
My Little Pony: Ancient Enemy

by Ekhidna

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Summon

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Chapter 1: The Summon

Chapter 1 The summon

???: HELP!!!! A SCORPONOCK IS ATTACKING THE MAIN ENTRANCE-some pony shouted running from the dangerous monster-

On the main entrance of Ponyville a giant red transparent scorpion was trying to take down the gates that suppressed his advance from getting a bloody pony meal, after each hit of his tail, claws or head the gates cracked a little more each time, until a great boulder came out from the other side of the walls hitting him right on the top of his head only to crack into hundreds of pieces and leaving a dizzy scorpion moving from side to side, after a little while it shock its head giving a mighty growl just to receive a great thunder strike from a dark cloud above him almost making him crispy, after that he retreated back to the everfree forest defeated.

????: good one rainbow, that thunderbolt was really something- twilight said smiling at her up in the sky holding a big thundercloud-

RD:  yeah it was awesome, but you launching that big boulder like it was nothing onto its head was TRULY awesome twilight!-she said in a cheerful manner- but seriously this is what, the fifth attack this week?

Twilight: the seventh-she corrected- these attacks are getting more frequent and the monsters keep getting more and more persistent-she sighed, she looked over the walls, sunny days, flowers everywhere, happy talks, a beautiful landscape and a rustic village to both was a nice image of just a few weeks ago, now a big wall was protecting Ponyville from the monsters and fear was running amongst the population of the little village- we have no guards and princess Celestia can’t send guards to Ponyville because monsters are attacking Fillydelphia, Manehatten, Stalliongrad and Hoofington-she looked back to see carrot top, the mare that was running away from the previous attack, she was relieved now that the monster was gone, she also saw the mayor talking to many ponies trying to calm them, these attacks were really starting to get the worst fears out of everypony specially since the monsters had destroyed Stableside a city-to-be village in the south frontier, killing many- I don’t know how long we will be able to keep them back rainbow-she said showing a little fear and concern-

RD: I know twilight but we can hold them off, we will hold them off you’ll see

Twilight: I sure hope so rainbow, I sure hope so-an awkward silence followed for a minute after- well Im off to the library, Im going to search for a new spell to help us defend against these monsters-she said walking towards the library-.

It had passed a little more than 1 year after the defeat of Discord that something wrong was going on in the everfree forest, Zecora  had visited them  in her monthly shopping tour to warn them that the monsters were acting more savage and wild than before, at first it was nothing to worry about but when a week later she came running at full speed fleeing from the forest twilight took notice of how savage the monster were acting, Zecora barely escaped from her hut from the attack of some Lupus Minor, a wolf being much like the ursas, they are beasts of the stars much smaller and less dangerous but really fast and cunning, she had been taking refuge on sweet apple acres ever since that, then things got worse, a couple of days later the Zecora incident  a hydra had killed a couple of travelers on their way to Canterlot and everyone took precautions and avoided the roads near the everfree forest,  the next week  Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went gone missing, apparently they thought that playing a prank on the cutie mark crusaders near one of the borders of the everfree forest was a good idea, when a search party finally found them 2 days later they had vomited on what they had found, Diamond Tiara was now headless and her insides missing while Silver Spoon was only recognizable by her cutie mark the only part that wasn’t eaten or literally crushed, their parents decided to move away from Ponyville afterwards crying their lose.

Right after that the mayor had asked twilight if she could make a wall around Ponyville, and she did so, it took her a week of recovery but she had made a thick stone-diamond hard wall with 5 gates, the main gate that leaded to Canterlot, the east gate that leaded towards sweet apple acres, the safest place on Ponyville for the distance between it and the forest, the south gate that leaded to Stalliongrad, the west gate that leaded directly to the everfree forest and Zecora’s old hut and the west-south gate that leaded to sky mirror lake, then a civil militia was formed, she was the  leader and commander o the militia together with the mayor, fluttershy, rainbow dash, applejack, rarity, pinkie pie, big macintosh, caramel, doctor whooves, Zecora, spike, ditzy doo (derpy)  and some more joined the militia to help protect Ponyville from the monsters, and in good time too, the next day after twilight had fully recovered a horde of monsters attacked them, 6 Lupus minors, a hydra, a minor scorponok, 3 manticores and an ursa minor, it took them almost 4 hours but they had managed to fight them back but with a price, cloud kicker, blueberry muffin, lily, berry punch and her little sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, diamond mint, hayseed, noteworthy and granny smith had died at the teeth’s  and claws of the monsters, the hydra and the minor scorponok were killed by a rampaging pinkie pie after she had witness the deaths of her “second parents” nopony knew how she managed to kill the hydra alone but nopony asked after seeing pinkie pie, the ever happy earth mare pony, crying her hearth out before the corpses of her second parents, but the minor lupus had it worse, applejack and big macintosh had literally ripped apart 5 of them after seeing  the scarf of granny smith on their teeth’s and the blood on their claws, the 6th lupus minor was killed by applebloom herself with help of her 2 friends, sweetie bell and scootaloo, the manticores were driven back by twilight, rainbow dash and ditzy doo, the ursa minor had been the toughest one since nothing seemed to stop him, that is until fluttershy gave him “the stare” and made him return to the forest almost crying.

Since that attack monsters had continued to try to feast on the ponies of Ponyville having no success so far only because for the force of the defenders, but not all monsters were savage some were still somewhat wild or noble, such the case of Steven Magnet, the sea serpent which was a very good friend of rarity, had decided to move to sky mirror lake (with the help of rarity and her friends of course) saying that the everfree forest was not safe for him anymore or like the manticore fluttershy had helped on their nightmare moon stroll, it had actually fled the everfree forest seeking refuge, seeing this fluttershy took him as a guardian of her little furry animal friends.

Pinkie pie was back to her cheerful self once more after a month of the incident and decided to throw a “Farewell” party to all who had died that day; strangely enough all seemed relaxed and happy to say their last farewells to the photos of their family, friends or fellow villagers, specially the apple family. At this very point twilight knew that they will be needed help of some sort to protect Ponyville, but who would be able to help them?

Twilight:-sigh- I just wish I could do more to help everyone-she arrived at the library, opening the door she shouted- ! Spike Im home!-no response- ! Spike!-no response- Spike where are you?!-she semi-shouted a little worried- !SPIKE!-now she did shouted really worried, starting to run and look everywhere inside her home-

Spike: Im here Twi-he said opening a door in the floor- why did you shouted?-he asked twilight as she gave a big relieved sigh-

Twilight: I was worried that something had happen to you-just then she noticed the door- what is that spike?-she asked getting closer to the door-

Spike: I found this door after I dropped a book, I felt some kind of wind and I followed it and then I found this secret door-he said opening it fully, it was small, just big enough for a normal size pony to pass freely- you have to check what I found down here, come-he said going back under the floor-

Twilight: what did you found spike?-she was a little curious about, scratch that, she was really curious about it– “A secret door and we haven’t found it earlier, this is so fascinating!”-she thought happily, she then noticed how dark it was, she could barely see past her nose, so she made some light with her horn- *BIG GASP* BOOKS!-and it was true there were many, many old books, she took a couple of books with her magic and examined their titles- “The secrets of the transmutation spell”, “Weapons made out of magic”, “How to fly like a Pegasus, guide for the earth pony”, “Star Swirl the bearded,  fails and improvements of the androamorphic spell”, “Rituals and Summons for beginners”, all of this books have teachings of some sort of advance magic, how wonderful!-she exclaimed happily taking more and more books reading their titles-

Spike: that is not what I wanted you to see twilight-he said from a deeper part of what it seemed to be a tunnel-

Twilight: if THIS-she said moving her right hoof to points at the books- then what is it spike?- “come closer” was all he said, she followed her number 1 assistant through the tunnel seeing more a more books, each one older than the previous one, after a minute of walking they made it  to the end- ………no….way-was all she could say before…….- A REAL GOLDEN SCROLL (aka the best way to keep knowledge for centuries), I can’t believe it-she took it with her magic, the scroll just a bit bigger than an average book- I have only seen this in the private royal section of Canterlot Library, this really is MUCH MORE better than the other books spike-she hugged him tightly with her forehoofs  making the little dragon smile-

Spike:-freeing himself from the hug- I told you so, look I know how much you wanted to find a spell to better protect Ponyville from the attacks, so after I found this place I began to search for something that could help and I found that scroll, read the title you will love it-he said climbing to her back-

Twilight: “Forbidden Summons and Creatures of Mythology” such a…..strange title for a golden scroll-she read the title once more- but I was wrong in the past with the supernatural book, so ill give it a try- she handed the scroll to spike and left the tunnels beneath her house to study the scroll-


Twilight: this is simply incredible-it had been 6 hours since they had left the secret room below her house and she started studying the golden scroll since spike went out to sugar cube corner at the request of pinkie pie a little earlier, It had been a little hard to read at first since it was written in the old language- “In the past-she began reading out loud- many creatures existed that held great power and strength, such strength that even the regal alicorns had trouble fighting against, some of these creatures however became extinct for their numbers were low and their ferocity evaded any kind of encounters for the preservation of their species, such as the galgaz, the wyrms and the sky whales”-she passed this history part to read a more interesting part-

“Summons: call forth a powerful creature

Summons are forbidden for many reasons, the creatures they may summon could be use for either good or bad and it held a chance to die in the process of the summoning, plus this summons do not work like the regular easy summons of some wild animals or contracts, this summons do not follow any kind of link or rule, if the summoned creatures decides to kill or destroy the summoner cannot stop it, the summoner can only hope to summon a loyal creature to fight for him/her.

Some of these creatures do not belong to this world, they belong to other worlds or dimensions where they live and are different from us and follow different rules, do not be mistaken summoner, they will be able to understand you but they are not obliged to obey you, because these creatures and summons are forbidden this scroll will not teach you how to summon one but it will give you the information on many creatures, do not attempt to summon any of this creatures, beneath is a list of some of this creatures they are categorized on stars, the more the creature has the more dangerous it is.

(note: I will not explain every creature, just the humans but there are many listed, if you are curious to find out what these creatures are go search information on them =D)

1 star-somewhat dangerous

2 stars-dangerous, must be careful

3 stars-very dangerous, do not attempt to summon these kind of creatures unless you posses great magical powers

4 stars- deathly dangerous, unless you want to die or have the magical strength of an alicorns to hold them off don’t even think of summoning one of this level.

5 stars- will go on a rampage for no reason what so ever, will kill everything on its path, do not summon this kind of creatures unless it’s your last resort.

*Orcs: 3 stars

*Gnolls: 1 star

*Kobolds: 2 stars

*Ferocanis: 3 stars

*Wyrms: 5 stars

*Daemons: 5 stars

*Black Dragons: 4 stars

*Gremlins: 1 star

*Trolls: 2 stars

Twilight: Suzumebachi: 2 stars, Mermaid: 3 stars, Negrolls: 4 stars-she continued until the last part of the list- what is this? Human: 0 stars?-she got concerned about this-

“Human: 0 stars         *Warning* DO NOT TRY TO SUMMON THIS CREATURE

Do not be foaled by it star count, it has 0 stars because it cannot be categorized, “The Most Dangerous Creature of All” as it has been named. It is a creature that it is rumored to have come to Equis a long time ago for unknown reasons, we do not know if this creatures are real or not but if we can go by the legends then they can be the most loyal of friends or the most horrid being too had ever existed, it is said that they may not look as intimidating as other creatures but they have a big brain, are intelligent and can create many tools and weapons, some can even do magic, so powerful it can be matched to an alicorn, they can be honorable or treacherous, most of them desire power and do not care if somepony is killed, harmed or worse to achieve it, in fact they could easily kill their own family just to get it.

They can fight against any other creature, listed or not, in this scroll and most probably win, many creatures fear them and those who don’t fear them don’t know what true terror is or simply haven’t met one before.

Again I tell you, do not try to summon this creature as we don’t know if it is real or not, and the summon of this creature represent s a gamble, you may get a ‘good’ human or a ‘bad’ human, the choice is not yours, if you attempt to summon a human and if by any chance they are real then just have this in mind “Do not be Foaled by its words or motives, its actions will speak for it because you may summon the most powerful guardian of all or the destroyer of our world”.

Twilight: …….such……….such a creature really exists? –she really doubted some of the information this scroll gave about the humans- but now that I remember, when I was a filly princess Celestia read me a fairy tale about them, that book…….that book gave me my first nightmare-she was unsure of what to do- “The Most Dangerous Creature of All”, “A Gamble Summon”………… “all other creatures fear them”-she got up and went up to her balcony, she started to think about the pros and con’s about her new idea-if I summon a human, a good one, then Ponyville would be safe, but If I get a bad human then I may doom us all-“what should I do, I don’t even know if they are real or not and I can’t ask the princesses about this”- but……..-she saw the walls and remembered the pain in the face and eyes of pinkie, applejack, big mac, applebloom and so many others for losing their family and friends and the fear of everyone, -“what if we cannot stop the monsters next time?”-she thought and fear took her over, blinding her judgment-.

Spike: Im back twilight-he announced himself going to the balcony after seeing her there, covered in some kind of frosting or something like that- pinkie pie needed me to test her new party-cake cannon, it was hilarious hahahaha!-but twilight didn’t moved an inch- mmmmm twilight you alright? Twi?-he asked but she was on deep thought he then looked at the scroll and readied the last part of it- wow-was all he could managed to say, for 5 full minutes silence reigned in the balcony- you know twilight-she finally reacted looking at spike- every dragon inherits some natural knowledge from their ancestors, and the creature you want to summon is as this scroll says… dangerous, very, very dangerous, I do not know why or how I know this but I just know it is VERY dangerous, even more than some of the most fiercest dragons out there. If you summon the wrong one you will end up harming everypony you know and probably everyone is Equestria or even the entire Equis, it’s probably because of my dragon inherit  but something deep, deep inside me TELLS me, SHOUTS at me that this is true, humans exist-silence came again for some time-

Twilight: I read the entire scroll, all of it and all of the other creatures are either, too weak, too wild or too dangerous for me to try to summon, the human is the only creature I found that would be as versatile and as dangerous, but also as loyal as a noble adult dragon, and you know Ponyville could not sustain an adult dragon in return for his protection-she said looking at the scroll once more-

Spike: you have a point there, but still, that would only be true if you get a good human-spike pointed out bringing down whatever little confidence twilight had got from her previous reasoning-

Twilight: we need help spike!-she finally brook down, letting her fears and preoccupation get the better of her- we won’t last much longer without help, yesterday 3 Lupus Minor attacked almost making it through the main gate, today a giant scorponok attacked and we managed to drive him back for now, what about tomorrow!!?? And the day after!!??. We won’t be able to keep them all away and everyone in the village safe and you know that spike! Its only a matter of time before ……before we won’t be able to hold the monsters at bay-she said with tears running down her cheeks-

Spiked hated when twilight cried it made him feel so angry for no reason in particular and even if he didn’t knew what had caused her to cry he hated the bastard or the cause of seeing those tears fall from her eyes, but this tears of fear were caused for the monster attacks and the many deaths that they had caused, he decided right there and then, that if summoning a creature so terrible and dangerous to kill and destroy the reason of those tears and making twilight smile again then so be it, damned be the consequences of this, he just wanted to see twilight happy again.

Spike: I know twilight-he said hugging her comfortably- I know-she hugged him back- ………lets summon a human then-twilight separated from the hug to see the seriousness of spike’s eyes- I still think its pretty dangerous, but you are right we need help and it’s the best shot we have, im at your side a hundred percent!-he said smiling at her-

Twilight:  thank you so very much spike-she gave him a little kiss on his left cheek- now if my theory is right then all we need is to create a summoning circle about 3 meters of diameter with chalk and then……


Half an hour later

Twilight: there it’s all done-she looked at her job, a big and very complex summoning circle was on the ground covering almost all the first floor of the library, candles and diverse magical artifacts were set  around the circle, helping it to channel all the powerful magic that soon would involve-

Spike: hey twilight how do you know this stuff if the scroll said that it wouldn’t teach you how to summon?-he asked placing a strange red stone in the middle of the circle-

Twilight: remember when I was on my third year of advance magical teleportation final exam?-spike nodded- well I found an old book in the royal library with many spells and rituals for summoning I tried it once and it worked, so I memorized it, just in case-she said making sure everything was in order for the summoning-

Spike: you really are a book-worm twi-twilight growled at him a little- ok, ok, sorry, so what did you summoned that time?

Twilight: a frog

Spike: a frog? That’s it?

Twilight: yes, why?-she turned back at him-

Spike: well its better than having no experience-he said with a sigh-

Twilight: oh ha ha, for your information spike summons are quite easy it just takes a lot of concentration and a lot of magic power and I have plenty of those-she said proudly of herself-

Spike: I know twi it’s just that I hope everything goes well, for you, for the human and for everyone else (being a dragon he doesn’t say ‘pony’ very often)

Twilight: I hope so too spike- a moment of silence- let us begin

Twilight started to concentrate her magic and power on the red stone in the middle of the circle, and then on to the circle itself, soon she had concentrated her power on all the objects needed for the summoning, each passing second twilight increased the quantity of magic power in the objects and the circle, the she felt “IT” some kind of barrier or shield blocking her energy to get any further, it was a magic seal and further more she knew this magic, she had used it before on 2 times already, it was the magic of the elements of harmony, she knew she couldn’t fight against this magic, it was way too powerful for her, “or is it?” she thought, after she was the bearer of the element of magic so in a way she was at command of this power, she decided to ‘take’ the seal away and to her surprise the seal responded by shattering into millions of pieces, she could continue now so she concentrated again, suddenly a blast of energy literally SUCKED her magic away from her just before hearing an explosion inside the library.

The chalk circle has disintegrated into dust and some kind of smoke was now in its place, it took her a moment  to recover from the sudden and exhausting robe of energy she had suffer, spike was at her side not moving from his spot as he watched that ‘something’ was in the middle of the smoke, she took a look and gasped, she saw 2 lights, one blue and one red staring at her and a shadow figure that was growing bigger and bigger until it halted on a size similar to the size of princess Celestia herself, excluding the horn that is, the smoke cleared and she saw that the summoning had been a success, she felt weak yes, she wouldn’t be able to do any magic for some days, but she had done it, she saw a Biped standing on its back legs fully erect, its fur was strange, its back-hoofs were strange it seemed that something was protecting them (aka Tenis) then some sort of outer fur was protecting its legs and torso, the outer fur on it legs were blue and seemed really comfortable (sports pants),  the outer fur on its torso was white with a red symbol on the front (standard T-shirt, the red symbol is the symbol of gears of war skull), she knew what this outer fur was, they were clothes, then she noticed that its fore-hoofs had ‘fingers’ as spike had told her before,  then the head was somewhat round and its mane was white and short, it had a flat face a slender nose it eyes were in different color, its left eye was blue, sky blue, and the right one was red, blood red,  and a look of confusion and amusement on them staring right down at her, after a ‘staring’ competition she finally decided to speak.

Twilight: mmmmm, hello?-she said only to cause the human to smile a little- are you ok Mr. Human?

??????: I can’t believe it, I think I must be dreaming or something but I hope this is real and not just another dream, you are twilight sparkle are you not?-he said kneeling to be on eye to eye contact level- Hi! My name is Fullmetal-he gave a big smile to her-

End of chapter 1

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: The Human Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 14 Minutes

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