
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 84: Lazy Saturday Morning

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Rainbow Dash's phone, sadly, was in another building. It buzzed (not for the first time that morning), hidden in her bag, in Spicy Hot and Sonata Dusk's apartment. It was therefore a surprise when she heard the doorbell ring. The surprise was mostly that the doorbell still worked—last she'd seen it, it had been hanging from a broken door frame.

This little set of thoughts rocketed through Rainbow's sleepy mind, even as she also registered she was playing the part of big spoon. Inhaling, she smelled Spicy Hot laying against her. "Mmm. They'll come back later. Probly a salesman or somethin'."

Sleep wanted to return, but something else intruded—as it always did—on Rainbow's morning. Without meaning to, she clutched Spicy a little tighter as burning need filled her.

Spicy was woken by his girlfriend—a concept that he was still getting used to—hugging him and rubbing against him with one of her legs. Reaching a hand down and back, he gripped the underside of her thigh and held her still.

Need became everything to Rainbow Dash. With her grinding motion stalled, she couldn't help but make a needy little whine. She nuzzled and nibbled at the back of Spicy's neck, her short snout perfect for the task.

"You want something, pet?" Spicy turned his head to the side, his ears turning to focus on Rainbow, causing him to realize he still had them, and that she had a lot more besides. For just a moment he was shocked, but the shock withdrew as his own arousal built.

"Want you, master." In her worked-up state, Rainbow Dash easily slipped into character.

"Roll over and look the other way." No sooner had Spicy spoken, than Rainbow did so. He followed suit and slipped one arm under her, and one over. In this position, Spicy's penis slid up the crack of Rainbow's rump nicely, but that wasn't his entire plan.

When one hand found her breast, and the other reached between her legs, Rainbow Dash let out a neigh of excitement. She pressed her rump more firmly against Spicy Hot's crotch, and tried to open her legs a little more for him.

"Where's your lube?" Spicy asked.

"B-B-Bedside table, behind you." The implication of his question wasn't lost on Rainbow Dash. She lamented the loss of his possessive grip on her chest, but the promise of what was to come was enough to keep her calm.

She didn't have long to wait, because after a few moments, Rainbow Dash felt Spicy Hot pushing against her. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Rainbow tried to relax her body as much as she could. Slowly, taking his time, Spicy Hot pushed into her rear.

Pushing against Rainbow, Spicy shoved her onto her belly and pushed himself into her with the same motion. Being on her back felt better—right. "Lift that—"

Their morning activity was interrupted by a tapping on the window. Rainbow and Spicy both looked up at the drawn curtains at the same time.

"Rainbow? Dear, are you home?" a female voice called.

On the bed, her body arched so that her chest was pressed to the sheets while her ass was in the air, Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed. "M-Mom?!"

"See, Bow? I told you she' be home." Windy Whistles adjusted the bags in her arms before turning her attention back to the window. "We noticed the front door. We'll let ourselves in, dear."

"Your parents?" Spicy asked.

"Y-Yeah. What am I gonna do?"

Pulling free of Rainbow, Spicy put an arm around her middle and picked her up. "First, you're going to have a shower—you still smell like a girl who fucked a dragon. I'm going to go out there and charm the pants off your parents until you can come out. Got it?"

"I smell like…" Rainbow Dash trailed the words off, but gasped when Spicy Hot carried her to the shower. She had to get her hooves under her once inside, and turned to see Spicy looking around the floor for his pants.

When Spicy found his leather pants, he turned his attention to Rainbow Dash's closet instead—the smell of rutting dragon seemed to cling to everything. Looking through Rainbow's things without an ounce of self consciousness, he pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt that looked like it might fit. The shorts were a little loose—thanks to Rainbow's slightly wider hips—and the shirt was tight.

The sound of the shower assured him that Rainbow Dash was using it. With no underwear, no socks, and wearing his girlfriend's clothes, Spicy Hot took the longest walk of shame of his life.

Bow looked at the door only long enough to work out how to lift it out of the way, then he did so. "Going to need a carpenter. I wonder if our little girl did this on her own?" Already reaching for his phone, Bow had to scroll through to the Canterlot list of numbers before putting the phone to his ear.

Leaving her husband to arrange the repairs, Windy Whistles looked through the house. Apart from the door, and a peculiar odor, she was quite content at how her daughter was keeping the building. The sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention, and she looked up to see a man.

A flutter of excitement erased all negative connotations of damaged front door and odd odor. "Hello," she said, "and you would be?" Please say boyfriend, please say boyfriend, Windy thought.

"I'm Spicy Hot, Rainbow's boyfriend." As soon as he said it, Spicy could see the excitement Windy Whistles barely contained. "She'll be right out."

He's wearing her clothes. He's so fit. My little girl has a boyfriend! I wonder how long before they're— Windy thought, Don't be a fool, Windy. You just interrupted them in flagrante delicto. Stopping herself from staring at Spicy, Windy gestured to the kitchen. "Will she be long?"

"She's having a shower." Safe topic! Spicy Hot followed Windy Whistles into the kitchen, noticing all the bags she carried, and also noticed her sharp suit. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name?" She looked to Spicy like an older version of Rainbow, if Rainbow were still entirely human.

"I'm Windy Whistles. My husband—he's the one calling someone about the door—is Bow Hothoof." Opening the refrigerator, Windy smiled in surprise—her daughter actually had food in it, but importantly there was milk.

A little detail tickled at Windy's thoughts. She took the milk out of the refrigerator and turned to look at Spicy again. Pony ears with adorable little tufts stood proud on the top of his head. She let out a sigh and turned back to begin making coffee. "This is all magic related?"

"Magic was definitely part of it. I'll leave it for Rainbow to give you the full story. Have you seen Thunderbolt around?" Walking around the kitchen table, Spicy reached the bench to find Windy making four mugs of coffee. "Need any help?"

In Windy Whistles head, she was almost cooing at a grandchild already, though the businesswoman in her demanded that Rainbow Dash be given the chance to be who she wants to be before children are involved. "I've got this, thank you. How long have you been seeing each other?"

"Trying to work out how long she's been keeping me from you?" The knowing look Spicy got from Windy made him smile. "Seriously? About a week or two now. It's been a bit of a shock—I haven't even told my parents yet."

"Maybe we could all do lunch?" With Rainbow's coffee maker working, Windy Whistles put the first mug under it and began the process of dispensing the dark fluid.

"That's not going to happen, sorry ma'am. Maybe my little sister, but my dad burned a bridge when I moved out, and made sure to tell me that it was burned." Spicy stared in surprise—he definitely hadn't meant to tell Windy his life story.

"Not following in his footsteps?"

Though, now that Spicy was on track to tell Windy everything, he wanted to milk the situation. "In a manner of speaking. He didn't want me to be gay, and I wasn't able to help him with that." The look of surprise that Windy Whistles delivered him was worth the earlier interruption for.

Windy managed to collect herself and actually speak. "I-I'm sorry. I think I—Am I missing something?"

"It's complicated, but I think I might be the only guy who will ever tell you, without any hint of falsehood, that Rainbow Dash is the only girl for me."

"Alright. I have a guy coming to fix the door before lunch. It's costing an arm and a leg, but—" Bow Hothoof walked into the kitchen, his fingers still tapping at his phone, and froze at the sight of Spicy Hot. He looked to his wife, who gave a non-committal nod, then back to Spicy. "Bow Hothoof."

Spicy shook the thrust-out hand that Bow shot his way. "Spicy Hot."

"Spicy is Rainbow's boyfriend, dear." Windy Whistles knew her husband well enough to know his reaction to that little surprise.

"Boyfriend, eh?" Bow wasn't a small man. His earlier years had been spent in construction, and while he didn't take part in building any of the properties he developed anymore, he had other ways of keeping his physique. He had about a hundred pounds on Spicy, and all of it was muscle. "Glad to hear she's finally gotten someone!"

Spicy Hot almost lost his hand Bow Hothoof shook it so hard. He was trapped, set adrift on a sea he had no idea how to navigate. He looked from Bow to Windy.

"He was just telling me they've been together about two weeks. I'm sure Rainbow was going to tell us soon." Windy Whistles kept Spicy Hot's little revelation about his sexuality, not that she could fully understand it. "We heard our little girl is going to college."

The reminder of his reason for being there completely derailed Bow from the topic of conversation. "I can't believe my little Rainbow is studying engineering! And she got straight As!" Bow had expected Rainbow to go to college, but he'd assumed it would be for a sports scholarship, or maybe a military college.

"H-Hi Mom, Dad." Rainbow Dash was still coming down from the high of a very recent and very rushed orgasm in the shower. She had a pair of shorts and a shirt on that did little to cover her blue fur, wings, hooves, snout, or mane. Let alone her pony ears.

"Pumpkin?" Bow Hothoof looked at his daughter. He knew it was his daughter—would know her anywhere by how she stood and how she sounded—but seeing that she was now possibly more pony than human was a bit of a shock. Bow could deal with shocks, however. "C'mere."

Spicy Hot almost cried when Rainbow Dash charged into her father's welcoming arms. He knew too well how unyielding parents could be when it came to a child that wasn't how they'd imagined. Seeing Bow readily accept Rainbow despite the changes changed how he viewed the big man. "Pretty sure this is why she was holding out."

Sighing, Windy nodded to Spicy's estimation. "True. Next time you will give me a little bit of warning."

"The ears weren't enough?" Focusing, Spicy Hot twitched his "tufty-flickers".

"Point taken. So what do you do with yourself?" Windy began setting mugs of coffee on the table.

"I own and run a store in town," Spicy Hot said.

"Oh really?" Windy could practically taste a story here—mostly because almost everything Spicy had said so far seemed to have an interesting story behind it. "What type of store?"

In his heart, Spicy Hot had foreseen this coming. Now he got to tell his girlfriend's mother he runs a— "A retail store specializing in adult fun equipment." He'd said it as gently as he could, and Spicy made a mental note that Rainbow Dash owed him big time for it.

A little surprise registered within Windy Whistles, but there were facts she wanted to know. "How long have you been operating it for?" She sat down at the table and sipped her coffee.

The question was at least a mile away from the response Spicy had expected. Sitting beside Windy, he picked up his own coffee and took a sip before replying. "I've had it now for a year and a half. It's not making a lot, but it is running a profit, and I just hired new staff."

"Much competition?" Windy waved a hand to dismiss her own question. "Forget that. If you want a little help, send me a copy of your fiscal reports, and a business plan." Practiced fingers reached to her inner jacket pocket to pluck out a business card.

As Rainbow Dash pulled back from him, Bow Hothoof smiled at his little girl—not that he hadn't already been smiling, now he was doing it with purpose. Putting a finger under the tip of her jaw, he tilted her snout up a little. "How did that song you wrote go?"

"Which one?" Rainbow Dash caught the movement of her mother passing Spicy Hot a business card.

"Awesome as, uh—"

"Awesome as I wanna be?"

"That's the one. You can always be that, and your old man will stand behind you." Bow turned slightly and put his hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "So. Tell us about your side of this. You have a man in your life now?"

Rainbow Dash was trapped like a bunny surrounded by hungry wolves. She looked at Spicy Hot for help, but he looked up at her and grinned—he was a wolf too. "Uh. What's to tell? We met up, hit it off, and we've been dating for a week or two." Guided to her seat by her father's hand, the moment Rainbow's rump met the wood she was intimately aware that up until just a small moment ago, said boyfriend had been inside her.

Windy Whistles turned her attention from Spicy Hot to Rainbow Dash. "We heard all that already, dear. How serious is this?"

"P-Pretty serious." Rainbow couldn't pull her eyes away from Spicy. "I mean, look what I'm willing to put up with?" She gestured toward the front of the house.

"You did that?" Bow asked Spicy.

"K-Kinda. It was a mix up with Thunderbolt." Feeling a little dumped in it, Spicy Hot looked back at Rainbow Dash. "He argued about—"

Rainbow was quick to interrupt. "Spending the night. He and Thunderbolt got in an argument about spending the night here." Both her parents were now looking at her. "Oh, right. Well, there's been a little bit of magic getting around town,"—Rainbow gestured to herself, then to Spicy—"and some leaked over to Thunderbolt."

"What on earth did he turn into that could go through your front door like that?" Windy asked.

"A dragon." Spicy Hot felt it was time to rescue Rainbow Dash from the situation, which meant putting himself in the hot seat with her. "He didn't like me being here, I defended myself until Rainbow yelled at us."

"Damn right I did. You broke my door!" Picking her mug up, Rainbow took a sip of the coffee to balance herself out again. "Something I've got to fix, now."

"I've got that covered. It'll be done by the afternoon." Bow was proud of the fact that Rainbow hadn't asked him, and more so that she'd thought of it at all. He paid close attention to Spicy. Magic aside, if this is how grown up my little girl acts around the young man, he is a good influence on her, Bow thought.

Another thing had been eating away at Rainbow Dash, and that was what she had to pick up in the afternoon. "About the charges on my cards—"

"I saw those, dear." Windy Whistles looked at her daughter over the top of the coffee mug. "Clothes shopping and jewelry were one thing, but what was the large cash withdrawal two days ago?"

Rainbow Dash's hand reached to her pocket before she remembered the previous night's activities. "I could show you if I had my phone. I'm building a car. I figured if I'm going to college, I'll need something to put my books in—my bike's great, but roomy it ain't."

The news brushed away all Windy's worries, she looked to Bow and smiled.

"We were going to offer to get you something ourselves, but I guess this will do. Just try to keep it sane, okay?" Bow Hothoof asked.

"Of course, Dad." Smiles and sunshine invaded Rainbow's mind. She could already picture what she'd do with the car for a "sane" amount of money, but something made her ask, "What were you going to get me?"

"Not a Bugatti, don't even ask." Bow knew his daughter too well. "But, it would have gone fast."

The last word stuck with Rainbow Dash. She grinned at her father and nodded her head toward the door leading to the garage. "I think I've got the fast already planned out, though you might need to make allowances for gas." She slid to her hooves and took a step toward the garage.

Spicy watched as Rainbow and Bow left the room, talking about cars that he'd never heard of before. He caught sight of Windy's bemused expression.

Putting on her adult shoes for a moment, figuratively, Windy Whistles held Spicy Hot's attention with her eyes. "If it makes you feel any better, we worked our butts off to be where we are. Sharing what we have with our little girl, and seeing her be responsible with it, doesn't diminish what you've worked to build. I'm not going to step in and give you a million dollars to live like some kind of playboy, and I'm not going to take over your business, but if it shows potential, I'd like to help."

"It'd be so much easier if you were stuck up or condescending, or if you flaunted your money at me. Do I even want to know what the deal is about a 'sane' amount of money? Your husband spoke as if it were an amount."

"It is. When my little darling reached sixteen and got her license, we told her we'd buy her a car. She apparently had something specific in mind—a Lamborghini." Windy watched Spicy's jaw drop open. "They're not as expensive as some people think, but five-hundred-thousand dollars is now a little joke as not being a sane amount of money for a car."

When Spicy didn't say anything, Windy continued. "When Rainbow came out, from the moment she sat down and her eyes met yours, she smiled."

"I almost cried before, you know." Spicy Hot paused a moment, then looked up to see Windy Whistles patiently waiting for him to continue. "I think she's been dreading telling you because of—well—" He reached up and flicked one of his pony ears. "And when Mister Hothoof just accepted her, it—"

It was a small leap to put the facts together. Windy knew Spicy was gay, at least he had identified himself such (despite his situation with Rainbow Dash), and there were still folks who couldn't or wouldn't accept such a person as a family member. "We've known about her and her friends' magic for a while. It's a little startling when it's your own daughter, but it's still our daughter. Nothing will ever change that."

Spicy Hot dropped back to humor before he actually began crying. "Now you're making me jealous for real. Where do parents like you guys come from? Are there more there?"

"If you want to tell yours about Rainbow, Bow and I can come along as backup. Make it dinner somewhere." As she spoke, Windy could see Spicy's face twist into a look of worry. "Any family at all you'd like to tell?"

"Maybe Sour Sweet, my little sister. She was the only one not yelling when I left home. I'll call her later. She graduated this year." After the thought of inviting his bigoted parents to dinner left, Spicy could actually think, and he did want to congratulate his sister on graduation, after all.

Author's Notes:

Princess Twilight: Have you actually gone to a date with any stallion? Your brother/father do not count.

"Of course I have. What do you think, I'm some kind of shut-in? Just last week I had a date with—uh—Prince..." Twilight looked left and right. "P-r-ince Chair! I mean, Prince Packing Crate."

With a defeated sigh, the Princess of Friendship slumped. "Princess Celestia said I should try to find a stallion, but I like mares, and it's really awkward being around stallions who are—who like you."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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