
The Conquering of Love

by Littlecolt

Chapter 7: Twilight Sparkle Ch 6 - Rift

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Book One: Twilight Sparkle

Chapter Six - Rift

Twilight looked around the room. She had believed what Celestia had told her about this whole world being a dream, but this was really the final piece that made her truly believe everything. Through the lens of the Colorscope, the world appeared in pale color. Some objects could even been seen through, as if they were made of stained glass.

She looked at Pinkie Pie and Celestia, and gasped slightly. Celestia's disguised form appeared solid, but with a rainbow-tinted outline. A transparent image of her actual body protruded from her, and was faintly glowing.

Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, appeared similarly to everything else in the room. She was translucent and pale. Her eyes were the same bright blue as usual, though, and streamers of pink energy shot out from her at various angles. The beams curved and spun on themselves. The scene was very busy, and sort of hurt Twilight's eyes.

Twilight removed the visor and placed it carefully on the ground in front of her.

“Well? What was it like?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“It was very revealing,” said Twilight, unable to think of how to even begin to describe it.

“The next step is to find the tear,” said Celestia. “It should be easily spotted when you are wearing that. We need to be careful, though. We can't let any pony see you wearing it, at least not very often.”

Twilight nodded. The questions that might come up if she was seen wearing the flashy item would be hard to field.

“Twilight, can you remember anywhere you've seen since the dream started where things had changed?” asked Celestia. “The tear will be something out of place. Something that didn't come from your memories.”

Twilight thought about everything she had done so far. She had found the gem, which had come from Celestia. She had traveled to town and stopped by Sugarcube Corner. She had seen Sweetie Belle and Rarity, who didn't know anything about the gem. As she thought back to her visit with Rarity, she remembered that it seemed like Rarity had redecorated the boutique. When asked about it, though, Rarity said she hadn't done anything.

“That has to be it,” Twilight said. “At Carousel Boutique, the décor had changed, but Rarity said it was the same as always. I know it wasn't, though. There's something out of place there.”

Celestia sighed.

“I had hoped it might be somewhere out of the way. If it's inside the boutique, we'll have to go inside, and that could get messy,” she said as she tapped her hoof against the floor. “Dream or not, if we open a rift inside the boutique, we will be noticed by Rarity.”

Pinkie Pie jumped up.

“I'm not going with you, so how about I lure Rarity away?” she asked.

“All right, we'll keep that as plan B, but let's go scout it out for now,” said Celestia. “We aren't even sure it's the right place.”

The three agreed with a nod, and headed downstairs and out into the Ponyville night. The streets were empty, and the moon was full. The light from the moon was both welcome and not welcome. It increased visibility, but that worked against them as well. They stuck to alleys until they came to the open field with the path that led to the boutique.

Pinkie Pie trotted out into the field and towards the boutique, while Twilight and Celestia stayed hidden in a garden, just behind a short wall.

“Think she'll be okay?” asked Twilight in a whisper.

“She'll be fine,” said Celestia as she nodded ahead. Rarity was now at her door talking to Pinkie.

“I can't hear them,” said Twilight.

The two jumped up in surprise as they saw Rarity putting a hoof over Pinkie's shoulders and pulling her into the boutique with a smile on her face.

“No!” said Twilight in an annoyed whisper.

Celestia placed a hoof to her face and shook her head.

“What are you two doing out there?” came a voice from the house behind them. They looked over their shoulders and saw a sleepy Carrot Top wiping her eyes and looking at them through a window.

“Shh!” Twilight hissed, not a thought in her mind that they were trespassing in her carrot garden.

Carrot Top shrugged and rolled her eyes.

“Just don't mess up the carrots!” she said as she closed her window and turned out the light.

The two blinked, surprised nothing worse happened. Twilight blushed.

“Wow, I wasn't thinking there,” said Twilight. Celestia nodded.

“We'd better move up and see what we can see,” said Celestia as she waved Twilight forward.

They snuck across the field, keeping low to the ground until they were at the back of the boutique near a window. Twilight propped herself up and peeked into the window.

“What do you see?” whispered Celestia.

Twilight exhaled and shook her head.

“She's fitting Pinkie for a dress,” she said with a slight groan.

Pinkie spotted Twilight through the window and grinned nervously. She mouthed the words “Help me,” and leaned her head towards the door.

Twilight crouched back down.

“We better go get her,” she said, and started to sneak around to the front. Celestia stopped her.

“Wait,” she said, “Look around with the scope. You may be able to see something from out here.”

“Good idea,” said Twilight, and pulled the visor from her pouch. She placed it on her head, and the world became moonlit stained glass.

Twilight propped herself back up and looked into the window and around the boutique. On the far wall, almost as if it were bulging out, she saw a black seam. It looked as if the fabric of the world had been sewn closed. A stream of green energy seeped between the stitches.

She ducked back down and removed the visor.

“Either that's it, or Rarity has started a new, creepy sewing project,” she said.

“All right. We'll have to come back another time, though,” said Celestia. “For now, let us collect Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight nodded, and the two snuck around to the front door. Twilight knocked lightly.

“Just a moment!” came Rarity's voice from inside. A moment later, the door opened. Rarity smiled and greeted the two.

“Come in, come in!” she said, “I've been expecting you two!”

“You've been expecting us?” questioned Twilight.

“Of course!” said Rarity as she pulled the two inside.

Twilight looked to her right, where Pinkie Pie was standing with cloth hanging over her. She then looked to her left, towards the window they had been looking through, and noticed a table had been set up with drinks and small cookies in several bowls.

“What is– “ Twilight started, but was interrupted by Rainbow Dash coming out of the bathroom.

“Oh, you're here!” said Rainbow. “Are AJ and Fluttershy with you?”

Twilight glanced at Rainbow nervously and started to sweat.

“No. Should they be?” she asked.

“Well, they're supposed to be on their way. I thought AJ had gone to tell you about this earlier,” said Rainbow Dash as she scratched her head.

Twilight laughed nervously and glanced at Celestia with a questioning look on her face. Celestia just shrugged.

“Strange, Pinkie Pie didn't know about this either! Applejack was supposed to tell you earlier that we were planning a little get-together just for the six of us after the party in town,” said Rarity, switching her gaze towards Celestia. “Well, make that the seven of us, I suppose.”

“Okay. Gee, thanks! That's great!” said Twilight.

“Oh, it's no problem!” said Rainbow Dash. “It's our own way of making it up to you for not believing you at the wedding. You were right about that changeling all along!”

Twilight grinned nervously. “Oh, there's really no need for that,” she said, trying to play along.

“Now, Twilight, dear, you have a seat right here!” said Rarity. She pulled Twilight to the couch and almost shoved her onto it.

Twilight's hoof slipped, she fell backwards, and the contents of her saddle bag fell out onto the couch. The Colorscope flipped open as it landed with a soft thud. Rarity's eyes locked onto it immediately.

“Oh my, what is that?” she asked, and levitated the device into the air as Twilight grabbed for it, helplessly.

“That? Oh, that's nothing,” said Twilight.

“It's mine,” said Celestia as she took a seat on the couch next to Twilight.

“Well I must say, the design is exquisite. Mind if I try it on?” asked Rarity.

Celestia used her own magic to overpower Rarity's levitation spell, and took the device back from her.

“Oh, no, you really shouldn't,” she said, “you could hurt your eyes. It's for a certain eye condition I have, you see.”

With that, Celestia put the device on, and the lens started to glow. Rarity's eyes narrowed.

“Is it, now?” she asked as she loomed over the two of them. Rainbow Dash walked over to the couch as well and looked at the device.

“Hey, cool. It's my favorite color, rainbow,” she said as her eyes began to glow a greenish tint.

Twilight looked at Celestia nervously. Celestia nodded towards the far wall where the rift was.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity simultaneously let their hooves fly towards Twilight and Celestia, who ducked to either side and bolted towards the wall where Pinkie was standing. The couch's back shattered into splinters and cloth. Pinkie jumped back in surprise, tangling herself in the long bolts of cloth that were wrapped around her.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash turned around as they pulled their hooves from the what was left of the couch. Their eyes were wide open and glowing a bright green.

Celestia pulled the Colorscope from her head and slapped it onto Twilight's. “They're changelings!” she yelled.

Twilight looked through the lens and could see Rarity and Rainbow Dash as translucent outlines. Underneath their images, she saw changeling drones.

“Well, what now?” asked Twilight.

“Pierce the rift with your horn! We have to go, now!” Celestia yelled as she pulled Pinkie Pie off the table and pushed her towards the door.

The changelings charged and leaned their heads forward, prepared to impale their targets. Celestia and Twilight dodged out of the way again, but this time the changelings were ready. They both veered left and chased Celestia towards the back of the boutique.

Twilight stopped in her tracks and watched as the changelings pinned Celestia to the ground. They reared upwards and stomped on her chest. Celestia coughed and cringed from the impact.

“Princess!” yelled Twilight, prepared to charge in and help. Pinkie Pie had finally pulled all the cloth from herself and was poised to strike as well.

“No!” yelled Celestia. “Just go! Run! You too, Pinkie Pie! This will all end once Twilight leaves!”

Images flashed through Twilight's mind, and she remembered the nightmare she'd had. She remembered Celestia, her body burned and her mane covered in blood. She shook her head and gritted her teeth.

“I won't!” yelled Twilight. “Not without you! I will not let that nightmare come true!”

Twilight charged the changelings and rammed into one of them with all the force she could muster. Her horn punctured deeply into its side. It fell to the left and on top of the other one. Dark red blood streamed down Twilight's horn and onto the visor's lens after the impact. Celestia pulled herself up against the wall.

“Tear that rift open, right now!” yelled Celestia, angrily. “That's more important than saving me!”

Twilight frowned, turned to the bulging rift, and concentrated magical energy into her horn.

At that moment, the door to the boutique flew open. Applejack and Fluttershy charged in and pinned Pinkie Pie to the floor.

“Oh, Twilight,” said Fluttershy with a sinister look on her face. “You better stop that. The queen will be hopping mad!”

Twilight ignored her and continued to concentrate. A beam of white energy shot from her horn's tip towards the seam. Through the Colorscope, Twilight could see a circle of pulsating black and green energy. She lowered her head and charged the spot.

Applejack and Fluttershy dove at her. They howled like enraged beasts.

Twilight's horn pierced the circle of energy. Fluttershy and Applejack crashed into her. Pinkie Pie raised her hoof in the air towards Twilight. Celestia began to run towards the Rift.

Everything went completely silent.

And then, everything exploded outward.

Next Chapter: Twilight Sparkle Ch 7 - Transference Estimated time remaining: 21 Hours, 54 Minutes
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