

by SCP Pinkamena
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
From the Summerset Isle to ash shores of Morrorwind, there's always been one name in history that is both feared and respected; Einar. No one knows where he came from, but everyone is always afraid of the Atmoran man.
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A life is worth living so make the best of it. However if you are a Dov, a Dragon, your life is infinite, there is no end, for your end is when the next Kelpa begins. There is only one man, on the whole planet of Nirn, who knows this curse far too well. Tricked into having immortal life, The Nordic man know as Einar the Undying has spent countless years and 5 Eras trying to undo this curse. However when he finds a way to undo tens upon thousands of years of unjust living, he is stripped of that chance. Now in Equestria with little chance of going home, he now begins his search to undo his immortality with the help of some unlikely heroes as well.


203 words: Estimated 1 Minute to read:

1 Chapter:

  1. Undying Chapter 0: Voviir Oct 29th, 2017
Published Oct 29th, 2017


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