head. "Thankfully, that isn't necessarily the case. More or less, it's about False Accusations that can get you charged... but seeing your record has me believe you don't make those."

He relaxes at that. "Ah, okay, good. I'll be sure to be extra cautious with how I word things, then."

"That would be best... anyways, to answer you second question, it would be impossible for one Unicorn to cast such a spell. Sure, teleportation can be achieved by anypo-erm... any Unicorns... that power alone takes a lot out of one. In fact, my first Teleportation Spell ended up burning my coat and mane a little bit... as well as a little bit of my home."

"Hmm... would it be possible for several to gather their energy and produce it, though?" He rubs his chin at her brief 'near slip-up' that she had.

("So it can't be achieved by everyone... I'm guessing it's because of the Earth Ponies and Pegasi she mentioned on the way up here... doubt if they would be able to cast the spells due to the lack of a horn...")

"Actually, yes. It's possible for a Unicorn to channel the energy from those around him or her so that their spell could grow more powerful... even non-unicorns can be sapped of their magic."

"So Non-Unicorns have Magic in them, as well?"

Twilight nods her head.

"Correct. Pegasi have Weather Magic in them, and Earth Ponies have Earth Magic."

"And... Unicorns have Magic Magic, then?"

"Actually, we have Spirit Magic in us... if given the time, we can even do the same kind of magic that your Magatama has, without the need of wearing one."

("So basically, anything I can do, you can do better... well that's a little nerve-wracking, don't you think? A bunch of miniature equines that could plaster me across the landscape at mere thought... and there's a portal to that kind of place in my office?!")

"*Ahem* So a Unicorn can sap the Magic from others, then?"

"Yes...OH! But don't worry. Spells like that are actually banned from the Archives, and using them is considered a Criminal Offense. And even if they do know the spell, it's not even a guarantee that they can cast it, due to how complex it is."

Jason relaxes at that, while they stop short of his office's dark wooden door, which includes a thumbprint scanner above the handle.

He removes his hand from the watch and plants his right thumb on the scanner, allowing the red beam to trail down the screen, and waits for a few seconds while the locks inside it unhinge themselves.

Twilight, of course, stares at it with fascination.

"So how were you able to get out of the office, anyways? Like, specifics?" he asks, while opening the door and holding it for her to pass.

She nods her head in appreciation before stepping inside. While walking, she replies, "I teleported to the Ground Level, and turned myself invisible for the day. When you caught me hiding in that bush over in New York, it was because the spell was wearing off. I teleported away while you were distracted, and had to re-cast the spell..."

"... But not before leaving me that note, I presume?" he inquires.

She smiles and nods her head. "That's correct... though I would've explained more, but I was running out of time, since you were about to investigate the bush again... in fact, I was actually sitting there when you picked the note up."

"Ah... and you were still under the Invisibility Spell, so I couldn't see you... had I felt around, though, then I'd have felt you?"

She rubs the back of her arm sheepishly. "That, you would've... and the sudden impact would've broken my spell as well, and that would've turned things around a lot more differently... and not necessarily for the best..."

"So magic can be dispelled if the caster get distracted by something... does that include the lack of physical contact?"

"Yes... well, to a degree, actually. Unicorns can keep their spell active as long as they remain at least a little concentrated. However, the spell grows weaker when they grow more distracted... contact, however, can break the spell a lot more effectively, though."

"So the lesser the concentration, the weaker the spell... good to know."

("So self-defense against a hostile Unicorn isn't entirely narrowed out in that sense. At least I can distract one if they hold me against my will, then... well, depending on what I can do to distract them, that is...")

"Precisely... but most of the inhabitants of Equestria aren't hostile to strangers. If anything, they'd likely just be curious or, in some cases, evasive altogether."

"So they'd run away if I get anywhere near them?"

She looks down and sighs. "More than likely... it's happened before on quite a few occasions."

("I'm... not certain how to take that, actually. While I wouldn't mind the safety, I'd still need them cooperative enough to not run away at mere sight! I wouldn't be able to approach anyone for questioning, then!")

She perks up a bit after a little while, and raises her arms up, balling her fists with a determined look. "However, if they see you're with me, then they won't have much reason to fear!"

("Well obviously, because you'd wipe me out of existence before I could even get a chance to lift a finger!")

"Anyways, we're here!"

The two of them step inside the large, metal vault, where another office can be seen.

Jason is quick to recognize that it's the area where he's had to conduct deeper research in some of his past cases. On the walls, his other jackets hang, as well as an old-fashioned Detective's Cap... a cap which he's mentally sworn to never wear again, lest they call him 'Sherlock' once again.

On his desk, several papers and files can be seen, where multiple notes and pictures of former victims and suspects are tacked onto. Lines connect some with others, while smaller sticky notes describe the victims' and suspects' names, occupations, and activities. All of them, however, either have a red "X" on them, or a green "O".

But there's one thing that stands out from Jason's memory of the place... and that would be the large, purple door on the opposite end of the room. He can see that his bookcase was moved in order for Twilight to slip past it, and into the room.

"So... I take it the door is the portal, then?" he asks, rubbing his chin in thought.

("Hmm... from the looks of it, the door would be pushed open... which means that I wouldn't be able to barricade it from this side. I'd have to block it off from the other side, then.)

Twilight nods her head before closing her eyes. A brief flash of light engulfs her body, before she stands back on all fours in her 'True Form'.


("And I'm once more questioning if this is some form of hallucination, or an odd dream...")

Twilight looks up at him curiously, before chuckling slightly. In her Pony Form, she stands up just below Jason's waistline.

"You know, it's not that appropriate to stare, Detective." she says, giving him a sly wink, before trotting towards the door.

He blinks, before clearing his throat and regaining his composure. He then holds his Magatama, and eyes her carefully.

"Before we enter, I need to know a few more things."

She pauses, then turns around. Seeing his hand on the Magatama, she sighs, but nods her head.

"I understand your hesitation, Mr. Hawke, but time isn't really on our side. As we delay even longer, more and more crimes could be growing cold... but on the other hoof, you have the right to know whatever you want to ask. Please, though, we need to be quick about it."

He nods his head, acknowledging her request. "Of course. Don't worry, I'll only ask the three most important questions."

"Sounds good. Feel free to ask as clearly as possible... I'll answer to the best of my abilities."

"First question... on your way here, you said that you felt your magic being drained the more distant you became from the portal. Am I wrong to assume that a similar thing might happen to me, only in reverse?"

"Thankfully, I was able to scan your coworkers with a Screening Spell, and can confirm that your bodies aren't able to absorb Magic, so it'll only bounce right off of you... unless conducted by a spell. You aren't immune to Magic that's been cast... just the Magic in the air."

"Hmm... I see. The second question... while it's clear that you can breathe in my world, I still have to know... is it Oxygen that your world has in it, or is this 'Magic' the only thing you need to survive off of?"

"Heh... don't worry, we have Oxygen. Cleaner, in fact, so you should have no trouble breathing when you cross over."

"Very good to hear... and now for my last question. What part of your world will we be in, once we've crossed into the portal?"

"We'll be inside my castle, or more specifically, in the hallway that's rarely used. Though my castle was only raised for about six months, I doubt if anypony will roam around in it, except for maybe a few of my friends... who, by the way, are waiting for us in the Throne Room. One of them will be ready for questioning, because she actually has a connection with the case in hoof... or hand, as a human would say it."

("I'll have to get used to these Pony Words... anypony? Case in Hoof... but I will not use that kind of language! That is just pushing it too far!")

"Very well, then... that's all I needed to know. I appreciate your honesty."

Jason takes his hand off of his watch, before approaching the door. Twilight, in turn, follows suit, chuckling slightly at his last word.

"Funny you should mention that... this friend of mine in question happens to be all about Honesty!" she replies, before using her magic to open the door.

Although the room on the other side of the door is in near-complete darkness, Jason can definitely tell that it leads into a hallway, due to the dim lighting coming from the far-left corner of the hall, in addition to the light of the room pushing the Portal Door's reflection across the floor.

A blue crystal floor and wall can be seen, in addition to a long, thin red carpet. No ornaments, however, decorate the hallway, save for the Support Beams... all of which are also made of the same blue crystal.

("Jeez... I know I'm working alongside Royalty and all, but is this castle made up entirely of Crystals?!")

"Well, then... ladies first." he says, holding the door open, and standing to the side.

Twilight smiles and bows her head gratefully at the gesture. "Oh, thanks! Didn't take you for a Gentlecolt!"

As she walks past him, he sighs.

("I can already tell that these Pony Words are going to be a problem...")

Without much more to do at this rate, he takes a deep breath and steps into the portal door, while hearing the bookshelf behind him shift and turn, blocking the door from being spotted by anyone.

He then walks a little further forward, while Twilight's magic surrounds the door. Giving it one last look, Jason watches as the door to his world closes with a creak, and a click.

And then, the hallway goes dark. Only the dim lighting of Twilight's horn is all that remains visible.

Case Zero, Pilot, Complete!

"And so, marks the end of the first of many cases that brought me into Equestria."

"Little did I know, that this was only the icing on the cake for one of the the biggest challenges in my career."

"My quest for The Truth, though almost faltering by the sheer absurdity of the situation presented to me, wouldn't end there, however..."

"... for it was that very quest, and the will to seek it out for this broken, but strong family, that inspired me to take this next particular case, without a second thought."

Next Case: "The Red Pear"

Next Chapter: Case One: The Red Pear (Conference and Consultation, Scene 1) Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes
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