
Synthetic but living

by Dark Nightshade

Chapter 12: Epilogue

Previous Chapter

On Monday, Raw Data was able to get Ultrabyte enrolled, with help from Twilight and Sunset Shimmer (Pinkie would've helped,,but she had used the excess organic material to enlarge her boobs and butt, and was now getting looks from everybody). Of course, they had to tell Principal Celestia about Ultrabyte's background, and about the past week. Of course, Principal Celestia asked about the ability some more.

"Are you able to train others?" she asked. Ultrabyte nodded.

"Of course," she said. "Although, if we could find Burning Brilliance, it might be easier." Principal Celestia's eyebrow rose.

"The guy who worked with the military?" she asked.

"He was forced to," Ultrabyte said defensively. "Besides, there is no way that they people who trapped me are still together."

"Yes, because of General Burrow's death," Principal Celestia said. "You still haven't said much about your battle with him." Ultrabyte shrugged.

"One of the nuclear bombs went off inside of the E.X.T.I.N.T.I.O.N, and that triggered a chain reaction. There is no way that Burrow survived," Ultrabyte said. "Unless this were a movie, but that movie would have a hard time explaining why a man survived several blasts in a small area full of nuclear energy."

"Uh-huh," Principal Celestia said. "Well, as long as you don't tick anyone else in the government off, and maybe teach some of the other students to put themselves into their computers, welcome to Canterlot High!"

Author's Notes:

See you all in the next story!

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