
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 110: A Masculine Touch Pt1

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Spicy Hot sat in the rustic house, on the couch, and watched the witch of a woman he knew as Tree Hugger sitting comfortably naked on the couch and sipping a glass of water. He was relaxed on the couch opposite her and Thunderbolt—the latter of which was smoking a very small joint (at least it looked small in his hands). "I wasn't sure what to expect."

"But you hung around anyway." Tree sipped a little more of her water. "You'll have to, like, excuse me. Even with perfect karma, the flu is a bitch."

Thunderbolt grinned and started to sit forward (a prelude to getting up). "So now we—"

"No, man. You gotta be open. Talk about what you both want out of it." Tree leaned over and met Thunderbolt's hand halfway in getting a dose of smoke to sooth her throat.

The coziness Thunderbolt had gained in Tree's presence suited him, and he particularly enjoyed her helping him understand situations. "I want to—" And there the words stopped. He shrugged as his mind drew a blank. "I want to feel what it's like."

"All of it?" Spicy could feel the second-hand smoke giving his mind the most gentle of fuzzy edges, and he wondered how much time the pair had spent together in this room. "Okay, let me explain what I want. I want to help someone have a good first experience. I want to help them have fun even if this isn't something they're likely to want to continue—especially if they aren't likely to continue, and I want to make you smile a lot while making very happy sounds."

Liking the sound of Spicy's words, Thunderbolt nodded. "Words are still hard sometimes. Dog part of brain says 'Sex is sex, fuck and fuck and fuck some more', but I want more than what it does. You matter to Rainbow and you matter to me. Friend. I want to make friends happy and don't want to hurt them. You think we can both make happy today?"

"I think, if nothing else, you could pass me that and I'll have a think on how things will go." Spicy leaned forward and stretched his hand out. When Thunderbolt passed him the almost-spent joint, he took a puff from it—not too much, just something to calm his own nerves. He didn't want to mess this up. "So, I think it would be best to keep anything but just sex off the table. I have someone to push around and someone to push me around. I'd like to feel you inside me, and if you want to try it, let you feel me inside you."

Thunderbolt's crest shot up in surprise. The idea of being taken like that had caught him off-guard. "Stupid dog brain."

"What's wrong?" Tree asked.

"Didn't think about second part. Does it hurt?" Looking at Tree, Thunderbolt felt more uncertain than ever.

"How big are you, Spicy-dude?" Tree shook her head when she saw Spicy hold up his hands as if to measure. "Show me, man. I won't bite."

She's just a girl here to watch, and a pretty awesome one. You're here to help Thunderbolt feel comfortable, Spicy, just relax and strip for him, Spicy Hot thought. He felt like the first time he'd played doctors and doctors with another boy in school. Standing up, he was thankful for the hit as he unfastened and pulled down his pants.

Not completely equine, Spicy's shaft still had the distinctly human mushroom on top, but there was a distinct medial ring halfway down it. Supporting his penis with one hand, he gave it a few gentle strokes as he watched Thunderbolt study it. "I'm a shower."

"I can see that." Tree Hugger couldn't deny the odd vibe she got from Spicy Hot. Most people would see her naked (particularly men) and they would keep looking back at her, but Spicy was completely focused on Thunderbolt. "Do you think it's too big for you?"

Thunderbolt stared at Spicy's crotch. There was something more real about this moment than it had been a minute earlier. He shook his head slowly. "What's that mean? 'Shower'?"

"What I mean is, I don't grow much bigger than I am already. Some guys are growers, they start smaller and swell into their size." Standing there with his penis in his hand literally, Spicy was starting to warm up to the situation. Tuning out Tree Hugger physically was easier than he thought, though he was sure the smoke was helping. Biting the bullet, he stroked his hand down and up his shaft a few times and thought of happy things—hard things. When Spicy stopped he was at his limit size-wise.

Thunderbolt couldn't stop himself. Climbing up from his seat fully, he took the single step required to get closer to Spicy, then he crouched lower. "It looks different to the ones on the computer. Big, but this bit—" He hesitated for a moment, but decided that if he was going to do more, he would have to be able to touch Spicy. Thunderbolt carefully ran one clawtip around one side of Spicy's medial ring.

Shivering at the closeness of claws that he'd personally felt the sharpness of, Spicy nodded. "That's the pony stuff coming through. I'm thicker than I used to be, a little longer too." Another shiver ran down his back as Thunderbolt ran the claw underneath his shaft and all the way to the tip. Knife play.

Tree Hugger almost jumped in her seat. "Dude, you look like you just found Nirvana—the state of being, not the band. What's up?"

Smiling up at Spicy, understanding that this was already turning the other male on, Thunderbolt ran the back of his claw slowly up Spicy's length to his crotch, then back down. "These claws are sharp."

Spicy nodded and let out a sigh. He was hard as a rock, and this after being adamant there wouldn't be any dominance. "I want to see you."

If there was something to break Thunderbolt from the spell playing with Spicy's penis had cast on him, it was hearing those words. He took a deep breath and sank his focus into the place he went when sex happened. The smell of the two creatures in the room with him mingled well, one was the echo of sex had, one was the promise of something to come.

The sight of two shafts pushing from an otherwise hidden slit in Thunderbolt's groin caused Spicy to stare. His breath caught in his throat as both shafts—already hard and large—seemed to pulse in time with the dragon's heartbeat. "Rainbow said they swell up inside her."

Thunderbolt nodded and tilted his head toward Tree on the couch. "Tree said the same. It takes a lot of willpower not to—" All thought of words and talk ceased as Thunderbolt felt Spicy's hand close around one of his lengths, then his other hand around it's twin. A low whimper came from Thunderbolt's throat as Spicy carefully felt around his lengths.

"Seems we have something in common, Thunder. We're both a little sensitive down there. Do you want to go first, or will I?" As he spoke, Spicy Hot ran his fingers along Thunderbolt's shafts, playing them both like fine instruments. He didn't need to hear words to know Thunderbolt would probably be more comfortable giving. "Sit back on the couch and hold your hands behind your back."

Words. Words stirred Thunderbolt back from the abyss of animal lust he had almost surrendered to. He nodded and let out a sigh when Spicy let go of his shafts. "Why my hands b-behind?"

"Don't you want to let me go at my pace? Slow, careful… I've had experience. Also, I don't want you injuring me by accident." Spicy watched Thunderbolt slowly nod as he backed up and sat down. Turning to the bag he'd brought with him, Spicy withdrew a squirt bottle of lube. Naked, he wanted to play with Thunderbolt some more—there was something about seeing the dragon's hunger for flesh that turned him on in the same way as the claw-play had.

A deep rumble came from within Thunderbolt—surprising even him. As Spicy worked the lube onto his hands, Thunderbolt slid his claws behind his back and—instinctively—leaned sideways for Tree's outstretched hand. He closed his eyes as Spicy began to massage his shafts. He inhaled smoke, blended it with his own magic, and breathed it out again.

All that ran through Spicy's head was, Take it slow, don't hurt him, don't hurt yourself, make sure you're both lubed, have fun. With both shafts bathed and slick with the lube, Spicy arched his spine, spread his wings, and reached back to his rump to ensure he was just as slick. When Thunderbolt blew a cloud of smoke around him, Spicy felt a tingle run through his body.

A surge of magic overtook Spicy. His legs reformed to end at hooves, his wings stretched wider than ever, and his face pushed forward into a full pony snout. Judging his rear well-prepared, he almost lost all focus at the feel of his tail growing in. "Ready?"

Thunderbolt nodded, then rumbled a definite, "Yes."

Spicy leaned forward until his torso was pressed against Thunderbolt's. Both of the dragon's shafts were sandwiched against his own between their bellies. "So am I." He reached down as he carefully lifted himself up and guided one of Thunderbolt's lengths to his rear.

This wasn't like Rainbow, not at all. Spicy liked to play as if he were a dragon too—like Tree—but the difference was that with Tree Hugger, Thunderbolt respected her because of their friendship, but Spicy Hot was different. Thunderbolt had fought against Spicy—his wing still had a little twinge to it whenever he stretched it fully out—Spicy Hot was a dragon.

Thunderbolt looked down at Spicy's face as their intimate parts touched. Spicy looked hungry-excited, which Thunderbolt could well reason was exactly how both of them felt. He lost all track of Spicy's expressions as he began to lower himself onto Thunderbolt's shaft.

Spicy closed his eyes and focused on breathing. Thunderbolt's head hadn't swelled up yet, but the small bristle-like nodules around it caught on just about every nerve in Spicy's anus as it pushed inside. Thunderbolt wasn't the biggest thing Spicy'd had in him, but this was the biggest thing he'd had in him in a few months, and it made a big smile crease his snout.

Biting her lip, Tree Hugger let her mind wander with fantasies of the pair. In her head Spicy didn't care about the sex of his partner, and she could well imagine her own mouth wrapped around him while Thunderbolt was behind her. The look on Spicy's face as he was filled was exactly how she expected him to look if she tilted her eyes up from her mental position. "Way gnarly."

Leaning his head forward and pressing it against Thunderbolt's muscled chest, Spicy slid down inch by inch until his rump met Spicy's groin. "Alright, starting to understand what Rainbow meant."

Thunderbolt rumbled softly. Like with Tree, there was something special about taking things slow—not that he didn't enjoy Rainbow's idea of sex too. Spicy was hard in all the ways Tree wasn't, though. Another male—Spicy Hot had stood toe-to-toe with Thunderbolt in a fight and given as good as he got. Now there was a different kind of giving and a different kind of gotting. "You're tighter than Tree or Rainbow."

The words pulled a giggle from Spicy. He felt split in half by the huge shape inside him, but he wouldn't trade away the heat of it filling him for the world at that moment. "Yeah, I haven't had a big dragon stud plowing my ass." Spicy pulled his head back and traced Thunderbolt's chest muscles with a finger. "Damn you're ripped."

"I'm what?" Thunderbolt was holding back as he'd learned was the good thing to do. While shoving Spicy down and rutting him would be good for a few seconds of fun, Thunderbolt had too much respect for Spicy.

"Ripped. You've got muscles on muscles." Spicy grinned up at the dragon. Have you felt over Rainbow? Her muscles are tight and defined too, only they're lost below her fur now. Enough talk of the things I love, I want to feel you move inside me."

Leaning forward and bending his knees, Spicy pulled Thunderbolt from his rump inch by inch. When it had gone into him, Thunderbolt's penis had been a little slimmer and all the protruding nodules had been soft. Pull out, the shaft was firmer and a little thicker, and each of the little finger-like lumps played Spicy's prostate like an organ.

The little sounds of whimpering need that came from Spicy's mouth pleased Thunderbolt. His body was doing something for the bat pony he would never have thought possible, and he liked the effect. "I can help."

Spicy shook his head as he paused high on Thunderbolt's length. The end was still inside him, and he felt little fingers massaging his anus, but he wanted to be in control for this bit. "You—You'll get to help when we swap. I just need to—" Spicy's leg twitched, but a big pair of clawed hands closed around his waist before he could fall back down. "Thanks."

Author's Notes:

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Next Chapter: A Masculine Touch Pt2 Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 50 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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