
Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash are Dating and Everypony Freaks Out

by BlackM

Chapter 1: A completely calm morning

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Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash are Dating and Everypony Freaks Out


A completely calm morning...

“Okay, you two. Summer’s a comin’ in a few weeks an’ we got a lot of work to do to prepare for it.”

It was another busy day at Sweet Apple Acres. Every day is usually the same thing, with fieldwork and chores occupying most of the schedule for anypony that lived here. However, as the seasons change, conditions alter, and everything was to be monitored and worked to prepare and care for the farm. Work was never done on this rustic farm, but it was nothing for the powerhouse workhorse that is Big Macintosh.

“Firstly, we’ll need to set up bug repellent on all the trees in the south field. Then we need to harvest all the squashes and plow the soil.”

Although, a hired hoof was welcomed every now and then. And none were more frequent as Rainbow Dash. Having been banned from performing her tricks over the skies of Ponyville, the farm was the only wide area close to home where she could still get some practice in. Of course, she helped around at the farm in between practicing the tryouts for the Wonderbolts, but lately she’s been very helpful. Quite helpful, in fact.

“Then, we have to weed out any dry spots in the grass and check the tanker for any leaks.”

Applejack wasn’t one to complain, though. Her manipulation of weather and rain were invaluable niches to the farm when a stubborn hoof wasn’t enough. There were some roused suspicions, but there was hardly anything to be suspicious of the pegasus. She just felt like she had seen the pegasus far more frequently than normal. The cowgirl just chalked it up to boredom.

“An’ finally, we go an’ cut down some of the trees on the outer border and sell ‘em to a lumber yard. Ya’ll got that?”

Both ponies nodded cautiously to the cowgirl. The two clearly had something on their minds, but weren’t certain on how to say it. Applejack didn’t care, though. Work first, thoughts later.

“Good. I’ll go an’ get the bug repellent. Only use ‘em on the fruit bearin’ trees cus’-”

“Um, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash interrupted.

The cowgirl just sighed, “I was about to explain. Bugs an’ critters help pollinate our trees but they can also-”

“That’s not what she wanted to say,” Big Macintosh spoke up, surprisingly.

The cowgirl was a little lost for words, “Wha? Then, what is it?”

Both ponies looked at each other and took a deep breathe. Big Macintosh nodded and the pegasus turned to her.

“We’re dating,” both said at the same time, locking forearms.

And it was at that moment that her brain stopped working.


Nothing of significance has happened yet...

She stood outside the Carousel Boutique and sized it up. She had been here many times before, but never for a casual visit or to actually make an order. That was why this whole thing felt awkward to her, but she had no idea who else to talk to. Fluttershy is too much of a shut in to know anything, Pinkie Pie was too detached from reality to actually provide a solution, and she was pretty sure Twilight never got close enough to a boy.

Actually, scratch that. Her brother was married a few months ago. Darn it! She was the perfect pony to approach for this kind of problem.

No wait. Scratch that again. She saw how assuming she was of Cadence and mistook it for possessiveness, and from her observation, she at least knew what NOT to do in this sort of situation. Well, it wasn’t like your best friend suddenly dating your big brother was any different from your brother getting married to a princess.

That was enough thinking. She was here already, might as well give it a shot.

The door rang with a bell as she opened. In the room, she saw her generous friend Rarity sitting at the nearest table with two cups of tea, one belonging to her and the other belonging to…

‘Pinkie Pie,’ Applejack thought, ‘Shoot.’

“Applejack! What an unexpected surprise!” Rarity announced from her seat.

“Oh wow, hi Applejack!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, but then suddenly looked at what seemed to be her shoulder.

“To what do I owe this visit?” Rarity inquired, “Would I be wrong if I said you were looking for clothes?”

“Yeah, actually,” Applejack modestly confirmed as she trotted toward the table, “The day I buy clothes from you is the day you wear plaid.”

Pinkie Pie muttered something that sounded along the lines of, “…wasn’t the doozy…” She was ignored, however, as the other two continued talking.

“Figures. You hardly come by for anything other than friendly business,” Rarity said as she sipped her tea, levitating in a veil of her magic, “So what is it this time? Did you do something to Fluttershy? Or did you ruin one of Twilight’s books?”

“Ooh! Or maybe you and Rainbow Dash had a fight?” Pinkie Pie asked, rather excitedly for some reason, “Or did you have a favor to ask Pinkie Pie? She’s not at the Sugar Cube Corner, just so you know. She’s actually at the Carousel Boutique. But I can pass on the-”

Pinkie was promptly silenced with tea being forced down her throat.

“Please, Pinkie. You need to finish your liquid sugar,” the unicorn said, glancing at the nearly empty pot of sugar lumps, “As I was saying, you didn’t upset anypony, did you?”

“Sheesh Rarity, yer way off,” Applejack joked, feigning discomfort with a forced chuckle, “At least lemme find out where to begin.”

“Please, take your time. Pinkie Pie and I were just discussing wedding cake dresses,” Rarity said with a straight face.

“I-what,” Applejack managed to say before going speechless.

The pink pony managed to swallow the rest of her tea before speaking, “Like I said, it’s not that hard to put half a cake on a pony, really!” Pinkie Pie explained the nonexistent legitimacy of the wedding cake dress, “Hey! I heard that!”

“Pinkie,” Rarity ignored her random outburst, “the only feasible combination of the two is to design a dress to look like a cake. I can accept the columns as a design for the piping and the sleeves, but there is hardly a benefit to having frosting smeared all over ones coat.”

“Uh, gals-” the apple pony tried to speak.

“And that’s your problem!” Pinkie Pie continued, stretching a hoof over to Rarity for emphasis, “You think a girl WOULDN’T want to be covered in frosting on their wedding day! I know I would!”


“That really varies with the bride in question,” Rarity continued to ignore Applejack, “But as far as I know, you’re the only one that’d want such a thing.”

“But do you know how far you’ll go with an edible wedding dress?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Yes, why pay for a meager wedding dress when you can have an edible one due to expire the day after for double the price?”

“I need to talk to ya’ll ‘bout-” This was getting ridiculous.

“I’d buy it!”

“And I’m not making it!”

“My brother an’ Rainbow Dash are goin’ out!”

And then the noise died.

Both ponies stared at Applejack with their mouths opened wide. Pinkie, however, recovered quickly and inspected her tea cup only to find it empty. Nonchalantly, she reached for the kettle and refilled her cup, then delicately sipped from it before spitting it all out, right at Rarity.


“AHHHH!!!” Rarity screamed, “It’s still hot!”

“Oopsie! Wait, it’s not that hot,” Pinkie said and dumped another cupful into her mouth before spitting it out again, at Rarity again, “ACK! It is hot!”

Luckily Rarity had shielded herself with a magic wall and was quickly wiping off the tea from her face with a cloth, taking some of her makeup with it.

While the two of them were tending to a scalded face and a scalded tongue, Applejack took a moment to count in her head. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…

“WAIT WHAT?!” both ponies reacted.

“Ah said, Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash are datin’,” she repeated.

“Hey, that’s just like in the tab up there!” Pinkie Pie said as she looked up, “Oh that second part hasn’t happened yet.”

“But how could this be?!” Rarity questioned, again ignoring the delirious pony across from her, “How could the gentle yet muscular Big Macintosh ever be with the loud mouthed overconfident Rainbow Dash?!”

“Easy there, Ah’m the honest one,” Applejack reminded, “And Ah’d tell ya if I knew. They just told me this mornin’.”

“Oh come on! Is anypony surprised?” Pinkie Pie spoke up, now joining the conversation, “Did you ever think if she would be interested in any guy, it’d be him?”

“Good point,” Rarity said, noticeably calmer, “I know he’s the eye of every mare in Ponyville. Can’t blame him for sticking close to the farm. Why, I myself find my eyes straying to his toned physique and bulging muscles and carelessly styled mane and shapely rear end and-”

Both ponies stared at her, one disgusted, the other holding back a laugh with some disgust.

“…I’m, sorry, was I talking out loud?”

“A little too much,” Applejack confirmed.

After the awkwardness settled in, Pinkie Pie turned energetic again, “Woohoo! I bet you know what this calls for!”

“A party,” Applejack bluntly stated.

“Yep! A ‘Congratulations on Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash for officially announcing that they are dating’ party! I’m gonna need a huge banner for-”

“Hold up, Pinkie,” Applejack interrupted; no way she heard that right, “Did you say, officially?”

Pinkie Pie reread her last sentence, since they tend to stretch out whenever she spoke, “Yep! Because now they’re announcing it! I can’t wait for-!”

“No,” Applejack stressed, “They told me this mornin’ that they were datin’.”

“For how long?” Rarity asked, becoming suspicious with Applejack.

“Fer, like, a week or so,” she emphasized with her hoof, “Told me it was some experimentin’ thing and they hung around a lot, which makes sense because she’s been more helpful on the farm for the past few days.”

“A week? Pfft! They’ve been doin’ it for months!” Pinkie Pie revealed, “And I really mean, ‘doin’ it’,” she finished with a wink.

Rarity’s face paled and Applejack’s eyes widened to occupy her face.

“Wait, Ah’m lost. What was that?” she asked.

“Yeah! They’ve been dating for months now! Enthusiastically too!” Pinkie Pie explained, “I saw them once out in the fields while you were helping Fluttershy with that bear. I didn’t watch the whole thing because ponies need privacy, but man they were doing some sweaty stuff that should’ve been done indoors rather than-”

“How DARE that pony lie to my face about somethin’ like that?!” Applejack shouted, stomping at the floor, “Why does he think he needs to hide somethin’ like this from me?! Ah’m understandin’ and trustworthy! Ah’m his little sister for Pete’s sake!”

“Maybe because he was worried you’d act like Twilight did with her brother back in Canterlot?” Rarity said as she casually refilled her tea cup.

“But that’s still no good reason to cover up somethin’ like this from me for months! Just knowin’ is hard enough to take, but Ah’m a tough pony! Ah can accept that my best friend is doin’ mah brother when Ah’m…not…lookin’…”

Applejack took a moment to process some information that had just surfaced into her mind.

“Oh ponyfeathers! Ah left the both of them alone at the farm! They’d better not be rustlin’ the hay!” Applejack exclaimed.

And like that, she bolted out of the Carousel Boutique, leaving a shocked Rarity and Pinkie Pie alone at their table.

“Well, that’s one way to start off your mornings,” Rarity said as she sipped her tea.

“Please Rarity. Nothing normal happens in Ponyville anymore, not since I moved in here,” the pink pony said with an impish giggle.

“I’d say Ponyville is a magnet for the odd, seeing as how it brought you here,” she joked, “Now then, how do we handle this revelation?”

“About Mac and Dash dating?” Pinkie questioned, “Pssh, that’s easy. Take it in stride like we do everything else in the town.”

“But Pinkie, this is different,” Rarity explained, “As you know, Ponyville is home to the largest ratio of mares to stallions, and among those stallions, Big Macintosh is ‘the grand prize’.”

“But Macintosh isn’t a prize to be won,” Pinkie thought.

“Well, that’s not how the others see it,” Rarity sipped her tea and continued, “When it comes to the finer things in life, the opposite gender becomes a luxury. Just like any coffee or television program, a stallion is something most carefree ponies jump back and forth with. Think about it, Pinkie, what do you do with a cake?”

“I devour it, of course!” Pinkie answered before a second thought crossed her mind, “But, you don’t eat stallions.”

“Not usually,” Rarity said under her breath with a lustful giggle, before clearing her throat and continuing, “What I’m saying is, you move on to the next cake afterwards, right? Usually a different flavor?”

“Of course!” Pinkie answered again, but the comparison she thought Rarity was trying to make didn’t leave her mind, “But ponies aren’t cakes. Maybe if you put a pony in a cake, but there are only two kinds of those and one of them is something I don’t ever wanna read again.”

“Ohoh Pinkie. I can’t wait for your bachelorette party,” Rarity said with a whimsical sigh before continuing, “Well, let’s say one of those cakes is an extremely rare flavor. Obviously it’s pricy or difficult to make, so you don’t eat it as often.”

“Yeah, I had this one peaches and lime cake that was absolutely mind blowing!” the pink pony exclaimed with two hooves holding her head, “I haven’t ever seen another one of those since then and I haven’t found the recipe for it!”

“Exactly. See, Mac is like one of those flavors, if a flavor had consent,” Rarity mused, “And for the average carefree pony, Mac is that flavor of cake that is sought after but few rarely ever have. Now do you see what I mean?”

Pinkie stayed silent for a while, understanding her words and comparisons with a hoof on her chin. All at once, it came to her.

“Ohhh! Now I get it!” she proclaimed, “And I know just how to fix it!”

Rarity raised a brow, “What do you mean?”

“I make a Big Macintosh cake! With lots and lots of apples!” Pinkie said as the sound of a hoof hitting its owner’s face was heard, “Ooh! I should make other cakes themed after other ponies! Make them custom orders between ponies! Oooh, this is gonna be so much fun!”

“Well, I suppose you no longer care about the wedding dress cake, then?” Rarity said with an amused smile.

“Wedding dress cake?” Pinkie said in all confusion, “Good idea! We should get, like, half a cake and put it on a pony, and wrap rolls around the sleeves, and…”

The sound of a hoof hitting its owner’s face was heard throughout the store.

So there's going to be a party. Nothing major. Still relatively insignificant.

“Ah swear to Celestia,” Applejack growled through her panting, “If they’re workin’ in the bedroom instead of the fields, Ah’ll be the one to bed ‘em both!”

Applejack ran for a while before realizing how awkward that sounded.

“Wait, Ah mean, Ah’ll, throw both of ‘em in the bed! Ah mean, make ‘em stay in the bed! Err, Ah mean, I’ll hospitalize ‘em! Yeah, that’s what Ah mean!”

“Applejack! Why are you shouting!” a voice up ahead shouted.

The cowgirl found herself already pass the farm border and on the trail towards Sweet Apple Acres. Up ahead, she spotted Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, the other two close friends of hers that had yet to hear the news, making it a bit too convenient that they were here.

Oh well, might as well spread the word.

“Oh, was I bein’ too loud?” Applejack said as she approached the two, “Sorry, just had somethin’ urgent to tend to,” she apologized with a tip of her hat, “But first, what are you two doin’ here so early?”

As much as she’d like to murder her brother and friend for doing it while she was away from home, friends came first in terms of business.

“Oh, we wouldn’t want to impede,” Twilight said, “I just came by, hoping to buy some breakfast, but nothing’s been made yet.”

“And I came by to check on Winona, since summer’s coming and all,” Fluttershy said, “Gotta make sure she’s in good condition for the season.”

“Well ain’t that nice o’ ya’ll,” Applejack said as she trotted past them, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on Macintosh and Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh? We saw Rainbow Dash on the way here,” Twilight brought up, “Haven’t seen her much in town, lately.”

“Huh? Did you now?” Applejack asked, “Where'd she go?”

“Towards town. I guess since summer’s coming, she probably checking with the weather team for any updates,” Twilight explained, “Seems like she’ll have a lot of free time once summer comes by.”

“Huh. Guess they can tell the difference between work and play,” the cowgirl joked, “Well, at least they’re buckin’ trees instead ah buckin’ around.”

As Applejack’s worry disappeared, allowing her to trot without haste, both Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other, confused.

“Wait, what was that?” Twilight asked, “That last part about bucking?”

“Huh? Oh, I forgot to tell ya’ll,” Applejack faced them and found it difficult to maintain a straight face so that she could announce the news, “Mah big brother an’ Rainbow Dash are goin’ out.”

Like with Rarity and Pinkie, the look on Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s face was a priceless moment, from confusion, to understanding, to shock, then to exaggerated shock, all in a delayed reaction. Applejack made a note to tell other ponies to relive the sight.

“What?!” Twilight was the first to speak, “Big Macintosh, as in the big red pony that is your brother, and Rainbow Dash, the rainbow one, are going out?!”

Applejack nodded, finding it hard to restrain her laughter from just looking at their surprised expressions.

“I can’t…I can’t comprehend something like this,” Twilight rubbed her forehead as if she had been hit in the head with a rock, “Tall, gentle, humble, and slow plus wild, athletic, brash, and hasty just don’t mix! It’s all about key personality traits mixing and reflecting each other!”

“Hey, how’d you think Ah felt when they told me?” Applejack said with a shrug, “Ah didn’t have any suspicions when she was hangin’ around the farm all the time, but I never thought it’d be because she’s doin’ him.”

“H-How long…” Fluttershy spoke up, almost visibly hurt, “…have they been…?”

“They told me a week,” she answered, annoyed, “But accordin’ to Pinkie, it’s been much longer than that, and they’ve been doin’ more than datin’.”

“It must be for the sex,” Twilight blurted unexpectedly, “Seriously. What other reason could Rainbow Dash be interested in him for?”

“Easy there, Twilight. That’s the same reason why other mares are interested in him,” Applejack retorted, “And I’d honestly believe that it’d take much more than that for Rainbow to tolerate Mac.”

“Well, I’m not going to believe that a relationship between them has any other foundation than that,” Twilight said confidently, “I’m going to talk to Rainbow Dash later this afternoon and have a nice long, detailed, and heavy…” her voice began to drag as she listed, “…er, conversation! …with her…”

“M’kay, you have fun with that,” Applejack said as she began to walk, “I’m gonna go back to work. We need to restock on eggs.”

As the two ponies went off on their own way, a lone pegasus stood by herself on the trail of the farm. After a while, she made her way out of the farm, forgetting her previous business, and walked slowly and sullenly. And the reason was obvious…

“Why, Rainbow Dash…?” she uttered in disdain as she left the farm.

Next Chapter: A particularly loud day Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 24 Minutes
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