
Simple Things

by Arbiter Balemead

Chapter 4: Naivete

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Five-thirteen. I have about two hours until Fluttershy comes over to take me to dinner. I can't help but wonder where it is we're going to eat. She said it'd be 'sort of fancy'. I doubt it'd be anything over the top, but who knows? In any case I jumped in the shower, ignoring Spike's question about the scarf on my way up, and just relaxed.

I haven't had a two person dinner at a restaurant in a long time. Come to think of it, I don't think I've gone to a fancy restaurant with anyone other than Spike since I arrived in town. Not unless I was accompanied by at least two of my friends. I don't think I've ever done anything like this. Wait... like what?

This is a one-on-one dinner, between two full-grown mares, at a fancy restaurant. Sounds like simply hanging out with a good friend to me, but I was still perplexed by the nervous feeling in my stomach. I just couldn't figure out why I was so nervous...


Why am I so nervous? It could be that this is the first time I've ever been to such a fancy restaurant, or maybe because I'd be surrounded by uptight, judgmental ponies whose only goal in life always seemed to be to point out something wrong with everypony else. No that wasn't it... Oh yeah! I'm nervous because I'm taking the mare I've had a crush on for at least a year out to dinner and she doesn't have a clue why! Ha ha! I'm so screwed! Ha!

"Fluttershy? You're quite pale. Are you okay?" Rarity asked me.

"Wha- Oh, I-I think I'm okay..." I replied weakly.

"Relax, dear. It'll be fine. The restaurant won't be that bad. I believe it'll be perfect for you."

"O-okay, I believe you." I REALLY need to stop lying to her. I still relaxed a tiny bit. "So uhm... What was this part of the plan again?"

"It's quite simple, dear. All you need to do is get there order whatever you want, enjoy the meal, but be sure to have a good conversation with her. Your chances to confess your feelings will be during the wait for dessert, or during the walk home. It would be REALLY romantic of you to confess yourself in front of her door or something to that effect. If you don't manage to work up the nerve to tell her, that'll be fine, because I'll be able to write a note for you or help you prepare for a second date. If that's not an option, then I'll be forced to assume your feelings died during the dinner or she realized your motives and cut off all chances of a roman-tic... rela- Fluttershy? Are you okay?" She asked, cautiously moving closer to me. My eyes had begun to sting at the idea of Twilight openly rejecting me, and I guess it showed on my face.

"I-I'm- I just...REALLY hope that doesn't happen..." I stuttered out while holding back tears.

"Oh, I know, dear. Rejection can be hard, but don't worry! I'm sure everything will be fine!"


"Of course! Now, about that tea you promised earlier?"


"Ten minutes!" I heard Spike yell from downstairs. I was still trying to do my mane up nice and pretty for...some reason... In any case I was trying to remember how Rarity had done it up for me for the Gala...Oh wait...I attended that with my mane the way it is now. Darn it! My mane is too short to style! Why do I even care? This simple dress Rarity had dropped off is all I really need to attend this restaurant. What was it called? Darn it, Rarity just told me half an hour ago. It was some Celestia-awful pun, I think. Whatever...

Okay, the dress looks good. Nice and...blue... and my hair is fine. I took like three showers, brushed my teeth twice as much and even filed my horn. Why am I obsessing over this? There is no logical reason why I would obsess over something like this. I seriously cannot think of anything and THERE'S THOSE DARN BUTTERFLIES AGAIN!!! Okay, deep breath, Twilight, deep breath... It's fine everything is fine. You'll be ok- *knock knock* OH CRAP! Not ready! Not ready! Not ready! No- oh wait, yes I am.

I took another deep breath and headed downstairs. Spike was there waiting for me. He rolled his eyes as said, "Took you long enough. You were up there for, like, two hours. And you look like it was ten minutes! Why are you working yourself up?"

"I don't know!" I said frantically. Another deep breath...then three more to be safe. He quirked an eyebrow at me but said nothing. He opened the door (none too graciously) to allow Fluttershy in. She was dressed in a dress similar in design to my own, except that it was a forest green. Her mane wasn't done up special, so why was I freaking out? Another deep breath. "*ahem* Hi Fluttershy."

"H-hi." She said. She sounded a little odd. She sounded like she was nervous. I guess I wasn't the only one who was striving a bit too hard to impress...

"So uhm... should we get going?" I asked.

"U-uh- yes." She replied. We stood there awkwardly for a moment, neither of us making a move to go. I felt a sudden push on my rear. I turned to see Spike shoving me towards the door.

"Just go! Sheesh!" He exclaimed as we walked out the door. I heard Fluttershy giggle for a moment while I blushed absentmindedly. We made our way to... darn it, that name is gonna bother me all night.

We kept a polite small talk during the walk. It was pleasant really, but she seemed.... distracted. As though she had something very pressing on her mind.

I decided to let that be and keep up the small talk. We arrived at "The Faim Cheval"... guess it wasn't a pun...


She's scrutinizing the sign. Why? Had she been here? Or heard a bad review of it? Had me and Rarity chosen poorly? Oh no, oh no, oh no...

"I-is something wrong, Fluttershy?"

"No. Maybe. Uhm... you were staring at the sign?"

"Oh I just didn't remember the name was all. I could've sworn it was some kind of pun...What language is that?"

"Prench. I-I here they have good food in Prance, and this is a Prench restaurant..."

"Oh! I've never had Prench."

"That's why Rarity suggested it."

We walked inside and asked for a table under Rarity's name. Apparently Rarity had reservation for two, but had let us have it. Convenient, right?

"Right zis way, please." The waiter lead us to a table in the corner. It was a little dark and out of the way, unnoticed by the ponies around us.

I liked it.


She seems to enjoy the placement of the table. Probably because its a spot that avoids attention. I never really told the other girls, but I like to watch things happen. You can learn a lot by the way other ponies interact. I kinda did this in cafes for a while after arriving here because I had no clue how to act in a...social environment. Books can teach you a lot, but not how to act in modern society...well, usually they can't.

We sat down and the waiter gave us our menus. I started reading through the choices, immediately realizing that none of these names made sense to me. I don't know Prench after all. I started looking for words that I understood. I came up with two choices. Some kind of weird potatoes or an onion soup.

*sigh* Potatoes.


I don't think she understands the menu. Should I help her? I speak a little Prench, but...oh she closed it. I guess she chose something. I'll just have whatever she's having. I closed my menu and put it back down. I can't wait to find out what she chose.

So what was the next part of the plan? It was pick her up, talk and walk, get here, dine and... oh yeah talk. Duh...

"H-hey, Fluttershy?" She sounds...nervous? Isn't that supposed to be me?


"I uh... I was wondering... I mean, your older and...more experienced with... social stuff than me. And I was wondering...well, uhm... gah maybe Rarity would be better..."

"What is it?" Something in her voice had me concerned. Something between nervousness, confusion, and...something else. "I-I promise I'll try to help."

"Well, it's just this weird thing... ha-have you ever had this...odd sensation in your stomach. Like butterflies? I think I read somewhere that that's supposed to mean your nervous... but there's some other sensation with it... like- I don't know. It's like a tickle in my gut. I'm not sure but... I just can't figure it out." She'd been staring at her silverware intently, but now looked up at me, and her face went from nervous to concerned. "A-are you okay? Is there something wrong?"

I guess I must've looked floored, because I felt that way. And of course I knew exactly what she was talking about. She was more than nervous, but she was so naive that she had no clue what she could possibly be nervous about. I had a sinking suspicion about what it was. I felt a sudden boost of confidence with that thought... but... what if I was wrong? I really don't want to take that risk.

"I-I think I know what your feeling... but I'm not sure I should tell you..." I said quietly. I know what I should do. If I didn't already have a crush on her, I would've told her right away. But as it is? That could really change things...

"Madams? May I take your orders?" We were interrupted by the waiter stopping by for our order. We ordered some odd sounding potato things and he walked away.

"So, uhm... Why shouldn't you tell me? This is killing me and if I can't figure it out I think I'll have to ask the princess."

"No no. I'll just tell you... *gulp* Uhm... I'm not sure but... I think what your feeling is, uhm... well it's uhm... *ahem*..." I sighed and whispered out, "Youmighthaveacrush." She stared at me a moment, probably not quite understanding what I just said. Her eyes widened suddenly.

"B-but I don't even KNOW any stallions. At least not THAT well. I-I can't possibly... there's no way!" She stuttered out loudly. I looked around, but nopony else was paying any mind to us. She saw me looking and quieted down a bit. "But if I had a crush who could it possibly be?" Me, oh sweet Celestia, say it's me!

"I-I don't know. There really aren't any stallions I can think of." I have a chance here, but this could push her to far... If I suggest mares she could either break, or realize who it is. I don't want to take that chance. I don't want to shatter her innocent perception of the world, no matter what that could lead to for me. I know it's a pathetic sentiment, but she's frantic right now and I just don't want to make it worse.

Who am I even rationalizing to?


A crush? I've never even looked at a stallion! I've never even been on a date, or imagined one, or even wanted to go on one! How could I have a crush? Who could it be? This is worse than not knowing what it was I was feeling!

"B-b-but... what do I do? How do I... What do I..." I slammed my face into the table in frustration. It got uncomfortable on my horn, so I adjusted to rest my chin on the table. By chance, I looked directly into Fluttershy's eyes. I saw fear, nervousness, worry, a warm kindness, and everything else that defines her...but there was something else... something I couldn't name...


She's staring at me... This was uncomfortable, but I don't want to look away. This is.... I'm not sure. She didn't seem to be showing any affection, just a distracted curiosity. It was fine...those pretty, purple eyes... I mentally shook myself...if you can do that... Her last question came to mind.

"W-well uhm... wh-when did you first notice these feelings?"

"I'm not sure... around a month or two ago? They've been bothering me since. I didn't understand them at all and...wait..." She sat there a moment as though puzzle pieces were flying together in her head. But whatever it was she was thinking about was interrupted by the waiter arriving with our weird potato things.

She ate away with some kind of gusto that must have come from... you know what? I don't understand it at all. I just ate mine while watching her carefully. She finished and looked up at me. She blushed a bit.

"Sorry. Skipped lunch." Well that's anticlimactic.

"You looked like you were thinking hard on something before the food arrived."

"Oh yeah... I was trying to figure something out... never mind. It was a dead end, I think."


She walked me home... I don't know why, she just did. It was quiet and pleasant, but a little unusual. I told her I could get home on my own but she insisted, and if Fluttershy insists just let her do it. We didn't talk, mostly because she looked extremely nervous about something. I don't understand why she would want to walk me home if it made her uncomfortable.

We arrived at my door, and as I opened the door I noticed Fluttershy lingering behind me.

"What is it, Fluttershy?"

"Well I-I uhm...n-nothing. It's fine." I decided that it would probably be best not to prod her any more today. I don't really plan on learning any other odd things today.

"Okay... Well, tonight was... eye opening. So now I have a lot to think about, but thanks for the dinner, Fluttershy."

"Oh, your welcome. We should do this again soon."

"Yeah." And with that I gently closed the door, turned away, and sat on my haunches. I let out a soft sigh and levitated a piece of parchment and a quill over from a nearby table.

"Dear Shining Armor..."


I got home and sluggishly began my nighttime chores. It wasn't until after I'd made Angel a salad that I remember Rarity had already taken care of these. *sigh* I put the salad in the fridge. Angel would probably eat it in the morning. I hope all dates aren't like this. The moment I got home I felt like going straight to bed.

For some reason, this whole night had felt exhausting to me. I just hope Twilight doesn't mange to piece it together without me. Well... it probably would be convenient if she did, because I can't tell her myself. *sigh* Love is HARD...

Bed sounds wonderful right now.

Mmm...that's Beakmire. I really don't want to get up right now, but I do have chores and little critters to take care of. *sigh* Okay fine, conscience, I'll do it.

I rolled out of bed and hovered downstairs. I did my usual, morning chores. As I passed by the fire place there was a sudden puff of smoke. I ducked under the nearest chair, then heard a familiar *plop* sound. I'd only heard that when Spike burped up a letter and nopony caught it.

I turned to see and, sure enough, there was a small scroll laying on my floor. Only ponies with dragon stewards or who lived in the Canterlot castle could send these things this way. Who in the castle could possibly want to write me? I picked up the letter and gently broke the seal and opened it up.

Dear Fluttershy,

My husband recently received a letter from his sister, Twilight, asking about our own relationship. I believe it would be better for you to read the letter than for me to attempt to explain it, so we shall be forwarding it to you soon. You may want to read it before you continue reading this letter.

I looked up at my fire place, and a moment passed before another puff of smoke popped out, materializing into a scroll inches from my face. "Eep!" I jerked backwards, surprised at it's suddenness. I picked it up and started reading it.

Dear Shining Armor,

Recently I have been dealing with some odd emotions and was forced to consult a friend on them. Not even thirty minutes ago I asked my friend, Fluttershy, about it while we were at dinner together. She told me she believes these feelings mean something romantic and I couldn't quite grasp it. I decided I'd need to get help from somepony with romantic experience and you were my first choice.

I have a list of questions, but I'll try to narrow it down to just a few:

Firstly, how did you first realize you "liked" Cadence and how long was it before it developed to love?

Second, I'm entirely unaware who it is I have this crush on, and Fluttershy, well, shied away from the subject. So I was hoping you may have some way to help me figure out who it is. I don't really know any stallions very well, and all my friends are mares. When I think of anypony close to me the only ponies that come to mind are Fluttershy, you, the princess, and the rest of my friends.

Lastly, I was wondering what exactly would be a good way to go about developing a relationship with this pony once I find who it is.

Please, any help you can provide would be very appreciated.


Twilight Sparkle

I put it down, heart racing. I come to mind when she thinks of ponies close to her? She listed me first, too. I shook myself and picked up the other letter, picking back up where I had left off.

As you can see from her letter she is... well ignorant. Shining Armor and myself believe we know from this letter alone who it is she has a crush on. And that would be you. She dropped a lot of hints and we're sure you noticed them, but what I'm afraid of is that she doesn't even realize that you COULD be a possibility. She spent so long in schooling with no social experience, I'm afraid she doesn't fully understand how love works.

I don't mean to throw you through a loop by telling you that one of your best friends has a crush on you and doesn't know it. I'm sorry if this upsets or even disturbs you. Please do not reject her or do anything brash to her, and don't be offended, either.

It may be brash of myself to assume this, but I believe that there is something special between the two of you and I hope that, whatever it is to you, this odd predicament only makes your relationship stronger. And don't openly reject my idea that you two may have something, because I am, after all, the pony with love based talents.

My advice to you is that you confront Twilight about her feelings. I'm sure you don't need me to remind you, but be subtle if you can. Though the time for subtlety may be passed, considering how naive she is on this subject.

Good luck to you.


Princess Mi Amore "Cadence" Cadenza

I put the letter down, and stood there for a moment, wondering why my vision was blurring and why the floor was getting closer... Oh, I must be fainting! Yay... *flop*

Next Chapter: Results of Things Learned Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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