
No Hugs for Sugar Crush

by FerociousCreation

Chapter 13: Heat Lamp

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Something felt natural with Mineral Water as he held Sugar Crush’s hoof. He didn’t feel awkward with how close Sugar was against him, albeit the tingling joy sure liked shaking his nerves. They walked along the sidewalk at a slow pace, the lights of the Crystal Empire doing its best to lighten up everypony’s mood.

Mineral didn’t want to bring up the word “vamponies,” but knew the subject was still fresh and up in the air. Unlike his walking, the stallion chose his words carefully. “I never knew the you-know-what word would bother you so much.”

“Let’s just say my first time in Equestria was not the best of experiences,” Sugar said, her ears flicking a few times.

“How so?”

Her ears grew heavy, and the thestral did her best to look up at Mineral. “Because when I tried to be with other regular ponies, they all looked at me with terror.”

A soft smile developed on Mineral’s lips. “Well, just so you know, you don’t scare me. All I see is a wonderfully dressed mare who happens to be a thestral.”

“Hehe, thanks,” Sugar beamed. Her mood seemed to have lightened up, and Mineral gave himself a silent “hurrah” in his head.

The two of them reached a street corner and stopped. Mineral looked left and right before redirecting Sugar and himself across the street. “This way,” he said with his first step forward. His date nodded, easily keeping up alongside Mineral. “Just a few more buildings down, and you will be treated with the best pizza in all of Equestria!”

“I just hope your suggestion doesn’t disappoint me,” Sugar grinned.

Her quip was a challenge to Mineral, and he chose to join in on the fun. “If my suggestion is already considered a bad idea…” Mineral scooted away from Sugar and reclaimed his arm “...then I think your hoofholding privileges should be on probation.”

Sugar rushed Mineral and managed to get an arm around his neck. “How’s this for a change?” she asked, her eye consuming the stallion’s lower peripheral.

Mineral flinched, worried that Sugar’s motion was a hug. However, it didn’t feel like one, nor did it bring him any discomfort. So he allowed the dangling mare to weigh him down a little. “It might be difficult for you because…” Without warning her, Mineral took off in a brisk walk. “...you’ll have to hold on tight now!”

Sugar shrieked, her hooves losing traction on the sidewalk as she was towed along. She tried to free herself, but Mineral used his magic to hold the mare’s arm down. “Let me go!” Sugar laughed aloud.

Mineral Water came to a quick halt, his stare looking into an establishment. A simple sign above the store read, Gallopinos. “We are here.”

When Sugar managed to get her arm back, she spun around and smacked her friend with her tail on his cheek. “That wasn’t very nice,” she said.

“Neither was that,” Mineral countered as he walked forward to open the door, the smell of garlic ripe in the air. He gestured Sugar to enter the restaurant, “After you.”

As Sugar passed him by, she smiled, “Thank you.” But her grin was a muse, and she yanked him along.

“Don’t pull my arm off!” The pair let out a round of laughs before they faced the hostess. She beamed at them, happy to see the Saturday night vibe fresh in their bones. Her green, white, and red striped name tag read “Parsley.”

“Would you both like a table for two?” Parsley smiled.

Mineral Water scanned the store, curious if he could request a specific spot. The inside lighting was very dim and orange, and he wanted to be in a much more beautiful setting. “Are the heat lamps outside on?”

“Yes,” Parsley nodded.

Mineral looked at Sugar and asked, “Would you like to sit outside?”

“Sure,” Sugar nodded.

Parsley quickly grabbed two menus and began walking toward the patio. Mineral and Sugar silently walked through the store after the employee. An accordion sang from the speakers, and the singer sang unknown, yet harmonious lyrics. Sugar Crush’s ears swiveled around, as her nose pointed toward the chiefs walking behind the counter. She gasped when a unicorn chef tossed a circular dough into the air. Thankfully, the cook caught the dough with his hooves. However, the display of spinning and twirling the flimsy, uncooked bread kept Sugar holding her breath.

Mineral caught the mare staring at the display of skill. “He is making a pizza,” he said.

“It looks like fun to make. I might want to make my own if I like peetsa.”

Parsley opened the door for Sugar and Mineral walked to the outside patio. There were a few ponies sitting at their own tables. Some drank wine, several ate pasta, and a few talked with smiles and laughter; a wonderful combination. “Pick any available table,” the hostess said.

Mineral chose a table beside the iron fence and made sure he could see the stars. The heat lamp grabbed Sugar’s attention, the thestral interested in the strange device that rested beside the table. She sat on the other side of the small metal table, still interested in the warm lamp. “Interesting…” Sugar said under her breath.

It was cute for Mineral Water to see his friend look at everything she was unfamiliar with. He could only imagine how much of Equestria Sugar has not seen. And what foods she has not tasted.

A flimsy menu was passed out to Mineral and Sugar as Parsley smiled at the two, “Your waiter will be with you shortly. Would you like any drinks right now?”

“Do you have any alcoholic apple cider?” Mineral asked.

“We do.”

Sugar Crush finally broke her stare from the lamp and grinned at the stallion. “Wow, already want to get drunk, don’t you?”

“Nothing wrong with one drink,” Mineral said as he rolled his eyes. He looked to the hostess. “One alcoholic apple cider, and one cup of water, please.”

“And you, Miss?” Parsley asked Sugar.

The thestral snatched up the menu and fanned through it. “Umm… mango juice, please?”

The hostess scribbled down on her notepad before placing it in her skirt pocket. “Thank you for choosing Gallopinos. Your waiter will be with you shortly.” Parsley dipped her head in a short bow and departed from the table.

“So why did you want to sit outside?” Sugar Crush asked.

Mineral Water did nothing to hide why he chose the outdoors and looked at the sky. “So I can get a nice view of the moon and stars. Sometimes it is nice to look up and admire the beauty of the night.”

“It can be,” Sugar nodded. “It was much different for me when I arrived in Equestria and saw the blue skies. Now that is something I like to do.”

“I assume being on the moon meant you had to constantly see the stars all the time.”

“Yup. And because there are no clouds, either, there was nothing much to see but the stars and the world below the moon. I prefer watching the clouds go by during the day. But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the stars. They are pretty.”

Mineral looked away from the black air and glanced at Sugar. “They are.” She was quick to look back at him, and Mineral had to retreat his gaze. The heat from the lamp warmed his cheek, the warmth trying its best to ignite more blush. He wondered if the two of them could go cloud-gazing sometime in the near future. However, Mineral figured he needed to finish one date first before considering another.

“Excuse me,” a robust voice spoke, ending the quiet stargazing moment, “I have your drinks.” A unicorn stallion levitated a rounded tray that held three beverages. He had a tan coat with a curly mane. His nametag badge twinkled in the light, dubbing him Round Table. “Is the thestral having the mango juice?”

“How did you know?” Sugar giggled.

“Even before the Empire vanished, thestrals always have a tendency to order fruit drinks.” Round Table eyed Mineral. “Don’t they?”

“They do,” Mineral agreed. “But not all the time.”

The two stallions nodded at one another before the drinks were distributed. Mineral Water’s glass mug smelt of alcohol, giving the cider a unique scent of apples and liquor. But he was curious about the brand. “Where was this cider purchased from?”

“I believe it was from Ponyville’s Sweet Apple Acres.”

The fact perked up Mineral's mood. “That is where the Great and Glorious Spike resides!”

“Indeed! It would be wonderful to have him come to our humble restaurant, but that is beyond fiction.”

“You never know,” Sugar chimed in, her hooves holding her sweet drink. “I was once stuck on the moon, and I thought I would never get to Equestria.”

Round Table gave the mare an odd stare. “Was there a reason why you couldn’t leave?”

“Nightmare Moon.” The server still looked confused. “You know, the Mare of the Moon?” Round Table did not let up his expression. “You don’t know?”

“This is news to me.” Before Round Table could linger any longer, his smile returned. “Looks like I need to brush up on my history as to what had happened while the Empire was gone. Anyways, are you both ready to order?”

Mineral Water knew it would be nice to discuss more with Round Table. However, he knew the employee had to get back to other business or would risk getting into trouble. “Give us some time. She is new here, and I want to show her how wonderful pizza is.”

Both stallions looked at Sugar who was taking a small sip of her mango juice. “Then she is in for a treat.” Round Table spun around with flare. “I’ll be back to receive your order.”

“Bye,” Sugar said to the departing server.

Mineral shrouded his magic around the glass mug and took a nice mouthful of cider. The carbonation bubbled from his mouth, all the way down his throat. The alcohol, alongside the carbonation, had a nice kick and burned a little as Mineral swallowed. He winced at the pain, letting out a satisfied “ah!”

“Don’t get too crazy over there,” Sugar grinned. “I don’t want to walk home a drunk stallion during our first date.”

“What part of ‘one drink’ don’t you get,” Mineral argued. To prevent another tease being shot at him, Mineral placed down his mug and took a few gulps of water.

“I’m just saying,” Sugar shrugged. She looked back to where Round Table went off to. “I am surprised he didn’t know about Nightmare Moon.”

“Not everypony knows what has happened recently to Equestria here in the Crystal Empire.” Mineral licked the corner of his mouth, the taste of cider residing on his lips. “When I was freed from King Sombra’s rule, the first thing I chose to do was learn about how long we were gone. That is when I learned about Twilight Sparkle and how she defeated Nightmare Moon, who happened to be Princess Luna. It was hard to believe she turned against her sister, but I was relieved to know she was quick to learn from her errors.”

“To be honest,” Sugar began, “it was so strange to see Princess Luna not be Nightmare Moon.”

“What was Nightmare Moon like?” Mineral asked.

“Very unpleasant to be around,” the mare bluntly answered. Sugar’s ears twitched, and her brows creased. “She was not cruel to me and the other thestrals. But Nightmare Moon would always look down at the world, ranting about Princess Celestia. The biggest issue that ever happened during my time was how half of the ponies on the moon sided with her hatred for her sister, while the rest saw through her jealousy. However, those who were against Nightmare Moon’s envy knew that fighting her would not get them off the moon. She was the ticket to escape.”

“It must have been rough to deal with her. At least you weren’t in shackles.”

Sugar Crush shook her head, “Let’s try and think of happier thoughts.”

There was so much Mineral wanted to know about Sugar, but understood she wanted to stay in a more positive mood. Still, he wanted to learn about his friend. After all, Mineral knew Sugar wanted to learn more about Nebula. He needed to be more crafty with staying on the good side of memories; even he had to be careful to not think about the negative past of his old friend.

“Alright.” Happy thoughts… Happy thoughts… “How about… we look at the menu first? Then, I want to know why you like to give your customers hugs.”

Sugar’s ears flicked with approval. “I like that suggestion,” she smiled. The mare rested her drink on the table and opened up the menu. Under her breath, Sugar muttered, “Peetsa… peetsa…”

Since Mineral was familiar with Gallopinos, finding the “Make a Pizza” section took no time to find. “Third page,” he said aloud.

The mare turned a page and creased her brow. “P-Pizz-ah?” Sugar lowered the menu to look at Mineral. “Why the hay is peetsa spelled with two z’s?”

“I can assume spelling was not your forte.” Mineral had to hide his face behind the menu to block out his wide grin.

“I’m a baker, not a mathematician,” Sugar grumbled. “Anyways, let’s order a pizza.” The urge to hold a guilty smirk slowly disintegrated and Mineral was able to show his face again. “There… are a lot of toppings available for a pizza.”

Indeed, there was. Within the large box of “Make a Pizza,” various ingredients from tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, hay, artichoke hearts, oats, carrots, onions, celery, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, and the questionable pineapple filled up most of the box's space.

“What sounds more interesting?” Mineral asked.

“I dunno. I've never had pizza.” Sugar looked up from her menu and asked, “What usually comes on a pizza?”

“Mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce on pizza dough. Those are the primary ingredients.”

The intrigued thestral licked her lips. “How do mushrooms taste on pizza?”

Mineral knew he and Sugar would spend the entire night at Gallopino’s if she continuously asked what goes good with what. “Think of a pizza like a round, flat sandwich that you can put almost anything on it. Though, I would suggest getting one or two toppings; just to try it out.”

“I never knew ordering pizza would be such a dilemma,” Sugar said, nibbling on her lower lip. “Everything looks so good. And expensive…”

“Don't worry about the price,” Mineral batted a hoof. “If I can live in the Emerald District, I can afford a nice meal.”

“You sure? Because I mean, I know we were supposed to go to several restaurants to make things more interesting, but I kind of want to try some small pizzas.”

“Plans change, Sugar. I didn't expect myself to help you out all day, but I did.” Mineral saw his date’s eyes look elsewhere, her expression unconvinced. “Don't look so worried. Besides, I'm having a great time with you. Price or change of plans does not concern me.”

“Really? You mean that?” Sugar hid behind her lips behind the menu. However, the very edges of the pony’s mouth peaked over the laminated booklet.

Mineral reached his hoof over to Sugar, an offering of comfort. “I promise.”

Sugar made no hesitation and grabbed it in a soft hold. “Thanks. You are really sweet.”

The way Sugar said “sweet” and how she looked at Mineral made him blush. “Your welcome.” He gazed back at the menu, pondering what to do about their meal. “So, do you want to get a large pizza with a side of breadsticks?”

No longer blocked out by the list of food, Sugar lowered it and glanced over it again. “I see mini pizzas on the menu. Can we get a few of those and try out different toppings on each one? Since we were going to have small meals throughout the evening, it would be best to try as much as we could before we get full.”

The size on the mini pizzas were only four inches in diameter, quite small to be considered a meal. And Mineral liked the idea. “I think that would be a great idea, Sugar. You really are good with coming up with ideas on the spot.”

“How else would I come up with Mineral Milk Cookies if I wasn’t so easily inspired?” Sugar beamed, further tickling Mineral’s enjoyment for being around the thestral.

“Fair point,” was all the stallion could say. Because the price was not something he was worried about, so long as Sugar didn’t suggest to order one of every topping for every individual pizza, Mineral said, “Let’s get two toppings for every pizza we get.”

“Okay.” Sugar’s eyes stared at the menu with hot intensity. “Let’s see… I want our first pizza to have… olives and pineapples.”

The idea made Mineral's stomach convulse. Of all the toppings, she had to choose the two worst options.


“So that is six mini pizzas,” Round Table began to recap. “One with olives and pineapples, one with tomatoes and artichoke hearts, one with spinach and mushrooms, one plain, one with oats and hay, and one with carrots and celery.”

“That’s everything, boss!” Mineral said, knocking his hoof on the table.

“I’m so excited!” Sugar shivered. “I never knew making custom entries were so fun!” She rubbed her hooves together as if to ignite a small flame.

Round Table flipped his notebook closed and nodded to the mare, “It will also be satisfying once you get a taste of Equestria’s finest pizza.” He eyed the mango juice and cider that were all near empty. “Will I be getting any refills?”

Sugar pushed her drink over to the waiter. “Yes, please.” Mineral picked up his mug and drank the rest of the cider before placing it beside his friend’s glass. Before he could say, “No thanks,” his friend noticed the notion and grinned. “I thought you said one drink.”

“And I did.” The stallion waved his hoof at Round Table, “It was a good drink, but I am going to stick to water for the rest of the evening.”

“Very well,” Round Table nodded. “Your pizzas will be ready momentarily.”

“Thank you,” Sugar smiled. The waiter levitated the two glasses and both menus and proceeded toward the shop door. The mare swayed in her chair. “I want to do this a little more often; to go out to other restaurants and make some custom made plates.”

“You know there are some places that have buffets,” Mineral suggested. “There, you can get as much food as you can eat.” Just the idea of making his own plate of spaghetti with hayballs, with a side of broccoli covered in melted cheese, and a nice, creamy glass of a hops liquor danced in Mineral’s head. At least Sugar was assisting with keeping his appetite alive and healthy.

“Now with the food ordering out of the way,” Sugar began, “you want to hear my hugging story?”

With the alcohol in his system, Mineral was much more relaxed and eager to listen. “As to why you hug your customers? Yes.”

Sugar pursed her lips and looked a little disgruntled. “It branches off of the… you-know-what word story, though.” Her furrowed brow didn’t last long and was quickly suppressed. “But I promise it has a happy ending.” Mineral gave no verbal response, and he only gestured his hoof at the mare to begin.

Because of the vampony discussion from earlier, Sugar’s ears fell back as they did before. “It was hard being a thestral after Nightmare Moon was vanquished. Just like Princess Luna, it was difficult for ponies like me to be accepted. ‘Regular ponies’ would point a hoof at me and the others and say, ‘Look, it’s a vampony from the movies!’ What the buck is a movie, anyways? Do you know?”

That was a new word to Mineral Water. “I’m not sure.”

“Morganite may know, considering how she told me she travels and does interviews. Regardless, I am sure movies are stupid.” Sugar folded her forearms, reminding Mineral of a familiar expression of a “pouty-bat.”

The stallion wondered what would have happened if his friend managed to get a hold of an alcoholic beverage. Mineral pictured a very emotional Sugar Crush, ready to rant about movies and the phrase “vamponies.” As amusing as the thought was, Mineral chose to remind his friend about having a good time instead of imagining what-if scenarios.

“Happy thoughts, Sugar,” Mineral smiled softly. “Happy thoughts.”

“Right.” She took in a deep breath and sighed, “Sorry, Mineral. I just… don’t like remembering the past sometimes. It gets me riled up.”

“I know how you feel.” The pouty-bat expression flew away, and Sugar found herself looking back at her friend with a tiny frown. “But again, remember that you told me your story has a happy ending. Mine on the other hoof...” Mineral had to fight a silent battle against his sad conclusion with Nebula. But just like Sugar Crush, Mineral Water found his emotions began to rile up his sensitive heart; the alcohol dissolved most of his defenses, leaving the crystal pony vulnerable to attack.

Before anything could crawl out of his eyelids, a gray hoof that glittered in the dim, orange light, twinkled as Sugar reached over the table and grabbed Mineral’s forearm. He was eager to take her limb and kiss it. Good thing he had one drink.

“Happy thoughts,” Sugar reminded Mineral.

In kind, he repeated with a nod and smile, “Happy thoughts.” Mineral cleared his throat as a means of wanting to get to the good ending of Sugar’s story. “Now, tell me the end of your tale.”

Sugar didn’t remove her hoof as she resumed, “When I heard about the Crystal Empire returning after its 1000 year banishment, and how Twilight Sparkle and her friends saved the kingdom, I wondered if the ponies here wouldn’t be scared of me because of the movies.”

It was not Mineral’s attention to be rude, but he had to correct Sugar on one thing. “Remember that Spike was the one who was the true hero in freeing the empire.”

“He is your hero, not mine,” Sugar replied, sticking her tongue out in protest. “And this is my story right now. History lessons are for later.”

Mineral was half guilty for his interruption, but only because of his drink. Part of him wondered how lightweight he was when it came to alcohol, but the thought didn’t distract him for long. “Sorry. Please continue.”

“When I arrived here to see what the Crystal Empire was like, I was with my sister. The first ponies who saw us were unfazed by our presence. They just looked at us, smiled, and continued on their way.” Sugar scratched her chin. “At first, I figured they only did that to avoid us. I was proven wrong when I entered the Chocolate Palace for the first time.”

“I’m liking where this is going,” Mineral said, confessing he was very invested and interested in the story’s direction.

A tiny giggle escaped Sugar before she started back up. “There was nopony at the shop because it was a Wednesday, so getting to the front was easy. When Raspberry noticed us, she beamed at us with excitement, glad to see a thestral enter her store.” Sugar’s smile was so wide, her fangs started poking out from her lips; her grin infected Mineral as he did the same without the pointy teeth. “I was so shocked to hear the news that somepony was happy to see me. Me. A scary vampony from the movies!”

“But the story gets even better.” Mineral rose he brows, not sure where the story would direct to. However, that kept his mind from predicting the end. And Mineral preferred it that way. “While I was asking Raspberry if there was a chance she could hire me to work at her bakery, a colt and his little foal friends entered the store. And my goodness, it was quite the delight.”

“They swarmed me and Nightshade with such excitement and interest. One of them said that I was their favorite type of pony! I was so stunned by their joy that I allowed all of them to hug me. After they got their snacks, the same colt who entered first told me, ‘You are welcome to stay here in the Crystal Empire. We need more ponies like you.’”

Sugar rubbed her shoulder as if she was embarrassed to tell the truth about her past. However, she kept hold of her smile. Mineral took a sip of his water, his throat slightly sore because of the heart-filled story. “So, what happened next?”

“Well, after those foals left their imprint on my heart, I thought about how they gave me something that was needed at the right time. I didn’t ask for their smiles or their kindness, but they gave it anyways. That is when I suggested the Hug n’ Sweet deal to Raspberry. Not only was it supposed to attract more customers, but to also give a pony affection that might lift up their spirits.” The mare laughed into her free hoof. “Too bad all the hugging affected me so much, that I can’t resist the urge to hug somepony when they really needed it.”

The stars in the sky became so much more beautiful as they waited in Mineral’s peripheral. He looked up at the spectacle and said, “Now I get why you chased after me.”

“Mmhmm.” Mineral felt Sugar’s hoof rub his arm a little. “Something told me that you needed somepony.” The stars became less important to the stallion, and he wanted to look at his friend. Sugar was leaning a bit forward as if she was looking at a fascinating piece of art. “And even though you are so resistant with wanting hugs, you let me get close. Close enough to give me a chance. And that meant a lot to me when we became friends.”

The lamp’s heat started to seep through his shirt, attempting to set his heart ablaze. “I will say that those foals were right.”

“About what?”

The way Sugar Crush was propped up tempted Mineral Water to lean over the table and kiss her shining cheek. If only you didn’t want to wait. “That you are welcome here in the Crystal Empire. And you are welcome in my world, too. I am blessed to have you as a friend that I did need.”

“Aww…” Sugar hummed as she blushed. “That’s very sweet of you to say.” Her slit pupils were directed at Mineral’s arm that she held. Instead of keeping her hoof where it was, Sugar retracted it. She continued to smile, but because the moment was sweet and happy, Mineral pondered her slow action.

The unicorn opened his mouth to speak, but another unicorn stepped forward. “Here is your refill, Miss,” Round Table said to Sugar as he levitated the fruity glass to her.

“Thank you,” she nodded.

The server levitated another cup over to Mineral. “And I also took the liberty of getting you another glass of water.”

Mineral was grateful for Round Table’s persistence. “Your tip will be a good one,” he smiled to the employee.

“Another reason for me to work harder.” After claiming Mineral’s finished cup of water, Round Table was off in a proud strut.


The streets were less filled with ponies than a few hours before Sugar and Mineral began their endeavors into the wonderful flavors of pizza. Tiny dishes littered their table, some filled with pizza crust that had no flavor other than garlic bread. Mineral leaned against the back of his chair, satisfied with his fill.

“That was gooooood!” he said a little louder than he wanted. The alcohol had worn out, but Mineral still let the obnoxious exclamation free.

Sugar agreed in kind as she rubbed her belly. “I’m so full, I may not be able to fly,” the mare joked. “But good Luna from above, that was fantastic! You have good taste in food, Mineral.”

“It requires a good tongue to know what has fantastic flavor.” Except for that disgusting olive and pineapple mini pizza. Mineral remembered how Sugar chose that small pizza as the first to eat. Thankfully, she was satisfied with the flavor and couldn’t help but squeal with delight. He let her have that one to herself.

A black billfold sat among the plates open, revealing the price of seventy-eight bits. As Sugar nibbled on the last remaining slice, she eyed the receipt with a guilty expression. “Are you sure you are okay with paying?”

Remembering it was still there, Mineral levitated it over to himself and placed the pen in his mouth. “It’s fine, Sugar. Really.” On the line where it asked to put the tip, he wrote a zero and ran a line through it, then entered the total amount with an exact seventy-eight bits. Mineral opened the pocket of his shirt and levitated two fifty bit coins and one twenty-five bit coin into the sleave of the billfold.

Just as Mineral placed it down, Round Table appeared, the stallion looking eager to see his generous tip. “I am glad you both enjoyed your meal.” It was easy to tell that Round Table was a little more interested in his tip as his eyes continued to look down at the booklet.

Before the unicorn got a hold of the billfold, Mineral said, “I made sure to enter a ‘zero’ on the tip total. The change for my bill is your tip.”

It was no surprise to Mineral Water when Round Table’s attitude kicked up to eleven when the waiter opened the booklet to see his earnings. “Your generosity is much appreciated!” Sugar, being left alone to slowly eat the last pizza slice, looked between the stallions with curiosity. Round Table nodded, “Enjoy the rest of your evening, you two.” And with that, the stallion left.

Mineral felt his eyes become a little scratchy. The weekend night was beginning to cast a drowsy spell on him and forced Mineral to yawn. “You getting tired?” Sugar asked.

“Just a little,” he answered, his brow twitching in an attempt to begin closing his eyes.

“Then let me walk you home.”


Sugar made sure to keep herself warm by walking up against Mineral while the two held hooves. He was shaking a bit, the cold doing its nasty work by biting at his bones. She was tempted to use one of her wings to keep the stallion cozy, but Sugar thought against it. It was going to be a hug if she did that.

To distract him from the cold, Sugar remembered how Mineral told her earlier he was going to tell her why he didn’t like hugs. “So Mineral…”

“Hmm?” he hummed.

“Why don’t you tell me your story as to why you don’t like hugs?” Sugar asked with a wide smirk.

“What’s with the look?” Mineral scanned the thestral with weary eyes. It was not Sugar’s intention to make him suspicious of her. But she had a strong feeling it was related to Nebula. And Nebula stories were beginning to become Sugar’s favorite.

“Tell me,” Sugar said as she nudged into Mineral with a harmless bump.

“Just don’t push me off the sidewalk,” he responded in kind. Mineral looked up the stars, his smile shined in the streetlamp light. “You may not believe this, but I used to like getting hugs from… ponies.”

Mineral’s subtle pause did not pass Sugar’s ears without her noticing it. “And who did you like getting hugs from?”

“Who do you think?”

“I don’t know. Does it start with an ‘N?’” It was too obvious it was Nebula. And because Mineral couldn’t resist smiling, Sugar knew she could tease him about her for a little longer.

“Like I said before, Nebula is a lot like you. She was affectionate with a kick.” Another Nebula fact was about to be unveiled, and Sugar leaned into Mineral with eager anticipation. “Nebula would always cheer me on to work better and harder. And when she was done with her joyful spurts, Nebula would always give me a hug.”

“How cute,” Sugar beamed.

“It wasn’t cute all the time…” Mineral muttered, his smile faltering.

“H-huh?” It was not the response she was expecting, but Sugar waited for her friend’s reason.

“You see, whenever Nebula would have me in her hold, she would…” The stallion flushed, and his lips pursed.

“She would what?”

“...tickle me…” It was too difficult for Sugar to not grin up at her date. “Don’t you dare get any ideas,” he warned. “I know you have ticklish wings.” The threat was made, and Sugar defused the idea of assaulting Mineral with her hooves. “When she would have me in her hold, Nebula would rub her hooves against my ribs. Sometimes she would give me a genuine hug and do nothing to tickle me. But more often than not, Nebula would tickle me to no end.”

It may have caused him more harm than good, but Sugar couldn’t resist giggling. The story was too cute, and she had a feeling that Nebula might have had felt something for Mineral. But Sugar knew bringing up the question if he liked or even loved her would create an awkward, sad mood.

“So if you ever wondered why I flinch when somepony touches my side, it’s because I have been conditioned to have a sensitive rib cage,” Mineral concluded. “And because of my time with Nebula, I learned ways to evade her embraces.”

“So that’s why I can’t catch you!” Sugar exclaimed. She knew how close she was to Mineral. But even with her newly found information, Sugar felt it was time to test his ability to escape a thestral.

She tightened her hold on Mineral’s hoof and pulled on his arm. Sugar cut off his path by stepping in front of him and swung her left forearm to make for a sudden hug. A blinding flash stunned the mare, and the feel for Mineral was gone.

Sugar blinked a few times before she looked back to see the stallion materialize before her. “You gotta try harder than that!” Mineral took off in a sprint.

The chase was on.

Sugar fanned out her wings, giving them a single bat before they lifted her up into the night sky. Thanks to her nocturnal vision, finding Mineral was easy. He took a sharp turn toward the Emerald District.

She made sure her shadow loomed right behind Mineral, emphasizing how hungry she was for him. The cold evening air chilled her soul, further pressing the mare to warm herself against the stallion.

Mineral looked back and saw the black silhouette chasing him. When he looked up and caught Sugar, he cried, “Come on...! Nebula was… much better… at this...!” It took very little effort to glide after Mineral.

After a few blocks, Mineral was in the Emerald District. Sugar descended closer and closer to the fleeing date. His panting was heavy, and he was starting to slow down. She allowed him to get to his yard before swooping in on him.

“I got you!” Sugar cried as her hooves began to run across Mineral’s sensitive back. He reached back to resist her and managed to use his arm to create some distance by pressing against her face.

“I think… not!” Mineral panted. Before she knew it, Sugar’s world spun around her. The stallion pulled her toward the ground and caught her from behind in his own arms. The two fell onto the grass in a playful tumble. Sugar shrieked as she dropped with Mineral. They laid on the grass on their sides as Mineral got the better of her, pressing himself against her back. She tried to free herself by attempting to spin around.

But Sugar quickly grew tired and gave up. Her muscles slumped in a grumpy fit. “I... win,” Mineral said in the mare’s ear.

Even though Mineral was the clear victor, Sugar felt him shiver. And she quickly didn’t care that she lost. His body heat kept her warm and comfortable on the prickly grass. It was impossible to deny that she was enjoying how Mineral caressed her. Slowly, his wheezing slowed down to a moderate pant. Then to soft breathing.

The two remained on the ground as Sugar listened to the crickets chirp. Her heart began to crawl up her throat as her the mare started to ponder how much she really liked Mineral Water. He was such good company to her and was great on shedding positivity whenever she needed it.

But Sugar was convinced she was being too hasty. Riling Mineral up only to get some close contact attention from him. She wanted to be sure she truly loved him. Even if she wanted to spin around and kiss him to death.

“Mineral?” Sugar squeaked.

No response.


A snore ruptured the quiet moment.

Sugar giggled, “Hehe, I guess I did ware him out.”

Author's Notes:

A few days ago, this story reached not only 100 thumbs up, but also 1000 views. Thank you everyone for continuing your support with reading this story.

Enjoy this long chapter :3

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