
Star Wars: The Cosmic Crystal

by Batfan98

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 Story of a Sith Lord

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The galaxy, a place with many star systems and races. It was once under the rule of a fair republic for thousands of years and protected by warriors, known as Jedi Knights, with a strange, mystical ability, known as the force. But now it was ruled by a corrupted empire and the Jedi were all gone. Thankfully the galaxy had hope, a rebellion was fighting to gain freedom, but soon they'll face an enemy they've never experienced, but also gain new, and unexpected, allies.

A colorful portal opened and a strange creature was pushed out, falling onto the ground with an "Oof." The creature was a tall black pony with white glowing eyes, a horn and wings, and a flowing mane and tail. The pony rubbed his head with a hoof as he opened his eyes to find himself in a grass field, assuming it was a planet like Lothal. He growled.

"Balst it. It looks like I'll need to find another plan." He stood up on his four legs "They sent me where I wanted." he then looked at his forelegs and growled "Blast it! I still remain in this form."

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"No matter. I'm still strong with the force in this form. Now the question remains, how will I get the crystal?" he puzzled for a moment and then came up with a new plan and smirked.

He then sensed that there was not much left of any other power within himself. "Hmm, it appears I'll need the aid of someone." he then closed his eyes, focusing hard and used the force within himself to find someone powerful. Someone who is strong with the dark side.

After a few moments he sensed a presence with the dark side on a nearby planet. This being was filled with much hate and anger, perfect.

"Yesss" He said slowly as he opened his eyes "this one is strong with the force and is one with the dark side. He'd make a fine ally. Hopefully i have enough magic to transport me to the planet he's on."

The pony then clenched his eyes shut tight as he focused with what remaining magic he had left to go to where this being could be. In a flash, he felt the ground under him turn into a hard surface and there was some heat around him.

He opened his eyes to find that he was on a landing platform. He looked around to find himself on a completely different planet, there were dark clouds in the sky and in the distance were volcanoes and some lakes and rivers of lava, it looked like he was at a volcano. He recognized this planet, he was on the Mustafar system.

He then strolled towards the entrance with a stoic face. As he walked on a bridge over a lava river, he noticed two bipedal guards in red at the entrance. The two guards pointed their spears straight at him.

"Halt. Identify yourself." said one of the guards, but the pony just kept walking forwards. "I said-ack!!" the guard was cut off as he felt something choking his neck, as well as the other guard and were lifted up into the air. They kicked their legs in the air, trying to break free, but with no use. A cracking sound was then heard, coming from their necks and they were dropped to the floor dead.

Even though he killed the guards, he didn't bother to glance at them and kept a straight face like nothing happened. The door in front of him opened from a motion sensor and he walked in.

Inside the castle, there was a room with grey walls and a vat with warm water in the center and two imperial guards. In the vat floated a figure that could hardly be seen, but it looked like he was floating in the water.

The door slid open as an old man in a cloak came in, he looked nervous but he bowed in respect at the figure in the vat.

"My lord, there's an intruder. He's killed six of the guards, what shall we do?" he asked, his voice in fear and worry.

The water then drained from the vat and the figure was shown. He was bald and had missing limbs, his forearms and legs were missing and he had some kind of mask over his mouth, attached to a cord to help him breath and cords held him in the tank. The man was in nothing but some kind of black tight shorts, what was intimidating was that this man was grey and had burns all over his body.

The man looked at his old servant. "I know, I felt his presence. Leave him to me." he said, his voice sounded deep and mechanical.

The old man bowed his head "Yes, my lord."

The pony stood on a platform over lava, he waited for the man he seemed the aid of. He had to let that old man live to tell him he was there, unfortunately he had to kill six guards when they tried to stop him.

The presence he felt was getting closer and closer. He didn't reach for any weapon, he had to show he was not a threat. As the presence got closer he noticed the doors in front of him slide open and heard the sound of a haunting, mechanical breathing.

The doors opened to show a tall, bipedal figure in black. He wore a mask, a helmet, a cape, and buttons were on his chest. The figure walked closer as he pulled something from his belt and a red glowing blade ignited.

"Who are you?" the figure asked, his voice deep and mechanical. He walked closer towards the pony "What is your business here?"

The pony didn't move an inch "Please, I do not wish to bring you any harm."

The figure came to a stop a few inches in front of him, still keeping his lightsaber ready. "You've killed six of my guards.?"

"Yes, but only because they wouldn't let me pass."

The figure thought for a moment and realized he would've done the same, and so he deactivated his lightsaber and hung it on his belt.

"What is it you wish to speak of?"

"An offer. I wish to ally myself with you. I sense you are strong with the force, especially in the dark side lord...?" he trailed off, obviously trying to ask his name.

"Darth Vader." the figure answered "And who might you be?"

"I am a Sith lord that vanished from this world thousands of years ago." The pony began "Perhaps you've heard of me. I am Darth Hyagnus."

Only thing that went through Darth Vader's mind was disbelief "Impossible. Darth Hyagnus disappeared thousands of years ago" he also took note of the pony's species "and he was a Zabrak, not the same species as you."

"Perhaps I should explain my story, for you to understand."

One Thousand Years Ago...

I was a Sith lord, like you, and as you know I was feared by the galaxy. I had an intrest and belief in artifacts from legends and folk tails. I then found out about an ancient artifact, hidden centuries ago. It is known as the Cosmic Crystal, it has the ability to contain two powers at once. Legends said that it was hidden in the abandoned Sith temple on the planet Korriban. I've searched for weeks and then I found it. There was only one problem, I was unable to open the entrance. It can only be opened with if two powerful abilities were being used at once.

A Zabrak in black robes sat cross legged outside the Sith temple, meditating. Darth Hyagnus kept his focus, sensing if there was a power he could find.

I've learned the ways of the force, even two force teqniuqs that my master couldn't teach me, one that only few force wielders could accomplish. The ability to transform into an entity powered by the force, and to sense a great power from far away, even far outside our galaxy.

Then after a few moments, he sensed an energy flow through his head, an energy he's never felt before, there was so much of it. He stood up and looked at the direction it was coming from in the sky. He then went over to his ship, a black Starfighter with an A-Wing like appearance and a red windshield, and flew off into light speed.

It took very long to get to his destination, normally it would take two or three hours to get to a planet with light speed in the galaxy, but because of how far this planet was it was taking eleven hours and his fell was running low.

Darth Hyagnus felt the unknown energy getting bigger and bigger, he was getting close. Hyagnus pulled the lever in front of him, taking the ship out of light speed. Right in front of him was a planet, the water was blue and the land was green.

Suddenly the meter on how much feel was in his ship was running low fast until it reached empty. The ship then sent hovering into the planet's atmosphere, heat was now covering the ship.

Darth Hyagnus then pulled a switch next to his seat, firing it into the atmosphere. Hyagnus held his arms out and it felt like something was holding onto him. He was now gently floating down to the ground and soon landed on his feet.

He was in a grass field and it appeared to be kid day. The power here felt stronger and stronger.

Now that I've arrived at the planet, all that was left was for me to fine a way to maintain such power.

Hyagnus then clenched his eyes shut, focusing. After a few minutes he sensed something, it felt like sadness, anger, and hatred. He figured he'd approach this being as an entity since this planet has probably never known about other planets.

So, Darth Hyagnus concentrated hard and in a moment, a black fog surrounded him and engulfed him.

The black fog disappeared and he now felt that he had no body, instead he was an invisible bodyless figure floating. Hyagnus followed his senses to where this anger was coming from. He then found a creature he has never seen before.

It was a four legged creature with grey fur, a dark blue mane and tail with dark green streaks, blue eyes, a horn on it's head, and it wore a brown cloak.

Hyagnus felt the anger within the creature, it was high. He also felt the power coming from the creature.

"Greetings." he said, his voice echoey.

The creature's eyes widened in surprise. "W-who said that?" he called out "Who's there?"

"I am an entity of power." Darth Hyagnus began "I sense anger within you, might I ask what it is about?"

"Why do you wish to know?" the creature asked, he kept looking around to see who was talking.

"Because I sense a conflict within you and I wish to help."

"Help?" the creature asked, his brows furrowed in anger "Help. Hmph. That's all I wanted to give my friends, but they betrayed me." he snarled "All I wanted was to gain stronger magic so I can help them in their adventures, but they cast me out. Turned their backs on me!" his voice was full of anger and his eyes starting to water.

Magic? The power Darth Hyagnus felt was magic?

An idea then formed in Hyagnus' mind, if he were physical he'd be smiling.

"Perhaps you would like to make them pay? Make them suffer?"

The creature nodded "Yes."

"Well then, what if I told you that I can make you stronger?"

The creature looked surprised "W-what?"

"You wish to get back at your so called friends. I can help."

The creature looked puzzled "C-could you...really do that?"

"Yes." Hyagnus said, the creature could picture him smiling evilly.

The offer sounded tempting, this would be the perfect opportunity.

The creature looked up, smiling evilly "Yes, make me stronger."

Darth Hyagnus then phased into the creatures mind, he then altered his mind to be evil and give him the power he needs. The force was then combined with the creature's magic and some kind of black too covered the creature.

It turned into a giant ball of some kind of black tar and it then warped into a shadow pony.

I gave him temporary control so he won't know I was using him. I then went through his mind, finding out he was a unicorn named Stygian and what his friends were. I then found in his mind an old spell in a book he saw before that showed that a portal can be opened to another universe.

We faced his friends and they put us in limbo, putting me in an endless rest for a thousand years. The spell was then broken and we were back in the real world. I secretly put the book that contained the spell to open the portal, it could only be opened by a group of magic users.

I planned to go back to our universe so I can be able to use two powers at once, magic and the force, and open the With temple to get the Cosmic Crystal. However a princess rescued Stygian and only I was sent back to this universe, leaving me with no magic left and trapped in this form.

Darth Hyagnus now finished his story with Darth Vader.

"So there for I plan to use what magic I have left to show the princess that rescued Stygian that I'm here. Once she comes, we will find her and combine her magic with the dark side of the force in the Cosmic Crystal and take control of the galaxy."

Darth Vader thought for a moment "Of course. With this power the Sith can rule the galaxy and the multi-verse." he and Hyagnus turned to leave through the doors "I will inform my attendants that you are no threat, and then I will contact my master, we will need his resources. Once we have the crystal we can overthrow him and rule his empire."

Once the doors closed behind them they wandered through the long dark hallway, where several guards were. They would have attacked Hyagnus if they hadn't seen Vader with them, not that it would have worked, it showed that he was not a threat.

After walking down the hall, they came through a door that slid open to reveal some guards behind it with a few attendants in black cloaks. The attendants had looks of horror seeing Hyagnus and the red guards redeid their spears.

"I command you to stand down" Darth Vader said "he is of no threat, he only wanted to speak with me."

The guards did as they were told and lowered their weapons, if their master hadn't ordered them to stand down then Hyagnus would have used the force to snap their necks.

"Jeebot" Darth Vader said to a Rodian attendant "you will accompany him to a room, and show him what he wishes to see in the castle."

"Lord Vader" Jeebot bagan "with all due respect, he killed some of the guards."

Vader just stood there for six long seconds, his silence intimidating the attendant and the only thing that could be heard was Vader's mechanical breathing. Vader then took slow silent steps up to him.

"Perhaps you are questioning my orders?" his voice showed no emotion, yet it still showed he was a threat.

The Rodian gulped "My apologies, Lord Vader. I will do as you command."

"Good." Vader turned to leave "I will contact my master now. See to it that our guest has our finest luxury."

Jeebot led Hyagnus to his room, intimidated by the pony Sith lord the whole time. They soon arrived at a grey door, which slid open to reveal a room with black, whiney walls, a window overlooking Mustafar, and a bed in the corner.

"I-i hope you enjoy your stay." Jeebot stuttered but Darth Hyagnus just ignored him as he walked into the room. "If you need anything we will attend." Jeebot said before leaving.

The pony Sith lord silently walked over to the window observing the planet. He was gone for a thousand years, so much must have changed. What did Darth Vader mean by empire? Did the Sith Empire return again? And what of the Jedi?

Minutes later, the door slid open to show an attendant "Lord Vader wishes to speak with you in the communication center."

The attendant led the Sith to a room where Darth Vader was waiting and there was a hologram of an old deformed man in a black hood, who Hyagnus assumed was Vader's master.

The attendant left as the doors closed leaving only the two With lords with the hologram.

"Hyagnus, this is my master. The galaxy knows him as Emperor Sheeve Palpatine, but secretly he is the lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious."

Darth Hyagnus bowed his head "I am honored."

Darth Sidious held an emotionless expression "You are Darth Hyagnus. I see that you have been alive for the past thousand years."

Hyagnus raised his head.

"My apprentice tells me of a crystal that can contain power."

Hyagnus nodded "Yes, Lord Sidious."

"With this crystal we can destroy the Rebellion once and for all and crush anyone else who rises against us." Palpatine said. "Do you know anyone with a great power that we can combine with the force?"

Hyagnus nodded "Yes. I know the right pony. Shall I summon her?"

The Emperor nodded.

And so, Hyagnus used whatever magic was left inside him to create a spell and send it across the universe to another being. He felt the power to through his head and his horn started glowing a black aura. The aura soon disappeared.

"There, I've given my presence to the pony."

"Good." Darth Sidious said "May I ask who this pony is?"

Darth Hyagnus smiled evilly "Twilight Sparkle."

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Summoning Estimated time remaining: 31 Minutes
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