
Why My Pee Pee Soft?

by Evictus

Chapter 1: Is Flaccid

- Is Flacid -

Thunder cracked outside of Twilight's bedroom window as she lay in bed. An ice pack rested against her head, a testament to the splitting headache she felt. Her nose was clogged with snot, and she sneezed from time to time.

"And here's dinner!" Spike said, walking into her room. He carried a silver tray with a bowl of soup and a small side of crackers in front of him, and Twilight's stomach growled. She grinned at him and scooted over a little, leaving a tight but comfortable area on the edge of her bed.

"You're too good to me sometimes, Spike."

"As if I could leave a pretty mare like you to fend for herself with such a fever."

"Doesn't mean you aren't too good for me."

"I try," Spike said before setting the tray down on Twilight's nightstand. He sat down on her bedside, reaching over to break a few crackers and stir them into the soup. Twilight watched him work, her eyes half shut. "Here we go!" Spike said before lifting the bowl and setting it on her bed tray.

"It smells wonderful, Spike," Twilight said.

"You can't smell."

"I can imagine smelling. Besides, I know your cooking well enough to remember."

"That's sweet. What does it smell like to you, then?"

Twilight smirked. "You."

Spike chuckled before reaching into his apron and pulling out a small bottle of decongestant. A quick twist of the cap, and the top came off with a barely audible pop. A quick look at the back of the label, and Spike measured out a dose.

"No rush, Twilight," he said, setting the cap full of medication on her nightstand. "It's supposed to be taken after the meal anyways."

Twilight's face curled into a grimace. "I hate that stuff."

"You also hate being sick."

"I still hate that stuff."

Twilight ate her meal in silence after that. Spike watched, humming a pleasant tune as she munched on his soup. Twilight took her time, of course. She wasn't keen on downing the medication any sooner than she had to. Not that Spike was the sort to rush her. When she finished the last of her meal, he reached over with a napkin and wiped her chin clean.

"There we go."

"Thanks, Spike."

The cap floated over to her as she scrunched her eyes shut and downed the foul liquid. A quick, sputtering cough and the deed was done. Spike smiled and removed the bed tray from her lap before picking up the dinner tray and heading towards the door.

"I hope you feel better soon, Twilight. For both of your sakes."

"Don't worry, Spike. I'm feeling better already with you here." Twilight winked as she watched him leave, doubtless heading downstairs to wash off her dishes. She smiled down at the bulge growing out of her stomach, and for the briefest moment she was content. "Yeah, both our sakes."

- I -

Another clap of thunder and Twilight rolled over in her sleep. Her growing belly made it hard for her to turn over, and she became fully awake. Spike grumbled beside her, still curled up against her flank. She looked out the window, watching heavy drops of rain splatter against the glass.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Spike asked, still facing away from her.

"Spike? You're awake?"

"Am now," he said with a chuckle. "These thunderstorms can keep anypony awake for days."

"I thought the weather team was going to stop running them after dusk."

"A weather team run by Rainbow Dash."


Spike rolled over, coming face to face with Twilight. His green eyes reflected in the moonlight, and Twilight could feel his breath on her face. They were only inches apart, and she was reminded of the other nights they'd had together all those months before. Back when her pregnancy was less apparent. Back when she had seen him hot, and sweaty, and--

Twilight blushed, breaking eye contact. "Spike?" she asked. "Do you ever feel lonely?"

"With you here? You've got to be kidding."

"No, I mean intimately. We haven't.... you know? I can't remember how long it's been."

"Oh." Spike was silent for a moment, looking up at the ceiling to their bedroom before speaking up. "I guess I hadn't thought of it much. I'd really like for things to be like they were back then, yeah. But at the same time our child's safety is important to me to. I spent most of my life a virgin. A few months won't kill me."

"Oh Spike," Twilight said, snuggling her muzzle into his shoulder. "I wish I'd thought of it sooner. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean we can't be close."

"I know, Twilight. I just didn't want to come across as needy or insecure. You have enough on your plate as it is without me adding to it."

Twilight snorted before rubbing her face into his shoulder. For someone lacking a fever, Spike sure was warm.

"As if you don't do half the work for me," Twilight said. "You've made my job as a princess seem like child's play." She moved her body a bit closer to his. "And I love you for it. Not just that, but everything you do."

Spike beamed. His chest rose a bit fast as Twilight closed the distance between them. Though her belly was truly starting to show, she wasn't at the latest stages of pregnancy yet and could still wrap her legs around his body easily enough.

"And for the record, you're not the only one that misses our sessions." Twilight rubbed her hoof against his thigh, smiling for the briefest second as he sucked in a gasp of air. "I just want you to know that I love you, Spike, and I want you to remind me that I'm your mare from time to time."

Twilight's face moved closer to his, their snouts so close that she couldn't believe they weren't touching. She could hear his heartbeat against her chest, and it sent a thrill through her just knowing that it was racing because of her. Her fur rubbed against his scales, and the close, intimate contact was driving her insane.

Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She drove her muzzle forward, mashing it roughly against Spike's. Their mouths opened to make room for their tongues to dance with one another, and the obscene act of such passionate kissing drove Twilight mad.



"Fuck me."

Spike grinned for a moment. He reached for her waist to flip her on her side and go to work before stopping.

"What's the matter, Spike?"

"Aren't you sick?" he asked.


"Well then we--"

"Spike, I'm much better than earlier, but I won't be completely well until someone warms me up."

Spike grinned. "Well Then! You came to the right drake!" he said before closing the distance and kissing her again. They held each other tightly, making out like wild teenagers at a night on the town. Spike reached down and rubbed his claws against Twilight's rear, and she cooed at the sensation of being touched there by someone else.

They separated for a moment, Twilight giving Spike room to readjust. She rolled onto her stomach before moving her tail to the side underneath their sheets, and gave Spike her best sultry look. He needed no further prompting and quickly got behind her, moving his body into position to go to work, lining his dick up with her opening. He pushed forward, and....

Nothing happened.

Twilight groaned. "You're not drunk, Spike. Just line it up and put it in."

"I'm trying, Twilight."

"Less trying, more doing," she said, rubbing her ass back against his groin. "My cunny won't fuck itself you know."

It was then that she felt it. For all the moisture seeping from her vulva, Twilight could still his penis.

"You're soft?!"

Spike groaned. "Look Twilight, you're hot as fuck and I'd love to do you right now, but I've been having a bit of a problem for months now."

"So all this time, the reason you didn't try to plow me was because your dick was flaccid?!"

"Among other things, yeah."

"Spike, you should've told me," Twilight said, giving him a glare over her withers. "I have a spell for that, you know."

"Wait, really?"

"What do I not have a spell for, Spike?"


Spike waited a moment as Twilight flipped herself over onto her back. Even in the moonlight, he could see the outline of her body, the way her stomach curved a bit more than it should, and just the hint of an outline on her wet girly bits.

"Alright, Spike, I'm going to.... huh."

Twilight looked down at his shaft, watching as it rose to meet the occasion. Spike let out a relieved sigh before smiling at her.

"Looks like the problem resolved itself," he said with a smirk. "If you don't mind going missionary, I think I'm good to go."

She purred at him. "Don't you dare stop, love."

"Wasn't planning on it."

Spike lined the tip of his rapidly hardening penis to the entrance of her love tunnel before moving his hips forward.

"Ah!" Twilight said, arching her back as she felt a new presence inside of her. Spike grunted for a moment before starting to pull back out. Twilight felt him moving inside of her, and she found herself already starting to pant. "Oh sweet Celestia, plow my fields!"

"As you wish, Sugarcube," Spike said, shoving his dick back inside of her as she slapped his wrist with her wingtips. As much as she would like to slap him upside the head for making such a lame joke, her mind was already elsewhere.

There was a wet slapping sound as Spike's hips started smacking against hers, and Twilight let herself lean back into her bed as he continued to thrust against her body. While they'd never done so in this position before, Twilight could appreciate the new perspective. She could watch her lover's face as they had intercourse, watching the way his facial expressions shifted as they bred together. While it was more pleasurable to sleep with him on her stomach, it wasn't as personal. It could be anyone behind her then, and only the foreknowledge that it was him and the occasional time he cried out her name would remind her just who she was sleeping with. But not like this. No, when they were face to face, she could watch everything that went on between them.

For Spike's part, he seemed fixated on her pussy. His eyes watched every stroke, tracking his penis as it dove in and out of his mate. Twilight knew he was getting as much of a thrill out of it as she was, and that alone made her happy. She closed her eyes and leaned back.

"Twilight," he said, panting heavily. "I think I'm getting close."

"That's fine, dear."

"No, I wanted to know if I should pull out of not," he said. "I don't want to get this stuff on our kid."

"Spike, my cervix is shut tighter than a clam until my water breaks. Our wombs aren't made to have foreign objects get in them when there's a child inside. Just cum inside of me already."

Spike smiled. "Well you asked for it."

Several moments passed as Spike's pace started to pick up. His hips started the thrust forward more and more erratically, his breathing hot and heavy as he drew closer to climax. Twilight watched as he screamed out her name and thrust his hip forward all of the way, his claws grabbing her ass and pulling her close and he shoved forward and gave her everything he had for the briefest minute.

For her part, Twilight was feeling very turned on by the way he came inside of her. While she was a bit disappointed that he hadn't lasted long enough for her to climax, they'd been together long enough for her to know that they wouldn't always have an orgasm at the same time and that was fine. Besides, he was a dragon and he had claws. She knew he'd be creative.

"Uh, Twilight?"

"Hmm, what is it, Spike?"

"There's something coming out of your vagina."

"Spike, don't be retarded. You just came inside of me and--"

"No, I mean something clear." Spike paused. "And there's a lot of it."

Twilight sat bolt upright. "No way!" she shouted. "I'd have known if my water was broken!"

She looked down at her cunny for a moment, not surprised to see a steady stream of Spike's seed coming out of her. What she didn't expect to see was the much larger river of clear substance coming out along with it.

"Oh no!" Twilight exclaimed. "You're right, Spike. It did break!"

"What do we do?!"

"Go get Nurse Redheart right away! We can't-- AH!"

At that moment, Twilight felt her body tighten as something large tried to shove its way out of her. She bit down on the side of her hoof as she spread her legs wide. Spike shot up from her bed and reached for the nearest light. Soon the room was bathed in an amber glow as the incandescent bulb lit up, and Twilight could finally get a good look at what was going on.

"Labor lasts for hours, right?"

"I'm not an ape, Spike. Equine labor is minutes long at best!"

Spike gasped. "I'll get a towel!" he shouted before running out of the room.

"Hurry! Bring several!"

Twilight gasped as she felt something making its way out of her. She felt something hard and oblong shove its way out of her cunt before making a wet, splattering sound in the pool of water and semen on her bed. It took her a brief moment to look, but when she did she had to resist the urge to faint.

"Twilight, I got! Here are some... towels... and..."

Spike's eyes followed Twilight's down to their product of their lovemaking. There, lying in the middle of their love puddle, was a perfect stetson hat. Twilight stared at it for another moment.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck?!"

Her body decided to pick back up at that moment, and she felt her clunge plunging outward, shoving another item from its sopping wet depths. "I'm coming!" someone shouted before popping their head out of her snatch. "Howdy!" it exclaimed before making its way all the way out of Twilight's body.

"No way!" Spike said.

"I hope y'all are feeling great tonight!" Applejack said, picking her hat up out of the splooge before dusting it off and putting it square on her head. For the briefest third of a nanosecond, Twilight felt the world closing in around her. She'd given it everything she had, but alas it was not enough. Oh well. When life gives you lemons, assimilate.

"Thanks for birthing me, Sugarcubes!"

- FIN -

Author's Notes:

And that's Applejack's origin story!

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Why My Pee Pee Soft?

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