
Displaced short scenes

by Chaos Nightmare

Chapter 6: The secret Seller by: Silverblaze0ne

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In a dark alley situated in the outskirts of Manehattan sat a small shed. There was nothing to distinguish this shed from all the overs in the alley, but it was to this one that a pony dressed in a brown hooded cloak came to stop at and knocked on the door five times. After a while, the door opened to reveal a tunnel leading down into the ground with a big minotaur who had his arms crossed in front of the open door. “Show Iron Will your card or be prepared to be thrown out of the alley.” The minotaur demanded. A silver colored card floated from within the pony’s cloak up to in front of Iron Will. “Okay Iron Will will let you pass but do not break anything or Iron Will has to break you.” Iron Will said as he let the pony by and closed the door leaving the only light available to see with come from the torches covering the walls.

The pony then proceeded down the sloping corridor leading further down into the earth. At the end of the corridor stood another door with a sign above it that read Secret Shop. The pony pushed open the door and entered the room. Much to the pony’s surprise, the room was lit up like it was noon on a sunny day outside not an underground shop. As the pony looked around at all the shelves full of rare magical items a voice called out to them.

“Welcome to my shop, I am the Secret Seller Anna. Now, what magical nick-knack can I interest you in.” Said the human woman who was behind the counter. She wore a red cloak over a white and tan dress and had her red hair done up in a ponytail.

The pony then removed the hood of her cloak to reveal a pink-furred unicorn mare. “ My name is Starlight Glimmer and I have need of an item or spell that can turn back time and undo mistakes.” Starlight answered.

Anna leaned against the counter and put her right index on her chin and thought for a bit. “Now I might have something like that, but something that powerful would cost a lot of bits.” She said as she studied Starlight’s reaction.

“Is fifteen thousand bits enough?” Starlight asked while producing several large bags from inside her cloak and set them on the counter. She then untied the bags and put all the coins in ordered rows.

“If all the bits are here then yes,” Anna said as she eyed the coins with barely hidden greed. Anna proceeded to count the coins to make sure it was all there and upon coming up with a correct count turned around and pulled out a scroll from a rack behind her. She then presented the scroll to the unicorn. “This here is a copy of a time-traveling spell made by Starswirl the Bearded, however, pay attention to the warnings written in the scroll as if not cast right you could very well erase your own existence from history.”

Without another word, Starlight Glimmer left the shop leaving Anna to shake her head. “Ah, who am I kidding the type of customers I get are not the type to listen to warning.” She proceeded to sigh then perked up at the thought of adding today's earnings to her nest egg. “Money makes the world go round.”

“Mistress Anna, Iron Will is confused. Why would you sell something so dangerous as a time spell? Iron Will has never known you to be so careless.” Iron Will asked as he came into the room.

“Ah, that's the catch the spell requires a lot of magic to use. Starswirl could only travel back one month with it. To power a trip going a year or more would require a magical artifact on par with the crystal heart and that is guarded very heavily. I mean who in their right mind would possess a powerful artifact and not guard it? That is just stupid.” She said as she locked up her money in her safe. “ Now come I think we should go see what my good friend Daring is up to. Maybe if we are lucky she may have some leftovers that the museums didn’t want.”

Both Anna and Iron Will left the shed and walked out of the alley and as they left, the shed disappeared from the alley.

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