
The Equestrian Dragon: Virin

by Dawn Darkness

Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen: Tartarus

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Author's Notes:

Yes. I made the main character lose in the previous chapter. Not all main characters can win. I hope you understand this, that they can lose too.

In the land of paradise, in the world of the afterlife, a group of elderly looking dragons was looking at a ball swirling in the center, seeing that their descendant had lost.

"Oh, I'm worried for my child." The red elder said worriedly.

"So, am I, Jonathan." The purple elder added. "It was sad seeing him lose to that beast of a creature. He should've known better than attacking head-on with only anger, rage and hatred."

"Don't despair, Susan, Jonathan," a young-looking, grey dragoness tried to calm them down. "We've only seen what had happened. He hasn't been totally defeated."

"Are you saying we should just let his loss go?" Susan asked rather angrily, staring daggers at the grey dragoness.

The dragoness raised her arms up. "Oh, of course not. I'm just saying he should had been the greater being in that duel. That's all." She managed to escape the anger in the female purple dragon's expression. She sighed inwardly in relief.

"I'd say we should test the youngster." A rowdy voice echoed to their side.

"To what, if we may ask?" The grey dragoness asked curiously.

"To see if he's the chosen one, of course." The yellow coloured dragon answered. "We should have at least five tests against him, since he's on his way to Tartarus, a place where only evil beings are sent to. He's not evil, however, as we've seen so far. Only when he's consumed by darkness, he's half evil. The reason why I said half, is that he's half good as well."

"He's both of those things!" The grey dragoness gaped in shock. "No beings has ever been both good and evil."

"Aye." The yellow dragon then spoke in a fast pace, "Ibelievethathe'sthechosenbecauseofhisbravery. That'swhyIbelieveinhim."

"We believe in him, too." The purple female, Susan, nodded in agreement. "Alright. Let's see if my son can clear our five tests to see if he's worthy of learning a portal magic spell."

"Gotthatright." The yellow dragon spoke speedily, nodding hastily, excited to get this started.

Location: Tartarus...

Falling. Screaming.

That was all he could do. Moon was falling down to the pit of Tartarus, to the lowest floor a being has ever reached before. Only the most evilest creature are being sent to the bottomless pit of Tartarus.

"NO!" He screamed, opening his eyes. "There's no one that can escape from Tartarus!" He continued to scream as he was continuing to fall to the bottom. After a few more minutes, hw saw the bottom of Tartarus, a great darkness was lurking in these parts of the evil land.

After an harsh landing, Moon got shakily on his feet...gasping in fear as he saw his surroundings. Darkness, and black pointy mountains was all around the place. The black mountains was higher than he is, which was a great shock to the forty meters tall dragon.

"Good gracious." Moon whispered to himself. "How did I end up here?" He then remembered his dark rival firing at him...to him prompt growl of anger as he remembered his previous fight very clearly. "Man, this stinks."

A dark laughter was heard overhead.

Moon looked up to see a very familiar reaper sitting on a nearby large rock.

"My. What a pleasant surprise."Reaper said, faking his surprised look."The all mighty Virin has been defeated by my former partner's new guardian creature. What a shock."

"Reaper!" Moon yelled his name. "What are you doing here?"

"Why, I'm stuck here thanks to you and Hydra."Reaper replied coldly, sneering down at the dragon,"Why am I not surprised that he sent you here too? It just makes things perfect. More noise than that whiny centaur in the cage."

"There's other beings here?" Moon asked unexpectedly.

"Of course there is."Reaper spread his arms wide."What else did you expect from such a dark place, hm? That it was the afterlife or something like that? This is the dark afterlife, where onlyevilcreatures are sent too. You are no evil being, my "friend". You're a goody-two one."

"Stop mocking me." Moon warned. "And, for your information, the name's Moon here. Not Virin."

Reaper gave a dark laughter, before going into the air and disappeared.

Sighing in relief at the end of his conversation, Moon started to look around in the dark place. Moon decided to walk around the place for a bit.


In the real world, in Canterlot, the Mane Six and the Princesses were discussing on how to get their Prince back.

"I don't know the spell to get Tartarus open," Celestia regretfully said. "Nor do I know how to get my son back."

Everypony in the room sighed sadly, their heads down in despair. All of their hopes are being crushed right under their noses.

"Dad's gone?!" Two squeaky voices came from behind them.

The group and the guards looked behind them. They saw Jaxar and Varin, standing at the door to the throne room, eyes wide open in shock and fear of losing the one they loved.

"Regretfully," Celestia started. "Yes..." She saw tears in their eyes as they began to sob uncontrollably. Guilty striking their hearts, Luna and her sister walked up to the children and tried to soothe them with soft words.

"Oh my." Fluttershy whispered sadly, feeling her heart pierce from the sight of those loving children.


Walking down the darkened path, Moon was beginning to feel his legs to be tired. He decided to take a break from walking as he started to meditate down on the black stony floor, trying to calm his mind...to little success.

Sighing in relief of getting his mind checked, Moon's energy began to feel like water to him as he seemingly drank it down his sour throat, feeling his energy stir from within him.

Hearing a shriek, alerted the dragon as he opened his eyes wide, getting up on his feet as he looked closely at the danger that lurked forward from his position. Staring at the harmless darkness with a glare, Moon finally saw the threat that slowly, but threateningly, walked into view. Moon blinked at the strange creature.

It had black scales, with a few blue stripes going down from it. It had a long, pointy head while its eyes were a reddish colour. It stood on all four.

The creature roared, alarming Moon of its predicted attack as it charged at him, knocking him down as he grunted in pain. Moon got back up as he whirled around and tail slapped into the creature's face, sending it into a mountain nearby.

However, the creature wasn't done. It got back up on its four legs and roared angrily at the red dragon and charged at him again. It swung a paw at the dragon, but he flew backwards with the then-spread out wings and evaded the attack just in time.

Roaring in anger, the creature's other paw slammed into the dragon's side, knocking him into an mountain nearby. Groaning in slight pain, Moon stood back up on his two feet, firing an fireball at the creature, vaporizing it in flames as it roared painfully while finally exploding into pieces.

Grunting in satisfaction, Moon panted a bit before continuing his way towards his destination.

After his fight with that strange creature, Moon was met up with a new one.

This creature had red scales, it had reddish-brown eyes. It had black stripes going down from its scales. It had a strange, formed head as it was hanging almost upside down.

Moon blinked at the creature, before getting into his battle stance, ready for the fight to come. The creature accepted the challenge and charged at the dragon, hitting him in the belly with its head, knocking him back a little. Moon groaned from the impact, before firing a fireball at the creature, but it somehow dodged the attack by jumping to the side, surprising the dragon.

The creature charged at the dragon, but the dragon flew upwards to dodge the strike. Delta Moon flew a little away and flew straight down with his foot ready, kicking the creature hard in the face as it stumbled back in shock. The creature slammed a paw in the dragon's face, barely managing to slap him as the dragon growled threateningly at the creature. The creature accepted the threat and ran straight for the red dragon.

However, Moon predicted its charge and flew upwards again for a few meters away. He charged down with a harsh kick to the creature's back, causing it to roar in pain as it prepared to strike back. But Moon dodged the attempted assault by flying to the side.

Growling hatefully at the dragon, the creature launched a liquid spray attack on the dragon, but he dodged it by flying upwards with his wings blowing the liquid away. The creature roared in anger as it charged at the dragon, whom landed a few feet away ahead of it, before being knocked back by the headbutt from the creature.

Grunting in pain, Moon fired a fire breath at the creature, singing it in flames as it roared painfully as an explosion occurred as it was made into pieces like the other creature.

With the creature defeated, Moon continued his way to his non-destination of this Tartarus place.


After having managed to soothe Jaxar and Varin into bed, Luna stayed with the children while her sister got back into the throne room where the Mane Six was waiting for her to be finished with her kind words to the despaired children.

"Are they alright?" Twilight asked her as she came in the room.

"No." Celestia shook her head. "Their hope are nearly crushed. If my son doesn't come back soon, they'll continue to be like this for the of the days while in Canterlot."

"I'm so sorry for the kids." Rainbow's eyes went downcast at that. "They shouldn't had felt this much pain and sorrow because of that hydra sent their only parent away."

"Got dat right, Rainbow." Applejack added. "They shan't had felt this kind of sorrow only because of their father is in Tartarus, maybe for the rest of his immortal life. From what we've heard, his draconian species are immortals. Right, Princess?"

"Yes." Celestia nodded. "Dragons from his homeworld are immortal."

"That's kinda cool if you ask me." Pinkie said, her mane going a darkened colour after that as her face went downwards. "I just wish there was something we could do to get Moony back."

Twilight began humming to herself, thinking on something to get her friend back from Tartarus.


Continuing his walk, Moon began to feel heavy as he had been in his dragon form all day long. Why didn't he just transform back into his human form? Well, as much as he liked that idea, but since there are still monsters in this place, he couldn't just transform back. What if a monster came right in front of him?

On cue, a red light appeared in front of him.

Rolling his eyes, Moon cursed himself for his stupidity as he knew that this wasn't over. He shouldn't had thought of that last line.

This creature was red in colour. It had green stripes going down from its scales. It had yellow eyes.

Moon roared, so did the creature. They both charged at each other, locking arms as they made contact with one another. The tail of the creature slammed into Moon's head;while he punched the creature in the face, causing it to roar in pain from the punch.

The creature reared back, before biting onto the dragon's shoulder, making him roar in pain as he felt the teeth sink into his flesh, causing blood to drop down to the floor. Moon growled and tried to punch the creature away. After the fourth punch, the creature reared back once again as it walked backwards while glowering at the dragon in hatred. The dragon shared this hatred with his bluish-yellow eyes.

Moon roared again, charging at the creature with an intention of killing it. However, the creature evaded the charge by moving to the side as it managed to tail-slapping into the dragon's side, sending him into a mountain nearby. Groaning in slight pain, Moon stood back up on his feet, growling angrily at the creature that dared to hurt him.

The creature shared that growl of anger, charging at the dragon once more, slamming into his side as the two brawled for dominance over each other. Rolling on the ground, Moon managed to get the damn creature off of him, by kicking its back and sent it flying into a mountain which he was sent into. Getting back on his feet, Moon fired an fire breath at the creature, but it smartly rolled out of the way to evade the attack.

Moon tried to fire another fire breath at the creature, but it simply dodged the strike by moving to the side again. Growling in rage, Moon charged at the creature, which charged at him like before. They made their arms lock with each other, with the creature tail-slamming into Moon's head while he punched at the creature's belly, before doing it at least four times more like before. He managed to get the creature away, while it growled, enraged at him.

Moon shared that enraged growl as he threatened the creature to move forward with his spikes glowing a blue colour. The creature went alarm at this sudden move. With his mouth opening, Moon fired an powerful blue beam that set the creature ablaze as it exploded into pieces, never to be seen again.

His spikes no longer glowing, Moon continued his trek around Tartarus' lowest floor.

Continuing his trek, Moon stopped as he sniffed the air's scent. Darkness, clearly, but something big was coming next.

Just like before, he regretted his ways of thinking.

This being was just as big as him. It was thirty-nine meters tall. It had blue scales, with some yellow stripes in them as well like the other creatures the dragon has fought, as it was going to avenge them for taking out the dragon.

Moon was unfazed by the daring glare of the beast, he insert himself in a battle stance, ready for the upcoming rumble. The beast accepted the stance, charging head-on at the dragon, but it dodged by rolling to the side, avoiding the strike from the beast. The beast snarled in rage, tail-slamming into the dragon's side, sending him across the darkened ground of stone.

Groaning, Moon got back on his feet, glaring heatedly at the daring beast. He ran for it, charging right into its belly with his sharp horn, causing it to roar out in pain. Moon smirked deviously at the pained roar, it was like a taste of his powers.

The beast, though, stopped its painful roar as it glowered at the dragon, punching into his belly, causing him to spit out saliva from his mouth as he was sent backwards into a black mountain of Tartarus. The beast wasn't done, however, as it charged at the dragon with its head, slamming into him with a strong force that sent the dragon rigt through the mountain, destroying it as it broke into a million pieces.

Groaning as he stood back up on his feet, Moon fired a fireball at the beast, who retaliated by firing its red fireball, resulting in an explosion to occur in-between them. Gritting his teeth, Moon fired yet another fireball while the beast did the same, with another explosion happen in the place.

The beast fired another red fireball, hitting Moon in the stomach as he was unprepared for the incoming attack, making him scratch his belly with his hand, as though it was nothing. The beast was furious at this, that it ran forward in a reckless move. Moon, seeing this coming, tail-slammed the beast to a mountain a few meters to the side, causing it to crash right into the mountain's low bottom.

Moon fired an powerful blue beam when his spikes glowed a blue colour, vaporizing the beast once and for all, setting it aflame as it exploded into pieces, spread around the place. Panting for breath from the battle, Moon was on one knee as he panted heavily from four consecutive battles.

In the afterlife...

Looking through the ball that swirled in the center, the group of elder dragons couldn't help but admire their descendant's strength and power. He sure was an interesting being, that's for sure.

"Interesting." The grey dragoness hummed with mild interest.

"What is it?" Susan asked her, eyes curious.

"It seems that your son are far greater than we've ever imagined." The dragoness responded. "He's strong, I'll have to admit."

"Well, he did train for the last eight years for nothing." Jonathan reminded her. "I'd say it was thanks to his friends and family, that he was able to defeat such a large foe." His wife nodded in agreement.

"Aye." She added. "I still thought that I should had been there, watching him with a smile while he grew up in Equestria. However, it was because of those damn humans that we're here in the afterlife and not really psychical. That stinks."

"How did we even know of Equestria's existence?" Jonathan asked her with curious eyes.

"Because of our grandparents, remember?" Susan rolled her eyes fondly at him. "They came to Equestria for the first time when they were young. They met up with Lord Torch and his mate a thousand years ago. I still thinks that's a good place for sending our child to. He's been adapting to their habitat quite nicely."

"Indeed." Jonathan agreed. "He's been a well herbivour for ten years before switching to omnivorous instincts. I'd say that's pretty impressive for our only child now." His gaze went downwards at that.

"Don't worry." Susan tried to soothe her mate. "I'm sure our daughter had a good life, although we didn't get to see her for a mere few seconds. Those humans had made worse sins than us dragons."

"Agreed." The grey dragoness added. "The humans have wars against themselves, which is pretty pathetic to my eyes. They can destroy themselves if they self so choose. I don't care about them."

"But, isn't our child a human, too?" Susan inquired.

"Half human, actually." The grey dragoness corrected. "I'm fine with a half human in our species. I don't mind that." Susan sighed in relief, glad that she will accept her son into their species.

"Look." Jonathan's voice called to them. "He's about to face the final test." The two females looked back to the swirling ball.


Growling angrily at his last opponent, Moon made sure to finish this in a longer fight. He want some enjoyment in this place at least.

The monster he was facing had red eyes, pitch black scales. It had large and powerful wings, with a long, sharp tail. It had also sharp spikes, as well. This was none other than a red-eyed black dragon, one of the rarest dragons to ever have in the dragon race.

"So," the red-eyed dragon spoke coldly. "You're the one I was sent to destroy? I'll gladly do that."

"Don't think I'll go down that easily, black one." Moon snarled dangerously. "I've defeated tons of opponents before and I never back down from a fight. So, you will expect joy in our coming battle."

"I'll look forward to this," the black dragon sneered coldly, getting into a fighting stance as Moon did the same.

The black dragon charged at the red, who dodged the strike by flying upwards. But, the black dragon followed after him as they made a flying race through the bottomless pit of Tartarus. They continued like this for a few minutes, while firing balls of both red and black colours, while dodging their attacks.

Moon had enough of this flying game; he slammed right into the black dragon, who yelped in surprise at the move as they fell from the dark sky of this deadly place. They plummeted into the ground, creating a crater in the center.

The black dragon roared angrily, kicking the red one off of him with a harsh kick, sending him out of the crater as he was sent flying face-first into a mountain. The black dragon got back on its feet, roaring out in rage as it flew straight for the red dragon, pushing the red right through the mountain, causing the mountain to collapse into a million pieces.

Moon groaned as he was being sent flying through the air by this black beast. The black dragon smirked wickedly, pressing on with its move, sending them through another mountain as the red dragon groaned loudly this time in pain.

The red dragon vanished all of a sudden by its amazing speed, to the black's confusion. The black dragon looked around...before being punched from above and was sent straight down into the ground by a mighty punch from Moon, creating an crater in the center of the dark place again.

The black dragon groaned as it shot a death glare at the red, who smirked all of a sudden. Why was it...until it suddenly fired a great fire breath at the black dragon, burning it as the dragon roared in pain but, with its wings spread out, blew the flames away as it shot another death glare at the red dragon, who shot his own death glare back.

Moon fired another great fire breath at the black dragon, but, suddenly, the black dragon blew the breath attack back with a powerful gust of wind, blowing the flames right into the red's face, causing it to cough by the wind. Smirking deviously, the black dragon sped towards the red dragon, hitting him and pushed the red dragon right through the dark ground of stone, creating a great hole in the process.

Finally having enough of this, Moon flew upwards, barely managing to fly as his wings' wind blew something in the black's face, causing it to cough as well. The black dragon shot its glare upwards at the red dragon, flying after it as the black fired a dark fireball against the daring dragon's underside. The red, however, noticed this when it looked back down, disappearing from sight as it appeared underneath the black dragon in an instant.

The black dragon was confused as to what happened to the red dragon. But, hearing wings underneath it, the black dragon looked down in shock as the red tail-slammed into its side, sending it towards a mountain nearby, making the mountain to collapse into a pile of rock.

Moon fired a fireball down at the laying dragon, setting it ablaze as it roared in pain. With his spikes glowing a blue colour, and his mouth opened, Moon fired an powerful blue beam from his mouth and made the black dragon to explode into nothingness as it was set ablaze, dead from the explosion.

Landing back on the ground, Moon panted heavily again as he didn't transform back into his human form. There're still dangers in this place. But, was it the last object in his way? He hopes so.

It was.A loving, familiar voice echoed in his head.

Moon shot his eyes up to the dark sky, as six figures appeared above him, with them staring down at him.

"The six great dragon warriors!" Moon gasped. "Mom, Dad, you're one of them? Really?"

"Of course we are." His father nodded his head to his son, smiling down at him from his place in the sky. "What else did you expect that we, in our city, defended it from the deadly humans in our war?"

"A war, father?" Moon asked curiously.

"Yes." The grey dragoness answered this time. "It's the War of Man and Dragon. One of the deadliest wars in history. Many causalities have been made in it. You're lucky that you've survived it along with another dragon."

"Who are you?" Moon demanded, eyeing her dangerously.

"My. Such determination and fire." The dragoness chuckled. "Nevertheless, I'll answer you question. I am Curis, one of the Great Dragon warriors who died in battle against the humans."

"Curis?" Moon titled his head to the side. "Never heard of a name like that."

Curis' eyes widened. "You haven't?!"

"Nope." Was all the larger dragon could reply with.

"I see." Curis said. "I am one of those that died honorably. My spirit lives on in the afterlife, along with your parents'."

"And why should I know that?" Moon questioned.

"Why, you're the Chosen One, of course." The yellow dragon babbled.

"The...what now?" Moon titled his head to the side again.

"You've received a special power that only exists in another creature, along with being the second fastest being in the universe." The yellow dragon continued on with his babble. "No other creatures has something like that before."

"I think I see what you mean." Moon started slowly, moving his head to the side again. "However, there's one thing I don't understand."

"And, that is?" Curis questioned.

"Why have you appeared to me now?" Moon demanded. "And why inside Tartarus itself? I don't get it."

"That's something we'll discuss later." Curis simply replied. A sigh of frustration came from the large red dragon. "Oh, don't be like that. You're just confused at the moment, right?"

"Yeah." Moon nodded. "So, what's your purpose, then?"

"We've come to the conclusion to give you a special ability." Curis replied slowly, to make sure he understood it. "One that allows you to travel between worlds at will. This ability is called Portal Magic, one of the kind to enables a being to travel through the existing worlds. We've enabled you to do just that."

"So, I can go back to my pony family?" Moon asked, hopefully.

"Of course." Curis nodded.

A laugh of joyfulness. Moon smiled happily. "Then, let's get this over with."


A groan escaped Moon's throat.

"Before you do anything," Curis said. "Let me give you the instructions. First, focus your energy into your horn." Moon stood still, pointing his horn to nothingness and focused his energy. "That's it! Now, second phase. Think of the most dearest ones that you want to return to, like the Princess of Equestria, for example. If you want to summon a portal, think of her."

Moon began to think of his pony mother in his memories. She'd taken care of him for ten years as a child, looking after him when he was just a little baby. When he thought of her, his horn began to lit up with a light magic colour and shot a beam into the nothingness he had pointed to. A portal opened.

He opened his eyes wide and flew in the portal, as it closed when he got inside. The great dragon warriors also vanished from sight, as a red centaur had heard the commotion from somewhere...

Next Chapter: Chapter Twenty: Prelude to a Long Fight Estimated time remaining: 59 Minutes
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