
The Duchess and The Queen

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 1: The Vist.

The Visit.

T'was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming, A certain Changeling Queen was walking about town grumbling to herself as an adorable living puff ball follows her. They are currently heading towards Twilight Sparkle's castle to get some well needed rest...

"*sigh*,of all of these stupid ponies,I had to be paired with you..."The Changeling Queen mumbled under her breath.

"Pffft?(hum?)"was the puffballs response.

"Forget about it Flufflepuff, I'm just tired,*sighs* the sooner we get some rest the better." The Queen says as they had finally reached the castle.

*Gasps*Flufflepuff points to the castle and starts to run over to it....,while unknowingly dragging the Changeling Queen with her.

"Gah!,Fluffle calm down!"The Queen yell.

Fluffle stops immediately after the Queen says that.

"Pffft...(sorry...)"Fluffle said.

The Queen only sighs then knocks on the door.

After a few minutes the door opens and in the doorway stood Princess Twilight Sparkle who was rather surprised to see the Queen of Changelings at her doorfront.

"Queen Chrysalis, what are you doing here?"Twilight asked her.

" Well if you don't know...,I will be living here now, courtesy of your stupid Sun Princess, this here is Flufflepuff and she is my companion,say hello Flufflepuff"Chrysalis says while gesturing Fluffle to at least make a sound.

"Pffft!"(Hello!)was Flufflepuff's response.

"She says hello."Chrysalis translated for her.

"so do you mind if we stay here?"

"Oh I don't mind at all, as long as you don't hurt anypony else,you'll be fine." Twilight says kindly.

"Thanks, come Fluffle let's go inside"Chrysalis says as she goes inside the castle with Flufflepuff tagging along.

The two unlikely allies lived within the castle for few months until one day.....,somepony had knocked on the door...

( Chrysalis P.O.V.)

"I'll get it."I said as I quickly opened the door.....,only to be met by a rather handsome young dragon with blue tinted scales, his eyes were red and he seemed a little surprised to see me.

"Oh um...heh,heh, this awkward..,um I was sent by Princess Celestia to errm...,oh yeah,um..,come and..um get you." He said shyly.

"Who are you and why did she send you here?" I asked him.

He figited for a bit before speaking,for unknown reason he seemed uncomfortable when near me.

"Oh right sorry, my name's Bluescale Purewing,oh and as for why the Princess sent me?,I dunno she said it was a secret."he said.

I sighed then told Fluffle to come with me, she gasps cutely and then hugs me.

"Alright, let's go, I'll carry the puff ball and you can just follow me."Bluescale says as he prepares to leave.

"I do not take orders from dragons."I say as I pick up Flufflepuff in my magic and then fly off.

"Hey wait for me!"Bluescale says as he flies after us.

It took us about 30 minutes but the three of us had finally made it to the castle in Canterlot.

"Pffft, pfft,pfft!"(yay made it!)" I heard my companion say,I often wonder why i'm the only one who can understand her...

"Phew, we made it,come on, the Princess is waiting in the throne room." Bluescale said.

We followed Bluescale to the throne room and in my mind I wondered "Just what did that Princess want from me?",little did I know that I was going to in for the shock of a lifetime...

It took us at lest five minutes to find the throne room and all of a sudden Bluescale had stopped.

"So...um....Queen Chrysalis, are ya ready?"Bluescale asked me.

"For what?"I said.

"The surprise duh...,let's do this."Bluescale said before he opened the massive doors.

What I saw was possibly the most shocking thing ever, at first I saw Princess Celestia sitting in her throne,however the creature next to her was what shocked me, she was a Changeling Queen like myself but she didn't have a single hole in her body, her mane looked similar to that of a certain Love Princess that I dislike, but it was slightly shorter and she wore a pair of glasses and had a kind motherly smile,I realised now that this was that faker I saw a few weeks ago through this weird hole in reality who was fighting a rather hansome Changeling that looked a bit like that traitor Thorax.

"Y-you!"I said completely shocked to see this other version of me again.

"Oh goodness,I'd never thought I'd see you again,how have you been?!" the copy said.

"Pffft?"(Chryssi?)Flufflepuff seemed to be confused for a little while, she also wasn't expecting to see another me.

Just then the Princess came over to us, she seemed to have a calm expression.

"I see that you two have met,this is Duchess Chrysalis, she is the good version of you and she will be helping us reform you."she said.

"This mare.....is a good version.....of me?"I said.

Flufflepuff walks over to the other me then starts to poke her."Pfft?"(Chryssi?)

"Oh hello there cutie, nice to meet you."the other me said as she starts to pet Flufflepuff.

I could almost taste the love being given off by the other me,it was like if she had never stolen love from others and had decided to give love instead, the mere thought of it made me sick,it didn't take long for Fluffle to suddenly gasp and then point to another male dragon that looked similar to how Bluescale looked in build, however his scales were a different colour than Bluescale's own,he had golden scales with blue eyes and he also had on a pair of glasses and he held a book in one of his clawed hands, his wings were feathered and he seemed to be both wise and patient,yet also intimidating and rather powerful, I actually shivered in fear for a little bit,I knew whom this was and he is not one to be trifled with.

"My apologies madams,I am not interrupting anything am I?"he said in possibly the smoothest voice I've ever heard.

"Y-your.....the....the..."D-dragon King"....N-nardaxll Goldenwing!"I said, seeing myself is shocking but witnessing a living legend is even more shocking.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHT!"was the reaction of Princess Celestia,my "good counterpart" and Bluescale when I had said his name.

I could have sworn that I had heard Flufflepuff faint,though I think I was just imagining it.

"Was it something I said?" the legendary dragon says in confusion.

"N-No nothing at all, just wondering why the "Dragon King" is here and all..." Celestia said nervously.

" I am only here as Duchess Chrysalis's guide to this world for the day and the two of us will return home when the day is over."Nardaxll said.

Flufflepuff let's out a gasp then hugs Nardaxll,I was terrified as she had just hugged a incredibly powerful being.

"Aren't you quite the adorable little pony,Tis nice to meet you" Nardaxll said.

"Your highness, shall we go?, I've always wondered what this world looked like." The Duchess said.

"Of course,let us go."Nardaxll says before leaving.

"Fluffle we're leaving." I had told my companion.

"Pfft."(okay.) was her response as she followed us out the castle.

The four of us had managed to make it to Ponyville in record time, I lead my companion and my counterpart to the Friendship Castle,Nardaxll had followed behind us,he clamed it was to protect us.

I made sure to knock on the door unsure as to how Twilight would react.

The door opened and sure enough said pony had answered.

"Oh Chrysalis, your back,what did the Princess want?"she asked me.

"The Princess just wanted to get me reformed faster so she had me paired with my good counterpart Duchess Chrysalis and her dragon bodyguard Nardaxll."I said.

"Is Flufflepuff with you?"Twilight said.

Flufflepuff gasps then hugs Twilight in a cute way.

"Okay now that's settled,why don't you all come in?"Twilight.

"Oh goodness,t-thank you so much,I will not forget your kindess, come Nardaxll let us go."Duchess Chrysalis said.

Nardaxll just walks in quietly, followed by myself and Flufflepuff.

I suddenly hear my counterpart gasp and then run over to a certain magician that I do not like,at least she wasn't in that ridiculous outfit.

"Oh my goodness,Trixie it has been a while,come let us do our thing!"my counterpart says before dragging the poor mare into this odd dance that Twilight had apparently found familer and was giggling to herself.

She then asks,"How does she-?"but was cut off by Nardaxll.

"Don't ask..."was his deadpan response.

"Okay..."Twilight said.

I could only sigh as I watched my counterpart do her thing, it didn't take long for Nardaxll to eventually remind her why they came in the first place.

"Oh right sorry,I got a little carried away there..."my counterpart said.

"You are forgiven my friend,come let us explore this rather peaceful town"Nardaxll said.

"Okay sure!"my counterpart said before leaving.

"This is going to a long day...." I muttered to myself.

Author's Notes:

Flufflepuff only communicates with "Pffft."which is the sound of someone blowing a raspberry, so I translated it into speech so it would be easier to understand it.


In the story only Chrysalis can understand Flufflepuff,everyone else will just hear "Pffft" or her cute gasps.

Nardaxll Goldenwing and Bluescale are both new ocs I made.

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