
Fluttershy's Other Personality

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 1

Fluttershy was busy watering her flowers until two pegasi had landed nearby.

"Hey you!"one said.

"You're that legendary pegasus "Whisper Wing" aren't ya?"the other added.

"W-who,me?" Fluttershy said nervously.

"Yeah you! We're the Super Fast Bros.,I'm Super." Super said.

"And I'm Fast!"Fast said.

"And we are traveling racers who challenge the fastest ponies in all Equestria! " they both say simultaneously.

"Why me ?" Fluttershy asked them.

"Cause you da best of da best!" Super said.

"And Nopony is better than "Whisper Wing" !" Fast said.

"Oh dear, I think you have the wrong pony..." Fluttershy said.

"Then explain this"Super says while pulling out a picture of Fluttershy when she had defeated the drakes that had came to Ponyville a few days ago in a race.

"How did you get that?! I thought Twilight had made sure my secret was safe!"Fluttershy said.

"We have our sources, so will ya race us?"Fast said.

"I can't race you, what if there's a-ah-ah choo!"Fluttershy never finished her protest because she had sneezed.

"Celestia bless ya" Super said.

Little did either of them know, Fluttershy's personality had suddenly changed.

"So uh,are you racing us?"Super said.

"Or are ya chicken."Fast added.

"Chicken me? Ha yeah right, I'll fly circles 'round the both of you!"Fluttershy says in a more confident tone.

The two pegasi were caught off guard by Fluttershy's sudden change in behavior,but they didn't let that bother them,instead they had Fluttershy follow them up into the sky so they could race.

They were demolished, neither of them couldn't believe how easily Fluttershy had beat them, but a win was a win so they went over to congratulate her.

"Whoa, we got roasted" Super said.

"Yeah, Whisper Wing's the real deal alright." Fast added.

"Whisper Wing huh? Heh I like that name, I'll take it over "Fluttershy" " Fluttershy/Whisper Wing said.

"Well hate ta beat ya and run but I'm gonna see if there's anypony else who'll be a challenge to me."Whisper Wing says before leaving the two shocked pegasi behind.

Whisper Wing lands in Ponyville and then start to walk around the town.

"There's gotta be somepony 'round here that can be a challenge to me..."she had thought in her mind.

"Whoa Fluttershy! You look so awesome!" Rainbow Dash says as she lands next to Whisper Wing.

Rainbow wasn't wrong with that statement,Whisper Wing did look awesome, her mane was a darker pink and her body was a darker yellow but what made her awesome was the leather jacket she wore and her purple eyes,Rainbow eventually noticed that her cute mark wasn't the one that she was familiar with,it was not three pink butterflies but a single reddish-pink rose.

When Rainbow finally sees the cute mark she immediately said" Whoops sorry 'bout that,thought you were somepony else."

"Heh, you look like a challenge, what's your name?" Whisper Wing said.

"What!? Fluttershy you know me,I'm Rainbow Dash remember!?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Fluttershy? Hah,yeah right! I'm Whisper Wing, got it memorized?" Whisper Wing said.

"Whisper Wing?!" Rainbow Dash says in shock.

"Yep,that's my name now and you better not forget it!" Whisper Wing said.

"Hey uh...Whisper Wing, how about a tour 'round Ponyville?"Rainbow Dash offered to Whisper Wing.

"Sure,not that I'm doing anything at the moment..." Whisper Wing says sarcastically.

Rainbow Dash was about to leave when she suddenly realized that Whisper Wing was being sarcastic.

"Wait a sec,were you being sarcastic?" she said.

"Uh, duh....,Do I look like I wanna hang out with a loser like you? "Whisper Wing said.

"What?! Loser!, oh no I am not a loser!"Rainbow said.

"Prove it then "Rainbow Crash" "Whisper says in a mocking tone.

"Ok Fine! First one to that cloud wins!" Rainbow said.

"Heh, finally! Your on!" Whisper Wing said.

The two raced to said cloud and it was neck and neck but unfortunately Rainbow Dash wasn't able to beat Whisper Wing.

"Aww man...,I lost" Rainbow said.

After Whisper Wing landed down next to Rainbow Dash,she suddenly sneezes.

"Sheesh say it, don't spray it!" Rainbow said.

"S-sorry..." Fluttershy said.

"Hey Whisper, just to let you know I was going easy on you, but next time,I'll be the winner!" Rainbow said.

"Um....Rainbow, it's me Fluttershy..." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash does a double take and suddenly realized that Whisper Wing was not the shy mare next to her.

"Bwha!? Fluttershy?!" the shocked expression on Rainbow's face was priceless.

"Yes?" Fluttershy said.

"But...but how?" Rainbow said.

"I don't know, I don't remember." Fluttershy said.

"You just owned me in a race! How do you not remember that?!" Rainbow said.

"I did? Oh goodness I'm so sorry." Fluttershy said.

"Meh that's alright "Flutters", I'm gonna take ya to Twilight and see if she could help you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay" Fluttershy said.

The two pegasi went to Twilight's castle and had went inside to look for her.

"So Fluttershy, how long has this been happening to you?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy as they looked around for Twilight.

"I'm not sure, probably when we were little..." Fluttershy said.

"Oh, that's actually kind of cool" Rainbow said before finding the castle's library room door.

Rainbow then knocks on the door and waits for an answer, sure enough she gets one.

"In a minute Spike, I'm busy right now" Twilight's voice says from the other side of the door.

"Yo egghead it's me Rainbow Dash! Oh and Fluttershy's here with me." Rainbow said.

The door then gets covered in a purple aura and then opens, Rainbow take it as a sign to go in and tells Fluttershy to follow her.

"Rainbow Dash how many times have I told you not to call me that!"Twilight scolded Rainbow and then asks her"Anyways, what brings you and Fluttershy here?"

"Well you see for some weird reason, Fluttershy starts acting like somepony else after she sneezes and if she sneezes again she's back to her normal self, you have any idea what could be wrong with her?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Huh,well it sounds like the work of Discord to me." Twilight says before said Chaos Lord suddenly appears.

"Gah ha ha, got it in one, good guess Twilight." Discord said.

"Discord!? it was you who did this?!" Fluttershy asked.

"Well course of I did, I was bored, you can't expect me to just sit there and not cause a little chaos from time to time and this did just the trick." Discord explains before munching on some cotton candy.

Fluttershy suddenly grabs Discord's tail and then uses it to tickle her snout.

"Fluttershy,what are you doing?" Discord said.

He didn't get an answer, all he got was a soft,dainty sneeze.

"Uh-oh...." were the last words he said before he was suddenly yanked by his tail and then slammed to the ground.


"s-somepony help...."Discord says in an attempt to pled for mercy.

"Sorry Discord but you brought this upon yourself." Twilight said.

"Y-yeah what Twilight said..." Rainbow added in fear.

" N-now F-Fluttershy,be reasonable,you're not gonna hurt me....right?" Discord said.

"Fluttershy?! The name's Whisper Wing and unlike "her"......,I don't show mercy." Whisper Wing says before...,Well...you don't wanna know trust me, it got ugly but Discord did eventually return Fluttershy back to normal but..., he may not be feeling his backside for quite a while...

(The end)

Author's Notes:

Whisper Wing is an alternate version of Fluttershy who is much more brave,however she is incredibly violent and lacks Fluttershy's Kindness,yet despite this she will not stand around and let bullies have their way, she is Fluttershy's inner assertiveness and the best flyer out of Cloudsdale's Flight School.

Thanks for reading.

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