
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 21: Relaxing Friday

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Rainbow Dash woke up early and horny. The gentle touch of sunshine came through her bedroom window—filtered for modesty by the light curtains—and scattered over her naked form. Arousal wasn't a frantic rush anymore, even her barely awake mind could push it down and work the need into her morning routine.

Nonetheless, as one of Rainbow's hands reached up to stifle a yawn, her other one reached down between her legs and gave her vulva a morning rub. Squirming in the simple delight of sexual pleasure, Rainbow Dash thought of her pet, and the long session of licking and sucking they had engaged in the previous night.

A hot fantasy, of being mounted by Thunderbolt, washed away the focus Rainbow had worked on. She stroked, and even pressed a digit past her lips in her excitement. Pulling herself from the fantasy only enough to make the walk to her bathroom, Rainbow didn't pull her finger out.

In the sanctity of her shower, Rainbow Dash was free to explore the innocent fantasy, and not only cleaned herself, but also pushed through four orgasms. The human organism was amazing at what it could reduce to routine, normal, even background behavior. Fresh from the shower, and bouncing lightly on her feet, Rainbow Dash toweled off and returned to her bedroom.

Sitting in the middle of the floor, Thunderbolt looked up at his bitch. His tail wagged, and seeing Rainbow Dash so happy made him happy too. His brain didn't tend to commit much short term memory to long term, but twice now he had mounted and bred his bitch to his satisfaction, the latest being last night.

Rainbow laughed when Thunderbolt jumped around with her, and without thinking twice she bent to ruffle his ears and pet him. "You're a good boy, aren't you? You're the best, Thunderbolt." She took a big lick up one cheek, and laughed all the more for it. "Come on, breakfast time. Gotta clean out Tank's tank, too."

Leading the way, Thunderbolt didn't have to look back to see his bitch was following. He strutted, so happy that Rainbow had given herself to him that he could barely contain it. Reaching his food bowl, he watched as Rainbow bent down to pour some dog food in.

Hastily grabbing some panties from the laundry basket, Rainbow Dash pulled them on and set about taking care of her more recently acquired pet: Tank. "How are you handling it, tough guy? Sorry I haven't been around much, things have been getting a little crazy lately."

Using her scissors, Rainbow Dash trimmed the alfalfa that was growing in a little rotating contraption beside Tanks terrarium. Getting a good amount of what was one of his favorite foods, mixed in some of the special food pellets, and dusted some calcium supplement over it all. "Here you go, buddy!" She set the handful in the tank, right beside her pet.

"It's like the world's slowest vegetarian viper." Rainbow rubbed the top of Tank's head and turned around. "Right. My breakfast next, and then get ready for school." Instead of rushing right to the task, however, Rainbow Dash put on some music first.

The rest of the morning was a happy blur, with Rainbow Dash forsaking a skirt in favor of some loose shorts, her shirt, and sneakers. Of course she had her push-up bra on again, and she vowed to herself that she would buy another two over the weekend.

Thinking of the weekend reminded Rainbow of the day she was going to spend with Derpy, and the night with Rarity, Sonata, and Spicy. An excited shiver ran down her spine, and she left the house not only in the best mood she had been in since Camp Everfree, but also buzzing with excitement.

The ride to school only served to keep her enthusiasm ticking over, the vibrations of the engine pushing her to pony up. When she parked at school, it was just in time to see Derpy Hooves pulling her car sideways into the parking lot. Rainbow pumped a fist in the air and cheered her friend, the deep notes of the girl's car thrumming through Rainbow Dash's guts.

A moment later, Flash Sentry pulled in the same entrance and jerked to a stop in the park next to Derpy. Turning off the engine, he jumped out and, locked his car, and rushed to catch Derpy before she had done more than exit her own car. Wrapping her up in a tight hug, Flash could feel the corset squeezing Derpy into an even more perfect shape. "You're amazing."

"I know." Derpy leaned up on her toes and kissed Flash on the lips. His touch, the way he held her and kissed her, floored Derpy Hooves every time he did it. They had been friends so long she had almost despaired ever getting this close. "But say it again."

"Is this another rule?" Flash tilted his head down to make Derpy's lips more accessible, which resulted in them kissing again. He drew back when Derpy started trying to talk.

"It is now. Totally in the rules. You have to tell me I'm amazing, and that you love me." Bestowing her biggest smile upon Flash, Derpy giggled.

"You are totally the most amazing girl ever, and I love you, Derpy driver." Flash bent his neck a little more, pressing his forehead gently against Derpy's. "What's your first class today, still math?"

"She's takin' math with me." Seeing her chance to stop looking like a pervert and actually join the pair in conversation, Rainbow Dash walked up to the pair, but still held back just a little. Something caught her eye about Derpy, however, and she couldn't stop looking at the amazing curves her friend had gained.

Noticing the looks, Derpy turned and tilted her hips to the side. "Like it? Flash picked it out for me." Looking around, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up from her skirt. Revealing the leather corset. Derpy raised an eyebrow and dropped her shirt back down.

"You picked it out?" Rainbow looked up at Flash, able to relax and not instantly be dragged into a fantasy about either of her friends. When he nodded proudly, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and punched him harmlessly in the shoulder. "You two are so perfect for each other. I can't believe you didn't get together before now."

"He was blinded by pony girls." Derpy shimmied to get her shirt to hang straight again, and ended up with a pair of pale amber hands on her hips.

"I kept chasing dreams." Flash pulled Derpy back against him and kissed her neck. "Then I found out that reality is so much better."

Something tickled in Rainbow Dash's brain, and she tilted her head to the side. "Where exactly did you get the corset from?" She couldn't be exactly sure, but the design—what she had seen of it when Derpy revealed part of the corset—looked familiar.

"I'll tell you later." Derpy's confidence was still as strong as ever, and she ignored the blush in Flash Sentry's cheek. Deciding to save Flash's sensibilities, Derpy swapped topics. "Excited about tomorrow?"

"You bet!" Leading the way, Rainbow Dash let herself be distracted from the topic of Derpy's corset, trusting that she would tell Rainbow when they didn't have Flash around. "Do you think, if we get there early, they might let me take my bike down the track?"

"Nope!" Derpy gave Flash a last, longing look before she walked beside Rainbow Dash. "You need a license to do that."

Flash turned from Derpy and Rainbow, and headed back to his car. Repeating his senior year because he became overly fixated on a girl—Sunset Shimmer—had been a wake up, but despite that he had fallen for Princess Twilight all over again. What it meant, however, was that the classes he had passed the first time through counted enough that he didn't need a full studyload.

Climbing into his car, Flash sat down and squirmed a little. "I can't believe I let her buy this for me." His hand strayed down to his jeans, stroking the hard plastic that kept him bound up. Deciding he had experimented enough, he reached down his pants and pulled the locking pin out—he hadn't locked it, not when he just wanted to feel what it was like. Relief came as the two parts of the plastic came apart, releasing his shaft and balls.

Now Flash Sentry had to worry about having an erection. "I am not beating-off in the car." Carefully, he zipped his pants up and started the engine. The purr of the engine was music in Flash's ears. It didn't have the roar or whine of Derpy's horsepower monster, and it definitely couldn't go as fast as Rainbow's bike, but it was his.

Flash was just about to pull out when he saw Vice-Principal Luna pulling in, with Vinyl Scratch's little white car right behind. He sat still and watched as Luna took her rightful park in the teacher's section, and Vinyl pulled in a few spaces from himself. The moment each climbed out they looked at each other.

There was purpose to the looks, and thanks to his tinted windows Flash could study each. There was a measure of excitement, knowledge, and promise in the gaze of each female, and then they both shared a little nod. "No. Freakin'. Way…"

Vinyl's headphones had slipped on her head the moment she parked her car. Grabbing her portable music player, she thumbed the play button, and Nightmare Moon was suddenly roaring in her ears. The music had some jarring transition chords at the start, set just perfectly to make you squirm and become vulnerable.

The weaving guitars—that Vinyl Scratch had played herself—rolled around the altering beat of harsh, industrial tones. Together, the timed noise became music, and Vinyl's steps quickly matched the changing beat, and she found herself moving in an odd skipping gait.

When she reached the back entrance of the school, Vinyl watched as Vice-Principal Luna seemed to power her way down the hall in front of her. Each time Vinyl Scratch's thoughts trailed back to waking up in her rumpled clothes, back pressed against a speaker while Luna was asleep with a hand on the keyboard, she blushed.

The sounds of more students entering CHS echoed just out of Vinyl's hearing, but she was focused on the music. She walked up to her locker and grabbed her mathematics books, and then remembered that she had meant to do homework.

Closing her locker, Vinyl changed directions as the song changed. Another Nightmare Moon song started, this one starting off soft and gaining more overlays and distortion as it went. She turned to enter her homeroom class, and found no one else there yet.

Grabbing out her math homework, Vinyl started trying to do it before class started. In her ears, Nightmare Moon gave her the focus she needed.

Vinyl was only interrupted in her work—nearly a quarter of the way done—when Vice-Principal Luna herself put a hand on Vinyl's shoulder. She reached up and tilted her headphones back a little. "Uh…"

"Vinyl Scratch? You're present?" Luna wasn't trying to actually embarrass Vinyl, but she did want the girl's attention for homeroom.

"Oh. Yes!" It was far too easy for Vinyl to feel bubbly and happy in Luna's presence, and it had only a little to do with seeing the Vice-Principal ponied up, with the most amazing blue wings. "Sorry, just trying to catch up on homework."

Luna noticed the homework was for the mathematics class she was going to be teaching shortly. Turning her attention back to her roll, she looked towards a distracted Derpy Hooves—who was chatting to Rainbow Dash.

There was something different about the girl, Luna noticed. Derpy sat straighter, looked more confident of herself, and seemed chestier. "Derpy Hooves?"

"Here!" Derpy cut off her conversation with Rainbow Dash to answer Luna. She leaned back a little in her seat, and inadvertently showed off the corset-given curves.

When Derpy leaned back, Luna finally saw a hint of what was going on; she saw the corset show where it pressed against the softer fabric of Derpy's shirt. It certainly explained Derpy's posture and assets. Luna pondered on the idea of getting something herself; the idea tickled at the back of her mind, and Luna decided to look into it.

Luna had an image she was building in her mind. She planned to dye her hair, get a new fishnet shirt, and now had the plan of a corset to show off her curves, but there was more needed. When she finished marking the roll, she gestured to Vinyl. "Vinyl Scratch, could you please wait back after homeroom?"

Vinyl nodded back and waited, listening with only half a mind to the announcements, while her thoughts mostly tracked the music still coming from her speakers. The shrill scream of the school bell sounded, but unlike the other students, Vinyl didn't stand up.

Waiting for all the other students to leave, Luna smiled at Vinyl Scratch. "We need to compare more notes." Luna opened the second folder, the one she had been scribbling in all morning. "I want to perform live, as Nightmare Moon."

"Well…" Vinyl's thoughts ran to the few times she had DJed for parties. "You could just take the mix deck, load in all your songs, and—"

"I don't want to just DJ, I don't even want to do remixes. I want to perform. We are going to need more people." Luna tapped at the page where she had been jotting things down. "Someone who can play strings: guitars, maybe a double bass. We could probably avoid a percussionist with synth drums, but if you know someone…"

Vinyl tilted her shades up just a little and looked at the sheet. "My housemate can play cello, and I have seen a violin case. I will ask her. Her name's Octavia Melody. We would need at least one more who is good with a keyboard and drums. There is something—crisp—about live drums. I might know someone, but I will have to call them about it."

Luna jotted down Octavia Melody's name. In the back of her head she fumbled to remember anything of the girl. "I don't have Octavia for any classes." She lamented not being a little more hands on with the student side of the school, so far as well performing students went. "If you can find this other student, do you think we could have a practice session this weekend?"

"I can make it." Vinyl realized how eager she sounded, but didn't care. Music was her life, and she was about to get a bigger dose of it than ever before. "And Octavia will (if she is onboard with this). The other girl is a senior at Crystal Prep, but she knew of Nightmare Moon. We shared some music when the Friendship Games were going on."

"Four of us should be enough." Luna wanted to shout in excitement. She struggled to contain herself and steer the conversation along. "You have mathematics with Mrs. Harshwhinny next?" Luna sighed, she knew the homework was due then, and from what she had seen Vinyl had only done around half. "Come along, we shouldn't be late."

Despite her comment, Luna was late to the class. She had completely forgotten about dropping the rolls off to her sister's office. By the time she reached her classroom, even Vinyl was there and seated. They were mostly quiet, probably because they expected her to ask for the homework. "Good morning class. Please open your textbooks to page One hundred and twenty-three." Luna promptly forgot to ask for homework papers.

Author's Notes:

Celestia: isn't it relieving to see your sister so happy?

"I am both relieved and worried. My sister's last escapade almost cost her her degree. 'Nightmare Moon' was not a good influence on her, particularly her mood." Celestia sighed and shook her head a little. "That said, it is making her happy. I haven't seen her with this much energy in a long time."

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on atreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Airy Words
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Airy Words
Cross Lament

Next Chapter: Howling Estimated time remaining: 19 Hours, 55 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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