
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 107: A Feminine Touch Pt1

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"You asked for my opinion, and my opinion is no." Spicy Hot lifted a hand to his forehead as if to ward off an oncoming headache. "Sonata, do you want to do this? Do you feel it is safe?"

"W-Well, there is a chance I can't undo it," Sonata said.

"And you said you've been fighting the urge to do just this. Doing it may be like an alcoholic just trying a sip." The situation hadn't gone well. Spicy looked at Rainbow, with her arms crossed in a classic closed-off pose. "What is it you want that can't be done without actual mind-control?"

Sonata rolled her eyes. "She's into the mind-control itself."

"Oh." There was a lot of eventualities Spicy had planned for, but that wasn't one of them. "So Marble's thing was—"

"Was a taste of it." Rainbow Dash sighed expansively. "I just—I want to feel that kind of control, but I want it to be safe at the same time. I'm not stupid, and if both of you are saying it could be bad, I believe you."

"You want me to play harder?" Spicy asked.

"Yes. No. I don't know. Sonata said what she'd do with me, and it really hit some switches. She wants to—" Rainbow Dash stopped speaking as Sonata Dusk stood up from the couch she and Spicy had been sitting on. "What are you—?"

"Rainbow, do you want me to do those things anyway? Mind-control need not be the basis. I think I can make you do whatever I want regardless." Her heart racing, Sonata was putting herself into a role she'd sworn off from.

"What, right now?" Rainbow's eyes focused down to points. "But you have to open the store in—"

"In five minutes," Sonata said. "It's Spicy's turn to open, which means I will own you until my afternoon shift."

"Wha—But—My—" Rainbow Dash was at a loss.

"Shh. You don't have to think about anything else until lunchtime. Just nod." Sonata waited, watching Rainbow slowly tilt her head down and up again. "And you, Spicy? No mind stuff, I'm just going to be very dominant."

Spicy raised an eyebrow. "You want me to give you permission or be involved?"

"You're her dominant. I want your permission, but you are here, things might happen." Sonata felt her gem tingle, but thrust that from her thoughts. "So?"

"If you trust each other, I can trust you too. Play nice and have fun." Spicy Hot hoped she could do for Rainbow Dash whatever it was Rainbow truly needed.

Rainbow's eyes widened a little when Sonata walked over to her. The other woman's eyes roamed over her body in a way that made Rainbow think of how she looked at cars.

"Open your mouth," Sonata said.

Opening her mouth dutifully, Rainbow gasped when Sonata pushed a pair of fingers inside and began feeling around her teeth, gums, and tongue.

"Widen your stance." Sonata kept any hint of empathy from her voice, something that was hard given how horny she felt.

When she spread her feet a little further apart, Rainbow gasped. Sonata hadn't asked or warned her at all—one moment she was just standing there, the next Sonata shoved her hand down the front of Rainbow's pants. When one finger just slipped into her, Rainbow shivered. This was what Sonata had promised—Rainbow was just a possession to her.

Sonata withdrew her finger and looked into Rainbow's eyes. She knew she was pushing what Rainbow would take, but they'd hashed out enough of a Want, Will, and Won't list that she had a good idea what she could get away with. "Well, she's in good condition at least. Alright, I'll take this on." Walking around behind Rainbow, Sonata delivered a firm smack to the girl's right ass cheek.

Rainbow jumped at the smack, but the sting of the impact made her back straighten and she stood as still as she could. Sonata's cheek pressed against the side of her head, and she heard whispering.

"You belong to me now, at least until I'm done with you. You don't speak. You don't complain. You don't even have to think—I'll do that for you. Walk over to Spicy, drop to your knees, and give him a blowjob. Do it now."

A shiver ran through Rainbow Dash. What could have been just an ordinary thing to do in the morning now took a very different turn. It didn't take much imagination to picture herself as actually under the control of Sonata—she'd felt that touch in the Battle of the Bands, after all. She walked toward Spicy and folded her legs.

"What'd you tell her to—" Spicy didn't get any further. Rainbow was unfastening the fly on his pants, and he was well in the mood for her to do whatever he suspected Sonata told her to.

As soon as Rainbow freed Spicy's shaft from his pants, she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. Combining one of her favorite things and her kink for submission made the prospect of doing things with Sonata easier for Rainbow to fathom. She suckled and bobbed her head on Spicy's shaft, feeling it harden in her mouth.

"Slower. A bit slower. I don't want him getting to work early—what would the customers think? Then I'd have to start being early, which is a slippery slope." Sonata turned and plopped on the couch beside Spicy again. "What we discussed was a role not far from pet play. You said you were getting some bridles?"

Trying to ride out the experience as calmly as he could, Spicy braced one hand on his leg while Rainbow worked on him. She'd been getting some good practice in doing exactly this, and he could definitely tell she was improving. "Pet play. I like the I—idea of it, but it's not my thing to top."

Sonata reached a hand out and rubbed one of Rainbow's ears while she worked. "She's a good little bitch, though I wonder how well she'll train."

"Dog? I thought you wanted—wanted a bridle?" Spicy was getting close, and it took all his focus not to reach out and grasp the back of Rainbow's head to control her. He looked at the clock and saw he still had a few minutes before he had to open.

"Well, still making up my mind. I talked to her friend, Thunderbolt, and he seemed to think she liked being treated like a dog sometimes, but then she has that adorable pony face. I'll probably get a nice leash for her and take her for a walk later, see how she takes to being a dog." As she spoke, Sonata kept rubbing at Rainbow's ear.

The talk intrigued Rainbow. She liked the idea of being a dog for Sonata, but being a horse was also a big part of her. Like Sonata had said, though, whatever the choice was wasn't up to Rainbow. She kept working, bobbing her head slowly—like Sonata told her to—until she could feel Spicy trembling. Pushing her head forward, she took all of him in her mouth and worked her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

Spicy Hot clenched hard and leaned forward. That special kind of lightning that seemed to flicker and dance around a man's balls at climax had him almost seeing stars as he unloaded into Rainbow Dash.

"Now lick him clean and let him put himself away. He's got work to do." Sonata swapped ears to give the other a rub while Rainbow did just as she'd told her.

"I'll leave you both to it." Spicy managed to tuck himself back into his pants before Rainbow got him hard again (a problem that kept coming up since his changes started). "Be good, but failing that, be naughty."

"I hope you don't act naughty, Rainbow, because that would mean I'd have to punish you. You don't want to know what someone who was alive a thousand years ago thinks is punishment. Now, be a good girl and strip for me. Pets don't wear human clothing." Sonata found herself purring toward the end of her little speech.

It was a big step only in Rainbow was taking her clothes off for Sonata. She'd been naked in the flat before, and likewise she'd seen Sonata naked, but this had significance. She started with the tight shirt she wore, then her sports bra, jeans, and finally her panties. What Rainbow was to expect next, she couldn't guess.

"Come on up here." Sonata patted the couch beside her, and when Rainbow jumped up, she coaxed the other girl to lay across her lap. She began to stroke Rainbow's mane, and felt her new pet relax under her touch. "Part of being a pet is literally being a pet. Comfort and love are exchanged, but above all a pet and their owner are relaxed in each other's company. With everything you've done for me, even offering to be completely under my control—I don't know as I could be this relaxed around anyone, perhaps even Rarity."

The petting certainly felt relaxing to Rainbow. She squirmed a little before closing her eyes and just basked in the simple pleasure. A memory filtered through to the surface of her fuzzy brain, of Sonata in this same pose on Rarity's lap, and Rainbow fixated on it for a few moments before Sonata ran her hand all the way down to one of Rainbow's wings.

Sonata was careful as could be. She gently stroked down the blue fur of Rainbow's back and began tracing her wings with one hand. Strong muscles held at rest just beneath her fingers twitched as she felt over the feathers. "These seem sensitive. I know what else is sensitive."

Expecting something lewd, Rainbow was caught by surprise when Sonata tickled at one of her ears. She couldn't help letting out a little giggle and squirming at the repeated, playful attention. When Sonata kept focusing on one ear, Rainbow felt herself inclined to roll in that direction, so she did. There was little thought involved, she could just be calm and let Sonata worry about things while she—while Rainbow Dash had fun.

"Ears are very sensitive, but this is better." Sonata reached a hand down and began running her nails through Rainbow's belly fur.

The new touch was surprising, but while Rainbow squirmed, she didn't dislike the attention. There was something flattering about being this chill with someone—and it was new for Rainbow to be like this with another girl. So she lay on her back with her shoulders on Sonata's lap and squirmed her hips while her belly was tickled.

Sonata relented first. She stopped tickling Rainbow's belly and swapped to stroking it. The change was immediate, and Sonata certainly wasn't going to rebuff Rainbow for having her snout practically pressed into Sonata's crotch—though Sonata was fairly sure Rainbow didn't realize what she was doing.

Rainbow did know where her snout was, but she just didn't care. She wasn't a human, she wasn't even a pony—she was a dog to Sonata, and dogs sniff places. When Sonata's hand slipped lower and found her crotch, however, things were different. She stiffened a little, but Sonata's fingers were both careful and magical (or so it seemed to Rainbow). Soft strokes that felt nice did more to relax her than all the cuddles in the world would.

Slowly, one stroke at a time, Sonata let Rainbow get used to her attention. Touching, stroking, petting the girl's equine vulva and her pubic mound. She even trailed a few fingers down each inner thigh from time to time.

The smell hitting Rainbow's nose was different. She'd been in the presence of girls having sex, but she'd never actively stuck her nose in the crotch of one. Each breath brought her more of Sonata's scent, and it wasn't bad. Without realizing, she nuzzled a little more firmly.

"Go right ahead." Sonata kept one hand brushing Rainbow's crotch slowly while she used the other to unfasten her pants. Four studs later and she pulled her aside her pants, then gasped when Rainbow shoved her snout back in.

With her eyes closed, Rainbow Dash nuzzled at the soft panties and the softer flesh beneath them. Sticking her tongue out, she licked along the crease pressed to the soft fabric, and heard Sonata gasp again.

There never would be a better time to do something like this with another woman. Rainbow rolled herself off Sonata's lap and the couch and walked around to push her head between Sonata's legs. Her thoughts were focused on increasing her own arousal—thanks to the parasite that was now intimately part of her and under her control, such thoughts had an impact.

"I have such a naughty bitch. You can feel my mind control take over completely now, can't you? No more will of your own, just that of an animal. My animal." The moan Rainbow made at her words satisfied something deep inside Sonata. She was a switch at heart, but with a mistress like Rarity she had been neglecting her more dominant side—she'd also been forcefully ignoring it because she'd feared her siren powers. This—pure fantasy—was scratching all her itches. "My desires are now your desires. Pleasure is all you want and all you can give."

It was all the pretense Rainbow needed to slip into her role completely. The worries of school, her friends, and her car—everything—was gone. Sonata was her owner, and she knew her owner liked it when she did naughty things. When it came to being a naughty dog, eating out your owner was pretty high up the list.

The morning became a blur to Rainbow. She'd never eaten a girl out before, but Sonata gave her little pointers carefully phrased to not break the scene. And when Sonata ate her out, Rainbow sang like she was in her band.

At last, both were settled on the couch, Rainbow on her back while Sonata rubbed her belly. She'd never been able to relax this much, even when Spicy played with her he expected her to do things. Sonata was content to just touch, be touched, and relax together. She was rather surprised when Sonata said her whole name.

Author's Notes:

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Next Chapter: A Feminine Touch Pt2 Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 19 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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