When Lady Twilight Sparkle urges Princess Trixie to actually walk outside the castle walls, she discovers what life really is underneath her pampering.
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Princess Trixie is the princess of Equestria. She has every single thing served on a golden platter. Who's to think life wasn't always like this if you were her?

Until one day did her majesty discover what life really is, for that day was the day that Lady Sparkle finally managed to have the princess take a stroll outside of the palace walls.

For what she discovers, is that life underneath all of her pampering isn't always the best. Some have it better than others, Princess Trixie herself one that have better lives.

Like this one peasant, who stands out from the others. She's strong, unique, and if Princess Trixie couldn't help herself, maybe even beautiful.

First story set in the Trixie universe in which Luna rules Equestria and Trixie is her daughter, with Sunburst as her son and Twilight is her friend/bodyguard with Starlight as the love of Trixie's life.

Slice of Life

5,060 words: Estimated 21 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. In Which Love is Found [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Dec 18th, 2017
Published Dec 17th, 2017


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